(5 ( THE OMAHA DAILY BRI3 : 1TJESDAY , APRIL IS , 1803' COMMERCIAL AN ! ) FINANCIAL Clump In May Wheat the Foatnro of Yesterday's ' Trading. CORN FIRM ON COVERING BY SHORTS it the Opening Tlmt CerentVn n fraction Under tlio riiuil Quotations of Salur- diiV Activity In Stock ) nnil llomU. CHICAGO , 111. . April 17. A slump of 3iJc In May wheat today caused many to bollovo that the shorts have nearly all been driven In. Thu inn 01.1 of big settlements which were so thick nt the time of the great excitement hut which vt.ro so vlguiuusly denied were no doubt well f'undid , for the cllquo seems to have aban- ( hnied the deal for the moment , at least , and hold hiavlly of both May and July. Later , when the di'cicaso of neatly 1,200,000 bti. in Die i Isihli ) supply was known , prices gndu- n'ly iiinvcred fcomowhat. Notwithstanding upiii-iininces. a number o'f people contend the iirinn ! < > f the clique today was only a ruse to iHlurr fin I her short selling nnd work another iijtiee/c. 'I unlglil. compared with Saturday's rlo'iliu prices , May wheat was l.UutindJtily ) if lower. C'oin was linn on covering by shorts and closed at an Improvement of from He In the May fin mil to \c for July and September. I'rnvinlotis showed declines of from 17icto ! 2 , ' , < In ports , lOc to 17ic ( In lard and from 17'.c ' ii. ijiie In HIM. ili' ' npi ning for May wheat was about ' /Jc Jowi'i mi I IHid's declined 3c more , rallied Be , irreiUd Mime and Ihn close was about ' /i Ji-Hi'i than Saturday , .luly opened about MC lower limn llio eloping llgures of Saturday , liili'd weak and ptlces declined with only Nllt-ht lltfiimthins e , rallied 'ic , lltictualed nliailllv nnd tlieclo'e was. about ? c lower tlntii i-ruiirday. li'in nn * siimc short selling loporled. 'Ihe rnlilis were lather unfavorable for liolders. . \ | ul l.clnir qiitiled dull anil lower and 3 "iidim barges very weak. The liberal le- ci iptsi-.Minuted foi lomnriuw were a weaken ing fa > tor. 1.1 n : it the opening , was a fraction under t'lo ' tiiml quotations of Satiiiilny and sold oil' } . Tin ie weie moderate iilienngs ly tlie ri.'vul in geneial. Tin ; demand incieased , v h' n thi' \ l-.ll.Ic supply leport came In with a decrease uf 'JlK.ono lm. and started th ; ' sellers li > buying nnd an iiilviince nf'ic ensued. The jiilci. wi'iii hack ' c and closed ullhnnct L'liln of fn.in 'ne ' tn 'i'1. ' ' The suiting of n parlof the lull , lleet , with iiiillratiiins nf all the boats K'in out tnl * week , secnu'd to act asahiill- Js'i fnctnr. Ther.1 was a IMO I deal of May n veied tiiilny and snme July putout. Tliere was a good tradeliioatsaiulasttonger feeling on tlie whole. The opening nasat from ' c to ' 41' decline for the nearoptlons , nnd at a trllle advance for thedlstnnt fututes. After a decline of 'Bc the good buying by filmrts absorbed the ollnrlngs so lendlly that Jiilco.s ndMineed fiom "sc to VA recession of from ' , < to Jie followed nnd the close was Hteadj. The visible supply decrease helped the upward movement. UlTcring. , of ptovlslons were moderately fieo and the demand from all sources limited. The recelpls of hogs were considerably In excess of th estimates and had a dnpiossfng effect on the inaiKot generally. Them was a slight reaction from bottom figures , but It was early lo.t. again. K.sthiiatul receipts for tomorrow : \Vhcil ; , Mid cats ; corn , 23 I cars ; oats , 200 cars ; hogs , 18,000 head. The leading futures ranged ns follows : Aim * 1.1 M. i OPIIX. | incut. Will-Ill NO 2 Atrll. . . . 77 71' ' , ; M.y July Corn > o 'i April 43H M 41114 llTi , July Ontu So. 2 - Mny S6 , lii no Ju'y V.CSA Pork. . May 111 73 10 8U 1C 111 Ili I'J'j ' I I ' .IJ July It , tl-i I 17 0 ! ) II , S- ) ) IB S' , 17 I7H fepl 17 ID 17 i'O 17 UU 17 UO 17 o7Jt I.nnt- May tl 77' ' 9 W 2 " * .I SO 0 ? 7li ! July n 7 * . ' n iut ' ID COn 0 07W io'i-Jw tliort itibsV. Jluy n to 42 ! Q .15 a 55 July II 3"i 9 < 0 1) 40 a w ) tcpt l ) 42 ! H M U 45 D us Tnsli qiioCitions were as follows : 1'l.ot 1C Dull , iiomlimllv niirlinii t'd. WiinAT-Xo. i2 Miring , foil1 Jo ; No. 3 spring , f. ii. I ) . . GHuil'rJe ; No. U rod , 7&i,7G > , ii ; . OATS N'o. 'J , iS'ic ! : No. 2 hlto , f. o. b. 34 © E4'-c ; Nn.II wlilto , yiiiliiV.l'ic- ttVKNo. . 'J. ML : HAIII.KV No. IS , G2o ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 403G3c ; No. 4 , I. o. Ii. . 3httlGV4c. KI.A.XSKKDNo. . 1 , M. ! ! } > $ . TI.MOTIIV Siio : : I'rlniP , ! 4.iOSl.'J2. ( I'oilK-.Mos : , pnr bill. , 1G.U510.75 ; lard , p-ricoilm . J.7..Ct.9.h ! ( ) ; bliort rlli sides ( loowl. la.37tl9.0ilry.snIti'l. ( | ; ' ( > ( iiuller > . ( lo.\eili.U.2J © i : 't ; MKJII oluar bides ( hoxcdi , JlU.UOiii 10.05. WHISKY Distillers' finished cornls , par gnl. . f1.14. SIKIAII ( Tiioliniiuil ) ; rut lonf.G'ic ; Rianu- latrd , 5-o ; sttindiird "A , " 5 ; t-liu. The foMinvln-i wuro tlio ivcolpts nnd slup- tiiLMits fur toilny : On the I'rodu.'o otchango today the butter market was Him ; creamery , 2l/l'J8c ( ; dairy , iM'JOc. Kggs , steady ; strictly fresh , 15c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oinnhn ( .rain. The following prices are for doll very at Mls- els.slppl river points : WHEAT No..spring , 70e bid ; No. n spring , r > 8c hid : Xo , ! ! nurd , file bid ; No. 3 hard , DBc bid. bid.OATSNO. OATS-NO. 2 white , 31(5c ( bid ; No. 3 white , BCHjo bid. Cons No. 2 cash or April , 37c bid ; No. 3 or bettor , cash or April , 3G'Je bid , A sale of inocurs of corn at private terms was reported. Now York Marki'U. New YOIIK. April 17. FLOIIH Uecelpts , 'JO - Iu0pk | > . ; exports , 3.114 bhls. , 1H.540 packs ; bales , -1.400 pkus. ; market dull and weak. COIIN MIAI. : Dull , steady. llVK Qulet ; steady ; western , 585i02c. MAlii.r.i Dull , linn ; No. B , 80c. lUlu.l'v MAI.T Hleady. WllKAT-ltecelpts , 0.075 bit. ; evports , 127- ni&bu. ; sales , 8.B30.000 bu. futures , 112,000 bu. n > nt. Spot market fairly active , lower , with options closing steady ; No. 2 red. In Mnio and ehnntor. 7 [ > ' r < ,76Vtc ; afloat , 70V4 ft70i4cf. : o.h. 7C > ' , 774e ; No. 1 northern , SsXi N. ° ' l 1"1' br'f 'Hilc : ! ; No. 2 northern. HOc Options were ncttvr and lUOlftc lower on easier cables , Incieased receipts west , Increase In passage , foreign selling , incal leall/.lng , heavy we-t and Increased area In India , clos- i. Anrll 10' A\hent.iCf.i ! . l'Jbu. : corn , 3llr.iHbu. ! ; oats' f)0. 5 Int. : rye. 78,0iObu. ; ; barley , 01,000 bu. ; malt. li'H.i'lMl IMI. ; peas , 3. POO biiT CdllN Ueceipts 70,200 bu. ; exports , 1,000 tilt. ; hales , 0'J.r > ,000 bu. futures , 52,000 bu snot bliot , iiulet and easier ; No. 2 , 40"frt50c Ili ehn-ator , DKiul'.c ; alloat ; ungraded .nixed , 48'8 < ijr)0e : steamer \ed,4c ! ; No. a , 48&48uc' Options declined ' con easier cables and In- eieaso on passage , advanced fft'ie on lluht receipts , forolL'ii buylnu' , hlKher west and local eoverlni : . declined > . < it'4e on realizing , closed tlrm nt 't < T/e uin May , 47'4ii48ic ( ! , closlin : c ; June,47'e48u-clo.sliiB ! , 48icIuly ; eloslni ; , ( . , ' l'JlltB' la.or' ° hu.s oxoortR. 550 lm. s Miles , 0.\000 lm. futures , lia.OOO bu. spot Hpots. fairly active , llnner : options , onlet > , ec.c ' liluher , steady ; May , 3lPft33J4c elosin- Base : .liine.33Si.o3.134C , iosliiB 33 ' eJu ? ' a3'4K34..elo.slnK. 331. whu'i ci No. 2 " ° 40' . No. I ! fldcuK. , . 381-j N3. : . SC'tes N" . 3 „ ) , & 'dxed western. 37(14390 ( ; white western , II AV 'I'lrm , fair demand. lloi'.sSteady , quiet. II 1 1 IKS- Quiet , easy. I'ltovisioNS-fut meats firm , fairly active : middles dull , weal. ; short clear , lO'.c. ' I.ani weaker ; western nleam closed at $10.20 askedi Miles m-ne ; npllo.s : , sales none ; May closed at 110.10 ; July closed at JlO.'itlj yeptembet closed in ? 1 0.30. I'ork quiet , weak HI'TTKU Kiilr demand and llrmer ; western dairy , lW-3e ; western creamery. 2adfJ'Jc : western factory , ITU'-'S c : II : | IH , 'J8'40WJo. y"ltlj' ! ' fulrly ucllvi > i l" rt . . . . .is Steady , fair demand ; receipts , 7,1'JJ pkss. ; western fresh , lOc ; gooe. 3UiJ35c. TAI.I.OWDull , easy ; city i2 for pkgs.i. f.c. forroN MJKU Oil , Qulut , steady ; crude , -U > iJ I'KTiioi.iu'M-The market was dull and no- elected Ihrouirhout. Not a single sale wa > reported. 'I he only quotation WUH Ch'e hid iinil tiHUc asked. IVnnsrlvunhi oil , spot baler iiono ; May options , , ales uone ; I.lmnoll , sales liiino. i."J > .e lihl. Total bales , none. KOSIN- Dull , steady ; strained , common tt ' ' Tt'lU'h'NllMJ-'yn'lot , firm ut 3lMJ32ic. ! HICKOiilet. . btMidy ; domebtlc , fall-to extra ' - " ' Japan,4i4t- ? . Uuw , llrui , ijulct j bales nouv : nrtn , fairly n-llv , i fnlr ronnln ? , BIJI-I cpntrlfupalK. 00 tcif , 3V' ' ifr Al. 4 , * fj mold A , S J to Dsct Rtand- ard A , 4 Iu-H > < j Vto confcctlo. ; * * ' , ! ? ; jci cut lint , u 1-inc ; crushed , 5'i'iiu1M5 powdered , D S-lOftrjO.c ; RMIHlliltci ) , 4 6uci cubes , 6 3- MoiAH < K New Orluiiiifi , open kettle , good to choice , fnlr demand , firm , ut30ft38c , 1'Ul fno.N-Stcaily , quiet ; American , 112.75 . Coi'iT.n-rnsy ; Inko , Sll.cri , fiRAii-l'Inii ! donii'itlc , J4.121J. TiN-r'Irnii Plralts , I20.soa20.90 ; asked ; plates , btetidy , iiutct. Oiniihn 1'rodncp 'Market. The week openi with the market generally nulut. The factls tlmt the receipts were so light Hint there was nothing to create any great amount of excitement. Ilutlcr l.s about the scaicest article In the whole list , that Is , good butter. There Is moro common butter coming than there was n short time ago , the shipments being due , no doubt , to the high | n ices. Chickens are stronger and mixed coops sold as high as lie where they contained only good hens and young roosters. Tim supply Is very light and the arilvals not sulllclenv to supply the demand. The egg market remains practically un changed. Some seconds aie selling nt 13e , but asldn from those sales the. general market continues nt 134c. There appears to bo a little moro call for game , but It Is only In u .small way. Only that which Is very good Is wanted and not much of that. Tliero were some pretty fair strawberries arriving fiom Ml sl sippl. I'nAR-Per H-hu. box , UOcQM.OO. UK VNS Choice navy , f'J.30B'J.45j common stock. * 1.90i'J.ili ) . L'AMfoil.MA t'AHllttin I'er Ib. , 3c. ( JuCL'Mlir.ltsChoice , perdu ? . , J1.50S2.00. HWKKT 1'oTATOK.s-l'er bbl. , 15 ; seed sweet potatoiM , J 1.50. UNIONS Hume grown , on orders to country , { 4 per bbl. ( joiid stock shipped In from coun try , 'M.l.V'/l.'jr > per bu. roTATiis : - Colorado stock , $1.10 ; Wisconsin Imrhanks HO. "Ml. Oil ! western Nebraska , OUe.T4 $1.00 ; eastern Nebraska sto.-k , 7DauOc ; early Ohio seed , 11.25. NKW V r.df/r A n I.KS Lettuce , 40c ; radishes 40c ; parsley , 40c. per doz. ; green onions , 20a " 1'ii : l'l.ANT-1'er 50-lb. boxes , tl.60ai.75. FHUITS. Al'Pi.r.s Choice shipping stock , I4.00 < jt.2j per bbl. SriiAWiiKliuiKS-I'cr 21-qt. case , Mississippi stock. fj.5u. UllAl'l ! KliriT Per box , $2.75513 00. UiiAMitis1 riorldti riissetls , J3.50 ; Mexican oranges , single boxes , $3.25 : California moun tain oranges. $ ' 2.50 ; Washington navels , $1 ; Newcastle California seedlings , f2.GO2.75 : Mederla sweets , J2.75 ; Hlverslde seedlings , * ' . ' .7rj. KANAKASI'er hunch , Including crates and packing , $1.7 fj'J.r > o. ( ! llAXHKlitir. ! . < I'erhnx , $3.75. LKMONd Choice , W.OJai.O'J ; fancy , $1.002 ; 4 .25. iit'rrKii , iiiH. ; ( ( IAMB , i-otn/riiv. llfTriiu I'iic'nlnttstock , 10lHc ; fair to good connlry mil , 1'J'fJlc : choice to fancy country , 226f.Mr. Koustienetal market , l.'l'jc. ( JAMn Ml\ed ducks , 7.rCtt1.00 ; red heads , $2 ; mallaids , J2.00ffi2.50 ; teal , J1.001.20 ; jack sullies , $1.25. I'om.Tiiv l.'holee hens , 1 Ic ; mixed cooiis , KXftllc ; old loutturs , 7CT,8c ; geese and ducks , lOBlle ; turkeys , loai'Jc. ; plseons , Jl.25iil.50 pur dolive. . HAY The market on good upland hay , 17 In car lots. llo.M'.Y- Choice to fancy whlto clover , 18 ® 1'Jc ; fair togood , IGIilHc. VK.U , Choice and small fat voals , 7fflSc ; large and thin , UTrtic. llnslni-ss ( Jliangrt. The following aie reported at Dun's Mercan tile agency : Omaha , M. SamNtedt ( Mrs. II. , ) drugs , suc ceeded by C. O. Mockelsttrom. Arcadia , Neb. , I/ . S. Waters , gave chattel mortgage iff l.ooti on slock. Arcadia , Neb. , Cass > t Son , general store , guvu chattel mortgage of M.3S.1. Iteatrlce , Nch. , HuntAwiry , saloon , will be succeeded by .1. II. Hunt/ , Grand Island , Neb..I. II. 1)111 , confectionery , etc. , sinvecilcd by W. II. Sp.ifford. Lincoln , Neli. , L. Stlno , pawnbroker , dam aged by lire. Lincoln , Neb. , L"opold llurr , jewelry , gave chattel iiinrtgiiBui for $1.0.111. Orchard , Neb. , M. Kundall , harness , will move to Lynch. Sumner , Neb. , I ) . O. Wilson > V Uro. , general store , closed on chatlel mnrtgaires of $2,2.19. West I'olnt , Neb. , ( ieorgo KHno , saloon , closed on chattel mortgage. Clinton , la. , llleman .t I'o. , groceries , con template selling out. Ottiimw.i , la . Itreon , t Pnshong , groceries , iceeeded by J. E. Itreen & Co. Cheyenne , Wyo. , K. A. I'roctor , confec tionery , sold out. Hock Springs , Wyo. , Mark Hanson , saloon , succeeded by Larson & Hanson. Sheridan , Wyo. . O. It. Carpenter , general store , succeeded by W. H. Edolmor. Ilelolt , ICnn. , Cottlo ft Co. , tailors , dissolved. Ininan , Kan. . John Welsthauer , general store , succeeded by Scott Hrot. Clear Lnuo , S. I ) . . I ) . A. Rills , restaurant , removed - moved to I'lpestono , Minn. lllllC'lty. S. D.Ooorgo W. llurr , general store , reported failed. St. l.onU Mnrkuts. ST. Loins , Mo. , April 17. Ki.ouit Weak but iliicliiinged ; patents , J3.3033.45 ; extra fancy , $3.0oa.3.10. WIIKAT Opened ' e. lower , but rallied slightly and closed V < l'.iC under Saturday ; cash. ( Me hidi.May. G0"c. COIIN Though slow advanced and closed ' fit ? j e nhovu Saturday ; cash , 3j'i(23G\c ( ' ( ; May , 37'8c. OAW Very dull : cn li , HOVc. riiovisiNS--Inll ) and lower. Pork. J17..10. Lard , ill.00/ft ! > . ( i2'j. ' Dry salt , meats , loose shoulder' ! . J7.70 ; longs and ribs , $9.4,1 ; shorts8J.7O ; bo\eil lots , l.lc more. Itacon shoulders. i'J.7.1 ; longs and ribs , f 10.20 ; shorts , $10.00. Hams , sug.ir cured , 512.70313.75. lliiTTr.it-Steady ; creamery , 2G32Se ; dairy , Uncist'i'is'-l'lour , 700 bbK ; wheat , 18,000 bu. ; corn , 110.000 lm. ; oats , 30.000 bu. ; rye. none ; barley , none. Sllll'.MKNTS I'lour , 0,000 bids. ; wheat , 21,000 lm. : corn , 235,000 lm. ; oats , 4,000 bu. ; rye , 2,0001)11. ; barley , none. IlrltMi Urn'n Trule : Itovloir. LONDON , April 17. The Mark Lane Express In Its weekly rovlmvof the British grain trade says : Kngllsh wheat was In small supply and prices have advanced Gd. I'orolgn wheat has been the subject of ( .peculation , but trade on Tuesday and Saturday last was exhausted and the market was flat. The surplus stocks have not been worked off. The overstock amounts to 243,000 quarters. It Is feared that the mar ket at the leading ports will be depressed by excessive offers. The total Imports of wheat thus far amount to 33 > ,030 quarters. The homo deliveries amount to 88,000 quarters. In twcnty-ono out of thirty markets prices have favored sailers. In corn the domund Is mainly for round. KiinxuH City M rk U. KANSAS Cn-v , Mo. , April 17.-Wheat and rye nro on a basis of Mississippi river : corn and oats on a basis of Kansas ( Ity. WllKAT-llard , lower nnd soft unchanged ; No. 2 hard , U4" , 0.1c ; No. 1 rod , 87tt70c COIIN Mai ket ( Inn and unchanged. OATS In moderate demand and unchanged. HUTTKII-Weak and steady ; creamery , 25oi 30t > ; ilnlrv , 18CT.20V. Kr.os Lessnctlvo weak ; 12'ic. . KKCUli'TS Wheat , 13,000 tm.corn ; , 4,000 bu. ; oats , none. > Siui'MiNSS : Wheat , 10,000 bu. ; corn , 7,000 bu. ; oats , none. .Mllwuukco Mnrlc t . MILWAI-KHK , WIs. , April 17.-WllKT-Lowcr ; July. G7ic ! ; No. 2 spring , ( iOc. COIIN Moady ; No. 1 , 40V. OATS Unchanged ; No. 2 white , 34Ji36c ; No. 3 , 33(3n4c. ( HAIII.KV G5c. UYF. O4'ic. I'lioviHlo.Nii-Qulct ; pork. May , $10.70. MliiurnpolU Wheat Mnrknt. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. , April 17. Oood trade ; many longs selling and scalpers buying most of It. Cash wheat fell.weakness In futures and tliero was a liberal doellno fiom prices last week. No. 1 northern sold at GtiOGOS c ; No.'J northern , OOHe ; No. 3 northern , 03c. Clni'liuintl AIiirlcutN. CINCINNATI , O. , April 17. WIIKAT Easier ; No. 2 red , liVtc. COIIN- Strong ; No. 2ml\ed , 43c. ( OAT8 In fair demand ; No , 2 mixed , 322 "wVlSKY-Steady at J1.14. riill.idulphlu ( iraln .Market. IMlll.AllKM'IIIA. I'il. . April 17.-WIIEAT- Weak ; No.2 red. April , 73'i i74c. COUN I'lrin ; No. 2 mixed , April. 48Jtt49c. ! OAis-'ar lots steady bufdull ; No , 2 white April , 30i'it40c. ( ' Tolrdo ( Iniiti .Murkrt. TOLEDO , p. , April 17.-WiiKAT-Actlvo am steadier ; No. 2 cash and April , 7'Jl'o. C'OHN-Steadler ; No. 2. i-ash,41'ie. O.yrs-Oulet ; No. 2 cash and May , 32Jc ! ; No 2 white. HUV.e. liiilllmiiri ! dnilii .Market , ItAi.TlMouv , Md. , April 17. WllKAT-Weal anil lower ; No. 2 red , spot and April , 74 } < c. ' ' I'oiiN-l'Irinur ; May , 47'c. OATS-yulel and hteady ; No. 2 white western orn , 41c. ! iiln : Mutter .Miirltct. ? W1I. I , ] ! ! " Aur" 17.-IItmit-Steady : : sales , 0'JOO Ihs , at 2Mc. AntMrri | I'ulnili'um. ANTwnitp. April 17.-I'ETloi.iUM-12if : ? pil : ( and 12. ' , f.sellers. .New York Dry tlnoiU Mirkct : , Ktw yoitii , April 17. Thu dry uoodn marUu ononcd , without clmngo as to demand and a . Jieorful fooling was sustained an to values. Homo descriptions of rot ton were rather weak , hut chlolly ynrns of low count KJnnnels. dress goods and silks were dultix well for the fall season , nnd some articles on onrh havi ) beetii 'lfoly ! "l'- ' Agents reduced thn prloo of cambrics to j /c / tof 21-J * < 'l < > t" nntl OHu for 30-00 cloths ; also rod to 70. C'olToo Market. NKW Vonu. April 17.-Optlons opened Ir- rrgular , 40il76 points lower , rioted strong , 8 ( > ao5 points down. Sales , 141,000 bags , In cluding ! April , 14.SO : May , tl3.COi4.05. June. tl3.4f5tl4.00j July , tlS.SftftM.OO ! Sep tember , $13.40 ; December , * 13.4014.05. gpotldo , dull , nominal ; No. 7 , 114,25. Liverpool Murkots. I.ivnnroof , , April 17. WIIKAT Easy ; de mand moderate ! noldcrs offer freely. COIIN I'lrm ; demand moderate. IIACON Long nnd short cleir , 65 Ibs , , 60s Gd percwt.i long clear , 45 Ibs. , 62s. TALLOW I'lno American , 27s 3d per cwt. Cotton Miirket. NEWOHLHANS , Ln. , April 17. 1'iitures.steady ; snles , 06,200 bales ; April , 17.23 bid ; Mny , $7.23 ; Juno , $7.310.7.32 ; July. I7.33O7.40 ; August , $7.44 : Sentcmber , I7.44i47.40 ; October , $7.47517.49 ; November , $7.6037.62 ; December , $7.63517.54. STOCKS AMI HONDS. Hears Wcru inrouriicd : : by the Conduct of Secretary Ciirllile. Nr.w YOIIK , April 17. The order Issued by the Treasury department on Saturday sus pending the further Issue of gold certificates , followed as It was by ti rise In the rate of ster ling exchange and exports of $1,700,000 gold by tomorrow's steamer , showed a depressing ollect on the stcck market today. The volume of business wits 335,454 shares. The action of Secretary Carlisle gave the bears renewed courage and they attacked the market viciously , more especially such stocks In which they knew there would be forced liquidations If the downward movement was only carried long enough. Tlio most vulnera ble of the lot proved to bo Manhattan , which broke lli ! points to 148i ! and closed at 149. Many weak holders were compelled to sell out and the deellno was helped along by reports that the crowd reject the offers mudo by the Kapld Transit commission. Pullman Pa'aco ' Car dropped 5 per cent , Tennessee Coal and Iron 1J4 per cent , National Cordage21a per cent.deneral Electric 2 per cent , Iliirllngton and Western Union pre ferred P percent , Lead preferred 2 per cent , New York , Siisqiichunnu & Western preferred ly per cent and Lead common 1'a percent. In a majority of Instances the losses were n polntor less. A sharp rally ensued during the afternoon under the leadership of Now I-ng- ; Inm1 , which sold up from 30V to 33 , but the bears renewed their attacks after delivery hour , devoting special attention to Sugar , Cordage , Manhattan and Western Union. Al though the market closed weak In tone , prices showed a rally from the lowest of l' per cent In New England , 1 percent In Distillers and ' to 'i tier cent In the remainder of the list. Missouri Pacllle , Chicago , Columbus , Cincin natit St. Louis , Heading and the Vamlerbllls were noticeably tlrm throughout. Tlio Post says : If the Stock exchange had been open yesterday there would have been wit nessed In all probability a violent collapse In prices. Most of the Wall street community would have learned of Secretary Carlisle's or der for.tlie . llrst time from the American papers and there would have been no time for sober second thought. The twenty-four hours of holiday which actually followed the news was nn Incalcuable gain , and thu result Is a tribute to Mr. Carlisle's sagacity. A break In stocks when the trader once moro had a chance at the market was , of course , Inevita ble. Prices went down rapidly and In some cases heavily , the Instant tlial tlio gong had sounded. Hut tliero was ir > sign of utter do- mnraibatlon and the .scene was as far as pos sible removed fiom one of panic. So far from being a measure to start the ho'irdlng of gold , It U a measure to stop such hoarding as may hereafter be planned. It Is , moreover , of con sequence , and a consequent that any one con versant with the law must have foreseen of conditions known to everybody for seven days past , that the federal gold reserve had prac tically leached the $100,000,000 level. The following uie tlio closing quotations of the loading stocks on tlio Now York Stock ex change today : Atcblson Northern I'liuinu. . in'n Adama Kxprcss . . . io preferred : .aH Alton , ' ! ' . II 33 U. 1' . . Dun. A Gulf. . 16 do preferred I5'J ' Morthnetitorii lll'j ' American Kxpreas. 117 do prulerred 143 Daltlmoroi Ohio. . 86 N. V. Central 10li < Canada I'uolnc 83V ! N. Y. & N. K im < Cannila toulhcrn. . Outnrlo , V Western 17 Central I'aclllc Oregon Imp 18 Ches. & Ohio Oroiton Nav 7.S ( hlraito Alton Ill O , S. L. , V U. N 18 IIJJJ I'aclllc Mnll WH Chlcitgo ling 67 ( i I'corla , 1) . A U . . . . UHj CoiiBOlliluU'd Uag. . 12U | PUtsburif 154 C. C. C. * Kt 1 , 60 lullmnn 1'nlnco . . . VJV Cotton ( ill Cert 46 ! ! 1)61. Hudson ItlchiuondT'rmln'l C7 > ( I ) . L. & W do preferred 'Mh 1) . * H. O. Df 'd 51 ItloCrnnde W 21 I ) . AC. F. Co. do preferred CO KmtTeno 31Itock Island 6) Krlc. s < n < < t. 1'nill. do preferred 45 do preferred 120 Tort Wnyno 153 St. I'aul A umatiA . ' ( H. Northern pf'd. . 139 do preferred. . . . 1.1'8 0. I. A K. [ it'll 101 Southern I'nclllc. . . ' , Hocking Vnlley. . . . 23 Sugar Itoflnery. . . . I'OOH Illinois Central 101 Tonn. Conllron. . 21 K. I'uiil &lulutli. . 41 Toxns I'nclllc Knn. .ITi'JC. pf'il. . . M'ol. ill. Can. pf'd 21sa Lake Krln & Wont. . "nlon riiclllc sa Jo profcrrcil . S. Uxpruas ct : Luke Shuru W. St. 1. . & ! ' Lead Trust do preferred. . I.ouis. A Nnsli Wolla b'tinio l-p. : . l.oula. A Now Al'by Jl WentL'rn Union. . . . .Mnnhnttnn < on. . , . 143U IB Memphis , t Cli.iVn 40 do preferred . . . . 62 Mlcutirun Central. 1'Ju Minn. A ht. U 14 Missouri I'aclllc 49H I ) . , V It. ( i Mobile A , Ohio 24 ( Ipnernl Klectrlc. . . 1MT6 | Nutlannl Llnsopd. . Nntloncl Cordage , C. Fuel fi Iron. . . . HIM do preferred . , . 104 do preferred . . . . 109 N. .1. Central 117 IIoin. k'l'ci. Con. . Norfolk A W. p'til. . 31 To I. A. A. & N. M. . North AiuprlcftnCn ( tilted. The total sales of stocks todav were 335,000 shares. Including : Alcliit > on. U.OOO ; Hurllng- ton.a.lOOi Chicago Oas , 9,900 ; Delaware it Western. n.MHj ; Distilling , 0,000 ; Delaware It Hudson , 0,100 : Krlo , 0,500 : Gunor.il Electric , 4,500 : I.oulsvlllo & Nashville , 4,000 ; Manhat tan , 27.UO : ) ; Missouri Pacltlc , 0,300 ; National head , 10.800 ; National Cordage. 8,100 ; Now Knirliiud , 'J0.400 ; Ncrtliern Paclllc preferred , 13,400 ; Koadlng , 13,100 ; Ulelimond A West Point , 3.900 ; St. Paul , 2,200 ; Sugar. 28,000 ; Western Union , 16,200. Now York Money Market , NEW YOHK , April 17. MONEY ON CAM , Steady at 4 to u per cent ; lust loan , 4 ucr cent ; closed offered at 4 per cent. PUIMI : MKIICASTII.K I'At'Kii O'/JSS per cent. BTKIII.INII KXCIIANOI : Firm , with actual business In bankers' bills nt t4.60 ? * for sixty days and $4.HH' , fordemanil. ( lOVUKNMKNr Ho.Nus-Hteady. State bonds dull. dull.Tlio Tlio closing quotations on bonds : Nolca. HAVANA , April 17. EtclmnRe quiet. KANSAS CITY , Mo * April 17.-Cletxrlngs , Jl- B , April 17. Thrdo per centos , OOf COo for tlio account. Nr.w YOIIK , Aprlf ITl-Clcnrlngi , t88,443.- 700j balances , * 5OOfJ,027. OMAHA , April 17.-ClcarltiK8 , 11,100,699 ; sumo day last wcok l 1,1 , 25,703. IlAl.TlMntiE , Md.v4prll 17. flcnrltiBs , 2- 707OOHj balances , * $4 A.223. Money , 0 per cent. LONDON , April 17. Amount of bullion Rene Into the Hank of lOnglanil on uiilnnoL's today , i' 10.000. 1'iiii.uiKt.riiiA , 1'a. , April 17.-ClrarlnRs , J10-10,04'J : ! ; balances , J1H2'2,223. Money , 4i&0 } | ior cent. MEMPHIS , Tcnii. , April 17. Now York cx- chamie sellln at J1.50 promlum. Clearliisi , * 438ll'Ji balances , J173.C17. . T. Louis , MIL , April 17.-l'learlnz * . JS.lfiS- 130 ; balancestJ30,007. Money qule.1 nt 07'J per cent. KxulinnKo on Now York , OOe pro- mluiii. HOSTON , Mass. , April 17. Clearlnps , $18- 28',4CO ; balances , J2.204.8 IB. Mony , 530 iier cent. K.\chango on Now York , 174i20o dis count. Niw Olll.nANB , La. , April 17. Clearings , Jl- 432,204. New York oxchaneo , commorclal , 75c per $1,000 premium ; bunk , J1.60 per Jl.OOO premium. CIHCAOO , III. , April n.-ClearliiRS , $21,288- 2G3. Now York oxchaiiKu , Hoc premium. StorlliiK oxcliutiKo NtroiiK ! J4.H01i for sixty- day bills ; $4.8H for slpht drafts. Money closed nl 6B.7 per cont. OMAHA I.1VK STOCK M.VK1CKTS. Itccelpls I.tlirrnl nntl u ( looil Uoinnnil 1'ro- vnllcil Tor All l.liifs. MONPAV , April 17. Rocolpts of all klndi today , whllo by no means oxcosilve , were considerably heavier than a week ngci. There were nearly a thou- Hand moro cattle hero than on last Monday , but notwithstanding that fnct the market was active and stronger on everything In the cattle line that was at all useful. The proportion of good heavy cattle was bomcwhat moro liberal - oral than usual , and with eastern mar kets stronger and a good demand both from local and eastern dressed beef homes and speculative shippers this class of cattle developed considerable strength and In many cases sold 5c to 10. : hljzlior than Sat urday , sains of KOHII to choice 1,251) to 1,500-1 h. steers , bolnc miide at from ? 4.75 to $5.20. The fair to ( 'ood 1,000 to l,20i-lb. ) steers at from J4.33 to St.i'ifi were fully steady at last week's closing prices , while the common lltlit sttllT and odds and ends at from $4.25 down to | : ) .H5 were fully as high as at any time recently. Tliero was n peed active movement frc > m start to finish and the noon hour found about ovcry- thliiK out of llrst. hands. In proportion to the total receipts the supply of cows was .small , not much1 ever a do/en loads. Trade was brisk nnd prices avoraned n shade ( inner all around. Kxtrcmo .sales of pnortoprlmo cows and heifers were at from $1.90 to4.25 , with the bli ; bulk of the fair to good cows and holfors sellliiK at $3 and better. Hulls , o.xon and Btags sold a shade firmer at from $2.40 to $4. Calves wore about steady , common lar o to choice veal stock selling at from $2.75 to $5.50. Tliero wus a fairly active trade In stockers and feeders and prices were well maintained on nil grades. Irosh offerings were rather liberal , Including over 400 westerns. Country buyers took hold fairly well , but regular dealers were tlio principal buyers. Hales out if llrst hands were at from $3.55 to J4.25 with ho westerns mostly at ever $4. Represent ative sales : Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. . 097 85 0 . 1158 M45 . 8T7 4 00 18 . 1181 450 . 5)00 ) 4 00 40 . , 1030 4f.O . 8T)0 4 00 10 . , 1151 450 . 7C2 4 11 . 1005 450 . 920 4 40 . , 1233 450 . 9(54 ( 4 15 8 . , 1215 450 .1031 4 ai 20 . , 1051 455 .1120 4 25 44 . 930 4 GO .1190 4 125 ,17 . , 1218 400 .1051 4 35 19 . , 1122 400 .1285 25 42 " " 1205 400 .1044 30 1112 400 . 1137 80 5 . 122-1 400 . 010 4 80 41 . , 1185 4G5 .1033 35' 43 . , 1170 405 .1042 40 17 . , 1203 475 . 032 40 44 . , 1240 475 .1278 40 4 . 1377 475 .1220 40 23 . , 1155 475- .1150 40 18 . 1350 500 .1038 40 20 . 1340 500 .1039 45 18 . 1538 520 .10-11 4 45 SII11T1XO AND EXPOHT. .1392 4 30 15. .1315 4 95 .1270 4 50 19 1418 500 .1213 4 05 40 1454 500 .18T.1 475 10 1384 510 .1301 4 80 70 1400 520 .13(7 ( 487 MIXED. 903 4 25 18 11CO 470 cows. 0 913 1 00 920 275 11-15 8(10 1010 300 aio 00 11(11 ( iiOO uro a oo tX)4 ) aor > C'JO air. 815 a 25 ese a 25 10SO 325 10C2 385 1130 835 1143 840 1004 850 mo 850 844 300 1U03 300 1210 870 11CO 8 TO 1079 870 1100 400 8TO 850 74(1 ( 805 COO 370 742 385 1125 405 1120 425 140 500 100 600 120 550 115 550 1570 200 141K ) 290 1870 800 14SO d5 1400 325 1810 3 25 15SO 825 10 JO 825 ,1520 , 835 1400 3 50 1410 850 1470 4 00 550 375 720 875 f,00 880 937 890 8SO 8 IK ) r > o. G'Jl ' 3 li.1 ' ] S- 8-14 895 14. 5(15 ( 8 70 7. 924 400 IU. 553 370 1. 030 400 0. 514 3 70 115. 950 400 i CATTI.i : . 103 feeders 1 1205 425 COLOIUDO CATTLE. 0 feeders 10T9 325 144 feeders 1003 400 ! steers , hay fed ; . ' . . ' 1 lf > 7 4 25 1'Jl ' feeders 1035 4 10 2 feeders 8U5 410 Hotis The fiosh supply was the heaviest so fur this year for a .Monday. The quality as a rule was very fair , the ho s running largely to barrows of medium weight. Eastern markets were demoralized , hut with a go.xl demand from all sources and only a moderate supply on snlo thu trade liiirly active through out with prices not over lOc lower than Satur day. Tin ) r.inge of prices was comparatively narrow trom * G.7& and ib.nu for en ion light and inlM'il packing grndex to J7 for cliolce heavy loads . The big hulk of tlie fair to good hogs of all weights , liouevei- , Mild at fii.bd and } ii.'JO as against * G.'j5 and * 7.)0 Saliuday and 40.7O toiti.BOnn last.Muntlay. Uopi No. Av. Sh. Pr. _ No. Av. Sh. I'r. 5J. . .2IM 40 { 090 IJMX ! ; ; ) r. ols 4U. . .V J1 4(1 ( OIK ) : tj.'i\ \ ; ) 40 ti A 11. . 0 240 0 IK ) . . . . ' . ! 060 T3. . . .v > 120 OIK ) . . . . . 40 0 SO 68 . . .843 120 000 1..270 tt FO 70 , . . , SK ; ) 40 OIK ) 75..215 120 0 M " ' ' 200 OPO 69..2M 820 0 SO co.'arii ! ICO ( UK ) . . . .raw 0 80 OIK ) 59..SIM 40 0 SO osiliiiaii 40 OIK ) 0..231 II SO rn..2iJ4 80 OIK ) 10..2JV , C 80 M..837 OPO , , , , ! | 0 bO 77.a : > y 100 OIK ) 14..210 OSO 45..S.VJ CCO 18..2.M 0 80 71. . . .270 80 0921 $ 59..220 ICO 0 80 11S..8W : OP2 > 4 T3..203 IfOW 0 85 71..828 120 OWij 01. . . .270 W ) 0 85 73..2CO 095 07..254 80 0 85 ( V4..2SO OP5 CO..248 240 0 85 79.15 240 OP5 7iJ..80i : 100 0 85 OS..243 bO OP5 0-1..240 40 0 85 120 OP5 89..2.T3 80 085 ! ! ! ! 40 700 07..251 240 0 87 > < 04..271 80 700 CO..241 0 PO 1'lns AXC itOVOlt. I..RSO a no 4..4i'pO 200 CM 1..24I ) 400 1..2CO 40 OM 15. . . . 147 80 OIK ) Piinni1 V'otir loads worn refolvcd , of wlili-h only three wcru olTered for sale , one heliiu hilled direct to n loral Ulllor. llverytliincvold hlKh , IniyiTs heliiK iinvlom I'lunm'li for Ihn stock to pay rlnht up CO | D to I'lilraKo prlren for tlii'iii. Western wethers , nveniKliiK HID lls. , liiotialit tr > .M ) ; Mime 81-11) . Mexican year- HIIB * . * 5.4O , and lamlis , botli natl\e and west ern , $ r > . Tin1 demand Is very active. It has npvor licen nuire indent than at iire.scnt , nnd If the sheet ) are In the country tills Is when1 to ship them. Prices are ( | iintalily all of a dime- higher than last week. 1'ulr to coed natives , M.OOilD.OU ; fair to Rood westerns , f3.7DUu.rjO : common mil stock Micop , ? 2.r > OTl4.U > ; L-IKM ! tocliolce 40 to lOO-lb. lambs , $4.&OtiU.25. Hop- resi-iitiitlvc sales : No. Av. Pr. 211 Mexican yearlings 81 J5 40 171 western wethers lO'.t 5 50 47 native lambs 08 COO 239 Mexican lambs 01 0 00 ICorelpt * anil lllipnMtlnn of Mock. Ofllclal recolnts and disposition of stock as shown by the hooks of the Union Stock Yards company for the forly-el ht hours ending at D o'clock p. in. , April 17 , 1803. IIKCKIl'TS , DISI'IHITION . ie.'iBii l.lvo Stoelt .Miirld't. , 111. , April 17. The KvenliiK Jour nal reports : I'ATTi.i : Kecelpts. 14,000 brad : slilpment" , 4,000 head ; market strong to a trlllo hlilier ; prime steers , t.-i.fiOQG.OO ; others. $4.30S5.30j Tuns , urass , $2.0(1 ( ; cows , 42.0033. HO. Hoos-Keeelpts , 2'J,000 head ; shipments , 1,000 bead ; market 20S23i' lower ; mixed. $0.90517.10 ; heavy , 57.10&7.25 ; light , I5.G05S HIIKKI > Kocclpts 000 head ; Ehlpments , 000 head ; market active , strong ; native ewes , J4.80S5.25 ; mixed , J5.00ft5.50 ; western' . , strotiK to 10i lilclier ; native lambs , $5.75 ® 0.03 ; wethers , 85.35Q5.75 ; Texaus , 84.COS4 ( 'lt.v l.lvo Mock Market. KANSAB CITY , -Mo. , April 17. CATTI.K Hn- celits , 3,000 head ; shipments , 3,300 liead. ! teors generally steady to strong ; , > S < 10o higher ; cows steady ; Texas and Indian e.attlo strong to 5r higher ; stockers - ers and feeders dull , the best lioliiR steady and poor ; stocliers weak and lower mil neglected. Dressed beef and hhlpplnt ; Rteor . $3.joa5.05 ; Texas and Indian Moors , $2.00a4.2.v i-o s ami heifers , $2.0oai.l5 ; stockers and feeders , 41. 76ft$4. 70. I lees HeeeIts.tilO | : ( ) lieadslilnmpnts,2SOn ; ; lead ; market l."ii.2.V ( lower ; ranKefU.50S,7.10 ; bulk , ifi.HOHO.Uo. HIIIII'ISeceipts : : , 5,400 head ; sliiments. | COO lead ; market les'j active , yet prices were steady to strong. _ St. I , mm l.ivo Stock .Mnrkpt. PT. I.ouis , Mo. , Anill 17. CATTI.I : Receipts. )00 ) head ; shlpnients , 100 head ; market tinner , very few natives on sale ; fair to coed would britiR $3.25ft4.75 ; choloe , t4.H02l5.10 ; fed Texas steers sold at $3.onat.OO. IlOOS Krculptx , 4,100 liead ; shipments. 100 icad ; heavy , $0.70167. 1U ; packing , $ G.40a G.90 ; llRlit , $0.50iG.HO. ( SlIEEl' Kecelpts , 2,100 head ; shipments , lone , The supjily was mostly clipped Texans , which brought # 1.70. o D. IJ KIIAZEE , II. D. IIOOCIE r. , JAS P noonesi. 1'roa , VIce I'res Kocy JcTrou HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Capital $2 : > .000 ; Omaha unil Sioux City. Grain and Provisions Railroad Stocks and Bonds. PRIVATE WlHEi Room 212 U ! Life Mding OMAHA , S : Iowa State National Hank , Sioux City ; Couimurclal National Hank. Umuna. Special attention given to outsldo orderss Corresponuonuo sollcltoJ Hoportcd at tlio Health Ofllce. Diphtheria Is reported at the Walnut II111 railway station. Births Son , Mr. anil Mrs. .lames Akrlca , Twelfth and I'ieruo ; daughter , Mr. and Mrs. John Jiclcoy , Sixteenth and Marthason ; , Mr. and Mrs. John Ilollingworth , 1410 Jackson ; son Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilson , Eleventh and Clnrk ; daughter , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Daly. 1523 North Eighteenth ; 'daughter ' , Mr. and Mrs. U A. ISrandhoefcr , 2710 Urlstol ; daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Koseberg , 4010 Ohio. Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will cure tliciu. City Hull Opening. The grand opening of the city hall will not take place until the building has been en tirely completed and accented by the city from Contractor Coots. This will delay the opening until about the first of Juno , as thu structure will not ho in readiness to uo turned over to the city until the latter part of next month. DlHCiissed th Labor OiH'sti'in. The Omaha Ministerial association mot at ICount/o Memorial church yesterday in A "FI.OWCUY" MECTINQ Society In Carlsbad ia up early in tlio morning. TlioVntejs , as well as the Carlsbad Sprmk'l Halt , net best when taken very on rly in the inurniiiK. before lircnkfnst. Tlio Waters of Carlsbad , ns well us tlio Spntdcl ftolt , nro of great bonellt in IfnbiUinl Crnclipatinn. Cbronio Catarrh of the .Stomach , 1'y.spepnia , Liver dial Kidney troubM. ! You can increase- I tlio notion of the water b.- adding n liltlu of the Spnulol Salt to it. Obtain the Ht'jniiiu' , which must lii\o ; tlio fiinaturo ( ( , t' " liicniT fc > rciJili-lsr.l Co. , .igClltS , York , " on every botbf which the labor qiiestion was dfsctmcil txt loiifith Hov C .1. Powell of the llillsdalo C'onprPiKitlonnl chum h road an interesting paper on the stibipct and other ministers Joined in the dlsaisMim tlmt followed. It was the general expression tli.it a social crisis was fast growing otitof the differi-ncos between capital and moor and that the only key to thodinicuity was to bo found In the golden rule. Accused of Itolibrrv. "Shorty" Powers , arrested for lighting Saturday night , was Identified by Jnmes Owens , the Iowa farmer from Olen- wood , as the party who had relieved him of his loose cash nnd watch and chain at the United States hotel on Tenth and Doug las streets last Thursday evening. Powers stated that Owens had applied for lodplngs at the house and , being badly intoxicated , himself and a com panion of his , Dan Collins , hml taken pity on the farmer and gently laid him down for a peaceful night's repose. if ho had committed the deed , he said , ho would have left town Immediately as he had read a full account of It next day In Tin : HUE. Not taking his departure from the city when he knew that ho was wanted , he opined , was a point in his favor. Til El' 0/1 A" T KSCAPL' . ihe liver when nctivo lit the watch-do of the system the destroyer of perms tnul impuri ties. Die truth Is : ninetv-iiine out of every hundred din-uses bepin with a sliiL lsh liver. A Blight cold or chill may amount to something serious. If you correct the liver you'll cure the cold. Dr. Plerce's Pleasant Pel lets rouse the liver to vigor ous action. After dinner , if you're bilious , take one of these tiny , siiL'nr-coated relicts. Take them when you have wind or pain in stomach , giddiness , full ness , loss of appetite , or when you suffer fVotn cos- tivcness , indigestion , sicker or bilious headaches. The makers tnke the risk of their beliclltiiiK you. If they're not satist'ar-tory , your money Is refunded. Can you ask more ? Every Month many women mlTcr from Bxccnlve or Stunt Minitruktlan ) they don't know who to confide In to get proper * dvlca , Don't confide In anybody but try EradflelcTo ft Spaclflo lor PAINFUL , PROFUSE. SCANTY , SUPPRESSED nnd IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. Hook to "WOMAN" mailed frtt. DRADFICLD REGULATOR CO. , AtlinU , Oa. Hold by all DriiBtlilt. 01 * T Troth odtr < 'ifin mortvtu NIMI ones i. rml f for oin mtiii < > ilaT ivrfort ill guir J.RlBii lU'il I'llor , Pnxtou lllooU * 10thiiiiill'nriiuiu Strooti , iievMur : on lull St. 'IVipp'iono ' , m HUINii Tills ! WITH \ \ > V SOUTH OAfA/TA. Union Stock Yards Company , Sou tli flest Cnttlo llo niul s nuri-n in th wei > . CQMIV.IS3I3N Wood Brothers , Mvo Hloi-k Commission Murehunt * Po ith cniali i ToU'p'ion IIV Cblaii ; ) JOHN I ) HUM-MAN. I , Vt Al.'l'lill L W 'Ii ' ) , i ' Mnr kct : t > . i ' , 11 . i 11 . . < 111. ' i ' . , . t'l I i' lt > lhiiti aml' . r.rnin.ilfiir * t" ill ! out tln'lr collci'llon. Ifnnj Inn. ull > , , ll , mitt ur rum.us A'ni'l'n'.m or Inn-lull coin. , ; mi , ili , nut iln | > ne oi tliem until joti lm\e reail tliu Coin Collector's Hornlcl , „ . . wlni'li vnu ran ntit.iln n'liahlo Inlnniiiitlnn nl ttivlr rnliK1 nihl nmv tn < llsin | i > nf tlii'iu. Some coins if , i utitv n li-w yrurs UKO soil ut u larire pri'tiiliun. lli 'lii'st prices recently I'.iUt lur t'ertalii old coins. 1-2 Cents , . * 110. Conti , . $ .W. 1-2 Dimes , . ' . Dimes , . . . M. Quarter * , 170. 1-2 llollnm , Doll.ira , . . . STO. UoM lnllnr , IS. UoMlM-'JDul ( InKKlDoll.iM f.M. Cnlil B liul'ri , . WORTH SI50O. ( InM 10 Doll.irs , . . . 00. C'liiiiiillnn Colin , It certainly will ] iny you to keep poMeil In thu new aiut rniiiilly Incrcn lng business. , mjilii copy , one Dime ( none Jin ) . W cents per niinum. ' " Coin Collector's Herald , . . . Boston , Mass "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR ° GAIN. " MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES BiaESTIDIiE AND OTTnmoua -DEBT AND OOE8 FARTHI-ST- ) Thn Kxqii'slU ' ) Natural Flavor is Fully DoYalopod. No VanJJIa Used to Cover loJcrlority and ImpcrfccUon. tt & SONS. S1\JOSBPII , MISSOURI. Headquarters for i T Write us for prices on Whiskies both in bond and tax paid. \VE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE WEST. PROTECT AND IMPROVE YOI3I ! SIGHT. Spectacles and Eyeglasses Arc the Beat. .EYES TESTED FREE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. F.PONDER , Mgr. QMS OPTICAL 09 , , 222 S. IGthSt. " ? " OMAHA Manufacturers' and BOOTS AND SHOES. MorsaCoe Shoe Company , Salesroom and OHIoo1107110:11111 : llonnr.l # 1. llownrd St. rncturyIHVII2II1U ' . M inufii'turen of Hoots unil \\'u nro tinOM.V plioesln tliontcitoof .Nebrank i. A ui'iicrul Invltnllon Is ottend fil to nil to Inspect our new luctury. Kirkendall , Jonas & Amor. Hand-Sev/ad / COMPANY. Wliole le SHI1 ) ! : CO. . boott.ilioii mfrfl. adonis lluiion and rubti.T uoij'li , HJi * llubber Shoa co III- ! UIU llurnoy it. llUI-llUlIliirnojr 8t. can , cm. CORNICE. Omaha Coal , Goto & EaglsCornto Works UMtf Co , li'int nmUufi Mfrii. uilvnuUol ( run roal. s K < 'Or. lUlh mil uornlc' ' . HlndoMT oipi , IJliUk'lllI ) SIS , mclnlllD ! iTlitlit | , uto. IliU-lirj U'jiUJMt. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Co , , Kilpatricl-Kocl Dry ( JOO.'H CO , lirr Kooili , nolloni , fur- NotloiK. itunti' ( arnlirt- nlihliu KUU > | > , cjnur las oiili.or. llti : ual Illli anil It.innr , ! .its llurn jy all. FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering Be3b33 & Runyan CO. , upltuUtnrol furnl * rUUNITUitJ CO. , Uiaca lure , IIJJ HJl Nichouj 6U WllUlOIRl * UUIJ. auJiatUit * . HARDWARE Rector & Wilhelmy Lob33l & Line , COMPANY , Donirm In haritirarA 1 1 Corner 101K nivi iiaule.1) ' to'jlf at.ujli. . Jt. HATS , ETJ , IRON WORK ) . W.A.L.Giliban&C ) . Omaha Safe anllrji U'liolosald \VOIlKtt. Ilatn , CAM ) < Htr.t * ifo > 1 * . Snfai , vault ! . Jail work , elort' . " . niltturu , * ti : Irun"Million ami tttt at ftnd llarnoy sis. c.ipui. Ainlraju A < J r- in 1 , Ktli nnd JaotJUi LUMBER. John A. Charles R. L33 , lni | > ortorlAimtrlcanl'ort- .iim'jsr. land oin mt.Mll .tii- ant ptrqaj keocumunt anJJulno/ tluortnjf , wUttollrro. Dili anil IJoujUi. LIQUOR. L _ MILLINERf. Frick & Harbsft , I. Obsrfaldar & Co IniportJri an ! Jobber * \Vbolpaalo hi uorde lori of millinery , notion * . AIM ! orilors proiu.iblf 1001 Knrnam s\ \ . i. 11 III dt. PAPER. OILS. Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. , Carry a full rluf't of printing , wrapping ami lletlnotl ana lubtlcatUr nrlllim iiaptTi , curJ uaper , nta. oil * , aile k'teaio , otJ i CDM.nl3JI3l. Branch & Co , , Jas. A. Clark & Cx , Produce , frulti of all lluttor. cheats , ejfi. puuliry uuj Kama , kliid , nj ter ) . SI. H. IJtllil. . STOVE REAI1J. 1 SASH. 01)1 Omaha Stova Repilr M. A. DlJbnw & Cs \V < > IIK , iluvo repilr * Mnnufneturtrt o ( lath and water uttaolunonH doori , bllndi and for any kluil of ntuvj luuutainKi , br uohuC uad , lAlt Uuu liu ot Uc , Ult oJ Uird.