> < Mr * * * * * * " * itTJ * - * - Z 8 TFIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AIMUL 19 , 189IJ , MCR MEN FOR TWO JOBS Omaha Blessed with Duplicate Oomrala- Bionera of Streets and Sowers. CHARTER DOESN'T ' SUIT THE COUNCIL Attempt by the Mnyor to I'nt the Now l lll of KIclitH Into in : > cl Start * n l ouco of n INnv-U'lll Hold U OUT. An effort was made at the council meeting last night to put into Immediate effect the provisions of the now city charter which orovidcs that ono member of the Board of ublic Works shall bo street commissioner nd another sewer commissioner , and which n effect. II not in c cprp s terms legislates ho present street commissioner , sewer In- of oftk'c. inectnr and sldowallt Inspector out When the charter was passed it was found that the two members of the Board of Public WorKs , besides the clrilrman , had suffered an increase of salary from $1,000 per annum to $3,000 per annum , with the enlarged duties af street nnd sewer commissioner. It was neld by City Attorney Council at the time that the Hilary provision of the charter was void under the constitutional provision which states that thu salary of no ofllccr shall bo Increased during lib term of office. This position was found , however , to bo incorrect and Douglas county furnished the case upon which the state supreme court ruled on the point in question. Hud iitubllili"d tb Itulc. Soverel years ago , wiion the late George Timme was a membcrof the Board of County Commissioners , the Ir-irlsl ituro passed a law Increasing the salary of the members of that body from J per day to .rlWKJ per annum The county refused , under the constitutional provision'to pay Mr. Tlmmo the increase , as ho was in ofllco at the time the law was passed Ho brought suit in the district court and Judirr Uoane decided the case in his favor. The matter was taken to the su- preni' > court and a decision rendered sustain ing the decision of .lii-lge Doanc. The court held that tne constitutional pro vision applied only to these ofilccrs who e nlllces were created by the constitution. The sjllabus of the court was as follows : 1 In tliiMibsi net * of any constitutional pro hibition or iilllnniitUr um\lslim Using the tut in of the olllnof iiny olllrcror his compen sation the legislature niiij rliiiiiBi'Mtrh u-rm or compensation , mill sm-li rlmnitu of teim or compensation will apply us well to ihuolllivrs then In olllco as to lliuso to bo thereafter elected. , , , . . a. Where an olllre Is created by the consti tution the compensation < > f thu ollloer can neither bo Incu-nsud nor diminished duilnghls term of ollk-e. The amended charter was signed by the governor and became a law on April 8 , and since that time Major St. A. D. Balcombo nnd Major John B. Kuray , the two members of the board affected by the change , have been entitled to a salary of S'J.OOO per annum each. Mn.tor Hi mis was of the opinion that the Increased duties should go with the in crease of salary and last night he sent the following communication to the council ; .Mil Mir Itcmls' Itreomiiioiulutlnn. To TIII : IIoxoiiAiii.i : TIIK CITY C'or.vrii. OF Tin : C'ITV < > K OMMIA : lientleinen Under the recent amendments to section 101 tbu Hoard of \VoiUslscoinpilsedof the chairman and two other nuiiiibers to lie Known : is .stieot roniiiilssliint-r and sewer commissioner. I ho chairman of the boiiul Is to have ceneial su pervision of pillule norkt , and the member known as the htieet coimnis- hlonur Is to supervise work done upon the Hiirfnco of streets , and the muinhor known us the sewer commissioner K to siipiMVlsu all sewer work and other work under the surface of the stieets. The ell'ect of this umumlnuMit , ns 1 am advised. Is to abolish the olllcos of street commissioner , slclowalk Inspec tor and sewer Inspector as berotofoio existing. Whllo the charter provision as lion existing does not expressly authorize thu mayor to designate the olllco each member Nhallllll until the tlmo of inaklm ; an appoint- incut In July. It would scorn dcslrahlo and proper that such designation should bo mtulo nt once for the tlmi ! Intervening botwcon the piObcnt and the dulo of appointing a now member. Unless this Is done , confusion and uncertainty will n.\lst as to which member Hhall perform the duties of street commissioner and which member the dntlot of sewer commissioner. 1 theiefore. In the Interest of public survlco , di'slitnato the olllco each commissioner shall till until the llrst Tuesday In Inly , 1HU3 , as follows : 1 designate.St. A. 1) . llalcomho , a memhor of said lloaid of I'ubllc Works , as stieut com missioner until the llrst Tuesday In July , 1H93 ; I designate John II. 1'nrny , a membui of said Hoard of I'ubllc Works , as sewer commlsslonci until the llrst Tuesday In July , 181)3. ) 1'or thu Information of your honorable body I would further Htato that I am advised I y the city attorney that under section UM , us amended , each incmborot the Hoard ot I'ubllc Work * , other than the chairman , will bo entitled to receive a salary at the rate of f'J.OOO pur annum from the datoof the passage of the amendments. It appeals that the pio- vlslon of the constitution to the ulTeet that thu compensation of a public olllcer ciimm * ho In creased nor diminished dm IIIK the term of hi- olllco , has been considered by our supiemc court to apply alone to these olllcors whose olllcesweio created by the constitution. In the case of Douglas County vs Tlmmo this was so c.xprcssjy decided , and It wa-j o\prcssly do- clarcd that the IcRlslatuio may change tin term of olllco or compensation , andthatsucli change or compensation apply as well lo tin odlcorN then In olllco as to thosii to bo there after elected or appointed. Itcspcctfiilly sub mitted , ( j'r.omu : l > , HI.MIH : , Mayor. Wciiild Not Concur. There was a row on In an Instant. Mr. Hascall wanted the communication spread upon the records and Mr. Munroo wanted it laid upon the table. Mr. Wheeler thought the communication was 111-tlmcd nirl illegal. Ho said that the charter provided that the nmvor should designate ono of the members of the board tc bo street commissioner and ono to bo sewci commissioner , when ho designated the cnair man of the board to serve for ono year further ho claimed that the street commls Manor had no existence under the charter but that his olllco was created by ordinance nnd under the plan proposed by the mayoi the city \\ould have two street commls sloncrs. The city attorney replied that the chartoi provision woum take preference over tin ordinance , and that us the now charter was already in force there would bo confusion it something \ > as not done along the line pro posed by the major in his message to tin council. Mr Munro demanded that his motion hi put , and tlio communication went to tin table by the following vote : Yeas Back Brunei- Jacobson - , , , McAn draws , Saunders , Specht , Thomas am ! Wheeler 10. Nays -Kdwards , Klsasscr , Hascall , How oil , I'rince. Steel and Bechcl 7. Mr. Wheeler made a request that the members of the Judiciary committee takt the matter up and report to the council at the next meeting as to what action if auj thu council should tulto In the case. Whatever Is done by the council Majors Balcombo and Fumy 111 draw their salaries from Apt II 8 at the rate of f'XKI per nnnun : whether the council incrcabot their duties or not. "The Upper llumt" lit Wnmlnrlitiul. Halph Cunmilngs and Lisle Leigh , theiicu leading people of the Uijou stock company , are scoring a bltf lilt at Wonderland ami Hljou tlio.itor this week in Oliver Uuuil Uyrou's successful play , "The Upper Hand. ' As ,1uck I.r.mar Mr. Cummlngs is at his best and Miss Leigh puts up an admirable piece of acting as Maud I-amar , the persecuted wife of Jack. John U'Ormond , Agnes fuller W. J. Helton , Jack Hall ami in fact all the members of the company are worthy of men tlon for their excellent playing of their re spectUo parts. "Thu Upper Hand" is a son Mttlonal melodrama , abounding with comedj and startling climaxes , especially so tin lliiulo of the thirdnet , whcro Jack catches : i toani of infuriated horses which dash madli down to the footlights. No olio program 1. ' plvcn. but instead excellent specialties nn introduced by Jack Hall ami William Smytl of thoi'oiupany and LittloSara , the plicnom dial child dancer , who Is especially cngagec. 'as a fc.tturoof Ibo program. Krery ludj visitor receives a handsome llowur basket a : n souvenir. For Siilu L'honii. A dental otllco lit Omaha , Nob. Ad drebs E12 , Oco otllco. Curd I'roin S. It. I'lilodilrr. On Thursday afternoon of this week vo will place on upeelal sate about . ' 100 Ircss patterns of line novelty wool dress Kooda. Tlio prices will bo fully 50 per cent loss than regular , ns wo bought this ot at an enormous reduction. The goods ire of suoli excellent textured for the irlce , we ean safely nay that this will > o the greatest bargain In dress goods wo mvo ever offered. A sample line can bo seen in our west show window. Wo hold this sale in the afternoon in mlei' that those of our customers who mvo only Thursday afternoon to do their shopping oun take advantage of .his opportunity to s > eeiiro a good dress it a moderate figure. N. H. FALCON Kit. II.\YIMN : < ; loil < Department. Tlio o prices will serve to show you the wide range of grade- * , but no words can impress the values on ye i half ho well as H personal inspection. As the reason advances wo are desirous of reducing stock. C'ltpos , * 2. ! ) ; ) , < : ! . ! ) . ' . , SI.251.7. . " ) , i.'j.OO , .V > U. Stl.OO , * < ! . , " > 0 , * 7.00 up to $17.50. Ladies' spring jackets , $ l.Dj , $2.23 , W.II5 , * : i..JO , KI.7J , $1.15W.OO. . Ladles' ' funev spring jackets , with rapes , $5.30 , ftJ.UO , $ U30 , $7.50 up to ai.30. ! ) Ladies' llnnnel suits in blue , tan and black , $4.50. W.OO , $3.50$11.00 , $0.50$7.75 , $3.00 up to $15.00. Ladies' percale wuist , 'l"ic , 50u , Go ! , 75e. 87e , ! ) . " > o Ladies' house wrappers , 03e , 75c , $1.00 , $1.25 , $ l.t7 : , $1.50 , $1.67. Ladies' empire wash suits , $1.0i ; , $1.75 , $2.115 , $3.75. Mluek sateen skirts. 75e , ! )5o ) , $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.43 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2.00 , $2.43 , $2.)5. ! ) Infants'cloaks in cream and tan. $1.25 , SI.50 , $ l.ii ( ; , $1.75. $2.00 , $2.50 , $2.05i.23 ; , $ ; ! .75 , $4.00 up to $8.50. IIAYDKN BROS. > JH.S nut 7//i : .i/t.ur. Changes In the Iieiiliir ( M'rxlco l\ An nounced Yrst < ril ty. WASHINGTOND. . C , April 13. [ Special Telegram to Tim Br.t : . 1 The following army orders have been issued : Special order April 10 is so amended as to authorise Captain James C. Merrill , as sistant surgeon , to inspect , with a view to condemnation , such articles of medical and hospital property in the medical supply de partment at New York city as may bo sub mitted to him. Captain Crosby P. Miller , assistant quar termaster , will proceed to Fort Mel'herson , da. , oa onicial business , Tlio extension of leave of absence granted Second Lieutenant Joseph C. Fox , Thirteenth infantry , is further extended ten dajs. The extension of leave granted Second Lieutenant Arthur W. Chase , Second artillery , is further extended twenty days. Captain William T. Husscll , corps of engi neers , is relieved from his duties as a com missioner of the District of Columbia , to take effect when relieved by his successor , and Captain diaries F. Powell , corps of engi neers , is detailed as his successor. Captain John Diddle , corps of engineers , now on leave of absence , is relieved from duty under the orders of Lieutenant Colonel Henry M. Hobert , corps of engineers at Nashville. Tenn. . and will proceed immedi ately to Sioux City , la. , and relieve Captain Powell of the duties in his charge , and upon being thus relieved Captain Powell will re pair to this city for duty as commissioner. Tlio following named olll.crs will bo re- 1 loved from duly at the United States Infantry and cavalry school , Fort Leaven- worth , by the commandant , of the school after the graduation of the present class of student olliccrs and will then proceed to Join their regiments : Lieutenant Colonel Jacob Kline , Ninth infantry ; Captain William A Shuiik , Eighth cavalry. The following named officers are detailed for duty at the United States infantry and cavalry school , Fort Lea von worth : Major Joseph T. Hnskcll , Twenty-fourth infantry ; First Lieutenant J. F. Hoynolds , First cavalry : First Lieutenant John F. Morris , Twentieth infantry ; First Lieutenant Carl Heiehmann , Ninth infantry ; First Lieuten ant William C. Wren , Seventeenth infantry. Major Haskcll will report in person , ac cordingly to the commanding olliccrs of the school on July 1 , and the olllcer named on August 0 , and will bo relieved from their present duties in time to enable them to comply \\ith this order. First Lieutenant Thomas J. Clay , Tenth Infantry , will upon completion of the duty assigned him at Fort Barrancas , Fla. , rejoin his rciriment in the Department of Arizona. Cantaln John Me. K. Hyde , assistant quar termaster , is relieved from duty as a mem ber of the general court martial convened at Jefferson barracks , Mo. , Fcbruai'i ! J. First Lieutenant John A. Johnston , Eighth cavalry , is detailed as a member of the gen eral court martial at Jefferson barracks. Captain Charles K. Kilbourno , signal corps , will proceed to Baltimore , Mel. , on olllctal business and after ho shall have car ried out the special instructions of the chief signal ollicer will return to his quarters in this city. Captain David A. Lyle , ordnance depart ment , will , during the months of April , May and Juno , in il'o fifteen visits , , not exceeding live In oich month , to thoiworks of the Ben jamin Atha \ : llllngworth company , Newark , N. J. , on public business. Captain James N. Allison , commissary of subsistence , will bo relieved from temporary duty in the olllce of the purchasing and depot commissary of subsistence at Baltimore April , ' ! 0 and will report in person May 1 to Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Wilson , assistant commissary general of subsistence , New York , for duty as assistant in his otllco. Major Myles Moylan. Tenth cavalry , hav ing served over thirty years In the army , is on his own application retired .from active service and will proceed to his home. A board of olllcers Is appointed to meet at the call of tlio president thereof at the pros- Ullti of San Francisco for the examination of such onicers as may be ordered before it to determine their fitness for promotion. De tail for the boardC o'oncl William M. Gra ham , Fifth artillery. Captain Louis Breche- min , assistant surgeon ; Captain Joseph H. Dorst , Fourth cavalry ; Captain Frank W. Kdmnnds , First infantry ; Captain Leonard Wood , assistant surgeon , First Lieutenant John McClollan , Fifth artillery , recorder. First Lieutenant Leonard A. Loverlng , Fourth infantry , will report in person to Colonel Crahnm , San Francisco , for ex- 'amlnation as to his Illness for promotion. Pur Sule nt n lirnln. ! : | All my carriages , robes , sleighs , har ness , etc. , including one novelty summer rig , carries six or eight passengers , ono full platform spring extension top fam ily plmoton , new lust November. All in 11 fht-elass order. Must bo sold at once , as I am leaving the city. George A. .loslyn. 2111 Emmett t. , or 511 South 12th street. Low rates of faro to Houston , Texas , and return Tuesday , April 25. For par ticulars call on en1 iiiUlrcsa Morton E. Reagan , OOS N. Y. Life. COMMERCIAL CLUB PROSPECTS Plans Discussed for the Arrangement of Their Now Quarters. WILL INCLUDE ALL CONVENIENCES All the I.imirlcn of n I'lMt-ClnM Club Will lie nt tli Commiitiil of the Member * l > lid Tllrlr 1'rlcnilii Under thu Arriiiicuiiiiiiiti * The executive committee of the Cnmmcr- elal club met last evening at the Hoard of Trade rooms and discussed matters relating to the changes of the top Iloor of the Cham ber of Commerce building for club purposes W. A. L. Gibbon presided and George II Payne acted as secretary. During the afternoon the directors of the Hoard of Trade had met and appointed a committee of live , consisting of Joseph A. Connor , R C. Ayer , C. II. fowler , K. IS. Urucc and H. V. C.uly to negotiate with a committee appointed by the club and con sisting of George II. Payne , A. P. TuUoy and IJ.ui Farrell , concerning a lease to the club of the top Itoor and to decide upon the im provements desired. All the mem bers of both committees were pres ent last evening , but owing to the absence of the architect definite arrangements were postponed until today. The evening was passed largely In discussing In a general way various plans which were suggested. One drawing had neon submitted and was carefully scanned. It provided for a kitchen , cafe , private c.ife , freight commissioner s room , a business olllce , reception room and necessary closets , hall ways , etc. The kitchen will prob.ibiy be built out from one ; of the walls , in order to give good ventilation in summer from the south and to prevent its odors from entering the club rooms. The reception room is Klxfll feet in size and will be In the very northeast corner , from which an excellent % icw can be obtained cast and west on Farnam and north and south on Sixteenth street. No billl.ird rqom Is provided for , but it is thought that in the course of a short time the -slriped I plan of the llfth Iloor will bo made rectangular to conform with the plan of the lower floors , in which event more room will bo secured. To make these repairs the Hoard of Trade committee is authorized to expend Jl'i.OOO , a sum which is conslduted ample. The club is anxious to begin immediately , and frum.urcs- cnt indications the work will bo started in side ot two or three days. Since Saturday night twenty-live new members have joined and the list in the next few days will probably bo augmented considerably. Mr. Gibson announced that his business called him to Now York to bo absent two wceKs. Ho would leave tomorrow nnd It would bo necessary to select a chairman pro tern. The general sentiment seemed to be in favor of George II. Payne , the "stem winder , " as Chairman Gibbon called him , but Mr. Paine emphatically declined in favor of some older and more conserva tive person. Chris Hartman and Mr. Hrady were also suggested , but de clined , owing to a pressure of private busi ness , and A. P. Turkey was chosen. The committee chosen to Beirut a freight com nlssionur asked for further time , saying they desired to proceed cautiously and make no mistake. The matter was progressing nicely , hem over. o This Is Omaha's day. A few minutes after 4 o'clock this afternoon Ignaco Jan 1'adcr- ewski will arrive at the Union depot , and n few minutes after 8 in the evening the great est pianist of his generation will step on the Boyd stage and make his first bow to an Omaha audience ; then ho will sit down at his Steinway and carry his hearers to deeper depths , higher heights and Inncrmoro re cesses of the soul of music than they have ever imagined the piano capable of guiding them to. All the world says this , and awaits Omaha's endorsement of its superla tive laudation of tnis man's playing. In his treatment of the usually unrcspon- sivo instrument of wood and wires P.ulor- oxvskt Is unique. His touch is peculiarly original ; His treatment of hackneyed passage work is so distinctive as to spiritualise the most mechanical feature in piano playing. Ho is the most lyrical artist , in the true sense of the word , of his generation. Ho draws from the piano a pure , pro longed volume of tone , which ho molds sculptorwlso into the loveliest of images ; for 1'adcrewskl is one of those artists to whom the Beauti ful is concrete , a thing to bo felt and heard , and all ugliness abhorrent. P.iderowsui feels deeply and his hearers feel with him , but his feeling is suave , se rene ; even his brilliancy is never metallic or unlovely. The playing , then , of this man is cargerly listened to , simply because lie soothes , softens , makes sweet even ad versity. The great heart in his bosom Is for humanity. Ah , there Is the word , ho is hu man ; it is a human being , not a clanking technical machine , that sits at the piano. This > is the secret of his sway over the multitude , not his marvelous facility nor yet his golden halo. Few who care to bear tills marvelous pinnist need miss the pleasure. There may bo some scats obtainable oven at 8 this even ing , and a place in the gallery is almost as good as a parquet stall for enjoyment of 1'aderowskl and his playing. Any seat in the Boyd is sufficient for Hearing anything , nnd the golden-haired genius can bo seen from any seat. "Sport McAllister" closes its run at the Farnam tonight. The usual Wednesday matinee at a : IJO. "Tho Upper Hand" is drawing the people to the Bijou , It continues all week. Tomorrow night Colored Champion Peter Jackson will show what histrionic stuff ho 15 made of at the Farnam in "Uncle Tom's Cabin. " During the evening ho gives an exhibition of boxing with Joe Choynski. The mounting of the old play Is well s'poken of , and the company has had kind things said ot it in several cities. HiillilliiK rermltH. The following permits to build were issued yesterday by the Inspector of buildings : Andruw I'liiusun , 33UU Mupli' , addition t lHoIlhiK $ COO Joseph llirtn : , 1-110 Williams , addition tiMhu-llliu ; coo Mno minor uuimlts 075 r.leven permit ! , , uggipgatln ; ; J1.875 KliiMiiiiiitlsin Is a symptom of disease of the kidneys. It will certainly bo relieved by Parks' Sure Cure. That headache , backache and tired feeling comes from the same cause. Ask for Parks' Sure Cure for the liver and kidneys , price $1.00. All .druggists. Wanted at once , 25 paper hangers ; highest wages paid. Henry Lohmann , 1518 Douglas Htrcot. See the celebrated Sohmor piano at Ford & Charltou Music Co. , 1508 Dodge. I'npjilcton-l.ritriKMl Wrilillni ; . The marriage of Miss Mary Popploton , daughter of Hon. and Mrs. A. J. Popplcton , to Mr Mi ron Leslie Learned , a prominent The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powik-r.-No Ammonia ; No Alum. Used iu Millious of Homes 40 Years the Standard. voting nttornoy ofitlita city , vrn solptnnl/cd nt thohomoof llMllirlilo in Kllraboth I'laco lust ovimitiK nt 7V30 o'clock. Quito ' X > 0 puests were | irescilLiut the ceremony , Mr. mid Mrs , Luariicddfcavliig fur the south nt 10 o'clock. Both tlio method nnd results when Syrup of Figs it ) taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the tnsto , nnd nets Esnlly yet promptly on the Kidneys , iver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches nnd foveis nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ifl the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the tnsto nnd ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action nnd truly benoficinl in its elTects , prepared only from the most healthy nnd ngreenblo substances , ito many excellent qualities commend it to all nnd have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for snlo in 60c nnd 81 bottles by nil leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Io ) not accept nny substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , SAN FKANCISCO , CAL. LtH/ISVIUE. Kr NEW YORK. N.t. "I have met-with much success in the use of the LOXDONDERRV LinilA WATER. As a natural remedy it is a remarkable one. Of its efficacy in reducing the amount of uric acid I am positive , and / shall con tinue to use and recommend it. In fact , I was one of the first in Chicago to use tills water in practice. As a drinking water for table purposes it has no superior.o I learn it is extensively used at the Chicago ami Calumet Clubs , and it can be found at the homes of the clubmen at any time. I can only speak favorably of it. " From M. 11. LacUrslten , M. D , LL. D. , F. I ! . S. C. , Chicago. Still or Sparkling LONDON- D E R R Y for sale everywhere. Don't fail to read our pamphlets.- dealers. & Q Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Co , , NASHUA N. II as D.I'orklns & Co..Sollln ; Agents , 30 Kllliy St. . It > Mon. Mn s. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , Distributing Agents forOnmlia. BAY STATP GUITARS. MANDOLINS , . BANJOS , ZITHERS ' AND DRUMS. We rnske a virli-lr from IU CUFAri-M1 to the MOST ELLUAM and cusn.Y laitrumeuti. _ JI'ery lliitrlluient filttfl \Varrautctl. OUR LATEST AND BEST THE LEWIS BANJO , Endorsed by the BEST Playert Stnil for Catalogue nM mention the Jnntrvmmtsi'oi think o/purchiir'nif. JOHN c. mm & CP FRAY BENTOS Is n town In rru-imy. South Ainorlcn , on the rlvur 1'luto. It would not bo celebrated except th.it it Is where the volubratud Lisliig Company's OF SEEF conies from , mid In the foitllu r.i7in : fields iirounU It. are ni.i-ed the cuttlovh oh uru aluu.'hteredI.OJO to 2.001 u iluy to m iko this famous proiluct , which Is known 'round thu , world us thu standard fur , FLAVOR , and PURITY. MAKES THE BEST Photograph REASONABLE RATES FOR The JSest. JOL'O Sfroo. A STRICTLY ARTICLE. A MOST DELICIOUS CHEWING GUM. A VALUABLE SPECIFIC - CIFIC TOR LUNG & THROAT TROUBLES Have You a Large Neck ? 1 ! so you should wear a low , well curved collar.Vc nuke a variety ot them , In sizes lo twentv inches. Asfc ) our furnisher for the ones : > ho * : > below. Cluctt Brand 25o. ntnsk2 , medlu'V Kentuck , lew. Coon Brand 20c. Edgelj , medium ; Selrna , low ; Temple , > err ) low , Minulacturcrs also of the Celebrated "Wonarcb" Shirt. ClUCtt , Coon & C gmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwji sttiilly at this time of the year , men folk * lie-in to change their underwear get out U of thu worn out woolens Into thu spring kind. Wise fellows buy here where the usual thirty-live cunt balhriggan underwear - wear liuely finished , I'rench necks and so on , are sold fore o house pretends to match prices with "Nebraska. " They know better. We save you fifteen cunts on thu usual lifty cunt kind sell halbrlggaii shirts or drawers natural cream tan bronze everywhere sold for a half at cuiorali/Jug prices is a favorite pastime s of ours. Klegant old gold bulhriggan shirts or drawers , I'rench1 necks , pearl buttons , silk binding , silk drawer hold ers , patent gussets not sixty cents here but jxccptieMial value that heather mixture Is. Got fancy I'rench necks and fancy culVs (830 ( -got pearl buttons and silks trimmings -got sixty-five cent value for ealinaco s ) lld goods no frills gotten "up""to wear at a half dollar. Two weights of silken finished balbrlggan seventy-five cent'rs both of 'em , at here can you match it ? Where ? No- where. Finest twelve 11i rea d "T h" f r t s" or drawers , silken finish , I'rench necks , silk binding , silk stitching , pearl buttons. Von can match the underwear but not the price jdge of the shirt bound with satin bottom and neck fancy silk stitched pearl but tons ; drawers with live-inch waist band- drawer holders silk stitching pearl but tons , that's the story of the elegant 11011- shrinkable mottled underwear , at Mention is directed to pur finest silken finished balbriggan shirts and drawers The shirts have silk-trimmings through out silk cuffs three inch ribbed bottom drawers te > match. A dollar kind at HAL lisle thread underwear is scarce -lots of imitation. We've the real kind imported finely finished fur nishers get from a dollar lifty to two dollars for it. We sell either shirts or drawers for -O nATMOND , zui : TT vELICACY. of design and workmanship , are * uie chief requisites of the 1893 watch no more cumbersome clocks to carry around but a light neat chronometer , RAYMOND. rtlTEENTII AND UOL'ntiV * . O MAH.i , An entire now stock , Including every tiuvo'.ty. Every concolvublo now tiling Iu line Millinery lit prices euro to plouuo you. Many orctty things htlOWll lll.1t Will iiirprUo you. MRS. II. II. DAVIKS. I.YM Douelus Street. > ciu < rl7 III fe lilliHieet. HAIRGOODS. GOODS. Special prices fern few days on all kiiuls e > f switches ami banns. Prices lower than ever. Stock iniiht bo reduced before moving. Ill South 15th Street , Opposite I'ostoHioe. . . _ _ _ 'Ami ' n'l tin ) trum of l.VII.MVKAK.SJ5 , > SK.IlKlltl.irV KT' tuut no tunnmnr tlioni III m"n Ol lUKl.t anl I'KIIMA SKNTUV ( .LltKI ) . Full srilKMUril onJ tonu lilvcii to uvorr partodiiu bo < tr 1 will ton I o curvlr puckoil ) KIIKK lo nririuttarur tbo prescrip tion that curt-tl mu of ttu'io troublm , AdUroiJ , 1 * IUITU ; CUKKU , MICH D WINES-CALIFORNIA WINES - THERE'S WHERE W E EXCEL- BUY MORE THAN ALL THE DEALERS IN OMAHA PUT TOGETHER-SELL „ MORE OF COURSE-WHY J -HERE'S A SAMPLE H REASON. iMuscatc 25c Quart. Wlao , Liquor and Cl ir Cj. . 11G-113 S. ICth Su , Onmlix WE DO VIEWING ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE In nil pnrti of tlieelty , Our I'liollltles for thU cl isi of work U unuxcelleJ , HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY Atniiif r : ni-n.rj-m : : : South iruu stroat. OR. McGREW THC OPECIALI8T. In nnMiri > nNK > il In the treatment of all PRIVATE DISEASES nnd iillWeakneiiiiry and Dliorderi of Mufl 18caraoxpcrioQCo. \Vnlo for cirr-.l..u and quottlun llet fruo. 14til nnd Fnrnnm SU , . NQU. Are You Going To the World's Fair ? If not vote to send vour fuvorlto. 11 yon nro , yoto to nlvo your minister or your favuritu nchoul toucher , lii-omau , policeman or letter cnrrier a a frco trip to the World's Pair. 11 Costs You TO YOTK. With every y Pwcliase wo give you a vole which jou run de posit , for your fitvorito iHim tor , toae her , lireman , letter carrier or policeman in n > box in our store spjcially pr parcel for tills purtKHo , and at the rlnm "f each day the votes will bo fount 'tl and n rec ord icppt which will bo niinuvmcod from litno to time. He sure anl get your votes with every purchase. Votes given on both change anil cash purchases. Yesterday's contest a grand success , people voting all day long. Come and enjoy and join in the lun , To the ono receiving tlio largest vote a twenty dnjo trip to the World's Pair , room nnd board at the Palmer House , rnilrend fnre. ' to C hl- cafe , and return , $ : t,00 ( ) ncoulont in surance for thirty day ? , $1 n. day for car fare nnd admission fco. S13CONJJ Tlill's To the ono receiving the second largest vote ton dnvs Irni to the World's Knir nnd all expenses paid the sumo ns in llfbt trip. It is for the public to decide which two of tlio live nre to go. VOTE [ HUH AND OFTEN , SPECIAL SALE OP Gooc/s , Hosiery nncl JJre&s Goods ALL THIS WEEK. Our leader In Ono lot very fine Chnllies in nil th6 latest patterns nnd colorings. They are worth very uiuc-h more. Try and innlcli them for loss than 7&c. Our price thlk woolc OUR LEADER IN HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. \Vo litivo ono more ease of the luelioi1 fust black scunilesH foul Hloi'ltiiif , ' thut you cannot inuteli for loss than "Ue , nuel they nro worth that. See the Bi-ownloi have them sluted ut OUR LEADER \ BOODS DEPARTMENT. Wo Imvo one CJIHO of line irl in dross Htylos , both in cheiclcH and nlyiils , thut are worth mxl f.\ni > ot btt inatclipil In iiuiility nnd Bt > lo for leu tlinii l"jc , our pnco 8c. Of ludios1 line gnuy.a ribbed jursny veits mnnufaetiirod from.fine finnbed Kyp { linn cotton , both in low neck and Bhort alcoves and low necked nnd bluuvoion , Try anil match them for Ho conta1 , our price for this sulo 25 cents. First ficouri ! tome of our burguini , then easts your \otta , it cost you tioth * Dry Goods and Carpets. Sixteenth and Farnam StreoU