r FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE ' \ WKNTY-SECONI ) YEAR. OMAHA. FRIDAY MOll.NMNG , AVJUL M. 3893. NtLMKER 209. BOYD HAS DECLINED A PLDI OSl re.3 t-c Place of GorMBiaant Director o t-e Uiiion Pacific Eailw * ; . NOT AN APPLICANT WOR AH ASPIRAK1 link ji- - < utimml -il OMircr Anns * ffir Hit roMlimi MUM.un Hlt4 > r ComitiiiMuii \ \ \ \ \ Neil llf l ! ' < uciuilrcil M > mr Nf MI-MI rn J'nM illicit rt Miide. Brur.Ar orrnc tec. I ; HTCKjjTii STREET. r \ \ A'tuxuTtis. D. C. . April I 18. : IIi I An fti nateit by a BEE spei-ial sevcra C. , s ; . , . in iipptiintmeni has been tenderet t c . M-mrir Boyd of Nebranka , and b l..s - IT.I.J it He has been offered ; L..n t r tui. . c.f the Union Pae-lflc railroad. A M r.ot ir I'alie-d upon Presidpnt Clevelam 1 1 a . . 'i ' . in ihe c-ourse of a c-onversulio ; utiu 'V i . > Tairs mentioned the director Kl t i' ' ti it is supposed , Nebraska wil i , T . I'll , president asked the senator t nau.o u man for ihe place. ( jive it ti , < iovt-rnor Boyd of Omaha , " wn U * ( n i . It w he have lit" inquired tb pr < " . i a , i 1 Know , " said the senator , "but i y j R M 'n will appoint him , I will flrst g an , i'i if he wnU aevept " I ht fro mid ask Governor Boyd if he wi t in rtnon Paidhc directorship. " sai tl | I'M' lent \ \ 'i. n t ! i < heuator culled upon Ooverno I i uti l related what hud happened ih r T'I > ' s.iid ! mi iioi un applicant for. nor an asptna U un uiiHnutiiient. | and I do not want nn ; . . . . e 1 ouU not acctopt the position " Tlas ns very broad and poinle.d an sri ued to co\er all possibilities. The goi e-rur-r , iitmued. 1 IUM n commended for tbe directorsh ) ( < rp \ \ An es of Omaha , and 1 hope tb pei'int will uppoiut him. " 1 1. < seuutor rejilled that he did not thin It IUISS.HC to have Ames appointed and ri pcutt-d lhat the president wanted to give tr ei \ . riior Boyd. It is possible , but lie prciii.ih < thut ( .ovcrnor Bovd e-ati be induce t a.f t the place. The gove-ruor intend ICMiiiglin home louighl He wJl stop o 1 , is way at Chu-atro for a day or two. Whil \\uhhmgion ) Governor Bovd has been n coved \iiiti favorable consideration by tli gcirnniiiit iu all its branches He is iu ill buiii ti'i < IRIU uud there is no mislali lltlOo' l MIM-.OIII-I Hit er f'oiinuUslon. Ii is i , t | irob.ihle that the Missouri Hn * con. iii is- ion will reorguuizt'cl , ullhoug hirnup < fforls arc being made to eJTect i MM ] ! < kirtc-nt Stevenson ifc pushing Brow ol Sioux t 'it v for the position , which it is suj poseo by 0 ( mot ruts is to be fille-d ba uei mun It will be rce-ullca that Prcsidei Harris iu main but one i hunge on the cem niissii.n thiit of Dick Berlin to succeed V J Brouti h lioth republicans He retuiuc BroaUbcua of Si Louis , a elomocna. 11 : believed iluit Pre-hidcul CleveUnd intends 1 mal.e the < -onjtnissiou as nearly nonpartisa as pdssitili und thut v. nilc he may chance democrat , he muy iiipolnt | a democrat 1 lake the place vacaled by Bioadbeuid , wli has licet ) unpointed lo a mission He wi not le-orgatme the coiiiiiiissiou. uud not inoi than me ihumre can bo eipwle-d. Idiilio ulid I tuh ill U. Ne lirusku and Iowa were- left out in today ' worU tiv Headsman Maxwell Neither sli'u pot a IKW fourth-eluss postmaster. Bt Idaho and Utah got some change's us follow ! Iduhrr Bea\e-r. Biiighuin e-ounty , Jul ; Harris n-e Mrs S. Buruside rt-move-i Bcrj < iup bam county , B W May cock , vie C A itordou. removed. Kcm. Bitighu : t-cuniy 1. J Itieo. vice W M Parker , jt lescui-c ) ( ciipssee. Latch county. M. Dry cell vire e 1' Burr , removed : Maltid Clt ; Oucida county Hattie Ii Morgan , vice Alie A Thews reni ( veid . Soda Springs. Bingha : e-n unilliniu Chester , vice L C Eas mnu re moved franklin. Out via county , , B Siai-bumuph. vice G ! ' Forham , r in > TCP ttuli M > udou , Ciu be county. A Card ne-i vi.-i f L. Arsan , re-signeid ; Spanit ierU I inn county. J B. Mustard , vice J L Breiettin re-signed. .Mil Not Iturnll the Tri-Htj. The ] iubii. alum ot Ihe Uuhsian extrudilit treaty w hu-b \ \ us rutilie-d ut the last met ingof therugulur se-asum of the senate , hi shed a flood ol light ujiou iruth Thores ha' bcci w uicspi-e-uel statements iu demeicrat r ue-w-bpupiis to ihe offe'ct that this iidmiui trutinn iiite-iided to recull the treaty befo ; it wiis exihuuct-d al Si Petersburg. Wbi a treat v is signed by one government it fo wards U on to the scat of the ree-iprocal go eminent tin eifti'-ers ot which sign , and r turning one i ojiy forward the other to tl pt vi nn. cut wblise diploiuiitlc oOlce : lirst uiuu bed sicuuturc. 'J'heu the e change is complete This is after tl legiMutur have rulitn-il , ol course. Who ] a f 't-tLiptit ' since , it was auuouuced tin tlirr was u i iausein the u-eaty w hich mai extra -ituMi tbe forgery ol passports 1 uu u iualb in Itusbia , it was aunouucod th : Prt Li''cni ' I'lcvclaud hud e-auloct the recall the 11 ut \ uud the exchange of the doc mcut it. duplicate would be deft-ateid. It in w sin i that ihetivuty wus utsgeitluti niu it-ii. u by heuretury Bayard uudeiM I'IIM an I - tlrst aduiiiustratiou. and th Mr < ! \ , . . .ml is direietly responsible for l or ( . .n n is not probable , therefore , Ih y < i it \t ind : has hud ouj thought of tea e-a .i.g UK treuiy . M li > l'HH | iorti > Are NecunKixry. It is a is noexisBary , under all elivm Maies lei tne subjocth of Ifusfiiu iu gou i -i country upon : > uy bu iiu-K > p -vMu p.istport. properly vised This drne it orvli-r thai e-runinals mat not escaj S There is no notice syslcni in Russia ll oi.-s ,1111 t'.e ' telegraph is Imixirfe.- ! and Hi lien i r.n.inalb eunuut be appre hi'udi d 11 Ii Itiej iuu In in this emuntry when they t lei. T'i t.i e-si-upe , aud ibis is Ibe uld-tir mi id id of Kussia for prevonliur her iTin nais i iii.uuip away fiui punishment Uu ever tin-re is no clause iu tbe tretan , it d veiop.s. whii-h speH-ilicsilb treats the crii cf f jrpiup the names of Russian ofilcwb w art u ilion/eid to vise pnssietrtK | There u t ' . : > st u hii h is inti-tidi-d to upprohei c > 11 < rti iti'i-s , and thut cim hr so oonstru nst > " , . , the-e-nmc eif forirmi : the-name f.tt ) p 11 ri.uu-ul officer Ui any document IT pi r 11 prest-utinit value Tins was destr ly . ' ( - -nimi-iit i in order lhat we may i lri : * ii unterfeiU'i-s who may flee H.ibca l.\ -ry crime uamud in lue'uwty txtra i-ulne us be-ing uptWuiaule to Russi hiciiw ho flue lo this couutrv is. up the ren-i-se applicable to our criminals w pr t K ssin Thut is lo say uo crime c be ta. . n mod iu Ruhsla nnd made puuii u'uc ti > tin cxti-udiliou of the criininul wh he iini. < to ihe United States , that ts i ; rra boo in the same way whe > n Ibe e-livu staui-es ure rf\orse < d. did we ure ihe upj caul fur extradition eif the crimiiml. JiLsslHiis Mell l'itfct 'il. It is bpi-clncHlly btuu < d tliat pulitii crline-k shall not lie cxtraelitublc. or rath IHi-bDi.s who coiuuiit criiuct. for | ioliti j'U' ! " ' * i ai.not e-xtruditfd We ma txtra . . - for KUMIU no criimuul w wi M .ot litpuuiibisj under uur lav sb , id the crime wrH-lraUHl | | m e t mrupiiiiibt HUT co\cruuit-tit eir ourn . ! .s lu other words ilu-re is nothing 'f irotxhuli , nlH-tb m Hie-li-Hbt el ( ? i Iii iiespi.ii. Jaws eir rulttt > evr tiuuilK R < bsiu i'i ' UnswuH He Hie protevl + Kl i , n UB Kusbia or Kimsutiis by the Uva f a pii-soi. who uiienipuio kill thect it ijdirto pet out of the euipite Iib. . i ' > ri-8 tin uuuic ot an oftli'i-i thai u r at'er vcr whuh uar . ountry huB no i tix' ' U i& i.nafluirvi.i \ \ we- leave m t tri-H f rltaskia to bit-.c By UiULiug Citruuiiabie me ilniply declare noutrou Tlie trcwty ItMdf w iii to rive the neinitlvi to Ui merit of the liihliUt n cry rrrxOHHl Me-HtliiH. Henry Vons rf Omatia h * tt en appoints nperititmideut of the uw federal buildini which is under courw eif construction a < Omaha. Colonel William P Otd.v bus succeetded ll his e.Com to eel pe-rnnskion to take 100 In ( Itaiis from the Sie.uK i-e ervutie > o In Nebraski mid South Dakolu for show purpewt to tin World's fair and elsewhere Secretary Holn Smith finally derided that the influences o Wild WcM combination u ; > n the Indian wore rivilirtnc Cody intends to invite a stKX'inl gu-'sts the prlucipol chiefs of tin well known tribes tf tbe country at the fal show Watson Pickrell of Beatrice arrived i : Washington tonight for a few days. H probably conies to inline his final report to 111 Department of Agriculture , after which b. becmnes a private citicen. TlwwiHs W. Parker of Lvcms. Neb. , is a the Arlimrton and William F King of Ml Vernon. la. , is at Ihe Nonuandie. Hem. H A Coffecn of Sheridan. Wyo. , i at Willard'j , . V.'csit-rn I'ciislon * . The following iK'imiotis grunted are rt poned Nebraska Original John Driske-11. Fran : Clapper Additional -Anthony W. DoQli 3avid H Moredirk , ( leeirge W. Furm Renewal and increase Daniel CoKlmei .ncrease William Smith. Jesse O. Payne Original widows , etc -Etta J. Lamb , Hut A. Webster , mother. Elizabeth Criddli Original Horatio N Barton. David J Whil .en , John P Stnmc. Henry Weiod , Tbomti tl. llattc. Edward S. We-ed. t'harles I Lxiwis. John Lin ton Supplemental- [ le'zekiah H Way. Increase- Frederic Wirth. Eldridgc Campbell. Orlirim widows , ele- - Isabel ! .lohnion. Briilgc Smith wick. Lydia Steel. Widows India wars Elizabeth Howard Iowa : Original John H. Porter , Nelso Mulinex. John M fire-water. Jennie ( Qrigps nurse Additional , lohn B. I Shannon Ucstorationilliuui Johustoi upplomental Orion G Keeve. Je'sse I tlushing Increase Oscar Collins. Ueissv Adnun Sheele-y. Ju on Gree-n , John Bu : rows. George Burker. Jore-miuh A Bui-crof Dricriual wilovis etc Isaac Moore ( father Sarah McWiliiums Surivors Indian wars- John O Hara. Original Palmer Chismai William B Little , David L Armstrou ) William H Barnett Additional Anson f White. Theodore P Ke-lloge Increase- Josiah W DaSilva. William Itoberts. Issue .1 nines P Itoach He issue and it crease Christian J Ambli Original < ows , etc Saruh J Wj cuff , Harriet i Scuirbrough , ( motheri. miuor of George V Boynton , minor of David M. Bcntle ; Sjiecial act Ptunbe Simrler. South Dakota Original Jane A. Fai ulug. nurse. Original widows , etc Mai Garrison Original Sumue-l liiley. Increus Amos G Hammer. Reissue und increase- Charles . S H. Sonsutloiml 1'i-Ktiinuiiy In n Suit A ( ; ln lenru Jimiiruupi- onimiilrs. Sieirs CITT , la. , April 13 [ Sjiecial Tel gram to Tlie Bir. : ) The testimony in tl case brought by Hortox & Hanson , a whol sale fruit commission firm , aguinsl five ill Insurance compauie-s was highly sensaliona The insurance companies are the Geran Daklauds , Home , Sun , Buffalo Germa : British American and Equiiuble and ll amount involved is 'i.OUU The hou > jf Hortox & Haiibcn was burue lasl June and Ihe- insurance e-or uanics rcsisl paynicul of loss Toda they put four former cmuloy es on the wi ness stand , who testified that after the hi Ihe proprietors of the firm systematical swelled tbe loss by turning water on a larf stock of sugars aud by subdividing uudar ageo fruit into more numea-ous package 'J'ht- witnesses tvsiiiied that they wei ordered lo do Ibis und similar acts of fraii in oiiiCT lo dui-ei\-L-'lbe lusnrauct adjuster Ilullrnad C < imuilsi.loii Dei 1-lon * . Dns Moixns , la. , April 18 [ special Tel gram to THE Br.n.J Tbe railroad commi siou decided three cases today. In the cas of the Aflon shippers who asked that tl : Burlington aud tbe Chicago Great Wester ines be compelled lo transfer freight in le : than car lots , the commission held that tl volume of freight business in transfer wou not juslify un ordnr of thai kind , whie we > uld be u tax ou ihe companies for whie there weiuld be no public necessity. In the case of J S Reynard of Crestc acainst the same line lo compel p.issouc ( train No 1" to stop und also to e-ompei tl companies to make be-ticr provision for bai page transfer , the board refused lo order tl stopping of that particular train , but notific the railroads thai better facilities in tl way of baggage transfer must be provide than the hauling of it up aud down six 1 slops The petition of J M Redman of Cedt Uatiids for an order of the board compullir the Burlington.Ck-elar Rapids . . Northern ro ; to furnish protection at its dangerous big' way crossing near the Chiuigo & Nort western cut-off was granted and the roi notified to either placea wate-hman at tl crossiuc or put an eilee-tric or other style i pong to warn pttople of coining trams. Costly l.tucatlou Thri-utencii. lUt-ins. la. , April ID. [ Spae-Ial THE Bcc. ] Considerable consternation hi bt'eu caused at Waverly aud vicinity by tl announcement that W. C. Haverstick' i Mexico would contest the title of eoaside able valuable property in that e-ity. I claims to be a grauds-m ol William Powo an eirly settler of Bremer couuly. who le there about thirty years ago , having ut tb tune a clear title to the land iu eiuestio Powell went to Montana , and afterward Kansas , whore be died some years ugo I left considerable projierty to Haverstic who did not know uutil recently that the * Bremer e-ouuty luudv had come uilo his pe bussion. Hi- will carry the mutter iuui tl courts und. being a man of cou&iderut wemlth , will matte u stubborn flir'ut , . I'romiitliiK Atlilutlispurts. . Crtiiii lUrins. la. April 13 [ Special TIIBBEB.J TbeCloe Ooil i ? - Athletic ass elation is at work upon the exorcises for flc day. An uuthusiastii meeting was held i ccntly and abnul twenty-ll\c events 11 ranged Tbe-se iiuludc ul ! the i-ucoguiz contests usually lick' on field days , and It or three others. This will bo the flrst flc day ever hcM tiy the Ktudents of Coo. b from the interest shown It prutuiscs to lie : unusually good oue It is UilcndcMl to ha business men donate prices for the vtirlo coutests The dale set is Saturday , June 1 I'nuiiliilent Vt-v of the MHlIs. DAVESI-OKT , la , April 18. [ Special gram to Ulit Br.c | Joseph W secretary of tim Davoupjrt Fire lusurani e-oaipany , accustnl of operating extensive in this city and resiou iu b > ius fire insi unco , on preliminary examination befc fulled States Ootuimtskmer Murphy iv held to tht Uuiied States grand jury in M on a charge of a fraudulent use of tbe ni-ul His business vub strictly for cash uud has worked at C'lintuu uud und Waukegan. UL Insolvent K.inl , Sinn CITI. la. . April 1,1 - [ special T pram to THI : BEE ] Abbistuut States / tornoy General Uaws.m api'.r.-d to tbe d teict oourt here today for ihe uppointuu a ] a receiver for the eiefuuct Nurthwesu Stale bank at SiUlcy Tbe uppluyiti m w made on behalf uf tbe suite auditor w has oaieially declared the inslitutun snlvent The be.irlii.M.utlituiiiiiicuticin vt IIP April IS. T Kfi < p I'nei-s lip. ' j Siorx CITV , la. . April 13 [ Special T I KruwtoTinBrB. ! Tbe WUuUssaie luvoiiH r ' KssiK-iutiou of Iowa i iu s-i-ssiou bore Abe l tfly houw-6 artivpivmi.tf I The puriK 11 f the neetiup ib u arr < pnu a w ale * pritcb MiJ piwi 11 fit lutiuip ou siapii 1 bul u is liioapl.l tlus Mt.uot be ucco pushed and if not the orfuuuatlou w ul to pluces , BLODXT'S MISSION TO HAWAII Hk First Official Act Rsist * tbe Hop * of tbi Ecy&lists. WITHDRAWAL OF THE PROTECTORATi Olll Olory No l.onccr I'llen Otur Iho Goi crniHciit Itiilldlnc In Honolulu 11 o - the UllTcretit Inctliitift Vlt > H' Hln Adtt-nt Tlirn % , April 0. The stars and strlpss which for two months have Hosted from tU govarniueiit buikliiic. have lieen haulm douii and tbe remaining forces from th United States cruiser Boston have been 01 dei-od aboard. Nothing indicative of Aineri can authority remains in Honolulu savcMin inter Stevens and Commissioner Jame H Blount of Ge-orpia On April 1. in tb presence of a crowd numbering probably 2.00 persons. Lieutenant Draper , marine oDlcc of the Boston , blew the notes of the retrca from his bugle and "Old Glory" sank Iron the sight of tbe throng and was replaced b ; tbe colors of the Hawaiian monarchy , -.vhicl still remains tbe flac on the Islands Bloun has drawn a Chinese wall about tbe put pases of his mission here , and has sntisfiei neither side as to whether he came as at envoy to investigate or a minister to uego tiate in a matter of vital importance i them. Cunlrrrvd with I'ri--ldent I > ol . In the afternoon of March 81 the comrah sioner held u leupthj and secret confcrenc wiib President Dole and the ministry , a which he notified them of his intention t declare off the protectorate established b Minister Stevens February 1. It is understoo that be gave as his reason therefor that th Washington administration did not rcgar the prolocle > rate as necessary nnd furthe ihttt it was incompatible with any other dif lomatic negotiations that might bs arrange between the two countries. This unlooked-for action of tbe America commissioner it was feared would have th cflect of making the natives openly hostili This subsequent ! } proved to be unfounded. At Palace square the Jumble of native : Chinese , Japanese half-castes , Portugues and whites on foot , horseback an in carriage * waited to see th flag "that never came down , " com down. On tbe faces of American" wn chagrin , while brand erlns overspread th faces of the natives. The majority of th on-lookers , however , preserved stolid silence Oue Uatliuc pun and two Hotchkiss fcel t > ie > ces were placed in position to silence ho : tile demonstration should nnv occut Companv B > f volunteers , Ciiptai Gunn. was left in charge of th barracks and Company C was slaliono aboul tbe palace. The provisional govert itient forces were all under command o Colonel J. H. Soper. Inside the covera meiit with tbe guard was the president an members of bis cabinet. Chief Justice Jud and other ofllcials ; oWcials from naval ve : sels in the- harbor : prominent residents an representatives of the press. Ilunn Came Old Glory. As the hand of the clock reached tb minute past the hour Lieutenant Drape stepped forth amid n sudden hush of th throng und fucinc the government huildiu rained his busrle and sounded the call iu clear and distinct note , the flag sank froi sicbt , and a minule after Ihe Hawaiian cti blem wns hoisted to its place. Rome of the Mohican's ofticers , as the turned slowly awaj , said that while tli withdrawal of Ihe flag might be Ihe propc thing in international law , they personall hud "no right to be here and witness th thing. " Commissioner Blount remains muc of an American sphinx to 111 majority of people here He is a goa questioner , but is not so ready al irapartin information About the only public Know edge had ol him here is contained in u Idle of President Cleveland to President Don dated March 11 , in which Mr Clevelan says : ' -I have made choice of M : James II. Blount oneof ourdistlnguished cit 7cus ns my special commissioner to visit tli Hawaiian islands und make a reiwrt lo in concerning the present status of affairs i thai country . He is well informed of 01 sincere desire to cultivate and maintain t the fullest exlent Itie friendship which he so long subsisted between the two couutrle and in all mailers affecliuc relations wit the government of the Hawaiian islands hi authority is paramount. My knowledge t bis high character and ability gives me ei tire confidence thai ho will use every ei cleaver lo advance the interests and proi perity of both governments and render bin self acceptable to your excellency. " This sounded well , but to a divided peopli both sides of whit h may be considered a waiting on bis individual action before sha ] ing their course , something more was o : peeled of ihe commissioner The royalist : in view of Blouut's first official ac which was unaccompanied by any word e explanation , are greatly encouraged. It i known that Minister Stevens was nc informed ol the commissioner s intention t lower the flag , and the provisional govori mont hud less than twenty-four hours uotici Members of Ihe provisional governmer called on CommissionejBlount in a body r < turuinc his oftleial visit of Mtiivb SO , who he was introduced by Minister Stevens an presented bis credentials. Thecoufcronee t Blount'scottage lasted overati hour Attorne General Smith , iu speaking of it said the while the commissioner gave them no dim assurances of any kind b-'yonil thut tl United States would ullow no foreign inte ferencr here , the government was we pleased with the manner of the e-omniii siuncr and did not think their interest would suffer at his hands President Dole said he hoped the new paper correspondents would not make te much of ihe lowering of the American flu incident He was satisfied Mr Blount wj proceeding in n pi-oper manner , and he won ] recrel to have ihe quesiion made a partisn political one in tbe United States The pr visional government was strong enoucrh 1 maintain iiseif against any internal di turbauecE. nnd though he had not cxpecte the American flag to come down , he held tl coiumibsiuner's net to be no cause for rcgrc lupnnrMi 1 iili-i li-rcncc. The onlv danger apprehended is thai i Japanese iulerfcrnnce in thci.-own be-half , i on the application of Japanese subjects , i the Ua waiians themselves Honolulu , ahva ; n town of rumors , was startled on the san night on which the proposed hauling dow of the stars and stripes buc me known , I a report that the ejueen anticipated such a tion and would apply to the captain > the Japanese cruiser Nauila for protoctii ngainsl the provisional government and a Eistan te to restore her to ihe ihraue. Mi isler Sle vens. Commissioner Blouut in others cinsullc4 over the matter , and , it btatod. agreed that the Japanese intcrfe enoe. would be an ait of hostility to tl . United States , and that American intcres demanded that such be repelled No host ! demonstration. obowcver. has been made 1 any party up to this wriiuig. So many rumors have been circulated t purdlug 'be intentions of the mikado's re reseulullvcs lhat Ihe olllcen. of the cruit. und the consul have been led to maucdeuiu of tbe re | torts The officer * , of the Japane cruiser called on Admiral SUerrett a ft days 8K > and ascurai him no hostile lute Uoufc were * enlerlaiujd. ' | The cHHifcul. iu a ne Hamper interview , d - | ui < * d that he hud it * eivexl a cotninuDicutu f i from t'ou.uussiouer Blount repardmr tl f I attiiui1 < ul ill l'i it'M states , und i iuilU' ' that llieri wab no foundation t < > the rcpu thut tbo gv * e-n mci.t would luter'cre i Hawaiian affairs IU staiea jiositm thut neither he nor any attac ! of tbe cmtrafate had receive ! overtuit fnitt tha qmn-n. thoual lie admitted be awpecte-d Ibe deposed ROV ereipn had l aainps Uiwanl Japanese assist ance lie clwlitiad to siatn whellirr lie hue lodced any protest with the jirovlBional gov erninent upninst the pn > | Hised aniiexallou o Hie- country to th * United Stales , but sale it was the iutentloti-eif the Japanese government mont to claim the , same elective frane-lil.ii for their subjen-ts ii ; theise which citiMins o otbej- countries enjoy. I'uylnir Mr. lilount Mne-li Attention. Commissioner Blount has been recelvim much attention from Hawaiian residents , aiu he has been loudexl doxvu w itb eixitressious o peiod will , flowers and iuvitalinns to tmtlvi entertaiunienls A delt-paiion from the An nexatiou club called up-m tbe cotniidssinnei March 81. and an nddresss was formally read netting forth ihe satisfaction of tin association at ihf appointment ol Mr Blouut and tsx-prcssluir confidence that the most snaivhiuc eratnlnnlloi and analysis will disclose tbe fact that thi pre-sent poverument was established as t master eif necessity and duty. iu the interes of humanity and civilization , aud not i scheme to promote the selfish objeicti of any cliejue Hope was cspressei that a treaty of aunux-ation may POOI be ac-compllsbed between Hawaii and tbi United Stales , which , while securing all tbi saferuai-ds of a fre-e and stable goveiumeu to all natives , aboripmal Hawaiians. as wel ns to those of foreign ancestry , will entai no bun"ens on the United Stales , bul. on thi contrary , prove a source of additioca strempih uud satisfaction. Mr Blofint iu reuly said : "Gentlemen you will Aery re-adily understand that 1 e ii make no reply to this address My nepotia tieius will be conducted entirely with you government. " A committee from the Hawaiian Patriot ! leapue culled on the commissioner this aflet ntion. folio wine the withdrawal of the pro teictorate. and. presented a memorial ndoptoi at u mass meeting March IHI. reciting tha while the Hawaiian people ure nnsious t promote the closest and most intimalenolitl cul and commercial relations with the Uuitoi States , they do not believe Ihe tim has yet come for them to be deprived ei their nationality und sovereignty b\ annexe tion to any foieign power aud therefor eamemly and sme-erely pray that the grea wrong committed against them may b righted by the restoration of the indepen dent autonomy and coustltuti mal povemmen of their beloved qneen. In whom they hav the utmost confidence us u conscientious un popular ruler Mr Blount assurnd the committee tha th e-ir memorial would ree-eive due at tent 10 at his hands und bo presented to Pre.si.ien Cleveland. To nwlure Ui i QaeeiiV I'ftihlnu The monthly pension of fl.'J50 paid Queo Liliuokalani by the provisional povernmen hus been the subject of much debate lutel , and in council March 511 J. A Me-Candles offered u resolution to the cffeict lhal she b paid JSUO per monlh so lone as she. In pee faith , carries out certain exmditions and re striclioni rtlalinc to political mutters whic would be prescribed by the executives' ac visory councils The resolulion was considered in ereu-utiv session , and il was decided to postpon further pay ment of the jicusioti until th que-en's e-ouduct iu rocard to nolitual intei fereuce became ujijiarcnt. Several official changes have been mad recently AS Cleghoni , father of Princes Kuiulani. retires from tbecoile'ctorshipnf cu : loins C M Cooke is talked of us successor t Mott Smith as tnmister to the 1'nitcd Slalc aud Roticrt Wile-ox ih beiug urged for const peueral at Sin Frrfucku.-o , to succeed S. S Pratt. Major Roulnson/thc deposed eiueen' chamberlain , has been removed from Ih custodianship of Ibe palure. The jirovjsional govemmeul is not pleasu with the re'porti'd e-onduirt of United Statt Consular Agent Furuexiux at Hilo. iu won ing uirainst anue-xation and the Unite- Stales may be called upon to ma lie au ii vesligaliou Furneaux is ejuoted as sayln America uad no right to interfere in' Ht waiian affuirs and the islands should eoi tinue under the monarchy. Tbe discovery has been made thai ib croivu worn by King Knlakaua. and whic was kept in the pa'nce. ' had been robbed c its diamonds aud other jewels , valued a Ki.KK ( ) . The revenue cutter Rush , Captain Hoopej left here yesterday for Sun Diego , froi whence it is expected she will be ordered t Bering sea It is understood she convey official dispatches from Coramissione Blouut. - l/.Ui JVJH ItlCrOLl'Tl > X1 ! > TS. Tl-olilile In Illn Gruucln du ul e'oiltliHicd t Attract Atloutliin. | Coirfj/Wecl ; | ; / IBH t > u Jamrn liurdnn llcnmlt. } VALI-AIUISO , Chili ( via Galvcston , Tex Awil 13. [ By Mexican Cable to tbe Nt" York Herald Sjiecial to THE BEE.J- The Herald's correspondout in Rivera tele praphs that Iho revolutionists are receiviu largo consignments of urms. General Tn van- is mare-lung on Vucugniiu in tbe norther portion of the state. A part of Ihe revolt lionary army is eucampud near Camrati. Details of tbe taking of Alecrete by tli ft-dcruls are tmblished confinniug in all pa ; liculars Iho message which I cabled to tli Herald at tbe time It js now reported tin the Third infantry refused to fipht. I'll ! greally encouraged the federals and the are now boasting that the entire naval fore will favor their cause when they suce-ee-d i securing domination of the e-oast. In the Herald of Sanliugo , is published report lhal Ibe government has receive word from Washington on the subject of th refugees in the United States legation TL contents of the communication are kept a ottiiial secret. It is reported that tli Chilian government has sent word to Wasl iugtou requesting that Minister Egan I instructed lo deliver up the relugoes as o : dinary criminals El Ferro Carril. in an editorial , censure the covernment for ils exniciliulory atlitud loward the revellers. Troops have bee sent lo guard all ihe Cordillera's pusses. ( loii&j.lniolrh in : Xlrurupuu. PAN A.MA. . Colombia ( , vi4 Galvestou , Tex April 18 [ By Mexican tCable to the Nu York Herald Sueoial to THE BCE 1- Following closely on tbe discovery of n pie in Loon for tne overthrow of President Sr eoza through Ihe e'oufe-sslDn of the wife e Goikuva lomes Ihe uews from Nica ugua of ihe fruslralinn of anolhi conspiracy which was beinp batched It lu been learned that it was proposed to stril bimultaneously iu Managua. C.nuiada ar Leon When Ibe poveriimenit was iiiformt of the plot orders were issued for the ane : of the leaders. In Munatrua ex-Presidei Joaquiu X-uvala and the litic.ru ! leadu ( ieneral San los /Celaya , u veal thy niBre-hai in Grunndn. FrudcrU-o Sakir auo.w : lh Colon Paey and many othej-i > romiui-ni person were captured The Oman utrent , Curmei Carrea. was arrested iu'OeHiu us an accou phce and e > ilod He was suspoe-tod of a Icmpline lo mtniduce anns with w hich i equip Ihe revolutionists. Thirty fe-el of Ibe railroad wharf , whil1 was in bad condition , collupsud Ihib mon. in There was u heuuy weight of coffee ou ll wharf awaiiing shipment. Tlie damage wi PLATA , Sanio Domingo ivia G veston , Tex.i. April IH. - ! By Mexican Cab to the New York Heisild Special to Tn BEK 1 Tlie treat } between the Republic i Hayti and Santo Domingo denying exiles i one accused of political offenstMt against It oiher , rt-tusre in Ihe neighboring ropubh has li en renewed. After signing 11 Ireaty IKIIU presideuls. HipiHtlytc at : Heureaux. made preparations to wilhdru Ihe irooite from lh < ir rebiH ciive froullur Hijipulyte's fen fc will i-elruut toward I'or au-l'dnoe and Heurtiuux's toward Suutiag This withdrawal of the troojis. il ib believe * iiutuiib lhat peacu will lie maintained in IK > ! rt-jmbiicb It is now uude-rstood itiul the a ti'ii.pt to overthrow Pre-sideut HipjNily wiii be inuefiuitilv jiobtpinfd Ttu-fe wen lo be uc. e-haure of a rcvolulioti Pre-sidt-i Heuroaux u master of the situation in Sun Domingo , MASON TELLS HIS STOR1 Declares that He Bid Not Awst His Vif to Kill dole. HIS MOTHER'S TESTIMONY OFFEREI Sintip of Ihr Correspondence Itctwbpn Ih Victim Huii AceiiM-il uiimltti-tl At-pli. uientii Will Cont-ludi-d Today Features uf the Ci > < HASTINGS. Neb. , April 18. [ Special Tele cram to THE BEE J Today saw the close o tbe testimony in tbo Edward W. Masa ! murder trial and the beginning of the argu incuts The stale yesterday afternoon j > u Isaac Deffenbaugh on the stand but the de fense objected to bis giving testimony as hi name was omitted iu the certified copy o the information served on the prisonet This tnornim : the court admitted bis testj mony after the deputy district clerk hai dcx ] > se.d that tbe name had been endorsed o the original information. Mr. DeiTenbaufTl simply testified that be was at Mason1 place on tbe morning after tbe murder am saw some woman talking with tbe prisonoi Deputy Sheriff K. A Boyd was again pu on the stand and identified the loiter whicl Mrs Mason yesterday swore was in tb handwriting of ihe defendant , as one wbicl was taken from Cole's eSects after doalL Two oiuers were produced one of whicl was taken from Mrs Mason's trunk and tb other which was obtained at the same tim as the one identiued by Mrs Mason Thes two letters were turned over to the defend nut' * counsel but as they didn't put them i evidence their contents are unknown Mr MIIBOII'K Kt'VoHvr. Boy d examined Mrs Mason's rimflre re volver. when he took 11 from her trunk th day after tbe murder , und then it appeare as if it had not been fired for a long time The witness had examined every brand o cartridges on sale iu Hastings and Junial and tbe only kind bearing the peculiu groove found on the bullet which killed Col was a Smith & Wesson J'3-c.ahbor. cente fire , which cmuld not be used in rilnflre r volvers like Mrs Musan's. .but which couli be used in a center fire revolver like that sh is said to have borrowed from Ed Baruarc Bates , a former inmate of the countv Jail testified that Mason had told bun that aflc the trip to tne ljlatte he had piven t he re volver to Mrs Mason On cross-examinatio ; tbe witness caused considerable amusemen b\ frankly owning that at the time met tioaod he was serving a term for theft , an that be bad been in jail before and ought t have been imprisoned on other occasions He claimed that one of the defendant' counsel had approached him and threatene him with condign punishment if he testine against Mason This caused a sensation omp of tilt * CorreKpowiiinre. The letter from Mason to Cole was the ptft iu evidence. It is us follows : AT HOME. .Tune iri. ! I ) ? . role Hear ? li Now. 1 do mil see liny use In you and 1 eoi respoiielinf : any more lor , us 1 salel In my la * lultei. 1 will not commit myself In u lette ; and tbe parties concerned with vou In tli ] deal ( tlitt fuilth fumllyi emcbt to know me bet U > r than to thlulv 1 would. Thoie art ) sum things you would lime to explain u > uio full and will bnve [ the word ha\e belup lieuvll uudur.sc.orfd ! to do liy next buuday..Juy JU at my home , or w III have to show your letter toyoui family and Und out \\lmt you meat Now what you eitfer HIP may lip straight an uiuy liu lit'M lor me , und 1 may conclude-teulii I just us soon as I ciin pet my cnip in utid tlilnc -truigntened up but you will have to come t me tit home uuu mulit- all un-umjenie-iits. us will not Vrlif uny menu. Yuur Utter todu was \ ery pood. The following was crossed out' "Do nc fail any more about this Of course you ar the giver , and 1 do not have the bassimr c this mutter" Then came the sipnatun Yours , S of V. . Eaward W. Mason " The following postscript was added : ' 'R < member , 1 will not wait one hour longer tha next Sunday. " The delense put Dr. .1. T. Steele. one of th physicians present at the inquest , on th stand as ihe first witness He testified thu from the position of Cole's body when foun it would have been impossible for MR Mason to have fired tbe shot as she claim to have done A bruise on the back of tb skull indicated that a blow sutticiont to hat caused insensibility had been inflicted b ( fore death. Coroner Irwin was recalled and testifie that H hen he first saw Mrs. Mason's r < volver it had been recently cleaned wit kerosene. Mrs. Mason , on the day after th discover. ; of tbe body , admitted to THE BE correspondent that she had a ! KJ-culiiire n volver. and that she had it cleaned wit kerosene not long before. She said the ol revolver had lain around until it pot rust and she had kept it covered with kerosen for some time previous lU-li-iieled bj lilt , .Mother. Mrs. Stephen Mason , mother of the prii oner , swore that her sou retired for th night at lO.il'.l. ' while the murder is sal to have been committed an hour later. sei eral miles away. Prom the location of hi roam he could not leave without passin through his sister's room. Referring t Anna B Mason , her sou's divorced wife , tli witness staled that she had u violent tenip and thut both prior to and subsequent t marriage she carried a revolver Once sli became incensc-d because the witness and D were holding a private conversation an went out on a hill and fired several shot The dofendanl's father testified likcwisi His sister testified that on the evening c the day tirevioui to the murder , whil searching fora book , that she saw a revolve in her brother's trunk which was not his a'j which looked like the ono Mrs Mason dam to ha ve used. Te tiinotiy nt tlui Prisoner. In the afternoon Edward \V Mason , tli defendant , took tlie stand He was lis yeai old and lived a mile and a half west of tl asylum. He remembered the time of tl murder but did not know w ho killotPUol- - He had nothing to do with it. In the SUE mer of IblU he haa forty head of cattle t the Platte and he borrowed Steve Doflei bauch's revolver as he had done before , hewn own being out of oiiler He did this on Jur ] & ani made two trips lo the Platte , takit it both times Whe-n not BO in use he kept in bis trunk. It was. never In the possessie of any other person He returned it on tl da.v after he had seen Anna ( his wifei thei and after being subpeenaod came to tow with her The defense introduced a host of witnessi to prove tbe good character of the prisoui and .1 C Harligau of tbe defendant's cou : s l took the stand to deny that he had use any threats against Bates E. E Forru i the prosecution was called as a witness fi the defense and was questioned about hu in ? been the attornej for Mrs Mason in hi divorce suit , iiut the testimony he gave wj of little importance. Here the defcn : rested After a half hour's recess M FerrlsDopened the argument for the slat finishing before tbe evening recess wi taken. In tbe evening Judge William Gasl opened the argument for tbe defense T murrow morning Hartigan will close for tl defense and Count } Attorney MtUeary fi tbe state. I'line-rul l Mrs. Alfimiilnr. SiiucteC. Jveb. . April IB.-Special [ TUB Bnn ] The funeral services last Su day of Mrs G. S. Alexander , wife of tl editor of the Journal , were largely nttenoe The large opera ball wtts filled to ovorilni ; ing Presiding Elder Brett of the Method ! ' Episcopal church prtiacUtMi an eloquent he j mon Nearly KM carnapfifc followud tbe i I iiwins to the cemetery. The deceased w ; 1 an artist of wide reputation and possess I MU unuhuulb wide circle of warm jierso ! ! | fricudt. i MKII itli Intent to Kul. | BLAIU Neb April I' . - sjiei-m 'itlepru to THE BEE - Tbe jurj i tbeabi of ' ! Hushoff , who has been tried ut this term court for shnntitttr with tnt ut to kill , ft tumttd a vtirdirt of ruilty totl . \ utter liciti out lx > ut two hours A few months airo h o lll rmt l.v ( hot W J. Crane of Arliiifrto while the Utter W B cvmlnr out of n sum He is snld to lie A vorj titiuiiicnonir olu nmi Judge Opdeii don't iirojioM to hove an jilay while holding court. He lined fou Jurymen this nuiniliie , L ParXer. U 1 Schwaeer. ChRrles Stoffln and Hd ( ircnel Jr . all of Calhouu. for not biuntr on haud u the opening of i-ourt They were on th HashoS" case and wont home to stay oh iiicht aiid the train was late , hnuf the a < laj of court Cue of the lur.v tut u t but wen homo HUH refused perminniiiii to leave toy th Judge \Vheu thc.ar.lved . the judpe fine them * 10 each tiy nincl Htul Hull. COXAH , Neb. , April IK - ; Sjmrtt l U. Tn BEE ] High wind * have pro ailed here fo the past few dajs Tuc 3a.abnut . 1 VJnc , p. m. the buildings on the farm of Wilbc Hough ton. about ton or twelve miles north east of town , were destroy ttd b.the . wine pans of the debris being curried seven miles away. The place xras occupied by th familof , J F White Fortunately no on was injured A buegj belonginp to Ml White was literally torn to fmrments Vuite a hail storm visited this lix'alit.v th same day North and west of tuwn hai. stones an large an boo s eggs fell Winter wheat here is looking well , but j beginning to need ruin. Small gram is all i tbe grotmd and farmers are now plowing fo corn. Weur > of Auuos , Nell , April IS t Special Teh pram to THE BCE J G. H Krauze , whll heiv on a visit. cnniittod suicide at th residence of his son , P A Kruu/c , bj hanrin himself last night Tne defeated was ahoi 00 j ears old and had been in bad health fu some time and despondenc.v caused by sicl ness , it is supposed , caused him to suicide Cow-Mart , Neb , April 1H > peciul Tell gram to THE BtE | Cl H. Krau/.e. one of th oldest citizens , died suddenly lust niirbt n the home of bis sou Paul in Albion. H leaves n wife and three sons urn ! a dnugliu to mourn his loss Tbe funeral will be hel here Saturday. _ Could Not Mirurti the I untls. NEBitAsiiA Cirr. Neb. . Aiiril 1H I'specii Telegram to Tne Bee. ] After three trial the case of the Farmers bunk against U M Harshman has been decideJ iu favor of th defendant. Tbe suit was brought b.v th bank to recover payment on a note for $ l.OC which a clerk had stamped u paid , bu which was not credited on tbe books. Th first trial declared for the defendant , hi this was reversed by the supreme court on technicality , hence the trial ofe , torda ; The jury was out fort.eight hours before i reached a verdict. O'NeUl'H 31 ii-lniil Tl at. O'Nm.t.Neb , < Vpril IS. [ Special Telegrai to THE BEE ] The famous Sixth Cavalr band from Fort Niobrara , gave a concert i this city last evening under the auspices < the Knights of P.v thias H was an ex-cellet musical entertainment and drew a crowdc house. Their orc'iestra played for a gran ball here this evening and this afternon there was a errand parade , winch was heade by the band , and cousiste'd of the- uniforms rank Knichts of P.thias . and four cornpaiih of the O'Neill fire department. licntrlce CilJ Otllcialo Appointed. BEATUH-E , Neb , April 1 [ Special Tell gram to THE BEE 1 The citj counci' held n adjourned meeting this evening 1. N. Ca jar was ducted president. Ma > or Shuli made the loTIowing appoiutniunts whic wereconnnnedJr3. . 'Imthorforfl , { .trot commissioner : J Q lleod. chief of polic < A. G. Randall. William .laekhoii. Fred IJa ish , , policemen : Willis Uallen. engince : John Pierceman. meat inspector and E. C Kretsinpcr , attorney Ex-Maynr Philh ] and the trouble which inan.s were ex pectin ) did not materialize. SYUACTSE. Neb. , April la. special to Ti Bnr. 1 The corue : band of this place gave farewell concert and reception to two of ii departing members Tuesday night nt U opera house. Notwithstanding the inclen eut weather , they were greeted b. . a larf and enthusiastic audience. Tbe prograi had been hastily prepared but i ( insisted i standard BDlectiuiis which wei-e rendered i a very creditable manner After the concert the members of the bat ] were handsomelj entertained at the house < Hon O. Home. _ JlUfKtl iUlnc uu llllillitV Dratll. BEATIUCE , Nob. . April 18. [ Special Tel gram to TIIE BEE J A Jury was empanole this afternoon to iii'juire into the facts co : cerning the birth und death of an iufan the mother being \oung woman giving tl name of Carrie Abel , who came here n fe days ago from Johnson After view ing tl remains the j adjourned till V u in t morrow. The physician in attendance , i eminent und highly rospecte.t practitione avers the birth and death vierc natural. Clli.v Cunlrr Kiilrrliliiui < > iit. CLAV CEXTEH , Neb , Auri ! 11 ! .Special . i TIIE BEE. ] Union hall was crowded la : night to witness the presentation of tl ' Deestrlct School of Twenty Veurs Ago. " t local talent , which was quile a success : every particular. Injuri-d In u lUumnaj. EI.KUOIIN , Neb. . April la [ Special "iei gram to THE BEE J While atteuiptinp ' stop a runaway team on Mum street todt A Beerbacb was hurled to Ihe ground ut susuuued a compound fracture uf the le forearm. _ l' < lll'OIHMIl .Nlllnull Vtil dullt- . BEATIIICE. Neb . April I'l jSneial Tel pram to TUB Br.e J Policeman Nelson wi disi-harged this afternoon , huviuir teen four not guilty on the charge of .i r. It la C lnbrat d by the Younc Democrat * i Ann Arutir , Mlrli. ANN AKDon , Mich . April 1H. The IfiOl anniversary of the birt b uf Thomas Jeffc son was celebrated in a befitting uiuuuer t night b.v tbe Young Men i > Democratic chef of the L'niversitj of Muhigan A splend bati'iuet was given at the palace ring.xhe covers were laid for -UK ) truest * . . Noted dor ocrats were present from all parts of tfa state and from ncighooring state Vice President StevtiiiBon had co sentod to respund to the t-iasl "O Party , " but as the Eanate did nut ucijour he was not able to come. Coupressuu Bunion McMillan of Tennessee audV : Wilson of West Virginia uud Judge W i Ewiug were also expected to attend tl banquet uurt Kpeuk , but were uuu bio to I tilt-sent. Edvrurd F. Uhlc of ( irund liapii aciod as toastmasier Judge J. W Cnai plain , ex-justice of Mi"bigan delivcitid tl address of welcome. J. J Knriirtit of Dclrc spoke to the toast , "U'hal of Our Youi Men f" Tbo address of the eienmg was by Co presauuiii John De Witt Warner of New Yo. City. _ _ _ linclly IIiiilisrrHKhixl. DcTiiorr , Mich. , April 18 A local pap says the Detroit Electrical company is ej barrassed owing to several reasons , the pri cipal of which is tximpetiliou. Tlie pap pats the total indebtedness at 1350,00(1 ( meeting of the stockholders will be held 1 morrow at nhich a lively time ii > proalcir The annual reiort ; made last Deceint Shows the fallowing 1) ) puree Capital slot ' ftTiO.iKX ) ; impilal Ktock paid in , fOM'KiO : pi Mmal estate , gWU.UTl' ' : debts of tut ccrtx atloa , K ir.,4.rir. Oalttliti'tl tlir Mnrlml. Siovx CITI. la , Apiil Id .Spei-ial Te gratti to Tar BrtThe city covmril b ktopiHtd Muf.t.al Hollciibut h'k crusu aguiiiHt tbe sai inns \ \ hi' ' h proinihtij to c iirrt tli' i it 11 * uu uiii. i.il iiicdiur c > f fii'i ' w bj ref b up tf upp' e t titti > udK tur I tuc dfi'atiL-s he apjii'.1cJ to nokc t HILL HOPES TO GET OFF Attomcj Bro * ly for tb Ex-Tr Mnr r Lack of Jurisdiction. EXPIRATION OF HIS TERM IS SET UP I'ncl Hint Hi' lUil Turiiml UU Olllei. O cr III Hnrtlej salil to KiiiltrrMtc llaii- Jcft.i't Iu th < - luillctini-nt Al- LJSCOLX , Neb , April 13 [ Speial 1 < pram to THE BKE jAt a few moun i ts Tore 5 o'clock this eveainu Judge KiMa fllod his plea exit'ptinfr to the juris Ii ; , , i , the laise of the State of Nebraska ex-State Treasurer J. 1 ; Hill. In the pica the attorney contends that the suprrn.o court , sitting as a court of impeu : ini.rrt. should not take further cogaUauct i > r ihe articlcR of imiwachmetit presented uir.ia.st Hill by the senate uud house of representa tives In joint convention , for the mis .u th.it at tbe time the first rcsalntioti of impeach ment was considered in the house 01 ropre- sotitatives. and nt the time of the iti-.it j- tlon of the Investigation which led up i" iha impeachment and at all times since UK first thought or suggestion of the mipo.n hinonl , and for a long time before , Mr Hill \ \ a nut an oBlcser of the state of Nebr.is'.ta Thu main part of the plea is as follows. \\'nn AlreiiUy Out tif llfnch. And thcKald J. n. Hill further sny * . ilmt ut the pcucral election In 1HUU be was < ! u-J tiHuihun of tin KtHt of NelirasUa fut n < - < a of \vciyenrn , und Unit ut Ibv ceuerul i li > < u in in 1HSIJ be u > - not u cuudldute fin tui u i r and did not soeh u rc-elwMloli. but at - > .i u lust tunned elt'iM luii JiM-iih S Uuilley wii'-.l. t d hi-suceessnr for tinfrm of t o ve.nf 'ii ' > the Hi t Tliur day nftet the flr t Tii > - iit 11 .Imiuury. IMSiS , nlncli uv .lunutiry 'i I- ' m nhlcli IUM nuined Utiy III" ti un ofoflu i i an ] Hill ci'UM-d. liy iipei-ution of luw : Inn u . much us ut i hut lust niiini'd tlmn tin l < > . ; - c- tur < bad nut prifurmnd. its COIIMMUI u ul duty of can u .liie tin electinn return . ' uu * ekictlun of IHHJ , the sulU Illll. IUM IMC u ) tlilnp > prt-pured und readj to turn HIM Hio ofllccuud all Its lui-ideiits. lield tlilui- - iluv were In wultln.- for lit * suivussor lu uth until Janunry 14 , l HH. ulien Ills HUCCKHSIU . ' i-i ph S. Hurt if 3wns iiiuuirui Hind unudul > iM-uillt'd Into tlie office of treasurer and \ - > nti 10 member of the Ituuid ( if 1'ublic Lunn uud ItulldlngMi ! , the sucee-Hdi of suld Hill 'I urn and tlierv tbe suld Hill uccordliii : t luw turnnU over the olllce vitliulllib tn < ! DIS and duties , liirluillnir the e\-oftlclo tint us mvtiilier of the llnuMl of I'ulilic Linand IlulklluRs to his successoi. the suld .lust ( .1 , H llurtley , nbo Ims h-en the < nil > Icp.il . , - \\nl uclltm treuHUriM of Hit MHte of NelnusUu \Vhcreforetlir sHid .1 K Hill hay-tliii ilio suld articles of liupfurliiiifttit slimv m m > < r face without ciin-liJ < TiHiii uf any of iti > u ! ( pinions of furl contained In tlnsplru tliui tins couit is without juriKdlction In tuinrnux uud thut It should MI lul.ludrian'I tuKe no lir incr roirnl/unce of tlie uttK'les of nn | ) urlim in This plea is the lirst pupcr tiled > , u i bo clerk of the supreiin * eoiirt l > , \ anol , tlii ita- ] iuucbod olllfiulB or ex-ofliciuls IIopn lor the Ilojielesi. . In connection with the answer benu ; pre pared by the attorneys for Messrs A Icn , Humphrey and Hast nips , it bus b cu dis covered that there are some very serious de fects in the arii"le.s of impeachment drawn up by AttomevB Orceue. Poimthnnd Poane. Siecification 1 of article tii alleges that id April , IB'.IO , Hastings. Allen and Humphrey actingas member * of the Board of Public ivtinds and Buildings let a contract to Belts & Weaver for supplyluir coal , and that in that month the said Bfiib .V Wuaver sjppliod ! ICiOKK ) pounds uf ial. . while Allen Hum phrey and Hastings nllowod pa.for ISIh.tKK ) pounds Spivilicu lions a. ! 1 , 4 , r > nud ( i ulj ulu-pe thut Aiien , Humphrej and Hastings uliouud claims for coal uevw furnished The weak point in ihese su spwiilcatums lies in the fa. l lhat Allen. Huinnlu-ov and Hastmcs were not eld-ted uutil Novenihur of thai .NOJI- ana did nol e-ommeuce their terms of oflire uulil in January. lsl'1 ' Wl'eu Ihe attorneys for the defense noticed Iht-se defects they Ihoucht that they we-rc mere errors tiul on looking up tbe vouchers tbe.\ discovered that thecontraclB were let und the fraudulent claims allowed by the predecessors of the three impciached ottiners Specifications. 8 , ll , 10 , 11 and 12 , of article iii , of Ihe urtii-jes of impcachtuenl. all i-cfor lo contracts let iu 1 'Jl and accounts audited in inal year Tliry Tonuli 11111 and Ii > in.c. A reference to the articles of impeai hraent against exAttonie.ijneral L < ese shnws that the first six specifications of arti ! e lull refer lo Ihe identical Hems referred to in the lirst six specUicatioiiB of articlei iii r f the ar.icles against Allen. Humphrey Hastings uud Hill. These defects were discovered bj out of tbe attoniei g for the impuai bed omVials und be is inclined to believe that they are fatal as far as thosejiartlcular spivittc.atiuns arc con cerned Ho admits , however , thut even II these specifications arc thrown out us they undoubtedly will be , there is still enough in the articles of impeachment , to malic a li\oly trial. Governor Crouusr went to Omaha this alternoou , intending to return to Ihe capltol tomorrow noon During iho forenoon ho wcul over all the papers thai had bei n sub- -.miUed to him in regard to senate file Nr > 210. Before leaving be slated in response lo u question from 1'rivate Secrular.v Andrews that he had done nuthini ; tviib the IIK. and would defer its further consideration uunl tomorrow after hK return. THE n.ui r Uow VestimlHj Wu * iieut lij the I'lert AHBCinliliiU at lliiuiptoii Himtl * . . PoKTitEHu MoNwiE. Va , April lit When the fleet passed out to si-a on Tuesuu.v morn ing it'Wtis divided i-.ilo two squadrons Ad- luiral Beutaam commaudoJ tne first coin- prising the Newark , Baltimore , San 1 run- cisco and Atlanta , and tbe second UB in charge of Admiral \VulUor , with Uio 1.1- cage , Charleston , Concord , Yorkt > v n uud Vesuvius On reaching the caixts and malciiir u few movemenls in turning us a whole. It uas ar ranged that each ot the udmir.i's ' stioujd take his own section nud drill thorn in 1 is own way. Admiral Bonhain ace orthugly stood out to sea und Admiral XVulUei passud ui Chesapeake bay to the ricimi.v < .f i orlc river , where his vessplt , were put t hruugh the usual mantruvres laid down m tin rcgu IntiouB At night th * ' tleet came toguher and anchored in LJuti Huven rondt. usi iu- side tbe capes The second section , under Admiral ttViter , eompletod Us work and returned to t lie muds at H p. m , and is now ut anchor in iu old po sition Admiral Benham wlio U.IB > at t-f sight when it put.snd around the 'I ail < ! thu Horses hoc. will remain below toiurtit and rotura to the roads sometime touion-ow The Bancroft completed coahug and dropped down to the roads this ali'-ruoon Khe Uml ; up her posit i m at tbe oust end cf the line , well oul in the bay. Tbe v i-ather has boon sbower.v ibis afternoon uud ibi re was little visiting with tbe fleet. World's I'ulr Mitrn. CHirA.oo , 111. , April 18 The Me&icun com- iniggionerfi to tbe fair visited th < - grounds toduj in a body for tbe first time. They ar rived last night from the City of Mcxlro , from which place the-\ started on AIT h Dr Etnil liluuie of Vienna , who in dcre in L-ouuection with World's fair mutt IT * hug iweiveid an imporlant ussitrnmnnl frusu lo Austrian jrovernme.nt Heigtotitav in I H- cage until JultH. . and tnen leave for M UK > , ' ! ute to niwt ihe Austrian crown primxulu. . . is now on a jouniet urounu HIM world in a ir.an- of wur Trum Uouolulu Dr Blume XM escort cert tbecpowti prince to Clii"uffo Th < Jng prinm * will arrivt ln're aUiut the IM ' H if Auirnht uuJ utlei vi . 'intrthe fuir vn I jrr on K'.NIW ' Virn Misuri Mil titirtMI lie 'ho 01 uhiiin "f a prati i f > siv.i , Iii hU < , at.Ti- nv-ii ti i t i , ig UIKI t ii'isof other couutne * MUI h Aukiriu m aulod.