Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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New Preabjtcriftn Hospital Begins Its Work
of TJsofulnoM ,
incnurnp | < l tij I'rtnl Sitcc the Institu
tion Kilter * n llrua.lcr Mrlil-tlory
if ! ( Origin , Miifcr ntul
The new Pri-sliytcdaii hospital , locntwl oil
North Tliirtt't'iith strvct , between C.ipltol
aveiiuo mid DIHIKO street \\as llimwii open
to the inspection uf the public S.Unulii } , anil
all tluj lotiK' crowds of peopleIllleil the rooms ,
vurtls mid I'otrlctura.
Thu liiiUfi of the dlffoicnt I'icsli.v
hurvlies of tinilt.v . took tin unusual littor-
cat In the c'ciemoiilcs , not only i > i lomUni
their piescnee , but oj serving illiiiier.ind
4U ] > | Hr ! In the sp.ielous dlnliifr rooms of the
establishment , both of Milled mciils wcie
eleeniit In uverj detail niid p.u taken of bj
a \asl multltud. of business men .tiul fi lends
of tlio churches
This hospital is the outgrowth of the ef
forts of the I'resti tcilan chmvhes of the
olty of Omaha , aided by the untiring work
of the pastors and their lUx'ks ,
As long ape as August , 1SVK ) , tholiastois of
the eltj called the attention of the members
of their chuichi's to the fact that there was
room for another hospital In Omaha , and a
few weeks thereafter tlio charitable liibll-
tutlon was established in nno of the \aiant
icsldenets in Konnt/o Pl.ico A few beds
vvcro put into 'he bullaiiij : and a mation put
in charne of the plate 1 he plan was a suc
cessful one and luun its \er > inception the
Piesbiteiian hospital btcanio popular
with tlio masses Last I'obiuarj it
became appaient the < iuaiters
then occupied were not suflleicntlj
larKO to ai'Lomtnodatu the patrons of ihe in-
slilulloti and the trustee s commenced look-
In about for a moie suitable Imilcliiij ; in amore
moro suitable location Tlic1 old IXrbi lintel.
a line four storj bncK buihliii/ , was V.H ml
and for rent The local Inn of the building
was cvt'O thluj ; that could bo dcslied and
without iiiii di-l.i.v a live \ear lease was
made Hwasneir the business center of
Hiecltj , IMS.V of .uciss ami splendidly situ
atcd for an ei' . As soon us
the building was bccuied a fotccof workmen
vvcie put to vvoHi tiMiitiK out p irtlttons and
rcmoucliiii , ' tne inte. ior , Impiov in'/ the i > ini-
tarv condition and vontiUtinj , ' the rooms
'iesterdaj when the public inspected the
Institution It found one of the n.ost complete
hospitals in tlio west , with pi hate rooms
and public wards 'ihe basumunt is occu
pied b\ the laundr.v and the heatiiiL' appar
atus , together with the htoiawe looms On
the second llooi ate the looms which have
been endowed bj the ICnox , Westminster ,
and the Fust 1'iesbjtenon churilie : . and
Mrs Marfiatet Kcnedy Tliclhiul lloor has
a I.UKO opei.itini ; loom and looms furnished
by the Castellar and Second chinch of this
city and the I'icsbiteiian chuich of To-
On the fourth floor the arranin-mcnl is
piaetlcall tlio same , with the CM option
that there Is no operating room On this
lloor thete are rooms fninished hi the
Junior Order of Ameiican Mechanics , the
Soutnwest I'rcsbjtc'ii in chuuh , tlioVo t-
nilnster biblcilass and Miss iiiacKen At
this time theie are but seven looms In the
entire building remaining unfurnldicil , but
for most of tin se tbo fuinituro has been pur
chased and will bo placed during the next
few dajsVhen this woik is completed the
hospital will h ive a capauti for caring foi
soventj-l\\o \ patients
The \\oikiiiK force of the hospital com
prises the following poisons Mis ( } H
Brown , matron , Misa Alice Bennett , head
nursoj Mliss Alice Jones , assistant head
nurse ; Miss Ada Whalen. night muse ,
Misses Anna Melotz and F M Sp.tuluing.
probationers , with Henry Olevo iis male
The trustees of the Institution ateC' A
Starr. Colonel Ohailes Hlid , / T Limlsov.
L , . U. Williams , K. McClelland. G W Hcr-
vcy , William H Urummond , J C Uenlse ,
M D. , Harry Uiwlie , J L Welshans. Alex
ander Charlcton , W. C McLean. H. M
James , Frank Ivoze , O H Uallou , with a
band of auxlllit woikeis ofllceied as fol
lows : Mrs George Tilden. president : Mrs.
John Goidon and Mis lnibolco presi
dents ; Mis Henry , secrotaij , Mrs I' . L
Perino ,
Adopting a liberal minded plan the trus
tees ha\o decided that the question of ic-
llglous faith shall no\cr bo asked of an
applicant for admission Money birs no
unfortunate , as the rich and the poor will be
treated alike , though It Is supposed that If
an Inmate U financial ! } able , no or she will
pay a. small sum for the medical treatment
and for the nuislng
Determined iilcirt : on Tout to Clout ! tlie Sn-
loom on Sitmlii } * .
Major Walker will be confrontrd with the
Sunuay saloon closing question early in Ins
official term. At the meeting of the cltj
coancll to bo held this evening voluminous
petitions will bo presented , pi.iviiu for the
enforcement of the Slocum law , both in let
tcr and In spirit Committees from the tern
peranco organizations of the city waited
upon the congregations of the various
churches at the close of the Sumhu motnini ?
norvlccs , and secured the slgnatmcs of the
Church going people , both men and women ,
urging that Immediate action bo taken toc-n-
foie the law as It exists Xotonli chinch mem
bers , but scoies of older loNlngand law abid
ing citizens outside the chuit lies , aiesl nlng
the petitions , which are ( ouchid In tespoct-
ful but linn language , and it is said tlio
nainca of a few of the innio respectable pro
prletors of drinking places .ippc nr on the
It Is understood , or at least currently re
ported , that the major and i Ity council
stand rcadj to close the saloons on Sundaj if
backed bj the sentiment of the community
l.ii t tn Km Alonr.
The attuitlon of the authorities has been
called to a rather peculiar case of neglect of
a poor man who has been stek ! for two weeks
in the basement of the Jem IK'o building on
Twentj llfth street near N It Is stated that
Chief liicnnan w is notified of the CM so Our
jnp his tcim , but fioin some cause no action
was takt n 'I he sick man has passed through
a regular siege of pne'inior > ia , with llttlci or
nocare 'Jbeownerof the premises lius in
a back room of tlic building , vvhli h for the
most part Is vacant , but claims ho did not
know thcio was a sick In the house
Tlio patient was \lsited Saturday bv Dr
Hurwlck and was suit to the hospital ios
\\IIH Not tilt Ili'vencr.
C , C Htanlev and U O May lie Id haveio-
tnrned from their loxasouting J T. Smith
who accompanied them , remilnol at Hous
ton and will probibly put in an olcctilo light
plant thcio Mr Stanlej siy that G.ilvos-
ton Is not attractive as It is owned by a few
rich men who don t want anv one else there ,
but that Houston U an jnUtlng city Tin
partv hid a rather serious uxpcilenco at
Houston wheio they weio poisoned by drink'
Ing water Into \.hli h a quantity of paint had
been deposited Stanley and Smith wcro 111
for n daor two from tlio effects of I hi
poison but M ufield uldn t drink enough ol
th3 water to hurt him.
U'lint n llii < | iititl ,
Tlio feasibility of organizing n board n
health und employing a city physician h
being discussed by progressive citizens whi
see In the rapid growth of this city tin
neccsslt > for morn stringent sinltnry rcgula
lions In this connection the grout need of :
locil hospital U the subject of thought ant
conversation on the parl of the churches ant
humanitarians of the city I'rogrcsslvi
cltUcnsMp Is what makes a city li
mailers of health and oomfort as well as li
business enterprise
M EIC City < io li. |
Kosters has gene to Chicago on i
i trip
From nftlclnl sources It leirncd that tin
occupation ordinance , having served Us pur
pose , will uo 10 modified as to dispense will
the tax on nil butlncas associations , cicop
that of ftatoon Vrcplnc and the tea on the
latter will loduccd one hii'.f- that Is from
f X ) to | IM (
Kx City Troasurrr Thomas Geary , Is rushIng -
Ing up a neat cottage on his lots at Twenty *
Mxtli and I" slieeti. which will bo occupied
by Mr. Carey , the man who was burned out
two weeks ago.
A meeting of the Trl city league , com
posed of the 1'pworth leagues of Omaha ,
South Omaha and Council Hluffs , will beheld
held at the Hanscom Park Melhodlst
church next Tuesdaj Miss Nora Snider ,
Mrs James A. Sliver anl Mis ? Lou
Krlon have been selected as delegates
from thoSoulh Omaha league A fe.iturc of
the meeting will bo a contest of dclcgales
for supremacj as expounders of the Metho
dist discipline to bo conducted on tlio old-
fashioned spelling plan miss a question and
\V I Sd | | \ | Club McinbcTH do
Alter the ( It } ' Attornrj ,
The West Sldeis were out Saturday oxen-
Ing to express their Indignation , Tllej had
for se\eral dajs been keeping their c.\o
upon W J Council , who was loristutctlng a around a fortv-acre tract of giound be
longing to him at Tortj-second and Lea\en-
worth stieets , and when lbc\\ saw Ins men
s > tietihingbarb wile fioin post to post Ihoy
thought It was time to piotesl 'J he mem
bers of the West Side lmplo\ement dub ,
theiefoie , assembled at Hlobler's hall at
Tortj-fourth and Leaxenwotth streets Sat-
uiday c\cning to take action upon the mat-
tor.The Hist thing In order was the election of
oftlcers for the ensuing \oir The election
H'sulted as follows Ur I' Sihwenk , presi
dent : William Staik and J F Segerlco
piesldents : A T Mcl'licison. secietarv ,
and II A Drumm. tieasurci Then came a
red hot resolution diuvted agalnsl Mr Con-
nt'll , the substam c oT wliic-h was that he had
\lolated a c'lty oidlnamo In constructing a
bail ) wire fence around the enclosure In
question and that he was tlicieforo not a
proper pel son to ail as ilt > atlotnty Tbo
icsolullon also called upon the major for
he lemoval of Mr Council fiom his ofllcl il
HjsUUm aud asked him to substitute' in his
.il.ue borne one who would not only enfoico
the laws , but would obej them huusolf
'Ihis resolution was discussed at some
ttmth bj the memlii'is of the club and
.Inallj . udotilrd bj aote which was prac-
.Icalh unanimous , August C.ustcns being
the onlj one u do spoke and \otcd against it
Hut this was not all that the chib bad in
stoic lor Mr Council Some time since an
.inhn.ince was passed pioUding for the
> a\oing ol Le.aenworth sticct from
I'oitietb to i'ortsilh a\enue 'I his would
; iciessitatc the e\pencliuie < pf a huge sum of
inonej bj Mi C'onncll as this fml.acic .
trait abuts upon that ] 01 lion of the sticct
which U is proposi d to pa\p The club now
'onlciids that he is woil.lng foi the of
siicl ot.linane e ami lesohcd to appear ncfoio
the citco'incll next Tues laj evening in a
Liodj and set foi th their objections to the
lepealmg ordinance ' 1 hej allej'e that Mr
Council is nntonlj seeking to evade the paj-
cnt of his piopei share of ta\es bj ba\lng
his land assessed as farm piopertj , but also
stands in the uaj of public' improvements by
opposing the painir of Le.uenworth street
and thus tne\ents an extension of the sticet
lailwnv sjstem Thedeelar" thai it is not
lghl tliat a citi/di high In authoiit } should
take achant.ige of bU olllc position to iu-
lnepco legislation and to oxeiiido the
wishes of a l > odj of citizens whom ho should
sun o.
. .i.VNoi'.vU.N rs.
BobbGajlor in "Sport McAllister" at
he r.irnam till and including Wednesday ,
i\Ith music and ourlesque comcdj galoio.
The Lost Paradise. " one of the best plays
.if the lale llcnij C IJe Milie will be pre
sented at the Uojd this cxenlng by one of
hailes rrohnuin's New York companies.
t Is a human , hoiuc-llko plaj c\er.vbodv
.hould . sec , one of those jilajs that elevate
he onlooker II is principillj a love stoiy ,
; ind llio cucstion | of the daj , the supre-
nac-j of capital or labor , Is Iho slrong Ibrcad
upon w lib h the peails of the tender passion
no strung 'I he conllict u"lwocn workingmen -
men and omolojeis is stnnkinglj incturcd
In one of the scenes and the subject is so
ilcluutclj and withal so ugorously pre
sented that offense to either class is not oven
Colored Champion I 'eter Jackson and the
ling lenowned Kit sou li\ies will be seen at
the 1'ainam Thuisvlaj evening In what is
> lid to be the most sumptuous presentation
rjf " 'loin's Cabin" ' .
"JJnclo scon in rccontj'exrs.
Tho'San 1'iancisco piess max bo favoranlj1
picjudiced , bul it sajs the nicest things
about the acting of the plaj.
'The Upper Hand , " with a strong cast
and well staged , is put before the patrons of
the Bijou todaj and will continue all week
Litllo Saia. the "Infant phenom . "assumes a
paitandls sure lo dance licisclf into the
hearts of all.
Lewis Moil icon's gicit production of
Faust' comes totho Uojd next week.
The event thai will oxeish idow all others
this week is the coming of Padetowski The
people of Omaha owe some gralitudo lo
Iho gentlemen who put up the guaranty
thai insuied his appearance in Omaha
And Oniaha Is to ! ) < favored on Wednesday
exemngat Uojds wi'h the best piogram In
Illogical pianist's ipperniio.
Comment on the pi ij ing of this truly great
ai list Is about exhausted 'Ibeio certainly
is nothing new to sa.v No matter w hat maybe
bo said or written about Mr. Paderow ski's
pl.uingbj those ti ho can make distinct ions
it all comes back to the same point the soul
of his woik is his command of a singing tone ,
wrote the New Yoik Times critic some
monlhsngo Tills is thoseciol of all high
iiibtiuiucntel porfoimancc Wo may speak
as enthusiastically ah wo will of this or that
placet's intellectuality or of his deep fool
ing , bul we unow all Ihe Hum that they are
not adequateh ie\ealed tons unless the vocal
chaiacter of Iho ulteianco Is unbroken
from beginning to end Tbls il Is which pniformanco that peculiar
fasclnallon which coriesponds lo Iho dia-
maile illusion of tdo st.if-e. Hero is wheio
Padercwski liliimphs His command of
technique is so lemaikablo maltcr
how dlnicnlt the passage under his lingers ,
ho Is able ; o plaj It w th a perfect preserva
tion of Ihoocal Illusion Passages whicii
could not be sung sound as if Ihojwcro sing
able and as if the piano wnu binding Ihem
They are so full of gentle and exquisite gra
dations of totu-h thai they do not seem to
come fiom an instrument whoso vibrations
are caused In blows , but rather fiom one
possessed of vocal chords set in motion nj
the soft carcbs of bicath.
'I lut XV orld'H 1'iilr
Cannot remain sin h without the blooming
look and radiant complexion which hc.illh
alone Imparts Parks tea , by clearing ihu
blood of impmilii's , nukes llio complexion
icg.un tin ) due of joiith All druggisls. In liiillii-Mlinr ) ; und Itiitiirn ,
This Is HID nito which \V. II. Grcon
makes on liis tliird uxutiraion , wliiuh
hturts on Tuu-iday IStli nt :1.1 : n. in. , via
the Unlun [ 'ucitlo. \Uitto the Kleo-
Irii ! City ol Xobnisku will jmy you.
Heal estate Is slow everywhere elbf ,
but III Ciotlic-iibur It has tin elect
inoxuiiieiit. *
Von can t-euiiie tickets only from
\V. II. O'ISHK.V ,
217 Kurlmuh block , Omalui.
n t'liciin.
A dental ollico in Omulia , Nob. Ad-
dros.s ICr ' , Itco ollice > .
Sco the colobratfil Solnnor plnm at
Ford k Clmrlteiii Music , C.i. , ISOS l ) , J'j
Eggon & Bock Mny Not Erect the Federal
Building After All ,
An Krror of the ( Irnnlto Cumpnnjr Itr-
piiiinlblo for the Mlntllko They
I'lunro Too Io\r null
Now llnck Out.
According to present indications the con
tract of Uggcrs& Hock tbeonstrucltlio biick
and stone work of tlio now federal building
In Omaha wilt have to bo given up and iclcl
to some other linn. This is Ihrough no fault
of the South Omalia contractors bul Is due
lo circumstances over xvhlch thov had no
The pi Imary reason for the abandonment
of the contract was the of the Sjnitc
Gianitccompinj lo ratify the verbal con-
tiact which Ihuy had nude wllh I'ggera &
Hock and upon which Iho bid of llio latter
llrm was bised. The bid was upon red Mis
souri gr.inito and the granite company sent
a man lo llguro on Die piico at xvhlch Ihej
would furnish the mateiiai to Uggeis X
Aller the latter had obtained the contract
for the work Mr Kggeis went to St IxMiis
vvilh his allornoj lo sUn the c-ontracl for
the granite at the price previously agreed teAt
At llrst the gi.initc company w.xnlcd to post
pone Iho signing of Ihe cimtiacl on the pre-
lenso that their piesidentvas oul of Iho
cltj , but.tlnallj admlltcd that their man had
made a mistake of fiom j.WOOO to s 'illHl ) ) ) ,
and ll'tlj ' refused lo carrj oul their agice-
The icsull will ) irobablx bo that Kggers kx ,
Hock , being unable to obtain the required
kind of granite elboxvheie , will thioxv up
their contract
It is said that the nmn who nude the esti
mate for the granite company was formerly
cmplo.ved by another company In the sime
iap.i''itj Ho llgured on ono contiacl for
Ihem and made an eiror which cosl his com-
panx over IIXKI , for which ho was dis
charged He was them emplojed bj' the
Missouii compatix and the Omaha conti.ict
w J8 his flisl piece of work for them
Uggcis it Hoc Ic were awarded the contract
frr Iho work al a price nearlj $ . " > 0,000 lower
th in Iho next lowest bidder and It was slid
bv well informed contr.u'iois al Iho time
that there must have been a mistake some- it xvould bo impossible lo c.ury out
the contiacl according to Iho specifications
al Ihoso iguics and come out whole. The
contract has not vel been formally surrcn-
deied , bul there icmains but little doubt
thai such aclion will bo taken wilhln a few
' Court C'uli'Hdur.
The call for today is aa follows :
33-14(1 ( Hc'cKnian ( administrator ) Vb Home
1 list ! rnice comp.mj.
34-Qr > Omaha Tuinvi'ieln Hianclt.
3t4 ( > ( i.istun vs Mahoney.
34-J-lb 1'raj vs Omaha btrect Hallway coin-
pa nj.
: t 1-378-Coury vs Chicago , Kock Island .V
r.iclllc Kallna > eompiny.
34-IOJ ! Ally VM ( luiin.m Insurance company
HO-'J \sMotiopoIltan blieet I.Uhtln
3f-7 f-h ivvs C'lty of Om ilia.
3,1-11 11.111 ItaiiKoand ruinuco company vs
31-H9 lTnlon blocu Yaids National bank
vs milliard.
Sl-.l'JO-McKell vsl'aul.
a.-Ul Ulth.-on vs lloltslamlcr.
32-113 TI.IJ nor vs Kllborn.
3J-13a-lloigland vs Thompson.
31-l-18-led\\lcb vs Uliollnnin.
32198Sloin vs Tales.
32-210-lliandcs vs IMcUson.
31-00 Maiian Casey vs Ilascall.
31-95-bchaelTer vs llnbbard.
32-347 Omaha Coal und Lliuc company vs
Dodd ot al.
32-2.r)0- Jensen vs Jensen.
S-J-a&T-I'drlps vs 1'lielps.
32-335 Neu e-l al \ s buxaucr.
33-3 IlutzanuU VK Hav/anuk.
3328WakeHold vs Duvv
33-l8r-Si-riirllj S.lnsslunksOlurke.
| \ \sOlurke.
33-uS Udnlcfi vs Watt.
33-7U In re estate of Mat Ilia.T. Stevvirt.
2H-IO .south Oin.iha National bank > b
Wrluht > x. llaldnln
ail-l'j.'i-Tlioinpson vs Ilellman.
33-243 Dolinvaro vs lluidley et al.
3J-27u-Ulluy vsStari.
33-2H2 riioinp-on vs Jones
33-2SG-Omaha 1'lanlns mill vs Horton.
3.1-292-Koiinelley vs Lee.
3J 3IC-MuC'nKuotaxings bank vs Kkxvall.
J3-31U Patrick Allun.
33-1)24 ) Tlmmo vs Tliiimo.
33-331-Wcissels vs llntchlnson.
33 342Omaha National bank vs Thompson
3. ) 351-llelkiiapSavings bank vs Alwood.
33 3&7 Tiiyloi vs Push.
33-aijO-OmiduOIluiiil Paint company vb
33-it.H : Johnson vs
33-371-Sv.iemd vs Krajlncek.
3.1-37'J Om ih i I.otin and Ti list company vb
3J3UJIIm n vs Morgan.
i O.UITV IIOOM .NO G-ji-iinr n-nauso.v.
32-338-r.iiseiio C llatasvsi : A. Tlllothim.
32-lbl Union Trusl company vs Joseph
3.1-135 Nelson vs Ancleison.
33-132-.NebiasUa National bank vs Maria
33-J3U-Mc lianc vs Lee.
33250Priinh vs Portsmouth Saving ? bank.
33252Chicago Unlveual Investmunt com
pany vs Drown
33-25G-Mutual Investment comiuny vs
I'alk et al.
2U-204 HlorM ) vs Honuin.
31-254-1'lrst.Natloiial bank vs Yatcs.
33207bchroodtr vsslatterv.
33-2H4-Jllisoti ( vsHteinstlorll.
3.1 2H7-lIamllton vsltood.
33-329-Hnoboda vs Dworak.
33-3f.5-Mlles vs Pitch.
3.1-370 'I borpe. Jr. . v s Corbet t.
32-377 Moicur vs Tievet.
34-4 lIlllams v s Williams.
34-bG-llates vs Muiphy.
3J-79-Iavldsoii ) vs'
31-U'J Diiinke * > tlnliart.
34109Adams vs Miavv.
34-t'J8 I'yli-i VHC.irtvvrlKbt , /
31-130 l.arieaslei Savings tiankvs L'olTiiian.
34-139 1'assunipslc Savings bank Vb Coir-
J4111'Jtopaneck vs C'lty of Omaha.
20-lfU ) llnlsimin vsC'owln. "
3U-J.U Oni'iha Ilruuliu association vs
Ad nns
30jodlluj - vs Million.
3II-JOJ I'eirN vs AcUmman Itros.
30-314-Mollno-Mllbnin C'o. vs llaiold.
: > o-nj-Pie : > nch vs Smith ,
3o-343-Pitteo vs Johnson.
30-377-l.lllenol vs Nebraska furniture Co.
31-1-ltliiKer vs McM ihon.
31-I8-Iund v-b 1'iiinu.
31-30-1'aiielI vs Missouri Pnclflu Kailvvay
31-58-Mcaarvy vs Omaha A. Council Illuffs
Hi Idgu Co ,
Spring mcdicino and Hood's Rarsaparllla
are synonymous terms , sn populai is this
gicat medicine at this season.
Ono oriillhiKton'H Men.
Thomas Align , a veteran 10't yearh of
n'o ( , , lives inTiler county , a few miles
above l'arkersbnrf.'i . Va. Mr. Allen
is a hale and heat ty man vxhom a casual
observer xvould take to bo not over 70.
Kx cry day in the year , rain or shine ,
c-old or warm , bu walks from bis homo
t' tbo jKBtollleo , a distaneo of three
miles and return. Ho is the recipient
< [ many now papors1 , dallies and week
lies , hunt him by admiring friends. Mr.
Allen served under tbo duke of Wel
lington in the x\ar with Napoleon , under
lii-norul beott in tbo xvar with Mexico ,
a id onteied and corxed in the war of the
ic-bc'llion on the Union bide.
At the time of his last enlistment he
The only 1'ure Cream of Tartar roxvdcr. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used iii Milli&us of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard.
72 , but hlsi physical aiipeiuatico HO |
belled hit * ycamlthat hu had no dlllli-nlty ]
in piiHtlnjr mtistarf IIH on the Icwcr und of i
4f > , The old iiiRuiluiM umlinibtod written
evidence not only.Mif hit gtoni npu , but
of hlntory as -holdlni' . Ho nays that
the last tlmoho' heat d from bin father
was Homo times tlurhie ; the last war ,
when ho was Mill living at the uroat
njio of 101 yoiins. HiH mother died at
the aejO of 89 years. The old man looks
as if h < j would boiublo to tackle another
decade or two before "golnsj over the
ranjjo. "
An Anrli'iitXJiiiiinuinliiii Service.
St. 1'elcr's Kplscojiil chuieh , In Albany ,
has a silver communion service 1T8 jears old
which is a companion set to that held for
the defendants of the Mohawks by a certain
clcrgj man in Canada It seems that Queen
Anne sent Iwo services over , one for the Mo
hawks , then living In the New York colony ,
and the other for St Peter's , Albany. The
Mohawk service followed Iho Indians Into
exile , and has been circfullj1 preseixed bj
the persons to whom It has been Intrusted
bj tile council of chiefs fiom linio lo lime
Arc better kno\\ and more general
ly used than anj other cathrutie.
Sugar-coated , puielyegetable , anil
free from mercury or an.\ oilier inju
rious drug , this is tlie ideal family
medicine. Though prompt and ener
getic in theiraction , the use of these
'pills is attended with only tlie best
results. Their effect is lo strengthen
and regulate the organic functions ,
being especially beneficial in the
various derangements of the stomach
ach , liver , und bovvels.
are recommended by all the leading
physicians and diuggists , as tlio
most piompt and effective remedy
for biliousness , nausea , costiveness ,
indigestion , sluggishness of the
liver , jaundice , drowsiness , pain in
the side , and .sick ; also ,
to relieve colds , fevers , neuralgia ,
and iheumatism. They are taken
\\itltgieat benefit in chills and tlio
diseases peculiar to Ihe South. For
travelers , uhulhcr by land or sea ,
are Ihe best , and should never be
omitted in the outfit. To preserve
their medicinal integrity in all cli
mates , they are put up in bottles as
well as boxes.
"I have used Aycr's Pills in my
family for several jears , and alxvajs
found them to be a mild and excel
lent purgative , having a good effect
on the liver. It is tlie best pill used. "
Frank Spillman , Sulphur , Ky.
1'repnreil l > y Dr. J.O. AjcrX. Co. , LowellMaw.
Sold bj DruBgUU Everywhere.
Every Dose Effective
Al3 M5V3H Sol I
IN ,
F YOU don't like rye
try bourbon whiskey .
one or the other should be r
in the house for emergen
cy cases. Either one same
Wide , Liciuor autl Cljir
116-I18 S. IQth St. , Ouialii.
Your St/ccoss
Our Success
s\t I'tiimlnrc'OH. .
ain-ai5-ai7 Soutii irnu stroot.
Have You a Large Neck ?
II so you should wear a low , well curved
collar.Vc male a variety of them , In sizes
to twenty Inches. A k jour furnisher for tlio
ones shown below
Cluett Brand 25o.
Ginoki , medium *
Kenluck , low.
Coon Brand 20c.
Edgslr , medium ;
Selmi , low ;
Templ , very law ,
Manufacturers also of the Celebrated
"Monarch" 8hirl. ClUOtt , Coon & CO.
snally at this time of the year , men folks
begin to change their underwear get out
U of the worn out woolens Into the snrlng
kind. Wise fellows buy hero where the
usual ( hlrty-llve eent halhrlman ninJer-
wear linely finished , 1'rench necks anil
so on , are sold fore
o house pretends to match prices with
"Nebraska. " They know bettor. We
save yon fifteen cents on the usual tift\
cent kind sell htilhrlKgaii shirts or
drawers natural cream tan bron/e
c\ cry where sold for a half at . . .
emorali/lng prices Is a fmorito pastime
of OUIN. I'.legant old gold
shirts or drawers , Trench necks , pearl
buttons , silk binding , silk drawer hold
at ers , patent gussets-- sixty cents here
* & >
| \ccplioiml value that heather mixture Is.
( lot fancy french necks and I'tinov cull's
got petirl buttons and silks trimmings
- got sixty-live cent > alue for
ealiiiaco solid goods no fi ills gotten
' ' " " "
n'p""to" wear at n half dollar. Two
weights of silken finished balbriggan
seventy-live ceut'r.s both of 'em , at. . .
here can von match it ? Where ? Nn-
w here. Finest twelve thread shin's
or drawers , silken finish , French
neck silk binding , silk stitching ,
pearl buttons. Von can match the
underwear but not the price
; dge of the shirt bound with satin-bottom
and neck fancy silk stitched pearl but
tons ; drawers with live-inch waist band -
drawer holders silk stitching-pearl but
tons , that's the story of the elegant non-
shrinkable mottled underwear , at .
ttention is directed to our finest silken
finished balbriggan shirts and draweiN.
'I he shirts ha\e silk trimmings through
out silk cull's three-inch ribbed bottom
drawers to match.
A dollar kind at
II VL lisle thread underwear is scarce
lots of imitation. We've the real
kind imported finely finished- fur
nishers get from a dollar fifty to
two dollars for it. We sell either
shirts or drawers for
* 4S ?
* S >
-t ®
F YOUR EYES deceive you see our p'rn'ciical
optician at once. Eyes tested free by electric
light the only coircct method. Glass fitted with .
great care. '
Financial Reference : Nat'I ' Bank of Commerce , Omalia.
No DETENTION from business. No Operation.
Investlunto cmr Method , Written Rurirnnlou toiXUGii-
lutoly Curu nil klnilaiif KUI'TUHEof lioth nnxc > .wltli-
nnt ilia u o of knlfo or eyrlnKo , no n.alter ot how lon
The 0. E. P/1ILLER / GOMPAflY ,
307-300 N. Y. LIFE BLDD. , OWAHfi , IIED
Bnnd forUlrculnr.
I Icadquartcrs for
Write us ior prices \Vhiskids both in bond and tax paid.
w i : CARRY 'i HI : STOCK IN 'i rti : n F..ST.
] liJUl V H'MHI'l'l ' ' ' hi'lHI'M ' ' f " 'Mill ' i > "
jam r&i * - yt"K V6 PROTECT AND .
? Our Spectacles and Eyeglasses Are the Best.
I J. F. PONDER , Hgr. OMAHA OPTICAL GO , , 222 S. 16thSt.luK n
K iiiiHiiltulliin I roc. )
Is unsiiriiii sud In llio troat-
inc'iit of nil
Chroiilo , Prlynto anil
N ervous
Wrlli'tiiiiriiin.iilt ! > " niriallr
I < UIAT.MIM : : < i v Mn. . .
\cMre wllh < temp fur | iar
lars which will In HIII m
lloi Iwl Othiu USS liih tt
Onuliu Nub
Klicn IpoTcTf pirtorthe buitjr. 1 "HI < " " '
eurelr packud ) VIIKK to nrmltaror tbv preicrlp-
Uon Hint ourud uio cf thoio troublei Aaureit , 1 *
\ Chronic , Jforroin ,
85 years oxporlomj.
SKASrS 01' ' WOMB l
Truatnd Kl 1501 a nioiilli
unit nil MID Ilolnu4
( iiriiUhod
AH olhor IroiibU'H trontocl ul ruisoiuililn
tliilRi-i. CONSLM'Al'lO.N I'ltDIX Culiouor
u L
Dlil their work well 1'rKlii } , anil to
r liy'- , > , ilj xv. Blmph wish to
Hive you a few hints , -h w i in jou
where to purchase your
Cloaks ,
Capes ,
Wrap * ,
Cirpet : ,
Dresss Silk
( ilex es.
I tc. . I'tc.
Keineinher u doll ir hero
goes further uiul secure more gooiln
tliiin the dollar you spend
vv here.
'T ' MAY STA' ' K OU
* 1 iiOqualltiMnicI ) [ „ m
silk , advortUed by otherat
' 01 | { I'UiUi : I HA
t'omo early , nut
loud lo last atn \ \ * pr
A1AV Delineator.Metropolitan
I aslnon and Patterns , now on sale *
Ono lot all xvool jai'k-
otsxvitli line xolx-ot ool-
lar , lurgo slooxo , fun-
pbiitc'd taibroxxn )
black and navy , act
u.illy xvoitb 5 > 7.)0 : , ou
price Siilurdav $4.98
50 pieces of line dress
goods in plaids , checks , plain
and fancy effects , regular
$1.00 and .SI.2S goods , our
price for Saturd.ij . .
I'OUVo xvul K ll xrti a
loKllu' | | * " r > ° "lust ;
un.j , u.r ) , „ „ ( , , from line
( ] U.ililx of silUs.and aio
the xor.v hitoM stj U-H.
A line of ladies' fast black
hosiery such as yon pa20c a
pair for , at our' Today's sale
you will unly ha\c to pay * . . .
ciru '
oil/a itfllolo ,
Our loiulor , ti io < ji
85 vuvUt : tlioy mo nil
silk nnd count In blnck
and white , nnvy nnd djQ QQ
white . . tpo.yo
Chifl'on laces that have
been selling for as high as lOo
Our Morse fn-t bltu-k
skirt is made of line -i
snluoii , and woximant JTO
it Ic ) proxc fc.itiifac'toi'y TO
in ox cry rcspuct. prices
from . . . . . ! . . . .
Ladies * hosiery of a very
fine gnage and guaranteed
fast black , tr > and match
them for USc , our price for Of < r
Today < iOU
Our $7 f > 0 I'halHs tea tfoxviiB , now
only $5.98.
Our $7.00 llannol tc-i JTOXVIIB , now
oril.S5. .
Our $1'J.50 IKinnel to.i tjoxx-ns , now
onlj S7.5O-
Laaicu' xvishin ' ton -oxx-ns cannot
allot d to inibS this salu.
Kmbroider . d Handkerchiefs. Chiflbn 19o
i.mlios' bhirk
In nil wool t-liiy
nul unilorlul , US
innif. hidf lined , hujro
ek'ovo nnd tlio fun
plaitoil h id ; .
Actuiiliiluo $1.1.
L idles * verj line fast black hosiery
thai are actually vvortli 'I TW , Sutf
unlayc will sell them atinc a
pair or it p.iir > for bl.
Moil's duo billiri frini mi
dervvoiif , muck ) of line
conibuii I'fivptla'i > irii
They aio vvorih much
moio Sue them .
A fine line of men's I'ra-
falai-iiitinn | sliirls. A
special line for SaturI I
day , all sl/es for 7 > J. .
Ono lot of wpus with
top capo of vulvi-t ,
tninmml with i IliliDii
111 itotinlof koriny , In
tan und biovvn , acCD ( \ A Q
tuul vuluo $10. . . . OO.tO
r * rimri " " ' " > t iTtn i n IIUMMI i mi * ar-ai *
Men Attention !
Guide Right
and save money on and iet ( he hit
est nov clticIn men's fiiriiishlnn
at onr enlarged men's fnrnlHhlng
* ' departniunt.
G000S\ \
Dry Goods nnd Carpets.
Sixteenth and FarnamSireetl