Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Railroad Managers Express No Disappoint
ment at the Governor's Action.
I'lnni for Tenting the Validity of tlio Mml-
mum rri'U'ht Kate I/.IIT Lively \Vur
on 1'iiclllo ( Joan llinlnoM
l.ocitl I Call \viiy Mutter * .
The announcement tlmt Oovornor Crounsc
had nt length ; inixed his slgruturo to the
maximum ratu 1)111 was received without ro-
murk in loeil : railroad circles. Whllo all
posslblo pressure had bcou brought to beaten
on tbo governor to indufo hltii-to refuse lila
ofllcinl sanction to tbo bill , It was KcnuiMllj'
admitted that the * efforts had been In vain
and that tbo constitutionality of tbo bill
would bo loft to tbo courts for decision.
That the governor had considered the con
stitutionality of the measure Is undoubtedly
true , for he asked Mr. Orr of the legal de
partment of the Missouri I'acillo who argued
the constitutionality of the bill before him ,
to put tils argument in writing so ho
might use it as mutter forrcferenco , and this
Mr. Orr did on Monday. In some circles it
was thought tbo governor might veto the
bill , but among those on the inside the bat
tle was given up live days ago.
Mr. S II. H. Clark , referring to the pro
bable action of the Union I'aclllc testing the
clllcacy of the law , said that , as
nearly all tbo beads of departments were
nway. and particularly the legal bead ,
nothing hsrl ncen decided upon , but tint in
good time aomo action would undoubtedly be
begun. Ilcyond this Mr. I'lark with his
usual reticence declined to discuss tbo situa
tion , stating , however , that the signature of
the governor to the bill was no surprise.
About Hurllngton headquarters , In the
absence of Mr. Holdrcpe , nothing definite
could bo learned , except that tiio measure
would be contested in tbc courts , along the
lines of class legislation , alleging tliat the
amendment , tacked onto the bill at the last
moment by Senator Clarke in favor of
"infant roads , " was against the letter and
spirit of the law.
A I'nlon I'acillc ofllclal , however , put a
rather complex phase on tbo situation when
ho naid : "Hupposo tbo courts decide that
the I'liion I'acillc , beluga government prop
erty virtually. Is exempt from tbo operations
of the bill , what would our road do In the
event the bill Is held constitutional as
to tbo other roads when there
nro sixty-live competitive points in Nebraska
for east and westbound business ? Tbo situ-
ution is a pulcr and no mistake. "
Trnnicoiitliipiitiil Mmlillu Hut 11 Tuinloncy
to ( 'niifiiHti Shipp ri.
The growing differences among the various
lines In regard to the now transcontinental
tariff and the resultant complications have a
tendency to puzzle the shippers to Pacific
coast points , as It is somewhat dinii'tilt to
tell on any one day just what rates are In
effect upon commodities for California and
other points.
The opposition of certain eastern lines to
the tariff agreed upon at Santa Barbara ,
Cal. , and the refusal of the South
ern Pacllle to accept such tariffs
' 'on theground tnat divisions are
oxcosslvo allowed eastern roads , change the
situation entirely , and as one general freight
agent expressed It yesterday , "we do not
know where wo are at. "
Koads In the Central Trafllc and Trunk
Line associations refuse toaccept westbound
tariff published by the transcontinental
freight rate committee , and have instructed
their agents to bill the. freight at local rates
to Chicago and Mississippi river 'crossings.
For this ivason tbo transcontinental lines
will piihiistf n notice , effective April \ > , can-
crllng the tariff MI far as the territory east
of Chicago and St. Louis is concerned anu
rates from that territory will base on tbc
lowest combination of locals via C'lii-
' cage or Mississippi river com-
inon points , this being the basts
on which rates are now made to North I'a-
clflu coast points. Tbo tariff will continue in
effect from Chicago ami St. Louis common
The roads in the Western Trafllc arsocla-
tlon , which comnrlscs the lines between Chicago
cage or St. Louis and tbo Missouri river- -
have not accepted the tariff , and it is ex
pected that n general mooting of all roads
interested in California business will con
vcno in St. Paul about April 'JO. "
Tbo situation , however , grows precarious
and the bottom is likely to drop out of tin
freight business unless somorailroad surgeoi
comes to the relief of tbo roads vitally In
tcrested and insists upon using his scalpo
with unerring judgment and line tecbnica
Kxllwiir Note * .
George Gould has been compelled by tin
press of business to abandon his trip wcs
for the ipresent. Although hist private car
the "Atalanta , " went cast to meet him a
Detroit Wednesday , It has born ordered bad
and his coming is very indeJlnito.
George Jenkins , traveling1 passenger agon
of iho Pennsylvania , who is in Omaha
today , is having no end of funny experience :
these days , his close resemblance to Via
President Adlai Stevenson getting him inti
nil sorts of embarrassing predicaments. Lus
week bo was asked to make H speech in nt
interior town in Iowa and this morning whci
ho Heated In bo was mot bv a delegation ol
Poles who wanted ono of their number tnadi
n consular clerK to Warsaw.
T. R ( Jodfroy has returned from his visi
to Hot Springs , Ark. , with the rest of tin
passenger agents of the Missouri Pacific.
K. Dickinson , general manager of tin
Union Pacific , Is quite sick in Chicago.
Turks' Couch .syrup
lias been so highly recommended to u :
that wo now ask our friends who are suffer
ing with a cold to give it a trial , and if 1
docs not give satisfaction your moncv will to
refunded. Kvery bottle is sold on a pusltlvi
guarantee. Price r > 0 cents and Al
District Court CiillliiKH.
Judge Ferguson has denied the petition o
Turner et al for an Injunction to prevent th
city council and the contractors from pru
cecdlng with the work of grading Twenty
fourth street , from Loavenworth to Ilirkor
In Judge Hopewell's court the cast ) o
Alvln Saunders against Kiehard ( ' . Cuabini
and John O'Keeffo is on trial. The plaintil
seeks to recover J150 , alleging that tbo d
fuudants , without authority , filled up one o
his lots in the west part of the city.
Judge Scott has disposed of the last of thi
Jury cases on Judge Ocden's docket ami wil
devote the balance of his time between nov
and the beginning of the May term to th
hearing of ex parti * matters and passing upoi
cases which ho now has under advisement.
It is more than probable that Judno Ferguson
guson will hand down a decision In the Stub
injunction case next Saturday. City At tot
noy Council is anxious to cot the case on th
docket for the May term of court , and if it 1
tried at that tlmo it will uu necessary tba
It shall lo ) noticed fur trial not later thai
Saturday evening
Ad Seifken has brought suit in Justic
Hramles' court to restrain his nelghbois
Mi * , and Mr * . Payne , from killing his cblldrei
with a club , as bo avers they bavo threal
encd to do.
Ilnvo You i\ : r llccii There ?
A special excursion to North Galvestoi :
Tex. , leaves Omaha April IS , Ib'.Ki. ' Hi
nmrkablo Inducements nro olTcred. For pai
tlculars apply to H 1) . Smcaton , agent , i-ooi
17 , Darker block , Omaha.
Illiuuly Tu\vn lto U'nr.
SroKAXi ; , Wash. , April 13.--A bloody town
site war is reported near the Canadian hot
dcr. Several arc snld to have boon killed.
You Wilt Kitvvl In Trull Thore.
A special excursion to North Galvestoi
Tex. , leaves Omaha April 18 , 1SW. K <
marknblo inducements arc offered. For pai
tioulurs apply to IX D , Suieaton. agent , rooi
17 , IJarkur block , Oinaua.
Cnril front N , II , I'nlranor.
Wo linvo juat completed n , deal
whereby wo pcuurcd 100 pieces of IH-in.
China Areas sllkn , $1.00 quality. Wo
will place the untlro lot on salu Saturday
at OUlc jwr yard or ? 8."u per dress pat
tern of 14 yards. This will bo the most
important silk xnlo of the season , us the
silks nro full 24 lnche. wide. Wo bought
them from u western jobber who was
overstocked and tit ( ! 2jo wo can pos
itively ns-iort that they are
ill per cent lower than the regular
jobbing priced. As the rush for these
silks will bo very great wo would nik
our friends to come us early as possible.
Remember the sale takes place Satur
day ; also that the .silks arc full 21 Inches
wide , guaranteed to bo worth $1.00. and
will bo sold at 02Jo per yard , or $8.75 per
dress pattern of 14 yard's ,
P. S. Wo also hoctirctl u splendid
bargain In gents' shirts , and a big drive
In ladies' onyx dye fast black hosiery ,
which we will place on special suit ) Sat
urday. Full particulars tomorrow.
Nf. H. A sample linoof these bargains
can bo seen in our show windows tomor
row. N. U. FALCONER.
Catalpa , Arlnrvita trees three for
31.00. Huirott's 14th and Hartley.
I'nr S.ilu Clic-nii.
A dental olllco in Omaha , Nob. Address -
dross E12 , Heoolllcc.
See thn celebrated Soiimor piano at
Ford & Clmrlton Music * On. . IMS IJndjjo
OiiKiliu'H Nttir riiiutiiiTrlal Club Will < lct to
\Vfirk tit Once.
There was u meeting of the executive com
mittee of the Omaha club at the
Hoard of Trade rooms Wednesday , at which
all members were present. After some dis
cussion it was decided to proceed at once
With tbo work for which the club was or-
gaul/ed by securing suitable rooms and a
Huroaus of the club were constituted as
follows : Any member of tbo club wlioso
business or profession is represented by a
bureau becomes a member of that bureau
upon registering his name in tbo bureau
register at tbo society's ollice.
Tin * Imroau of transportation , composed of
merchants , iiiiinufacliiivrs , packers , etc. , lo
look after freight and passenger matters
iillVi'tlniz Unialiu anil Himlb Oinnlm'.s needs.
lluionuuf iKinUInz mid liiMiranro to iiilvlio
with tliu best uulborltlrs and look lifter wise
measures and laws in protect and strengthen
our lln'incliil Institutions.
Hnrcan of Importers iind Jobbers , composed
of Ibo nien engaged In tbe > e particular lines of
trade , lo look after their parllrular Interests.
llureau of manuftictiirors composed of maii-
ufactuii'i'h to look after their Inteiests.
liureau of iiirlilti'cls and builders to encour
age modern designs and I mo economy In
aicliituctural methods , etc.
llureau of ictall dealers , composed of re
tailers , biivlng charguoof matters touching
their mutual cimi'crn.
llutrau of real estate dealers to look after
Hie general real estate Interests , parks and
boitlcvaids , taxation , elc.
lUnrau of information being charged with
the duty of inaklnx kowu to thu world the ev-
traordlnary advantages that buyers trading
lit Oinaliu enioy , and furnishing : information
touching Omaha us a market and trade renter ,
looking after new Indus ! I ics and ueneral mat
ters timcblng the development of the city.
Itureau of cniiniil.sslnn merchants anil mer
chandise brokers to loulc after their In
I'tnfesslimnl bureau composed of profes
sional men to look after their iutoieits.
llureau of the public press to encourage un
animity of action In till noniiolitlcal and non-
M-'Uturhm matters which will elTect the public
llureau of commerleal travelers to foster a
fraternal fueling among thu traveling men and
hnild nit loyal spirit toward Omaha , us u
trade ct-iiter.
The following committees were also
adopted : Auditing , 'commissary , Judiciary ,
membership , memorials , periodicals and sup
plies , property and rooms and llnanco.
There are three things worth saving
Time , Trouble and money and Do Witt's
Little Kurlv Risers will save them for on.
These little pills will save you time , as they
act promptly. They will save you trouble as
they eanso no pain. They will save you
nionev 'is they economize doctor'bis
* i Van ted In ClilcnRO.
While Detectives Dempsey and Savage
wcra walking down Twelfth street , in the
neighborhood of Dodge.about 0:30 : Wednesday
night , a young fellow who was standing there
made haste to get out of view of
the ortlcers by skipping around to
tbo alley back of Newman's saloon and
up tlie stairs to the rooms on the second
Tbo oillcers followed , but for awhile were
unable to locate tbo man. He had hidden
himself In a cloak room and pretended
to be reading a newspaper behind the
door when the guardians of tbo peace
pulled him out.
At the station ho ghvo his name as Robert
Frink. When searched several letters from
bis mother in Chicago were found on him. in
ono of which it was stated that a warrant
for his arrest was out. Tbo police notified
the Chicago authorities. To a reporter
ho gave his name as Obancy Fayot
Frink , said it was none of the reporter's
business where bo lived in Chicago and re
fused to give any further information about
.himself , except that ho hail worked for tno
'Booth Oyster house there for three years
and landed in Omaha a week ago.
Kill her Steep
Than take In any other form is what many
people thimc , and Parks' tea is made for Just
those folks. It euros constipation , and though
not a cathartic , moves tbo bowels every day.
All druggists.
Oumlui KclinnU lit the I'ulr.
Superintendent Fit/patrlck has about com
pleted the arrangements for tbo phonographic
graphic exhibition of public t-ehool music
at the World's fair. It is tbo inten
tion to have the phonographic exhibition
open only about four hours each day , two
hours in the forenoon and two in the after
noon. This lUT.ingi'meni will do nway with
the expense of employing a mechanic con
tinuously. The phonographs will bo see
e < | nipped that llfteen to twenty people can
hear the music at each machine simultane
Tbo only oilier school exhibition of the
sumo nature yet introduced at tbo great fair
will be from Milwaukee. That will not In
clude music , but class recitations. Mr
Fit/patrlcksa.\s that the Milwaukee exhibit
will bo a unique and e.itcby one. but bo be
lieves the Omaha idea will bo ahead of it.
A HlKll I.1MT
Usually has a bad live.He is bilious ,
constipated , has indigestion and dyspepsia.
If there is m > organic Trouble a few doses of
Parks'Sure Cure will tone him up. Parks'
Sure t'-uro is the only liver and kidney euro
wo bell on a positive guarantee , price ? 1.00.
All druggists.
Itiiildlnt ; IVi-mlts ,
Tbo following permits to build were issued
yesterday by the inspector of buildings :
John Krlgstyiilnk , Twenty-ninth and
Klm.dni'llfni ; J 2000
J. II. Conrad , rnrty-thlrd iivi-mi'i and
Nicholas stiei'U , addition 600
Mary Sviiclna , 1313 South Fourteenth ,
cottage don
Seven minor purmlis 700
Ten permits , aggregating $ 3.70U
Old Big Muddy Again Endeavoring to Tcai
Away Its Banks.
Porcp ot Men Kept nt Work All
Nlfbt StrriiRtlinnliii ; the Hunk * of
thn Ither Immrino Property
Interests tn Hn ( litnrtlcil ,
With each recurring spring the turbid
Missouri emerges from its accustomed slot !
and lor n tlmo hurls its muddy ctirrenl
OJMinst its shores with a force which threatens
ens to overturn old landmarks and marli
out for itself a new path to its destination
When these periodic disturbances occur tin
bank at Florence lake Is subjected to the
full force of the swiftly rushing current , ami
fears arc always entertained that the watei
will wear tbo bank away and take a llyinu
leap from Florence lake to Cut Off lake , thus
laying waste the intervening railroad tracks
and ice houses.
The rapidity with which the water was
rising Wednesday evening and the mannei
In which the banks of the lake were yield' '
ing to encroachments aroused considerable
apprehension on the part of those who had
property Interests In the menaced territory ,
The river has reached that point whore
it practically connects with Florence
lake and as this lake extends down te
within about a mile of Cut-off lake the same
old fear arose as to the probability of the ;
water cuttinc through and sweeping away
the tracks that lead to ISast Omaha and to
Swift t Co.'s immense ice houses on the
north side of Cut olt lake. The fear was tea
a very large extent imaginary , however , for
the reason that Florence lake is not favor
ably located for the formation of a current
from the river. The lake stretches lenirth-
wise from northeast to southwest and the
water that comes into it from tbo river is
necessarily what might bo called back
water , as the river runs in almost a due east
direction where It connects witli the north
east end of the lake.
The danger which caused some apprehension
Wednesday night was occasioned by the work
of the wind , which was dri\ing tbo water In
huge waves against the embankment along
the south side of Florence lake and rauldly
eating away the barrier that held tbo waters
in check.
The destructive won : of , the wind-forced
waters was discovered and a force of
men was set to work repairing
the damage. They worked nearly all
night and nearly all day yesterday. Willows
were thrown in llrst and this mattress work
was covered with gunnysacks of sand and
stone , forming a very durable and substan
tial riprapping against which the waves may
dash and elo no dumairu. Tbo work of repair
ing tbo embankment was done by the Union
Pacific company and the owners of the largo
Ice houses located around Cut-off lake.
About llfty men -vero at work yesterday
and it is now believed that tbo
embankment is sufficiently substantial to
withstand any force of wind or water
that is likely to come against it.
The water is not so bl h as it was last
spring at the time so much excitement was
created by sensational reports being sent
over the country , and these having property
interests over there are not in the least
alarmed over the situation. The river is
now falling and the indications are that
whatever danger there may have been is a
thing of the past. A close watch will bo
kept on the movements of tbo water in
Florence lake , however , and the embank
ment along the south side will be strength
ened whenever it shows signs of weakening.
To et nt the Knots
Regarding Hooel's Sarsaparilla , ask the people
plo who take this medicine , or read the testimonials
menials often published in this paper. They
will convince ' that Hood's
certainly j'ou Sar
saparilla possesses unequalled merit , and
Hood's Pills cure constipation by restoring
the peristaltic action of tbo alimentary canal.
They are the best family cathartic.
Mr. Mantell repeats his masterly perform
ance in "A Face in the Moonlight" at the
Farnanrthis evening.
The vaudeville company which opens a
three nights engagement at the Uoyd this
evening is not only the best on the road to
day , but. is the peer of any specialty organ
ization ever seen on tbo stage. Its perform
ance is u variety ono avowedly , and not one
act of it but is in tbo care of the very best
iierobatie.terpslehorcan. musical or conjuring
talent. An entertainment to attend and
Do Mille's "Tbo Lost Paradise" comes to
the Boyd Monday and Tuesday next. This
line play will be interpreted by a Frobman
company , and that means the highest kind
of a performance.
Bobby Gaylor returns with his "Sport Me-
Allister" to the Farnam Sunday , and as : i
mirth-provoking farce comedy and a clever
comedian both have few equals.
Busy people bavo no tune , ana sensible people
plo have no inclination to use pills that make
them sick a day for every dose they take.
Thoyhavo learned that tbo use of Do Witt's
Little Karly Risers does not interfere with
tbeirhealtb by causing nausea , p.iin or grip
ing. Tbeso little pills are perfect in action
and results , regulating the stomach and
bowels so that headaches , dizziness and
lassitude are prevented. They cleanse tbc
blood , clear tbo complexion and tone up the
system. Lots of health in these little fel
Now Hospital Opened.
The new Presbyterian hospital , located ii :
tbo large four-story block on 'I lurteentli
street north of Capitol avenue , will bo opened
tomorrow and the ladies of tbo Presbyterian
church have decided to celebrate the event
by serving r. dinner and supper there to all
hungry folks who may desire to refrcsli
themselves at noon or in tbo evening by par
taking of a genuine Presbyterian dinner 01
supper. The building is thoroughly equipped
and thif > will servo as an excellent oppor
tunity for tbo public to see the in
terior arrangement and facilities ol
the new institution. The hospi'al has
been in operation about two years in the
north part of the city , but the facilities
there were not adequate to the demands ami
the trustees decided to move it to the center
of tbo city and secure the best facilities
that could be provided.
MiirrlitRt * l.leemrs.
The following marriage licenses were is
sued by County Judge Jiller yesterday.
Numound uddrus-i. Axe.
j.lohn r. Woodward , Council lllutTs , la _ 'JC
I ( 'aniline r. t'ay , Council Illull's , la . US
( August I'erlOmtiha . if !
j Dora l.utjun , Kll.linrn , Neb . 21
I llmihtm K. Yoc'uni , Onmhn . , . 'Jtl
1 Kiniiiu Unvun. Umithii . -J'
I Homer ti. Kindred , I'endur , Neb . 2
I llertli' M. Marten , Kansas Ulty , Mo . il !
t I.ouNJ. ( ielmniimi , Mil lard , Neb . 4'
'l llulda I.HUcrdorir , Chicago , III . -Jt
i 1'otnr Kfirrymun , Omaha . 40
I LouUo K. Hurry , Omaha . 40
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used iii Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard ,
Tlie lover seeks with plaintful sigh ,
' THE LOVtR Er.FORn USING JOHANN IIOIT's In vain his mistress to attract ;
MALT EXTRACT. He fails ; till ballad full lie SHUTS
And then the lover , Of Joliann Hoff's famed Malt Extract
Sighing like furnace , with a woeful
Johann Ilolfs Malt Extract has stood the
Made to his mistress' eyebrow. test of nearly half a century.
Pun iinsrrs nro warnril iigiiltitt liiipoildim mill ill < iii > ] mlii < inriit. Insist upon tlio
Genuine which mutt liuvu tlici il iiutiiro of" .IU1IAN.V IlLFl-'on ! thu neck laljul , ,
A book entitled "Shapcspcarc's Seven AIJCS of Man , " beautifully illustrated , sent free on application.
EISNER & MENDELSON CO. , Solo Agents , New York. .
Counts a great deal in
///is civilized age.
The number of dollars one spends
for Clothing1 is important
style , fit and quality are more so.
Will cover up the half worn out winter suit and make
yau presentable until summer time , and you needn't
mid-winter around with
drag your - storm-coat
you all through the Spring months. 'Let's take
your measure for a Handsome , Light Spring Overcoat
A i * fo tj f \ t At P" Ok "
At $18 up to $50-
Hundreds of kinds of Cloths to pick from.
Corner Corner
207 South Fifteenth Street.
TV T EVER buy cigars for your husband but
- buy him a box to put them in Our boxes
are thoroughly seasoned with perforated silve
linings cigars will always be fresh and retain
their flavor the boxes are of solid oak and silver
mounted very moderate in price.
FIFTEENTH AND noCdtit * , Oil All I ,
Ivfi JMS > fi ; s o.v
Are NltVMll Soil
IN HUI.IC , Makes a Very
ONLY IN BOTTLE3 Appropriate Gift.
WITH Itrlni us a WHITE silk hnnilkor-
BITTERS clilot anil wo will put your photograph
on It lloaiitirm affect. It will not
wish out-it It lirlolllilo.
We Do this Work
rortUOperHANDKEUOIIIKl' " from
nny photo raph you may urlnu 111 or
wo iimy liuvo of you. Call and oxum-
the full strength =
188 proof alcohol and for =
one day we will sell it for "
Hlfjh Photographer ,
1118-315-317 South Iflth Street.
$2.35 per Gallon =
But we can't sell but one =
gallon to a customer at =
this price. Boxing and
W. H. JM , .M. ! > . . No. lUilfJnrli I.I. ,
shipping i5c extra. r- . | lr TnK , U.'fs. ' cliltf co-utittinn fitiytlrinn oflhf
i > i'\ " 'in Y .II'EII i CIA 1. 1 N T ITUTB.IO fc - >
ivnit aK . ' "oil the OOLII MKL.U. by the NATH-NAl .
'itti'ltv , Ati-vr 'j , .Vrromaml/'Ayii' ' '
Angola * .
Wlao Liquor ami CT'ar 03 , , KKSKKVAT/ON. SOO pp 125 liivaluabl" | ) ft >
, '
. f .1 Tit. on' \ l ) n-il > ff' \
11C-I13 a ICth Su , Oinulia.
AND WOMIN AT OKCl , tiihct lot ) or l' "lini . ! ) . lu , 1
tci > icMni uk , ivcrUK ( uikiruuie our prmlej ir.atc.r
Juct.l out iru < li. Stenlemp1 > jfmenl
A MUnill ? T' ALAp M > : crjT..oU.t. V AHD UPtNSES .
I lo c mpttcnt ncitoni. Dun'l dtUy mcnienl but writ * I
MEDO-ELECTnO HAD CO. . Clnclnoitl , Ohlo. |
Friday morning at S odock we will inaug
urate our second GRAND GIFT SALE.
ALL DAY FROM S A. iM. TO 0 1 > . Al.
litisy ( living Away not only I'ciiiliiins , but liiirniiiiis in All Lines
Wild SI.OO Purchase. With $2,00 Purchase ,
Your choliH ) of crystal gli.Hs and Your ohuico of cloi'oruloil
decorated salt and popper shakers , vases , Inrfjo I'hiim orouin "it ,
toothpick liohlnrs , cream pitehois , fancy toothpick holders iiiitl various
oto. other articles.
Hh $3 Purchase. With $5,00 Purchase.
Your choie'o from sortpt1 lot
an ii
A lame ce le-e'tion of the Henry
of shears and scissors , iiiclucliiif , ' ,
Seymour rulohratcil shours , not n
pocket scissors , short and loiij ( pair worth loss 7.r > e to SI.'Jo. He-loot
trimmers tind wicU trimmers , worth
choice with 66.00 -
lOu to ( Wo pur pair ; quality A 1 , and your eluibo. every
every pair warranted.
Quanruulo silver plated toilet bottles , inkstands , pull boxes , vinegar
cruets , triple butter knives and other articles both useful and oriianiontal , as
bhown in our 10th street show windows.
Klogrftiit now line of hem
stitched nnd embroid
ered handkerchiefs. . . .
' chill'on
handkerchiefs. . .
Dress trimmings in Hack ,
colors and tinsel , worth
from 15 to IiO cents per
ChilTon laces , worthas
high as 4oc per yard. . .
Shopping bngs , slyles
tliat liavo boon selling
for 40c , 50c and 0"c
Ono lot of 75 capes , in all
wool material , with a
top bultorlly capo of
velvet , in light tan ,
medium tan , mahogany
brown , which cost the
maker much more than
wo soil thorn for. Re
member , this is a $10
A siiic waist that cannot
bo matched for loss than
$7.50 , raado of line qual
ity silk , nnd the latest (
styles in different col
A -5c towel for -I0c
A 17c towel for
A liJo ! towel for . .8ic
A $2.50 bed spread for. 98c
One lot of all wool short 7C , ,
pants , big bargain at / JL
Host red pure rubber lawn
liosc . .
A hose. good black rubber lawn 4c
A large floor broom , good 14c
straw and full
One lot of 20 sample bird
cages , worth $1 to ! Uin
each ; your choice Friday. .
A lot of printed challis ,
all colors ,
for 1 cent a yard ,
A lot of fine pongee cloth tlmt
is sold everywhere for ISo
per yard
See our quality and price them
try and match them. The largcslj
.sale of hosiery ever made in Omaha. ;
Ono case ladles' fast black
hosiery , with seamless foot
and guaranteed not to crock.
Try and mutch thorn for less
than lUc !
Doys' and girls' fast black
ribbed stockings tliat hnvo
boon Helling for 15 cents a
pair ; buy three pair Friday
for tlio prtco of one
Moil's flno , bulbrlggan under
wear , mndo of line combed
Egyptian cotton , worth
niu'cii more )
Men's fine neckwear tliat sells
for 23 and 33 cents , for . . . .
Ladies' very line guago
hosiery , iho daisy black ,
regular price 35c , for this
Halo 5u
Wo nro holding a MR lin-
cm , cotton and white goods
Halo. Prieos iinappronolf
( i'l-iiicli table damask 75C
75c quality for 49O
A $1.25 per do/en bleachedQO
napkin for . /OC
Scrub brushes 5CAN 8O
Feather dusters IOC
Sink brooms 2O
1 gallon glass-tin jacket
can at
The Daisy Cloth Wringer ,
like cut , iron frame , steel
springs , large white rubber
rolls , a regular $2.00 arti
cle , at
None to the trade Friday.
Sj-c-'cial sale on muslin underwear , scjond floor. A'so
parasols and children's silk and muslin caps. All of the above ,
land many more , at our GRAND SICCOND GIFT SALE
16th and Farnam.