Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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[ Fester-day's ' Meeting of the Oabinot a Very
Important One.
In Would stop Mm rnyinctit of Treasury
Note * , Immml on Account of Silver 1'ur-
clmfK-n , In ( lolil-Wliut I *
Thought of It.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 18. The cabinet
nectlng Uxlny was devoted to some extent to
Itlio consideration of the llnanelal situation ,
Iftml It Is believed that the secretary of the
Jtrciisury will bo upheld In lili ndvlco to stop
[ for the present the payment In gold of the
I treasury notes. Under the silver act of 181)0 )
the government Is coin pal led to purchase
each month 4,600,000 ounces of silver , and
, at the snmo tlmo Issue notes for
, the bullion received. There Is at
ent outttandlng of these notes
| l0,0u0,000and ! ! they nro being constantly
I redeemed In gold nt the Now" York subtrcas-
| ury The redemption In gold of thcso notes
I bus been n matter of accomuiodatlon on the
Jiart of tbo Treasury department , as the law
gives the secretary of the treasury dhcrc-
j lion us to whether they will bo redeemed In
I Bold or stiver Now that the gold balance
[ ' lins been reduced , the secretary of the treas-
tir.v Is considering the advisability of using
discretion and p.iylng thcso notes In
I flllvcr.
If the secretary determines to talto nd-
Vantage of the discretion given him by the
law It will bo n more dlfllcult matter for Now
York brokers to obtain the gold for ship-
picnt , as the stoppage of the payment of the
gold certificates and the treasury notes
Would leave them with less upon which gold
could be obtained. The subtrcasury In Now
York at the end of each month makes a re
port to the department hero , showing the
amount of treasury notes that have been re
deemed in gold. In the reports of thu ways
pud means committee on thn condition of the
treasury up to January HI , 18M ! , a table Is
Klvn which shows that the subtroasury has
redeemed the following amounts of treasury
notes In gold each month since June , 181U :
TrviiMtiry Notes Kcili'cmocl In ( lultl.
, July , ST > , 103,000 ; August , $5,01,000 ! ) ; Sep
tember , $1,7MI,000 ; October , $ i2J,200j ! No
vember , fcKO.OOO ; December , WViObOO. : and
ffanuary , ISM , M,4i8yuo : , or a total of jal.liJG-
BO'J of treasury notes redeemed in gold for
the past seven months mentioned. For Fob-
fruary and March , It Is said , the re-
Ucmptlon has averaged fl,0H,000 ( ) each
nionth From this It will bo seen
tliat u considerable amount of gold can
be saved to the government and at the same
Mi'iu thu inaulllty of brokers to obtain gold
/or these notes will cut off one of their most
Umplo means of obtaining them , as it Is said
that thn class of notes has been largely pre-
pcnted by Now York bankers in oxcaugo for
It is said that the continued redemption of
these notes In gold wns bound to result in
( he driving out of all the gold , for it is ap
parent that the condition was such that
gold was being paid out through the medium
pf the treasury notes for the silver bullion
pold. As a former treasury oniclal ex
plained It to a reporter "tho principle Is the
same as though one nnd a glass partly filled
ivlth water with a layer or surface of oil.
If one should continue to pour In water the
pll would finally bo forced out. In this
case the water represents the silver and
the oil the gold , and the continual purchase
pf the white metal and the giving out of it
( or gold has brought about this result. "
Alight dingo n Senmitloii.
There Is a feeling among some men who
flavo been prominent in llnanelal circles
that should Secretary Carlisle Issue an
prder stopping this redemption that It would
Approach something of a sensation , but
those who are , best posted claim that noth
ing of the kind would result , nnd still Insist
that if it became apparent that Secretary
Carlisle was to adopt this course that the
Sow Yorkers , who have been represented as
trying to push tlio.tjovernmont Into an em
barrassing position , will see that their
efforts had been In vain , and gold would
ngaln begin to ( low Into the treasury. If
they are correct In their surmises It will bo
unnecessary for Mr. Carlisle to take any
further action.
The confidence of the treasury ofllcials Is
Increased by the knowledge that Conrad A ,
( Jordan , the new subtroasurer at New York ,
' Will probably entcrupon his duties tomorrow
1 ( inornlng. His ability is particularly well
thought of here and , with his assistance , It
1 Is boilovod that Secretary Carlisle will sue-
| ccssfully meet the situation.
ttreimury Official * Cunlldcnt tlmt It Will
Amiuino n Hotter Shape.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 18. The gold
Situation today is considered easier. Treas
ury ofllcials are moro conlldent than they
% 7oro twenty-four hours ago and In the
( nlnds of all the Impression has become
ptronger that It may not bo necessary for
the secretary to take aoy action which will
change the present policy of the depart
ment. This feeling was said to bo duo to
the fact that the announcement was practi
cally made that the government would only
us u last resource turn to the Issuance of
bonds. This firm determination of the post
tion of Mr Carlisle has already had Its ben effect , and as soon as it becomes
known that the secretary of the treasury
lias seriously considered the advisability of
plopping thu payment of gold coin for the
treasury notes issued under the act of July
14,18UO , the situation will present a very dif
ferent phase nnd the shipment of gold ,
which is looked upon as a means for forcing
the administration to Issue bonds , will come
to an end ,
U'llnlilliK ton Note * .
JVASIIIXOTON , D. C. , April IS. General B
f. Heal Is very 111 at his residence In the olil
trunnion In Lafayette square. The fact that
Pr. Lewis , the New York specialist , has
fbccn sent for It Is presumed ho Is suffering
from Brlght's disease. Ho Is under the care
of another of Mr. Ulalno's physicians , Dr.
> V. W. Johnston.
The cablegram long expected from Min
ister Kgan as to the nature of the crime
committed by the refugees who sought an
asylum In thu United States legation at
Santiago , Chill , was received today at thu
State department. Its contents were noi
made public , but there Is a growing bellcl
that Minister 1Ctran has been sustained in
granting the right of asylum to the refugees
under his protection on the ground tlmt thej
are political offenders.
Another I.Ink In thu Chain.
ISOHTH GAI.VUSTON. Tex , April 18. A
firolltablo and promising factory which has
just arrived at completion Is the North Gal-
ycston Hosiery and Wool Scouring mills
The annual wool clip of Texas Is ) ,000)00 ( )
pounds , and since the ( locks are increasing at
the yearly rate of W ) per cent , not Including
importation , nnd as the wool-bearing quail
ties nro being Increased by the Introductloi
of thu best imported varieties , there U not i
doubt that Texas will soon contain moro
sheep and ship moru wool than any other
Btate. at prollts far greater than can bu real
zed elsewhere , These facts , combined will :
North Galvcston's location and resources
Insure the immediate success of this in
Ktlilcnce Clear * linker.
Colonel Chalmers Is about through will
the work of checking up the accounts and
tvcords of the oftlccrs connected with the
XJnlted States court , and will probably leave
for Washington tpday. Ho will carry with
Mm u bundle of ovldcnco bearing upon the
work of Prosecuting Attorney Uakcr In the
Mosher case. Those who have seen the
testimony of Attorney Uurr UIKHI the allcget
charges that have been preferred against
Jitr. IJakor say that the Lincoln lawyer
cumu gracefully down from his high horse
when ho came to give ovldcnco under oath
Ho not only denied that ho know anything
to Mr. Raker's discredit In connection with
the Mosher case , but stated further that no
/.ir M ho had over kuowu Air. Baker was a
gentleman and an attorney of unvilllcd
toner nnd ability.
What It Com In Itun tlio Lower Itrnncli of
the Lain l.rRlilntiirc.
Lt.vcot.x , Neb. , April 18. [ .Special to'rm
DEB. ] Chief Clerk Hrlc .lohmon to.la1 com
pleted a recapitulation of the expctm s of the
lousoof representative * during ho recent
wnlon of the legislature. It cost tl.'lfi . to
Investigate the erection of ttiot ow cell house
it the penitentiary ; 1,3 < U.GO to 1 ok Into the
affairs of the State Hospital for thuJnsanc i.t
Ltncon , f ly.'i to Investigate the Hoard of I d-
uoatlonal r > amls and Funds ; &J30C.M & fir the
Institute for the Frohlo Minded nt Beatrice ,
nnd so on. The Impeachment tirucccdings
wore somewhat expensive , the expenditure
on this one account being $1,871 'JO. Of this
amount the three attorneys , Do.ine , Pound
and Greene , received ? . " > 00 each. Thu election
contests , whlclnwero commenced with so
great a nourish and which were so uncere
moniously kicked out of the house before the
committee on privileges and elections could
make Its ro | > ort In favor of the contestants ,
cost the state Just i.,0. . > 3.iO. ( The following
Is an Itemized statement of the expenditures
made on account of the house as shown by
Chief Clerk Johnson's ledger :
Repairs to representative hull I l.IUO.03
Printing a , M.30
State penitentiary Investigation . . . l41fur
Investigation of state ofllcors Itiii.lU
Miscellaneous Incidental expenses , . 1,1177.Ml
School lands and funds investiga
tion 493.00
Employes not on regular force 'JIU.OO
Hecount of ballots on constitutional
amendments 431.50
Senatorial bribery Investigation. . . . Sl'J ! tt
Insurance bill bribery investigation 7H.OO
Lincoln Insane asylum Investigation 1.JW2 00
Beatrice Feeble Minded institute
Investigation .TOiUiO
Hastings asylum Investigation 4111.83
Supplies ordered by secretary of
state prior to session 2,4.r)0.8.'i
Supplies onlercd during session. . . . l.BHUH
Capital National bank Investigation Jl ! ! . 10
Impeachment expenses l.KTl.iiO
Election contest expenses 5,053.00
Total $23,570.47
To which add :
Per diem for members 10,000.00
Mileage for members -.IfillSO
Amount paid regular employes 10.501.H2
Grand total STU.SO'.fi'J
Concerning the expense for printing the
records show that the total expenditures
wore divided as follows : For printing house
rolls , $1,007.00) ) / printing titles to house
rolls , $ l.720.a.V lor reiwrt of Capital Na
tional bank Investigation , SMO ; for print
ing govcrnor'H message , $00 ; for report of
committcco on Soldiers and Sailors home ,
Worl' of the Labor Itiironu.
Governor Crounso has as yet taken no
steps toward appointing a successor to Labor
Commissioner Andres , and after consulta
tion , the latter has gone ahead with the reg
ular work of the office. Ho submitted the
following outline of the work now under
way in the olllcc , and which will form the
basis of the next biennial report.
Your dmmly commissioner of labor begs
leave to submit to your approval an outline of
tlie current oik of till * bureau :
1. The tnortgagu Indebtedness record of the
state by coutitluH.
2. Investigations relative to Irrigation , in
cluding lm > work of all water power com
panies and tluilr value as n factor In the In
dustrial development of tlio.stale.
3. Tlio < iuuitlon nt water supply In the cities
of tliostuto wliothur itndur municipal con
trol or managed Dy corporations capital In
vested , naturu of worU.s , cost of malntuimnro ,
amount of water used uor caulta , rental for
uses , average wages paid , utc.
4. Outshlpmonts of Nebraska's surfilus com
modities , Including uhlpuients undo by ex
press companies , utc.
0. Investigation rolatlvo to child labor , with
a vlow to enforce tint luw prohibiting the Ille
gal employment of child labor In Industrial
0. Further Investigation relative lo woman
labor , and enforcing thu luw tu protect health
of female employes In Industrial and mercan-
tllu establishments.
7. Completing the list of hotels , boarding
and lodging houses and enforcing the law for
thu security of guusts anil lodgers In hotels
und boarding houses In case , of lire.
8. Hiicliothnr Investigations us may bo de
manded and desired by yourself In the Inter
est of thu commonwealth. Very respectfully ,
Busy people have no time , ana sensible people -
plo have no Inclination to use pills that muko
them sick n day for every dose they take.
Thoyhavo learned that the use ot Do Witt's
Llttlo Early Risers docs not interfere with
thelrhcalth by causing nausea , pain or grip
ing. Thcso little pills are perfect in action
and results , regulating the stomach and
bowels so that headaches , dizziness and
lassitude are prevented. They cleanse the
blood , clear the complexion and tone up the
system. Lots of health In thcso llttlo fel
Prmtpcctlvaly n Success.
There Is every Indication that the pre
sentation of "Living Whist" at Exposition
hall Thursday night for the benefit of
the Crecho will bo an unqualified success.
Miss Harris , the director , has arrived and
has the characters of the performance in
active training. Several rehearsals have
already been held , and this evening a dress
rehearsal will bo given at the armory.
The following wall known Omaha ladles
are the patronesses of the entertainment :
Mcsdamcs General Brooke. Clinton Briggs ,
W. J. Broatch , Thomas Kllpatrlck , F. W.
Wessolls , G. W. Holdregc , James McKcnna ,
Van Ostrand , Hawes , Cockerlll , Barrows ,
Llmcborger , Adolph Meyer , Cowln , J. J.
Brown , Ur. Mercer , Ilouts , J. N. H. Patrick ,
T. L. IClmball and Miss Barrows.
Omiilia I'uhllu Library.
The now lx > oks lately received at the
library will bo placed In the reference room
Thursday morning , April " 0. Book borrowers
wishing to examine these recent accessions
may do so on the above mentioned day. as
the books will not bo placed in the circulat
ing department until Friday morning.
Jissn : : AI.LUN , Librarian.
Editor Iowa Plain Dealer Cured of In-
sufforatio Itching and Pain by
the Cuticura Remedies ,
No LOBS Than Five Physicians Con
sulted Their Combined Wisdom
Followed Without Benefit.
I am sixty-six yours old. In August. 1S30
wus troubled with llio ] > uullur skin ill.suasu to
whloh iieop.o of my 1130 are Mibjcct. known
iiimmK moiltciil inon us te/omii. Its llrstiip *
pii.irunco wns nour tlio million. It ruuldly ox-
tomlud over tlio lower o.Ureinltles until mv
lu.s wore Hourly oim raw soro. : fiuinOK \ tlio
trouble extended ticross tlio lilps , slioulclors
mid the ontlro length ot tlio arms , the logs ) unit
iiniisirroutly swollen with uti Itchlnf , burnln :
puln , without cessation. Altlioucli the bust
meiUcul aUvIco nttnltmblo was employed , no
loss tlinii llva i > liynlcliiM * of the pluco hulni ;
consulted tind tlio proscriptions bolus the ro-
Milt of their combined wisdom , tlio Ulsenso
tliouKli np | > : iiinitly aliened , would recur In u
few tluys as bail ns over ; Unrlnx 1(3 ( progress
my wulKlit foil nwny about twonty-llvo
pounds. As nn experiment 1 begun tlm use ot
L'UTlcitliA , following thu simple mid plain In
structions pi VIM with ilio UKMKIIIKS , and In
fxuir weeks found mytelf neil , with akin soft
mill natiirHl In coIUr , tlio Itching mid ji.ilu en
tirely rolluviul. W. It. MEAD.
Kill tor [ own 1'lnln Dealer , Urcsco , lu.
Cuticura Resolvent
Tlin now Illood undSldn I'urillor. nnd Kloutost
of Humor KuinedlL's. Internally ( tou.ounso the
blood of nil Impurities and poisonous elements
nnd 111 tin runiova the euuiu ) , and UliTlcuiiA.tho
Kieat HUln Ouro. and OUTicuiiASoAi- ox-
Skln I'lirllloriind Ilosuitaer. external
ly tlocleurtlmnklnnnd scalp , and restore the
Imlr ) . siioodlly curoovory liunior and dlsouso
of tlio skin , suulp uncl liCoil , with loss of hair ,
vrliothor Itching , burning , su.-ily pimply uml
blotchy , wliutlier Iniulo. scrofulous , hondlta-
ry or contagious , when nliyslcluna and all oth
er remedies fall.
SoMovorywhero. 1'rloe , CDTICUIU. SOorSoAi *
2Aj : IU8OivriNT. * l. I'reparod by the POTTKII
l if gotid for "How to L'uro Hklu UUoaset. "
MPI.FA blttOK.honils chuDOBd umi oily skin
cured by C'tmcuUA MKDICATEU SOAI- .
In tmo uiliuitu tlm I iiiiciirn
* $ A Aiitj-l-aliU'lus er rollavM rheii-
J6 inatl in , noUtlo , hip , kluuov. ohoat
+ nnd muioulur ualm and wcak-
ThBflritauUouiy palu-kllllogtilaitor.
Ay er's ' Pills
Are better known nnd inorcRoncrnl.
ly used than any other cntlmrtlc.
Sugar-coated , purely vegetable , nntl
frco from mercury or nny other Injii-
rlons drug , this is the Ideal family
medicine. Though prompt and cner.
Rctlc In their action , the use of thcso
pills is attended with only the best
results. Theireffcct Is to strengthen
and rcgulato the organic functions ,
being especially beneficial in. the
various derangements of the atom *
ach , liver , and bowels.
Ayer's Pills
arc recommended by all the leading
physicians and druggists , as tiio
most prompt and eltectivo remedy
for biliousness , nausea , costivcncss ,
indigestion , sluggishness of tlio
llvor , jaundice , drowsiness , pain in
the side , anil sick headache ; also ,
to relieve colds , fevers , neuralgia ,
and rheumatism. They are taken
with great benefit in chills and the
diseases peculiar to the South. For
travelers , whether by land or sea ,
r's '
are the best , and should never bo
omitted in the outfit. To preserve
their medicinal integrity in all cli
mates , they are put up in bottles as
well as boxes.
"I have used Ayer's Pills in my
family for several years , and always
found them to be a mild and excel
lent purgative , having a good effect
on the liver. It is the best pill used. "
Frank Spillman , Sulphur , Ky.
I'rcparvil by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mui.
Hold by Druggists Everywhere.
Every Dose Effective
Are those ignorant prat9nl3ri who
without any qualifications , any ability ,
any expcrioncn , any skill , claim to
possess the power to euro all the ills of
ho human rac3. But their want of
worth soon becomes apparent to their
would-be dupes , and these consclonco-
lossquacks ara soon consigned to tha
oblivion they BO richly merit.
In strange and strong contrastwit'a
these miserable boasters is the quiet ,
dignified yet courteous demeanor of
hose noted loaders of their profession
Who , during the past 87 years , hav
abundantly demonstrated their ability
to effect speedy , perfect and permanent
cures in all the worst forms of these del
icate sexual maladies embraced within
the general terms of
Send 4 cents for their illustrated now
book of 420 pages , "Know Thyself. "
Consultation froo. Call upon or ad
dress , with stamp ,
Drs , Belts & Sells ,
119 S , I4tii Stresi ,
Cor. Houglaa St' ,
Beat Calt Shoe in the world ( or the price.
W. L. DouglaSD ooa are cold everywhere.
Everybody uhoultl wear them. It la a duty
you owe yoaraell to get the boot valao lei
your money. Economize Inyourfootwearby
purchasing VV. L. DOUglnsShOOS , which
represent the boat value et tbo prices ad *
votf Bed above , as thousands oan teatUy.
fffTiiko No Substitute. . ff
Ilownro offrnuil. None genuine without W.I
Dou lns name nml prlco itampod on bottom. Looker
( or U mbon you buy.
W. I. . Ilnn-1" " " VtO" ' . SoMbr
Miunns Wctiboro. Knlloy. StlzorA Co..O.J
WIUon. EllusSvimn.UuiU NowiuinW. lO. .
Sou til Unmhv
\7. H. PA IlKEIl , M. n. . No. 4 liiilflnerj er. ,
BUSTOX. UJDII. , ettttf rontutltng p\vilcian of tHt
l'KAHOI > V IKI > l AI.INftTITUTK.tonh-'J
KU awaidiul the UOLU EUI. ! by tbe NATIONAL
[ Jr.niciL ASSOCIATION fo > tlio ritlZI ? KS9AY on
Rihnvttid Vitality , Jfixy'y , Ktrrout BIK ! I'tiytlt ill
l > < blltti/0'l all Dtita. * and Wtaknni of Man.
nlinrO the youny , the midiUi-aytd nnd oni
l.lmrN Confulutlon , D perton or by letter.
UUIIUU l'ro ? eclu vrlth teitlmonUU , FHBK.
Large book. 801 KNOB UF L.ITK , OH MI I.I'-
I'HESEHVATION. 300 pp. . Ui Invaluable jire-
cripUor. * . full JU only 81.00 by null , walwl
WOUtM AT ONCE , ( eiih loctl r timlln * ) to
[ ti > ie Rt u * . ftdrcmsc , duttibucpur [ wtnled iiu
1AND Introducctl our ( food * . St * Jy employment.
58O & MOMTHf.te V,1.1 . . . ,
lo compel * ot person t , IKui'i il lay * mr > mtnt Iml * ntc j
MEDO-EIECTRO P0 CO. . Clncinnitl , Ohlo.j
for tint Ifet of a
for ttfl- Sale of an I
0 ID
' ABRAHAM LINCOLN , when about to leave his old home , after having attained the
highest honors a great nation could bestow , closed an address with these words :
"Neighbors , give your boys a chance. " These are days of exacting competition , days
when moral courage and brain power count , days wherein there can be only a survivial of the
men who are mentally and physically the fittest.
Fathers , qualify your boys for the battle they must wage in the world's great arena.
The day must come when their chairs will be empty by your fireside and they will be out strug
gling alone in the world with only their merit to aid them.
You , mothers , know the pride you have in your sons. You know that deep down in your
hearts there is a well of tenderness and of love for evey the erring one. You kuow , as all the
world does , that his success is heaven to you , and his failure a heartache keener even than his
own. What , then , should you do ? In the words of Lincoln : "Give your boy a chance. "
Give .him an education that will fit him to cope with the best. Teach him to love his
home , and teach him that in it he will 'find civilizing and' educational influences , If he has
been to college don't let his education stop there. If he has not enjoyed the advantages of a
good education encourage him now. He may be smart naturally , but if he has nothing but his
natural talents to help him there will surely come a time , just as he is mounting highest , when
this lack of education will handicap him grievously.
The time to remedy this is the present. In the magnificent edition of the Encyclopedia
Britannica now offered by the WORLD-HERALD you will have a library fully the equal of
any in the land.
It will cost you but ONE DIME A DAY to own it. Even the little bank , in which you
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Bear in mind that this edition is in 25 large quarto volumes , each separate volume re
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we will deliver the whole set of 25 volumes on payment of $5 on delivery and $5 per month thereafter. This Kdition is printed on a hue quality of
paper , Is elegantiy-and substantially bound in rich silk cloth , the lids of the book are of .stout oakum board , which will hold its shape and never
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Cut this out a'Wdsendit to the WOKLD-IllvKALl ) KNCYCLOPIJWA IIKAD-
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QUARTERS 21/1 South Fifteenth Street. Omaha
Please deliver me one volume of your new wide margin r.di
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