THE OMAHA DALLY BEK1 ; Vl2DNESIUY. AIMUL 10 , 1893 * May Wheat Was the Jonah on 'Olmngo ' Ycstorday. NOBODY SEEMED TO CARE VERY MUCH Clique Ilrokors llrllevrd to lie I'InjInB with * Vlfitr ut CntcliltiK Another l.lno of Short Hellem-Jnly Hpnsinodlc. CtltCAOO. 111. , Aprlll8.-Tho Jonah on'cliaiiKO today wiii May wheat. Whllo everytlilim else ix quiet session and luft oil at about last nlKhl's prices , May wheat appeared about1 ready to Jump overboanl. Nobody seemed to care very much. The cllciuu broker * had eon- Rldcrahlo May for sale , but as shorts covered up prutty gonnritlly on .yesterday's break , there was a rather monvro iluniaiul and weak ness ruled , prices colm'off lUc from yester day's rinse. Tlie Interest seems to liuvu nearly of May. True , It Issuld In seine quarters , tin-re Is itlll a lartfo short Interest , but It Is by such men as Armour , and they show no ntixli'ty about It anil having bought or contracted for to 1111 tliulr May sales still Intend to deliver It to the clique , not because - cause It ran bo dune cheaper than to settle. , but because the arrangement was mailo when the clique was arrogant and cunlldcnt and cannot now well be changed. TbiTii Is Mill quitoa diversity of opinion as to what the rlliU" | has In flow , but the gen- nral Idea Is that It It pl.iyln * to catch another line of 'hurt sellers and pluck them as befnru , but the rrowd is cautious and Inclined to let May alone. . , The business In .Inly was spasmodic , bolus quite active at times , Ihi-n having long sen- hon.s nf diillm-s. The curly tendency was weak , on repiirted nilns In Kansas and over the Miulliwcst. Itut It was MKIII explained that tlie uilns IniM ! been very slight , wltli nonn ut nil In western Kansas , and there was a utioiiger tone. Logan , C'liainpllu , Kennett- Ilopklns , Swiiil/-l > upiti ! and ISdwards bought fri'i-ly , hlrli gradually sent prices up a bit. lint on the hard spots the clhue | brokers sold freely and pievented ati advance. The stocks of contract wln'iil have. Increased O.l.oOo bu. during the last wci K and are now liDD7 ! , < ) i > i ) bu. Private cables from I'at-ls report that dry weather Inlured wheat In 1'rance. The mar ket closed steady at ' from the bottom tor May. July was coiillned to a range of Jac and closed unchanged from la t nlaht. I'orn started at about the Hosing price of yoMeiilny , was steady a while , one con cern taUlrunlMiui-niM'UU ' bu. May and .Inly , which had a sTii'iigtlirnlng tendency , after which the price sagged back < r > , rallied slightly , ruled steady and closed with II trlllo advance. Transactions In the main ot a local character , a good deal of changing Inking jiluco , selling May iind buying July , mostly at l ? c premium later. There was a moderate trade In oats within J6C range and the close was at a tint loss of iiom 'RC to ' ( c. No special feature developed. CjTho fuel that recelptsof hogswerosomewhat lighter than estimated , with prices slightly higher. Imparted a little strength at this open ing , but a little pressure to sell developed a weaker feeling and pi Ices declined all mound. Later a little mote steadiness prevailed anil urlcus rallied to about medium llgures and closed comparatively steady. In comparison with the previous day's clos ing prlcen , pork Is'J'ic ' hlu'her for May anil July ; lard Is DC lower 'or May and July and 2 Hi1 lower for September ; ribs , for May , are 71Jc higher , for July and September ii' c higher Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 4K ) cars ; corn , lf-s cars ; oats , l.'itj car.s ; hogs , 21.00D head. Tli lendlu , ' futures ranged as follows : Wheat No ? . Atrll. . . . May July Cora .No. X- /.prll 40 ! 4'JI- " , May II 41 IU.U ! July Data No. V- Mhy 281 ! .luno July Ml MUBH 1'ork. . Miiy 111 To IU S.S ! G7W July Pi .II 111 7- > 10 S.'i n ; a : . S-'opt usg 17 15 11 ! UJV n U 17 UO Lard May g 75 75 J75 n sea July . 11 bi 0 M 85 a ' . Kept IU U74 IU UU Blinrt Kills. May 0 15 9 l.'i 0 35 July U ti V < 5 a 4U Eupt C'.l 47 a 47 a 45 Cash quotntlons were as follows : Kunili llarely steady ; dull. NVllUAT No. 1 ! spi Ing , 7U"U74c ; No. 3 sprltv northern. 70c ; So. red , 7Ui&7-4u. ! Con.v Lower ; No. ' ! , 40ie ! ; No. 3 cash , 38c ; No. ! 1 yellow , 40c. OATS No. U , 'JSc ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. 34 © 84'tc ; No.II white , Ul'/ic. HYi-No. : 'J. 50c. lAItlEV-No. ' - > , fi'Jc ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 4GQDOe ; No. 4. f. o. b. , . | 'J45c. KI.AX Hciiii-No. 1 , S1.13'i. TlMOTIlYtfKini l'rliiiel.lCt4.20. ronic-Moas , pop hlil. , * li.07',4l(5.70 ( : lard , per 100 UH. , JU.70K0.75 ; short rib sides ( loose ! , a.40 'J.40 ! dry sailed hhoiildursihoxcd'.tu.'ja ® © 9.37H ! bliort clear sides ( boxed ) , 10.00. Wnisicv Distillers' finished goods , per gal. SUOAU Cud loaf , Cci rannlateil , rji < ; nlnndard "A. " 5 iHie. . The fo'lowlng ' were the receipts and fclnp- inents for today : On the 1'rodiu'o exchange today the butter market was easier ; creamery , 'JOS'JHe : dairy , 21'JOc. li'jjs , quiet : strictly froah , l-l'itolOc. ' Onmlm I'roiluce .Marl.-ot. There wus little or no change In thu market , rices remaining about steady on all lines. 5 'ho demand Is good for poultry and thu mar ket very tlrm , All offerings at o picked up on arrival. Al'ei.ES-ChoIco shipping stock , 1 1.001 4.23 per lib ) . SriiAwiiKUiur.s-l'er 24-qt. case , Mississippi stock. Jti.noao.OO. , ( JltAl'i : I'nttiT Per box , J2.7r)5.3.00. OitANOr.s l-'lorlda rnssetts , iCI.OO : Moxlctiu oranges , single hoses , } M.'J5 ; Callfoinla monn- taln oranges , ju.fjll ; Washliiglon navels , if4 ; Nuwcastle California seedlings , ia.ClHt'J.70 ; Mi-il. sweets , * 'J.7Ji ; Klversldo seedlings , t'J.75. HANANAR Per hunch , Incluillng crates and . - . . t'iiANiniiiiiis : : Per box , J3.75. LKMDNS-Cholce , W.Ooai.OO ; fancy , $4.00 ® 1M.ASPer 4-bu. box , 00c' 4 1 .00. HKANSC'holce navy , $2.iOic'J.40 ; ; common tock. tl.Ooa'J.OO. I'AMt'OII.N-IA ' ( 'AlOIAOr. Per 11) . , 3c. CtClMliius ! ! : Choice , periloz. , $1.5022.00. KWK.HT PorVTOKS-Per bbl. , JO ; seed sweet potatoes , J4. DO. ONIONS - Homo grown , on orders to country. M per hhl. ( food stock shipped In from coun . ' . ' ' . ' try , ifl.Ui'ill.-'j purlin. roTATOiss Colorado stock , $1.10 ; Wisconsin hurbanks , UOc'iJl.Ol ( ) ; western Nebraska , OOc ® II. IK ) ; eastern Nebraska stock , TBft'JUc ; early Ohio seed , } l.l > 5. NKW S'lXiKTAin.KS Lettuce , 40c ; radishes 40c ; parsley , 400 per du/.j green onions , 203 Sue. Sue.Pin Pin PLANT Per r > 0-lb. boxes , Jl.fioai.7o , Ill'TTKll , BIHIS. ( IAMK. 1'OUI.TIIV. IltiTTElt Packlngstock , lliaiHc ; fair to good country roll , lUj.21e ; cholco to fancy country , 22&24c. Kdiis fJeneral market , 13'Sn , UAMIMixed : ducks , 70cafl.00j red heads. 12 ; mallards , J > 2.0Oa2.00 ; teal , tl.UO&l.'JO ; ] nck snipes , H.-Ti. Pot'i.Tltv Cholco hens , lie ; mUed coops , : old roosters , 7-cHc ; geese and ducks , lOttllc ; lurkoys , 10u.l2c ; pigeons. Jl.20Ul.00 pcrdoz. live. > tist'ii.i.ANr.oiJS. : HAV The market on good upland hay , J7 in car lots. llONKY Cholco to fancy white clover , 18ft lOc ; fair togood. lli'tilMc. VHAi.-ChoIco and small fat veals , 7dJSc ; lur eund thin 3Ullc. Nt < w Vork .Markets. NKW YOIIK , April 18. l-'uiim Kcrclpts , 31.- BOOpkgs. ; e.xports , 0.000 hbls. , 45,500 Micks ; miles lO.OOO pkgs. ; dull , 5W10O lower on ac count of the aliM'nco of buyers. COUN .MiAiliill : ) , bteady ; sales , 100,000 bbls. HAUI.IJV l-'lrin , iiulet. II.Mti.r.Y MAI.T Pull , steady. \VIIK\T Iteceipts. bu. ; exports , 11- 000 tin. ; sales , 427,0110 hu. futures. 17.1)00 ) hu. spot. Spot market fairly active , lirm ; No. 15 red. InMoio and elevator , 70 < 75'fe ; nlloul , 70i , < i70'4 ; No. 1 northern , JUc ; No. 1 hard , 84"4i , < Hric ; No. 2 northern , 7U 4c. Optlonsdull nnd opened weak at ' .ti'jc decllno on easier rabies , weakur western markets , moderate foielgn selling ami local realizing , rallied ' , ( ! He on foreign bu.vlng , declined ° c. on Increased receipts In thu tte t , small clearances , real/- ! Ing anil weaker latu cables , closing steady at ' ileclliio No'Ju-d . 70H&70 VS'iO ; , May. 11-ltlc. closing , 7 ) ( c ; June , 7'i5 ( < ic,7ii 11-lOc , closing , 70Hc : July cliiaed at 77" o ; September , 7Uc. COHN UecolptH. HD.UUU liu.t exports , 40.OOO bu , ; sales , 160,000 hu. futures , I'JO.OOOhu. spot. bmits , tlrm and fairly active for exports ; No. 2 , In elevator , dO'ic alloat ; ungraded f c ; iteaiucrtulica,4tj\ci No , 3. t options dull Anil without feature , closing Htciidy at HIMiC docllnn ; Mny , 47'f.tt7 15-lCc , ChHln ? iit.47'4Cj July cloied at 4H' c. OATS-Hi'ceipts , BU.OOO bu. | cxuorts , 45,000 bu.i sales , 70,000 Int. futures , 63,000 bu. 30ni while western , UU340C. HAY l-'ulrly arllvo , Unn. lloi'S-IJiilut , llrm. HlliKS 'inlet , cair. ' Woor. Pull , llrm ; doinoMlc flocco , 27il32c ( : pulled. 2KJ.37c ( | ; , 17 21n. PHOVISIII.NS Cut meats , miiderato tlem.itul , firm : middles quiet , steady ; short , 10'c. Iiiiril quiet , weaker : western steam clo edat ! l ( ) bid , tlU.10 asked ; saliM , 100 tierces at f lii.lo ; options , Hales iionot May closed at 110 ; Setitember closed at f 10.20 , Pork dull , easy. IIUTTUlt-Uood demand , modcrato receipts , strotiger ; western dairy , ! Hil24e ( : western creatnory , 24'B29lic ' : woiturn factory , 185i24o : Klulna , ' /i7.2'J'ic. ! ClltlESH I'ulr dcmanil , steady ! part skims , - dumand , flrinuri receipts , 12,027 pkgs. ; western fresh , lOuiMOtic ; duck , 203 TAI.I.OW Qulut. steady : oily i > 2 per ukg. ) , oc hid , O'io asked. COTTON siKKi ) On. Kaiy , steady ; crude , 103 lie. I'tTttoi.KfM--Tho : tnarkel was weaker and extremely dull. I'ennsvlvanhi oil sales none ; May options , sales rj.iUK ) bbls , : opening , tin 15 GHi c ; highest , OH1 J'j , lowest , HS'jijj and closed iitiiN'm'j I.lma oil , sale * none , li'j'ic ' bid. Total sales , I'J.oo. ) bbls. llii-ii.s Dull , steady ; strained , common to Tinii'ii.vrtNK-Qii'ipt nt 33c. KICK--Meady , quiet ; domestic , fair to extra , 3i.Vic.j ( Japan , I'jiJlU ' , Mot.vs- < KS--Now Orleans , open kettle , good to choice , llrm. fairly active at lliliJUHc. SutuuUaw , dull , llrm ; f.ilr rellnlns , 3'c ' ; centrifugals , Oli test , iJ'ic ' ; oil A , 4 > J @ V ; timid A , 0 3-1G1WV' : stand ard AI lO-lOU'i'iic ; confectloiiDi-s' A , 4 13-10 ul3c ; , ; nt loaf , 3 l-10c ; cruihed , u' iS 11-Hic ; nowdeted , Ii 3-10&&V ; ; granulated , 4 10-1HB ) u' ( > ' . ; cubes , u 3-lllii-ljit. I'm liiON-DiiII , steady ; American , * 1'.75 41.1.00. ( 'oi'i'Hii--Qiilet , steady , unchanged ; lake , MI.'Jo. I.KAII I'lrti , , quiet ; domestic , fl.l'J'j. Ti.v-tjulet ; Niruliclit ? , O.H5 bid ; $20.70 asked ; plates , bte.idy , quint ; spultur , steady ; ilonie.stlc , { 1.35. Husliiess U.lances. The follon-ln j are ropurlud til Hun's Mercan tile agency ; Omaha , A. Weber , jr. , discontinuing. Douglas , Neb. , J. K. Malcolm , meat market , sold out. llcdford , la. , Gcarer ft Crooks , groceries , soUl out. Shenaiidoah , Noli. , C ) . V. Mount , jowcler , suc ceeded by .Mount & Iteplogte. Shenaiidoah , la. , Atnlrews .t Hhnnlc , gro- i-rles , succei ded by Shank , t Iliiylord. lledford. la. , William Hook , hotel , sold out. Oranno City. la M. KlIoruroekiMrs. M. . ) . ) , ttrnlture , etc.old out , t'oliimbus.I unction , la.V. . II. I.ovell , miller , dvertlslng to sell out. Huron , Kan. , ( ' . Il.ucas It Co. , lumber , snc- eedeil by Watson & Stabler. Walerlown , S. I ) . , Watnrtown Water Works ompnny , receiver apiled | ! for. Kgan. S. I ) . , .1. C. Tlpton , drugs , sold out. Hovlllo , S. I ) . , rS. . t. John , meat market , old branch at Ilelllngham. St. I.mils .Markets. ST. r.otTitf , Mo. , April 18. l-'i.oun Quiet ut steady and unchanged ; patents , S3.30J5 . -J.'i ; eMra fnni-y , M.00'ij : .10. Wlir.AT Sank slowly with hut llttlo reac- lon , closlni ; ' < c below yesterday ; No. ' 2 red , ash , 0-1 ' ( ! ; May , G5'c. COUN Was dead ; No. " mixed , cash , 3-li ; lay , 37c. OATSI'Irm ; No. 2 cash , 31c ; May , 30'ic. IIA v--Steady. rnovisi.NS--Strong ( , lil hor. I'ork , standard less jobbing , new , 5-17.00. lnrd.9.2'j. ( ! ' Dry alt meats , loo-e shoulders , ? M.7.V longs and Ills , t'.l 4 , " > ; shorts , JJ.7H ; bo\ed , Itie more , lacoli , packed shoulders , 59.70 ; longs and Ibs , $1 ( > . 'J.Y(1.37' ! ; ) ' ; shorts , HO.OOiilO.GiliJ. lams , sugar cured , grj.33 'j. UucilllTS-I'lour , : ) , ( ) ( ) ! ) bbls. ; wheat , 9,000 > it. ; com , 7i,0iio : hu. ; oat.s , i ! 1,000 bu , ; rye. iiini" barlev , mine. Sllll'Mr.NTSI'lour , 9,000 bhls. ; wlieat , 9,000 ) ti. ; corn , 100,000 bu. ; oats , 3'J.OOO bu.j rye , " .OOOIiti. : barley , l.noOliu. -Firm ; unchnnvod. KIHIH is Ity larkntK. KANSAS PITY , Mo. , April 18. Wheat and rye TOOII a basis ot Mississippi river : corn and tits on a basis of Kansas Cit V. WIIKAT Pull and steady ; No. 2 hard , CIO jjc ; No. 2 red , GU 'JOc. COHN Market llrm and unchanged. OATS In tali- demand and nnchangu d. IIL'TTKU Quiet and steady ; creamery , 20 ® 30c ; dairy , 18 24c. Kuns Active. Ktoady ; 12'Jc. ItrCEli'TS Wheat , 10,000 bu.corn ; , 9,000 bu. ; ) its , none. SHU'MUNTS Wheat , 07,000 hu.j corn , 4,000 l > u. ; oats , none. Om.ilm ( ii-.iln , The following prices are for delivery at Mis- slsslppl.rlver points ; WIIKAT No. 2 sprint ; , 70c bid ; No. 3 spring 08c bid : No , 2 hard , GUc bid ; No. 3 hard , 07u bid. bid.KvcNo. Kvc-No. 2. OOc bid. OATS-NO. 2 white , 31 ! 2c hid ; No. 3 white , DOHcbld. COHN No. 2 cash or April , 37c bid ; No. 3 cash or April , Ulilic bid , Cotton -MarUiit. NiwOHinANS : , La. , April 18 , Futures firm ; 7.G4 ; December , * 7.flOU7.07. Hood middling. 7 13-lGu ; middling , 7 0-lGc ; low middling , 7c ! ; good ordinary , G 15-lfjc ; not receipts , 3,7(11) , ( ) bales ; gross , 4,900 bales ; sales , 0,200 balestoiu ; , 244,200 bales. , . . , . | jv i uijii in n in- lit ( janil iu nil y.s tt 48,000 centals , Incluillng 43,000 American. COUN rinnj demand fair ; mixed western , 4sId percental. Iteceipts , American corn , for the past three days were 10,1110 centals. LAIIU I'rimu western , 00.Gd percwt , Wool 'Miii-ket. Piiir.APiii.riiiA , Pa. , April 18. Wool quiet , prices nominal and unchanged. HOSTON , .Mass. , April 18. The demand for wool fiom maniifactuiers Is moderalu and conlined to small lots. Prices are steady anil show no material change. Territory wool sells on a scoured basis of 0008c for line , 03' ' < i 55c for line medium and lH4/rjc ( ) for medium. Not lilng doing In Texas , California or Oregon wool. _ ( 'olteo Miirkiit. Nr.w YOIIK , April 18-Optlons opened at a decllno of 70 points and closed steady to 75 points down ; sales , 25,250 bags. Including : April. fl'J.'JOii 13.20 ; May , * 12.75Sil3.2O.lune ; , J12.7U2.13.15 ; July , $12.f,5ii,13.20 ; August , trj.704U3.10 : September , * 12.55H. 13.20 ; Octo ber , $12.004513.15 ; November , * 12.85iiil3.1O ( ; December , 412.00'i8l3. 10 ; February , J13. Spot Klo , dull , nominal ; No. 7 , $14. New York Drj U-iniU .Market. NKW YOIIK , April 18 , Demand for dry goods was light as regards seasonable goods but fair and steady for articles for fall and winter trade. Kehillve tirmness continues on cotton goods as a rule. Agents have reduced Capital 4.x4 bleached shlrlt'igs to 7c. I'lilhidelplihi ( ii-.ilu Atarket. PiniAiii.i : > iiiA , Pa. , April 18. WIIKAT Quiet but steady : No. 2 red , April , 74S.74UC. COHN- Steady , lower ; No. 2 mixed , April. 48 OATS Car lots lirm , with No. 2 white held higher. _ Toledo ( ir.uo .llilrllet. TOI.KIIO , O. , April 18. WllKAT-Dull , steady ; No. 2 cash and April , 7Otc. ! COHN Pull , steady ; No. 2 , cash and May ll'ic. O.\TS-Qnlet ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 32c. llaltlmoru ( ir.iln .Vlnrkrt. IlAl.TIMOHK , Mil. , April 18. WlIUAT Dull and neiik ; spot and April , 711 'ic. COHN 1-lrnii mixed spot and April , 48Jt © 48c. ! OATS-Hteady ; No. 2 white western , 41 ! 'iC. Clnrlninitl .U CINCINNATI , o. , April 18. WIIKAT Dull , lower : GGiiHi7c. ! COHN Weaker : No. 2 mixed , 42\c. OATS Kasler ; No. 2 mixed , 32it32ic. ! WHISKY Wotik ut $1.14. MliinuapolU Wlittat .Market. , Minn. , April 1H. No feature In trading today. Cash trade steady. Re ceipts. 204 cars. Close : April , 04c ; Miiy. t > 4c : July , 07c. ( On track : No. 1 haul. lJ7o ; No. 1 northern , UOiic ; No. 2 northern , G3UU4c. STOCKS AND WINDS. Calmer and .Moro Conllilent Tone Cliurao- trrUrd Detllngn Yi-Hturday. NKW YOIIK , April 18. A calmer and more conlldent tonu characlerked Healings on thu Stock uxehango today. Thu advices from Wahhlngton that the flee gold In the treasury had Increased $ r > ooooo and that thu nil minis- tratlon was fully prepared to meet any null- ' cat change. In the llnanclal iiltuatlon had u reassuring effect and leil to free pnrclmsi's of slocks for both accounts. The hears , made several attempts to check the upward mo\o- incut , hut were unsuccessful. Their principal drives were against Manhattan and Chicago tins , thu right after the opening , and the latterafler 1 oVIock. ( Manhattan sold oir from 151 to 140 and Chl- cagoUas from b'J ( oHSJ , . Thu stock list was kept boiuuw hat .Irregular by these movements , but UuCtuateU wltlilu comparatively iii limit * until quite late In the day , when the bulls rtlshml price * up on thu fthorl , Manhat tan nolil up UU percent to lB5 n Sugar , 1 per cent to 10'J'ii Chicago Uns , 3 percent to H7't ' ! Western I'nlon , 1" . percent to O7' t Missouri Paclllc , 1'i percent to 01 > ii National I'ordage , l'i percent toOl i ( li'iiernl Klectrlc , 1'S per cent to 103H ; ex dividend nnd thu other lead * Ing Hhnres from 1'J ' per cent to 1 * ( percent. Just previous to the close Manhattan fell back to 100 and Chicago lias to H0\i , hut thu remainder of the list reacted only fractionally and thu market left olT llrm In tone. The deal ings , of course , were largely professional ami the change ! ) were duo chlclly to manipulation , but operators who lacked courage yesterday bought liberally on all the reactions today. After an Irregular opening , the bond mirket closed llrm in tone. The .sales were iaa,9DO ! shares. The Post says : It was quite natural after the moderation of yesterday's break , that the stock market should have steadied Itself today. Tin ) treasury situation , It Is true , continue * ! full of doubt , and uiI sorts of con flicting rumors were ullo'it here , but the p-nsl- bllltli's are such as to pur/.lo the most iistul of market prophets. Some holders of stocks sold again today because they disliked to stay Ina market surrounded with uncertainties , but the short sellers of yesterday bought the same stocks and on precisely the same theory. The shorts were In the majority , and the movement of the forenoon was upward , There was much Irregularity , however , and , as might have been expected , stocks llku Manhattan l-'Ievated and Tennessee Coal , In which the long Interest predominates , slnwed renewed signs of weakness. Hut the advance was pretty general and marked throughout the list. The following are the closing ( imitations of the leading stocks on the Now Vork Stock ex change today : Atchlgon Northurn I'at-ltic. . . I.1U . Ailauis Hxprcsa . . . ilu preferred < Jf , Alton , T. 11 U P. , Den. A liiilr. . II ilo proforrotl 150 .Nor thustern HSU American Kvprcas. 117 do | irulerreil iu llnltlinoro.v Ohio. . N. V. Central Canada I'aclllc 117Wi'l N. Y. A. N. K I'anaila So-ithurn. . Wi'l Ontario A Western I'aclilo ! WH UrcKon Imp 18 Ches. * Ulilo at : > s Oregon Nnv 74 IlilcuKO Alton 140 o. 8. I , . \ U. N 18 C. II , fit ) n.m , I'ncllloMiill ins blilj I'coilu , I ) . , V K . . . . Conaollilntcil ( ins. . ! ' < I'lttilmrf 15t C. C. r. A. ft. I , . AJ i'lillriKUl I'nhu-u . . . 15tWO Cotton Oil Cert . Oul. IIiuMon . , . Illcliimind T'rmln'l I ) . l.t W . 1 1 i ii ilo prt'ferreil .13 I ) . , V u. tl.nfcl . am , Illo ( iriiiulu W 21 I ) . Af.F.Co . do preferred 21CO ItlKl TOMU . Itoi-k Island Krlu pruferri'it. . . . St. Paul tort Wnyno . do preferred 120 ( it. Northern nfil. . . t. I'anI ft. Onmlm . 12052.X C. I. A. K. nfil . IOIM ilo prtifurred. . . , 118 Hockbn ! Vnlluy. . . . M Mixar Kellnrry. . . . 102 ! { Illinois ( Vntriil. . . . 1UIH Tenn. Coal , v Iron. M. I'nul .tDiilntli. . fl Texas I'acllle Kim. , VTux. pf'd. . . 25 Tol. A O. Cen. pf'd. lnko ICrloA , Went. . ) < Union 1'iiclnu .to piolorrud . -.HI t ; . S. Impress l.nko Sliuru . \V. St. 1A 1' , eml Trust . I do preferred. . . oiila. , V Niisli . 1 Wells l-.iruo K'\p. . 147 iQiils. .VNew Al'by ! \\VMern Union. . . . 147M'4 ' ilnnliiittan Con. . . . 17M > luiiiililn | , v ( lin'n'u 40 I do prolurred . . . . M iIlchlKiin Central. 10. ) JMInn. A St , 1 , 14 Ihsourl I'ncltle. . . . I ) . Alt. ( i IU itoblloOlilo . 2S ( ieni'rnl hloctrlc. . "nnlivlllaChntt. . . . National LliiBinid. . ulloiinl CurUitKt ) . C. Kilo I Ac Iron 05 ilo pro furred . . . 104 do preferred 109 . .1. Cuntrnl . II7V , lions. & Tox. Cen. . 4 orfolk A W. p'lil. . 211 S , Tol. A. A. AN. M. . 3SW urth American ro ev-dlv Thu total sales of stocks today were 288,000 hares , Including : Atchlson. 5,400 ; Iturllng- on & Qulncy , 11,700 ; Chicago ( Jim , 32,200 ; 'ottonOII , 3,400 ; Delaware , I ickawanna At iVestuin , 3,000 ; Distilling , 11,000 ; Krle , 0,000 ; leneral Kleclrlc. 3,800 ; Manhattan , 15,200 ; illssotirl Paclllc , 0,000 ; National head , 0,400 ; S'atlonal Cordage 0,700 ; Now Kngland , 14- 00 ; Ncrthern Paclllc preferied , 0,400 : Head- ng , 20,000 ; Itichmond Terminal , 3,200 ; Uock hiund.-1,700 ; St. Paul , 10,300 ; Sugar , 34,300 : I'enne.ssee Coal , t Iron , 5,000 ; Westurn Union , 2,000. New York .Money Market. Nnw YOIIK , April 18. MONKY ON CAM. iCasy at 4 to 5 per cent ; last loan , 4 per : ent ; closed oll'ered at 4 percent. PiitMi : Mi'.itCANTii.i : PAIM'.H ( ) ' , 'ii8 pur cent. Smtt.iNO KXCHAMIK I'lrm , wltli actual mslncss In bankers'bill- t4.HGU'4.87 for l.xty day.saniU4.88'/i < n.4.8si { fordemand. UOVKHN.MKNT llONDS WcaliUI' . StatU bonds lull. lull.The The closing quotations on bonds : U. S. 48 lifjt . "I. U.V. 1. .M. l.uil. 5a. II. S. 4s coup . I12U . < t. IAS. . K.O'n. M. ItH U.S. 44B ! reie . KM St. I'lilll Coil 128M " 'ncltlctlaof 'H5 . 105 1. c. A , r. uis. . . Loiilslnnn s'pc'd 4s. . HI'S T. I1. I. . U. Tr. llcti. 77M 1U1 T. I' . It. U. Tr. Itctn. . Z.'iK , Tuna , nuw But la ! . . 1UU Union I'ucllloliils. . . I Wi ) i Tenn. now net is 1UI Wi'BtMiore. 10. i'enn. uuw nut 9s. . . 7li K. ( i. W. Ists nnuda Houthurn 2s 10. Atcll. 49 Cnntral I'ncltle Ists. lOiiH Alcli. 2 > ti" . class A. . 1 > . A H.O. Ists . 11UV4 Ii. II. AS. ) . , > c K. ( J. 4l . 87)4 , ; . II. AS. A. Zd Cs. . 1U2 rlo 2ils . 9.m , II. T. . < ct'is ( iw M. K. .t T. Gun. ( is. . m II. AT. C. ( on.Us. . . 100 .1. . K. AT. ( icn. 53. . 45M N. I'nrnllnni ; ! 120 Mutual Union Us. . . . 113 N. Carolina 4s N. J. c. Int. Cert. . . . I12H S.C. llrowns con. . . . N. 1'ac. ISIB . Teiin. old U C'J N. I'nc. 2ils . ! i44 ! Vn. tn tu N. W. Consols . Vn. Kx-.Mnt.coup . . 3 > X. V. lutiunts'r's 5s Vacona. I'd Borlos. . 3M llostoii Stoek Oiiotiitlinii. IlosTON , Mass. , April 1H. Call loans , G'ftO per cent ; tlmo loans , Oft ? percent. Closing jnotations on stocks , bonds and mining shares : Atcli. , T. feg v . 'osilniili. Kli-clrlo. : iji ; , nurlL-iin ) Siuur. . . . do preferred . . . . 4S ! < do prelorrud . . . . J7 < \Vlnconsln Central. . )2l ) < Hay statodna 14 t Atc-hlson Mi .115 ; Hull Telcpnono. . . . ia < Atchliond 81 Huston i . . 218 Nuw Knvland ( is. . . . lit ) MoMon fc Mnlno IHSHi ( loncral Kluctrlc 5s , l'7)4 ' ) do prurorruct 145 Wisconsin Ccnt'l In. 67H l\ . II. AQ ' .a * Allonp/MbiinKCo. . CU nichburn pfd au Atlantic v | Ilcncral i-'luctrlc. . . . Boston & Montana. . :5 ? | Illinois Sloel Iliilto.V lloston > : .MuxlL-an Ceutral. . . . Calnnu-tA llvcla , . 3Of , N. V. & .V. K SVi Old Colony I'.U l-'ranklln 12H Ore--mi Short l.tnu. . llubber OMC-eola 1 i San Dlcuo Uulncy 125 Union I'.iclllc Santa Vo Copper. . . . 2 Wuit I'.ml Tamarack 151) ) ilo profurrcd Sun I'ranclNuo .Milling O notation * . PAN KiiANCiseo , Oiil. , April 18. Thu olllclal osing quotation ! ! for mining stjcls today wete as follows : Altn 15 Hnlo , V .Norcross. . . . IM 10) Muxlcnn 155 llcot A llolchor . I.VJ Ncvadii Queen IU llodlo CoiiBOlhlaU-d 25 llplilr 525 llulwer . 25 I'otoil 1141 Commonwealth . 5 S.IVHCO 105 Chollnr . 65 Mlorrn Nevndu 120 Cons'd Cnl A Va . CU5 Union Cousolldntud IIU Crown I'olnt . 85 Utuli 5 liould A Curry . . . . I'.j Yullow .lackut 85 New Yurie .Minim ; OnotiktloiiH. NKW YORK , April in. Thu followlns are the closing mining quotations : Crown 1'ulnt 7. ) lerricviulii r.'o Con. i nl. A Va SJJ Standard I'M Uuulil.v Curry f > ) Union Cun ' . > 0 llnloA Nnrcross. . . hi Vullow JnckuU 73 llome < tuko 1151 Iron Silver Ik ) MuxU-an . 145 ( julck Mlvor 2JU ( Int.irlo . 1IJJ do proferrud U'OU Oplilr . 2UJ llulwer 20 I'lyinonth . iu St. l.-inU Mining StockH. PT. I.ot'ts , Mo. , April 18. The following are thu closing mining ituotatlons : Ail.iins . f .3) ( Jrnnltu ft.75 Ain-rlcim , N. .IU Oi .1 Hope ; i. ( ) 7.00 tl.eo 7.U.J bid. tasked. _ I'lniinchil Nolei. HAVANA , April 18 , i\chanKO : quiet. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , April 18. Clearings , $1- 771,017. Niw : OUI.KANS , La. , April 18. Clear liij-'s , J2- 378.000. I'Aitis , April 18. Three pur centos , OOf 17 u for the account. Niw : YOHK , April 18. Clearings , tl30,03l- 107 ; balances , } nUCUua4. OMAHA , April IH. t'larlnss , ' fl.070,735 same day last week , } l,09l,7irj. HAI.TIMOIII : . Mil. , April 18. Clearings , ? 3 , . lCi'J..r)70 ; balances , t4bl&'J. ! Money , 0 pur cent. I'lM'iNNATl , O. , April 18. Monuy.G i > or cent. New York exchange , 70c premium. Clearings , I'llii.AiiKt.i-iliA , I'a. , April 18. Clearings , .lH'J : balances , * 'J.lC7,7ui. ! Money , ercent. HKHI.IN , April 18. Tlio statement of the Im perial Hank of ( iermany shows an Increase In of 'J.000,000 mar ks. KMi'llis , Tenn. , April 18. New York ex change selllne at ifl.r > o premium. Clearlnus * 3'J7r/J' > ; balances , H44.U-JO. ST. I.OUIP , Mo. , April 18.-cleailnirs. { 4,471- C04 : balances , t5HO,5'J4. Money quiet at Ofr.7 percent Kxchun u on New ork , UOc pie- mlum. BOSTON , Mass. , April 18. ClearliiKs , $ ! & , - 004.0-J3 ; balances. S1,717J'J4. : ' Momiy , oiin pyr cent. K\chaiiKu on New York , ITw'-Sc dis count. CiuoAiio , 111. , April 18 , ClearltiK-i , J'Jl.-IDO- 714. Now York vxchaiiKcSc premium. Sterling oxchan o stroiik' : * 4.K7 ! < for sixty- day bills ; M.b'J for nlKht drafts. Money Inclined to bo easier , but loans lire yet mainly at 7 per cent. _ OMAHA I.IYi : STOCK. .UAIIHUIN. l.nriu Supply of An : > orts Olt'erfil I'rlci-M Kep Dp I'ulrly htriidy. Tl'Ksmv , April 18. CTho supply of cattle was lar o , upwards of 4,100 head , anil consisted largely of Hclii and meolum welKht beef steers , while thcieworu also a fair number of pictly tooil hei\yhhlp- pers In the pens. - The demand was ijood fiom both shippers and local buyers , but owfiiK to thu heavy receipts there was a disposition , I'xpectally ainonK local buyer * , to MIUCCZU and thu Keneral market , while mure or Iirlces , wus about u Uluiu lower thuu yca- terdny. I'xtremo wiles word made at steady prices occasionally , mid on the other hand coarselsh Muir sold k.M ) V ? offUooil to choice tiecves , 1'JOO to l'MIbs. \ . , anquotedat front 11.70 toJo.JOi Cdtmi/rln / to good U.iO to 1'JIHMh. Meer.s from fiuoiof I 00 , according to weight and iiuallty. , Consldeilng thnllbWal rttliof onltlo hero to day the proportlon.of cows and heifers was .small , ami as a refill values remained lliwu Tlio reccfpts , 00 cars.were the uirwest of any day In some time , and iiiallty | as a rule very talr. Conditions were decidedly against .selleis at thu opvnlnK of the market and buyers look advantage of the Munition and dropped prices about a dime on all grades. Salesmen were free sellers from the .start and tlie iccclpthchanged hands quickly. Toward the close of the market values strengthened and closuiK pi Ices were about -V higher limn the opcnlni ; . sales weieat e.xiiemes of fiom $ i > .7i > loic.uo , wltli me Kreal proportion at from jti.75 lotil.Hfi. The niarUet closed active ami KtrunK with all out of llfst hands. Kjpresjn- tatUu.sales : . .i CIIIEU COIINTIE.S , fjCHOOI. muTnicTs , WATER UOMPANIEC-.OT.R.R.OOMPAMIES.etc CoriMponrtcicr nollclteil. N.W.HARRIS &CQMPANYBankers , IOZ-105 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. 13 Wall Street , NEW VORK. 7O Btnto 9tn DOBTQN. Ki'cclpts unit ONpimltlon < > r Stoolt. onic'lnl rcni'lDts niul ( llsp.Hltlon of stn'.lt as shown by the hooks of tlm Union Slock VunU company for tintweiityfinir hours uniting ut 5 o'clock p. in. , April 1 , IH'J. ' ) . itrjcmi-TS. IIISI'OSITKI.V. Chlclii ; | l.lvo Stork Mitrld-t. riiC\i ! ( ! > , 111. . April 18. iSpadtil Tclccram toTni : llii.l : : The culllo market was iinlet ipili't I'Vi'ii for a Tuosday. Although lln < ar rivals \\i-ro llinltcil to ahont4,0011 head , tln-rc as not oiniith demand to onalili * holders to close dill ut any appreciable advance. Then' ere buyer" at Monday's prices for every thing and the day's tradlnit was iloiuon that bnsK oral from fl.lio to 1 1.15 for Inferior to I'Mra cows and heifers , from tl.75 to t1.7.r ! > for hulls , from J'J.50 to ? 4.50 forstockers and feed ers and from * I toftt.lo for common to extra diessed beef and shipping steers. MOKS sold at from iO.75 to i7.1-r > for poor to choice llKlit wcluhts to fiom J0.05 to f7.iO : for ml.M'd and medium and to from $7.1O to .J7.H.r > for lots uvi'rnnlngdvur'jno Ibs. Aculn wus the iiuallty u.xcollunt. Illinois contrlhuted u larni ) pait of the supply and thu hulk of the stuff wan good enough to bring moro than $7.10. The supply of sheep was heavyAt first the receipts wore estimated at 12,000 head , but. later In the forenoon It looked as though they would reach at least 10,000 with 18,000 as a possibility. As u consequence there was a gen eral soflunliiK of prices. The average was from 5c to lOc lower than for .Monday and the close was very weak. We quote poor to choice sheep ut fromlM.Qn to fG mm common tochoico lamb ! ) at from J5 to JG.OO. Hecelntst'attlo4,000 head ; hogs , 10,000 hend ; sheep , 10.000 head. The Evening Journal reports : ( IATTI.K Keculpls a,500 head : shipments , 1,000 head ; iimrkn steady : medium. liJ.SSfi 0.40 ; no extra on saloj others , t-l.&O'itO.'J&i ' Texans , J2.00U4. GO ; native cows , Ja.0033. : > 0. IlOdS Keculpts , 10,000 head ; shipments , 7.000 hutid ; market active , 510c higher , losing strong ; mixed and packers. JO.bOf' < 7.15 ; prime huuvy , $7.'JOa7.37 ; light , JU.OO ® SIIKKV Itecolpts , 15,000 head ; shipments , lone ; market Mrong to 10 , * higher ; owes , M.BO'iJO.'J.'i : mixed , K > .00&f > .r > u : prlmo westein ivether.s , $ , -l5rr.ri.H7ij ( : prime Texas wethers , ; latlibs , KIIII.HIIH City l.lvu Mock Market. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , April 1H. Cvrrr. ! : UP- celts ] , 0,000 head ; shipments , head. Slcots dull and Hteady to 10c lower ; cows and TexasMecrsand feeders steady. Dressed beef and shipping steers , fli.aoTiu'UiO ; cows , $1.7& ® U.urj ; stockers and feeders , W.TO'fcf ' I-OO. lions -Iteceipts , 13,000 head ; shipments , 100 ead ; market opened HKTO'JOc lower , closed stronger , with 5c of loss legalnert ; choice heavies } 0.7.rT/r.UO , ; choice , light , iff. .Itiftrli.OO ; nil grailes , fO.'JO .U.OO ; hulk , iii.CO'uO.75. Sinii : ; > Iteceipts , 4,400 head ; shipments , 7i.O . : iead ; market steady. Nrw Yurk l.lvn Stock Jlnrkot. Ni'.W YOIIK , Aptll 18. llir.vis ; ; Kecelpts , ; i03 head. Dressed beef steady at H'jWIc. ' Latest cables fiom London quote Amciican steers dull ut 1 1 ' / j < if 1 He ; dressed weights and American refrigerator beef lower at bi-ant O'nC. Hiir.r.i' ANDL.KMIIS HecelptH , 1,000 honcl : mar hot active. I'lishorn sheep , fo.l TjOf > 0. ' 25 : clipped sheep , fi.7D.ri.2D : ; unshorn lambs , } 5.75V > 7.30 ; lipped lambs , $4.rjO'ir > .00 ; mutton steady at & 'J'ju ' ; dressed lambs slow at 'J'i&llc ' , Mods Iteceipts , f)00 head ; nominally steady ut $7.10(27.70 ( per 100 Ibs. St. I.oius l.lvo Stock .Market. PT. Lotus , Mo. , April 18. I'ATTi.K Hccelpts. I , SOU head ; shipments , 'J , 01)11 ) head ; market ste.uly to strong ; fair to good native steers , J3.DOvr.ri.00 ; fair to cholco fed Texan steers , M/Jo < < > . lions Hecelpls , 0,400 head ; shipments , 3,300 head ; market fie. higher ; heavy , JG.bO'Q ; 7.1G ; mixed , 0.70 7.0.1 ; light , Jli.7D1/.7.00. Siir.ui1 Uecelpts , 2,3O" liead ; shipments , 1'JOO head ; market quiet ; receipt ! ) mostly Texatii ; top price , JD.ilD. I ) . D FitA/.EE , II. I ) . RDODII r. , JAS P Uoonm. 1'rca. Vice I'rus tseey .itTrau HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Cttpllulfi5,000i Omalm unit Slonx City. Grain and Provisions Railroad Stocks nnd Bonds. PKIVATK WiUEA Room 212 Hew M Life Building OMAHA , HEKEUKN'OF.S : lowaStuto National Hank , Sioux City ; Commercial National Ituuk. Umuliu. Spoclul attention given to otitsldo ortlcrss Corresponuencu sollcltoj SOUTH Union Stock Yards Company , South Ornariai RvstCattlo Ilo nnd hh--03 market In las war. CQMMI33IOI HOUSES- \Yood \ Brothers. I.Ivo Stojk UonunUsloo to ithtiuaha ToU'pliono 1157. Clilori/o JOHN I ) . DADIS.MAN , I . . . . . . . . . . . . . " l"1" ' fMaI" WAI/I'KII K. W001J. Unrket llporti by in ill ail TlrJjH-'f ll/ hakespeare's Seven Ages FIFTH ACE. TIIK JUSTICE wno nor.s NOT usr. JOIIANN THK JUSIICK WHO USKS JOHASN IIOFP'f HOFP'S MALT i\TRACT. : HALT EXTRACT. And then the justice , In fair round belly , with good capon lined , The Justice now of eyes severe , With severe and beard of formal eyes cut , With knowledge deep and aims exact Full of wise saws and modern instan Derives his portly form from droughts ces ; And so he plays his pr.rt. 0 Of Johann HoiT's famed Malt Extract. Jimius A\ \ . Hall , M.D. , Inspector Chicago Board of Health , writes : " 1 have been acquainted \\ilh tlie JOIIANN HCUF'S MAI.T EXTRACT for 5 m.- tune and have prescribed it frequently in my practice. In slow convalescence , alter acute diseases , I have ioiind it especially valuable , and have been well pleased with the results. " I'lirrhnti-r * mo wnrnril n ulli l Impels ! I Inn niul cllinpimlntmpiit. I mist tip. Hi ho Cicii u Inc. Mil Itli in tut Imvu Iliti Hi gnu t lire of" JOI1V.V.\ IIOK1-1" oil tile neck titlifl. A book entitled "r h.ilie < pcarc's Seven ARCS of Man , " beautifully illustrated , sent frccon application. & PJJEWOEkSGM CO. . Solo Apents. P-Jcw York. 'WHERE DIRT GATHERS , WASTE RULES. " GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF Fcriilir ( wnor MARKl \ TRADEV & SONS. P I S1\JOSJ1PH , MISSOURI * J I Icadquartcrs for / " v Write us lor prices on Whiskies both in bond and tax paid. AVH CARRY TIIU LVRCJKST STOCK IN TIIK WKST. PERFECTLY HARMLESS but RELIABLE. LADIES , Camolo Juniper hai tVtai t'u p of pills , etc. If you ars lrraulir yea rely on Camolo Juntpsr. T iko ao Quaranteeou ev-ry bottle. Prljj S3 tie. SoUby alldrus'liti. r/lnnufncturod only by CAW1OLE JUNIPER CO. . O-nnhn , 1S1G DouQlas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tlio eminent specialist m norva'ii. chroil" . prlvui. blD t. i'tl-1 ' i-il urlniry illiiiiii , A rjjnlir nail ' rciflstoruil . Kr.nlnito In in i.lli < tii3. in ilipi > n i , an I oifilllitui wul siiMr , u still Irani it ivuli llu iru.ital ' nnco35c.if > rrli , lust in in lou t , u nin U wjiciui. nljit IOHII nil uuj for in of prltriti illninui Nij iiiurcnry line I. Now trantiiu it f jr lo u 01 vl itpjiv-r I'ariUi naibM til vlilt nit ) in if u tr i.Uu I nt lionn . bycorrespuinlonco. Ma Ili-inoor I ntr l n m' l u br in ill ort i J n < > ' irji/ pie . 11. iu m.irn to IndU cntocontontsorajniljr . Onu por.-to iai IntiirvUiir pr.'fjrrJ I. ( . 'onialt itlon froi. I' irr > 10 iiloiUJ strlotlf ana prlvntj. Bininpfor Hook circular. ( Mystorloj of Mfj ) 83ni froj. Olll-j huuri , ; l a. in. to 3 | > . m. ainlid U l m till 10. PROTECT flflD IMPROVE YOOR SIGHT. Spectacles and Eyeglasses Are the Best. EYES TESTED FREE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. i J. F. PONDER , Mgr. QHJfflfl OPTiCAL GO. , 223 S. 16th St. ' OMAHA S AWNINGS AND TENT3 Omaha Tent-Awning Wolf Bras. & Co. , COMPANY. MannfActurnrs of tonti , uwnliiK-i , nlo701 unJ IIOH8I ! COVHIH. . 701 M. intli Htroot. . 111.1 Knrn ; > : ii Mt. BAnSANDTWI'l'S- I BIQYCU5. Berais Omalia Bag M , 0. Daxon , COMPANY. ImportuM andman.fri Olcycloi BOM on monthly tluur i&ckt , burlap ) , twlno. paymnnti IU1 N.lltli. BOOTS AND SHOES. ' Mr . S L Morse Coe Shoe Company , Salesroom anit OlllceI1071IO.MI1I llowarl-t. \\'a nro the ONI.V Maiinfii.'turori of Hoots nml Sliousln tliostatoof Nobruiki. A Kuncnil Invitation is oxtundJd to nil to Inspect our nuw factory. Kirkendall , Jones & COMPANV. Wholonlo HHOHCO. . bouH.s'ioil mfm. aKonti Union anil rubburifouli. 1U- llubbor Shoo Co. . IIOJ- UlOllaraoy at llOI-llOiillarnuy at. COAl , COKE. I G'JRNICE. Omaha Coal , Coke & EaglaCornlci Woris 1,1.Mi ; CO. , hunt anil tuft Mfrs. ( tulvanltul Iron rout , U K cor. llitli iinJ cornlcj. Unuiila * bts. inotiilllo DRYQODOS. M. E. Smith & Co. , KllpatrlcUosli Dry UOd.H L'O , Dry K0ort , notions , fur- Notloni. genii' furnlili- nlilihiK uoojs , ornjr lltn unl Hill and Howard U llnrnuy BH. FURNITURE , Omaha Upholstering Beeb33 SL Runyan CO. , upliolitorol furnl- I'UHNITUlia CO. , litaco luru , llrt I1UI Nlctioln HU ni313tU at . H Rector SL Wilhelmy CO.MI'AMV , Corner 10th an 1 Jackson it.uju. . Jt.