Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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nppi IIP PAH i PTMI 11 > t TT/\\T
Stockholders Want tbo Omaha and Denver
Plants Divorced.
Clnlm * that the Connollilntlon of tlin Two
Conform Wan KfTcctnl bjr I'rnnU
Judge Ilunily ( Iriiiitn n Tem
porary Injiinctloti.
A suit was begun In the United States
court In this city i esterday which renew 3
the light among the stockholders of the
American Water Works compini and prom -
ises to Indefinite ! ) prolong the legal luttlo
The suit Is for the purpose of obtaining an
action of the court sep iraUng tbo Omah.i
nnd Denver plants , which , duting the pist
two JC.IM , hive both been unlertho mm
ngeinentof the compinj Upon the appli
cation of the petitioners Judge Dmidy has
issued n temporary Injunction restraining
the companj from nnplj Ing any of the reve
nues received fiom the Omah i pi int for the
payment of the debts or expenses of tlio
Denver Institution until the facts at Issue
shall havobetn decide 1 on lii the court
The petition Is a bulky document , com
prising nearli 100 pigcs of typewritten
copy , and iccltcs a long storv of ttio corpor-
nto exist cm o of thu several companies , dur
ing which It is claimed gioss deception
lias been used for tbo purpose of promoting
the interests of a cert iln number of stock
holders and to the detriment of othcis Tlio
s'llt was instituted b\ the United Water
AVorks coinp.uij in behalf of itself and other
stockholders of the Amci lean WitcrWoiks
companv and the list of defendants Includes
thoAmeilcan Water Works companv of 1111-
'Iho American Water Woiks companj of
Illinois was oigani/ed prior to 1891 for the
purpose of f mulshing water for Omaba.
South Omaha and rioienco , and actoidlng
to the understanding of tbo potitioncis Its
charter imlmlul no authoiitj to dispose or
its propcrti and hlso either bj sale ot
consolidation On Julj 1. Jh87 , the Illinois
companj issued bonds amounting to1,000 , -
000 , of which -100,000 was deposited with the
Tnnncis lx > an and Trust company of Now
York to retire bonds to the same amount
v hlch bad been issued In IhhO Tbo remaining
JGlO,000 ) ( was Issued and is still outstanding ,
bciiigsccuicd bj a moi tgagc on the Omiihi
Allcgoil Stnr Clmnilicr 1'roooiMlliiRS.
The United Water Wet kscomp.inj seemed
control of $ ( "i,000 of the stock of the Illinois
company in March , Ih'JO , which is still In
its possession It < lalms that on I'obru.irj
ai , 1MII , a special meeting of the stock
holders of the Illinois company was called
for the puiposo of considering a contract for
the consolidation of the said company with
the Denver company The meeting was
held but ndjouined from day to day without
taking the Intended action until Match : M ,
when it was given out that the contract had
been foimall.v appioved by thustoLkholdeis
It wnsal-so dulaied that a contiact with
C. II Vennci & Co had been appiovod
pending the probpeetho consolidation , b\
the terms of which the latter companj was
tocaitj oncoitaln icpaiis and construction
In tetuni for the 5-pcr cent twentj-jear
gold bonds of the Denv or company
The petition alleges that these contracts
vcro never legally appioved by the Illinois
roinpanj'us fiaud vsas used in seeming the
alleged approval At the meeting March CO
the petitioner u\eis that 1K > 0 shaics of pio-
fetrcd stock of the Illinois Lompanj vveie
v otcd w ithout his consent or approv nl. It Is
nlso claimed that 10,000 sh.ues of common
stock belonging to Solon Li Wlloj of this
city - ncicvoted without the consent of their
owner , and 5,000 shares of common stock be
longing to the petitioner , making 1 ( , 'OO
Bhnie" of stock that weio illcgallj'otcd for
the consolidation and without which the
contract could not have been appiovtd.
'Ihovote of the United Water WoiKs
company in fa\or of the consolidation
was ijceuied through u written proxj issued
by 1II. . Mills , at that time treasurer of the
company , In fa-vorof Joseph A. Giiften , as
sistant secretary of the Illinois comp-inj ,
which puipoitcd to bo sufficient authoiitj to
cast the vote of the company. The aggi loved
companj' now dcclatcs that Mills had no
authoiitj1 to Issue the proxy and the action
obtained through its use was illegal and
should bo declined null and void
It is nlso claimed that the pioxj nsdcllvcicd
to Uriffcn only gave him authoilty to vote
stock nt tlio meeting called for Febi uarj 2(5 ( ,
nnd that Uilffcn changed the Instrument so
ns to extend the effect to cover the subse
quent adjomncd meeting at which the con
solidation was brought about.
Clarence II. Venncr held Mr Wllej's
proxj' , but , It is now claimed that the owner
did not intend that ho should Aoto It for the
consolidation , and that the stockholders
present weio well nwnio that none of the
stock held by Mr. Wlloy mm the United
Water Woiks Companj could bo h'gallj
voted nt the meeting.
The next move ot the consolidation ( on-
tlngcnt was to oignnlzu n now company
known as the Amoi lean Water Woiks Com
pany of > 'ow Jeisoy Into which the Omnha
and Denver companies w cio mctged. Will
iam A. Underwood was elected picsidcnt
and director of the now company , and the
icmalmng twelve alrectors were selected
crmallj- from among the stockholders of tile
Omaha and Denver companies.
On April 2-t , according to the petition ,
William A Underwood aim Wllllim II Hall ,
who wcro piesidcnt and seiiotarj tespec-
lively of tbo Illinois companj- . with ofllces In
tbo citj' of Omaha , executed two convoj-
nncrs. tuiningovcr all the piopcrtj of the
American Water Woiks companj In Omaha ,
together w 1th Its ftanihiscs and coiutacts ,
to the newly otpanircd Now Jeisej companj
It is claimed that Mcssia Unduiuood and
Hall went to Denver for the puiposo of mak
ing these convojnnees , taking with them the
teals of thocompanj which weio a paitof
thotlxtuiosof Iho Omah.i onlco , amlattached
them to the tfocumont in the state of Colorado
rado , which , according to the \lows of the
complainant , was an Illegal pi Decoding
At a meeting of the duectois of the New
Jeisoj companj held Apiil ! > S > icsolutl > ns
wcro p.ibstd providing for the puichast of
the propertj of the Denver and Illinois com
panies , and in pijment theiofor to Issue
Jft.OlO shaiesof stock in the Now .Tcisov
companj to the old companies The petition
goes on to state that William A Undeiwood
and Clarence II Vernier had mattcis so ar
ranged that they wcioto reap the benefits
of the consolidation while the complainants
Mcic left out in the cold.
r.cimlmtcd | tlui Cntnlilne.
On Ma > 1 , 0.250 shares of stock In the New
Jcrsej companv were tuined over to their
trcasuu'r , r II Mills , in ictiiin for the
stock of the Amci lean Water Works com
pany "which " was owned by the United
I'ompanj' . Mills made no tepoit of
Ids action to the dhcctors of his compnnj
until the next Dctemoer. w hen the diioctorb
ndopted tesolutlons ivpudlatlng his nctio'i In
accepting the stock and nlso repudiating the
proxy which .Mills had Issued to Gilrten on
the foi mer occasion It is claimed that this
leport fi-om the trensuicr was the Hist Inti
mation the directors of the Illinois companj
had received of the consolidation and sub-
cjucnt sale of their stock to the new com
panj' . Soon after the complainants en-
dcavoivd to secuio the lotutn of their cei-
tltlcatcs of stock in the Illinois comnanv.
nmi lulling in inib instituted suit to comuel
their dellvcrj on the ground they had
noon lomovcd from their iKisscssIon bv
fraud ,
' 1 ho Unl'od company refused to accept nnj
jurtlon of the stock ot the New Jersov com
pany , nnd offeiod to return the certificates of
stock in the latter eompanj which had ueen
accepted by Mills. It was Imjiosslblo for the
dtrcctois of the Now Jersey company to take
nnj ncilon In the picmUeson nccountof an
Injunction which had been obtained by ono
Dennis Sullivan , icstrnlnlng the directors of
tha company from holding u meeting unless
there were seven directors present , which
nmpuntecHoa pi-oblbltlon , us KullUan con-
ti-ollcd n sufficient number of the diicctors to
prevent sovoii directors from getting to-
IiOunctlnii * Cuiiiti l'u t.
In March , 1893 , Catherine Archer , a stock-
holder , brought n suit in the court of chan
cery of Now Jersey nnd enjoined both fac
tions from holding n dlrcctoit meeting.
lit the meantime the Denver company had
brought suit In the circuit court of this stnto
prnylng for the appointment of a receiver for
the property of the companv situ ted In Ne
braska , as the company was said to bo un
able to manage its affairs properly on ac
count of Internal dissensions , nnd the result
was thnt the petition was granted nnd Hills
U Ulerbowcrnnd Alonzo U Hunt were ac
cordingly appointed ns receivers.
In April , la'.rj , n similar suit was Instituted
In the court of chnnccrj of Now .lersej , nnd
n HvdoUust was appointed tecelver for
the New Jersey comptny The order was
Issued April'JO , and soon after Mr Hust In
stituted n suit In the Nebraska courts for
the removal of Messrs Hlerbowcr and Hunt
as tccclveis for the Omaha property nnd for
his own appointment In their place Ho
was successful , nnd since then has been In
charge of the Om ilia plant
Iho plaintiffs now want the court to de
cide that the consolidation of the water I
companies and the subsequent transfer of |
their propeit.v to the New .Icisey compinj .
was Illegal and set it aside , lint the piesont
icceiver. Mi Rust , shall lender an account
to the plaintiffs , of the business of the com
pany during his toun of supervision , and nn injunction shall bo issaed piovcnt-
Ing him from nppljlnj anj of the proceeds
of the Omaha plant to the pijment of the
obligations of the Denver companv.
Judge Dund\ has granted the temporary
Injunction asked by the petitioners.
C'nrd from N. It. I'liltonrr.
On Satmdny night at 710 : ! wo will
offer the gi cutest value in dress goods
that wo have over placed before the pub
lic. The goods fell into our hands at an
extraordinary saerillce and wo will pltieo
them on halo Satin day night , giving all
the advantage of our bargain to our
friends. They e insist of wool beiges ,
wool cheviots , wool diagonals and illum
inated wool mixtures. They are all this
seti oii's goods. They will bo bold in
dress patterns of seven j urds ; the price
is $5.00 , but they will bo sold by us on
Satuiday night ut * 2:18. :
Three Morn riniipl.ilnlH Agiliist Account-nit
Multli Are In MKht.
'I luce more complaints have been lodged
against J H Smith , the instructor in book
keeping This time it Is thiee joung ladies
who paid Smith $10 for instiactions and $1 SO
for books Two of them , Miss Piisclll.i
Owens and Miss Kllen Jungicn , weie to le-
ceive situalions , ono in Match nnd the other
inApill , but the instiuetor is not to bo
found and the situations never materialised.
Both joung ladles have agreements In wilt
ing signed bv Smith , who was to furnish
them the positions at the times specified
The\ called on Uitj' 1'iosecutor Co hran
and he Informed them that it was sitnplj a
bleach of promise on the p irt of Smith , and
that tlteto existed no gtounds fora prosecu
tion Thejoung ladies weie not satisfied
and called at Majoi Bemis' ofllee and were
rcfcired to Citj Attornej Council Mr Cou
ncil said a clear ciso could bo made against
.Smith for obtaining inoucj under false pie-
tenses , and Air Codiran will bo called to
time and icqucstcd to cause Iho aiicstof
Iho hibtiuctor and prosecute him.
Fought oil n Motor.
As the last up-tow n Farnara street motor
stopped at Seventeenth street Wednesday
night a South Omaha packer , who was
.omewliat . Intoxicated , got into an alter
ation with the conductor and ilnallj struck
it him The conductor struck b ick nnd in
in instant both men weio down upon tlio
) avement pounding at each other at a livelj'
! ate The street Just there w as ratherdatlc
ind most of the blows failed to count. The
South Omaha passenger was piettj' handy
with his fists , although ho was rather full ,
nnd the conductor luboicd under the dis
advantage of ono crippled hand and an over
When the conductor had worked his op-
lonent over to the sidewalk and was getting
the better of him , some of the passengers ,
piobablj fearing the packer might got pretty
badlj hurl if the lighting continued , called
out to the conductor : "O , that will do ; let's
go on. " The conductor desisted and re
turned lo the car , Iho passengers clambcicd
on , and the picKer was loft behind , gioplng
mound In the duikncss for his hat , which
had fallen off. The conductor came out un
scathed , but the packer probably did not
DcKpriudons With Koput itlonn.
If Jesse James was laid away in his grave
his ghost will not down. Jcsso stands
ehaiged in police court of this citj' with dis-
lui blng n religious mcollug His place of
residence is given ns Omaha nnd. though
slieet and number nro omitted , his habita
tion is somewhere noir the foot of Maicy
street Change of residence seems to have
brought with It a change of age , w hldi Is
given ns IS.
Hut this is not the onlj' Important arrest
the police force has accomplished. They
added more laurels to their rcputaUon bj'
taking In charge ono of the Younger bojs ns
a suspicious character and n beggar. His
initials are given as J G and the age as 10.
Uoth auestsweio made bj' the wily force
without any blood being shea.
Stola Coat.
Detectlvo Savngo found Frank Wilson in n
Tenth street pawn shop jesterdnj' nftcuioon
w Ith a nice co it and vest which ho was trj'-
ln to dispose of Wilson Is prettj smooth ,
for when ho saw Iho ofllcer enlor ho pio-
tended to bo purchasing a pair of socks , but
Iho bluff didn't go nnd Wilson went to Jill
It is supjiosed thai Iho clolhing had been
stolen and batago would like to have anv
one who has lost the articles mentioned call
at police hcad < iuartcis and Identlfj tlio
lIlltllllllHOII ItiltMHOll.
Chief of Police Scavoj received a telegtam
jesteidaj afteinoon fiom the sheiill nt
Laramlo authoiizing him to toleiso 12 M
llutchlnson , the ex-postmaster who was
w anted In Wjoming lor an alleged shoitago
In the olllco accounts Ml Hutehinson was
seen bj a lepoitci as ho wasleuing the Jail ,
but he declined to sav anything for public i-
tlon bejomi the fad thai ho would remain In
Iho citj for two or three dnjs jot
I'ollin llir\ltluH.
Ocoigo Hoapor. adishwasheratthonarkcr
hotel , w as lined $ .1 nnd costs foi using ob
scene language toward H innah Hughes , n
dining loom girl emplojed there
The walls of the old Oichard store on
Douglas stieel weio jesteidaj reuorted to
the police as being tins ifo and liable to bo
blown down bj the gale , and so the police
protected petlestri ins bj placing topes about
the place
A couple of detectives arrested Frank fish
vestordaj afternoon at the instance of Jim
htephenson The complanant nllegcs that
Fish was ono of the lmckmcn ; who went on n
sti Ike and declined to tin n over his night's
collections , amounting to $1
Word reached the citj jail j'cs'erday that
ChailesThumiro h'td ' been anostcd in Lit
tle Slous for aison Thumaro used to run
n ft tilt stand out on South Thirteenth sti cot ,
nnd one cold night lust winter the stand was
totnllj destrojod bj llro buforo the depait-
mcnt nnlved U vvns thought then that the
place had ucen set on tile
Merchants Weak Hainti Iti Promoters
meters in the Court ! .
St. I.ouU I'lriii thnt Drill ( -red I'rlntrtl Mitt *
tnr Ton l.itn for UseItucovcr * In
full lor Hi Clnlm Other
Court > > .
In September , 183' ' , the Onnh-v Merchants
Week assocl itlon gave n series of p trades ,
bind contests and other enicrtilnmcnts In
connection with the exposition which was
then In pie iess nt the Coliseum The con
tract for printing advoi-tls'inants , etc , was
given to the Oast Ha ik Note Lithographing
companj of St Ljuls , which dellveieJ the
ptinling onlv two dajs before the beginning
of the mceling Of couiso thu mailer was
Miluoless at that late date and the associ
ation refused to pav for It unless a maletlal
reduction was consented to This the St
Lou l.i compinj would not hear to nnd began
suit to cnfoicc p iv mcnt
The suit was it led before Judge Ferguson
nt the present lerm of coutt nnd Judgment
was icndutod in favor of Iho plaintiffs for
aboul fSOJ The Judgment lies against W A
L Gibbon , John A Fuller , b W Ctoy and
Nathan Ciarj , who wcro the prime movers
In the merchants week display The amount
left in tilt,1 hands of the trcasuier of the as
sociation , together with a discount of $100 ,
which will oo allowed bj thu Si Ixniis com
panj reduces tlio amount to MOO , nnd John
A \ \ iikuncid , as sccttitary of thu associa
tion , has nddicsscd letteis to n number of
business men staling Iho facts In the cnso
nnd icprcsenllng Ihat as the gentlemen
against whom the Judgment was i emitted
weie w ot king In tlio public intciest a sub-
scilptiou should be i.ilsed to pay the
amount It is estlm ited thai > nploco w 111
bo sulllciiMit to icliovo the association fiom
its embarassmcnt.
( ourt Calrniliir.
The call for to laj is as follows :
I.AVIIOOM so A itrimi nori.\\iii. .
20-lOli Ilolsiuan vnCdwIn
no-'J&i , liny vs. Mullen
30-.177 dllleiiot > s Nc-Urasl.a 1'unilluiL' Co
'II-IH Lund vs i'roup
ai-lO'J-Mnilsiy vs VI ml
31-1 lu-ll.ii ; in vs l\ft
,11-11 0-MoiiU'omcrj I'l'lUei
Jl-17li II i\c > rltiKlious vs siotiL
.11-JO7 l.nonaid vs llaniniond.
31-217 S.iiinilers roibci
31-JJ"j-iniltli ij.
31-JdJ-i w ivlngs b.inU vsTuttlo.
.H-JIO llodton vs Mnyci
31-.J51 Ni'Non \ Uiiiuli i I'lto Insurance L'o.
Ul-JOJ Miuiay vs ( Junnlnghiiin.
30-17J Mojer vs llodson.
SO-'Jb'J-f in Us vs Dnlnn.
3U-2N.I-Iimci IV vsDiloy.
30-307-JIuriihy vs Hydur.
30-.1-1G Diiiaha Natlonitl b ink vs Atkins.
30-J53 Wjinan Nsl'lshi'i.
30-J8U batnulers vs II \ . M. Itallvvay com
32-3,18 LiU'ene C Hate" vn A Tllloleon.
3'J-181 Union 1'iust company vs. Joseph
I'l iln
3.1-115 Nelson v Anderson
33-1J2 NebinsK.i National hank vs Mai la
Ilclliu in.
3J-'J30-Mesiinovs |
3,1J50 l'i iitfh v s Poi tsmimth av Ingb bank
3J'J32Chic u'o Unlveisal Invcitiucnl com-
piny vs llrovvn
3J-250 Mutual Investment company vs
K.i II ; ct ul.
JOJ04Slcrvo \s HofTinan.
3J-U54 l'fi-,1 I ) ink vs Yatcs.
3 J-2i7 ( Shroi ( k r v s blattury.
33-'J81-Olhsoii v s HUM n- < lei If.
33-'JH7- itullton VhKood.
3.1-.170 Thorpe , jr. , vsCorhctt.
34-4 1-WHll.iius v s \ \ Illlains.
34-70 1) ) ivldson vsC'rosby.
34-02 Uumke v s Mclnhai t.
3J-128 TuylcrsU.itturlglit. .
34-130 Ii'incnstcr Snv lu s h ink vs ColTman.
34-139 I'ussumpaic bavlngs banks Coir-
34-184 Onrih i Lo in and Ilulldliig associa
tion vsl'uiiipbell
34-l'J2-l'ottPr vs Hollnboig.
34-'J01 Kennedy vsbmlth.
34--J03- Hopkins vs&mith.
3l-210-Iivld ) u vsT.iylor.
3l-21J-Martln vs Martin.
30-215 In ro cstato of K. U. llrown vs
34-218-Mulvlhllt vs Murnhy.
81-391-MeKcll vsl'aill.
32-81 Ultlu-on vs Holtsluudcr.
32-113 Tray nor VM Kllhoin.
32-138 Ho i l ind vs Thompson.
31-148 I.cdulcli vs Chollin in.
32-198 Moan vs Talus.
32-219 Hi mules vs Krlck on.
31-30 Aim Ian Casey vs Isanc llascnll.
31-05 fcchautlervs llubb.trd.
3J-347 Omuha Coil and l.lmo conipany vs
Uiidd et al.
32-250 Jensen vsJenscn ,
32-,157-1'helps vs 1'hc-lps.
32-395 Null ot nl VK SoMiucr.
3'l-3 Hiiv/anek llav/inek.
33-28-Wakellold vs Duvv.
8318 Security haIngs b ink v s Clarke.
8J-G8-Led\UeTi vs Watt.
32-17-Mlller vsllny.
33-72 In re Citato ot Marlhi .1 Stewart.
28-40-boiith ( Jiualin National bank vs
Wright &liullu ( In.
31-27G-ltlluy vs Starr.
33-28b Unialia I'hinhiK mill vs Horton.
33-292 Ki'iinelley vs Leu.
d3-8J4-Tlmnio vs Tlnimc.
33-342 Oiu.iha National h.uik vs Thompson.
3J-30.1 Itiown vs AIorKiin.
32-280-l'undt vs Albright.
3412llradluy vs Uussi'll.
J4-29 Mutual In vc si nieiilCnipany vs Wlilte
341(3 ( Kelly vs Kelly.
J4-5G Chase vs C'oehian.
Notcn from tlio Ooellct" .
The cnso of Frank Hav , who is charecil
with having set Hie to rooms in the Her flats
at 417 South Sixteenth street , is on tilal in
the criminal court.
Klovcn now suits hnvo been commenced
ngainst the dofuncl wholesale Jewelrj' firm
of Patterson , Shook it Co. The claims on
which the suits uio brought aggregate some
thing over $16,000
In Judge roiguson's court a number of
holis nro contending for the propei tj of the
late John Fuck. Fuck deeded his piopertj
lo his daughter oeforo his death and the
damrhter has since died. Now the heirs of
lather and ( laughter ate' lighting for the
possession of the piopoitj
William H Mains has broughl a $10,000
sull against Iho H F Cadj Lumber com
pany Ho losl Ivvo fingers bv li.-uing them
come in too eloso contact with the knl\cs of
a wood-woikimr machine Ho alleges that
the cause of the accident can bo altilbulcd
lo Iho faullj construction of the machine
which ho was compelled to operate
The wholesale liquor house of C 11 Con
ner .S : Co has gone to the wall and is in the
possession of the sheriff. Yesteidav tlio
membeis of the Htm appealed In court and
confessed Judgment for the following
amounts and in favor of the following
parlies F Llicdon , $ .150 , Marj W
Whedon$4&0. John U. Conner , fOOJ , nnd
John F Connor , .s.1.414. . Executions were nt
once Issued nnd the stock in the Douglas
streol slore levied u wn.
1'iirkn' CoiiKh hjrup
Has been so hlgblj iccoinmended lo us
that wo now ask our friends who are suffer
ing with a cold to give it n tilal , nndlf it
does not give hallsfaellon jour moiioj will bo
lofunded Uverj bottle is sold on a positive
guaianteo 1'iico 60 cents and $100. All
I'ur Nilu Olinnu.
A donttil olllco in Onmhu. Nob. Ad-
dicsbH12 , Bcoolllcu.
Ills lloiiiUiiiiin ( iot Him.
Sam Boweis , who was .11 rested in Fob-
tuarj last for assaulting a SouthcOmaha
The only I'ttre Cream of Tartar I'owdcr.-No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
motor conductor , vrns turned over to the
pollen bhm iKiiuNinnn jcstonlny. Hovvors
wns released on nn-i5J3.X ) bond sumed by C
Orotmnk , nnd ns ho did not appear for trial
the bond VMIS dechrrrd forfeited Grotmak
wont out on a successful still hunt for his
ninn ami his money/will now bo returned.
North Oiilvontnu for llealtli.
NOHTH GAIA'JWTON , Tex. , April 20.
The healthftilnos90f tills region in proven
by IIHiiro- ' . The mornjjo annual mlnl-
turo teinperatmofliuro has boon .10 ° in
eleven years. In Gnlvo'tton county the
average annual dunth into is about fif
teen per 1,000 Inhabitants. No epidemic
disease has \isllod thin section since
1870. North Galveston possesses every
adv nntage which goes to make a pleasant
and profitable location , and that this
fact is w Idoly nppi eclated is evidenced
by the constant influx of population.
Dr. George Tilden lias removed his '
residence to fii'l S. tilth avenue.
See the eclobuttetl Solimor piano at
Ford & Cluiflton Music Co. , 1503 Dodge.
I'nr s iht ut u
All my can lagos , robes , sleighs , har
ness , etc , including one novelty summer
rig , carries six or eight passengers , ono
full platform spring oxlutiiion top fam
ily phaeton , new last November. All in
first-class order. Must bo sold at once ,
as 1 am leaving the city. George A.
Josljn , 2111 Dnmott st. , or oil South
12th sti cot.
_ _
Stc-phc'iison's Mrn Clnlin tlitt Their llosii
u Tjriint.
.lamps Ktcplionson has reason to believe strikes .iro cont.icious , for Ills barn was
thu sc'crie of \\alk-out" early jesterday
morning Nine of his cab dtlvurs quit In ,1
bunch because they considered their rights
unnecessarilj cut tailed.
" \Vo were not allow cu to talk to each
other while In the birn , " siul ono of them
"ami last night , returning fiom our
trip to Hovel's , whoio wo took people to
hear I'.uU'tewski , and while our horses
\\cto bcnitf fed , one of jur number started
to plai the banjo and the lest of us fell In
with a sonjr , when the lorcman g.uo us ner-
emptoii oideis to stop our song nnd variety
sliow We weio tiled of being kept like In
mates of n penitentiary and so we struck "
Mr btopheiiion w lien seen sild that or.l.v
six men bad refused to w oik and ono man
was discharged the samotime ,
because ho had taken nhlsky Into the
diheis loom , of whieli all tlio men partook
in such quantity that tlioi became vei'i
"None of tlio drivers will be tikcn back ,
as 1 got plenty of men to illl their
places , " was Mr Steplicnsoii'1 ; ultimatum
Low rates of fare to Houston , Texas ,
and i oturn Tuesday , April 2 , " ) . For par
ticulars call on or uddruib Morton E.
Kenyan , 1)03 ) N. Y. Life.
Wanted at oncp , 2. " paper hangers ,
highest vv.igch paid. Henry Lehumnn ,
1518 Douglas btieot.
l b ) tliu storm.
All ti.iins fiom tbo cast ulth the cxccp-
tion of tlic U & Mcro Kite in .irrhiug at i
the union depot i esterday morning.
Trainmen on tbo Milwaukee icport five
inches of snow between Manning and Mati-
nilla , I.i , and the tons of the ears wcro cov
ered \\itli snow ulien tbo tram aril\cd
Tbo ChicMKo & Nortbwrstein , duo bete at
0 20 , got in at 12 ; U ) .
'I ho Chicago train on the Hock Island duo
hero at 1 10 was at 1 o'clock repotted ono
hour and thirty minutes late
Those delajs were all duo to the prevailing
high w ind and the snow east of Omaha.
There are tlueo tilings woith saving
Tune , Troiiblo and monoyt-and Do Witt's
Little Earlv Hiscis will sivo them for you.
These little pills \\ill sa\o > ou tinif , as they
act promptly They vnll save vou trouble us
thoyciuseno pain They will s.uc jou
monov us thev economize doctor's bills.
ItuilclltiR rcrinils.
The follow ing peimits to build wpro issued
esterday by the inspector of buildings :
moiililnoC. Oiabo , 1'lftuentli nnd Dor-
cus , ilwolllii0' . . $1,000
Otto J. Iscnsor , Thirty first and Amus
HNCMIUO , uddltlon to duelling . . . . 600
Mutual Iii\cstment coiupany.'JU ? south
Twentjfont th , dwelling. . . 300
Mutual fn\estmcntcomp uiy.'JOOt-outh
Twoiitjfourth , repilrs to < h\ollltm 800
GeofKuV Llnliiiror , 2 4 North
teiMith , lopilts toduolltiiK . 500
Onu Mliioi penult 200
Sl\ permits , u $3noo
ALL ovin TIW
Dr. Pierco's Pleasant I'cllots
nro known. 1'ills of Amer
ican manufncturo easily
lead. Why ? Because
thoy'ro smaller ; the
vegetable extracts are con
centrated Thei o nro many
liver pills , jot tuoro must be
n reason w hy Dr. I'ierce's Pcl-
lots civo the 6fs ( satisfaction.
Probably because they'io sugar-coated , small
as grains of mustard seed , therefore , easily
swallowed. Most of all they act In a nat
ural way , nnd are ofTecti\o in result. Then ,
too , after they're tnkun they can't be felt so
different from tbo old-fashioned pills , with
their griping nnd violence.
For indigestion , pain in stomach , costlvo-
ness and habitual constipationns well as sick
and bilious headaches , these "Pellets" bring
such n lasting cure , that they can bo guaran
teed. Your money is returned , if they do
not give satisfaction.
The stepping-stone to Consumption-
is Catarrh. It don't pay to let It go ,
when the makers of Dr. Sage's Remedy
will give $ nOO If they can't effect a pei-
innncnt cure of your Catarrh.
We nuke a varlitr fro-n lt <
icd ( UHriY l-uiruiuciU
I'.ifij iii'tiiiuicnt fuii
\ tin uiitcd.
Endartta by the BC8T Playen
Stntl for Catalogue n % <
mention the Imtrvments i al
tklui of pitrcluif ni/ .
JOHN c. mm k CP
Are NKV'KIl Soil
flavo You a Large Neck ?
I ! so jou should wear a low , well curved
collar.Vc make a variety of them , In dies
( o twenty Inches Aik jour furnisher for the
ones shown below
Cluett Brand 25o.
Gin oka , medium *
Kanluck , low.
Coon Brand 20o.
Edgoly , medium ;
Selma , low ;
Temple , very low ,
Manufacturers also of the Celebrated
"Monarch" Shift , duett , Coon & CO.
AND WOUCN AT ONCCi ( e < thtr loc.1 or
fppcieni u , * Jv fti , ditirltjute our ( trlnuj matter ,
tnd UtroJuced our ffoodi Strklv ctofljvmcni
S80 A HOHTH Wfell
' ° 'P' ' '
g mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm n
sttnlly at this time of tlic year , men folks
begin to change their underwear get out
U of thu worn out woolens Into the snt-lng
kind. Wise fellows buy hero where the
usual thirty-five cent balbriggan under
wear nTneTy iTnTsheil , French necks anil
ho on , are sold fore
o house pretends to match prices with
"Nebraska. " They know better. We
suve you fifteen cents on the usual fifty
cent kind sell balbriggan shit ts or
drawers natural cream Ian bron/e
everywhere bold for a half at
emoniH/lng prices is a favorite pastime
of ours. Llegant old gold balbriggan
> hrts ! or dnnvcrs , Trench necks , pearl
outtons , silk binding , silk draw cr hold-
erb , patent gussets not sixty cents here
jxeeptionul value thnt heather inKture Is.
Got fancy Trench necks and fancy culls
got pearl buttons and silUs trimmings
got sixty-live cent value for
cal inaco solid goods no ft ills gotten
Up to wear at a half dollar. T\vo
weights of silken finished balbriggan
seventy-live cent'rs both of 'em , at
here can you match It ? Where ? No.
where. Finest twelve thread shirts
'or drawers , silken finish , Trench
necks , silk binding , silk stitching ,
pearl buttons. You can match the
underwear but not the price
jjge of the shirt bound with satin bottom
and neck fancy silk stitched pearl but
tons ; drawers with liveInchvaist band * s
drawer holders silk stitching pearl but
tons , that's the story of the elegant non-
shrinkable mottled underwear , at
ttcntion is directed to our finest silken
finished balbriggan shirts and drawers
The shirts ha\e silk-trimmings through
out silk cull's three inch ribbed bottom
drawers to match.
A dollar kind at
HAL lisle thread underwear is scarce
lots of imitation. We've the real
Kind imported finely finished fur
nishers get from a dollar fifty to
t\vo dollars for it. We sell either
shirts or drawers fore
Highly Dlgestlbloand Nutritious. Made instantly with boiling water or mllli. 6
Headquarters for
Write us lor prices on Whiskies both in bond and tax paid.
IlAYMOVn , *
A Dagger
AND DOCttbt ? , OMAIti.
In nil inrti
of tlioolty.
Our Puullltlcs
fur this cliiBj
of work U
* \t J'oiiiir 1'rlcon ,
313-316-317 South 15th Stroot.
THE speciALiar.
la unsurpn Bcil In the
treatment of nil
and nllWeakritiiiirii
and Oiiorden ot rnun
18 yenru experience.
Write for elrs-.Uti
and question Hit free.
14th and Farnara Btt *
While we do not ship less
than a case of bottled
goods , at the same time
the do en bottles need not
be of the same kind. We
] will assort to your taste
J for instance
J A do/en bottles assorted
J Sweet Wiue.s
1 $3.50.
\\lilcli will Incliino imcUliiii and tiny-
Wlao , Liquor and Clir
HG-lliJ S. lOtli Hu. Oiuaiii.
Feels deeply and his hearers Tcei
with him , but his feeling is serene
even Ills brilliancy is ue\er inctallc
or unlovely. The playing then ot
this man is eagerly sought foi
simply because lie soothes , softens
and helps one to forget all trouble.
For Friday will huvo on both
( ind
YOUU 1'Oficirrnooic
Homtrints of
uunss noons ,
EMiwoiniuiis. :
HiBHoNs , i-rra
Kciinnnnts , Hcninnnt.i , Kc in limits
of till kinds
tit about jour o vn pi-ico.
Remnants of
Dress Goods.
In lonuths fiom H to 7 janls , in
all hinds , qualities and st.vlos , for
childion'u school dresses , hirtloa1
anil childroirH waistsladies' di esses ,
also pieces for dicss trimmings , nt
{ jtcatlj t educed prices.
Remnants of
A great many lomnnnts of nil
kinds , styles and qualities in
ehanproablo , checlc. plaids , satiny
and plain silks , just the goods for
ladles' w lists , itimming1) ) . etc. , that
vvo will eloso out Friday tit very low
Remnants of
Wash Goods
Do not miss this ) department , as
vou will lind here just what you
want in lemnants of line , cheap mid
medium-priced ginghams , both
plain , plaids and sttipos , for apt one ,
waists , children's diesses , etc. , etc.
Also , calicos in all qualities at about
jour own price.
Remnants of
Dress Linings
Remnants in this department ( I
guess wo htivo us many aa u thou
sand that must bo Bold ) will go at
j'ust half price
Lining cambrics , 5c quality , nt
2Jc per yard.
Silcciu , till colors , 16o quality , nt
7jo per ytii d.
Canvas , nil colors , 20c quality , at
lOc ) ) or yard.
Sateen waibt lining 35c quality , nt
7jc nor yard.
All romnaiits In this department
half price.
Remnants of
Table linen , Toweling , Etc ,
A great manv pieces of damnalc
linen crash , tuikoy ted cloths , etc. ,
etc. , thnt must bo sold , nnd they
will go in n hurry ut the prices they
hnvo boon marked.
Remnants of
Laces ,
Remnants of all Kinds and widths
of luces fiom } inch to very wide
lloit cl ijf miidt bo ell-nod out Fri
day.Ono lot of hliii-U all silk llouncintr
and drape y nets that must go ut
just half the onto they are marked.
Ono lot of nil linen torchon laces ,
from i2 to 1 Inches wide , that nro
worth as high as liOc ; they all go at
the ono prlco , oc nor yntd.
Remnants of
Ilnmburg ougo and llouncintr
both of line cambric and muslin'
that must bo closed out. See our
Also iv lot of iotnnan'8 of ribbons
bens In plain and fancy all allk to
bj cloieii out at a prico.
Secure so in o of the above ancll
make yourself happy , ami , also , Tliol Ir > ( JooiU ( ] o. , as we want !
to sell every remnant iu our store.I
ami Imve put prices on them that ]
will he .sure to do it.
Do not fo.'get to vote for yourj
favor ) te.
AlaKejoiir fa\orite's vote largol
before Similaj. Will your.s headj
the list ?
Dry Goods nnd Carpets.
Sixteenth and Farnam Stress ]