THK OMAHA DAILY HEE ; KU1DAY. Al'ltH , 21 , THE DAILY COt I 1 ( I.I NO. Ill 1'ltAlttj HTUKKT I I Hhtird I y rnrrlfi- nny pnrt of tlio city IIV TIl.roN , . MANAomt uu iiii > Miinrp -43 iNlKht I'dllor r n ' 23. .IN MM Mi\no\ . N Y 1'lum.blng ( V Mlltonbt rgi r Is tlm hnller , WfJ lltiwuUvny. A t nso tit mirlot fever was reported i os- | tonlnnl HHJ7 riilnl avoniio. Kcgllhir meeting of llonm II muffs Scottish Itltu bodies tills evening nt tliu hull on Pcnrl street riremeii's usio- datum \illl bo hold till * evening nl H o'clock nt tht < No 11 ptmltic house A nmriliigo lleenmi vvns nulled jestonla\ to l.inll Johnson ngod ' 'I , anil Mmy Clement- HIM nged ! 2I iHitli of I'numll HlulTs Tin pupils of Mis H II l''nuy will glvo a tmislinlti toiiiorinw evening ul Mueller's imiBli ball , ( onimcnclng til H o'i'look. I'ultv Uulld will moot In tegular Hc'ssion this afternoon nl 'J 'JO o'clock with Mis Koli erta , Voorhls street , for oltH tlon of oniccrs The- funeral of William 1. Uanaho.v will Irtlio place this HMniiiii' . ' ut tl u'elocl. from Die faintly residem o , 411 North Ktghth Mrot't The ladles of the Clul.Mliin clniri'li will hnvon social thl' evening at the rosldoncoof MIH Itkli , l < 'iniillln iiM-tnic anil Vooihls nln-ot Alt n H' Invllod The loni.ilns of Miss 1'iiiiim Nnitoii wore illsmloiied vostorda.v mid InUon to Ktioini lung Noli fin MIC Is the lail.\ who tllodln n doctor s onico about a nuuilli ngo while until I going U catnicnt forionsiimpthm. Golden ( { ml i amp No 7. Ko.wil Nclirhbois of America u 111 hold their icgiilar mooting this evening at Knights of l'\ . thins li.ill , South Main strict All mombois am 10- quested to ho ptt'tdit as thcio Is business ! of Importance Mnr.v A wife of . ( ami's Huti her. illtil at II M ) ot-looU M'Hictila.s iiioiulnir , aged 'Jl veins nt the famll.s loshltnco. on Ninth Lighth stici't , near the eoimr nf Tenth nvenuo Notice of the time of holding ilio funeral will ho riven later \Vanl Haxlor died .vostotdav moinlngat " o'clock of tnboiiulosls nf the aged II yoais The funoial will talto iihu o at : ) . ' ! ( ) o'clock tins nftoinoon fioin tlio Ksiilcmo. KM Lincoln avi line , and Ihu tcinnliiH uill bo Intirrcil In Wnliiiil 1 1111 cemetery lllaneho M ( laughter of Mr ami Mis Frank lluraml. died \c-sU-i day altcinoon .it 1 o'tlook of innlntlil fever , ngod (1 ( soais Thu funeral will take pl.ico at "J ! ll ( o'clock this afternoon from the family icsldomu SIOCM Avenue A Interment nt Walnut Hill P .1 Hess , who inalifs shoes for I , Ivinne- lian , had tl imrrmv oscnpo fioin ( loath In the fulling of nn olointorvolght il.iv licfuru ics- terday The olfiht , lilfh IH l.ujjo onouuh to tnauon liolo tliroiiL'h so'.cral men piled up olio on top of the otnor , loos-o and fell , stilkiiij , ' Hess on the leu It inlllctod a soAcie , llosli uomid , l.nt as ho happened to 1m standing Just out of ita path ho uith Ills life. 'Iho c.iso of I1 M Hunter nnO C ( ' C'oolt n alnslthc l ionch l.e.ifiuo S.ifolj Cnrecom- jian > lias been dracnini : .ilont ; in tlie dlstiict i onrt for loeeUs I.u kintr ono d.u , but It scorns to bo 110,11 in ) ; the end 'I he last of the evidence \ \ as introduced List eienlni ; , niul. tlio arguments of the uUoino\s v , 111 iirobabh bo coinnienced this nun nlng It is likelj that the e.iseill bo submitted to tlio court btforu Iho hntirof niljouinincnt this cvenlnj , ' _ _ The Millers , doi-orutivo avtisti , wall pupoi1 , ptij'or haiiL'inj , ' , i > liiiii mi 1 oriia inontul painting , "ifjns. No. 15 I'earl St Coal and wood ; boil and clicnpu- IMit-Miuri liai (1 wood in tlio eity ; prompt delivery. H. A. TON. No. 4 Alain Ube Domestic sea ] ) . It i-i the best. i'iit > < t\.ii. r in uj/f.i//M. Deputy Hcconlcr Heed spent yesterdaj in Grand Island. Mrs. , T N Cas.idy and Mrs. T , T. Crnns arc In Colfux Spt in s Miss Dorothy Watts of Neola Is in the city , the pucstof Miss Ortio Hunnctt Kcv R W Olnn and wife of Iiwood , Ta. , nro in the city visiting their brothor-in law , Hcv. H. I1 Dudley. Mr. mid Mrs H. 11. Saukett and itnupht'r , Miss Nellie , will lea vo next week for Chi cago. wheio they will leinaln throuuhout the World's fair Mrs. Helen M Stoddard , Mrs U U Court ney and Miss Hattie Stoddaut of Little Kock , Ark. , mother nml t\\o sisters of Air II , A. Stoddard , ti20 Second avenue , are innk- inp him a visit. Free treatments daily from 2 to 1 p. in. at the Council HlniTs Medical and Surgical inititutc , 2itli ( and LJro.idway. Boxes and barrels of Drcxol's Bell role ne , a dolieions porfuino , 2'c bjttles for lOo. Davis , the Finest Aristo cabinet pliotos , $2 jicr do/en. Abbton'H Htudio. 18 North Alain. UiiHtlliiR Tor Mmiilirrs. The committee wliioh was appointed a few nights ago to solicit memberships for the now wheel club has been hard .it u oik for the imst two da.\s circulating about nmonc the wheelmen , and has succeeded hi eettinir ocr thit tj pledged to take out mem berships Forty is the number set by the committee as the peal , and when the limit Is reached a meeting v/ill bo called nthich the Hnal organi/.i- tlon w ill be effected. The . \ onng men com- jwslng the list so fai are among the heit In the city and evcr.i niecautUm is to be taken to make the club house , i resoit wheio rf- spoctablo joung men can ( ongregato. the jear round , In place of In saloons Itulcs have hecn | > aRscd forbidding the drinking of liquor nnil all founs of gambling from being indulged in In the club house The committee on ilnb house has also been nt work , and . \esterd.iv It was practi cally decided to choose the S.ickett icsi- dcnce. near the miner \Vlllow n\cnuo nnd Kighth Kticet , as the house If the re quired number of members can bo secured , us now seems to bo icasomibli certain , It wilt bo fitted up in first-class htj lo mid kept ns n "lo.illng placo" the .Near aiound. Sec tlio peerless Dauntless bicycles and K < - > 1 our terms. Henry Murphy. 10 Pearl titrcot. Another Improxement to the popular Schubert piano. Suun m MiibloJo ( Gco. S. Davis , prct-cruition Domchtie soap outlasts ehcup Want Heller Sfrtlrr. A petltloi. has been started on Its lounds among ttio cltl/cns hi the Ateirhants and Manufacturers iibsoc latlon , asking for bet ter train ser\lco for this clt.y and Omaha from the I luck Island , Alllw.iuUeo mid Knn- saa Clt\ mails What Is , n wanteil Is n train put on each of those roads to auUe in Coun cil Hluffs about U o'clock In Hit * morning and to Jwuo about f > in the aftoinoon. thus giving the peoulo ll\lng In the nolRhboiing towns , for n distmico of sixtor sovcnty Jl\o miles , n clmnca to eomo to Council Hlufls tq do their trading , mid go back homo again the B.iino ( lav lor tio\ montha past the people of the outlying towns hnvo been do- pri\cil of these pdx lieges , but the ofllclals of the Merchants atttoclnllon announce their In tentlon of nocmlng the advantages desliod or knowing the reitKoii why 'Iho petition rcfurre < l to Is addressed to the general su- pcrlnU naents of the four roads named , and If they do not grant the request , ttio matter will bo laid before the ralluaj commit- loners. Dr. A. J. Cook , Gland hotel annox. Sj-ocial nttcntion to dlt-ea > o < if reotum. For flrot-oluHH IOOIUM in Clilcaijo for World's fair call on Oliio Knox. of all klnda , CODS and coal. L. G , KnottH Si Co , 700 Hrtmdwuy. Stop at the Oj'ilen , Council Bluffs , the bcHtfJ.00 hoiibo in Iowa. S. P. Vunutta , attorney , 0 livorottbllt. NBWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS High Wliitlg Mnko Things Lively Tliroiigli- out tlio Oltj , NOT QUITEACYCLONE , UUrVERYNEAR ONE \t4 Illiinn In , "iMdlii'nlncln 'lorn llnirn nnil liin n Arllclr" ( 'nrrli'd Out ( iflhr ( 'iiiinlr > A lilvi'ly Ilina ( li'iirriill ) ll pcrlciiiM'd , h A high wind raged In the city all day ACS- teiday , mid although It did "not attain the pmpoitioimofa c\clono , It did \or.y well fern n starter , and man igod to keep thing' stirred up all da > h > plajlng ficalts on such imfoi tun.ite people as had to ho out of do irs The slicots wore almost dosorled all day , ami business was iiboul at a stanilHtlll 'I ho Kiuiiko nttclt of the canning faetor.v was blown down ha , sudden gust of wind , nnil now lies along the roof of a nolgh- boi lug building A I.u go plue of plato glass WIIH blot\ii out of Iho fiont of the building ( ncilliled by Miss KagHilalo on middle llroailway 'I In ling- pole on Mjcts' finiiltnie stme was neailj liloun olT. ami left In mich a dangeions posi tion the nicmhorj of the Hie tlop.nt n.enl had to pull It down to prntcnt it fioin doing- some damage lo pasmisti\ Seine si'ilons d.nnago was \ er.naunul.v escaped lit the HioldaMethodist ebinvh One of the huge IniiowM on the north Hide of the I'luirch was blown pirt way In and was hanging Just ri"ul > to fall when unmoor the Ilienien uotlied It mid hastened to llx U It would li.uo undoiibtodly falU'n lo the gionnd In u few minutes IIMHO , In ubli h mint the loss would Inn o been Hu\cral hundicd dollars lars , M'ltINU DICI'.s-i IMMIDS. At I lie lloitnii More , Council ItlnlTH , III. Ono of tlio must InttHcsllnjr snhjcets to the liulk's at this ( eason of the ji'ur would lie H'UMiidin tuny DKKSS UDODS. It is ci < rtalnl.\ hard to bo ln and ti\o a full dc ci iptlon of the many now and Milled \\oa\csot wool oodn wo Hhow for this I'U'joii , but wo will en deavor to fjl\o you MIIUO Idea of the luti'.st and most popular wcavon. I'llOSl'llOKOS 1)1KSS ( iOOIS mo nhown in the most cnntly oods. hcin rene one of thf latrst nino'tirs ' and HO far made only on foreign looms and curtain to bo tin1 popular fab ic for this bcabon , especially in the line Blades. Ono.MAN and Wiiir COKDS , for a MM vlceablo dit < - < , slill hold their own and Can't bo neglected on account of their ( ( imliUc.s , and aio to be had in all the now nnd popular hades for spring wear , the bamo bcino ; made in seveial ( inalities. C'HANiiKAiir.r. HIICJIS , Scotch plaida and o.\clusl\c ] iattL > rns , lia\e been so- loclod with great care from the most noted manufacturers of Kiifjlniid , France and Germany. We in e coin inced by the uniupliinents that wo aio daily receiving that wo tire headquarters for anything in tlio dte s goods lii.o I'HINA sil.hH , noyoltj triuuning siMC-5 and urtcss sil.KS wo show in cndlois variety. OUUULOVH DKl'AU'l'.MKNT is al ways stc deed with the latest novelties in that lino. Agents for the celebrated foster i'aul A. d > . kid gloves ; e\ery p.iii warranted aim titled to the bund , from 'Jl.lttup. ' LADtHS' CAl'nSaml .lACKr.TS , tlio largest , best soUn-ted line and best value by long odds to IH > louiul of Chicago. 'WALL I'Al'KIJ , a carload of new wall paper , all 1WIII patterns , made in 18i ! ) ; , and nuibt bo weld in 18'JH. See lib for prices and estimates on papering and { minting. Hverytiling now in wash goodb. Noveltie.s in hosiery for spring and summer wear. Our own importation of Suir , * nainsook and cambric embroid eries is now on sale. Cm tains , w inflow shades , curtain poles , In ass rodb , por- tierri and wall paper on our boeond lloor. Corsets , all grades and makes of the most noted manufacturers of the coun try , the largest line and the lowest prices ; will be A HA1U3 TREAT at our btoro next week An exhibition of bilk weaving in one of our show- windows During the week wo will have a special SILK SALE , every piece of bilk in our store at a new price. BOSTON STORE , Fotiioringham , Whitelaw & Co. , Coun cil BlulTs , la. Henry Dcloni ; anil IIU Work. The report which Key Henry Dclong , manager of the Union Cluistian mission , has Just issued makes .1 llatteung allowing for the work of the mission It covers the eighteen months sime It was started , nnil In that time -.VJ pcihons hmo professed con version and many of them have Joined ono of the city churches. Clothing has been fur nished l,4perbons and food to hundred more. 'llio , expenses of Iho mission ha\o all been paid up to AIny 1 , nnd enough pledges ha\o been secured to patho re.nt until Iho llrbtof next Dining the eighteen months Mr Delong has retched , nbo\o ox- peiises , S'ilS for bis woik , a small enough pittance , when the magnitude of the work ho done Is taken into consideration , and the noble cfl'oils ho and bib wlfo ate making to case the burdens of poverty from the shoulders of so many people , and to prevent the boisand girls of poor families from growing up in the .sblftiessness and woiso , which their suironmllngs , in nun } cases , would force upon them. The industrial school holds meetings everi Sunday afternoon The Hist hour Is spent In moral and Instiuctho training , and the second hour to bowhur The scholars are separated into classes , according to their , ability , and all the materials for UK if work are furnished them free , all the ai tides thoi finish being given to them. This pait of the \voiK Is under the diiecttonof Miss Canio Dodge , who alwajs welcomes vlsltois All who are interested In the work of the mission will bine a i banco to help this even ing from II o'elot k until ! l , when a supper will bo gh-cn at the building The ladles of Council Bluffs ha\o furnished the provisions and the tickets are to be sold at ' . ' 5 cents aplcco , the pioceods to bo devoted to defraying the expenses of the mission Worklngmen me espcilall.v invited to at tend and enjoy the feast Tn > l.i } 4 ul Hut \ > .id's I'll I r. It will cojt you less than 'KHI.OO , every thing ncccbMiry included. This moan * homes In private cottage , clean , wife , close to grounds and on the beach of Lake Michigan. Write to J. T. Chyno- wotli , Windsor 1'ark. 111. Refers to II. W. Tilton of Tin : Mir. : . or Jacob Sims of Sinib & UainbrU.go , Council UlutTs. Ilolt/-Ulukf ) . Cards are out announcing tlm mariiago of Air IxiuU V Holtof Tort Siott , Kan , and Allss Maria \j \ Dickey of this tlty , last the residence of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mis W C. DIekoy , on So'itli KIghth stieet The ceiemony was performed by Hov Ktephi'ii I'lielps , D D. , and was witnessed onli by the membeisof the family They will bo at home to their friends at Fort Scott after May. I HourlciiiH1 music house appears to IK > doing a land olllce buhinesrt in piamis ami organs at 111 and lift Stutsman. Cook your meals this summer on a gas range. At cost at Mio Cas ! company. Snlorlcil u SIlis The school lioard held a special meeting last evening at which they selected a nl'.o for the new school house In the western part of the tlty , and took Hteps toward putting up the bulldhiif. Theru wore only two propositions before- the lioard with reference to ttiu location , ono from Omaha parlies mid the other from T. J , Kviins. The property offered by Kvnns Is located ut the corner of Avcuuo 0 and Tlilrtytcoud iticot , uuU his prleo vvnn HK I As thlit wan ocvcml luindred dollars below thr other oiler It wan nc coptt-d , 0. K Hell. A ( ' K < hmooU mid Woodwnrd llnm weie thru ) and presented the plaim they had drawn up for Iho building Kclnnmik's plnn was fur a building which wnul trust f.sT.01) ) , whllo lliill'ii WHS alxiut IVIHI less than that amount mid WoodwimlV t-'UHl moio Much ono neeined to liavo lit iiu tlciilnr ndvmitaucA , and , after half an hour or morn uponl In illHCimsltn ; , the board was no bettor piopaiod to make n nelcctlon than before thn moetlug wnn tailed to oider. 11 wan accotilltiKl.v docldrd to refer the plans to thorimiinllicc of the whole , In order that a fuller examination might ) H < given thorn , A mertlnit will probably bo held Saturday evening , at which the selection will bo nmdo. llotrl , Coiiiii'll IllulTs. Aloat elegant hotel In Iowa , Dining loom on wvoiilh lloor. Hates , W to tfi per day. 11 V. Clark , 1'iop. _ _ Williamson ft Co. . 10(1 ( Main street , largest and best bh'.vclo stock In city. The manlageor AUKS Katlo Wink to Air. iimer ; h Hollar WIIH milciiinl/i d Wcdncsda ) ovonlng at the home of tliu btldo'B patents In this cltj , Huv I' .1 Ilabioek oniclatlng The house was h.iiidsomclj decorated with llmveis , mnl the iciemniii was vvitnensod by quite a number of frlrndx. among those pies- out being the following ( I I'1 Wink , Airs < ! K Wink , Sines Wink. Mr and Mis Moonov , I.ela and llcsslo Moone.V. MIH llHMkamacher , Ullnon Hollar , Ml mid Mrs I loci ncr. Mr and Alts Hibcock , Mr and Mis Jones , Mrs Tnrh . Mis. Fiar.v , Allss Helen Shop-nil , Mr Hoiinan AndeiHon A line Hiipper was served after tlio in ullage 'Ihclmppv ( ouileul'l | ( Oinmenio house keeping at oni e and will bo at homo to their fili'inln uftei May Ifi , at .NN Shirley stieet , Omaha _ " A. 11. 1'orlgo" Co. . 1011 IVarl nt. , C'olumbia and othci'hlgh grade bicycles. Ask jour guccr for Dome-die soap. Nn Ihtll-Uiiy VVorli I III. Iliur. Night bofoie last an attempt was made to bnin down the .lesslo Miller plate , ut the coiner of Vine and Second stieetB , but ow ing to the too prompt action of the lire de li irtment the llamcs weio extinguished be- foio the shell h id hi en entliely ( Uslio.ved The same p titles who net the Iho at th it time , 01 some one else who had the lmpio\o- menl of Vine sticetal horn t , finished the job last night shnrtlv before 11 o'clock The i em- minis of the building weie Hatuintcd v.itli ( oal oil and the Iho bin tied -vlth a blight bl i/o The dep.irlnient could do nothing but pievont the II. lines from being communicated to the nelghboilng buildings , and tlio shell was wiped elf the face of Iho L.iith A new invoice ot English turbans , latest and stylish , at the Louis. Domestic .soap best for bard water. 1TOR SWEET CHARITY. 'I lui "l.ltliic Vt hint" l.nlci tnlniocnt l'ro\ < ' u Mont llcllclitliil scierim. Whist , jilajed with men and women ns the pack , is doublv intoiestlng , and the Hist ptcbcntalimi of this castein fad In Omtiba last night was ono of the delightful suc cesses of the season 1'ictt.v girls appealed In lovely test times appi ululate to the de nominations ot the i.iids icpicseiited , while joting men anajul like Solomon in all his ploii gave a ilch setting lo a scene of biilliancy tint has not oeen rivaled la the west The giouplngs of the "living cauls" and the attiactlvc ami well executed dances , which are ncccbs.ullv a pail of the play , weie executed with artistic oxcelluico and the audience , which had braved a moft capricious and Ikkle night , icccivcd mote than a fair return for the mite donated to the Creche , one of the most dcscrv ing charities of the metropolis , for whoso benefit "Living Whist" was given Thiiteen tiickb were plajea and as many fanci damcs were given by the llftj-two ladies and gentlemen who devoted n week to leheaisals for "sweet chatlt.v " The dances were l'2qucriulc ] Circuit , InCliassc.Auiora , Hoinplpc , Fling , Harv.ud Gavotte , Hoin- nlpo 1'olka , Oxford Allnuet , Sadowa , Lone Fishennan , Athalla 1'olka and In Commando The play was conducted by Alessrs Millard Fu'ikhouser , W S Cm Us , IMckHeilln and Oeoigo Alorcer , who showed n line apprecia tion of the possibilities of this gatno by pl.iv- ing like old-timo vetcrans , AIessrs. Herlin and Curtis winning the odd trick and the game. Play was begun at (1 ( o'clock , the "cards" marching about the square representing the table with the four denominations , hearts , clubs , spades and diamonds chalked In the coiners After the maich the boJi wheeled , counteimarched and Became de cidedly mixed when the bhulHe began Then Air. Alercer cut the caids , the deal followed , and the cards were arianged in long and short suits after Air Cavendish's rules Air Berlin dealt , and the manner in which ho executed this featuio of the per formance , showed that ho could manipulate cards with quite as much ability as the inoto illustrious prestldlglgateur , Air Her mann Air Funkhouscr led and plajed a heart fiom a long suit , but mot on the threshold of the game by a beautiful llnesse. which completely upset Air. Funk- houscr's deep laid plans 'J he thlid dance la Chasse.danced bv Miss Standish , Allss Flit/a Barnaul. Air Palmer mid Air Arter lepresontmg the third tilck , was n line bit of tcrpsichoioan art , especially on the part of Miss Barnard , w ho made a pietty and piquante three of hearts. Tiiek No. 0 , the lling won n recall. The Howard Gavotte , trick No. 7 , was a stately dance executed with camming giaco and beauty. But this might bo said ot nil the it tnces for thoi were all featuies of a realli meritorious performance After the termination of the game and Air. Cnrtiband Mr Berlin had noen docl.ued the vlutois , tno audience and porformeis enjoyed the balance of the evening In dancing The participants In tnc game of living w lust w < sro. FhstTiiek King of heaits , Air. Wilkins ; ' acoofheirts , Aliss I > ewe ; live of heaits , Aliss Ixiwo ; two of heaits , Aliss Lowe. Second Tiiek of diamonds , Allss btebbins ; eight of diamonds. Aliss Cook ; live of diamonds , Ahss Dr.iUc ; seven of diamonds , Air Whltlncid. Thhd Tiick Queen of hcai ts , Aliss Stuml- ish , tluco of hearts , Aliss Barnard ; ten of heaits , Mr. Palmer , slof heaits. Air Ai ter. Fourth Trick Pour of clubs , Aliss Wal lace ; two of clubs , Aliss Short ; live of clubs , Mr. Shot t , nine of clubs , Air AI inn Fifth Tiick Jack of hearts. Air. Wallace ; seven of hearts , Allss Price ; four of hearts , Allss Johnson ; eieht of hcai ts , Aliss Sargent. Sixth Trick Two of diamonds , Allss Noiton , ten of diamonds , Allss Warner ; nine of hearts , Air. Christian ; six of diamonds , Air. George. Seventh TiickQueen of clubs. Allss Klmball ; aieof clubs , Allss Bums ; thieoof clubs , Air Belt ; six of clubs , Air Lyman. iiilith : { Trick King of clubs , Air Buch anan ; J ick of clubs , Air. Hobble ; ten of clubs , Allss Bartlett ; four of spades , Allss Fi ee. Ninth Trick Kight of clubs , Air. Stouten- boiongh , seven of clubs. Air. Allen , ten of spades , Allss Lionberger , two of spades , Allss Cole Tenth Trick King of spides , Air. Bonn ; queen of spades , Aliss Whltbrcad , ace of sp ides , Aliss Williams , tluco of spades. Air AltCord. ICloventh Trick Jack of similes , Air. Piatt ; seven of spades. Air Witnuur olght of spaues , Aliss A. Wilman ; nine of siiadcs , .Mr Cockiell. Twelfth Trick Ace of diamonds , Aliss 11. Sharp three of dl.imonJs , All's Parker ; live of spidcs , Air Fosbenner ; nlno of diamonds mends , Air AlcAIahon Thirteenth Ti Ick Jack of diamonds , Air. PHI vis , King of diamonds. Air Clements ; six of spades , Allss Sharp , four of diamonds mends , Aliss Day So geneinl was the praise given the per formance that the ladles of the Cm ho have decided to repeat thu entertainment on Alon- daj uvcuing , when It Is hoped the weather will not Interfere wltn a ically mcntoilous entertainment. \Vltr f oiif C'uiirrrt. The Kpworth league of the Hnnscom park Alothodlst church ga\o an Inteiestlng con cert at the church last uvunhig. The young jicoplo vveio assisted by the Seventh \Vnrd Allltnry band mid by tlio Omaha Guards , and an entertaining program of music , which In. chicled a number of war songs , was ten dered , The unicrtahimcnt will bo repeated this tWIMI'O 'I'll fPIMM1 ANXIUlh K ) ShllU Iowa Ilopublloim Arranging a Dotogntluu Tor tlio Loiilsvillo Convention. DIFFICULTY IN MAKING SCLECFIONS All Aiioliitmrnt | | bv llift ( 'oitiinlltrn In Clmrm > VMM llo Alnil."wltli ( u Vlnr of KrrnrliiK the Nnfl'iiiul Conti'ii- llon lor llr Mitliiim. Drs MOISKS. In , Api II 2(1 ( [ Special I'de gram to Tine llr.n ] 'Iho ( ixociitlvo coinmit- tee and \lci < prcslilrnln of the Iowa Ifepub- llcan league will meet heie tomorrow to HIV lect delegates to attend thn national league convention at Ixiulsvillo Alay III Iowa in entitled to fifty delegates under the call , six atlaigo and four from each congicssinnal district Tbcio mo so many applluillnns , cndotsements and recommendations that the committee will llml It no eas.\ task to inuko Iho sclec'.loim It Is gcnerallv imderslood that as an effort lll be made to scorn M HIM next national con volition for Dos Mnlnes that thn 1 0111- mltteo will select lion II B Cummins to head the delegation lion .1 P Dolllver and Secretary of State Mo- Piirlnnd aio nlun Htioknn of for delegates-al- largo Among the districts there is a spit Ited rlvalt.v for places on the delegation S ' Alel'ailand of M iiHtialltown Is b"lng urged fiom Iho I'lfih .lohii Mi Mahln of Clinton and Fiank W Smith of Davi nport from the Set oml , ( ItorgoK liobeitsof Toil Dodge , . I 11 Kent of Holfn , P. A. Beimel t of Alannlng , C P Kuehule of Denlson fiom the Tenth and Cil .Manning of ( ) t- tinnwn mid W AI Giav of ( irlnnell fiom the Si\tb The nn ytlng will no doubt bo well attended Among other things to be attended to will bo the choosing of a pics- ! dent pro torn , the calling of a state league ( ( invention and deciding upon the best methods far pushing club oiganliatlnns UoiUIng for Itnllrimil Kmplo. ) ri. Drs Aloises , hi. Api II -Speilal [ Tele- giam to 'I m : llii : : | lion L S Collln of Pint Dodge , who has been menVloned as a piobililo republican candidate for fovcinor , s.i s In a piivato letter icceUed bete that ho could not and would not aiept the nomination His.i.vs . . he has woik on his hands for lalltnad men that ho would much prefer to follow and acminpllsh than bo guvoinor or oven piesldont , and would rather work to prevent his nomination than lo aomilish | It Situ e the adoption of his automatic lailway safot.v appllame Ideas by congiess , Air Collln has been devoting him self to tlio tempeiamo woik among rallwav moii. oiganbing what is known us thu "White Button Bilgade , " which alicadj has a membciship of over 10HX ( ) I'lillllltiil Mix I'riiniNc * . Di s AloiM.s , la , Apiil 'JO [ Special Tele gram to Tin' Bn : | A. B. Shafer , a wealthy icsident of Klcinmo , Hancock county , la , aicompanied by his pretty Ib-jijarold daughter , Jctsie , aimed in the city Into last uvimmg. Air Sh.ifcr accompanied by Chluf of Pollco John son visited Kollms' ding stoio soon after and ariested Walter P. U.iweri , a clerk v ; ho recontlj came hi-io fiom Klemmo Thu joungman was locked up. mil this morning given the opportunity to fulfill his promises to tliu .voting lady bi in.uolng her or stand tiiil with the penitentiary staring him in the face. IIawer\ isolj those tliefoimer course and the joungcouplo were m.uricd by Justice Alooie _ < onxlrtnl dl I'.iirnlni ; Ills Store. IOVM CITV , la. AprJl 'JO ( Special Tele gram to 'Jni ! Btn ] The case of the state against 'Icnenbom , which has caused much excitement icro the pist two weeks , came to a close tod.ii The juri after long de liberation ictuinud i VQiilict of gullti. Ibis Is a case wheio Air Tonenbom wab chaigcd with attempting to burn the building in which ho hall his store ! , presumably to got the Insuiancc , It hcingu'laimed that ho was cat ring insurance lor about double the value of his stock. A motion for a new trial was made. I'M till ItolliT Ki Sic CJTY , la. , Aur" 'JO. The boilers in Leech's saw mill , nine miles southeast of here , exploded yesterday. William Payne was Instantly killed. George LeHoy , one of the owners , was houibly scalded , his left IcgbioUenin two places and otherwise in jured. He will die Hsom Smith was struck by ll.sing debris , but his injuiies arc not neccssailly fatal The wreck of the mill was complete. The explosion was caused by a defective water guage. loiia'R IVnltentliirj mill. DPS AIoiNES , la. , Apiil 'JO [ Special Tele- giam to TnnBnis.J It appears that the ex- posui oof alleged rottenness in the manage ment of the pcnltentiar.v at Anamosa was not iieus to Governor lioics , who said todaj , on his return to the city , that on April s he had appointed a committee , comiwscd of Colonel AI W. Swalm of Oslwloosa and J L Mitchell of Chariton , to Investigate the rumois concerning the penitentiary Sioux Lltj'H Mud I > 0 sen le. Sioux Cm , la , Aiuil 'JO ( Special Tele gram to THE BhtTho police department has issued a pioclnmation icqulimg that all dogs in the citj bo kcnt up until Alay JO and policemen have otdeib to shoot everi dog running at largo. This is because of n mad dogsc.uc A dog with unmistakable signs of labics was shot today and Is known to have bitten at least a dozen other dogs before being killed. ( ' ! ( ' ! ( Ml ( . . .l'lt Slllll. Cm STON , la , April 20 [ Special Telegram to Tin : IJuc. ] The Cieston daily and wceitlj Gazette was purchased today bv Paul Alac- Lean of Atlantic , la The propcity belonged to btnte Senator J. B Harsh and w as sold for a consideration of $ Hf > UO The Gazette Is the leading dally of southwest Iowa. M / ; . It Will III ! MiKiitly Warmer lliroiigliout tlm St tto Tiitlnjr. WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 20 Foiccast forFiidaj- For Nebraska Generally north west winds ; slightly warmer in extreme western portion. For Iowa Generally fair ; diminishing northwesterly gales. For the D.tkotas Generally fair , south erly winds , becoming vnrinblu ; sligntl } wanner in western jiortipns. l.oi ill Uncord. OFFICE OP THE WEATIIKH Hi'iuur , OVIAIIA. April " 0 Omaha re-curd of temperature and rainfall , compared vvltU't-onospuncllng ' day of past lour it-ins : " ' ' 3 M. 18'J'J 1891. JH'JO Maximum tonipor.ituu > tt'J3us 710 700 Minimum UMiipc-iatuitj. , (3-1 ( = > 3C > = fi'JO 40 = AveraKO toinpc'ratitici , ' .Uli' 3B3 i > 6O 1,00 I'lec-tpltutliin . > 67 ' - ' * -110 Statement showing ( fjo condition of tern- peraturo und piociiiita-tioji nt Omaha for the and slni'o March b'M Unj ) t } : Normal temperature I.KI- H49 Dullcluncv for Ilio day. , , 18O Iluliolenc-y hlnco MincliX 6U = > Noriunl precipitation. , , , 10 Inch Doflelc-ncy foi tboiitiy'//i OU Ineli Dt-flulenc-y.March 1 . . . 'Hi.1 1.40 Inch lt | > orU from OtlieV'i'oInU ' at H p. in. " 1" Inillralri Iraie Geoiuiu li UU.ST , Ixvoal Forcvast Onicliil. ItOllllOll II I'llllCdlllUII. Tliari'slilcnriiuf I'ollcuOnifor Ilunn , J.VT5 Shurniaii uvcnuo , was cutcrcd by biicuU itniiitny cvinliiK vvliilo the liullrs nf tlm iiuillv vrrro lcMiKirurllv | iilm-nt I tic lmnr < vni rnti > iikcil from OIK < mil to thiintlicr , Mil iiiithlni ; wnn tnkon 'I lie tlilcvct nvcr- nokod n vMitch niul iiiirsc , I > | HK In pluln Iglit , in tliolr Imrrv WINBl'KAIt DKVKLOl'iCD A I'VLI , . t V Hilt-cce-il In llntltitt thr Mlrrrl Cniniiil - lotiiir Orillniiiii'K lli'jn iili'd. ( VinitiilMloiini4 | ipnr owned n In thotiiiiiiiill lirnl flight , iiinl nn drill- IIIIKU rcpcullnif tliiu'XlutliiKiirilltiiiiicorronl- liK tliu olllcu of ntlcul tdliiiiil liilicr vvnt itmtlfil oft tn tlio I'unifiilttodini jiidlcliiry vlth ii nisb Mr HiiRC.'ill liitnuliKcd tlio nlliiiiiun by u'iiiuitnii'I | ' In dnlliK " > ho Atilil unllil mil ( ointnlt hhtmolt nn < i wiiy or Iho tliur ii'KtinlliiL , ' tfio l ( nl nspci t of tln < nsn Mo Hlinplv ( limited to Iwvo the toiilllct f nuihoilty ikrlilc'il. AH loon ns tliu orillimm u Imd liccn rcMid n uiir ilii/cn inuiiilicrn wore on thi'lr fcrt Mr Mutihi nwMirni recognition nnd tnnvi'il Hint ho ( iidliiiinuo IH ) lulil iiuin | thn tnlilc , ulili h iiiitlnn vvnn iiuondi'il hv .liKdliicn Mr Miiiiln hiilil hu did no fur tin * I CUMIN thnt other IMIH IH hdirliiK Uiiti | the idino crsohnil hocli tiihlcil Mr U'liucliT aiiKXi' ti'd thnt tlic ordlnniuo : o to the umiiniucc on Judlci.iri , nnd thcio t VM'llt VVltlldlll II llllHI'lllllIK VdtC Mr Steel follnwcil with nnother oiilliinneo eiiealliiK tliu ordltinnrn enii | nvurln the ! oird of 1'iilillc Win Us nnd i llv iMiKlm ' r lo ippolnl an liiNiiect'ir of Mlilcwullm It aim ) VMIM inferrc'd lo the Juillel u v initiinlttcp A llltli ) Intel In the ptucf odiums tlie incni icrs rufnsed to reeo nl/e the exlHtencc of n Rticpt ciiitiinlssldiier Mr. Mcl 'iulo offered i i evolution vvhli h hctild hud hm n hnnded ilni b > n nieintici of thn Ho.ud of I'uhlle U'oilts nnd ho Introdiii'ed It , hut In Moved it uni Incorrri tlv vxoidod nnd Hhoiild ho liuntriil 'I lie resolution slniplj hiHttcted .lin suwei eoiiiiiilisloiier to put In sewer In- ets on I/aid street In nn lust tut Air Sliinto moved Unit tin- Hoard of I'ulillr U'oikB nnil ( iirhior | liiinnhstltilled fur scvver c'oiiinilssioiiur Half n do/on liieinIK-IS st'c- jiidc'd nnd the niiionilnient ptovnlled Itoiitlne I'roi i IIIM. | | The piotcst of ( illiHon eltl/ens nK.ilnst thn lilinpln of ofTnl Into the liver nt thnt point VMIS lofeircd to the lloml of lle.illh ' 1 he L'oinptroller Instriieted hy lesoln lion to accept the propositions of the llarl- find Stc.itn IloiliT Inspection nnd Iniurnino coiiipanv , Iho ridelit > nnd Casually ( oin- I'.iny , nnd the Casn.ilt.v Insurant u mil Secinlly eonipanv , tnUlnit htSMiancc pol i Ic.s In INK li eonipaii\ for 'JI.OOO ( nt n test not to exceed 1 > M ) After ttiainrllnL ; for nearlv 0110 hour n resolution was adopted appropilatiiiK' jITi iier month each for hot so hlio for tintvo ns- slstanis In tlio offlio of the building Inspector specter , for u period of six months A leso- inlion folloued this rediii'liiK the amounts illo.ved to nil omployes for horse lilic lo * l"i | > er month It vxas leferied to n special lomuilUco compose.d of Steel , Hack nnd HllVMll Tliu protest of thopiopcrty oxvneisupalnst icpavini ; CumliiK street anil asking that the pavement ho repaired was refenod to the citi c'iij'ince.r , to teport lo the next meeting. rhaltman I'rince of the cnmmltUu on viaducts nnd rallwnjs it-ported favorably upon the ordinance vacating portions of \Vust Htieet nnd hlntr to Iho Omaha Kelt laihvaj pe-mlsslon to till up its tiestle no\v occnp.vliiK said street , nnd rcco-ninen'cd that the ordinatK o pass The other me r- liets of the committee wcte ap rlcvi-d nt not lielni ; poiniitled to ni n the -poit arid It was rccominltted to the comml tco An anienJini ; oidlnamo was introduied liroviduiK it shall he unlawful for any person , ( otnpanv or corporation to cnt'.iL'c in the lemoval of ( r.iihi e , manure or nshoi until a penult has been secured for doing such vork Oidlnaiii'es were passed providliij ( for the issuance of district pr.ullng bunds ninount- Ing to il7Jl ! 0 I'ho council will meet again Mommy even ing In committee of the whole to npprovo of sp-x-if cations and plans for sewers to be ton- strueteil duiing the pit-sent jear W rlil'n I'll I r Votra. Cincvoo , 111 , April 20 The arrangements It CureaColdi , Coughs Bore Throat , Croun , IcSu- ccza , Whooping Cough , Bronchitu and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first stag : ! , andaiure relicfin advanced itigcs. Uie at once. Vou will see the ezeellent effect after tatinjthe fiut dose. Bold by dealeri everywhere. Large bcttlct CO cents and $1.00. for ilio Wor'd ' fnlr n | > rnliK f n monli nro AlNiiit roiniilekd KH rcliiry ( ulp hi clvd n Iclcimuit todnv * n > lng that Itev Willlntn Mlllmrn thi > blind < hiipluln of HitIIOUM - of repn n-nUllvc * hu * nri epird the Invllnilmi to offpr the prntrr Invlliitioiiii will pmlmiilv be IMIIOI ! lo Hil Cloud nnd * uni < nf thrntbri Indlnn thleffi vtliot-nnir to town yeslirdiiv lo occupy urn In nn the platform ns irprif > cnln lives of thn rm e of orlttln tl Atnerli mn AliirmliiK rcportn lo the iontrii\ the fierce Morin last nlKht and todnv did little duiimK" lo the .lUitcly white cllr 'I lie chief evint at the fnlr cfnnmiN today vvflA thn fornml opening of lint inuiuruinu of Iho Hornne Alps. Kinti hmnr's line hron/e stnlno of ( Viluinhin Is to Ixi plncrvl ti | n Hi pedestal 011 tlietnku front tomorrow Ayer's ' Pill Arc hotter known nnd ly used tlian nn ) other ratharUt. Siit ar cnnti-d , jninlyi'K 'lnliln. nnd free from uit > rcur > 01 inn other Injii- rions driifj , this is Ilio ulfal faintly medicine. Though | inniipl and cncr- pctlc in tlii'lraction , the uc of them- | illls it attended with only the rosults. Thulr effect into strengthen and rcgulald theorKanic functions , ! > c m K especially henelU nil In the \anoiis deraiiKeinents of the stein ach , liver , and bowels. Ayer's Pills are recommended l.j all the lending physicians and < liuggisl , as the most prompt and "ITcethe remedy for hilioiisness , nausea , costivcnes.s , indigestion , HliigKishness of the liver , jaundice , drowsiness , pain In the Hide , and si"k he.idache ; also , to relieve colds , fevers , neuralgia , and rheumatism. 'I hev are taken with great benefit in chills and thn diseases peculiar t < > the ' nnth. For travelers , whether by land or sen. are the best , and should never be omitted in the outfit. To preserve their medicinal integrity in all cli- mate.s , they arc put up in bottles as well as boxes. "I have used Ayor's Pills in my family for several > ears , and always found them to be a mild and excel lent purgative , having a good effect on tlieliver. ItLsthchest pill used. " Frank Spillman , Sulphur , Ky. I'repaml \ > y Dr .1 f Ajfr < i Co , Lowell , Man. Hold by liruKSi'i" I.verywbcre Every Dose Effective The licit pnylnx IhTeslnapnt for a houporire li The Excelsior Home-Biker ani Roaster. llik < hrenrt laity IPIVCJ It molit. rap-it will tie juicy unil rich nvp one tnlrd nntrilloui-elMiient ! .No Indy can < ln iTllhout It nflvr havlUK tried ft Write ( or tlrci lar : AGENTS \VANTED CHARLES SCHULTHEISS , Courycll B uffe , Iowa. ARE TROUBLING YOLJ Vrell.romo nnd have thOTi tfTHnmil hy it tr optl'Ui neof rlnirxe.nn I , If no eti.iry.1tie I with ap lr > i our I'KKUvClloN hi'rtiTVCI.Slor AiA til , Vs < fcb-thubusU i the uorl.l. If yot-tlonut njjl k'Unx we will lull you BO an 1.11 ri i < i i n 'lit to do. Sl'KCTACI.Kd or t\li lil.V'-SttJ ( IJM - ! II Uf I'lun ; siMu.e , ijluj or iTuito.-UJiji for prjtu.-.iau cct , trumS tea pair j t Max Meyer & Bro. Co Jewelers and Opticians. K ! ! v ' . i M is ) Ci iJ Bleaip pije C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor. inrr , O7can//i > 1 nnd IZcfinisliing ' OF GOODS OF EVURY DCSCMUPTIOX. Council BlulTs olllce and vvorlu , cor. Avo. A and 20th St. Telephone 310. Sena for Irculnrs and prlco list. HAVEl YOU SE1F.N The King of Scorchers ? Made by the Centaur Cycle Co. of Coventry , England , The olilobt unit btronjjcst c.vclo company in the vvoi-Ul. Road King Hustler Road Queen Ath'ete ' Kinginan Glideaway Scorchers , andother Mermaid Medium Umpire Grade L , \\heels , KINGMAN & CO. , PliOUIA , ST LOUIS , KANSAS CITY , UErf MOINKS AND OMAHA. Manufacturers , importers and jobbers of high and medium grade bicycles ; also vehicles and farm machinery. 8. M. WILLIAMSON & CO. , Council Bluffs Agcn i AM so HAPPY : BOTTLES licllovcd mcol ascvrrc Iilow1 troulle , It has also caused my J i.r to nrow out aftaln. as it had been falling out by lU handful. After trylnR many physicians In vain , I arn so happy to find a ctirr In S. . ' 5. S. 0. 1 1. ii.m riT , Galvf ston , 'I ex. S jrfKei it.le n < ) liArmlj. . STrcatl o nn IllK l nnd Bfcln mailed t reo , Hwirr Brrciriu CO , AtUnU , ( . DOHANY'S THEATER Connell ] llufr , In , John Oohnny , . Mnnn ? or , o.v/f NHiri o.s/.v D/XY , APPfU. 2.2. U 1MINKNT AOTOIl , MorrisoN In li i > ril < rnr ! now nnd roc nttrurtrd'SJlt ) * turn rciilK ntid driintlin pro lift on of I.VI ItV "CCNK rvi uv ro } NEW. . KVr.IlV I'lUJl'KUTV THE WONDERFUL "BROCKEH SCENE. " I.mbpll MUM ] with flashes of genuine II bin n . I -I M. IMMC IM qo'Ui on svlo at "oiler * ' phurrnj * v I'rlduy mnrnin/ S3 SHOE Do yoj wear them ? Wt-en ncxl m need try > pair , they will g c you more comfort and tervt-e for tre money thin any other make. Boat In the world. 00 , $2.50 $2.00 ran UOIEJ 42.00 $1.75 FOR BOYS W , L , Douglas Shoes are made In all the Latest Styles , If you want a fina DRESS SHOE don't pay 6 lo $8 , try my $3.50 , $4 cr $5 Shoe. Tti'y will fit equal to cuj- tom made and look and wear ai well. If you wish to economize In your foutwear , y-u can da so by purchasing W. t. Douglas Shoes. My naa aid price Is starptd on the bottom , look for It when you buy. Take no sub stitute. I send shoes by mail upon receipt of price , postage free , when Slio.i l > > nlrrH cannot supply you. IV. L. I > OUOIA.S. llrocklon , IIal . boldbj Musner VV e it er , Ivo < y il IT A. Co. . 0,1' " ( irUon C fvciifoi , | ga tr Newman J \V i rusyouth O . , tl i PUDi'oaM.s roilrit \ KINO MAUKINU IIOUNDAU I.INI'ncpirt - tii nt oT HID Interior , I. mil Olllce , VV a-.lilnton April 3 , IHO' ) < > ( l proiosnU | will \H \ < rrcL-lvpil : it thu ( leniTiiI Land Oflleo , Vv.i-tilnu'loii , I ) C' . , until J oVlrx-k n in. , on ! itiiril.iy , Ilio flth fl.iy of Muy 1893. for iiir- vojln iinil rnnrUIn h.ultalili ) moniiincnts , portion of the boundary line be- twtcn tlio state of Si liriskn and the stile of Soil til Dakota ulitr-li lies west of the Ml--ourl rlvur , us .iiithurlznl liy tlm net of ronzress. .ipprovi-U Au ii t 5 1H9J , m.iklns appropriation for survo > ii ) , ' the putillc Iamb ip.iuiplilf t stntutfi at I i JP , ! 01-0'2. p 370) ) . llinsurvoy U to Iw executed in coinpllnnco with sppr lllc.itlons and Instructions and ex isting official rcK'ilntlons ' The htono inonii- incuts an * to ho placed .it half nillo Intcrvnti on s.ild f > ounaary Proposals for ( "cccutlnj tlio survi-v H ml LstnlillshliuilionionuiiifntM , as re- ( | iilrod by thu spedlliMiloiix. liiitnK'tlons and n'KiiI.itlons , nnist Include In out- hid l.otli the field work and the monuments. Copies of tliu specifications relative to the linn and monuments ments , and hlanU propos.il1II bo furnished bidders on application to I lie commissioner of thi-Cieneril Land Oillei' VV.ishlnztOn , I ) . O. I'arli proposal must be an-omp mled by a cer tified check for ISOO I'rupM N will he con- -Icli'if donl > from praciu-il i-Np-rlenced sur- v ! } ors , \vhoso competence and rell itnllty are -.Ulsf.ictory to thU ofllce The party to whom the contract may be au uded will tic ro- iiulrtd to executt ) the vtorU 'in his own proper IH r-on , " \ > Ith such asslst.mceasni.iy IK n < t- sari iTopnsats must ! tm-losed In envi'li pea and marked Proposals for ilic survej and es tablishment of tlm boundary line between Ne- t-outh Dikotu. and .iddresied to The C ommKsloner of tin d neral I , md Ollico , I Itj ofU'i-blriclun. I ) C ' The rUht to n-iect nil } and all blda Is reserved SV hAMOUEl'X , C ommlssloniT a'Jcl 'Jit Special CQUM3I' ' . Bl'J---S roun < lulim rur hotletr uajcr- ' ' Klovu onJ lace ijppjrtmentt In adrj cue ] iure Applr In writing stiune czp ilenee , pant and prevent employer * al o wiiei eiprcted. % o i' ) Ilio oBlca council utuSj , la. Mrlcllr roiltl li nt nl \ \ ' NTKO r unz lartj Ciih or ami tookkeeper. ' mint bo KOOJ at dn re acct Koott nrller. Apply ID OWD band nrltlnK. statin : past and present em- ploreri If possible endou pUolo. which will bo rtturneil .strictly contlJenUal IOJ Bee officv. > ouncll IlluH < A h ! > l U vcrsund loant. rirtnantcltf projsrtr /VboiiL'ht ani oU I'aijTnoaiiJ touaU Ulurlj \\r.VN FKI ) , younit man fur area icoodi depart ' nietit. nNo Kent ! turnlitilnr * . and JucnUily for mttun department. Apply by letter titling > Tpertencd nnd wa es exported ? * u > XO llee office , < oum.ll blull . fa. I ontldeutial VNTKI > Girl for general houianork No 111 dli-n aronuc I * VN TKII Man to work about yard and liable. * Apply at oBtco of Leonard t vcrett. \\TA > rKI > A ra a. 10 has knowledge ' ' nnd eiperlcnco In tlio fruli comnil lon eu lne at maniiter for couacll htuffj Fruit < . rowers hlper Vssuclnlon leferonc s rn- ijul ed. Addr < > 89 J Ilien , secretary TO I'earl > trc > t. Council MVl.TEbK CiiS lo | > KI'eople tay It l t > 10 > ear > coed rafoe and jlirjfj in nock at liti- UT vicrrlani block \VIIJ. KXfHAMlKili - rwo four roonj ' ' huu.i's nd > tor room and outuulldluirs. clear o. IniUDibranctf..J Mandei TUU lirabtm Are 1'OH HKSr-btora room Dxl ) well eitabllibwl 1 .Tc-i-ery stand , corner I. til s ( and ub. A e. Ill } l > r uiontn A J Mand < > l to c.rahaoi ATB. 1'OK UKST-tour box uu at Lxcbnu a barn. .1 VV Vlinlck 1'Olt s\I.K r'ull ot of iltneri tooli , zoadeoult * lion , a lur.-ilo. ln | lra ut KuipUo-s'b.u.nrt llardwaro i o. Council lllujj - G\IUI M.K remOTUd , CDUJOJU. Tiulti. chhinjri cleaned Well prvoirva fjr tij ! wjrt b'i llurka ilir bjlljlnj nou K and lot for ale .So Hit ddiarji u Inquire of J t' chrUltia. C. A It I , Ireulit tiuuig _ CIIASCK for rlirit uiin ta collect , iOllclt. V nd d ll er oodVji i 111 a wnuk. nnil profits dlflded * eryti \ u y > . In itock toa- iiany Mu t buy li jliir i ityci < ddr > J * V. VlorsiItoomi. . rvrvtt bloci Council Ulul . 1\ ) S Vl.t heap I * 'u ol ici drlrln < tear team mulei. oil wnruu hiraon and team , tup buxiiy road waon Carbja onto I ) I'earl itr L I , 'Oil bM.K-l > n Ura sray mar * . a J year * . l aU allUO & Main. _ _ _ \ \ II. I. tell below coti uew rooui liouve. modern < ' ioii euleucw , well loi-Jleil llrooSK'e. I'Oll S.M.HAuutnb.r of me * csjtia < e , ehuap , aud ou rery aiy I'Oliujulv. UrceaiQltMt , Mt bol ou Ate tfjl llroalway JM-ACUK farm for rent auo j > acr t.actatUT waervt. * W tcre liood low t U 4 fur il at JKJM prr acre Jubu.lou x V ait I'ulteu . ' > ll llh.N f Tliu I U-room bou.o corner ut VMHow 1. uvruuo and 8lh ilreel , owned t > r Mr llaucvck , Irum Juuol at JJU ) par woiitu. luuluUluv baru. or will tell ( irupvrty Hay A lltti PfM l.K > XiU ; < AI.K-llUhKraJ outoU > u tir * swllt , u l about imJUIln roll r vbaln tiU bar alu. fUlM JlUdren UK Uaiut. . Coum 1 UluO \\rVNTKH , rartlet wtto little time ud caplHHo i > mauufaclur * aud luUotlucepileulrdnotc.tUa , 11. J Adauii.VU t'Mla aTnuue , Cuumu tlluOt ,