THE OMAHA JUILY FRIDAY , APRIL 14 , 1893. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Compared with Wednesday's ' Closing Price , May Wheat is Lower. WHEAT OPENED IN A NERVOUS MANNER In Corn There Wn Not Much Support to Value * nt tlin Hturl , llio Crowd Inclliicil to Sell. CHICAGO , 111. , April 13. Compared wlthyes- tcrdfiy'a closing prlcu May whunt If Cc and July He lower. This H nearly tlio inside price readied today. The market was stagnant at tlio close , but could hardly bo called steady. Corn Is oimo also and thu only strength In tlio speculative markets was In provisions , which closed with another fair-sired advance. Wheat opened 'ic under lust night's figures for May , with the market In suspi'iiso and ready to respond to the least manipulation. The crowd was expectant and eager , and with thoclaiigltigof the big bull , thu men Jumped to work. In a short time theie wasa lively MUIIIU. Tliu iNiltom fell from niinsilpnort and the tulltTN who had bought last evening with the expectation of a bull market this morning dropped their offerings like hot potatoes anil the sac was still fuilher assisted by a decided lack of support. Aside finm manipulation , the icpi.rli'd hirgc hank failure In Australia HlTcctcd the marlvet loMMne oitcnt and pos- Hlbly there may be an impression that tliuurop damage wiisi'xiiggt rated. In I'litn theie was not iniicli support to values ul the Mart , the eiowd being Inclined to sell , Inlliieih-ed by the blight ncutlier , and when they lien i ill hat wheat ns selling nlTtliey Iticifused tlii'lrollerlngM , lesiilllng III a decline of 'ii' Iliiylng bj a few of the I a reef concerns on oideis to cover shoits , the price lolled up to opt n llMirrs , leached ' .c again and closed with a full ' ! > loss. A small lot of No. it was worked for dlicct export to l.hcrpool at il'ii- iindnr May. The croud M'emcil all waiting for a deniuiid for the Jiirgr stork of cash held and mull such llnirs come do not look for a gloat deal .f Improvement In values nnil are cnnsu- ( lUrntly leliiclant about puichaslng. The market for outs at the opening was steady , but later pilces receded ftoiii V to ? . ( ( The near fiittlles helm : Ilie weitkest , a re action of from ' | C to ' „ < followed , lint did not hold and prices uiraln receded Tiom ' < < to ' - ( ' and the close was easy at about the Inside1 ligiiies , with a net loss of from 'tc ' to 7 c. The best l > uv Ing wis : by shorts. Offerings of proUslons were not very large , wlille : i good mUcellanediis ( temnnd picvalled h'ujiplleo of hi s fin liberal prices eie main tained , domestic marketH were generally Mionuer and Liverpool advices Indli'aled n ( irm feeling for bacon. Ifecelpls of pioduct- llKlit and shipments fair. The Unlit stocks Ii the west had Mime Influence In slienutbenlnp the market gcneially. Tin ) inatuet eloscil Mcady at about medium llgiliet. Iaid gulni'i lOc fin May and July but Uunchanged foi September. Itlbs are from fie to 7'jC hlghei than yesterday. Kstfmated lecelpts of hoes for tomorrow an 10,000 head. The estimates on gialn were un obtainable. The lending futures ranged as follows : AIITll'l.lfS. 01-K.V Illflll. I.O\V. CI.OSL' . YKS'V \Vlmat.No2. April . . . . 81 84 TS 84Mi TSbO Way Mi bO BUMi July . 6-i7ii Com."so. J April 4D 40 Mnr 4IH Inly . . . . II'6 ' Onto So S.- Mny . . . 28H SNti 28 ! i .luno . . . . MI * 2'.l July Sb-i , WCKB I'ork. . Mny n ; m II ! ' . ' 3 ic m II ! K July III W i ; i : m b.-i 17 174 2i' < tOlt. | . . 17 00 17 W4 ! 17 'JO 17 I7H l.nnt- ' " ' 10 10 10 10 10 no 10 ur > * Ju'ly. . . ! 10 20 IU SI 10 on 10 U7J-J ' ' 1U 'M lO 3J 10 17 > i 10 ' ) v tluiit ililis' ilny 9ff. 9 K n M July a 40 9 I" ' hotit . . . . OC7W j 41) ) y M Ciikh limitations were as follows : Ki.ot'ii-Steady and iiiichanjjed. WHEATNo. . 2 sprlnc , 78e ; No. 3 spring , f. o. 1) ) . , fil,75cj ( No. 2 rod , 78c. Toms No. 2 , 30'sc ; No , 3 , 38c ; No. 3 yellow , 30 < 340'ic. UATH No. 2 , 285ja20c ! No. 2 wlilto , nc Kales ; No. 3 white , 32'ic. HYENo. . 2. 50c. llAllt.KY-No. 2 , 02c ! No. 3 , f. o. b. , 43U50e No. 4. f. o. h. , 344 Ic. Ki.Ax.SKr.n-No. 1.81.17. TlllOTHVHKEli-I'rlme , J4.20. 1'OIIK Jli'M , nor hbl. , G.7510.87'J. I.ard per 100 His. , * 10.0O(2,10.02'i ( ; short ribs side' ) , J.5Kf ! ) ( 0.55 ; dry salted shoulders ( hoxedi , } 9.2.V&0.37i ! ; shorteloar sides ( boxed ) , * 10.00 < iU0.05. WJIISKV DNtlllcra' finished goods , per a ! . , (1.15 , SUOAHS I'nchaimed ; cut loaf , 5.'ie ; gran ulated , u'.e ; standard "A , " 5 3-lGc. The following vvero thu receipts and ship ments for today : On the I'roiluco exchaiifro today thn butter market. WIIH steady and unchaiiKcdiacreainery ZWt'ilc : dairy , 120HJ-J5c. Kges , btronsi strictly Irtish , 15iUie. _ Oniuliii ( iral'k , Thu following prices are for delivery at Mis sissippi river points : WIIKAT-NO. 'Jsprlni ; , 7-lc bid ; N'o. 3 snrliiK DHebldiNo.Jhard , Die bid ; No. : i hard , 5 i bid. bid.OATSNO OATS-NO , a white , 31'ic bid ; No. 3 white UOi.c bid. COUN No. a cash or April , 30 < jc bid ; No. ! or better , cash or April , 3dc bid. Aiiioni ; the sale.s were : 1'lvocars No. 3o better corn , upper Mississippi river points ten days shipment , . ' ! ( > ' ie. New Vnrlc AliirkrlH. NKW Voinc , Apilll : ) . I'l.oi'll ' liecolntH. 18 , 400 | ikjf. ; exports , 5,000111)11. ) , ll.tiOO sncki mien , ID.OOO pkas. ; market quiet and bifiol' steady. COUN JIiiDull : , steady. llviv-Qult't , Hti-udv ! western , 58fiC2c. HAHI.KVOulet but llrm. IIAUI.KY MAI.T Dull , steady ; western , C ! WHKATV Ilfeelpts , 800,0001m. ; evports , 221' , 70O tin. ; sales , liiO5OOO bu. futures , 12MOO ( till , spot , r > pol market dull and lower with op tlonsrlnsliiK linn. No. 2 red III store and ele valor , 77Vic ; alloat , 7H'ji7H'-4c ( ; f , o. h. , 78J 7UHoj No. 1 novlliern. M-l5 Ht' < e : No. l hnnl 87'ie ; No. a northern. H2fi HU L * . Optionopenei steady and unchanged to 'Bc up , declined ! ? Jfc as followlni : the west , with cables easlu and IOIIKS riMillxliu ; ; advanced UC't'iiC on cover Inp and closed steady at U'n.'ic decline on i dull trade : .May , 77' < c , closliiK at 77 , c ; .Inn 1 1 , m\ei 4/SiliOo ; steamer mixed , 50 650 > 4e ; No. 3 , 41 C41HC. Oiith , us were dull and Irregular , de ellnlii ) ; early 'ti- with the west , and wheat nil vnnced tc on Wall street ImyltiK and loca coverlnt ; , fell c and closed weak at " ® . , ! under yesterday ; .May. 47 t i47ie , closing a 47'4C ; June , . | 7r.c ; July , 48'ie. OATS Uecelpts , 42.000 bu. ; e.\ports. 14.OOI bit , ; sales , bu. futures , hu kpot. t-'iiotH dull , lower. Options dull weaker. May. 33'j 33 c,1 closing at 33 ec June , aatfi- ; July . 33 > 4c ; spot No. 2 white , 41 G40'/c ; No. aChleaKO. 37fi No. 3 , 35c ! ; No U white. 3K' ' , < fc31)c ) ; mixed western , 3Uii38e ( whltu western , 3044Jc. L H AV I'lrm ; fair dcniaiid. HornKlrm.iiuiet. . I'liOVlBiONs-Oiit meats , ijulet , llrm ; iilcklei bellies. 12 His. , JU.30 ; middles , dull , lirm Laid , opened slionuer , rlosetl easy ; westeri Menm elided at t Ui.25'.f.lO. III. Sales , none Option salus , none. May closed at * lo.3Q July closed at 10.40 ; September cltKud n 110.50 , I'ork , iiulot , llrm ; old mess , $17.75 now ini'ss , fiu.'jjj , ItUTTEit Demand modernte , about steady Klplns,27lt' " : "CUVL * f""c'J' > 8tt'"y ! " : vr ' . Kius Easier ; receipts , 10,530 pl < Ks. ; westeri Xresli , U lUii4idmk : , ; ( , 35y.3Hc TAI.M ) > -Qnlti | , easy. roTTONSBKi ) Oti.-iasy , quiet ; crude , 40J 4l'ie ) ' ; yellow , 45c. J'Klluil.m'MTho market was practical ! ] m-Klected , but tlrm In tone throughout , roiin sylvanla oil , spot sales , none ; .May optloi hues , 0,000 bills. The only quotation wa 00 40. Lima oil. 29e ! bid. Total sales , O.OLM bbls. KOSIN- Dull , weak. TtHii'KSTiNi ! Moieac'llve , flrmer at H.13 HICK Inlrly Meady , quint ; domestic fair ti extra , 34C5lc : Japan. 4' { 4 e. Jloi.Assr.sNew Orlemi- , , open kettle , KOud t ( choice tlrm. fairly active. tiuilAii-- Haw quiet , llrm : sales , 32.OOO bans , UU test , at 34e ? ox-shlp. ; rellnei I'm IKON Quiet , steady ; American , f 12.751 16.50. Coi'l'KiiSteady i lake , f 11.30. LKAD - Kasy , qulflj domestic. $4.10. TINI'll inert Straits , t20.H5'it-JO.uo : plntes < iulei. steady ; b | > eltcr , quiet , llrm ; domestic M.t4o. ; HIDU.SNo , 1 Kiveu , 4c ; No. 2 Kreon , 3c : No 1 Kreen , salted , 4' . c ; No 2 Kreen , salted , 3e * No. 1 urcen , salted , 25 lo 40 Ills. , 4'icj No. 1 green , salted , 25 to 40 Ibs. , 3'Jci ' No. 1 voivl ulf. H to 15 Ibs. . He ; No. 2 veal calf. H to Ii Ibs. . ties No. 1 dry Hint. 7 > fo ; No. 2 dry ulnt fc'ii'i No. I dry halted , Go. Illco Crop 1H1CJ-1S03. Thorlcocrov of the United States ii uo\ prnctlrnlly In Kljtht nnd followlnj ? estimates nro Klveit out. liy MIWM , Tnlmaso'H Hons. Now York ! The flower of promise In early ftiiinmor was fully redeemed nnd result * prove of mammoth proportions doubly mnfrnlllcent I. is. In quantity and quality. Louisiana will fractionally exceed 7. . " > o i.oiK ) buxheUt I'aro- llna. Inclusive of HIP ( ii'Ilnas ' and ucnrKia , 2.MiOMMlitnlils.M't'iliu ( | In newer state' ' ) , 250,000 buihBis : I ' ) ,73'.0i ' ( ) hUHliels roiiKh , rnual s.-iy J.'ui.iiOO.OHOiMiundsof cleaned or edible rice , of which 130,000,000 pounds have been marketed. The crop Is 00 per cent uruatcr than the pro ceeding one. In fact by far exceeds any pre viously made.iind over two and one-half times the average rice crop before the war. Onmhii Product ) Mnrknt. The .sudden chatmo to cold nnd unpleasant weather hud a rather depressing eirect upon the markotand trade was quiet , Prices Ronerally vvero uiichaneed. T hero were no fresh receipts of strawberries and the market wns practically bare of 15001 ! shipping slock. nilTTKIt , KOOS , OAMR , I'HIII.TIIV. IltnTEit-l'aRhlmjstoc.k , lOTUSo ; falrtogooa country roll , 1'JiWli ; ; uholco to fiincy country , 22 2lc. Kocisaencrnl market , 13ilii'5c. : tH.MB Mixed ducks , tlOB475e ; red head ! ) . 12 ; malhirds , J2.001S2.50 ; teal , ? ( ; Jack Snlues. tl.25. I'OL'l.Tltv Choice lien , lOc ; mixed coops , Oc ; old roosters , 5ifl ! > ej uet'Mi and ducks , HWM Ic ; turkeys , llo ; plseons1.25tt 1.50 per doz. live. VIOKT.UIMS. : : I'KAS Per > ii-lU. box , 75c. HiiANs-flioliM' navy , $2.30S2.45 ; common stock , Jl.lWiW. no. , CAI.IKOItNH ' . ' . .MIIIAOn-IVl- ) . . 2lJT7.3l1. t'ft'Miiiiis-'liolce. : : ( pur dofl.50iiU.00. . HwBKTl'OTATOiw-1'er bbl. , } 5scedsvveet ; po tatoes , f3.50. ONIOXHHome crown , on orders to country , ft per bhl. liood Ntock slopped In from country , tl.l.lTtl..Ti per bu. I'orATWM Colorado stock , } 1.10al.l5 ; Wisconsin Inn-hanks , DOo'Stl.OO ; western Nebraska , OOi-Jttl.oO ; eastern Nebraska stock , 751) ill Ic. NKW : ! : I.ctluro , 40c ; radUhes , 4Oc : paisley , 40c per dogreen ; onions , 25H35C. 1'IK l'l.ANT-1'er 50-lb. boxes , n.00t2,1.50. niflTS. Al'i'l.r.s- f'hiilccshlpplm ; stock , ft. 50 per bbl. ( iiiAi-i : rnriT-l'orijov. % J.7iTi.3.oo. OUAMOKlorlda : i-iisstiits , $3.50 ; Me\lcan oramL'5 , single boxes , t ! ) 25 ; Callforula inoun- talu or.inges $2.5(1Vaslilmtoii ( ; navels , H ; Newcastle California .seedllnas. J2.UOa2.75 ; Med. sVM'ets , rJ.7."i : Itlvei-slde seedlings t-.73. HANANA * Per IIIIIIL-II. Including cr.ites and pncklng , tl.7Bfa.Ml. CHASinnnirH--l : : > ei' box. * 3.75. I J'.MO.NSChoice , i3.50t6l.00j fancy , tl.OOS iisrni.i.\xr.orf < . II A v The market on good upland hay , JO In car lots. lloxnv Choice to fancy white clover , 183 1'Jc ; fair to good , Ii.l8c. ( ( . VKA i. Choice and small fat veals , 75JSc ; and thin , .TffiOc. llnvlness ( 'h inies. The following are reported at Dun's Meican- Ille agencv : oinalia , U. P. Hleam llakery company , Incor- poruled with canltal slock of } 5O,000. Omaha , Omaha Tinware Manufacturing company , will discontinue. Omaha , K U. Hell , giocerleH , gave bill of sale of stock for tOOO. Unite. Neb. , Max Arendt , damages , cloiod under cliatlel innrlL'H-'c. Ityron , Neb. II. II. Kiniball , agent , general store , will dlM-oiitliiile. I'reniont , Neb. . I' . M. Stnadman , photog rapher , will dlsconllnue. Fremont , Neb , II. < ! . Hrellenfeld , manufac- tuier of cigars , succeeded by llreltenfeld & Uumb. rremont , Neb. , Parlor furniture and Mat tress company , incorporated , capital stock , ! 100,000. Lexington , Neb. , S. A. Dunn , meat market , succeeded by Large & .lames. WlnneUiiin , Neb. , .1. T. Cnlhertson , general store , succeeded by ,1. T. Sherbrook. Wood Hlvcr , Neb. , I' . N. Taylor , hardware and Implements , gave bill of sale of stock for JS.liOO. Dubuiie | , la. , lubuiiin ) ] Stamping and En ameling company , burned out. Clreenlleld , la. , A. M. Tuague , harness and di ngs.old out harness. Nevr Hampton , la. , S. Nargang , meat market , sold out. New Hampton , la. , McDonnell & Arnold , groceries , A. McDonnell sells his Interest. StI , ouls .Markets. ST. Louts , Mo. , April 13. I'l.ouii Weaker ; patents , t3.30Q3.45 ; \tr.-i fancy , J3.003.10 ; others unchanged. WIIIJAT Started JaW e up but declined on selling , closing 3.icoir ; No. 2 , red east , C7c ; May , ( IHSao'J'jf , closing c oir. COHN Dull , weak , ' | c oil' ; No. 2 mlxedcash , higher ; 3rii3l' i/c ; May closing 'irjc. OATS Weak , ? ao olT ; No. 2 cash. 31'/jc ; May , 30 ; c. I'liovt.aiONS Dull , unsettled. Pork , standard mess , lobbing , new , $17.00. Lard , t'J.75. Dry salt meats , loose shoulders ,'J'i ; longs and ribs , iO.J5 ; shorts , $ 'J.70 ; boxed , 15cmore. Itacon , unchanged ; packed shoul ders , 110.25 ; lonss , .flO.37'5 ; ribs , J10.50 ; shorts , $10.1)24. ) Hams , iincliaiiged. IttiTTini I'lrm and unchanged ; choice separator rater creamery , 27i,2Hc ( ; choice dairy , j'it.'Mc. HKCEIPTS Klour , 4,000 bills. ; wheat , 21,000 bu. ; con. 70,000 bu. ; oats , 18,000 bu. ; rye , none ; barley , none. Smr.MK.NTH Flour , 0,000 bbls. ; wheat , 20,000 bu. ; corn , 150,000 bn. : o.its , 11,000 Liu. ; rye , 4,000 bu. ; barley , 1,000 bu. KuiiHiiHIty Market * . KANSAS UITV , Mo. , April 13. Wheat and rye are quoted on the basis of Mississippi river points ; com and oats on the basis of Kansas CItv. CItv.WIIISAT Slow , steady prices. No. 2 hard , 60 QGlc ; No. 2 red , 0314 < itMc. COUN Firmer genera lly , though wlilto sold very slow and He lower ; No. -nixed , 33ja ! 31c ; No. 2 white. 35' Je. OATH Steady ; No. 2 , mixed , 28O28'5c ; No. 2 white , 31 4.11'tc. IlinTKUSteady ; creamery , 25U30c ; dairy , Ko"is Firm at 12'JfM3e. ' ( . Uix-KllTS Wheat , 10,000 bu.j corn , 1,000 bu. ; irits , none. Siiti'.vti.vrs-Wheat : , 39,000 bu. ; corn , 1,500 bu. ; oats , none. Cotton M-irki'l. Niw ; Oiti.r.ANs. La. , April ' ' ' IJood'iiilddilng.'s'uc ; middling , 7 1-lllc ; good oiilliinry. 7 3-10c ; net lei-eiptH , 3,200 liales ; gross receipts , 3,537 bales ; exports to the con tinent , 208 bales ; ales , 0,000 baies ; stock , 24 1 ,4 02 ba I es , _ Xmv Vorlc Dry < ii > , > .U M irkt't , Niw : VOHK , April 13.lluslness In dry goods was without chiuui' . As ID apiicuranri.s the market was vrj quiet , but them was every reason to believe that consld"iable new bubf- ness was belli ; : done In staple cottons as well as In woolen fiinrlcs In a quiet way. Of course , cotton llannels aie In special Intuiest at this time , but them is enough ih'umml also In cer tain jilaiii and colored cot tons to lead to ex pectations of a wider movement In the near future. _ Liverpool .Markets. LivKliroou April \ViiBAT-QnIot ; de mand moderate : holdeis oll'er moderately ; No. 1 California , GsM > i Id per cental ; led western spring , Os 4'jdUOs 5d ; No. 2 red winter - ter , 5slO'ios lid. COHN Steady , demand moderate ; mixed western , 4s 3'd per cental. HKIK : K.xtra India mess , 7s Dii per tierce. I'otlK Prime mess western , 87s Oil per bbl , MtiiiiK.tpnliH U'lioat Alitrk t. MlNNiiAt-ot.ts , Minn. , April 13. Trade was light today ; cash wheat held up vvell and pro- mlum over May was maintained ; No. 1 north ern , O7'ic ' ; No. 2 northern. lio&GO'tC. Uecelpts , l'J3 cars. Close : April , Oft Uc ; .May , 0i'Be ( : July , GOc. On track : No. 1 hard , 08 ' e ; No. 1 northern , G7ue ; No. 2 northern , Ouc. . Mllvv.iukeu .Miii'Kitts. MK.WAUKKK , WIs. , April 13. WIIKAT Steady , July , 78c ; No. 2 spring , G8 ( , bOo , CoilN-guiet ; No. 3 , 3'J'ie. OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , a34Je | ; No. 3 , HAHI.KV O4'jc , ltVK-55c. I'liovistoNSFirm. . I'ork , May , (10.80. 1'lilhulclplilu ( iraln Al'irknt. Pilli.AiiKl.l'itiA , Pa. , April 13. WHEAT Mar ket declined ; No. 2 red , April , 75J , < ii75 , ! c. COKN- Options weak and lower ; No. 2 mixed , April , 48U < i/.48'to. OAI > Car lots weak ; futures dull and un changed ; No. 2 while , Aptll,40',4i41e. Collre .Vlurki'l , NEW YOIIK , April 13. Ontlnnsopened steady , iinehanged to Hi points down , closed weak at 2lKi 30 points down ; sales , : ; 3,0tlli bags. Includ ing : Aprll15.4.M(15.55 ; .May , $15.30ii15.45 ; ; June , n&.15'iAl.-.35 ; July , fl5.25u,15.30. ( t pot KIu , dull , vveak ; No. 7 , { 10,25. ( 'tllClllll.Ul .11 U-ril-tli. OISOINXATI. O. , April -WHEAT Slow and baielv steady ; No. 2 red , t' 8c. COUN llarely steady ; No. 2 mixed , 43c. OATSJnlei ; .No. 2 mlxeil , 33'je. ' rirm ; JI.15. llallhiiiirn tinit < .il irltct. UAI.TIVIOKI : , Md. , April 13. WIIKAT Steady ; No. 2 , red spot nnd April , 7 [ > ' . . , l 'tins Firm : , 4 * ye. OATH--Steud } : No. 2 white wcttern , 41c. Tnledn ( ir.iln Uiirltet , TOLEDO , o. , April -WIIKAT Lower but steady ; No 2 cash April , 7.V. foils Dull , steady : casli , 41' , c. y.isli , : i4c. M'OL'Kh AND IIO.MH. N bruikt' .Maximum Itulc l.avv JliiUInc It- rll I'elt AIIIOII ( ; Spceiil.itor . NEW YOIIK , April 13-Tho ( .pcculatlvo tem per of the Stock exchange underwent u marked change tndny. The henrs worn In the ascen dant and succeeded In bringing about a gen * oral decline on the fecllnr'jf uncertainty cre ated by continued gold shipments lo K.uropr * . It was currently ro ported that t2.OOO.000 gold would go forward by Maturday's steamers and that anywhere from t3OOO,000 to i5,000,000 would bo chipped next week. This would tiring the treasury gold reserve bolowr the tlOO.000,000 mark , In which event the bears claim with conlldenco that they would succeed In bringing about a seri ous disturbance in values. On the other hand , It Is said that leading bunk er.s and others who presumably un derstand the financial situation , take any thing but a gloomy view of the outlook , and the fact that Dro.xel , Morgan .t Co. have un dertaken the work of reorganizing the ulch- mend Terminal Is accepted as proof positive that that llrm takes a hopeful view of the money market. It was stated at one time this afternoon that Lazard Feres had taken tl.OOO- 000 gold and lleldelbach-Klulielhelmer a sim ilar amount for shipment on Saturday. The latter firm will not ship any gold on that day unless they receive peremptory orders from their foreign correspondents to morrow. The signing of the maximum freight bill by Oovernor Crounso of Nebraska was another argument used In favor of lower prices. Dur ing the afternoon the pressure to sell became finite pronounced and the dealings were at tended with considerable excitement. Man hattan , which had advanced 4 points to 17'i'i on the granting of now privileges to the com pany by the Uapld Transit commission , broke tolfU'fj. The remainder of the list yielded'i to I'o ' per cent. Missouri I'acllic was sold down from 53 to 41) ) ' , , Snitnr from 1O33. to lol'j , Distilling and Cattlefeedlng from ln ! to 20'4 ' , Lead from 41'i to 3 ! ) ' , , Cotton Oil from 48 to 40 , lliirlington & Ijnlnry from OO'i to 04' ' , , Chicago Has from 00 to 88' { , UorU Island from 841 , to 83 , Lake Slime from 132' < to 13O ; New Kiigland from 33' , to 31'4. and Northern I'acillc pre ferred from 42J4 to 40y. National Starch broke 3'i to 2' ' , p.-r cent and rallied to 23. Distilling and Cattlefeedlng was weak on the unfavorable character of the annual report rendered to the meeting In Peorla yesterday. Northern Pacific pieferred was sold on the olllclal statement of earnings for March , shovv- Ing a decrease of $24 1,340 , as compared with 1H < J2. There Is no doubt that the hulk of the selling was for the short account , althoii'-'li some long stock naturally came out as the decline made progiess. Richmond Terminal advanced on the knowl edge that Drexel , Morgan .X : Co. , had con cluded to goon with the orgaiil/.atlon. The market closed heavy In tone. The Post says : In view of the measures adopted by the gold exporting bankers for it speedy Idling of the Austrian contracts , the condition of tin- treasury once more deserves attention. The government has pra.-tlcally ceased lo receive gold In exchange for cur rency and Tuesday's exports have now re duced the gold b.ilance by very nearly the full amount of the shipments. There Is now in the tieasury less than fil.UOO.OOO over the floo- OOO.OOO reserve , ami If piesent Indications are tl iistwortby the shipments hv the next steamers will exhaust even this. Then1 would of course be no occasion for alarm , even If the til Ml OOO.oi ill leserve were to be liuaded , but the Importance of thu change lies In Its bearIng - Ing on the iUi'stlon ] of a bond Issue. That London bankers have been preparing for such a loan cannot be doubted , and If the bonds are lo be Issued at all , the proper occasion would seem to bo when the gold reserve Is trenched upon. The following are the closing tin Millions of the leading stocks on the New York bto K ex change today : Cotton \ II rcrt Del. IIudson lllclimonirr'rraln'l. I ) . U AW H.I do prufurrt'd 40il 1 ? . X It. i ; pf'd Illo ( irnniloV. . . . . . il I ) . A C. t' . Lo 2CU ilm KunlTunu * * Itock lalanil ( .3 Krlc- St. t'nul 17 ilo preformed do proferrcd Foit Wayne St. I'nul , < c Oinnhn. . . ( it. Nortliurn pf d. . . 110 do prutorruil 118 I' . A K. I pfil 110Wi Soutliurn I'nclflo . . . Mucking Valley. . . . " Kiir llullnury Illinois ( 'mitral. . . . 102 Tenn. Coal A Iron. . ,4 , , M. 1'aiil .t Oulutli . . 44 'czas 1'acltlc Knn. A Ton pf'd . . . Tol. A o. I'cn. pf'd. . I.nko KrluVost. . . . Union Pacific. . . . . . . sa do preferred 711 U. . Kxprosu l.nko rilioro ! ; W. St. L.A 1' Lund Trust do pruforrcd l.ouli. , t Nash \Voll Karao Kxp. . . I.oulu. \ New Alb'y. \Voaturn Union . . . . Mtinhpttan Con 1C i Wbucllnit A I. . U . . Memplda A ( bnVn 40 do proterrod 67U .Michigan I'onirnl. . 100 Minn A St. 1. Mlimourl 1'aclllc . . . I'J I ) . & n. u Mobile 4 Ohio J8 ( icteral Klcctrlc. . . . NoslivllloClmtt J8S8 .Nntloiml l.lnsoad. . . 33 National Cordano. . 65 r. Fuel A Iron Uti do proferrad 1U7 do proferrcd sou N. J. I'ontrnl lions. \ To i. Con. . . 34 Norfolk A W. pf'd. . Tol. A. A. A .V. M. . 3SU North Amorlcin Co Tlio total sales of stocks today were 305,300 shares , Including : Atchlrion , 7,400 , Hurling- ton , 14fiOO ; Chicago ( ias. 10.UOO ; Delaware , Lackawanna & Western , 0,300 ; Distilling r > 0- 000 ; Lake Shore , 3,100 : .Manhattan , 7,700 ; Missouri I'acllic , 3,000. National Lead , B.HOO : National Cordage , 8,000 ; New Kiigland , 7,000 ; Northern 1'aclilc preferred , 8,000 : North western. 3,400 ; Heading. ill,300 ) ; Richmond Terminal , 13,700 ; Kock Island , 4,700 ; St. Paul , 17.300 ; Sugar , 30,1200 ; Tennessee Coal .t Iron , 0,700 , New York Money Jlnrkot. Nr.w Voiuc , April 13. MONEY o.v CAM. Kaslcr at 3'iCt4'i percent , last loan 4 , closed oll'ereil at 4 percent. PUIMK.MEIICXNTII.B PAPKII Offi7 tier cent. STUiu.iNtiK.xuiiANUC I'lrm , with aotnal bus iness in bankers' hills at tl.HOJi for sixty days , and $4.HM'S for demand. CiOVUUN.MK.NT ItONtis Easier. State bonds dull. Tliucloiliu quotations on bonds : Itmldii stock limitations. IlOHTON. Mass. , April 13. C.'all loam , . tier cent ; tlnm loans , 6' ' t' ' . 7 per cent. Tlio follow ing me the cUnlni ? u notations on stocks , bonds and mlnlnishatos : I'lnanelil Noti'j. KANSAS Ou-v. .Mo. , April 13. Oloarlugs' OMAHA , Aurll 13. ClearliiKs , (1 , 141,314 ; same day lateek , 11,070,108. NKW VOHK , April ta.-t'Iotirliifcs , 1115,250- 70U : hiiliiiici'JOb.i.OUH. . HAI.TIMOHK , Md. , A pill 13. Clearings , $2,544- 022 i hiiliiueuK , } 54O'J1i 1. Jloiiev " , U pur cent. rnil.AiiKi.i'iliA , Pa. , April 13.-t'learln stl2- 016,100 ; halaiiiies , il , 54 1 , 501. Money , 4' , ' 5 tier cunt. MKMIMIIS , Tenn. . April 13. Now York o\ . ehaiiKe sullliu at ii.M. Ulearlniis , } 282,04U ; halauees , J'Jl 8J1. t'l.NCINNATI. ( ) . , April 13. Money , 0 p.r eeut ; Now Y.irk e\ei ! iiu , 81) ) , ' iiroinliiin. C'learlllKs , 2,487,540. Nr.w UHI.KVN. * , l/i. , Aiirll 13. t'loarlit i , } 1,24G.135. New YorU e\ehiinju 75i'j huni tl.5l ( per H ,001 1 premium. ST. Loi'fA , Mo.A | > rll 13. I'lonrlnirs. f 1,728- 727s halaia-CN. J547.O11. Mon y , int'1 i > rcetit. Kvi-liaiue on Now York , OOo premium. IUHTOM. Mass. , April -flearlnck , } 18 , . 701,0114 ; Diilaiice.s , tl.0li4.000. .Moniw , 5 > < iO iier cunt , i\eluuiooii : ; Xuw York , 17o di-scount ! liiiu.tnu.lll. . April 13.-CluariiiKB , 117,032- 0 02. Now York tiehango , bOo premium Sterling oxi'hi iiKOslM\KtMxly-dnyhlll \ ! , * 4.8G | demand , ! 4.H8V ) . , I'Aiiis , April 13.Tlirno per rent renter , 05f 87o for the aecounf , 'Tho weekly italoment of the Hank of Franco MIOWH n decrease of 575- OOOf pold and 075,0iOf silver. LONDON , April 1.1 the Imlllou lit the Hank of KiiKland lucrens a li 1 (0,000 ( ditrlUK tnojmst week. The proportToti of the Hank of him- ImidN re ervo to ItitUllltv , which last week win 44.15 per cent , \i \ now 47.02 per cent. OMAHA Huppllrii of All.Sort Turn the I'rlci's ' , 'k ' Tlll'ltSIMV , April 13 Receipts for the week so farcoinpared-wlth hist show an Increase/ nearly 3,000 cattle and 5,500 hogs , wlill'o sheep , .supplies have fallen olT ahout 1,000 head. Thu supply was comparatively light , but 04 cars , and the quality as a rule decidedly In- different. As usual on Thursdays , the outsldo demand was merely nominal , and on this account the very moderato olTorlmts appeared ample for the requirements , and the market , while Kcnerally llrm , showed no quotnhtu ad vance. Sellers started out asklni ; higher prices , hut met with little siuves * . as none of the buyers nero anxious enough Mr Ilie cuttle to piy ; moro than steady prices , hut they were wllllua apparently to take all they could Kef on thut hiisls. There were some heavy cattle here , hut none that weie strictly choice. I'u'tty Rood 1,200 to 1,350 Ih. Deevi-s $ f.05' 1,050 to 1.230 Ih Hteer.s at from J4.30 to tt.OO. OlVer'iiKs ' Included an unusually liinw pereent ago of common llpht half fat steers , welchlnc from 800 Ilu upward , that the dressi-d heef men bought at KOOI ! strung feeder prices from $3. OO to $4.25. There was very lltflo stiup to the movement but nenrly overv IhliiL of any eonseiUence was disposed of during the forenoon. The very limited uliVrlints of rows and mixed stock produced a llllle Ilimer ton6 to the trade and prli'cs ruled a shade better all around. I/ess than a fourth of the ollVrliix's came under this head , and they all sold early at from JI.5O for poor . stock toI for choice fat cows , rnlr to good bulclii'i.N- cows sold largely at from if'.oT ) to f 3.115. HnlN and oxen were In very fair demand at good , lirm prices , common to good stock ruling at from J2.10 to ! ) .75. There VMISIIO particular chati''e lit the calf market , common largo to choice veal calves Helling at from fj to $ . "i.5o. The Mocker and feeder trade has picked up very satisfactorily In the past few days. There wete liberal oll'ei-ing-i of bold fresh and stale cattle In the yards today and , both country dealers and yard speculators taking hold freely , Ihe movement was lively. Sales out of llrst hands were at fiom M.45 to 4,30 very largely and Included over 3OO held of west erns at fiom fil.HO to ft.25. Present high prices si'i'in to Indicate abounding faith In fit- line higher prices for heef sti'ers , as present figures would hardly prove very lemuneratlvo to feeders. Itepre eiitath e sales : tiioxsnu IIKIP. No. Av. I'l. No. Av. I'r. Av.S53 4. . 805 $3 75 3 . . S53 $4 23 3. . 870 3 00 25. . . 007 4 25 20. . 830 3 00 13 . . 1100 4 30 21 . 745 3 05 24. . . 1050 1 30 7. . 021 4 00 17. . . 1230 4 35 38 , . 871 4 00 10. . . 1070 4 35 4 . 702 4 10 21. . . 1058 4 35 . 014 4 H ) 18. . . 1100 4 40 . 811 I 15 21. . . 1115 4 40 . 030 1 15 40. . . 1207 4 40 10. .1071 4 15 17. . . 1144 4 40 20 . 080 4 15 20. . . 1085 4 45 4. . 082 4 20 0. . . 1300 1 50 12. .1055 4 20 21. . . 1240 4 50 18. . 008 4 20 20. . . 1320 4 53 17. .1043 4 25 20. . . 1227 00 10. . 803 4 25 10 . . 078 05 20. .1140 4 25 10. . . 1200 05 1. .1230 4 23 10. . . 1257 70 1. .1020 I 25 21. . . 1307 70 1. .1120 4 25 Sint'l'I.NU AND KXt'OUT. 1. 12fi ( ) 4 25 ' ' 22 1108 4 00 17. 1101 4 35 ' 80 1307 4 75 STIXItS AND OXII.V. 3 14GG 4 25 J 75 2 75 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 125 3 'J5 3 30 3 45 3 50 3 50 3 50 .3 55 3 00 3 03 3 GO 3 05 3 70 3 40 3 50 4 00 3 05 3 05 70 fi 00 5 115 5 50 2 00 U 'JO U 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 iG ! 3 2r 3 1 > 3 3 30 3 00 3 GO 3 05 3 05 3 70 8 70 3 75 3 Hl ( 3 H5 3 85 3 05 4 00 4 00 WKSTCKN CA-rru : . Av. Pr. 1 feeder 1000 2 50 40 .steers , hiiyfed ' 1203 435 ! 22 ! feeders . 1O78 425 22 feeders 1111 425 24 feeders 1010 385 1 feeder 10UO 425 20 feeders 1010 425 cor.oiiAno OATn.i : . 2 feeders 1440 430 31 feeders 1203 430 0 feeders 1178 430 IDAHO CATri.i : . 25 feeders 1109 3 80 Usteers 1382 400 210 feeders 101)0 ) 380 lions The market continues to seosuw. Prices were nearly as much hlghur today as they were lower on Wednesday. Hecelpts were moderate , 1,1)00 ) heavier than a week HL'O , but mine than 3,000 short of Wednesday' * supply and as a rule.the quality of the oll'er- Invrs was very fair. Sellers all started In pretty bullish on lecelpt of cncourai.'lnK news from Chicago and the prospect of only a small supply hero , liuyers at held back , but all wanted some liopi , and when they bewail bidding the trading becanni brisk and prices averaged I.V to2oc tijjjhi'r on all grades. Tim KOOI ! to choice IIOKS wijlKliIni ; 230 ibs. iindiip- \v rds sold at from KG.05 up to $ t > .bi ) with llKhl urades and mixed packers at $ ( j.55 and tU.OO. 'I,1 lie market appeared to Kain strength every minute and theelose was at thu hlKh point of thuday. The hlif bulk of the sales was at front'u.Ul ' > to ifU.7o as against Jtl.40 to $0.50 Wednesday and $0.40t $ G.45 one today. Itepreseiitatlve sales : No , Av. Sll. I'r. No. Av. Kb , I'r. 3. . . ,237 40 0 41) 01. . .250 120 0 05 72. . . .211 40 0 50 00. . .234 0 05 0. . . . 120 40 0 50 70. . .247 100 0 05 72. . . ,220 100 l 00. . .240 120 0 05 70 . . .204 80 41. . .207 2liO 0 05 75. . . .110 40 0 55 , 00. . .258 200 0 05 70. . . .230 100 0 55 00. . .251 320 0 05 GO. . . .251 0 55 00. . .210 120 0 05 70. . . .228 120 0 53. . " 52. . 251 40 0 05 7. . . .101 o 5fr' ' 80. . .237 200 0 05 20. . . .271 200 0 55 8. . .307 ( i 05 44. . . ,230 0 .IS : . CO. . .203 80 0 05 4. . . o 55' ' . , ; 58. . .247 280 0 05 71. . . ! l40 ! 100 0 00 57. . .277 280 0 05 05. . . .235 120 0 00 72. . .203 200 0 071 i 71. . . .234 80 0 GO 51. . , .205 81) ) 0 70 05. . . .247 200 0 00 07. . .257 200 0 70 72. . . .250 120 0 00 GO. . .234 0 70 52. . . .237 40 0 GO 74. . .250 80 0 71) ) 70. . . .227 100 Ii GO 30. . .203 120 0 70 04. . . .237 100 0 00 G3. . .232 40 0 70 21. . . 0 GO 52. . .248 0 70 07 . . lOtl 0 OO 70. . .238 80 G 70 72. . . ,245 120 0 COo 03. . .230 120 0 75 75. . . ,238 440 05. . .248 120 0 75 05. . . ,242 280 o 02 y , 51. . .278 0 81) 00. . . ,211 100 0 liJ- ! . 07. . .274 40 0 hi ) fins AND notion. 1..150 3 50 5 . . 80 4 50 SiiKKl' . Hut two loads were ti'cidved today WANTED Tot m tnuri 01 CITIES COUNTIES , SCHOOL DI8TRIOTB. WAT R COMPANIESJ.ST.R.R.COMPANItB.tla Corrfspondpico nollctted. 103-103 Dearborn Strnet , CHICAQO. IS Wall Street , NEW VOHK. ? O Btato 5t. , BOSTON * and they were shipped direct to SwIfUand not oircred nn thy market The demand from all sources Is somewhat In excess of the supply and the market Is miutahly strong , I'alrloirood natives , } 4.)0 ( < irlr ; > | fair to good western * , (3.73. 5,30) ) common and slock sheep , ! 2.r > u < j 4.00i good to cholco 40 to 100-lb lambs , * l,60 HroHpl < and lll pii'lllon of Stuck. Oniclalr.Vdlpt an.l dUpnltton of "it-j-'t i\\ shown hy thu book' * of tlr > Union rftook Vardi company for the twenty-four hoitri undlttRut 0 o'clock p. m. April 13 , IS'JJ : Chleago l.lvo Stork .Market. CHICMIO , 111. . April 13. tsppclal Telegram to TUB IlKli.1 I omparatlvo steadiness marked the course of prices for beef cattle. Quota tions were 11.40 to J4 for Inferior to choice cows and bulls , J2.03 to 11.50 for stockers and feeders , $4 to 10 for dre.ssi'd hoef and shipping Hteer.s , ami $1.00 to * 1.75 for Texans. Hogs were strong at yesterday's closing prices , al an advance on that days opening limitations of liv to I5i\ There was an actho demand , both from local and eastetn buyers , and altliotiizh the receipts continued liberal , there was no over supply. Common to choice heavy hogs changed hands at 17 to t".25 , mixed and medium at ft'JO ) to { 7.20 , and light weights at $0.03 to } 7.15. I'rnm fii.MO ti > * 7.O5 took the greater part of the light , nnd f7.1o to ? 7.21) ) bought most of the medium and heavy. The mm kef temnlned llrm to the close. Thorp was tlir usual scalping In pigs and culls at } j lo 10.50. The leading features of the sheep market were the sanu' as have prevailed fin-some days previous. There was iioiibalenient of activity and the tone of the market remained llrm mi ( | iiallledly ) so , In the sale of a bunch of fat wethers at $0.25 the highest pi Ire of me season was leached. There were a number of trades at f"n ( to 10 and the bull , of the supply went out of salesmen's hands at belter than * . > . The Iamb mai-ket al o maliiurliied a llrm position , sales being readily made at ? . " > lo $0.03 for puoi to extra ittallty. | Sheep were iiioled | at H.5,1 to 10.25 , the outside quotations for fancy glades. Hi lots were : Cattle , jri.ono head ; IIO.N , 20.000 hi'iiil ; sheep , 11.00 ) head. The lOvenlng Journal reports : L'.vrruUecelpts. : . 13,01)1) ) ) head ; shipments , 4.00O head ! market slow , weak ; choice .leers , } 5.25'ii3.G5 ; medium , * 4.H5'i5.15 [ : other- , . tl.2."i 664.73 ; stock steers , f2.50ii2.00 ; fat cows and lii'lfers , J2.0IM.3.15. lloti.s Uecelpts , 2O,000 head ; shipments , 0,000 head ; market active , fi'itllic hither ; mixed , * ti.00ja7.10 ; heavy , $7.15417.2'i ; light , JO OOT47.00. SiiKKf Iteceipts 8,001) head : shipments. hOO head ; market steady ; native ewes , 14.50T6 4.00 ; nil.xed , $5.00U5.15 ; gias , To.xans , 14.00 ; westerns , 15.25 3.0(1. ( Knnsiis City I.tvo Stock Mnrlict. KANSAS Crrv , Mo. . April 1.1. OATTI.K tlo- celpts , 2 , 00 head ; sblpmenfs , 1,500 head ; steers and cows , sleiulv ; feeders dull and filfi lOc lower ; Texas steers , dull and weak. Ucp- resentatlve sales : Dressed beef and shipping steers , J3.25S,4.85 ! ; Texas and Indian steers , $3.25 51.85 ; cows $1.25 ( { 3.50 ; Mockers and feeders , * H.H5il4.37'i. ( lloos Uecelpts , O.BOQ head ; shipments , 2,000 head ; market active , opened I'wtlo- higher , closed .Y > ( .lOi ; biglier ; all grades , JO. 15 0.85 ; bulk. $0.00.'G.70. SmEi'-Uecelpts : , head ; shipments , none ; market steady : muttons , tl.iiOi' . I.GO. Nciv Vork Mm SKirlc Murkut. NEW -VoiiK , April 13. CATTI.I : No fre h receipts of beeves nnd no trading. Dieted beef , O'jc per Ib. for natives. London cables ouolo ' m 'rlcan steers llrm at 12ii 13u p r II ) . ; dressed American lefrigeralor beef stendv and .scant ll'ic ' per Ib. Shipped today , 151 beeves and Oil .sheep. CAl.vr.s Uecelpts , 000 head ; maiket active and ! u' higher ; veils , if5.ooi7.OO SIIEII' : AND I.AMIISUecelpts 0,500 head ; trade slow but values llrm and unchanged. Dressed muttons nominally firm , ? 7.50'ij8,23. ' St. Iouls I.lie Stoe.k Mnrlint. ST. Louts , Mo. . April 13. -C'Ai-rf.K Itocolpt * , 2,300 head ; bliipnii'nts , 400 head ; market slow ; no good natives ; fed Te.xas steers , i3.25 IIO8 ( ! Uecelpts 4,200 head ; shipments , 400 head ; imrket 5JilOo higher ; heavy , itG.7O © 7.40 ; light , $ G.GOS0.85. SntKi > Itecolpls , GOO head ; shipments , none ; market steady , unchanged , o- Iloston Dry ( iooilH Mnrkct. BOSTON , Mass. , April Hi. Tlio demand for wool has bocn moderate and there arc very few buyers Sales for the \vuult of all kinds arc ! 2,500OOU pounds. Prices arc about steady. Territory uool is about the only kind that has sold freely and transactions have been f t .15 to 5(1 ( cents for clean and 50 to 02 cents for medium. Of Texas , Califor nia ami Oregon wool there is little or no stock here and nothing lias been done. Aus tralian wools are in demand and llrm at III to 39 cents per pound. Foreign wools htivo been quiet. D. I ) FIIAXBE , II. I ) . KOOHB r. , JAS K. Hoonu I'ros. Vlcol'roa Secy & T HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Capital $1" , OM ; Omaha anJ Sioux City. Grain and Provisions Railroad Stocks and Bonds. PHIVATE WfHEd. Room 212 taM Life Building OMAHA. , UEl'T-UKXCES : Invv.-iStnto Nattoiril II ink , Blonx City ; Co nmurutal National Hank , Umalia. Special attention given to outsldo orderss Ccrix'hpoiiaunco solicited i'rom tin * I'ollcu Dtickot. Ilenucn Neer was sent over the road for ten days yesterday for vagrancy and a Ken- oral disinclination to work. Ho had several United States mail sacks in his possession when ho was arrested. A quartet , shited with luting suspicious characters , was taUcu in charge by Olllcers Sebcck and Vanous yesterday nt the European hotel whore lately quite a number of thugs and thieves htivo been arrested. ' * FRIEND' m GUILD BIRTH EASY. Colvln , La. , Deo. 2,1880. Mywifo used MOTHER'S FBIEND before nor third confinement , and sayo olio would not ba without it for hundredo of dollars. COCK HIL'LS. Sent by express on receipt of price , J1.CO per bottle tle , book "To Mothers" mailed fiee. DftAOflELO REGULATOR CO. , 'an B II gT n.BBuaoin . ATLANTA , a A. y lei/sun- \ 6 CE1ITS A DAY 1 CATARRH CURED A soi'ou.-lis. IJiMii.'hlr s. A < tli- mi , t onsuniutfiui , II * a I tulio , ( s i-k or nurvoiii. Nervous 1'ri.htr itlo i. A Wondor.'ully Suocaaa- ful Troatmont. "Uxygun Hook" and 4 tnaU 1'ltLK ! ( Jail o vrlto SPECIFIC OXYGEN CO. , Suite 61O Slicolr Bltl i Omaha The prlsoiicrs pave thi'lr imini-a ns ( U < or o Monroe , I'aul Allen , Collins nnd .Tiiino.H U-uie The olllccrs nt the station eyed them very rltle.illv ni though they rpooanlrcd in sottu1 of their faces men who had commlttod rrliui's other thnn wlmt they were clntvcd with. Thn Plpnimilr t I'liirn III HIP Sinitli. A special o.vuursloii to North ( Itilveston , Tox. , Icarcn Oinuha. Au-il | IS. 1MM Ho- itiarUnhlo Inducptueitts arc olTet'ed. l-\ir par- ttculars tit-ply to D. IX Smo.ilon , ngent , room IT. Darker block , Omaha. QllPlichrd hy 1 Imply | lnti | , tsET , I'a , April IH. Heavy rains have quenched the forest tires that hnvo been raging in the mountains during thu past week. In this county the aggregate loss is thought to amount to more than JU'O.OOO. ' In Dlatr the burned area Is fully thirty-llvo siiuaro tulles. In Somerset , Cambria , l-'ny- ctte , Washington \\Vstmnrclaml the losses are widely scattered and the estlmatu cannot ho given dollnltoly. s URSTITUTKS Don't 'ay In the days of " * stormy 01 when ti man wns drafted Into tlio army , ho could liuv n "fcubstitulo" If ho hail n long purse : tunny rich men did this. Hut old urtiiv olllcurs will toll you that "substitute's didn't pay1 they conldu't bo rolled on. J'he world hasn't ihanj'i'd : u bit ; Btibsti- lotos don't pay now When you ask for "Cm-tor's Little Llvor Pills.1 don't take- a Mtibstlluto. They don't pay tiny moro thnn t'no substitute In the army ; ho couldn't bo rolled on. anil substitutes for "Cm-tors Little Ltvor Pills" don't 1111 the bill. Don't take any chiinoi's. Ask for "Cm-tor's Little Little Li\oc Pills" anp see that you vt "fiirh'r's. " Don't bo itniio.-oil upon with a substitute ; nothing is so coo I us "Cai-tor's. ' ' Take only iho L'or.uino Carter's Liltio Liver Pi.Is. A i't i rivi : ci'itr. SUCK ) . AO.II : . .Siniill I'll ) . Sum ) ! Dime " iimll I'rli'p. is an arbitrary word used to designate the only bow ( ring ) cannot be pulled off the watch. Here'stheidea The bow has n groove on each end , A collar runs down Inside the pendant ( stem ) and fits into the grooves , firmly locking the bow to the pendant , so that it cannot bo pulled or twisted off. It positively prevents the loss of the watch by theft , and avoids injury to it from diopping , IT CAN ONLY BE HAD with Jas. Boss Filled or other watch cases bearing this trade mark- All watch dealers sell them without extra cost. Ask your jeweler for pamphlet , or send to the manufacturers. KeystoneWatch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. lea ami Land Send cent postage stain { i for u 100 pngo BOOK FREE. I'ricus low. Faro sumptuous Salon every day. See your dealer. Ask for prices L'uko no other. _ _ . _ . . iJJreu , f . ' ! l.7 rfts' . ! > 'jv te q/S I MILTON nOQE.RS & . SONS , Agta. , Omaha , or iV3alestic Mfg. Co. . St. Louis. THE OLD FAWtOVED STYLU of pill Kiv < vi you a fri'Ilnir of horror lint 'vu ) lt txl when you fw > l it Mk thu "liluiulorlii'a" of n former dtrmlo It Ii biff nnd clumsy , but hot cf ' fivllvo. In this century of oiiliiildoiniR'nl you hnvo Or I'lorco'd Plfn < iniit 1'cllels , which euro nil liver troubles In the most oll'rctlro wny. Thcy'ro not easily MTU for thoy'ro tmmll as pviin * of mu - tnnl scod. hut ( ho clTect IK U U ingnml tlio euro complete. For lndifostlon ; , Constipation , Illlious Attacks , Hick nnd Hllloua Hcud- nclm , nolliinp ; 1ms boon found to ootial tliCMi pills of Ir 1'lcivo's Invention , They tlvo such oomploto relief that their innVcni promise that they'll nlvo Mtisf notion or your inoiioy will bo rcturnwl. A plnln statement , of fnct mntlo by the pro prietors of Dr. Bngo's Cntnrrh Itemcily Is this : "If wo cnn't euro your t'ntnrrh , no matter how liad your case , wo'll pay you $ NX ) in cash. " nil o. (1KB \Vl ) , tlio I'll n.'M * phvsi- cuiii of t'liKilm , h us < w-i > r i.'iOt ) itiiu'iuciiis from ra lu r in pn. , l i en Is Mlii-lmvo iioen enrol by Id.u. Omnln March > , IS-AI Dr l lieo tto. I n .vo been a ere it s Merer s-ni1" u MII n | | o In id with hron- i-.l . iir-lt'iiM ' woilk l' ' k h ndncbn , Ii e u u ut'Kui [ lid trie I .iiiinv ni'ii'M an I sprnt .TO [ it Ilu I Of i iiii".y. ' 'tit no re lief xl'oittsevon iniintlH atfo 1 lioatd of lr ) t lieo \ \ < > , com- nienoed tiiuing tro.itment an I < n checrfn ly recommend him for he linn onre t n u in I made a nev m in of mo. 1'iUSit U > oi ; Mi so , t lii Hours 9 to 9- 9No. No. 5194 North 1 Oth S t ! Omaha's New33t Hotel COR. 12TII HQ.VARJ Iti. nt J..V ) p r ilir (01 ( ooinn at M.O ) pur iOltronu nit'i Until nt M. II ptr lir 10 Itoonu with ll.-Uh nt .l i U > | J ) JIP | tr 1st Modern 111 Kverr t ly TumUlim ! Throii lout C. S. ERB. Proi ) . The. nly hotul In the c ty with hot anil io'd \\ntor uii'l ' stu i'ii Ii" it in every run 'lain an I dlnin ; rj > n - ervo U'H irn'i jjl KATES $2.50 TO1.00. . b'ucclal rates on , ippilcilim , D. SILLOWAY , s. jj/ij'osryo/ev. o.u.u/.i. xiiit. $100,000 Surplus $ ( i5)00 ) rniccr nnil 'llracturs HunrjV. . YnteJ , proilln II. ( ' . Cuslilait , vloa prjilUu ; 0. S Miirla ) , V / MorBo Joluid. Collliu J. M. it. I'.Urlot ; i.Jtll 1 Itucd , cndhlur. THE IRON BANK. SOUTH OMA.HA Union Stock Yards Company , Soutli Ornahai Host Cnttla llo nnd ' h.-op mirkit : la tlis wait. HQUSH. Wood Brothers , I.lvo Steak Co-iimU-dim Mo South Onmha Tclopliono I15T. Clilonjj JOHN I ) . OADIs.MAV , I , , „ , . , „ „ „ " " " "H" " WAl.TKll 15. WOOD , | Mnrkot liorti ( | \ > y mall nmtwlru iJ ) . ' ( ill/ feticil upon utitdlcatlui ) PHQTEGT AND IKPR9UP YOUR SIGHT. sP > ectacles and Eyeglasses Are the Best. EYES TESTED FREE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. OMfiH A GPTlOfil GO. . S. 16th St. ' " ffi r OMAHA AWHINQS AM3 TENTS Omaha Tent-Awning Wolf Bros. & Co. , CO Ml'ANY. ' , Mannfni'tiir ri of louts nwnliui ln. tUI anil IIOItflK - COVKIH . , TU.i M. Itltli utrojt. 1113 I'-nrim-n St. BAG3 AH1) TWIN'S- I BMYC'.ES. Bemis Omaha M. 0. Daxoa , COMl'ANY. Importeri anil man. fn Lllcycloi solil on monthlr Hour aaci. , burlap l , Iwlno. payan in l'N.15th. ) BOOTS AND SHOE5 Morse C33 Shoe Company , Salesroom and Olll-o-1107 IIBJ llll llowart ! . Howard 8t. tai-tory-lirj-1121-IUI Wo nro tlio o < l.v .xt-uiiif.i-turorj of Hoots and S-lious In tlio utiito \eb.-aiki. . A Ki'iiural Invitation IsuitomlJd to all to ln puct our now factory. Kirkendall , Jones & Ann ? , Hand-Sewed COMPANY. WliolviiJlo siion co. . limits. : io81 rofrs. a'iits llQi'.nn anil ruuborKOvi'li , UJJ- llnbber rtlioa Co. . IIU < - IJIU llarnu ; 31. 1IUI-1KX ) llnrnur dt COAl , C3KE , CJRHICE , DRY BODDS. FUflfllTUU. Omaha Upholsterin * Beeb33 & Ruayaa CO. , uilialitRrel | fund- CO , Uraco tun * . IIJ2 I1UI NlciioUi Bt. Wtiuloi HARDWARE Rector & WiHialay Li ! ] , COMI'ANV , Dsalum In hirdwnrj i\\ Corner 10th nrvl Jnclmon uiui iinnlim to Hi HJI DJM I.H jt. HATS , EfJ. IRQ.-I WJIXl. WALGlbl nAC ) , Omaha Safe inih'n WDHICS , cap * , Ntr.ivr if ) I i. Safesvaults. j > MI work , Kluvcs. l\\\ \ Iron nhnttori ami tire 01 anil lliirnuy cipuj. An Irein A tlar- oil Htli an I lacks in. LUMBE1. John A. WakeM-J - , Charto R. L3J , Iiuportoil , Aiimrlo inl'.jri Itarilojo I u niir ITJJ ! land cinunl. .Mll.r 1 1- CIUllil1 | in I | l lr | II. keoos nont iinJ wldlo ItiL'u. Uth an.I ) u ulii IIO.U033. Frick & Herbsfl , Co linpirtirml Jiiliban U'lioloalull ] uorieiljr ! cif iniilliiry notloin. Mall ur I TI iini MI , Ij IIXJI Karnaia < Ji-U-l lllti t ( . PAPER. OILS. Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil C ) . ( Cnnr a full stojk of printing , wr iiiiliu ; " ' I Uon.-io I anil Mbr.cutl i | wrltin. piuri | , carl l > a | > ur , etc. olli. ailo Ktolio. uio. PRQJJJ : GJ'nMIUDI. Branch & C ) . , Jas. A. Clarl & C ) I'roUucc , frulti ut all Iliiltof , cli 1-1-3 , l > oulti-y ttnif x liu , klmli , nyttari. ji. H , l-llli .I . STOVE \5iom Omaha Ston \V''HI.J , HUTU .MHaufaoturon of mitt mill water much menu ilour > , Ii 11 nd l nud for itiir klnil of ttord mouldbut , branch frfX ( Qdu , IWI UoutfUt BU lice , l.'iu aoU liard.