Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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r > 0 13 PKA1U , STUKBT
ly rnrrlcr tii nny pirt of I'm city
1 ! Vt Tir/fON. - MANAUKll
'hnlm'MOnltfp ' No. 43
r [ TH,1 I'IIOM > '
( NKlt | | Kditor No !
K Y Plutnhlnp Co.
Huston Htoro N'lU'hnug
Mlltoiiborgei Is tlio hattLf , rxi'J Broadway.
Ac.isoof scatlcl fever was toporteil ves-
tercl.iy at tlio tcslclenc'oof A 0 Holes , lltti )
riflh uvciiuo.
The work of painting the Iron work on the
court house Is to comment n at once O l as-
inusstu s bid was $000 , and being the lowest
the contract was awarded to him
An assignment of law cases was undo in
thetllsttict court yesterday afternoon , an
hour bi ing taken uvvay fiom the trial of the
Mills county Pony creek Injunction ease for
the purpose communication of Hluff Cltv ledge
Jto 71. Ancient 1'reo and Accepted Masons ,
tills evening fei work In the llrst degtee. All
Mtisons In good st.indiug nro Invited. l > y
ordcr < f th ( vvnishlpftil master
'Iho follow In. jtir > mcn h.ivo been elravvn
for tlio Ma > K rni of supc'i ior com t , and com-
matidt'cl to tppi , ir for dutv on the Mb A.
Parsons II PischiV II Hoblnson. John
Kcttrlnt ? John Muhiucon , .1 K Miller I.
Sweat ingen A I Whlltlusuy , S Cov.ilt
'Iho me mbcrsof the Pott.vwatt.imlocanton
No l ! Pali Ian lis , will meet at tbo
Odd Pollows ball at T o'clock tomoirow
inotnlng to take the tt.iln for Diinl.ip , to
attend thr celc br.ition of the seventy tomtit
niinlu' of the founding of the order
Ihe v"unir piople of the Pirst Prcsbvte-
li.ui ( hull ti .ne piepirimr fora Mas festival
tobptrlve'ii HI the i lunch parlors on the Hist
day uf Mav Among the attractions will be
n Mav pole ciownine ; of the1 May'luecn ' and
n musical pint-i im Keficshmonts will be
Dick iind Hob stack vvcio to h ivo had a
heating In poluc court jcsteid.iy foi com
milling an assault and bitters OP Deb Scott
i' conplo of we-eks afro , but ono of the defend
ants and a number of witnesses failed lo
fihovv up and the tiial was postponed until
An cpidpinU of me isles has commenced ,
cases huutiir been loporled at II 11 Van
Hi-lint 8 eoiiHi of Hill IT street and Willow
avenue I M I'lovtiot ( VIS Plrst avenue ) , T
H Licoj corner Sixth stieet and Sixth ave
nue Di F S Tlinmis , I'-'T South Kijjhth
sttcet Pred Simmons , 1001 Pourth avenue
There will bo a "mothers' meoling" at
Miss H.ildwin s , 5111 Willow avenue , Weenies-
day afternoon at i o clew k All mothers w bo
dcsiie to get elcMier ideas as to the scope
nnd iiiPthods of klndcit-Miten vvoik aio cor
dially In v licit to bo piusent Tlio kinder
garten condiK tc'd by Mis Hminimi and
Miss Halihviii is ( huiiK a Kiand vvoik and
this can be Incieased hi the' intellittent co
operation of the mollicis In the hoine Hence
this tneetini : which mav bo followed by
otheis of a similar natuio If those who
should bo most concerned show their inter
est batteti linn
Tin cominitteo on arrangements , ippolntotl
h } the \eteran firemen's association to > charge of the bill which Is to bo KI\en
at the Masnnie templooi tbo oveninir.of . Mav
1 ate < living to nuiko the event s.apiss all
loiniet balls irlven b.\ this otfranl/ation It
has alvajs been the custom to lire sent the
Maj < | ueen with a vvicath of lloweis , but
this ve.u a dllleient l lei has been adopted ,
nnd show ill leceivo instead a spiin r hat of
the 1 ttest P uisiin st lo 'Ibis associ.ition
Is foi the puiposu of takinp cate of
the Itu-mcn who atu sick orclisabled
from any cause , and desuives the he.irtj
patriiiaio of the public
The First Christin ! church people aio
i , plll ( > crv st.tH/lnu their plans for a now
church bulldlntr L M Shubott , 7. T. Cole
and G W Hattlcs have been selected as
ttustccs , and will have clriiKo "f tbe active
work of raising moiio.v and pushing the en
terorisu l'ho new chinch will bo located on
the coiner of Mjnstorand Sixth stteets , and
will luuo soatinir \ ( apacitj about equil to
tlul Masonic hall , wheto the meetlncrs are
now held 'J ho meetings will commence
nnout Maj 10 At the statt the big tent
will bo pitched on the chinch site , but will
bn subsequently moved tov.uious parts of
the ritj Thojoung oigani/itlon continues
to glow with romaikablo taplditj , seven au-
ccfcslons being made oi bunday
Piles of people n ivo piles , but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel balvo will cute tnoin
'I ho ( riinil Hold ,
Council IJluffs. Most ck'Kant hotel in
Iowa. Dining room on hoventh tloor.
Uutos , S3 to $3 iior eltiy. E. F. Ulark ,
1'roj ) .
See tlio jiceiioss Dautitloss bioyclos
und } , 'ot outtunny. . Henry Murphy. 10
Pearl uti cot.
Williamson & Co. . 10(1 ( Main street ,
largest tintl best bicj\elo , btoek in elty.
iV/fSO.N II. I'Alt Kilt ll'lfi.
Born , to Mr and Mis C O ritch , a son
.1 11 Atkins left for ICeokuk jesteulay to
attend the Grand Army leunion
John Limit has gene to ICoolcuk to tciko in
tno Cii.ind Aimj encampment.
John llarhjto and P P. Kow lor leave this
moining for Osceola to testify in a uiminal
i aso.
aso.Kov W C Shepaid , who has been con
ducting a scries of meetings at the liciein
Haptlst clmuh , loft \esteidaj morning for
his homo in ( . 'leatlleld
I'wnk Hiownwell , bookkeeper for Shu-
gait & Son loives tod.iy ior Sioux City ,
wheioho has secured a jiosltion as commer
cial rcpiescntatUo for J S McDonald & Co ,
haidwuro wholesalers
Judge W I Smith leaves today for Avoca ,
w hero ho will open u teim of the distilct
couit A number of important eases are
booked for this toim of comt , among them
being the nun dor oases of William Manor ,
the mmdoior of four whes , and William
Piles of p iplo liivo piui , l ) it Di Witt'
Wltoh Hiuois ii\o w til CUM tho'ii
H1 iniisk1 house aiipetird to be
doing ; a land otllco biihinoss in ] > lanoe
and 01 trans at 111 and 1 Hi Slut-mum.
Coal and wood ; best and cheapest
Missouri haid wood in the city ; piotnpt
dolhory II. A. CoNo. . 1lutn 1 ; \
Conk jour meals this summdr on a
At cost at the ( ins company.
Abk j our jjrrcor for Doinestio soap.
Wheel t lull Mri'llnq.
A meeting of the Wheel club has beer
called for this o\euim ; at h o'clock at tin
Young Mins Christian association rooms
at w huh the membership committee wil
make its leport and the selection of a clut
house will piohabl ) bo made Poitj oiuh
names ha\e bein sei urod , and the niniTuc :
will undoubted run up to Hfty befoiothli
evening w hen the roll w 111 close so far a
clmrtei meiiuieis are i uncoined 'Ihoio i :
talk of takini ? stops toward getting up.
hicjclo tournament at the dihtngpiuk u
the near future- and nulling wheelmen fron
all towns in this part of the state to taki
pnit in the tates
Piles of people have piles , out Do Witt' ;
Witch Hazel Sal\o will i uro them
Pico ttcatmentti daily from 2 to 4 p
in. at the Council Hlullh Medical ant
Surgical institute , Utlth and Bioadw-ay
Domestic toap outlasts elieaj ) soap.
The following marriage licenses were is
sued jesterduj
Name and addicss Age
lOicuiiU'SVII.loiinrll IllulTs . , 3
It-ni nil A Illnes. lounell lllntrs . . . . -j
JJ 1' llirlstluns.oii.l'iittauuttaiiiluconnty ' - '
I Minnie Itiisnuisson.l'otta attumiecounty 1
iTIiuinasl' Nii.'fiu. l'iiiiiii-ll IllulTs 3
) I'.irrlo it hlomiil. i'ouiu-11 IHmfa . 4
Columbian bouNonlr biher spoons , iiTie ,
now and beatitUul , at Lund Hros
S. P. Viumttu , attorney , & Uveiottblk
Geo. S. Davis , iiieboripiUmrutfriiit. ] {
Domestic boup best ( or liurdutor. .
Oaptain W , A. Hayes UM a Nttrrow Call
from an Exploding Pistol ,
II * I * Salil to II o PrnUtriitly Attcinptrd
Nuleliltj \ Inliiill IK ! IIH nt tbn
( > R < len Hotel During
the Altcrnoaii.
A combination of an unsteady hand and a
loaded rovohcr almost tnado n six-foot-two
angel out of Captain \Vf A Hayes Sunday
at his icsldcnco on North Plrst street.
Ho was standing In the front hall with the
gun In his hand when It oviloded acciden
tally. The bullet went crashing through the
wall about six feet from wheio ho stood ,
graying his face In Its pass ige , while the
powder How In his face and loft a number of
black spots which will remind him of his ox-
perlonoo for a good ininy d.i\s His chil
dren were st uidln ? aiound him and might
o.islly havu been killed had the bullet gone
in a little different direction
That is his stoi'i as ho tells It , but later
lo\elopmcnls thiow a tather dilTeicut lighten
on the affair Ho has been drinking heavily
or some time past and when ho went to the
Ogden house during theafteinoon ho showed
ho effects of bis long i irous il He called for
i loom and was ghen loom M Ho went up-
tnirs saj ing ho would take a nap Shortly
ifter some of the other guests of the house
lot iced a smell of gas An ln\esti itlon was
nade when it was found that the smell came
rom loom Ui The boll bohammeied on
he door and I'm ill.siueooded . in lousing
I.ues , who grumbled considerably at thoM
Ms dlsiegard of a guest s comfoit Upon
nteilng the loom the gas Jet was found to
10 tinned fullj on and the was escaping
nto the loom It wus tinned off , the window
\as opened and liaxcs went back
o bed The bill bov went down stalls but
cept wateh of the mom duuni ! the lest of
the aftunoon The smell was not noticed
igain and upon opening the door it was dis-
o\oie'd th it the gas had been tinned on
ignln and the window loweied As soon as
.hings bad been put ri/nt om e more and the
> oi was s ifch out ol sight Hajes turned on
, he gas a thiid time1 , but ifter the hey had
'oiled him in his thinl attempt to climb the
; olden stair he be i ime disgusted and left
tne house , e\idcntli h.ulng eomo to the con
elusion that golden staus weio not lit foi
such as ho
H.INCS' determined and topeated efforts to
commit suicide are thought to h.ue been the
esult of tno prolonged spieo whie.h he his
xcn enjoying He Is a well known Hguro
ibout tow n
Karl } jcstcrday morning Hajes cillcd at
: ) e\ol's h.udwaio stoic .mil wanted to buy a
ovohcr for the put pose , he said , of killing a
log Ho wanted It cli.uged. but something
n his manner corn ineed Mr lo\ol that ho
wanted it foi some other put pose and he ro-
'used to let him ha\e it
u ni , < > o IT AI.OM : .
( iriinilrinj Mi n > \ ( iir Oil Sollrlthii from
tillCltl7CIIS. .
At the last mooting of Aba Lincoln post
tlicio was , i somewhat excited discussion on
the subject of celebrating Detention dav ,
mil at the conclusion itwasdcculed tint the
, iost should do its own colebiating this jear
mid huito no ono but ohl soldieis ami siilois
Lo help them Piom h.uebocn
, et fall since the meeting was held it is
[ 'Mined that the old soldieis , and especially
those who aie numheicd in the lanks of the
Grand Aimv , are somewhat soie o\er the
treatment thehao iceeued , or think they
liavo iccehed , from the citrons in the past
It has alwajs been the custom to circulate
a subseiiption list among the citizens before
Decoration da\ each ie ir. and in this way to
sccuio the neicssio funds for biting
speakers , music , lloweis and carriages for
the celebration Thoold soldlois this iear
ha\e in some waj conceived the idea that
these subscriptions weie not given with a
ii good gr.ue and thej claiin to have
heard icmaiks to the ell eel that the soldiers
nio alw.ns be'gging for something or other
oho icmaiks weie ( | iiot el at the meeting
last Satuulav night , and aroused a good
deal ot indignation among the membcis of
the post The decision was tin illy made
that this j car no subsi-iiptlon list will bo
eliciliated , but the ( It.uul Ainn will | u.\ all
expenses of the celebration out of the tieas-
mof the post ' 1 his w ill make it necessary
/or them to go a little slower on speakeis
and other expensuo luxuiies but
they will have the Knowledge tint
they aio depriving the general public
of the plcasuio of la\ing ( lowers
on the graves of the elcad heioes , which w ill
ina laigu measuie atone for the
strain. The incmbeis of the post will meet
at the hall in the afteinoon , march to the
cemeteri to the music of the elinm coips ,
listen to ono or two shot t speeches ami 10-
tuin to their homes. A c.impllro will prob-
ablv bo held In the evening 'L'his is the Ihst
exhibition of a desire to ' get oven" with
the public that has been manifested by the
old soldieis of Council Blurts for quite a
while , and the icsult will bes watched with
some Interest
Another indication of the feeling that
exists c.imo to light jesteidaj Wall Mc-
Paddcn ehculatod a subse i iption list among
the citiwns Satin day to get money to take a
drum coips to the si no encampment at
Keokuk , and succeeded in lalsmg about $ . " > r >
G W Cook , the commander of the post , left
for ICeokuk Sunday evoiinic , hut just he foi one
went ho sent an older to B S Divvsou , one
of the members , to take the money that bad
been suhsciibed hj the i itiions for this pur
pose and ictuin it to the oneb who had sub-
sciibed itDaw son did so , as ho was bound
to obe.v Iho oulers of his stipciior ofllccr , hut
McPadden nnmedlatolj madoanother lound-
upof Iho subscribeis and riisecl the money
over again , leaving for ICcoUuk last evening
with his drum corps Post Commander
Cook's older Is supposed to bo nnothei null-
cation of Iho genetal boieuess.
Anil silk Kihllilt lit ( lie llcnton More ,
( ' ( IIIIKll llllllN.
Coinmeneinjj Monday , Ajiril 21. " a
wlllc iiiuuhino weavinj ; diess silks in" full
opeiation In our hhovv window , the pro ] >
oityof the world-famed Xatohann Silk
I'ompaiiy of Wlllimantie , Conn. In ad
dition to this , and in older to
inttoduce their famed bilks tc
the public , all our sttieks ol
NnU'haiitf t-ilks will bo olToied at cost
price for the entire week. In order to
{ jot this exhibit here v\o had to pnrohuso
Jl'ill0 ! IK ) worth of their silk * , . \Ve liave
the solo ujjonoi for Council BlutTs and
western Iowa.
l\oiythin } > f in the bilk line in our
btoek , including e'hin.i. fanc'y Hilks and
batins , all at cosr I'U.c'i. for the week.
Not a piece of bilk or .satin in the btorc
but will have a now price.
30 pieces 2.1-ineh lljrured chinas. IWe ,
during bale next week. 75 pieces
extra quality tlgmcd ehlna bilk , 15,51
and (17 ( e , cluiiii } , ' next week's sale ,
Natclianjj faille hilkb , KOe , $1.15 , ? l.l :
ami fl.7. ' ) .
Nati'liang black rhadama , 50 , ti'i , 8-5e
$1.15 and bl.50 , every yaul jjnaranteei
for simonths. .
To every lady vibttinj , ' thlb store
eocoon with pamphlet fjivint ; a
of bilk culture and mannfactmo.
1'OTliniUNOHAM , WllIlKI.AU'\ . ,
Council H lull's , ta
Doesn't Want to l'ay.
The United States Mutual Accident nsso
elation of Now Voi k is lighting the p i > men
of the ? T.,000 polici on the life of W. M
Jones , which is held hj C C. Jones , a rein
live of the deceased. Jones. , It will be re
meinb red , u us shot and killed a j cur ago 01
Upper Bro.idway The answer of the com
jwn > was tiled jestoidav m which U i
alleged that the death of Jones was not ac
etdoutal but look place white ho was unite
the inliucuro of liquor and the companv als
cites the terms of thu aiiplication for insui
anco made bv Jones sotnolhlng over a year
before liM death , In w hlch Jones staled that
ho was of temperate hnblU and agreed Ihal
Ihe | Kllcy ) should not bo paid In case of
deatn us the result of Intemperance.
on , ON i inVATia : : - < .
TronhlrK of tlia Ilimt ( 'lull Adjusted mid
KMT ) lllllIK I'PHCKllll.
The club held a meeting last evening
at the Grand hotel parlors , In accordance
with the call of the vice president , for the
purpose of settling the dlfilcultlos lhat cul
minated in the resignation of Commodore
Haas , President Buckman , Treasurer Wake-
Held , Secretary renlon and Director Palmer.
The meeting was largely attended and con
cessions were made uy both sides. The prin
cipal difference , It seems , was caused bj
the action of the hoard of direc
tors in passing an amendment to the
bvlnws giving the commodore thu right to
make any purchases he might think proper ,
without the consent ofnn.v of the dhcelors.
while the iule heretofore has been thai Iho
bills must all bo run with the consent of the
board of directors and piopcilj audited be
fore payment It wus this amendment lhat
caused Iho rupture , lather than any personal
feeling against Commodore Haas , and when
it was biought up in the mooting last evenIng -
Ing for Hnal adoption It was lost Buckman.
Wakelleld , Toulon and Palmer were then re
quested to withdraw their icsignatlons ,
which they did , and a committee was ap
pointed to wilt upon Haas and ask him to do
the s imo thlntr.
The meeting was harmonious and the club
Is now In belter shape llnanciallj limn ever
before The indebtedness has been i educed
. ' 00 this season and Iho directors hope to
have 11 wiped out by the middle of June
It is their Intention to give pit lies at the
lake every week during the boating season
Oiniilia 11 nd Council KInIN Join IliiniU
In the Mo\c.
For some little time past hut little pi ogress
has been made , so far as the public could
see , In the cliieetion of securing a 5 cent
fate between the two cities , but the work
has been going on steadily and quietly The
Hist meeting of the business men of the two
cities is to be hold in the Bond of Trade
rooms in Omaha this evening , when the ex
ecutive committee of the Commerci il club of
th it place will mc'ot the committee up
pointed by the citizens some time ago for a
discussion ot the wa > s and means of arriv
ing at the des'ied ' end The Council Blurts
delegation will leivo for Omaha on the
motor leaves the corner of Pearl street
and Broadwaj at 7 p in
A Modern lldcn.
Up noi th farmeis toil , sweat and fertill/o
to eke the Inrest living fiom their wornout
soil , wliile North C.alveston fruit lands will
jield from Jjr > 00 to $1,000 00 per acre with
half the labor This gulf legion offers to
f.irmois , man ifactuieis and invalids every
thing to be desiied
The climate is mild t.nd healthful twelve
months In the 5ear , the land bristles with
mamifactuiing resouices and is a fanner's
puailise If you've the slightest tinge of
cunosltv about Ibis industrial spot , apply teD
D I ) Smeaton , loom 17 , Buker block , the
local agent of the North Oalvcston assocla
lion The addiess of the general olllce is ,
Bov'Jiil , Minneapolis Minn
Ton D.IJ t lit HID Viorlcl'fl I'ulp.
It will cost jou lobb than $50 00 , o\ei\\-
thiiifj nccesbiu v included. Tliib ine.uis
homes in pi iv ate cottage , clean , eafe.
close to grounds and on the beach of
Lake Michigan. Write to J. T. Chjno-
vveth. Windsor Park , 111. Refers to II.
W. Tilton of Tin ; DII : , or Jacob Sinib
of Suns & Ij.iinbrlc.k'o , Council Blutls.
Sat in day , April 2 ! ) , I permanently
elose my jewelry business. People who
have left watches and jewelry for lepaiis
miibt ' 'all and tret them , and all bills
must be settled before that date. Call
But horn.
The Millers , decorative artists , wall
paper , paper hanjjinjj , plain and orna
mental painting , si-rns. No. 15 Pearl St
Protect your homes against debtrue-
tivo stornib. W. C. James has the
btiongest companies in the world.
Mine. Helen Merrill , hamlrpssing and
manicuring. Room I1112 , Mori iam block.
Use Domestic bt ap. It is the best.
"A lllm > ) llmu "
Fit/ and Webster , who with their merry-
makeis aio amusing Omaha audiences , will
appear at Dolnnj's theater in Council Bluffs
Thursday night. "A Biec/y Time" is a farce
comedy , whoso purpose Is to divert rather
than engioss the audience The plot which
runs thiough the entire plaj Is Just stiong
enough to hang upon it a series of specialty
pcrfoimances of a high order and enjoiablo
natuie K B Tit ? , the principal comedian ,
weighs 2" > 0 pounds , and Is as Jollj as ho Is
big Miss ICathrjn Webster is the leading
soubietto , and with a sweet voice and a fund
of vivacity furnishes much enlcitainiucnt
Piles of people have piles but Do Witt's ,
Witch Hazel Salve will euro them
Boxes and barrels of Dre.xel's Bell
cologne , a delicious peifume , 25o bottles
foi lOe. Davis , the druggist.
A. II. Porigo k Co. , 103 Pearl st. ,
Columbia and other high giiulu bicjcles.
Finest Aiisto cabinet photos , $2 per
do/en. Abb ton's studio , 18 North Main.
Another imptovoment to the popular
Schubeit piano. Swan sou MusicCo
For first-class rooms in Chicago for
Woild'b fair call on Ohio Knox.
A now invoice of English turbans ,
latest and btjlish , at the Louis.
Stop at the Ogden , Council Blurts , the
best $2.00 house in Iowa.
u i.i i i
Slum or Itnln lor fxilniMlt.i Today , with
Noitlirrlj VVlndB.
W\MHNOTON , D C , Apiil 84 For Ne
braska Occasion il local rains or snow ;
northeilv w inds , colder.
Per Iowa Local rains in eastern part ;
westcilj , changing to northerly , winds ;
colder in western pot lion
For the Dakotas Local snows in eastern
poitions ; dealing dining the afternoon or
evening , brisk noitheily winds ; sllghtlj
colder in eastern portion of South Dakota
I.onil Itrcord.
Apul . ' 4 Omaha iccoid of tomperatuio and
lamfull , compared w ith eorieisponding day of
past four vcais.
Ib91 1H-J2 IflOl 1800
Maximum ti mperitute. lift3 & 5o 7 o ( , .ic
Minimum tompi'ialiuo 4O ! ) .IHO Ti.'iOUic
AvoiaKti tompor.itlire 5to & 'jo Olio fj'jc
1'reelpltatlon t 00 .2(1 ( 00 00
Statement showing the condition of tern-
pciatuio and pivcipit ition at Omaha for the
da.v and since Mirch 1 , Ib'JJ :
ISoiiinil teimpui itmo 55-
Duticlcnev foi thothiy . ' . . . 1C
Dutlcli'iio slnco March 1 90 =
Normiil proclpltatlon tl Incli
i\ressfortlicdiiy : 1.40 Inel.
Doliolimej Maich 1 23 Inel :
ItrportM from Othrr I'tilutft at K p. in.
"I1 iQillcatcn trice
GCOIUII ; K Hi NT. I.eial Torocast Ofll ial
Piles of people liuvo piles , but Do Wilt'
Witch Hazel Sal\o will euro them.
TransmisaiBaippl Oongrwa Evidently a White
Metal Propaganda.
Our Own .Mr. llrjun \ \ role n I.cttrr Colonel
I'mnk Irlili < tmjd l'i | for th Ad-
iiilnlHtriitlon iind Coiifirc s
Adjiuirile'd ,
Oonn.v , U. T. ' April 24 The Transmlssls-
slppl Commercial congress opened In the
CJiuiid opera house toda > . I'levlous to the
tneetinij icception coinmlllees gathered at
the union depot , a Kfeat procession was
formed and tlioi inarched to the vailous
headquarters of delegations The sluts and
stripes floated from everi building limiting
and sit earners In piofuslon decorated husi-
nesi and private house's ; in fact , Iho whole
city was inala ( diess The weather was
Chilly but dr.v
Cioveinor I'tinco of New Mexico called the
meeting to older , and after praicr congint-
idaleel Iho conptess on the magnlllrcnt
repiesentation , not onl.v in numbers hut in
the ohar.ictct of the eloleg itlons He spoke
of Hie work outlined for the loiigiess , refer-
rnn : to the subject of aiid lands litigation ,
harbot Improvements and fioe silver The
lofetence to free silver hiou ht a storm of
appluiso fiom ever.p.utid the eonv .ntlon ,
making It evident th it silver would occupy
the incatei pirl of the ( ( invention s time
( tovoinot Lhotnas of I'tah being delaved
bv a railioad accident. Colonel \V H
vej of Ogden made the addiess of welcome ,
and vvas followed t > > Majoi H C hund.\in
behalf ot llic citj of Ofden
In appointing , i committee on eiedenti.ils
u was found thai all of the tvunlv-two
traiibtnississippl state's weie loptcsenled ,
except Minnesota and Ijoulslaua , whose dele
gates had not vet auived
'ihecoiiL'tess then took a recess
At the afternoon session , pending the le
port of committee on eiedcntials , a delegate
fiom Utah picsented a resolution tcgiiidlng
the propoi lion of the public hinds to fall to
the college of Utah Kefeiied
A letter was ic'ad from Congressman of NebrasK i , in which ho expressed
the opinion that amionltuial ot wheat grow
ing states h.uo suffered mote fiom the fall
in the value of silver than the mining states
Governor Stone of Missomi , in explaining
his absence , expressed the opinion that the
policy of sectional conventions and con-
giesses was open to criticism , but ho had no
pattern c to hear such ctiticisms from people
of the norlheastein states Thej had onlv
themselves to blame for a condition that
compelled the states of the south and west
to combine
At the evening session John E Light of
Colorado , in behalf of his delegation , pre
sented a large floral emblem to the congress ,
showing in flowers thepioduetsof Colorado
In his speech lie relleetad on the urosent ad-
mlnistiation. siijing lhal Mr Cleveland
boasted th it he had never been west of
Chicago and had chosen all of his cabinet
from east of the Missouri
Colonel John 1' Irish of Califoinia com
bated these lemaiks and slid that nothing
v-oulci be gained in the west bv imsiopto-
settling the administiation Cleveland has
been west of Chicago and has appointed a
cabinet officer from west of the Missoun
Colonel lush spoUe later on the ic-souiccs of
Uoveinor Piince described the want ol
political lesolution in Coloiado O C ! Cravv-
foik of Velasco , Tev , .seciet.irv of the con-
giess , spoke oninigalion and J S Doiethj
of Texas on ftee silver.
Adjourned unlil moining
senator slioup Talks llopcfnll } ol the
I'ruspmt * of the suite.
That the futuio of Idaho is tinged with
the brightest colors is the unqualified
opinion of United Htatos Senator George L
Shoup , who was in Omaha jesterday on his
way homo fiom Washington In conversa
tion with a Brr. leporter he said
"Boise , the capital of Idaho , is a town
which is glowing lapidli and now claims
8,000 population Scveial new additions
have been platted latelv and throw n upon
the market , all houses are occupied and
many new ones are going up Among various
attractions at Boise are the hot water
artesian wells in the suburbs of town. Two
w ells have thus far been bored and yield a
suppl.v more than ample for all purposes A
"argo bith house has been buill and a favor
ite icsoU established The water from these
wells contains a laice peicentago of iron and
is bottled and carried awuv by manj poisons
for drinking purposes Its tempeiattire in
ono well is 10Jin the other m = > Fahr ,
nlToiding sufficient heat for wanning houses
Manv of Boise's citizens aio now heating
then houses w lib water conducted in pipes
fiom these wells , and it is probable thai all
will do Ihe same in the com soot lime The
electric car line lias latelj been extended
[ mother mile west and the cit\ has good
.uosjiects of obtaining a tianseontiiiental
line ofiallwaj in the ne.u lutuio
"I'oeatcllo lias of late shown much cncrgv
The leseivation sin rounding it is soon to be
paiceled out among the Indians and the
lesidue , of which piobably an area of 1,000,100
acies is tillable , will be thrown open to the
public The got eminent Is now suive.vlng
the lescrvation with this puipose in view
Moscow is situated in an excellent farm
ing region and is now and will continue to ho
the laigcsl tow nin not thorn Idaho It claims
now a population of I00 , The Isoithoin
Pacific has a line nearlj L-raded fiom Moscow
daw n to I < ov. Iston and willpiobiblj lay the
lion Ibis summer Lewiston subscribed
* MI,000 to this enteiptiso or aboul fbO to each
'Salmon Citj.mj homehas a population of
only 1)00 ppeople , hut IB now , and has been
ever since I went theie in IhOU , an excellent
suppl\ point foi a gold mining legion Tins
town 1 laid out miself , and naluiallj feel
much attached to it When I was liist
elected to the Idaho leglslatuio , which was
prior to the advent ol the Oregon Short
Line i.iilwaj , 1 had to tiavol , in order to get
to the capilal , about 1,100 miles , going first
eastward , then south to Coiinne , Utah ,
then west on the Central Pacific , and then
north to Boise As it is now. I tiavel Ihe
same route to teach the capital with the ex
ception that I go south onli as far as Pocatello -
tello We. have no ditecl loute to the cap !
lal , and it willprobabli be some .vearsl befoio
ono is built , owinir to the high lange of
mountains intervening
"The malteis in which we aio now malnlj
interested in our state ate the silver and ir-
tigation questions AVe want favotablo legis
lation by eongiess upon both Several of our
largest mines in the Cci-ur d'A lone region
hat o suspended oppiaUons , simplj because
of the low price of , lead ! and silver This
gteat industry mustnotbo allowed to Ian
guish , for it not onlv , pioves to
us and the mining stales , bul lo the whole
country as well t
"In legard to intention , we hope to have
eongiess either appropriate enough money
directly to coastrudt largo canals or to donate
nato lo the state ltiela ) fiom which wo nmv
del ivo , bj sale , a fund suflltient for the pur
pose There aie immense aicas in our state ,
which are now tlittiall ) a desert , that can
be made to produce In abundance The day
will come when the vv hole t onto of thoOie-
gen Short Line raiUvhv will no transformed
from a sage brush waste lo a land teeming
with fruits and cunja1 $ The task can and
will bo perfonncd , even If the government
gives no aid , bul not , of course , for many
years to come "
Senator Shoup then rccounled some of the
t civ interesting episodes of his pioneer life
in the wc-bt , how ho Hist piospoi led atound
Gold Hill , Cole In IST.'J. drifting Ihenro over
in the Soulh Park and Blue river counlnes ,
how ho enlisted at the breaking oul of lhci
war and defended the borJer between Ihe
north and the south in New Mexico , how he
parliclpaled In the histoiio Sand creek light
against the Indians , and later was elected tc
Coloi ado's first constilutional convention
then emigrating and going to Idaho in lbt > o
Medical Writers
admit all thoreinarknblo minlitlcaof the
genuine imported Carlsbad Sprudol Sail
us mi aperient , Itixutivo und diuretic
The Rioat fame of the wonderful Carls
bad Sprudol Spring ia due to real worth
13o sure and seeuro only the genuine.
Ills career has been Intemrb Intcirstlng
and often exciting , and tits rtffotts h.ue
ivalled much In the way of preparing certain -
tain sections of the great west for the peace
ful habitation of man
World's fnlr riiiiiil ] loiior Klrnol lnlk <
About HU Mtntr.
Prcd J Klesel of Ogden , U T. , ono of
Ulah's commissioners to Iho World's fair , is
In the city on his way to Chicago Mr
Klcsol is no stranger in Omaha , having
thlrtj years ago. voked up his oxen In fiont
of the present I'nlon 1'acltlc hoadquattcrs ,
then Iho Hernclon house , and stirtedon n
sixt.v-sevendajs' joutnoy to Salt Like cltv
Helms since then visited the city frequeiitlj
and Is well known to a number of our whole
sale metchants , from whom he bus often
bought supplies for his establishment at
"In Utah. " he said last evening , "wo were
obliged to raise moti vv for an exhibit at the
World's fair by ptlvato subseiiption , and
notw ithstandlng this chstacle we shall have
a display which will compile favorably with
lhalof an.v of Ihe vveslern states All our
natural and tailed resoar..e3wlll bowell lep-
resented. and theio will be some featmes
which will surmise oven some of the Utih
people I have In mind Just now the elhno-
logical dlsplaj Extensive explorations weie
made of Ihe legion which the clltTdwellots
once liihablte'dVo shall have on exhlbl
lion mans cuiious tools and much potter.v
and jeweli.v which was used bv this extinct
i aie Thete will also be oais of coin shown ,
which weie found in a good state of piosor-
vation Iho mosl c uriinis things , howeti r ,
will be a number of mummies which wctc
unearthed in this sime legion
" ' 1 he oinltluilogual , , the agti-
cultural , hoi'tli ultutal and other displays
will alsj bee rodi'ablo The vniietj vv 111 ill-
liacl as much as an.v thing and cause
expiesslons of sutpiise It would tie Impos
sible to give an adequate Idea in welds of its
beautj To be thoioughl } appreciated il
should bo seen
' In bpc.iklng of Utah In general , I would
salhal Ihe state isat piesent doing nUclj ,
with the exception of the mining Industry
Over this a cloud now bin is owinu' to the
low price ofllvei , and a number of mines
aio shutdown in lonscquonte But olir ic-
sotnies aio so varied that if one lndustt >
becomes depiessc'd we can immediately take-
up another Wn pioduoe a gieal deal
ol wool laise line hoises and swine ,
have an abundance of the most
luscious fiults , i.iiso the finest
1'otatoes .vou evei saw and piodueo much of
our own sugar fiom beets light at home
Our coil inteiests aie Immense and we have
in , no latge Homing mills whic h pioduce an
excellent quality of Hour Mm h of this Horn
is exported into adjoining state's , and jou
know something of the fiuits and potatoes
vvoshir , having them as .vou do , iighl heie
in } our own market 'Ihentaik about silt
We have an endless quantity of it and aie
now ptodueing lKXK ( ) ( ) tonsiierjcar His
consumed latgel } at home , being used in the
tieatment of ores Of alfalfa we cut fiom
four lo nine tons per an G 'Iho soil that is
itrigatcd seems to find fcrttll/atioii In the
waler and no other feilih/ei sale used Add
to all these advantages our goigcous cli
mate and what more can be desiied (
"C H. Maine , one of jour former Om ih i
citizens , has undertaken a bi.f enterptiso at
Otrden lie has -water lights in the Ogden
river and is about to consttuet a big dam ,
by incans of which he will obtain a wntei
tiowei for the purpose of geneiating elec-
tucitj for stieot lailwaj and lighting put-
poses Ho means business and we expect
to see him do miu h good foi Ogden
"The cattle ) convention li is just closed in
Ogden and the Tiansmississippi ecingiess
just opened. Ogden is becoming quite a ( on
volition town , and she knows how to entei
tain her tisitois Oh 1 tell vou we aio a
progiesslvo people out theteaml will some
da } have a state which will compaie favoi
ablj with the best in the union "
Tin1 } Win it the Host.
"The people of this vicinit } insist on hav
ing Chambei Iain's cough tomod.v and do not
want an } ether , " savs John V Bishcp of
Portland Mills , Inel That is light Ihe }
know it to bo superior to any other for colds ,
and as a pteventive and cute for etoup , and
wh } should tl not insist upon having it'
Thin Children Orow Fat
on Scott's
Emulsion ,
fat f o o d s
make fat
They are
thin , and remain thin just in
proportion to their inability tc
assimilate food rich in fat.
of Cod Liver Oil is especially
adaptable to those of weak diges
tion ft is fattly digested dlieady.
Astonishing how quickly a thin
person gains solid flesh by its use !
Almost as palatable as milk.
Prepared by Scott A Bo no N Y All dnirpsts.
AgentsWantetl Everywhere.
Pn < > s ono qnnrtor of your coil bill prevents Boot
nnd clmlori , destroys coul KUS prixlucm perloat
combnillon keeps bollur lliioi elo in makni hot
tire In llvo mlmitu-t aoti eqn illy well on Inrd i\i on
oft co tl Ono packiifo custtnir : * > eonlii Is ttullldo it
to irenlono ton of coat tor further Inform itloi
nil on or u litre is with ( lamp
400 S. 13thS. Omaha.Nob.
while eostlns tlio employer nnd nrap oycj
until n ? . h s on ibled us to u Iv inco tlio intor-
rats of both , and ulso our ow i , bysujjrin.
better res ills with tlij machiiio.
Wyckoff , Seaman & Benedicl
TFhLl'llO'.T : ITol 1712 PARNAVI ST.
\V o will eeml you tbn mnrrch in.
Vrtnrh I'repiruiion CALTIKIb
rif . and Ift-al Kunrnuifr lliu '
( M llH- < will Kmlnrp . < > iir
aivitltli , .Slranclli und Vleoi.j.
I tftlanilfavif tainted V
Acldrnso VON MOHL CO. .
SjU incHrta ienU , tlociBottl. OhUi. I
Couiioil Blulfa , In.
John Dohnny , - - - - - IYlnnaoor ; ,
And thei r t om c Associates , In
Crisp. Breezy aal Entertaining.
Screamingly Funny Situations
PunKont Dialogues ,
Clouds of Pretty Girls ,
Tuneful Music ,
Newest Vocnl Come.
Skillful Dancing
A Cyclone of Merriment
l'rloe 23o , Mc. ) 15c HoiUs on milo at HBller1
rimrnmcyVcclou clu
rr 1 lniinKiii | I xpliiliK UN llru-
niitu lor Sjioiildnc Tliriiuisli thr NrWDpu *
| irr lo tlir I'l'diili-nf Dninliii nnil V'H hilly.
1 k'low tlu'io iiro HOIIIO ite-oiilo who ro.ul the
t itoint'iit * iiuuld liy n iliiMit of Drs. ( Vipoliuiil
A ncunrilitli clonlit mid oii ic < r thuy "III
uy i tlienny ny whoti they loiul those !
ucirrts ot m'nt1 ' ' i'i ' , / tint If tree tint' Or
UlsO' ' II ftl/n'i ' "I ll I/iff / | > flj ( ! | > ltililt tliriiHtlptl
i > n ti < i > ) > t If ilifn ( in all itilitl I mint to
* iy Jiut \\ord to tlioni nt the out ol / / j/nu /
h < l I i ffi mff itiidiii ii ( IHt f iihtdt ( iiiiKtlrril
I/OH i h < /t / tli/'M/fij | < lt/ | , ! < < il' I i/niir jnnwr nf
turfnliiin' , mill mil ! j/iiui | > ir fnt intH'Kitilc nnil
[ / onKin / , u if/ID / < ( hop , niiii if a Kih 11 f mini te-
lltf fi in tliu , ii > dil n iu nut ruiMdltr * ( h nr >
in ui'iiml Jn trll Itr i iil'il ' mffii'Hiihr llitu
tc iiMltfcwftlt
"I Ho not court notoriety or i iiroinineiico In
tliouyo3 of the public I simply know inut 1
hive found u linn of plivsliMiini wlio luivc
uurccl inn .iftur yuurs of sulTurlni ? of idlsoaso
from which ninny f it il troubles st irt' S >
spoke Mr L'.ur us riioiiiinon Missouri Viillc'v
In , u lirliUcliullde'i , vvtlli Ihe uunc'iai foro-
iii in of hrlilni'H I'n iiiunl , l.lkluiin \ . MNsiirl
Viilloy nilln iv. "MvorU und oxtiosuro In
lirlil.'ei liiillilliiL' nnil pllo drUinj Is hind on
ouu's hi'till ) \ \ i ! are out in nil v\o itlic'r anil
orU In tl.o dump indiold Mvc iturrh il ills.
ini'-i' ullce'tud my mi-e' , throit ovus nil Inn x ,
Vly lilood mid who osy toin were pdlsunu I mil
the illsii i uvis ; dully „ ( ! t liitr a llrmc'r ft\\t \ \ on
in ) whole ) ticulv. With ifdwmc'Ks truitini'nt
Ii > Ills Copolund \ Miopird I inn wnmlci fnllv
hi'ttoi In nil rc'sucots I luivo p ild iniiih
tnoiK'N for ilni'loi Ini ; bofuro. but mnv hive
found u thormuh syMte.m th it U cuiln1 MIC
ripldlv. I'hls nun h It Is u pin iHiiri'unil xduty
to s iv to my frlc ncl9 and to the public "
Otllir.l ) I1Y MAII.-W W Davis , n rospcct-
od und loliublo m 'reliant of hi > ii uido ih , I i
\Mlle "I l)04un ) vuiir troitincnt OMT a
month UK" nnd airoady feu ! much uottur In
fact llkti a now man I think I am marly all
t it lit mn\ , for I h ivo noun of the shoit lire ith
or tlroil. o ik fuolltiK Tlie'ro IH no c'liuulnu
of the linnd anJ 1 fool Ilr-t r.ito I oiin he irt-
liy iul\i.o .til cutirrhil peep o to 1:0 t i you
foi hclu \ \ W DAV1\ "
te *
'III ind If. \ Y I ire Illdir Oiniih i
OMl i Iliinrs II loll a in - t" > p niT tot )
p in Mindiv ID a in to U'in
Many t IIKIS moro dura h'o tli an Moim on-
Ines. more rollublo foi power purpi sc nnd
in ucli olio iper Canbo inn In eornur of uny
room from cairot to hiisomcnt. liking but lit-
llospicc' . n uklntt no nol-jo M I | > OH nosmouo
ordlrt. icqiilres no fuel orunichioor to run It
Cheaper , nentor iind more rollublo for c'lcw-
tors and other ptiriio ps than wntcr or irns.
Detroit Motor and ( lenoritor tic-ht of all , as
il Ittlo investigation wilt show
M ichlno'i from ono-elibt to olirhtv lior-,0
pouor always on hand and warranted to ctvo
coaipli.'lo siitlsfaotlon , Coiiiinunlu itu with
us.Vn will save you time , money and mion-
W. r liAKEK , nv > nniiiin : ! iiiimrtniooi { ,
Connell Illulls Toleiilione2 l
C. I ) . IJAKnit. ifctrieliin , 7U south 14th St .
Omatn. Telephone 1441
bolo agents foi Council 11 lulls , Onmli.i and
foderil courts Uoonts iDJ-7-S-9 ,
blo'fcU. Council lliuIVs , la ,
e , w. PAMLE , H. D ;
Th Good SaffiulUo. N Tcan'
01 ? niAniBEa or MRH
Itreaf the following Diseases :
Cntorrh of the Hind , Thront , nnd I.nnn8 ! Dlf.
onocaoftlic K > eand I nr 1'tuuid A ] < iplei > , llewrt
IHsoaie , l.ver Uiiniilnl t I.UIner Computing
Norvouo Dobllfty , Motitnl Dopros-
nlon , Loss or Manhood , Somlnnl
Wonknoss , Pl l > cie Hr qbt s ni-coscSt Vltva'
DIIICB lUieuniallim I'amljsK White Snclllnir ,
Scrofviin , R cr Sores Cnncors , Tumors
nnd Fl tuln In nno removed without
the knlfo or drnwlim n drop of
blood. Woman with htr dcllcnto owns ro-
utorcit to health lrei [ j curc'el without tnuolnc.
* < p < Inl iilu'iit on u'UiMi tuir-ittn n > < > f all
blood tiilnls .irl-liu l > v i'\rsM' or vleo *
' liter mil ilioipor tli in i trip In the Hot
snrln s fiit to T * foife t for am fiiiuroto
eineiu ilhei'it niiM ! nry
Tajxj Wornis re'inovcil In t w > or three uours , ot DO
] > ay. 11 luorrliol 19 or riles ci rid
WllUmve life nnd hundreds of dollars by cftlllng
on or using
Tlioonly IMn tclan who rnn toll whnt nllC
a ju'isonltliuut anklii- ) ciui-alion.
All corrcsi inilciicestrtcth rontlilentiiil. MedtolUO
eotit b ; uxprcss. AddrifS uh KUerJ to '
"M BROAinVAY Coinoll B ulTs , I v.
S-cnd 4e' stumps tor timlhlonli il rnoty
Special Notices.
It1) IKUlSnml lonni firm nil oltr
lionulit anil sol , I I'u jr t lluiiu cumuli
S lAI'UAl lilAiri.Mlnv ti "epte'inbc'r I ,
V mint n len o for term of year * of wurohonao
with CriukHkO BUtllclunt fur wh > ! cite ! biislnuta
Adurem \ II ) lieu ollk ( uuncll llluIN
1AK Itl N 1 I ho lu room houu ( oniTir oI VV HUny
iiMMiiiu nnd fttli street owned hy Vim Hancock , '
Irum liinc'l ut SiJUJ per xiuiith Includliu burn , or
will nell property lluy V lltMi
\yAMKI > A limn nno IIIH knoiTloiUo'
' und c'vporlenco In tliu fruit cnmmlHHloii
hiiMnu > a lit minuuer for ( uuncll MliitM Krult
drovrcrp , whlp , ors AMKUI liillon lloforu IPOS re
quired Aililrchs 1 I' lifts , -otietnr ) JJ 1'enrl
ktrtut ( onncll mints
MAI.Il.tKi II i > S -riCT'oile > | VuyTt luntn uT
jinm KUOI ! \ iluu und ulvv i > 11n sluek ut IIH
tn K viurrluni hlock
\ \ M.l.l\lllAViLtll ll , 1 [ no loiir roiiTiT
Ii liuiiM'H nnd atoro room und ontliullilliivB clour
o , Iniinnlirunce A I Vliiulcl TIKI i.rulium Wo
I.'OU Ili.MSI re room .Mxu nell uit ilillahait
J m CM cry Miind ( ornor l.tli t ami Uh Ave ill )
Ijrinoinli A t vi iniioi 7 > J i.iiUiiim Ave
1.'OH UIN : I -I our boi l UIH nt i.xchniijo bnrlk *
_ _ l VV VirUik
, ' ( - < I nil ( Ut ol II iner *
lion n tinrmiln liiigulro ot I.nip
Iliinlnuru i o l cuinrll ' " "
GVHII M.I. ri'inov > > l c sspu m T nuts ciiiiniuri
eleanetlull prop.tijj 'or tliu wjrk luj
Ilurko cltv Jmtl lln _
' ' und lot for iT\lu No Hit I Itl l urjj us
Inqulro of J 1 * .hrUtlui L A , 11 I ,
f reliflit lionsu
A l HAM 1C for rltfit mm tu colle-ct , solknt ,
und ilullvor uoudsinoj * IJ i > wooi ,
nnd prol.ts divided cv r > UJ dy # in ntoc'c com-
muij Must lius 13 slinrj ) itoelc Vddi 'Hi J W.
\lorso llooniS l.TC-rett block C/uiincIl liluJIa
JXhl i heap tnun blioc drlvTn m nrus .
tonni nnilci. oil wiuon Inmost and loam , top
InigKy roml trnitoii l nrh in < njiH'u 111'iiiirl slrccU'
\\Mljl. sell below coil new i room home inuiloril
' * conv ( nlenoo well louutPd Hooolllce
I oil s vil \ niimbT ot nice colt njro < , cheap ,
ind on very intr piruisnts. " -
MeliolHun i , c o fill llrondnny _ _ _ _
AXTANIiJI ' ) Vl n to > rk nbonryimfand alablo. ,
' Apply at olllu'uf eoiiiird h verc tt _ _ _ _
I. oil SAIjlO Iinprovuil propurtjr nt jour own
prlrp A ft room cottnuo on lot 2 , JiuM'n sub , o
luruo i Dior ) T room holme on lota 15 and 111 , In
lohiiNon t. add u in at 4 room cotluuo uri lot el , '
hlockll 1 loinmlni : A. I nvlft ndd a A room IUL" *
taKOonlotn blocks , I'uttor , V Cobb a nil , a <
room ceitluKC on lot II block S , 1'irH I Ity ilit Iho
s-avliiKs Loan ami UulldlnR amioclitlon of I ouncll'
HlulTa In , olfer tlio nb ivo propurtlos for ( null or
monthly | mynie.ntn and will rccjlvo blil for Iho
tame i\s l. whole or sln/ly , bids to bo uliinlttcil to
thu bonrd of dlrectur lit their tlrnt nieetlnit In Mny.
they r ( horvliiK the prlvllc tfo ot rejecting any or all
bids l-iirtlu'r Infill-million Klvcn hy I ) VV ( His ,
fieri tary 10. Main -t to whom all bids sliouhl uu '
Bent hoforn May I IMI i
) . .UU AMI lilU ACHl trutor Hind III iiortliiiraH
Ion a ulHf'OO to $ ' 000 per aero Johnston A , Van
1' ! lun I
V\rAM'l.l > sUuntlon tor nolf und wlfo to can ) '
' ' fora lioii'n nnd prumlsc'9 for purtlcs nbnun i
for the bcuson dooil rcferciiCFs Klvun Addrcsitl
II lUeonico ( ounell Illulln
| r CiiK S jonr biiienln Uvc-room liouto ncnr , (
5Sxl"0 corner lot , block from motor near bunt
lie" center , peed oiiU'iillillnns xrcat barKnlD , IMJUC
or JleiO OU down nnd monllily pnvmcnts Inqulro nl
Hen o nice
Made by the Centaur Cycle Co. of Coventry , England ,
The oldest unit sit oncost cyolo company In the wot-ld.
Road King Hustler
Read Queen Athlete
Kingman Glideaway
Scorchers , andothcr
Mermaid Medium
Umpire Grade
. k.1 _ _ _ i1 . u „ . , . . . - ' - , ' , . .JfcWafi \ . Wheels.
Manufacturers , importers and jobbers of high and medium
grade bicycles ; also vehicles and farm machinery.
S. M. WILLIAMSON & CO. , Council Bluffs Agsn
Gasoline Stove ,
Bicycle ,
Refrigerator ,
Carpet Sweeper ,
Or , which is of primary importance just now ,
To have your Stove stored for
Ihe Summer , call on
Chas. Swaine , - 737 Broadway
IliirhestGrailofor $100.00
The MclipioVnvor'.y , King ,
C Ippor , Scorolior , .ill 100.00
Sold everywhere for "Jl/iO.OO. " /
If jou want u viheyjl , don't full to
bCO 118.
Our $80.00 whcol is udfttidy.
U Mulu Htroot , Council liluiri.