r OMAHA DAILY BEE TWENTY-SECON I ) YEAH. OMAHA , MONDAY MOllNttNG , APRIL 17 , 1893. NUMBER REAT FIGHTING MACHINES dendid Naval Display of War Vessels in Hampton Roads. B HW B oiSY WELCOMES TO LATE ARRIVALS lilin | | nlliK VriltTdiiJ Atiliing the Ships lit AntlKir Anhii ilfd Si t lit tin llmV.ilrr l.ntmt A | ill lllin * to tlm I lent lit Anclitir. TOUT MOVIIOB , Va , April Id The broad rcen , white mid ted bars , with a snowy rossoii a seurleb shield , of Iho Hag of Italy ml the tri-iolorsof many Hugs lloat todaj vcrtholiitocappcd waves which rest- csslj rise and fall In Hampton Koads The iow foreign vessels have aulved the ilovani 1) ) uiseii ami the Jean Bart , making evcntien men of war now In the harlxjr \ll this aftei noon and until the setting sun aused the shadows of the pioliudintt -aniHtis ) to fall IIUo dark Index llngcis aslant | thela/7llng sides of the uhips , a biilllnnl Bpeturo ! was presented 'Die launches Band cutters of the vessels , cacli displajlng a j shower of colors of its nationality , sped to rnml fie across the waters , cairjing livelj f parties to tlie men ot wir and back again | The golden sunlight was unbiokcn bj a cloud 'I'ho air was so wonderfullj transpir- ent that the glint of the la.u.s woik UK | > II Iho Atlanta shone a slar point In Ihe Jheavcns The skj was blue and the water [ blue i still wl'h ' .u h wave , ciested with a | II ecj rim of foim , as soft and dainty as the i fur which em lie Ics a worn in's opeia clink Milss < if < uliir. The exclusion bolts wcic 1 idcn withspcc ( tatorsofthe si i nc , moving iiionuments of I Hags A si oie of yachts with sign ils and i pennants as vailed as akalacldescopo added i lethe bcautj of their giacefnl fonns and i wldcsprcTd sails Upon the shoio the liust- ' ling Huongs In the hotel lobby , with Ihe rollliers conspicuous in their nnifoims , the I Raj thiong of iitjllshlj1 dicsscd women on ' the bioad , sunnj pi i//as , radiant inspilng costumes ami with huge bunches of lilacs on thtili bicasts andthomeirj chatter of con- Visalion In half n do/en languages , gave a spirit of animation to a Sunday scene that would have m ulo the I'm it , in father seek refuge In the bleak foicst ot another contl ncnt ThoOiovani Buiscn was sighted earlj | this morning , but not too e ulj for the usual burning of powder She is nut a stranger to the American walers hiving parliclpitod in the lasl loview in New Voik , bill her ar rival vvas novel llieltss Iho occasion foi inuih coicmonj She is a putiallj protected cruiser , with two mammoth 10 inch guns , which send half a ton of steel as straight as an anew to the hnrl/on's edge She is not fair to look UHin | wilh her black and jcllow paint , but she can fight She came to an anchor in the vicinilj of the Ameiicnn licet , about OIKaids ) from the wharf , and 'after she had humr the United States Hag at her mainmast and ihcd u salute , she was answciod and an onicer of the Baltlmoio , went aboard of her with all pomp and icicmony. Alintlicr I'lhtlii | | ; Vliichlnn Arrives. The quartermaster on tlie bildgo of the Philadelphia casl his weather ojo towaul vho wide sti otth of water between the capes ind sighted another man of war Inward Kiund Like a silhouette her black hull was 'Utllncd against the white llcecv clouds vldch Hung Jayilj against the horl/on Un Iko the Hussian ships , she had no tapeiing iiaBtsorgiaccful jatds , or delicate tiacerv t rigging Her two masts weio thick anil warred , iiiut but for the "ciow's nests' hich sin mounted them she did not betraj military purpose The cr.ift inighl have ecu mistaken for some gigantic coal bat go hs she steamed ncaier the Trench ensign at lerHtein told her nation illtj and the vi Hous looking ram extended fiom her irow pi-oclaimcd her name , the Jean Bait , a formidable aimorod ciulser , added to the bVcnch navj within the just flvo jcais As the eiulscr moved slowlv dovMi to her mchorage , with seat cely a ilpplo bieakln rom cither side of her long and slender nose , he Jean Bart picscntcd a stiiklng althouirh iombrepletuic Her tall sides weio dark as /light / , bul the peeling blick mint disclosed > ho undercoat of i ed lead The smokestacks ind the steel masts veio a dlitv vcllimlsh ilrab , and her ten guns. Instead of rellccting the biiltiant sunlighl , were dull brown Tnrough her open ports the broadside of live six-inch guns , each w canon surrounded by Its appropriate ciew , weio conspic- uous. 'Iho huge cjlimlcrs of steel which surmounted the hollow masts were peno- cd bv the long murzlcs of her lapid-lhing uns. The tars weie standing at their lai tcis In rcsicctful | nttttudcs.vv bile a gioup of oniceis in full unlfoim on the bridge weio lurvojlng Ihinugh Iheii glasses the Heel al- cady assembled Uithcquil inteicst the neil upon the United Statis vessels ga/ed ixm | the wai like stianger and the in. nine who headed the solitarv gun on the stein i.iraded in solltaij gloij on the Ifillan \ essel. Uilroiniil tlm rrrnclinmii. Splash and rattle went the am her of the rrenchmaii to the bottom The s into in- < tant the gloilous stars mil stupes weio um up to the smnmll of the mainmast , just nn- dcincath tno slender pennant The gentle bieevo tcndeilj caught the natluiial emblem lind seemed to caress it , while uiidcinoath ( ho big guns honored the Hag with an international - national salute of twcntj one gims The echo of the thing had not ditdawaj when a rev ci berating boom from the dis'tant fort tbundcicd baiK a iccognitiun and a v\cl come Just at this Instant theofllreis of the Jean Unit 1,111 to tin side to ir.uo cuuotislv upon a stiangociaft that had ionic up unobserved behind them and was silently sliding bj H had the form and build of a torpcdoboat with loundcd deck hcircclj above the level of the watci and Hhcathcd with metal painted brou n Over its stern was a house on stilts llttlolaigcr thin a hencoop of re- speetable sire It was a whaloback , common - mon enough on the lakes but decidully tiiilquo in the Ti clubmen's ( < \cs While hey w cm still lost In wonder at the unique Bpcilmui of naval aichitectuie. a slgnlllcant , ncldcnl happcnctl Hven the Ficiichmans guns weto paving thcii loud tiibuto to the American Hug the captain of the ( icncial Admiral hiepped Into his gig and stinted us rapldlx asfoui o.us could can j him towaul the new in rival , teaching the lattei's side wbllo the boaullng olllcci fiom the Hal timoie was still some dlstnnco awav. and was being iccclvctl v\lth due houois Them Is a gcneial Impu-sstou amoni ; naval ollli eis that the ostentatious haste of the Itussians to weliome Iho now ui- ilval was unwaininted AilmiialVnlUcr. . however , in speaking to jourcouespiuidciil of the Incident , vvas not disposed In icgaid it In this light , mid s ild Unit mii vessel could thus fornmlheleomo unothcr , thcio being no established itilo t lu'cccdeuco. .lust 11 Muftrr of Coiirtfi } . At the s mint line there Is a feeling tint under the circumstances that when the furolirn ships aio hem ban invitation from the United .Slates gov eminent to pirih ipate In a cell brailon U vvould hive bein moio courteous to have iilloued iho Ameikan onicer to have boarded the lYuncliimin Ilist This the Itall.iu did. her pig standing oft until the little steam launch from the Baltl moro vvas alongside the l.indim' stage of the jJonn Bart , Although the Phindclphii Is the Hag ship , thu Baltimore , is the guard boat today and so U was one of her officers , Lieu tenant A. K. Culver , who , la all the gloi y of B blr Jcssup Porter , came upon n bright uluo sea to tender the 1'iench captain the compliments of Admiral GhcrarUI. As he WM vfelcomcd at th gangway by a group of ofllecrs , the United States Hag was again ral < ed , this time at the foremast , and an admiral's s ihite of thirteen criins was Hied to which the Phi adclphla at once re sponded living the riench llag at thn foic- must An the visiting ofllecrs descended Iho landing steps on one side of Iho Hhlu jour con espondcnt ascended the other The deck n ( the frenchman had not been tidied and presented a marked ejmti.ist to the immacu late cleanliness of tho'Amerlc.ui vessels "Wo have had an uneventful vojago , " said the onieoi of Iho deck "Wo left Tin.Ion on the -"th of March and s illcd w 1th moderate speed illtect to Hamilton Hoi Is stupplng otilv at Tangier and HIP \zores for n couple of da > s. " Ann iiiiont lift IIP rrrnrlim in. ' 1 he ofllcer was proud of the cruiser and fondlv tapped the steel plates which protect her sides She is titt ) feet long , of I.IKKI tons and hasn maximum speed of neailj nineteen knots an hour She catries eighteen rilled guns , besides tea machine guns Hi r masts are really not nusts at nil , bul , in ieilit\ , hollow \llinlileal towcis of steel v\ltli a i ir- cul ir stall ij Inside , bv means of w Inch the gunners ascend to the tin tels of steel sixtj feel above llio ship's deck Thi-onlj other Incidents of the d.iv were the repoitlng for dutof Iho jouug Spanish lieutenant who is to setvo on stalT duty under Admlial Walker , and the Sundaj sei v Ices The latter were in pro/iess as the Jean Bait airived and weio sullj dlstuibed bv the booming of the cannon Indeed , the eh iplaln on the Phil idclphia was just about to prav when the sudden llring of a s iluto just ovci his head caused him to start and clap his hands to his eais Ou the II ig ship the chaplain. sUj pilots as thoj call them In the mvv , olllclitcd nl icgulur chuiih serv- nts. while on other vc-sscls the moining piajois of the Episcopal t lunch were lead The Jackies. as the tais are famillailj knoun. stooil on Iho main dock with baled heads , while llio solemn woids were rcver cntlj utteted Meanwhile the ehuich pen nant Hew fiom the j aid um Save for this sci vice on the ship and in the pictuiesquo little chapel , \\liii h staiuls under the shadow of budding elms nl Ihe foil , there was no service at Toilless Munioe A Oiltistlon of itltilfttc : | > . Tonight the Biitish stiundron of live ves sels , ijnder command of the vlco admiral , is believed to bo Iving off the Vitgiuii c-apcs piepiratorj to cn'ciiiic the loidsearlj in the moil Ing 'Iho gicatcst intciest Is ecu- ttied upon the armoied eiulscr Blake , of 1'ngl mil's dlsplaj. vvbhli will piobablv bo the llncst specimen of naval arehttectmo at the review Whether the vice admii.il coinm.inillnu' will , after saluting oureolois and being answered bj the s ilutlng at Iho foils , vv.ilt for Admiral GJieiaidl to salute fiom his ling ship , 01 lecngnblng th it Ad- mital Ohetardl , as lommander of tlie cnllio naval levlow Heel , should bo considered as having the iclatlvo tank of full admiral and thus be entitled to bo i onsidered senior , is a question that isagitaling Ihe naval men tonight 'I he naval iegul.itions icquiio that naval vessels visiting a foieign pott must salute the ship found in porl if she is coin- in iiuled bv an oftlicr of senior lank , but should the visitor be the senior the siluto must then come Hist from the ship at am hoi It is believed , liowovcr.thal Iho Hng- llsh admiial although having a lank 10- littvel ) hlirher than Admiial Oheiardi , will , after s iluting the n itional colois , lire olT the icguiition number of guns foi our semoi ofllccr. 'Iho loads tonight presented the usual biilllanl clfecl Admiial ( iherauli will give his ihst dinner to the visiting ofllccrs and the conimnndcis of the shins I'ncsdaj night , and fiom then on until the dcpuluro of Ihe Hoot for New Yoikthe.ie wllltbe lounds of dinners and entertainments throughout the week Kadi ship In the licet will bo o\- pecteu to ciiteilaiu the oniccis of some foi- elgn .ship , to be designated bj Admiial Cihei.u-dl , and Ibis , of itself , will keep ovcrj ship busy looking rtftcr the enjojmcnl of our guests In the daj. and in the evening thcj' will attend the naval danees at the hotel o tin : nvvti * r.tiuv. lion thu niMirnil nits of CiiIiimbiiK Spent SlIIHl I } . NIAV YoiiK.Api 1110 Thoduko of Vcragua , the 110th lineal descendant of Christopher * Columbus , awoke this inotiilng in Iho land discovered bj his illusliious ancestor for Ihe first lime The drearj , lainj vvcalhcr in which ho landed from the Now York had given place to n bright , sunshiny morning , moio like that lo bo expected In the duke's iiitivo country A Spanish llag ilo.atcd fiom ills window in llio Hotel Waldorf , on Iho Fifth avenue side , in honor of the dis tinguished guest within Commander Dickens of the United States navj and Mis Dickens , who are to servo as pilots to the ducal party during their staj in Ihe Lulled btates , and John Austin Stevens , representing the mavor and municipal committee - mitteo of 100 , paid their icspccts to the foreign visitors and offeicd to aecompmv them to mass al SI Patrick's cathudr.il Their services being accepted , the partv loft the Hotel Waldorf for the cathctlr.il at 1015 a m in two c'liinages The parlj1 was com- I osed of the duke do Vcragua , his v.lfe , CH/aboth of Agullera , duchess of Veiagua , his daughter , Maiia , and his son , the duke's bi other , Iho Marquis of Bat boles and his nephew ; Commander Dicklns and Mis Die-Kins and John Austin Stevens The duke and his brother were both vcrv plainlj diessod , wealing a ptinco albert black co it and vest , dark tweed pants and silk hat The diesses of tlm ladles weie oven moio sevcio in theli slirplUitj ofstvlo When thop.utj arrived at the cathedral a small crowd vvas on I'ifth avenue awaiting the duke's anival Manj deleicntl illy paid their icspei ts bj dolling their hats , to which the iluUe lesponded In kind A lather piinful delaj ensued , duiliig whii h the p.utj i em.lined outside awaitimr au luvit itiou to enter Thoj weio Hnallj conducted up the middle aisle to the fiont seat on the left baud side and the daiighlci and son weio given chalis in front of Iho altar Solemn high mass in honor of the occasion was idebiated Auhbis'iop Conigan occu pied tliotluouc , on one side was Uov Mgr Lavclle ami on thoothci Uov John Conuollj Ken Heniv T Nowi\ was iclelnuit , Hov P Dilj. deacon , Kov T 1 ! .Murphj , sub deacon. Kov.V \ S McUiughlln , master of ceiomimles 'Iho sermon was preached bj Kev W J B Dilj Ciiiilmcnt's mass in i ; Hat was given "A\eium'was sung bjr a choir of sixtj vniies. wilh double quai tot and chorus under the illicctlon of Mr P. Pcchcr. r.Uher Kcllncr's choir , Ocomioscd of slxly bojs , also sang Among the prominent poisons weie Ait hblshojiV111I imsof Boston and the Dinish consul , who oe-cupvd a scat ne\t to the ducal p.utj After the song Kev M Livello ascended the pulpit steps and said 'We have pics ml with us to daj UK grace , the duke of Veragua , the hi ad of the eleventh genera tion In lineal descent fiom Chiistopher Co lumbiH the lllustiious tllsjovoicr of this countrj Ho comes heie as the guest of the h itlon Ho h is been wolc-omed alieadj bj thu secular uiithoililcs of the citj and nation ami I In the n imeof the aichbishop , In vour name , and in the n line of the Catho lie people-ol Now' Yoil , , vvelcomo him to the land In which C'luistopher Columbus vvas the Hist to set foot The longer the iluko re mains with us iho more ho scs of this vast nation with its mightj livers and fertile plains , leomlng with plenty and a happv people , he will thank Cod and thrill with joj that ho had an ancestor \\liosofortl- - , tudo and couiaire and pcisevcienco Is due all thcso inmul icsults Dining his staj heie IIP will Unit th it the people ho meets will lies ton on him the honor Columbus htm self would meet with weie he to levisit lu and when ho leaves us it will bo w lib Iho consoling thought that hit visit to Amcrl'i was among the ; greatest liiumphs of hi * life " Alter the mass the dtual paitj was driven hack to the hotel w ticio thcj passed th j da qulollj. _ _ 1'iit.il ( limrrttl itrn\fnn 1'iirliivis PumiiVEN , Wash , Apiil 10. Charles Schmidt , aged 40 , last night shot ami killed. Henry Morn , aged -4S , and then killed him self The men wcro i mining n chicken ranch in partnership , and quarreled over the division of the profit ! , Cleveland Inclined to Divorcotho Indian Bu reau from Politics. SPOILSMEN NOT TO FIGURE IN THE CASE Olhrr I'rtiputctl Uelnrmi In thu Service I. iiiitint VV III Nut HIMIHttlltnrj \ - Sec ret irj ) lo\v ISrivor of Inilhin Mill 11 D Kcwardoil. WA IIIMITOV Bfiii-vr OP TUB Bnr. ) rtlll Foi iiTiir.snt SriiPBT , > WV-IIIIMITOV , D C , Apiil 10 ) TH'n icadeis throughout the west wilt bo inteiested to leirn that it is the president's purpose to dh01 co the Imliin buieaii fiom uolitics Assistant Commissioner Aimslrong vvas selected btfcauso of his intimate knowl edge of Indian m itteis andinot because of his democracj Judging from wlril he hass ild it is probable thai Iho president will detail ofllcets of the aimj for dulj as agents at everj Imliin agenej in the country Cleve land believes thai Iho ofllco was not man aged bj ox Commissioner Morgan with that degree of unbl is political and icllgious feel ing which should pertain to its administra tion and Is bant on reform I'roposrd Itifornm In the Arm } . Secietiirj Limonl Is credited with numer ous proposed reforms in the aimj H is stated that he docs not think of having a mllltarj sccictarj Ho has so far given no intimation th it he wants asuciessorto Lieu tenant Diptaj and believes th it a imtitarj sccrotaij is whollv unnecessaij slmotho Wai deputment is full of milit.iij olllceis with whom hoconstantlj comes in contact Sccictaiy Litnont has called for a lisl of all ofllcers who .ito.it presentsepirated tiom their eommamls. and it is believed that ho will Immediately. 01 Jcr most ot them to their stations. No Kiirlj Aipiliitinrnt ] Ktpcctctl. The appointment of n bii'Mdier general Is not expected befoio midsummer on account of the rush of woik before the president As Gcucril Carlin is to go upon the letited list Novem bei ! M next , his noinln ition is now mil of the question Befoie ho could bo confirmed by the seniilo ho would leach the icthement I oint Mr Piekctt of Virgiui i , son of the famous Genet al Plekott of tonfedei.ito fame , is one of the most prominent applicants for the vac-ant pijmastciship in the aims to which LlontciiunDipraj was noirlni'ed Captain Udvv In O fiibson , a one legged letiied ofllccr of the armj , is also an aillc.int ] ) | It is believed th.'l Ihe beic.iM'menl ol Colonel Coibin miv bj au estoppel to the proposed militarj and nival bill , as ho was one of its principil spiilts Auny olllcois wanl the breveting of In dl.in soldicis fur gallantiv inaction sto ) > pcd and medals issued iiiste id Thoj contend th it the breveting business is bjln. ? run to death and that the Indians would appreciate medals moio -Mill I'll II1CMHIX. National Commilleo inn Tobias Castor is jet at the nbbitt Watson Pickiell ot Bcitiico wont to New Yoik this afteuioon C F Ciouehof Wateiloo , la , and M. M Ham of Dubuque are at the Uubllt. _ ' P.S H , ACCOUMS rou TIII : ini. vv. Why tlm i\clmn : of 1C itlllt ntlon of the llussiuii Trcsity hns nut Otmrri-il. WvsniNOTos , D C , April 10 The proba ble reason for the heietofoio unexpected de- lav in the ratlllcalion of Iho e\tradillon Ue.itj lecentlj' concluded wilh Uussia bc- came known todaj' 'Iho ticaty was ratitled by Iho senate of the United Stales , with an amendment limiting the section i elating to political crimes , shortly befoio the close of the lasl administration. The exchange of latlHeatlons was to take place at Si Poteis- bmg , and the exchange copj for the United States , with institutions and iiuthoiitj to Minister White to effect Ihe exchange , were forwauled some weeks ago Th > an nouncement that the exchange had taken pi ice vvas expected befoio the close of March and the dclaj- has given rise lo considerable spcculiilion This went so far ns to oiigiuatc a iiimoi from Beilln that Piesidenl Cleveland had instructed Minister White to withhold the exchange a state ment piompllj dented in ihoSlnlo dcpul- menl II was leal ncd to Jay tint Ibis ilolav in making Iho exchange was doubtless duo lo the absence of the c/ir fiom St. Peters burg Ho is visiting his second son , Geoigo , who , on account of pulmomirj' weakness , is spending some time in IhoCiucasus moun tains , in llio Clime i The c/ar had nolseen him for some months and , In company with his family , went to pass the Kussian Kaster week with the invalid Ho is u gicitdis tinco from St. Pcteisbuig and means of communication are compaiathclj' slow , mounted couriers Delng the most lapid II Is believed , however , that Iho c/u's au thentication of the Russian enpj' of the tioatjis now lu SI Petcisb'irg , and that the foinmlltv of.tho exchange will eon bo enacted 'ihoeopj-lor the cv.u's signatmo lofl SI Peteisbmg on the Ihiid insl , and should have lelurned Ihcio by this date It niaj be , though , that the evai did not tiaus- act anj business last wcck.t and if thai should be so , a fiuthcr delav of somodavs may eusuo bofoio the exchange uctuallj takes pi ice. 11 is of Inteiesl in this connection to note thai llio i haiigo of Iho treity of oxtiadllion with Pranee , wliich vvas ratillcd al ahoul the same time the Kussian ticalj was , has not been icpotted to the Dcpirtmont of State , ilthotnrh the Ameilean cojij lias been in Pails lot some weeks AMI.ItlC\.N rUODLCIS AlUtOAl * . * Si'cr t irj Mdrliin VV 111 Ciintliiiio Iho Guild Murk In Uigur itiMl Ii ) > lr. Itiult WvsniMiTON , D C , Apiil 10 Secretirj Motion has deteimincd to cnciv'1/o the in troduction of com in Uuiopc He invites the co opciation in this woikol allmaiiufactuieis of < oin products , from whom ho dcslies as a piellminarj step , to obtain a full statement of the vations kinds of pioducts made fiom com bj the minufactincis in each state , with a hi ief statement iR > to their character istic's and excellence Senator Mattes of Nebraska , having ac cepted the appointment pioferrcd him bj the secretary , w ill shot tlj' receive instt no tions as to eairjing the worKonabroid Sec- letarj Morton proposes toavailhlmselfof the aipiopnatloi | : under which the work will bo continued Among other things. Mr Mutles will bo instructed to Investigate the tobacco 1 ivvb in foice in Kuiopean coantries , geucr- ullj Known as "icgio , " with u view of ascer taining Just how far the control , bj Huiopeau governments ot this important industrj , oiTicts Iho Aicciican tobacco growei-s bj Im posing iCMtrictions uiNJii the tobacco oxjiort trade with such loimtiies and in asicitaln whether U is not possible to secuie a fie-r mmkct for the silo of American tobicco in foreign countries Mattes will also Investigate the subject of iho s lie of Amuilean meat products tn Cer- uunj and Prance , to ascertain whether tills trade Is nut seriouslj Impeded , in spite of th-j withdrawal of rcstiictlons on our in- iiKVteU mo U products l > j those couiiti ics , l > j t-K-il ormuiiKipil ix-gulatloiis. KiiKKlu M nN an l.tprrl. \\A--nisinos , D C , Apiil 10 At the 10- quii t of Pilnco L'antacuscn , the Hussian utiuister , his covcrnmcni has detailed Captain - tain Mertvagous naval and mllitarj attacho of the legation lu Washington , and ho Is ox- ixjcted to artIvo hero with his family ir. few duj c. Cuptaln McrtvafO is a naval ex pert of the first vv.ator. He ts desired , It ts said , for the reason that the naval Interests of his countrj' are p ir.itnount to those of the army , at least ns to construction and Im prove iient The IlUHslanfrJvcrnmciil dcslied lo bo represenlcd hero by a naval expert and ono who would at Iho same time bo compe tent to servo In the cap.icitj * of noting militarj' achievement rAiti.isi.K's AininmiTV. Dim tif tinIVUurrn of thn Simpcmlmi of ( inld Oi rtllhutfs. WASIIIMITOV , D C. , Apill 10 The suspen sion of gold certificates bj fieera.irj Cur- lisle , as announced jesturdaj recalls the rep- icsciit.ations made last Julj by the Jtulli iary ( ommltteo of tno house upon the tcsolutloii Introduced by Mr. Dockery of Mlswuit 'Iho t esolutlon instructed the committee to inqulio and ru | > ort whether , under the act lo provide for the resumption of specie paj- ments , thosecioiarj of the treasuij has the light to use the proceeds of anj inonej in the tieasurj arising from the sale of bonds or otherwise , as authoilzod under section ! t of sild act , for anj puioose other than those mentioned in s lid section II Thomajoiltj slid"There Is no limita tion upon the authoiitj of the secictaij of Iho Iteasurj lo sell Iwnds for the purposes of redemption under the act Of IfcTl ) , but the proceeds fiom such siles cannot bo used fsr other than icdcmptloii pin poses " Intfiitliiii til CdiigrfRR. They also s ild thai H was the intention of congress to Ilx the minimum amount of Iho rcscivc fund at MOO.O'HI.IXH ' ) gold coin and gold bullion , and to m ilntnin it at thai sum Up to and including the jear IS'H Ihe to till amount of gold ecrtlllt ates issued undei Iho act of issi vvas J4i > USJ'iCOO and the m ijoiitj saidThese These gold coiUllcalcs could not have been lavvfiillv issued unless at the time of issn nice the reserve fund of $100,000,000 cold coin and gold bullion was in Iho Ireasurj " As to the icplcnishlngof the icservo fund in case of diminution below the sum of $1M- ( ) 000,000m the absence of available suiplus tcvenuobv the redumption of levr.il tenders , the committee sivs tint the sum should be icstoicd from the cut rent coin icceipts of the I'ovoinment not othenviso appiopiiated. and when su h icvcnues are ti insfericd to the icscivo fund thoj' aio not subject to be used for anj other pui pose * Com lusUnn or Um Mlnorilj. Mr I la j' of the minoiitv committee sub mitted a icport , upon the resolution , in which the operations of thotro isury undci the acts icfciied to vv cie shown at i onsldci able length and with gieit detail The pmposis of the laws weie also discussed at lonsidoi ible length and the mluoiity Aimc to the follow ing lomliisions I'list I'liut thpie U nothlin ? In the rcsiimp- llein act requiring thesecrctary nf the tic.is- nry tosi tap irt any reserve fund for the ic- ilciiipllon of the I'lilleil St ttes notes b.u oiid Hi u the enl Y t mid which mtimllj iiiov Ides ( anilldcli Is thu roscrvi mi ntliiiuil In Ihopiiivislonsof 1H8J ( foi the redeinpilon rrf t'nlted > ! lies , mil is , Is the pituitls or tin bonds M > ! < ! fiom time lo time foi redemption puipiiM's and th it inch proceeds in ij be UM d ut any time foi th it piinmstt , lint foi no tit her 'I hint that .lie nowei to sell bonds still ex ists and Is Ilinltid only by the amount of t'nlti d tates notes ouUstiuidlmi , less the pro- t eetK ut bunds sold foi that purpose and im plied oi no" on band. I'on i Hi That thu hccrotaryof tin trcasiuy bus no pti i r tt ) iiiithoilroor hold as ag ilnst apniopi hit Inns liy congress or foru\pe mlitiiics authorl/ttl bylun , my pirt of Ihe surplus leveiiuesof thu government for the redemp tion of tJnltedhtiites notes Ho may IHO such sui pins foi such purpose , butheiuln his ponor cmU , , _ _ fo iti.icii in ) : Important I.ltlKatlonliy Which tlio Itoclc Islnnd nay llxtcnil ItK Lines. Mis.NEU'oi iMiniii , Apiil 10 Aigumcnts on an impoitant lailroad suit have just been commenced before Judge Lochren m the dls- ti let court This case was begun several jc.u sago and involves an amounl ot about fl,000,000 ) in moitgago claims on the Min neapolis & Si Louis lailroad. 'Iho case Is of national impoitanco and involves a new line of litigation. Hcnrj' Seibert of Now York lias sued for a foieclosuro of a mortgage of $ 1,000,000 , and this still is said lo bo in Iho intciest of the Hock Island loid , which seeks to obtain possession of the Minneapolis ic St Louis as an entianco Into the twin cities Numerous utlorncjs lepreseul various inlcicsts A number of cl ilmants are secured bv a ? Ti,000OOJ moitgage , which is prior to other mortgages , and is claimed to i ov er propcrtj' acqulicd after it was given. Then other parties claim thai Ihcir mortgage also cov ers Iho cntiio ro.ad as a ficc-aml moitgagcbul is a piior lien on some of the ex tensions and Improvements made after the former mortgage was given The $ .1.000,000 moitgago covets a grcit many pojple who hold bonds The 1,000,000 , mortgage cov eis the holdings of the Hock Island people The Faimeis Loan and Trust companj of Now York has a claim of $1,100,000. The Fidelitv Insuiaiico mil Tiust conipanj1 of Philadel phia claims a lien for $430,000 Among the holdeis of secuutles aio Iho New York Life Insuianeo company , to the amount of several thousand dollais. The Wow Yoik Mutual Llfo companj and other concerns also have huge holdings of securities The facl that the Minneapolis & St .Louis road is in the hands of a receiver and has not paid a cent Intel esl on bonds for four yeais is oxeicis- ing some of Iho holdeis U is apparent that the roul is paving , fiom the fact that Receiver Tiuesdalo has noaih Sl.OOO.OOO in cash in Iho Irc.isury 'I ho Uock Isl ind interest claim that thcj' should have this moiioj lo applv on its debt , but the proposition Is icslsted bj other inteiests It is alleged that the Hock Island thought In securing Iho npoolutineiit of aiccciver it would get tlie proceeds of Iho load , and fail ing in Ibis wants il sold to satisfj its claims and all the other Ileus against it and expected to baj the Miniie ipolis .V St Louis reid at foued sale foi a low figure Thu decision is awaited with gieat Interest in. ivnit ii. 1. 1. it i oir.\ < , * ii.i < ! ii i > . U h ) Hu Win Ui-nlutl Ucmhtirthip In the t'nliiil I.C.IKIIO dull. Nnw Yoiik. April 111 'I'ho Herald prints the following "If all the tales growing out of Iho hlackb tiling ofvoXing ; Theodoio Selig- mnii bj' the Union Liwguo club are tiue , then llicre aie a lol of the younger membeis of that icpublic.in biothcrliood who aio not chiis | of the old bio k " A now phase of the case has been miidu public and bj a club niau too "It was , " said tl'eclubmin question of race and relig ion It was the outgrowth , though , of a movement which has b/eu on foot in the club , and h is been g lining foice , too , foi some time "Kv erj bo ly knoiv s that the Uni in La.igiio club was founded and lias maintained a standing as ; K lupubllciin club Thcicpubli- iau p.utj has arawn'oa it fur enthusiasm , brains and monov. "Tho tmth of it all Ls tint the \oungcr element in Ihe club vvlift elcclc'd Seligman lias a notion of turning the Americ in eagle out of Iho biick club housaiU the time honoied constitution , aUoe'etlier making a social affair of it. "Cheilshing that hope , they made a bilter fighl against Mr Sulijman They did not waul lo establish cr allow to bo established the piecedeut of hiving Hebiows as nicm- beis , bccausa bj and bj.if It gets to bo a social i tub instead of a Hubst.intl il asioci i- tlan of men who have built up fofvunes and come In liandj to tlu p.utv in cimp.ilgn ve.us , the.v think it won't do to h.uo llcbicuti on the roster. ' 1 hal is the whole stoij. " c Mmemeiits tifOt < aii Meanipr. April III , At feouthairptou A.rivid C'.irls , from Nev ; Voik At Lliard Passet1 LnBiotajns , f.-o.n Now York At Qucenstown AiilvcdS'nia , from Now Yoik At Boston -Airlved Herm inn , from Ant- vv crp At Now York Arrived Wcria , from Genoa , Auranla. from Liverpool , ArUona , from Liverpool. VICIOUS BELGIAN STRIKERS Mayor Buls of Brussels Assaultad tuul Se verely Injured. MOBS HOLD FULL SWAY IN MANY CITIES I'rolVs.l . il Atlt Hurt Mlrrlnj : I'P ' strife Mfupcr.lttriKliln Ili-tucrii the Iti- ter mill tinPolli p I hn Strlku Is til All bet lion * . Uut-iris , Api il 10 This his luen a il.iv of exticme hopefulness and nnxiotj through out Belgium K putts from .ill points indi cate tint the stiilco is sproidni' ' ? s'cidlly niul th it the temper of the stUUers is grow- ingwoise In this citj , the momlng passe 1 without distui b nice Several stiff ri go meetings \\ero hold , liit ) thoj wotoordoilj ami the speeches were not violent This af ternoon , however , thousimls of working- mcii hold .i ttubulont meeting in the i.ioo coin so outside thucltv limit * Spjoihos ut the mooting denounced the proclam Ulon of Mij or Huls fin bidding meetings in f.i\oi of unlvois.il sulTrige Voliluis , the exit omo soil ilist , who wasar- lested .mil icloisod on Apiil 11 , imnlu .in in- condi.irj speech in vvnleh ho nppllud the most obnoxious epithets } o M Buls The ciowd bec.uno up o.uious.'shouted for 10- vengo upon the 111,1 MIIand eneoui.igul Volilois to still inoio hit' iiiuoiato language The polko ordoiod the crowd to dispeiso The workinginen answoicd with JOCM The poluo drew their swoids and mhaiiuoil to- waul the pi it Tot m Some of the crowd flied lovolveis and n few throw stones , but the street vvasclcjied uitliout a show of light tow.ud the ortleers Nobodv was injuied. Ahs iiillo I tlm Mil ) in. Mavor Bins was walking home iibnu1' an horn later when some 20J socialists , ictuiii- ing fiom the mooting , enno down the stieot Thoj hooted and jostled hi n , bjt allow od him to piss Alter ht > hid left the mob about llfty pices luhiad him thicu men 1.111 out and one of them struck him a hoivj blow \\itli a stick on the he id As Buls tinned ho leeoived anolhoi blow mid was 1 lid unconscious to the pavement A usi- dent of the avenue , Louise , who had seen the 111 st oiitountor and hid um for the poluo. ict in lied with hell * Just as the m.ijoi was stiucK down 1 ho polu e dialled the soci ilisls and after H light of ten minutes dispeiso 1 tin in Two of the ciow d wi'ioal tested It has nut bct.ii asieilalned whether or not Ihej aio the ones vvhoatlaeUid M Huls 'J lie police weio infuiined that just bcfote thUr ! iiii\al a woikman Hied seven shots iioni a io\oherut the piosliato ma.voi M Buls was still um onscious when taken to his home Ho iccoveied LOtiseiousm ss to v , aid eve'iimr andpiobiblj will bo able to icsunio his ortlciil duties within a few da.\s Meantime Alderman An lie will bo .u ting major King Leopold bus twice inquired bj spei lal oout iei after his he ilth It is i CDOI ti d that Voldcis will beat tested tor his p irt in the meeting whioh piecedeil the assjult $ rniiRht tint Police. This evening turbulent ciow ds fought , the police in se\eral distiicts of the city In the mode la B.ilavlai' the mob became so tlucat- pnlng that mounted police eh irgei.lt hem with drawn swoids 'Iho riotois threw Jais of Greek llio and stones unong the police Many of the mob wore cut and tiampled upon Twchc weieancstcd Several policemen were liunicd and bruised lho.it\ as it in a state of siege All places of amusement are desei ted 'Iho po lice and the riotei s hn o the sti iots to ilium- seh es A dispatch from Mons sijs that the strikois h.ue had possession of m.inj stiects there since c uly in the afternoon Kein- fotcements of soldiers luvo been sent fiom this city. UMiMSii DOCK i\iiitiits. It U Thought ii Ccnrriil Strlkulll III ) Or. ilrri-tl soon. LON'DON , ApiillO 'thousands of dockmcn and other ii\ei side woikers met in London this afternoon to consider whit altitude thoj might best adopt tow aid the Hull strike Chaiunan EJwaids made the llrst speech lie said that ho was bitterly opposed to the immediate oulci ing of n general stillte at all polls of the United Kingdom , as ho had piopcsed in thoiesoliition passed jcstor- daby the tonfeienco of sevcnt\- six dchgatcs from the Dock Laborcis union A conference of wateisido dele- Kates fiom all paits of the united kingdom , he said , had been called to meet in London toniouowand determine upon a course of action Ho appealed to the meeting to await the ovcnt of this confoience , not to take an independent and uncci tain stop , not to strike unless a genoial sliiko should bo oidercd He was authoiized to quote the opinion of John Bums that noUnite should bo insti tuted bcfoio the ujnfpienio should have dis cussed the matter It the confeienco should order u stnke , John Bums would light with the men through thick and thin Joseph H.iv clock Wilson , member of par- liainent. spoke for the icsolution passed by the conference jestoutay in f.uor of a gen- iM.il stukeof dockets , to begin tomoiiow He appealed to those piescnt that by im mediate action thoj show their conlldcnco in the justiie of Iho cause of the Hull dO'-Hois The meeting oveuUmllj appiovol a icsolu tion calling upon the oxeeutlvcb of nil tne unions to ascertain the \iews of the men as to the expe-diPiiij of a genual stiike , the amount of inoiun available to supnort a sti Ike. and the best means of iisisliug the Icdci alien IY \ IHJC.U.N IAHI.IMINT. : . Now rimb } WliUli Hits llninii HuhIllll Maj IMI At 1 1 pit tl. f ) Mos Apiil 17 A stoti has been eur- icnt for two or three dajs that so\eral members of the cabinet fax or a plan b.\ which a iholco bet\\con go\ernmenl by a Dublin I'ailiiimenl iiiitl govcmmcpt by the Biltish I'ailiamcnt sh ill be gianted to Ulster A pioMslou to this cflcct , lining been appio\ed by the Iiish leadeis , would beinsci led in the home rule bill 'Ihe Stand ml sijs of the plan this morn ing " 'Ihc Ulster membus wouhl oppose It because the 1'iotestant mlnorltv clso- where in Iieland would bo left to Iho nu u\\ of the ills' ! 1'aili umnt " As In Hit' Uiiljjlimi Strlltu I'\ms , Apill 1H M Bomo , Picnch am bassador to liclglum , h is it'turned to I'.uls in i espouse to a tcleiluiiili | summons fiom the Koveinmcnt , who wish to confer with him as to the ie\olt of the Belgi in woik- inemen _ ItLllKliitis tiiitlltj | DitiniiniliMl. I.OMIOS , Apill 10 Caulinal I oguo 10- ccl\ed in Belfast todaj the addicsscs of the clerg ) and students of tho.Malachis diocesan college Uepljln , he condemned the ijuecn's colleges in Ircl ind and D .blin iiuharslly as godless institutions , dan < ? fioui to the faith of Catholic stndi'ius hls'i CithnlU1 * , he said , h id lonif been lighting fo- their lights in cdiuatlon it 111 itteis an I lieer uouMb- satlslied unlit thoetilUjOd pcifcul utjn illtj with other denumin itions All All-nit Iliii \\iij : i l'iit IB" Mniiiji \ * II. ( Ml. LOMMJN , Apiil 1U So.uo lojiil Kngl.slri.cn ire beglnnimj to grow ango ! vt s l' " ' ? 'i t-uu Vli'torla's plcturiS ! upsl le do\n on iottois pastetl by the laltu-hij J i o dtes Ihcso lnli\lduals ho prt tc n I M bw intensely tie- \ott'dtothu defuiu't lumsu of btuait , me treating the go\ eminent post i ; o stumps In lUis discourteous fuuhlon , while thu put on their loitfers a Jacobin postage stamp \\lth Iho poi trait of the Umarluu princess , Maria Theresa , who. according to Jacobite customs , is the legltltnatc soNcicign of Kiigland The general nubile hu\e no objection to the Jacobites stamping thcli letters all oM'rwith | hii traits of a do/en inlnecsscs , and the au- thorltlcs feel much the same way us long as a genuine | Kstage stamp Is on the letter to cairy it throiuh the malls But putting Q iccti Victoila's jioi trail upshift down Is not considered ex ictlj tlecorous , an I It is re ported th it steps will be taken to put nil end to this peculiar foim of the Jacobite fad I.OS'IIOV I.OItl > M VMHt , \n liicldontliUh HUH Miitlt * Mini V , Apiil 10 Theie has been a pio- dlgious stir this week o\cr the action of the lord muor of I guidon , who at u banquet ghen b\ him at the Minsion house In honor of Cardinal Vauphan , in proposing a d.ial toast of the holj father and her majestj the iiiein ] placed the pope sname Hist Bigots mo thoroiirhl.v aroused The lout majoi is tie- iioumed as an idolatrous tiaitorlm ought to be in Jail , and the I'lotestant alliance has willtcn to the prime mlnistci and Ltud Salisbury , and will ptobabh ' end a petition to the queen demanding his lordships 10- mo\al from the sen lie tliione Keadots will lemombei thedisgi ucfnl bch.uiot of a nolsi Unot of 1'iotcstanl n-ilots upon the occa sion of Aldciman Knill s clci lion to the majoialts last Ko\embcr , when ho stoutli refused as a Catholic to attend a 1'iott st ml place of woiship Dining his half jc.u of olllie since then Mr Knill has fulllllid the duties of his olllco with admiiable dis- i lotion , giving offensi' to no sect , and o.un ing the giatitnde of sc\cial lthe ) gcti- cinusin iniici in whiih he has helped elite I ills and pmatcH in their chautahlo wink Loid majois fiom time Immcimnial luue cntei- taincd ccrjcar aichliisliops and bishops of the established liCurch of Km-laiid , and Mr Knill icsohcd to do a siinil ir honor to the piclatcs anil pi lists ol his ihuich , with the icMilt that at the present mo'iient hi- Is the most abused man In Hiiglaml 'I ho most cunotis ff.itmoof this peiuliar business is that the loul major was cntliclj justilled 1 piecedents Up to the icfoi million the uiiiveis.ilt.Mst.it coinhiil githeiings in this counlrj w is " ' 1 he I 'ope and the King , ' 01 queen and shut1 the icfoim ilion , at luiu IK on and binqucts wbcic mccedents .lie studied and lollovvcd , the to ist has been , "The Chinch and King " At a Mansion house diniii-i to I'lotestant pi elates onlj last jear Loul Ma\or IJxans piopused , " ' 1 he Church and the ( Juocii , " and nobodj thought ofch.uging Kim wilh Ucason U 111 Annul ( lie Irlul ol thti Arint tiliins. CoNsriMiNoi'i i , Apiil U ! Duld Thomp son , United States minister to Tuikoy , will attend the til il of the Aiinentati pusoneis in Angola In consequence of his pioiosts ag mist the conduct of Tuikish anthoritics dining the icccnt anti Cluistian liots in Asiitlc Tutl < ominj piiscmeis in Ce/aia and Musovan hi\o been icmo\ed Hun t mis of Aunenians have been released fiom piison in these two i iti-s , although inan\ , ue still conthicd In Kizciom A London dlspitch sijs tint an Anglo Aimenian c'onimltteo has appealed to the people for contiibutions to a fund to be used in obtainin.r Justice in the i cunts ami futiiie piotection for Aimenians under Tuikish i ule _ _ KliiU" Alrv.uiilrr ( 'iiiuini iitlctl. Sr PHTLIHIILUU , Apiil 1(1 ( Hxcepting Ihc No\osi , all Iho newspapeis approve Ihe couisc taken bj King Alexander of Sen la The scini-onii'lal press is ispcciallj gcneious with its commendation Opii | > liiK lliinui Kulc. LONDOV , Apiil Hi Moio than SOO Metho dist inlnlstcis in Iroluul liuvo signed an ap peal to Methodist ministtrs in England that thoj oppose homo mle , both on icligious and loinmeuial gioumls , OoiiKr tiiliit < > il Kliitr Aloxiinilcr. BrioiiADr , Apiil 1G M est of thoKuio | ) cnn soNctcigns luue longiatuliUccl King Alexander upon his ncwl\ acquired power . .i.iiritit.i.\ 1 1 i.n ir i/.vo.v. I'liin * Alutlu f < ir tin ) 1'uriniitlon of it > 'eu l.ihor OrKUjil/iitloii. CHICVOO , 111 , Apiil 10 The men \\lio for several da\s have been laboiing on the fin mat ion of an American Hallway union jrsterday completed the litst stop in the en- terpiise and have issued a lengthy document setting forth the outline of one of the gi cal- est 1 ibor oiganizations the woild lias ever seen The union pioposes to enlist , as far as possible , all railway employes of cvcij do- sciiption and its avowed objecl is the abolishment ishment of the sti ike and bojcott as a means of settling dlflleulties and the eradication of heavy dues and taxes which membeis of the vaiious organi/ations aie now compelled to pay It is claimed in the prospectus , which has been issued , that the picsent organizations of railway men have never held such mutual conlldenco in cich other ; thai thej- have not been able to exist without jealousies and antiif.'onisms 'Ihcse it is proposed to w ipo out by bringing all the men under an organisation whic.li deals with oieh man mdividuallj At Ihe same time the founders of Ihe Hallwav union claim Unit the new oiganizitlon will in no sense coullict wilh Ihc existing oigani- zatious of railway emplojes.it is designed primaiilj. thoj siy , for the great numbers of men who belong to no oigani/atlon whatever 1 heio aio to bo no sccicl meetings or ballol , no grand oflk era and no grievance commil- tees All minor dilllcullfos between cm- ploves and coipoiatlons aio to bo adjusted without sti Ikes , but al the simo time with all icgaid fet the lights and best intcicsts of Ihe men Besides the main point , icgulii- tiou of 1 iljoi tioublos , Iho oiginii > alien con templates scvetal side issues , as an cmploj1- nicnl bin can , and Insni nice lepattmcnl and othei fealuics A inciting w ill bo held on Mondaj for the election of ofllceis. 7Msstiisuril.i n HKVK in. Itnllcrs nl tliu Ni Illn Ilijo l.xpltiilu nlth loi- rililn KIHII | | > . WISVMVC Ind , April 10 Thf passenger stenmor Nellie Bljo , owned bj J P rish- born & . Co , wlillo inalcing a tilp down the liver this afteuioon blew up seriously in Juiing eight p iss"iigcis George Traun , pro- Iirlctorof the Ki/lo Machine shops of this city , hail both le.-s broken and crushed and wassoveielj injiiro I Intcrnallv. Thuothois were less stilouslv hint. None of the pisscngeis vscipcd Injuiy 'I'ho boat was entiiclv demolished and sink imiuedi itely alter the explosion Among tlie seilouslj injuied aie : Cl.Alll S ( H IVllllOKN. J V risniiDUN D\Mi'l. KnoiiUd JAMI'S LoSfl When the act Mont o.-cui i od the lx > it was In slullow water The pilot had discovered that thai o was something wi ing wilh Iho machinciv and w.ib steeling for shore But for tills fin t it is piobible that ever ) pcison on bo.ii d would h.ivo b < i n lust Daniel Kho les was blown thiity feet , and completeh covcivdvlth wiecka , ' ! ' James l ing was blown into the iivcr and his ics cue was iiicomplishcd with gieit difllcnll.v bv Ihoso wh ) wiir > n r s muly inj'iicd A rH/.N < ; IIMUI.V. C.ilil llltKiili-il llit'il of.i I.nio Mrliktiu Olilci MUM. O.'Uvci.vM ) O , Apill Hi \ jojng vvoiimn n incd Mc.Uon.ill was inurdem I In cold blood at Deiilson , O , " 1 ist night bv Hairy Stewart , i rillioid il i7iu ui Stcu.ul hal hid trouble wl'.li his s\eothcirt , who boiided at the same liouso with Miss Mi DonalJ , and ho I'naglnol thiltho litter was in someway lesponsiblc Lite last ni.'hl Stow art went to the house an 1 upon out lining admission foictd hU wny Into Miss McDonald a room and asked her for au explanation She told him she knew nothlnp of 'the trouble , whcieupon Stewart diow u revolver and shot the girl dead. Ho atonco gave himself up , NOT THE WORK OF DYNAMITE Hccjut Explosions in Ohilinu Oitica Not luo ) to Revolutionists. GRAVE CHARGES AGAINST MINISTER EGAN Acuuril n r lliirhiirliiK Crlinlu lU lu llio llnlliil Slitm I.iKiiiliiutllh in Mi < w or CiuiHiii ) ; liilriiiiUldinil ( " ( iiiipllciitliinn of siirltim ( Mini it lei. | fi'l ' > W'li/iriU ' / ! ? ' ) /ii/ ; , i UM ( , ' ( nl n llnin'tt ] Vvil-vuvKo , Chill ( via ( ialvestou. IVx ) , Ainll 10 [ Bv Mexican Cable to the Now Voik Hoi.iUl Spcti il to 'I MI. Bi.r | Order has beencnthciv icstmod lu Suithigo. A thoioimh Investiuatloii lias been iniulo into the explosions In the Cisi de Moncdii , which causeilgic.il excitement o vlnjr to the belief that thcj wcte caused bv dvnainiU ) . The investlgitlon shows that thoj weio caused bj escaping gas and nut bv dvti imlto. Hcialdo \ sajs thetollowhv cable men sige has been scut to President Cleveland lij Amcucin icsldciitsof S.intiigo and Vul- paiaiso "MinUter I MII is Imiboilug cnml- n ils in the United States legation au 1 is ills- lionoiing thocountn , he i vide nth desiics to piovoko a conlllct between the United States ind Chill " Picsldcnt Monti will piobihlv accent the icslgiiiitioiisof the mc'iibois of the cabinet en Mondaj Isidino Ihramlwill be aslitd to lofoim the uiblnct The Her lid's eoi respondent In Aitiga-j tilcgnphs that ( Uneril S.ualva 1ms kits- pel-oil the Cistllhlstis (1inei.il ( Plnhelio is matching to foitifj tin UiuguiM.in fron tier fuuc ' 1 ho Heel w 111 he si nl to I'uaiahy to cn.Mge the icvolution.uj troops I'ho federals hive dostiovol HIP lallroul be tween Silto and 1(11 ( ( iiande ( it neral Mokuh has auivcd in Aiti'as with 000 ad dition il triMips In Citiiniiia unimportant skiimishes h ivo tal.cn jiliu-o ' 1 he Heralil conespimdont in Buenos Ajics telegiaphs th U tongicss will asscmblo Mav 1 Cuiuial Koca has auivcd al Iho c.ipit il and vMllemleivor to .111 .HMO a sctllu- meut of the troubles in Catam..r a All of the pisses of thoCtndilleias aio Impassable , being blocked bj suow lltll * 1 klllPHlS PtllstMII ll , The Hoi aid's i oil espondcnt In Los Amirs telegraphs that twcntj peisons in the Hotel B.ilsi tlieie have IKCM p iisDi.ctl Two of Iho victims died It is supposed that dischaigeil cooks' placed the poison In.tho food i'AVVMv.Colombli ( vii Gilveston , Tex ) , Apiil 10 | Bv Mcxlt.in Cable to thn Now Yoik Herald Spec til to TIM : Uri' | The stcamei Colon , v\hitli an heel lasl night , brought vcrv little pews from Central Amciica When tne ste-amei left Amapola Pollcaipo Boiillla , the loiuln of the lovolu- tlou In llimdui is was still in possession of Teguiig.ilpi 'Ihc rt poll of the captuio of thaltitv vvascablid the Hci lUl on the day after the gicat battle wlilih iiicccded its ciituic ] omnied 'Ihe icvolutioiiists have not Hnally tuuuiilied | , huwever , and skhm- ishes ficqucntlv oe'cur While the Colon was at Amapola her ofllcers met irtnicultlcs In handling horc.ugo , the governnient having picssed all Iho dock laboiers into seivlco us soldieis Olllcei-a ot the Colon icpoit th.it the situation tn Nic.uagua is senous A lev'olution is cic- pcctcd. Dictator Hodiigucz still maintains his power in Costa Klua. Hu bus been watchim * these suspected of a desiio to lovoll vvllli increased vigilance since the lust plot waa discovered , mm Is lecnfoiclng his armj by compclliiig citiCHS lo join it OIIMUV : i.i ) TIII : i.ci.irsi : . limn thn IIiiiviuil Col- lt'K Mil Um In Smith \inrilcii. | C jj/itulitetl iSDltiuJamti dnnlun ItenndU } YAI.PVHAISI ) , Chili , ( vii Galvcston , Tex. , ) April 10 [ Bj Mexican Cable to the New Yoik Heiald [ Special to Tin ; HBK ) Obser vations of llio total solar eclipse weie takcQ today at Mini Arts , Harvard college station The vvoither vvas clear duiing all phases of Ihe eclipse with no passing cloud and no h.uo to mar Iho observation Alinosphoiio co'idlllous vvcro all that coultl have been wished for and the 19511115 will bo satisfactorj to the highest degico. T.I.I/UI.M ait iurni > . riovolaiiil'K Itcii-ptliin or Their ClileN Very . Minli to I lull I.IUIiif ; . NEW YOIIK , Apiil 10 The Herald prints the following : Picsldcnl Cleveland has entered into na agreement respecting the federal pitionago in tills si lie with the chief of the icgul.ir citv and .state prgaul/atiotis. Lieutenant Governor Shechan , a piincipil in the agioo- mcnt , brought Ihc news of Ihe icsult of his interview with Mr Cleveland from the na tional capital Iho substance of the agicement reached by Mr. Shechau and Mr Muiphy with Mr. Cleveland Is that no appointments shall bo made for a few dajs , or until candidates for federal olllces approved bv the ic-gular or- gani/Mliotu sti ill llio their applications in Washington Thou Mr Clovolind promises to give them duo consideration This under standing applies to Tammaiij as well us to the state The president h is not advanced far in his vvelcomo of the "iculais , ' but his attltudo toward Lieiiteniui ( lovornor Shceh m and Mr Mm pbv Is desci ibed as h iv Ing beea fiiendlj and thuv aiegiatlllod q. JN / / / ( . / ; ns.nnr.u. Ihcj ( hilliith.it lUounl Will ISl'Bltiro thft Drpiisiiil Ouriilii , HIM IliMvnllan'I hrtiiif. Kvssvs CITY , Mo , Apill 10 'Iho Tunes pi hits a spcelal dispatch from Its coi Respon dent in Honolulu , H wall , via ban Trail * cisco , under duto of Apt 11 U , in which ho sajs- "Tho lovallsts ( iiofesi to bo in possession of facts relative to futtuo actions of Mr. Blount , in which Urn commissioner In the namoof the Lulled SI itcs govcrnmint will icstoio the deposed queen to the Hawaiiau tin one 'I ho roj.ilists In the s tine upltil of conlldonco are iiuw asseillng taal the du- posed ( tuecn Lillokaliini will bo icsl iod to the tin one within two weeks " \\ii.t. \ \ \ < n ii r.itrKin1 : , VVorld' * I'ulr Carjipnlfri Hi'rlde to C'lintlnue VV nrl < in 1 Hit il , CllKAfio , 111 , Apill ID-It Is not HUoly that there will bo anj fuithur trouble with the woikmeri al the \\ui Id's fur groiindi. A sped il meeting of Iho cirpenteis cotint il held this afteuioon docidcd that thuic would bo no InUrfcienco with that putl ular ciaft tomorrow 'Iho tarpcnteis vvero strongly iuilhiPd to sti lice , but the othot building trades had assutcd them tb.u they ni'ist light alone , an t this , at llio picsput stage of the fair , me nit uttei defeat lur llio c.upentuis if they struck I III * III l nil. Mil w AtM.rSis , Apiil 101 oi the llfth time ! u two vet Ks the llio dopii'tment was called to the Stadt the iter , owned lij Cap tain Pabst , the bicwcr , eailj this morning. Heietofoin there have buc'ii some strong proofs that the bla/os weio of incendiary otigin , but the iiolleo claim tlial Iheio is no ovidunce that the lire was the work of u bug. The iheatcr hid a nurow cs-npufiom totul dcstruitloii Nuveithelcss theio Is u loss of $ W,000 ) , fullj covered bj Insurance ATLANTA , (5a , Apill 10Tho City stable * wcio destroyed by llru today und fourtou * mules porishod. Losi ,