THE OMAHA DAILY DEEtjjgRIDAY. APRIL 14. 1803. OPPOSED TO SEATING HARTIS Bepublican Members of the Kansas Legisla ture Enter a Protest GOOD REASONS GIVEN FOR THEIR ACTION 111 * r.lrcHmi , Tlii-y Claim , Hurt Ilren t'ff cted by K l.rgUlnture Unconstitutionally Constituted More UonrrrnliiR the Cane of Senator Itoath. \VASIMSOTOX , D , O. , April in. The senate was In Rcsslun for only nn hour today and nearly half of that tltno was s ] > ent behind closed doors , Hcforo going Into executive Bcssirn a memorial from sevenly-ftevcnmem bers of the Kansas legislature was presented by Mr Sherman and was referred to the committee on privileges and elections , de claring that Mr Martin's election as senator had been effected by a legislature , ten of whoso members had not held certificates of election , and that Mr. Ady had been legally and fairly elected ns senator. The resolution reported yesterday from tbo committee on privileges and elections for the investigation of that question came up again today , but was , on objection of Mr. Ilarris , laid over until tomorrow. The motion for an executive session was rejected by republican senators and the yeas iind nays were demandrd on the renubllcan sltlo and were taken. After tbo names of those voting were read , but before the re sult was announced , Mr. Hoar announced that several democratic senators bad voted ( undoubtedly by Inadvertanco ) wno were supposed to have paired with republican senators The same thing , he sniu , had occurred the day before yesterday. They had , ho supposed , reserved the right to vote to make a quorum , but that was not neces sary now as there were ten or twelve sena- iitors voting beyond the number constituting n quorum forty-three. Mr Cockrell Is debate in order ? Mr Hoar- think it Is a question of the highest privilege. Aaiiiusultof Mr. Hoar's Intimation tbo volts of Messrs. Vance , Mills and Hcrry were withdrawn , those hcintot.s being paired with republicans , and Inning voted sons to make a quorum a right which they had re served Tno vote was then announced as yeas , fl3 ; nays , 1' ) . The galleries were cleared and the doors closed On th Houcli ItcHolutloi ) . At 1 o'clock the doors wore reopened and Mr Chandler took tbo floor to address the Benato on the Hoach resolution. He as sented , however , to a suggestion by Mr. Gorman to defer bis speech until tomorrow , nnd the scnato adjourned until then. Republicans .say they do not think the democrats would go to the extreme of pre venting Mr Chandler from getting the Hooi tomorrow , and know well that the outcome of his speech would become a matter of in terest. Republicans regard It as the enter ing wedge that will force the transfer ol the consideration of the Roach case from closed doors to the open session ol the senate. So far as can bo ascertained no democrat has arranged to reply to Mr Chandler His speech will bo of some length , nnd will deal largely witli questions of law and finance. Ho will ask concerning the plans of the democrats without going Into executive session for such debate as the affair has brought about. Whether they will meet the republicans nnd discuss the case in open session cannot now bo said. A conference of democratic leaders was held this afternoon after the senate ad journed. They met in tbo room of the committee - mittoo on commerce and tbo senators present were Messrs. Gorman , Gray , Hlack- burn , Harris , Cockrell nnd Ransom. After n shore tlmo Mr Gorman went after Mr. Roach and brought him to the committee room , where ho remained a few minutes nfld left with Mr. Gorman , the latter gentle man subsequently having a conference with Mr. Hryan in his room. It is quito probable that at this conference some dollnito plan will bo agreed upon. The senators who participated were very reticent and refused to talk. They Will Insist an Iiivimtlgntliif ; the Clinrffi'H Against Soimtor Koach * WASHINGTON , D. O. , April 13. The repub lican senators in caucus this morning do- cldod to Insist to the last on the investiga tion of the charges against Roach und of the claim of Ady to Martin's neat. It was decided that a vigorous opposition should bo made against the consideration ot the Ho.tch case behind closed doors. But one conclusion , they Insisted , could bo the out come of the struggle that had been precipi tated , and thitt was that the senate should agree that the committee on privileges and elections should , by subcommittee or other wise. Investigate the Hoach case and the validity iif the claim of Mr. Martin to his seat during the recess and report to the senate tit the next regular session. The republicans also declared that they would submit to no proceeding that was In tended to choke oft debate before the resolu tion was acted upon. If , finally , the demo crats were prepared to assume responsi bility of voting down the resolution to in- Testlgato it must bo done , the republican senators asserted with vehemence , by voting ing quorum , and the responsibility for such action thus placed where It belonged. The seventy-seven members of the Kansas legislature who ask that an Investigation bo mudo Into the right of Mr. Martin to his scat us a senator fiom Kansas say that if these seventy seven members had been permitted to vote no ono would have had a majority of all the votes cast hi the joint assembly and that there would have been no election of n United States senator. They therefore resolved - solved to enter their solemn protest against what they declare to bo a revolutionary and Illegal transaction nnd instructed the jircsl- dent of the joint assembly to appoint a com mittee to prepare u formal statement ami emphatically protest to the semite of the United States , which protest was the out presented to the senate todav. The memor ial concludes with the following : "Wo demand that the semite of the United States make a full and complete Investiga tion of the unhappy and unfortunate situa tion existing in our state legislature to tht end that justice may bo done und that no out may bo seated In your body as the result ol revolutionary proceedings , striking at the foundation of good government. " IViiHlilncton Nott'9. WAsiii.snTox. D. C. , April 13. The Tennessee nesseo legislators anil their l.ulles who arc visiting the city were today Introduced to President Cleveland. Each legislator wore a Cleveland badge on his hat. The visitor : are In charge of Kopresentullvo Knloo , win is doing the city with them. The Treasury department was nd vised this evening that 057 Chinese had arrived til Victoria , U. C , direct from Chinese ports and all destlneu for the United States. The steamer Mogul also arrived today nt Tacoma Wash , having on board 1M ) Chinamen. Secretar > Gresham said this afternoot that the action of Minister Kgnn lit nfforduif nn asylum to two of the revolutionists h Chili who had returned to Santiago was tin subject of corresponuenco by the Depart incut of State , but that In the absence of ful Information of all the facts In the case then was nothing that ho could say regarding tin matter. Secretary Gresham today received tin Kusslan , llnuilian , Portuguese , Venezuelan Austrian , Swiss , German , Peruvian am Turkish ministers. Mr. Carter , ono of tin Hawaiian annexation commissioners alsi called to pay his respects. Assistant Secretary Spaulding has do cidcd that the cxi > ositlon grounds and build ings at Chicago are "a constructive ware house , " nud all Imported exhibits thereii will bo exempt from duty iu case of destruc tlon by lire. The total number of fourth-class postma ; tcrs appointed today was 101. Of thes ninety sovcn were to fill vacancies caused b resignations ami deaths , and sixty-four b removals Of the sixty-four postmasters it moved , llfty-soven served lour years o over. How the M-U funcroH Will StHiul. WABW.NUTON , 13. C. , Anrll IS. Thu unoft clal list of the memberb-elect of the hou for the Fifty-thirU congress , as compiled b ; ho clerk of the house , was published today I'ho list Is unusually full , of tno 8.V1 seats but ono being vacant The vacancy Is from the Seventh Massachusetts district , and was caused by the election of Representative lodge to the senate. According to Clerk Kcrr's count the democrats will have UV'O representatives , the republicans 137 nnd the third party eight , giving the democrats a majority of ninety-three over the republicans and of clghtv-flvoover the combined forces of the republicans and third party men. MATTKS UKTS A t'lAOK. Secretory Morton I'roTldei n Foiltlnn for HI * Nebraska I'rlotul. WASIIINOTOS , D. C. , April 13. Secretary Morton has tendered the position of foreign agent of the Agricultural department to John Mattes , Jr. , of Nebraska. The position Is now held by Dr. C. Frank Dewey , who has been assisting Colonel Murphy at Herlln In advertising American corn. Mr. Mattes is n member of the Nebraska legislature and n personal friend of Secretary Morton. HnyllrU liicnmpptrnt. WASIIIVOTOX , D. C. , April 1 ! ) The sub committee of tlie committee on Judiciary was engaged this afternoon in examining charges that have been made against H. F. Fall , nomi nated to bo nn associate Justice of the supreme premo court of New Mexico. It is said by tt'e republicans from that territory that Mr. Fall Is not n competent man for that place , for the reason that he is moro of n politician limn a lawjcr And , furthermore , that he Is a man inclined to bo tyrannical and is lacking In that particular quality lhat docs most arouse prejudice. These charges did not reach the committee in the nhapo of specific assertions , but they asked Mr. Fall , who was in the nty , to respond to them nnd ho produced a number of good men who knew him , all of whom appeared before the commltU'O ibis afternoon These men sny that Mr Fall Is In every way competent for the placo. The committee will probably recommend the continuation. Trrrllt Mlnliloi- Tnrlcey. WAMIINOTOX , D. C , April 13. The presi dent sent the senate the following ii'Mninu- lions : A. W. Terrlllof Texas , minister to Turkey. J. W. II. Hawkins of Ari/onu , nssoclato Justice of the supreme court of Ari/ona. .1. II. M. Wlgman of Wisconsin , United States attorney for the eastern district of Wisconsin. Think * tin * .Situation Serious. WAMIINUTOX , D. U. , April lit. Captain Guthrle , sent to report on the condition of aflnirs at Antlers , I. T. . has made u report to the War department. Ho regards the situa tion as serious It is believed more troops will bo sent to the scene. Continued by the Snnatc. WASHINGTON , D. C , April 13. The scnato has conllrm"d the following nominations : Dominick I. Murphy of Washington , D. C. . deputy commissioner of pensions. Caleb W. West of Salt Lake City , gov ernor of Utah. .s.i.vr.i ns .s Tliuy Still Itcmnln I'lrm nml Are Conllitoiit of Victor } . RATOX , N. M. , April 13. General Manager Froy's ultimatum , which was issued by wire from Chicago on Tuesday , saying that the company had acceded to the demands of the machinists in their employ und was willing to see that Justice was served to all , and that no reason had been assigned for the men's going out on Inst Saturday , all such who dltl not report for duty this morning would bo discharged nnd receive no consid eration ns an employe , was paid little nttcn- J tion to by the shopmen of the Atchison , Topeka - | peka & San tit PC road at this polnt.and not ono of them resumed work this morning , in con sequence of which there are llfi machinists , holler makers and blacksmiths at Haton out of employment today. This docs not dampen their ardor in the matter , as they say the company hus taken them back once before during the series of strikes , of which this promises to bo the close , and they hope , whether they win or lose , to be again em ployed. Fully COper cent of the men em ployed hero own their homes liero and arc in no condition to move , but this fact does not hold them back. LA JUNTA , Colo. , April 13. This was the last day for the strikers to go back to work , according to the ultimatum issued Tuesday from headquarters by General Managei Frey. None of the men hero have returned , A nonunion boiler maker was taken out ol Jail yesterday and put to work. Tills causec great excitement , the ofllcials being compelled polled to take the convict , who is serving ati utiexpired sentence of ninety duys , back U jail.This This morning Master Mechanic Conrof issued a bulletin notifying the strikers thai they were no longer in the employ of the Santa Fo. If now men are brought in to 111 their places trouble may occur. The striker ; will give a ball at the opera house tonight. A Trip Worth Till ; I up. A special excursion to North Galvcston Tex. , leaves Omaha April 18. 1893. He markablo Inducements are offered. Foi particulars apply to D. 1) . Smcaton , agent room 17 , Uarker block , Omaha. - fi Opposed to SulltuB Tholr J.anila. AIIKANSAS CITV , Kan. , April 13.--MU Helen P. Clark , the allotlng agent of tin Pawnees , Otoos and Poncas , came in tht morning from her ofllcial camp iuthePawne reservation. She says sue expects to liav her work completed with the Pawnees b ; June 1. A largo number of the Otoos an ! Poncas have taken their lands in allotment but she is of the opinion that the Choroke commission will not succeed in purchasini their surplus lands. This , she thinks , Is es pccially true in relation to the Poncas , a Standing DuITalo and his followers , about UO in number , are unalterably opposed to tin selling. Stole from tliu Company. NEW YOIIK , April 13. Secretary Gaston o the Metropolitan Life Insurance compan ; today continued the account given in ardis patch from Wheeling , W. Va. , to the offec that there was fraud in the company' agency there and that H. A. Wilson , th agent , Charles Stennlnger , his assistant and Dr.U.Ij.Ashbrook , the medical examine ! have been arrested. Secretary Guston sal that the frauds were all in the Industrie department. The loss , ho sai 1 , would b small. The company proposes to prosccut its defaulting ofllccrs. DR , BILLINGS' ' RESIGNATION Ho Will Lcare the Service of the State University , HIS DEPARTMENT MUCH IMPROVED Why He Cannot Afford In Continue to Di rect tliu Arrmrn of the I' leal Laboratory Ulltlcult Duties to Perform. LINCOLN , Neb. , April 13. [ Special to TUB UnK. ] Dr. F. S. Hillings , director of the patho-blologlcal laboratory at the State uni versity , has had his resignation before the board of regents since February 7 , nnd It was last evening accepted , to take effect July 1 , next. In his letter tendering his resignation Dr. Hillings recites at length his reasons for severing his connection with the university. Ho sums up the results of his work in con nection with the laboratory as follows : "First , a laboratory equipment , hotter and moro complete than any other In this coun try , worth not less than K,000. ) On this outllt not over $5,000 of the station money has , I think , been expended ; the balance is a present from mo to" the state. "Second , the best building In this country and the best I have seen anywhere for ex perimental animals , costing faX)0 ( on the state farm. "Third , to this we can add at least $ .100 re ceived for swine and oilier animals used for experimentation and afterwards sold. " Continuing in his letter to the board of regents , the doctor says : Quito ( loiicrally Known. "It should bo a matter of pride to every clti/en of Nebraska , but moro especially to you who Inaugurated ana nave stood by this work , mostly through storm it must bo ad mitted , that the State University of Ne braska Is now known throughout the civil Ized world as the first Institution of learning in any English-speaking country that has Inaugurated and supported In the public interest u special department to socle the best means for the protection of the animal wealth of the country , nnd the public health as well , by the Investigation of Infectious diseases. "Hut more These investigations have been as successful and found to bo as scientifically reliable by the scientific men and associations of Europe and the world , where similar laboratories have been estab lished , as to place the reputation of the University of Nebraska in this regard incomparably - comparably ahead of that of any university In the United States , and this laboratory is on a level in reputation with any of the far better supported laboratories In Europe , and insofar ns practical results have been approached preached 1 make bold to say that had wo the means and place to work , with the necessary assistants , the most valuable results that the world has yet seen In a practical direction would bo otitalncd in Nebraska before they will be elsewhere. -Not Without KcupoiiMliimiea. n * * jjut toro | [ 3 ( mother sldo to this question which belongs to mo to consider. With all the fanaticism that a man born with a consuming ambition to servo his race can have , I believe a public office to bo a public trust , and that the trust imposed on any ono occupying the position I do , in regard to the most vital und perishable interest in a state , is greater than can bo imposed on any man. This work cannot proceed in the direction for which it was inaugurated unless assistants , means and a place to work in is supplied. No ono man can con duct it farther. It has gone beyond my single-handed abilities. My health Is break ing under the strain and I cannot and will not continue to draw my salary from the public when I know I am not able , un assisted , to earn that salary. I now tender to ion my resignation as director of the patho-biological laboratory , the same to take effect on the iWtli of Juno next , when my present engagement expires. " Ciipturecl H Horne Thief. Word was received in this city today that Deputy Sheriff Langdou had captured at St. Joseph , Mo , William Hall , a man who on the night of April 8 , stole a team and buggy from Alexander Franks , a farmer living near Walton in this county. Requisi tion papers were at once taken out and for warded to St. Joseph. Hall is a farm hand and has been working near Ashland for some time. Detective James Malone claims the credit for locating the thief. The day after the horses were stolen ho learned of the fact from the deputy sheriff. He told that ofllcial that if ho would go to St. Joseph , und keep watch upon a certain saloon , the exact location of which ho described hide- tail , the horse thief would call at a speellied time. The deputy sheriff took Malono'a word for it , went to St. Joseph , waited in the saloon and got his man. Tnkon to the Supreme Court. The celebrated Dole-Stratton breach ol promise case reached the supreme court this afternoon. The case is a somewhat cele brated ono in the legal annals of Lancastei county und has occupied the attention ol courts and lawyers for nearly two years. Florence Dole , the fair plaintiff , alleges that the defendant , Thomas Stratton , seduced her under promise of marriage. She claimed that she had been the afllanced wife of the defendant for some months prior to Decem ber , IS'.ll , and that while visiting the home of his mother in this county ho cumo to hci room on two successive nights and remained with her. As a result of his visits hei health became irreparably broken and ir addition to her phjslcal suffering Strattoi : o refused to marry her on the ground that she was unchaste She recovered $ l'JOtK damages from a jury in the Lancaster count ] district court , but Stratton succeeded it getting a new trail. The jury In the second trial gave her $7,000 damages , wht-roupot Stratton appealed the case to the suprcnu court. Elected ItuRlmcntal Olllorrn. The two regiments of the Nebraska Na tionul guards have just elected their ofllcen for the ensuing year nnd Adjutant Gcnora Gage today announces the result as follows First regiment : J. P. Bratt of Honnott colonel ; W. W. Wolcott of Central City Nontenant colonel ; T. J. Williams of Geneva major. Second regiment. O , J. Hills of Fairbury Are They Dangerous the imitations of Fearline ? How arc you going to find out ? A few washings with them won't show any damage. It's only after some months , when your clothes go to pieces suddenly , that the danger can be seen and proved. Are you willing to risk your own clothes in the experiment ? * * ? - - ' It is better to be sure that you are safe , by using the original washing compound Pearline. All the others are founded upon that. Will it pay to use these imitations ? Figure up all that they may offer prize packages , cheap prices , or whatever it may be and put it against what you may lose. Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you " this is as good as" or " the same as 1'earlme. " IT'S FALSE Pearline is never peddled , and if your crocer sends you something in place of Pearline , bo honestit fact.3W JAMES PVLE. New York. SOLUBILITY OF HDEOT AHD OOE8 FARTHB8T > - I- - Iu pcnult ot Its Instantaneous preparation and render It u Dhjftbtlbjo and Nutritious. y colonel'VUHiim HuMuJB of Nebraska City. lieutenant colonel. jr U W. Colby of n ihdco has hern rout'- pointed brigadier of tfiff brigade and his staff will bo designated noxl week. llrlef. A hot ntoveplpo nnd'O'ptlo ' of books called the lire department ; tel 1711 N street ibis morning at 7ao. : Damage. $10. The board of directors of the Young Men's Christian association' ' in mnklng strenuous efforts to raise a UwiUuK Indebtedness of { 4:1,1 : . If the amount cannot be raised the building will have tojjccloscd. The work of pavlne Sixteenth , Seven- tccnth nnd ElBhtocfttn streets between N and O strcc'tJiVM commenced today. Health Ofllccr Hartijrun today quarantined a case of scarlet fever at llirr O street , The choicest ti postmaster for University place was decided by ballot , the candidates being D. H. Bishop , J. Bennett , -M. V. Turner , K. W. Bauphmannnd Nelson Taylor. The latter received the largest number of votes and his apx | > intinent will be recom mended by Congressman Bryan. MUCH Cl.OTHlNU Wood * 111 on' T > iity riioiuatul Dollar .Stork Itoiulert'dVorthle . YOHK , Neb. , April 13. [ Special Telegram to THE HER. ] The largo stock of clothing of Woods Hros. was destroyed by tire nnd smoke this morning about 5 o'clock. The lire originated in the back part'of the build ing directly under the electric light , and Is supposed to have started from a spark which fell from the light. The light was turned off nt 10.30 p. m. and lire was not discovered until ! 3 a. m. Although the lire burned sev eral hours but little of the stock was burned. Hut the smoke and heat penetrated every thing and the goods are nlmos * . worthless. The stock was valued nt $ ! .OtX ) , Insurance $12,000 , in the following companies. Gor- munia. $1,500 ; Sun of London , $1,000 ; St. Paul Fire and Marine , $1.501) ) ; Hartford , * 'J , ( > 00 ; Commercial Union , $1,000 ; German , $1K)0 ( ) ; New Hampshire , $1,500 ; North Bri tish nnd Mercantile , $1,000 ; Orient , $1,500. I'rrnioiit Now Note * . FHDMOXT , Nob. , April 13 [ Special to Tim Ben ] Frank Fowler nnd Miss Jessie Fre mont Balding were married this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the residence of th3 bride's par- rents in this city by Hov George M. Brown , pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church. The Board of Supervisors ndjoutnod yes terday to meet again next June. Arthur Truesdcll , after holding the oflicc of super visor for one day , handed in his resignation , which was accepted , and the City council , in special session , appointed W. II. Mead to 1111 the vacancy. During the session the townships namoJ were allowed the amounts sot opposite their names for the purpose of having public roads improved : Platte. $ 'JOO ; Nickcrson , $150 ; Logan , $ T"i$7."i ; was allowed for Improving the road south of this city , $500 for improv ing the Gayton cut-oil ditch cast of this city ; 81,000 for widening and improving the Fremont cut-off ditch west of the city. U. M. Allen , manager of the Standard Cat tle company's ranch at Ames In this county , also donates $ . " > 00 for the last named purpose , as it will greatly benefit the land owned by the company I'ropiiM'il Imt > r < i\otneiit nt Hnnrrolt. HiNCiiorr , Neb , ApriU3. [ Special to THE Bnu. ] Bancroft has again voted on the proposition to bond the village to the extent of $7,000 for the purpose of putting In n sys tem of water works. The bonds carried bv a vote of llf ty-llvo for to twenty against. The votj was very light nS It was generally con ceded that the proposition would carry. The construction of a system of water works , together with four line brick business buildines and a nunfber of line residences this season will make oven a bettor record of improvements than last , which was the best In the history of.tlio town. AllUncu' f'ed Men. AI.MIN.CB , Neb. , Aprif 13 , [ Special to THE HUE. ] Alliance can bpast of having started out .vi'h next to the largest tribe of charter members of the Improved Order of lied Men in the stato. S. J. Dennis , E. E. Day. G. II. McCann , E. Shorloqk , O. Crawford , John Mussen and William McClelland came up yesterday morning from Lincoln and Aurora nnd in the evening instituted a tribe of nlnutv-tlvo members. The new order starts out with prospects of a largo membership. Diiniucntl by Tiro. AI.MA , Nob. . April 18. [ Special Telegram toTur. Bun. ] A fire broke out in the store of Simms Drug and Medicine company today nnd almost instantly the whole interior of the building was in llamos. Prompt action on tlio part of the citizens extinguished the lire , but not before the stock and building were damaged to the amount of about $100. The loss is fully covered by Insurance. The fire is supposed to have been caused by an explosion of chemicals. The predominating qualitiej of Flavoring Extracts should be absolute purity , excellen i flavor and superior strength. All of these elements are combined in a perfect degree in Dr. Price's Delicious Flavors ; therefore if the housewife wants a complete cake , pudding or cream , she should make use of them. Those who want the very best flavorings are never disap pointed in purchasing Dr. Price's Vanilla , Lemon , Orange , etc. , which are as natural as the fruit from which they are extracted.1 * A STHICTLY PURE ' ABTICLE. A HOST DELICIOUS CHEWING GUM. A VALUABLE"SPE. CIFIC FOR LUNG & THEOAT TBOUBLES Do you wear them ? When.noxt In need try a pair , they will give you more comfortand service for the money than any other make , Boat In the world. $ S.OO rrm 3.00 $4.00 $3.50 $2.50 $2.25 $2.00 W , L , Douglas Shoes are made In all the Latest Styles , If you want a fine DRESS SHOE don't pay $6 to $8 , try my $3.50 , $4 or $5 Shoe. They will fit equal to cus tom made and look and wear as well. If you wish to economize In your footwear , you can do so by purchasing W. L , Douglas Shoes , My name and price Is stamped on the bottom , look for It when you buy , Take no sub stitute , I srnd shoes by mall upon receipt of price , postage free , when hlioo Denier * cannot supply you , W. L. DOUGLAS , llrockloii , Mull , Sold by Mnjiiur Woulior. Kulley. HtU-or A Co. . O , 1 ; UirUcm , Kllng bVeusor , Igmtz Nowinun J \ \ 'r sy , toutU O m aim. BABIES ON FIRE Babies burning up , babies in iif-ony from itching nnd burning oezomas nnd other torturintr , dlsllgurinp , Itching , burning , blooding , scaly nnd blotchy skin nnd scnlp diseases. None but mothers realize how these IHtlo ones suitor when their tender skins nro liter- tilly on lira. To know that n slnglo tip- l > licitlon ; of the CuririniA RIMIDIIS : will in the grout majority of cases afford instant oliof. portmt rostand slcop , nnd point to it not'innnontnnd economical ( bo- cnuso most ppeody ) cure , und not to use thorn is to full in your duty. Think of tbo years of suffering oninUcd by such neglect , years not only of physical but of monttil sulToring by roiuon of personal disfigurement. Why dolny a moment longer tbo van of those great skin cures blood purtrtors , and humor romodlos ? Cures mudo in infancy nnd childhood are speedy , economical , and almost in variably pormunont. Sold everywhere. Prlco CPTICUIU , SO ots. ; Boi % 25 cts. ; KKSOI.VE.VT. $1,01. I'rapnrotl by I'OTTEII Diiua AVII CHRMICAI * COKl'OHATION , Huston , "All About the Skin , Scalp nnd Hair , " ( U pages , ,1001) oases mallei fruo. TO "I have made a trial of the LON DONDERRY LITHIA WATER , with special reference to its effect in cases of insoiiiiiia , and I find it de cidedly beneficial in such cases as are connected with the arthritic predisposi tion. I have used it for several years , and ! like it as a remedial agent m re leasing the secretions of the Kidneys. It is a pleasant drink also. I think it is a blessing to the club men. At any rate , that class of 'high livers , ' whose diet is not confined to the narrow limits of plebeianism , are gradually recog nizing LONDONDERRY LITHIA WA TER as their nostrum. " From Iir.XUV JI. LVJI AN , A. M. . II. D. , I > rore 9or or I'hjsioloey nnd Disease ! or the Nerves In Haiti MedlniK'ollcyc ; l'rofo or of Theory nml Traction of Medicine In the Women's College ; author of "Insomnia ami Disorders ol Sleep , " Ac. OF AIT > I > rAI.EKS. _ _ _ _ _ v Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Co. , NASHUA N. It Chas H.Perkins & Co..Solllns Agents , at Kllby St. , Itoston. Mass. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , DUtilhutlni ; Agents for Omaha. PHOI'OSAI.S KOlt StWVKVINU AND MAUK1NO HOUNDAKY l.INK-ncmrt- ] uifnt oT thn Interior , CJunerul hand Olllco , Wti < ililiiton ) , April ! ) , 1H93. Sealed iHoposuU will bo ici'plved at the ( Jem-nil ] < iinil Odlco , \ \ ashhi 'toti , I ) . ( ' . . until 2 o'clock p.m. , on Saturday , the tith d.iy of May , 1BU3 , for snr- \oyln'ami ; MKU Uhi by .stillablo monuments , that portion of the boundary line be tween tlio slate of Nubraik.i and the stutc of South Dakota , which Hi's est of llio Missouri liver , as anthoH/od by the act of conitrnss , approved AiiRUbt 0 , 189' . ! , making appropriation for surveying tbo public lands fnainplilot statutes at largo , IH'Jl-'Ol ' ! , p. 370) ) . Tin' suney Is to be executed in compliance with specifications and lust i net Ions and ex isting ollk-lal regulations. The stone monuments ments aio to ho plared at half mile Intervals on s'lld boundary. Proposals for executing tbo survey and establish Ing the monumt'nts , as 10- qulioil by the specifications , Instructions and ipgulatlons , must Include In onu bid both tbo Hold orU and tba monuments. Copies of tbo specillcatlons lolatlvo to tbo line and monuments ments , and blank proposals will bo furnished bidders on application to tbo commissioner of tlicUuncrul Land Ollico , Washington , I ) . C , Kach proposal must bo accompanied by a eor- tlllfd clicclc furiOOO. Proposals will bo con sidered only fiom ptaptlcal , experienced sur- \pyois , whosu competence and reliability are satisfactory to tills olllcu. Tbo p.irty to \vlmm tlii * ronttaut may bo awaidod will bo ro- quhrcl to OM'cnto the work "In his own proper person , " with sucti assistance as may be neces sary , l-ioposals must bi > Inclosed In envelopes and marked " 1'ioposals for tbo siirtov and es tablishment of the boundary line between No- bivisUa and South Dakota , and nddieswd to "Tlio ( 'ommlsslonor of tbo General Iiiind Olllco , C'lty of Wasblnuton , I ) . O. " Tbo light to roect | any and all bids Is reserved. S.W. LAMOUr.UX , L'omml&slonor. aOd "It PUOl'OSALS PON KIKMl SEEDS. O. 8. IN- dlun ServiceI'lne Kldgc Agmicy , S. D. , March 30. 1803. Scaled piopoxals , endorsed , "Pioposals for 1'Inld Seeds , " and addressed to the iimlc.rstncd ! at 1'Ino Uldgo Agency , Shan non county , D. , will bo received at this agency until 1 o'clock p. m. of April 20 , 1BU3 , for furnlsblng and dollvoilng at this aguncy about 23,300 ll s. seed oats , 20i5G Ibs. heed corn , 57,0(10 ( Ibs. seed potatoes , li001bs. ! seed wbeat , 730 Ibs. alfalfa , 3.000 Ibs. Gorman mil let , 730 Ibs. timothy , 737 Ibs. blue grass , 600 Ibs.Niigar boot and 000 HH. augur cano sood. Said hood to bo grown In tbo section of coun try contiguous to tliu plauo of delivery. Bid ders will bd required to state spi'cltlcally In tbolr bids tbo proposed price of each article olToredfor ilollvury under a contract. The light Is resened to loject any or all bid * , or any part of any bid , If deemed for tbo best In- toiost of tlio service. CKHTIKIF.D CIIKCKS. Each bid must bo accompanied by a cerlllled check or draft upon some 1'nltecf States de pository or solvent national bank In tbo vicinity of tbo lesldt-nco of tbo bidder , rnudn ti'iyablo to tbo older of the commissioner of IndianatTalrs , for at least 5 per cent of the amount of tlm proposal , which check or draft 111 he forfeited to the 1 nlti'd ' Slates In case any bidder or hlddeis lecoUIng an award shall fan to promptly execute a ( 'onttact with good nnd sulllclenl sureties , otherwise to be re- nrnedtothe. bidder. Illds accompanied by cahh In ll u of a cortllled check will not be con- I sldcred. 1'or any 'in then Information apply to CAl'T.dlX ) . I.EKOVHIIOWN. U S A \i-tlns I'nlted Status Indian tixont MlHdJlt ARE TROUBLING YOU ! \Vcll.roiao nml liaro tlio.n nvamlual l > 7 o ir optician ree of charge , null. If not'otisary , lltte 1 with aiialroC our"l'lillKIA'riUN" hl'KtTAOl.BSor KVH lll.AtH bK tbo boat In luoVorM If yoiulonot nuol Klnijoi wo will tell you ao anlnlvi'd yn i what toUo. liUI.I ) Sl'KOTACI.KS or KVW < U.ASfKKUOil H. ) ) Ul' Plain , smoke , btuoor iTQitonlaum.fur prolooUiUtuj ( ; , trumSxia pair u. ) Max Meyer & Bro. Co Jewelers and Opticians. DISORDERS _ . _ _ Anil all tliu train of KVIU" . WKAKMi .SKa , 1U5HIU I'V. KTC. . tlnit ao- cuiupanr llioin In man Ql'ICKhV anil t'HUMA- MC.VJI.V ( UIIKI ) full tfriU'.NOTH ana tone Klven tn everr part of the bail ? I will un > l u- curulr ) > vckuil ) KltKK tn anjriutlerer the prencrlp- tloj UiuicuriHl u > e of tliena trouble * Adilrvis , L. A IWAJLEUAriLK CUCKK , M1C1I. gmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwtrag m 49 mi .a . * _ p * < | Covered | . tm tmg | by Insurance. | That's the way our shoes are sold to vou fully In sured When you buy a pair of shoes ofrtis you buy them with the expectation of getting your mon ey's worth and we make you fully realize your ex pectations It's " " ( insurance WeJ TsjjTejhern. _ _ "policy" ance policy ) for us to do ft. When you buy shoes o " The Nebraska" we insure them to wear betto than you ever had shoes wear for a like price we nsure the stock to be perfect-the stitches not to rip the hanger not to pull out the sole to wear well Our policy says "if your shoes do not prove good we mnkethem oed oven if we give you back In cash .aJMhat you paid for them in the first place. The best shoes that ever were sold for like money are our popular of which we open a full now line today. They are made of the vcr- ' finest of selected Kangaroo and American calf. They're made by skilled workmen , They're gotten up in the shapeliest styles and nobbiest lasts. They're congress-lace or blucher. They're in any size-any width-any last. They're In _ _ Paris-London-Clobe-French-Philadelphia- - g * tan or Broadway toe , plain or tipped. They're S better-yes better than any shoe sold for five dollars L by any shosstore-and they arc sold to you Tan shoes ! Russetts ! Any kind you want arc here RTTP U JL PERMANENTLY CUB-ED or NO PAY WE REFER YOU TO 2,500 PATIENTS. Financial Reference : Nal'l ' Hank of Commerce , Omaha. No * DETISNTION from busitiosa. No Operation. Investlgntoour Method. Wrltton guarantee tonboo- , lutoly Cure nil kinds of UUl'TUHEcif bothsoxo < iwlt'- ont tno use of Kiilfo or syringe , no tmutor of how Ionic standing. standing.EXAMINATION FREE. The 0. E. MILLER 307-308 0. Y. LIFE BLDD. , OMAHA , NED , Snnd for Circular. & SONS. SV.JOSBPH , MISSOURI. Headquarters for Write us lor prices on Whiskies both in bond and tax paid. WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE WEST. 1816 Douglas Street , Omaha , ATe > . Ti.nnminont uDoolaUst In norvoiu chronic , prlrnta , lilooJ iVln nnl urlnnrr rtl50 3i. Arozuliranl roKltorTi"3uiti'in mValiB , ! lpIom iSc9rtl to. will .liow.U.till troulu * with the KreHoit iiiprMs oitVrrh lost man iuol , seminal waiknsn. nUat louJ * all and formiot prlVAto dl oi. No mnrnvTsml ? Now triatnvjtit forlou ot vlul power IMrtloi urnblo to visit momir bjtrjatuj atlioms Donitoiioe MeJlcliiB or iVur miuti mil l > r m ill or otp-an soourulr pjokail. nu mirm to Indl- ? atecontSn" ? ? pirVonsl Interview prefdrroil. Consultation froj. Corrwiiondonoa' ' trlctlr Ono ndo private ? llooi o ! < WyVtSrlos of Ufe ) eut froo. OBlcu houM.a a m to U p.m. Sundays IU u. in. ta U m. and siainpfor circular. PERFECTLY HARMLESS but RELIABLE. LADIES , Camole Juniper hai tiUan tHj pli3t ofpllls , oto. If you ara irregular you oia rely on Camolo Junlpur. Take no otiiar. Guarantooon oyjry bottlo. Ftiaa $3 abn- tlo. Sollby alldrusgUta. Manufactured only by CAMPLE JUNIPER CO. , Om hn , Nobroakn. TREATMENT. Chronic , PrlvatJ anl Special Disease , ' - > yuirs oxporlonoa. DISEASES OP WOMEN Ttimtod at WOJ a month und all inoJIuinu * fiiniUlmil. All other troubles troitc-d nt ro.isoimbla clmi-RCS. CONSULTATION HIIX Call on or lllldi'033 Dll SffitOl DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NEB Tcelli oxtractoHn inornlni Isuwonoalniertedaftir eon aamailar Perfect tit uuir untocil iird Floor , Fnztoii Blook- 10th mid Fnmmu Streets. Klovatur on Ititti St. Tolophuuo lU-jV I1KINQ THIS WITH YOU OR. RHCCREW THB SPECIALIST. Is unsurpassed la tbo treatment of all PRIVATE DISEASES nml nHWeakneisiirii nml Ulsorderi of MtN 18 yours experience. Write for clr-r.U.u and qucttlou lint free. 14th nnd Farnara 8U * Omaha , Nb.