Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1893, Page 6, Image 7

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'Wheat Turned Weak In the Last Hour of
Hog rroiluctn Opened .Htrrinc null
on Very Melit KecolpU-Mny Pork
llrol < c H.itlly on I'r en OfferIng -
Ing * I.ato.
CniCAdO , 111. , April ai.-Wliwit turned weak
In tl ! last lioiir of trading today. Tlio weak-
ncsH was duo to largo saliM which seemed to bo
Induced liy the apparently Increased financial
stringency In New Voik mid n reported bit ?
falluro In I'lilliululiihln. The dcellno from
top prices iiinoiinti'd to from 1'ji ! to 1'fe
The elo-o WAN comparatively Moady tit n
Might reaction. Compared with last night
July wheat N Ur lower. May Is unchanged.
Othei-H not much uitvnted , hut thuro was weak
ness In piovlslom , . the latter losing about all
tlio day's Kiiln.
Wheat Htnrtod out stroliK with a continua
tion of Iho llrmness dovi-lopod yesterday.
Cables weio sttonuor and cron news not par
ticularly encouraging. The weather was cold
and It snowed In thu northwest , whlcli Is llla-ly
to delay Heeding. The Kansas crop , It was
claimed , would tint he benellted miii-h by Iho
The sn.iw which fell In tin- winter wheat licit
It was thought would be of general bcncllt. It
wasriiinoruil that the I'ron-h were buying In
Now York and Iliero was exp irl Inlying at St.
lonls. Thu heavy bank falluio In Australia
did not < -ei-m to have affected the inntkct , at
least until tin. New York stock murkut showed
blgnsof weakness
.May Mild with 'ic ( liirliialliins and closed
nbout the satin1 as yesleiday. July oiened ; ut
the closing llguresof yesterday , pi-lues rallied
f c , declined l' e and thn clinlng was from ' { o
to a c lower than yesterday.
The corn market was the narrowest seen In
months , Opening trades weic at about tlio
Until limitations of yesterday , und after vary
ing from < r to 'iC , ehi'-ed with a tilllond-
vance. Tin-to was good trading In oats ,
chiefly In changing month * . Tni-rolil woath'-r '
perhaps set some shorts to covering.
Tlio m-iikot opened weaker , but closed easy
nt about yesleiday's prices , e.\cept for May
which was from * tc to " c lilu'lier. May was In
Mii-olnl llartlett-l''ia/ler ; , Niirlon-
Avoithlngfon , I'atten llros. , Arinour iind
I'ounsoliiinn all purchased fair quant Itles of
that month. There was an i-M-i-llunl shipping
Imi.ilry for No. 'Jrontract , with shlpp--r- . pay
ing May prices for all available stock.
flog producis opened strong and higher on
very light receipts of llxe lings at tin- yards
nndtalk of probable snuill stocks of .May pro-
vlsons. The weakness Increased on sorneoiii-
klilo buying order * coming In and the local
ciowd supporting the marUet until Into In the
ilay when May polk biokc badly on freoolTi-r-
Inzs and curried everything else down with It.
A fairly steady feeling prevailed , however , at.
tlio close. Compared with last night pork Is
virtually unchanged ; laid from f > to 7'Ji ' ;
higher. May rib4 are 2 > , < : higher and luc
higher tlmn'.luly and September dullvuHes ,
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat
A Ifi car > ; corn , 135 cars ; oats , 175 cars ; lie s
7,000 bead.
Tlio leading futures ranijed as follows :
Aiinri.i > . i OI-KX. i mint. CI.IISK VKS'V.
IUM . . . . " '
175 ! <
M' * . - > *
t ? is a ) 17 7 , ' >
17 45 lilt 17 I7' ' < ;
17 III 17 70
! l 87'ra
1005 ui ( , 111 Oil *
10 2) 10 17hs
tl 73 77- 9 7S
V u"i 11 1754
U (17 ( ! J 75
Cash quotations were as follows ;
KI.OUH CJulet ; prices a trlllo lower all
WIIKAT No. 2 sprlmr , 72c ; No. 3 spring ,
northern , G5id70c ; No. 2 red , 72c.
CDHNNo. . 2 , 40'.ic ; No. n , IlH'Je.
OATS No. 2 , 27l'sc ; No. 2 white , f , o. b. ,
tc ; No. ! 1 white , f. o. b. , aoytt33c.
UVK-No. 2. 50c.
lUut.uv No. 2 , n2cj No. 3 , f. o. b.,40350o ;
No. 4 , f. o. b. , 3fitt48i ! .
I''IAXSKII : > No. 1 , * 1.13H.14. ? ( (
TIMOTII v S.KKD Pi line , 11.16.
I'OHK-Mess , per bill. . * 17.2017.25 ; lard ,
per 100 Ibs. , $ U,025'ii ! J.05 ; short rib sides
( loose ) . 0.77'ao.HO. < .
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal , .
SUO'AHS Cut loaf , Gc ; granulated , 5c ;
Ktandard "A. " 53-lGc.
The following were the receipts and ship
ments for today :
On the Produce o\chango today the butter
market was tinner : creamery. 23ft30e ; dairy
222Hc. Kggs , easier ; strictly fresh , 14fifl
Oin ilm < ir.iln.
The following prices are for doll vary at MIs-
idsslppl river points :
WIIKAT No. 2 spring , G8o bid ; No. 3 stirlnc ,
07c.bidNo. ; 2 hard , Glcbld ; No. 3 hard , 57c
UYK-NO. 2. 52o bid.
OATS-NO. 2 white , 3fUe bid ; No. 3 white
80c bid.
Conn No. 2 cash or April , 37e bid ; No. 3 01
belter , cash or April , ati'tc bid ; No. 2 white ,
88ic ! bid ; No. 3 white , HSc. bid.
Amons thosales were : Seven cars Xo. Scorn ,
upper Mississippi river points , 37c.
Oouilin rroiliivp .Murkct.
The weather was still against thorn belnmi
good active trade In fruit and produce. Tin ;
general market was about steady , with m
very Important Huctuatlons.
It seems as If butter Is becoming oven
scarcer than It has been dnrlnir. the past weeli
or more , which Is saying a seed deal. Tin
market Is very llrm , lint with no quotable
change , as prices aft > about as high us con-
humors will pay for the kind of butter that i-
coming at the present time.
Poultry continues also very scarce and ( Inn ,
with a good demand. ICverythlng In the way
of chickens Is nicked up quickly in arrival.
The egg market remains In the same notch
with no quotable change ,
Arkansas strawberries , the first of the sea
son , arrived on the mnrUot and weio of vorj
peed quality for the first , shipments. Thei
nro not expected to bo very plenty before tin
llrbtof the month.
Arn.KS Choice shipping stank , $4.00 ® 1.2 !
per bill ,
tiTllAWliRllllltS-IYr 24-qt.caso , J5.0aa5.50
OIIAMIKSMorlda riissetts , ji : 5O ; Moxleat
oranges , single boxes , $3.25 ; California moun
tain oranges. J2.50 ; Washington navels. M
Newcastle California seedlings , $2. ( > 0 < fo2,75
Wed , sweets , J2.75 ; Hlversldo seedlings J2 75
llANANAS-Per hunch , Including crates am
packing , J1.75@2.50.
CllA.NllKIIItlKS-Por box , $3.75.
l.KMO.N8-ChoIcc , i3.5oa4.00 ; fancy , $4.001
vinrTAtitKi : > ,
I'BAST-I'or lj-bu. box , Sl.00rel.25.
HKANS Cholco navy , $2.3Oit2.45 ; commoi
Utici'MiiKiw Cliolciperdoz. . ll.50B2.Of )
HwKirr POTATOKS Per bid. , * 5 ; seed sweo
potatoes , $ -1.50.
ONIONS- Homegrown , on orders to country
(4 per bbl. ( iood stock shipped In from conn
try , tl.15Uil.25 per lm.
POTATOKM- Colorado stock , 11. 10 ; Wlsconsli
burbunku , OOc4t1.0U ; western Nebraska , OOivi
ll.OOi eastern Nebraska stock , 76QOOo ; earl
Ohio sued , { 1,25 ,
NKW VKIIIITAIII.KS- Lettuce , 40c ; r.idlsho
40cj parsley , 40c per do& ; green onions , St
I'if. l'i.AST 1'or 50-lb. boxes , Jl.505til.75.
IllTTTKII , WJI18 , (1AHK , I'OUl.TltY.
IlUTTKU Packing stock , 15 < ai7c ; falrtogoo >
rountry roll , lUU2'Jci choice to fancycountrj
KiitisGeneral market. 13'ie. '
UAHK-Mlxi'd ducks 75cii.1.00 ( ; red head' '
13 mallards 2.0UtS2.50 ; teal. J1.O01H.2S >
Jack snlpi's , f 1.25.
1'oi'l.TUY Cholco ncns. 1 16il2ci mixed coop >
Hxitllc ; old riHistei-s. 7SJ.MOgeese and diicki
KXiillc ; turkeys , lOUl'.Vt pigeons , Jl.25 ,1.5
HAY The market on good upland hay , J7 I
car lots.
HIINKV Cholco to fancy whlto clover , Ibj
lOc ; fair to gooil
VKAI < Cholco and fat veals , 7Q8i
largo and thin , 3Hiic.
Cottuo .Murkut *
NKW YOHK. Ajirll 21. Optloni opeuc
eteady ; April , 114.40 bid ; other inontl |
10. to 2tl points lower ) doted mead
' a to 05 Uowiij Mules , 20,760 bag ;
'includlngl Muy. 13.7tVaU.20 ; Jim n
fia.7 * } July , irj.7&aia.OO ! August , 113.1
atn.Hr , . Pnpu-mhcr , $13.75 11.2111 o.-t
ber , Il3.90xtl4.00i Oecomber. fn.o'iOjll
Spot , Hlo , ( iull.cailtri No. 7 , n4.7i l I.Kr
N > r fork .Market * .
NKW VIIIIK , April 21. I'l/it'ii-Itoi'clpH ' , 10-
185 iikttx.i imports , 0,000 hills. . IT.D'll ) nrk < 4 |
iialvs 12.OOO pkstt.i marki-tqillct : held ( Inner.
t.'oiix Mli.Mnull ; yellow WMILTII , tJ.C" *
2.75 ,
Itvu Wcaki wctti'rn , 6H . " > 7i .
IIAIII.KV rirm ; western. GOfUoc.
llAltl.uvMAl.T Hioudy , < | iilcti weitcrn ,
WlllHT-IttvinlpN.0,0 HI hu.i-export' , 2lj. (
000 hii.i sales , 21.57 j.O.Mhil. futures , 144,0'M
hit. spot. Hpot mttrkal inodonitoly active for
uxjxirt , llrm ; No. 2 tod. In More and ulevator , 75
® ,7iHje : ulloat , 701i < i70iOj No. I northern , Hl'i
QftUc ; No. 1 haul , 8.V : Nn. 2 northurn , 70li'iS
80o. Options iidvniii-od 'ittluon lirmun-ahles ,
Dad weatflor In the northwest , lioavy buying
hy foreigners , th' ' ) local .shorts buying for
western account , dei-llnod n.Utlc with the
west and on ri'iillr.lint and < ; lo < l weak and un-
chanpod to "nit up. No. 2 red. Mnv , 75V. clot-
Inn , 75'V" ' . .luni7iiV'77Ui' . l < wlnit. 70Ni-j
.Inly , 77 5-101978'4' ' ' . clo-diiK , 780 ; December.
83 > i < ilH3'r. closlni : , H3 ! < r- .
Ooiiv lltvolpls , 115.00 I nil. : otporti,61,0. ) ' )
lm. ; salen , 52(1,000 ( lm. fitlnr.HloJKM ) lm. .spot.
Spots , indet ; No. I1 , 48'i'MOj 111 olo-
valor , 4'J'i Vi'ii- ' alli it ; ungraded ml\ed ,
40o ; sti-amor mlvod , 47'iiNo ' : , 3. 47V ; op
tions were fairly in-lUe and 'i'i' ( ' up with the
west , and on fondun nuyltitf , together with
lOL-al i-ovorln ; . ' , closing llrm ; May. 471.i < &l8i- ,
elodtiff at 4Mc ; .Inly , 48 , ' < ; 4 too. closing at , 40e.
O.xr.s Itecelpts , 8,0t.i ) hu. ; u.xonru. 401
Int. ; sales , uo.iMO lm. future * , 83,0 , ) : ) hu.
spoi. Spots dull , lower orj white ; options mod
erately in-live , llrm ; M.iy , 3'J'l > al3' ' < j dining ,
33'ji-i ' .lime , 33'i ' J3' i' . I'lmliii , 3J'j ' : ; Jlllv ,
33Jjf'C33' . , oliislnu , 3.l'c ' ; No. 2 whlto , 4lii
No. ll'liliiKii ! ; : , 3S'i- ' > ; NIL : l , 37i : : No. 3 white ,
3S'i63'JiinlMd ' ; woslern. STftlldc ; whlto
wi-stoni , 37 < il3Hi- .
llAV-l'alrly ai-tlve , llrm.
lloi-.S l-'lrin , quiet.
llltiKM-Dilll , easy.
\Viiii-l'lrni , dull ; domestic fleeces , 27337c ;
Ti'\as , ! 74f,2U- ,
I'IIDVISIONSOut nr-ats , quiet , llrm ; pickled
lielllos , 12 His nt lOKIO'io ' ; middles llrm ,
itilel | ; short clear , 1OVI.ard steady ,
iUii-t | ; western steam rioted at J10.25 asked ;
Dili's , 10 i tlrrces at tln.2i ; optloissalestioiie : ;
Mnyelosoil at * 10.15.Iuly ; i-loied at 110.2j hid ;
SeptemberrloMul a , flo.4."i. Cork iiilet | , llrm ;
old mi-is , Jill , no'.v nn > vi , SIH.'JO.
lltrrri'.u Kcltd. . iniu-h hUhor ; short sup
ply ; woMti'in ilalrv,20'2Uiwestern ; creamery ,
2.y-ft3.jcwestern : factory. 2H328c ; Kleins , 31 ®
Cur.t E Steady , fairly active ; part skims ,
3iM'ii- ) ' .
I'.ilds-Opened llrmer ; iUlet | , Icn-itnlar : ro-
ci'liils , 7.OO1) ) nkijs ; ni'iK'in , flesh , lO'itlO'.ji- .
'I ALLOW Dull , wuik : ; city , * J per pkx-i , 4' c
hid , 6c asKed.
I'orriiNSUKU Oii-Iull ) , sto.uly ; crude , 39c ;
yrlhnv , 43c.
I'lSTiioi.iii'M-Th" inarliet was i-\treni"ly dull
and opened nnd chisi-d steadv In tone In sym
pathy with the market at Oil I'lly. Pi-iin-
sylviiulu nil : Spot sales , mini- . Option
s-iles. 2.01)0 ) hills. Upi-nliiit. 08c ; highest , 08c ;
lowi-.sliiH-i i-losliu. GS : hlil. I.lmaoll : Sales ,
mini20'i ; ' - hid. 'I'olal sales , 2J.OO ; ) hhls.
Tuui'UM'iNll-Qiilut , scarce , llriiiur at 33'i ' ®
KICK -I'lnn , rasy ; iliiiiiuitlc , fair to extra ,
3' 5.V o : .Inp in. 4'j ' it I'41' .
Mill. VS'KS New Orleans , open Uettle. Rood to
clioliv , ralrlyacllvi- at 3 l-i3Sc.
St'iiAliIliiw. . ( Inn , ipili'l ; fair rellnlnx. 3'
© 3'siccntrlfilCEiN ' ; , ! ) ( > II--.I , ; t' iii4i- ; sales , 40
Ions muscovado , 80 ti--.t , til 35101rellnod ; ,
( Inn , mtidi-ratit di < : elf A.4'i'i/l 15-10. ' ;
.stanilai-il A , Oift'i 3-10 . : o w'l-cihmerV A. t'i'ifl
5 1-ll'ii'i piwdered : , 5'i-t'i 7-li'n1 : Ki'anul.iti-d ,
5ft5Uiinli.s. ; . 6i-"i 7HitrroiKhts to I.lver-
poul iinlol and aliotil steady.
I'm lutiN-tjiilul , ; Amorloan , $12.73
© 15.50.
Coi'i'Klt fiulet ; lake , Jll.20.
lir.\u Sieady ; dninustli- 1.12'J. '
TIN Klrin ; SI rails , 120.70 hid , W0.80 asked ;
plates , .steady , sp.'ll T Klrni ! domestlcJ4.46.
St. l. : > : ilsl , 'hils.
ST. I.OIMS , Mo. , April 'Jl. Ki.ouii About
sti-.ily , slow.
WiiKvr Adv.uioed n-arly Vi" , ruaotctl near
thoend. i'lnd 'm6 ' 'Bi ' : up ; N'i.2ui h , Ol'io ;
May , II.V.GViC , rliiilir. ; at 03'ai.- ' .
foils IK-iid , dull ; No. 2 inl\-jd , cash , 3G'c ' ; ;
May.30i.o ,
0\TS-lllj'hor.No. ; 2 oa-ili. 30c ; May , 20' c.
1'lloviSKixsSlron , very ( pilot Pork ,
new standard m HS ; jo'.mln , $10. l.ard ,
40.7 , ' ) , Dry salt meats , lee n shiinlilers , i'J ' ;
louirs ; inil rlln , $0.05 ; sluirts , } 3.0l ) ; lioxd lots.
15o. lilKher. llaoon , packed .shoulders , JUl.l'J'i ;
lone-i and rllis , flO.O'J1 , ; shorts , J10.87'i.
limns , unchanged.
KiCBll'M-l-loiir : , 7,000 hhls. ; wheat , 13.000
hu. ; corn , 01,000 lm. ; oats , 4,0001m. ; rye and
ha i ley , none.
Siui-MKNrs-1'lour,4,000 hhls. ; wheat , 10,000
lm. ; corn , 5,000 hu. ; oats , 2.0DO hit. ; rye ,
1,000 hu. , barley , l.ouoim.
The following are reported at Dun's Meroan-
tllo ugonuy :
Ilrolien How , Neb. , Shepparo& Hoi-stiruun ,
saloon , will dissolve.
I-'nlrlinry , Neb. , McCormac llros. , meat
market , hiicceedt'il bv Joa ItntterbaiiKh.
Omaha , O. It. Connor & Co. , liquors , etc. ,
sliurlir In po-soslon.
Khk-kley , Neb , , Winters & Co. , general store ,
gave chattel inortKaucs for J7.200.
IlaniliurK , la. , It. II. Tliomp- , harness , sold
Atclitson , Kan. . Holmes & Son , incut market ,
succeeded by A.aim. .
St. Marys , Ivan. , Anderson & llrownell , hard
ware and furniture , assigned.
Scandhi , Kan. , John Olson , furniture , sold
half Interest.
Kapld C'lty , S. I ) . , O'Neill & Co. , groceries ,
assigned. _ _ _ _ _ _
KniiHan i Ity Alurkntn.
KANSAS fiTY , Mo. , April 21. Wheat and rye
aroon a basis of Mississippi river ; corn and
oats on a basis of Kansas City.
WIIIUT Active and hluhur ; No. 2 hard , G4 ! <
® 05c ; No. 2 red , 031i'iiOOc.
COIIN I'lnn and ! if'J.'ic lilsher ; No. 2 mixed ,
34oNo. ; a white , 30c.
OATS-rnchinwd ; No. 2 mixed , 2332S'/c ' :
No. a white , 31 < i.31'ic. '
Hurrr.n linclianxed ; crunini'ry , 23330c ;
dairy , 18tt24 .
KoilS - Steady at 12'if. '
Ktoiii'is-Wheat : ; , 8,000 bu. ; corn , 0,000 bu. ;
oats , noiio.
Siiii'MKNTS Wheat , 13,000 bu. ; corn , 3,000
bu. ; oats , none.
l.ivt-rpoiil .Markets.
April \yilB.VT-Qulot :
t i o. fs .1 411 [ u-i ut null. iti-iu-iiii ill „ . . . .
corn the past three days , 4Uiuo : centals. I'lnu ,
hot weather prevailing.
Iltif-K\tra : ; India mess , 7s 3d per tierce.
H.miX Long clear , 45 Ibs. , 4s 2d percwt.
TL'HI'UXTINU Sl-IlllTS 21s per CWt.
Cotton MilrKi't.
Nr.w Oitt.KANS , la. , April 21. Kasy ; gooi ]
mlddlln ; : . l\c ; middling. 7' > c ; low middling
7 1-Uic ; good ordinary. 7c ; not receipts , 3til
bales ; gios-s , G5G bali'.s ; n.xports to the conti
nent , 2-JtiO ) ales ; coastwise , 4,027 bale.s ; sains
4,500 hales ; stock , 221,701 bales. Weekly , nel
receipts , 17,026 b.ilugross ; , 20.50J liab-.s ;
o.xporls to lireat Britain , 18,151 hales ; to tin
continent , 3,000 bales ; , 17,004 bales
sales , 34,050 bales.
.Mlnnn.ipolUVliput .Market.
Mi.v.NK.u-OMS , Minn. , April 21. Hood tradi
today with the greatest weakness shortly bo
foio the close , liood demand for cash. Light
olVoriims : No. 1 northern sold at 07c ; No. ' ,
northern , ( i5c. ItL-celpts , 123 cars , ( . 'lose
AprilG4c ; May , Olc ; July , 07'BC. ' On track
No. 1 hard , Ode ; No. 1 northern , GUc ; No , ' .
northern , G4c.
Aiiu-rlcnii ISiTrlKL-r.itiir Kept.
I.tvinu-ooi. , April 21. AMCIIIVAN lUntiinit :
ATOIl IlKKf I lMrequarter.s , 4'jd ' ; hindquarters
0'4d per lb.
I.II.MION , April 21. AMRIIIIV. . .
IlKir : I'lireqinirtt'i-h , 2s liKtJs 8d ; hind
qtiarturs , 3 OdU3s led per 8 Ibs. by the cur
I.iiuildii ( Ml MurKi't.
l.ONims , April 21. l.'Ai.otTrr.v I < i.v.r.nn-
Spol,42-i2d per quarter ; spot April and June
now crop , 38s Gil.
l < iNsiti : > On , i'G3 per ion.
Tuill-KNTINK SriuiTS 22s Oil per CWt.
lliltlmuro : ( iriln .tlur : < ut.
HAI.TIMOIII.\ . , Apill 21. WIIKAT Strong
No. 2 red , bpotand April , 74ye.
CoiiN-hteady ; ml\od , spot nnd April,48 < jc.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 white western , 41ic.
Now York l > o ( i'liiils Alnrkc-t.
Nl'.w VOHK , April -'I.-- ' ! ' ! ! ! ' ! ! ! was nioro doln
. IndryKOjils at both first and second hand :
but no chansons regards oporallons of an Im
pdrlunt character.
ifl Coumo of tlio .MarUnt Vratpnlny Win Krrntl
In lliu i\trcliu- : .
Nr.w VOIIK , April 21.The oourso of th
stuck mnrUet today was on at lit In the e.\
d treme , owliiK to tlio publli-allon of S'-crotur ,
Carlisle's btatement und the contllctlni
| rumors In Washington In mriril to the proli
s , ' ablolhianclal policy of the administration.
; I The purchase of 20,01)0 ) shares , nioiour los
i by London saved the market from u bad broa
s' . In the early trading and , In faot , lujtoan ml
iO vaiico un tlio cliislnc llnnros of yesterday <
j from > < percent to 1 per cent , but the beai
piomptly renewed tholr attacks when the
m found that Iho irold ei.Kiixuments would b
a heavier than l-xpeeted , hut iho banks an
other lenders were disposed to exact liMit
cj rau-s from iKirrowt-rs.
. .Money Kot up to 12 per cent on rail ; tlm
| money wiib exceedlnirly dltlioillt to obtain at
per cent and sterling e chaiiKu ruled ver
Jd i-troni ; . A Reneral dvcllno followed these con
ls dlttun- . under thu leadership of tlio Industrial
Iv 1'or a tlino thupressuro lo hell as&umed Inrij
, priiDortliins , und u most tineuNy feeling pn
, , vailed. Later In the day thuru wus u khar
70 rally on ruiuorv , but reuctlou cunuud uuLy t
lm sin eiled by another rl < o Hpecillntlnn
closed riimimrntlvnly llrm lu tone. A decline
in the rtt'H for moni-y to4'iW p-r : cent and a
ti-ductlon In nterllng exebiingo to I4.H8B4.00
assNIed thn recovery. Tint i-allniti ag
gregated 444,444 shares of which 74,236 were
unlisted. The nel changes , mm ; In n tow In-
Hlame : > , .show an ad ranee of anywhere from H
lo 2 per rent.
The following are Ihn closing qitotntloni of
Hie leading Blocks on the Now York Stock o.x-
change today !
Alclilaon .Northern 1'ncltlc. . .
Ailtuus Kxpress . . , IM Uo prufcrruil. . . , ,
Alton , T. 11 . I' . , lie. V ( Inlf. . . .
ili > iiroferroil lit ) 'li' ' ' *
Aim-rlcitn KxpreM. 117M ilo proforreil. , . . . ,
llnlllinoru.V Ohio. M N. Y. Central .
I nn.ulii I'ncltlc sir .V , V. \ N. K .
Ciiiiitila 'o-jlhnrn. . M' ; ilnlnrlo A Western
Central I'ncltlc. Orcvoii Imp .11. . . 17
Thus ft Ohio tl < - Oro.on Nnr . . , 73
I tilniKO Alton lit ) i > . H. I. . A tl. N . 19
0. II. AJ I'nclflo.Mnll . 20
IVorla. I ) A K . . . .
CoimolMMeil ( Ins. . 151
0. 0. i1. A St. Ii IVHjI'ullnnn I'nlrtca IW
Cotton nil Cert 41 .leading
Del. million \ 41rm Itlchiiioail T'rinln'l < l
II. IAV iu ilo preferroil . 3i >
p. A U.U. nra si Illo llrniulo W . 21
I ) . AC. K. Co si2llH ilo iiraicrrod . 10
Knu Turin Itock Islnnd , . . . 8I
20' ' < St. IMill . 77
Krlu preforreil. . . . il ilo preferred. . ,
Kort Wnjriie l.M t I'mil AOiiciht . W ) ' (
( it. Northern pf'il. . 1:15 : ilo prafdrriMl. . . . 117
' . .V K. I. lit il VU .Southern I'aclttc. . JIIW
' r ItoMnary. . . . 10IH
Illinois Ci'iitral. . . . . Cool A trim. ; m
M. I'll u I ADululh. . 10 I'ut.iii I'ncltlu 7-H
Knn. ATcx. pfil. . . Tol. A ( l. i'en , pf'il.
l.nko KrlcA West. . n't l.'nloj I'nclno
In preferred 7J'J ' ! ' S. Kxproii
l.ako Shore 12-U W. HI. I , . A I' Wi
Lend I'ruit ! IS < ilo prefer/oil. . 21
I.dills A Mnh 7.PWulli l-'iir.'o llxp. . 117
liMiil * ft Now Al'by MVo t-rn Union. . . .
Munlialtiin on . . . UiIM'Wheo'liK ' ft I. . K. in
.Memphis ft i Im'Vn ilo preferred inu
.Mlchlit.m Central. Minn A St. I u
Mls-iiiiirl 1'nelllc. . . . . . . , , ' .ft II. (1 ( Pi
.Mobile A Olilu 27' Kluctrlo . .
Ninlu-llln : hutt . . . K ) i National l.lnsopd. .
Niitlonnt CnriluKO. uan1 ! ' . Fuel A Iron 01
ilo prcforroil . . . IUIV ilo profnrroil. . . . 107
N. .1 Cflntral HVi'lli ' ft TCI. Ceo. . 3
Norfolk ft W. p'fil . 2IIV t'ol. A. A. ft X. M. .
North Anierlcntu'o
The total suli-s of stocks today were 444.400
shares , liu-luillii : Atohlsun. 8,300 ; Iliirllni-
ton & Qulncy , 23,301) ; Chicago < ! as , 18,700 ;
Cnttim Oil , 10.OOI ; Delaware , Laokawanna
& Western. 0,40 , ) ; DIstlllln-A 17.800 ; Krle ,
0,000 ; ( ietieral Illoetrlc. 21,3(10 ( ; l.ako Shore ,
4.500 ; Louisville Nashville. 5.300 ; Manhat
tan , 4,100 ; Missouri I'aoille. 35OOO ; National
Li'iul , 13,000 ; National I'ordimo. 11,700 ; New
Kimliinil. Hl)0 ( ) ) ; Ncrthern I'liolllc preferred ,
11,200 ; UuailliiK , 10,4011 ; Kook Island , 11,700 ;
St. Paul. 35,1)00 ) ; Sivjar , 47.000 ; Union I'aclllc ,
0,000 ; Western Union , 27,137.
N \v York MIMIIU-
NKW VoiiK , April 21. MIINBY ON O.u.t ,
Was easlor , rniiKlnir to 12 per cent ; last
loan , 4 p-r coin ; closed easy at 4 per cent.
I'ltiMi ; .Mi-.ucANrii.i : I'Ai'KHT-G'ilJlO percent.
S'rr.iti.lNii I'.xcilANili : I'losod easier at if 1.87'j
ftt.4.8S fur sixty day bankers'bills umlM.HU'i '
for demand
I > IIVKUNMINT ; llosns Steady. State bonds
The rloshiK quotations on lionds :
u" rt.7rfu77. 77777 IIJ4 t. IA.V i. M. iiuiii i .
t ) . M. IS Clllll \n \ # t. | j. A S. K. d'n. M.
t ! . M. < ' { rei \ t. l'ull Con .
I'ncltlc IIH of 'ilj 10S st I' . C A I1. Ists . .
IIIIIHIII\ | | B'pcil U. . Ul't T. 1' . I. . U. Tr. Itcti.
1U1M , I' . I' . It. li.Tr. llcts. . 2.1
'I'uiui new net lis . . 101 Union 1'iiclllolMs. . . IU7U
Tc'nn. now net Js. . . . liO Wosl ! ioro .
Tcnn ii'jw m't 3 . . . U. ( ! . W. Ists .
( nnnlii : Southern'- Atuli. 4s .
Cuntrul I'aclllc Ists. Atcli. 2 > is , elnss A. . 51 U
I ) . A II. li. Ists U3H ( , ' . II. A rf. A C > . IU7
II. \ H. li. Ii US ( to2d. ' > s .
irloMi : - > M It. T. AC. 5s .
.M. K AT. ( li-n. Us. . HI II. XT. C. Con. Us. . .
M. K ft T. ( Jon. 5s. . 41 \ . CiiroilnaDs .
Mutual Union tls. . . . It ; , X. Ciirollna Is .
N. .1. c. lut Cert. . . . < . C. llrowns con. . . .
N. I'ac. Ists 1'onn. olil CM .
V. I'nc. 2.l . 111 Vn Us . ( , u
N. W. Consols Vu Kx-Mnt.uoup . . ill
N. W. liobi-ntsVnas I US 1 Vu ronv 2it series. .
Huston Stock la > t itlinu.
HOSTON , Mass. , April ! H.-all ( loans. 52.0
per centitlmo loans , ( IC'.7 percent. Closing
qiiolatlonson stocks , bonds and mining shares :
Alnh.T. A S ! ' \Vuttlnih. I'.K'utrlc.
American Huznr . . . lul ilo prafcrrud . . . 45
ilJ protorrjtt . . . . WUcoaslo Central. . 12
liny Mnto lintt Atchlson Mi . ! ' <
Moll Tolypiiono. . . . I'J ' ) do 48 . 8(1- ( ,
llooton .V Alb my. . . 217 Now Knffltind 1)9. . .
Ikiiton A Mnlno < l-llcctrlc . ' > ) .
do urofcrrcil . . . . 141 Wlsrunolii Cttnt'l In.
C. . II. A < J 141HI
Kllcliburiiird Atlnntlc
( lencrnl ' .It'ctrlc. . . . Ho * to n A Mont.imi. . 25
Illlnolt-Hcol 02 lliitlo A Ilonton . 8 !
Mfxlciin Contra ) . . . . 10 CulomptA llecla. . 2-15
N. V. AN h Centonnlitl .
Old Colony 174 Trnnklln .
Orczon Short t.tnu. . 18 Kearsiiriio .
. - u I HMO tjulncy 12i -
Union l-.iclilc n tn Kec i
Wait Bid Tnmnrnck I'M
do preferred
Now York Minim ; Ouot itlnns.
NEW YOHK , April 21.-Tho following are the
closing mining quotations :
Crown I'olat "j Plymouth 6U
Con. i nl. A Va 34D -lorn Nuvada 10J
RouM ACurrjr CO Stan.lard MU
llnloNorcrosi. . . . . UJ Union Coo 100
Homustnke ll.M Vvllow Jackut H )
Mexican PC ) Iron Silver 30
Ontario 1450 Quick sllvur 260
Oplilr 24D do pn-ferml I'-VJ
Nt. l.miU Attiilnjj Stock * .
ST. bouts , Mo. , April 21. The following are
the closing mining quotations :
tlllmetnlllc JI7.UU llopa f.l.jii
Kll/.abjtli. . . .45 t.W US
( Jriinltu A.4I
bid. tasked.
I''lniineliil Notes.
KANSAS Cirv , Mo. , April 21. Clearings , Jl-
I'AIIIS , April 21. Thrco per cent rentes , OGf
25c for the account.
Nr.w VOIIK , April 21. Ciuarlnss , $114,048-
73(1 ( ; balances , 15,772,548.
It.u.TiMOUE , Mil. . April 21. Clearings , $1-
015,728 ; balances , $1)88,578. ) Money , 0 per
1 LONDON , April 21. Amount of bullion gone
Into the Hank of Knglaiid on balances today ,
JL'2 1,000.
I'liii.Aiii'.i.i'iiiA , Pa. , April 21. Clearings ,
$12,355,435 ; balances , 2,327,130. Money ,
4IQ.41 ! percent.
CINCINNATI , O. , April 21. Money , ( i per
cent. Now York exchange , 70j premium.
Clearings , $2,024,250.
MBMI-HIS , Tumi. , April 21. Now York ex
change selling at $1.50 premium. Clearing ! ! ,
J2SO,033lialtincu ; , * 'JO,22 1.
NKW OHMUNS , I.-i. . Ajirll 21. Cle irlngs. Sl-
752,115. Commercial , 75c per } 1OOJ premium ;
bank , if 1.50 per $ looo premium.
HiHTON , Mass. , April 21. Clearings , tlO-
200,1211 ; balances , * lW40,25i. : Money , 5au pur
, cent. Kxchangu on New York , 17c to 30j dis
Sr. I.outs , Mo. , April 2l.-CluirInz : * . J4.431-
H21 ; balances. $818,205. Monev quiet at ( > ii,7
per cent. Kxchango on Nuw York , OJo ptv-
NKW YOHK , April 21. [ Special Telegram to
Tun HIK. : ] Kxchange was quoted ns follons
toihiy : Chicago , at p'ir ; HIHIOII , 17 to 30c tils-
count ; St. l.ouls , OOi ; premium.
Ciiic.uu ) , 111. , April 21.-Cloirlngs : , T17,05t-
043. Now York exchange , nar. Sterling ux-
change strong ; sixty-day bills , v4H7'i ; de
mand , f 1.80. Alonoy , in strong demand ; rates ,
steady at GSi7 per cent.
Itctter Snpplv nnil Ili-ttwr lleininul Urine
with Them Hotter J'rlect.
l-'HIIiAY , April 21.
The receipts of cattle today were about
1,000 head , a fair average run for Krliluy.
The domand. especially from local buyers ,
was Rood , and suitable Ir.-of steers chanxcd
hands freely at prices fully a dlinu higher.
Outhlde of a few pretty decent steers the
quality of the olTorluns was nothing e.Mrn.
The leci-Ipis of cows and heifers j\cro hardly
sumelentlo simply the demand , consequently
values ruled btroni ; to a dlmo hlulier all
around. The market opened early and by
midday the pens had been cleared ot all offer
The stocker and feeder market cnntfnuoh
moderately coed ; howuver.tho number Comlni !
Is limited. Handy tirades are In fair demand
and prices are fully us KO.II ! as heretofore.
Kepresentatlvo hales :
t4 65
4 GO
4 GO
4 GO
4 00
4 00
4 70
4 70
1 70
4 bO
4 80
4 80
4 85
4 85
4 85
4 85
4 85
4 00
4 00
4 05
5 ( H )
6 0(1 (
6 05
4 55
& OU
4 40
4 00
3 15
3 25
3 26
B 25
a 40
3 60
: i 60
a 60
a 60
a 60
a 60
a 65
a oo
a 76
a 75
a 75
a 76
3 85
3 85
3 85
3 00
3 00
4 ( K )
4 00
3 40
3 00
3 00
6 00
6 00
D 00V
3 20
3 25
3 23
3 25
3 25
3 35
3 33
3 35
3 40
3 50
3 70
4 00
2 . ' . . . .1625 2 76 2 . .18GO 400
1 1440 4 00
n. . . 433 3 00 1. 800 3 45
5 . . 310 3 20 2 HOO 3 60
3. . . 4 HO 3 25 3 600 3 00
405 3 40 1 000 3 00
55 300 3 45 4 795 3 00
S7 308 3 45 1 UliO 3 05
33 steers 1483 $425
lions -Prices were well sustained on the box
iniiikot iiKnln to.lay , and are now 25o to 33c
higher than at this time a week IIKII. Theshlp-
pliiK and speculative demand wasKOodnnd
packers weiu also wnntlni ; hojis , consequently
prices ruled a good nickel higher , and by tin
middle of the forenoon the receipts hud all
i-liangi-d hands , I'rlcos ramiod from $7.1O to
J7.30 , the Imlkselllmt at from * 7.15 to $7.25 ,
nualnsl $0.05 to $7.25 and bulk $7.10 to $7.20
yesterdav. Iteproientntlvo sales :
Av. Sh. Pr. No. AV.
. .475 lo 60. . . .217
57 . . .204 720 7 10 70. . . .238
04. . . .210 100 7 ' 70. . . .237
47. . .253 40 7 63. . . .252
02. . . .217 280 7 16 04. . . .240
74. . . .214 80 7 15 00. . . .235
H3. , . .213 200 7 15 58. . . .280
00. . . 230 80 7 16 03. . , .238
76. . . .242 240 7 15 80. .
08. . .254 280 7 15 7(1. ( . . .211 ! )
16. . . .210 40 7 15 01. . .273
6. , . .200 80 7 15 40. . .253
01. . .220 280 7 15 71. . , .230
3. . .207 7 15 71. . . .227
52. . .214 40 7 15 22 ' ' .235
07. .220 280 7 15 2 2' . .225
73. . .220 120 7 15 01. . .257
01. . .234 100 7 15 11. . .330
01. . .221 100 7 15ny 07. . .251
40. . .231 80 7 21. . .329
03. . .204 80 07. . .255
7 . . .235 40 7 20" 70. . .252
08 . .240 40 7 20 78. . .250
00. . .240 7 20 , 00. . .273
13. . .288 80 7 2U. , 70. . .200
03. . .288 120 7 SO . 74. . .203
73. 227 7 2O- 70. . .252
70. . .200 280 7 20 00. . .242
70. . .202 80 7 20 72. . .230
70. . .248 80 7 20 ' 00. . .255
7O. . .211 200 7 201 70. . .243
70. . .271 100 7 20. CO. . .205
73. .217 7 'My 61. . .314
04. .230 12 0 7 20 08. . , .230
07. . . . 200 80 7 20 f
I'lOAM ) UOUdll.
1..H70 4 50' '
Smrt' : t.'p wards of'1,300 ' sheep were received.
Prices on lambs strengthened about a dlmo
and on muttons were fully steady to strong ,
[ 'air to goon natlVtU , | 4.tH > iJ5.50j fair to good
westerns , J2.75ifi5.50 : common mill stock
sheep , { 2.5iJi4.00 ( ; .good to choice 40 to 100-
Ib. lambs , ? 4.50'SG,25 ' , Kepresentatlvo sales :
No. Av. Pr.
01 Mexican wothors 50 $4 05
250 Mexican owes. " . , 85 4 05
208 Mexican VearlftiRS. ' . . . . . - H3 540
230 MoXIcallfiimbs''T , . . . : . , . ' . , 01 C 10
Kocelpts unit Dl'pmlllou of Stock.
Olllclal rucuiuts and dlsiKHltlon of steak as
shown by thu hook * of tlio Union Stock Yards
company for the twenty-four hours ending , at
5 o'clock p. m. , April 21 , Ib03.
Chleago l.tvo Stock Marknt.
CitiCAno , III , , April 21. [ Special Telegram
toTiiK HUE. ] The cattle market was llrm ,
and there were good reasons why It should
have been so. There was an unusually small
supply-5,000 head and a good demand , both
for homo and foreign account , and by noon
every bullock that had any attractive quali
ties had been closed out. The greater part
went at from $2.40 to $3.50 for cows and heif
ers , and at from 11.40 to $5.35 for steers.
Quotations ranged from $ LG5 to J4.25 for In
ferior to extra cows , from J1.75 to Jt for
bulls , from $2.75 to ! 4.t)0 for Mockers mid
feeders , from H4 to iri.K ( ) for comniim to ex
tra steers and from J2 to J4.HO for Toxns
Choice llcht hogs sold up to from $7.50 to
$7.55 and there were sales of heavy and
medium weights at from $7.70 to $7.75. Most
anything In the hog line could be sold at bet
ter than $7.40 and there was but a limited
amount of trading at less than } 7.45 , The pie-
1 vailing prices for heavy and medium weights
were from * 7.50 to * 7.G5 and sales of light hogs
were mainly at from $7.40 to 47.50. These
prices show an advance on yesterday's quota
tions of 15c.
The market for sheep Is about lOc higher
than last week , uhllo In lamlM theie has been
an advaneo of 25c. Present quotations are
from 4.50 to $ G.25 for poor to extra sheep and
from * 5. J5 to JG.'JO for lambs , The week's ar
rivals Included several th msand To.vas sheep ,
whlcli sold from f 3.55 to JI for thin clipped to
from 15.40 to $5.50 for choice qualities. There
was a very strong market to.lay.
Ueceipls : Cattle , 5.00J head ; hogs , 10,000 ;
head ; sheep , H.OOO head.
Th.Kvenlng Journal reports :
CATTI.K Kecelpts , 5.00J huad : shipments ,
2,0 : > o head ; market steady to strong ; top
Moors , 15.75SG.OO ; others , $4.50ifr5.50 ; Toxiins ,
J4.OOiH.25 ; native cows , $ ; i.OO < iI.15.
lloos Uecelpts. 11,000 head ; shipments ,
8,000 head ; market quiet , 25c higher ; rough
and common , $7.00717.20 ; mixed and packers ,
t7.4UA7.Ii5 ; heavy , J7.GOU7.75 ; prime light ,
J7.4IKfc7.55 ; pigs , Ju.l75ft7.25.
SilUBi'- Market steady , $4.15(15.25 ; w st yn
wethers , f5.405.y > ! lambs , } 5.25SG.HO.
Kiiii : i Clty'lllvo Stuck .Market.
KANSAS CITY , MO * . April 21. CATTI.BHo -
celpts , 3,500 head ; shipments , COO head ;
market active , generally lOe. higher ;
export steers , J5.00W15.00 ; dressed lieof , 14.10
® 4.05 ; good to chrtlco cornted Texas steers ,
J3.50fi.4.50 ; common Texas steers. $2.UO < t3.H5 ;
cows , * 2.004.25 ; jjiiiul to fancy feeders. J4.0U
< ? { 4.70i mixed stivers and feeders , t.5u ; < a
ii.'JO ; thin stock cioys and common stocker.s ,
$1.75'i3.35. TJI ,
llotM Uecelpts.,61600 head ; shipments , HOO
head ; heavy ho's active , strong and 5c higher ;
light 5ttlOchlghefi'Wimo I5c higher ; raniso ol
Choice llgllCstand heuvles ,
- uw jitk\lf lltlllj 111 * 1 U HU
lolco oeeaslonalU' trill.lilk'lii'r ; prlecs
ranxed : ( iood sbocaiund choice nutlvo mut
tons , $4.5Wi.5.50iroininon mitttoiH , I3.75S
4.50j choice luml > s.i fi.BoaO.OU.
St. l.oun l.ivc Stock .Mrtrkrl.
PT. Loris. Mo. . Apr.l 21. t'ATTi.t Hecelpts.
2.30O head ; hhlpiuonts 1,2(111 ; mnrknt 1 ( > 'U
1 be higher ; fair to Kor.l native iluurs , (3.loifi
4.00 ; Texans , both Kra.s ami fed ktroiiR , 15c
hluheri fair fed steer.J4 15.
lions Kecelpts , 3 , ( > UO head ; shipments ,
3.2OU ; market loai5i ! hlher | ; heavy. * 7.H
& 7.50 ; mlM'd , * u.UO' .7.40j llxht , J7.OOid7.40.
SllKKl' Itt-culptn , 1.00J head ; bldpments
1,000 ; market llrm ; fair native steers will
wool on , (5.25.
Piles of peojilo nave piles , but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure thorn.
Work of it I'uku Corrvupomlrnt.
The trustees of the Kusslan Uracliti
cemetery l.avo called uXn | the Hoard o
Health and asked that the board make tin
investigation of the * cemotery. They an
preatly ini-enscd at what appeared In the
St. l uis Hcpubllo rpgarding the burial o
infants in the cemetery and ask that in Justice
tico to themselves an investigation bo had
Thsy deny in loto the allegations iu the ills
patch , ami nay that lull ono burial has taken
place within tlio last year In the cemetery ,
Tlio he.ilth authorities are of the opinion
that If whole.ialo burial * of infants hitvn
been made In the Inhuman manner described
It is the work of outside parties who
have- been dohiK a thriving business lu baby
farming , and not the work of the Uu.ishn
Jew * . As soon as the weather will pormlt ,
Ur. Somcrs and Chief lnsoctor | ) Shearer
will take picks and shovels and visit the
cemetery and make a thorough investigation.
Plies of people have piles , imt Uo Witt's
\Vitch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
lXU.lU.ti O.V O/MTM/M * .
THE Si'xtur Hr.u will contain another ex
clusive letter from the pen of ex-Senator
John James Intralls of Kansas. In it the
great orator describes his art , plves a vivid
account of a despcrato battle between Hutus
Choato and Hen Duller and treats of some
of the great orators of history , their methods -
ods and their power. Tun SUNDAY HIM : 1ms
never presented a brighter feature. Uo not
fail to read it
Plies of people nave pi.cs , but Uo Witt's
Witch llu/i'l Salvo willcuro them.
Mlrroliri In > u\riln t.
A peculiar case was developed In this city
yesterday which is an Illustration of the
manner In which discaso can be com
municated from ono .person to another
In different localities , remote from each
other. A lady residing on North
Nineteenth street was strli-kon with diph
theria a few days uiro In u violent form.
The premises and surroundings were in a
( ; oed sanitary condition , and there was
nothing to indicate that disease was lurking
Dr. Towne , the inspector of contagious dis
eases of the Department of Health , was
somewhat puzzled as to how to locate the
bonrce from which the lady acquired the dis
ease. Hy qui//.lng her the fact was novel-
oped that previous to being attacked she had
received from Valentino , this state , a pack
age of eggs packed iu sawdust , and that two
cases of diphtheria existed In the family
sending thu eggs. Mho had used the eggs
and in that manner the disease had been
communicated to her. The ( terms of the
disease had travel oil a great tllstnneo in the
package , and not being exposed to the i'rcsh
air were not killed.
A Chltil KnjoyA
The pleasant favor , gentle action and sooth
ing effect of Syrup of Kigs , when in need of
a laxative , and If the father or mother ba
costive or bilious , the most gratifying results
follow its use ; so that It is the best family
remedy known and every family should have
a bottle.
Clmslni ; Nv lilritn.
Councilmen Howell , Mcl-earlo , ICIsasscr
and Munro , the committee named to visit
the different cities to investigate the systems
In vogue in disposing of the garbage , will
probably start upon their trip Iho first of
next week. Councilman Ilascall will bo un
able to go. and the committee has requested
Dr. Somers to accompany them , which he
probably will. The intention Is to leave
Wednesday , provided the Board of Public
Works muudle has been adjusted to the sat
isfaction of the councilmen. In case nothing
satisfactory is brought about Tuesday even
ing the committee will postpone its visit
until the matter is adjusted ono way or an
The committee will bo gone about ten days
and will visit ICansits Utty. St. Louis. Cin
cinnati , Chicago , Milwaukee , Minneapolis
and St. Paul.
Piles of pcoploivo piles , but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
I'liitiir Ivlmmrl I'rotiMts.
Tr.KAMAit , Neb. , April 21. To the Kditor
of Tin : Bui : : An article in Tun HEK of the
10th , page seven , ' "Lutherans Go Into
Court , " Is misleading. The church in dis
pute is twenty miles west of Tekamali , not
Tekamah. The term -'United States Synod"
should read "Tho General Synod in the
United States. " The Lutheran church at
Tekamah is English. I am ttio pastor and
can't talk ' 'dltche. " Our church is and al
ways has been at pe.ico and wo don't care to
bo brought before the public as your article
does. Yours very truly , J. W. KIMMEI *
' Piles of pcoplo have piles , but Do Witt's'
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
Clock for tlm City Hall Tower.
Councilman Jacobson. the chairman of the
council comtnitteo on puolic "property and
buildings , has had the suggestion offered
him that a clock placed in the tower of the
city hall would prove a very desirable thing
und bo of vast benefit to a large number of
peoplo. Ho may conclude to investigate the
desirability of placing a cloel' there and in
ease ho is convinced that pit bit ? sentiment
desires it done might recommend such to
the council.
Piles of pcoplo have piles , but Dj Witt's ,
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them
Mouth Sldo I'nrk I'roccc-illnc'B.
This afternoon the park commission
ers will visit the'proposed southeast park.
They will bo accompanied by Surveyor
House , to whom the members will indicate
the boundaries they desire 1'or the park and
D. U I'nAZES , H. 0. HOOOB r. , .f AS r Ilooons.
I'res. Vk-o I'rus Soey .fcTroa
Capital $ 'J3.00D ; Omaha anJ Sioux Olty
Grain and Provisions
Railroad Stocks und Bonds.
Room 212 New Yoik Life Building
11KKKMKNCF.S : lowaStato National Dank ,
Blonx Cltyj L'oimnoreltil National Hank.
Special attention zlven to outsldo ordcrss
Correspondence soMojtoJ
AIsoCon.'hi , Rron hltis , Asth
ma , Consumption , lloaluoho.
( sick or nervous' , Nurvoaj
A Wonderfully 81100033H > MB
fulTroatmont. IATOH.
"Oxygen Iloolc" untl I tr'a' * I'UKK' ' Cul o
Eulto Tilt ) SliBolBhli ,
Furnishes Ihu Besl and Cheapest Method < rt
\i-Vte for catalogue ot I.nthlni ; , l > vnr\i\g \ >
6tcj'o yiitiireu , etc
trlbulnr.v baulovanla. The sui-voyor will
then titiiKO stirvpys , ami If roii'itiiblo ; llpurci
cannot bonocured for the Parlcer tr.tut iiml
ndJoltiliiK strips the hoard may deslri1 con-
dcmiiatlon proccodln a will bocommeuoeil to
nciUlro ] thu Rrouiul ,
TbpyViint the llr.t.
'The pcoplo of till * vlclnlty.lnsUt on liarS -
\\\S \ \ Ohtimberlulii'H coiijjh remi'dv nud do not
want tiny other. " says Joint V. Hlshopof
I'ortlaml Mills , Ind. iTlmt l right. ' 1'hcy
know it to bo superior to tiny other for i-olds ,
and ns n provenllvo anl euro for croii | > , mid
\vh.v should they not Insist upon having it.
Ciindldiitrft for tlio It ir.
The bar couiiuittco appointed to examine
and pass uixm Iho cfllclcm-y of candidates
for admission to the bar will hold a regular
mccllnt ! In ciiully court room No. 0 , in the
ilco building , next Mf.iuluy ovcnlnp , at which
lime and place seine twenty yovini ; men will
ippcar for the purpose of i-imvlncini ; the
members of the committee that they nossesa
thu rciiublto learning to cntitlo them to become -
come lawyers.
Piles of people hiivo piles , out Oo Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
1)11. K. I. . SK VIIM2 . Consult nz Surgeon ,
Oradu-ito of Kush Medical Collozo. ( t'ON-
MJl.rATKlN FKIir. ) . Kjr the treatment of
.it XI )
V/o euro ! AUDlso-xiot
None. Thront. Olios t. Stoui.ioli ,
ainliiivor ,
Blood , Skin nntl Kliluoy Dlso.isoi ,
Female Wcnlmossoj , l oit Mauhood
1'll.lS , FISTUIiA , KISSUUH , porrannontlr curj 1
nil I out the use of knlfu , llk'atiiro or caintlc.
All maladies of a prlvntu or ilullcatj n.itarj. of
either BX , positively cured.
Call on or address , with stamp for ClrcuUn , b'roj
Hook and Iteclpcs.
Knit lloor to I'oilomjo
Cook quickest
and best.
They tire a
necessity ,
lighten labor
mid Improve
the ll&vor
of the food
Don't let
dealer set !
another V
kind. ' \
Send 2o.
for n
_ _
' "
MltTOH ROOMS it. 838S , AgTaT , Om'rTha , or
IVialestic Mfg. Co. . St. Louis.
A LONlt .S7'//\W
of follow * u " t mi dimii"
tijs'.emvlicu the ll\ r i * liiKcllvo
nnil the hlood In ditordcr.
to the
, . „ . . . . remedy In „ „
yourself seouro from dlM-aso. lr ,
J'lcrco'H Oolden Jledlonl Discovery
ns well na cures. 'i'nUa il us
, you ought , ;
nhcn you feel thy lint syinntotiiu ( In
loss of nppetlto , ilullm-is , de | > re-kin"riiu ! ) !
you'll wivo yourself from K.-mptliiiu , ' cilcun.U
In roi-overlnjr from ' IM UIIH | | > , ' ' or ln"
eonvnlcMviifn from pneumonia , fos m , or t'
other wasting dlsoiison , nolliln ( .in equal lt- " >
It'snlilooil-imrlfler that IIIIH stood the trails
or time ; for n iiiiirtrr | of n century the " 1)1 ) * . t-
covcry " has imtnlicred Its euros liy thn thott- ( ,
Kttids. 1 ho niar.ufnetutcrs prove tholr fnilh j
in It liy gunrantcoitif ; It for nil dlsotdors nrlsI I
jiitr from Imd Woixl : lu rVrofuIn , ICwmm ,
Tetter , Ralt-rheum. ] 'ryjiela3 ! | , Hills , CnrU
buiu'lm , tind every kitulrcil nllment .
If you recclvo no hetiellt you'll eel your '
tuotioy buck.Vluit olto could bo lalrcr I
ni'-nt of tlu > Interior , llem-ial l.aml ( inien ,
Washington. April ! ) , IMXI. - Sealeil propcwaN
will he recolved at the tiem-ial Land Onico ,
M'ashlncton , U. c. . mill ! 2 o'cloi l p. m on
t-aturday , iho lith day of May. l 'in , for sur- '
vnylngnnd marking by Miltnl/.o monumenis ,
that portion of tint bonndiiry line lw
tween the state of and thn
state of South It. < t\i-t of
the Missouri river , as aulhni'lred bv the act
of congress , approved Auitiiit 5. IN'1' ' , mailing
apptoprlatlou for . .urihu . the pul-i'lo liiniU
ipampldet .statutes , a ( la'rge. 1- " ' P. 3701.
The survey Is to be e\ocuti In i'nn > pllanca
with speelllcatlons anil Insliu.-c ' ! ! ! " and ox-
Isllnsollli-lal rcxulailnns. Tin , HI.IIIK monuments
ments ate to ho placed at half mil. Intervals
on said hoiiiKltirv. I'mposnN for oM-i-uiliitf the
hiirvoy nnd ustahllsliln llio niiinu' u-nts. as ro
qiilri'd liy the spoi-llh-ailnns. In irncilims and
lOKulatlnns , must Incliiilo In ono hlil i > li Iho
Held work and thn monuments. Cnpiox of ( hn
spoolllratloim relative to tin1 lliumi'l Monu-
mi'iits , and lilutik proposals will ! fiMi'shed '
bidders on npnllcntlnii to tinoniiiii.isioiier
of tholioneral Land Olliio.Va hlnititi < I ) U.
ICach proposal must b.- a-i'iitni-iini- | < l l.y .1 cer-
tilled ohi'Ck for$50 ( ) . I'rnpnsal. n > IMieooil-
.slilered only from pt art Ira I. rirleinoil | siir-
M'.vors , whoso compi-trii.-i' and'inty nro
satisfactory to this nlllro. Tin- party to
whom the contract may lit' iiw.mli'il will be ro-
qulrcil lo execute tlio work "in Ills i.wn proper
person. " with mirh nsslslanoi-ii' . mtij be noces-
ary. I'rnposals nnisl be Inolnsed in i-iivi-liiput
and marl.i'd "Proposals for ( lie sur\i > y and es
tablishment of bouiiilarv line but ween NebrasKa -
brasKa and South Dakota , and .iddrossed to
"The t'ommls.slniior of tln-Oi-ncral Imil ( illlco ,
t'lly of XVashlnuton , D. t' . " The rlu'hl lori'Si-Pt
any and all bids Is reserved. S\V. \MOIU'l'X ,
I'oinmlsslonor. nod 2lt
Sealed proposals will be received by th
State Printing Itoatd nt the olllce of Secreliiry
of State at any time Defore Wedne-ilay May
: ) , 1H03 , nt 2i'clock p.m. , for prliinng and
binding 2000 copies oof the sennit imiitml * ,
1000 copies of the house jonrmils nd GOUO
copies of the session laws of IHti ; ) ou-Mdllig
Oi'O separately printed and liounil m paper
proof-sheet copies of the "Xewberry lllll. "
Senate and house journals to hi ? prlntoil on
book paper , two pounds per quire , supi r roval
octavo form , Mlnndaid lirevler type leadeil
with six to plea lends hetHeen the lines nl (
the pages sh'ill bo twenty-six ph a ems In
width , without iiniit'cesMiry blanks , broken
pages , or paragraphs , blanks briHeen proceed
ings of each day , and between dluVii-nt ses
sions of tin- same day and between heads and
subheads , not to exceed one l > re\ler line.
The binding' hall b. > In the same style and
quality as the house jimm-ils of ls ) l.
Session laws to he printed on two-pound
book paper , small pi : > type , paues to br samn
sl/e and form as the la s of I sH5 with margi
nal notes Mini Index , bound In full sheep.
Propn-aK will also he received at the same
time and place for printing the stuiteme court
reports anil court calendars and for furnishIng -
Ing all blanks , blank bonks and circulars , In-
clinllnu revenue blanUs teqnlred by ( ho olll-
cersof the incentive department of the state
for a period of two years from date of con
Samples ami estlmatesof kinds and quantity
of supplies to be furnished can be seen at thu
olllce of secretary of .state.
Proposals must state for what price thn bid
der will furnish all books In this class per
page , and for all blanks and clivul.irs pur
K'ich proposal must bo accompanied by a
bond In the sum of } 5OOO.OO with two or moru
Minnies conditional that the bidder will. In
CHSO of award , within IIvo days after notlco ,
enter Into contract to do the work.
Hlds to l i marked "PropOMils for I'ubllo
Prlntlmr , " care secretary of slate.
Cialloy and page proof for laws and Journal. !
must be furnished to the proper ofllcer , and
all work to bo delivered In good order , f reo of
cost , at the otllce of the secretary of stiito
within ninety days from the date of contract.
Klght to reject any or all bids reserved.
.T. 11. ItAllTl.KV , |
Stall ) Treasurer. I Of State
KIIIIKNK MOOIIK , ' Printing Hoard
Auditor Public Accounts. J
A'Jld lot
Union Sto3k Yards Company ,
Cost Cattle Ho nnilhi'Oii mnrkot In tin
Wood Brothers.
Live Slock CominIs4liiD Moroii in' . *
Eo-ltlit'iunlin Toli-pliono 1157. flil
JOHN I ) . DADHMAN , I . , . , . , . ,
„ „
VAlKlt ) : . wooii , fMliniBr' !
Market reports by mall and wire cheerfully
ftmilshoJ upon r.piilloatlon.
Bemis Oraana Bag M. 0. Dixon ,
Importer ! nml innn fri lllcjcloi sol.t on monthlr
Hour sAfk ) , burlupi ,
lirlnu. pn.TiniUi IZJN.IJlh.
MorssCoe Shoe Company ,
ftlesiooiUKndOlco-l'J7 ! ! IIOI-IIII llo.vnrl 't.
factor ? -1IU-im-ll2l llowixnl St.
We nro Hi. ; OM.V M imif.i-lureri of lloou niul
SlioiIn I'm tito : of Veb.-asi i.
A ill-norm InTllttllun it exiond l lo all to Inspuct
our now fiiclorjr.
Kirkendail , Jon &
rOMl'A.NV. Whul9ilo ,
mfri. wanlt lluitoa und rubli.-rtfD'i. ' i , UJi-
ilubbi-r .Shou Co. . llOi- 1UIU Ilnrnur HI.
llOl-llOilliriiof 9L
Omaha Cjil , Coke &
I.IMK. CO. . hirJ Ril'l ' tuft \ltn. t/alvanlial Iron
coul. S K cor Itiiii nn 1 viirnloi. win iiw oip4.
lJ-im ! !
H. E. Smith & Co. , Kllpitt'lck-Koj'j Dry
liOO.M CO ,
Dry ( 'ooiti , notions , fur- .Notloai. iJiitr ( UMlili-
nliUlntc HDII.H , orJir InK/uu li.ojr. lliu uul
1 llh unit llntraril4th
Omaha Upholstering Be3b33 & Rinyan
CO. , uuholitnred furni rUUNITUilS CO. , Urac
ture. IIJl 1101 Mcbolai
fit.Yti l i lo only ,
Rector & Willielay Lill ,
OeniL-ri In hint r ir j , it
Corner 10th mil Jaoinoi lUL-i.i.inl n to 1.1
Jlr oxi 1IJI loiixl.i > it
HATS , ET3 , ma i WJM ; .
\Vholu ale
IlaHc&in , ntri'V , . ulnor't.
liloru.i. mlltuni , Iron < liattar < n M II ru 31
anil llnriiojr .3tj. c.ipji. A'lliu n , t uir-
otl Mill anl Jackun.
IUM3E.1 ,
John A ,
liii | > ortinl , . \ morlc tn i * irt Itaril > uu I u u r
Innrl O3tn nil. MU.TII- cirpjt : i ni I , , tr |
keiicauiant nnd JJl.u/ lluorliu.
\TllllolllL-0. Uthunl lJUll
mi I , ObjrfillH 5 Co
Impirt'ri in I jntitjTt
\Vholc aloll | uonlutlor i of utilll i jry huliii it.
Mall or IJTJ p o n ' < y
IUOI It. Oi ill i. lm u
Carpenter Paper C ) , Standard 0,1 C ) . (
Cnnr a full "Uio't of
printing , wrapping HII I Undue t urvl i uuciti if
nrltniK pjpjn , c rl
uapcr , eto. elli , UTlQ yrJ i p. etc-
PR33JUJ.'il .HJllll ,
Branch & Cx , Jas. A. Cliri & C > , ,
Produce , frulti of all llutte- , e-lij-15 , vj ,
poultrr nil ) / inio ,
klnils , njrilort. 3IT A l.llll I
STQVERE/'A'li. ' I S\il. Jilt
Omaha StRiir ) ) ) M , A. DVW ! ) 3 CD
rapilri .Manuf.ioturjra of !
anil water attacliuianK ilour , III I n < l l anil
for any kind of ttorj luuulillUKi , branch u ( <
ua d , 1XJ7 IKo , lUU li4 li.uO. f