OMAHA SUNDAY BEE nt TWENTY-SECOND YEAR. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , APRIL ) 16 , 1893-TWEN'J'Y-FOUR PAGES. 201. ( Wash Dress Goods. 'Ihoro Is great d'nitmd for sntlno this pcn'-on. Wo wore In luck , for wo phicod our orders cnrlv and tire now in position to show yon till Uio latest novollios out. A hniidjomo line of black-ground , bright-figured mlino. exact copy from the Indiii HilU fi si colors , ! c a yard. Over 000 pieces to * oloet from in our 2oc line of s.itino , black and divk blue ground , light and dtirl' novelties styles that arc ci ntrol'cd ' by IIuv < Joii Unw. No bucli selection to bo found In this city at JJGcyarJ. "Snttn Gloria , ' ' a new saline tins sea son , inado in tbis country , n largo se lection of Myles ( advertised by seine us FrenchVo ) liavu tliem in dark or light ground at 15o yard. ' A largo nsbortmc'nt of : :2-inch : wide saline , till dark ( -round , liguiod and stripped , bold all around us at 16c , our price lOc yti d. Remnants of the titicst and best aa'lno mndo In America , mill remnant * , worth from the piero 2"o jard , in remnants on Monday tit 7i-o. on don't find ti better line of plain black mitlne than wo. are showing. Com pare them i * all \vo ask. Our stock of batino is Inrtror than any tlireo stocks combined and our prices lower. Inspect and judge for yourself the truth of this assertion. Jnponetlo. an impo-tfd wash fabric , Hold Hiivdon Bros. , 2. ie yard. Colored figured und dotted Swiss mus lin. Th' " < o lire imported , a bouitiful line to p ek from , to bo found only at Haydens" , at ITcjard. Wo have also the goods , n fair Imitation , at 17Jc yurc1. . The very best imported piinted dimi ties at Iluydcns' only 2ic yard. Domestic printed dimities , 17ie yard. Plain \vliite dimities lOc. 20e , 2de,30e , 86c and 40o yard. I'lain white , dotted and figured Swisses lOc , 'JOe , 2Go , ItlJc , ; ! o and 40e yard. Printed mulls and printed rnuslin , soft finish , tit lOc , ISe. 20c , 2.V and 20c. All colors in tarlatan , 0c yard. A full line of fnditi linen. Mill remnantsof white checked nain seek , 24e , w , 8c , lOc and 1'Jic. Fancy crinkled .seersucker , 2'o yard. Large line of printed wash fabrics of every description. Deccu muslin , DC yntd. Ciope , lapun pongee , Tic. 10 in. wide zephyr , with -side band , worth 2oc yard , t educed to close 7Jc. Pnnc.v colored corded Bedford , 7c. { 30-lnI wide percale , ml down 7jc. 112-in. wide nvoyron cloth , 71e. J Manehohter c'hullU , : ie. 32-tn , wide eballiH , ocard. , . J Bedford cords , oc yard. Dark styles flannelette , . "jo yard. Good dress .style gingham. 5j y.vrd. Fine dress style zephyr , iOe yard , Our stock is too largo and must bo reduced. Wool Dress Goods. SPECIAL FOU MONDAY. Our immense stock of black and col ored drees goods must go. Read our prices carefully. Wo must have more room. 4S-inch all wool French serges , in all colors , regular piieoJLlo , on Monday $1.00. $1.00.Whip cord sargos in all the new spring shades , tl.00. These goods have never boon sold for loss than $1.-)0. ) 10-inch all wool iilbntross , In all the now evening shades , -lilc our regular price (8e. ( Chnngublo beiges , all Ibo now color ings , l)6c ) , regular price , iMli8. Every lady wishing to purehnso u dress pattern can sivo from $2.00 to $ ,1.fiO by aUcnding this great Mile , A vo y good cashmere for 12jc , double width. Dress Linings. Now assortment of linings jmt re ceived , all colors and shades In solici'i , , ixt lOc , Ioc , 2o ( ) and 2oc. Fine fast black Italian cloth , 2Qc and 83e yard. All colors In porealino , the best grade for the money every olVored in Omaha , at Ifie yard. Hair cloth , pudding , wiggin , wad * ding , diK'Ks , canvas , collar und bolt can vas , crinoline farmers' satin , Italian cloths , sleeve linings , all colors in cam brie , and onlv the very best gruuo at that ; and , In fact , anything you maj want In linings you can got at llaydon's Special on Monday 10'J pices fa-,1 black cambiic , best make , worth lOc llayden's price only oe yard. 9k Silk Department. Warm weather will soon bo bore Now is the time to prepare for it in get ting fabrics in which you will bo com fortab'.o. 20 pieces slmntung pongee s/lks / pun raw silkw , without blenching or dyoinj coolest fabric made for summer wear laundries us nice as linen , and cheaper next week our price will be a29c yard Ifi pieces plaid silks in India twili and the finest quality talTottas , all th now colorings ; our prlco for the week 98cyard. 60 pieces magnificent printed Chin Fllks in 8 and 4-tonu printings. Sue ! goods as these and the low prices nr making our silk stock famous. Onl 49c. 14 yards for $6.86- 5tl ( ( ) plor-cs all silk double-warp colorei surahs In every shade and color , wortl 85c anywhere , our price 65c. Wo have ahiipoib line of shadow silk in all the now effects , a line line of crye tal bongutlncs , talTi.ttu fuconnos and'a ! the new novelties for trimmings a prices which place thorn within tin roach of a limited purto. Laces and Embroideries. Grand special sale of fancy colore bilk luces. On Monday wo will olTor 1,000 yard of thn latest novelties in colored sil laces at 20c per yard ; those goods woi bought at a bargain and will bo Hold at bargain. Fancy Hamburg embroideries at li 2c , 8c and. 6c on Monday ; the best bin gain over offered in the city. Silks and Wool Dress Goods. Something New. ONK DOLLAR AND A HALF ABSOLUTELY GIVHN AWAY. To every por. on purclmslng a silk or woolen dress pattern to the value of ? . ' ! or over wo will make a present of our newly patented ilush- or , actually worth * ! 60 , and one of the mostu-eful articles in any fam ily. In fact , a household nccostty. "Wo are determined to reduce our Immense stoekof bilk-Jaud dress goods regardless of cost. Linens. Special bngalns on Monday , and as long as the last. Til ) 8-10 bleached tnblo cloths , all linen , worth * 2 , at Sl.JH each. IS 8-1 bloiiehed table cloths , all linen , worth $ . -r)0 , at $1.70 each. These are bargains : U"i sots of 2-yard long elotbs and do/.en napkins to mutch , worth i. ' ! . " > 0 , reduced to clo e , $2 for set ; fincy borders. 18 sets of pltiin white , 2i yards long , cloth with do/en napkins to match , worth $5.80 , now W.H-5 si set Wo carry a nice line of hcmstichhed cloths with henntildied napkins to matoli , patterns con trolled and imnoi-ted direct by Htiydcn Bros. 2 } yard long cloths , with dox.on napkins at $10 , $12 , $11 , $ li ( and * lb.60 per s-et. They are beauties. P.irtieular attention is called to our line line of towlos , ol which wo carry a largo variety of slylo-s at f > 0c , 53c. OAc , lillc. 7oc , 87cj U'C , t$1.15 \ , $1.25 , $ l.a5 , otc. Linen dresser scarfs 2"jc , Hoc , 39cI0o , r > 0c , fi'Jc , ( ioc , 75c , fc8i' , $1 , and uj ) to the finest. Lunch cloths of any description , color , style and quality. The largest stockof blenched or cream damask in Omaha * Fancy colors in damask ; nlso a largo line of best make in turkey led damask. Got our prices. Wo will save you money , as stock is too largo and mus > t bo reduced. Jewelry Dept. WATC1IKS. WATCHRS. Gouts' stem wind and sot , royal go'd. open face watch , fancy dial , rlcklo movement , $ ; i.50. Gents' rolled gold plated hunting case , stem wind watch , with a , fine 7- jeweled nicklo movement , $ r.7o. Gouts' gold filled stem wind and not open face watch , warranted to wear 20 years , Elgin , Springllold or Waltham movement. $9.15. Gents' gold lilled hunting case watch , stem wind and sot , warranted to wear 20 years , Elgin , Springfield or Walthum movement , $12.50. Ladies' gold filled American watch , stem wind and sot , $7.03 up. 100 styles of ladies' and gouts' so'id gold rings on ealo this week at $1.50 , worth $8.00. Rogers 12-dwt. knives or forks , this week $1.2" ) per sot. Nicklo alarm clocks , good timekeep ers , 58c. Silverware , solid gold and plated jewelry , in staples and the latest novel ties , nt half jeweler's prices. All goods warranted us represented. Watch and clock lepalring at half regular prices. Special for Monday. On Monday wo place on sale 200 dozen sots of ladies'linen collars and culls in white , mnk , blue and mixed colors with llutod edges , at lOc per wet , for ono day only. Positively , but ono sot to each customer. These goods are the latest novelties. Wo also place on sale in connection with those goods a line line of Windsor ties , all HIK. in plain colors , at Ioc each. Wo have just completed n very ma terial change for our customers by mov ing our fancy no\ cities from the fourth lloor to the main floor , making it very convenient to those wishing these goods. In this department wo show a very ex tensive line of fancy May b'lskets in all designs , work baskets , lunch baskets , and all the novelties in this line ; also , a complete litio of sporting goods , vl . ; Balls , bats , raquets , tennis nets , fishing tackle , hammocks , etc. , at the very low est prices. Turkish Towels. Just opened , direct from the mills , 8 cases Turkish towels at lOc. Ifio , lOc , 25c and f > 0c each. Best value for lb.6 money you over saw. Turkish wash rags , extra fine grade , in cream or bleached , plain or fancy , at 5c each. Turkish bath room rugs , a rug that is bound to become very popular , only 9.r c each. Fancy colored Turkish tidies , Eomo > thing entirely now , only 25c. Furniture. Full size mnntlo bed , chllToinor Iront Al woven wlro spring , supported ir center by ! 1 rows of coiled wire. Ful sl/.o bed , antique finish , and altogothoi a handsome piece of furniture. Uscfu as well. It would bo no bolter if we tiekcd $25 foi-it. Our price during the sale , $1(1. ( As many as you wish , am they n'o right hero on the lloor for , joi to look at. Wo are soiling a great many bcdroon suits. Suits at $11.50 , $13.50 , $14.50 $17.60 , $18. tO. Solid Oak Suit , bevel plate mirror , ! pieces , full size , regular price $2 ! ! , salt price $18. Another came size suit , with 18x41 bevel plato mirror , cheval dresser , ful oak suit , $20 , Others got $28 for tin H n mo. Special baby carriage snlo this week Carriages from $1.60 up to J20 , HAYDEN BROS HAYDEN BROS HAYDEN BROS CAK.HIAGE AND BUGGY DEPARTMENT. We have put in a full line of the famous Mclarhin carriages , buggies , surreys , road wagons , phaetons , buck boards , park wagons , and.Jn fact , every sort of a vehicle. 118 different styles every "job warranted" in every particular. Get our prices send for catalogue and price list to IIAYDHN BROS' . Carriage Department. House Furnishing Goods , Ice cream freezers : 2-quart. $1.21 ; :5-quart : , $1.515lquart ; , $1.8 ! ) . Keystone og'j beater , 180.1 pattern , 7oc , just received ; a great improvement over the old stvle. Cup- ' and i-aucors , 20e per set. Chambers , lee each. Plates , 2cIt ; and 5e each. Tumblers , 2c o.ich. Hanging lamps , with extension wrings. SSI.UO each , worth $5. Stiind lamps from lOc up , Syiup pitchers. ! ) c. Cro'im scats , consisting of sugar bowl , ream pitcher , butter dish and spoon- loldcr , lOc per sot. Salt and pepper shakos , He each. Wine glasses , tie each. Good scrub brushes , 5c each. \yash boilers , copper bottom , 'lOc ; cofl'co ami tea pots , lOc ; milk pans , ! ) c : iiudding uans , He ; dust pans , fie ; pint ; ups , 2c ; covered pails , 2c ; coppor-bot- om tea kettles , 29c ; wash basin ? , 8c ; lour sieves , fie ; nutmeg greater , Ic ; can- openers , 8e ; clothespins , Ic per do/on ; 2 packages tacks , Ic ; mouse traps , Ic ; easpoons , 0 for oe ; tablespoons. 8 for Cc ; en strainers , Ic ; wooden bowls , ! ! c ; Dover egg beatoi s , 5c ; ink , 2c per bottle tle ; mucilage , 2c per bottle. Best sperm sowing machine oil , 3c per bottlo. Perforated chair seats , 7e each. French blacking , oc per box. Regu- noiy sold at Ioc. Teothpicks , 2c ] > or box. Scrubbing brushes , So each. Shelf and Builders' Hardware. Disston s D 8 rip saw , 28-inch , 5 } pts Disston's D 8 hand saw , 20-inch , 10 pts. . $1.25. Disston's D 8 hand saw , 22-inch , 10 pts. , $1.20. Disston's D 8 hand saw , 2iMnch , 8 pts. , $1. ( > 5. Disston's O 12 hand saw , 22-inch , 12 pts. . 83c. Disston's buck saw No. 4 , 10-Inch , OOc. Socket firmer chisels , lOc , lee , 20c each. Rivet sots. 2oc ; boxwood rules , 5c ; screw driver bits , 5c ; rose counter sinks , oc ; Hunter's nail eo s , 5c ; Howard Allard's spiral triple bit screw driver No. A 1 , $1. Acme screw drivers , G-inch , 20c ; 8 inch , 30c. No. 10 iron smooth piques , $1.10. No. 3 iron smooth pianos , $1.2) ) . No. 4 iron smooth plane * , $1.30. No. 18 Iron knuckle joint planes , 70c. Nicholson's slim taper files , 3c , 6c , 7c , lOc. lOc.Ratchet Ratchet screw drivers , 5c , 60c ; plain braces , lOc ; ratchet braces , l"o ; draw knives , : i5c ; measuring tapes , 2" > foot , 15c ; oO feet , 25c ; model tool handles , 40c ; pocket scratch awls , 8c ; Moydtilo hammers , Hie , 35c. Full line of corru gated bottom pianos. Books. Visit our book department and look over our immense stock of brand now goods , bought from the largest book con cern In the country , whoso business has recently gene into the hands of a re ceiver , thus enabling us to buy a line of the most doslrablo books published at less than 50c on the dollar , and on Mon day wo will olTorour pations a class of literature at pr.cos never before olTerod in this or any other city. Our stock is so largo that to give a list of these books and prices would bo Impossible. Sulllce to say that If you need a book of any de scription , visit our book department on Monday and obtain it for half the regu lar prlco. Wo will also offer on Monday a superior grade of note paper at lOo per pound , which moans oOc worth of paper for lOc. Drug Department. Gin Hold tea , 20c. P-iiino's celery compound , 7uc. Huufmann's sulphur bitters , 7nc. Holland's German bitten ? , 7oc. Burdock blood bittens , 7oc. Warners safe cure , Ooo. Duffy's malt whisky , 85c. Gray's tea , largo sl/.o , 40c. Wo make tpuclul low prices on pre > scriplions. Now is the time for insect powder , 30c 1)0und. Moth balls , 20c pound. Music Department. Standard sheet music , 7c. Our catalogue embraces over o.OOO selections of vocal and instrumental music , all of which wo sell at 7c uor copy. PIANOS 100 now pianos to rent. Rout allow on purchase price if you buy within ono year. PIANOS For sale. The lowest , prices in the world for the uost piano made. Our prices defy competition. Wo are solo agents for the wo Id famous Wo have various other good standard makes in all kinds of styles and cases. Every instrument guaranteed. SMALL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Wo carry a complete line of violins , juitiirs , Stewart banjos , and everything .lortainlng to a first class music house. All sold at dry goods profits. Garden Im pknunfs. Good stool rake for lee und 2oc. Good stool hoe for25a.and 3oc. Good steel shoval for.20c , 30c and 49c. Good stool spade for 39c and 49c. Garden sots , tlireo pieces , 2jc , Hoc and ICa ouch. . " -tine forks , short handles , 49c. li-tino forks , long handles , 75c. 4 line forks , short handles , 7oc. I line forks , long handles , OOc. Sp iding fonts , 49c. darden trowels , Be. Garden weedor , lOc. Ladies' small hoe und woedor com bined. ii3e. 3-ply cotton and rubber hose , lOc per foot. Poultry netting , nil widths , from 12- inch to 72-inch , Ic par square foot. : ( ( lev d ae. ! OifMonduy wo place on sale the best bargains in linen towels that have over boon ollored by us in tills city. In this lot you will find towels that have been selling at ISe , 17o and I9o each. You will alto find in this lot entirely now towels , all colors in border and knotted fringed damask towels , all llnon hemmed buck towels , extra largo Turk- Uh towels , otc. Will give you your choice of entire lot at lOe each or $1.20 a dozen. Kurd Refrigerators. Our refrigerators have boon selling very fust. On somo' of the si/.os wo tire sold out. But the mWt , desirable size of all is No. 1,1. Wo Inivii still n big lot of t'neso and all of the larger si/.oa. The prlco remains thosainti , 88.15 and $12.18 , and remombar this , is the pdnuino IIURD , made in Duluth , Minn. Wall Paper. , 41C RQLL. Some dealers will toll you that wo can't soil It at such prices as wo do un less our rolls are shojrt length. Wo guarantee every rolljfall length. If you tint ! one short , como'nad got u now roll for nothing. I Wo have all the gVquos in all the now patterns and colors. Save money on wall paper this week. Third floor. Pictures Special drive on a lot of now pictures , Just received , a now lot of bamboo and o.ik o.isels at 33c , 50c , 7oc , 93u$1.00 and Carpets.J Wo have some surprises in our carpe department this week. A good till wool carpet for 50e , wortl fully 75c. A fine Brussels O'lrnot ' foroOc , Our body Brussels at OOc are the bes value ovor'shown. Thov are the rcgu lar $1.35 goods. WEEK'S ' OFFERINGS IN OUR AND DEPARTMENT , Wo have unearthed every bargain ii this department and put the price ! lower than you expect to buy good cloth ing'for. Wo soil clothing at smal profits.Vo can afford to make lowci prices than clothing stores. Wo deal It everything. Prices we quote nro for tin very best clothing made. Men's hulls , $2.o ! ) up , as fine as yoi want them. Men's points 2ou up , as nice as yoi want to wear. Boy's long pant suits $2.50 to $10 Boy's dingle pants 50c up , Knee suit 7oc , 81 , $1.60. $2. Our line of $2.60 suits boat anythin ; sold in Omaha for $8.50. Our elegant line of Scotch cheviots , i double breasted suits , are beauties. Knee pants 15c up. ' Try us this time on your clothing. CLOAKS AND SITI \ Most people believe that the bes t c of garment is ono that is cut 50 par coi : in prlco. We're giving it to thorn this wool Wo began it last week , and the cloak : capes , jackets , suits and waists wet carried out by the dozens. Wo couldn't possibly quote the price They run from $1.25 for a nice infant cloak up to roval beauties for ladies t $17.50. There is ono lot of ladies' jackets ft $7 , the new capo jackets ( throe capes and the butterfly capo , All tailor mni and finished up equal to the usual $ ! garment. They are ladles' cloth : tans and blues. MILLIRTERY It seems as though everybody Omaha had been in this department la week. Nice , stylish trimmed hats , $1.60. Dried and Canned Fruits. C'alifornia dried grape * , .V1. Imported Valencia raisiin. I2c. Imported heedless tnNins , 12Jc. California loosj Musc.vtol raisins. Me ; these all are new , and the liuest that money can buy. 11-pound can'very line gooseberries Sfc. - pound can raspberries put up in pure granulated sugar syrup , 17ie. - pound can strawberries , in pure sugar syrup , 17 < o. 2-pound can California Bartlett pears , lOe. 3-pound can California Biirtlolt po iru ( most delicious fruit ) , l" > e. 11-pound can California egg pjuins , 12jc. 3-pound can California golden drop plums , 12c. ! ! -pound can California damson plums , 12Je. ! ! -pound can C'alifornia poaches , loo. 3-pound can . \eliow Baltimore peiu he. " , 125e. 3-pound can golden pun.uluiH , lOe. 2-pound can corn , He. High.und evaporated crcnm. 12e. } Columbian oviipo'atod cream , 12e. Kconomy evaporated croam. luc. Cliallongo coiidensed milk , Ilk1. Van Ilouten's pure cocoa , per pound , Goo. American breakfast cocoa , per pound , ( Joe. Kvory Piano \vc sell is fully \vir- ranted . Wo handle only -.tittularii inaKc.s. ( let iiur prices on Stewart Banjos. Tea and Coffee. Monday wo have cracked colTec at 12jc , ] 5c and lc. ( ) Cracked Java and Mocha , 20c and 2 c. No. 1 Uio colYeo , 2lc. Golden Kio , 2"e. . Combination riantos and Maricabo , 27 5 c. c.Uuatcmnla , choice , ! ! 0c. Old Government , luva and Mocha , . ' ! je , . ' ! pounds for $1. Try our celebrated cocoa , it Is de licious. Japan tea diiit , lOe and I21c pound. Choice sun-dried .lapan , lle ) , 2oc , Me. Snmuol Crump llborloss coconnut , 2oe. Sold for 8-jc. Great Flour Sale. Pillsbury's be. l XXXX Hour , $1.10 , llayden'Bro'a Ijost X.XXX Hour , U 10. Best superlative Hour , UOc. Snowllako Hour , lioc. Hyo Hour , $1 and $1. M , $1.2. ) . Aunt.Tnininiii's pan cake Hour 3"c , or "ic for 2 pound package ; Aunt Sally's pan cake Hour , ! ! 2c or 7ic - pound | ) aek- ago ; Liob'sUycnlnjun Hap jack pincako ; Hour , HJeor "ie lor 2 pound package : self-rising buck wheat llourJUo or 7jc for 2 pound package. Finest homo-miido o > Uup , in1 bottles , lOc. 12 pounds white corn ineul , 20e. 8 pounds pure buckwheat Hour. 2-je. 12 pounds pure graham Hour , ! ! oc. ( i pounds pearl hominy for 2. : . Bologna snusagc , he. Liver sausage , oe. Soda crnclcers , 5c. Oyster craekois , oc. Swcot choco late , fie. Premium chocolate , 17je. 20- pound pail very line fruit jolly , 7oeoach. Imported ohbw-cbow , 15c pbr quart , Imported mixed piclcles , luc per quart. Imported olives , ! ! ' 5c per quart ; they tire very fine ; would bo cbonp at 73. . All kinds of wash powders 2Jo per packairo. ' „ 7 bars best laundry soap , 25c. Butter. Country butter , l.'ic. I7e and lOc ; creamery , 21e , 2.e ! and 2.1c : epartitor creamery , 2 0. Remember our butter is always fresh and you will never Und any hero but the pure produo.t- Nebraska dairies and creameries , guaranteeing every pound to be as represented or money refunded. Cheese. Remember wo are headquarters for any kind of choose you wish. Young America full cream cheese , Se ; .WUeon- fain full cream cheese , 7Je , ! 'o ' and I2jc : neiifchatcl , 7c per pkg. ; sap sago , So per pkg. ; limlmrgor choose , l"ic ; brick cheese. lOe , I2c and He ; SwKs cheese , Kic , IHc and 20c. We have the finest im ported Swiseheco for .11) ) ! per pound. others charge l.'ic , and all other kinds of r cheese at lowest prices. Meat. Hero are some sta'-lling prices : Salt , pork lOe. sugar cured ban in I2c , picnic hams lOe , sugar cured California hums 12e , strictly No. I bams I He. bone less rump and plalo corned buof 7c } , fin est pickle pork llMc , b ilogna. head chcesi ? and liver Miunago . "us , blood and ham sausage 7e , dried beef lOc. suni- mor saupage 17e. Ilf-ar in mind that any goods you buy hero and don't suit you you can return them and get your money. Call at our fruit department for bomo very low prices. Gasoline Stoves. In "iisollno stoves tills season wo tire nblotogivo you everything and any thing. We have not confined ourselves to ono make , but wo have p'cked out the best makes in the market. We Ivivo the Quick Meal ( general western agents ) , the Dangler Steve Co.'s stoves , the Baxter Steve Co.'s stoves , the Aurora Steve Co.'s stoves , the Shult/ Stove Co.'s stoves , the Central Oil Gas Steve Co.'s stoves , the Now York Stove Co 'u stoves , etc. Wo will give any kind of guar.ii'too you want , mid what \t \ morn , wo will give you the price. A ono burner gasoline stove for $2.45 , A two-burner gasoline stove for $3.60 , A throe-burner gasoline stove for $4.00. Any other dealer will charge you 6 ( o per cent more for the same stovo. Tin guarantee wo give jou Is not to clem ; up your steve when It ceases to work , Any steve wo sell with a guarantee fcineun if ttio stove don't p eve salisfac tory , a now stove or money refunded. The Baxter Stove Co. make the Mon in arch stoves. Wo carrry their full line 3t One-burner Monarch Star , $2.4. " ) . Two-burner Monarch Star , $3.60. Three-burner Monarch Star , $4.00. Shoos ovorywhoro. THHV'RK CROWDING US. We've had to put shelves along thft stairway , and put the men's Bhoos in the basement. Still they pile up , and wo must sell 'em olT. This stock must be reduced fully one-third In the short est possible limo. Greatest Bargains Ever Offered on Fine Shoes , To close the lilies wo offer ladles' fina j)0jCS ) at prices that will make tiiom gq c ek. Wo put into this sale QSO pairs of rillsbur.y Bros' , malco French dongola $ : ! .50 shoes at $2.18 u pair ; all stzos , O , D and li widths. 1OG pairs Dearborn ft Kendall's nako ladies' fine S4 patent vamp hand urncd shoes at $2.48 a pair ; all sizes , A. o E widths. These are shoos made by two f the est shoo factories in the east , and every tidy that buys .a. pair , will got a nar- aiu. worth Q4O pairs ladies' fine cloth top $2.6Q Oxford lies go at $1 08 a pair. If you want a fine pair of low shoes , don't miss this bargain. $2.26 Worth $3.00 22O pairs men's fine Cusco calf $3.00 shoso go In this sale at $2.25 , lace and congress , plain and tip toes. Wo have never before offered such a bargain in moil's shoes. OO pairs inon'n mat kid $3.50 Oxford ties at $2.7o. If you want a nice loW shoo for summer wear , those tire a bar * gain. Wo Repair Shoos , No at and Cheap ,