Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1893, Page 5, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ? SlfirURIUY , APRIL 22 , 181)3 ) ,
[ icderal Ofilocw in Thii State Not to Bo
Disturbed ,
: nnirilli to Ito Mmln Will Not Hn Dctn.roit ,
Init An.Nut NnmorinnSumo nf
thn riittiniMlorn Appointed
Huitr.u' or TUB
fill ) ,
\VAsiUNOTOV , 1 > C. , April ! i
Anntlicr sin.ill lot of fourth-class postmasters -
masters wro today turned out for Ne
braska. No changes wcro made by ro
niovnls , nil being to fill places made available -
able liy resignations. They wcro as follows :
Long Pine , IJrown county , W. ( ) . M.ison
vice U A Smith
Shelby , Polk county , T. J2. Smith vlco W.
12. KInitey.
Hhlckley , Rlltnorc county , J. \ \ Thomas
\lcc.I H Springer
South Sioux City , Dakota county , Harry
A. McCormtrk vice J , 1 . Meredith.
H is stated th u there will bo few changes
made in Nebraska ofllcus from this time forward -
ward as ouch iucnmbunt , unless changes are
to bo made , is to bo permitted to crvo his
four j ears
Ifiwn'd Slmrc.
Iowa got n largo cist of now postmasters
today All wcro , like those for NebtasKa ,
appointcU to III ! vacancies created by resig
nations , and wore as follows- Alexander ,
Franklin count.\ , James Shaver , \ico J. W.
Milliard , Auburn , Sao count ) , Nicholas
J3uehio , vlco H. ( ! . F. Mueller ; Ttclkmip.
Davis county. T 13 Putnianico A. J >
Ilundcll , Hentonsport , Van llurcn county ,
W. A Lipplncottico W. I Hingg , Coggon ,
Linn county .1 W Hamilton , vlco G W.
Knsh , Downey , Cedar county , J. S Watson ,
vice .1. Cioscio ; Harvey , Minion county ,
Jacob Uaylcsi , vice J. H. Horse ; Ha velock ,
Pocahontas county , K A. Donnhoc , VLO ! S.
\ \ ' . Gill , Luther , Uoono county , .1. A.
Moycrs , vlco II II. Bradlej ; Mumi ,
< 'ounty , H II Hlseico Annlo Higgle ;
Morgan Viillov , Mai ion county.V n Ilanlts
vice W D Morgan ; Paulina. O'Hrlen
Bounty , G P UuelllcoO D llniustrcet ,
Plnno , Appanooso county , .1 S U'akelleld
\lcoK A ( Jrist , Kodding , Klnggold county ,
Amhew Amlck vice Laura It I-Jaton ; Him-
noils , Voile county , , I W Hiown vice P. W.
Urown , Tnintor , Mnhaskii county , A. 11.
Hull \icoJ P Smith , Weston , 1'ottawatta-
iniorounti , .1 II Shields vlco S S Works ;
Winchester , Van Union county , Minerva L.
Hnwluker vice H. G Chrlsttcr , Wiot.i.Cass
county. Mrs. M F Lahman vlco L ) . G.
1'ostor. Woodbtirn , Claik county , J. It.
Folgor vlco J H Bonn.
VIIKM' Appointment Aignrod.
Thcio was but ono implication for ofllco
from Nobiaska booked at the Tioasury do-
imitmcnt today. It was that of Joseph
Irwin of Omaha to bo superintendent of con
struction of the public building at that city.
It was stated upon high ofllcial authority
today that the appointment of Henry Voss
to that position would bo made as soon as it
could bo reached by Secretary Carlisle.
llomlx of I'mlrnll Kmplojcs.
It is not improbable that the principle
established b ) the postmaster lit Brooklj n ,
N. Y , , the other day , of having letter car
riers make good thc-lr bonds b.\ the security
of a tegular trust company , will bo extended
to higher ofllcials. It transpires that the
Brooklj n postmaster did not icquiro as se
curity a regular security company ; that thu
net of tendering such secuiity was volun
tary upon the pait of the letter carders , but
it was suggested by the postmaster.
It Is expensive to make good an ofllcial
Imnd by the signatuiu of a regular guaranty
corporation , as the fee for such risk is
usually about 4 per cent per annum for the
face of the liability , but there aie manj
reasons why that character of torn ! Is the
best. In the case of a letter cm rlcr , whose
bond Is to the postmaster , who is hold ro-
upouslblo by the government , the cost is bin
$4 ft year ; but If a collector of customs or ol
Internal lovonuo In a laigo di.stiict or any ol
thousands of officers were to bo compelled to
jiuy 4 per cent for a bond their salaries would
often bo insufficient to pay the insurance
company. A $ i,000 bond , for instance , would
cost the officer $1,000 n year. It would cost
the ticasmer of the United States or u sub-
treasurer more than the salnri of his ofllco ;
but if guaianty companies were given aa
bondsmen the face of the bond could bo ic-
duced 75 per cent and the secuiity to the
government would bo full ) as great as ai
present , taking It upon the nverage.
As a rule the government loses alt when
nn officer defaults. Usually the bondsmor
got out of paying. This they do by making
, it impossible to collect from thorn on ao
count of inability to pay. or by oxortliif
political Influence. In half the instance !
i-wheron bond of Individuals is found good , r
compromise ) is affected , by which about ono
I third or half the defalcation is paid. It
case of default when a guaranty company is
security , the coiporation is always good
and the government deals w ith it upon i
cold-blooded basis ; they have to pay
The cnrso of personal bonds has been tha
the olllccr Is placed under obligations
political , financial , social and otherw iao , ti
the individuals who become his bondsmen
This was what suggested to the postmaste
nt Brooklyn the advisability of seeking i
security company as bondsman. This sub
Jcct has been mentioned f i eminently by mei
in congress in speeches and ioKirts | upoi
various subjects , and It is believed that I
will take the foim of law. If all federal of
fleers wcroiequlred to glvo gu.itanty com
- pany security there would bo nioro of sucl
corporations , and they would be moio stabli
und their rates would doubtless bo lower.
\\fHluia I'onsloni.
The following pensions granted are re
ported :
Nebraska : Original A. Jones William *
Original widows , etc. Sidney Gale , mother
Original Joel H. Davis , Cnailes B. Wolver
ton , Barnabas Grlbblo. Additional Jame
H. Koblnson. Hcnowal and increase Hat
voy Waymii-o. Increase Camlllus A. Smltli
"William Noble. Kcissuo Henry Ma )
Michael Kirn in. Oiiginal widows , ete.-
Sarah Soldcn , mother , minors of Joseph W
Iowa Original James II. Webster , Jame
\V. Paschal , Andrew Yarnes. Frank Clark
Jaboz H. Johnson Additional Thomas 11
Doxoy , David G Anderson. Increase-
Frank Stlnipson , John II Hllller , John t
Barnard , David S. Hardman , John Uccariu
Stephen Cailo.v , Pol terlCorr , Thomas Dei :
nis Original Mortimer Howe , Thonris C
Verts , Coinella M T Stanlev , nuise Grip
iual widows. etc. Carrie Howe , Cathcnn
Devlin , Cathauno Purnov , Dk-y Gollidaj
mother. Illinois of James Davis , minor c
Illinium C Poster
South Dakota Restoration and reissuo-
Lysander Woodard Incioa&oHarnabus C
Darron. Original widow Al Grew
Comlltlun i > t Crop * mill Caitlc.
From the Agiicultnral department n bulh
tin has Just boon issued on the condition c
growing wheat and ll\o stock. Of whe.i
nothing in general Is s.tid lor Nebraska , bn
the following appears upon Iowa and Ctal
Jnwn Owing to the dry and lumpy conditlo
of the Mill at seeding tlinu wheat germinate
late mul unevenly , mid nnsgcneiitlly IIIIXH
condition lit thu beginning of winter. As
c < > ii-.iMiii'nco | tin- present condition ls m
highly pnmilslnir , nlthoiiKh thu winter as ui
iiNiiully fimnalitu for winter Rrnln.
t'tuliAs far , may bo judged at tljls earl
diilu tliiiyehr nroiiilses well for grain , as \ \
( lei)0iulcntlic > ly upon Irrigation , mid thu vei
thliiK that has MI lar caused thu inostdamaK' '
tniniely , thu loiiR nlntor unil heavy sliirni
will hmeafter liisuio pnuperlly In tliu pluut
tuduof Irrluatlim ator , Insured by the hua\
depofit uLMion In the mountaliH.
A. to Ilv Stuck.
The following Is given upon the conditlo
of live stock In thu states named :
Iowa1'orm Mock of nil klmU Is I'ennriill
lic-nlthy , 'I'lioiHiuil pruuilencu of dUtenini
in cells , , binds log In cal\oi , conutalk ill > .un
Incnttle , hoih In Nhfop und cholera In hoj
mru thu only dlseust-s known , llos cholui
lone cnu- > Mulch loss , mill even that has m
been \ery t neially pru > nlent Imnroxed cm
und Miultur hits pructlcully ellmlimtud lo
fnim winter e\i i-nru. Thu loss In thu sprh
tilKcruiiof I HOJ > MIHery heavy onnccount i
eitonsUi ) ruin. There Is un apparent slier
ago In liriHid MIWI.
f-ou tli Dukdtu-Tlio winter liuslict'ii an ui
usuullv good imu In nearly all pails , of tl
tutu forwlnlcrlns btocU. Uorbru.blioop ai
liPfsuru u > iy hk-ulthy. Hour clmloru U c < H
parutUely nyw disease In South Uiikotu. li
jirctalu ( u the extreme toutheast couatli
Tor this roitwm nnd on ncfintnl of lililh iirkv
of pork thu nutiihQr of lu-rcdlnst wins lit Hn" o
contitli-s Is tmiterliilly reiluml while in Ihii
ntnrir central enniilti-sof tli" * Mtu Ihure It
\vry marked Incro iso of hrooillnrf ww * uu
niuck log Is icporlod fwn some loi-alllli's
In tin' middle , flouthnni : nil westeni states ,
Including in the latter ICnnsis. Nebraska ,
tin-two Dakotas. Montan i Idaho , Nevada ,
I't ih and Colorado , as well as more central
Htutcs Thin dbcnsc prevails mainly among
young cattle. P. S. II ,
i.NTKiitrATi : cou.MiitcK : coMMirrnK.
Important Mnttiri Which It AMU Invostl-
Ciili' S on >
WAiiiiNdTOS , D. C. . April 21. Senator
Butler , ciiairmnn of the committee on inter
state commerce , has not , \ct arranged for
the Investigation authorl/oil hy the senate
mul will take no step-i In tint direction until
in Ma > some lime , when ho will call thu
committee together for that purpose. It Is
not likely. Mr. Duller thinks , thnt the com-
inittio will go to Toio.lo to investigate the
disturbances among the rallroid men. out of
which came the decision of Judge Taft in
the ITiiltoil Statf 8 couit sitting in that city
Such investigation of that pirtieular m liter
as mas bo desired will bo conducted In this
city.An Important question tint the comtniltco
has been Instructed to examine is the transit
of meichandlso In bond tl lough United
States teiillory , nnd for this putixMO It will
go to liuffalo and one or two other boundary
points to ascertain , If possible , the cause for
Iho complaints that h.uo been leveled at
the existing law
The 'cope of the Inqiilr ) was broidened
during the closing hours ( it the session by an
amendment which directed it to Investigate-
the i.lleged violations of the long and short
haul clause of the interstate commerce act
ami other violations commonly known as
' pooling" 'inIs will probably bo looked
Into by the committee at length , but up to
this time no dellnite program has been ar
AdinlKnlmi of 't iTrll mh' < .
WtsiitMjiov , D C , A pill 21. The com-
mltteo on teiiltories will begin the investi
gation of the condition of the four territories
now knocking for admission to thu sister
hood of states , early in Juno. Chairman
Faulkner has not make his selection of the
subcommittee , but ho has decided that the
stait will bo made fiom Chicago Juno 111 , and
ho expects to complete thu work within one
month liom th-it date 'I ho committee will
godlrei t to Utah , \vhcioit will look Into the
nnilitiiin of alTalis and then pass through
s'ow Mrxho and Arizona Fiom these ten i-
oilos it will lotiirn by the way of Oklahoma
Short stops will be made at Iho
Hies In each of the tertitories and the com-
nttc'o will addicss Itself to the consldora-
ion of the mateiialdevelopment of the couu-
rj and the condition of the people who com-
uisc Its inhabitants.
Mormon Church rioportj.
Wibiusoios , D. C. , Apill'JI The case in-
olving the manner of disposing of the fund
low in the hands of the receiver , arising
rom the silo of the Moiinon church prop
erty in Utah , will not bo decided by the
upremo court this teim. At the request of
he attorneys , who assert that the fund is
disappearing at Iho rate of . ! 0,0)0 ( ) or ? 40 000
a jcar. In costs and fees , thu supreme court
of the United States granted u motion to
advance the case upon the docket , with the
stipulation that it might bo submitted on
iriefs , if they were Hied this vveek , or set
down for oral argument on Monday of the
second week of next term. The attornes
uue found it Impossible to get their briefs
irepaicd within the tlmo specified and the
case , theiofore , goes over until the October
tei m.
ltr < | uoxt from lllHtlllnrii.
WVSIIINOTOX , D. C , April 21. Secretary
Carlisle has referred to the commissioner of
ntcrnaliovenue , for consideration and 10-
> oit , the request of certain distillers which
kb that none but round bottom lanterns bo
allowed to bo used in the distillery bonded
wniehouses. This icqnest was made be
cause of the number of lires that have oc-
cuired In such warehouses from the use of
hit botlom hintoins , which the workmen
iinl others , uo In the habit of placing on
; he floors and over which spirits have benn
iccidcntally spilled and ignited , thereby
causing dangerous conflagiations. Round
lottom lanterns , it is said , would luivo to oe
earned in the hand or be hung up , thus
ivoidingsuch accidents as Iwve repeatedly
esultccl in llrcs.
Notes. ,
WAS.UINOTON , D. C. , April 21. Secretary
Herbert lolt Washington for Annapolis
today , via the Haltimoia & Ohio railroad.
Ho will board the Dolphin as soon as ho
caches Annapolis nnd sail immediately for
Elampton Itoads On his arrival in the
[ { oads ho will give n recaption to the officers
of the lleots , and tomorrow night he will
; ivo the officers a dinner
Superintendent Stupp has decided on the
landing of iifty-soven Italians who had been
detntned at Philadelphia , on the ground that
they were contract laborers. Thcso men
came to this country for the purpose of per
forming as gondoliers at the World's Colum
bian exposition at Chicago , and they were
admitted nt the expiess request of thu expo
sition authorities.
Thul KiiBnlnii Ireaty.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 21. The exchange -
change of ratification' , leaves now only one
more stop to bo taken to put the Kussian
extiadltion tteat ) Inlo effect. This i ? the
ofllcial proclamation bv President Cleveland ,
This proclamation will bo issued in a short
time , pinbablv upon the receipt of formal
notlco by the State department from Min
ister White of the fact of the exchange ,
Until the date of puhlic.ilion of Iho proclam
atlon , whenever that ma ) he , the exact text
of the treaty Is expected to remain a secret
of the executive department.
h > the Kiuprrnr.
WASHINGTON- C. , Apiil 21 A cabl (
message received at the State departmenl
sa.vs that thu emperor of Itussla has signed
the extradition treaty between Iho United
States and Uussia
1'ostmnntiTM Appointed.
WVSIIINOTON , D C. , April 21 Ninety-five
tornIh-class postmasters wore appointed
today. Of these uight-four wore to 1111
vacancies occasioned by resignations.
The "IU" of frruit Culture.
The treacherous northern climate makes
profitable Iruit growing well nigh impos
Down in North Ualvcston , Tos. , all is dif
fercnt ; the risks are removed crops were
never known to fail Pear tieos , etc , grow
from cuttings Just us willows and cotton
woods do up north , and the fertile spot yield !
crops ono alter another , the ) ear 'tound
Splendid inducements are offered to hives
tors and settlers For particulars apply t (
D D Smcaton. room 17 , llaiker blocl : . th <
North tialvoston association's local agant
The adiliess of the general oftlco is , Hox. \ > ( U
Minneapolis , Minn.
THE SUNDAY BI-.K will contain anolher ex
clusi\o letter from the pen ot ux-Scnatoi
John James Ingalls cf Kansas In it Hit
great orator desci ibes his art , gives a vivli
account of a desperate battle between Uufui
Choatu and Hen Duller and tteats of bonu
of thu great orators of history , their moth
oils ami their power. Tin : SI-MUI DEB h.ii
novcr presented u brighter feature. Do no
fall to read U.
Lincoln's ' Misuag Minister Found Hiding
in a Pasture.
Hamnot H , .lord in mul VVIfo or Oin ilitt
In the I'olloo Court on a Snrlous
Chnrgc Accused of Korolv-
lai ; > > tolrii Troperty.
, Xcb. , April'Jl [ Special to Tun
Bin ] Hev. S. D Itoberts , Iho Methodist
minister who for two days was mysteriously
missing from his homo near Wghteonth
streel and Kiielid avenue In this city , was
found shortly before noon today on the
Sew ell fat in. a mlle southeast of the city.
Mr. Roberts was found b ) his son. Guy , and
n companion hiding In n hole which ho had
burrowed on the south .side of a hav stack.
Ho did not rccognlzo-hts son and was ovi-
dontl ) laboring under an nberratlonof mind
Ono of the bovs Immcdlatcl.v returned to the
city and notified the family and several
noiphbors The patrol vvngor. was secured
ntui with Chief of Police Cooper and Dolce-
live Malone a party nt oneo proceeded to the
leverend gentleman's strange and somewhat
uncotnforlable ruticat.
Mr llobei is was taken to his home , but
on at riving there he appeared not to recog-
ni/o liiu wlfo or the neighbors who had
gathered to tender their svmpithy and
assistance llo allowed himself to IKS put to
bed nnd Is now receiving the best of medical
attention Ho stated that ho hid had
nothing to eat since ho left homo Wednes
day , but s lid that he had found water In the
siough near thu haystack
i\ilciiUy ; n t'ootpud ,
Samuel S. Jordan and his wife , Kittle
Joidan , weioanostcd in this city al noon
today upjn suspicion of biiiig connected
with a gang of footpads which has been
operating In Lincoln for scmo tlmo past
I At thp police station Jordan stated that ho
I was a harness maker by trade. When ho
was scauhod the ollkeis found in his pocket
u gold watch , which was recognised as ono
taken from Fred Hewlett , a Uurllngtoti
engineer , four or ttvo weeks ni'o
' h ) footpads When asked how the
watch came into his possession Jordan
declined to answer , but his wife
burst Into toirs and informed the pollco that
the timepiece was given to her husband bv
ono Jack C3ilboit , a boiler malceiiomploud
here In the citj Her husband , she said , be
tween hoi sobs , was to pa ) ( Jiluert $10 for
the watch , but ho had never done so She
said fillthcr that Gilbert had brought her
husband into similar trouble In Omaha
The police have icason to bellovo that
Jordan and Gilbcit have been wa ) lav ing
people and dividing the spoils between them.
Ho\v lott was attacked b ) two men one night
I several weeks ago , vvhllo returning homo
I with a young lady. He made n desperate
I light and succeeded in retaining his jiockot-
, book , although the sandbaggers got away
with his watch
Mrs Jordan is a comely young woman ,
taslefully attired and evidently of good
family. She cried bitterly over the dis
closures of her husbond's rascality , and the
' police bcllevo that her husband has simply
i lied to her in regard to the manner in which
j ho acquired the presents ho gave her fiom
i tlmo to time She said that she had married
Jordan in Omaha , although her famil ) op
posed the match. The ) came from Omaha
to Lincoln on March 17 , and have been living
at OJG South Tenth street
Later in the afternoon Gilbert was ar-
lested and placed in a cell in Iho jail. Jor
dan has succeeded in proving to the satis
faction of the police that ho was not ono of
the men who held Hewlett up , as he showed
that he had been released from the peni
tentiary on Mutch 15 , vvhllo the robbery was
committed on the 12th of that month. Jor
dan and Gilbeit wcro both sent to the peni
tentiary from Omaha at the same time , but
Gilbert seemed his release last December.
Gilbuit claims that ho found the missing
watch at the boiler works , where he is em-
plo ) ed.
Lincoln In IliloT.
The half-yearly meeting of the Society of
Friends of Nebraska will be held at Masonic
hall in this city , commencing tomorrow and.
continuing fur'ilucodnys
Hov. Byron Ceall was this evening in
stalled as pastor of the Third Presbyterian
church of Lincoln , Prof. W. E. Andrews ,
private secretary to Governor Crouuse , de
livered the sermon , Hov. J. N. Curtis the
charge to the people and Hov. Charles
Uradt the charge to the minister. The serv
ices were interesting and impressive.
Ex-Health Officer Bartram has boon ap
pointed sergeant of police and will take the
night end of the position.
G. O. Smith , one of the clerks in the em
ploy of A. M. Davis & Co. , was severely but
not seriously injured last night by being
blown off his feet by the Ralo which prevailed -
vailed all day and night. lie was picked
from his toot and thrown to the pavement ,
his head striking with such force as to ren
der him unconscious for some tlmo.
Lincoln Odd Follows are preparing to cole-
bra to the seventy-fourth nnnlvcisdry of the
birth of that order by an elaborate enter
tainment to bo given Tuesday evening next ,
A special Sunday service will bo conducted
at the First Baptist church Sunday morning
at 0:30. :
Fremont NOWN Notes.
FiiEMos'T , Neb , , April 21 [ Special to THE
BEC. ] There was a good attendance in the
Congregational church last evening for the
organ recital by George V Htlberti and the
music u.\ the Fremont High School ot chestra.
Kev. II. D Blown of North Bend,1 Neb ,
spoke in Love's opera house last evening on
"liomnnism as a Political Power" His
speech was not a til ado against the Homans
as a church , but a discussion of the funda
mental principles of Romanism years of age , with
her hired man , Jones , w lie is only 2,1 vears of
age , wont to Council Bluffs a short tlmo ago
and they were married. The bride has resided -
sided In this county for many years. Two
young men confessed they killed her former
husband andwcic hanged in this city last
) ear.
I > cli > ntod the .Saloon Men.
Snr.Miv , Nob. , April 31 [ Special to THE
BUB ] The board of trustees of the village
recently elected , met and organi/ed by elect
ing G. K. Brigham chairman and Hon. Isaiah
Paisley , who was a gallant union soldier dur
ing the civil war , marshal The board is
composed of four nonpartisiins and ouo 11-
ccnso man. At the village election the
question of license was submitted to a direct
vote and was defeated by four votes Notwithstanding -
withstanding this , the saloon men circulated
a petition and induced several "dry" men to
sign the same , thoreb.v obtaining a majority ,
asking the board to grant a saloon license
The members of the board , however , are
firm In their decision to abide the result ol
the election , und Shelby will bo "dr ) " for
thu first time in eight )
, Orel Hotel Clmngo.
Oui ) , Neb , April 21.- [ Special to TJII
BKK. ] Hotel Ord will experience a change
of landlords in li few days. J. K Boquol
will retire and John G. Shurpo , v'ce ' prcsi
dent of the Ord State bank , assume control ,
Under Mr IJoqiiel's managemcut the house
has enjood a deserved popularity with tin
traveling public.
Ahusrit u Young Ulrl.
ScvvAiin , Neb , April 21 [ Special to Tin
Bui : . ] Deputy Sheriff blonecker returnee
from Sidney , Neb. , last night with Myer :
Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U S. Gov't Report.
> e
: *
Hhmles , chi\r od with iHo deduction of the
\enr-old daughter ( jfilUbert Pels , n prom
inent fanner near t'tjvi , under promise of
marrlairo Ho was taken before County
Judge Miner this morning for a preliminary
hearing , which ho wnivcd His bond was
tlxcd ntftXM ( , wtilch hpi failed to glvo , and
is now lit Jail nw ailing lilal.
.IUIHII : KiNKAiVrs vicrunv.
Conrliultin of n I'AIIIOIHNebraska Civil Suit
nt Alfiluii.
At.motf , Nee , , April 'sl. [ Special to Tan
BER. ] The district I'cmrl ' Ins been in session
hero for two weeks , wllj\ Judge Thompson
on the bench. The "iMrtsitlon of the term
has been the trlil of tttrrvelobrated case of
H.vutt against Judjfo Kinkaid , brought hereon
on a change of venue from Antelope county ,
where it was instituted In 18SI. Hattaucd
the Judge , claiming tint he had taken from
him by means of a search warrant drafts
amounting. lo Sl.CTO nnd coin-cried them to
his use und tint he had been damaged In
the sum of $10,000 for having been unjustly
The defense ot the Jud o was that the
drafts weio the proceeds of the sale of cattle
belonging to him and which Hyatt had
agreed to fatten for the market , and with
out the consent or knowledge of htm fraudu
lent ! ) shipped thorn to Chicago , sold and
took the proceeds ; that the s ilo was r.itilled
by him and the drafts demanded from H.\atl ,
but thai ho fraudulently converted them to
his own mo nnd concealed them and that ho
was Justified in causing the arrest und
search and that the charge against the
plaintiff was true
Hatt being an atlornoy took an active
pait in the trial , hut Kinkaid took no part
professionally , being favored with the
gratuitous sei vices of a number of eminent
atloinos Pour days have been consumed
in the trial of the case. The plaintiff
practically had no w Itncsses whoso lesll-
ii'on ) supported the merits of his case other
than himself nnd after his cioss-oxamlnation
the defendant could have submitted his case ,
but as thu honor and integrit ) of the judge
had been questioned ho called twotit-live or
moio luadiiu citizens asldo ftom the testi-
moii ) of Judges Tiffan ) and Coffin by dep
osition so that the evidence in support of
his defense was overwhelming.
After the evidence was closed the case
was submitted to the Jm.v without argument
and they shottly returned wilh a verdict for
The friends of the Judge , including neigh
bors of Hyatt , nro Jubilant over this , nis
third victor ) , which is a complete vindica
tion for him It is quietly intimated b ) some
that the object of the Judge in furnishing
such an avalanche of evidence was as much
or the purpose of refuting statements and
issei lions inveighing against him in the
pinion written in the same case by Chief
ustlco Maxwell as to maintain his title to
ho drafts in controvcrsv Kinkaid tonight
s the recipient of man ) congratulations on
ils double victory , Iho Justness of which no
one questions.
I'uculiir Union I'lirlUo VV'lock.
PIATTE CEVIEH , Neb , April 21 [ Special
1'clcgiain to Tun Ur.n ] The Sioux City
llcr on the Union Pacific i an off the track
wo and one-half miles south of this place
today , ditching the engine The engineer
ind fireman jumped and saved themselves
The passenger coached remained on the
, rack No ono was hfrit. The accident was
laused by the plow ing of land close to the
track and the strong "Wind blowing the dirt
is if it was snow , causing the cnglno to
ump from the rails Conductor Overton did
ill in his power to take care of the passen-
INilil for AsstiUitlnv tliu < 'omliictor.
PHEMONT , Neb , ApnliJl [ Special to TUB
Bur. j Henry Kendrielri appeared in police
court this afternoon atuTpleaded gulltv to
the charge of assault nnd battery against
\rthur Blakosleo , a conductor on the Union
? aolllc road , and was fined $10 and costs.
How 'Many DnfomlunU In Minor Cusoi
INcttpo I'lintshmont.
None of the appealed' mis lomo.inor cases
upon w liioh T have imiKteod a sentence h ivo
jeen taken up at this term of the distilct
court , " said Judge Borka to a reporter
vestcrday. Regal-ding these cases the Judge
said further that no matter how many con
victions took place in the police court , li the
parties to it were able to glvo bonds they
would appeal to the higher court , when the
cases , being of minor import , would bo
allowed to go by the board. Only the poorer
classes , those who could not furnish bonds
men , would in this way bo made to fool the
foi co of the law. Even in felony cases , the
| udgo stated , the process of appeal
was very slow. State's witnesses
who , on account of their being unacquainted
tiera or because their condition was
such that nobody cared to vouch for their
appearance , hud to bo sent to the jail , where
the county was compelled to board tnem.
These remarks by Judge Berka were
called out by the case of Mrs Uryant , who
was lined for keeping an assignation houso.
IJctortUci Out of 1'ocket.
Chief Dotoctlvo Haze and Doleclivo Dempsey
sey , both of whom have claims against the
slate for conveyance money and other ex
penses in npnrohejidlng fugitives from jus
tice , have discovered that their turn on the
state pay roll does not como with this year
or next either. When the apnropriation bill
for this purpose was passed by the last leg
islature the clerk in copinglt omitted the
words "relating to all outstanding uills "
No old claims can theieforo bo paid out of
the monuy appropriated for this puipose.
The sleuths are making an effort to induce
Governor Crounso to agree to allow them in-
toicst at the rate of 7 per cent on the monuy
which they have oxiicudod , and for which
they will not bo reimbursed until another
legislature meets and passes u new bill cov
ering this jioint.
Shook ITp thn Siinnttorx.
Sergeant Sigw art , accomuanicd by San
itary Inspector Sheerar and Officer Sobak ,
who acted as an interpreter , served over 100
notices on the squatters in shanty town yes
terday. The presence of the officers and the
serving of the papers created quite a little
flurry among the people who have chosen
this spot as their abode. With the
papers m their hands they would rush from
neighbor to neighbor , presumably for the
purpose of informing thorn of the awful ca
lamity that was in store for them , but bo
What Is It ?
In point of fact it is the
freedom from poisonous and
spurious ingedients ? , the ex
cellence in flavor which gives
to Dr. Pricels Delicious Flav
oring Extras of Vanilla ,
Orange , Lenlon , etc. , their
wide popularity and increas
ing sale. , / „
The retail groterssre learning
that quality rather than price
is , ' retain the
kconfidence of customers and
make a successful business *
ri * ninii
lS ! KDR
li iiiiHiiuitrlrii I'm- . |
U nnsnrp iiBoil In the trout
mi nt of till
Oliroulo , Prlvnto am
\Vrlto In < ir unit .nit pi
TKlvi'.Mi ; : > r 111' MAIL
XdJrutu nltu > tiinp fur par
- ni'iilari vrlilci will U ) unit I'
I'vJUoitlil o.llcullid lilii-it
yoiul tlio hn lu Till Rlnnocn that were shot
nt them the orileor * mot with in olnttclo In
thn iH-rTonii.uico of tlu-lr ilutj
I'nllrn l'iricr | ih .
Mrs Uryantvns flnoit $45 nml roHs In
liollco oourt iCHtpnliiy for kooplntr n house of
nisiutuitlon. She apimaloil to ttio district
Mr. Hnrynof T culvlllp.Colo , ntul n pawon-
gcron the Hock Iilntul train ycstorJny nftor-
noon , lost a f IW illnmoiut i > ln on the trip in
some manner.
Ctoorpo It Hurst has cntorcil compl-ilnt
air.iliist M. T. llurko for solllncr lliiuor with
out Imvitig lirst ohtulncd n license , nt 131 ; )
South Tenth street.
Somn I'oenllur IVnturon of tlio Knoent Storm
In .MU onrl.
A letter received hy Mrs M. Hemlrlx of
this city from MM H. C Sharp , n sister liv
ing1 at Hig'nsvillc ' , Mo , sajs in suhstanco
that the eyelono which lately occurred there
crtnii' on iKjtwi'en 0 and 7 o'clock in tlio o\cn-
ingithanolso HUe the blasting of rock
and triiveleil with ( ? reat velocity. The cloud
wore \orystrango appearance It was
fuimel-shapod , tlio stnaller end touching the
ground and twisting and whirling about In a
terrible manner. Above the funnel wus a
fo.irfuily bl.ick cloud and over It lump for a
second n llery red cloud , which darted north ,
then west , then ntirtheast A tieifihbor had
his house torn into fragments and then
burned Feather beds and clothes wet *
blow n for a illstanco of two miles Another
neighbor's house was also destroyed , but the
urns and the slock at each of these places
\oro uninjured. Another house was tinned
over und tluuiwner h.ulli hint Three him-
Ued bushels of wheat belonging to another
icrson wcro blown away and no trace of
sacks or wheat could bo found
At another's place nothing but a hen house
vas left. The cooking sto\o was carrlod
over into a wheat Hold , and biscuits in the
> ven were found uninjured. The horses be-
onglng to ono man seemed to be covered
vitb glue , and ono of them was impaled by
i fence rail Two children of another neigh-
> or were killed , a third fatall > Injured , and
, ho father seiiouslv hurt The house was of
irlck , and when the roof blow off the walls
'oil ' In , burying the father and one of the
hlldten The child died between the
'nthor's knees and before his veri eyes , but
ic was so pinned.Jown as lo be unable to
lelp It The wife nnd mother finally oxtri-
ated hciself nnd released the hushind , but
.ho other children could not bo taken out
mill help arrived Every member of ono
'nmilj was kill oil , and several other families
est ono or more members
A few extracts from the Lexington Intelli
gencer , received by Mr Ilendriv , aio inter
esting readinr They are as follows-
"When the crest of the storm had i cached
an altitude of about sixtj degrees thewit -
icssed a strange , wonderful and beautiful
ihenomenon. 'iho crest of tlio cloud seemed
to bliie out all at oneo with bright , elec
trical light , and for n moment it looked as
if the whole Ltown of the cloud was a lolling
mass of living coals of lire * * * The
small point looked moro like an elephant's
trunlc than mi.\ thing else and licked up
fences , lo\eled trees and created ha\oc gen
erally At ono place two bucks joined to
gether with mortar weio lifted up mid de
posited in the limbs of a tree , where they
lemained At John Walker's an iron pump
In a thiity-cicht-foot deep well was drawn
DUt and carried into an adjoining Held some
hundred. } ofards . awa.\ Chickens were
stripped of their feathers and hurled against
bail ) whe fences and suspended tliuio or impaled -
paled Will Hatlleld found a gaili dressed
doll in the Held of Dr. Brown , four and one-
Editor Iowa Plain Dealer Cured of In-
suirerallo Itching and Pain by
the Cuticura Komcdioa.
No Loss Than Five Physicians Con
sulted Their Combined Wisdom
Followed Without Benefit.
I am sixty-six yo.irs oh ) . In August. 183. )
was troubled with tha pavullar ? kln dlseaau to
wlilch pcop o of my mo nro stibleet. Known
nnioiiK medluil men aacczuina. Itsllrstap-
poirunco wasnuurtho un'ilos. It rapidly ox-
tonriod o\or the lower B\treinltlps until my
les wcro no.irlv ono raw soru. : from log the
trouble extended ucrosn the hliis. shoulders
ami the entire leiuth ot the sirtns. the legs unU
urmsure itiy swollen with un Itchlni ; , bin nlnz
p.iln , without cessation. AHliouuli tliu bust advice atlalnablo was ump'.oyod , no
less th in live iihjslcliins of the iiliuo being
consnltod und tlio proscriptions bolns tliu ro-
nult ot their combined wlmlom. thu disease
thouch upp iH'ntly chocKed. would ruour In a
few days as bad us ever1 , durlni ? Its progress
my weight foil iiwny about twonty-llvo
pounds , As an experiment I bo au thu nso of
I'uricintA. following the simple and plain in-
stmetlous ( rl\ii with iho HKMUDII- . . and In
liour weeks found myself well , with skin soft
nnd Incoldr , tlialtchin : and u.ilnon-
llrely rolloved. W. II MI2AD.
IMItor Iowa Plain Dealer , C'reseo , la.
Cuticura Resolvent
The now lilooi ) nndSkln Purtder. and greatest
of Humor Remedies , Inturnally ( toio.insu thu
blood of alllmpurltlosand polsonuui olumcnts
and thus reuuivo the o.niso ) , and Cuneuiu.tho
Croat Skin Oiiro. nnd UUTICUIIA boxr , un ux-
qulslto Skin I'urlflor and rtemtiner. oxtorual-
ly ( to ele.irthusklnand sualp. and lustoro the
linlr ) . speedily euro ovcrv humor nnd dlsoaso
of the skin , | > ai.d liljo 1 , with loss of hair ,
whether Itching , burning , so ily pimply und
blotchy , whether Iniulo. sorofiiious , hernllta-
ry ort'ontaulonshar plijsloluns and all oth
er remedies fall.
Sold everywhere. I'rlco. CUTICUIIA.
2Ti : ltsniVKNi. II. I'rep ired t > y the
Dunn AM > UIIKMII AI. CoiiroiiAnuN , lloston.
nd for "How to Cure fcltln Disonsev
PIMi' ' ' , hlucK-heuds clinpiii'il and
uuroil by t UTicbliA SlrDicAiru SOAI-
1 Mf ' " " " " ' " " "It" H" : t lltlflirit
\SrS \ A Anti-rain riB ' T relieve * rhen-
\ f & rnatlsni , solntle. hip , kluner , chest
% * * nnd inusuular uiilns und weak
nesses. The first nnd on'y ' paln-kllllng plaster.
We will nd you the m rrtluui
Frtncli 1'itparutlon CALTHO3
free. nd a l al guaranut that
( .AI/lllUa "HI Uculorn .TOIIF
Dleallli , .Mr nctli niiJ Vigor.
Use it and pav t/tatis/iril ,
Addrnss VON MOHLCO. .
Silt iBiriiu iuU , CUcl uu , Okto.
AgentsWanted Everywhera.
fiu"t > 8 ono quarter uf your coil bill prevents Boot
nnd cinders , clealrojs coal Kill , pruiluujt porfeot
couibuatlnn keep $ bollor Hooi oloin niilcat hot
llru In live nilnuti's nct cqu-illf ell oihinlaion
Bdltcunl Ono puckiiitu custliu- conn U utllrliit :
to trontone ton at coil tor furllior lnforiuatloa
ullouuraldrois wit'i > tnmp ,
400 S. 13thS. Omaha.Nob.
f. s. wiJJ'os/3o/er.
Unpltnl $400,000
Surplus. $05,000
ffficon and Dlrjclort [ lonrr W. Vatai prail til
It. C. 1'utllliiK vlod lira ill < u , C. S .liina > . f f
Mono John r ! Collliu J .X iL I'alrtjx ; li > * li I
lUcU , caibltir
Ol * TEJSTJf ,
Teethoxtrino'l 11 morntnr
New ono * Infari'i 1 rftir eon
iimin day I'erfoul lit gun
! Jrd Floor ,
Paxton > laak >
KJthajidFnrnnni Stvoati.
Klorator ou IUU st Vdlepiiuni I0i >
lllil.NU THIS Wllll YUt
half miles ntrny , where the storm hrtd blown
It. "
After the grip , when you are weak nnd
"plnyed out , " Hood's Sarsnparllln will re
store your health and strength.
Selection f nn Architect.
At the regular meeting ot the Hoard of
Kducatlon Monday night the selection of an
architect for the coming i ear will probably
bo considered , The term of the present
architect , Mr. John Ijxtenser , wan out last
month , but It Is Uaimcd that It would not
bo wise to make a change now when so
many school buildings nro In of con
On the other hand , there tire a good nnnv
architects who would like tha lob nt a much
ICM llguro than the. $1,500 which the piescnt
Incumbent draws , nnd there Is a chunco for
u lUelj skirmish.
A * Tn > lli > iiiil Mnr.v
has attracted attention latcli , hut as a mat
ter of fact the public has also devoted tlmo
to things substantial , Jimglni : bj the unpre
cedented sales of the Gall Harden Haclo
brand condensed milk Unequalled as a
food for Infants. 'Sold by grocers and drug
Pilot Knob , Mot
Sufibrod Mr. Henry P.
O/ Travers , formerly
i W of this place , suf-
Yoars. fercd with chronic
rheumatism for 20 years , and \.vas
treated at times by several doctors.
cured him. No No Return
return of pain
in 3 years.
G. A. Farrar. Years.
Don't Pay ffioney for Wale r
A elM Pxtrnct of Hoof l mnro llcon-
oniloftl Omn n lljuM fcirthn rtii < nn
tlint It Mconri'ntrntiHt , mul honeiokcup
ers nlll 11 ml It imicliclionpor to
Extract ° f Beef
B solid conoentratoil oitrnct fro" from
( nt nnd n ' im nr nny faroliin su ! > -
tuiiCG and dloolvo U tlicnuolv t > >
The El.'n.itnro
tiumttno ffnn tliu jur
hasthU In blao.
Muk u jour tiKidil rl'h nnil HUM' , tonu yon
wliolo system , curouw ry nrrvotis ttoiihleltli
Nerve Beans , : i nuwosotiblc : ill * > i < u\ory of
iiiurxolrita poner. Thev rcnuu youth , rcstoro
vigor , Klvc irlow of hnu th. ilonliln vnp.iulty for
work or ple.iiuio.ondurful fet overwork
iiml worry , bold l > y clrnir Nts $1 i hn\ two
wuel.s1 Minplv , or by mail , NHUVU HKAN CO. ,
HulT.ilo. N. Y
Can bo supported and rendered
loss painful by using a
"Wrlto us for measurement
Dealers in Physicians and Hos
pital Supplies.
1513 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb.
Professional Nurse ,
Treats Ml kinds of dlsoiisoa , IntornM ana ox-
toriuil. Gimrantoos la oyory case. Monoyro-
fundcJ in alloasos whcro jiatlont is dlssitla-
flod. No regular fco ohar ocl. 1'iitlcata pay
whato\ amount they ciui afford for troat-
16th and Capital five ,
CrouiiBo Block , Itooms 0 , Tnnil 8 , Omtilio.
My ilortor ntvj u ncM cnilly nn th * Mrtnudi ,
llTtrnntl IcIJntMt.n'iil t < ni | < "innlUiiitlr < > . Thli
drink la mn le from licrtw. nn.l is prrp ircd for iu
All druEElussell I l l .Vic. tvnil II mi.irkaco. If you
rnnnot gel U , sou , Ioiir I nddms fur n frcu ftMnplo.
l.nnr' * i'nnillr .m'lllrliio tmitr * llir lionrli
rnrn < lnr > In onlrr In ! > < > lieililiy tlili It nn eiwity ,
AiUlrr-a OltATUUl' . \ \ ( HHlvVAHU l.r lln\.N.Y.
Wo nro honiliiiiartnrs forunr artlelj
miulo In h ird or soft rubber.
Rubber Gloves
for protecting the
hands in
/ns ( riiint'iifM ,
itiH'iiin/ s/in ; SuppHot.
11-1 South lF > tli St. .
Next to PostofHoo.
roil ALL
Chronic , Harrow ,
Privata ail
Special Diseasas.
21 y o-xrs oxporlonas.
Tiontod nt t'lOl a inontli
mid nil niodlulnei
other tronb'M ' trmti'd nt roTsoinbla
CUNHl IjlATlON I'KIMX Cull ou or
' VMM . . 1. D. . K o. 4 llninncd et. ,
Ill RT" " , M J . , c/lifj r pfiyilctnn of thf
nns o\\3 < lcd b > tliu
HPlilCit. \ '
l > cltlit/&n ( < \ nil JHito * * i.nil IIVntriMJ of J/tn.
" 10 V" < 7f Uie mMtltf-agfa and oni.
' " nl'Vlon .n IICIBOII or by letter.
] > ioeilus vrlth Jesllinonlriln , KJIKE ,
irEP book , Sfl pNCi : OV f/I I E. OK PJU.F-
UKSKKVATJOM. . .00 pp. . lii ln\nlunl.lo liro-
ipllon.1. full Ijy mail , nejilod
Omaha's Newest Hotel
( OR. 12TI1 AND HO/MRJ Ui.
irnooms nlf..SO par ilir-
tdlloonu ut tl OJ imr iHr
lOIloonn witli llith nt tl 'II pir lir
lUlioomt with ItntU at Sto II S ) pir l\r
Modern In IJrrry lci iirrt.
C. S. ERB. Prop.
Tlio nly hotel In tno c IV with hot and co'it
water and Htu nn no it In ovnry r. ) ) n
'lubi nnJ dining uu n tort ice
BATES $2.50 TO $1.00.
Special rates on upplluatlon.
DAVIESSCO.K WHISKEK Headquarters for
Write us lor prices on Whiskies both in bond and tax paid.
ARNISH co.-st. LQU\SWO. \
The most durable and beautiful finish for The ideal polish for Furniture , Pianos !
floors and wainscoting. Ilasily iiii > li ( > il. and String Instrumonts. rrovonte
Ilripu iiiNtaiilly. JIuUct tircfioino the \arnlsh from cracking und imparts a
' nil bin . All dirt
Hi'r 17 mtiiocpNsnry.
brilliant flnlsh A lew drops on a soft cloth
iinilNtaliiH froiiiRrnumo , Ink , toliarro "
mill blood , easily roinoToil by Hiniiily is sufficient ! then rub well o > er the var-
wiping It with a damp cloth. Made in ten nlslied surface until dry. Case of ao bottles ,
brilliant shades. ? l.00 pur can. t)0.0 ) < > , filnglo bottles 25 cents.
txAer sizr COMMCILTAUr
Made of tint llnrst quality of llntuim Tnlmrcu tlintrnn bo l > otiflit. Kqanl In ' % fTy rt * < pect ( o ( ! IH
Imvortrd clears , llnuuruclured I ) If. 1C. HICK MlillCANTIliU C1U.V11 r.VC1 } GUV. hi. Lnvli
1816 Douglas Strool , Omaha , Nob.
Ilio omlnnnt "luolallit In norrjiu chronlo prtritti bluad ikln aal urlnitrr illistui
reglitorod Krlunta In iniJlJliu , a dlpliini aa I osrtlnjitai will h > , U * UII tratllt [ with lliu
uiu c&t > rrn , luit mm ioul , > o nlnat naiknJii nUit loitu nil an.l form of prlruo illij iji. Nu
uirrourr ut l N * trammqnt for Ion ot rlul piwtr I'arthi unibld to vlilt miini j bj trut-il at h ) u *
brcurrotpundnnea Mollolna or I utr ni inti i it b/ mill or otj'tit ujirjlr piaol , no nur/ci u nil *
L-aleoouluiiH urundir Ono | i r ciuil Inlurrlnw proforrJl. ConiultMlon fro * CurrjioouJonj ) xrlotlf
prlrata HOOK ( > lr t rli i gtUfJI ( lot fro * UOtit Uouri , Ja-io. lu ! p. a. duaJ * ; U . ia. ( J U nt.
mid luuiptoralrouUr.