Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Tim OMAHA IUILY BEE : Till 1ISDAY , AIMUL 18 , 1893.
There Win A Juggling Trade in May Wheat
und Provisions.
IVlicnt I'll ( ) | irrnlor < CmirnriiPil Tlmiini-lvon
Chlelly with I'lirilrlilRt ) ' * Condition Corn
Ononril UVik : nnd Clixuil Strong
StoeUn nnd ItoniU.
111. , April 12. There was a
trade In May whnat and provision ! ! .
Tlie clique In each of those specialties was In
full control ami li.'itl Its hands In the vitals
of the shorts. May wheat , nf tor snmo aston
ishing gymnastics , rcslud ! ( c. under yester
day' : ) closing prices. ProvNI.m.s clond with
hiiiiilsnmu gains for pork , lard and rlN. Ko-
ports of the wheat crop were no morn reas
suring than before. July ruled llrm niidolosod
u trllle higher than on the day before.
Corn opened weak ftntl closed si rmi/ : . The
wheat pit conrerned Itself chlelly with Pard-
rldgn'siMiidltlon. Ktcltnniuiit ran high and It
wasdllllciill to trade , al least with any degree
of satisfaction. Tim July future op'-ne luliout
the same as yesterday's closing fhruri's , to ' ! !
lower , tided easy ind prices declined , e , then
lidviinced lc , ami the cKsIng wa.s from ! o to < < c
In corn , at thu si art , yostortlay'H final quota
tions were paid , hut under general selling by
-the local crowd the prlcns soon worked down
, e , tin1 decllno being assisted by thu free
ollerlngs by some of I ho large sellers of yes-
teriluy. Al the Ineiik the denial.d Imploved ,
OIIP of tin1 prominent shorts starting In lo
realize mi recent sales which tinned the senti
ment and pi Ices reicted to toll figures
of the day. The closing showed a
net gain for tin- day of 'i ' to V.
The fentuic In oats was tin- free offerings by
the longs and tiopiittlpulnrileninnd until pi-Ices
had ( lei lined from ' e In ' .c. The shorts then
I'oiniiK'i d to buy and there was good buying
to ( he clusenedge.s against country holdings--
and us coin advanced oats followed and the
prices tencted from V' to 'jC ' , and thu close
was steady with a net gain of 'fce.
Provisions opened rather tame at about the
closing figures of Tuesday and for a short tlmo
lluctuatIons were slight. An urgent miscel
laneous demand , however , tended to consider
able strength and especially In lard and prices
were advanced quite sharply and rapidly ,
l.titci there was a little moro pressure lo sell ,
while the demand slackened and prices settled
hack slightly , though generally closing al
nearly outside llgiires. Compared with yes-
teidny's closing pi-Ices , pork Is from 25c to
27'jc higher and libs from'JOc ti > 2.V.
ling tecelpts for tomorrow lire estimated at
10.000. There were no estimates on grain.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
Wlieiit No'i.
63 2
May . . StM'JJ M 84
July . TOM 75
Corn .No. 2-
Aiirll 8'JJS 4)4
Mny ID1- . - 4UKJ
July 41)4
Oat * No 2.
Mny 5314 27H
June 211 2S > ( as ; .
July SSH S74
Mint I'ork. .
Hi li If , ( V ) 1C 13j ! in fj7' 16 li
July n ; w 1C 7J 10 : w It ! T' in si
1C W 1U UJ PI I'l Ili fc7 l oo
Lnrtl- - *
Mny tl 7f. 10 r.'H n TS 10 02 ' .I 70
July a 75 10 121 * , 7f > 111 10 ! l 75
f-'ept . . . . < J SU U 80 10 w V M
Hiuil Illus
Mny . . . ! > 10 0 45 a in n 45 9 20
July 10 ! > 4j U III 1' ' 45 1) ) ti
Sept . . . . ' .I 10 ! ) 4J U 10 U 45 J2JM
Cat > h quotations wern as follows :
1'i.ot'iiIn better demand , consigned lots
unchanged , while on round shipping lots , say
for May , millers are asking lOc advance.
WIIKAT- . 2 springH3'-'iJHJC ! Xo. Ssprlng ,
75c ; No. 2 red. 73 < r.H4c.
COIIN Higher ; No. 2 , 40'je ' : No. 3 cash , HSc ;
No. ! l yellow , 4lKrr-HHp. |
IMTS No. 2 , 2HiCi30c ; No. 2 white , 33'J ®
04tc ; No. 3 while , f. o. b. , 31iif33c.
RYENo. . 2 , IHIc.
UAUI.EY-NO. 2 , r,2c ; No. 3 , f. o. h. , 44QC3c :
No. 4 , f. o. b , , 4tWi45c.
KI.AX ! iKi-No. : ) 1 , iM.lO1' .
.TIMOTHY SKKII Prime , J 1.20.
PoitK Mes.s , nor bbl. , 10.50JtlOC21 } . I.nrd ,
per 100 Ibs. , iJlO.DOiiilO.OJ.'i ; .short ribs sides
( loose ) , ) ! ) .4f > ft ! > . & 0 ; dry salted shoiildprs
( boxed > , ' . . : shorlclcur sides ( boxed ) ,
WHISKY Distillers'flnlshod Roods , per gal. ,
StiiiAiis-Cut loaf , B'uCj granulated , 5 ? c ;
Btiindnid "A. " 5 3-llic.
The following wore the rujolpts and shlp-
mvpts for today : ,
Artlclca. Shlptnunls ,
ft'.t.OJl '
On the Produce oxclmngo today the butter
market WHS oulet ; creamery , 20ii27c ;
dairy , 20a23c. Kggs , firm ; strictly fresh , l&i'c.
( inifi.
The following prices tire for delivery at Mis
sissippi river points :
WIIKAT No.2 spring , 74c bid ; No. 3 spring ,
f.8c bid ; No. 2 hard , CUc hid ; No. 3 hard , 5Sc
Uvi > - No. 2 , Glcbld.
OATS No. 2 white , 31c bid ; No. 3 white ,
DOC hid.
UOUN No. 2 cash or Ajirll , 3Gic ! bid ; No. 3
or better , cash or April , 30c bid.
Among the sales were : Ten cars No. 3 or
butter corn , upper Mississippi points , 30c ; two
cars No. 3 white oats , 3Gc.
Oimtliii Produce Market.
While there was no very great change In the
market so fur as quotations were concerned ,
the market was not without some features of
Huttor Is very scarce. Thorn Is no good 'mt-
ter coming , and very'Ilttlo of nny kind. While
there IH no very heavy demand , the fact that
the offerings are so light , gives the appearance
of an active demand. It seemed as If everyone
ono wanted butter and no ono had It. The
market Is as a consciiuonco strong. Dealers
are generally looking for a Unit market until
new grass butter puts In an appearance.
Quotations on eggs could hardly bo changed.
A good many are still asking lHc : , but at the
bama time there are some who are weak and
urn soiling at lic. )
A few Jack Milpo are coming and are selling
< iulto well , but dealers as a uile are not at
tempting to encourage the shipment of game ,
us the weather Is so warm as to nrike tlio
handling of game hazardous. A few teal ducks
tire selling , but the demand Is not largo ami
the market slow.
Chickens are In light supply x and the nmrkot
on poultry Is firm. All deslralne stock offered
Is plckeif up readily. It Is too late In the
ecnson to. ship dressed poultry.
The market Is well .supplied with new veg
etables and buyers can II ml almost anything
In season that they may want.
The strawberry famine was broken by the
arrival of a car from Toxas.
IltliTKit- Packing stock , loaiHo ; falrtogoou
country roll , I'JIt'Jlc ; choice to fancy country ,
22 < < l24c
Kens -fiPiiorat market , 13 13'ic.
UAMK Mixed ducks , tliiS7Gc ( ; rod heads , $2 ;
malbirds , ; 2.U032.&U ; teal , $1 ; jack -sulpes ,
i'oi'i.THV Cholcohi'M" , Ic ( ) ; mixed coops , Oc ;
old toosters , biftiV ; geeao and ducks , Itvjti lc ;
turkeys , lie ; plgeoiistl.2a46 1.50 per dollvo. .
TEAS -1'ur a-liu. box , 7fic.
HKANSChoice navy , J2.30Q2.45 ; commoii
stock. * UOiifi2.U. ( )
OAMPOIIMA ' . 'AIIIIAOK 1'er Ib. . 2'i 3c.
Ctici'MiiKiis Choice , per doz , { l. & ' > a.2.l)0. )
SWKBT I'HTATIHIS 1'or bbl. , $5seeds ! eot po
tatoes , $3.60.
ONIONS -Homo irrown , on orders tocountrv ,
14 per bin. Hood stock shipped In from
country , tl.1631.2S per bu.
I'OTATOK.S Colorado stock , } 1.10ll.tii ;
Wisconsin burbaiiks , OOcitH.OO ; western
Nebraska , OOetoJU.OJ ; eastern Nebraska block ,
7&fff.'JOi ; .
NKW YiniT.\iiiKS-l.i : < ttuce. 40c ; radishes ,
40c : parsley , 4Uj per 4lo/ . ; gruou onions ,
1'IK l'i.ANT-1'cr 60-lb. boxes , tl.OU31.QO.
Ari'i.KSCholco shipping stock , } 1..10 par bbl.
STHAWniitiilKs : 1'er 2ut. . case , IS.
( SiiAi-K rniriT I'er box , * 2.7&I13.OO
OUANus : l'lorlda russotts , * 3.&l ) ; Mexican
oranges , single boxes , J3.25 ; California moun
tain oranges J..St ) ; Washington navels , } 4 ;
Newcastle California seedllng.s. I2.ti0it2.75 ;
Med. sweets , * J.75 ; Ulvcrsldo soedllhg'i , $2.75.
HANANASI'or biincli , Including crates and
packing , -i1.7& < it2.&o.
ClIANllKllimis- box , J3.7S.
1KMONSChoice , J3.&oai.oilj fancy , JI.003
. . .
HAY The market on good upland hay , (0
In car lots.
IIONKV Choice to funcy white clover , 180
lOci fair togood , Hi til He.
YKAI. Lhoico and small fat veals , 768c ;
lurh'6 nnd thin , antic.
N > > vr Vorl ; .Mur'krU.
NEW YOIIK , Apt 1112. ri.ouu Itecoluts. 32 , .
rod pkcs. ; exports , 2.7IM ) bbU. , 10,7H ( ) sacks
mien , 74.HOO pkgs. ; market dull , bteady.
COHN MEAI. Dull , steady.
KVK < julM , steady ! western , 53ilG2c.
11AHI.KY Dull , firm ; western. Uo$75c.
IIAHI.KY MALT-QllIflt , btOUlly WCbtOril , CI
WuciT-IlecelpU , 24,000 bu. | cxuorU , 140
1(10) ( ) snlm. y.40r.,000 bu futurri , R2.UOO bu.
itpol spot marUM iidivo c'li i'\pott. account
ami ilhmx , No'J 7HVu. f . P. , 771410
7'JU' ' " Nit. I lioftllfirti , H4'iC ' | Nit. I hard , H7' < < 6
H7 > ici N.i.'Jnnrlhern H2'c ' itptloiismoderntely
notlvc ) onuned weak at it dixillniMif Uyf. ' c on
rcmirtnor rains In Kansas. fiirelKti * ellliit ) anil
loi-nl rpnlltlng , advnncod 't'St i * on u decline
In llrnrUtreetn , coiitntillcthm of roimrls of
nil in In Kauiits , active ( ixporllloiiiiintl , blither
Chicago limitations and shorts covering , clos
ing llrm and unchanged to "itup. " . No. 2 red
May , 77 ft.ltVil7Hi , closing 7rtci Juno closlnx
! ) ' , ; .fitlv , "ll'ii'l AllUllsl.HO'iC.
CoitN-UecplptH , 22,000 bu.t oiports , 3,00d
Int.t i4ili' ( , dOO.WK ) bu. futures , H3.OOO hit. ]
spot. H.iols firmer , mo'lerately active ; No. 2 ,
ril'y.52c } In elevator ; GSitAa'ti1 ' afloat : un- .
graded ml.xed , 52l.j7c ( ! ; Moamer mllPil , 5 < i > ,3 ,
nmci No. 3. 40'i'firjlc. Options decllneil
early "iU'tc. with wheat , advanced ! 4'f
' { c with thu wesi , decrease In llra < lstreets
reports uud local cnverlnst , closing llrm at ' < '
CfcVndvinicn nnd Inullng dull. April , 49 # I
4(1'Jc ( ' , chislii iit 10'ii : ; May,47T cs Juno , 47ie ;
' *
OATfl-l ! > Oeltit < . 73,500 bu. ; nxporls , 120.0tin
lui.j sales , 445,000 bu. futures , 30,000 bu.
spoU Spots Millet , white lower. Options mod
erately acthc , ( Inner. May. 33' ' ffi38 ic. clos
ing at'3lc ; June , closing at 3Uic ; July , cloning
at 341(1 ( * ; spot No.-Jwhlte , 40c ; No. 2 C'hlcnKit ,
38c ; No. 3 Chicago 30'ic ' : No. 3 white , 3Uc (
mixed western , : iiUl3t ) > ic ; while western ,
31)i440'4c. ) '
HAY rirmj demand fair.
llui's -Quiet , llrm. , ,
I'llDVISIii.Ns-Cut monts , quiet , llrm ; pickled
hams , ! 2'S ( ( 13c ; middles , iiilet | , llrmer ; shoit.
clear , lii'jr. hard , iiulel. stronger ; eastern
steam clo i-d : it flO.itl' . Sales , 500 tierces at
no.20i > 10.30. Option sah-s niuii'i May closed
ntiln.iii ) ; July closed al .Mn.35 ; Suptoiitbor
cloved nl $10:15. : I'm k , nulet , llrmer ; old muss ,
$17. ! ' : new mess , H .2i. Quint , about steady ; western dairy ,
Iftd/Jilc ; western rrcnmerv , 23a28c ; western
factory , 17ffl23c ; Klcln , 2Sc.
CHKBSI ; leady ; fancy part skims , 3fllOc.
Kims- liberal rccelpis , easy ; receipts , 1,0.)3
pkgf. ; westoin ftosh , lOuttlO'-ic ; duck , 2oa
'I'At.r/nv-ateady ; city < * 2 per pkg. ) OUC.
( JnTrn.ssi'.Kii On.tjiilel ; crude , uasy ; yi'l-
low. ti a-ly ; crude , 411'jC. '
I'rru'it.iaMtjulel ; lollned , nominal ; United
closed at O'c. )
TIII'NTINKQuiet [ : | : , steady.
ItiriItuiet : , about steady ; domestic fair to
extra. 3'.5' c ; .lapan , 4'iftl'it ' * .
Mm.ssis : - N'ew Orleans opi-n kettle gootl to
choice , fair demand ; llrm.
SmiAit-ltaw acllvo , llrm : sales , 3,700 hags ,
Muscovado at 3'iC e.x-shli ) . A cargo
centrifugals Ot5 test at il o c. I. f. lEellned
quiet , steady ,
I'm I American $12.75' ®
mix -Quirt , steady ; ,
Coi'i-nu-Hteady ; lako. J11.30.
l.RAii-Kasler ; uomnstlc. t-1.10.
TIN -Strong ; WO.Hil bid , J20.00 asked for
Straits ; plates , quiet , bteady. t-peltor , firmer ;
domestic , Jl.3'2 > ' , c.
St. l.onls Altirliots.
ST. J.otTi.i , Mo. , April 12. ri.ouil-Stoady ,
WIIKAT-Opened with wild soiling on crop
reports and similar news , hut after going
down I'ic ' rallied ami closed nirtr yostorilay's
tlguies : No. 2 red cash.(17c ( ; May , OOc.
COIIN Though weak j-arlv , rallied on buyIng -
Ing Und closed | % - ( * up ; No. 2 mixed ciisn ,
lower , 35' , , < ii3r > e : May , 37ci3710c. (
OATS-Sold down early , rallied sharply. gainIng -
Ing Jjc ; No. 2 cash. 31'gc : May , 31'ic.
I'novi.aiONS Strung , higher. I'ork , sttindard
mess , lobbing , new. tl7.2.VSl7.fiO. ! lard ,
tll.75. Dry salt ni"ats , loosi'sbouldors , j8.G2i ! !
longs anil ribs , $0.25 : shorts , tU.GO : boxed ,
15c more. Itacon. packed slioulderi , $10.2 , " ) ;
longs , $10.37'i ; ribs , 41O.50 ; shorts , ! il0.li2'i.
Hams , unchanged.
Hl'TTiiu Ijowert choice separator creamery ,
27Q.2HC ; choice dairy , 25T6'Jiic.
ICF.CEll'TS KlourI.OOJ bills. : wheat , 8,000
bu. ; cor-i , 52,000 bu. ; oats , 14,000 Int. ; rye ,
none ; bailey , 1.0 t. ) bu.
Hlltl'.MKNrs I'lour , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 0,000
bu. ; corn , 113oOi > bit. ; o.tts , IS.OJi ) bu. ; rye ,
'J.OUO ' bu. ; barley , none.
Kuiisas City .M irkoti.
KANSAS CITY. Mo. , April 12. Wheat , Is on
the basis of the Mississippi river points ; corn
and oats , Kansas City.
WIIIIAT Sl'Midy al yesterdav's prices. De
mand small and oirerlngs light ; No. 2 hard ,
OUitUlr ; No. 2 red , 03J.if'it > lc.
COIIN Quiet In some cases , IC''jC louer ;
olfei Ings not large ; No. 2 mixed , U'
No. 2 white , 30c ,
OATS -'jCo'ic ' lower ; No. 2 , 2H'iffi2
lli'TTiuiQuiet and steady ; creamery ,
30c ; dally , ! H1t24c.
K ns Very llrm at 12 > iftl3c.
Itciit ! : : > rs Wheat , 12.0UO bu. ; corn , none ;
oats , none.
SllH'MKSTsWheat , 50,000 bu. : corn , 1,000
hu. ; oats , none
Cotton Miu-ket.
Niw : OIIMANS , Ia. , April 12. I''utur < 's easy ;
sales , 70,100 bales ; April , $7.70 bid : May.
17.71@7.72 : June. ir7.7HTo7.70 ; July , 17.85-fft
7.UO ; August , * 7.HOt.7.'JO ! ; SeptomOer , 7.UOa
7.02 ; October , t7.02fi7.04 ; November , $7.05 ;
December , 47.nHa7.UO.
Quiet ; good middling , Hifc ; middling ,
715-10eIow ; middling , 7' ' c ; good ordinary ,
7 5-lic ( : net receipts , 105 bales ; gross receipts ,
4H4 bates ; exports coastwise , 3.3H2 bates ;
.Hlu.s , 3,200 biilus ; Htoc.k , 23H.033 bales.
_ _ _ . _ _
4s 3'jd ' percental.
HACON Kong clear , 450 Ib-i. , 40s Oil per cwt.
liAllli I'rlmo western , 50s per cwt.
TAI. i.ow Fine American , 2s 3d per cwt.
.Miliviinkt'o Murkcts.
Mii.WAtiKii : : , WIs. , April 12. WIIUAT July ,
> 'J4c ; No. 2 spring , ( inc.
COHN Stonily ; No. 3 , 30'ic.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , 34Jic ; No. 3 ,
UAIII.KV 64Sc ! ,
I'ork , $10.55 ,
Mlniiti.ipnllH U'bi'ilt .Murlcet.
MiNNKAl' , Minn. , April 12. Trading was
dull throughout the session. Strong ilcmand
for cash. No. 1 northern selling at 07c and No.
2 Northern at C > 4 ' jittific. Hecelpts. 153 cars.
Clo-o : April , 05 ' , ! ; May , UtiJJc : July , OUU'1.
On track : No. 1 bard , liij'ie ; No , 1 northern ,
G7c ; No. 2 northern , li4 > tU5o.
Now York Dry ( ini.U .Uarkot.
Nr.w VOIIK , April 12. There Is no change In
the general demand for dry goods. Tlio Amos-
keag A. C. K , I''s Here reduced to 8Jo ! by
agents , which was met on'lho greylocks , also
reduced to Sic. ( The price of IJainor & Co. ,
bhlrtlng prints , was made 5c.
Collet ) .Uiiriiet.
New YOIIK , April 12. Options steady at 5 ®
dull , steady ; No. 7 , j-10.50.
Cliii'liumtl .Miirlcets.
CINCINNATI , O. , April 12. WHEAT Dull ;
No. 2 red , tHc. !
COHN Klrm ; No. 2 mixed , 43e. .
OATS-QuIot ; No. 2 mixed , U3Q33ic. !
WHISKY Stetuly at vl.10.
Ilallliiinre ( inilii .tliirkrt.
llAi.TiMOiu : , Mil. , April 12.VIIBAT Steady ;
No. 2 , .spot and April , 75ijc.
CoiiN-Qulol and easy ; mixed spot , 48asC.
OATS-rl Inn and steady ; No. 2 whlto western ,
Toledo ( iriilit 'Market.
TOI.KUO , O. , April 12. WIIKAT I'lrmcr ; cash ,
COIIN Dull , steady ; cash , W'c.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 34c.
rorol'.Mi Oil .Market.
ANTWKHI- , April 12.-t'UTmn.KOM-12Jif paid.
1'JJif sellers.
STOCK * , , \ Nil lMS. (
\Vore Krpl In u 1'iivnrlili anil Ull-
Hiittloil ConditliHi Ycsterd.iy.
NKW YOIIK , April 12. The stock market was
kept In a feverish and unsettled condition earl )
by a heavy soiling movement In Sugar from
101 ! , down to U ) HI uuci later in Distilling and
Cattlofeedlng from 31'J down to28 > { . I'acllli
Mall declined 2'i pur cent and Natlopal Cordage -
ago Hi per cent for the common and 2'J per
cent for the preferred , but In a majority of
Instances the losses were confined within a
range of from > t to l > t percent.
The talk about heavy shipments of gold bj
the steamers sailing for Kuropo late In the
week had an adverse Inlliienco and caused the
boars to make koveral decided demonstrations
against thu market. The pressure against
Sugar was unaccompanied by any fuvorahlt
rumors against the property , Imltn the cuso o
Distilling uml Cattlefeedlng thu drop was ac
eoleruU'd by reports of an Intended Usue o
JIO.000,000 In bonds by tno comptny , and by
others to the ottVct that the annual statement
would be I'lscouraglng to stockholders.
The weiknes4 of I'.iclllMillw.ts attribu
table to Htorlos , which were subsequently
denied , that a receivership Has imm num. AA
the day drew to a close there HIIMI markei
change. In the temper of speculation , uin
under brisk purchases for the Ions account as
well as to cover short contracts a general ad
vance ensued. I'ullmaii lose to 2nr > , Sir'u
3'i per cent to 104 , Manhattan 2' , per cent u
Kiil't. National I-ad 2 p-r cunt to 42. Na
tional J'orilago percent to 07 , Lake Shore 2
per cent to 133 and Chicago , Cleveland , cin
clnnatl.V St. l.iiuls I1 , percent to 77' . . The
buying of these shaios was characterized by i
good deal of confidence and altogether a mucl
belter feeling prevailed. The Indications ilia
leading operators who recently sold out were
again Inlying stimulated the ilomand from the
traders on thu lloor. The market left of
strong at or near the nest Hxures of the diiy.
The 1'ost says : Quito naturally , the Immc
UUta otlcet of tlao CLilcugo situation upon the
Mock market prices was unfavorable He
< HMcfltiK the domitnd. lleticouratfed moderate
vein urns of tinNhort hide , und the Kuncral
tendency of prices win therefore toVnrd
ei kiM" s. Hut the itiprntoM | for lower
prices were iiitiiln I'Xlretnelv millions , all the
motp 10 , prob'ibly , because of hue plea-iant
lesson 'idmlnlHtered lo them. The | HHI | which
IIIIH hi'en hmnlpiiliitltiK the week's market for
Sugar certificates , and which undoubtedly
encouraged both the violent rollnpsu of
tcslcrday and the iene\ved break of ( his
morning's early trading , turned suddenly on
Its unlucky followers , and In half an hour put
up the price 3 points. While this Instructive
"twist , was progressing business literally
ce.ised In other quarters from the market.
Almost exactly the same course of action on
a smaller scale was subsequently pursued In
National Cordage slock. Hut mulling seemed
to Invite Interest e.xcept what furnished ma
terial for blind and exciting hpociilatlon. Thu
railway share list as it whole stood Idle ,
The following aru thu closing ottotationsof
the loading Mocks on tlio Now York SUA.K ex
change today :
Ni-w Vitrk > louev Ali rkp ( .
Nr.w YOIIK. April l'J.--.Mo.Niv : ox
Kasler tit ilftfi per cent , la/it / loan 'AVi , closed
d at ! l per cent.
F.iKMNTil.t : I'Ai'nii 0117 nor cent.
SYCiiMMiKxcilANdi : Firm , with actual bus-
ness In bankers' bills at ti.htjiiffM.HU'i ' for
Kty days , and f4.87Ja"t I.HH for demand.
Uovuii.VMiiNT HOMOS Steady. State bonds
The closing iiuntatlons on bonds :
riiiiilcill : : Notes.
HAVANA , Airll | 12. Kxclmnira iUlet. |
KANSAS C-irv , Mo. . April I'J. -
I'Aiits April 12. Three per cent rentes , OOf
20c for the iiccount.
Niw : VOIIK , April 12. Clearings , J117.317-
OOH ; balances , $0,050,058.
IlAi/rntoiin , Mil. , Ajirll 12. Clearings , ? 2,802.-
G.rjH ; balances , J439.309. Money , C per cent.
I'lin.AiKM.i'iiiA , I'a. , April 12.-Clearlngs$12.-
557.007 ; balances , ifl.ail'J.SSS. .Money , 4itt5 }
per cent.
MRMIUIIS , Tenu. . April 12. Now York ox-
cliatige soiling nt Clearings , J321 , 438 ;
balances , 505,142.
CINCINNATI , O. , April 12. Money , 07 per
cent ; New York exchange , GOc premium.
Clearings. ? 2,520,7iO. !
ST. I.diris , Mo. , April 12. Clearings , < M,7G'J-
Ifi7 ; balances. * 035.193. Money. 0547 per cent.
Kxchango on Now York , OOo premluni.
HOSTON. Mass. , April 12.-Clearings , il8-
OD3.31H ; balances , Jl,835,100. Motioy. li-RG pur
cent. Exchange on Now York , 15ii)17c ) dis
. . . . -Jew York exchange eoinmcrclTif ,
75c per $1,000 premium ; hank , $1.50 per
CHICAGO , III. . April 12. Clearings , 117,043-
8H3. New York exchange , 8c ( ) premium.
Sterling evchango dull ; * . | .8rii for sixty-
day bills ; f4.8Hij for sight drafts. Monoy. llrm
at 0 < 37 percent. *
Cattlii Tniiln Aetlvit wltli I'rlei'H ITiievon
Ilos | Soil llrlskly at u Di-rllnn
Heeolptsof both catth ) and hogs were the
heaviest so far this month , the three days sup
ply compared with receipts for the Ural half
of last wcok showing an Increase of about
2,500 cat I le and 4.500 hogs. Hu'-elpts of sheep
fur the snnio period show a falling otf of nearly
1,000 head.
The supply uf cattle was heavy for a Wednes
day , them bolng fully 1,000 moro here than
wore here Tuesday or a week ago. lluyers
complained of the Indlffjront quality of the
offerings , hut there worn a few loads
of very desirable caltlo here. Tlio market
was moderately active , but prices ruled very
uneven , on an average about a dlmo lower
than 1'tiosday , making a decline so far this
week on medium grades of 15c to 20c. On ac
count of lower eastern markets , speculative
shlppeis were Inclined to lie cautious lit their
operations , and with this element out of thu
way buyers for local houses were compara-
tlMdy free to exorcise their more or less bear-
Jslii pro.-llvllles. It was late In the forenoon
before dealers got down to business , but thu
liberal offerings were a comparatively short
tlmo In changing hands , ( iood to eholco 1,230
til.1.400-lb. . beeves sold at from < 4.75 to J5.15 ,
with fair to good l.OOO to 1.200-lb. steers at
from M 30 to $4.Ml. Common to iwior light
" - ' umls changed hands at
thirty odd loads of cows and mixed stock
were offered , lluyers were Indifferent and
Inellned to demand concessions. The good to
fancy cows and Indfers at fiom J3.7O to $4.i |
were about steady. Kalr to good butchers'
cowsatfJ.03 to J3.40 were u shade easier.
( oinmon and canning grades were decidedly
weak and hard to move at from $1.75 to S2-.5O.
Hough stook sold at about steady prices , com
man to choice bulls , o\en and stags selling at
from J2 to $4.25. Calves wen ) generally Uii-
changcd at from } 2.75 to J5.50.
A very respectable business was transacted
til Muckers and feeders. Offerings both fresh
and stale were quite liberal ami with a fair
demand Ixith from regular dealers and coun
try buyers , trade was actIve and prices ruled
strong. Hoprescntatho sales :
IIHIS UI ) ncBf.
Ko. Av. PP. No. Av. I'r.
O 050 M 75 21 10-18 t < ar'i
a 7ui : a 85 20.-.1100 440
12. bSO B 85 42..11)33 ) 440
L5 * . 8SO U W 21 1235 140
0.73H head were received , A feature of tlio
olTerltiKs was tliu almost uniformly Rood qual
ity. De.'ilers looked for a break and took a
drop Unit was ilU/y enough to stilt the most
pioiiounecd hear , llors sold from Ifjc to'Jf > u
loner than Tuesday , and sellers with llheral
offerings and dlscottniRliiK news from Chicago
were mote than willing ; to lot go at the
prices , ( iood mi'dlum weight and heavy hogs
sold largely at ill.50 , with a few choice loads
at from f < i.5r > to JlUio. Light and mixed
ratios Hold mostly at from S0.4O tofti. 15 , with
a few sales of common underweight stull'as
low us ! ? i.35. On the advance in provisions
tlio market closed up strong hoth hero anil In
Chicago. Kverythlng sold , the bull ; at JO. Hi
and iti.00 , against JfUio to 10.70 Tuesday anil
{ 0.25 to $0.30 lust Wednesday. Hepresenta-
ilvoisales :
HiiHKi'-OliurliiK were hardly ns heavy at
usual and liuyurs for local houses went rlcht
aftur them and paid KOod stroni ; prices for
uvurylhlnir. The demand continues some.
what In excess of the supply. 1 ulrto eood u-
lives. M.OOitS.aSi fair to peed westerns. $7fj
stock ia.6xa-J.OO
O0.3 < ii common und sheep ,
rood lo eliolco 40 to loo-lb luml14 ) , OOttO 23.
N'o. AV I'r
10 Mexlenn owes si fTi iw
U nntlvc mixed ill r > lift
IU Mexlenn Inmbs 01 000
tteeelptu unit llltprKitiiin ol Slopk.
OHIcliilM'jpt | a-t I dlspxltlo'i of ! ( < ai
howuliy lhaho.iksot tin Union Ynr.N
oiiipany for thu twenty-four hours undlligal
io'cloelc p. m. April 12 ! , lw'J3t
iiBcr.ti'r : < .
CATFLr. lioan. nilEitp , nmi n * A MI.S
CRTS. : Mend Cnrn. tlentl Cnr . Citrn. I Heart.
h'ji r,4l3 HOI
Pl ! l'OSTIOV. |
HtfVKIIJl. CArri.t : . nonx. BIIEEI'
imnlin I'nrklint Co ZS
Tliod. II. llnmmonilCo. . 1,01.1
wlft A Co IN ! 11,1 S'.i
liu I'nilnlir I'ncklnit Co. . CJO 3.811 S'.iUi
ohn P. Squire A Co 74 ?
; hloiifo I'ucklriK Co 858
\.llnni 1(12 (
I. Decker .v Di'iiitn SSJ
' . I ) . Armour IUU
> 'nnnnnt A I'nrey
4 > n lliillirrlillil
I. l.otinmn
elilpiers | nnd fuoJcrs 4JU
.eft over 100
To tii I. I.'IV 7.XU Hit
\VISTIIIN : i.NTiitisTs. : :
Movement of IlocH During the Past Week
lliithrr Small.
CISIMNSATI. ( ) . , April 12. IHpeehtl Tele-
uram toTlIK UKI : . ] Tomorrow's Price Current
will say : Theie was a small movement of
IOITS the past week. Western packing was
12.jlUii ) ! i alnst IHd.ono last vc ir. Total ,
HOO.OOO from March 1 , acalnst li'JSUOO ( hist
Total stocks of meats In the west March 1 ,
2ir.i 100,01)0 ) His. : pork , 130,000 bhls. ; lard ,
3(1,01)1) ( ) ) tierces. Same time fast year Meats ,
Ifi1,000.000 Ibs. ; pork , D'JO.OOO bbls. ! lard ,
IfiH.OOl ) tierces.
I'ui'lilii at pioinlnent places compare as
follows :
Clilcnito , .
Kin-u [ : City. 1I5.UJO 16SIU )
Omnlm IU.OXI IH.'WJ '
St. l.ouis f,7.0J ) Stf.OOJ
LMnelnnntl 41 ! ( Ill
.Mlhvnukec. W.IK ) I
Cellar itnptil lli.OJJ 2J.UUU
nix city. . 2V.OO I Ifi.UlKI
1M.IHO r. 111 10
( /hii'tigo I.U ) > toek .Market.
ClllUAiii ) , 111. . April 12. ISpi-i'hil Tcli
toTui : IlKii.l After u little trading on a basis
of Tuesday's prices the ramie of prlcrs for
cattle was jienerally lower. Importers honcht
mole freely than for a Inn ; ; time pi : t. the ad
vance yesterday of l'ic In the London unit Ki-t
having a stlniufalln ell'ect , and for suliublr
I'Spoft ; : rides : the feeling was falily steady.
Hut butchers' and ciinnurs' stuck and
dressed beef steers Renei-nlly sold from
Oc to lOc lower than yesterday , At the
modllled prices there was a good ilejireeof
activity , but huyers could not lit1 found for all
the olferlmis and the outlook for tomorrow Is
not very hopeful , I'rotn Jl.40 tut l.T.'i for lean
old cows prices ramietl upward to f torn $5.01) ) to
JO.H ) for extra steers , but there not much
business done outside of the limits ol from
k' to t.VJ5. ( Quotations were fiom $1.4Mn4
for cows , heifers and bulls ; from f'J.iT ( > lo
1.01) ) for stockers and feeders , from 13.00 to
in. 10 for diessed beef and shlpplm ; steers and
from tl.UO to W.73 for Texas call le.
The IIOK market closed satisfactory to sell
ers' but they were not at all pleased with the
way It opened. After starting out dull anil
from lOc to l.V lower than yosterdny an
active demand sprum ; up and ny the middle
of the forenoon nil slcns of weaUness hail di--
lippeaied. The close was stiiin at Imvly , V
oil' fiom Tuesday's ] > rlces. late sales maUini ;
on a baslsof from .fO.OO to J7.1O for coiainon to
choice liKht weights , aveniK'es f rein MO to lu.l
Ibs. ; friini jr.H.ri to tl.W for mixed ami me
dium and from J7 to J7/J6 for lie s
ovnr 12r 0 Ibs.
The sheep market was rather llrmer. There
was tin active demand , but this week's te-
celpts have been very heavy and buyers were
disinclined to pay any advance. Limbsold
at fully yesterday's prices and snl < | ucilvelv ,
We i | tune poor to e.Mra sheep at fioinfl to ii >
and Iambs at from i. > to ili.i& ( . Within the
last week si'M'rnl thousand Texas sheep ha\a
arrived. In ( iiiallly they varied from jo ) r to
choice ami changed hands tit from to
$ u.45.
Keceluts were : Cattle , 17,000 head ; IIORS ,
21.OOD head ; sheep , Ul)0 ) > ) head.
Thu KvculiiK Journal reports :
UATTI.H Itecolpts , head ; shipments ,
5,000 head ; market lower ; choice steersrJj.'Ju
( ijlj.50 : medium , 4.05ft.t.2O ; others , H.03
4.80 ; Texans , } 3.2&U4.&i native cows , j-j.rj.Vifi
3. S3.
lions Hecelpts , 23,000 head ; shipments ,
ll.uoohead ; mtirket opened 10ti-0c lower ;
closed steady at decline ; mixed and packers ,
ili.HMt7.00 ( ; IlKht. * 0.70'iCfl. J3.
SIIUKP Itecclpts , U.OOU hoadi fihlpinents ,
J.OOOhead ; market slow and steady ; natives
iM.BOi6o.b3 ; clipped Toxaits.M. 60144. 'JU ; west-
eriis , $3lbtt3.75 ; Inmlis. $4.73 0.05.
> < ! \v York I.Uu Stock Market.
Nuw YOIIK , April 12. CATTI.K Hecelpts ,
1.100 head. Trade slow ; prices fully 13c bol
ter on all grades. Poorest to best native steers
.sold at i4.403iri.SO ; bulls and dry cows , J1.308) )
3.H3. Dressed begf , steady , B'cfO'ie per II ) .
for best natlvo slde.s. Latest cubit ) from
London quotes i merlcau steers firm
at 12&13'io per II ) . ; dressed weight
and American refrigerator beef steady at
llic per 11) . Shipments , 1.800 quarters of
CA'I.VIS : Itocelpts , 3,100 head ; market firm ;
selling values unclnuiKcd.
SIIIIP : : AND I/A.MIIS Hecelpts C50 head ;
sheep , steady ami firm ; lambs dull and a
shade easier ; unshorn snoop sold at $3.oo/i
0.37'i ; clipped sheep at $4. 30tl3.30 ; unshorn
lambs , ; r > .OD > $7.2r > ; clipped lambs , $5.305.0.30 ;
dressed mutton llrm : il b 'Jiiu ; dressed lambs
dull at 'J'-.fUlc.
lions Hecelpts , 5 , 200 head ; market hlghoi1
nl 87.30UH.23 per 100 Ibs.
Kansas City I.lvo Stork .Mnrltet.
KANSAS CITV. Mo. . Aiirll 12. CATTI.K Ho-
celptB , 3,000 head ; .shliinientx , 1,300 head ;
market quiet ; cows , steady ; feeders strong ;
steers , steady to lOc lower. Hepresentatlvo
sales : Diessed beef and shlpplm ; steors. i 3. 05
< Ji5.50 ; cows and heifers , J1.'JO ,4.03 ; Texas
and Indian steers , $3,40ii4.10 ; stockers and
feedersJ3.5l > i-1.10.
lions Heculpts , 7,700 head ; t-lilpnients'
4,000 bund ; market dull and 10 r'JOo lower
itllKradeR. iO.lT'ticf.O.HS ; bulk , JO.5OjiO.lJ5.
Sitnr.i' Hecelpts , 2,700 head ; shipments ,
1,71)0 ) head ; market active and strong , about
25dt35c hlchur than last. week. Hopru.senta-
tl\e sales : Muttons , 14.00 ; Iambi , 50.
St. l.onls I. Ive Muck Market.
ST. Iotns , Mo. , April 12. CATTI.B HpcnlptH ,
2,500 head ; shipments , 2,000 head : market
slow fair to iiood natives , } 3.00ii4.70 ; fed
Texas steers , $3.25i 4.00.
Ilotss Hecelpts 0,400 hcadf shipments ,
400 head ; nruket opened 10o lower ; closed
stronger ; heavy , * O.Coa7. 10 ; mixed , J0.30ij.
O.'JO ; IlKht , $0.4030.70.
Siir.m1 Hecelpls , 3'JOO head ; shipments ,
none ; market , weak , unchanKcd : receipts
mostly Texan feeders.
' II. I ) . II'iooB . JAS IMount
I ) . D I''llA7.BE , r. , I\
Pros. Vlco Pros Kecy ft Troas.
Capital JiT-DOO ; Omaha anJ Sioux Oity.
Grain and Provisions
Railroad Stocks and Bonds.
Room 212 Hew M Life Building
IlF.l'KHENOES ! lowaStato National Iliink.
Bloux City ; Commercial National Hank.
U mil liu.
Special attention lvon to outsliln orilcrss
Cotrubponaanco aollollocl
( iiiprovlni ; thi < City .Intl.
1. H. Hascall anil Dr. Somurs iimtlo tin In-
spertion of the police court room yesterday
afti'rnoon with the view of making a number
of chntiKCs In tlio present nrraii'oini'iit ( of
\\o \ } \ rooms. limorBonoy rooms arn to ho lo-
cateil more conveniently on the first Hoar
instead of In thu hascment.
Piles of people litvo : plies , out D.iVil4'
\\llch HazelSalvo will euro them.
l.lttl Sum. "
"Little Sara , " n miss of 11 years with the
airs anil manners'of an experienced woman ,
Is la the city. She Is an actress , elocutionist
nnd ilaticor nnd I * Rolnir pnst for the purpcao
of looUltiR for un opcnltiK its it slur for i\ | l y
which slip hopes to hive \vrUU-n cxprosslv
for hpr Slio IIIIH tioi-n In profo Hlomtl llfo In
Denver for tii'Vprnloirs , and la highly com-
inuiiiUHl by the IUIUM of thnt city. HIP ! may
irivo an mtrrtnliimcnt In Oinaha hoforo
lonvliii ; for Now York.
Tin. riril ; ltltr ! I'lilro In Ihr South.
A special excursion to North dalvpston ,
Tex. , li-avcs Omaha. April IS , 1803. Ho-
mitrlnililc IniluciMiicnts are offered. Kor pur-
ttculnrs apply to D. D. SiiK-aton , agent , room
li. Unrlior block , Omaha.
Alter .litilcn iipr. : |
Cotincllnian Hteol Is utter .Iiul ro Kllor
with a slnirp sttclt because the latter has
dug a ditch across Marry street for drainage
tmrposi's and so made tlio street Impassable.
Tliu councilman wants the street' commis
sioner to ascertain l > i whoso authority thu
ditch was dun ami report thu.tnmu to the city
attorney with instructions to begin legal pro
ceedings against the Judiro.
A Trip Worth
A spot Inl oxeurslim to North ( Jalveston
Tex. , leaves Omaha April is , IMI3. He ;
markable liuluccments are offered. For
particulars iipplj to I ) D Ktnoaton ,
room 17 Barker blurlt , Omaha.
Mr. .T O. .Tones , or
' " " 1
, ;
"Ahotil ten yeais ORO 1 con-
nii'tuil ar.pvoro ca oof lilnod pnl-
> ii. lA'atlliit ; iiliyslclam presrrlhoil iiiPriii ?
if ivr ineilli-liie\\lili li I tool ; wlthoitr miy rollof
1 also tried morpiirlnl nnil potauli remedies ,
with unnnecesaful results , hut \Unrli linnicht
on an attack of mercurial rheumatism that
made my llfo
ono of ncony.
After snlfurim ;
four years I pne up nil rcmcilii" * and bpinn
ii ltiK H. S. S. After taking Federal hottles I
,7as entirely ctiied andalilo to resume Mork.
Is the nrratest nipiliclno for Mood
poisoning to-day on the market. "
Treatise on lllood ami f-kin Diseases mailed
freo. SWIT tirtx-iKiu Co , , Atlanta , oa.
Ilt. r. I. . SH im.Ks Consult tier SurRpon.
Grudiuto of Htuh Miulli-al Collpuo C o\-
M 1.1'VI ION Mini j. | . \ir thf triiatrnuntof
Wo euro Cntnrrhi All Dlsoitos of the
Noao. Throat. Ciliost , Stom.iaU , JtJoivol.
and Liver.
Blood , Shlu anl Kiditoy Dlso.itai ,
Fcmalo "VVotiUucbuod , Juo l M.-iiihood
I'll.ISi , KISTirLA. FISSUItE , porraanenilf curjt
nut out thu HBO of knltu. lls.iturj or cauitlc.
All maliullcs of n prtvuto or dellcalo nituro , of
either pox. iiOHlttvoly curo'l. '
Call on or mlitress , wltli siaiup for Clrculurs , t'ros
Hook nnd lloi'lpod ,
Dr. Seirlcs & Scarlcs. . ' . 1. ' .
Next Uoor to I'oit 0.11 n
Capital $100,000
Surplus $05,000
Cftlccr nnd 'Mraotors Henry \V. Yates , pro it tin
It. C-Cuslilnif. vlCD ; 0. H. M turloj , .V. . /
Itorio JolmH. Colllni J. .N. iL I'jtrmc lijrii I
llced , cattilcr.
MorsaCoe Shoe Company ,
Salesroom anil OIIK'Om" 111) . ) 1111 llo.Tnr > lt. l .
rm' . Howard fit.
We nro the OM.V MinufaHurori of Hoots nnJ
flioe In thu titu : of .Vcb-a k i.
A Ki-ncrnl lnvlt tlim isuntoniliiil to ull to Import
Kirkendall , Jones & Ara3r. Hand-SewaJ
COMI'ANV. Wholoulo HllOiO CO. . liailtl.nnuli
uifri. atfjnti lli > * p. in anil rulti ruiuil . Ujj-
ilubbcr Slioa Co . II'JI- UIU llarnurit. .
IIUI-1IW llnrnoy St.
Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornici Works
t.l.MIC CO , h.irJ uiHUutt Mfrj. itnlviinltol Iron
roul. K U cor. llilli airl uornlci , nliulow cip ,
mctnlllo nkvliKht * . ou >
IIIU-IM' ' ! > > iU > > t.
M. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpalrlck-Koo'i Dry
liOO ) S O ) ,
Drr K0"1' ' ' notioui. fur- Notloiii. iJiti' furilin-
nliliiiiic tfoodj. ojrnir
IHIianil llo rJitv
Omaha Upholstering Beeb33 & Runyan
CO. , upuolitereii furni fUKNITUKU CO. , Utaco
ture. 1IJ11101 Nicholas
fit. Vfb.olei l oa\j. \ ana Uli Sit.
lU-'UKP vow * to the womrva
ruffprlni ? from nny of UIK | mlnful dUiinlrrt
nnd dorniiKenicntji prcttlim to her > ex. If nli <
nrrcptu the help Hint's olfereil. Ir ) I'lt-reo'i
Fnvorllol'resenjitlon Is the onjimillclne / wj
ct'rUIn In Its clieeU thnt It i-nn lie yuariin.
trrtt. In every r sc. If It ( U > fsii't bencllt ot
cure , your inonpy is returned.
IVntitlful women know lionniuoh tliey
00 tO RH ll hcillll ! . IfOII Wish tO K' lnMUl-
llful , keep the natural fuiiptlotis of thp liodjr
In proper fitnto nnil v < u'll be healthy
A train of dUoi tiers follow the deraiiKo-
niotit of thouomnnh fiinetionii I'or tit > i votii
prostration , r-xiMlnliilltv. fnltilln stu-lls , illz-
zlnes.1 , siMisms , convulrlonK , or " fits , " thli
niiKly iclievcs nnd ci.fis.
Take It nlipu you suitor from slecples -
efs , Imeknclip nnd brnrlngdoun
for the prompt rtlirf It impart ! ) .
% thorltivis. pi'luta thcr. mciiy Si it u i'n * * t"V 'tin !
ui" t f.ilualilf. nrtMtiMiU IMIIiw ' < }
mi'illfDl li.i.ik .Mir | .ul.llsl < ni n , . , -f. . , .
IMM > tii'.iiInK nhnir lone Illii-irait , u , , o
Miliji-fiiiirc'iitfl : NCHII II. | un , | . , „ ,
Miorllliv , IVM-lop noiit.'.i' ' | . | < - , i. . i
liiuil , lli.iwIiitPiiilliitcMiirri F - . i .1-
) .1rririnn > tii > ifitr ul'ltvpt' a I r al > Sj
the I'l.nn ! ' : ! ' . l\t f/i / ( " m \ / ?
i'D' ) /ttlte / I 'fpfiir.1 n , . ; / ! /i J ,
l.t'f , whn l'i'liH'nm ' i , i t TJ
ni"iiilr liirfi'iiratlt.iliin ' r t , 5
: uriti i 1.1 int.r imok. J
It will t'on'tit fno. timlei " il wl . in r ? c
tlun l.i t . AOitri t'ioinililn' i tj
Ktii : Miiit'Ai. : c. ) . . i ; .d i ( . , * . \ <
PitorosALs KOIS sntvrviNdo
M.\KI\IMl IKH'XDAUY I.IM Hi-p..rt-
nr'iit o ( I hiInterior. . tirni'Kil I .iml mli.-L' .
Washington. April ! ! , lH' < 3. hralnl pr pi.-aH
\\lll he roc't'lvi'd at tint ( ienrrtil I.IIIH ! I'lll.-ii ,
\Viishlnutiin. P. ( ' . . until 'J n'rlix I , | i n
Satnriliiy , the tltlt day of May , I-MM f , , , , , , ( - .
veylni ; and niiii-UIn by MildM'1 HMI.UI . > r's ,
tlial purl Ion of tlin hoiiiiii.u y ! ii , > > tn < -
ttti'i'ii tlio state of Ni-lu-ivk.i mi. ) ihn
stutc of South Dakota , \vlm-li II , . < i i. [
Ilu' Missouri river , us authnfl/i'il ! > > tln > u. t
of I'onnri'si , approved Ailitus ) . ' > . 1 . i ' . m il , mi ;
appropriation for mirvnyliiK the pn' ' > h. ' lan'li
ili.iinplili't htaliltPH tit law. iMill-'ti' . p 37i"
Tin' MII vey U to he pxi'i'iited In I'lonplluiu-o
with spei'llleatlons anil Instruction.nil r\-
Istlim otlli'lnl ri'Biihtttoif. . The stem > niniiii *
Inents an1 to he plneed ill half mil. ' uu rs UH
on said liiiunitiirv. I'roposaN for r\i i in init tliu
mtriey and extalillslilnijtln' tiioiniini nis. as ro
ipllii'd liy the spri-tll.-atlnns , llM i nrt und
ii'irulatlons , niiisl Incluili1 In oni'lihl l.nili ilio
Hi-Id orli and the tuoniiiiii'iits. i upli . of Mm
sperlllratlons relative to the llm > anil n.nti'i-
inents , anil hlanU proposals u III lir fin insh.'il
lildilers on aplilli'iitlon lo th i-unn .si.mrt
oflheCeiipral l.Hiid Ullli-e. \ I ) O.
ICarh propiHal must hi > aiN'onipiinli'il liy arrr-
tltli'd ehcc-U fitrf&HO. I'l-oposuls III heon -
slili'ird only from prai'tti'al , e\pi > iliMu-til sur
veyors , whose eompetemv and ri'll.'ilullty , irs
satlsfaetory to this olllre. The party to
\\honi the eontrai't ntiiy lit1 awiii-tlftl will In- ro
il ill red to eM'riite tin * work "in his nw n pr < i | i'r
| > i'rson , " with siii'li iissistuii'iens iu.i > bi1 ni-i' . -
sary. I'roposuls must l > Inrln- . . . , ! in rn'U > | > cs
ami inarKed " 1'ropiisals for the sni \ fv ami -
talillshnii'iit of lln > Iniiiiuliirv lint1 l > . I v\i'i-n No-
hrasliu and South Dakota , and aililii's.i < tl to
"The CoiiimlssloniM' of thetienertil I.-mil Dllli-n ,
City of Wnshlmilon. D. t'1 Tin- i lirhl In n-lert
any and all Mils Uresem-d.y.W. lAMUltl l'\ ,
Commissioner. a'ld'It
J dlan Servh-e-I'liie lildco Atfeiify. H. I > ,
Mittvli Iltl , lb'ji. : Sealed propo.als , endiir .i-tl ,
"Proposals for l''leld Seeds , " aihl addrt sseil to
the und < Tsiiiit ; > iI at Pine Itlil Aaeip-v , Slinii-
nciti i-iiunly , S I ) . , will he lereited at thu
npeney until 1 o'ehwk p. in. of April Jo , \ > . ' \ ,
for furnlshlm : am ! delivering at tills iiKun.-y
ahoiit J.Vinti Ills , seed oats , 'Jn.'jMl Mis si-i-il
eorn , G7tiM ( ) Ihs. seed potatoes , 1-Jmi Ilu. seed
whrat , Till ) His. alfalfa , II.ODtl Ills , liermaii nnl-
let , Vail Ibs. timothy. 737 His. Mini urass , Mil )
Ihs.sugar heel and Dili ) Ihs. supir fane si'ed.
Kald seed to ho urown In the seetlon of roun-
try contlcnoiH to the plat'o of ilelli'-ry. Hid-
tiers will ha required to state sp . ilii-ally In
their hlds tint proposed price of eaeh artlflu
olTercdfor dollvory iindor a eontrart. The
right Is reset veil lo reject any or all hlds , or
any part of any hid. If deemed for the In
terest of the service. CEIITIKIKU CIIKCKS.
ICai'h hid must ho accompanied hy a certified
cheek or draft upon some fulled States de
pository or solvent , national hank In tliu
vicinity of the resldnnee of the bidder , miida
payable lo Ilio order of the commissioner ol
Indian affairs , for at least 5 pur ceiitofth
amount of the proposal , which check or draft
will hu forfeited lo the United States In case
nny bidder or bidders receiving an award shall
fall to promptly execute a contract with KOOQ
and sulllclenl sureties , otherwise to bi > ro-
urtiedlo the bidder. Hlds accompanied l > j
cash In lieu of a certified cheek will not be con
sidered. I'or nnv further Information apply to
( 'APT. ( IKO. I.KltOY liltUWN , I' . S. - \ . Acting
United States Indian apcnt. M31d'Jlt
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Ornatoai
lcsl Cattle Ilo nnil Shi-op market In til 3 iroit.
Y/ood / Brothers.
I.lvo Block Commission Morouunt-i
South Oiimhii Tc'lcpiioMO 1157. ChlcsjJ
JOHN I ) . OADK.MAS , I . , . . . . , . . ,
31"1"0" '
Mnrkrt Hporti by mall midnlro o ui.-
tlictl upon upplloatloa
WALGlbbja4C ) .
Wliolumilo WDilKH
Ilnli. C.MH. iri * < > 11 , snf0-.vault,4jm iTorlc.
Irun aliutturi an I Mm ol
nnd llnrnuy
ull , lit i an I .Incm i.t
John A. Wi'Hlill. Cinrle R. 't
luiportuil.Am.M'li'ui ' i i ' I tril'Tiio I u iri ) r. ITJ > 1
itliltolln.'o.'t | |
koououuiit ni : l i il i : ll..rl ,11 ,
itliltolln.'o. | Utll unit D'J lilll
Prick 1. Obi illif & Co
uf nnillimr/ notion * .
Mall o.-1irt | i j aIf
11X11 Karnum il Jll-il ! .I liu 4L
Carpenter Paper CD. Standard Oil Co , ,
fnrrr n full iitoclc uf
lirlnlliii' , riti | | > ln < an I ItHlliiol nnil lubrmatl if
nrltlnif paiuri , carJ
linpur , oto. ell , n < U groaia. oto.
Branch & Co. , Jas. A. Clark & C ) . ,
I'loduco , fruits of ull Mutter , 'Ui ,
poultry urij if I'UJ ,
kinds , Mjrllon. air i. i.tiu
STOVE REPAIR i. I S.\31.01)1 )
Omaha Stow M.A.Dh ! > n & Co
, itoro roiialrs .Manufacturer ) of ia b ,
and water attachmeati Uoor i , U11 ill BDIU
for uj kind of Horn moulUloii. brauoh oi
mad , ItOT Douglas tit , flee , UlU and liard.