Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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Credit of tbo Government Maintained at a
Critical Period.
lluloinriit or I'renlilniit Ulntclnnd n * to the
rolley " ' the Administration Ac *
crptml n nn Indri to fnturu
1'ronporllf ,
fit3 FouRTPfNrii STREET ,
WASHINGTON , U O , April S-l
\Vhatovor may have been the intention of
president f'lev eland In Issuing his statement
jail nlpht respecting the gold situation ,
| i > hcther to dtnv Iho fart that thcro have been
Jilnrp words and stormv scenes botwocn
( jhlmself awl certain inoinbeis of the cabinet
to Infuse into the sltuitlon sotno eonll-
jdenco U | > oii the part of the lltianclal coin-
tmunltj It cinnot bo denied that U has had
li salutary elTcct Monetary conditions aie
1 letter
A number of Washington bankers went to
| Vow York on FiiiHj night to feel the pulse
If Wall street and forestall futuio lluctui
Lion nml ttntli Ipate any HUIIJ which might
Jlilso todav as a result of extreme "tops upon
| thu n.irt of the si-cretaiy of the tieasury
oj retained hero this evening and report
lwcmderfuilj favoiablo change for the
On Saturday ironoj was rloso nnd redls-
[ counts \vrio almost impossible In Now York
JNow Lonlidetiee Is almost icstorod , money Is
( Cheaper Mid rediscounts are as eisllj con-
I fin us they huu been at anj tlmu
j within the twelve month It Isbeliined
the run on ttio golil reser\o Is about over and
thnt ( lunger of a stringency in thu llnanclal
'vvoild ' Is almost , if not iulto | , pist The
pitrio'lstn of the people seems to ha\o como
10 the rescue of thti government's credit anil
will preserve it
I'lMttmnttorH App liitu < l.
J \V Jackson was today appointed post
master at ixjonils , Phelps toutitj , Neb , vleo
1-dwin Bmuim leslgned
Other postmasters were ap | > nlntcil as fol
lows Wyoming AUintle CiU , Tromont
Lotmtj L L Oelsler , vleo Nleauloy , ro
puivi'd Oicon Hiver , Swectwator county ,
3eirj Kelllper , viio A D Dibble , removed
I'taU I'ovo Cache lounty , L S L-usen ,
1 Vice t H llrailbuiy Port Diupjosnc , Uintah
countj I A Me-ise , vice A , Kolton ,
Uox Lldor county , L M .Tones , vice M
Aloxnmlei Isowton Cicho county , J 1'
Jensen v l < o Peter Cbristcnsen
Idaho Mullen , Shoshone county , Magglo
r Marsh vleo A M Wilson
, \Vf t ( til roiifllniii.
The following pensions gianted aio re
pot ted
Neoraska Original . -John GotT , John
Eckei t , Lester Houchton Additional-
Krasmus Ileathman Hcissuo Andievv .1
Nelson Otlgiiml widows , etc Maiy Spen
cer Leah Sttitker
Iowa Oilgitml Solon I1 ralrman.Thomas
11 Johnson , William K Loekvvood , William
Jjockait Addition il Arnold Sarbrock , Al
bert Little Hiram Janes , Lcvi M Harris
Kcnowal and increase Allen Mullinox In
oieaso Joseph Kaccr , Young W Short.John
Williamson HelssueJohn W Allton , Sam
uel Mill ford Original widows , etc Minor
of 1'atrlck II Caldwell , Sarah M Hinmcn ,
Murtha J Zuber , minor of Thomas Robinson ,
Ann Washburn. tnotbor , Mary A Whltcd ,
Xklaiy Shupo , Hester A Lockhart , minors of
Wills I ) Adams
South Dakota Additional-David W Ar
nold Original widows , etc Minoisof David
W Latnmo
Today Assistant Secretary Chandler re
versed the decision of tbo general land com
missioner in the case of IMward W Sheldon
of thoSldnov land distiict , granting oxten
slon of tlmo The assistant secretary saj s the
applicant has complied with the law and
that the loliof asked for should bo granted
In tbo homestead entry case of Charles
i 1-iamboil nealnst William S Pugato fiom
iSalt Lake , Assistant Secietary Chandler
11ms aftlrmed the decision of the commis
isloner in favor of Lambci I P. S H
mlgiitmit ARuInat tlio Stuto In Soutli 0 irii-
] Una Tux C'n Othnr AppniU Settled.
WASIIINCJTOV , D C , April 21 The United
BBtatcs supreme court passed unon the South
RCarolina tax case today , the opinion being
Bnollverod by Chief Justice Fuller It came
Kboforo the court upon the petition of Sheriff
jS'yler of Aikon countj for a wilt of habeas
I corpus to release him fiom Imprisonment
[ Under the Judgment of the circuit couit of
the United States that ho bo lined fBOO foi
I fcontompt Ho had seized a train on the South
; Caiolina road upon a wairant issued by the
I fitato authorities for the collection of taxes
[ while in eontrovcisv Thoioid was In the
I blinds of a receiver appointed by the United
States court and ho was adjudged guilty ol
] contempt for falling to loloaso the propertj
i under order of the couit He came to tlu
1 supreme loutt for leliuf The opinion con
tnineil much stronger language tban Is usu
! ally found in such documents It denied tlu
[ Application of the petitioner It held tin
neizuro of the property In foico unjustifiable
I nnd indefensible The claims of the
| Btato for taxes aio not superior t < :
geneial iiilo which makes prop
icrty placed In the hands of n
[ receiver subject to the ouleis of the court
Ithuyiiio to bo doteinilncd In a icgular wnj
I nnd In the pioper m inner Tbo action of tin
[ chcult limit was In no sense an actior
I ngalnst the state of South Ciiolini , whuh
I it was concluded , could not be malntalncc
I under the eleventh amendment to the con
[ ( dilution The elicult court was equipped
with the fullest power to protect Us dignitj
nnd > nfoi ce its mandates and its use of thesi
j jxvveis in the case In point could not bo 10
I Tlow ed by the supreme com t.
The same judgment was announced In tin
cases of Sheriffs Hisor and Gains , who cami
to the supreme court for relief
The Justices nlllrmed the Judgmoni
Of the I'nlted States ciicuit c-ouit for tlu
fltato of Washington , in lofuslng to grant i
writ of habeas corpus In tbo case of Albui
Frederick , undergoing a sentence of twcnti
-years imprisonment for murder in the sccom
dcgic > o
A case presenting unusual and novel fe-x
turos vvas entitled the Northoin Pacllli
Hallroiid iimipanv v.sC J HrooKs & Co , o
Ol , the defendants including a number o :
fnloonkeepon and the Uoiru of Commis
sloners of Klltitas coiintj , AVashlngtou
The railmad compani In ought suit toab-Ui
saloons maint lined btbo defendants a' '
nuisances and to pi event thn commissionef
of the countj fiom returning licenses ti
them on the ground that the emplojes o
comp-uij who must necessuiijusi
( tjn.imlti ) and steim in constructing tin
compaiu s i.ulroul line through Kittit.i
countj v\cu tiulnced bj the pieseiuo ofdu
fondants saUi > ns along the line of the worl
to bccomiMinlltted for the sife use of thcsi
Instrumentalities , and thereby cause loss ti
the cot purtlon bj the doluj In finishing tin
work I he state com ts i uled against th
companj Justlco Oraj , for the supiom
court , tuniuii'd the Judgment of the toul
torlal suptoinn court , stating that uixm non
of the grounds advanced by the counsel fo
the appellant could it m lintatn the actloi
nnd secuio the icllof sought
TrankJ Bowman and William Patrick o
i St Louis wore initnors in the owneishi ]
I of the Colonel Sollets Accident mines nea
! l ad\illo t'-olo After the property hid beei
J partly developed Patrick , who\\.is In chargi
of the work ottered to DUJ Bovvm vn's intei
cat , which amounted to live foitv eighths
and the sale was olTcoted Afterward
Bowman claimed that Paliiek had wlthheli
Jrom him Information of the discovery of i
largo bodj ot valuiblooic on the proport
before the date of the puienaso and thai
thoieforo , ho was iiultlod to receive dan
uecs and ho brought suit The court beloi
tra oj udgment against Patiiek for semi
xhlng ovei ? S7 000 Patrick appealed to th
supreme court of tbo L'nitcHl States Tli
[ decision auajtmccdbj Juatico Brown su
tained the contention of Patrick and re
I Yorsed the judgment of the court below
i rVom this opinion Chief Justice Puller an
! Justice Brewer dissented Thuj assert tin
the ore was discovered borne months bofor
the sale was otloctod , and that It was obligv
lory upon Patrick to have Informed Hnwma
of that fact.
_ _ _
< ) nn i frtctlon rrenrnti It * t'oiltlun In the
Clioctnw Nntlon Tronlilc.
WASUIVOTOV 1J C. April 2-1 Duke do
Veragua called on President Cleveland this
afternoon at the whlto house The black
frock coat which Mr Cleveland wore con
trasted strongly with the gold lace and brass
buttons ot the duke and his suite. There
was no attempt at ceremony Commander
Dickens niado the Introductions and n few
words were spoken , with Just a suggestion
of formality by the duke and by the presi
dent In reference to Iho visit of the duke to
America Then the ducal party bowed Itself
out and was driven to the Navy department
In the absence of Secretary Her
bert. Assistant Sccrotar } McAdoo
received the visitors , and after a
mlnuto spout In conversation accompanied
them to the State department , where they
were met b } Secretary fresham ! In the
diplomatic robes Then the duke and his
party vvont to the olllce of Secretary Lament
and paid their respects Ihls ended the 10
A delegation of Choctaw It.dlans , repre
senting the Jones faction , had an interview
today with Secretar } Smith They repre
sented that Jones was legally elected gov-
oinor of the nation and that the whole ( ilfil-
culty had been caused by the refusal of the
Locke people to recogni/o his authoiity A
number of Locke's folloowcra , il was as-
sei ted , bad been Indicted and convicted of
crimes , and the effort made by Governor
Jones to enfoico the law and to carry into
effect the sentences Imposes and met with
armed resistance Both factnns have now
presented In wilting their respective sides
of the eontiovers } audit Is the sceietar's
Intention to take up the case and dispose of
it at an eatly da }
Unleis unforseen icasons for postponement
should occur , tbo monetary
conference will tcconveno In Brussels on
May . ! 0 All of the commissioncis have ten
dered their teslgn itions and but ono of them
-Mr Henry W Cannon , picsidont of the
Chase National bank of Now York has
been rcappoititcd II Is understood th it
John P Jones , United States senator from
Nevada has been requealed lo withdraw his
Commissioner Carter , representing the
Hawaiian provisional government In this
countty called upon Secietaty Grcsham this
morning and notilled htm he had re-
celvec the pel mission of his government to
return and tnal ho would It irt fet San Fian-
cisco tomorrow and sail on the Belpic May
21 bubsequenlly , Mr Caiter said thai ho
had a very pleasant interview with Secre-
lai y Ciresham but thai It had no political
significance Mr Carter said that ho as
sumed the secretary was ayvaitlng dellnito
advlco from Commissioner Blouutbefoieany
further step should bo taken -
'Iho dlicctor of the mint , with the ap
proval of Secretary Cailislo , has deteimlned
on the designs for the souvenir quarter dollar
lar , and today forwaided to Iho board of
lady managers for their opinion two models
of the head of Isabella , which will appear
on the face of the coin , ono ropresentmir her
asoungwilha very beautiful piollle and
ihe other as mature , a fiont face The de
sign fo. . ' the toveiso will tortsiat of a flguio of
a woman kneeling , holding a dlstaft , cmblc
malic ot woman s industr } The letteilng
on the reverse will bo "Board of Lady Man
agers , " above and aiound thollguies , and
below Iho wouls "Columbian Quarter
Dollar " On the obverse , or face , the lotlei
ing will bo "Unlled States of America
Secretary Moiton has appointed Major 1C
H C Dunwood } as assistant chief of the
weather bureau , vice Major S S Hockwood ,
resigned to take elTcct Ma } 1 Major Dun-
woody has been connected with the wo ilher
buteau for ni.anv }
Secrelury Ciieiham denies the cable re-
) Xit ) that Mr Patrick Lgan , minister to
Chili , has been recalled
State Iiii9lno < s VImi'a AnKuclntlnii Will Con-
vcno Huru Niivt Month.
The foutth annuil convcnlion of Iho Ne
braska State Business Men's nssociition
will probably bo hold In Omahl Miy
29 to 31 inclusive Tills is Iho decision
that has boon i cached by the ad-
visoiy bo ml providing thai a
fund suftlcienl to pay the railroad faro of the
dolegites Is subsciibedby the manufacture-is
and jobbers of this cil }
Fiflcen bundled to ? J,000 will bo necessary
for the put pose , $ .100 of which has already
been subscribed b } the Manufactuiers and
Consumois association A list of those whew
w 111 bo called upon has already been pre
pared ami circular lellors will bo mailed lo
them today , notif } ing tnom of Iho amount
desired from each The conlribuilous to bo
asked for fiom any ono person , or Him , will
ranco from $10 to$00 , the list being
out with the idea of laxlng each ono accordIng -
Ing lo his moans and being considered emi
nently fair Heretofore about * 800 has been
contiibutou eich } ear for caniagos and en
tertainment This } oir the Commercial
club will do the entertaining The number
of delegates lo this convention will reach
ItOO , and the number of lowns lo bo repre
sented will bo 125 Much encouragement
has been received by the associalion on all
sides and 11 ii believed that the fund can bo
raised and that the convention will bo held
The local bodies of the Nebraska State
Business Men's associition will meet in
county convention at Boatilco today
Ono of the chief purposes of Iho meeting isle
lo devise some way of ridding Iho slalo of
a class of iron who go about , i op-
resenting themselves as agents for largo
establishments in the east , and take
ciilers for meichandiso , principilly gio-
corlos , fiom tno faimois The } will sell
tvvetit } Iho or thlrt } pounds ot gtanulated
sugar for f I and twelve dozen clothespins
for 10 cents as a "catch , " and then chaigo
10 or 50 cents a pound for cofteo which is not
worth more th in 21 cents In ttiis way they
hoodwink the fat mots inlo the belief that
they uro gelling b iigains and are doing greal
Injury nol onlv to Iho farmeis but to all the
retailers as well Aftei the } obtain ordeis
for goods sulllcicnt lo make a carload , they
send Ihom lo a confoJeralo In Chicago or
some other city and have them filled The
goods are Ihen shipped wosl , unloaded al
their destination and allowed b } Iho rail-
toad compiny lo lemaln in the depot until
If the retail merchant , however , receives
a caiload of goods ho isimmedi itely nolitlod
lo icniovo llioiu or piy damage it Is pro
posed by this convention to stop this prac
tice , it possible , and lo nd Iho slalo of this
class of dealers , who havereally no headand
are nothing more than peddlots , seeking tc
rob ttio guillblo public ) , It is estimaled lhat
many liainlo ids of Iheso goo Is come lulu
Iho siato annually , and lhal the relall deal-
eis are damaged each yeir lo Iho exlont of
thousands of dollais
Plies of people nive pueis , but Do Witt's
Witch Huel Silvo wlllcuio them
On ! ) a Cli iusii of Color.
The Boird of Public. Works mot jestorday
afternoon for the purpose of laking aclion
upon Iho paving of Luavenwoith slteot fiom
Tcnlh lo niovonlh and 1/iul fiom Twelfth
to Fourteenth stieots. Hugh Muiphy has
the contract and it calls for white Cjlorulo
siudstono A few weeks ago Iho council
passed a losolulion Instructing thu con
liacloi lo use led Coloiado s indstono Whoi
Murph } stalled to pave Izard street ho usoil
icd stone and Is no ill } half through will ]
Iho Job As the proport } owners designated
the whlto stone and tlio ordinance called foi
its use , as docs the conlracl , Iho boirdor
dered u suspension of woik until the mallei
is slralghloucd oul b } the council
Superintendent Oandj Intorpets tbo Law
Regulating Boards of Education ,
Itecent r.ORl lntlou HIM ClmiiRoil the < ) iil-
Joct Mnterlnlly Ollleori-Klogt .Mult
AMtnnn Their Dittlm oil the
I Irnt Monday In July.
I.iscoi.x , Neb , April 21 [ Special to TUB
UP.B ] The state superintendent of public
Instruction today tendered a decision of In-
toicst to .ill school dtsttlets organized under
subdivision 14 of the school law The de
cision nas brought out by an Inquiry from
the Lincoln Hoaul of Education as to the
date on which the members elect of the
Jloard of Education should assume the duties
of the ofllce , the recent legislature having
amended the particular section of the school
liw referring o the same
Superintendent Cloudy decides that under
the law as recently amended the members-
elect should Uko their oath of ofllco on or be
fore the first Momlaj in MIJ , that the offi
cers-elect should assume the duties of their
oftkos on the first Mondaj of .Tulj , that on
the flist Mondnj in July the bo.ud should
t'lrit its olliceis for the coming jear.aml
that until the first Monday of July the term
of onieo of the outgoing membeis con
Dinted an I'tociithn Tree.
fimotnor Crounso and the attaches of the
executive department telubiated Aioor D.ij
todaj , the absence of the go\ornot pro\ent
ing the proper obsen.incc of the holidaj last
Siturdaj A group of trersas planted on
the iMpltol giounds just north of the cast
entrance Go\ernor Ciotmso planted an
American red birch , Private Secretarj An
drews selected an English ish , Chief Clerk
Ferris contributed a hickbcirr , Heoord
Clerk Wiight modestly implanted a Maiden
blush apple tree , \\hilo Messenger \Vingo
added a led bud tieo to the group Theio
trees will hereafter bo known as the "ex
ecutive gioup "
Cfisxlp llt tlin Stntn llntifln.
Judge Wheeler of the Tifth Judicial ills-
tuct was an mteiested lisiener to the argu
ments in the impeachment case this after
'I he Nebraska Realty companj of Trcmont
filed Its articles of incoiporation with the
secrct.itofstato toil ij It Ins a cipitil
stock of fiOO ODD , and the incorpoiators are
O \V i : Dorsej , Hobert llridgo , 11 T
btouffor , A 1C D imo and .1 D Hell
Articles incorporating the I'onca House
and L/uul company wcio filed at the ofllce of
thu societal v of state today It has a capi
tal stock of $100,000 and the incoiporatots
are r M Doisoj , A 11 Hat ncs , W K
Holmes , H D Higgins and W A Kipso }
benator I'opo of b illno county and Uopio-
sontatlvo Coolei of Gass wcio at the state
house this aftcinoon
State Superintendent Oouilj returned this
mottling from Ile.-uor CItjwhere lie went to
attend an educational convention , at which
lie dclhered an address on'School
Helations "
' 1 ho case of the Farmers Loan and Trust
company against Vernon Beach was filed
with the cleik of the supreme cour'this
aftcinoon It comes from Knox count }
The supreme court this afternoon ap
pointed Myron K Wheeler ot this city as
the official stonogiapher for the Impeach
ment trial Ho will employ four assistants ,
probably 15ert Belts. Bert Wheeler II M
Waring and Burd Wakole > They will fur
nish dally transcilpts of ever\ thing con
nected with the cuso to all Interested patties
I OIH5I1T 0IMl CATTI.i ; .
Cano ot Assnnlt ut bllvor Crook U hlch Al-
inoat KoMiltoct in n l.ynclilnc.
SILVER CHEEK , Neb , April 24 [ Special to
THR BEB ] A P. Sutton and I H Wilson
got Into an altercation Friday in rcgaid to
Button's cattle having been in Wilson's corn
some time last fall , with the result that they
came to blows Sutton was Knocked down
two or three times and had his face badly
cut up so that ho lias since beer confined to
his bed Each party claims that
the other was the aggressor Wilson was
kept in the callaboosc unill last night when
ho was taken to Central City "by Shot ill
Porter on a stito warrant The affair has
croatca a good deal of feelinc and the night
of the occuirenco of the fight or assault
there was some strong talk of lynahlng
Wilson , who bears somewhat of an unsavory
leputation Publio opinion , however , is per
haps about equally divided as to the leal
merits of the case
THO Cln > Center AicIilonU.
Ci Y CBNTEII , Neb , April 2-1 [ Special tc
TUB BEE ] Lyman Sanderson , the 11-jear
old son of J. B Sanderson , supctlntcndcnt ol
the Clay county poor farm , while plajing
w 1th a hand cornshellcr , got his hand in the
machine and Injured the lingers to such an
extent that amputation was necossar } witli
ono of them , up to the first Joint
Dr. O P Shoemaker , while feeding his
hoisesestorday rooming , accidental ! }
plot cod his leg near the knee with a pitch
folk , causing a painful and to some extent a
dangcious mjur\
Thrown Iroui n llorso mid Killed.
BANCROFT , Neb , Apt 11 24 [ Special Tele to Tun BFE ] John Snodgrass dice !
hero this morning us the lesult of injuiies
iccelved } cstorday. While tiding into town
Horn lil r.uloj b farm , where ho was cm-
ploved , his hoisoioaiod , throwing Snodgtas'
to the giound and inlliLting Injuiies about
his neck He was taken to the hotel , where
life lingeicd until this morning
Nolmiski 1'nrmjii Alurnird.
Sn \ i it CHEEK , Neb , Apt 11 Ul [ Special to
Tun BKE J The weather continues yorv
dr } , so that small giain is suffeiiug too dr }
eon for oats in many fluids to germinate.
Wednesdaj , Thursday and Ft Ida } \ery high
winds piovailod hero , which seriousl }
damaged oats The sharp frosts have piob.a
bl } seriously injured the prospects for fruit
KnilruiiU In Court.
BEATRICE , Neb , April 21 [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE ] Judge Babcook todaj
handed down his decision in the case of tin
Buillngton against the Uapid Transit anc
Power company , graiuine a tomporaiy in
Junction to ttie plaintiff restraining the defendant
fondant from putting In what Is known a :
the standard crossing ! )
hitiuli ) Mfl't'i Mo i\y It llll.
, Neb , Apiil 21 [ Special to Tin
BUB ] The he.u'i tain that fell last nigtv
will bo of great benefit to vegetation of al
kinds in this vicinity Farmers in till1
countv will soon have their lindteidyfoi
planting corn The small grain , oats , etc
ate looking well.
Piles of people luuo piles , out Uo Witt' :
Witch Hazel b ilvo will euro them.
U'antii Prtlciil .Moil
It develops that Mi\or Bemls does no
hoaitll } appiovo of the Ulei of sending flvi
councllmen on a Junketing trip to othercltie :
to Investigate their gatbago sstems , am
it is possible that his objection !
may knock the plan in the head
The icsolutloti authorizing the trip au <
Highest ol all in Leavening Power. Latest U S. Gov't Report.
appropriating 1230 to cover the ex
penses Is In Maor IWifflV hands , await
ing his signature Iti b , said that whllo
Mayor Demit believes such a trip w ould beef
of benefit , and might anUt Omaha In solv
ing the garbage problorti , yet ho thinks the
personnel ol the comin\tu\a \ sent should bo
ontlrolr different.
In case the mayor dor * Mot sign the resolu
tion ho will probably recommend that a com
mittee of practical men bo sent , who are
Bomowhat familiar with the study of gar
bage disposal , and have lvcn the subject a
great deal of thought anil attention The
opinion Is that ho will rocomincnd that tlty
Engineer Kosow.ater , Ur Sotners , Building
InsjMjctor Tilly and perhaps Councilman Me-
Learlo bo delegated to do the investigating
CountCoiiimlMloiicM Kflcnro llliln but
Tnkn No Action.
The county commissions met } estcrday and
gladdened the heart of County Judge
Idler by allowing him to hlro an additional
clerk at a salar } of fsO per month , provid
ing that the fees of the office would bo
sufllclent to pay the new man
County Attorney ICaley entered a protest
because the board had refused to allow a MO
bill , contracted ny Mr. Kaloy having hired
a stenographer Notwithstanding the pro
les' , the bill went to the files and the ' 'om-
municatlon went Into the hands of a com
Last winter the Associated Charities con
traded a coal bill which amounted to $100
and then asked the county to assume the in- ,
dohtcdness Ycstoida } the commissioners de
elded that oven If it was ono of those emer
gency o ises the count } could not bo expect
cd to stand good for the amount
John A MacMuiphv teslgned thooflhoof
justice of the peico of Douglas pre < im t his
leasons being that ho had removed and was
a resident In another pot tion of the county
W J Flvnn presented an application in
whlth ho asked that he be named as ono of
the paving Inspectors upon the count } roads
which it Is proposed to improve this so ison
Nothing was done with ttio application , the
commissioners deciding to wait until after
the contracts had boon let before appointing
any inspectors
Taking up the ax of the headsman ,
Albert Sharp , ono of the old Janltois of the
com t house , was decapitated and John Crick-
son was appointed to llll the vacancy
By losolution it was decided to piint and
othctwiso imptovo the looks of the interior
of the sheriff s ofllte
The bids for the $ r > 0000 toad bonds , the
: ) aving of the three roads and the giadlng of
Mlllt ii } avenue weto opened.
For the bonds W J Ha\es it Sons of
Jloveland O , woto the highest blddeis
hey offering pit , acciuod inttnost and $1 GO
nrmuim John Dale wanted the bonds , but
f ho took them ho wanted the count } to pa }
ilm $1,000 commission and then ho would
uv pai
l''or doing the paving ihoro wore four
bidders Kilo } , McDonald & Penllcld
" ) id a follows The Center street road ,
Colorado sjudstono on concicto , J4 53
jier square yard , Dodge stieet the
same and Military road ft 90 Stone on
iroken stone the figures weie ft 75 on the
; ltst two louls and $5 on the latter Stone
on sand , they bid 1 0" > and $4 'JO On brick
the } bid $4 .T > On Telford m icadam , fJ r > 0 ,
and macadam on concrete , f.t 25
Van Coui t bid only on macad nil on con
crete and offered to do the vvotk at ? J DO per
square } ard
Hugh Murphy bid on Colorado sandstone
his prices bcintr fi ( V ! on the Center , $1 71 on
the Dodge and $5 hO on tile Military road
.1 W Finn is . % Sons'blrt ' ? l 75 on the Center
tor street road , $1 CO on the Dodge and ft 70
on the Military road , tljo mateiiil to bo red
Colorado sand stone
All of the bids were referred
For doing Iho necessar } grading Henr }
Hall was the lowest bidder , ho offering to
do the work it 127 cents per cubic vatd
A lev } of 7 mills was fnliUe upon all of the
taxable propeity of School District No .1
South Omaha , for the } ear IbiU in order tr
lalse the funds called for by the Board ol
Hducatiou as piovidod for In the estimate
submitted to the county commissioners l.asl
August The valuation of the taxable piop
01 ty was pi iced at $2,107.23J 7,1 and upot
this valuation the county clerk was In
structed to make the extension
The dola } in making this levy , it will bi
. I suffered for a lontf
In Pain . . . .
. . time with strained
A Long
_ . . back , and was m bed
Time. . ,
four months.
cured me.
J. C. Stout. Months.
Are thoas ignorant prataatbrs whc
wituoutnny qualifications , any ability
any exparioncR , any skill , claim t <
possess the povvor to euro all the ilia o
ho hutnau rasa. But thair want ol
worth soon becomes apparent to thoi
would-bo dupes , and those conscience
lessquacks ara soon consignol to th-
oblivion they so richly merit.
In strange and strong contra3twit'\
those miserable boasters IB the quiet
dSgnifiod yet courteous demeanor o
hose noted loaders of their profoasion
Who , during1 the posi 27 years , ha
abundantly demonstrated their abilit ;
to effect speedy , perfect and pormanon
cures in all the wornt forms of these delicate
icato sexual maladios"ombracod withi
the general terms of
Send 4 cents for their illustrated noi
book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself. "
Consultation froe. Call upon or ac
dross , with stamp ,
119 S , I4tii Streai ,
Cor. Douglas St' ,
cotUj.nnT tlioni In man Ol 1CKI.V Bill IM3UM
NhNllA riltUli bull BlUKNUril onJto
k'lvoii to ovcrr part nr tlio boilr I will on 1 i
curulT pnckoili HIKK la nnfiuttarar ttia proscrl
tlon tlintourcil ma of tliosa truubloi Adilreo
A lilUl > lhIlifTiL CllECU Slltil.
remembered , prows out of a law Milt , In
which both Sou Ih Oinnha niul Douglas
county were Involved \ Mummot. . o
Donni of Dlucntlon contended thnt the
county cominlitioncrv were the proper par-
tie * to nmko the low , \vhlla the cotnmli-
tlonera tloclarcd thnt tlioi had nothing to do
nlththo matter Thui the affair routed ,
nml the district tnnna cd to pull through
without the money The cusorn taken to
thu supreme court on n mamlamtu , nml
there It win decided that the commissioners
were the ones who should have nmilo the
levy mid carried it onto the book * of the
county. This decision nho carried a man
date with It , compelling the county clerK to
do the very thing nhlch the commUslonors
have now ordered him to do
Itnpnlrinc tlin sturiu'nVorlt. .
o Yosteulaj moinlng's rain caused txith Major
Tura\ and Major Ualcombo to put on their
hustling clothes nnd test the realities of
their position1) as sener commissioner and
atioet commissioner The former Imcstl-
ITUcU as to the damage to his trenches and
the Utter as to the washouts nnd cavclns
upon the surface of the streets IJoth nro
In the harness and poisonnlh looking after
their departments , although Major Halcombe
has not a forcoof men atork upon the
stieets anil is holding on" until Mr Winspcar
surictulurs or touts him from the position ho
now holds U''s oflli'o was elosoil
( luttiiR the foi enoon and It Is not known
\\hethorhoputhlsfoice bit-It toork this
motning or not
Is superior to all ether preparations
claiming to bo blood-purifiers. First
of all , because the prm'' iiiKrciH-
rnt used in it is the extract of gen
uine Homhnas sarsap.inll.i root , the
variety richest in medicinal proper-
tio3' Also > l)0' )
Piiroc Patarrh
cause the yol.
low dock , being raised expressly for
the Company , is alvvajs fresh and
of the very best kind. With !
discrimination and care , each of the
other ingredients are selected and
compounded. It Is
because it is ahvajs tin1 same in ap
pearance , llaor , uiul effect , and , be
ing highl } concentrated , onlj small
doses are needed. It is , therefore ,
the most economical blood-purifier
in existence. It
LiUTcS makes food nour-
isluiiR , work pleasant -
ant , sleep refresh
ing , and life enjojablo. It searches
out all impurities in the sjstem and
expels them harmless ! } by the natu
ral channels. AYER'h Sarsapanlla
gives elasticity to the step , and im
parts to the aged and infirm , re
newed health , strength , and vitality.
1'rcpnrcd by Dr..I C.Ajcr &Co , Lowell , Man.
Bold LyallDnigKlats ; i'rlccl , el * bollle , 5.
Cures others , will cure you
Han be supported and rendered
oss painful by using a
Write us for measurement
Dealers In Physicians and Hos
pital Supplies.
1513 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb
Nurse ,
TroaH all Kinds of OlsPiscs liitornil una ox-
tornal. Guirniitcos In every ciso Money ro-
fundcJ In all oases where pitlont 13 dlsaatta-
( lod. Nurojiilur fco chur od. I'utlcuU pay
wlmtavor amount Ihoy can ufTonl ( or treat
16th and Gapiio ! Ave.
Crounao Block , Itoonm 0 , 7 and 8 , Otnnhrv.
Just In Our Importation of
Kxcluslvo Stylui m
u Woolous.
Paxton Hotot Building.
A medical work that tflls Ilio rauie clcBcrlhcn
thtiidc'CIs | Klut llieremeil ) SUfMtltically the
most valu.ible. artUtluill ) thu most liautlfiil
mullcal iMiuk t ir publUtitil Wiu\icii ( > vpry
' DUKr beatlim a linlf ( unv Illuitrutliiti In nn
[ blocw trratcil or u IJcliIHH Imi 'ttticy
Jstcrlllty Development \nrlioielc Hit Hut
jbatirt TnowIlitenclliiK Mnrrlngi i'f
ftfri/iimiur/.oumiiVJliir' Hit < 7 > < in < f Tiul > >
tin llaln t'nili the Old brcrrti anil br < i lit
* caiYrletnf ) lrfllcal * cicnee at tl Ji/Cfi ) lu Mar
\rleit \ Ilje in/in troiil ( nlon * far i ml follln
.nil I nfoiilfulurf i Itfnlli. iluiuUl trrlit fat tMt
, HOW > A HY lArtLt 1IOOK
> It will l > o NMU frw uinlcrkcnl wlille tiiontl
i | | > mla < t hiaiii am iiutl If uiurrlidur ilugli
reMlho | iubllsUcr >
No mineral water will pro
duce the beneficial results that
follow taking ONE or more
a glass of water immediately
upon arising in the morning.
rainless. Effectual Covered with A UMelo" , OAlubln cnntlnc
"Worth n Kit 111 on n IIOT " 1'rlco only 15 cents
Of all ilrucelats , or n box will bo mnlliM on receipt of 25cta In tnmt > 3 by
I ) K. Alien Co , 369 CMinl St. , Now \ork.
Is a most delicious substitute , not only n stimulant but a nourlshor
and llltjlily Digestible. >
The evolution of New York Hv Til IMAH Tlie Kerucecs A Tile of Iwo Continent *
A JANVIRK Part IVitli < lra mgi by lly A I OMAN Urn i it Pittlth 5 II-
HOWARD PM.B , and with & Maps luMrui > n b ) 1 DII liiuivrmr
James Kuuell Lowell ly ! Umuns 1 LIOT Colorado nnd Its Capital lly JULMN KALrn
NORTON With Portrait With a Map
A Dream City.
tThe World's Pair. ]
. , . Love's Labor's Lost Comment by ANDKFW Utetka Talmejr A Talc of Three Cities.
' - ' LANO With 9 Ilhistntiuns by 1 m\iN A A Story ll > IliiANiinR MATTIIBWS With
ADBRV 3 Illustrations by ALIUIKT 1. hTnRNRH
The French Scare of 1875. A Ulscontcntetl Province lly HrtNRV
HLOUITZ I OOMIS NHI.SON VVuh 4 Illustrations by
Phillips Urooks ly ! Ucv ARTHUR UROOKS , C b KHINIIART
Horace Chase A No\cl lly CONSTANCE
A Child of the Covenant A Story lly UNIMORK
LVA yVlLUHR MtOLASSON Editor's Study and Editor's Drawer.
HARPER & BROTHERS , Publishers , New York City. j
The success of our
new line convinces us
that new patterns are
preferable to old ; the
novelty and change
that each season pro
duces is desirable , *
especially if they cost
no more.
Ingrains in two and
three ply were never
so handsome and va
ried in colors.
The "Art Squares"
( Ingrain rugs ) up to 12
x5 feet are too desir
able not to sell freely.
They are marked at
selling prices.
Successors to
S. A. Orchard ,
Douglas Street ,
Between 14th and IBth
JV\ JH 1\ Scientific Opticians
J.F. PONDER , MANAGED , - . - V1-- . , - -
9t y& G A5SffS'ViJ3 iJ&1
FREE HtPAllilNw other * fay Half -pvTcc