Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1893, Part One, Page 4, Image 4

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Dr , and Mra. Miller's Charming EocopUon
nt Their Suburban Homo-Seymour Park.
Tlie Yo t ( nr < l I'nrlf I'rliUy KTonlnc Mr § .
K. II. llrnncli'n Curd JIatlnei > 1'or.
Koirnl MnntMin of Well
KUIMVII Omnlia I'oople.
Society had occasion to don Its best clothes
last week on n number of occasions , the re
ception by Dr , and Mrs. G. U Mlllor at Sey
mour Park , Joseph Jefferson at Boyd's ' , the
Soldi concert tit the Exposition hall , Mr. and
Mrs. Yost's card p.irty helng the leading
. events of tlie week , with a number of charm
ing nftcrnoons for the women alone.
But the local world of fashion Is by no
means ns lively as the leaders hod antici
pated It would ho after Kastcr. Nor can a
reason ho assigned for the ( ( Ulctness which
reigns nt tins tluic , except that tlio people
who entertain have largely returned the
courtesies extended to them and from this
on will prepare for the World's fair , the
mountains or the sea shore , ns fancy dic
For this week but few functions have
been announced , the leading event socially ,
of course , being the marriage of Miss Mary
I'opploton , daughter of Hon. and Mrs. A. J.
Pojiploton , to Mr. Learned , Tuesday evening
nt730. ; Wednesday the swells will attend
the I'adcrowski concert at Hoyd's , the Indica
tions being that the great Polish pianist
will play to the llower of the city and state.
Thursday evening the game of "living
whist" will bo given at Exposition hall for
the benefit of the Creche , one of our worth
iest charities , whllo on the same evening
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Broatch will entertain a
number of friends at dinner. On Tuesday ,
April 25 , Mrs. J. 10. Baum will entertain at
cards from ! i to fi and also at 8 for ladles nnd
gentlemen. On the following Thursday ,
April 27 , Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum will ( rive
a tea at 7.
The ante-Easter social campaign in Lon
don has been so lively that a very gay tlmo
is prophesied after the royalties and notabili
ties are gathered in from the south of
Europe and the season fairly begins. "Tho
queen's llrst drawing room , " says n private
letter , "was distinguished by a marlccd ab
sence of beauty , but by more than
the usual display ot Jewels. " Speaking
of a youthful duchess , In whoso coronet
"tho pearls were nulto an Inch long , and the
diamonds as hlg as shillings , " the writer
adds : "No one present could compote with
her , not oven the queen's daughters , but
Mrs. Astor , whoso emeralds and diamonds
were truly regal , ran her very closo. The
Astor emeralds are said to have
once belonged to Marie Antoin
ette. " The same writer speaks of an
unusually large meet of the Quern hounds ,
nt which Mr. Keeuo and Count Zborowski
wore among the stralfhtcst riders , Mrs.
Kceno and a number of other ladles follow
ing In carriages. Lady Brooke nnd Mrs.
Cornwallls West were among the hunts-
women , Lady Brooke looking like a female
Centaur , so absolutely did she seem to be a
part of thn beautiful Arabian that she rode.
The lighting of houses hoth for receptions
nnd for quieter hours has undergone a great
change , for gas nnd electric lamps arc far
from being as much used as they were last
year In drawing rooms and boudoirs.
I.nmps continue to increase In variety and
beauty of form and combination of metals
and ( materials. A beautiful lamp is ono of
tall , cylindrical shape in wrought Iron open
work of early Italian design ; passing from
the top of the cylinder downward at equal
Intervals , nnd dividing the open work into
upright panels , are six twisted bars of
dull , polished steel , studded at base and
top with screw-head bosses of steel ; the
lamp proper nnd its reservoir arc of ruddy
copper , shining agreeably through the In
terstices of the black open work and throwIng -
Ing its intricate pattern In line relief. An
other lamp of ruddy copper and dull , pol
ished stccll shows the lamp body In thu
form of a bombshell showing beaten work
at top and bottom. This lamp is set on a
stand composed of four heavy , polished legs
curving each to Its base , into a lion's paw.
An attractive lamp is of the student lamp
shape with reservoir and body ot egg shape
covered with arabesque repousse work
In high relief. Small roselcaf candle
sticks have again appeared In pink , creamy
yellow and Jacqueminot red porcelain , with
candles nnd shades to match In color , and
look very pretty when placed in groups ot
llvo or seven on sldo tables , amid sorno shal
low bowls of richly decorated china filled
with flowers.
llrcpptlnn nt Seymour Turk.
The reception given In honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Offutt by Dr. and Mrs. George
L. Miller at their beautiful country house at
Seymour park Thursday evening was a sin.
gularly pleasant function , notwithstanding
that the playing of Joseph Jefferson do *
trnctcd somewhat from the numberof guests
that would otherwise have been present.
Dr. Mlllor is a charming host , and ho has
been for so many years In public life that he
Knows the line art of entertainment , In con
sequence of which the reception Thursday
evening was remarkable lor its completeness
In ovcry respect.
The guests loft the Webster street statior
at 7:110 : p. m. and upon their arrival at Deer-
Held closed carriages convoyed the guests tc
the handsome stone structure that stands
on the top of the hill commanding a view
from ovcry direction. It was an Inspiriting
sight presented to the guests from the
train as they came near Deerlleld , for from
cellar to nttio the mansion shone with
myriad lights , looking like an hundred eyes
peering out of the darkness nnd insensibly
inndo a deep impression upon the guests.
Supper was served shortlv after the arrival -
rival nt the Park nnd later dancing followed
in the beautiful ball room In the third story
Throughout the establishment was richh
decorated with "Dowering frond ami
palm , " with roses in riotous confusion
in salon , drawing room , library , dining
room , with the tender green of the smilas
to add its color to a very artistic home ,
crowded as It Is with rare pictures , rarei
books , and handsome and costly articles ol
bric-a-brac gathered from over the world.
The dining room was particularly elabor
ate in KB lloral garniture , smllax holnc
festooned about the table , whllo candelabra
with pink shades nnd la France
roses In rose bowls were placed
conspicuously around the board
Mrs. Miller , Miss Briggs and Miss Morlov
received the guests in the hallway at the
foot of the grand staircase , Mrs. Mlllor ap
pearing Is n gown of bliu-k , with white roses.
Miss Briggs woron pretty costume of light
colored grenadine with roses , whllo Miss
Irma Morley wore a costume of tan-colored
lace trimmed in a darker shade of velvet.
Mrs. Offutt , for whom the reception was
given , were her beautiful wedding gown ol
white satin trimmed'with passementerie.
Mrs. J. O. Cowin were a hnmlsomo toilet
of black silit richly ornamented with jet.
Mrs , J. N. II. Patrick , also appeared In
black silk which she wears with so much
courtly grace.
Airs. 11 , M. Caldwell were o dark gown
trimmed with steel.
Mrs. George E. Pritehott , a mode silk with
silk ot a darker shade ns trimming.
Mrs , Thomas Kilpatrick were an imported
costume bordering on n light shade of tan
with n stripe of blue satin running
through It , blue silk bodice.
Mrs. P. U Perino wore a pretty dark blue
Mrs. Elta Matncson was daintily gowned
in black luce relieved with red.
Miss Delia Chandler , ono of the prettiest
of our plrln.woro a light shade of tan
trimmed with white.
Miss Yntes looked particularly well In
white lace over blue silk , and carried pink
Miss Sherwood was in whltp china silk
trimmed with green ,
Mrs. William Wallace graced n handsome
gow'n of old rose crepe trimmed In black.
Miss Balcombo were white crepe cloth
with mode trimming.
Miss Patrick of Plttsburg nnd a guest at
Happy Hollow , ono of the most charming
young women who has visited Omaha this
season , were it costume of pale blue silk and
carried American beauties.
At midnight the guests loft on the special
train provided for their use , not the least
hltoh having occurred to mar a most charming -
ing evening.
. Among tuose who we.-o present were Mr ,
nnd Mr § , If , W. Yale * . Mr. anil Mrs. Thomns
Kllpntrielf , Mr , nnd Mrs. C 12. Yott , Mr
and Mr * . Charles V Catlln , Mr , and MM , W
V Morse , Mr , ami Mrs , J. N. II. Patrick
Mr , and Mrs. Hy Mcdny , Mr , and Mrs ,
John Williams , Mr. and Mrs. Lymttn , Mr ,
and Mrs. P. Morris , Mr , and Mrs , P. li ,
Pcrrliie , Mr , and Mrs. Lymnn Hlohiirdson ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E. Prltchott , Mr.
nnd Mrs. A. H. Paddock ) Mosdamrs
Etta Mathcson , II. M. Caldwell 5
Misses Viito * , Chandler , Morley , Hill. Slier-
wood , Balcombe. Briggs , Patrick ; Messrs.
Voss , N'othorton Ilnll. Borlln.Stockton Hoth.
Oannett , Kobcrt Patrick , John Patrick , Will
\Vakoloy , Huger nnd Itlchardson.
A particularly pleasing feature of the
evening were the recitations by Mrs , Elta
Matheson , who Is well nigh Indispenslblo to
round out a social evening. She recites In
telligently , nnd being n charming woman Is
always much sought after by the ladles in
the swell sot.
livening nt Carili.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yost Invited n number
of mutual friends to play high llvo Friday
evening at their residence 4'J4 North Twenty-
third street nnd the evening was highly en
joyable in consequence.
One of the pleasant features of the even
ing was the manner In which scores were
kept , perforated cards being placed on each
table having numbered thereon the games
played , pink cards Indicating games won and
preen , games lost. These tiny coupons
being torn from the table cards , they were
placed In small envelopes suspended by
cards from button hole nnd bodice , doing
away with the usual wetting of stars or
wafers . and attaching them to score carus.
At the conclusion of the game this manner
of counting made it decidedly easy to ascer
tain the prize winners , who were on this oc
casion Mrs. H. B. Smith , Mrs. Barton nnd
Mrs. Bennett , Mr.W. Morsmnn , Mr. Bennett.
The following guests were present : Mr.
and Mrs. Barton , Mr. and Mrs. McCord , Mr.
and Mrs. Bennett , Mr. and Mrs. Barkalow ,
Mr. and Mrs. Yates , Mr. nnd Mrs. Coutant ,
Mr. and Mrs. Lymnn , Mr. and Mrs. Offutt ,
Airs. Belden , Mr. nnd Mrs. Barker , General
and Mrs. Cowln , Mr. and Mrs. Morse , Mr.
and Mrs , Wood , Mr. and Mrs. Patrick , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Wakeloy , Mr. and Mrs. Wessells ,
Mr. and Mrs. McKenna , Mr. and Mrs.
Mcdny , Mr. and Mrs. W. Morsomnn , Mr. and
Mrs. Peck , General and Mrs. Brooke , Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Smith , Mr. Richardson ,
Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick. Miss Stearns. Mr.
Herman Kountzo , Mr. and Mrs. Pritehott.
IIlRli KLvo-Mntliice.
Mrs. E. B. Branch entertained qulto n
number of guests at her cozy homo on
Twenty-fifth avenue Wednesday afternoon ,
high flvo being played.
The favors were hoih dainty nnd useful ,
being little work baskets , lined with bright
colored silks ; each lady found her partner
by the corresponding colors of silk with
which her basket was lined. The score
cards were pretty pin cushions , and the
number of pames won were scored
with pins. The prizes were also useful
nnd belonged in the basket , being n gold
thimble first prize and a silver glove darner
with the colored silks for darning ; second
prize. While all the ladles had ono article
in their baskets , the prize winners' baskets
were more complete. refreshments
were served and the games were thoroughly
enjoyed by the guests present.
Those invited were : MosdamesC. N. Diet/ ,
L. J. Drake , W , F. Vnlll , A. Uosewater , J. A.
McShane. U. H. Wheeler sr. , A. Kemlngton ,
H. F. MeCormtck , W. J. , Broatch , W. G.
Sloan , W. A. Sharp. E. A. Cudahy , F. P.
Kirkendall , F. Colpetzcr , Du Bols , James
Ware. W. H. Alexander , G. W. Ames ,
F. L. Hallen , J. M. Eddy , T. Swobe , G. H.
Boggs , E. Dickenson , H. F. Cady , F. Uyne-
hart , G. L. Squires , C. E. Squires , K.'CT
Moore , J. C. Jones , K. C. Cushing , T. C.
BruneiW. . F. Allen , F. Hainsworth , Dr.
Sprague , N. B. Falconer , C. S Uaymond. W.
A. Paxton , H. Purvis , J. A. Wakeflcld , W. II.
Hanohott. W. B. Meikle , C. Hnrtman , G. J.
Gilbert , B. Galliger , W. N. Babcock , ,1. S.
Brady ; Misses Sharp , Ida Sharp , Landis ,
Shattuck , Walker , Copeland , Hock.
A Woman' * Club Organized.
The Woman's cluh Is its
an actuality , or
ganization having been effected on Wednes
day , when seventy-six ladles signed the con
stitution and by-laws and a corps of provis
ional teachers were appointed. It was an
exceedingly Intelligent body of women that
mot in the Young Men's Christian associa
tion ( jail and the way tho. work of organiza
tion was performed showed that they were
not novices In the conduct of affairs , but ex
perienced women bent upon broadening the
horizon of their lives by closer study along
well-dellned oaths. The gathering of women
was exceedingly domoora'tic , including pro
fessional women , society women , working
women , women with some celebration as
students and women who might ho consid
ered purely domestic. The flrst effort of the
cluh will bo to promote a general
good lellowshlp. It is felt that
after that Is accomplished a reasonable de
velopment in any and many directions will
be a foregone conclusion. The club year will
bo from the third week In September to the
first week in June , and therefore the ofllcers
elected yesterday are Intended only to lill
out the brief remainder of this year. Of
these , Harriet C. Towno Is president , Mary
Hums the secretary and Ircno Necly the
treasurer. The membership Is as follows :
Harriet C. Towne , Agnes Somcrs. Sue P.
Blackburn , Ella W. Pcnttle , May L. Copeland -
land , Miss Bruin , Mrs. J. U. Nicholas , Mrs.
Frank Irvine , Ida M. Street , Mrs. George A.
Calder , Mrs. F. G. Pa trick , Ida Fleming ,
Miriam Ford , Gertrude Cuscadcn , Eleanor
S. Dailoy , M.D. , Anna L. 1' . Duryea , Mary
Alter , Mrs , G. W. Ambrose , Addio C.
Ambrose , Helen A. Lewis , Harriet
D. Hay , Margaret E. Benson ,
Edna Forbes , Lillian Woolson , Anna N. Me-
Cnguc , Clara C. Estnbrook , Abbio E. Van
Woodman , Mary M. Lufferty , Mrs. C. W.
Van Tuyle , Mrs. Charles Gardner , Mrs. Al
bert BilliiiKs , Mrs. L. D. Baker , Mrs. J. A.
Griffith , Alice M. Waltomoyor , E. W , Wilson
Mary K. Mount. Mrs. C. F. Catlin , Luella C
Martin , Ida C. Benedict , Mrs. C. II. Baxter ,
Mrs. F. L. Ilaller , Mrs. C. F. Bvrne , Mrs.
Marietta Powell , Eva M. HIbhel , Mary Har
ris , Mrs. E. M. Covell , Mrs. J. S. Stuart ,
Adelaide A. Cross , Mrs , Clinton Powell.
Mrs. E. G. McGilton , Mrs. G. A. Tilson
Mary Garard Andrews , Mrs. John S. Briggs
Mrs. A. C. Troup , Ida E. Edson , Fannie M
A committee to prepare a constitution was
appointed , consisting of Mrs. Hanchctt , Mrs.
Frances Ford. Miss McCague , Mrs. Martin
and Mrs. Van Tuyle.
This committee will report at the next
meeting of the club , which will bo Monday ,
April 34 , at the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation building. After the adoption of n
constitution nnd jiossibly the arrangement of
some of the sections for study n paper will
bo read byElla W. Pcattio on the work of
the Chicago Woman's club ,
Dunce i > f thu I.miles Club.
The Ladles' Social club gave an enjoyable
party at Metropolitan hall Wednesday night.
There were eighteen numbers on the dance
program. The music was furnished by
Uohr's orchestra. The committee having
the party in charge comprised the Misses
Zimmerman , Engler and Strieker. It Is In
tended to devote the proceeds of the party
to some charitable purpose.
Among those present were : Messrs. F. A.
Homminger , George Mittner , E. G. Mell-
August Speijht.J. T. Crowe , O. J.
lee , Oscar Karbach , Al Johnson , C. M. Kan-
dall , H. M. Linirle , J. B. Wittlg , C. H. Cook ,
E. C. Ackermann , T. H. Urnder , Henry
Hohlff , John fi. Simpson , Horace Helfrlch
J U Krager , Spud fc'urrlsh , F. Urlan , T. C.
Brownleo , U Bllodean , Herman Sander , W.
A. Plcl , J. Uozonsweig , U.V. . Dyball , E. U
Hoay , Otto Nieuerwies , Ed Sclums , E. G.
Meyer. W. IG. Crebo. Mesdamcs George
Mittauer , K. G. Meyer , T. 11. Braden -
den ; Misses Alviua Engler. Rva
Strieker , Nenu Mcllhod , Bertha Ivcimboldt ,
Pearl Smith , Ixjna Tubbens , Pearl Urlnn , P.
Zimmerman , Louisa Fruehauf. Wuethrlch ,
Alice Hinchman , Clam Karbach , Lulu Wit-
tig , Theresa John. Oscar E. Engler , Pauline
Zimmerman , NeKle Schoiilau , Emma Wilde ,
J. Stltt , Anna Peterson , Alma Urlan , Cora
Sayor , Ida Mittauer , Fannie Fruehauf , GrocurthCoagrov , , Etta Wheeler ,
Peart Drldenbockcr , Adalttt Itohlff , Lt lo
d mill ilohnitnn.
A very pleasant wedding occurred at the
residence of Mr , J , D , MoLcan , near Kcd
Oak , In. , on Thursday , April ID , nt 1 oY.lock
p. m. , the contracting parties being Mr. John
M. Wosterlleld nnd Miss Llzzlo W. Johnston.
The cerrmony was performed by llov , John
A , Henderson of Omaha , assisted by Her. J.
F , Itoss of South Omaha and Hov. Mr. Gra
ham of Hod Oak.
The parlors wore handsomely decorated
with roses nnd other natural flowers , nnd
after the ceremony dcVclous refreshments
were served to a gay party of relatives nnd
Intlmato friends from Omaha , College
Springs , Turklo. Mo. , Moitmouth , 111. , and
lied Oak.
The bride has many friends In Omaha nnd
Is loved and admired by nil who know her.
The groom Is a prominent nnd successful
real estate denier in South Omaha.
The happy couple will spend part of their
honeymoon In Colorado , and will be at home
to their friends nt Twenty-third and M
streets , South Omaha , after May 1 ,
A Phonograph 1'nrty.
A phonograph party was given by Chief
nnd Mrs , W. S. Soavoy Wednesday evening at
their residence , 1514 North Twenty-second
street. Those in attendance were ; Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Dooley , Air. nnd Mrs. Charles
Dooley of Denver , Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Alooro , Mr. and Airs. J. F. Hynn , Air , and
Airs. L. J. Nedd , Air. and Mrs. Noel Abbott ,
Air. and Airs. A. D. Hoag and Miss Lulu
Aluslc , English bagatelle , nnd a score of
choice selections of vocal and Instrumental
music nnd several humorous speeches were
reproduced on n phonograph which was
hired for the occasion.
The most Interesting part of the evening's
entertainment was the singing into the
phonograph of several familiar choruses
and "Nearer My God to Tnco" and "Auld
Lang Syno" by all those present nnd n repro
duction of them immediately given by the
Instrument , so perfectly that several of the
singers' voices could bo easily and distinctly
Dnncuilat llrtlhiB's Ilnll.
Aliss Nellie Campion entertained n num
ber of her young friends nt a dancing party
at Erlllng's hall last Thursday evening.
Twenty numbers were danced. . Punch was
served during the evening , and a very enjoy
able time was passsed by all present.
Among those present were : Allsses Hattte
Drelfus , Nannie Shook , Ada Gllmore , Anna
Gllmore , Anna Shields , Llzzlo Shields , AIuso
Moadlmbor , Edith Harmon , Fanny Wedge ,
Hall , Agnes Hall , Parker , Turner , Thomp
son , Campion , Florence Onmpion , Neoma
Allen , Ada Tyson , Aladge Lehnier , Etta
Bradley , Perl Bradley , Cowlos , Air. and
Airs. Crawlcy ; Messrs. Dreifus , Frank
Corboy , Burt Buhnniien , Frank Freeman ,
Fred Snydcr. Herbert Hoblnson. Austin Col-
lett , Wilbur Jackson , Byron ICuhn , Sy Os-
borno. Julius Hosoimvoig , Clarke Powell ,
Fred Hustcd. Frank Kinney , George Klnnoy ,
Joplln , Lewis , Walker , Bradley , Smith ,
Perkins , Wiley Jones , Otto BaumanO. Bow
man , Lymnn. _
Iiiinch for Ml * * 1'iitrlck.
Ono of the prettiest luncheons of the
season was given Tuesday by Aliss Nash In
honor of Aliss Patrick of Pittsburg , who ,
since her coming to Omaha , has been
honored with a number of charming func
The round table was daintily decorated
with daisies and maiden hair fern , the
daisies forming a center piece made up of a
number of bunches corresponding to the
number of guests und tied with ribbons laid
to the plate. After luncheon these pretty
flowers of spring became souvenirs for the
The menu was skillfully arranged and
the jolliest afternoon since Easter dawned
was experienced by Aliss Patrick , Aliss
Offutt , Aliss Sherwood , Miss Alargaret
Pratt , Miss Yates , Aliss Bessie Yates , Aliss
Alary Poppleton , Airs. Arthur Smith.
AKft'oubly Surpriaofl.
The Alisses Margaret Koblnson and AIc-
Alellan were agreeably surprised nt the
homo of their sister , Airs. W. Aladdcn ,
Eighth and Hickory streets , Friday evening
by a number of their friends , Cards and
dancing were the features of the evening , in
which about fifteen couples participated.
Those present wore : Air. and Airs. Mad
den , Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell , Allnnd Airs.
Woodard of Grand Island ; Misses Hobinson ,
AlcAIellan , Emma Quick , Lula Woodard ,
OttillU Trott , Alisses O'Connor , Jennie
Blum , AInmio Alalone and Alario AlcCague ;
Alessrs. A. Studt , A. N. Davis , D. P. AIc-
Alahon. J. Blum , C. Borthwick , Air. Hester ,
II. Robinson , T. Alalono , Air. Gillan of Atch-
isou , ICun. , and Air. O'Connors.
' lilgh I'lvo 1'nrty.
Air. and Airs. J. N. Dennis gave an enjoy
able high flvo party at their pleasant homo
on South Tenth street Saturday evening
Thirteen games were played , after which
covers were laid for twenty and nn elegant
lunch was served.
The flrst prizes were awarded to Air.
George Shanahan nnd Airs. Birch. The con
solation prizes to Air. Birch nnd Mrs. Kiser.
Those present were : Air. and Airs. Butler ,
Mr. nnd Airs. Alorse. Air. and Airs. Johnson ,
Air. nnd Airs. Birch , Air. and Mrs , Kiser ,
Mr. and Airs. Lloyd , Airs. Van Dyke , Mrs.
Aladden ; Messrs , Joe Dennis , J. S. Shissler ,
George Shanahan ; Alisses Annlo Hobinson ,
Gertrude AIcEathron , Ella AIcEathron.
A Surprise 1'nrty.
A very pleasant surprise birthday party
was tendered Air. Willie Koopinan Wednes
day evening by a numberof his friends.
Games were played f nd relreshments served
and altogether a very pleasant evening was
.Among those present were : Alessrs. 'Charles
Wright , George Prey. Fred Walker , John
Alortensou , Willie Kilby. Henry Vander-
crcok , Ario Vnnderceok , Henry Ilaza , Nelllo
Haze , Ed Kinney , Alike Kinney , Ed Ma-
houo.v , William Atullvahill.TadeShannahan ,
Andy Patrick , Clare Hitchcock ; Misses Alit-
tie Foloy. Edith Foley , Bcsslo AlcPhalt ,
Allnnio Koopman , Katie Koop.nan. Delia
Murphy , Magglo Murphy , Annlo AlcDunn ,
Joslo MuDunn , Mary AVall.
I'lonsuntly Surprised.
Alisses Leo und Ollvo Sheldon were most
pleasantly surprised nt their homo , 202G
North Twenty-eighth avenue , by a number
of their young friends Wednesday evening.
The flrst part of the evening was spent in
social games nnd pleasant conversation. De
licious refreshments were then served , after
which music was indulged In until n late
Those present wore : AIlssos Edna Patch ,
Molllo Lucas , Alaudo Duncan , Jcsslo Wert ,
Alattio Dungan , Leo and Olive Sheldon ;
Alessrs. H. Lucns , E. Lucas , E. Wort , O.
Chambers , J. Price. F. Thomas , G. Vale , Le-
Hey Patch , E. Sheldon.
Tlie r.nilluH Minimi .Sorloty.
A small but appreciative audience gath
ered at tlie Linlnger gallery Tuesday evenIng -
Ing , where a tine program was rendered
under the auspices of the Ladles Aluslcal
society , Miss Wagoner giving the piano
nu mbers , Mrs. Calm the vocal und Air. John
Brown the 'cello.
Aliss Wagoner is a stranger among us , but
her piano work Is excellent and numerous
compliments were showered upon the voung
lady. Airs. Calm sung unusually well nnd
Air , Brown's 'cello numbers were greatly en
joyed by these present.
Their Twelfth Dilnclnt I'nrty.
Thursday evening the Ideal club of South
Omaha , gave their twelfth party of the sea
son at Knights of Pythias hall under de
cidedly pleasant circumstances' .
Among these present were : Airs. Alun-
shaw ; Misses Erlon , Honey , Gosnoy , Wood
ruff , Hiclmrdson , Savage ; Messrs. Honey ,
Alunshaw , Paxton , Wlleojc , Supploe , GriftUli ,
Cockrell , Etter , Gosney , Lou Etter , Hunt ,
Kelly , Gates , Carpenter. From Omaha there
were present Mrs. Hlppcn , Misses Tucker.
Beverly , O'Neill , Statsford , Callahaii , Air ,
Helpen , while Miss Alikesol ! represented
Council Bluffs.
yuict Ueihllnc.
Married , at the residence of S. A. Broad-
well , UUU3 Linds'ty avenue , at S p. m , of the
lUth inst. , In the presence ot n number of Invited -
vited guests , Dr. Homer L. Kindred of Pen
der. Nob. , to Aliss Birdie AI. Martin of Kan-
sus City , Mo. , by Hov. K. Lamg of Omaha.
The doctor and his young bride left on the
morning of Tliursdnyibr I'cndcr , Nob.t lliclr
future homo.
C'lml of Wfflltniiwn Pcoplr.
Mr. nnd Airs. J , J. fllhsoii have returned.
Mr. and Mrs. JuuRj li Boyd have re
turned. '
Mrs. James EastMwvcs today for a visit
in Batavla.
Mrs , F. K. Darling U visiting In Leaven-
worth , Kan.
Dr. Joseph T. Duryun lett for Denver Fri
day evening. " *
Air , W. C. WeldeD Sturucd Friday from a
business trip.
Air. J. F. Hocl hnsreturncd from n busi
ness trip west , jn
Air. nnd Mrs. B. IIjiBarrows returned from
Chicago on Thursday } '
The Paladins' lust party will bo given
next Monday evening.
Air , nnd Airs. Thomas Klmball returned
Sunday from the east.
Miss H. E. Wilson of Fullerton is the
guest of Miss Slaughter.
Air. E. Dickinson returned this morning
from the World's fair city.
Aliss Annette Handnll of BridgeportConn. ,
is the guest ot Aliss Vnn Camp.
Airs. George Dorsoy of Fremont Is visit
ing her sister , Airs. J. AI. Alarsh.
Air. H. AI. Cross and family have moved to
1010 North Twenty-sioond street.
A very Jolly little dancing party was
given Friday evening at the Aladlson.
Airs. Ellen Beall expects to RO to house
keeping soon at 220 North .Nineteenth street.
Captain Crowdor has gone out of town fern
n few days. He will prouably return Alon-
E. J. Brown of Qulncy , 111. , n brother of
Airs. J. Benson , was In the city a few days
last wcok.
Air. and Airs. Robert Payne of Nebraska
City are the guests of Captain and Airs. W.
P. WIlcox
Air. L. Alcndolssohn and his son , Gordon ,
have gone to Chicago and Detroit for a two
weeks' trip.
Alisses Helen nnd Mary Thomas have just
returned from a visit to Aliss Morton at
Arbor Lodge.
Air. Simons and sister , Aliss Adele Simons ,
of Lincoln were the guests this week of Air.
nnd Airs. Hoe.
Airs. H. P. Deucl entertained the Ladles
club on Friday at her residence on Dodge
and Nineteenth streets.
Air. nnd Airs. Ira B. Alnpes of this city
returned Saturday from a four months' so
journ on the Pacific coast.
Air. and Mrs. Thomas Kilpatrick welit tc
St. Paul last week to visit their daughter ,
who Is at school In that city.
Air. and Airs. O. N. Davenport. Aliss Hartman -
man and Air. C. B. AlcClelland left yester
day for n short trip to Lincoln.
Airs. Charles E. Williamson and babj
Gretchen are visiting Lancaster , O. , the
former homo of Airs Williamson.
Captain C. A. Dempsey has gone to Phila
delphia , where his wife is lying dangerously
ill at the residence of her mother.
The engagement of Miss Sallie McClin-
lock , formerly of this city , is announced , tc
nn Episcopal clergyman of Oklahoma.
Airs. George L. Barney of Indianapolis , ac
companied by her son , is visiting her father
and mother , Air. and Airs. L. B. Williams.
Dr. A. E. Dlckinsoii of the Cudahy PackIng -
Ing company and Mrs , Dickinson have gone
to Chicago and Now Orleans on ajjrlof visit ,
Aliss Curtis and Miss Lvnn Curtis arc ex
pected home soon and will not spend the
summer In California , as they thought ol
doing ,
Airs. Charles Kniifmann and daughter
will return from Los-Angeles , Cal. , on the
22nd inst. , where they have spent the past
six months.
Airs. Stutz of Chicago and Mrs. Ambridge
of Alinncapolia , who liavo been the guests ol
Airs. Caldwoli , loft Saturday for their re
spective homes. 1
Airs. Cotton goes to [ North Platte tomor
row to sing at u concert the followintr oven-
ing. Aliss Anna Gatty accompanies her
for a pleasure trip , j
Aliss Helen Warrnck of the Aladison
expects to sail for Purls the 20th of this
month , whore she will meethcr father , who
Is In business there. '
Airs. John Groves has gone to San Antonio ,
Tex. , to remain for several weeks. She was
accompanied ns far ns Kansas City by her
husband , City Clerk Groves.
Air. nnd Mrs. Walter S. Tripp of Scranton ,
Pa. , arrived from their wedding trip Friday
and are the guests of Airs. Tripp's father
nnd mother , Mr , nnd Airs , L. B. Williams.
Airs. Alary AI. Heed , after an absence ol
a year It. California and Colorado , has re
turned to Omaha and is the guest of Airs ,
John II. Levy , 1018 South Thirty-first street.
An Infant son made his appearance at the
residence of Air. John AI. Thurston on last
Wednesday evening. Friends of the family
will bo interested to know that Airs , Thurs
ton Is doing well.
Alisses Emma Houck nnd Carrie Oounv
paugh entertained a number of their friends
at their homo Thurday evening. The guests
spent n very pleasant time and enjoyed tne
fun of "taffy pulling. "
Airs. Kolbenmoyer of'St. Louis , mother ol
Airs. W. H , Koenig , is visiting the latter on
West Harney street , and is accompanied by
Aliss Sehlemberg of St. Louis , who will re
main in Omaha for a fortnight.
General Forsytho has been the guest foi
the past week of Colonel and Airs. Sheridan ,
Aliss Forsytho and Airs. Dallas Bacho re
turned Thursday from Fort Hiloy. Aliss For
sytho will bo the guest of her sister , Mrs ,
Bacho , for a time.
Air. Caldwell Hamilton is still very ill.and
in hope of benefit , Dr. Leo will take him
today to Colorado. They will be accompa
nied by Air. and Mrs. Hamilton , Airs. Cummings -
mings and n trained nurse. We hope for an
early report of his improvement.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Kimball returned
this week from a month's visit to Airs. Kim-
ball's homo in Boston. While there they at
tended the famous costume festival of the
Boston Art Students' association , which was
pronounced the most gorgeous pagent yet
presented by that organization.
In honor of Air. and Mrs. Walter Coots of
Detroit. Air. and Airs. H. F. Dailoy enter
tained delightfully at cards Friday evening
at their residence on Pine street , Washing
ton Place. The guests were : Air. and Airs.
Walter Coots , Air. and Airs. J. F. Coots , Air.
nnd Airs. Love , Air. and Airs. Valll , Airs.
Wade , Aliss Bennett and Air. Loomls.
The Park Avenue Card club were enter
tained most delightfully on Monday evening
nt the residence of Captain nnd Airs. Palmer.
The prize winners were Aliss Whitbrcad ,
who took the llrst ladles' prize , Mrs. Shales
the second nnd Air. Goodrich and Air. Bartlett -
lett , who took the flrstoand second gentle
men's prizes , This is the last meeting of a
club , which has had u very jolly and informal
tlmo during this winter ,
Airs. Guy Barton gavfa' tno second of her
scries of luncheons on Thursday , the beauti
ful dining room of the'JJarton mansion being
at its best , the circular table , just suited for
ten , being decorated ( tjtlrcly In pink , dainty
round cards of the sanit ) pink shade encir
cled with a wreath ofdalsles contained the
names of the guests as1 follows : Airs. Alil-
lard , Airs. Burt , Alrrfi 'Pratt. Airs. Kilpat
rick , Airs. Brooks , MisslStorns , Airs. Cald
well , Mrs. Beal , Mrs. .Buchanan.
One of the box partidi to see Joseph Jeffer
son was composed. of Mrs. Rollins. Mr.
Charles Barton , Ali'ji and Airs , warren
liogers , Aliss Woolwonth , . With Air , and
Airs. James Boyd weriilMrs. J. H. Buchanan
and Aliss Boyd. Another party consisted of
Aliss Giucomlnl , Miss Jusslo Bauihnn , Aliss
Rich , Miss AntoinoUOftKIch , Aliss Turner ,
Aliss Hamilton , Albtsj-Esmond. Air. H. C.
Aliller. Mr. P. B. Myers , Dr. W. S. Brad-
dury , Mr. L. J. Knous6i Air Allen Younger ,
Air. J. Hastings , Air. Pope , Air. F. AL Beach.
Altss Julia Wuotrlck was agreeably sur
prised on her birthday last Frfdny evening
by the Jolly Sixteen and other friends. The
evening was spent very pleasantly with
games , music and dancing. At 11 o'clock
elegant refreshments were served. Aliss
Wuetrlck received many presents. These
present were : Aliases Tebbins. Help , Jahn ,
Fruehauf , Louise Fruohnuf , Wilde. Smith ,
Streba , Guarosenter , Hnrtell , Petersen ,
Strieker , Air. and Mrs. Spcct , Air. nnd Airs.
Meyer , Alessrs. Hoag. Hlchenbcrg , Max
Hiclienborg , Moilhedo , Honniuger.Gramlick ,
Wise , Flotiber , Schurlg , Holtu , H. Peterson ,
F. Wuotrlck.
Anna Iluilo la the flrst woman who haa
received the degree of I'll. D. in Don-
murk. She luid already received , in
1888 , n golden medal for a prizo'cssny on
a historic subject.
Oo Oo Oo Oo oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Ooo
. , , 3
J515-1517 DOUGLAS ST.
A. D. Morse Sells Out 3
_ And Frank Wilcox company will continue the business at the same old stand.
All misses' fine lines will be carried at 1515 and 1517 Douglas street. The balance
sold regardlesss of cost at Fourteenth and Farnam streets.
Some of This Week's Shoe Bargains.
The fine lines of shoes which have for so many years given the A. D. Morse " \
store sucl a famous reputation will in future be carried at 1515 and 1517 Doug'as * J
street. Tuesday evening's Bee will tell you about the closing sale at Morse's old r\
stand. We are working hard to prepare for the rush , as this stock must be reduced - * S
duced quick. After the present stock is sold the A. D. Morse store will continue \J
with popular and new lines of ladies' , misses' and children's shoes , and a splendid
stock of men's , boys' and youths' shoes.
Now , in order to put our stock at 1515 and 1517 Douglas street in shape and
make shelf room now badly needed for the fine shoes from Morse's , we will start a
S3 sale Monday morning at 1515 and 1517 Douglas street.
Patent tip , extension sole
New York last , button , reg
ular $4.50 shoe , at this sale
, $3.This
This is fine valuefor $3.
A full line of patent tip
opera turns , now $4 , will go
in at $3 to help out on $3
shoes at this sale. We in
tend to be able to please
the fine shoe trade with
shoes this week.
\J P. S. The lines of shoes carried by A. D. Morse that have pleased many t/
people will hereafter be found at Frank YVilcox Company , where we will be glad to /
3 receive his old customers who failed to be fitted out of his present stock. -
3 3
3 FRANK -WiLcox Co. , 7
1515-1517 DOUGLAS ST. .
0 Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo
Iowa Curio Hunter Adds n Chliieao flan to
Ills Collection.
William McMillan of Atlantic , la. , was in
Omaha Friday with a curiosity that ho
prizes very highly , and which is of con
siderable yaluo. It was a thirteenth-cen
tury matchlock musket of Chinese make ,
of the oldest firearms
and -without douht ono
arms In existence. The matchlock was the
first style of firearm over manufactured ,
and this specimen , which the owner be
lieves to he the only ono of its kind in the
United States , Is as crude an invention nnd
as imperfect and-cumhersome in comparison
with the line mechanism turned out in
modern gun factories , as can bo well im
The weapon Is about four nnd a half feet Ions
and weighs about eleven pounds. The stock
is very much abbreviated and terminates In
a partially rounded grip for the hand. It
was evidently intended to ho hold entirely
clear of the body Instead of resting against
the shoulder , as is the case with similar
weapons of the make of the present day.
How the recoil would bo met is a question ,
as the gun Is nn inchborc , and the "kick"
would undoubtedly bo something terrific.
The oddest feature of the weapon is the
hammer and lock. The former is nearly six
inches long ami is BO arranged a.t the end as
to hold a picco of punk , which was supposed
to bo lighted whenever the gun was being
carried for service. Underneath Is a cup
or pan something similar to that in use on
the old Itintloeks. Over it fits n cap ,
which swings on a hinge , and whenever
it was desired to discharge the weapon the
cap was swung back. The pulling of the
trigger , which was arranged in u manner
very similar to that still in vogue , dropped
the lighted punk upon the powder , and the
result was probably the same as that follow-
in ! ; the sparking of the Hint In the muskets
of tlio colonial days.
This gun Is u smoothbore nnd the load
was evidently n handful of slugs. The
barrel is deeply Inlaid with silver and gold ,
wrought In oriental designs , tiventy-nluo
pieces of silver and nine of gold being plainly
discernible. Their size ranges from that of
an ordinary pea to that of a 11-cent piece , nnd
the whole outlines a vine nnd blossom ox-
tcndinir along the entire length of the top of
the barrel.
This implement of ancient warfare was re
cently obtained by Mr. McMillan In Chicago ,
where It was purchased by him from a party
of Chinese who had just arrived with a lot
of oriental curiosities to bo disposed of dur
ing the fair. It completes a collection of
firearms , numbering about sixty pieces , that
he has been getting together for u number
of years , including all kinds from the time of
their invention down to the present day.
Mr. McMillan confesses to being some
thing of a crank on the subject of curios , and
says that ho has been indulging this harm
less mania for a number of years. Ho was on
the road for a number of years for the Wal
ter A. Wood Harvestingcompany , hut retired
about four years ago , andsinca that time has
been following only the bunt of his own in
clinations , gathering up hero and such
articles as attracted his fancy , nnd now has
a collection of all sorts of articles valued at
many thousands of dollars. Ho yielded tem
porarily to a fancy to dip into curiosities in
the llvo stock line , and bought the Cass
county hlg ox , an animal that ho stlU has ,
and which weighs 4,100 pounds. This an
imal was on exhibition in Wonderland a
short tlmn ago for the period of ono month ,
and was at that time seen by manyOmahans.
H is not improbable that Mr. McMillan will
We also put a Phila
delphia last patent tip but
ton , which we have never
sold before for less than
$4.50 , at $3.
This is the new narrow
square toe for $3.
Three dollars is within
the reach of all , and those
who have been paying
more will not object to pay
ing $3 for the class of
shoes we offer you now for
shortly bring his entire collection to this
Miss Johnstone , the hair drosscr , has
many now novel ways of dressing ladles'
hair. 211 South Sixteenth street.
Preliminary Arrangement * Mmlo by the
Agricultural Sorloty.
A meeting of the Douglas County Agricul
tural society was held yesterday afternoon
at the Board of Trade rooms , President
James Walsh presiding. 13. H. Walker of
tno committee appointed to secure fair
grounds reported that owing to the sickness
of J. J. Brown , the owner of the grounds in'
the northern part of town , nothing could bo
done ut present. Further tlmo was given
the committee.
There being some question as to whether
warrants drawn upon the fund given by the
county were regularly issued , a committee
consisting of E. H. Walker , O. S. Ambler
nnd O. J. PIckard was appointed to Inquire
Into the legal status of tlio matter and re
port at the next meeting. The question
arose , it seems , from an idea of the county
commissioners that nnpart of the $1,000 paid
by the county should bo used to pay pre
miums for horse racing.
The proposition to induce the merchants to
hold their exposition during fair week was
deferred , the members deeming it too early
to take action.
The press came In for a share of attention.
Heretofore during the races the reporters
have frequently been too numerous on
the Judges' stand. It was determined to
allow at the next fair but ono representative
of each paper the privileges of the stand.
Vice President J. H. Hollingsworth was ap
pointed superintendent of the swine depart
ment , to act in the place of D. Lonergan ,
who had failed to accept.
The secretary was instructed to notify all
publishers to appear at the next meeting
with samples of bills and posters which
would bo appropriate for advertising the
fair. George W. Uninper having refused to
accept the supcrintcndcney of line arts. Miss
Mary Wolcoot was appointed to the position.
After an announcement that the work of
printing the premium list would begin Mon
day morning , the meeting was adjourned for
three weeks.
Klllc-d ( n u Cnil : MliiP.
PiTTSnuua , Pa. , April 15. Two miners
were killed nnd three others seriously In
jured this morning by the caving in of thereof
roof of the Campion coal mine at Woods
Hun , In the fourth jwol. The killed are :
JAMKS WIMH'UN , need 35 years.
HUM , I1UTI/KU , iiB d 10 year * .
These Injured are :
CiiAin.i'.s HUTI.F.K.
The men were engaged In drawing pillars
from ixstwcon entries when tho. roof foil.
The Injured will jirobaiily recover.
The following marrlago licenses- were Is
sued by County Judge Idler yesterday :
Name nnd address. Age.
( Thomas I'uscpk , Omnlia . 21
I Citthorlnu Vydres , Omaha . < ! l
j Wllllnm I , . Mlllor , Chicago , 111 . 20
I Irunn I. Klckur , Hrooklyn , N. V . 20
j Christ llohortsnn , Orimlm . 25
l Annlo H. Totursoii , Omaha . 21
Bric-a-brac is
very good so is cut glass but there is
nothing nicer and more lasting than the sterling
silverware 925 fine from the Gorham Manufac
turing Co. sold only by us.
A narrow square toe
welt button wirh patent
cather tip that costs us
more than we sell it for.
Bulthe 3 $ sale must bo in-
Our new oxfords are now
arriving daily. We can
show the most complete
line of fine oxfords that has
ever been shown in the
New retail millinery
store is full and over
flowing with pretty pat
terns , trimmed hats and
bonnets and imported
novelties just received.
Call and see our ele
gant $4 and $7.50 hats ,
one-third less than any
house in Omaha.
1514 Douglas Street.
YOU don't like rye ,
try bourbon whiskey
one or the other should be
in the house for emergen
cy cases. Either one same
Wine , Liquor null Cljar C3 , <
110-Hi B. 16th Hu , Omaha.
Nntlcu to Conlrnotori.
l bids will ho received by tlie under
signed until April ! ith.lHU. 'or conatruptluK
a. four foolbrluk sewer , four teen liumlrod jont
Ions : , on tlio rounds of the Union Hloolc Yardi
Coinimiiy. All Information rulutivo to tlio
work can bo olitiilnuii by calling on the com-
luinr'a engineer. Itonm No. 3CU Kxohanzu
Ilulullnz , South Omulia.
ly W. N , IIAIIUUOIC , Uuaurul Munuuer.
Allil 101
Nutlco to ( jonlrurtiirii.
denied hliln will hi ) recolvcd by the Union
fitouk VurilR Company until IRUII April ffith ,
ltf.Hfor movln ; IM.liOO i-ublo yard * of enrtli
( inoro or Icsil. All Infmunition relative to
thonork can nuoutulnod from the company' !
engineer , Hoom No. uOj Exchunge Ilulldliiz ,
Hy W. N. IIAIIUUOIC , Uouorul