Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    TTlti OMAHA DAILY BKfo MONDAY , A1MUL 17. 1803
Quality and Quantity of the Ornaments Worn
by the Celestial Females.
Ilnlr TliiK , TniiRiin Hrrnpor * , rhumb King * ,
Luclc Stoiip < ami llrlt Ch | > wltli Which
the Nittlvm of the riourury Klnc-
iloili Droonilo Tlicnuelrei.
The Flowery kingdom Is full 01
oddities and novelties to the novvuomci
from Christendom. The Ili-st thiny thai
nttiuota his attention on landlnir ill
Shanghai or IIon Kong , saya a com *
wpontlont of the Collector , is the queer
iK-Bfl jiirl the quantity of jovvolry worn bj
Chinese women in thulr luilr. It varie >
from plaee to place , so that a careful
Btmloiit. lifter a little experience , car
tell whi'io a uoman comes from ly
slmpl } looking at the ornaments on hei
head There are. llrst. the puielyilec
onitinjr pim. which fnitftft'st kiiitttiii :
needles or fashionahlo lint pim. The
linest kinds nio made of cold : below
these are silver ones , and below Uioso
for the poorer Haves , are bras-
one tiipcd ) with either of tin
preeloiiH metals. In addition to metal
ivory , eb ny. horn , tortoise shell
bamboo and celluloid are largely em
ployed for the " -amo purpose. The head
of the pin di-ielo--s the wealth of tin
wearer. The wife of Ilowejun. the C'an
ton banker , had a pin. the head of wliiel
vvus tin liuinenso diamond. The wifeo
the viceroy of I'olden has one wliiel
terminates' in a liu' < ro ruoy. Pins o
this sort ate worth thousands of dollars
In this class come a largo number o
pins , witli heads of emeralds , pearls
jade-stone pieces , gold balls or Jigure
and hihor designs. They can > > o bough
for a few cents when the shank is o
brass and the head an imitation of jade
or for a few dollars when the metal ic
fiilvor and the enu a cheap beim-pieciou' '
In another class the pins terminate it
n , cluster of home sort. There eem > in
limit to the designer in this field Tilt
cluster may bo so\en jade stars , siis
jionded or 'supported by line wires : i
innj bo a group of blue cat's e es , icpre
bonting a hunch of grapes ; a rowe
pearls. HWinging from nitiiuto chains : s
knot of exquisitely colored , tiny porce
lain llowers and fruits ; a l'it of tur
quoihCH , car\cd into violets ; a bunton
niere of butteieups in filigree goh
leaves. In a third class the shank am
head are sejiaratcd , but connected b > i
coil of wire This keeps the head ii
perpetual motion , and tends t' > "hhovv i
olT. " The contrivance is raelj st > ei
luthide of Fooohinv and Amoy
on addition to the other style
referred to the heads me nuidi
also of Hake jade , cut to icpreseti
long li'iivob and similar Chapes , poicehiii
butterllies , gold and silv ( r moths am
dragon Ilie-i , little birds in metal , \ines
and whatever in mitiiro is eaily mo\e <
by the wind. Uliiuoo women are a
eager aixml these pins as Kuiopcan
iibout finger rings They will ec > no
ini/oayear to buy a now one , and takt
a particular deliglit in ownintras 11111113
as tlioy can proem o. The piopiiotres :
of a Hong Kong Kimpan ( or pas--cngei
boat ) is the envied possessor of over J0 (
of these precious instruments , that an
said to represent nearly i'1,000 ' in value
Yet ulio , lives in her boat and boldon
makes $1 n day.
The hairpin in the east , unlike in tin
wcbt , is generally of silver or gold. I
is a thin bar , slightly flattened , vvavei
and coirugated in older to . "get a grip , '
and is usually straight and from six ti
eight inches in length. Its owner bend
it according to the style in which shi
dresses her hair. Sometimes it is ben
into aC , displajing four inches of metal
At other limns it Is bent into a A m > (
shows a more yellow uoint among tin
black tresses. . The gold and --liver
smiths make special alloys for hairpins
Ordinary ones would break after a fov
score beiidings and unbundlngs. The--e
however , last a lifetime. On ae
count of their form and corruga
lions they seldom fall from tin
head and in o scarcely over lot. . The ;
are worn night ab well as day and ari
only removed in the morning when the !
owner performs the slow und compli
cated operation of washing anddiiinj
her locks. .
Everyone abive the extremely poor ii
China IB the owner of a tongue-scraper
They may or may not have brushcbu
they ai o sure to possess the former. I
is a ribbon of silver or gold with a rinj
atone end by which it in susponde <
when desii ed. The cheapest are of plaii
metal ; moro expensive ones are en
graved , while a few are jeweled at eitho ;
end. Like hairpins , they ate sold b ;
their \\eiirht , plus a small charge fo
their vvoikmanship.
Thumb rings are very common in tin
cast. Thej are often made of precioii' '
metal , ivory , jade and scmi-preci < ) u <
Btones , but generally they ate of llm
jade. The cavity is not cylindrical , bu
swells out at the ba o and middle. Thi
enables the owner to wear it lower do\\i
and also pi events its slipping. Colostiu
dndos often Use rings so high as to pasth
middle joint of the linger , and so iini
duce a partial swelling thereof. Tin
jade is Usually polished , but may bo en
graved or carved in intaglio or relief
The nouveaux ilches jew til the jade , bu
this is consideied as the height of vul
garity by the refined classes. The hitter
tor use jade exclusively , and as preeiou
a variety as their purses will poi
mit. Would-be fashionables , and , sin
gularly enough , village bullies , wea
imitations , which are madoTif gla s o
porcelain , coloied with lead or inn
oxide. One variety , which is made b
enameling iron is' rema-kably stronj
and durable and corresponds to tin
"knuckle dusters" of London thieves
The thumb ring seems to have come int
vogue in the time of the Tin eo King
denis , during the reign of the fninou
general. Kwan Ti. Ho was a sort o
Kobin Hood w ith the long 1) > w , and t
increase his accuracy substituted ;
heavy b.unboo thumb ring for the glovi
therotofoie worn by ateliers. Hi
example was followed by his bowmei
until the practice became general. Oi
his rise to power his admit or
presented him with a jade ring c
high Miluo , Which ho substituted fo
the bamboo one. Ills Ivothor , th
leigning monai'ch. adopted the cusUu
out of compliment to the great warrior
and thus introduced the fashion int
civic society. The custom fell bomew ha
into abeyance in < he follow ing centuries
but wan ievi\ed with greater force b
the Manchus In their e inquest of th'
umpire. They wore particularly sklllfu
with the bow and alwav.s used th
thumb ring in shooting. After they be
came supreme ihoj e mtinued the'cus
torn as a remindei' of their victories
just as they continue the use of the cav
airy boot and the horseshoe Hleovos.
Luck nieces are of ciitant recur
ronco. They a > 'o the Chinese churaetc
for the word fook , meaning "good luck
or "happiness , " and are'made from jiul
or the precious metals. They are won
as watch charms , pendants on necklaces
orueoleU and rings , ornaments to to
i , icco pouches , spectacle cases , or aa i
decoration pure and hnple.
Jade buckles are another jewel o
treat value. They are nearly nlway
handsome carvings , and are fastened to
the Itclt which they are ouppojcd to
clasp. They nro a necessary part of a
gentleman's outfit. Woalthj mandarins
have as many as the color and textures
of their suits. They ore never cheap
and are sometimes very costly. The
pro ent Toatal of Amoy has one valued
at $1.000. Itreprewents two interlaced
dragons , and is mid to bo four centuries
old. In Canton they are the subject of a
sfccial industry.
' lloii't Toi-Kiit When.
A excursion to North Gnlveston ,
'I'cx. , will le.ivo Oiiwlm , Wednesday , April
' .Jit. IS H. Hemarkable Inducements arc
otTvruil. Tor funicular * apply to D. I )
Sine.iton , ii Re nt , room 17 , Barker block ,
An Untold story.
Chicago News : The children seemed
Infected with the joyous air of the early
spring. They ran gleefully across the
ice , their joyous cries resembling the
tw liter of the birds that had alreadj be
gun to build their nests.
A woman stopped , attracted by their
Innocent joyousness , and ga/cd at them
wistfully. 'She was still young , and her
dress was elegant , though a person of
good taste might have thought it gaudy
for an afternoon walk.
One of the children , a pretty babe
with a ma > s of IliilTy golden curls , made
a misstep and fell heavily on the
"lee. Tno woman ran and picked
her uii. quieting the child's frightened
sobs and brushing the snow from the
yellow lock- * . Her little companions
gathered around the unlucky one , shjly
afraid of the"grand lady , " but eager t < i
c mifort their playmate. Then one of
them < -aid : "Here e > mes your mamma ,
Flossie. " The child's ojes brightened ,
and she Lravcly tried to keep down the
A girlish voice cried : "You're not
hurt. Flossie , aio you ? ' ' as the young
mother ran to her little one. There was
a tremor of anxiety , as if the mother
feared some harm had e > mc to the child.
"D > n't worry , my dear : the child only
had a fall , " said a man's voice corusd-
At its sound the woman , who had boon
quieting the little girl , looked uj
quickly. As the mother ran towaid her ,
she almost pushed the child away.
"His child ! " she whispeted in a lierec
tone that made the little one stare won-
As the mother turned to thank her
she straightened up with flashing eyes.
"Keep your thanks , madam , " she said
in a sharp voice.
"What a strange woman ! " said the
mother as she cooed to Flossie , who was
perched on her father's shoulder. "She
looked at you , George , as though she
know jou and wished to harm you. "
The man laughed queorly. "Novel
s.iw her before , my dear , " ho said. "You
have such odd fancies. "
And Flosiio , now recovered from hoi
fright , said in herb.ib.v tones : "She was
a good lady to Flossie , anyway. "
In the man's face there'wai a look ai
of i omombninee aii'l the corners of hh
mouth twitched nervously , but ho suit
no word.
Wo sell Parks Coiuh Syrup on a positive
Kii ii.intcctocuio.ill thro it an I linn ? tioubles
It has stood the test for inauc us and to
ilaj is the leadtiiK rom&h tor the cure ol
colds , consumption ami all diseases of tin :
throit and liui b Pi Ice uO coats mid $100 ,
I'rodiKO Polntrrn.
Some ono shipped Hr.inch & Co a , carload
of sanil Mr Hraiich sujs that the vorj
Idea of shipping s in 1 to a commission llrm is
piupostcroiis. as all commission men h.w
moicsaud than thei know what to do with
Tim Minneapolis Pioduco Bulletin ha ;
been uulaiKu I to uiu'lit P.IJJCS It is the on\
daily piper in th is dovotci
cxo' ' the fruit and piodtirc eomnils
sion business Besides re-porting the fruil
and pioducc markets of all tlio prominent
cities at tlio country , it contains a specia
Omaha pige , a Ht Paul page and a Dulutl
A Texas part vw rites the Omaha police
dcpiitnicnt complaining that some time age
ho sent -li to an Omaha firm that advertise. !
a pieparatlon tint was guaranteed to preserve
servo fruit for a . \ ear or moro w itliout heat
ing or cooking , thus retaining tlio natuia
color and llivor The Texan has not re
celvcd thu promis'd compound and now
wants his money ictiuned. Tlio failure ol
the Omalia partto ship the fruit preserve !
to Texas may HW omit for the poor coudltioi
In which so main of the berries am !
peas nruvo on this market'
The Capo Co I Cranberry Gro vcrs assrvi-
atiou piojinscs to make a display at ih (
\VoiliVs fair , and mav iiresont the principal
restaurants and hotels at the fair with r
supplj of homes to lie served guests hoe 01
clmi ge An aincombat is being largely
bUned v\hcicl v glowers will place ii pc :
cent of their thico v cars crop in the bands
of a committee , who will introduce then
into foit'ign maikots , together with paniph
lets tolling their use and prepaiation Thu
far y per cent of nearlv : Ml ) OJJ oirrols his
been ileJged. ) More.dciinito action will be
taken at the annual meeting In Middluboro'
In July.
VMr. FcrRiison of the firm of Mooru. TcrgU'
son it Younger , has just returned from ni
oxtendei ! trip over the state Ho icp rt <
that thcro is very liltlo butter in the coun
try. Tlio weather in mau > localities has
Iwcn vervMlrj , which has kept biclc the
butter 'Iheio uio ipiito a good many eggs
but the storage men .lie piruinjr up a laigt
proportion of them They are pajlng U
cents on track On account of tlio liltrl :
prices of eggs the fin met s v\ill not soil theii
poultry Old roostcis is about all that thej
will part with Potatoes aio not plcatv ii
the sections visited bj Mr I'erpuson and IK
lepoits that theio are few towns that couli
sc.uo up a
A few eggs aio lflntr put in storngo ii
Omaha , but n good III.UIN of the largest
eis aio holdin/ oft I'lid vvnltiiK for lowui
prues As ono man lemarked , the egg market
kot is good eiuiu'h to sell on and ho woulc
take chances on slot in , ; cheaper e gs latoi
on The aio out tinoiinh the countrj a gooi
many egg buiois who buy and ship duriiif
thu gieater part of the season that ] iut U ]
floin ono to six caib of eu'gs every yc > . r
These men aio commencing tostoio am :
tlioy will , asawlune loipilro a good in.inj
eggs U'hllo dealeis , ue talidn/ about egg ;
being most too hln'li to stole limy are nc
higher thin the eggs th it were stoied las !
sea on , wliU'h made IIIDIO inonc'i for thoii
owners than the elieip eg s of previous
Kiom the present inlieitions it ii quite
evident that theie vMll ut bo as in my ogR'
put into storagi this vrat as was antU'lpatci
some tlttio a-'o sa\s t lie Minneapolis Produei
Btillolin Storage peoiilo aio no\v seouruu
thoeountivs foreggh looMc upon , and thoj
aio pa.vill' ; priies will nuke it a little
risk.v to go into tliiMUul Dt-alers on tin
local market aio lonsaintb receiving au
vices from the eomitr.v to the effect tha
bids aroiiliove them ov the stotago peoplt
and that thov prefer tu sell to ihu latter a
the prices thc.v are nflorliu U n is aboui
simmered down to a light for stock botweoi
the dealer and the serge man , and whet
this kind of a light is on it is needless ti
speeul ito ati to how the matter will turn ou
or as to who will be driven from the Hold
Of course there is no q tcsti m but that thi
consumiiiK li-a tecan a'loi.l to pij moro foi
e'gps toda , thin the man who expects ti
have them He m slor.iw for eight or tw
months , ami at the ei-d of that time run i
risk of geithi'- teuiin for the money in
veste'd Tins run foi saora.'o stock is np
conliued to juu tim-mai cl. but extends al
eiver tuocoimtr\ There is a good pro4uc
tlon of cgys tliioii'-'hout the eo mtrv , but tin
deinanu bccias to be smiplv unlimited ovcrj
v\lifiv It looks now IID If we have seci
about the lowest pi Ic on e gs for ibis sea
bon , and If the pies n. ilxinund for storag ,
purposes keeps up high p > li c's are veo H lbli
to rule the enJio iear.
Milli' ( it u I'olnt til ( in ,
A special oxeurstou to North Galvcston
Tex , will luave Omah \Vodnesday , Aprl
! M , Ih'J.l JtemarK.iola indueomunis an
pffereM , Tor particulars applj to D D
hmcaton , agent , room 17 , Darker block
OtuaU * .
Millions of Bnshels of July Wheat Dumped
by the Oliquo.
Corn Win Hull , rinrtimtlon * Itplng I.linltuil
to rriirtloniit OlmiiRr * with Trmtlntf
Conllnoil to I.ocrtl Itooiii Opot-
ntorit Stocks Hint lluniU.
CIIICAOO , til , April 15 , .July wheat wis
dumped today. Millions of bnshoU were s il
by thuclliiii3. | Theelo-io was weak at ln-,11
prices , a decline of 2e eompirod with I i't
night. His jeported that l'a drldgu tinned
bull on July vvhuat } etterdav and was n heavy
buyer , Part of thu gossip was that hu know
the clique to bo short of tlrit month and was
taking advantage of thu situation to force
prices up and give them u dose of the medicine
administered to htm.
Hut the clliiie | seems to have turned on him
and tod.iy It had nearly all its agentH selling
and , while thu legitimate situation appeared
quite1 as strong as } osteiday , they succeeded
In forcing the price down from start to llnNh
Tlu < general opinion Is that 1'iirdildgu has
been whlpsiwed. The clliinu found It Imuos-
slble to dispose of any vlay and no ono else
being Inclined to sell It , It was eomp iraltvely
neglected It closed at a dicllno of' e per bu
It Is estlm it-d tint tlie visible supply vUll
show u decrease of about l.oillOOlbii
Corn was dull , llnctuated , being limited lo
fractional range with tt.ullng conllned to
local loom opeiators almost exclusively Con-
Mlduilng the lone of wheat , tlii < maiket ruled
eomp iratholy Him The pilnelpil feature
was the bti } Iii4 of about lOO.imo bu of July
corn b } one of the 1 irgei commission eoncerns ,
who In turn sold consTdei.ilde May. 'I ho close
was ' < under last night's llgiues.
I heie was a fair trade In oats and an easier
feeling foi the nun ftiluies , but steady foi
September. I'lii'ie was also some changing In
the way of selling May and buying the distant
monthst the elo o May snowed a net loss
of ' ( c , June l'c and July ' e , but Suplembei
wa > unchanged
Hog piodncts weso weak and declde.lly
louer. I'heie was but little demand and thu
big le.uleis raided thu market. Compaied
with vesteiday's closing prices Maypoikls
'J7'iC ' fouci. l.ird fiom Hc ) to IJ'tC. lower and
ribs fiom 7'ic to 1'2'jC. '
The now rule about the closing of the ' ittir-
day session of the hoiril al 1'2 o'clock fiom
now to October Jl had Us tlrst observance to
The eslliinted receipts of ho s for Monday
nio'JO.iHMlit'.id , and 100.0,10 me excpcrtud to
arrhe ditilng nextweuk. There are no esti
mates cited on grain.
The lending futures ran Jed as follows :
OIM.S iiniii. ion 11 osi VI > > TV.
78 77
7e.H 74M 74H
< 0K 40U
40 ? *
17 II 11. 85 1C 23
17 .1J 17 05 17 I7ti
17 ! ! < > 17 M 17 674 t ) ' -
! 0 15 ivm
10 tn 3i
n i , J K > 9 & ; r,7
l ) til V ! > > U IK ) 70
9 ID V In
Cash quotations weio as follows :
I'l oiw Dull , nominal
VV'llhfl No 'Jspiliu , 7rii7,7G1icXo ; 3 spring ,
northern , 7ic ! ; No 2 led , 7 ( > ft"b'e. '
COUN Me.uiy ; No. ' _ ' , 4luc ) ; No. 3 , , 3S\c ;
Xi ) . ) joIlowi'JV-fclO'c. : ' - '
Uvrs-No 'J , JS'.io'JUc. ; No 2 white , f. o. b. ,
, No 3 white , U
KV L-Xo. J , OOc. .
II vuia.vNo. . i ! , 02c ; Xo. 3 , f. o. b , , 42 < SOGc ;
No I , f. o l-loa4Gc )
I'lAKIDNO 1 , M IGfJl.lG'i.
TIVIOTIIV Shi.u-l'rlme , $4 125
1'ouK-Me.s , per bbl. , 810 87H17 00 : lard ,
per 100 lb , , $ 'J.U3tt'J GO ; short ill ) hides ( loose ) ,
} 'J.35 'J 37' , ; dry salted shoulders < boxcdfV. ) > ! J
< ao.37'S ; hhort clear sides ( boxed ) , $10.050
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. .
Sun vit Unchanged ; cut lo.if , fi'jc ; gianu-
lated , rj'.Ci standard "A , " 5 3-tOe. .
The foUowIng were thu iccelpls and ship
ments for today :
On the Produce ox-chango ted iy the butter
muled v\as Him : creamoiy. 22fC2Bc :
dairy , 210.200. Eggs , lower ; stiictly fresh , 10
Omilin Oraln.
The following prices aio for delivery at JIls-
sis lppl ilvei points : /
\SiiKVi-No 2spilng , 70clild ; No. 3 smlng ,
5Gc bid No , 2 hard , GOcblU ; No. 3 liaul , 57c
OVTS-NO 2 white , 31J5c bid ; No. 3 white ,
30'tcbld. '
Cons No 2 cash or Anill , 3G"2e bid ; Xo 3
casher Apiil,3jc ( tild ; No , 2 white ) , 38c bid ;
Xo. 3 white , 3 o lilel.
Oin.ihil Pi-oilneo .Vlurltnt.
The week closed with very little rhniisa In
pi Ices or In the generalsHn itlon. This market not been iecei\liu enough of butter 01
poultiy , vvlillo the receipts of eggs ha\o been
enl ) molerate.
1'rvs I'erbu. . bov , 0va1.00. (
III. VNS Chole'ei navy , iJ.Jiu.-.45 ) ; common
stock , Jl OUibJilO.
CVI.IHIUM v e'viinvoi : 1'erll ) , 3c.
Cl'Cl'Miints Choice pordo/ . , $1.502.200.
SWU.T 1'oTAiOKs Per bbl. , S5 ; seed sweet
potnloui , J4 50
ONIONS Homo grown , on ordois lo ro'iutrv ,
Jl pel bbl. ( lood stock shipped In fiom coun-
tiy , Jl lOisl 25 perbu.
POTVTOl's Coloi. ido slock , $1.10 ; Wisconsin
bin banks , OOc.-tl O I ; w ; stern Nebraska , Ule7fl )
fl 01) ) ; e istein Nubiaskasto , 75ii'JOc ; caily
Ohio seed. J1.25.
NKW Vi 111:1 Vlil.KS I , tluce , 40c ; radlshus
40c ; paisley , 40c pji doi.j green onions , 203
25c.PII : PLANT Pei 50-lb. boxes , H 5031.75.
uu irs.
Ai'i'l.Fs1 L'holco Mhlpplng stock , Jl.OOJil.25
pei bbl
Sritv\Mirnuus-I > er2-qt. case , fancy stock ,
Cnvri : rut'iT-l'ei liox2 75fi3 Of ) .
Olivvois I lot-Ida uisseus , * .l 50 ; Mexican
ot.uues , sliule boxes , i I J5. e'allfoiniii monn-
t iln oi.uiKeJ 2 50 ; Washington navels , f4 ;
Nottc.istlu Callfoinla sei'dllngJ.OUt'J.75 ;
Vleileila sweets , t.i.75 ; Uiversldo seedlings ,
llxs VN vs-l'ei bunch , Including crates and
picMnjf.ll.ViT ? jno
Ciu MI * nuns Pei IHIX , Jl 75.
1l.MO.ssChoice , J3 5'ijjl.OU ) ; fancy , JJ.OO ®
4 25.
IliiTrru I'lickliu'slock , IGaiHe ; falrlogood
lonntiy loll , ID'A-Me : choice to fancy countiy ,
. '
MM a. t ( <
I'e.ns ( leneial market , 13'c.
( i vviB-Mlxi d ducks , liOJ7oc ( ; led heads , ? 2 ;
majjaids , if J OUtf J.50 ; teal ; * ! , Jack snipes ,
i'lu'n.Tllv Choice IHMIS , lOTJlOiJcj mixed
coops , util lie ; old rootluis , 7'iibc ' , gi ese and
ducks , lOJUlc ; turkoylOe > 12c ; pl'eonsl 20
ftl 50 pel dolive. .
\l\\- \ The markut on good upland hay , $7
In cat lots.
HosKV-ChoIco to fancy white clover , 18fl
1'Jc tali togood , liiiUH-
Vi.Mf-C'holce and small fat veals , 7ic ,
lai-e and thin , 3'cfGc.
Nmv Vorli Mar.ieli , .
NKW VOIIK , April 15 riotm-Kecelpls , 21 ,
70O pkgs ; expjits , 4.C.O i hills. , iy.,100 sacks :
hiilos , 1.5OO pie- . . ; m uket dull and weak
wlntei wheat , low gi tiles , * J10'r2Q5 ; win
ter wheat , fill to fane ) , VJ.05IS.I d5 ; win
ter wheat p itents. tJ d5IC4.25 , Mlnnosot
clear , f J.OUit. ) fid : I vo mixtures , { j.UDjt.J.5
Mlnnesola htr.ituhls , ( j l > O-ji4.Ovi - ; MUmi'so
palenlh. $4 'J.jiil.TU.
I'oiis Mi.irjule < t : htuady ; yellow western
J'J.Wi ' ! . . ! 75.
ltvi-stoidy : , qtilot ; westuin , 5HRG2c
llAlll.hl ( .luk'i. Him ; western ( > b ( , ? cc. )
llvni.t.y AUiT-Diilij stoidr w stum , GO
© 71V.
Will -Kisjoipts , l.f.oi bu ; expirts , 1GO.-
00 ) bu ; s lies , t f , i.oil ) tin. fultne , 10,000 bu.
spot , sp it dull , lowei sle.ul > : No 2
led , liisinu- and olev nor , 7U'i' : alloil. 7 cj
f.o b. 77 11177'n'i No , 1 mil Iboin , Hlj ( ( ( (
No I haul , nil' , c ; No. 2 norm irn , bJ tHJ'c
Uitlons | weie dull and op-ned weak , declined
ii4con easlei cibli-s , tlu. weather aliroiul
and liberal olleilius of at Ihu
west , i allied 1,1-0 i Incut coteiln : und clo.ed
weik a * 'i ( Tj unil 'i jestyrda ) . M iy , 7i"4T | !
77'i ' . eloshu at 7u ! ; July , closing , 7'J'tc'i
September , MIC
CoilN Ueceipt < . 5' ) JO ) bu. : exports , 10,101) )
liii ! sales , lu ) ( uiuro > , UJOUObti spot
bpjts mu lurately iii'.lxo , uaslor , No. 2 , u'J'ic '
In ehtviitnr , 51'ie nil , ) it. unfaldnix -d ,
OOftJIc , Menuier mixed , t'Jti IU > .i ; No. : ) . 4H < ,
tt4Uc. Dptlom weio xery dull with April
HC lower und other moiiilm ' up. and clo lm ;
atvady : April closed ut 4B'icj .May , closin/ ,
47'ic ; July. 4 ' ( c.
1'tiiiOLi.uM-yulei ; re. lined nominal ; crude
In t > tiN Wn < hliiAfiP ( fi.20l crude In bulk.
I27li ( rnlli-d. no onlpm rellncd. > w J ork
. . r > i I'lilladcliiftN'llndlliiltlmori' , I5.f > 0i r -
Iliifd In bulk (3.0 IP , , .
KOSIN Dull , riiJf " : Htrnlncd , coinnion to
Tnii'r.NTW.-cJiiJyf , rtrni nt 3ja32'i ( ? .
Ilin : Stonily , elomuntlo , fair lo flxtra
Moi.vtn-.s I'orrlufi nominal ; Si w Orleans ,
eipi'ii ki'ttlo Kexiel tnfliolce * , llrm , fairly active
nt aoaSHo.
Sl'iiAlt ll.iw , dull tf air roflntiu , 3Uoi ccutrl-
fumls , UOttMt.IPiUsH'llneMl , llrni , falrdenmiid ;
oir A.4 ? , .4'e ; tnoia A.ns-KvajM-j stand
ard A , 4 16-l ( > tj5i > C ! e'oiifcctluners' A , 4 13-lu
© 50 ! cut leif , 6 1-ltJC ; crushed , 6'i&6 n-lliei
powdered , fi ri-liiUO'V' ! uninitiated , I lo-lli ®
fcifi1:1'tlbi's : , 5 3-lexifl"c. !
I'm Ittov ( Jnloti Moadyi Anicrloiin , | 12.i5
( oi'l'l.ttr-Qulot , Pijsyj lake1 , (12.26.
' ' " '
I'I'N rirm"i ; ( iil7n , 120 R5 < ti21.00 ; plates ,
iUlot | , steady ; hpeltur , quid , llrm ; domestic ,
$4 35.
ItlMllllMS Oll ll | ; < " < .
Tlio following nro re-ported ul Dun's Morcnn-
tillniri'iiiy. .
llatily , Neb , I'rank I.tinaer , meat nmrkot ,
luhcittslni , ' business for sale.
Kcnniird , Nob. , H.V. . Nuwlon , Koncral More ,
will illscontlnno.
Orelinid. Nob. , M. Hiuulnll , harness , will
liiovu to liMirli.
I'liittsinoiith , Ni'l ) . Onus Speck , saloon , to
bi < siu-ci'i'di-d by A. ( Ilio ulb.iL-li.
HlvenliliNeb. . I l.u III Iliinilltnn , Imple
ments , uliRHVU chattel niorljr.uo for $72.
Melnauer , Neb , Iteckeway lire- ) , dry joods
nnd ttioecrles , sni'i-eoili'd by W. M. Ueekuw.iy.
Milne1 ! " , Neb. . Doitm A. Ton In , wholesale und
rrtall liquors , I tepjrted to have sold bis
Hi.iv Ity , Ni > b , Mi-nohor ft SInip-on , general
stole , loss liytlre-f rt.OOO.
Ati'lilsoti , Ivan. , Dolun , Druiy & C'o , whole
sale Kiocerles , dissolved
Notion , Kan , I'l.mcis M. Lockard , Kcncial
stoic , assigned
- * dilli-r , Ivtin. , lluesley & Co , confectionery ,
sold out.
Wukeeney , Km. , J. Ii. Men ton , store ,
Ashfiin S , D.Johnlj Itoyor , general store ,
sneeeeded liy llojer& . Young.
St , l.onN .Vluik < il .
HT Iori , Mo , Apill 15.-n.otin-\Vpik !
but nnchanucd ; pitents , f3.303J.4D ; eMi.i
r.iin-y. MlHKft.l 10.
\\iil.vr-l.ottei nnd steadily deellnln , : , elos-
Ini ; 'fibelott yestctday ; cash , ( il e ; May ,
0 ( > SBl' .
Cons We.ik and closed ' { coif ; cash , 35'ac ;
Mii > .3C , ' i- .
OvuDull , lower and weak ; e-.isli , 31ci M.iy ,
I'nov ISIONSsteady 1'ork. jobbing , H7.5Ki (
1775 1 , ud , sf'J 75. liy ) Milt meats , IIMI-.U
sbonldeis , $ SiJ' , , longs .mil ilbs , $ ' 160 ;
stunts Jj 70 H icon , | i leked sboilldeis ,
tlO'Ju ; lon s nnd rib- . , $1(1.50 ( ; shot th , $10.75.
II inn , snijiir euied , IJ'iletM e' .
KlUKIIMS-rioiii , 4,000 bills ; , 20,000
lti ; i-orn , 87,000 bn ; oils , SO 000 bu. ; rye.
JOK ( ) bu. ; b.irlev , none.
SIIII-VILMS I'toiii , n ooo bills ; ulieat , 'J.OOO
bu ; coin , I'JO.OOO Ini , o.its , 13,000 bn. ; ije ,
4,000bn. ; b.uley , 1 Oiiobn.
liieiixiiH ( , ltMurUcls. .
KAN vCITV , Mo , April 15 Wheat and rye.
niuein a b.islsof Mlosrsslppl il\ei ; coin and
eiitson a basis of Lily.
WIII.AI Dull ; ' , ; ! ( loner : No 2 hard , O5'i '
© OCi'i No'Urud bU'i70c.
Cons MUed Ud&/Sc lower ; Kencial
111:11 : ket ne'itk ; No. 2 mixed , JJ'Sc ; Nei. U
\\blle , : )5lifi3Ue. ) (
OAH \ \ ' .ik and slow ; No 2 mixed , 28 ®
2H'i' ; No. 2 white , Jl31'Se. '
Huns le-s in-live ; weak ; 12'.e.
lUfKii'Ts Wheat , 7,000 ; corn , 0,000 ; oats ,
Mm-MusTS-Wheat , 22,000 ; corn , 10,000 ;
o.ils , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
NIMV York lrj ( ioo < ln Vlnrlo-l.
-Nuv YOIIK , April 15. llnslnessln dry conds
was inodeiate. QuU'is lij mail were of some
Importance , aIlhoinTi transact Ions were sm ill
to modeltie Inilhliltl.illj. Jobbers weie plui'-
tn Kood oideis for cotton ll.innels and the
wants of shlit makiis were taking e * ire of a
peed m-iny hli-.ic.huil oods A peed demand
continued foi Iliinnels , diess coeds and silks.
The annonneemi nt of an auction s.ilo on
Thursday nest elf 1.200 cases of Imlljio blue
pilnts was m tele. The ircneral inuketcon-
tlnnes stead } to Him foi the most pu t and a
little soft only In i pots.
tollon .Vlnrke-t.
Nl.vv OIII.EVNS | , n . April 15. I'litures en y ;
sile , 45,000 biloi ? April , $750 hid , May ,
$7.55i47.5 ( ( > ; .lime , f7.03ff,7 ! 04.lnly ; , J7.70f.7 ( 71 ;
Aimilst , J7 74fi.7 75 ; teptembei47.7rjfj7.7e5 ;
October , $7 774r7.70 ; NovembiM , W.HOif7.HJj
December , $7.H45f7.80 ; .nildillliiK , 7Jjc ;
low mlddlliiK , 7 7-lCc ; Rood oidlnaiy ,
7'8c ; net receipts , 4,000 lull's ; ( "loss
lecelpts , 4,093 balii expoi Is to ( Jieat Britain ,
5,000 bales ; to the continent , GOO bales ; coai t-
\ > lhe , UOH iMlus ; s lias , 2,80. ) ' '
I.lxurpool 'Aliirloits.
Livrui'Ooi , , April ID. Wiu'VT-Qnlct ; de-
ni.inil moderate ; holdeisolloi modei.itely ; No.
2 red wlntei. 5 < U'iT(5a led percental.
COIIN Plrinj doniand moder.Ho
III if E\tr.i India mess , 72s Cd pei tleice.
llACON I.oiirf and short elo'er , 05 Ibs , 50s per
Cttt ; loni ; , 45 Ills , 51s.
L\ui > 1'ilinc western , 51s par rut.
Ciihi.sKAmuilcan , linestwhile and coloied ,
04s pel owl
Itosi.x Common , 3s Oil perrwt.
Otiiln slilpiiientH bjViitpr. .
NievlKatlon Is now open on the Kreat lakes ,
nnd the lleet of vessels KDIII | ; out of Chicago
foi eastein prls Is j-ie.iti-i tills year th'in ever
befoie. Mlluaiikoe , Duluth and other lake
polls from which cniin Is shipped aio also
sendliisout lai o Heels of vessels. The trans-
poilation liuslnesson thu reat lakes will bu
gieaten this jeir thiinover liefoie.
ColliMi .Vlnrket.
Nr.w YOIIK , April 15. Options opened buely
stead yat 15 points down ; closed buely steady ,
357140 points down : sales 42,300 IIIKS ,
Inclndlinr : April , if 14.00 ; May , * 11.70S15.00 ;
Juiii14 ( jOff,14 00 ; July , HI l.50jfil4.H1 ;
September , $14.00 1 ( .90 ; October , J14 d&ffft
14.1)5 ) ; December. $14.U5@15 00. .spot Hlodnll ,
nominal ; No. 7 , $14.ti2' ,
NiiiUeu \ \ n.trkets.
Mil.vv VUM'K , Wis. , April 15. WllilAT Lower ;
July , ( )7' c ; No. 2 spilnc , ( > 5o.
Ceiuv Nn. 3 , lOc.
Ovis Sleady ; No. 2 white , 34'/535c : No. 3 ,
33'.t.i4c. ,
lUlll.l.V-04'ic. '
Kvu Jl'sfijjji ' ; .
AntHitrp 1)11 Vliirket.
ANTWiui' , Apill 15 I'Kriiol.r.UM 12'ff P ild
Sccnrltli-s WITH \\Vrtk anil l.nucr nnd
Pun-ly I'liili'Khliiiiiilfsterdiy. .
Niw : VOIIK , Apill 15 The stock mm kot was
weak and lower ted iy. Thu dealhms weio
purely pioft-sslonal , and thu fact that thu sell
ing was in ilnly for the short ncconnt was
shown by thu active liirronliu dum mil for
Western Union , .Mlssonil I'aclllc and some of
Ihu Indtistilal shaie- , . The diop of lu pel
cenl InVusturn Union was based on Ibu
passage of Iho null-pool bill by thu
le lslnlnio tit Alb my. The company has
hitherto enjoyed a u luxennu for the
tiansml-slon of telegrams In connection with
thu races. N illon il htucli fell oil 3'B pur
cenl lo 10't ; Klchmond Termin il piefened ,
3'j perceiu lo 30i ; Chicago das , 1'i jior cent
to HH ; Oonuial KlLCtrli : , l' { pei cent to 105' ' . ,
1. ike hhore , 1'J per cunt to 120' ; Noithern
I'aclllc piefeircd , ! ' per cent lo S'J'i ; Now
Kujrlanil , 15S | ier cunt to 30 „ ; Conhige , e-onii
inon , l'B percent to ( i-'a , and Tunnu--'u Coil
and lion , 'i pji cunt to 21 Manhattan losu
l' ( percent to li2Uid ( ! later dioppud to ICO.
Thu bank htaleiullnt was so much hotter
than expected tlitiJ 'Kencial ' rally ensued , but
tno ilhe was not fuil ) inalntalned In Uiu final
< ieallnis. Nuvuithuli ss thu last prices were
fiom'8 per cent lo'Vper centabovu Iho low
est. ; ;
The beats were encouraged In their attacks
upon the matkut li > Die talk of the ) heavy Kold
shipments on Tuesday ne\l , estimated at
fiom SJ.OUO.OO' ) tuiajJOO.OOO. Nothing detinltn
Is known In ic aid , to the matter yet , but
according tabenka < r < i wh ) d > mo lot thuship
ping the oxpoitn vill | piobably be within the mink iThu continue to lay
stiess upon the probiblllt ) that tbetieasiirv
Uold tesune of HUU.O HI.OO ! ) will have to be
drawn iinon. but lajl'i.irti-is usirilh well In-
fornied the b 'llefivllfaliis th it If hii.'li a con
dition aiises It will h'iMi nollilnu'in-iro than a
pissliuetfect. TlKMHo ppcisof a lii'iuy r ill-
loan liallle iitpav'lilci.ilesdniliu the pro iess
of th"orliTs faU , an.I thu ildi or travel
fiom r.nrope to thN sldu me n-lhd npnito
make sentiment tn favoi of the bull side I'ho
ti ins.ictli.nsa.'k'r-Kat.'d 124,181 shares The
maiket iMiis ( I Miineuliiit nti > idlei Intone
Thu Post s.ijsThero was little ruths ted In
today's stock maiki-t c\u.-pt Ihu pietiulhu
sentlm-lit of doiibl ' 1 h i nio ml ir ) ontlo ik l
looconfilie I and too mil ! | sn > ) "ct ID snilih-n
and mii | -cleil duvelopmt'iiti toi anyliody to
linden ii > e fre hvi-nliiusin a e scale in
the maiket Thu situ illo i U liv no moans one
of unbroken doom. 'I he Intu vention of the-
conils In the mailer of labor union lm\coit- >
wan an event of | Knvei andfai-r-achliusUnlli
c.ince Thesu lire the aruiiinnts on which
vaiions houses fonn led tin I , linyln ; of slo-ki
two wi'ekHBO , III < I If they ii'jindijni ' d th li
lank us hopeless in Ihupios nt m irKd and sold
niosi o' the Mock aciillred | the fuels on which
they had bi-.ed III' " e-xp iimi'iu iiiniln
unchanged. Nobodv appreclites the tiulli of
this mom fully than thu professional oi Tutors -
utors , whosu timidit ) under th peculiar cir
cumstances of the maik.tU has been
edl ) llm Mihjcct of lum.iik lint u nun ket
without Mippeiillii ilnyn whun blocks of secur
ities MI Immense are held by hpecnlatoiji con
stantly on tlie watch for nuw iluvelopme-ntH U
nuccsisarlly onuof chronic weakness. IJ no
body appears tu buy ut au advaucei the
flimice-n are tlmt the upoculator will on o his
The following lire the clmlng quotations o
the. leading Mock * on the New York JMeick ex
change today ;
The total sales of slocks ted iy were liM COO
vlinii1" . Including1 Chicago ( Ins , 4'JOO ; Ills-
tllllnu' , 10,1,00 , , .Mlssonil I'aclllc , 14OOO ; Na
tional t'oid.igo O.HOO , New Kn-'land. 11.HOO ;
Niithetn I'aclllc nrefened , H.'JUD ; Koadlng ,
: i,700 ; Itlchmond Terminal , 7.iOO : ; St. Paul ,
3,500 , MIB.II , I'J.noo. Western Union , 5,700.
New York Vlonuv Vlarkol.
Nl.vv Yeillk , April 15. MoNny ON e'Vll. Dull ,
eas } , a4' , per cent ; last loan 3 , closed
ullon d at ! ) pet cent.
I'ltiMi , Vli.m AiTiia : I'VIM n 0'H per cent
Si i HUM ) i\cil : VMIK-I'll m , with actual
business In ti inkers'bills at } l.8j3. ( foi sixty
disanil M HH fm demand
( Tnvi.UNthST llo.sps | , ewer for thu 4s.
Slate bonds dull.
The closing quotations on bonds :
TSrw York Mining ( Jnot.itlons.
Xi.vv Voiik , April iri.-rhu following aio the
closing mining ijuotatloiis :
Sun I'r.inclsco .Vllnlng Onolatlons.
\Nl'nvsrisCO , Ual. , Apill 15-The olllclal
closing quotations for mining stocks today
weie as follows :
St. l.onls Illnlni ; Storks
ST I < OPIS , Mo. , April 15 The following aio
the closing mining quotations :
Ad mil . . . * ( iranltu
Aiii'ilcnn N O .4D ,14) )
Ullincliilllc 70) ) 55)
Kll/iibJth . . .
Lid tasked
I'liinni lal Nol 'H.
Xi.w Om.i ANS , Li. , Apill 15 , L'leailng , 51-
KANSVS CITV , Mo. , April 15. dealings , $1-
I'Allts , Apill 15 , Tliieo per centos , 95f 92c
foi the account.
OMAHA April Ings , J953,285 ; total
for the week , Jiibl ( ) , ( > G9.
lUt.riMOUK Mil , Apill 15. Clearings , 12-
4H0.839 ; balances , $127,400. Money , G per
Mf.vipill , Tenn , April 15Clem Ings , ? 192-
345 ; bilances , $173,2o4. Now Votk eve..1 ! ! ! )
selling at.50 ! ,
NlW Voiiu , Aprll'15 Clearings , $12JGil- :
501 ; balances , fl,91),5ti3. ) I'm I lie wiuk'
Cleai Ings , 5082,024,8(15 ( ; , i s , fllH')9 ) , lo'j
CIM.INVVH , O , Aptll 15. Money , 0 pel
cent. New Voik exchaime , 75e premliim
Cleailngs , $2 177,150 I'oi tlio week , fl470- !
550. Last je.u , * 1 l.)7i,75O. ( ) (
I'liii.Mni 1'iiiA , Pa. , Apill 15 Cle irlngs ,
$10 , lll,4')8 ) ; balnnce , tl.Oi ) ! , & ' ) ( ) . 1 01 Iho
weuk , cle.n Ings , $70 I > 7,217 ; balanceilO , -
517.5J5. Money , I'i1i5 pel cent.
llostos , Miss , Apill 15 Cle-ulngs , J17-
2I.I.5J7 : bilances , tl,7JO , 111 Money , 5UO | ii r
cenl Kscli.uue on Nu Veil > , 25cdlsiount.
lot thu weiA. CleatlllUb , J10,170,438 ; b il-
iinces , $ Hi5ll51. (
Cllll'Vdo , III , April 1"Clnuln$10,071 , -
4I , for the wee , Jlo..S'' l , against J87-
lIH.liiiifin the corresponding tlmo last ye.u.
New Voik exehan ( ,75c premiiiin. Sleillng
exchange stiongi JI.HO1 , foi sixty-day bills ;
$4.88' ' , foi doman I. Money steady at ltf&7 pel
cent.Nr.w VOIIK , Apill 15 The exports of specie
from i he port of New Voik for the week * ' ) , -
307 7ii9 of which fl88O2D' ' ) was gold anil
$427,5(10 ( hlher. Of this amount $4,751,71)0 )
gold and H20,300 slhui went to I'uiopu , and
$128,509 gold and $7Jc > 0 silver went to South
Si I.otMs , Mo , April 15 Cleailnirs , J4.270-
1O4 ; hilnnees , $5(18,781 Clearlius tills weuk ,
$27,570,589 , balances , $ .1,119,183 dealing
foi c ) rre-pi > ndiiig wtek lat year , $20,112,424 ;
baliincHs , ,1'JI > 9.387 ; elo.irlniSN last week , $20-
130.5 It ! , balanes , $3,334,829 Money MiM < l >
at W47 pei cent. Exchange ) on New voik,90c
piemlum. _ _
O.VIAIIA i.ivi : srociv MAJticirrs.
Prle'CH llprtpniiil to tlin INtiilillshcd Conill-
llmiH nnd ( in I puard.
SATl lllivv. April 15.
The week's receipts show a very hiibs.antlal
Inciease over last week ami a year ago Itu
celptsforthe p 1st llftien da > s. whllesomo-
vvlnit lighter than for the sunn pi rjod lust
month , me consld-'iably heavlot than for thu
It Cures Coldi , Coujln fioro Throit , Croup , Infln >
tntt , Whoopinr Coujh , Bronehitii andAithmt ,
A certilo cure for Consumption in flrit t t .
anil a lure relief In d nced lUfti. Vie at once.
You will tee the eseelleat elfeol after ttklni tha
prit doie. Sold by dealeri evir/where , Ltrj *
boltlti 60 ccali na tl.OO.
nrsl half of April lait year , The omclnlf \
u res a rein follows !
. , . , . Cnttlo llo Shocp.
Hecrlpts tills Wrl'k 15,15021,040 fi,183 ,
Itecelpts la-t week. . ll,77tl 15JH ( 4.77U
Snmn week last voar . . IO.OI7 17.trIH : itmi )
It-'celpts past llidays 31.0,11 4J'J4l ) l.l.tM
I'lrst 15 da > s March 38,201 40,717 10,132
Plrst 15davs Aprll'92 U3 107 37,1)9,1 ) 8,494
riurtimtlons In the cattle mat ket tin past
week have been few and unimportant. He-
ri'lptsh'ive been fairly liberal , and while on
this account there was u slight decline' tn
prices , the general tone to thu trade
has boon good with a general linn-
Ing up of values tin all decent grades ,
I he good heavy entile have1 be en coming for
ward a little more freely and selling to betti-r
advantage , on account ut the recent Impioxe-
inent In ( lie rxport tunic Light , half-fat
Mock continues lo constitute the bulk , 01 at
least a large nercentago lit the olTorlngs , but
pilces have developed cnnstdotahlc MtcmMh
on account of the actlxu demand
for high giado feedeis. The mu-
elltitn grades iteh as killers use have
Hliiixxn comparatively little change ceitalnly
no weakness , riieie appeals lo be a good ,
strong , health ) undertone1 to tlio trade. On
this subject the National Stockman aptly re
marks. " ( Jni' reason xvhy a good mcaxiuc of
faith can be pinned to thu Improxument in the
eattlo maiket N lucailse the adxaiices tn
prices haxo been slow and natural. Kveiy up-
waul tuin has been leslsti'U by
bujers It has been u h ind-to-
liand light between hellers and bujers
for the past tvM'Ixe months wlicnexer thede-
Ili'l nr > In supplies seems to wan an I a rise In
values IiiNiilteof the dutermlmd e-IToits eif
bujers and ( he demessed condition of the for
eign markets for beeves , values have slowly
but steadllj sought a higher plane , and al
though the ) do not show us much of an ad
vance as for hogs , In all piobablllly theIm -
pioxcmenl Inc it tie pt Ices will do tlit'Countiy
mine good than the shaip advance In hogs It
Is the loiu pull and the stead ) pull that Is Iho
most cllcctho nnd that generally does Iho
most good '
' 1 he sunplv ted iy wis h irdly up to Iho
nveiitge fora Siturday as far as iiuantlt ) was
concct ncd , lint the ( | Uallt > of Iho ollerlngs
was rather bettet than usual ll.islern mar
kets \\eie leporti-d Him and th bluets went
to woikearl ) toll ! ! their ordois There was a
tali ltiiUli | ) fiom speculatlxe shlppeis ,
and on the disliable hiavy cattle com
petition was good e'lintuh to advance pilces
about loc. Tlu > same was tine of the poor to
fait light and half-fat glades , when- feeder
bnxeis and dics-cd beef mencame in competl-
llon. Oilier glades sold at good , Him prices ,
but It wasdllllcull to dl-coxer any iiiotable |
advance. Ono load of fancy heavy
cattle level veil a bid of Jj 1,0 , but
Iho sellei xv anted moie. ( mod to choice
1,200 to 1,000-11) ) iH'i'xes sold at fiom $45 to
} 5'J5 , with fall to good 1,000 to 1,200-lh
steers at fiom Jl 35 to f4.iiO , poor to fair light
stult nnd odds and ends cnnnged hinds at
from IJ.95 lo } 4 30. The movement vxus fairly
active IliioiiL'liout and a good cleat .nice was
'Ihecovx maiket has been ijradually Kalnlng
Ktiengili all week Oireilngs today weie not
heaxv , le--s than twenty loads , and with the
Usual good demand It Hid not take the bnxeis
long to gathu them In at good , llrm prices
I'liere weiu no strictly pi line shei'tittlu heie.
but theiu were also fewei thin , old
pellors than usual Sales Included com
mon to gooel cows unit heifers at
fiom $1.75 to $ ,185 , with the big bulk
of the decent stock selling at better than
$ .1 Tlicie xxas an Indllleieiit demand fin
lough slock and pool lo veiy good bulls ami
Mugs sold at fiom J2 to $ .125. The calf
market was dull bul about stead ) , poor huge
lo good xeal stock selling at fiom $225 to
KI Oo.
Activity and Mionglh hive chaiactcilml
the fcedei tiade all week , although Ions
lime been risti lend nn account of lather lim
ited ollerlngs. IJegiilnr dealers louled np
piett ) he iv lly e irlx In the week , tint found a
lead ) sale fin the tight kind of slock , as Iho
dem mil fiom the country was good 1'rlces
aie up In the bUh notches annul the highest
of the season. Todij's tiadu was light , hut
] ii Ices tilled llrm
lloi.s Tne m ir.iet this week was active )
enough to keep the best of 'cm miesslng Ad
vances and lifelines eif 15 to J5c weie dally
ocelli icnccs , hut the week closes with pilces
25c to lOc hlghoi thin a weik ago P. i-tern
butchers liavo been flee bnxeis all week ,
In fact thu iccent sliaii | tip-turn
In the miikct has been altilbilled by
the trade to the demand in the cist
fet fiesh p n.i , and tlioy s iy wllh this dem mil
tilled Ihu m uket Is xeiy ll.ihlu to lecede
Packets still app'.uto bu on the beat sldo
foi nil the ) aie vvoitb , but while they aio
well nUli all-povvoiful , the uiiiisu il and en
tirely iinjirec 'dented cbcuinsiam es snr-
lolindlng tlie tiade may foico lilghc-i pilces In
spite of them.
The exhibit of stocks of ho , ; piodnct
at all points in the w > st cm M itch 1 , accoidlng
toieturnsto the Pi Ice Cnrient , Indicate a
tot at of 21-.OiiO ( ) ) Ibs. of meats of all cuts ,
130,000 bin els of pork , and 30OOt )
tleices of laid. These lUuics compare xxlth
154.000,000 Ibs of me its. 3'O.OUJ ) bariels
of poikand 15S.OOO tlei-ces of laid a year ago
The pii'scMit Mocks aie smaller than
In any pievlous .vear hlnce such In-
formatron has bi en available , foi corresponding
spending tlmo In the veai Tlie re-ult of In
vestigations conccinln , ' piob iblit mat ketnblo
sup ] ) ! ) of hogs foi the puriod fiom Match 1 to
Noxember Indicates a icdii tlon of 20 pc-i cent
compaied with last ) ear , suggest Ing n doer ea-o
of 1,51KUU ) ( > lions In the westein packing sup
ply , 01 li,25,0 ( ) lhogs ) as eomp lied with 1 > , G9' > , -
000 In 1891 and 9,540,000 for the summer
season e > f 1890.
i' The maiket has been active and the
tunilenc ) of pilces hUher all week. Itecelpls
fall away shot I of local requirements , and
p ickeis aio p lying light up close to e'ltlcago
in Ices In ordei to got the stock heie Ho-
celpls today weiu four double decks ,
thiiu of tin m direct to
Swift . .xCo Thoother was a load of choice
westein wethers that uvuiage d 11)8 ) His and
Mild foi $5 50. Tali to good native's J4 tlOid
550 ; fair to good westerns , * ,175n550 :
common mil stock sheep , t2.5On t 00 , good
lu choice 10 lo 100-Ib lambs , $4 50itij.25.
Krcolpts niul IHripiisilion l Stuclc.
Onielul receipts and disposition of stock as
shown by the books of the I'nlon Stoi k Vaids
, Total Uiun 01 CITIES
Con rsponili ntr sollclttd
(03-105 ( Dearborn Stroot. CHICAGO.
15 'A/nil ' Street , MEW YORK ,
? O Stnto St. . BOSTCN.
rompntiy for the twonly fourliotiri pndliiii |
fioclock p m. , April 15 IH'M ,
Total J.CIV
l.lstock Murkcl.
rnilMilo. Ill . April in | sicini , IVlegrnm
o'lMKlthKl Theeattle market v ns niile t , n
It almost Invariably Isun the 1-isl da > of the
"eek. In pilves tlient was llttleor no li.ingo.
I he feeling uiipeiired to be llrm and tin few
s.iles made today were oni basis of from Jl 40 , , tlTSt. , } . ) 7f >
foi bulls from J'JOflto } l - > n for stoi keis and
feedeis , from $1 to } tl for dressed luu f und
shipping steers , from M uu to 14 TO fur IVM
e it tie.
Tliu hogm.iiket opptiedstiongat 5c advance-
I.atei In the inornliig It weil.ened , e'lixini ; no
belter th in on \ citerdijVhllu tbeie were
two in threi- early snlus at } 7 6a tlio
same lie s would nut hi\e hnmjlit mor
li Ml at thi ) close 'I'll 'i e Hen few tuulpi
nbou1 $7 W and not nrinj In low J7 jr > , tlin
popular prices b'ltu fiinn f7 ' " to f"to
'losing nnotatl ) iis weiv tiom Ji > N i t. $ ' 15
for light , fiom t7 to $7 iio fm tu\ , . il tu l uiu-
dlilin and fiom $7 JO to * 7 I' , fur In i\ \
s.iles of sheen weie at ' iilntinoni ,
Thev were lu ll lit dem mil at fimn * .ntfil .
foi poor to choice NI , , ! , , ) ) , ) , , , ; exiri would
In Ini ! from JO 15 to l > . ' > The lamb luiikcit
was linn at fiom Jr > ( n fi > < < >
U-ivlpts t'lttle , 1 &oo In ul hn-s 9000
head , sheep , u.OOO head.
KIIIIAIS Clt > I.Itn Slink Vliiilti't
KVNSVS ( ITV , Mo , April \r \ > i um llo-
Celpts , ,1 H III ; shipments , l.Jitii mil K.I q net ;
steels usually ste nlj ; some 5 < liV Ii er ,
co\\s Mead ) to stton , feeih is dull liva-l
and Indian inn hanged i sites
llii ssed beef and shlpplmt vtceis } 1 1 n J5
cous ami heifers , * 1 'Jon I oo stoi Ui is and
fee dersf4 10
lions Hecelpls , 5riOO shlpinenls 1000 ;
m.iikel , ictl\e and KKi'-JOc ' hlglu i all ciades.
S ( . I.0i7-JOj . bulk , 7(10-17 ( lo
' III i Itccelpts , 1700 , shlinninis J 7elj ) (
maiket acthe and stead ) lo stiung Kepru-
fcenttitlvu sales. Muttons , H 75
M. l.onn l.lve stork Market
ST I.oris , Mo , April 15 CvrTl.v U einti ,
500 In ad ; shipments , lee hind n irket
weak ; fait lo good native sti-rs - J.I . iclt.O . ,
choice , $4 75i5 10 , fid sleets f J J5ii
lions Itecelpts , 1 noo- shipments nonoj
market \\iak , be.ivj , } li7 > n" 10 packlnir ,
td 5(1-17 ( oil. IL'liI , fl ( ( > ( ! ( ( ) Kb
Mlhii' No receipts and no maiket
Huddlilsin niul Cliristl.init.v tire In stranpo
juxtaposition at Chester In \\est-
Chester coiiuty , New York
e-liurcli of I'.ist Ch-ster , a iii.ilnt | edllHo
he.irlni ; the date of ITii'i and standing in .1
picluicsqiii ) Br.ive-.vard that ovcilooks Iho
in.uslics of Knst Ciiester cicek , Is Just oppo.
site a private lUvelllughicli stands amid
largo piounds The o\\ner of
the. duelling , npparentlv insplie-d l > v the
| i > acuful neighborhood of the gravevaid hu %
liiscilbed on tlio gatepost the1 single word
"Mrv.un "
It is e-stlmate-d in iiinetj the
tnlile societies of Ainei ii a and alniMil havft
disliiuiitcd ove'rU > IO)00Kt ( ) ( ) ) copies
SIIK DON'T \\'A\T \ \ TO Tn T
what made her bemitlful.
Yet it's only what other
\ \ emicukiioiv. . Wealth ot
lic.iutyoiiies onlj with a
health } body Health is n
Fet of Rood ImliitH Doetor
1'ieice's 1'nvoilto PieFerii-
tiou CKsists natiiro iiK.slait-
libltiiiK tlieso Imlnts.
Women luivo sallow
, fares , dull e-jes nnd
v hollow chetkit , to-
'got her vith low
piiits , when they
) 'mo nindo iniscrabfo
with ell'oiders , do-
raiigc'inunts nnd
vvenknesses ix-cullnr
to their sox. Honlth is regaine-d , after ] ) e-riod8
of db7incss , nervous j > iostrntfon and e-xcita-
hililjor other iiinnifehtntions of ekrango-
iiient , ordirplnretncnt of the v\omanly ccKfina ,
when the "I're-si-rijitlon" is use-d Ueiides ,
it's told on its mci its. The pi oprietors tnke
tlm rfsfr.
It is guaranteed to benefit or euro nil tlio
iliiOiclcMs , elNen--ps , nndvvtakne-si > e3of vvoiiicu ,
or money is relundcd
Catnirh is cured by Dr. Sago's Hcmexly.
Union Stook Yards Company ,
Soutli Ornahai
l Cattle Ilu anilh o , ) in ir ut lu I1i3
Wood Brotha ,
I.lvo ? took Coinmtsslon VIoicli.tnt %
EoUh'Jiuiihi Tcli' | > lion 1157.
xvAi.n.ui ; WOOD , (
Mnrkot K r.i Ju 11 iilv i ill- l
AWNIHfiS A)3 ! ) TENT3
Omaha Tent-Av/ninj / Wolf Bras , & Co , ,
Miiniifiiciurprt of tent <
nvtnlii. , otc TO I an-I
- 7UJ S lull Mtrjjt
IIH Hmmii-U
Bemis Omaha Big H. 0. Daxon ,
Importun ami min-fri lllcjrcloi BO ! 1 on monthly
Hour incki , l > urU | > i ,
imymonli I. ) V 11th
Morse Coe Shoe Company ,
Salesroom iind omso-1107 IIO ) 111) ) llo iirl-t.
l-ialnry lll'i-ll.'l-IUI lluwnnl St
Wo nro the o\l v VI uiufnHuron of IluoUiml
t > buLIn tlm utiiie of Nebrank i
A itciiL'riil t ivltiillon U uttu Hi oil to M lo ln | > cU
our IHMV fuciury.
Omaha Coal , CiJ ) &
UMl. ( O , hir I nnil mft Vlfr * ( tnlvenua I Iron
< ciU h K cat loin nil I rorulc ! VT ! i lixv uipi.
l > iiilm alt lllOlltlllO M4Vlliilt4 IUJ
H. E. Smith & Co. , KilpatrlcUoc'i Di1/
IOO ti I I ) ,
I'D KOOII notloni fur- N'otluui ujiit fur il * &
nlihiiU Kuuti I' Intjiu li.or 111 i nil
Illhuinl H.i.Tiiril lluriusti
Omaha Upholstering Besb33 & Riiayan
CO. , Dikolit | rei | furnl- 1U11N1TUHK CO , Uraca
lire. IUJ HOI Nlcholui
W. WUyleiolo ualf. andl3lU3t ! .
Rector & Wilhelmy LOD33I L ( 11 ,
ivM In hir I r i-j til
Corner 10th nn | J iciscn I i inlus to )
U OKI 111 ! Daiuljs it
Wliolcnilo VVOKKS
llBtn. l'lH | , Url.T K Snfo4 vnuit 11 Mvurk ,
Ullivi" , Illltl'lin , Irun jhuttur mi 1 Urn 01
unil ll.irnoy its ciiiiui Au Iru.o A. itr *
elt III i mi I Jt > i
John A. WakeaiH , Ciiarles R.
IiupurtulAtiiijrlo tiIrt lnrit < Tul iiiuir
I tn 1 cjru int MIl.v 11 curpoli 1-1 1 t > * r I '
kuoiM in it iitnlsjuliu/ Ilu ir | u
WlllLU UiLU Vth ml < J uiu
Prick & Hjfinrl , Co
Imp ) c T < in I j i iln-rs
VVtiulusaltillquarda-ilJri til iinill lurnuliuiis. .
Vlnll or JJrj p n iy *
1001 Kurnum it Illl . '
Carpenter Paptf Co. Standird Oil 0 , ,
( urij a full > uiu i > f
lirlntliik' , vrr vpiiln.- 11 Hull.-IB I ami liiur
vvriluu | iiurj , varl
elli nils Krnt'U
Branca & C ) . , Jis. A. Clari & C ) . (
I'lodiicu. frulti of ull Illltlar , Cll' ) H3 , ftt ,
iiunil f unl , < t iij ,
klnili , t uteri JITS tiiii n
fiTOVE REPAID ! . I SV I , Dili
Omaha Sto/a / Ripiir M. A , Dls h'j Y A Cot
\V.IIKJ. ilnru repair * \t iiufnotiirjr of tiih
unil iflur mucliuionu Uoor i , till mil unil
fur au/ kind of ituru liiiulilllu branch ol *
uadv , mi DougUi SU dee , mil nU UurO.