II1E OMVHV DULY JJEE : SlTNDAY IRW-TWKNTY-FOIMI CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE sJWut \ c ? Does Not Hdp the M re it THZ kJCW. JOBBING TRADE IS ONLY FAIR Il..k.rt- * > , Durlnt tinrrk Not TrodarUrr of Any l. entUH } Important ! > * tnrr ISnnk Clrnrlnc * Itnllrate n llmltlo Tr U < > . about one wewfl rnqairad to ex rc'A t'jc retil condition of the local ) ob- l.tjtra ( > j'Ommha , and that Is "fair" Sc . „ > bi r talk abnnt a Inrpe business u.tj fiit.-kK , as if they w re bolnp rus-hod with j-'n. vvlu r others elaini that It is reall ; i - The truth woula appear to be raid way t tv.ten tL two extremes , and about the Lift that 'an be said of tbe condition of the j ' -p tr it without fear of ooutradictlon n t > it .1 is fair Bj this it Is towiut to eon- vr tl.t i j' u that there is txmBlderable busi- i.i" s . . .f. but no pr mt rush. nor. on tbe f tb r i.tti J ativ creat dullness The Omaha 31 * ) . -s i rt dt.mp.a . peed , oouifortable busi ness i l.i i I. f f rain in somesectlpns of the ( . ' _ ! . : s VT rump arulust business U > u much F j r extent limn micht be imuplned b ; r jr v t TV.C i iar w ith the feeling amonp the i . . C.CH u.nts of the state livei since f s . r < rc | in the western part of the stt k SK the retail merchants IIRVC liot'n i it.s t-viitne in bu.vinp A peed man ; t * t'tr. r < cuutrht thut seHS-nti with lurpe s * > < It ; . > f p > ods on hand und no business Mat.f . t hf-u. as tbe suyinp is oul ; pulled thr. act ' tht skin of their teeth The jthbirs hud to t-arr ; u peed man ; if the. and taken us -whole it was u h-ru ( yx ncnee for the retailers Since t ! t t'in the ; have been ver ; cautious u.v.i tai nc iu stoclis of poods until the ; pr < m < rtain that there would be a t he poods Hence a few weeks 1,1 ii > ut ruin makes u decided difference iu thr t- i. tin of business In those sections of the Mat * A travTlinp man. in scndibc in Ins ' IM < rs the other dii ; reinarled that if rc > . .i r.nn he could po npht back over tin same pround and double the orders hi" t a The < -ooi t-alher of the luttcr part of the ut rf < red to a considerable extent tl i 'ncal trade. The retailers had Just ' ed to feel the effects of the earl ; siinnp w hen the cold wave came along and put a dan per upon it Hank Clenrlnc * . Tin clearincs of the Omaha national banks fri iht jiast week-show an increase orcr the 4-orrt snondinp week last ; ear ainountlnp t : : s i IK-J cent This is the larcest iucrea.se reported b ; an t-it ; in the northwest , in fact the lurpett of tin ; in the United States out- MJe of Texas uud California St Paul shows a lecreusf and MinneajKilis a pum of only ! ( per cent St Joseph barely keeps even -Wjth iast ; cur Tlic follow inp table will show the total CAvr'nps ut tbe leadinp cities of the north west f ir thf past three months as compared with Ui . irrespondinp period iu IblU , 13 1 and is'.itt The f olio.vmp will show the cleariucs for eath da ; of tbe past week , together with tht totals for previous weeks : Monday H.204.1P2.U Tuesduv lOSKi,715.0i \\fdnesdli ) 1.1'JG.4H34 < Thursdu ; 1,141,314.7 ! liIUu ; lKiSCHu.4f huturduy t)5'.I. B6.01 T ital . 10,000.600.9 ] Wetkendlnp Atirll B \\eek undliip April 1 , AVeikendlnp March 25 0.046,140.0 : ink ending Muich Ib 0,45I,0.M ! ( 0- A\c-t k i ndlne Mn'chll 7.230.421 Oi V et k endinc Vobi uurj 25 7.910.HH7.H ! \\n k eniltne 1 i-liruuiy 18 7.557,119.0 ! eek fiiulne IXiiuai ; 11 7.1 55.11 9 5 > t\ei k endlnpJnnuary 7,742,581 ( ! A\et k eiidiiiC'lunuui ; 21 h,2s5,140.r A\et k ( nc'iiic.liinuui ; 14 7 9H9.932 Oi AW-ik entiinp .laiiuiuy 7 7,234,427 ( > ] Conditions I'nlrl.1 SHllslarloiii , but .Not u All I'lieiioinenul , "This veel : has been deeidedlj vrantinp tt fcatutvf. of especial interest , " remarked Mr " \V H Koberson when uskod for his usuu -vv eek'.y Tevievr of trade from the staudpoiu of R G Dun It Cos mercantile acency. ' Business in wholesale circles has beei pooi In peueral , but nothinp pheuonienal ii reported The hardvviire mennre enthusi ustic , the grocers satiBfied , the dr.poodi men comfortable only , the implement mont men tnjliphted , the boot and shoi men between seasons and indifferent tbe lieuor men rather ploomy. the druc nioi pleased and others in other lines penerall ; contented but not especially jubilant. u'On the vv hole the iv eel : is satisfactory coiisiderinp ; everythinp , and we hear o nothinc which can iu anj vvaj marthebriph pnispoct ahead so far as the state trad pees At tbe banks business moves on athiu us f.ir tlio past few vvoelrs There is i lurper demand for nione } and the eountr ; hunks are not .v et uecumulatitiR a surplus n tht inoiiev centers Retail trade is hardl.v as peed us it shouli tie The weather conditions lor the vi eek vt er peneralb favorable but trade did not n-spom rerj freel.v Nwessunes of life have tb lies-t cf H in hard times and the ourl.v sprini is usja.j u dull , hard jioriod in cities , espe nulv , those with so larpe a vvaceH'arum : jipiulutioL ) asOmubii iteal estate bus been rulber more active but butrs now look for barpaius whore th marpin cf profits is larpe anil rertain. Ut in-proved projierlj cuin be sold onlj at a sac r hct utiless ttportal eonailuiiis poiern t make u tract more desirable than auythiui surrc'audinp Kt tu ) men hunts are quite twrnphusan ever \\orlU's fair muttois since tbe roun trip rate of ? 20 w ns llxed The.v n-card thi as an tn luirpo whu h will l.eop a preiil man jxioplc on this side the Missoari river 1 the stPp-ovcr-at-Omaha jirivilepe is era n to thetffett of the beplrR to C'tarapo will not I so mat bed upon retail trade "U be I ouimen-iul club is now a fixed fuc : AY it hln a short tune a conituissiuuur will ti MHHlf.d and this new vicoro s and protun inp orpanizution will be duinc the work fc vi huh it is cspwiult.v imeudod With lieart.v support in the tj. un active , win pUriit comuiissionui and a wideawake e ; wutive fomuiitU'c. the Commuivial club cu make itseJf invaluable to Omaha trade an Omaha ufiutrs " J-AI'TS. Xotrt Al.out the .Mtn Ulio Mnkr tl < \Vlu-i-l do Itoniiil. The ot j thine talked uU > ut iu manufui tur.up circles duricp the jmst vv tk has btw the c--oir.iiic ejriiisitiun | u > ! x ! hulu in this nt frem Muv ri to.lune H U he suotxiss of tli cxjios tiou lust joui nas pivttu the macufui t _ > HVt. thr courupe Ui plan tbe ooming exjK s'liaouuniuch lurgor hcaln. and thojur fcjianup aeilhtir time uur money to make t.t-w.np that will \tv u rename surprise i tbe IICOI'IP of tbe bUte The t * iseuui has lit-en littt > d up ut the e : jji erfthe manufacturer * and ii IL beltt < saiOiJon than ever before. Last > car tl nct rrnt out idr of Omaha uer net all ofttioir. . aw-ftkr t < > 1hr full iitiK'rtHn'-f | "f rettinp thrtr pixid * hrforr the tvu-mnn r * ut n utatc exKHitUim. | out tni * jpur ihrv wert tkip flrnt lo nuibc ktiphnutinn for spuor and. jodrtnr frotr thr ntnount of mom that they hRv afitied for. tlHv , arp iirpp.itiB ? to matte k t\ttf \ ahitwrar for thf diiTprrnt ritip * of tbe mute Tbe Omaha mftbuferMrer * nrf about Uir slowest in tb state so Tar a apjrtyinr for iipncr It ma.v be that tbe.v are watlinr until thrtr fntmds tn other fmrts of tbe stair are supplied , or perhaps they are lalioriHC unrk'r tbe mistaktm impression that tbore will > > e pkntof snare , and bonoe that there i * no titwd of ntakinr an early ap- plication. . Alrtmd.T fortj spare * fur crhiMts have been uppficd for b > tnanufiK-turors outside of Omaha and Lin < x > ln This will make a bis : bole in the spiwe available lor exhibit * S < * v- cral ilnus from Lincoln hare applied for RpHce and it was apreed that the wants of that cit.v should be atunided to d urine the past week , but the illness of Secretary Holmes prevented him from mwtiup with the mHtiufactuteis of Lincoln and arranpinp upaw for them Vice President Stew art of Lincoln t&ys that the members of the asto- cintion there will fill all the space that can be spared them As the exKsition | is to be held in Omaha the local manufacturers can make an exhibit at much less expense than those who have to ship iu their poods fet displnj from a dis tance Tor thut icasuti Omaha manufactur ers will be expected to do more than those from other cities toward rivinr .Nebiaska tbe reputation of beinc a mannfacturin ? state Tlie Omaha firms that have applied for space are peuorallj askinc for a peed deal more room than last season The \V A. Puce soap oompunv has asked for double the space that thev had last year The Cad.v Lumber company would like double the space that thev hud last J ear Tlie Gedne.v Tickle eompan.v is urranptnc to make an exhibit that will c-ompletel > lay in thr shade the fine shovvmp that they made at the lust exposition The Nebraska Shirt eompan.v will move a peed portion of their factori out to the ex position buildinp and operate it there durinc t he exposition The I'arton & Vierlinp Iron works hut applied for space It hat been succesled that an exhibit sbowinp the method of mak- inc custiucs would be rery interesting tc the peneral public The carriupe manufacturers have promised to make an exhibit that has never been oijualed in anj western cltj The Consolidated Coffee comjianj has taken double tin space thut the.\ had last jour The flour men of the state have applied foi' a peed deal of space tftid will make a peed show inc for Nebrask flour. The ICilpatriok-Kofh Dr\ , Goads company v. liich has Just started up the Eust Omaha overall plant saj that the manufacturers can depend upon them to do their share toward mukinp tbe ex-position a credit to tht state D Parrell , Jr , has promised to have a tiu ran factory in operation at tha Coliseutr buildinp The Kearney Canal cornpatij and tbe Goth' enburp. Canal eomjiunj have made arr < ince- meuts to have the manufacturers in theii districts well reiiresente'J at the exposition for the purpose of callinc attention to tht advantages to he derived from the location of factories in their cities ] t has been suc > gested that the East Omaha Land compauj ould not advertise that section of the citj in un.v bettei waj than b.v bavinc all the itmnufacturers located there well repre sented at the exposition There is a boj factor ; that could put iti a nailmp machtut that would attract u prejt deal of attention Then there are t e vvtite lead -works , tht machine shops the overall lactorv , two wul [ ) lastot factories harness factor.i. etc Taken .ill together the.v would make a most creditable sbowinc for East Omaha The Nebraska Wesle\ Vuiversitj of Lin I'oln and the Omaha Htph school will mak < exhibits of the vvorli of their jiujuls iu the manual traminc depurtmeuts , thus show me what the future manufacturers of the statf can do M. E Smith fi Co have applied for KK feet , and if the.v are able to pet the spacf will operate u shirt and overall factor ; dur inp the exposition , movmp their machines uj from the factor ; for that purpose Mcrrei'-'VVhitniore comfi-n ; has ordcrec a new tablet machine and if the ; can pet i here the ; will place it in the Coliseum build iup-and initiate the public into some of thi mysteries of medicine makinp Lust ; ear the printers did not take mud interest in the cxposmon.but this year then promises to be several peed exhibits of bool binclilii : and othei samples ofwork fron printing offices. AcUerman Bros ii Heiutzi have reserved space and will snow what ai encraver and desunier can do Billow & Doup will make mattresses fo : the entertainment of the public. C CY iu > of Crete is among tbe miller w ho have arranped for u larpe exhibit. Tlie manufacturers who are looktnc aftc the arranpements for the exposition ar anticipatiup u much larger attendance thai last ; ear The success of the previous veu lure was a creat advertisement und tn manufacturers are lipurinp thut every one u the c-ily will aitend this year , while u gooi man ; more w ill be attracted from the couti try outside of Omaha The attendance las ; eur was about 4tl.KlO , and it vail be a prea disappointment if the attendance does no run wuj above that fipure this , \ ear. Thcr is D scheme on foot to brmp in all the ofilcr unit delegates of the State Business Men' association , which would mean tbe attend unce of tietween IKIO and 40U represeutativ Nebraska merchants I'roilnee 1'olntern. Icken & Wohlers have put on a new mate to solicit the city trade. Nearly I.CKKI.IKKI barrels of sweet potatoc are annual ) ; shipped from Accomac county Virginia Ecp cases are scarce and those withou them are wondering w here the supply is t come from Peyclte Bros report that they hare r < eel ved their fourth c-ar of Texas strawbe ; ries for this season. Branch A : Co. have w hat they call a "rar avis , " u letter from a man who wants to bu instead of sell popcorn. It is understood that John Littln. formerl of the firm of Little & Williams , is picparm to enter the commission business. A peed , , many peas arc urrivinp in jioc condition The ex-press company turned ovt one shipment that averaged only about Ii per box Mullin & McClain Co , are having a nc- office put in their cold storage baildius The ; claim to have the finest cold storap plant in the w est. The Omaha members of the Nation ! Leacue of Commission merchants are hai inp tbe msipuia of that organization prime on their stationery Love Kelley , representing the Hutchinso Salt cotnpaii ; of Kuiisus. was in the city tc past \veel : calliup upon his friends union the butter puckers Omaha has been receivinc durinp the pai week some of the nine cars of pie-plant tut arrived at Chicapo on Saturdti ; It is ali comtnp iu b ; express from .Missouri. Commission men htsre are receiving lettei from Ptmsucola , Fla. , calling attention 1 Ihe cioniunieuce of that point for thos vvuutiuc to bu ; pineapples , bananas , etc. When ; ou enter u itomimssviu house tun da.vs and bud the whole force out do not ui ugme luut thi ; havt left ihcoountr ; . Yc will find them out tbctiaikojor or iu tl collar sprouting onions Cheese men remark that while a few jiias ape cheddars were nil the run in this marlti they haio been ver ; larpulv supplanted I twins The retail men here unpear to prefi the latter as a mattei of convenience Mr Biucham of Biucham .S : Sou who hi bocn out over the c-ountr ; reports thut tl pruss is startmp nicel ; and -vvnth war showers he predicts that new butter w ! show up on this market within two weeks Mr Leslie vt ho hut beoii out on a ir throuph the state report : that a good dc of ha\ has been burned b ; the recent prair tires There has bveu a surplus of ha ; t this market all the season iihJ pru-jo hat boon \ery low Butter , epps and poultr ; are very soar on this lu-rui't and tbure deus not up | > uur be an ; immediate PIVSIKK-I ol an iucreuse the ivi-tsint.s Dealers saj that they hw sulaoni known ujrgb to be us scarce us thi arc now ut this season of the year. WiUner Sieg of GcsscnlHwh A : Co . M tvuukec fruit txinimissiiMi mux huuts wus I ! tht'oitj today on his via ; home f r ui Ci IftimlH He sa.vs that thtireitre uiuiv oraup there than live prtwre will ev r l > e able ' ' got rid of 3 he ; urv iintmiiatHip a ln crop of deciduous fruits aiu hmemaueiao tixttiuureiin < iiaratu > us thun vter bef iu f drying Mr siep kicks for low prices ui | &as this will be the poor man's j ear i every one wul be u bit : to u&urd fruit. _ tOffiHCttl AND FINANCIAL Millions f Bushels of 3iy Whsat Daapsd Ij the Oikrae. PAHOrttOGE TRIED TO GET EVEN AGAIN Cum \Vu Pult. Plart nation * Il lup Limited to l'r i Initial Clnmpe * with Trailing Conllned tu Local Knnra Oper ator * stock * and Ilondh. CHICAOO , 111. , April 15 .luly wheat was dumped unlay Millions of bushels , were sold bthecllqun. The cloms WHS wiiuk at Inside pi Icus , a ilwllne of 2c compares vv Ith la t I nlcht. Ills jujKirtod that I'ardrldpe turned bull on ,1uly wheat yosterdu ; and was K heavy buyer 1'ort of the cosslp WHS that he krn-w thccllUf | to lie short of that month uuS wus tuklnp advautace of the situation to force prices up and phe them u doof the medicine iidmlnisteiod to him. Hut the rlkjue seems to have turned on him and today It hud neatly all Its agents sellltie and , while the lepltlmate situation appeared quite us strotic as ; e < terdu ; . tli" ; succeeded in fore Inc the price down Jrxnu start to finish Tlie peneral opinion Is thut 1'urdrldpe ua been whipswed The cllntie found It Impos sible to dispose of un ; May and no one else bi-lnc Inclined to sell it , H was comparatively necli'cted It closed at a decline of V per bu It Is estimated that the visible supply will show u decif use of about 1 dim oo'i bu Corn WHS dull , fluctuated belnp limited to fractional luncc with tfiidlnp confined to local room op rotors almnM exclusive ! * (011- sidurlnc the torn of wheat , the market lulcd con.pitiutivul ; lirm. The iirlnclpul feutnre was the hu ; Inc of about lOO.OOU bu of .lul ; corn b ; < me of tin lurcer commission concerns , who in turn stild considerable Mny. The close was 'T , ( under lust tilclif * . llcures There was u fair trade In < iuts und an easier feellnc foi thi near futures , but stead ; for September There was also some chanclnc In the wu ; of xelllnc Muy and bu ; Inc the distant moil hs At the close May showed u net loss of He , .luni I'ncundjul ; ' 4c , but M-piembei wus unchanced Hoi ; products were weak and decidedly lowei. There was but little demand and the bic luiitlers raided the market Computed with yesterday's closinc jirires Mu ; pork Is 27'ir lower , lard from lOc to 12'jC ' lower and ribs fiom 7'fito 12'ic ' Tlie ii"w rule about tin closluc of the sutur- clnj session of the board at 12 o clock fiom now UiOftobei 31 hud its first observance to- duv. duv.The estimated receipts of hoes for Monday me 20,00i ! bond , and lou.O.io are ejuiected to nirlve dtiilnc next week. There are no estimates - ] mates cited on ciuln. | The leadlnp futures ranced as follows : I AitTi"i.i.s orFv man IMn . tiost IISTI \VlientNo5 Atim. . 70V7M T7 > ; w rW TCH' ' - Corn Nrj J I April . 4t'H ' V U'rl Mar 41 I H , * ' July . . 's Oau .So S- i Mny | JUtie " ITH 2SH " " 1 MeK/Vort" / I " Muy IT ; t , 17 1. . K , R5 H Pi IT S2H July. . 1 ? IK"1 " IT M 17 Ui IT ITsj IT 4 " < t M-i-t i ; ? > u IT 30 IT KTit IT Wli Lura ' Mar. . 10 ID 1 > ! > j P ITlt' 10 l ! v July I 10 21'H , seit | . . 1030 | ID tiiU ID SSI * 1021'lvilOSS ' Short Ulbi I -V.nv . . . u i0 ! lifnlv ii 51 0 K July , H ta . 8 Til 9 K ! i < < 0 Ii TO K-ia it Tl'Hi i Ii TS I Ii U ) I I' ia Chsh quotutlons were us follows : rixirji Dull , nominal. WIILAT No 2sprlnc. 7l'Tt7C'cNo ' : Ssprlnc , not them. 72c. No 2 led , 7fifft7j'vc ( uHN-steudv. No 2. 4O > c ; > o 3 , , S9 , c : No R M'llovv " , 30 i < 3 > 4 ( > V OAT" No 2 2S'2Jc ' ( ! ! , No. 2 white , f. o b. , - ' " - No 3 whitt RVL No 2 5ic ( llAUi.ci No 2 G2c ; No 3 , f. o. b. , 42&5Cc ; No 4. t o b. , 4i > fi4Gc i PI.AAciiii NO i fi.ioffri 104. TIMOTHY Mni > l'i line , J4.25 1'oith-Mi-js. per bbl , flf. . S74'S.17.00 : lard , er 100 Ihs t9.05i9 ( GO : short lib sides ( loose ) . 9.35fil9.87i-dt : } salted hhouldersboxedi.9.25 ( ( u 9.874 , Jhort clear sides ( boxedi , 10 10 AViunkV Distillers' finlshe-d poods pei pnl. . MUIAII Fnchaneed ; cut loaf , 5\c ; prauu- I lated , &S.C : standard "A. " 5 3-10c. The fo'lowlnc weieihe receipt * and ship ments for today : On the Produce exchance today the buttei Market was firm : creamery , 22.2Sc duiry , 2K320c. ESBS , lowei ; strictly fiesh , 15 Oinubu ( .ralu. The followiup prices are for dell > eiy at Mis sissippi il\er jKiinlb : \\HCAT-No 2sprinc , 70cbld ; No. 3 Mirlnp , 50c bid. No , 2 hard , ( .lie bid ; No 3 haid , 57 ( hid OATS No. 2 white , 31 Sc bid ; No. 3 white , 30Vc bid. t'ort.s No 2 cash or April , 3GSc bid : No 8 cash or Aptll. 80c hid ; No , 2 white , Sac bid : No 3 white. She bid Omulm I'roduee JVlurkrt , The week closed with very little chance It prices or In the general sit uiitl'in. This market has not liven recelvlnc enouph of buttei 01 poultiy , wtrii4lhe receipts of eggs lime beei only moderate. VEC. ETABLES. Pr.A i Per H-bu IKIX , 90c&f 1.00. ltn.r-E Choice na\y. 2.30 2.45 ; commoi stock , tl.90if2iO. UAnrouMA ( 'AtniAGE 7'erlb. , 3c. CccuviiKlts Choice , pei doz. , H.50&2.00. t-WKCT POTATOES Per bbl. , t5 ; seed s i-ei potatoes , 14.50 OMo.st Home crown , on orders to countrv (4 per bbl. Go.id sn ck shipped lu from coun try , Jl.15ffll.25 pet bu 1'OTAloKs Colorado stock , (1.10 , Wiscons.li burhanks , 9OcitH ( l' ' : western Nebraska , Olic < 5 H.l Kl ; eastern Nebiaska stock , 755J.UOc ; earlj Oiiio heed , tl 25 Niw VI.GUTAIIU : * Lettuce , 40c ; radishek 40c ; parsley , 40c per doz ; prueji oiilou.s , 2ofl 25r. 25r.Pit : I'IJIM Per 60-1 b boxes , tl.502.1.75. 1-uriTs. A ITI.ES Choice hhlppinp stock , I4.00fp4.2 : per hhl. r-TUAUiinituiKs Per 24-yt ca oIuncy Mock 17. 17.GllAt't. . ruflT Per box , J2 75tf.3 00. OKANRI : ' I'lorida russet th , 13.5O : Mexlcai orances , siticlt tnixes , (3.25 , Calif oinln mouii tain oranges. l'2.5li ' ; Washington nuvels , f-l Newcastle California seedliiips , t2.CO&2.7& Medeila stteeth , f 75 ; Riverside seedliiiRs t2.75. KANAKAS Per buncli , Includlnp crates i.nc pucklnc.Sl 75.ft260 CKAMIUUUII > Per bof3 75 hoice , tS 50 4.00 ; fancy , M.00 < 2 , 4.25. ) llfTTEK , EOG < * . GAilU J'Oft.TIIT. BtTTEii Puck Inc stock. 10 tlhc : fair to coot countrv roll , 10&21c : choice to fancy country 22 < ft.24c. Koos General market , 13' c. liAUt-Mixed ducks. 00475 ; red heads , 12 ; mallards , M.OO&2.5O , teal ; il ; jack snipes U.25. Port/rill Choice hens , lOTjlo c ; mlxec rooiis , DitlOr ; old roe U'is. 7feac ; reesp am I ducks , KKfellc ; turkeys , lO&12c ; pl5eoiihtl.2 ! ( iil.ji ! ( per dor liie. 11 A v The market on peed upland hay , t' In car lots Ihisin Choice to fancy white clover , 18 19c , fail topood , IGftlhc. VUAt ; Choice and small fat veals , 74i > ic ] uro and thin. New lork Marketk. YOIIK. April 16 Piorn Ttecelpts , 21 , vKpkpexports ( ; , 4.00 i hhU. . iaiui : ; suckx siih's , 4 5oo pkcs ; murket dull und weuk , winter whuui , low piuaes , ? 2 KHii.aS ; win . tir wlifiit , fulr tofunc ; , t2.65Q,3.i5 ; win , ! ter wheut puti-uts. ta.B54.25 ; .Mlnne otn B clear , < .6olja.50. iye iiilxmret. , t l'0i.3.5i ' ( ( u Minnesota struichts , tS GO4J4.0 i ; Minni-sot. 1 I putents. M.25V4 7O j ( OK ? . Mi.AiyuHt.steud ; , ; ellow westtirn "Muudj . ( ] Ulet : western , 5H7i62c Quiet , firm , western. dW j7Oc. l"MAt.T l ull , fctead , wesiuru. C ( S,7k- ( S,7kHUAT Kwcelpts 1.6'M bu : i-xp ins , 100 , CHI.l liu . sules 1 , rm ( MO bu futures , 40 (100 ( lu hjioi.pot market dull , lower Meu.lv : No rfl. iu suire and h vuun , 70'c. ullout , 7hc B ! . . , 77'itt77\c ( : No 1 noitherii , a ! No IhurdnC c. No 2 noitherii , taJj 0 i Ol tlonsv\ert dull und opmmd weuk. d" WW " ' euslerrubles , hue weuthur uhKiu and liberal offrrlncb of Ma ; whuut ut th west , rullhsrt ' .con local coverlnc n l cliwt 1 wink at s j.Sc undi r .vestci'du ; , Muy , 7CM , . 77sr , closinc at 7fc , Jul ; . clonlnp , 7 'ti i i ht'liti mlmr t 6Sc. ' ' Unu.-Hweipts.5i4.2O , ) bu rxiKiris , 40.1O b I bu . huli-s. bJ.ii K ) hu tuturttoi \ - . ) bu. spot 0 { p : > ts mudttrut ly uctlvti. easier : No 2. 50-i c In elevator. 51 c utlout. uniriudi > 4 'iiUed t , 5'it51c. M umer inixiMl , 4it4 ibitr.Nu.il.481 ( . - Mri-tti dull with ] , C.4WIUptioiiK ver ; Apr j He lowvr and other ' louthi. ' , r up , and rloulu u feit'ud ; , April rli ( J ut 4h > , Wuy , closini * 4"it - July 4 s < . . OATblltcujits , 22,000 bu , txporo , nout lkim } n > lK < liU futttfHS J2'HV. ' ' bj flint | K.f It IT ( lull fl'Hlfr I > | .tll > tl ( Illll I > < IJ . ' ' No 2 while 4 < x No rflChl ucn S < No S , > fiNe < No 1 whltt. > > i tn'Ufd ' wpMcrti , 87 4l'isr white w t < r . SM > 47r I-Tnlr dcninnd Urn. Mhlpttlnr. HiH-s VntPt. Mtmd.t nt t < - , coninioti to P cl r co * l , imifciH - wet Malt4 1 New 4 , ir > c. Teza . * . ao to 2S 12-ir , Texas drv , aifl'i | | . l'm > v-i iiN f'ut ineHts fulr detimnd. ftrtu : ptcklMl bellln. 1.2 Hi n b1 Mr ; plrklt HbooKlers " pickled hninv 12'it l ! r mlMI quirt ftrottr : Hhort clear ! O * c l rd Hrtmr quirt C4t < Tii ulrhni cl < inpd at tl < > 45 aikWl. s. 2W > tlprre m lid B.'i timloii sales iH > ne Mwy rliHfd at f 1 0 4O H k : Jul } c lo4 at S1O.DUptfiuber : cl < | Ht I HI 55 M kcd I'ork qolet , lirm : old iiifws , 117 76 , new nit ss. I1H 26 , extra prime. mmiltiHl. HrrrEH Vdlet , linn , wr-tern dairy. l HSflc wesK-rn crtmtiMiry , 28 .2sc , westrtn furtori , 17tt2Rc , nictlis , 2nc CMUi.-c l'alr uetimnd , sU' dv : part skims. 3ffl.9'c ii < Ki < rnrliatieM' rwelpfs. h,247 pkcs . wtwtern fresh lOc : duck 2 < Uft2Jo , pee e. S6c easj , ctv | if2 per jiVp > : ( HiTTtivsr.cn Oiu-Dull , steadj : crude , 41c "bidvellow 40c I'm iioi.nfM Quiet : rellned nominal crude In bhls Washliicton. } 5 ao ; crude In bulk. 2 70. X'nlted. no salei ; iclilit-d. New Yotk 15 55 : Philadelphia ittid llalllmore , ( & .50 : relined - lined In bulk f3.0J < tl.ii 05. _ Rti iN Dull. eali ; slialned common to Rind , fl 27' , ® 1.80 TrniKMiMQuiet firm at 82 < B.821c ICirt steady quiet . domestic , fair to extra 8.5'c ' : Japan. 4Vt4V M iAS4t : < 1'orelcn nominal ; New Orleans , open kettle peed to choice , linn , fairly active ut 3 ( > ® 8c Min Ail-Raw , dull falrrennlnc S' c centri fugals , 9f > te-t. 8relined. . llrm fulr demand. on A 4-j,4Vc. ( mold \ , 63-10,5 , e. stand ard A. 4 15-1TIOI.5VC. confectioners' A. 4 18-10 < &t5iti cut lonf. 5 1-ldc , crushed & ' - < 6. & 11-lfw , powdered , & S-Kiftb r ; pranulated , 4 15-1W3. 5i c rubes. 5 3-lHS.5 c PIG IIION Quiet , steadv . American. J1275 6,16 60 < ki'iT.n Quiet , easy ; lake , 112.25 Lt.AD-ritii. . M 12' * TIN ririn.traits. . S20 S5 :21.00. : plates. quiet , steady ; spelter , quiet , iirm ; domestic , ltulnti4 * . C > mii ts * The follow inp are -ported at Dun's Mercan tile apencv Hardy , Neb. , Prank Lancer , meat market , advertislnc business for sale Kennard , Neb. , G. W. Newton , poneral store , w 111 discontinue Oicliaid , Neb. , M. Randall , harness , will mote to LyncJi. Plattsmouth , Neb. , fin us spcck , saloon , to be succeeded by A. G ItrouUhach Rlveidulii , Neb. , David Hamilton , imple ments , etc. , pave chattel mortcape for S72 stelnauer , Neb. , Reckeway llios. , drj coeds and crocerles , suceendt'd by M. SI. Reckewuy > idnej , Neb. . Doran V Tooln , w holesale and letuil lujuors , Dorun repnrtud to have sold his Interest Uravlty , Neb. , Menoher A. ? liDpsoti , ceneral sKire. loss bv lire ts.OOO. At < bison , Can. , Dolun , I > rury i Co. , vrhole- sali proceiles , dissolved Notion. Kan. , Traticls M Lockard , penernl stole asslcned 1lldler , Kali. , lleusley A. Co. , confectionery , sold out akeeney : Kan. , 3 L Morton , ceneral store , clo-inc Ashton , S II. . John L lloyer , cenoral stoic , succeeded by lloyer & Yonnc- st. l oul. JUurketh. ? T Lori's Mo , April 16 Tl.orii Weak but unchanced ; patents , r3.30SS.45 ; extra Iintry , } 3.Ola8.1O. ( WHEAT Lower and steadily duclininc. clos In-low v'esterdav , cash , O4 jC. Mai , WmiU and closed ' c off , cash , 35'ic , May. 30' c OAT1 Dull , lower and weak ; cash , Sic : May , 31c. . PROVISIONS -Meady Potk , jobblnc. S17.503 1775. Lard , 59 75. Dry salt meats , Joo-e shoulders. $ n02'4 ; IOURS and ribs , J9 50. shorts , t9 75 llacon , packed shoulders , * 10 25 , loncs and libs flo..i ; shoits , 110 75. llitms. sucar cured. 12\1ftl4'14c : RucnilTs-riour , 40ivlbbls ( ; wjieiit. 20,000 bu ; coin , H7.OOO bu , oats , 2b 000 bu ; rje. 2O'K ) bu , barley , nom Mlll'MU.VTs rfout , 3.00(1 bbls : wheat , 2,000 bu ; corn , 12lMli ( bu . oats , 13.0CK ) bu ; lye , 4,000 bu ; bailej. l.O.KMiu IvHiihas i Ity lut Ket > KANSAS CITT. Mn , April 16 Wheat and ryr ( ire on a basis of Mlxstwtifipi river ; coin and outs on a bids of Kansas ( ' 113 WIH.AT Dull : 'jfftlPiliiwei. No. 2 hard , 05 5 GGc , No. 2 n-d ( | 94.7P(1 ( CORN Mixed "iCT'Sc lower : centra ] miiiket weak. No 2 niKed , 33lrC ; No. " white , 35l-5,3ic ' OATr Weak and slow ; No. 2 mixed , 2s © 28ic ; No. 2 white , 3H3.SlUe. i End Lets actlvt- ; weak ; 12" c Rucui-Ts \ \ heat , 7,000 ; coin , 0,000 , oats , none. Mlll'wnvie Wheat , 22,000 ; corn , 10,000 ; oats , none. _ .New York I rj OoodK Market , Niw YORK , April 15 Business In dry coed was model ate Orders by mail were of somt Importance , althouch transactions were small to modeiute indivlduiUlj , loblis wvrotiluc- inc peed orders for cotton flannels and tht wants of shirt maktis v\ere taklnc care of n peed man ] bleached po'ius A peed demanc contlnund for llannels , dress poods and silks The announcement of un auction suit ) or Thursday next of 1.2OO cases of indlpo blut pi hits was made. The ceneral market con tinues steady to llrm for the most part and I little soft only In spots Cottnn .Market , NITW OUIXANS La. , April 15. Futures eut sales , 45,000 bales ; April , J7.50 bid , Miiy r7.65 < 3.7.5li ; .Tune , J7.G < ii7. ( > 4.lulf7.707 71 S7Aucus , J7 74&C.7 75 ; Sept em her , $7.75i&7 7C Ictolmi [ , < 7.77 r7 79 : Novombi-i , f7.HOa.7.b2 December , f7.B4fc7.BO ; middling , 7 , clew low mlddllnp , 7 7-10c : peed oidlnary 7'nc ; net locelpts , 4.U9d bales ; pros' ' it'celpts. 4.003 bales ; exports to Greut llritalu 5ooo bull's , to the continent , ( > OO bales ; coast' wise , 36B bales , sales. 2 HOP times. Liverpool Alurkots. LlVLlU'OOU April 15 U HEAT Quiet ; d ( > ' mand moderuU' , holders on ur moderately , No 2 led winter. 5s 9S.5s ( , 1OU jier cental. OOIIN Firm ; demand moderutti. RKLF Extra India mess , 72s Od jier tlercr. llAtxiN Lone und shot t clear , 55 lh . , i > 0jie : cwt ; lone clear , 45 Ihs. , 61s LAIU > - Prime westuin , 51s per cwt. CiiELst Amei lean , linest.whlte and colored 64 * per cwt. RlislJ. Common , 3s Od per rvvt. drain shipments l j W liter. Niiv icatlon Is now open on the preut lakes and tlit lleet of vessels pome out of Chlcapi for eusttii n ports Is preut thlh > ear than eve : before. Milwaukee , Duluth and other laki poits fiom which pruin is shipped are alsi stindlnc out lui pe ( leets i f v e-sels The tl uns pollution business on the cieut lakes will hi pi eater this yeai than ever before. CoUee Wurket , Ntw : YOHU , Apill 15 Options opened burnl' ' steady at 15 points down : closed barely steady down , sales 42.8OH back 35 < a < * > 1 points IncludincApril. . 14 00 , Muj , I14.7oa.15.dO June , fl4. < iOti4 90 ; .Tuly , lfl4.50 < U4.B5 septembei. tit ( nlfi.14 90 ; t ctobur , 514.05(5 ( 1495 ; December. 114. 05(5.16 ( 00.jiot Uo ! dull nominal. No. 7 , 4.d24 MlluHUkee Mit-MArit i. , Wls. , April 16. WHI.AT Lower Julv , G7\c , No. 2 sprinp , G5c. No. 8. 40c. Meudi ; No. 2 white , 34'jS.35c : No. J , c. Rl'E 64 1&i5c. Antwerp Qil Market. ANTW inn1. April 15 Pi.Tlioi.ErM 12 > jf pal and suller. _ _ _ _ _ _ feTOCK.V > 1 > IIONII . securities AVrre Meat nud Lovvnr an J'urol ) ] 'ro ( iiii.ti > uttl A t-fcterduj , Nr.w YORK , A pill 15The stock market vva vienk and lower todny. The deullnps wer purely professional , ftTitl'the fact thut the sell inp was mainly for' , tin short account wn shown ) It ) the uctlvc 'tioirowlns dvmand ft Western Vnlau MIssoOjl Pucllic and some t the industrial share > The drop of 14 ji" cent In uxtein Uitlon was based on tli pussape of thf lu ti-pool hill Uj th leplslatuio ut Alboi y. The company hu hitherto enjoyed a .lurse revenue for tli trunsmlhslon of tiilcpruins in connuctlon vit the iuc s NationulbMarch fell off S'B jit cent to ! " , RichiuliiKI Terminal preferrix 3'i per emu to SOS ; C'hicapo Ous , IH jier cei to w. General niectric , 1H jier cent to 105' , Luke r > bore , 1 * pur cent to 129)4 ) , Norther Pucllic preferred , IS per twut to 3V'Ne : Hiiclaiid. 1' , jiur cunt to 30 * § ; dordagu , coit mou. l' p r emit to 02\ . und Tenni'i-i"e Coi and lion , l > IKT cunt to 28V , Manhattun ro : li jxir cent to 102 and later droppttd to 1GO. The bank stuteiuvnt was so much U'U < than expected that u penvrul rail } ensued , he tlie rise was not full } maintained In the fini ' 'iiallnci. . Nvvtirthule the lust prices wet f r im ' , pur cent ro i. ji t-eut ah ve the low est The Imars wure uuetmruped In their attack upon the maikol b } thl- talk of the heuv } pol snipmentk on Tuesday next , estimated l from SJ ( Kjil.OUO tofaMKi.lHiM ! Nothinp detinlt 1 known In repuru to thf mutter yet , V > i iircxjrdluj to hanker * whu da mO'.tof tneship pine the t-xporu will probubl } be within tli rJiiiKioCKunurk The Kfurt. ruiitlnut to la strenk upon thf prohuhilit } that the tn-asur pold renervt of f loinKiu 'Kin ' will huveui I drawn upon , hut 111 iUancrk usually w.-ll it furui--d tbu bi-lltf obtains that U such u cor ditinn nnxen it will ln\ ti ithinc I" > rr itikfli pu sihc etTti t Tl" iimsp i "t n In a i .V rii l nma tmHI' 1 pnv ing rut ii < iui me tin nnieri s of tbporltlii iHlr Hud thr tide of trim I frtiiu r.urir | > ' thin olili urr relied U | > nn tn nmWe stmtitm-ut tn Itivor of thr bull s d - TM- tThl MKthrti UCffr.'Fitted 1J44HI Khlvre * THP market rlMt-o Homewhltt .Vi dlrr-4n tow Thr IVrt } Thrre wn 1111.1 * rrflern-d In todHj K Kt4K-k timrkrt i xc pt thr prrvklllnc sent line * t of doubt Tit * tmim-tar ; outlook I * tooronfn-ed und too nni'-li xu'Ofirt Ui suddeii and ttnexMfiod | dr v shipment < lor nj txKh to utNtertnkt'frrah ventures lu n lurer < whfr In the nmrkH Tl - < iltout Ion l In no mean * nnr of unbroken rlomn The Intervention of the nmirtt. In th mutter of liil > r union boycotts w s an f vent of pnw-er mid ft-rckchliic slenlfi- CKln-e The-- are tinnrcuiiients on which v arioas hnuxcs tounrted their buylnc of Mock * t wo wwk new , Mid if the.v uliHiKtoncd iheu tusk as tinglein the present nikrket and Mild itioxt of the stock hc < | Uired tin- fuels on which the ; had bused tht Ir experiment remnln unchuiiKvd Nolntdv uppiwclme- truth of this more fully than tin professional oper ators , who e tlmtdlt ; under the peculiar cir cumstances of the market has been repeat edly the subject of reniiuk Hut a market without SUPIKIII In dh.vs when blocks of MVUI- Itlt's so Immense un held h ; spin ulutori con stant ) ; on the watch for ne'w deM-lopments Is bucessarll ; one tif chronic weakness If no body appears to but at uu advance the chances ure that the speculator w 111 use his loud. The followlnc are rlir closlnc quotations o tin Jeudlnc stocks ( in the New York stock ex chanpe toduy AtclilMin HHi * Mirlli AiinTleun vii lu Adults niirex > . 166 .Sorthurn I'milnc ! ! ' < Alton , 1 11 K I do iiritliirnid . . M > \ do lu-derma 150 If r Hen A bull 14 American Kxireim | IK 'MirthnctUern ' . . . 11 : 11 n 1 It ui art-A Ohio rt4 lilt\jirelerred . . 149 i aiutln 1'ucltlc . SB 'N ' V OtitrM . . 114 ; ( anuau'outheru ftM < N V JIN r. . . . ill Central I'net tie . 21'H ' vinturln A VV eHi-rn J"H riiek 4 Ohio . . 4. Oreroti liui . Ih < hlciiL-o Alton. . 14 ? Uri'.oc .Noi . 74 C 11 A. V . . . . MH O 1. A I * > . . It Chlciico ( .111. . . . . ( " I'noUlc Mull . . Us ( oiiKolldnifd Uftf IST1 I'lttftturc 154 C. C i A M. L . . 69 I'ullumn I'ulut-e . . 2iK ( otton III ! t ert . 4HH llrndliir , ! V Dnl HudiDU. . . . . l.t v Ulchmiiiid T riultj 1 K4 1 > 1 * A W UiSi do vreferri'd a * tl. ft K I , nra . . . Ml * uiudriiUdt- " \ 1 > * < - ' h Co ST'h. flu iirelerred 10 K tTeun SH Iliuk latid M Erie II 'st 1'i.ul TT do lirefurri-d 45 i dn | ireferrefl 12il Iortarim . . . IUt 1'uul \ uniiihn WH ( It Xortherti pf d 140 tin jirolerred ll H ( 1 & i ; tif d 10U routhern I'lii-lllc ! .l ii Uocklnc Vnlley . ib 'siiKur ' llellnerj . lliaii , lllttioU i etitrn ! lu : lenn Coul.\ trim : < < H vt I'Kul Miulntb. 44 IrtM Pucllic st * Kan. iTe i > r > Tot \ u ( en tit d TW < l.uLi- i.rlnVvM. . . 2"3 I nlnn I'ncHic . .11.H , Jo iirrlerrt-d . . Til t ixjiru . . . . I.U Lute shuro . . . 1110 \ \ t 1. A r . lli Leud riiht . 4'J tin prrferred sail , Loult. inh T.i t IVellp Furpu KXi | 14T LiiulB \ M' Al liy \Veftcrntnliiu . IUH Mbblmtlun * un . . . 1(0 ( Wlu-oUiii ; A L K . lt--v Memplilp A ( lin t u 40 dt > prrlrrri'd . fuH MIUilcKO I entriLl 100 Minn A M U . . lii Mti ourl I'liplnc . 4'iH I ) & U ( . . . It Mohllf A Oliln 2Generul Uli'i-trtr ] OJ .Nunlivllie''iiutt ' fas NutluDHl LtuM'Vd iHH Nutlout.1 CtirdnpB ( .B C 1 mil & Iron . . U'A ; dn pretiTrfa . IO.iH flu iirnlerrnd 10W N .1 Central . IIT Ili.m A Tex On 4 > ortniLAr d 8J 'lol A A A X M "M Thr tolul sales of storks ttidii ; were 124 6tiO shuies , lucludliicChhuco dus , 4.2IK New Vo"k .Monrv Market NcvvYonK April 15 MOMI ON CALL Ttull. eus ; ; : ! ig.4' , jit-i cent ; lust-Jouti 3 , closed offered ut 3 per cent riuuL MLIICAM-IM I'Afi-.li CMf jer cent T .lla cl EXCHANOL I'lim. with uctual business In bankers lulls at S-4.sGa4 for sixty diiys and ( -4 ss foi demand OdVctiNMLNT Itcixiis Lower for the 4s Stute bonds dull T he clusinc ijuol at ions on bonds t" fi It re ; 7. lid -I J. A i M uuu i > iw t" S 4l. culli . . . . 11.1 * t 1. A A I O n Al Ill't t' ft 4itK rii : . . . siii > i st 1'uul l on . . tyj I'ucltlcis - . . ' J' . IIT ol-Ho lOit 1' C Jt 1M l.oulhlunu r tied 4s WH T 1 * 1 ( i. Ir lien 7s Mltmourllin . . 101 1 1' U l. 'J r licit. S. < % 'J I'll n tie * < ! ( IF . Him ( nlon I'uclllclHh llf'H Tcun ncnn'tifi 1110 V\ent siKire . . . . III1U 'JKDQ c set .In Tou K tV lull. TT i uuadaoutnern Si1UJ At'Ii 4 . h.4 Cuntrh ) 1'ucltlc l tl > IOC Atl-ll " tflUKF A K II A U ( j IMS .118 ( . II A - A { lan i ) A n c. 4 > . . . HS ( < u A A. A ' 'a : . * io' < ErlrSai- . . IIT HI AC ! . IUT -V K & T Gen U b4 II A 1 C I ( ill On. 10J M K A den fo 4V ( \ i iirnitnuf 1' t Mutual Union lm . IIS .N rurollnu 4h . 100 .N J. ( Int Curt . . . Ill' ! ; > c HrowiiMion . . 1 N. 1'uo iBlf . . . IT ° ) lenn old ta . K N. I'nc i'ds IIS 'Vn ' IB . . . ill N W t tiuftilx . . 1ISH vn l.x Mat t-oup Si " AV bet'cn fm IDs iVa roni. 'Jd nprln Ml lioktcni sioek ouotatinliH. N. Mass. , April 15 fall loans , 5ia7 percent : time loans , 5'--117 ' percent Closlnp quotations on stocks , bond' and mining shares- Atcb. . T 4 a t uJ ! < do prelerrud NI Atuerlcan bucur 10Jehtlncli Ulectrlc 94 do preferred . . 117 do preferred . 4-j liny Mate Gun . . . ! < ! < WlrronKln H'Ulral 12 > ) Hell Telephone . . llJ ) Atrblxon 2d < . . . . 1121s llo ton i AUmny 2I7H Alvblxono1 llonton \ Maine . . 173 New KnclaiiU I * . 110 do preferred . . . 145 < i > enernl llectrlcftp. l7ti r. . B A. V W VVlBC-oiikln fenfl In fiSt ntcUtiurc ptd . ill AlloufiMln.tict o m , General f-lectrlc . . IWi * tliintlr . HH llllnoln sitel . . hi ) Honttin \ Montana 2tl Mexican ( . ( intrnl. . . . 10 lluttu i llimton . U T i t Rl ICuluuiet 4 llecln Sill Old Colony . . 1U. > Keuteunlul ' 4 Oreconsnort l.lne . in 'Iriinkllu ti Kutiuer 17HiOsueoIa . . II1H San DIPBO Ib I'inanelHlNotes. . Nnvv Oul.t.A s , Lu. , April 15. Clearlnp- , - 002,520. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , April 16. Hearlnps , fl , . 640,502. 1'AKls , Apill 15. Three pti ceutcs 05f 92c for t he account. OMAHA. April 16 Clearinps , fD53,215i total for the week , fG.fidO.dOSl. HAI.TI.MOKE. Md , April 15 Olearlnss , K12.- 4 0s3ybalance ! . , 1427,400 Money , 0 pal cent , ii'His , Ttinn. . Apill 15. Cllearlncs , J302- 845 , balances , 1173,254. New VorU uxchanpt selllnciitlf.50 ) , N'KW YOIIK , April 15 ClearlnpR , $122.033- 5CM , hulunces. M,5143,503 Tor the week- Olt'urinps , JGf2OJ4H ( > 5 ; balances , r33H99,109. CINCINNATI , O. , Ajirll 15 Money , 0 pi cent. New York e.\chunc , 75c premium Cleurlncs , J2 177,150 Tor thf week. S14.47O.- 550. Last year , I14o7li,750 rnn.Atit.i.i'iiiA , 1'u. . April 15 C'learlncs , HO.4Gl.4Ut : hulaneiis. i O04,5IO ! For the week , cleurlncs , t7u.G7G.247 ; balunces , S1O- 547,535 None ; , 4 'j tS per cent HO-TON. Muss. , Apill 15. Ulearincs S17.- 2M.537 ; biiliinces , Jl.720,444 Money , 5&.0 per cent Ilxrhanpe on New Yin k , 25c dis'-ount. Tor the week Cluurmch , U05.17043B ; bul- uncos. lli,054 451 CiiiCAtiO. 111. . April 15 Cleuilnp110.074 , - 44H , for the wee < , Slo2.52H.li3 , uculnst tH7- 141.1 tiO for the correspondlnc time lust ; rur New Yolk exchunci 75c premium * - " - - exclnince stionc : M.HG' ' , for slxt-duv hills H.Hi1 , foi deniund. Money steady at f ( i7 jit'i cent. New YOIIK , April 15. The expoits of spot-It from the pott of New York foi the week (5 , ! K)77fl { ) . of which 4hHil2H9 was pold uiiD M27,6iO silver. Of this uniouiil N.751.7OI cold and M'Al.3iJsllvt'i ) went to L'uropi , and tl2-.5l > B cold and 17,21.0 sllv ui went to Miutli Auienca."v > T Lorifi Mo. , April 15 ( 'leailnci. , M.270.- KM ; balances tM < * "B3 t'luarln h thU week , 127.57(1 ( 5H8. bulanm-s , f.1.41 H.I S3 Cluarinc lore irifspoiidlnc vvuek last year , tJG.ir.M24 , hulunc 3.lGil.3S7 ) , elearlncs lust week. * JG- 13ll,5nt > halblu-ei. , (8.334H2H Monev steud ; ut 118.7 pt refill Exchange on New > orl , , IKH preiuluiu OMAHA LTv I'rii > Uetpoud to the ni.tablli.lifd Condi tionk and Go fjiwarU. f-ATflltiA V.April 15 The week'i receipts show aver ; Hubs.uutlal Increase over last vmik und u } < ur uco 111- celptk for tlie past liflmin days , while some- vlmt lighter than for the i.atnc period lasi luontli , uro oonsldeiably heavier than for tht Ur t half of April last jear The ufUriut fig ures art uk follows Cuttle IloeB Hieep Kerelpts this * w k ir > ,16u i8 t iO 6,1 ! .jilk lusl etk. 13,7"y 15.J61 4,77 ! "Hintwc < k iBit J-I-HI- 1.1 . i'i ? 1" IN > . U.--IMIH. | iu t 1. lints M U34 414" IS ItiT l'lr t ) tiUt Marvh an tr \ 40 717 1" 1JI2 I irsi 1. . < tNT < April f.1 * * ifK7 ( ' ( ' H 4H4 ] Im-tuktlott * in tlif entile mnrkfi the | i M wv . harp 1 > i < n tfnt uBlniKini ni H - rrlpl h rr Wwn fairly llt < er l. and whlroti thl Hcroutit thrrr irui. a ltcht dfcllnr In nrlccK. thr rMfrl wmr t thr tntOo fia tm-ti PINI < I with k iriffml Hrni- Inc up tit \ IU- on kll decent crurtes The Bond hrnrv ruttlr Imvp tarn ron.lnc for * vmrd M little more Irrrlv itnd wlllnc t letter dvmitiwf mi Mrrount of thr nipeiit linprrive- ntfnt IB Hw evport trtMtr Llirht. h lf-ffct mock continues umiiiMIt UKUIP Imlk. or t le t lurrr iirfiitCP of the nfiprlnts , h t prlcfthkvt flerehipffl ctntsidrrHlile Mreikfflli ono < < mitit of the Hctive 4leiiiHUtl for hleh crude h > Ht rs Tlif nie- fllnni cr rte s-nch HS klllrrs B e hhve hliown cntiiimrfctlielj lltthchmiKe rertntnlv no wtiBknct * 'J'hrr * nppoHr to IK k ffo < l. Ktronp healthy undertone to tb - trurtc. On this subject tlrtNHtloiml MockmHli nptly - inhiks " ( > ne reason wlij a c < n > d luwH ure of ultlian be pin.IIH ! Mi thf tiiipMii-eiin nt In tlie little inivrK" ! is IK-CHU-C the adVHlices In irlcehuve been slow and nntuial Kvei ; up- Mird tuin bus lii't'ii resl-tm Ii ; iuers It has IKMHI u biviid-to- mod tlcht between selhTs and buyers or tin1 past twelve months whenever thi1 tie- ic-i if ; In supplies seems tci vnrtnn t M rise In nines In spite of the determined , efforts of lujers and llip depressed condition of the for- icn markets for beeves , vulnes huveslowl ; nit Meunil ; soucht u hiphrr plane , and al- Jiiuicli the ; do not show at- much of an ad- Mitice as for hoes In till prohuhllltv the 1m- ii-oveiiient Inciiltle prices will do Hit country mire coed than the sburp ttdvunce In hoes H s the lone pull and the stead ; pull that Is the uost eflectlve and that Generally dors the mtst coed " The supply todHy was hardly up to the uvoiuce for u iiturdu ; us far us quHiitlty WH oticerned , but the tiuallt ; of tin1 oflerlnps vi as rather bettei than utual Kustern mnr- > els were reported llrm and the hmrt * went < iworkeail ; to hll their order * There v\a .H fair Inqulr ; from speculative shippers and on the desltuhle hi'iiv ; cuttle com- letitton was coed enouch to udvunce pilces ibout lOc The same was true of the pool to all licht and hulf-fut crudes , where feeder > uers and dressed beef men eumi In competl- ton other etudes sold at cood. Htm prices ml It was difficult to discover an ; guotahlr udvHiictOni ) loud of fancy heavy little received b bid of f.iOO but he seller wanted inure Good to t hulct I 200to ldlK-lb beeves Mild nt from M ( > 6 to 15 25 with fair to coed 1,00(1 ( to 1.2nib ! steers at fiom 11.35 to ! 4 ( > O. poor to full llcht stull and odds ntid end chanced hands at from i3 Sl.'i to 14 HO The movement win. fulll ; tctlve thiouphout and coed cleaiance was eflected The cow maiket has been praduall ; calninc trenpth all vieek Ollerlncs today wrtr not ii-avv. less than twein ; loads , and with the usual peed demand It did not take the huveis Ions to pathei them In nt poort , llrm prices Theriweietio strlctlj prime she cattle lime , but there were also fewer thin , old pvlteis ihan usual ' ales Included com- IKIII to coed COWK ana helfeis ut from U 75 to f3 H5. with the hip bulk of the decent slock si-llinp ut better than fS Then vius un liulilhn-nt demand foi .Touch stock und poor to ven coed bulls and slacfsold ut from 8J to (325 7'he eulf murket vius dull hut uhout sti ud.v. pom liuce to coed veul stock seUinp ut frtiiu f J 25 to (5.511 Actlvlt ; and stienpth have < -haiacteil7ed the feeder tradr till week ulthoucli operations huve been restricted on account of rather lim ited ofierlncs llt-cular deulers loaned tip pmtt ; heavil ; eurlv In the vM-ek , but found a read ; sale for the llcht kind of Mori , , us the demand from the fiuntr ; was coed 1'rlcei urti up in the hich notclies , about the hiphcst of t heiasoii. . Today' . , trude wus llpht , but prices ruled lirm llepre-eututlve sules W USTEH.V TATTI.K. ( Huyfed. ) Mo. Av. l > i 1 steer . 1500 M fl& 27 steers . . 13H1 4 85 IlORh The nrnrset this week wus activ cnouph to keep tlie best of 'em cuesxlnc Ad viince and dPcllne-.of 15 to S&e were dull cicTuricnpi'fc. but tin vvut-k clo es wltn jirici1 26c to 8Oc hlchor than auok uco KaMcr butchers huvo hoen fiee buyers all wotil In fuel the recent sharp uii-tur In iht > market has been attributed b the trade to tht- unusual demand In the eat for fresh pjrk und thev sd ; wltbthU demaii filled the maiket Is vur ; liublu to rucedi I'lickers still uppeur.to br on tlin beat sid for all they are worth , but while they nr well nipli all-powertui , the unusual undtt ; tlr"ly iiunr' < cndnnt"d ciicumstuiu-e > sui rounding tiie trade muj force nlphti prices 1 spite of them The annual exhibit of stocks of line produc nt all points iti the w.-st on Mar-i : 1 , accoiclln tu ri'tuin-to ' the 1'rict' Cuiient. Indloutu totul of lUG.OiKi.ituoibs. of ineuts ofu.il cuti 130.UOJ buirels tit pork , and ! U > , ( il tlwi-es of laid These ficuies coiniiare wit 454.OklOU His of meats 31)0.001) bairt of ] ioik und 15aood tieu-es of luid u ; uar api The pit-sent stuck * , an- smaller thu in any previous , year since such Ii fotmution has hi-eu uvullublu , for corn spiiudlnc tluio in the year. Thr result of Ii vestlcutlons concermncptnimble iniirkeitibl suppl ; of hops for the pi nod Jiiini March 1 1 Notemln-r Indlcutec a r tiu < 4ilun of UO per rci cuimimivd w 1th lust ; cut succestlnp u tlucreai of 1.5l'O lull' lioc In tin VM'Meut iiitekinc su ] pt ; or ( ' ,250 O t 'hop. ' us comnured with l > dllii IHKI In IH'JI und U,540Hn ) foi tht summi season of lr < i)0 ) The muiket toduy wus iictivv and uhout K hichei Uieipt iven fairH UlH-ral. but tl ddinund was peed fium all suureeH and tl movement free throughout The populi price for pond hups of all welphtk WKI. 7 , ui choice iiii'dlum und htwv ; weichtx MI from thut up to f7 lu , while licl prudus und mixed packet n Mild from tli clown to 16 HU Vlilic , UK a ml the guullt ; of the hoc wus eiccpUonul peed und mere were mori heuv ; louU * in | ir lioilhm to ihtj roceiptu than tor Mime tin jmst t.lirre weri alttu couplt < I Inudk < if Jill welchinc 1SU und 144 Ins thut Mild down i K.unU till . .warU the inictUln ( if II fomiouu tut ) niuikel lust lu keen el ( | 1 on account uf thu wtuLutti in bo , & ? id iir. \ l l.m 1 < 'I i urn but HI praMi i rvfijilntir hHU i ImneMi liMid * ! I hat i i thrbrmk . M'Hii < I ) n ti < i'd Tin t'u'i ' , Uir t < Ml' werikl tli" ! , u , f ( ft k > . ruliiiirfi w Ith H > Nf. to M > iHi I rldur Ulul H > 7 ( > t < i ti ' of l t nwk w-prw-riitntlfi s c No "h I'l No * > * li I'l f SO tl W < 7 4U T 111 71 1M r > M 7 fl 828 6 8O J47 40 7 IM 71 f > H5 71 941 71 e * & 60 268 4i > " 01 t > 4 104 ( . if , 87 . ' 78 01u. ) 6 t 21V MO 87 7 iKl ( it 104 27 7 ( Kl ? 2M t 10 4O " iKl B7 940 67 948 341' " M B7ra ra 230 J20 5 ! ) 944 HI1 " H ) 61 38 HO 78 Hi' ' 7 HI 00 307 78 241) " up r. & 948 940 Hi' ' " IM 76 361 100 KM " iin sif. 29 7 * 287 MI " .H L' ? 940 ano 2dii " ill ) d n 4si 12(1 - 00 61 287 40 C PS 08 221 mi 1 Oil HO 214 iao T. 95 61 2 3 SOD ' iMl 120 C 95 70 2f.s 78 0 06 1JO ' 7J1 2bl 120 r. 6 02 242 P7 1HX 40 0 B6 62 274 120 06 HR 221 G 5 71 270 120 7 : 7 21b 40 o 5 79 a6C. K > l' ' ; 05 281 40 G 7S 69 2 < "l 400 71 260 ino 7 oo 62 HB-J one US 09 .270 200 7 (10 71 24O I'M ' 05 7H 1M5 HO 7 ( K ) 61 24S 1 1.1 . IS 821 40 7 < > 0 4fc 816 7 10 6b 826 800 7 ( M 64 2 7 80 " 01 214 120 7 Oil ( .0 204 " 10 2 368 120 7 OO 14 ! UM 7 111 79 224 120 7 Oil ( .8 344 7 111 69 26 1'JO 7 OO 70 277 7 10 G4 20B SO 7 00 rins AM > noruit 1 4HO 4 0 l 1 25O f 6f > 0 ( . 139 HU G 25 2 800 W t 65 GO 144 120 G 86 Pur.ni'-Tlip market has bnen active ami tint tendenr ; of prices lilcher nil week Ueei pt * full HWHy short of lorn I requiti mt nts und put krrs HH > imylnc rich ! up dost to i' ) . co prices In order to pet the Mock IK rt le- ci'ljits today were four rtouhli utiks , three of them conslcnefl dm i t > Milft , V Co Theothci was H loml < if hoicn western wetlicrs thai i eraci l los ids and sold far $5.50. rail to coed natives { .4 OIIJ& 650. fair to coed westerns * 8 " & > 'i " > 0s common and stock sbeep (2.5Oi34 Oi > c.K'il to choice 40 to lOO-lb lambs , 14 50iS > C J5 1U"J > - respututlve hales : No. A I'r 17i western wethers . lot 15 60 ICecrlpt * wild lIlHpcinUlou < > l s | ( > ru. OOlclal receljits and dlsjinsltioti > f stock as hluiwii by the hooks of Hie t'nlon Mm I , ai.ls conipanj for tlie twiinti-foui hours ending at ti o'clock p in.prll lo , 1H93 lilK-l.ll'lS CATTM ! j ilo(7s MII IP iiousi . A nT * . Cart , , llima ( Mt. lleiia'ruri. ' . llend Cum lle d 7IB , 47 IHS-I'OSITION 1HIUS M1LTI' ( imuliu 1'urktnc rumpuny u 11 linmtiiond ' o ISlt . . . . . . 710 44" I'lietudnlir 1'rici.lui ; Co f.74 l.srr loir I1 squin. x i , , , 1.18S A. lltihR . nimnnt A < urej- . . . 21) .fc iUitliKiluid all1 'hll'l"srh ' uoa tuadcrp Tot nl Chicago l tie stc rk AlHrk t. CliiCAOii. 111. April 15 [ ' Modal Telopram o Titillui. 1 Thecattle niarktit wastjuut as t almost lmuriulilji Ison thtla't Ju > of the week. In prices then was llttl" or n > chance The feeling appealed to be linn and thi'fiw sales nmdi' todu.t weie on a basis of from tl 40 toi-4 Tot cows and heifers fr.nn tl 70 K. S3 " 5 tor bulls , fioiu f2..j to S-4.&U for Mo ktrsand feeders from f-1 to H > for dressed bei f and shlppinp meets , from ! 1 ' .into f4 70 fur Tixas putt In The hoctuaikel opened strong : M t < p luHunre Lat i in the iiiointn : ; It weakened. clo uz no better than on yesu-rdaj While th rt w io two 01 thiee eaill hales at t7 5Ti the Mim > hops would not him linmini o\er f7.fli at tlie close Time we'e few tiades above J7 4(1 ( and mil many below t" 25 , tha liopulai pilces U'lii ? from $7 JD to J7 4 I ( 'loslnpfjuolutl .us weir from Jd HD to } " 35 foi llcht , fixim 57 to 87 r > 'i foi mixed and uo- dlum and from t7.J ( > to 47 45 for hem v sales of sheep were in IVIduj s ( juotatlonc. Thej wt le In llcht demand at fiom M.50 Uia tor poor tii choice sometlilnc extra would brine from M > 15 toMi.25 The lamb market w as Hi iu at from 15 to H > 15 Itecelpts futtlo. 1,500 head ; boss , W.ODD Jiuad ; sheep , U.OOO head. City Live Stock Market. l ITT , Mo , A pill 15. CATTLE Jle- colpts , 3.HOO ; hhlpm nts. 1.20J : market quiet ; Meers usually Mead ; ; MHIIC 6IilOc lower ; cows Meiidy ui strotic : f end er r dull : Teius und Indlun unchunced ItopreM-ntatlve hales : ] ) iehsed beef und > hlpplnc stiicsrs , 14 15 .5.25 ; covs UIIG lielfurs , 6125S40O , Mork'jrs U5.d feeders , W 40 HOGS Uecelpts 5,5nO , jhltmients , 3,900 ; murket active und Hift2or ulglicr , ull crudes. frG..Oa7 ( 20. hulk , 7.01VI7 111 MIUEJUeceipts , l,7ilii , shipments , 2,700 ; uurket active und Meudy to strong seututlve salet. Muttons , M 75 st. l nitit. l.lie stuck Market. ? T. LonOlo. . April 15 CATTI. ! Reeelutfi. 500 head , shipments , 101) head , market weak ; fair to pond niitlM' Mocrt , f3.25ct > 4 ( HI ; choice , 9-475551(1 , Texas fed steers , 83.25 ® 4 25. 25.HOOP HOOP Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , none ; market weak ; ! uh\y , i751i7.10 ; packing. O : HpJit. ( . Wkifi.K5. No leceljits and no market. THE IIUAUTV MAUKUT. IN = TUrMENT ? placed on record Apiil 15. VI AUIIANTY HKIUIS. A M 5-tiotic and buhbund to > T ' .Vlall , e 4 lot 8 , block n Miiin's-nd > .J t 2,000 Uinuhu lluul Estate und Trus 10111- iiuu ; to Annie I" Holhrook. lot 11 , block 1O , suunders A. ll's lllchlund pin k aou .1 \\ukelield and wife to C 1) Jlirket lot 7 , blocli 281 , Omuhit 1 00(1 ( Anthonv Johnson and vilfytolViNI Kowla'nd. lots 4 and 6. block C , M-it- tliuw't-sulidli 1,200 1'oppltiton I'uil. llulltllnc UhsocluUou to LouliNeest , trustee , lot b , block fi. I'oppleton park fK .luckson und w ife to lluttlc Neese , 140.\54 ft et coinmi'iiclnc ut ] > lnt 917frttuand 769 f eel e of sw cor 10-16-13 . 4,000 CV T heisted tti Loutitr Andreuhi-n , e ' > lot 4 , block 3 , Iiicxel's t.ubdlv..n B25 Wllllum lloppei und wife to W ( . lioppci. vv 'i 1-15-10 3,000 G D lluscall und wife loK T lon.ihoe. ) hW hw 24 and m nw 26-15-10 ( lehle ) 1 050 Qfix CLAIM nr.r.ns. Council lllufls \ NeliruKku Ten ; com- iiin ; to Hast OmiihiiLund conipuny , { ireculur Uuct commencJiiK ut i-w cornel of nw MI 21-75-44 John SchroediT to Annie hchroudtr , un tirecului truct In nu uor lot "G , " Huscull'h udd 4,000 iuuns. : \V AV Thomjison to I'ubllc dedication of plut of WV Thompson'h udd a fcubdlr of lott. 5 and G , Ukahomu Total amount of transfer * . J 10 541 Tlrn in the sut > urbh. A barn belonging to Charles Barber nn old tuner , llviup ut Elk Cit ; In this county , was burned to the pround Tbursda ; evening labt , and -vvltn It several -work bort.es , u bar- iK.-hE and n larcc quantity of bu ; and p-ruln. Tlie loss will probab ) ; exceed fl'O.UI , of vvbicb fiKKl is covered b ; insurance Tbe flre is supposed to huve been of incendiary on- ptu I ) UriiAZEt , n I ) H > OUE r , JAh r Iloonei. " " " "HAWKEYE" COMMISSION co. Capital 25.0')0 ; Omaha und Sioux Cltf. Grain and Provisions Bailroad Stocks and Bands. I'll ! V ATE Room 212 New Mlife Building OMAHA. - lownFtktc National Hack. Fioux Olty ; Ooiinii reial National llnuk. Omnuo. utturitlon civen to outslilti ordcr Ccrm-jionuenLt noilciltid