OMAHA DAILY mK : 'IWKSIUY , APRIL 25 , iPEOIHL NOTICES. | i \H..I I i MKSJM Kim TIIMK ( OLUMNrt l\w "lata'.u intu P Up in for the evening mid Inn r < ji f < r the morning find fundavedltl.ons I Art mi i ty r iti'Mlnga | numbered chwk ean - . - iv..r > mull < ! In n nu.iibfTeil loiter 1 arot' Illl In Answers no addrs i-d will tiB I cllvricd ui jn urcsuntatlon of the check SITUATIONS WANTED. llolo ) i c n word flml Insertion , to n word Ihero- f-flfr Mililn t tnkcn lor Icmlhun SSo. WAN I I'll IIV KXPr.lliP.NI HD YOUNJJ LADY. - poslll n nil tvnukrniiiirr Hood relernnrpB. liililriM M .J llcoiitllee i unnfll Hlliffs. ftlBl.l 87 API ITION AS oiiAiN iir\iu. : NO oiunc- I iinhninlllng lumber n well , itood reformices .109(1 lock box 31 Lnvenport Neb = " - A WAMl-l ) . Pd-ITlUN IN LAW < r Urn Il\ BA | , riut clng attorney rompotonl Menoiirnjibor In d tullrctur AddreM K , 13 1 re M'.VJ ' * II'Wl ulN > AMlTiTH : llY tlllKi-SJIAKKH , IA iTcro Rlcpn diln-sn l Hco ,2--2.V WANT1D MALE HELP. Hale * HT a woni llrM Inmrtnin. Ira wordthoro [ after > nihlng taken for ICKII than Jfic [ \ > HALU \ OH ( OMMP-MON'TO AOKNTS TO t II IK mllotl o Patent < lin-nUnl Ink I rnsi-rPencil I't'.omisl useful and novel Inventlim ( it tha neo 11'rotrs Ink thoroughly In two seconds , \torks llko 1-nli.Klc " 0 to WD tir ct-nt profit Anonls making If N/11 r f ek Wo Blmi want iii-nTiil iigont lo lake I'-hiiriir' < > ' u-rritory and appoint Miti ugonts A rare Iflmrro lo make tnnnoy \\rlln for lerms nnd n Irui-iliiiMior i-rniliiK Morroo Lrnslng Mfg [ o , " tui "in In rnnfo ttls 111 ttA tl'i. 'IIIAVKIIN'd FALKHMI'.N TO I l/ct < ak K | in > U-r VP put our ill-oils In ulasj Ircli't'it iiln * tm miinth Hilary nnd i' pen"es , or it liirr rein rnminiK-ion tend Mump for reply { ! l nu" llnkinit Powder 10. . 707 Van Huron st , , , 0 MM HM I o IK III' AUK PKKKINO A IIIOII U grnde , p ntli.n Wo haw pinted hundreds In oil p > nil < i V emern Uusliiesn Asenry. 4W N 1 'Itli dL ii vc'i ttAN'i A i.ooi > ptviN ( . .ion tturru > the HiiHkii Nursery I o , Mllwuukou , 1J-MAN tVANMIll ' 1(1 SI'LI. ANIi ri' ' IJln country Apply ut Hlnpcr olllic , 15m l It WtNIFI- NBIII.II'IU' MAN TO L1IAUN 1'i-ar rlly I' lni-p5 1 xpi-tlrnco unnecnBar > and > alary lo rluht parly Apply ISI'i ' l.'oniili T ) WANTKI ) HAH.Nl'.hHMAKI'.ll .ONjllilIiI.M I 'and llirl't hanioaa Vremont'taildiery CiKre - r luontid > I > I AIMNI T MAKIJUS WANTKII 1IY Till1 ! ST. JiJonopli 1 iirnlluro Sfu ! Co , SI Joseph , MoH H < * * o 1J WANTKD A 110TO CAHHY A IIO1IS13 J > ronlii < ui llio livening Ileo Apply al circulation onvo 4 p m - * 1 > AI I'HMI'N VHITINd HAIIIIWAIIK ANI > J'luipleini'nl Irado to carry palenl clnvln Sure teller nor UOOUMn ust > S-ninple weluhn J ounces Slonarrh M tit lo Itaclne , WIs 'JI''J1 * 1 > w A N T P n 7iT > AT n 2 i A NT s I'llovni int > rn ' louvlllr li lniUlri | > nt llio PaxKin at'ei Tn.'sttny mot nln4 ' 117 2 * 1) WANTI H A ( O T OH PtNTS MAlvl'H AT .Ounce n < ir < , i.s or apply to T. Lister merchant Inllor Penis , n IB M870 25 * > WANl'I'l ) MAI LtTt AN ) YHNTHILO- ) iUlnt | n iif-t In1 wltli coed prlntliiK. nlso coinpnnii M Mil unoil , t" play throuch my rln tilt AddrcsH I'rof lllshop. * < lii'rl Han tt V'i JP.lV. ' . ' 7' " 1) W'ANIIPAI.I SMKN 0V THIS IIOAII TO ! * fli ndveriininiii' rds fans , etr on eomnils-lnn , ri-rert from th" innniifucturi-r Ci n inatn $ VIIM jier week AdvertlsltiK-peclalty ( o , llullnl" N. v. 1 > W NIID IN rn.i ini.NT MAN < ir ) - ami re r. i iiiilfldi' ponltlon Inllbrtwoen Cnnil'ir m nl 401 Pt-i bid-- 1 > I Al in MS NII KMI KMI'N OS 'Iltr II \ M J Jril'wnv ' i Tlopsinn In Miulli I nkotn wnues t7.t \ nnd fa fnin Krnnt-r A Olloiiin Labor Aiinry Hi'i Ilib ulreot MOT I 2V WANTED-FEMALE HELP. 1'lltcs ' , 1 n n ird llrrt in eillon lea nrd there niter N uiiK liken for le i > than 3'ie /TtVAVIID lOMl-KTrvF ( IIHL Toll HHV V era ) houno urk In Mnatl family , IWW bhermnn nvo SIIIHTMAKKI'S WANThD KIM ! AbtlKAO L1114 lofil8oiitli Illhstieet _ 811) ) " , 1WOMAN COOK AND "lllMMl ItOOM ( JIHI , AT J.-'jIolel ' K.viinii - ki" 2S' 0 WANTKI ) LADUH OH YOI1NI1 MI5N 'in Inko llchtileasaiit nnrk at their onn homes II ( U In M ( JO per dny ran lie quietly mnde. nork Kontbymnll no cant nsslnir I'or pnrtli tilars nd ilrP's dlnhp M fit Co , IluxlMI , Postnn. M B i' Inbllrlii-il ISSJ MSI3 M8I ' AT DHOWNIILL HALL ( iOOD CWANTI'D laund'sss tluOO niontli , 'oom ard board . ' ' fc.'id--M 1-WtN'll'D ( .IIIL K 11 C.KN'l'lltL IIOUM- : 'work , faiully < if four , -10 ' I npltal avu ti',1 1 WANT I'll dllll. IN SMALL KAM1I Y. OOOi : wages 3118 llunlotto M'JOI WANTKD , A I HIST CLASS UilCSSMAKKH C HDD Doilgo \\elnlicrs MI'B ' W WANTKI ) LADIKS AVI ) ( ! HN"I IKMIIN. WK C will pay you fS Oil to f 13 1)0 ) per week to dimtrlttly I Iioniii work"-for us no cinviipslng and prompt payment - ' ment ( . K I mtnons \ < o , llallcrymarih and ' \tatorstroels lloslon. Mass MINti 2G * ' ) 'IttO Y"l NO l.ADIKH iT C'OI CWAN'TKI address lo dlslrlbuto souvenirs Call nt 314 H 15th Btroi'l V.I72 27 FOR RENT HOUSES Hates , Klo n linn each Insertion tl Ml a line per rnonth Noltiinir taken for less ltian" e I ) I OH 111 VI MOLSKtT"lN ALL I-AHTH CIV illy IlieO 1 l'a > ls i-otmiuny , IM'i I'linmin st -I'Oll HINT TWO 5-HOl-M COTT.tdr.S ON Pi motor ( all at southwest tor I'th ' and Douulas PiP - - COTTAC.KS. \NrOHI ) CIllCLr , P new modern l. S. ' I iKUtlur. : oi lieu bldg f'.H -S AND 4 HUOM'Vl'AimiK.N'IS. VON IIOII.N 33 block nllhcleam Hcfereiiccs required,810 S2.M M . ' _ YV"HOIl HUNT TI3v"-UOOM MODKHN HOI'SIS , J/iiSi-oulli I7th ft. clo-olo bu lno < s cenler. live- room cotlaso Mi Suulli lllll nt , li"ar motor line ; rents ruasoimhlo Inijulra liJI South I7lh l MI97 f'Ti ' O" HHNT 10 I.OOtMHUISK.SIOil Dot OLAS I 1 'ntrcet 1 iiiiilro | uf MorlU Meyer , cor Idth and 1 ill-mini , HJ ' BI11OM lil'l > ! : . li UOOM COl'TAIil' , ALL 's. niodiirn tieaiitiful lawns , nhailu , cto N. IX cor . , and Miainatits m iH LIST HOUril'S , I 'AL'L , UOj 1'AHN ttl p M14IM1 * pO O Fou UH-N r n HOOM cnTTun : , ( ioon uic pair tlUiiernio Ini'lndlnurlty water 117 N 17 , lake 1'arnn 11 rnr "tneUol. "II > Hi ysi tT * I Wl I LIMJS.I liTI'AIIK-l AI.LPAHTS DKI Ui.k. mi > , V Lo , U 1 , lontlnental block b'Jli IUIOM H AT4 IN NlltV MODKHN IH'ILD D7 Ini ; cenira'U ' Incited. $ . ' 1 iMiiiiili.'i 01) per month Kolkin < iy\ o i.-mn I , Coiitt'ii-ntit blk 3IJ M7 T\ I ItOM H.M' , fll , 4 liuotl I LAT , $ -0 , 7- ,1'ioo-n Mat All cdtivonlonces Opp .letferson rqitare utieris HdS l lili'ouo Ktl 5 DTTTt. i' ' tl \IID1N(1 ( IlOU-iK , JH S. I2T1I street ee the proprlolor SI.17H Ml' } ) Kl'U HKN'I , HtNllsOttK 8-HOOM HOLM ; J near I'ansi ' oin psrk fl.'iOJ ; also clek'nnl brli k liaime near f rk mount ) and Pneltle nil modern ciniTi'iiii'i' ' ' parlnr dlnltiK riinin and kill lien on lilimotl' TtiOOO lllll-s , JOJ N t l.lti ) blilk'tlSIS tlSIS M T\-I' U HK.N'T 1IIUKK (1 ( UOOM IIOU-'KS , COH- a'nor of tl HI mid Mill slreet In Kond repair Inquire nt U'Toutli ' lih. : ; l.lnton block John llumlln nceni M7.-J 1n AM > H I'HIM ' IHH'SK.S CHNTIUL LOC t- 4 'Hun Iiiijuhe J 1 lliirton , 8iil& Capitol avenue . "uj o.t f Till 1. M' MN'I UOOM IIOlJhK. MODI.UN ) inprov.-niumn Inuulro 4'JO North 7)th M MSlB Ml T-k 8 111 > ll llnt'-li MOHKU.N' , COSVI7NIB.NT 1/for business or nholcsulumoil. Apply lIlSMinth lUtli street B15 \ H'HHI T I-LI-IIA NT S ItOOM H"U8K ALL 'modern Improt enients , No 4M N J3rd slreet 61.1 u Tt Mi I l I I II M.WLV DllCiiHATKI ) 7 , J 'room lion set. corner flat with summer balcony s ; sl o grocery iiicnt nnd drug sturos Tllnrd. 221 Mirllilllh street ! vil 34 * _ 1 I CN UOOM M01IKIIN IlOl'm. ( JOOl ) LOCA I 'llnu rout muderute. L f. hklnner , 1814 1'arnau ; Street. M'.in T-t lOUUr-NI AUnTjlAt IS. iTHOOM IIOISK ; Juntil und city nnler IIM street In Ulllro Motion Hunter , lleo "Illio M9.ll Ty. n HNisiii'D not si ; rou ' J 'aveiiue 4 nn.ntlis from May 13 Kteiy cunven If nee Uei-ottlee I" ) M'OIIKHN UOOM"IIOI siTi ( iAs7 iiATii furunci' Inundry , itr , nuwly papered ttf h inn MU7U S7 i ) 1-XlH HKNT ttllDI'HN 'HoT'hTT TLKlTTvi locution ifurulslKdi tn parly irlthuul children ho will board owner for runt Addiess I ail. Hie I'OR KENT FURNISHED RUOMS , If MIKI.\ I HMMIKH HIO.NT HOOtlttiri II J ilcovr , uiadern cunvoulCDcei 313 N 2ird bt. bt.un un H'UNIMIKII UiXitl > WITH Vl-KAM HK.A'l 11U Howard > t , 2nd Hoar _ lit E-TWO H lllSlKII 1IOOJJ- , only , VOlfl D tLiiporl stroct MIC ! EM ll.N HKU IIOOMS toil HK.VrTlJ".N'OHTI UtU strsit. tut U * FOK Ton IIKXI. iiouirif r'uiivTsTiV.ii on U.N- furnlshPd. inodirn , Clump SHU tlileiirn , IJi-KOUHHNT I.AIKIK hOUTIl KIIOMT HOOM 1 Jnleely furnished i" " | Douglas M7fr ) It' p-.NLWI.l FuilNISIIKI ) 110J.MS. * W N Mil. i-rL'H.NI-IIEIl.Vt'.Nrt'H.NHIimnil7CAP * AVrT 111 Mil..Ms- . I ON .SOU OK 4101 AMI HIT INIlI V S A I .nvu . I hlraKO. linn pl < "n nnl roomi In urlralo tcildpnre for World's fnlr Tliltor . Soulh Slda , on ii Min-h from I. utallon. 'leniH rvii < oiiablo I cfiTunccn oxehnnitcil \wnt > IW W d'X UK MCWAIll ) . NKII IIASKSTAII- -IVilniicd a rental nic-nry nt VII Olsl slreel ir.iulo wood ) l hlcflKO whore N'uhra ka vopln oxpcctlnit tn vtnlt iho fntrarn Inrlted to wrltu him tor full pirtlculam uboul furnished room ) , cto No chnritea MfM 2J * l.i-IAIUIKI NIHnMKIY ri'U.N'lSIIKI ) bOl'TH I Jdont . with first dun : ) homo tableMO 1 oraboimleri V3IW Farnnm I-HU HKVT NTc-KIA * KUItNUHKII IUW\1 , 1' I''l'j ' OoiUo streol FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. I.1 'IHCDULAN % h ) AND21I N. I9rilr IT'-VOUSO WOMKNM IIOMH , J- Woman * Christian association , III So. nth t _ _ _ iJl _ \f \ ItOOMS WITH llOAItl ) SOU DJUIIT.AS - T Jj _ M'-JI Mli' _ _ l.-I'UllNlBllKr ) KHON'T ItOOM WITH IKIAU1) . Modutucoavoulencos 53) North Utnjtrcet MU74 27 * 1/-HOAHI ) . CUIVATK IIOUSK. NKWI.Y nj- JL nlslied , homo table rates inoderalo 1U3I rnrnnm 7W uil * HOOMS WITH IIOAUII 2oi - llotifflni S4T2J * ' -roil ' < Ili.NT : t 1-M5ASANT 1U OMS AT TIIK 1' Mndlton hotel Jnt ! nnd L'lilcuo : streets MII2 > 25' I.-HIK.l : K tvr I HONT UOOM WIl'll AI.COVK. 1 SIOS i til street JIIM7 I/-NIC ri.t n iiNHHKD UOOM WITH J claan lionrd Vll N I'lih MKJI _ Kntt'8 , 1' ' c a iroi tl MrU Inaorllon 1r n word tlio re After Mnhtnu taken lur luti tlmn .Jc G -j MCI ; itoovduauAi1 tat NOIITII urn a M.llOtlT / " -i HOOMS , crrv WATKII IN iioi'sn , tat s. \X I7th , boluecn Jackton and Luavonworlti slreots Ui'J 3U * G-'i MtONT UOOM ! * , IlllICK , 1C09 I.KAVKN- worth st Ml'81 ' .W FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES Hull's , luo H linn eich IniiTtlon , Jl M a line par month Nuthlntf taken for leta than " > e 1-1 OH HKN I' , SIOIIK UN H I1TI1 ST. LAV1K block HtiltnUlu for meat market , hardware or dry goods nloro ImiulreiOuS I.ltli nt SOI 1 HHl Kt NT , I'M ' ! TIIHIIH STOIIY AVI > HASH- Iinenl Iirlrk aloro bullllnu IUJ' > rnrnnm slroet ; onestor ) nnd linsoiiiunt brick nturo building , il'i ( outli llth utreet II it , II ) Miutli lltli ntrcet , ono Bture , I4lii < npttol ivonuo All In llrst class con illtlon , fur runt on ruisonable leritM ImjulroofA J. 1'opploton , room JII4 Irsl Nnttonnl Hank bldK Mill I-l-ull HUNT. TltB4TOilV UltlCK I1U1LIIINII lain I nrnnin l The bulldlm : Ins a Ilreproof cement ment lutsement , cotnplelo stuam hoatln tlxturi'4 , unter nn nil the Hours , fas , etc Apply nl Ihuotllco ofJUmjIoj. 'M 1on ius\vri'JiNnLi , iu.K.wiL HANa AO r .I''J MS f I'llH HUNT , rlUWlKVT SI'.O.N'I ) FLOOIt l biiKlnoHS coiner In Omaha , tilubj buUdlni ; , li > tli nnd I indite i.loh i Loan .1 'I rust Co Mill ) i ! IIMKAIII.I : : in rn HUSIIMA.V BLOCK , r I li Wend , 111 linU.lln ; liiih ami lioujlas Si.b ' 'S I DrslHAlll.l : 1 HO.NT HO ) MS W'l I'll 11OAHI ) , 1 inodi'rn lestdeiue idc.isnntly Incited Heahon- nblo turmn llofurencea V1J7 II irnoy ctiei't Ml"Ji K' JVGEMTS WANTED. Hates , I'.jO ' n woril llrsi Inset tlon Ic .1 \ > ord lliero nfter. Nothlni ; laken for losi ih tn'iic. i MilN is , inriiiiii YOU \vi n A ' ' Kiiod luisltlon soiling our ' Itrcad I nko , V I'nrlni : Knlvos , also ' Car\or Nit capital needed , lioods Ik'lit and attractive I'rolll IjJ per cont. lianas glicar I o . Kiiina _ ltjr1 > k ) MI7U M1U' I-WAMT.I' I.tllrOHMIUNi MiN'IOTtKK ' lluht plnaH.ini ork at their onn nonius ; $1 CO to f ll < l per day CTII lu quietly inadu , work Kent liy mall , no lanvaHsinjf Address bt nd.ird M 1 t'o , I H lur , I ramliixham , Musi hncloso ntamps .Mention llee. M8JJ .5 * WANTED TO RENT. IllilOJ , P e a irnrd llrst Insortlon le u word tlioro ofter Nothing taken for luas than 'J3e " K wlfo nlthoul children , will pay rcnsonabln rent for rnmo for oumnier months. Addrtas F J7. lieu olllco 1103J 3li- Hales , IDe n line each Inserllnn , $1 W n Una per. month NolhliiK taken for lesi tlmn ' . ' 3s M- Ull Ilnrney t l MM M - 8T H.tdK. I'OH 1101'HiniOLI ) ( illOIH ; clean and cheap rates H tVells , 1111 tarnam , M IlKATINilbTOYKS bTOHIIII Dl'HIMi StIM- mer special stur.iRO for houji-hold oods Tol. Ut > 7 Douglas. Omaha Movi Hep lr worka .M4i > 7 M -STOYI SSTUHKII AT HBMiN' A1ILK 11ATE3 at HuKhes Stove Hepalr Works (111 ( S Uth l 7'ilm31 ' WANTED TO BUY. I'ates , f c n word first Insertion , lo u word there afler. Nolhlng laken for leis than Ujo N' CASH Kill tUllMTUIlK-T IIOUSIIHOLI ) lioods. etc. , or will sell for owner In our auction sales H ttells , 1111 rarniuu ' .Hj ) -\T-WAN1il ) AMUUIUl , ( il.OllH OH Ol'lllIH is ttrsl ilnss letter tlllni { cablnel. In KOOd comtl- lion , with H to 21 dranors Nebraska tyclo Cu , Lincoln Nobrankn SI ! ) 21 -tVAN'lKD , Ti > PUHCHASK DNIMI'HOVIi'l ) i property In West Omaha , nnmo prices , terms nnd location of lol or lols r ? J lleo IHJH' TOK SALE-FUKN1TURE. Hates , me a word llrst Insertion le a word Ibora after NolhltvK taken for let , tlmn ' 'jc - . SALi : CI1I3AI1 Ml H KITCHI3N AN' 0-l.lJH hull furnltiiro. .ii2l Caldwell street ti'd , tP ! OH SA1.E . HORSES WAGONS ETC. Hates ISe u word llrst Inserttun , lr n word Ihero after Nothing taken for less than i3c T ) I'lH StLK. NKK 1IVY CAlllllAlii : I'BAM I andc.irrlatiu 1 > W 'I ulleya. 10J Pearl fcl , Co un til I lulls MU.IH _ p-KOIl SAH5 , .MAN'S SADDLK , liOOD CONDI- 1 tlon , almosl now , cheap Nu iy.1 } Izard street. M'J.U S5 I > KOH hALK , KIN'B HIDING PONY , I'Kl- I fectly contle ttlll sell cheap Call on or nil- Onus \ \ li 'laylor , ( i07 bouth .Uth street SU'i4 30 ' MISCELLANEOUS. _ ItuteH l e a word tlrst liiKcrtlim lea word there after Nothing tuken for teni * than''ie TllT : "hT \ N D AH 1 1 C A TTL IJToMT A" WoMil laleil hay at OUfJ per ton onboard cars at Ames , Neb This prlco may bo withdrawn at anytime imi time _ _ - II KIHSI-CLASS PATIIM'S KlillsAI.K Q-lnl orlrade Joseph 1) binllh , patentee Hex 207 , Hti.lm.-CHy. Net _ luj Ml' -IIHICIC KOH bAI.B CIIK.AP AT SITU AND Q Durens _ _ J .15 - KOH SALK ; OOOD NKW 3S INCH HICYCLKA QKOH _ _ liu Harry TukJy. 'jjlH'lilgiuo st Hii'il f \-Hlll SALK OLDLt'MllHII. ' CONSI TINii OK Wmatched lloorlnic , sldlni ; . nhei'tliik' . celllnif Joins , reatitlliiK , doors windows , frames , outside blinds , laths , etc , al reasonable prlres Apply lo Asso elated I linrltli-s 607 Howard street U70 M' MISCELLANEOUS. Hates , me a nnrd llrst Insorllon Ic a- word there after Nothlnx taken for less than -'ic 1\\AV1'KI > 1101 SKKKKPKUS IO KNOW Hint we iimoratn and Ihorouxhly clean by the niOMt Impriited prores es feather beds and pillows lllKhesl market prices paid for now and uld teatb r Illllow \ Doiui , llth nml Davunport TMu- phone I IU ) JI.V-HJO - \ ' \ : ) ; ' WKCA nlsh you olthi r n No ' ! or No ft UemlniMon type writer , tn tlr trla s condition , on rental ( itvo us ftcnll. ttyekolliMiiiians \ Uenodlcl , ITU Farnnm street , Omnha Nebrniika & 17J CLAI31VOYANTS. llnleii , 10c line each Insortlon. il M a Una per month NothtniMftken for losi than " 5o t irunce clnlrviDunt ami life render tells your lll frum cradla to Krnsv can bo consulted en all u lln I in of Ufa , has the celubratud Kgypilan uni.m pinto to unite the sepiiratod and enusi- marriage with unoou luvo Co inn ono eomu ml and bo convinced of bur ronmrkablv powers OEllco an , ] rvildiMico 417 tIlih st , bours u n m. to tip m. Uriel life chart und photo uf your future wlfo 01 huihund mint Ibrougu mall for 1600 chart Blone , UiO All letters cunulnlnj 4 rcnu In stampi iiriimptly ausm-toil jn ui4 * S-MIIS. NA.NMK \ \UUKNrcl7AlllVoYANT rvlUblu business uiuJlum , dfth y ar al 119 N ICln IW7 T MASSAGE. BATH , ETC. T VADAMK M I W ! S I3PIIl ) rl.UDH. Uoom.L Maitaiiv. vapor alcntoi , sloam.snluhur N Inaaudsiis baths. JHIIi tf " ' | V . It 1 tloor room 7 IIUSSSK * , alcuhol iiilnbnr and sa : tstbs. PEKSONAL. Itnlos. I4n n word first Insnrtlon. lo word there nftpr Noltiinir taken fur K-ss tlmn 30 iA" ! A "if"Tii > rvr fi , i "ic-Tmfir mnl baths , scalp nnd Imlr trpilnionl. nianloiirn nmlolilrupodisl Mrs PiMMItftsj S 15th.\VllUni-ll I.Ik . UH T -WILLIAM , IK0t ! LI. MMoKB KINO LOUIS , Uj for J.Vall will bo forulvm 'Iracy , Tobiio conlsl. llrown blk K.tli and Douitlii S3 ! A ' ( I TTIHs'i "lir rNtll'lim K XT AT COW AN j U' photo Kliidlo. l\tl \ nnd 213 ! 1'uniltu * t mil you will bn entltleil lo 13 arlslo cililmn photo * of your- ni-irKillolneoirds. mil oiio Still nrlslo for < l'.U. without this JiW ) , for ten dnnonlr Takjn In nil kinds of wealhcr Como ono coma all Mill A37 U-1IAVK VolJ ANY MO.NKIK SO , AND YOf wanl tn put It out on the best , first mortgage * n ruilly In Nebraska In sums of fWU to | l , ( w and tut six per cobt Inlernsl , como to us 'lliern Is absolutely no risk Never hud anything better HOSKS .V lllll. 1IIH I urniini si IBUMII " ' " A11T AND LANGUAGEST" Hairs , lap n line each Insertion. 'I..VJ n line per tnonth Nothing taken for luo til in 2-ie ' ' V " v HKI.LKNIIULK IIANJOIST&TKAOH'KH' > I'll ) lnlifornl.1 street Ull \r MISS MA 1,1,1 ! A LITTLl : , THAI llltll OK voeal ind Instrumental music , can ncrnmniodatn n few itinro pnplle 'Ionus rei''onuble Htudloat Mi-rcer holel V6. > M' MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Hatus , lee a line each Insertion Jl oO a line per month Nothing lakon for less llirin * ' * c \ - C15VlHALLOAN & THUdt'tO , IIKK HLIK1 r-C. K. HAUlllS.N , 913 N. Y. Lll'ri Oil A\-MOIirJAOK I , lAN'S MISS THAN 7 I'KIt * T cenl , Including nil eliuruoj. Charles W llnlnoy , Oninh.i .NnU tank bldz Oil \ \ ' W AN I'l'll AT O.NCI3 LOANS ON IMl'UOVl'.H ' Omnhn property , low talus I'ldolUy Truil company , I7U' . ' I amain at Ml \V-i.iIA-SO.N Itll-IUVii : ) AND ! N'IMI'IlOVi : ! ' ' city prnjeitv f UKJOand upnnnls Otui pel cent. No delays W Vt. rnninblnltli ACe , l5lh and ilnrney Oil ATOMAHA HAVlNliS HANK MAKISS LOANS * * on real estate al luwesl tnnrkel ralsi. Loana nindo In nniall ur law sums for nhorl or lunx time. .No I'oinuilsklun Is chanted nnd llio lirius nro not fold in tlio eant , but can always b > found nt Iho hank on llio corner of I3lhnnd l-ouxlas sta Ulii AY1 A Ml \IJAH LOANS ON CITY AND KAIIM morluates UecdX Sclby , J4I Hoard of Trade 917 \ \ -MO.NKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA AND COUN- 'i ell Illiilln reil culatn and Nebraska and lowi fnrnn nt from i1 to04 parcenl Inlorfsl , wllh no nd dltlonnl chnrK-9 foreommlsslonsorattornoys feui. W 11 , Mclklo , 1st Nat 1 bank bid * . Oiuili i ilia T MONKY 'IO LOAN' AT LOWIIST UATKS. 'IhoO I' Din Is Co. 151)1 Karnatn slreol 91 ! ) \ \ -ANTIIOSV I.O \M'lltlISI-CO , IJ N. Y. ' * Life , lend * al low rnloa for eliolco securlly on rsubrnskn or luwu farms or Omatm city pruportyU.'O U.'O I' MONIiY 'IO LOAN ON ItlPUOVJID CITY * property , low ratus A. C. I'rosl , Douglas blkVil Vil \V-MONIIt TO LOAN AT LOtVi- : HA'IKSON ' linpnned and unlmprovol real ostnte , 1 to A years Hilellty trust I o , , I7li ) rnrniiu. WJ i'-LOANS , o o WALLACK , MI iiiiow.v o Vfi ' -HHAL lISl'.trK LOANS , PAUL , KiO > KAH' num. Mill Ml- \\7 OMAHA LOAN A. TKf-T COMPANY. 101'H * ' nnd DoiiRlas loans money or. city and farm property al lowent r.itei * of Interest 211 \\r 1'lllVAIK VI MIS HJll LONG AND > > lime real cstato nnd commercial loans Wo buy p.iper and wrltu tire Ininrancu Mel loud X tonneti ' .Ul 5 N. Y Life 27j.M > ' -HH-T AN'fi SKCONI- 'UTliAIlK ' LOAN'S ; low rates Alcv tlouro. 4JI , lieu bldir M17U MO.sEY TO LOAN CHATi'ELS. Itntns , lOo n line , oiicti ln > rthin ( II S ) n line per month Nothing taken tor luia tliuti ic X WIMj LOAN .MOM.A ON AftKISDOKSK cttrt ) > , Htrlctly cuntldcntluL A. K. llnrrU , ronni 1. iontlntnlal lilouk. U.I7 X MUNIIY. 4'J. ' ( .0 , IW 1)\VS. CHI3111 IIA'1 lid nml easy puynifntH , on furntturo pt.tno . llvu Mock. etc.Tltliuui delay or publicity , ciisti on IniiiU. lulF ( jirccn. room S , HurktT block. y'o X I'liriCHAHl ) , 51 DOUGLAS IlLK.ltSA DOIIKK J.'iJ -CALL AT Till : 01 1 1CK OK X : OMA11AMOHTOAUE LOAN CO. I : INCOHI'OHATUI ) . ' ' " " ' . 'II'"YOU"\V ANT'MO.NKY , ' \ountnliorrowon HOUSIIIOLI > hUHSiruiti ; AND PIANOS , llOlfjP.a. WAItO.NS AND CAHHIAOKN WAituuuUMt : uii : KIITS , MIIHCIIANDISB , Oil ANY orilKIl SKCUHU'V , We lll lend 7011 any amount frointlU ( . ) tn Jl.lkX ) ON Till : DAY YOU ASK KOH IT without publicity or removal of i > ri > ; terly. You can piy lli munuy bukln nny amount you wlidi.and at tny lima in I out piyiuait SD tnidu will reduce tlie cost of lliu loan. llomember Hint you li ivo tlio lisoot both tlio property and the uioner , and pay for It only aa IUIIK us > ou keep It 'I here will be no ovponso or charjjo kept out of the amount wint-d , but you will rucolvj the full amount of the loan Ileforo borrowing elioiThcro call and sea Ul and you nil ) nnd it uro-.tly to tour advantage. OMAHA MlllU'CAliL LOAN LO. , ! i ML'TH liilll STHKKT MrAl floor abo\ the Htrect. TIIK OLIIIIST , LAHLhsr A.NDl'NLY INCOIlI-Ofl- ATLDI.OAN COMPANY IN OtlAlIA. 954 _ _ V DO YOU WANT MUN KY A Till ! I'lDIILlTY LOANdDAHANTIinCO , IIDOtl t WITHNLLL IIIXCI\ ) , J SOI'TH lifll , COHNIJH HAHM'Y ST WILL \ LOAM \ T n \ AWT \ \ \ ' BUM LABQB OB SMALL FBOU \ TBN \DOLLAB3\ \ \ UP. WIJ MKh LOANS ON' I ( IllMTU111 ! UOI1SK3 CAHHIA.1 > . \YAIll.IIOU4i : HKCEIPfd OH PKH HONAL P11OP1 IITY Ol AVY KIND Olllt IMIM-i WILL MKbTOUit API'ltOVAL. You can pay the nionuy back al any lime and In any amount you wish , nnd HUM rcduco tliocost of carry * Inu the loan In proporllon lo amount you pay IK iOU OITO u tialancj on your furnlturo or other personal properly of any kind , wo will pa > U oil lor > ou and curry H as luiik' " 3 > ou dealro tOtJCAN II tt'r ! YUl'il MUMIY IN ONK 1IOU11 ritOMTIIKTIMK MtKK APPLICATION. No pulillclty or rumoval of prniorty. | so that you net the unu of both money and propurtvfU \ BUSINESS CHANCES. VOH'ALK lOttPLKTU UKL'O STOCK AND 1 store tlxlures at WHterloj , Neb Satisfactory tonn to the rUlit party , only drug store In town Knniilro of Meyer & Haapko , or KalZ'Novlna ro On 'ia. ' iWl \r KOH HAL1 ? , IN A OOOil 'IOWN IN NOUTII Nebraska , n nlock nf t'ont'ral merchandise con alHtlng of dr ) goods , boots and shoes clothing and gioierles 1 will Hell thu stuck for cash , half cash and land or on lime lo sull thu purchaser If M-'cnr- Ity Is good. Price , HJ.oUO Addreis 13 51 , Omalia lleo V-I-OH SALK , A ( JOOl ) PAYINli ( ili.NKltAL I liHTi-antllo bnslni'ss. trade uell established , located at Iliick Slirlnja , tt'yo Kor particulars ad dress K ul , lice M75I 2j V-KOH SALI : . A STOCK or RKNKIIAI * MICH l chandlso of about Ki.UJU lo (7.0UO , In n uooil town tn Ncbraskn Apply lo Kllpairlck ICoch Dry lion , Isle lo , Oniahn. Neb > M bALIJ , 110X HI I , SHKNANDOAH , IA. Mil72 Mlo * V-roit SAM : , SVI.UON nuiLDiN'ii AND n.\ 1 Hires on N atreel Inijulru of JV. . Slpo , JUS N street , boutli Omaha. WO V-I WANT AN AlfK.SCY KOH A l.OOD SIIIUL I wind mill. Addre Kt > 4 , Urn M7IV Mr V8AI.K , ON ALCOL'NTOK HYBTHOt'llLK. 1 will neil my Juvelry more , tlilurpa and MI to about H MO , establlshud In 187s , located In k'ood town , II iiillen east of oin lm , dolni ! n vood bli l- neiis , ulll stand close Inipeotlon , liberal tcruii. Aduresi Watch Inspector , Mm Meyer A Ilro Co. 7'/J Jill V -SALOON' rOH HALK CHKAP. ADIIHICH ; 1 M. II Dunn , Lonu Pino. Neb. MSOJ Mb * V-A NO I CHANCK rOll A DOCTOH TO K\ 1 E ue In practice and the ilruK bualnos Musi como well rticoiuni3ndod Also good opentnu for Kfnernl mureiiandlsu sloro. W J. UuiselU Ihitrloiton Neb M574 27 * V-KOllft\LK , liOOIl CLKAN STOCK OK UKN L era ! tudse , about II.UV ) 00. In bent town In south ern Neb ofbUJ population Must neil on account ol poor health. Address I1 O Ilex I , Hubbell. Neb MWI . - ; Y -tVsNIKI ) . KIHST CLAhS MKAT Cl'VtKl who can take chnrv of meat market and nmn- nk'o U. mum Imvo MJJ 0) lo llu.OJauo , lo lakii an In terejt Address K 9 Ui'O Ms)5 T. " V-tVA.NTKD. 'IWO LIVK IIUSlNKbS MKN Tl 1 lake an Interesl In n company esiabllshod live renrs. lour partners now , want tu entniid. "i nave Already ten tbinuand luvesleil Addruiis K 4 llee. MSOI S ) ' V-TOll SALB , MKAT MAKKKT (1 Ol ) LOLA Itlon , etlubllshril trade , sulllnit I JOOO a week IiiTe tlnat lintuoillntely If you want n KOOI business ibis Is thu chanro. Address It.I. I'onnrl un'W 640 25 HKSTAL'ltANl bust lu atlouln Omaha , must sell on accnnul u other business Address K R Hon. MA ! 35- V -rX H HAI.U. CKNUIIA1. STOCK OK MIHK J-caiiKlvo i-osiesslun uf lorailon C , K. Young t Co , tnen ndoah , la. M5W Si * BUSINESS OKANOEB. - . ni'Sifff Jvii.t , IIH IIIVKNTO 1 any otm who will liullij nTlii barri-i H > ur mill at AxttOl. .Neh Knr InfornMlTpii address A 1'ork stroni. Axti-ll .Not ) * " * ' * * tiimf * * V - KOH < Al.K CIIKAP. HKHTAI'IIA.NT IN IllMill I location Doing good holiness Inquire HOI . 1 Uh I. Ll MHO jt ! _ _ _ _ V -op.roin UN i rv TO INVK T sttAi.i.AMoi NT 1 nfisiVHal guaranteed rjttldends i per cent Position of manager of urtj n In cunngcllnn Ad " " ' " FOB "EXOii'ANQE" Hales. lOon line oscli ItHarllon { I tl n line per month Nothing taken for loss than ttc V-l'fl ACIlKs OP CLKAtt L\Ni ) IV ON'13 OK ft the best winter whentdntrlcti In Knnsts lo ex change for lu or I ) iicro tract near Omaha clly limits Will p ly cash Olifi-renci- property Is good ' " ' smug price nnd locution O.-ii , llee .Ui y-ri.K\Ns rooKoKsuAi. MIHK . tvii.t. ' ' 'tnka roiiloitnta .Miionujr liutJUj I rmikfott.lml I OWN KJ ) ! AllMS IS NKIIillSKA. K\N < A < l Dnkota Will null chuip ur oichaimu for , lior u ftiiilcnttlo AiM box it ] , 1 * r uikiurt Inl _ _ I/-I.IIOI ) Al IIK ( lltllli'H NKIIUVSKA JjfNll /Jniul cnsli fur nitTcliaiiilho. llox''l , Kmrn-r , Neb tHIS MV I/-100.0IXJ l.t.NI ) AN fJcnsli , ulvo pnrtlctilnrs Ilex Ivu.irnor \ , Nuh aa ti.v _ Z-S1'KKI. It tV I'ltll S 'III Tlt\lK Hill IIAI.l'.l ) tinM. . OppcMihohnor , CidborMon , Neb , s.v , yj y-FOH fCt I.II "U TUAIIK Hill ( i'Ml ' ) W KS1CUV /Jlnnil , lioti'l nml opi'ra lieu tlinlli newly llttint nml lurnli-iiMl ilolnw n Komi bu lncn lliMxin tnr nL'IIIni : , nnnt to KU "C t Aililruo II I llnrrls , lo l , III XIUH S' . 77- \ \ - , t vr K i > SK < T ri (7i frtv o or 111 1 . A i- /Jlimil on Uir MNuiurl Imttuin In linvn or No tiruikn In i > xchuik'i : > fur uoiul Ion Adln ' ( 'i'l. lluuullliu , ( iiuncll lllulT M''C'.ti ' FOR SALE ESTATE. Untns lUc n line u tell liMortlon , SI , ' > 0 n llnu per luontti NulliliiK taken for lu < than * > c i /i.iiiANr : coiiNT.ii tun UK-im.NO' : . lurr ' J'i | , JIS.UWU Imnilionin ru'lilunro. VJ ft I > t , $ M iXIJ llnuliinu , U mile * out , $ o WJ 1 Iv UurlliiK , Iliukiir block -i CDTlAHi : I-O1I8AI.K rilK 1'ISK l' I'lllNl. IV ttioclt } ' fur ttiu mimoj I'linU ok'tfint T-room lottnuo uu nro jnsl completing In Avoarfalt ) purK Uno nilln from piutoMlcu r'urnici , tmtli , nuiiHol Kill rpirnr , liot unit colilrator , soilili' 1 y.inl , trnui ftonu walk imil paveil struot Only { I.IWJ ( J'X TuriiM iknsr Buy now so wo cm MnUu to suit you llilollty Irnat l o I7U ) tnrmim M5TH I INK LOT tVll'lll.N TIli-J MII.K I.ltlll' loll A fl.iCOUU , unil In AvonilAlo imrk nt tlmt whorj fJO.OOOOU will ho cxpiMiilinl for Iniprovonu-iiti bi-foro July 1 wlilili ll ! mill U per icint to tlio value of Ihoioluti Wo doslro to soil H of tlio Hurl utroot lot > before Muy I , uml as a npocliil InilucumiMit will ninka n iIHcounl offlUJOJ pvr lol to Ihd tlrst nix punlinaorH , ITUIIU' c.mli nml IIUJ ( M on ur lioforu tlv i ji'iin If thli Isn't n bnruJln where will you llml ono * ? liou'e * now bolnif built In this boiutlful nililltlnii , cloit to cars. NcnooU oto l.9t ua show you tills propurty nt onou. Fidelity I'rusl Co . I70J 1 iirnnui it O'Jj 3-UOOM IIOUSK , J LOTS , . ' > ItOOM IIDL'SK ucru , 4 prlco Address 5JW Lonior strcot MM SM O'l'l , HIAM'K ID tiyiit-t : , UICIIAHI ) A TII.niSN a J ulilltlon I'utninu ( miner , I.Vji > lioiltie st LOI'SIN AM.l'AlirdOFTIlK CllUS Will ! II wo will biilM li HHM ( to Hiitt purc'liiMtTa unil poll tor Hinnll pnynitnt ilowi nml bnluneo In monthly IMyiiH-nti llec'il , V "ulliy. 3.11 Honrilof'Ir.nlo MWJ IMIIM4-1 WIJ IIAVC TIIK IIIUliKsr I.IM' IN the I nltril btatea tVe Imvo onoiiKh to till every p.ilteof the Uuo or W'orM If you nuntnn Innn or Nt > hrn kn fnrm. coiuo to hcndiniiirturs Points X lllll , UU3 KiirnaiiiBt UOMII I.'OIISALB UOUSKs , IM'l'A t'AUI. , IW. FAUN \t I MU.Ml' i.'on WALK 1.0r sjxia * iv-nr ITO tiiK\i J only two blocks from ii.ivcil street ami ear line I iluofuJUIM. K u.wli , linlniR'e In ono , two mid thrt'O 3our5 , Apply lUli rarmvnitr ot M71- fniiiNic or IT1 ( iioiijiA : ( AVI : . IMHU-KHI t 1 mid only fVl IK ) per fool , bolnoon Miison nn I l-n rltli * RtriM ti Vlrxlnlnnto only ? r > per foot nd Uiinlni : propcrt > hold nt $70 to IIUO PIT foot. K.ilcs inndo In 0110 wi > ok tldullty friul I o . I7UJ Him mi 1'ou , hti.i : . luuiitiN. sAiMin ici : IAI.I : HV I. noiirosliluiit. four.V ) fool lota In llrlioifl 1'lnco niM , lots 5 nml li block ; , on Doduo mi-rat , nonr 47th Htruet.nnd lots ail anil 2j. bloik II , llarnoy Htruet , niar 4 d itreot Kor ippcial prlco and terms uddrona owner. K. c Johnson , 1310 Unimtior of tomnuTci' , ( likiiL'ii. Ill M77J Ml * iiii SAM : AT A H\KAIN , AN I'''T -1 homo In Council Illnirs with about two ncron of ground , nlci'l ) linpro\i d tt'lll tvkt > land or other Kood clear property In parl pftTnu'iil at cash prlii'ii \ddreni l'13 , llou ulllcu , louucll lllnllH tl'Jil i'J i/OH SALK , HOUSI ) AND LOT C1I13AP , AH i- owner Is aboul to leave the clly. Inquire at 4 0 orth o'.ith hi tlaiM tu ? H SALK WI5 Alllc AUrllOHIXii : ) TO HULL , i nl less than original cost , Ihofollonlng houses nd loin 4JI5 Harney slreot , largo 8 room house , J3.75QOO 'f > " ! timtldlni ! treot ( puvoili six rooms , city rater , lol 40vl ! J feel. ! ! , 'M > til ) . KOI llrlstol. ( pavodi , lioiuo , live rooms , good lot , Two full lots nnd largo eight room liouso In Vlcu & Parmelo'8 addition , f I.SJJ u ) These placea " 111 bo sold on very easy terms oir Interest rate ( ico.J. Paul , 1C03 1'arnam street. M'JU ' M' I7A11MOKGO.I AOIIKS IN HAHUISON COUNTY , JL Iowa , UOacren pintum Innil , : ! JI ncren corn Innd , n the Hoyor bottom No better corn Innd uny where , fair Improvements : wilt rent for 91,000 n rour. Will fnko ttome Cnllfornli or Improved Omaha properly. 1'rlce , JIIOJO C. K . Harrison , 12 N V l.lfo % 'J20 SHOHTHANDAND TYPEWRITING. Hates , IDen line pich Insertion 11 S ) n line per nonth Nothing taken for loss than 25c " \7OUNi LADIKS AND OKNTIaKMISV CAN SOUS JL acqulrou working knowlol a of Hhorthand aul ypowrltlngnt A ( ' Van hint's nulDJlof n'lort i mill. MIN V I lf Tvimwrllcr * IT roil M5M PAWNBROKERS. Union , 1Uo a line oirh Ins.Ttlon $ I..V ) n line per month .Nothing taken for loss tliiin ' 'oc 1 BONNr-MIKIlC. DIAMOND IIUOKIMI , 1,103 ' Douulnn it Ioin money on diamonds wutches , etc Old KOlil and silver bought Tul I'.JS 'Jl. SO ALES. _ Kntca , IDcn line each Insartlon. $1 50 a line per month Sothlni ; taken for loss than 2ic kTKW A , SKCOND-IIANI ) SCAI.KS , AM. KIS11S l Addresi liorden \ Sclluck Co . I.ako at , Chlcaito .M KIJ UNDEHTAKERS ANDEMBALMERS Hates , lOc n line each liisurtlon. tl ' < > n line per month Nothlnn taken for loss thin > u C cobs , deeeasod , later with M O Maul ) , undor- nker and embnlmer , ,115 b. Itlth l . tel ( HI ' .Ml DRESSMAKING. l3 l A M SlinKTS DHB MAKI'll , CONTI M nenlal block , room U. hatlsfacllun guaranteed M7U Lit.1 The Cclc- I .IV bratcil > on- a nil I ! ye Glasses for sale in Oin- alia by Max Meyer & Bra. Co. Solo Agents for Omalia. STRENGTH , VITALITY , MANHOOD W. II. I * \ IIK Ml , SI. I ) . , No. 4 ISlilflnrii ct. , HI TI > , l-js c/iirf ronuiltinl Tillli'n if thf I'K.nV tll.DK A I. TlTIJT1K.t--nl. . M ttns nwar leil the ant n to HAT. by the NATI. v l MmilCAI. Asiiy-UTiciNfo. thorifl/.K 1 > SAor , C.ih < tis'"l I itH'itu , At-aj Sy , Airrornniiil'Aytn ill ail Jliiru .t nail HVnliirti of .IA.n. nlini'P 'hoy Mii7 , Uiti miJillf-ugeJ nml out Illlm'.V " > 'il'-atlon .n person or by letter. UU11.O ! j-rn ? ectin tAlth te tlmonlal3. KI11SK. Ijiuo iK-ok , SCI KNCE OP I.IKK. OK fiii.l' : rilKSKllATJON. . 300 pp. . Hi intaluable | in > < mnii IMI. Ju un ! < 31 uO Ul o il. CAUTION r.xamlne "Tho Donsmoro" anil you will liuy nnno otlmr. Tlio \ \ ' < > ritl'n ( it-outant Ty/o vrllor. We am nlwaya p'.otsol to ihowlt , Mogeath Stntlonory Co. , 1301 St. . Omalia. "Impwrsnal I'D UrJj ? of iu ! Ajx" It Is unnorcsfiry tn mo'ittnn tlio nolnti ) ! porlnrlty nos.soHol liytha im It Is now so wo I Un iwu. Its Record of Snoouss Is Its Ooat Ro- comnionclatlon. , iVIn'i. 't ' wns utit on tlio in irhct rlvils salil It WKiilii not I'IIIHI li it shown tliom winn tin vary pirtlouar mil li i * nrovun tilU : tinH nltli I'minlnr l-i I'lIH IIKST nn.l . STUONM T TYIM-WIM I i : t IN- VCN I I I ) . ASM ) IM IAY I -M'AMM I AtS Aiir.AiMir AM.foMi' > u * . THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO Cor ITtli nn I I'limum ' U . I'm ' ill t , Not ) U. II MAN III tM iim.'er TBEATME3STT. iSi > > v rouu. . Chronic , NSHOU , PrivaU ail Special D1S81535. Myo.irgoxpjrloms. .DISEASES OK mm Trotttoil at ITH a inontU unil all mollclnuj furnlsliul All nthur lrnnbln < i troiti'il nt rmtonablo chnrsi' * C'O.NfL'M'AL'ION rilHli U.tliouor PDTNA ! DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NEB 1CI. < ( VI. llispliKY. . l < flllHIlltllt lllll I 1 > ! > . ) i Is onsiirp.iisril ill thu trcnt- ment of all Chronic , Private nnd Novvous DisonsoH. \t ille tn'ir i in ult p , tonally , 1 Id. VI'MI N I' Itt MAIL. til IIMSS w tn Ftanip fur p ir tthlf-h will bj sent In -u ! ! < > i ujl Ulllii'llad lith-st. HERE'SHE ! 6 CENTS A DAY CATARRH CURED l Al'oCauzlis. Ilrnnr-hllis Astli- in i , ConsiiniuUon , Ilnail ic-lio. ( siek or nervous' , Norvom 1'rostr itlon. A Wontlorfully Siiooosa- ful Treatment. ' Oxygen Hook" nii'14 trlaU -vrlto SPECIFIC OXYGEN CO. , Suite 510 Shoolr Blil . Fir ; > i < 3hcs thu Bcsl and Cheapest Method crt FIRE-PROGFING HOUSES. \ , - . , for citatogue of LlUhillt , ' , I'cnclng , StCu a ETUturos , etc. N.V. . iXl > ANIiu BICTAL CO. , No. 403 Twenty Sixth S . CuiCAao BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitor- : . Boo Building ; , Omalia. Neb < yoarsrx.imlnorsU. S. I'at OHIoa Advlos frj THE NEXT MORNINQ I FEFL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My dorior says II acts Rpnily on Hie iiamnrh , Itvfr nnd Uldnpvs And is n plrasnnl laxntlM1 Itils drink Is made from herns nnd Is prepared for us BII e 4ti < i.uKKii-h-i i-i' ' itat WV and f I npacltagi * Ifynu rannot ci t it sfnd vntir address fur u fri-o Rumple. 1.line's I'nnlll ) MiilltlniIIIOTOI I he liniirls rnrhilnr. tnorlfrl iwii ithvttiUHiii'iM.wiry. AddressUltAltMtP ttno tt Mi1 > li N.Y. "If Your Cistern Is Out of Order or Scjt Jl'n/ff is don't worry yourself for a moment- go right ahead and use hard water with and you'll never know tiie difference. The clothes will be just as white , clean and sweet-smelling , because ihc "White Russian" is specially adapter ) foi use n ; hard water. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago- Dusky Diamond Tar Soao. " " ' , ? : : - rt < ( TRAOF MARK Sfi MADE A WELL MAN Ol ? MP " SNDAPQ TIIK r.llflT HINDOO 1 III IU IK1 TIIK All V K III - l I/IN III 111) ) llttM. SI-MHIIS Illsi ii i. , > nllliih ? Mi in ir } , Pan his , Mtipli-KSintiu tVi nkni < m O- it , mid iiih klj but nun l > r , M u , s tlmlliyh , Miiroung fa-.ll * iiiiifiii tu M st porkct 1'ilce , Ql.llOiipm knit' ' 'ix for ih.'i.lM ) wllli n v rllli n uuiir- nnlcf-1 pure op iniimy rt In- i d. l-i n t 1.1 anj til. ] rim Hii. dill iih.Tl.1 h , II Miuniiu Aniifii/imfruliiin 111 M-t , , r , ImMnc IM > tl'll nun , itlnr II In , bus nn' trot It ueulll "i ml It h ) mnil IIMHI nii-ipt nf Tirlt-r * rnmiihli t In i lib , n n > , li-pi fn e > , l h. s llrli nlii. MiMi-ill Ci > , , ril ! I'l j innilh Plui'i , Ctilmicii , 111. SOLD by Kulin St Cn , Cor i lh ami DouqHs Sfs , and J A I uller \ Co , Cor :4th ami Douglas Sis , OMAHA , Nl It , li > Pml I , Si hm uli r. 521 llnnilr a > anil 6 Pcirl St COt'NC IL ILUH S , IOWA anil other I.eidmd UrufRisls. ntlon , Uterlni * lllsiilnci-iiientH , I lVi > iul > I lleailiifht. , lliif Ultrhe. llt-titlnu ] ) n\\u lfiliiH. I\rr\mitt I'l ( tutriif loll unil CJcnei-nl lielillllv luislllvel/ Ili-M-d und all hemalo ComplalntH | ei "iiiuently curcil bv this Irondorful remedy. His Woman's Best Friend. Hives promtit relief for Indigestion , Liter unil ILIiluev 'ri iiiililesi Irrllnblllty , leeplessnoss , Lnssltuile , DlrzlnesH , Knlntni-ffs , etc. , iirtnlng from l'terlm JUsorilei H. Prlco ? 2 ( XI per boY rotitaln * nignno month's treatment , 3 boxes for $ iX ( ) lly mall , postapo paid , Fpiuiely coaled In plain wrai > - per Send for l'ICii : llOOlt liiMiliiulili- erv stfitiiiin. l.ndy AneiitnVmitPil. . MOlilt'M .tl nillCI.M' CO. Uviuulo Depart- mentC'hlciiLco ) , III. SOLD by Kuhn & Co . Cor isth and Douphs Sis , anJJ A lullcr&Co Cor nth . nj Sts , OAIAII.Nnii byl'iiild S , hne.Ji . r 5,1 HroaJ- way anJ 6 Pearl St. , COUNCIL bLUri-S. la A tnrplil lln-r N HitMinritnf < ) } rpi > ti- lllllllllS A-tlT , f'lllllSMIIll Jillllllllll' . lint onspecllliK-n'i'i't nn the lit IT , ru- Kturliifc It tn linilthy iK'tlon. Ufirtn. OF ALI KINDS. Wo are hoiiiliiuartors for uny artlola inudu In li inl r toft rul > ln-r \VE RETAII. AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Rubber Gloves for protecting the hands in GARDENING AND HOUSEWORK THE ALOE & PEflFOLO CO , lir.AM US IN' f list rii/m < iif S. 11-1 South 15th St. . Next to PostoIIlco. TO WORLD'S FAIR VISITORS The Qlenarm Eur pcin Hotel. offcr iiui't | ami conveu ml qiiartcrJ , atraoJcrate jiriti-s All \V rid a I'ur 1 n l vulbin tuolilo , k. -151111111111 slo cither I'.xp .itionorliilMties. center , for fi\c cent fire. Nrwiy anil h indomuly lurnt lieil anil ilcLoratcd l tc\itor , ricttnc lights. Suitjof ronmifnrlinilici H , ; h Cla i Kentauranl , Kates , Si.511 to $2.511 per day. Address , THE GUEftARfA HOTEL. CO. IT. E. Cor. ImUaiu Avc. & 22d St. Clilcatro , 111. Refer to A. F. Beelicrscr. Treas. . World's Coluta- bun Kvno'iiiim "id I'ici , Market National II ink , Chicago , lllinoii. The ierser , Omaha's Newest Hotel COR. 12TH AND HOtVARJ Jf . J.'jl pjr d ly II I oems alll ) J pur dtr ICUronii mill Hull at 1 1 ) ) mrr iOHooini wllh Halh at (1 O lu II il jjr OPKNK1L ) A.UGUST lab Modern In llvrrv ltn < | icct. Nimly riirnishiiil 1'liron ; i us C. S. ERB. Proi ) . The nly hotel in the c'ty ' with hot and colil witter uii'l ' sio i'n lie itn > ovury rj i n 'In b i nuJ illnin ru > u nun n'li inn iri | mil KATES $2.50 TO1.00. . Fooclal ratc < i on application B. SILLOWAY , Prop , SOUTH OMAHA HAPPENINGS Packlugtovm Badly Damngail by Yoslonlay Morning's Storm. VIADUCT APPROACHES WASHED AWAY It Will lt < > iiilrn | n Long I'linn to llopitlr llio Mrurliirn Othi-r Niilo u ( liiteu-st In tint .M Uly. The Q street vl.ulma was lUmnttoil by tlio rain .u-stotil.iy iiioinliitMo tintunt of iit li'.tst i.)0i ( ) ) . Tim eiitiro cast appro-ioli anil abutmuut wore wnahcit out , ciirrliij * ilmt 11 about foi'ly fi-ot of tlio stmoluiv The iiiiiilim-nt , which ttua built , only u join1 airo at a i'Ht offiMM ) , tt. m swept ilott n mul the iii.isoiirj si-attoiTil about ami Imrioil iinilor si-vsi'.it foot of oarili. A U-lepr.iiili imlo standing iirj.ittvns lirohim Into short Dim- * 't'ho grimltp pavi-wi'iit of Ttti-iitt sixth stivct. tiiljnluliijj tb , < east appnui'li to the vl.ului't. siiiTiMvl to ROIIUoxti'iit also As In mii-li IMHI-S spiviilnUitn mlo tinr.msi - 13 ripo. Sunns.i ) the nuiHiiim was built with limo ainl s.iiul. prltv Ip.illt tlio latter , atul ethers that U was a splciuli I ploi-i-of work , but that nothtnc I'otiM ttitli stand the rushof vuiu-rsnitlmt point.Iiu h is the iiiituml outlet fur tlio ilniiuauo i-f it latvo trart oMilth trrouml i-.tst of th-tn ilui't Onoi tliiin ; Is cort.ilnllu riu is t IIIMV.V loser , ; unl tr.ittlcoii the brliltfoill Im - - for a luiit tinio Olil si mi i l.xrliiingo The historic frame farm house which oiii-o iliil ilutv as an esohatiKO liullitliif ; .it iho .x.iuls hut \tns afU'i'vtarils iuo\oit to t.stu-i-t , tlio 1 ? .V Al ill-put anil rocouvertcil int i a ilucliiiiirns ilitin.tei-il by the lloml last nicbt I'.ish Hiii-i , \\lio arc the prem-nt uttiu-is of the buikUlitr , hail roi-i-ntl ) moveil it to the opinisiio aiiln of the stri'ot an > l pl.ueil it on a liinh basiMiicnt fuuiuiutlon The w.itor was threu foot ilcep In tlio IUSK mi-iil this mot nlnjf nml the walls ilaui.iKoa at least $100 worth .Mimic City Noti-n. Sot en suspicions i-haiMoters , pk'keil up night , were hokl for fluthor lu- I Mn DtiKcnn , a regular liiibltiu- tlio city jail , given ilfiucii pays in the county jail jesterday. I'liarles Sainuplsim was too ilriink yesler- ilay to wear his i-lotiiitiK In a deeent inatinor nmltas fliu-cl JS SO anil costs Charles I'oekivll came in on a stoi-k train at 'J o'rloi Ic tostoi'da.t iiinininir , ami nut being able to trhe an aivotmt of htinsoli uas loi-kod tip llo ttaa dlsi'hargL'd. Frank M.uvrniM'lt , ajounirinan taken from Ibis elti teSt Joseph's hospital S.iturdit , illeil Suiiiliiy , Tin1 ilci-unspil ttas is u-.irs olil mill lias a brother in south Omaha A rumor that Mr Sotton , residing near the del-man hulhcraii i-htiuh , in the m-i-th tt < stein part of tin-lit.v , hail taken piiison with sun iilal intent , coulil not bo trareil to tiutlii'iiiksouivo any souivo ( ic-orfio Milh-r , Arthur llurlry ( in 1 I'Yod Hat-low ttnri- taken to Omaha ycsii r.lav afti'i'iuKin upon tinailvli'onf Uount.t Attur- np.t Kali-t who proposes to airaiirn thorn before a iiistii-c lourt DiticlitiSavage was in the city .tester- ila.t mnl looked oter the job lot of sti .pn MUI eh irai-ti i i in the illy Jill , but not s. ing ant tninw there that ho ttmituil retuiiu'il to Om.ih i einptj hanileil. Coltri'll of Dos .Moines , Ta . is In thoiitt , tlioguest of his snn. N 11 t'oUrell , tthoin he hail not si-en for tvtentj joars Mr Cottrell , sr , Is s | veurs of ago Ills daughter , Mrs Ailn I'ndtrnldor. also ef Des Monies , is tt lib her father They will re- inain ttto tvceks ilni'ob ( ierber appoareil in polli-o court yes- teriluv ttilh , t face that would have stopped a loi-iiinotite lie fell fiom a railroad train into the lijiidsol the pnlU-e. It was his llrst appeat.ini-o in | > olii'e court , and as his pun- ishmcnt ttiis nheady severe he ttas told to go and .sin no inure A joint minting of the Omaha and South Omaha'lodges of the Ant lent Order of t'nitedorkmcn ttill be hold at Ancient Onlerof United Workmen h ill In thisclty this evennifc. There are two lodges of the order in South Omaha and six in Omalia Thu meeting Is for the puiposo of promoting sonal lellott ship among members in the two cities "Itr.iio Up" Is a tantall/tng admonition to those who at this season leel all tiled out , tve.ik , without appetite .mil disiouraged Unt the tt.iy In tthii'h Hood's Karsapaiilla bnllds up the tired frame and gives a good appetite , la leallt ttiinderful Ko we say , "Take Hood a and it will bracoyou up " For a general family mthirtlc wo cou- fldcntly recomineml Hood's 1'ills. lullllll.7 I'c'rilHtM. The following permits to build wore issued ycstcrd.iv by the inspeotorof buildings. S I ) Italics , rni-iity-fiiiii th anil llntv- unl , Uni'llln , ! . t 8 OOQ 0 N n.iylun. 172'J h-outhTnunty- nirilli. cutlaxe. . 1 200 Kum 17J7huiitli Tweiity-iilnlh , cot- tllKO . l , ( ) fl i aiiio , 17J.ri boiith TnvnU'-iilntli , cot- t.igo . 1,200 ( ' I ) Mttiiliitn , 'Jill I.iunii-1 , lopalis. . . ODD Three inlllur | lll lnllH . . ; ibJ ( riKht permits , iiKnrt-ntliiK : . S 12,100 A Ohllil l.iiiyi | The favor , ( rentio aotion ami soath- i ing effect of Syrup of Figs , when in need of a laxative , and if llio father or mother bo costive or bilious , the moit gratifying results follow its use ; so that It is the bfht family icmedy known and every lairlly hhould havu a bottle. TIII : KIJ vi.rv \uKir. . pliieud on recoiil Apill 21 , 1HUJ. WAiiiiANTV iinns. : J W Williamson and tvlfo to ,1 H Sp inotil , lol.11 , 1 , ' ) und 10 , block 0 , Lal.i ) Vli-w . . . . $ COQ 1'ied ruiL-hiTund tvlfoUi V K Iti-nUer , s ' , "f lot In , bliu-k U , Itfili.'U sub- ill v of.l l Ueilli-'H mid . . . 1,7'IQ ' b II Aml'-ison and hii hand to John mid Mury Milel.u : | , lot \H \ , block J , M' ' n ( son's mill 3&0 Mli-li n't t'o idv and wlfito J li'oiuly , n ' , of lot -17 , Mfl.nlin-'s udd . . 1 II N l.ltvoll toJiilinlJiK-kc.lot U , rtinllli \ . \ \ llll.inisubdlv . . . . . . 1 .l.n'ob Hill l.aul .mil wifito II J SIrk- ils , In'tT.H , ' ) , M , M , 6t uud AiJ , blirt-U , r , Nuillilli-ht 2M)0 l.nirii/ ( tin nl nnd wlfo to Alin.i Klni : ' r lots 'l.'i to OH , lulu 13' ) In 13J , Ninthliltmid . . . . . . I HDQ \V. M I.DIU to Louis llav , sr. , InU t In .1 , him kl.l ol iillilllianli ! udil . . . 1 r.oo \V 11 li iU" and tvlfito HIIIU , lul 'Jl , bl u'1 , S. iniil lot 1H , lioi'k ii , Norlli Onuibi . . . . OuO Mar ) > lln ii-l. tiistiini' , lotsCimid ' ' , liliti-1. " Ui iiiluU'tiiil 1 1 HUG ( .illnie ll.itdi'ii mid liiKbnnU In II , M \\yiili. l.u , 'ji : and Jt. block 7. liin.ili.i Il'-Ulili . . . . . . . 1 001 U M ttyi-lliatul wifi'toW. II. Afliolil , Hlltir- a.llljt , ,1 1' loijie unil * lfu in M. n , .Mel ill- lei h , ij'JJ f't nf w 1 JO feel of II J'U fi-el. lol 113 , Ni IMIII'I .nlil . . J 1110 1 ; . \ \ l-'iilini nmliff ID K. I ! . Mjn , Iut7 In 10-n-lO . . . . -luu A uijjn and wifii to r M Hunt , H iiu fei t Im 1" , block t : < , Month ( Jnitiha 1 MIIII I.niiN Ihiv , or , luV M I , MI/ , lot . ' , him K M A K I'.ili'lrl.'i mid . . 4imu South tiiiiabu Lund contp.iny tor ) I ) Wlrk'U. lot U , ulofU 14V. hontli Uinuln. . . . COQ 0.1'If CLAIM DP.KIK ) . UTVlllliinm mid tvlfit tu II N Khvnll , lol 0 , hinltli \ \\llll.uiis' hiiluliv . ] Ooorat-\Vnrri-n nl til to ( li-ur.-ii War- n-iii-oniiiiuiy , loUHio U , bloc-It 'J. Colin ; ' " I'l iee 1 \Vllllaiii Ni > ll < i I lu O H VIHIIIBM iL al , Inu-1J mill 47 , Ilui'liiiiin'n aild . . . . 1 KriuM llllni'inliii'f und lfo tn M H llurniDnlur. lutx U mi'I1 , l.xclmiiuo I'ltu'o , and lot 11 , block IU , .U > ltor'n ndd 1 III.LUJ. A O Chiirlton isiH'i'lul niustor ) loS II \Vi-nt\MjrUi. n ! l fi'i'l loin B and U , blool. ' . ! , A H I'alrli'l.'hiidil 1,200 SaniK lo xntno lol 11 , block 10Vunt r.iuliidd I.H25 J r lloyd mhrrlir ) tu W I. llnrllMulm. Int ISM. liluek 11 , Omaha Vlow. . . 201 Ci A lloniiiiM slmrlili tu Mary I , l.u- 1 mil loi- . : in mid , H > bloi'k 1'J , lit : vI'l < 2.103 f-.inii in , M.I ITS if'H frut nf * J | f. , i I 1 I iliu'l. I M it ui 'H Ui tidd t. . \ ill' ' y U 'JuUluijiiiuutuf lruu f r I 82.2'J (