THE OiAfAHV DAILY BEETHrRSD\Y ; , APRIL 13. 1R03. i BOARDS NEBRASKA PENSION M the Po - SO VA VEIEBAN MILL K AHWTE9 tn TJiU Maimrr V-rrrtnry lltik * .Stntth B * . Ito I ' to A 4d Uiru tMM 7 ft J-m- petti ; nrine MJtailr t4 l ( or W-SJV TW : BrKtif r TBC Bee , 1 : .U Fdcaiwomi Sarw. V n Mttswratt , D. C- Aura 12. J ; St T-ttrj Hote-Swfc * of ifc l rl r ej j la'.e s. u . .tBMHit of ttee pb.tnria s who i t rc'j -t ikf flowetry whk * 1 s rtke irrr r t al. nf tbe oW Aocton HI Nebraska vfc t. * e aspired to Una * HftputetaMutc K * a t tbeir r f ; lmr pr c- Secrrtatr Swlth has ct e-i lo ajiftoint > tmc doctors and . > " * int * ha1 * * ot yet b to up a [ Ue tat ithat in tbi * H ueT h i c _ U.r. ucaniiuere wbo win be aMe t4 de- T .e their c : tire tune to tht work for wtaten tl- _ wea-'fi".tit d. He will draw tbelinf i kl : r Te - nf w e and says , be wnld ; r.-ltr t'.t tr.ak * cba ff < in tbe } * B ion " tr s tiifct to tfcte old phynciaas. The ' sip. z w k. of eonr * * , B cl o all pyi- e _ s-5tii jvftera B tbemmslres aad who r : ttL' "f re , he inclmad to bare syvpa- t w. tU < oid .toldi r who are apfrtjricr I ' * : - * . * * Jt is IflHfly that this te th * Bre * .rtlyf new rule , wfcicb will at aerate ' rate ! * * i'iffoct of jK-evantijifr tke reor- ! fat ali 'L ' f a larg ? numl' r of boards of Nebraska atia imrawnioh nTr reomc- I rctiUnriinr . demoorati. In tbr 1'ontodicrrTlr . i Therr tr.i , be sn . chanpp te tbe ' ! the pastofSee simre tnder i weeks if not sumths. Postaia t r Oeneral Z.JIS&L. ft1 t < > 4 y that be would DM appoint or retn'any of tfae luspectors or dujiervostirs r Bjierial arents of the PjstoCicc d t rtBMiBt uaui the ftror assistant jKiFtuMtMirs penerai a chief of iarpet lors a ii J the other'hjfrbrr o2iciali have fd He beiieTt * the eieeative d first be rbaturad A Jiamber c > f for juMStioos tn tbe sjiocial c of tbe ( K-purtnwnt who have here ft > r some weeks are tearing tie c ty Qrif a number of applications for these p nations have beea Mtnt Sxjre from Ne- brasca -IT. F Kiru : o ! Mount Vernon , Ia. , it bt the Nvirmmdie. & G liOfWK of lewa. a clerk te the pen- * ion office has been d irmtt * d to act as letter crilK of his division Assistant Land Commusiober BOWBBS of AberVeer S I > , has taken bole of tie rums < jf office. J K. Kovarikwas today anointed postmaster - master at SpiLtvUte. Witiue&beik county. & . Also tbe following jmstniafiVers fer Ici o Motnilain Home , Elioore connty , J. A. PnrI ieU Omida Bturhati : county , V. C3oof > er : St. Charles. Bear Lake count * . C. E. Oe.rd- ner \ \ aha Net Pert-e count ; . K. S. Ricci IVeiser Washington cnvaty , Minaie L. HBtv- thorne WTuinPi , Oneiaa coonty. A. Cbud- tnciL P S. H. GOU > S-HII'.MUNTS. It U r.umorrd that S7.OOO.OOO111 lir-Sent tn liurvjxcm 'Miturdny. WiSHrst-Tos. D C . April 12. The Star lias this It was rumored OB tbe Stool : ei- chanre in Nw York todar that fT.tKKlXfJ * of polfltrail be sluppod on nert Saturday or Tuesday It is aft Jirobabi * that ibis large stnnvvi. . . go uui. but should half ibr araoont be Leaded it win he neoessarir for t& secre tary of the treasury te utilise a swall purt ol the nwi WLW.OU9 reserve fund. Taos course vm be necessary shonW a large demand for pojd b made If tiondwere is aed lodgy tbe retcrn c > f cola would hardlj set in for a week There is no hnpre&eton lUiat bonds VTLJ. be ssued as the feeliop ejosts that Sec retary Cor.jsleixiXl iot hobiUkle to dip into ttie pjj < 2 reserve if neeessar ) There is not the least arrrfheasioB amour the officials of the dpjiartnit'nt thut tbe povernmentwill lie cjzharrassi'd should the secretary find him self calied UIKIB te use the puki reserve It is thojpht that the banks will isnnodiutely come tj the rescue of the detsimnent The arli .r "f S cretarv Carii-rr In rrfms- YorV Ot. lor a custom house , and in dftc juotr to accept thn Chestnut street ste te Philadelphia for the rrt a States iniBt , is taken as indi- ca'.rjr Ins i ) licy in repard to the erection of r---- D-uJdmes , yrhich is unoersiood to he tc Jc' r the enterine cjxm anj costly pobltc warks in the jrreseat oondibon of the iruas- liry Moless a sum than * a.009XW ( vreuld have been -wrtbdrawB for the iiaj-ment of tvr s.tes had the treasur > authorities tiTurahly in the matter It is generally believed that Colonel " Lament , "us secretary ofwar. . vfll have charps of river and barter torjiendfeures , And w I foii w on this sasie lin of action. , as hetvrpt-n tite twe departments the jay- icent of taiasaccrepatini ; l > etw < reii ( ftlMKH- ) < KK ) to fTS AH' ' ( KW a year can be easily dt- erred w .ln.'jt h&mf > ecin the ptihhc serr- ice tintu the treasury surplus beg-ui * to grow agi-n. I > THE SENATC. Senator C all AVantt tnr M - mlrstilp oi * D C . Aprfl 1 Senator Call cf Florida is profoundly impressed ivith the idea that preat inequalit ) aad injustice re- s'-lts frota the mode in which theoommittees of the senate are organiaed aud .from the fact that thtur mumbership is not numerous cnouph to admit of a fair representation of the states He therefore 3er > d in the l > e- gictinp df the present extraordinary session cf the senate a resolution rocreaswp to fif teen the Siembership of sjtue half docen committees. Tt > dab oocopied tbe floor for nearly an hour in elucidatinp tis news and advocattcp his resolution. It was nuj aside without action. A n o.utun lor an isre&upatiuc * t the c-aim > f Mr Jcisejjh "W Adj t < - a sent as a sena tor from Kansas br tbe eomnuttee MI prin- lepes and e clM > s was ri > orted b > the chair man uf that onmmiti e Thi was referrttd , tinder the rule to tbe oonunittee oo ooaun- pett exjK-uw * Tbtt laM twv boors of tbe < iajs sefiMUQ were devoted to the considera tion cf xwutiv l > m > uMw * a 4 tbeD th ? sen ate adjourned uatil toaorrow ICRIL.S OOM-IUM.CD. i * by l > rmo * critic > umWri. . .x , D C , April 12 Tbe senate 57XTI tw. h.'urs this afteraooc in emcuuve disrussin tbe auBuaatioii of Mr of Illinois to be cowptroUer of th ? The repubucaM protested apaimt ; ftrs.a-.Hro oa tbe proaiwi lhat tbe tt u t * was u jl a man ftuvd bj financial eximrteace JT tec plaor Tit- nomination of tbe pr t.i- d > - ctwas upbald by lead p d we,2rau. and j in the end tue vote b } waM-b Mr Eckels was umfiruMMl wft tabaB viva vocw A sn.a snac as struck wbon tbf uoaio- uti n of A > bfrt B Pull , te be iwtct t * ) ut- ti e cf the t-Liprta&e coon of tbe turritwy of New Weiuro. was taken up CH > HCU I > S were mad akd under tbe rule * lb tww wect vpr _ I.trurUon ttt Irtip Ttf nod Lo of Llfr. SJ * ErH Mo , AfrQ U. Late yotterdav afternoon a destracuve cj-clou * netted tij * co-JEtry northtiast of Staaberry. devKstatwic a ttr i tw. miles wide aad fire mil * * loec Am > o t every knaMuip te n * > wtk w i Af- * tr t 1 Several ] xwplewere kitted. tld-lMinp Mrs. Ward , bar bulwad Sbrit.'D JaUkUy bun. An w 'ma& was atoo MnrtoD standk r U j Vf D C. . A | fl wrt teveod t difcouaUiute KM ( search for steMoret. ar&i thury u < cta i Ihote alMiiUf dwuwMid ei. Itarioe l eii to hu at ati0& . It u UVca tbat tbe t&alteroXMr Itobert Htainf tra broucbt to theMiUreaf PrwAdwit' ta a t' f need * of tbe dead eemar > rw | j itBd tttt t-r au-.tx ue Scretar > Xor tun t. ' -intat Mr WUiae The } irrcid t calied tbe ait uu--t of vbe itrcrrtarr ? apri- cuitiire to tbe matter Tbe keoretary re- i toi < B < tbe prtmMaBt of hi * BMoraMue * M tb Mbyert f rizierwm T wMok br b-ltrw * Otr oaite ia atM-stim t be a Mrlkanr ai- muqtt a&d s td that be wa ntirrij ta > r - l th > wltk tb p lk of tbe prnMent la tbM revT' ct. There tbe matter ended OlII-fESE 13 Can ttaU n Htr ft b * . Gemry Art t n * T l d at One * . WumwraK. I * C . April W. Ertra ro3- ary Sort * wM be Ba4e to secure am aJ - j toUton * fwn tfce Chinese exHs * * > aet Vj- the mii'Bmp co rt at tte Mem. Tbe BMtVer fcastfee tfee gpTermuoatg of t * " Tailed MdChiaaaad at tbe reqvest of tbe State dayartmnat. the De rt emt of J * ttoe has prelitatearies in conJuartioB witti rwmixrl -mmta t aad its satojccta to this country : V nderlbe terns of tbe law. cvHnnxmly known | a < tbe Geary an. ad Caiae e laborers hi tbe United States are repaired to repister tbeoi- eelves with tbe pro } > r * pers and secure derUflcatPC tbereof witbto oe year of tbe takinc effect of tbe law May 5. lute There- ' fore a cane t * determine tbe validity of tbe taw cannot be baruc until the 5th of next month , la ordtear > rimMMftaaces it would 1 1 uupoaeiMe te brine tfee n before tke , suprtrtw otmrt erf tbe Umwd States before tbe Wijournmeot of tbr umn > r r - * But ' , by cMOt-urrent bctM of all ftarttes inter- e t L wiiicii bat btien setpursd ia view f f the 1 uu ) rtaat iateraatxmal rbaracter of the nee 4.ion laroiTea. tbe standmc of tbe law will be flooded witkia a few weu. obvi- iilinr a lose. Uniioa * and PXIHHI- i , sivr l.lieatiob. Tbe arraneefwnt enl - i l * d into contemplates tbe arreit of I , a CiutM ! e iaborer in New York for i violation of the twin * of tbe law. a prompt decision of tb lower cxrartc and an appeal to the supreme court of tbe United States. 1 which may 1 > * board oa May * If the pro- i eram I ? carried . , tbe decision will be rendered H tbe Bitddk * f May. at which ! tun ? tbe court erpoots to adjourn sine die for tbe tera. Omnmisskmpr Mason received today a tete- I p.-aui fnan the collector of internal revenues I at Sun Francisco statinp that some of the . Chinese , who wepe repisterinp. desired for I their owa protection to file with their papers i ' a copy of tb ir picture He asked if there was nj objection to this in view of the re- j cent circular mu d bj SecrettLTj Carlisle on I the subject He was infurmed that there ! was BO objection if the act was purely volun- > COUUA. Herbprt Ord r * a War Ve > cil te D. C _ April IS. Secretary Gresnam has recatvod a cable from tbe { j i diplomatic oftioer at Sacral , Cores. , sayinp that | ' a paneral uprisiup of natives aruinst the Cfaristmus. includinp a numtiar of cdtieens of I I tbe CnHed States , is about to take place. I Secretary tiresham laid the dispatch before i the Micrrtary of the navj . who ordernd Admiral - | ' i miral liarmony. commandinp the Asiatic { i s uftdrua. at Hocp Konr. to send a vessel to i th e j eene. I ] Secretary Greshasi said this afternoon 1 that tbe action of this porecnment ia direct- I ' , inp Admiral Harmony to send a war vessel , to Corea had been taken simply as a pre- | cantwua.r.t measure. No trouble had oc- ! curred. lie said , but cititeus in Corca had been threatened , aad it was to avoid ; > ossible ! bloodshed that the United States had sent i an armed ship to that country fTufthl&ptuuNote * . "WASHISGTOX , D C. , April 12 Captain Guthrie teleirraphed the War dejiartnient , that he arrived at Antlers with company A , ' Poorteenth infantry The dispatch stated that be was aeroarpanied by Governor Jou s of Indian territory , and that , so far , he had nothinp to report Secretary Smith today received a telepram from "W U .Tones , principal chief of the Chorvaw oataen. statHip that a detepatwn of ChiK'taws left for Wahhinpton today to pre sent to tbe department his reiiart on the Cboctaw troubles Myself and militia ' he adds , "wffl take no further action pcadin ? this in-vesttiration " ! William J. Little of Hot Sprinps. Ark. . W\K ! tndqy appointed t-wj nnLendent of ! the Hot SpriBcs reservation. i It is stated antboritatjvtdy that Cleveland I has selected J. O. Smith of Ohio , a radical | tariff reformer , as commissioner of internal revenue. The democratic senators , in caucus , decided - , cided lhat the Roach cane should not be in- I vestlpated this session , but that inquiry be i made in the MarUn case U Ki. ! ! th - rrttBch A WASBI5GTOS , D C , Aprfl IS. M. Pate- notre , the diplomat representing France in "WasMapton , who e rank has Just been raised from that f minister amhassader to , -was re ceived in his new capacity by the president this afternoon in the Blue mem at the white bouse He was accompanied by the attaches of the French embassy , all attired in court uniform M. Patenotre wo.e his new am- tatvs * arial dress. The intro&octieBs were made by Secretary of State Greshasi. M. I Pateootre presented his credentials as an ambassador aod made a Kt > ch ej iressinp ' the eordiattty of tbe fe-Kiips of the French i povenunent toward that of tbe United 1 States , to which Mr Cleveland replied in . similar terms. Confirmed l > j thr Sfnutn. D. C . Aprfl 12 Hanais Tay lor f AlBUama , minister to Spain ; James S. Ewicp or Illinois , minister to Belpium ; William Loehran of Minnesota , commis- sumes of ] ienaians : Loots C Hughes of An- xena. poemor f Arizona. Post = ast fi5 HUwns Frank L. Bills , Urbana : Thomas B. Powell. Vienna. Indi ana Clarence M. Hawkins. Marion Royal E. PHrcell. Tineennes Kentucky Horace C. Asaton. Fiesrinpsburp Amos West. May- field. Missouri William R. Bowles. Green- fieid. Montana Aleraiider Wright , Nei- bart. A Moclm tSUiin. Up-north farmers toil , sweat and fertilize te ekf the barest livinp from their wornout sail. w&Ue North Galvcston fruit lands wiO jield from S2S 0 to f l.KK9 ( ( 0 } > er acre with half tbe lalx r This pnlf repi ( n offers > te fan&ars. amanfacturers and invalids every- thiuc to be desired Tiiec&nateis mild s.nd healthful twelve months m the year. the iat > d bristles with ms.8tsf&curHu ; resources and is a farmer's paradise If you've the Kbcbtest umre jj ponwtty aliotn thw industrial spot. a ; > ply te D D Sm * tna rc m IT i.arker block , the local apent of tl - North t j lvetoc assrxna- tkm Tbe adareR of ihe general oSice is , Box 14k , MmneajKihs MH.LI. ANOTHES CAKAL PSOJSCT. Omaliu CapK&liktt I'r iO r to FurnUli tbr City wttli Adoqaate M tw I'frwrr. ABOtber canal fcbeiee has bean spruai ; wbu-b convaaipUt * tbe taf mc of Ute Platte i river at a distance of thirty mQes Irom { Omahtt aad oatt tractiBC a canal e rat m&es IB Jouvth by irhic-b a fell of forty feet will I tie obtained It ts pnqxtred M develop at first but a . ( f K'-bwrrftMH ec.a&d la trassmw tkik by wire | a dt taiK e of twenty-ante Hiite * IBM Omaha ; The id a iso sake a Mn&fl h ci u c. to i - -s loj > B re i > ow-er as tbe cttj- seeds it aad t i be able to ntttue tb * 299-bers * p wer with- I in a very few sootas Tb jvn > j * rs are i Oma.Ua uartvat. wtao claim their I plan recommend f. itslf because it rtMjutree a saiat : outlay of HMHH J , can be put mlo opwcauoB ai a ven kbort time aad will I slower an tbe iwrnds of th city mUl J r- I tker ttevntojimettts c o be Biade U is io- inndttd te a k BO u : > Mdy fract vbr taty and te call on uo ouuttde kelp to put H iato o | > era- Uui PiMik of paotnte nave ) - t. bet Oe WiU's Wtoe * Baart Salve wffl cere thaai. IlrK-tjrd ( rum tbp AVarr * . SAX Dicso , Ol , April 12. WtUUun Sj > fp . a R O r friMB tbe tout .ship King Jaates. wh a b r aa Santa Busa isiaad isem tin beat , bat twoc taed in an f i. bawMtid eoaditfcw aad ulwc M board t * < tMe Feuriesfc. wait * ten far Saa Praaebn A ril S. 5 MMM > e awkM tbe ntl man tawx af tiwse wba krft tbe fcaraing sWp ia Ui espials' * boat. Twelve others "Kere last. NEBRASKA KNIUITS TEMPLAR rf tfce Btte 8u4 Oras- at B0YAILY BOCOVEB BY THE QTtZENS Mfttentr 'f cmpU 7 1rf Wjr I > t4 > trBlPd with Enihlrmt of thr Ortlrr and Br BtM l rioirrr * let > Ooe lon 31 nj- I'rrMiot. . JS * April. ! [ Special prw * MBM of Kefcrftofca. IMS OMBC. MM tts MM& ! oaMfere M * pefie , tb t tfe ritiMMC of rrewwt sever do Vhte : fcf baJvf * but H rt ta < < l aU rirtt rwj-fcflj- The omK-tovf was M4 in tbe Ma-wic tempi * whicfa vs . Tory tentefnOr deowmted w-ttfc emMonsof tlte order at > d flowers Tb OMBtniMee o jwVed tte ? follow-feur tias > ed f > er&w t present and entitled Ut newts is th * conclave Grand Ofik-bil Ootaiw 4erj Bflrar C Salistmn erand cramiaiiAer. Beatnrf James A. Tutty. dei > arJ > it craud ooai- maaderRed OHM. Oharie * B FSwb < t > > Hesry Gibbon. Irejr. i , rrawt ceaeraUiwiBio. KewiHT RK-hara P R MHJer. prand cap- t B retwral. Lincoln. WlUiam T. Wiut- marsh. rrsua prelnve. Osalia Edwin C ebstr. emud fceuio-r warden Ha tt rt > . WQton K. William * rrand umor w rdee York- James S Frawe. grand treasurer. Omaha. Frank H Yonoc. craud standard bearer Cnster Kliat "W Bocbtol. eraud wora l * tf > r HoWrerf Thomas G R * cravawarden. : McCaek. .loei A Gwn. c j - law of iruard. Fremont Past Grand OSfcrers Lerns M Keene. Alteu B s > mitk. Fraocii E. White. Roland a Oakl } . Henrji Gibbon. HJITTJ P Denal , Louis H. Korty Rtiriresentattvps of N ebra ka Commander- iPt H. P > wl , Omaha. Francis E. "fttiw ; . 1 KoB&en Giereer. PlaWMnmith : Heary P Boyaen. E. A Stevens Georee P Paaa. Grand Islaixi John Dyer. . A. V S. Saun- aers. B Franu Tayler. Beatricf : A. B Smith. Falls Cjtj . > H BrowTi Fred V Tanrhan. F H FWWKT Vi S McKnun-y. Davia M MrElhiBtH-j. W M. C3me. Has- tinrfc : Rotten E Frenct. Kfariij : Frank H. Yonnc. North PJatte Jam s A Tmlnyi Reddond Beraa M. Wilise. * BlairThomas : G. Rees * . McCook.VilUMi K. Williams. Ret * > rt Cauarphj , Robert Mrtjinnis York. Adam D Werner. Charles L. Rienarus. John M. Fitureral * . Hebron Rotiert H. Henr.v. Carl D Evans Columbus. Past Omnjanders Harry P. Denel , Wil liam R. Bowea. L. H. Kortj. Omaha ItelEiid H. Dakely , R. P R. Millar. Lincoln- E 1 WhUe , Plattsmoutb : Elia A. Bamcs , Grand Island - . John Tryer , A. V S SaniHiers. E. C. Salisbury. Beatrice : L D Richards , W H Muiirer , William Fried. L M Keene. N H Brcrcm , Fremont. Jacob Fisher. E. C Webster , J F Beaedict Hostincs Henry Giblran. Rot ert E rrench.i Kear ney . Frank H YOUIMT. North Plaits James A. Tnlleys Red CJond ThomHS G Re .e , ! McCook. W R. Williams York. Adam D I Werner. Hebron E W BecbtoL Hoidrerc. j S W. Hayes. Rome Miller Norfolk. Robert 1 H , Henry Columbus i Grand Representatives of Felloe G-ind I Commanderies CaHfomia Louis H Korty , I Omaha. Indiana. Harry P DeueL Oman a 1 Iowa , Robert E French. Kearuej . LCIUJSI- ] ana. James A Tulieys Reo Ulond. Mary- i land. Francis E White. Plattsmoutn Mtnut I sola. Fred J Benedict , Hastmcs : Missis- 1 sippi , Sacrael W ttays. NorfoUT New Jer- ! so , FranU H Younc. Broken Bow , New i York. Roland H. Oatiej Lincoln. North I Carolinu , V , illiam K. Williams. York. Nerth i Dakota. Robert H Henry , Uolurnbus : Onio. I Wilham H Muncer , Frenxmt : South Da- i kota. Henry Gibbons. Kearney : Texas ' Adrian T S Saunders Beatrire. Wyominc. i Edcar C Salisbury. Beatrice ; Geonna. , Elias W Becblo1. Hoidrect. PennEylvawa , i William R Bow n Omaha i After the rejwt of the oonsnittee on credentials had been adopted the rrand oommsnderj j > rooeedt > d u > the transaction of business , much of which is of a character ol interest only to the order Oftioers for the ensuiiur year -wer" elected as follows Grand oocunander. Wliham A. Bowea. Omaha. deputy frranfl oonunander , James A. Tnlleys. Red Cloua. prand ren r U- issiiiio. Charles B Fiach. Kearnej : prand captain ceaeral. Richard P 'R. > Iillar. Lui- I coin : prand prelate. Rer John Htvritt , Lin- ! coin : prand senior trarden. Edwin C Web ster. Hastnurs : prand Junior warden. Wilton K _ Williams. York : grand treaserer. James S France. Omaha , prand recorder , Thomas A. Creiptiton , Omaha. The neit conclare will be held at Norfolk. > 'ot - ol > . " - ! . Irom Uritnrtv. Nah. . April 12. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] A collision occurred this afternoon netween a Rapid Transit car and a B i M. freight train , catised bv the fail ure in the action of the brake on the motor car. The latter was pretty badly smashed bin no further injury resulted. Between injunction suit * and accidents the Rapid Transit is hannr. a hard time af it. In a rerrct trial for drunkenness Police Officer Nelson swore the liquor was piveu aim by the city mariluil. J C. Emery For tkis Emery had Nelson arrested on 'the i charpb " of jKsrjury and the trial tool : jilace this af ternoan in Justice Fulton's court The testimony is a litUe niiiee an4 Justice Fulton reserced his decision tHl tomorrow. Neb-on in the meantime bans beW raider Last nipht the Jewelry store of A. J Mil ler i Brown , situated in the Paddock House block , was entered and an attempt made to open the safe ty drHlinc. Nothing rft.e in the store was disturbed. Editor E. A. Brown of the Nebraslra City Press is in the city on duty connected -with his ofJk-e as deputy oil insj > ecu r The Gape County Press associatioiiwill roeet at its room * on Court street Saturdaj , | April 15. _ NW > OltHU Furjioxr , Neb. , April 12 [ Special to TBE BEE. ] Arthur Trnesdell was yesterday piven.the seat formerly occupied bj D Gan non on tbe Board of Supervisors The funeral services of the late D. G. Eldredpe were very larzraly attended this afternoon by sympatbinnc friends as a last tribute of respect to a good and esteemed riti- aen. He was buried by the Masonic fra ternity , of which he was a member in district court this afternoon Jndire Wnimm Marshall sentenced Josh Waldron , Rohan Mclntyre. Gaorpe Davis and James Skillen. who pleaded jrnSty to stealmi ; hoes Irem the BMJ State Cattle oompany's ranch , ta one year s cot&aenient in tbe state peiu- tenttar\ each Faiorcd thf Salonti K e tenu HASTISOS , Neb . April IS [ S { 9cial Tele- trram to THE BEE ] Tbe city owutiofl met ia siKMnal se sioD to consider tbe remonstrances arainst deveti apnitcaats for U u r licenses lastcirht. A bur remonstrance siirued by IKK ) or 4 ; > 3 people was presented , but tonirbt they cntirWy failed to appear to make any objocuon lo tbe { rranting of tbe licence * aud so all eleven were by a unanimous vote per mitted ui sell liquor for tbe em-tnug year. Tbe salxus nave ail t * en ok > 6 < < d toda\ . but ever } one was open within three ouiiutes after tbe prautmc f tbe ISoeu&efi. FormntljCtoarced with Murder. IJSOOLN. Neb. . April IS [ S | > ucial Tele- pram la THE BEE.J Chief of Pbbee Otto thic afveraooc filad uiforaiatioB before Judse | Borpeit cbarpKi ? J bn O'Bn n wttfa tb t murder of Tbueius Meere on Monday after- IB U-c l x k ? . jtni rai tiad \ arJ * IMtOtJt AMl ! ULt w * apj > f rrcl } < r Vb' Halo and forth' ' im * * r : : > ia b i tkat < > HrtfTi nrtt trtB * it Jobs 1. an4 t u t hi * hnnw M * t CutTCcirrmt T c Oa.r oomrt.T at tfce Mdt reomrsd Iw la nonet ; pTadtac utd j bridw bvildnc inr the nwrtac fear. a d . warded eotrx * to Joopph Mi'rtiati of Snrteic H * rb ? tee erattec and to J H of Fatfcrtd for brtdar bioldtec It j > purchase tlltac tor tbe r wiy thrmck WUHMn Watfwm. acrat Mfj'i aoffumuve McTcy. hariac frmn Lt > r > te. eongned hit ptwitkni Bnrd of I > Mjrttr.Vr < EPPI-VIU.E. Xe * . April It [ S TME Hnr } Tbe Eddyrille bank traa acUiir tnxriaess here Iwrt week Tbe B tboried capital i * fl l.MO Tbe officer * are Caftate S & Smckey. preixdettt. M B M ret rice preoMkwt : M w StncV > . caeb > r Tb * ontnpaay i dotac Imsteew te teatfiorary quftrvss at prtmeut , Jireparmiory to rerUiic a mood baak bnft4- JHC ta tbe aear fB * re Tbe p ofiie le i re joiced over tbe arquinttten of this sack 1 eaUirpnue. | r * ( Iran rrp. | S Neb. . April IS "Sixjclal to THZ j BEE. i Tbe x-opaMican ticket had a dean j sweep at tbe etecttati a w * fe ace yt Ver4ay i U bad been < < up ) > o d that one somber of tbe ' ftrhonl board on tbe rfcteras ticket. C H A | ar. bad been elected , but last nkrbt when tbe cit \ eonttcil cauv fd tbe vote it was fotmd that Mr Aj-car rraeived S6 Totes and hie rival on tbe r-pnblKau ticket. Dr 1 A. G * > orpe. % Dr Ceorr * was declared elected ratrment Mervhuntt Ilt-ld I'p. FAIEVOST. Neb. April 12 ISpecial Tele- pram to THE BEE. Frank W La Welch formerly wir at tbe B & M. emnnc b us ? here , aad Mel Plants , formerly brakenras between Fairmoflt and Chester. yeterda > tosk their departure. JotUnr local intsrrliauis down for about H < M > Plants stated Ibat he was coiuc ; to Lincoln aad Welch to Grand Inland V t noUuac has b en beard from them ss yet. Marshal \Vbll r'li lpnty. . DiKcii Cm. Keb. , April 12. Special TelejrrajB to THE BEE. ] Sheriff TV. H. Ryan of this oonoty today received word from United States Marshal 'White that he had baea cho n as deputy marshal aud to retort at once for duty .Mr Ryan left inuaediately lor Plattsnootb to k\f \ hit liotid aud take tbe oath of ofboe He is now sernnc his fourth ear as bheri ? and has made an exemplary oBioer Otor CoBiitj.MfCilcalVci.rl tlon. NEBBASKA Crrr. Neb April 12 "S Telepram te THE BEE J The Otoe County Medical association met at this piuce this afternoon. Three new mem tier * were ad mitted. The meetinr was larrely att afl d. rejiresentatires Iwiiip present from all the kmdinp towns of the coaaty The next repa- lar P-essiou will be heW here is about four weeks > < -lirakl.a tUty Cimrrrt. CITT. Neb. . April 12. [ Special . A nnmlx-r of the yoanc people of this town cave an old-time concert at the ojiera house la t ereninp. which was well attended and appreciated by aD present The performers appeared in costumes of "Ye olden time. " and rendered in a humorous manner a number of familiar selections of music. _ Located an AUvpfd Uarcl r. AntrKN. N-b , April 12 'Specul Tele- pram to THE , BEE. ] John Sarnner under in dictment for bunrlarv here.and who ha twice i broken jail at UJs place , has been lec > t d at I GreenlieJd. Mo . and the deputy sheriff has ' rene after him vrtUia requisition Intcrh-Tv wiUi Traffic. Arnrns. Neh. , April 12 [ Special Tele- pram to THE BEE. _ - A trestle work about 300 feet lonp on the Nebraska City and Beatrice branch of the B i : M three miles east of this place was burned j esterdai It will take three days to rt piace it A Hint lor M orltJ' * Fiur Gor& . "i To the e who desire the comfort of an Cie- paat stopjftar place dunns : the World t , Faj- the Renfost offers every attraction It is a I Maptificent new 4IM room Eurojiean hote on 2ud st and Cottape Grove ave. . 3 minates I te heart of city 7 smiiutes to Fair prounds J2 per day up. Write er wire for rooms , or en-suite H. J REYNOLDS & CO. , PBOI-S. LEAVIs I.F.T.AND. MASASEE. K2TW ISSIGATIOK EKTZBPB.ISS. Trmct of tTyoinlnc Land Will B Mat I'rodnrtHe An ap ement was consummated at the Unwn .paciin : headquarters Tuesday by which ISO.OOnt acres of land , situated in the Green River country of Wyeaansj. was trans ferred from the Union Pacific company to the Green Riv r Basra Land and Canal com pany Two days before Genera ] f 3 Mar shall. VH e president . Leocidas S Cornell. secretary , sac Oliver Olsen. attorney of the land aud canal company , had come to the city and had actively set about to consTirn- mate tbe deal. Thej succeed wl. and imcie- diat l.v packing their pnj * . left the city. Mr Cornell returning to Denver , and General Marshall au4 Attorney Olsen pomp on to New York to further prwcwtethe enterprise. The Green River Land and Canal conpany was inoori > orated umier the laws of Wy-om- i&p on the 14th of test December it is com posed principally of Denver parties and has for its object the re clamation of 4W.OrJ0 ) acres of land is the vicinity of Grander. Wy-o . which is now comparative ! ? worthless. It has already ex- j > ended fiS.OOO in makiutr surveys for ditches and ezHicts to exjKind as much more far the same purpose. The company propolis to construct two preat canals with numerous laterals running from them Tbe one will tap Black's Fern river , twenty-five mfles south of Granper and will be fartt miles ions , have an arer- ape wiath of twentj-four feet and a depth of six foetIt will fiwir northerly to Grasper and then easterly The ether will tap Green river at a point seventy mile * north of Granper. be 1(18 miles in laapth , have an average width of fftxty-four feet aitd a depth of twelve feet It will flow southerly to Gramrer and the lawi whicto it will water will thus lie oontip&mis to the hind waterbd by the canal nowiap north From each of the- canals Heveral larpe side ditches will be eonstruct-ad. wki < * . teretber with * ihe mam cauais. will eustble the oomjucy te water 4l . ( R u acrei of land Of this 4 < J.KM ( ac-Wtrf land the oompacy will control sot to exreed Kj.UM tbe rematuder l lonpin ? to tte p v maient aad 4 > 4Bp oiKm to actual M tUenL An j one takmr uj > la 4 under tbebe ducbes can obtain water for a certain pnoe iter acre } r atwirai , u&te s the com- jmny sbooid see 6t later u so > il to eeu-L actual scttter a oesTjaa number of shares of stock m "Hie ditcbes This K a Tbe OH also the question of civinir land to settlers at first free of eharpe and taxiup thtn& a JT- taiB aBtount ] > er aaavm for tbe us of the water ' ' The soil of this r e * J if. seia t * be very rick. To be sure BOthiup prows itmre oen- b -actjrusk , but it j bf xxmenpe that wherever i Higlicst of all in Leavening Po < * cr Latest U. S. Gov't Report rrw the oi. j "erti't 3uf aain i * wim I i'1 nKraotjut > or ate > s and u bl.i tviu.t ' arr * Jitura , .i t i oftttal a murk' i n-uatr * me a * It of * a Tbe coal . rarport n w buBdmA * of TW ) HHim xKeorgf. t mt at 4 te Ik * n at oil l lt of Wrnait c , tor there te a | H imi tar fntarr TV ) Mttmate nwt , > f tat * -Ut1ttr i-ffi f.Mn. < n Work will b * barm tU MHB orantma and it M erpwcvcd that IB txte now wUl require VPBears ttee a d win throw out M n.wMn.ta to * m ) n lor aeotfcar year at tawt { The Acbmne of m-iaitotau ; tbU land ortc- teal < item or eirfit years KJJ , but iiui ba be e mUi wohta tbe past sU oatb . Dnrtac UHlaUer period sarveys ' hs-ve betw > whtofe denxmstrate tbe practicabUity of tbe unoertakiuc aad ekaWe an eattaiate of tbe ct > t t lie made So soon a * General Man4Mll aad AtV rue.v OKeo rptam fma New York , tferre or .nnr parties , of oarifteers wUl be put ha tbe field , and a ' tbe oworf * nf Utree IT fo r x > U . it is ' thoncht. the work of ekcavsuoa wQl ins I To tb * admirer of aa eictra dry wtee , ' Cook's Sparklmc lm | > erial r ir < emm ads it- j ( Mttf lu buqnet if & e It's aatumUy ler- i stmved. Tbe covenuDCBt tow lmt Alert which came up tbe river Tuesday and tied up at the foot of Faraam ttrctt was apaic unable to tnove ye terd y on sci-ootit of the hiph winds In IKH.JJUC uuorr tbe Tnioc Parifir bridire it had l > e tj blown arainn ooe o ! thr piers. sutaiuinc. Sow ever , but a sarLt sbk and to undertake to pas * under th ? Douclafc itr > et hnocv was considered hazard " ou * If thf ei"nni.s are favuratue i xia. the ! > oat wu. p.-H-CPa n its wa * Last ( _ > mata au. taef .L ti w it p t-iirht uarpes wLiflj ' . . , " ' ' -5 is r ,4 wr - or QI'IUKB IP * ! ! r ° > . > bcmot t t b-auorm , C1 ( ra'p COE3IT b ( cf bo. " an' < e-y other bnmovrb -Jir' t nc litminr ! iprdinc. calr cniBU-i p.s : ? v or I v-fcj vlirJio nlmjil * , nmr'u 30(1. cr Lc-r arr f-om tnlaac' t. BC' c w p ; rd T PF ica ect'T BiO crDDjm.naIvt cured Lj thilx prc&ietit c ? aticrei huruc.ceres , the 1 EE3S uad Wood TrcrJjrr o ? tocompcratlf pnrltj 1 and curs ? ve rwtr in ndjiDwu-dpcc j > e fic ol world-\ridf cclclmtr Enure t v cetuli * irafe. Innocent , and | iaiatAlif CKn < itti T more pre&t rcren of ctun oca ] ; nod l-iood hamorr thno nH other nkin and lnood reined ir bcf m Uit pnblic. finlr crcater thac tiir combined noltn ai tL olber tlooi and ekiu remediec j Bold rrmrhfiT P-iee. f I roTTEE licro t AJCD CCEKIU.L CocmtArios Buoiac. y Pcnd for Hnw to Cert B-irrnc Huraort. Blood Huoare. ttL Humor. , bcalp Human. * ' Women Will Vote as usual at the next school dsctioa but for many candidates. They give a unanimous vote every day in the week in favor of because they know it has no equal as a labor and temper saver on wash-day. The "White Russian" is a great soap to use in hard or alkali water. Does not roughen or injure the hands is per fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. * * * Sk" " * Dusky Ifomond Tar Soap. . Majestic Ranges and best. They are D fcitcben . Hrnten lnhor and Improve Uie Stvor < > f the food v Don't let your dealer sell you Knother klni Btcmp for a IBOpage COOK BOOK FREE. M11TBI RODESS A. S5tr , AfftsT. Oman'aT or Majestic Wfe. Co. . St. Louis. "IKDAPO 1HDAPO TCI CCtJ.T HINDOO REMCDf Ctf THZ Ali UI > rJT * In BO SOU ) IT Knhc i Cc Cor i th und DcmcUt Sit. . tad ) A FnUer & Cc COT t4tii aad Douglas St& . OMAHA NEB I" Paul G Scluitnder l auiJ 6 Prar' ' St CC r NCTL BLITFFS. mhe ? Ledi DR. McGREW THE &PECUU.IST. In nnmnxtH1 ia th * trcatmcrrt of nil PRIVATE DISEASES cud a" end DisorOun of. Wr.ti for as * i j * end qnestjoc UHt free. lith aad Pamam Bu , 'And t'i tta * lr m i.f IV.IA 1IEK1UTT KT tutt c vcap&nT tbeai 10 men ui 1CU.V ua fKKM A M > TLY < IUEU Knit I TEKNjTH KUC tone MTVG u rrwT panoftBa bixlf 1 will MB * M oarotr p > ej f'JiEt lu Dr uCermtk | v Mwts > - Uon that cured > ( J tlif.e tMMtblm AilUou U A. BHAUUTt lUTTU : CKCCC. BE LARLML f four n mr , th r t du t Be narvtui of ymirthemcbtt forth7 tors rornr llfo. br * be m > e ref J * ; M li a bletriar tt .t tmo MM incMr atoed ; It U & > Re ( rat t f Mie a oea a. M or Br Mrefal le b t w r rt a r a w M. ILMI rm iuni > r Ui rr If hick 4o < n It well at a Xr earofal that > -on nvcmre tbe rtrbt taut t kr te nitxl tfct tbe bf nt b rl- UM acreetbil mttkUac wouuli a mir * t t Ker. Be Br f 1 Uial r K r r tfee | MircM * n4 ibe It-it. a t mm nli tr tbat oM r. aad etoettot * rre * tbat no whtekvr e < ju . ! Dny * > Pure Bt rarefal that you take thfe rr at prnr - tton pnmiptlT u t H fr * w at c muMtier Kememtwrtbbt a "iiftcli In Uwir MTM nltte" and tint roar health and hfcwltn ? mar ar- pU < JMMl It. Jlf l tbat rnu arc oot t > er Rflt to imrtLln ; t IMnhteti mar 'n.-cikt d "ja t 1 r y < ur arucciit or crtiper ln . t mi : J uffr' I'Hrr Mnit. wliinto ( ( tU * OBIT purr mpaicinn. , h > kej in lUr market. RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES i IHJJJW a lifct of peed ! ) In Kot > l > er FU'i i.t t tier u.on-fc , Hitb . &pk , rmcei , "ui.'i.c W Rier Batfc. Ktncrt. Katrtter S. . \ ir I u&fatun& luUl > t-r I > am. for Den- OuVeii Tips. UfctK BU.DI HCP' pum. Bmdaf ei. worea ponc tic THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , , i ; IS 114 South 15Vh St- Next to PovtoScc. ' tn Oar Importaboa of Eidnsive Styles ia lens. THE AMERICAN | TAILORS i ! Parton Eatel Buiiilns- FOB ALL Chronic , Ksrrois , PriTitj ail Special Diseases. Z > yetrs erparlBaaa. DISEASES OF WOMEN Tren-te3 at K M a month and nil nxtdtelnei furnithei A.other tronb'.es trenfd ut r &Hooal > le OOXsfLTiTlOS FEEE. Cal. on or BOTJGLAS BLOCK , - ZTE3 SPEOl&LiST I'l-piilcK-ut nt HEW ERA K ( insolraUon Trni. . 1 ct scrpaBsea in tbe treut- Chrnnic. .Private and Nervon * DKentet. 'Wr.Lt- IT r n'tuii | ipr > nnal'y § TlU-VTJIi : > T BV MAIL. Addrvi. v.tb fciamp 2tir p&r- cui&Tk. wblcb wlJ 4ie rut la P u Eul C > t OBicr ilS s lilh-it , The Height of Your Collar Hu much to do with the matter of vhetba you art becnminclj tlrestrd. A ery Jew mca C2s wear most tats width oi cellar ; the build oi tome absolutely icqsirrJ that a hi b collar be rorc ; while to macj. a low collar only 11 suited Ton msj be one oi the latter sort. D ic , we wah to call yoor ittection to * oint low collars we have jnst made. You will lite them. Thej are areCLUETT CLUETT BRtlca 2B e. ( lll rr . NarrDo : ? Teraymc. Ver ) N rro COOk BRtND , 20 t , i Runout , hkrrow ; { Euclid. Verj Ntrron. Bng tb UoB rel : Shirt. Pine * * Pnrm T Pn lUBll , lOOB 4 14 STRENGTH , VITALIH , SAKHOOD IT. H. PA KKrn , M. DNo. . t BnlOnd ) Bt , pf thf the uoi.Ii jtr. * l. Lr tbr N AnnodiTjoj. f a. tLrl'IIIZi : tfsAT ur. ur.a. nttnpn th 7BLnf. the midilt-ogrG BBfi rxtt liIKr\ | < ou-uit tion .D J r > at at liy irart. t > Ultlw ] 'rb4aui irith k timoniblft JHK . Urge l nk. SCIENCE OF LIFE. OH PELF- I KEVKEVATJON. 3PT pp. IS luvulcat.te lui voahr ft.1 0 bt mAiL IHIC ) TEETH , Twvh ertrmtnrt .L mo-nDi N -w < > ne tnm-n r fcf .e * OOD kuur fl - fei-Brt et CBU 3rd Floor. Parton Biact. 16th and Faraam Struct * . Uttta tK. T iBJbi.U t. BKIN& THls wnTtt TOO THE BELL Dodge and 15th Sts. UlQUflLED For Thursday. 69 fin ini | o-tei c i > . wxvth and sever M 1J ie . than 'n m fci * to * 40 , vrt.1 place on ! > * tutni r'-ow at S1O to S25. _ Tb * styiss are txrlusivelr our own , T nd all are flirterent. n&\t > s' Eton Suits. S5 ; worth S8. Ladist New Cap * JwckM ? , S5 , 56.98 , SI2.50. Infants * C a-hmere Ckk < > , SI to SIO. D8PI. Buck towels , nil lines , 17x84. ItVc. A i vr left yet ol ikor-e [ K pttlnr printed inn hni at ! ( ' = . Mill remnants &t half re mlar price toaorrow. Millinery The drawing cards in litis depart- taent. Pattern Hats less by a lialf than acy other houhu ID Cmaha. Ladies. " iiRc hose , lines aeels and toes , for &c. Ladie ? " 50c lisle thread cafierwear.Soc. Child's 40c school hose for 25c. Watch Jor bale ol sun umbrellas Saturdar. Sale for Thursday. il French underwear for i > 0c. 1 20c all linen ooliju-s. tor ISjc. I 0c bilk end rnspeDflars lor See our abswrttaent of Doys' hats , from r c to JL .50. An elejrant black stiff hat ( or 9Sa We CUIE bell rou a jrood flove for wo'-u'iLirmen at 3tc. t btstier pnu at SOc , and the best Btretst glove in the city for JLOO per piur. qtod ? . choice patterns , trroundvork , last colors , Per Yard- For Tharsday's sale. Je\velry. Rolled-plate necklace , SSc. Silver neculaoa , $3. Peal beads , luc to 25s. Jt i beads , woe. 7 jc watch charms 85c. Sx.ver < rare t prk * this treelr. i fine dreis shoes. $1.00. Men's veal calf , congress or loco. Men's calf shoes , lace or congress , ' 12. OU BOVE' jrrsJn tchoal shoes. to 5 , SI.03. 1 Men's fine drtt-s fiboefc. 12 te 2 , POc. Our ladies' SI.30 donge-la u hard to beat. i Ladies' fine dress ihoas. cloth top , I S2.W to J40B. Granite vrare , wof > 4 B w re , hard ware. rbesp i > t and bte-t ic lae Uardt o toots , bo.e. . eie. 5 fttri ffood HC ap { or Sf > c. 6 pounar of rice ior wOe. ( oed fijnr 7-Sc teas. ani , Tn P.-ctxinirer's canoed fruits. Dodge and 15th Sts.