Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat YostorJny Averaged Higher but Loft
Off with a Decline.
SnciittitMc IVrilniVi i Norrnuiily Appro-
liriKlvo iin.l it Hulo Short * U'oro In-
cllncil tr > C < ncr nnd 1 IIITOVu
Mnih Iiive lnit > nt Dcmiillil.
. Ill , April 21-\Vhn.M totlay
hltfhor , but loft ort wllli ndcrlltioof
We In May nml ' < In July I.lnnoham and
famuli anil NOIIIO otlioi ho ivy scalpers iinulit
nK.iliist 'my ' : idxaiii-o. riio ultimo bought at
IhoopcnlnKiuid sold on tlmathancr Corn
wnt linn anil dined xxllh u caln ofc A
moderate ndvanco established in pro
visions also
In the xxhrnt pit , sppciil-itlxo fcelliiR wis :
nirxotiHlj apprehotislxo and. as u rule , shorts
wcio tin Until tin-fix 1 1 nnd there ) xx as consider
able Inxi si merit ill nianil Cables XMTO firmer
nml tin 10 mis ruiiuxved talU of foiolKii crop
ilnnmK' fioin drouth , but u niiinhoi- prlxatu
incNsaK" i fioin I'.uis anil ll'-illn denied tbat
uny d.iin i < > h.ul boon Infllute 1 on grain , xthllo
iKlmlttliiK that pistnr i o li.ul been sorlou-dy
shortened The condition In K-insas was still
i , . lid to lie full of pi-rll to the xxhnnt crop
Homo need r.ilns uoioailmlttud , lint dlsp itchus
from many parts of tliu state salil
tliiit tliu nci-nt fiuc/ltirf xxenthor
had < lon < < mom dainngn to than the
rici ni drouth Inil
Tin weithoi linn in 11 1 so roporti-d Killing
f i oilIn Uhln Ufiilm-ky and 'lYmii'sMC and
It .vas IhniiKlit Hint niuclivhiMI iniistliaxc
him Inliiudis nun li frust Is In the loliit
lit whli listaci' II IsiiiMi'ptlhli ; of Injnt } fiom
liming HIP last hour , uhoat tunu'd i > asy ,
liialnl ) mi fin u ill/In. s.ikMvlilih as .1
ills ippnlnlmi nt In tin' hulls Tin' ilicitMisi-
tin cur 1 1 spimillni , ' MII U of last JIMP Is J/IOO I II 10
lii ) i'liiiiMas u nioulii 1 liiliiu' thi it tliu
rll < | in is shifting aiiinnd In Its position and Is
HUi'lv to diop May and hull Inly It sold
I'ardrldjj" 60,000 liu of May today , but
Immi ill.itnly iiplaiid It bv i purchasi- the
Minn amount fur Inly and hau done Iho s.imu
lliliif.1 In in my olln r Inst.inios Inly opi-ni'd
from ' „ ' ! ' 'i ' lowi r and then lallli'd JC , attain
hccamr iak and piliis doi llm il ' iinli'd
hteady and tliu closing was ' c ImMrtlian
< orn ut > acted a deal of nttrntlmi , the
in. u In t inline mncb moioaclhc , pilci > cliaiiK' ' >
i o\ ( liiis a xxlili i iamollliltirn isnl oiitstilu
Inti lost I In scnllmi nt appu in d to bu u i ini-
ttnnaiinM of tin slron i'i tiini' ill vclupcd Into
hallliduy and still hl | > hi'i juices wi'io si oii'd.
c\ln mi llnuii's , IIOUUMI , nut bilnt ; maln-
talm d up to the close
Thin \viis i belli i oiitsldu deiiianil , fcti \ I
beliiK iridilid llh lii'ln.1 a fieo pinch ' I
Hilppi is boiuht u ( fo'id do il eirly. but sold
i onsidi table on the .ulxance The sli irp du-
iiiand liulin-ed many lot al thoi Is to i oxer , , ind
the elli lilies btln UK' ' ' ! , L-u.ited .1 xeiy Him
Indii itlons of , i better c ish demand and
HtieiiRtli In sill rounding market" all t < niled to
hiibtalnaliu s Dpi nln tiailesttoiti at about
tin llmil HKIIII s of the piexlons session , and
afti r silling up nc ( , v. 01 kid bicU Mi' , i.illlud
\i cisidoir ! < 4i Mih il Him and i-losi d ultii u
gain of from 'B'to ' : <
'llieii \ \ is a K > > > d business In oils and a
stioMiii r ft i linn I he marki toim | ) d ' ( c lourr
for Maj but sli idy foi Hie olhii months
deed Inn hm of Ma ) .mil sellhiKof lul > i auscd
It ID di i-Ilin fioiii Diemlum at Hie stall to
tin s.ime pi lie as M ty at tin close I lie
HlrtMiKth in torn and \\htat alsu lulpiil ( be
m.iiUi t nml pilces ! id\amid fiom > uc to W ,
re i < led from 'to ' to i ami closid ste.idy with
u net ualn of fiom ' ( ' to ' , i
1'heiu UMS a bl ' , lno id market In pun ( slims
most of the session 1'ilies gel a M-IJ de-
t-ldtd aiUani i in the motnln and p in of the
K.iln was lost hi foie 1 o'i lock I lie Kre.itest
volume of ti ide as neil is Hie un .ilest action
In Dili es M.isiupoik tin HtciiKlh also
bet tti malnt a I m 1 1 In this pi oil in I
Hie slien th at the sfu L as from Hie ho
inaiKot. HtLelpIseio 1,000 he id iindei the
UMtimate of 'JJ.ouo In ad and I'm sd.iy Is osii-
m.ituil lo\\i i at IH.DUO hi. id Tin re sumo
outside liiijlu-1 on thu eail ) Mioii 1
local p.irlli s Hi ie K"od huyerson the ulx inco
hletxei hutulit fu-clyof pork foi \ \ i lull t or
Cud.iliy | > t ih UK WiUht was u buyer It sides
Ainiinir look ] > oilv and Cudab > 1. ml and libs
Thu AiiKlo \ Co. also bought
Tint Chicago I'.uKliiK company took laid
1'iicKi -eneially ( XXIIP sliotiK buyers hboits
naturally coxiud sin IT On the KOOI ! aihanco
these who plolitid Kite fieu selleis
AH the ollciliiKs In came llbi ral pilces went
oil sliaiplj , lull still held a oed aoxanco oxer
S.iturday as follow1'oiU , fiom 3toi7'tc ( : ;
liiid , fiom 7 ' , cto IJ'iC ' , mil lib5c hUhi r fin
buptumherltb thu othur dellxoiks un
1'ruUhts weie dull and o.islor at I' e on
win at and Ic for corn to Hnllalo
Estimated itcelpts fin toiuonouhiit ,
840C.US , loin , : i.tUiaib , o.Us , 2J5 cats , bogs ,
Tliu leading futures ran oil as follows-
Wheat .No 2
lliiy . . 71
bcjn. T1H 75JJ III
Corn r o
Alirll 4IH I. 4IH im 407
May 42J { Ibk
July . .
4IHO. h
'Onla .No l-
Juno "JlUt'i ' . ' 954
MCf H 1 'ork
May IT 31 17 0. v i , : o 17 II ; is
July 17 M ) 17 UJl , t : ; o 17 boa
Kpt IT i ! > 18 . ' 7's ' IT 72 1 70
Mny 10 OJ 10 10 a j
July 10 UiH 10 JJ 10 10
kept 10 . ' 6 10 IJ 10a 10 > 10 r >
Etiort Illbj
Jlny 0 7' .
July U 171
( apt. ' .I 11 70
Cash limitations xieie as folluxxs :
rioilli-bte.idy and nnelmiiKcd.
WIII.AT No 2 spiiiiK. 71'ic ; No 3 sprint ,
t. o. b , ( VJfitTle , No 2 red. 71 e.
COHN lllKlui , > o 2 , UVNo ; 3 cash , JOO
40HiNo jilloxx , I Mi 11'4e
OATS-No , -JH'.i ' ; , No a xxldto , f. o b. , 3Ge ,
No 3 xxhlto .IJ'i JJc
KM : No 'J , 01 so
HAIII l.No 2 , C2c ; No 3 , f. o. b. , 13G03C ,
No 4 , t o. b , 3HJilic
1'l.AXSu I ) No 1 , * 1 13.
TlMOrilt ' im I'rlini'.ll.lB
1'OIIKXlcjs , per bbl , m 4MU7 50 : lard ,
per 100 Ibs , } 9U ' , 't J07'i , short , lib hides
( loose ) , ' ) Tfrtl'J HO , diy silled Mionhloi ,
( bo\ul | , JO 7641.1000 ; hlioiteleai shks ( bo\edi ,
110 J.rj < 01oriO
\VlllHK\ - DistillerMulshed Roods , per g i !
bfiixiis Uni-haiiKed i-nt In if , Co ; gianu-
lated , fi-ue , "A , " 5.1-lOe.
The fo'louliii ' ; xxero the receipts and ship
ments for today :
On the I'rodui e ovhaiiRo ted iy the 'Jbntter ,
imiikit xxiih xi ix liim , euaiuirj , ViWIc
ilHlry , ' . ' 3HJbe. ( LSRS , ijulet ; htrletly fresh
Oiiniliit liriln.
The follovxuu Pilces are fordollxory at Mis
sissippi ilxei points :
WIIUXT No Jxprlne , OHobldjN'o. 3 snrlue
6fie bid , No Jhaid , bOo bid : No 3 haid , u7o
KhNo 2 , 5'.V bid
( ) * TS-No. ixhlte , 31e bid ; No 3 xxhlte.
BOiti * bid
I'oiiN No. Ueasb or M ly , 37'n' hldj No 3 or
bettor , easb 01 M iy , .I7o bid ; No 2 xUilte
QH > .e bid , No .1 xtblte , flh- bid
AmoiiK the sales XM ro llftocn eais of No iJ
corn 1'eorlti tenns , llftien dajs fahlpmont
Oinnlm I'rodiiio
Tbo xx eeU opened nltli a rather iiulet pro
duce mm Uet , but xxlib loiisliU'rnble aetlxliy
around the fruit and xiv-et.iblc m uKot 1'ileits
wi'in mil xi.'i > illlli'ri'nt fuini tne c-loso of last
XTeeU on the le.ullni ; lines of pie Inco
i'resh recelplsof hulti i are xery llcht and
Moi'ks ari > c'Xlremelx small A Kiioil many
houses llnd It a dllllcull matter to supply
their trade '
The I'L-u nrnrUet Is steady at former quota i
tlons 1'rlees ' In thec-ountiy keep up relallxcly
hlKber than In Iho eltv and the situation Is
nnjthliiK but Nallsfai-lory lo c-ommlsslon
inorehnnts. KKKJ uiu mliiK bon.'ht un truck
In tbo country at imt and 13e \ \ hen the i-o-tt
of dellxerln Ilium In Dmalia Is taken Into
fonslilointlon it leeomes xery oxldent that
tbero Is no money In soiling thorn at the pres
ent prices In IIN | ! < Itx r.ti ; men ( Inure that
at the present pilces In ibo country eitKs can
not hu placed In store for lc > s th in 1 Ic. They
llKuro about Jo for c-ariyliiK. besides Interest
liiMiianci' , IOSN In kceplni ; , etc Nune aieuf the
opinion that these facts xx III make pretty iK'ar
I'L'k'H and that llio chuneis are too Kroat tiL'iiliist
Iho party httirliiK Others iipnear to think
dllToronil } , as the ) are Morlnuawaj
'I hero Isonly a snull aniounl of Knmec-om-
IIIR but x llure Issells xc-ri readily. I'bo
( leinand Is not hiilllclenl to lake any irreat
umoiint ,
Thuro xvasnlinoit no poultry on the inarKot
und prlcisionllnue ilrm.
rotatoes tire imixtni ; ijulto fret ly nnd the
market U holding steadx t-tiK'k.s are fair but
not oxerly law , A Kood many potatoes ar
rived alHint tun daya ago und borne of Hut
Louses xv ere afrulcl of a break uud clokcd out
tholr stm ki iKxnon in postlbln nml ( Hit not
order any more It It proliably dun to tlmt
flirt that thu market has ovpi-rfunrfid no over-
upply nnd tlint thoru biu u cn no lirrak In
prli ei
The supply of striwljorrlns mil lar o , nil the
fruit houses linxinu In Rood Klilpniont * . Tim <
Ark.mim liorrloi were itood nnd sold renally
The MIxsN.lpul stock was poor nnd had to bu
disposed of HI loducud prlcin.
Apl'frfllolc shipping Itock , 14 OOH4 'J5
per hbl
TUAXX IIKUHIIMMlsslislpbl. . f 3 00a30 ; Ar
kansas , ! . ' ) IMK6C. 50
OIIAMIM California nionntnln oranun ,
12 50 , WaihliiKlon uaxels , t4 ; Nexxcastle I'all-
fiirnl i M'udllntri , ! - ' 7ri , Uodlnnds , } 'J 75 , .Mod.
SHI cts , t2.7fi : JtlxoMldo needllnes , * 2 75.
llANANAS-l'or bunch , inoluilliij ; ctatos and
pnckltiK M 75UJ 50
I.MtoNS-Uiolce. J 50a4 OOj f'inu y. W.OOli
4Jf. .
1'1'AJ-IVr bubox , 12 OOB3 2E.
Ill X.NS-I holco navy , t * ,10it2 15 ; roinmon
fctook.ll OOift-'OO
( 'liri'Xiiil.lls ( holce , pi'i dotl.CUiVJOO
h H"c l'iiTniMI'ur bbl , iO , seed sxxcot
po In toes , 14 50
ONIONS llniiic zrown , on onlorsto Country ,
ft per bbt ( iood stock hhlppc'il In from coun-
liy , 'J-i perbu
\Tiih-4-Oiiliiriuio stock , ! I 10 , Wisconsin
bin bunks , OO' < i.'J" c , xxestein Nebi.iskii. OOcliJ
* 1 00 : eastern Nelunsk.i stock , 75a'JOi > , u.irly
Ohio si ed. tl 2' ,
I'lK l'l.NTI'nrfiOllj bo es , Jl 5031 75 ,
nurrl n , i n , d xxir , I'otii.ruv
HIM 1 1 n I'.n-klmiHtoi-k , IS-fjl ? ! ' , falrtoRood
counti ) roll , 1'J iJJc choice to fancy country ,
J.'ifJ5c )
PLUS Oeneril innrkpt. 13'Je '
( UMK-Mlxud diiU.s , 11 , teal , fl 25 ; Jack
blilpu's , 11 2' >
I'ori.Tiixf'holcohcns 11511'Jc , ml\od coops ,
lOiilli-iold roosteis Vtati" gei'so , , m | ducks ,
, till keys , lOSUcj ple'eons , $1 'JS-il 50
u Iho.
xiiscn.i.XNi ors
\v-Tho iii'irki't on KOO < | upl.uiil hay , $0 In
nr lots.
HOM.V C'lmlcp lo fancy ixhlto cloxor , 1815
1'Jc , fair to k'ood , UlTilHc
VixiChoice : and sin ill fat x-e.ils , 74J8c ,
argo and thin , 3SOc _
NLIX Xoi-k Mnrl.i-ts.
Nnx Vouu , April 24 rixitm-IEooolpts , 10-
00(1 ( pk s , \poils , JOO bbls , 0.1OO sacks ,
sales , 7liiO pk s , nrirkctiltlll , utoady
fiin.N Mi. xi. Dull , jellow xxesturn , t2 05
fJW 75
Itx I. ( Jiilot , nominal ; xxestern , 50tlOOc.
llxill.i.v I'll m , dull , xvestern , UOTi7i1t :
ltxill.i.MM r Quiet , steady , xxeateru , G5ffi
OticXX illXTI'ecelpts , 95 100 bu. ; exports , 210-
301) ) bn , sihs , Ul.'ioo bu futuus. 48,000
bu spot Spot m irket Ilrm , moder ilely u-tlxo
for export. No 2 led , In stoic , indelexator , 7 ( > 'ift
70'e ; alloit,77'c ; to b , 7 ( > © 7HJc , No 1
noithern , H-J c ; No 1 haul , Bi > ' " , No i !
not thorn , HO'iC ' Options m tlxe exclt < d and
Ini'Kiil it , opening slronj and adx inclii ! ? 7 ®
l'c on llrmer cnbli s foielcn biljlnn , de-
ei eased stocks , ll ht i-le ir luces , ( Inner I'hl-
c-i o and Io. al coxerim ; , re u ted 7a < ile > on the
Im ie ise p issage , I.UK'I r India shipments , le-
loilsof rain In the soutlnxi st ami fieo re ill-
.iiK heio and at the xxest , closed xveik al 'tc
adxain i to ' , i- ( h dine No 2 red , May , 7ji4c ,
.Mine , 77' > i , Jnlj,7H'.c , August , Hoc
Slocks of Kialn , stoic ami alloit April 22 :
M. , 6,70JWOO bu , i oin , 3'JAMJO bu , oils.
2liH hiioliu tji ) 55,700 bu , bule > , 34,000 bu ,
n ill , lb" ) 'Jim bu ; peas , 0 too bu
ionsItocelpls , HioOil bu . exports , 04,2 18
bU ; sales , 1,700000 Im flltutes , 55.000 bn
spot ' pots quiet , llnnci ; No 2 , 40ff4'J'iO In
olox itor 51c alloit , ungraded mixed , 50 ®
50'c , ste.uner mixed , t'Jc , Options mix iinced
fl'l'nixxllh xxbe it , ll-'lll icielpts , finelKii
linjlnllrmei cubli s and loc il i oxi rliijt , do-
ellneil ' " ' on n all/hiK , closed Ilrm at 'sit
ii adxame , and ti idln mote aitlxe , May ,
I'J'.c lime , l'J1c , Inly , 50iBc , Au ust , 50I.C
OXTS Uicelpls. M.OUO bu , exnorts , 5J.OOO
bu , sahs , ( j'l.oiio hu fiituics , 151,000 bu
spotpots stioiiKi'i , si irco and xxanlid
Options iliniei , f ilil > acllxe .May cloven at
, H'c , lime , 3l' c , .lulx , 3I'C. No 2 xxbllo ,
I0'c ' No Jt bli uo , flS'.c , No 3 , 37c , No
,1 v , lull1 , .I'J'si ' , mixed XM'steiu , J7iiJ'Jc ( ' , xxhlto
xxesti in. 1'Jii I7c
II xx I'll in , fair dem ind
Mill's.Milet ( . , Him
llllils Dull easy
1'ltox IsloNs ( . 'ut meats , quiet , firm ; pickled
holllis , 12 Ibs at lO-'jc , middles II . milot
I , ml quilt , Him , \xestein steim closed at
fill 10 asked , sales , ,150 tlncis nt J10 lo
Opllo .s siles , none , M iy closed it
J1025 , July i losed at ? 10 10 , fcoptomber
closed al $10 55 Pork linnet , quiet , old moss ,
li 15 , inxx mess # 18 75
llui ri u Less dohitf , loxxer , unsettled , xxest
ern dally , 2O' ( J7c , xvesteineieamery , 27443JC ,
xxi sli ru facloix , 'JOit'J7c , l.luln , J3u
Cm i si. Steady ; old , fairly actlxo , nexx ,
inlet , pait skims ( old ; , lQ.'j'jc ' ; pait skims
( nexx ) , 3'iiHc
Kuos ijulet , liiruo receipts , about sti.uly ,
reci Ipts , I. ) JO.ipliKs ; xxosteiu , fieah , IGiiilb'ji- ;
duck , 1H&2JC.
TAI IDXX SliMily , quiet.
COTTONsl.hU Oil , Dllll , stllldV.
I'lTiioi.i I'MTho ninrkot xx as steady through
out ; I'omis } Ixanl.i oil , spot snlos , none ; Jluy
options , sile-i , 20,000 bbls ; upi'iiln , highest ,
lovxest and closing OH c , Lima oil , sales ,
none ; 2'J' ' > e I'iU ' ; total sales , 2O.OOO bbls
liostv [ lull stonily ; sir ilnoo , common to
Bond. * 1 J7' ' . l ' 10
Triti'i MINK- Dull , but Ilrm nt 33''jaJ4o ( for
spot and .lOV loarilxe late In the xveok.
ICiri. Quli t , o isy , ilomuitlc to fancy , J'ic. '
Moi. xs-its New Oiliuns , upon kettle , good
to choice fatily actlxo an I Him
Sun xii H i xx. dull , icliiid , llrmer , filrly
ncllxe , mould A , ri'.iftr ) 7-luc ; standard ,
5 3-l ( > ( S.5'c ; coiifectloneis A , I 15l.51ai. ( ( . ;
pinxdercu , 5 5lbtir'iC , Ki.inulated , 5 l-lljiifr
55-lic ( ; cubes , 5 u-lGitO'iC '
I'm IKON Dull , steady ; American , tl'J 75
ffl55 ( )
Coi'i'bli Quiet , lake , $11 20
l.iAli-Mcady ; domestic , if4 12'J
'I IN ( .Mosul stiadj ; Sttulth , * 20 GO bid ,
J20 70 asked , plates , ste idj , quiet , fcpelter ,
ijiili't , Him , domestic , * 4 15
lluilnes < < Jliinc ! < .
The follow IIM nro reported at Dun's Mer
cantile agency.
IteatilLe. Neb , J L tchlok , saloon , xx III dis
Illali , Neb , .Mi.thleson Ilios , general store ,
L'ln-lnn out
( Jialu , Neb , ,1 It Mont'i h in , Keneral store ,
sold out to t' .1. Hale
t'l.ilu. Neb , Hiutt X Ixerr , Konei il .stoic , re
pot tul sold out to Smith Ilios \ . Co
Hooper , Nib , lloopi i Hi Irk M innfacttiiln ! ;
comp iny.C ul Ito oi and others , Ille coitlllento
of nssoclalloii
Ma iiut , Neb , H irney r. "inlth .x. Co , KCII- stole , succeeded by Knock Adklns
Old , Neb , . I i : lluqiiot , hotel , ulll bo suc
ceeded bx .1. t ! Sbiupe.
Council ( Hulls In , Carl Iluihoin , joxxolry ,
xx 111 ion. ox e.
Council ItlulTs , la , John Hxers , moat mar
ket , sold out.
Council ItlulTs , la , W L Patton llxeiy , sold
Ixlrxxln , Kan. , A It llatitr , confectionery ,
const ible In possession.
Ailliulon D , Watson .x. Gordon , general
stmo , nsslKin d
Milbatik , b 1) ) , bar ent .x , DUss , b inkers , as
\aiikliin , S I ) , liy Tammon , Kioterles nnd
ft nils , sold out
St. I. mils -ilnrkets.
PT Lotus , .Mo , April 24 IXouu Steadier ,
\ \ \i-Opened bullish on c-top news nnd
cables and gained I'nc , but hammeicd fiom
that point li > be irs xxllh the aid of domestic
l oxxs , closing ' c below Satiudij : No 2 led ,
casb , OBV : Mil } , UB e. Inly , ( i'J'b < rs70c
I'OIINSas 1 1 eatod much as xx beat but held
mine of Its gain elo ln Wtiup , No 2
mixed , cash , 37'c ( , .M ix : i7'c , Julx , JSI' , .
\TS-No ti.nlliiK , No J cash , Jf'J'iC , .Mny ,
I'liovtsioNS - ' tronc nnd higher A KOOI ! Job
bing demand , but nothing doing In meats to
arrlxe. I'ork. standard mess , jobbing inexxi ,
J1H25 l.ird , * U754j.UM7'i. ' Cut incuts loose
shoulders , lOc , longs and ribs , } 'J ' 7fi , shorls ,
Jio 00 , hoxid lots loc higher Union , p.ickui
shnuldeis. 1O25 , longs and ribs , 10Vu > loji , ;
shorts , * 10tt7't'ill ( 00. Hams , 13ixtllc for
sugar cured
llt'Ti LK I'nchanjred
IJK-l ii'iri-riuur , ( > ,000 bbls ; xvhcat , 5,000
bn ; corn , 101,000 bu : oats , 7,000 bu. ; rxe ,
none ; b uli } . mine
Siiii-xiENis-l loui,5000bbls , nhont , 40,000
bu ; coin , 201,001) ) bu , onts , 10,000 bu , ; rye ,
2ooo bu , bailej , 1 ooo hu.
IxXNsxsCnv , Mo , April -\VIFT | Dull
but th HUT ; No. 2 haul , uOaUO'tCj No. 2 rod ,
-ijo to 'ii' blub M ; No. 2 mixed , 3-lc ! ,
No 2 xx bite , Jl > ' Jli'sC
O \Ts-riim ; 2 ' , c
Ileirrni Siendy , unolmiixod ; cre.imory , 25ffi
30c , dahx. lMit2lc. (
I'IHISleadx , inn hanced nt I2'ic
lUerilTsbeal , O.OOO bu ; coin , 0,000 ;
oats , none' .
siili'xu.N-is Whuit , 21,000 bu ; corn , 1,000
bu , oats , none' .
Out ton MarKt'l.
Nl.xx Olll.rtss , La. Apill24.
.1 1. . . l.lllll. k 1 , . . ! . . _ , . . , . ! * T rilturoshteady tlJ t I.I.I. * . . . . ;
December , tl 1A < I > 1 75
Mt'inly ; Komi middllni ; , 7' c ; ,
7\c , hm inlddlliiK , 7 5-lllc ; Kood ordinary ,
7c. net lici'lpts , 2.H5U bales ; uross , J. j.l
bales ; sales , 3,250 bales , stock , 227,0'JO ' bales ,
I.lxorpool M.irlietH ,
I.ixKiti'ooi. , April 24 X.VIIKVT I'lrm , do-
in mil moderate ; holdoisotroi sparingly
( -DUN I'lim , doinand moderate , mixed xxest-
orn , 4s 3'id percental
llAiiiN I.OIIK nndsbort clear , 55 Ibs. , 5i tn |
percxxt lonicelon'- Ibs. , 54s.
TAI l em I Ino Aiiii'rL'iin , 27s.
llrllltb Iruin Irido Knxlexv.
1.0MM1N. April 24 The Murk l.ano Hvpress
In Its XNiokly roxloxx of the llrltMi t-'ialn trade
sajs I'lio market shonii slns of greater
llrmni'ss In rcvari ! to future crops , iKitli horei
und In the United Mates , Thin Uduo to thu
Flour Fair deiuaucl ( or English , but
the lioldprn of American nro tnklim IPM Low
crude * of American Hour haxo itven sold at
l li u xnck for feedlnit It In probnbln that thu
Arecntlmnlilpmont or April and .Mny whcntn
xx 111 amount to lOOO.OOOiimrtors. | Itoiininntn
Is busily engaged In uhlpplnn niiilzo nnd
Ncxr Yiirk Dry ( iniiiln .XlnrUct.
NKXX YOIIK , April 24 The deinnnd for dry
goods was Unlit today , nlthotuh n fair rcigncst
for small lots of seasonable and stnplo eoods
win presented , chlelly through mull orders , to
fill the reoutrements for thu moment , but
buyers lioldlnn on from tnUIni ; anything more
th in Is necessary , especially nt current prices
tliouuli It Is by no means certain that all the
adxantaces will bo obtained Inter than antici
pated Thoncciiiiiulntlniisnf cottons In ono
or two Instancri nre lots than iisu il. Then )
xtoro fair trnn nctloiis In cotton llaiinels nnd
fall nrticles Kenernlly xxero xxell under control
of orders
Uolti-n .M irknt.
NKXXYOIIK , April 24 Options opened
firm at 20 to 40 points ndxance closed Ilrm ,
45 to bO points up , miles , 3 ! ) 700 liiirs. Includ
ing April. 1 14.50 , .Mny , 14 35U14 50 , .lime ,
(11301(1450 , .Inly , J14 30 1441 , August ,
J14 20Iil4 30 S'ptember , M I 255414 50 ; Octo
ber , 114251114 10 , Decombei * 14 25 14 50.
Spot , Ulo. dull , linn. No 7 , ? 15 37'i
Mlluiuiki-o drain Mi rki-t.
MII.XX MIKHVls.Aprll2l. . WIIHAT Loxverj
M'iy , iibi1 , No 2 NiirliiK , boc.
CoilN-Oulut ; No 3 , 10U40'4c.
O \TS-nriu ; No 2 xxhlte , 34 35c ; No 3 , 33f !
11 xui rx COc
Ki h Ube
Clm Immtl Mm lii-tii ,
CINCINNXTI , O. , April 21.VllKT III fair
deinnnd , No 2 red , d7c
( .IIIIN ' troiiKi i ; No Jinlxed , 33"c.
Oxis Hnsy , No 2 mixed. Jiq.l.'c.
\ \ iliskiIn IlKbt demand at n.ll. Market.
MlNNKAl'UMs , Minn April 21 I'litlire und
cash hot xxere strong today Itccolpts , 401
ears C'losoApril , b4 W. Jlay , 07'sC On
ti.n-k No 1 hard , OSc , No 1 northern , GOc ;
No 2 northern , l > ! c
It lltlliiiii-o drain Xlurkrt.
llxi.Tixioiti.Mil , April 24 WIILXT StronK ,
April 75V
CoilNs.ron.'t | April , 4' ) 40ic bid
( Mrs Steady , No 2 xxhllo xxtsterti , 41'jC ' ;
nilxod , 37c
Philadelphia drain .Market.
I'lin.Ain i I'liu , 1'a , April 21 WIIIXT
Dull , easlei. April , 75 i-
( DUN -I'lrm , No 2 mixed , April , 4"a ! ) < 3 19'ie.
O XTS blion i ind liltfliui , No. 2 xvhlte , April ,
3U' , < a40c.
Toledo ( iiuiti MnrKi-t.
Tot i no , O , April 24. WIU.X.T Kisler , No.
2e.isli , 71Ui-
I'dllN I'lriii ; No 2 , cnsh. 42c.
Oxrs-Qulet , No 2 mlxi d cnsb , 32c.
X iHllllll 1. 1.1111 Illppl } .
Ni xx YIIIIIC , April 24 Vlslblo supply of
praln \ \ lll.XT , 74H11,000 bu ; coin , 1J)20- )
000 bu ; o us , 2.H5AOOO bu , lye , 787.00J bu ;
bit ley , 75U.OOO
London (111 Market.
LONDON , Apill 24 I.INSI-K-O Oil20s per
tirs 2Js 4Vid pei cxvt.
I'limnclnt Condition I.rts Dlsturboil than
A\us ( idianitl > Kvpeotcd.
NKVX Yoiik , April 24 The slock in irkot
opened strong today on purchases by operators
xxho felt renssured by the posltlxo statement
by President Clexeland that the KOXeminent
xxoiild take exeiy possible mean-t to preserxo
tin pulty between ( ? old mil sllxor. Buying
foi the Ion , ; account and to i oxei shoi t con
tracts led to an adxam o of ' > and 2' ' , per cent
otertho closing HKIIICS of Saturday and the
1 Ise occuried xxithout Indtii In'any I-u u ollor-
; s Tbo ho.ixy onxnKomonts of gold for
shipment to Ilutope. tomoiiow's
stcamcisand the nctlxity In money soon led
ton ic ictlon , the b'.irs t lUiu . uh.uit.i-js of
these in liters to flight MI sin ill holders The
( p-cllne from thu hlsh 'st xx is equ il to 'i and
2 lie r cent
A In o ik of ' 5 ni rcent In American Tobacco
and lei' < per cent in Toledo. Ann Aibor A.
Not Hi .M ohlpin lOitrlbiitLd to the xvt akness
of the general market , l.iliIn the afternoon
National Lead and Ameilcan Cotton Oil
yielded about 2 points Theinaikot , taken lisa
xxhole nowexer , dlspla > ed llrmness andelosod
steady in tone at pilces " 4" to3'poi cent aboxo
the Hn il quotations of b.Uiud.iy. .Manhntt in
and Amoilian HuKarshowcd ibo largest not
Kiilns riioiMinllli thiK reports In ii'guidto
the conferences hold by Assistant Treasurer
Joidan xxllh the prt ildcnts of the banks , and
tlie latter xxllh the representatives of the
Mirlous banking houses , kept operators In an
uncci tain slate of mind and led to fieiiuent
changes In the temper of speculation 1 In *
sb up break In Toledo , Ann Arbor > x. Ninth
MlohUan was duo to the dissolution of an old
null pool , and to the nlle ed ti mporary em-
h iiiassmeiit of nn olllelal of ( he company who
has a law amount of pilvlle es "on Iho stock
outsl.indliu. " Tno drop innurlc in Tobacco ,
xxhkh , hoxxexer , recoxeie'd A't ' perc-ontnt tin )
close attiactcd cninp.irattxcl ) llttlo attention
as 11 Is xvell known that the stock Is hold In
fexx hands and the street was intuicstcdto
only a limited e\te nt The transactions a -
Kri'Kiitcil Jl2 108 sh ires , of which 4H 18d xxeio
unlisted The maikot elos'd steady In tone.
I'liu follo\xlni ; nro the closlm ; nuot itlons of
the Ie idliu stocks on tlio Now Yoik block ex
change lod.iy :
Alclilson " 771. .
Adiiiun KxpreBB . . .Norlhern I'.iclllc
Alton , r 11 do preferred .
do preferred U I' lie X diilf MM ,
American l.vpross Northwestern . . . . HIM
HttlllmoroX Ohio do preterred . . . lli
( an tdu I'aclllc 81' * V X Central
tiiniida o illiern . 5' . V \ X .N i :
to i trill I'm Ille nntarlo X XXestern
dies .X olilo OnvonImp . . 17
I lilcuo Xllon no Ore.on Nnv . . . 74
C II. xy ' ? OS I. . X U N . . . . 18
( .Illcl/Ol.llS " I'aclllc Mull iO
Coii olidnied l us us" IVorla I ) X H
c ' . C l X S.L. 1 , tvt I'ltl.itmiv . . . . ITii
( oltonOIKerl . 41 I'ullnnin I'lilnio . . 1IM
Del Hudson . . . . i ; Iluadln , ' 'I
II 1 , X XX' ' lOihiinind l rmln I 8
ii x if ( i i > r d do preferred . . 30
I ) XC 1 Co . . . lllo Or.indo XV . . 21
Knit 'lenn . . do preferred . . . . 21Hi (
lock Inland . Hi
Krlo preferred u s | Paul 77H
torlXXiiyno iw do preferred . . . ll'J
( .t Northern pf d us t I'nil I X Unnilm . . ' ,1
L' X K I pf d . . iy do preferred 117k
HocklnsX'alloy . . 2I > 11'-uiiihi'rn I'aclllc . II'7
Illinois ( intrnl IMJ nfc-ir llellnery . . . 10.
-t I'aul XDiilutli 10'v 'enn ' LonlXIron.
Knn. ft Tux pf'd 716
Ilike 1-rloX XXcst. . Jt1 lol Xei i en pf d
Jo preferred 'r I I nlon I'niMllc
I like sioro ) . MS L S Uxpress ( :1
I lad Iruit ' { * XX St I. X I' ion
l.oiilH X Nash do profirred Zl
l.ouls xr > o Al by ' 'II I XXell9 1 Hik'ii I xp. . lib
Muu'inttnn > on . . . XX full rn I nlon . . libB
Memphis X ( hit s n 40 XXheelhu V 1. L .
Xllrhlcan ( entral IOJ do prolorred . . . 6.
Mlaxnurl I'll Ille . Minn X t 1 , . . . .
Xlolille.VOlilo II X It ( , .' \
.Nnnlivllloi h ill . ( ieiii'ral l liclilo . .is' (
.Nnllonnl CordaRO 141 L l-uel V Inn
du prufcrred . 102 do prnfi-rrod 107
N .1 ( onlral . Illi HOUH x 'lex Cen . 107IT I
JsorfnlkX XX' p fd lol X X * IT
The total s ih s of stocks today woio .HJ.oiiu
slimes , Including Atchlson 4 JOI ) ; llurlliiK-
ton A. yulncy. 12,700 , Uilc-.iiro ( iis , 13,100 ;
llelaxx.ue , I , ii-kaxxanna Xestein , 4lillO ,
Distilling , IHJOO , ( Khclrlc 4,700 ;
Mnnhattan 4 4OO , Missouri 1' iclllc , 7.HOO ; Nn
llonnl I. ' ad , 0 UOll , National CoidaKO 10,000 ;
Nexx I'.iiKlaiid , O.IOO , Ncrthern I'aclllc iire-
ferred , 0,900 ; Kendlni ; J'J.lilO , Itock Island ,
( i.OOO , h ( I'.uil , IH JOO , Siuu , -'u,700 , Ti'nues-
seeloiltX Iron , 7 lee , Tohdo , Ann Aibor > x >
North Michigan , 3 500 Uistorn Union , 21GOO.
lliiiliin stuck Onoiiitliinx.
IIOSTOS , Mass , ApilI21 ( 'ill loins , 50
per cent , tlmo loins. ( > < i,7 per cent. Closing
( ] iiotntlonsou sto.-ksbonds iiidmlnltuulinios :
_ _ . _
\Xeatl-iKli rkctric
Ainerlcnn biuur . 10. ' do pieferred
do proterred J7 Ulnuinsln i mitral
Hay state ln lll'l ' Xttlilbon di
He'll 'lolepnone . . Ill.4 do 4a . . .
llonlon X Albmy 217 Now Knzl ind im . . IOJ
llomon X Xliuno lul l.umnl Flfctrlo Si. I'S '
do preferred . . . IIS tXX'lvtoniiliil ii lit I b I'SH
e' . ii xg UJX' ' VIIoui'Mlii.iiKCu. . H
Mlchburh- pfd fcTH Atlantic Ml
deneriil ivloctrlc IM i lloiton X Xlontann 25W
llllnola stoc-i t > * l Hullo , t lloaton. . . . hU
Meilrun ( ontrul . , ID Hi ciilunnax lli-cla.
N } X N K. . . . Hl't ( iintoiinlnl . . . .
Old ( oluny 1'JUl Iranklln
Oregon ahurt l.lnu 17 KenriurKa
Itiibuer . . .
sun Dli'Kii . . . ! l t Quliii ) Uo
Union I'.iclllc JS'lunlo ' l-e-i upper 2
XVo > IB lumuruvk
_ do prefjired _ 8J4l ! '
bid t naked
San I'rnni imu Mining Onotallnin
S\N I'uiNCisr i , ( Jill. . April 24 The olllelal
closing tiiut.itlunfor | minim ; stocks lodny
xvcro us folloxts :
Ninv York Xlluliii ; IJiuil illnnn.
N'F.xvYoiik , Vprll 24I'liu follow inn nro the
closing mlnliik' iiiotiitlons. |
h'uxr Vurk .Mouoy .Market.
YOHK , April 2i.-Mo.NEV o OAI.L
ArllviMitViln hrHQmlt lust lonn B
oilercd ai o ,
lillslness III bankers iltumii n " - - - ,
Mxtv diis nml Htf.Vi4 } HH % for demand '
iKixriiNxiKNT lioNtw-Steady. H'
The eloMtitf niiotatlmn on bonds'
riiiniielal Notes.
. CITV , Mo , April 24-CloarliiRi ,
$1,8'JO.00. ' (
I'AHIS , April 24. Thrco per cent rentes , 9Cf
lOc for the account.
Niw : YOIIK , April 21-Cleirlitgs , 183,585-
555 ; balances , 55,240,000
OXIUM. April 24 - Clearlnits , $1,711,813 !
sumo day lust week , JI,1')0,6'J8. )
llxi.Tlxiour Mil , April 24 Cloarlnijs ,
$ l,18U.iJI , bilnnecs , $ .110,097 Money , 0 iier
cent ,
I'lill.uiri.i'iH x I'.i. April 24 Clearlnijs ,
fU , 170,8 "id ; ( ml inces , $1,020,831. Mono ) , 4 ®
4't pel cent
CINCINNATI O , April 21 Money , Cii7 per
cent Now York exchange , lOUdOc premium
Cle.irln s , $2 751,450
Mi.xii'ius , Tenn , Ajirll 21 Nexx York e\-
rli'iiut * stionviat 1 50 premium. CloarltiKs ,
5277,017 ; balances , $ ti5,0')0 )
Sr ! , oui , Mo April 21 Clo irlnz $1,374-
17U ; balances , i 150,4.1(1 ( Money ( inlet , ( i < T(7 pi i
cent Kxchan o on Ne\x York , UOc pn'inliim
llostON , Mass , April -ClearlliKs , $11-
OOO.OBH. bilinces , il 550,1 ( ,7. Money , 0 per
cent IXcban e on Nexx Yolk , 20U40c dis
Nux Dm lN l * li April 34-Clc.irlniti.
H.'JO-MO 1 Ne\x Yoik exchame commeiclal ,
75c p"t # 1,000 premium ; bank , f 1 50 per il.OOO
II \ \ X.N x , April 21 IXclmtiKP sho\xs tin up-
xvnid tendeiici , on Iho United ' tales , short
sight Hold , lofie pieinlum ; on London , 2J4c
Cllli-AOO III , April -ClearlnKS , t8 150-
433. Sterllii cxcliauiio , Him , slxlj-day hills ,
$4 H"1 , , demand , 1-1 8U' , . Monej , less stioiiK ,
( i7 per com
Ni.u Yoiik , April 2S f-pei Telegram to
Tin ; III h'1-Kxchanuo ijiiolid as follous
todax ( lilt nirii 2ric preiiiliim , lloslou , 20c to
30c discount ; St. I.ouls UOc premium.
OXIAIIA i.i\ i : \KKirs. .
Ciood Supply- All S'lrts and Strut ) Prices
to Start tboVek ,
MiiMHV , April 24
The wool , opens xvltb ibiut . ) ,70l ( cattle In
the'pens a lory fair run for Mend iy Huyers
xxeie a little slow In Kottltu do\xn to xxork and
prices as a rule xvero a sh.uh ) oir on klllois and
5e to lOc lower on he ix'y shipping KI ados
I. iter In I he mo ; nliiK the m.ukot hec.inio moro
actlxe and closed , If any thl lie , a llttlo stioiuer
on handy fat steers lleaxy grades sold slovxly ,
If at all
The supply of butchers' stulT ixus fully equal
to the demand , and. as on the bent c ittle m ir-
kot. an eislei feelliiK prox illeil Tnidliiu ,
xihlle i Hber slow sulllclentlv brisk to
c.iusi the pi ns to be well clean d before noon
siocKers ind fieders.old about u dime
oner , onln to a rather hii e number on s no
Thcie xt.isa fall Inquiry at the decline and
about cxoiy tiling of consequence changed
hands licpusenlatlxe sales
Ultl ! ? > II IIM.K.
No Ax I'r No. Ax 1'r
1 . 750 $1 50 27 il 40 $1 Ol
JS5 3 7fi 0 i lldl 4 05
11HO 4 OO 20 1150 t 70
8' ) ! ) 4 00 48 1105 4 70
o JOJ 4 ( HI' 11 11-17 4 70
JO Hid I 10 18 1151 J 70
14 715 4 20 3 1M7 4 70
i 000 I 25 1 . 1350 4 70
30 1078 4 25 1 . n i 4 70
i.i . 080 4 .III 5 11UG 4 70
7 . 880 4 .10 21 1110 4 70
ia 80'J 4 .10 20 1151 4 70
in 1118 4 JO 55II 10U7 4 70
o i 000 4 30 II " , .1218 4 75
18 1021 4 10 1210 4 75
53 041 4 35 : i 1250 4 75
Ul 1071 40 20 . . ' 11 ( > 3 4 80
0 . OQT 4 15 10 1270 4 80
10 807 4 45 20 1328 4 85
O 1 1018 4 45 20 . 1358 4 85
15 10J5 4 45 50 1.100 85
1 1100 4 50 72 1279 00
10 1074 4 50 31 1351 00
8J ll'JH 50 42 1 ! ( , < > 00
8JU llol 50 20 1.112 00
U 10'Jt 50 1 1320 00
J 1077 55 Hi 1278 4 00
14 1110 - I 5t 5 14JI 4 00
JO 1'JOl 4 OO 15 . 1211 4 OO
ill . 1108 4 02'J IH 131,0 5 05
I 05 1 .1570 5 15
smri'i.Misn i
20 1318 4 05 112 1381 5 15
48 1.128 4 75 17. .1172 G 25
20 1288 4 85 10 1355 5 15
20 13iO ( 5 00 05 . . 1301 5 15
20cfxx. 1305 5 00
MIX:11) : .
4 . . 470 3 25 15 . . 704 3 05
7 . . . . 3 55
13 . . . . 484 3 25 2 ( > . 4 20
2J . . . 47J 3 35 3G . 000 4 20
1 . oin 1 50 12o 078 3 40
4 . . 012 2 U ) o 1250 3 50
4 . . . 035 2 25 1 1220 3 50
. 055 2 25 1 1070 3 50
.1110 2 25 10 052 3 50
. 500 2 25 1 OJO ! ) 50
10 . 701 2 40 0 003 3 55
3 1143 2 5(1 ( 3 1124 3 00
. 000 2 00 1 .1000 3 00
. 805 2 50 1 11 10 3 00
.1080 2 50 1 1300 3 CO
. 805 2 00 2 1050 3 75
020 2 75 4 1075 3 75
.1085 2 75 4ft 1055 3 75
O.JIV 3 00 ft 1 150 3 75
.10.11) ) 3 00 14 10)7 ) 3 80
.1170 3 00 22 085 3 HO
085 3 00 40 8)5 3 80
.1130 3 00 2J . OJO 3 85
1010 3 25 1107 8 85
000 3 30 1510 4 00
04 'I 3 35 1311/1 4 00
1015 3 31 .13iO 4 00
0 8H1 > 3 35 1210 4 OO
21 1010 3 40 1150 4 25
13 4RI 3 25 28 . 7fiO 3 85
15 575 3 15 3 . 707 4 00
1 780 3 75 12 . 713 4 00
11 841 3 0
1 sprliu'or J30 00
1 sprhuor 2800
1 cow nndcalf 2500
1 ux and calf . . . 3200
( AI.X i : * .
110 3 50 no 4 75
80 3 50 200 5 00
111) 4 00 100 5 00
80 4 50 100 5 00
. 002 2 25 1550 3 25
1100 2 50 .1570 3 25
1240 2 51 .1581) ) 3 25
040 2 00 1010 3 21
1400 2 05 15HO 3 .15
1)00 2 05 1350 3 40
.1380 2 7S .1487 3 50
1400 1185 3 50
i SP
. 070 .1770 3 00
.1540 3 in ,
STOCKI-iS ( AM ) HI 111 IN.
. 700 3 .0 . 28 820 3 70
520 3 1 920 3 75
4 1002 8 14 802 3 05
14 . 710 3 , 'iS' 12 835 3 05
20 507 3 CO' 3 . 007 4 00
No. Ax- . 1'r
1 htllK 1420 o or-
t cows. .1010 2 51
U cows . 014 3 50
2coxxs. 1120 3 75
21 feeders. 10S2 4 10
JOsliers , buy fed. 1311 4 2J
31 steers . . . . . . . .i : ( . | 110H 4 25
7 steers . . . \\d. \ 1128 4 35
1 coxx , TT 1050 2 50
2 cows AWS 780 2 50
1 ox .L . 1440 3 50
2 CO Vis \ 1015 3 75
1 steer Yii. 1110 3 75
22sti'ois V" 11GO 4 35
24ttteors 1122 4 35
CO feeders 1108 4 00
\\IO.\IING CATTI.i : .
lObnlK 1430
84 fee dors . . . . 111)7 4 OO
lions The locelptH wore the Inret'st foru
Moiidaj In some time , about 3,700 holiiK on
snle. At Iho oponlm ; tln'i ) was only n moderate -
ate shipping demand , and as the outlook \
unfnxoiable huyors took adxantauo of tbo sll-
uiillon toniiio/o | | prices about 5c to lev , at
xxhlcli In.sis the bulk sold Closing IlKUH's
we-ie , hoixexer stronB'i r and n coed pail of
the loss was u ( Mined. 1'ilces r.inn'id from
J7 loin (7 25. and bulk fiom tl 15 to < 7 2ll
No Ax. I'r .No. Av. Sh I'r
( M 2.VJ JM1 r 10 05 24 J 100 J7 JO
78 20 I 10 0.1 J44 ho 7 20
55 2.M Kill 10 71 . ' 41 hO 7 20
55 224 1JO Ik" ' dj 21)4 ) 120 7 20
07 . 2JO 2t > 0 78 JOJ 40 7 JO
8 250 15 70 211 80 7 2(1 (
54 254 15 74 2 _ > 7 80M ! 7 20
10 221. 15 0 % 2)3 ) 80 7 20
101 215 Ul ) 15 03 J27 7 20
63. . . 120 7 15 CO . 20 7 20
"liiH'-Anout 1,100 sin-oil xvoro reveilxed , n
) irt direct ton loc il house uml the lost soll-
.lis . In Ili3 tniili' . I'lilr ID Hood lintlxcs. t4 OOtt
> 50j fair toKOod xxostorns. } . ! 75-B5.50I cntn-
nuiii Hid stock "In on , $ J50tt40i ) , uiioil to
choice 10 totiiit ) iambs , * i itopro
M'lltUtlXO SIllc'S.
No Av Pr.
712 Noxx Mexico yoarllnsis . . . HO $4 35
J15 western xxothers . 0.1 3 40
Kcci'lptd anil DUpinltlnn of Stock ,
Olllelal receipts and illipoiltlon of st > 'k , n
shown iiy tliu books of the Union Stock Yards
coinpanx for the forty-olisht hours endlni ; nt
5 o'clock p. m , April 24 , 1H01.
Chlriico l.lxnSluik Mnrliit.
rnicxdo , 111 , April 21 tspcclal Telesr.un
toTMKlUK 1 Cattle xvere strong lie ixy cat
tle tinlissiliolce , weie a little slow but tbero
\xiis no sbi Ink. use In xaliie ( .Hiolatlons were
from fl 00 to $1 26 foi Interim cows , fiom
$1 75 totl foi htillb , from $110 to fO 10 foi
dressed bei f and shipping steels and fiom
12 Iof4 00 for I'eMiscatlle The lattet wore
in small supply and -old as high as al anx
time this ye ir No consldei.iblu numhm of
cattle weio left oxer.
'I he hog m irket xis liluln r than at the close
of s itunlays' tiadliu The ringi of xaltics
xxtis about the s imo as at ( hat d ly's opening ,
common lo pi line light selling at fiom $7 25 to
$705 , and mlM'd mil medium lots at fiom
$746 lo J7.76 l'i Ices foi light heaxy and
mixed lots ate now ne.irei togethoi thin Tor
many wn l\s p ist , thedllk n n e belngscaicelv
moiu than 5c to lOc per UK ) Ibs The < | iiallty
of the hogs he ie todax was nut as good as last
xxoek'n axel , igu and still the gieilei put of
the supply weighed within a ringe of Klc 01
at fiom * 7 00 to J7 70 Light light" and culls
weie ipiolcd at fiom ir > to 7
Mnep xxeio In good dem ind and showed
llrmness They weio s liable at from $15(1 (
to $ o 2ri foi poor to exli-i qii littles N'ol m my
ti.ules were made belon J6 thu pioxalling
pi Icis being fiom f" ) 2" ) to $5 75 I bu lamb
market was strong al from ? r > 2' > to } 7
Hocolpts I .ittle , 1,6'H ) , ho s , 2JOlD ) ; sluop ,
The r.xenlng .Touiml repoits-
I'XITI -Itecelpts loom ) be id ; sliltnnents ,
5 (10(1 ( ( lie id , maiki't slon steadx , steers , f 60
616 75 , mediums $5 Ol-i,5 ) 40 , others , $4 116'
4 9ri , nutlxe ions , j2OO > ( l .15
IlixisIti'i'i'lpts 2JOOO Inid ; shipments ,
2000 , m uket brisk , shade higher nilMiland
packuis. } 7 Xrtt/l 00 , iirlme heaxv $7 6637 75 ,
plimo llglit , $7.irT < .7 * i- > , pigs , t7 16 < it7 J5
SHU p l ei elpts U 01 to shlnmints. 2,01)0 ) ,
in u ki t actlxe shade higher , i lipped Ii \in- ,
$425it510 , westein wi llliel$5 25115 85 ,
wistein ye.irllngs , $ oiOtOMO ) , lambs , } 5 60 6
6 85.
Kanms ( Itx l.lxe stoi k Marliel.
ICxssxs ( Mo 24 I rri.iIJo
iiv , , Apill Irri.i : - -
celpts , 4,000 hi' . id shipments -J.-UIO head ;
market aitlxo and gem i illy slrong.
Itepiesoiitatlxe s lies Diessidbeef and ex-
pint steers , J410i(5JO , Texas and Indian
Tons , W ( )0it3 ) 05. stoi keis and tenters , 1 75Q >
2 H" ) , Texas and Indian stieis , $ 1 00114 OC
Moos Ueiiipts. 0,700 ho id. shipments , 1,000
head ; miiket sieidy , closln , : actlxi and
stiong , oxtieme i.injc of prices , JO 777.J5 ; ;
btllk.tO U5IR7 10
' 'lin I'-Heceljits , 2,700 bead , shipments ,
none ; miiket actlxo and strong , muttons ,
$1.25U400. _
st. I.iniis I. lx stoik Market.
ST Ionis , .Mo , Apill 21 UTTI.R Ito-
culpts. Cattle , 1,700 In. id. shipments ,
too head , m-irkot ste idy , lOe hlghur on ixeiy-
thlng aboxo fall I'alr to good nitlxu steers
JIOU1J5 , fall' to good stools $ J 25 ®
-4 30
Iloils Uecelpts , 3,800 head , shipments ,
2,100 head ; market strong to 5c higher
Heixy$7.20S7 06 , mixed , $750 , light , $7 15 $
siiv.i'i' liecelpts1,300 head , shipments ,
1.100 ; m irket lifeless All lecelpts were
Tux.ins going thiongh to C hlcago
> rn York I.lxu Stock .Market ,
Nl xx YnilK , April 24 Ill.l.x l s Uecolpts ,
570 head , maikut actlxu and llrmer , xaluis
fully sustained Milpinents ted iy , ooobeuxes.
I'Ai.x i s ULcelnts , 2,000 head , nuirket
actlxo for all sorts , but sales weio .it a ducllno
of 'sopeilb owing to hiaxy supply , poorest
to best xeals sold at $4 OOiJO 50
bill I ! AM ) 1/XMlis Uecelpts , 7,100 held ;
market actlxe at an adx incu of 3 c , and the
pens weio ie tdlly cle nod
llix.s Itecelpts , 8 , JOO head ; iniiikLt hlghei
at $7 OOu.8.50
U.DrilA/BIE , II. ) ) ) ( ti\ , fXt HO31E.
I'ros , Vloo I'ros Socy iSclioia
Capital { 21.009 , Oin.ihi unJ Sioux Olty
Grain and Provisions
Railroad Stocks and Bonds.
Room 212 New M Life Bulldini
lowiStato Natlontl ll-julc.
Blouv City ; Coaunorulal National Hank.
Special attention elvcn to oulsldn ordcras
Corrusjinnaunco sollclio 1
. I A A O t'.N ' ( 'K.1//.N 1 , S ,
Mr. Loxvls Morrison and his excellent com
pany present his . , | ii-oJtiotlon of
"Faust" for the last tlmo this season lit the
will bo had aitilu to-
nlfjlit lit thu P.irn mi The UbU il Wu.lnes-
ilaj ni.itineo tumouow.
Tlioiiilhercnco of the no tonlaus to the
hljhcst ( of urtibtlo piliK'Iples in.ivbesild to
.acouiit for thu fact that In the Hold of
legitimate oper.i C-OIIIKIUO the coinpiuy noxx-
stands practically uloiio The lioblonlana
h.ivo never j iolilml to the tcmpttitlons em
bodied in the siiLC-ess attauieil by buffoonery
nml donnishness SoOK \ \ as this spirit
olitains the public is assuiuiiof at least ono
toterloof artists xxho in iy bo looked to for
the highest and best that art olTur In
tliuxxaof liL'IH opn-a The oiiir.itroiwn' of
the Uostonians opens ul Ituyil's tlic.itor to
moiioxx- evening uml ttio folloxxln rupor-
tolio x\ ill be prosuutol Woluesdiy night ,
H.ituriluy matlneo nml nliht , "It ihin Hoxl , "
Tliuisdaj iiight , "Tho Knit kerb jokers , " the
uexx opcia In Do Km en li Smith , 1'ildiiy
night , the xury hitostoper.i , " "
The s lie of suutu for the entire cngaKCinunt
opens this uioiiiing at ! l o clock
'Tho Kin ? of the Turf" is a plav of real
istic scenic effects and clean catchy di.ihujui'
'i hroufjhout it is ,1 xuln ofhcilth.\ comedy ,
xxithout an inkling of co.inonoss or uilirir-
itx. The stallion Gun I. iglo ami The
Kintf , txxo thiiioughliu'd Ai.iln.ui liurses ,
which Mi Dunijii 1) H.u-nson importolto
this country , appear in thoLriuat lliooklxu
handicap race si cue Champion J.ult Mi -
AulllTo Is the bil'ht p.uticuhustar of the
hibliioniu constellation
Tickets for M in.ieor Dn\U't > benolltxhlch
coint-b oT ( next Mmi lanvenui , ' , are on s.ilu
toihiy at iltncrcnt plaieH in Unxn The plav
xxill bo TheC ti-t of Koilety. " presuitcd by
theStothoiicomp.inx.xxhich uasfaxoralns le-
CLIM it home xxceks ago 'I ho hulls > she lid
bo tilled to its se.ttliifj c ip.uily for time . u I
again Mr lioyil fulhiuimd thegr.ui-
tudu of Omaha the.itei-goers anil a gi ICD
ful thins it xxoiitil bo tu sh , u him that tli
amusement public is twubi.juus yf lus xMinh.
Ueorgo .Miller's Tlirlt Neil nil Ihr llnnil-
iiinr Sum of H'iH-\l : ,
Tlio Dollotio hotel thief , ( lpor o Miller ,
itniuls chai- oil in ixilu-c court xx 1th hax luc
nbstrnetcd f'il.SVi xxorth of property from
tlmt hostelry Thu complaint xxin sxxorn to
by CV Kcvil Mlltor ixrrestcd In
South Omaha for tmielary. but as turneil
oxer to the Dmaha police becnuso there is it
better I'lmneo of lending him over tin ro.ul
for the sU'iilliiK of 'he x nimble pipers from
Ulll llo Hurled xUth llonoM.
'Iho chief of jiollco h .1 onU-rod n platoon
of pollco olllceis to nci-omp.inx the lem.ilns
of .loseph Hoxxles , nn ox-patrolman nml Iho-
mnn nnd membrr of the Vctoi.ui riremen's
association , xxho ilropuuil deail on Twenty-
fouith street opposite Heeco's Hver.x b.un
last Saturday nlK'ht The c.iuso of ile.ith I
xxai dropsy Thobuiial xx ill t.iUo pl.ic-o this
afternoon nt 'J o'clock
A ineetinu of the Veterin riivmeu's nsso
elation held hist e\enincr in the city hall
and it xx us decided to attend the f uncial of
the Into Joseph Uoxxles In a bodx The
\etcrans nio reiiicsted | to meet nt No 1 en-
plno house. Txxonty-fointh and t'umini :
slicets , today nt 1 p m , and match fiom
thete to the cemetci x
'I rli'd to llnnk .lull.
Thomas Murphy , xxho nriosted hist
xxoekxxhilo pixxninn , i stolen and \est ,
tiled to hieik Jill Sim l.iy nlpht llo had
tlirown his Knt into n xx.itcr pail xxhlle out In
the corridor and co\em ! Itxlth sxxeepiiiRs
fiom tno cells xxhlch he piotemled to c.uiy
into the yaid Suifteon nibhetn deteited
him xxhile he iiuttin on anil
fjottiii } ; le.ulx to skip , hut before he could
accomplish his pmpnso the olllier's heix-y
hand xxas upon the liberty -lining citizen's
coit collar and he niau-heil bicktohis
The coit and vest ha\o been lilentitleil as
the propei ty of Thomas Ixeofeof lleminn-
foul , Nob. , xxlio is , i student at a local 10111-
inui college.
Made to si-tile.
\ , Schiller x\as lined $20 and costs in police
couit jestenlaynfteinoon for obtaining
money under false ) uetenses. His check
\ictlms xxeio niimeions but ho appeased
them bv paying over the amounts ho had
gixen checks for
Police I'liraifrupliH.
A bupiry helotifriiiK to Mr 1'etoison xx-as
stolen from his piemises , UrJlMellic street ,
Sunday nllit. .
Sexoial ariests of stloon keepen xxho yos-
teid.ix violated the Sundax closing older
and oustiui ted the \lexx to their places ha\e
been oideied by the chief
Hoston fteon ! , colored , appeared in police
coutt yestoiday for the txxenty-llfth time.
As he piomlsed to ctnigi.itu to lo\x.i or some
other state soon he xxns > ; ixeii his libeity.
Peter 1'eteison his complained to tne
police tint ho xxas robbed of-1 ! ? last Satur-
dax nisht on South Thirteenth , near Center
stieet. by a lot of hoodlums xxho xxero rusli-
niL' the can
Mrs Helen i Turnbull h is xxi Itten a letter
to the chief th inkliuj him for the inteiest
the dep irtment took in her late beieaxe-
inont iind the ti Unites p ild bx thoolliceis to
her dead hiistund John Turnbull
Thotms SullixMii is accused of assiiiltinp
C I1 Soixard , xxho chilms to he a member of
thoNobtaski detectixo asoncy , under the
Tenth stieetiaduct at 10 o'clock Sund.iy
niirlit Sexx.ud appealed in police com t jes
teidax nml cntoiod cuinpl nut > ifilnst Sulli-
Min xxho is lepoitod to i h lire Si xxuil xxith
' sh.uioxxini ; ' ' him at his xxifu's ieiiiest |
\xhileSe\x.udniiintiinsthat it is jealousy
of anothti girl that prompted the assault
nt sometime or other bung
on n toi pnl lixcr. This con
dition is common to nu in
door life , then there follovxs
nnother condition , niui'imn
or lack of blood , frequently
another xxoiso effect tlmt
, ofdx6pop = ia Iheso condi
tions npni ux nt ? ono another.
Your bad temper is like-
xxiso nggrnxntim ? to your
fi lends No need to KII fur
ther , the lest is ensx 1C
i you buy n x ml of Doctor
Pierco's Pleasant I'd lots
you'll find them n witwul
remedy , HIM but effectual They huxo a
Btiengthening effect upon the lining mem
branes of stomach nnd boxxels , lieiico their
ollect Is lasttny Thox' euro Coustip ition , In-
diifesUon. Jnundico , Biliousness und Sick or
Bilious Headaches , permanently ; because
they net nituinlly
The best medical testimony proves that
these cases nro best tiented by wiiM methods.
Ono tiny , sugar-coated. Pellet is a coi rector ,
n i oguliitor , and a geutlo Inxntlx o They nro
put up in glnss vials , ejisily carried nnd
alxxnjs fresh. Thojnro gwnantcccl to ben
efit or euro , or the money is returned.
Mmlo of the llni si inialllj , , F Hmnnn 'loliai-rn thainn ! In" " I.
-nn „ Imnplit. J ipml r/roM' t ( . tin , ]
Vs.t iiuvoited cigar. . Mimiinicl irud I ) V. 1 { . JtlCJ. ilLllt , ijs 11L1. C ICAH TAt , ollhi. . Luu
* = = = "
Omaha Tent-Awnin * Y/olf / Bros. & Co. ,
Mnnufnituriri of uuiti
n nlniM nlc 701 imJ
IIII l-nrnnin st TOjS Mill alnol
Bemis Oraalia M. 0. Daxoa ,
Importers nnd nmn.fri Ulcyclm nol 1 on monthly
tluur burlaui
mine pnyiruiti 1.0 N 11th.
Morse Coe Shoo Company ,
gnlosroom and Olllcu1107 IIUJ IIII llownrl
I iiUiiry-liri-lUI-IUI llownril St
We urn the OM x M inufn-turun of Hoots nnJ
Shoi , ' in thu unite of Subrink i
A Kttnurtl Invltnllun U extended to all to Inipcct
our new fiiclory.
Kirken'dlll , "Hand-Sewei
( . ( JXll'XNVlioluillo bllOKU ) bo.ili slum
mfm it jiili II i in nn < l riil > liurKi > < Ii ! > > '
liubtior Shoj i o IIO- U10 llnrney du
11UI-1II > 1 Humor SI
COM , C3U G3RNIC : .
Omaha CDal , Cok9 & Eagle Cornic3 Works
I.1XIK I U , bnrl uniUuft Mfm Iron
tottl. > I ! eor Imli nu I curolci H | id niM |
nieiullliskvlm ti uiu
1110 1IU OjdKJ
Omaha Upholstering B33b33 & Runyaa
CO. uiiliulilnroil furni I UllNll'UUK CO , Umco
ture , njl 1101 Nlcliulai
bt. Wttuloialg oulj.
a :
And oxery klnilreil ill ea riarl liii : fnmtlmpurt
bluul enred bv tlmt nexit
aiullm t of nil in
Hook on lllood nnd Skin Diseases milled f rco ,
-Vollir. '
scaled propimiN will 1 u > nix > il by Hi
Mate Pi Inline llo ml at tneolllci of-eitetu
of stale at any time Defnn \ \ < iln dux Ma
3. IH'.I ) , nt ao'clock p in. foi | irinti < m'in"
blndlni ; aooo conies cof tin senati ) uiniil *
UlOOcoples of tlie house Imiinals mm liOOi
coniesoflhe soHslon laws nf IH'ji ' u l , dlii
ni'O sepir.itely ptlnted and im m < i u pipe
proof-sliiet copies of ( In V xxberiy Hill
Penile and house lournil- i 'it nrlliied or
book p ipcr , I xxo pounds ici > iuu s\ipiiroxa
oclaxo foi in , standaid bn \ i. i lpi lenilfi
with silo pica leads In two n tin llius mil
the JUKI'S sball be ixxinly six pka ems I
width , without nnmcissaix I dinks brokin
Dim"ot piiinitapbi , b | ink in iwi i n piou til
liiKsofeuh d.ix , and In in i n illtli i < nl si < *
slims of the same day and l Im en heads am
silliheads not toi'Meeuon Im i n r 1 in
'I he blnilliu ; shall be In Hn san . sn in
qu.illlx as tbo bouse | oui n 1 1 i f ! " !
Mission laws to be pi Inn i in in n. u
book p ipci , small pica Ix pi " > ps i sum
sl/e and foi m as tin lawot ls l > n u > ir , |
nal noli s and Index , bonn II i f si > . . i
I'lopos ils will also he n i IM < | it lit ani <
tlmi and place foi pilnlln ; Hi -ai < n < ur
leports and coilll cnlnnil us nut r > fn msli
Inu all blanks , bl ink biiok u I in . > - . in
cluillni ! lexi nni hi inks ii ( ini I ; \ i- . . dill
cersof Hie eM'Ciillve dep n ti i m of Hi. slati
for a pi'ilod of two xiai- . fiom il iti of on-
Inn t
samples and estlmalesnf kli its nml u intlty
of supplies to be fuinlshi il i an In sei il tliu
ollli i ofnecielarx ofstili
1'iopos its must state fin \ \ ih i. Mi
ll IM wlllfitinlsb all bookmi'i ' - . pit
piKc , and for nil blanknl H n'-- ' pur
I ! icb propos il must be aiioniini.i by a
bond In the sum of $ 'j ( ,100 no null r iu.ru1
Kinetics conditional thai H i I.I. m.i lit
ca-eofawaid , wllhlnlhi d \ if i n u. o ,
i liter Intoconliact lode ih < i.
Illils to bo marked ' l'i i | < il r i I i1 He
I'rlntlnL',1 c ue seoielaix of si c
( .i-illey and li ! „ ! ' pioof foi I inuiul i rival *
liiusl be fill lll-ln d lo t'l ' pi > i r .111 .r mill
all niuk lo he dellxi led In o. . > ! . r I. i fr. i of
10-1 , at the olllce of tin - < i I n \ f state
wllhlnnlnelx d iys from tin d it. of .nil icU
Hlj-'lit to leji ct inx in all l'i ' Iusi i \i it
,1 S Hum i \
' inii' I'lea-nti i ( if si , r. >
Pi in si Mninii l'i in mi ) , lluard
Andllor 1'iibllc An iniiii-
A.'ld IQt
PHOI'O-M.s IMU sf.\i\IVl | | \N1)
m MI ! of thu Inti rim , tn m i il I an I dlllcii ,
\\asblimton , April .1 , Is- ) ' s , , | , | ) ir puiilt
will bu iccolxed .it the ( n n i ,1 I in I Ililloe ,
\\ashliutoii , I ) C , iiiilll J ii , I k p m on
Sitiml ly , Iho ( ilh day of M i\ 1 s M f r sur-
xej lii ' and m irklnc liy still ilili inniiutiiuiits ,
that poll Ion of Iho bound uy line be-
twien the st ito of Ni l > i i-l > ii and tbo
stair of onth Dikot.i nh ih lus west of
Hie Mlssouil ilxer , as . .iiilhoii/ bx the act
ofconciess approxediunl 1-i'n ikuiK
iippiopilatlon for sin xex ' In lh > pul'l ' mils
ip implili t siatulcs at I I'IK'I l-'l ' ' p 170) ) ,
'I In suixex U to be i \iiiniil in > L anco
wllb spei Illi itlons and liistiu n n n .1 i x-
Islln olllclal nvnl illmi- 1 In -i m mmm
ments me to In pi n i d it h tit iuit u TI i Mill
on s ild IHIIIIIII n x I'lopos il- f in \ . unn ( ! the '
sin M \ and i st ibllsliln tln in m inn ins is to- *
qlllli'il liy tin' spri 111 , illonin nu turi- anil
ii' ulatlonniiit inrlnUi m on I .1 > tli
Hi Id win k and the minium nt- ( pn - f tno
spu Illi allnns rel itUe to tin lin. m I i nu-
mi Ills , and III ink piopos il- n ill In furu IH il
lilddi is oniptilli alloii to tin , inn issnmi'r '
of tln-dom nil I. ind OiIli \ \ t bin.'i n l > U.
I. u h piopoil must bi > in i omp inn d D\ i cur *
tilled i hi i k foi fMlii Piopo-il- w II In con-
sldi 1 1 d only fiom piaclli il ivp inmtdsur1 *
x t y ot s , w bose i onipctenci and i. 11 tlnl ty arc
s. ttlsf.u lory to this oil ] , i l in p my lo
u horn I hi i ontiact m iy b maidi d ulll In 10-
iiiln | d lo i M into the wet U in In- . \\n prper
IK i-on , " wllh such as-l-tnn i i i n b neces-
saiv I niposals must be im I - d nil \ilopcs
mill in u ki d ' 1'iopo-als fm Hit -muv ind cs-
tahllshmi ul iif tin lionmlai v lint btt\viinNo-
bi.iska and Smth Dikoti' uml niidnssi d to
' Tin Coiiinilssloni'i iiftliein in nil I , imHHlk-e.
( Ity \\asliliuiiiii \ I ) I " I'll , rlxhl to rnjocb
any and all lildsls lesii xid s U I AMOUIU'X ,
Coninil.-sloner a'J I Jit
o J./ .
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Soufh Ornaha.
licet Cnttlo llo nail si"eii | ninrkot m I'm wait
Wood Brothers ,
Llxo btosk C'o ninlMii \lurc i ml *
Eoitli' ninuu 'Jeli-p'ioiio IIS7
JOHN I ) I > A I * > IAN I
\ \ Al.ll U I. . XV JU ) t
Market reports by m ul and \xlro cliiorfiillil
urnlbhud upon i ppliuji on
H41I VUc
Rector & Wlllwlmy LOJ3K 5 L'n ' ,
( OMI'\.Ni
i-li TJ ni Ii ird riirj i
Corner loth I Jicisoi
an IlltFI IlialUS to 4
-ItI' OJtl liu lliui 11 U
HATS , EF3. IRO' <
W.A.L.GitbDn ) < SC ) . Omaha Safe an lien
XVIlolesnle WUIlK-i
Ilatn c IJH , Btr i r i > 111 " ufaii vault. JH worK.
KlovcF mlttiini 'ii
Iron h uteri an 1 tire 01
und llnrneyti tiput x Ire n V < m
ill lilh mi i l i xiii
Frick & Herlwt , I. Ob3 1Jir 5 CO
l.-np utiri iml i > ni > r >
Wholesale Hi nor djilur i uf in ul i try nutiimn
Mull o 1 in p u > .I7
11X11 l-nrnnm-tl. , .
O * If s I li
Carpsnter Papsr Co , Standard Oil C ) , ,
tarry n full toi. < of
lirlnlln , wrapping an I Uolhiul and UDno-itu/ '
uupc'r , otc nil * 'Uto i o ntc.
Branch & Co. , Jas. A. Clark & Co , ,
TroUncc , frtilti of all Ilnttor
unit K i no
LlutU nyntori it ,
Omaha Slovj Repair MA.DIS'JY& ] Co
XVuHK-1 ituvu rui3lr4 ; Munufaoturori of mill
and waler nltarliiuunlt doori , hi i nd i un'l
for unr kind of ituvu mouldlngi Urnn'Uuf.
u&Ue , li'fi ' Dougln bt. flee , Utli anil liuiJ.