THE DAILY NEE 0 ! I U I xo. 12 PKAIU * STUicnr 1 1 1 triffi I y .nnlrr In nnr part nf Uio rlty It \ \ TM.TOX , MANAOKU I llu ltn fillce . Nt . ' > TI I I I'HC - . -I . ' , v , , ; , | | . ba.'a _ _ TT * * ST ! * .11 IS OK I'J K V I" JiiMrp ro. On.rii Ituitg 1'imrx-r Co Coal MiHri Lrrci r l tinhatter. . fW Biotnlwnv 'Jli < ( . ( Minis1 of the S'-cond 1'iosbv- < Iiuiih .lie pH'p.iilnir to f'lvo mi uri'iuu n'citiUmnont on April " 7. .1iit : ic thr infiint son of Mr mid Mis .1 ! Ji-fltps fnimiriv of this ilti , ilii'd last 'JllUIS'llJ ' Of Rlllllcl fever nt St JOHCtlll , v.hin the I'.imils ' aronow living. At Itio ( inlstian ( hmvli toinoirovv Kt-v Ii Wnllrn will pioat-h In tinnioiiiliiK on ' ( ' rortuMi amianil In the i-von- liiir m Causalit * . ' At the latter SPIire Iho .liu'iiiif will ho umd'ii-tcii bj Mr U.r'sai ) Lx C.ovornni David Mc-rlwetlior of KIMI ttiiltv whoilieil icti'titlv nt bis homo in1 ir Louisville at tin- , IK < - of 1M Is H.ild to have hclpcil ITPI t the Hist li > ( ? hut that was f tirti'il In ( nuiii II muffs on oil'1 of tinlilulTs oviiloi-li nir tin i ity Mi IK till i mm. II No M Doirieoof I'oca lirnlis tins this ovi-nlm ; In uvular loimi 11 lit thi-ir tec in r uuiitr Itio.ilvui.v ami Main stieil it the l.iirhth inn A full attendance Is < k" i < "l us special business will bobiont'lit be fi i' tin i mini II \Vl lam Mi dulic tin din soldier. ( Hod at R o i lock lliui * > ila } t'vi-ninir of c.imur. njru'l ' tti MM is nt his H'slilciii-c , air ! ) Pom tli iiv-mir HMIS ii member of tin * Mi'tho illsi < b nil Avvlfc and llvo < hlklien an < IcftJo ni . mi bis death The fimetal "ill tal.e pl.u i Suml.i.v at ! i o't lei k. IU-v C \ \ Biowu ofili Intel mi-ill In rail-view cemeti't v Doinj.'ht , who lias been atl < iiillng frdeial cunt as a inuniboi of the pi-tit Jiuy , states ih.i < be is auU.inted | ! with ( li-or e Dcnni : , the Keil Oak 111:111 : who nibbed b > diiu-r fioin Omaha 'lhmsdi\ nltflit Di-nnls is over Tt of nvc and lias lli < leputatlon of a vor > pt-.u cable and iiiolTii > < > 1\f i Ill/en Mr Wiujlit thinks his tloiv Is DUO in which the utmost uinlUleme mas bi lu.ued Jeff dtei n Illrd mi Inlormation eh.ut-'iii' ' I MI l.nicisriiu with stealing vTifioin him n lull- i IK v win palntlni : the town of Oni.ilui totfi ther Both the p.ntks .110 ( olori-d Tin defend int was bi might bcfoie .lustlioriuld .V-sti'Ktiis fni on the th.iio | of bt-liir | u fugitive fioni justic o , but upon the lio.nltitf Ciieen could not sweat posithelj that she took the tniim * * , , .is he was ask-up while u food ; shaio of the t'llnllni ; operation was polnir on She was disehaiged after a heat - Inir Aldrrnian .1 .1 Hatbawaj filed a uiutinn In the dlstiU-t louit , \ ( > sU' II O ( lle.ison bo tonipelkd to furnish .1 bonu for the eosts of the suit wliieh the latter has commenced to oust him from the position he now holds in the < ttj fo\einnieiit ( tellies tin nftutimi In which he allL es tiialbodid not liimu that ; iniiastion | was raised as to his rich ! to hold the oftlie until be was HOI ' L-d with not lie * of tin * i ( iinnieiitenieiit of the .suit He i ii es the fait that tlu in.uoilt\ of the Judffi s In the Thlul waid and the caii- \assiiijr bo ml belonged to the opposite pa."t.\ fioin liiin. and that his i it'll t to tbo ofllco w.i s IIPMI ( niestiiiiitd bcithei of tlio bo.uds or nnollliial but old ) b.Sleason . , and that the suit not coininuiucil at tliu lequtst of anj ollli i il _ The lirunil Hotel , Council Blurts. Most elegant hotel in Iowa Dining loom on * .e\enth . iloor. Kates , & 3 to io per day. 12. F. Clark. I'rop. _ 100 tons of ] ) t hue hay must IK > sold at once. Regular 'l"io b.ilus go ut loc , largo halcH at 0e at Howe's llawkevo Mills. South Oth street. Fico tiealments daily from'2 to I p. in. nt the C'ouneit HluiTs Medical and Surgical institute , " ( ith and Uro.idwuy. II. / ' l Leo Sw t-arlngi-n is dmiRoiousli ill. Mist 1 MaeDowell and Aliss Ploicncc Maitln biHij go MO to ( Jhic.iuo , whcie they will spend about acar. , . N O'Hiten loft for Ncolaestorday niotn- Ing in i espouse to a tclem.un aniiouiainK the death the nlRht befoioof his mother , who hns bccnhiiiK nt the point ol death for weeks past. The friends of John Mnlquccn , who ills ip- pen red last October , recehed a letter fioin liiin stutinj. that be is a niembor of an in- nincciiiiK lotps in South Dakota Heches no leason for bis sudden dlsappcaianio or bis nc lectniK to writountll now Aldcrmiiii Andiuw Cosh of Grind Island , Neb passed tluouiih littocstcidaj on his waj to Scotland for a two months \Islt His uuinenus fi lends of Omaha and Count il Bluffs met him at the transfer wheio heartj coed \\islies and handshakings were ov chanit'd < lie and his sistoi sail on the Umbiiii , APIII ir > A lirrinuii Solilh-r. Thin new coniedy-diamn is to ho pre f-ented at Dohiinj'u theater this after noon and o\eningand again tomorrow niglit l > i .lames A. Reillv , tlio diuleui coined inn and singer. Tiio jlot deal- with tncnts of the Franeo.-Prusslaii war Max Mi Reillju ) German jouth. is ii lo\o with Lena , the pietty daughter o lr Xwuifel. Count U'lln-ark is aUn ii love with Lena , and through his desm to get rid if a runl Max dr.iftei into the m my , The | ilu\ is amusing and at the saino tinic tluilling and ex citing. Mr. Ueilly intioduceh a numbei of M > ngH and dances and pleasingly de lineates the joxinl Ciermnn. Mondaj night Stilton's "Uncle Tom'i Calnn" company will bo at JJohnny'ti Tlie.aieeiy htrnnglj ender -ed by tin vccrotnrj of tlio Opera Hon o ii lion ut Lincoln. Finest Ai isto cabinet photos , * 2 pe : doivn. AhbtonV studio. Ib North Main Domestic soap outlasts cheap so.ip. \\lij N 'Hil' Hunt ? THE COIOAM T. It Is to bo hoped the council will do some thing satisfactory with the Union Depo compan\'s petition toniouow ni ht j llbcinl nnd conciliatory spirit about this In ; portant matter Is what is now needed A this time Council lilutTs cannot affoid t talio anj backwanl step , or one that will I nnywayihlll or retard our fiitmo bualiRs cnterpilsts and aihuiu enutit Xonp.ueil Vcbtcnhiy Colonel W P Baker w as ( ; lethe the contiactto furnish the Union I'aeltl Kaliwnj compain l ) touts of wood 1 ! read the adveitlsoniont in the Xonpaicl and now leaps the benefit Xonp.ueil Coal and WIHK ! ; best and chcnpc : Miss-ouri hard wood in the i-ity ; piomi : deli\ery. 11. A. Cox. No. 4 Main See the peerless Dauntless hicyek and got our terms. Henry Murphy. 1 I'ciirl blrcol. Ute Domestie si-ap. It is tlio best. lii n Stort- . " Tliat was the ecstatio oxelamation of lady in F. II. KVIIIIH' shoe htoro jestei day afternoon. It was all on noc'iunt < the perfeotii n nnd heauty of a pair ( Bhces that had just been titled to hi fcot ; nhoes that icquiied no 'Inuuklu in , " that didn't pinch anw \ , hero ; tin lilted like glines and weie as easy i old slipperw. When Iho ladv u.ili/v that shu would not have to endure tli pangh UMially nccompani ing the lin fo\r dajs wearing of a pair of line sin e she remarked fenently "This liea\enlj-hea\en in a shoo blot o. " The Millers , decorum o artists , wa paper , purer hanging , plain and orn mental I'alnting. signs. No. 15 I'oarl i Dr. A. .1. Cook , Grand hotel anne Special attention to dioeasos of lectui S. P. Vuimtta , attoruoy , 5 Everett bl NWS FROM COUNCIL BTCFFS Jutlgn Daomtr Rondora a Decision of Great IuivorUnce. | ALL PARTS OF THE STATE INTERESTED How M-liiml iii clidin Mi.lll III'ondlH toil Itfil Onlc , 111. , Ulll ( . < ! It .Nf Sthuol Illlllillni ; Mlt-iUllR til * Auitntlllii Ilitllot l.u\v. Juilfro Dceinor IUIH irliduu-il u iliclsion In in iiniiortant'cnso whiih js tiled bcfoio ilia ictently. Tin * citl/em of Kud Oak lira iiinelMll | Intcrustod In tlio doi Islon , but It MS un liulliei't Intel tst to the people liHiuuliout. the state fioin tlio fact tliat It sets at rest , for t no time belli ! . ' at least , u nuih vexid < | iioslloii ns to uhetlieisiliool -li ( tlolis sue to le caiijcd on mulcttliesuno tiles us eitj elections , tbat Is. hi the Alls- rallan ballot sNsti-ni. D T Plshcr and n lumber of other tnvp.ueis of the town of ( i'd Oilc sueii on' ' u \\ilt of Injlini ttoti to restt.nn the Issunue of * .50.XM ( \\oitli of b.iatla that had heen voted ' 01- the unction nf u liiuh school building , it in ekctlon held a i oiiple of months upo i'ho case \vas tiled hefoie . .hidpetner , mil lie has had It under amiseinent e\er since It- his ( let Islon Just icndeied he holds .hat the Australian ballot s.x stein is not to H : used , in I'ordlni. to the | > io\tsinns "f the state Inw , in eh-Llluns of ii-hool dlreetois , or spoi lal clei lions held to dei Ide < | iiestlons af- leetlnir iho si heel district 'I he Issn.inco > f the bonds is tlu-iclore . tlio njunetlon is denied and the people of Hod DikMllluuo then hl h si heel unit ss the IIMVJ taxiUM-is llnd some oiliL-i \ \ iof pio- \entitinit This IH the Hist tltno the ( iiics- Ions linohe'l In the cave Ii i\e evc-r oieti nought up in ans state emit and the de- islou of Judge Uti'itier will be an niteicst- njf pictcdcnt AT t 111. II ISKIN MOKC , ( ( ilinill ltlull , In. ix THI : nui-ss ( icons nni'T. Our ill ess ( roods depurttnent ib now fnll.V st eked with thohnwetl nnd inobt injilete line of staple nnd ftiney dress ods ever shuwn in I onncil IMulls. Uelow we qunle u few of our most popular lines : At 'Sic u full nnd complete nsiortincnt if Hnjjlisli ciislimeies. r.nyliseryes ] , irridebcent twills and cliunjfeablo jac- At r > 0o nil the latest and most desirable shades in lienriettiis. .ertjes and tiooteli Hiiitiiis } in lifrlit niKtuii1- * . At .I'lo ' wo show tins bi < ; j'est drive of the reason ; IS of the latent tdiades in a 'IS-ineh India twill- would bo cheap at "e. "e.At At 7.c. 1.00. and * 1 .10e hase a full as-ortment of the following new \\ea\es. epintfline.liipcoids. . ottomans , plui&plioiiis beiges and set yes. LADIKS' WAISTS. Our line of waists tlii s ( ason eclipses anj thintr that has e\or been shown in I'ouncil Mlntls , The most popular bt\ lea this season are troinc to be empiie. C'ab- c.ido fronts and I 'tench jokejf which wo show a full line. At 2U ) wo sho\t-a full line of light printed waists : worth 'lie. At 7.1c our assortment is most complete in Miteen lawns and pot cales in whites , blacks and coloih. At t > 1.0 ( > wo show the best black Miteen waist in the maiket. BOSTON STOIJK , Fothorini.'hatn.Vhitelaw & Co. . Council Ulnlls , la. , and U ekford , 111. \V : nt ( lu > rartiii-mtilp Ilissnlxed. TJ A. Do\ino has llled a petition in the dis- tiii-t comt nsUiiif , ' for an aecountlns between ] , U Hansconi and himself In the paitner- shlp that was founed a few ironths ape for the purpose of caioiii ( ; on a tiansfcr busi ness Ho alleges that the linn bought n 'number of lots In lioluer's subdivision a , few- moths ngo , onlihli Uis the intention of electing an iinploincnt wan-house Dovino's money was tied up. an I so ilanseom piid for Do\ine s slmio to the extent ofil 000 , lecelv- Inir as seem it.\ for It a quit , claim to the pionerty TUis quit claim deed was not to bo plated on iccoid. be ihilms , but Hiiuscoin had it lecouted , and when Uevino offcrou him $1SM ( ) moro than Ilanseom had paid out , the offer was icjeeted Hanscom also 10- fused to roeoiuei the him Ho lucordlnsrly s.i\s tint Hauseom's actions htivo londcred it impossible for the partner ship to continue , anil ho asUs for an account ing and a douoo of the comt dissolving the p.irtncishlp lolations Mr Hatiscoiu , when asked abo\it \ the mallei , it. fused to make an.\ statement _ Imitt-ft Inx'sll utidii. Tlio Perpetual Maturity Bonding Co. of C'onncil nintls iinites the mo-it thoughtful consideration and tlunoujrh investigation of its methods and plans. The oompanj is incorpoiated under the laws of Iowa. It is endoised at home and It is not aomothin ' entiielj now. is old , dating back oven to the eleventh ecntury , but itt. application is new. Theie is 0110 ot'ior ' oigani/atiini in tlio United , orjram/eil little moie tlian a ujro , and tulaj it has a niemborbhip of j\ur 21 , 000 aiil ( is r.iwin fastei limn anj ; > thor inntu'il benefit or ani/atton in the vvoild. This is only so because the mo ment its principles aie understood they aie approved. The Perpetual Matnritj LJondiiifj cuniiiny ] bus been in ope ati < > n but a few v\teks , but it has alieadj ma- tuied two of its bonds at a total eust ol $ 0.00 each , and the thiid is nea.-lj i endy for collodion. Theio is no sin- plus piling up to tempi dishonesty. Kvory time $1,000.00 accumulated it i- paid to the liolder of a b mil It is i mutual or ani/atlon , where all hoi ] each olhor. Look it up. Inquire foi our agents , or write for further in formation to the homo olllces , rooms L''t and -30. Mon-iam block. Council Ululfs la. _ Tei' OIIJK nt tin'Viirlil' * Knlr It will eost jou loss than $50. 00 , everj' thinjr necessaty included. This mean : Inlinein private i-otta e , clean , safe close lo < rtounds and on ihe biaeh o Lake Michigan. Write t > .1 T. I hjno welh , Windsor Park , 111 Hefeis l' > II W. Tillon of Tin : Hin : . or .Jacob Sim of Sims & Hainbm.jry , Council UlutTs. \V ciuil Wants Unit's. W A Wood , who was lemiM-d from tin assiineebhip of ll-o btisini-bi of Peler I5ii | after a short peiiod of servlei hied Ins tina report jesterdav la the distilit court H lejioited cash ictelved from the silo u IP & ' ' to himself , "If the , I \ ' moon I could pet , rt v.hcncvcr I'm ury'j5 _ my throat I could Cfcp2 quarter with a quar ter I hear ; you can purchase fiv c gallons lens of A Delicious , Temnrr- ' once , Ililrct-iinencblng , Ilealth-Uhln Drink. Qouil lor any tlnio ot year. A ac. pacLage mile < 5 git'cui. 13 ture and ( < t 11 | E " . k'omls to the nimnmt of liiCi' ' nnd fnnn rolft-i Uoni un old bills to the nmmint ot 110'J tlr imlil out $ ! ( of thli ninontit for Inttor nnd of Lho rt'tniiiiiiU-r ho Illcd n rlnhn of t\M \ for lilmsrlf nt niiltfni-c and nnothi-r for f-AK ) for lilnnttarnc > , rlkklintcr llrtu Ik-ck IlkMl a petition tatltiK tlmt thr n v nlKtico U Inlorfcrliif with hli | Ki < ist > 8lon of the honu-stend to vvhli-h ho is ontdh-d li > 11 w nnil vviintn n iliTico of court glvlni ; him tin * honu-stiMiil nml piTVi-titlng any Inturfcr- cncu from the nsslgni-o Tim rii-iiKHiitmt I'lntM In thn < > iiiitli , A ipci lal i < Yi'in < tlon to Not th Oalvi- ton , 'JVx . II-.IM-S Omtihn. April IS , \ * > . \ He- nnrkiihli * ItuliiiuinontH tnu olTc-rod Tor tiruhir < < ai-ply to I ) D Smt-aton , a unt , room IT. Harkcr block , Omaha - .100 tons of prime hay must ho ' old nt once. Regular It'ic hales no nt l < "ic , lat-tfu haloat 20e at Howe's Ihivvkoyo Mills , South llth sttcet. Hoxcs and ij.irrels of Drcxol's Hell t-olo ne , a delirious porfnmi ; , liJo bottles for lUc * . D.ivl-4 , tlie drii'ist. ( , ( , H ) iiricius' music honso appears to be ilolnjj a land olllco bnsino s in pianos and organs at 114 and 110 StuUnmii. Display of ] ) .ittorn hats today at Miss Uag-dalo's , 't)7 ) Hioadway. Another linpiovi'inent to the popular Scliubott piano. Swanson Mn-jii * Co Williamson & Co. . 100 Main strcot , Inrjjt'st and best bli-yclo stwk in city. U iino-tii- --tap best for hard water. 'Lift , the well known New York organist , t'U ° an ors-m concert last ovenlng lit the U.-o.ulw.iv Mutlmdist clitiuh. An excellent program was piescntcd , each nuin. bcr boltife' itiuk-icd in the iiiuslei.inlv itylo lias in.icio Mr T.ift's naino familiar nil over the cotmtti His selections fioinV.n ; - nor's opc-ias VM.-IO cs'icciallj well tocclvcd. A pleasing v.uietv was given the proiji am hi aildhif ; voi-.U b los by Miss Loni Kims of this L Ii Cop -Ian 1. the well Known buitono of Omaha ' 1 he contort < loses the Star let tine ionise , ami those u 1m liavo h.ul the m m , moment aie well s itisllo'l with the icsiilt of the ex periment It has prove I a llmtu-i il success mid has ti'ldcd gtiMil\ the cnlovtnont of the jiast winter nml sprlm ? b * , piovklin liist- class atlrai-tloiib for the public It is 'loped ' that aiiothi-i ionise will bo provide I ncvt j onuid the pattona o v\lll uiuloubti-illy in- cionseastho cxcolU'tire of the entctfain- incuts becomes bettor known Vim Will l ( < -\tl In Tinll There. A spcclil ONCUision to North Oahoston , To\ . loaves Om.ih i ApUl 1 . IS'.U Kc- maiUahlo indiuonionts tuo ofloiod 1'or par- appl.v to U D bmcaton , aijent , room 17 , Barker block Omaha 100 tons of prime haj must be sold at once. Regular .Tie b.ilos jjo at l.'jc , larpo bales at : We at Howe's Ilawkovo M.illb , bouth Oth btieet. Cook jour ini-aK this snniinor on a jjas tanye. At cost at lie Cas ! company. The L win liavo n > millinery opening , but they have what yon want. Wood of all kind-i. coos and coal. L. G. Knotts & Co , 700 Mroadway. Stop at tlio Otfdon , Council BlnlTs , tlio betl JKi.UO house in Iowa. See the hickory wheel at I'orifjo'b , 103 I'oarl sti cot. Gco. S. Davis , proscription druggibt. ' Abk your grocer for Domestic woap. OA / ; / . THE SuNnvi HUB will pn-sent a second let ter from the uen of ex-Senator John J Inpalls , the subject of winch is , "Ulalno anil His r.iilnrcs" The mcio announce munt of this distinguishing feature of Tin : HiM > Ai Hup will bo sufficient. I vcry in telligent reader \\llliwJiatfotconm ! biilllanoy the c\-sen.itor tieats his subjects and th it nnj thing he maj write or sny will attiact widespicad attention ills estimate of Ulatno and the light he throws upon political events , i ontrolled largely b > the in 11 in.-ico and povvor of the dead statesm in , is a valuiblo contilbution to the political literatmoof tlio day Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's Witch H.uel balvo will cute tlicm. Hull Urn * , llnrncd Agnln. Ball Bros iu pcnter shop , Kourtccntl and D.ivenpoit streets , was , damaged bj ( Ire last night to the extent of about f.K)0 ) The simo plato v\as neatly totallj ile tiojed by Ihe list OLtober , but the building vvas 10- piired No cause can bo assigned for this last bla/e Piles of pcoplo huvo piles , bat Di Witt" Witch H.uolSalve will cuiu thorn. * - .Mfi\uniefits c > r O < can Slo IIIKTH , April 14 * At HieinerhiWPii Ailived Aller , from Now Yoik At f-outli.iinpton Aulvcd l > sen , from Now Yotk Piles of people liavc piles but Oo Witt's \\ltth H.uel Salvo willcuio them May depend upon the way jo i treat lie warnings - ings which naturu c'ves. ' A Jew twttlcs of S S. S. taken at the proper time may Insure good health fora j car or two. therefore act at once tor It IS IMPORTANT that nature bo assisted at tlio right time t nevr fails to rcl-eve the sjstem of im E purities , and is an excellent to ic also. He Wants to Add His Name. " Permit me to add my name to jou many other certihcutesin commendition of the great curative properties cental icd in Swift's Specific ( S S b. ) It Is certainly one of the best tonics I ever used "JOHN W. DANIEL , Anderson.b. C. " Treatise on blooJ and skin diseases mal ed ree. SPJCCJPIC on A.iUma.Oa. COUNCIL BLUFF ] STZ\I \ DYi WJU Ail Kinds of Oyuliu nnj Oloin n : done In Mm hi.-hust st > ! o of the lire. t'lloJ mil tatno I f ilirics iiuido to lot. isunil is no r \\OIK pronijti | > ilona un i dul\-i < i | la all p.irta of the country bt-iul for piioj Ust C. A. MAC1IAN , Proprlotor. lticudw.iv. nuar Northwuslarn > a o RARE , RIPE QLD Y/H / SKY. r.linltotl .s ( „ ! ; , - Or tluJ'm > f In tlte \\'uill. r II Kurd lia > upHiicd n wiiulpBKlo liquor it iron ! No 17 t'eurl vtri-et Coun I dluH. nml IIAM put la A lar o nn I well n&lictoil ktup < of vrl iej lirandlo < Hhl l : > etc It I' n ton w t v ol mention Hint Mr ton ! U ihe furtunitu po o < ur of nunrlr forij btrnli. uf Ihe tlnrit Hhltltr in 1110 L'nlU'l Mi'ev In 1-vMllin liouilu o\viUr lini lnrrjl > of K utuikr i' , IC Taylor wlil ky unit It Muinot until about tbie ri. > ar nu'J Hint hu iilnvnil ih > nouili un Hie market Of Ililn utork ho lint lutl about f < > Ir b r role , uuil oiperts all pronounce it Hb.olulelr tbe flne l whlikcy In the o iiinlr ) Ho mlU It ni.ilnl ; tu fiiiuino fur nitiilk.iial u e ai it i * lee cj tl > for Ihtt nvulnr traitu It In noilli overilu pjr k-illn.v 'llu-iu U not annilii.rbrnuilor mull wlilil. ) In tliu I' h IIU itotk ufbramllo * anil win come from I lit ) fainiiui Laliinil Mitntiird vlriuy irJi In all ornll nnil IIUTO n UlgU roputnilon tor cxcellcnie uiut purllr tiett In the state nnd federul court ) , lloonu O-j-T-b-9 , tbugurl block , Couuull UlutTi , I j. LASTING POSITION. iuu iVIial Thev Say of Paine's Celery Compound in the Treasury i Department , "Puino's Celery Compound , " B.IJS Dnniol Mac.iuloy , chief of the nnnoint- inont division in the troasuiy depart ment , "has attained , a hinting position in the homo of myself nnd family.Vu shall not consent to bo without it. ' Gon. Muciiulcy , whose portrait ie I ) intc-d above. Is one of the host known men in Washington and u prominent member of Iho famous Lufav. otto post 1-10 of New-York. Ills commundittion of this preatddt of all remedies , coining so boon after the hearty letter of Hon. .Tames MucShann , mayor of Montreal , and of the loading P islors of Now Yorlc eity. otnphasi/.es the tfilhof the stalo- ment tucontiy made by one of the liist burgeons in the country , that Paine's Celery Compound Is not n patent niedl- clno , a s.vrsiDiirllln , oran ordinary tonic , but is as superior to nil of them as the diamond is to otdlnnrv Kit19"- * The recently publlslicil testimonials from W. E. Anthony , M. D. , of Provi dence , K. II. Judkins , M D. , of Port- hind , Dr. J. H Lindaloy , O. U Cole , M. D , and medical director of the Prario du Union Iiibtilulo , and hosts ot prominent practitioners all over the countiv have rcsullod in the moat extraordinary sale of tlio rem edy that was first pi escribed by Dr. I'helps of Dartmouth College , and has since come to bo kmown to.tho medi cal profession nnd , in fact , the whole people an Paino'b celery compound. People of the highest statming in all classes of society , in ovoiy city nnd town in the Union , have been benolitcd bj Iho u&o of this lomedy for tlio cu o I of the numerous ills that result from Impaired nervous system and impover ished blood. It makes people well. In the spring , . P&ML Ibe Good Soisoiilan. SO Tears' Eiperienco. UB4DEH OF DISEASES OP MKN AlfiJ WOJIUN. rKOPRiirrou ov TUB WOULD'3 1IKHI1AIIJISPIiJl. . 6AJIV OF .UKUICINK. /treat Ihe following Dittases : Catarrh of Ihe Head , Throat , and Lump : K * easesofthe ryeanil liaM Itaaid Ai > opleiy , jlciirt EUcose , Liver Complalut , l.ldney Complaint , Horvous Dobllity , Wonta ! Dopros- Blon , Loao of Manhood , Seminal WonUnocs , Ulabetw.Vnrhl s m > eiuc.St Vitua' Dance ; KheuinatUm , TaralyeU. NMilto art-elllnu. - Bcrufua , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors nnd ricittila In ano removerd without the knife or drnwlna a drop of blood. Woman with btr delicate owns re- itoreU to health Dropsy cureU wlihout tni.alng. 8it-i-lul | iitlL-ntion il\en totru.itni n "f nil blood t.ilnts arl liu I > V tixi'ossos or vk-e . Surer and ' -ho.ipnr th'in .1 trip to tliu Hot ' urln s ( M 10 : / fotfo t for unv fulinra to euro without niuiciiry Tape Womw rctuovca In two or thtco Hours , or no pay. H taorrhnl la or Piles cured THOSE WHO AUK AFFLICTED Will tare Ufa and hundreds of dollars by calunjj on or using UP. , fi W PASGLE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. 7hcionljr Physician who cnn tell what all ( n jiortou without niklug a question. All cononpon.lence . strlrtlv eonadentlsl. Modlelni eeut Ly exprtus. Addau all Utura to G. W.PANGLE , M. D 555 nUOADWAY.Conncll Bluffa , la. Eontl < c siauips tor couUuenualouly. . vviion tlio nvor.ifro person need some thing for the brain anil nerves , some nour.shment for the blood , Pnino's celo y c impound is the ono remedy of all olhois tnat should bo t.iUen. lie o is .1 plain stsitoment from .Mr. John FI Glover of the Telogr.iph Aye , whpjo lioadquutas mo in Temple Court Hnildinc. Now York. Mr Glover is a mo-it able and conscientious worUcr , and his oxnerionco of the proatesl in- tinost can lie lead by ovoryhody. "My exlcnsivo duties and ciros , " ho said , "can ha-dly bo ttescribed. One who is interested in electricity nlmodt forpots himself in pusuing : its fasi-in it- InKsUidy. I linally bee uno ulmoit a complete wreck , so mui'h so that on the slightest excitement I would bo tin-own into a seml-falnling condition that would leave me in a Btlll worse state. Things linally reached such a st-vto th it I had to avoid ovorybodi < tnd live coinnlotoly by my self. Upon the sllt'litust exoito- mont a cold sweat would break out all over mo. I vyould h ivo n fooling1 of emptiness in my btom.ich , ptoducini ; great weakness and fatntmjr. I never knew vvlint it lo sleep. Hour nflor hour would puss nw.iy and llnd mo awake. In the inoinin < r t would rise with acliinu head and burninir eyes' . Food was a but don to mo , my stomach fulling to digest it. Such was my con dition up to acompnatively short time ago. ago."By chance I In the "By saw pnpora stulc- mont from a young lady whoso infirmi ties almost exactly coincided witli my own. I did not suppose any ono had over suffered so much as I had , but I de termined to try and roKaln my health in tlio same manner by whioh the young lady of whom I luid hoaid regained hers. Franklv the results at first were I dissinolnting , but , nevertheless , I eon- i-ontiniied. A change for the better occuted , and encouraged , I kout on. Mj btiont-'th g'-adually ' rclurned , my sleep imnrovod. I to eat with comfort , hope cune b.ick to mo , my 1-011- donco v > n * testo.ed in fact , I am a well man today , and my rostoiaaion ia on- lirely duo to 111 it great discovery , Paine's Lelerv Compound , which alone delivered mo fioin the torrib'o condi tion I had been in forycuii ; . "I liavo been investigating matters of l.xte , and I am convlm-ud Unit there are many men nnd u onion xvhoarc , porhntx , not in to bad a condttioi ns 1 om-o was , but who , still , are MilloreiB from ner vous disorders' , headaches , insomnia , loss of appetite nnd the thousand troubles which come in the train of a broken down nervous condition. I believe - lievo that all of those people cm he 10- lioved and returned to a perfect condi tion b } ' the same means I to successfully "There is ono noint I wish to ut-e stronsfly ; do not oxnect to inui-h from ono botttu , or from two or three , for that mnttor ; but faithfully u o the compound : confident of the f ict thutii uuio will ho cvoutu illy cfiootcd. t know httlo about this gvo it compound nbido from what it luis done for mo and others ) , but I cci- tamlj doom it to bo the fji-c'itcst .discov ery of the ninoloonth century for the , nerve nnd brain tioublcs to which the people of tlio nineteenth century are BO subject. " The above clour and outspoken words of Mr. Glover requite no comnu'iit They are fioin a man of tlio hi 'linst standing , nnd they toll their own story. Tliero are thousand of men and vvunion who will bo tjlad to hoar of them and profit tlietoby. HAVE. YOU SEiFiNL King of Scorchers ? Made by the Centaur Cycle Co. of Coventry , England , Tlio oldest and strongest cycle comp-iny In tlio world. Road King Hustler Road Queen Athlete Kingninn Glideaway Scorchers , andother Mermaid Medium Umpire Grade Wheels. KINGMAN & CO. , pr.ORIA , ST. LOUIS , KAN-JAS CITY , UES MOINKS AND OMAHA. Manufacturers , importers and jobbers of high and medium grade bicycles ; also vehicles and farm machinery. S. M. W1LLIAJVJ3OM & COV Council Bluffs Agsn THE LOOKED FOR BREAK IN PRICES HAS COME. Highest Grndo for $100.JO ( The Kclipso , Wavor'y , King , Clipper , Scorcher , all 100.00 Sold every whore for $150.00. If you want a wheel , don't full to see IH. OuriSO.OO wheel is u dandy. COLE & COLE , 41 Muln blreut , Council lllulTs. WASHBURS f > Cuilari , Mandolins & Zlther IL voiuuio anj quality ct lone t tbe BB T IN TBE wurLK , Vitr- nntnl lo wrar In nif cjlraate. 6 Id by all l tdloi , dealer * llenu * tlfully IlluitrairJ luutmlr cat * Bl'jL'U'5 wlili rxirtralli of futnoai triltii will be Mailed FRffC , LYON & HEALY. CHICAGO. DISORDERS . . . _ _ " And all llm lrnln ol 1VIl.i VV K iKMioiKH , OKIIH.irV Kr > tual uc roinpanr thorn in inun Ot IUKI.V ami I'KIIVIA NKN1IA iLIIKI ) Full rilltBNiiril anil tone vlTen to urvrr pirtoflhu boil/ 1 nut toml 10 curelr packul kllrti ! to anr < utl rar tlio prtiirlp- tlo u Ihuluiirtnl ma of tlivia troublui Adilrcn , U A lllUULKV UXTTl.E ClIKIU , MICU. DOHflNY'S ' THBBTBR ' Council UluiT * , In. John Dohnny , . . . . . Mnnngor , 3 NlUIIT-s 3 Saturday aiul Stiiulay , A I'lnt , 15 AND Id S \TUKDAV MAl'lNnr. Aiiii-rli-u'd Kwont Nlniror nn I Distinguished 1)1 iluct I'omudliiM , MK. JAMKS A. Ur.lLLY , lo the OrlKlmil Mtnloil : t'omeil-Dramn , A GERMAN SOLDIER IIY iiAKiiv IMMIT. : : I MIL UKII.I.Y SIN'OS TAKK1 " 1 l.tno Moln 1'iiilurlntnl. ' "Vou IIKit Don't Know , " Iti-moiiilior Dot Vou TO IVjs n ( Ionium viiilio"Only Ono UKAIt NIIIIIO I llnir , " "As Lone tliu * ) | in Will Shlno , " "I.lttlo IlibyTruo" ami Tlio I'liiiislllo Hlilo. " cent Srrnrry , lllch Clnm * iiln.lllr | . NCH sniiK'iintl Dnnci > , 17 The Superb Sopoiitluo * - * Diinoor. I Mat npo itiird ly , Aurll IV 55 to nil inrls of the lioust- . I'rlion iV. 5io 11 ml " . 17- mi. iiAUMTM or rui\i : AI.I * surr ON 's C'OMI'RHIMI 32 Artists 32 2 Famous Tppsies 2 2 Maries , the Lawyers 2 2. Educated Donkeys 2 4 Cuban Bloodhounds 4 4 Shetland Ponies 4 TopH > on tliustiigu. BABY EDIT | , \nril ' > , as the 1111:11 child SI'I ( IA1 , si i MU\ : ' I'lili Ki. . . 7)0 ) and 7'- " the uiUhii tlcont stiiH't par ido nt 11 45 ii in il.i h FOR T1-1 ft liihiro o inu Sisters of Morcv. This riMiounoil Inslltiitloti lisliu iti-don tl.o hUh hltilTs buck of nnd oveilooKlru thoeityof 1'oumll llluir-4 Iho sp ie cim grounds , Us h ih loc it'on ' nnd siiundiilIOT. | . ma o It a inii-t pleisloi iHlrcnt fur the atllk-toi' ' Astilt of eminent [ ihj slclnnsin 1 11 ir o oorH ) of ox * puik-nced nurses mln'stur ' to tin ) comforts ot the uatlsnts tuochil care nou to ludy pa- t'cnts. ' Torius Moilorato. Tor partlcu'iirs npiny to SiSTER SUPERIOR , Frank Street - - Council Bluffs , Iowa BEE1 IS" CHEAP AS EVEB llul pork hams , lard and h.iron , whlto way up in li , lire iluiiior ill Mi-M-hunilorf's in irkut than any other iiliu-i ) In Iho city The pluco t < ) jri-t jinir iniMt Is wheio jou xet tliu hest unit the ino-,1 for > our nioiiuy l.onU ut these | ii lees mid ri-i-nlloi-l Hi ituveiythliij Is tliu boat that bnlft&l'o. slushier : m Snoulder CloJ , Ireo ofbo-io 5o PlatoBoll . -to HonelessCoruoJ Beef flo felrlolnUntts Oo bo Is , of Itsdf 1)0 ) Blrlomstrtpi . .80 MrlolnSteik lOo to 12'Jd 1'ortnrhouso btoilt 12He to lui ) Hi 5Roast , 80 to lOq s-houlder Roast Ooto7o Sim ildorStsalc 7o VealStew Oo Veal Roibt lOo Veil Sto-ik 12 0 I Muttonotew t > d Mutton Ltj. s 103 Mutton Chops 12'to ' Sausage PorkButts Pout Iioins , whole Perk Chons i5o SjltPorlc 12140 1 a-ou lee ' ' ' ' ' Hams . . . . . I2'4o ' to 17o Sliced 20 o toSSo Sheep whole . . 80 Poultry and I-'isli alwiyao i hand. nnd mind this la for 110 lisst , MU.IU in tHe city. & § i RHsjnftjff ? BQRAT fin litiOO ! > 1l-l9 Uliiltr tlliitlB UUi ) Wholesale nnd Rotall 333 BUOADWAY. Counoll Bluffs. Special CO'JIOU ' \\TAM I.III'nilllH wllll n llttli ) tllllti nncl inplul ' to innnufnituru * n t Introiluco | i.itcnloil n /l nines 11 I Adniun lil I'nrlnrc , ( uuncll lllnITi - ' I'fciiplu injr It Im-tii 1 < J ytari gouil vuluo nnil tdn.iyj la HULL ut lllx > br \lerrimu i lilock A\MM. I Mil VNOi : t U SKTWO | | four ronm il liuutrs nnil store riinin HIH ! ouibulldlnvB clear ol IntuiiibrAiiu * A.I Muiulol , 70U iiraliuiu Are I OII UlC.ST-Slnr , ! iixiniJit ) , neil otitaliltatiod 1 Kroccrr ntninl corner lull--1 nnd Itli ATI ) fill per moniii A J Muinlol , 7JJ liralmm Are vri > H iiillll. : . WAMKIl It oncu , 7UO Gruliora IN \ ( Mil n (1 ( I Oll IIKVr 1 our box stnlIs nt Kiclmngo liurn. I' I VV MlnlcU _ _ _ _ 1Mll SAI.I. hull i-i-t nt ti mar * tooli iroailoinll. lion , n b.iiifaln liKjuliu of Lnipkla Slmtf irl llnnlwartiin I ouncll llluiT * vin. ruinovHil ( i | > osi9 vuiiltt clilumori Glltll Well [ iroparo 1 tor thj wjrk 124 Hurtu _ city bull Iliu _ _ _ _ _ _ I'Oll SAI.KVu olTur f ir silo on uny torinin ( til Hliiiblo lionu ) on sztti | iv\uiun on i block from lo' trit tnutor , huiiHO of tlvu IOOIIIH rlotcts city nHtor , lart.u urlLk ipllur from anil > lili > iiarchvu. VSIII it'll at Ii 11 tlinn udUHl i > < t I.OIIKUO A 'Ionic , 71'i I'cnrl ilruat , ( iniicll Ulnlls _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and lot for unit ) No lili rlfniii no HUUSK Imiulru of J I' llirhllin i i It I , Irtiiilit hou l. _ _ _ _ A CHAM K for rluit in in to tollo t , collclt , unit Ocllvcr uou U \\ITOI II j niuut , niul profiti illvlJotl i very HI dnya In l ci coin , . luiiiy Vliut tt.iy U a'liriii ' A OCAUdr3Ra J vy ( Molce Itooin A I VfTtftt lilotk I ouicll Illutt ! * _ V llSiUVOisi.ini IOIMJ tuna in I city iiropirtr /Vbouuut unj iiuld l-uioy i Hi Jim Coiliioll ISIuftn . ' ( lH HAI/K I w u nil a cottik'u lie i u on AVVIMIII ( , , iiHiir iMtrc \ < I tU rooni < bay irlnilutr , i lo uU nnil pantry lartulol wutur I.I j.inl Will tukt a ninall pAyinonl iluwn un I balunco In Innnll" irienla I.OIIKCU \ lowlc Ml 1'onrl atruol Council 1'OIl HAl.riuin"bir of nlci cnlUuM dump , ami on Ti-ry FHIJ iiijiucias l.riuntliloldi , MihuUun A , I o i.M llroadvrnjr _ _ _ AX AS'l I'll ( .Irl fur uunural housework MSI 't lourtli a\i'MUB „ 1'ull HAI.K Cliunp , ttna broil siieoily ( yourolJ horio , with tiliaotofi vontlu uuoil iltxpuililunl liurtiuln J II Mnu ins south c\i-nth ilrcol / J-u.HIC ( arm fur run al > o 8j iicre tract nnilT VJ.M.rcs , 120 ivcnn ton I Inw-i Unil lar i.alo at 11700 | i < * riiiro John ton \ \iin J'uttin /\.N 1 r.i I'lnlii i Nliu to Of ) at liouie J'oK HKN1 'I lu < lu roum homo cnrnnr of VV Illof nvcntio and Bill tr < et , nncil tiy vim llanrocK , from June 1 at tW UU pur runniti Iniluilln/ burn , or mil BUM proper/ l > ay A lluu IICV(1.K Hilt HAI.K lllutt vrailTTuililon tlr * J'swlfti uieil about SnrmlUi , rullor ilmln ; lilit bargain , ItU.UU. Addr i lxja lloi W. council Ul'-Ot