8 T1IK OAtATIA DAILY UME : THUllSDAY , AIMUL 13 , 18 ! ) . ED PARDRIDCE GOES BROKE Misfortune Overtakes Chicago's Mo3t Daring Speculator. HIS LOSSHS WILL AMOUNT TO MILLIONS rcnf r < lny' Kicltlne it | > < rli'lirn of thn I'liin- tor mi tlm Stork iz : < ImiiRti Many ( ) | irrntnr * WVro After IIM Scnlp ilnxr It Win Done. CiurAoo , 111 , April IS-'I ho most widely known bear speculator In the gialn tr.ide of the world tonight acknowledged himself beaten , If not rultud In an Interview to night laboring under abnoimnl excitement lifter an extraoidlnary dav on'change , I'd- vardl'ardiidge talked wlldlv of his losses mil revenge , decl.irtng that his wife s fortune and his ieal ( state holdings would jut en able him to recoup himself and down the ennmlrs who , he admitted , had pushed him to the wall In the great May deal I'm done up by mj friends , " slid P.ud- ridge , hjstetic.illj. "but I'll got back at them I do not know whit I hue lost , but I have J'J ( XX ) MX ) woittiof ieilcstat < ) , and I'll bring it all up to the fiontlf ne < ossirj Mj wife has a fortune and she will bicU me up 1 shall sta\ light hero on the Hoar and give the now d the racket It his given mo J'hej hive darned to mllddllng befoio and I can make them do so again " ' Hut 1 m done on this deal , " he continued "We 11 beein again 1 tiled to got jnonoj from mv ft lends todav and they t of used It I had no readj cash and the game is up " "U'h.it do jou think jou hive lost ! ' "I cannot estimate I don't know how mm h wheat I h iv o or au\ thing about it I don t know anj thing I was bulking on in- foimatlon mj file-nils g ivo inc. and thej de ceived me and 1 lost 'lh.it Is the whole storj ' Uciit ( or I'irilrlilKii'M lip. ' 1 he bull clique h id st irted out after Pardi Idgn hi ight and oirly this morning 'Ihcj resolved to dilve him into a coiner and lift tils si ilp List nluht's close vxas at fil ! ' ' , cents Tlio Hist silo this moininsr w is at UO cents In two ininul s it slumped to cents and in less than llvo minutes aftct tn.it the buh'o ran the pilcottp to ss cents Al noon It wis lluctnitlm ; between SI and si cents iServousncss was a faint desc'iptlm of the st ito of the market. "A call for l. > ,000 bushels would send thu nmikot up to the roof A tradei might stai I to buv at Stj cents an ( " bo satisfied to i.iptnre his whole amounts , i a 2iit advanio and see thupileo the next minute lit low the oiiginal otTeiing P.ud ildge was e.ulx on the stone of li ittle and he vxas loaded with theiks His ftundssav the iinount vxas stiftli lent to buv out st' of the liiir Huns All this inonov o com so vxas Intendid for m.uirins These ehc ( kfc went to the hank as soon as it opcncu and theii source vxas undonhte IU the dls posal of stoi Us and sec uiitles , Inldlngs h various tompaiiics that have been bougl with the piocetds of deils manipulated lij the little bear It was at this Intelestlm Junctuic that the xxealthj poi k packer am Hpeeul itor John ( 'iidahvx ho is at the he u of the ( llqtie , and its tontiolling si > liit. ap pc.itecl.on the door P.udiidge spied bin and at once set sail In his dlniliou He made some shnip lemaik tothupiekei vxhicl litti.'utcd the ) attention of otheis on the floor mid the two speculatots xxeio inline ( Hatch smtounded Paulildge spoke e.un- estlv in an nndeitono to Cud.ihv , but all the satlsf.u tion ho ioccivcd was " 1 told vou to buj wheat , Kd ' With this Cudahj walked nwav After the unusual ( luctintions of theses slon Ma\ wheat closed at SOVj tents , within u quaitcr tent of ' .estcidaj's pilto The lange of the ( lav was about t' cents With P.irdiidgo sdofc.it theie seems to be nothing to prevent the suctcssful consummation of the deal Mmlo I rlcndrt of Dnii oronH Piioiiilos. 1 ho clique has made friends of dangerous enemies like Aimour. Counselman and otheis of that stiipe , and In telieving ininj of the big eonteins xxho contiol the noith- vvcstcin tiade liom liability in the event of fallme of their piintipals to meet losses it lias stilled a n > opposition In inlluentlil quaitcrs As to the Identitj of the > clique theio is as muth msterisjver Nobodv is knoxxn in thode.il but John juid Midiiel Cudahv and "Sandj" nt'gleslou , but few acquainted vxith the situation bcitevothat they mo the piinetpils 'Iheio is appir- cntlv no limit to the capital behind the deal The bieaklng of Pauiiidgo s powet diuvvs nttentlon to his method of trading , whU h it is now asset ted have been automatic to a verj- huge dcgico Ho was it is said a chronic hear ami sold meth initallv on ovetj rallj in the ninrket Ho balled oidmarj advances in prices as special dispositions of Providence in his favor , as thoj enabled him to put out 01 sell fututcs to advnnt.ige He "coveted" or bought iu piopeitv on the breaks , so that In the oidinaij sxxings af of a market his line got snmllci cm the "soft" spots and inucased again on the bulges. Ij ) this almost automatic plan ttadlngho 'milked the mat kef ten months out of the ttxclve , heaping up largo piolits U vxas onlj when ho stiuek a phcnqnicnal bull mat hot , that Pardi Idgc's automatic' sjstem of tl.ulfng was at fault , leading him Into deep water Hiss iles on the rallies continued and theto vvcio no bieaUsto let him out , so ho added atcadilj to his line until , before ho was awaio of it , ho was shoit an ama/lng quin tltj Ho seemed to be almost entiieij tlestl tuto of fcir , RO imu'h so us to le id manj io think that he Is defjlup. tcasoulng power Ho seemed to have no sense of qu intllv and vvoulo as soon sell 1,000 IHX ) bushels ns 1,000 Ho had a n.uiou escape from bankiuptcy u jcir ago , an oppoituno govcinment repoit being all that sued him 'lhat oxpeuento gave the plunger a shock and ho phi\ed with modera tion until about three months ago. when ho again took to plunging v\ildljwlth todaj's ovcnts as the glootnj llnalo Piles of people hive piles but Uo Witts Witch Ha/el Halve will euie tncin CAN PHODUCE M03HEB. I. a xx } ITV linden Sijn the ItiinkVi cciici \VII1 ll I'roihuixl Uhi'ii Nieilcil. Theio xvns a tumoralloat about the fcdei.il bnlliling to the effect that the capias in the siiond Mosher indictment would be Issued jesleidaj and that Mr Mosliot would ho hi ought befoio the eleikof the com land plaicd under addition.il bonds Mi .s Iplo Duudj , eletk of the cneull comt , was noncommittal vvlen questioned with leg.ud to thn matter , but the pies euco nlKiut the oflleo of lllsttlit At toinev liukei ami Mr Mosher s attotne > j , Mr C O Whcden of Lincoln , gave addi- lloinl color to the minor Mr Whedcn claimed , however , that his visit to Omaha was not in the inloiest of Mr Moshei. hut on other business Ho scouted the Idea of Mr Moshei not appealing In comt vx hen wanted and s ud that ho could modtico hlm.itanj time if net ess nv Spealt- Ing of the H-fusal of the fedcial autlitnitles to let Mr L c' Unit of Lincoln havoaiopv of the set end liidittment , Mi Whoden saul ho had never M-eii eithci ono of the Indict inents He thought th to was butverj little tlo use of anvbodj vxorrjing about the in dlc'tments , foi In all protubllltj his client would walk into court and admit the clnuges making it an CMHJ matter for the proseeutlnt nlRirnoj to malso out a case "Whcio is Mr Mosher at present' " the HIE : leporter asued the attoinuj for the em "I do not c.iie to state where ho Is Whet ho ts vx anted In comt ho will bo produced. nmuswell satisllott of that fact as that live * If I cannot produce him at thn propel timu it will cost me $10,000 " A > ! < fill till ) . NOIITII Guvi-a-rov , Tex . April U Arc cent project In the manufactmlng Imulsr cistern , orejpiess water taiiKfnetotj nt till place. With an abundant supply ot tlmbc near at hand and a constant homo dcmsm suftlcltnt to consuiro the output of n coot * i ctl factory , such an Industrj would wall baud la huud with success from the start. NI\V TIIINCIS. ? < CXT MprliiB Wrapt. lnch ! dny incium ti now arrival of novultic'H. Tomorrow wo open up for nalo n beautiful assortment of liildrun'fl buttorlly I'upes. nil wool tun- torinl , c.xqulslto enlorlnijH. styles con trolled bv IIH. botiirlit to neil nt id.OO , TUMOHHOW ONLY ti.00. Liullus black t-utln. nllk and Inco cnpes In the very nowcst styles lit iniirvoloiisly low prices. The now Itohott ready inmlo suits ? , silk wnUt clicctH. 910.00 sultH to morrow , $7..r)0. $ l.-)0i ( suits. $10.00 , tlS.OO sultM. $11100 Tills olTcr Is for ono day only. Tlio suits arc dlruot from the miinufucttirers. nil now. Wo \\lshtomukoii lender of thtyn , lioneo tlie iirieu. You cann > t buy the iniitor- iuls ut these prices. Wo will also show at wonderfully low- prices the now. Florence \vnist , the now borpoiittno waist for solid comfort , the o Waists cannot be IH at. KOU OiN'i : IAV wt- make an oiTor on ladios' /jiilior cloth w i appor.s that will slinph rush tlioin out. Wo oiler 10(1 ( ladles' i.'I.OO liotiso vvrap- pors for tomorrow oulj. 91. ll ) ! per wiap- per. Hoinoinbpr the".o ure now floods. lloro is an ollor on ladit's' icadv iiiado suits that will astimisli jtm and witli each wilt sold wo frivo fiee of c'liaryo I silk vest , the suits mo worth * 7.oO , the vest $ l.i" ) . SUIT AXI ) VI'.ST r.NTIlU : TOMOlt- HOW. 15.00. don't mUs this. Wo also will si'll . * ( ) Indies' buttorlly capos , valno $7 f > o. fs on und tH.OO , 1 to u customer , at V > 00 each cape. Iloto arts olTor iii wash fabrics , all new and doslrablo stulls. that will ctovvd our fctoio at tlio p.uce. The ( ] iiantity hold will bo limited as the loss will bo enormous. DOM nsTIC nr.l'AUTM CN'T. ll-inch ! ! Scotch fMntliams for lOc. lU-inch Fiench ateen for l.lc. " 0 jiieces il.-lnch Scotch nin < , rhnms , i otfiilar and worth 2. " > e. for tlie low price of lOc. Limited quantity. - " > pieces , ' 12-inch French sateen , worth 'l"c. for tlio low pi ice of loc. In fast black with faticy llyuiea. Limited quantity. IJO-lncli fancy sti i [ edscerbuekor , woitli I2"io , for l"c. It2-incli fancy striped seersucker , woith .IDc , for liOc. Tin- old reliable icvived. 27-inch India challis worth llic ! , for 7'c. liincli nonp.irell challis worth "Oc , for lliic. Choice stvles of tlie newest piiuts in all K'ades ' , low as the lowest. ! IU-lneh Columbia suitiii.T8 { worth $ l,2"i for pattern , now , r > ( ! c. Stylish patterns of eiirlit yaids. llJ-iiieli silk linisli wash fabric wtiith 2. > c , for lilc ( silk dosiyns ) . See our now bilks. See our new diess { roods. Sec all the new and beautiful goods we will show tomoirow. N 15. FALCONCR. The sale of so its foi the ono night engage ment of Joseph Joffcison at Hoj-d's theater tonight began at tlm booflleo of the theater jestotdajmoinltfg and the take up to noon was considci iblj moio than * 1 000 and on the d iy tl .10' ' ) This is the expeilento of the Jcffcison compinv al- lost ovcij where this s. . ' ison Mr Joffcison nd companj will auivo fiom Lincoln this lotniiig I.veij leader of Washington Irving knows he siorv of Hip Van \\in.tlo Joffeison nakes him our familiar ft lend Wo see that lip is a weak , vacillating fellow , foilu of his lOttlo and his ease1 , but beneath all his rags indtattcis of eh uactei as u ell us raiment , jood to the tore It is in the minute touches hat Jeffeison shoxvs his svmpithetic studj of human mturc , his Intuitive perception , ooking quite tluough the hearts and houghts of men The observer sees this n the struggle of Kip s lomr submerged but onldoim int spirit of manliness xxhen his vifo tmxs him from th"it hoire in night and storm and degrulation .Still moro vhidlj sit shown in his pithctic bewilderment lis touching embodiment of the anguish ot onelj age boxved dovxn bv soitoiv and doubt when ho comes bale fiom his sleep ot wcntj JCMIS His ctlsilosuio of himself to its daughter in.uKs tlio dim ix of pathos , mdeveij he rt is melted b\ those Implor- ng looks ofriiute suspense , those moken ac- cnts of love th it almost teais an uttetance t would bo hard tosiv which poi tion of effersou's nerfoi manco of Hip Van Winkle s the moic admiiablu Hobcit M.iutcll iiresents his noxv piece , 'Tho ' 1'ace In the Moonlight , " for tliciirst line in this citj at the Farnam btreet heater tonight The story is of absoibing iiteicst In "Tho Pace in the Moonlight" Mr Mantoll takes a dual character , im- ) cisonating the two blathers , ono a gallant soldiei , the other a cilmlnal Ho draws the line sh irplj between the twocharaeteis , Tiid docs cspociallj well hi the lolo of Habit the criminal Ho icprescnts him as a brag- gut , a man without heart or kindness , pro foundly selllsb ana puttlm ; love of drink ) ven ubovo desire for vengeance , full of jlustcr , lnd animal courage , icadj to deceive j lends if nccessiij to aid himself , an ex- ellent tjpo of the criminal cl iss of the ricnch novelists His other role is moro elevated and lie plajs it with an easy foico mil dignity th.it contrasts effecthelj with the foil afforded bj his other pirt IJj special request Air Mjutell will present 'I ho Corsiean llrotheis" Situidaj ovenins ; Some of the moio prominent features in the poi foi manco of IlopKins' consolidated spcelaltj show , which comes to llojd's theater on Tiidaj , b iturday and Smutiy next , atotlioDi > ou motheis , famous musical clowns , James and Lucy Allison , nncllsh song and dance nitlsts , OHiion and CariolT puodv team , Mile Haitoldl , the icnoxvncd equilibrist , Tulgora , the gieit transtlgur- atoi , Keia , the Adonisof the jugulingwoHd , Melville and Stetson , gieatcstof ladj dialect coinedinslll ! H l\ > \ tlio famous pi mo clcctiocutor , In his sitiiic.il creation "Padwhisklo , " and the Helglan conqueier , M Servals Lo Hey This is the most bril- 11 int vaudeville company th it over canio to Omaha , and those who desiio tlio best seats should bo on hand e.ulj this evening , when tlio sale opens ' Lost Par.idlso' ts considetel the master piece of the late Henrj C do Mllle , and this season Is lated as ono of the great Pi oilman sutcesses Tlioatlr.ution with the same compinj and the sune scenerj as weio urn- ploj'cd In the New Yoik uioduction. Is com ing to BojdV theater on Mondaj and Tncs daj of next week The ccccntile Irish comedlm , Robert ( i.ijlnr , begins a four nights engagement at the F.u u im , beginning Sumlaj , in his f.uolal i omedv , ' Spoil McAllister , One ol the 100 " An excellent companj of well known fauo comedj ucoplo aio in suppoit , all of whom appealed with Comedl in ti.ulor during his famous iun of over ilftconst'cutlve nights it the HIJou theater , Now Vonc The sale of scats for Paderowski pro gicsscd favor.iblj jesterdav at.Max.Mexer Hro .V Co's music stoto , notwithstanding the advauco sale of tickets for Jefferson at thollojd and thu Heidi orchestra concert at Imposition hall were both on Great in numbeis and billllamo will be the nucllenco that will gieot the peciless pianist next We Inesdaj' evening at IJojd s CLARA ALLEN'S ' CASE ON TRIAL She Sticks to the Story Bbo Told In the Police Court. C. P. MILLER'S TRAGIC DEATH RECALLED Count } Atlorncj ICulrjr I'romltrn to Vraiv Tlmt Miller ComnilUoil Sulclile , Ulitle tlio DclVinc Aimiri'i I'ronfiitiitlnii of 1'roof of Murilrr. The tr.iRlo eltvumst mirei surrounlliig tlioile.itli of the l.Uo M.i > or Miller of South Omaii.i arc rec.illud l > i thu trhl of Olar.i Allou for i > crury | hlfli Is now It. progress before.I udfiu ICtnsor The ( lofoiulant is the \\oin in of the to\\n who , ilurlnc ; the iiiollin- Ituri ox.imiiutton In the police court , \\lien Uifk Hoilin ami Ch.ulos Iniis v.oro cliiuvcil wlthhiuiiix immluic'tt Mijor Miller , u is relied upon h.tho . ptoscc-ution to connect the defumlunts with the ctline. At the piL-lliiiln.iri examination the woman swore tint ( luring the afternoon of October 4. IH'r ' ' , she was standing in the window of her house on South Eighth sti cot , looking townid the Deeiiiig building , a shott dis- t.inre aw.ii ; that while looking she siw Millet .mil Hetlln walk down the sttoet to a point nt.ir the Intcisuition of Eighth and Dodge stiects anil then tiun Into a clus ter of high weeds After th.it she swore th.it she lie.u d the 10- port of n pistol and saw the smoke , th.it itiijtscaine down thu east side of 12lghtli stieet and when ho icichcd the spotwheto the shot was Hied tut nod into the weeds , th.it a fi-w niliiutos 1 ittr Iwth ho and Herlin c.iine out and hastlh walked .u\u : She swote th.it she knew .ill of the men and th it she ( ouhl not li.u o been mistaken about then IdoiitH' The result of the nrclimlnari ex.imlii.Uion was th.it Hi'tlin and IIa\es weie released , the eouit being convinced that some pel son h id licit an I th it tlu-ie was not a pit ticlo of evidi mo th it connected them with the commission of the dime Tollowing tlioir n'lc.iso Cl.ua Allen was .11 rested on the oh.iigo of having swoin falsely bofoio the polite null t when she dut tiled the facts of the shooting She was given a piullmtn.it\ healing and held to thedistsiit com t , and on account of having been unable to furnish bond was suit to the tonntj iuil bovei.il weolis ago she was atraignul , pleaded not guiltv and an attoinev was appointed to defend Shite then theio li i\l been all Kinds of riitnois to thu effect tint the county at- toinov would not piobccutc the ease and that he did no want to bccuio a conviction Tuesclaj the case was tailed and a gieiter poilion of tiled 15 devoted to seem ing a juiy , but with most uns.itlsfactoty ie- suits as neatly all of the men called had foimedoi expiessul an opinion iceaidin the issue in the ease Vesteidaj the law veis had bottei luck , an 1 at 11 o clock twelve men who knew nothing nbout the inutdur of Miller and the testimony ofClaia Allen weie found In st.uing tlietaso to'h-urv | , the count > .iHoini'i spr.iug a mnpiisu and something that was not expected as ho and the people who have been wet king up the ovideneo h.ivo alwajs ilung to the thcoii that Millur was mmdcrcd Ii. dwelling upon the enoimitjof tlio etimo committed by Clata Allen , lie s.iid that he expected and pioposed to pioxe that instcul of duties 1 > Miller having been murdeted on tlio af let noon of October 4 ho com mitted suli ido Moieover , ho cxnccted to i > to\o that Miss Allen did not see Miller. Beillu or II i ) es at the time and 1 > 1 we mined by her when she testified in the police court He ex pected to piovo that theic was a put up Job and tl.it theio was some person or prisons who hid piomis d to piv her $5lJ ) If she would i\\ \ the th.uge of muiderupon ncilin . .ml Il.ijes Miliclouslj and with the inten tion of eaniing this tnon 'i she hid under taken to swear tint slie saw the men com mit thomuulcr Thoattoinoj for the piisoucr In stating his side of the ( iso told the Juiors tint ho expected to show bovond anj question of doubt th it all th it Cl in Allen swoio to in polite couit w.is true It was a well known fact th.it the bodof Millur was found "in the identical spot whic.li she desetibed and that it was more th in pioh ibc ] that she had scon the men who Hie I tlio fatal shot Com t ( ' tlcnil ir. The call for to lais as follqw s- I.1W IIOOM NO ! } .IUIIGC IUH. . U3-140 licekin 111 ( uclmlnlStrutor/ Homo IiiMir into comp my ! i4-J llosnu vs Vov > 31-19-MllliT \s City of Oni ilu. 3I-J1-III11 K.ui. 31-3 1 Coolvo xsOroc'ii 34-rr > Oni iha Turn xi-rc'ln xs llrandt. .14-1.4 d iston xs M ihonuy .14-7J \ \ Interlmrn \ s Johnson 3l-U)0-lli ) lliii & llollinin xsGlbbs. 31-1JG I. istmms 1'alilt.k. i.ux IIOOM NO "i IIIIIIK socr 30-110-11 irlim ins McMn-phy Judno Scott will takes up no nioru jury cases this term . EuinTV IIOOM NO 7 lumi : w U.TOS 31-140-Union Mock YardN Ulon il bank \ s Sollul ( ( ( : , 31-309-McKell xs Paul. ' .U-Hl-\\ltliiow xs tlolKhindcr. 32-113 1'iajnor xs If 11 horn. 3J-138 lloa hind xs I'hoinpson. 3J-148-ledxxlcli XHCholliii.ui. 3J-10S Moan \ T.itfs 32-21' ) Hriincltw Rilrkstm. 31-00 Marl in C.isuys ! i ic IIisc.lll. 31-05 ' eh it'llur xs llulili.ird. 32-347 Oni ili.i Coil and Llmo Company Dcidd otal. JJ-JOO Tunson xs Toiison. 3J-3- > 7-l'lii'lH\s | l'lnlH | 32-39'j-Ni u 11 nl x s Si.\.iucr. 32-108-Mxesc-y xs Iliiinlllon 3.1-3 1IHX7 ini'tts II iw.inck 31-28-\\akillold xsD.nv 3.1-48 ' ecuillx ixlius bank xs Clarke. JJ-l.s-lih\lch . \ \ 2117Mllln xsllay 3.1-72-In to eit Ho of M nth i J Minxart. 31112llttiT llroos llollnnn. 31-llJ-llc'Xt'ily xsU'iljlit.l , Itildwln. 28-10 Siutli Uiu.iha atlollal bank xs \\rlKht .v llilchxln 2J-U3-Menhauls National hank xs Holl- iiiiin .11-180 Peck xs unknown holrs of Jostmh lluist 3J-10J Oiuiliii ixlu's lunk % s , Omaha Mric'h incllsct i onip mj .l.l-l'l'i I lioinpsDn x IIc.llm.in. 31-JIH-K. llj xs Ixc-IIy 31-211) HiiMMiic'jiM \ \ . .11-2JJ Itoxxt is xs iMiolswood. J 1-JI1 Ili'lt'waii lliadliiy ot al JJ-J41. \ \ uni'i xsAmxaittM JJ-JM ( jodc by xs lirimcli et al. I.\W IIOOM NO I IllllJIi IIOI'b\VH.t 20-10 ( > llolsman t'cnxlu. J'-jr.-Mc ) Donald - - xs Uobson. 20H.8siiiniliTS xsC'itsl .UI-J8-0 Nultl xsl'arks. 301H'I.liiluisim xs Ciiotto .10-100 I nlon Nationil bmk xs Oaillehs. 30-JOG SfhlltzllrtMxIiiK C'o xsUrotte. 3II-2JH HensbiTK xs dmttu. 3U-J1J Omaha llrowln , ; association > s Adams 30-250 Hay xs Mullein .IO-J1.8 Dit'M'l , Nm xs Murphy. .IO-J8J Dun xslto. . dnr 30-20J 1 i-irls xs ArUfrnmi llros .1(1-301 ( 11 inks xsUil.axo , hi I'.iul. Mllwau- ktH' A. Omaha ItilhMi ) Co , )0.H4MollncMllburn ) Con Ilaiold .lu-3.1. I'n-iioh xs smith 30-.14.1 I'nttio xs JoliiiMin 30-177 ( illlt not % s Nebraska rurnltiiro Co .10-.1H8 Mil lull mil xs City of Omaha .11-1 Itlmjoi xt , McMulion. .11-18 Iund xs Tump 31-JO-l'arroll xs Missouri Pacific ! Kallw.ij ( o .ll-ns-Mcdarxy xsOnuihiA. Council IllulTs " ' " ' "I C't ) , Lgt'lTt IIOOM NO 0 JIII > OK IL.IICHNON 32-J.18 Kuwnu C Halt's xsi : A Tlllol'-on .1J-181 Union Tuiit company xi , Jo tpU only 1'nre Cream of Tartar Powder -No Ammonia , No Alum Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. 31-115 VI oM * < MAm ! ( > r ni , , , . 331HJNeiirnsktuiNntlonnl Imnk \ Murlu llellman , 33.230-McXlmimm Ioe. . , 31-UMI Priiuli TMI'nrfiiiioiilli Pnvlmts hank 31.2&2-Chlcn oiUnlvors l Investment com- pimy xs llroxxn 32.25(5 ( .Mutual ilnxcstmrnt compimy > B I'alket nl Jll 20S.ro | r * lloninii 33-2r > 4-Klrnt Nittlonnl Imnk vs Yntes. 31-207 - cliKHMlw-\s Slutterv. 33-2H4 ( Jllis.ni rxKternsdorir. 332H7Iliiinlltnu Vs Rood 3.1-329 Swoboda VK Dvorak. 31-343 Scpllro Ts.lnlow. 33-301 ( liven xxniradlcy. .13-Snn-Mtlfs vv I'ltch 33-37O 'I Inn pcdr. . xsCorbott. 33-377 Mercer vnTrexot. A Sinull lloetor Hill. Plfty cents is a small doctor bill , but that Is nil It will cost jou to euro anj ordinary case of rheumatism If vou use Ch.imbet Iain's 1'ain H.ilui. 'Irv It , and jou will bo sur- pi Iscd nt the prompt lellof It affords. The lilst application will quiet thu pain. For SI a pulr. to ckno out my sainplos of sjieetaclosatid o.\c * plashes of solid K"ll- jjold Illled. piild front and gold plated bows fitted to ojo by lv llrst-clws optl- eiiin , usual lotall ni tec , & \ to lO. No oxtta eliafges for tosttnj , ' and fitting tlio oje. Call loom 1 , Muichants hotel See thn colcbr.itcd Sohmor plan ) at Foul & Cbnrlton Mush Co. . 1'jOd DAMAGED THE KAILROAD3. M Iron I.c > \i > l ( < il anil Curx Illoxrn friiin thu I I-IK ICH h.\ the Storm. The seveto stotm of Tuesday resulted in eonsldei.iblo damage to the talltoid torn pinles as shown bj the topaits iccelved at headquarters t'stcrd.iy. The ininelpal loss was by the Injury to telegraph w lies , al though some damigo was sustained to toll ing stock The Ulkhorn suffoied eonslderahlo Just westof Stafford , vx hot o a number of wires were torn down bv the foieo of the cyclone which did so much d umgo at 1'afte on the IMclllcbhotl Line A fen o of linemen woiked all night to have tempoiaii xvlies elected and josterdaj the xx hole line w is inopcr.ition The Hmlliigton and Union Paeille wtie somexvh.it dhabled in their telcuiaph seiv ice , hut the cmbiii issmcnt was onlv tern poi irj A' ' sjveial points cats vvuio blown oil the tr leks an 1 dimmed , but altogether the dam igo done the rallioads was less th in miglii have been expected dotili il diitn SJH i lul. The Hist Golden Uato spcclil airanged b\ the I'enns.vlvaiiii rnllro id to go tluough Omaha will ariivein this city Viid ij at 1 o'clock , spending two hours in sight seeing The itinurir.v calls for a diive about the motiopolls and a visit to the prim ip.il liuild ings 'Iheio .no 1K ( ) people on the tiain in chirgo of .1 1 * Williims , tourist agint of the Pennsilvaiil i The train is siid to be the llncst over seen in the west , and as the excursionists havi been out since rebiuarv thei have thor oughly tested the poi feet Ion of ariaiigemenls made for their comfoit 'I ho tiain loives Denvei at 7 o'clock this evening. N < i > \ l irlil oil. Telegnms weio iceeived at the ofllccs of the ti.insiontincnt.ll lines in this eitv jcstoi- diht iting th it the new tariiT would not go into effect on account of a dispute over divis ions The action of theSinta L'o.vvhu h has a diieetliiie from Chicago to the toist will he watched with nnxietj because it hold the Koi to the situition Should it deiide to put in tlio tu iff as agreed upon , nnnthct ineiii row will result and them is no telling wheto it xxould end In the meantime the genet al man igcr and the ft eight tialllc man igeis xvill attempt to patch up a ttueo bcloie theyadjomn m Chicago UlUluax Note's. .7 II Hilaiid , general fi eight agent of the MilwauKee. is iu the clt.v .1 II Lothrop , .ictinij general minister of the Ivoirney dllaok'Hills riilioad is in tlio citv J H Hue hiniin of the Klkhoin will return fiom the meeting of westein agents this morning II r Allen an I pirtv of Xew Voikwill piss thiou h this eitv in a sp3"i-il eir via the Union Patllic to lay on I\o 1 for San rraneiseo It has developed that the slioi tage in the account' of V C 13rb is due to inomiscuous spc ( illation In mining stocks An effort has been undo to comptomisc the matter so that I ib xxould bo tlear on the books of the guiraiitj compinj , but Mr Young s.iv t > ho will look to the gu u.inty com p.inj to make good the shot tage Cost asad. POTTSTOWN , PA. I was a sufferer from neuralgia for ten years ; tried . \11 kinds of rcmc- Yoars. dieswithout iclief , and had given up all hope. I tried a bottle of ST. JACOBS OXX. , and it effected such One wonderful relief that I -j recommend it to all. J CHAS. LAW , JR. Bottle. LUGE HUToILE Bliss will have a special sale of Lace Hats and Toques at wholesale room , second floor , 1510 Douglas , Tomorrow , Thursday. Neat and pretty the latest styles made , Made on silk wire frames , good lace , im ported flowers , at the low price of ftl.oO and $ .2OO. Milliners will charge you the above price for making these. Your choice of any of our beautiful Pattern Huts for $4 75- BLISS , Wio/Ohiifo Woonis , Soc'ornl i'icir. . 151O i-"lv. - I'llOTOVKA / S O.V The-Latest-Rage Makes a Very Appropriate Gift. llrlnz us u WIIITn silk Imnilkor- chlff anil wo will P'lt > our Dlioto rnpli on It , He iiiUtiu ulToot It will not , wiisli out It It InJullblo TO INTRODUCE IT Wo lo this Work Torl ( Oporll VNUUKItCllinr from any uliuto tiijli | you may bring us nr HII IM iy IIIINU ot yon Oull iiiut u\uni Inu nain I High Clam Photographer , I : iii-ui5-an : cutu ie < ii sirccti gmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1 Covered % | by Insurance. 1 That's the way our shoes ore sold to vou fully in- gured. When you buy a pair of shoes ofjjs-you buy them with the expectation of getting your mon ey's worth and we make you fully realfze your ex pectations We tnsure them. It's "policy" ( insur- a a nce policy for us to tlo it. When you buy shoes o ' Tlie Nebraska" we insure them to wear bette than you ever had shoes wear for a like price we nsure the stock to be perfect -the stitches not to rp ! the hanger not to pull out the sole to wear wMi Our policy says-"if your shoes do not prove ROO , we.mnkethemgpod _ even if we give you bach in cash .aJUhat you paid for them in the first place. The best shoes that ever were sold for like money are our popular < o of which we open a full new line today. They arc made of the verMmest. of selected Kangaroo and American calf. They're made by skilled workmen. They're gotten up In the shapeliest styles and nobbiest lasts. They're congress-lace-or blucher. They're in any size any width any last. They're in - - - - - Puri tan or Broadway toe , plain or tipped. They're Off ! i ii2lTyes bett ir than a"V shoe sold for five dollars by any shoe store and they are sold to you - > Tan shoes ! Russetts ! Any kind you want arc hcic. ll > tliocujmUofiiimtcMtrs to nil nut tin Ir collection If 5 mi. tme. ni i.Id . , uiM nr tinniumirlian 01 lonln coins KM tokeinilo not ilispoic ot tin in until } on luxi icncltlic i Coin Collector's Herald , ± I Through \\lilih xoii rni ditilu icliilik Inloiui itlon nt to } ' their Milut anil Iiu > v to cllspo * . ul tliun some lulnsIssuet\\ \ onhaliu } cnr an ( 8 ( II nt a l.r . c premium lllfc'hcst prices rcccntlj 1'aiil for cortiln t.lcl . coins l-ZCcnts , . M10 Ccuti , . $ JUO IJIIimes , . 20. . ( Dimes , . . . Ki CJuirters , 170 l.'liolhrs JW ( Dollars , . .170 Clolcl Dolhr < , 18 tlolil.'l > Dolrs , fl llcilil' ] Dollars , . . f.l . Clolil'i Dolit , . . J'jiio ' l WORTH SI5OO. CloM 10 Doll irs , . . IX ) . Canadian C olns , . . . . ' 0 k It tcrtalnlj xxlll pi > > mi to keep po t l In this new and nrnlill ) Incriiulng business ' Sample copy , one Dimt ( none free ) f > tents per nnmun AcMri-ss Coin Collector's Herald , - - - Boston , Mass IIAVMOND , Tilt JKWUbi ; t. FINE 11 ALL is incomplete without a IlaU A Clock Beautiful hall clocks in oak and mahogany cases Those we have strike the hour half hour quarter hour and Westminster chimes. RAYMOND. FIFTKnVTII AND nOCdFAS , OMAIIt. & SONS. lf , ASOJ7v'7. . DAVIESS CO.fa WHISKER Headquarters for Write us lor prices on Whiskies both in b > nd and tax paid MI : LARKY TIII ; hviu.rsi SICK iv IN iiir'uisi. tXACT SIZE COMMCIL TAUT THE MERCANTILE CIGAR , BETTERTHAN EVERI Miulo nf tlin llnost ( jimllU iif 1In\nnn Inlmrco I lint run In luinjrlit I qunl n nt n ri hm 11 Ilia Li-htliuporttililBara. Miinuractuml \ ) . It. JUCl. MLKC AMIL1. C1U VIIIt. . UHSt Luula j Oinnhn Nob. j 1O1O Street , , . j Thoominont unaolniiit m uarvim cliroil prlvit n i iiiiiliirluarrcllmAS i \r > uiltrail rcBlstorutl urvleiitem en I i i > nt I ciiomn il an ( in ' tsnjt < sti Mrjid 1 1 with the uroitit nil mul 1 r u. if i > r in .li ! i ui N.i Kutrjnlm . 1'ier . i . vl.ll . . . in i. tf . to I m IK. iiprtiii ) iinul * it f > r lo i > i ! v\ \ il u r ni.u ir in brrirr pun.ltini.u . Mcrtlm \ or I utr i n " ' ' ' ' l" "ill ) . - , > l/pifl n < 111 trk 1 1 . . II iateconiu.uor.oii . . lor ( Jiio | .ar . oa i Inl .ryl.'W iirofurr.J i m < i i itl > n frua irrii i \ > t \ lonoj trlc ily prlviit H.iu * i Mysmrlui ol l.lfu ssnl fruj Olli 10 li mrj 'u u tu i ( i u iiuii IJ a iu tJlJ in mill Blnmpfor circular PROTECT fiHD IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT , "Our Spectacles and Eyeglasses Are the Beat. EYES TESThD FREE , SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. I J , P. PONDER , Mgr , OMAHA OPTICAL CO , , 222 S , SPECIAL CARPETS , DRAPERIES AND Window Mannings This is the time to buy \our carpets. SPRING IS 1ILRK and with it comes HOUSE-CLEANING TIME. Buy Your Carpets where you can get the best value for your money On our lourth floor we are showing aii the SPRING NOVELTIES IN Moqu olios , Wiltons * , linoleums , Our drapery and cat pet de partments beingon the same floor , we match your carpet m colors with PORTIERES , DRAPERY SILKS , MADRAS , PLUSHES , SILKALINE. ETC. Matting for office ( loon. Shades for homes , stores or buildings. We make a specialty of carpeting - peting churches. We paj' strict attention to clubs and lodges. Having the best show-room and largest stock both of Carpets AND Drapery in the west , we luxvc skilled workmen to lay carpets and a thorough draper to plan and execute your draperies. We want your trade and will guarantee our prices the lowest. HOSIERY DKPAETMKNr. unu IE Giand revolution of hosiery. ] They arc on the movc > all the time. Wo have on'y ' ono case more of the lad'es' fast blacli cotton hose with seamier feet These stockings cannot matched for less than 2oc. CKir Price , 9c. Boys' and girls' fast black hose , si/es from 6 to 7 , that have been selling for 150 , for Ladies' fast black stockings that are worth 250 , s < Ihng at ] this sale for 19c. Remember every pair ol stockings we have is unportec direct by us.Ve sa\e th ( micelle man's profit and cat give you hosiery at importers ! prices. " -Z7/7 /G000S\ \ Dry Goods and Carpets. Sixteenth and Farnam Street }