THE OMAHA DAILY HKE ; TimiSDAY. APRIL R THE DAILY BEE Ot-M 1C Li NO. 12 I'BAUb STHKKT. ly rnriii'i lo nny part of the cltj IIV TH.TON , MAXAOKIl No. 43 UtKlni'M.Oniro . MiF.MIOM i > r.MKht i K lltor No. 23 N V I'l'itrbb i-'Co. C'c i Hi iff ? Lutnnor Co. Coal . .botviM- i * the butter , tM Uroadway The ' 'oiii-roiTjitinii of tlio Sornnil 1'resby- t < riJ < " ' 1 * ' b hi s rucently provided a gcncr- Oils * i'i | > > > ' -f h ; , inn books for USD In the Sab- b.Ul' irrvOS .Timrs t , IlinHoll of Omaliii mid Kmmii ItuiiKPr of Sjiriiictlcld , Nob. , and A. W. bwaiiBn'i ii'i Kinilla Peterson of Omaha % vi i < > IWUTIM ! by .lustlro Vlrn. Mr , f > 'i lYisii-rof thiMrityuml Mrs. Kosn M i niton i.f Ontalm wi-ro married at the rrsiil'iirp f > r Mr. K. II. Ik-rines , No.'Oil ] -ifih im-mio. yt'Ht'Tday afternoon , Hov. All Jlr'wer nHI'latin ' ; ? . At the i-'iidciu-i' of lluv. S. Aloxanilcr on Mondnj nii'tit the tni'inbfirship of the Second end Pri.mi\ti > ri'in ' church KIVP : a reception to Hrv inHaiUy , siiperintrndent of missions In UuPrnnb ; , trrlan chiircli foi Iowa. T > r > trial "T tbt > caaoof Mrs. F. B. Tk-ltPiior UK.imat M I * Tirkenor. in which the plalntllT dc m t\'H \ a ( ilvmvion the ( 'rounds of drunk- elmi , m pii In the district court yostur- clij .HI I IVIIM tn ken umlor advisement. Ti.r ri ( ! . which has boon rising very fast fi.t 'i vvi-cU ( ( | . two past , was reported last e " iiinjr tu he almost at a standstill , not over two u i b < " biirlipr than on Tuesday ovcnine. I'm' 1 1 , , du.\s it 1ms been running into Ii ! laid John Albi rt .loncs has commenced a suit in the ilmMlrt 1-inirt to enjoin H. 10. Kchurfro.n Hiliinisiniic cattle , IIOKH and household furnuure oiven-il h.v a ehattol tnoitKMK""e el.miis ti. baxepalil the claim which Sclunv. held UfrniiiHt him. The i asr of I funtcr and Cool : against the ! ri-iii b lpii'iii ( > Safi'ty Cure company is still oc < up , * ; of the attention of .liiil e IVeiiu r For the past twodajs the iilaintllTs I'-ne ' taken ' .urns tinon the stand reading Ion ) ; di-positiun.s. and even the most invet erate ciMii't loafers have proved unequal to the task of listcniiij. . The ladies of the Catholic church will trlvo an i niertaiiiiiii'iit tomorrow evening lit ITn- urrivond. ten miles from here , on the Hoclc Isl ii l mail. Arrancpini'iits have liecn innilo whi'M'ii.x the . "i o'clock ( l.vor tomorrow after noon will stop at Underwood to let olT pas- seut'i-rs who may wish to attend and a Kpe lal roach has been secured for the re turn trip after the entertainment is over. Juslii'o Kox. who was brought into court on n bench warrant to testify In tin I'latts- iiininh irarnisluncnt cases , was discharged. The snbpii mi with which ho was se"M'd wiis discovered tubuvo Ucen madoout ordering liis appearaiu'e at 10 p. in. , so that even if lit bad nun misunderstood ho would not have been frnlltv of.any contempt in staj IIIK iiwuj f-om the trial which took place at 10 a. m. ' 1'he proceedings were plainly the oiiteonic of malic c < m i be part , ofVoolcy miiTThvyer. the I'luttsmouth attorneys whom Fox lined for contempt a few weeks I\KO , and KOJ states mat he will commence an action niiainst them for malicious prosecution. files "f people have piles , tint 1)0 Witt's \ \ lu b Ila/el Salvo will euro them. The ( li-inil : lloli'l. Council HlulTs. Moat ulcgaiit hotel ii ] ouu. Dining room on bovonth lloor , Hates , SI ! to $5 pur day. E. F. Ulurlc , Prop. HourioluH * ininiu hoiibu appeurs to IK doliiti u liind ollioo buslnoHH in piano ; and or aiiH at ll-l aiid110 Stutsintm Finobt Arlsto cabinet photos , $2 pci dozen. Asb ton's studio , 18 North Main. I'Kttsox.ii , r.ue.KUt.t/ > / / < . Born , to Mi. and Mrs. Ncls Jensen , 1801 Sixth street , a son. Mrs II. Friedman of Sioux City is visitim her friends in Council UlutTs. Hon. A.i. . linger , wife and daughter , am Mr and Mrs. Will Scholes of Gretmllold , an at the Grand hotel. flies of periploivc uiles , but Do Witt's Witch Ha/.el Halve will euro them. The Tuft concert program at UK Broadway church Friday evening , wil hi ; u popular one , and promises to ho tin imtsiual event ot the teabon. Will for it. The Millin-s , decorative artists , will paper , paper hanging , plain and orna inontal | iainting. signs. No. 15 1'oarl St Olllccru of SI. I'nill'.i , The annual iiieutiiif ; of the vestry of St I'am's Episcopal churi'h was held last Mon day evening and the I'olloulin ; ofllcers am committees were chosen for the coinlni year Wardens , IX C. Uloomcr and M. Duquutt secretary , 1C. H. Odcll ; treasurer , W. .1 Jameson : auditor , H. C. Cory. Committees : On Finance IX C. Uloomei A T Hlco and J. T. Stewart. On liiiproviiiuents and Hepalrs II. 1 < Field. M Duijuett and S. W. liesley. On I'ewsJ. . L. Stewart , W , J. .lamcsoi II C Corv and S. W. Hcsley. On Music J. N. Baldwin , E. II. Odell-an J Ij. Stewart. Delegates to the Diocesan Convention 1 C. IHoomer , M. Uuquett and II. C. Cory. Alternates K , T. Sumwalt , W. J. .lanu sou and J. N. Baldwin. files of people have piles , but Do Witt' Witch Hiuel Salvo will euro them. Free trcatmuntH daily from 2 to 4 j in. at the Council BlutTs Medical am Surgical Institute , -tith and LJroadwaj Ho.xes and barrels of Droxol's Ho eologno , a dolieions jmrfume , 2 > a bottk for lOo. Davis the druggibt. Tin' Louis luivo no millinery oponinj. but they have wliat yon want. TIKI ToiiKh fur I lie Mulls. Mrs. Alice Franks had a In Unltoi States court yesterday on the charge i sending a hiphly llavored letter throuirh tli mail to a gentleman named Shaw , with whoi It Is charged that she had been more or lei intimate In addition to the letter itsel which was signed by initials which were m liers , there was an envelope which she hi ; directed by request of Inspector Morce The handwriting on the two envelopes ta lied almost ex.ictly , bjit she explained tl odd coincidence by saying that Mercer lie ! the llrbt envelope hoforo her and asked hi to copj the inscription just as closely as si could This in turn was denied by Merce The case was given to the jury about o'clock In the afternoon. Ilav < You H\vr llfcii Tlirm ? A sperial excursion to North Clalvesto Tex . leaves Omaha April IS , it , ' , ) ; ) . i { inurkablc inducements are offered. For pa ticiilars appto ! D. D. Sii'eaton , agent , roe 17 , Marker block , Omaha. ; s Another improvement to iho popnh t'f ) Sehuhott piano. Swaii.-on Musio Co ti Williamson & Co. , 10(1 ( Main stree lurgost and best blcyolo btoek in city. Cook your meals this summer on u gi range. At eost at the Gas company. Dumobtie soap be.-t for hard water. The following nurrhjjo llconsos wore issiui yestenlaj : NIIIIIC and adiires . Ai I John l'osi > r , Council HlulTs . 3 ! I Jto-.ii K. l list on , Omaha . 'Jt lAiiKiist Mi-ppiMi. I'otlawallaiulo ccunty.- ' . I l.ouNa rranUe , I'ottawatlamlo county. .U flies of people huvo piles , hut Do Wltl Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. Stop at the Ogilen , Couneil HluiTs , tl best fc.OU ! hoiibo in Iowa. Wood of all kinds. CODS and eoal. G. Knotts & Co , " 00 Hroadwuy. Geo. S , Davis , prescription druggist , UBO Domestic soup. It Is the bust. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS I What the Citizens Think of n Proposition from the Union Pacific. OFFER TO BUY THE UNION DEPOT GROUNDS Condition * Thill th Itnllroiul Company U'onlil Imp < n < > on the City Anothrr I'liimiof Ihi. Union Iipot < jur < tlon ItrollRht Out by Iti'i-rllt i\clltn. The proposition of the Union faclflc rail way to buy the union depot grounds on con dition that the city council would clear up a defect in Its title to Union avenue , has at tracted considerable attention from tile citi zens. The fact that there was a defect In the tltlo has not houn known until recently , and when It was announced there was a Hurry among some of thoeitlzciiK , who hoped that It might result In the city regaining ItosHcsslon of the avenue. If the view taken by City Attorney Hazelton Is correct , how ever , the railway company has asked for nothing moro limit it has already , and Its only reason for making the prcsant rcquo't of the council Is to put an end to annoy ance that might arise in the future. U'hiTr the rroillilu Co'limrnri'tl. The trouble dates baelt to a llttlo over tlireo years ago. when an ordinance was passed repealing the ordinance by which the company was compelled to run dummy trains every half hour In order to keep possession of the avenue. H was the intention of the eouncilmcn who passed the second ordinance to relieve the company of its obligation only on the condition that they enter the union depot within eighteen months , and a clause to that effect was tacked on. The ordinance went into effect immediately upon accept ance by the company , and the company lost no time In accepting it. It now turns up that there was no reference to tills provis ional clause in thetitleof the ordinance , and , according to the st ite law , that part of ttio ordinance is consequently utterly void. Union avenue , as it now transpires , wan given to the company without receiving any bom-lit from the gift , and the company was allowed lo discontinue its half-hourly trains , also , without giving up anything lu return , all on account of the carelessness of the parties who drew up the repealing ordi nance. In thu opinion of the eity attorney , how ever , the gift of Union avenue to the com pany was an unmitigated benellt. and to get it back would bankrupt the city. It Is 120 feet wide , 'and running diagonally , as it does , through the city , there is not moro than one lot on each block that would pay for the cost of paving and tilling , which , in all probability , will souu- time ho necessary. Moro than one-half of the entire paving would huvo to be charged up to the city as intersections , ami nearly all the other half would lie assessed up against little trluniruiur lots which would not bo worth selling for taxes. The consequence quence would bo that if the cit.shoulu . find some way of getting the avenue away from the railway company it would in the end find it had a very poor bargain. Mliht llullil ii Drpiil Itst-ir. The reason of the willingness of the Union Pacllic to purchase the union depit grounds for any sum not to exceed * U.0 ) < > ! ) that may have been oxpen led by the stockholders in the purchase of the land and the payment ot taxes , is attributed by W. S. Mayne , the at torney for th depot comp my , to an inten tion of the Union Pacific to put up a local depot in I lie near future at the corner of Ninth avenue ami Seventti street , on the land upon which it was intended - tended to have the union depot. Ho claims to have had a conversation with General ( _ ! , M. Dodge , vice president of the Union f u. chic , lu which that gentleman said that be. fore many years the transfer hotel would be turned into a freight depot , the freight of flees would be moved to this side of the rivoi and when that was done the passenger ilcpol would bo moved farther up into the i means of counteracting the advantages tlu other roads now have in covering the terri lory west of 'Jouncll Bluffs which \vas for merly monopolized by the Union f acilic. T.ilcim Up hy tlu > Comirll. At the meeting of the council the matte : was ut once taken up without any preliml nary skirmishing. W. S. Mayno presente ( the petition oftlio depot company. It is i : carefully drawn statement of the situatioi as viewed by the gentlemen most interested and reads like this : licntler.ieii Your petitioners would respect fully represent that they with other clmeii : whos'- ' names appear upon the list herew lib furnished the money to purchase blocks. 5 , 3 : and ! IU In Uhldle's subdivision to aid and en courage the erection of a union depot lliereoii During the past live years negotiations hnvi been carried on between the otllcers of tin I'liUm D.'jiol company and thu rcpresonta lives of the six principal lines of railroad centering here. At one time we had a wrlttci iieroiMiient with them by which they weie Ii take this ground and USD It for union depo inn | io-e , but ihn board of director.- one o tnunf tb.'so railroad companies refused ti cimllrni tin4 acllonof ihclrrcprcscntatlvcs an < join \\ih ! the other HIICN In carrying foruan the imii'h desired Improvement. In the meantime the Northwestern riillrom has built a new local depot on Broadway , am the Chicago. lliirlliiKlon & ( julncy Is prepar big to hnlld one on Main stiect , and It Is cvl dent lo us that the union depot enterprlsi must \\alt. During the time this properly was held b ; the t'nlipii Depot company a htrgu amount a taxes accumulated by ICHSOII of e.\lcnslv sticet Iniprovt'iiicnlH In that part of the city flilit : ) had been paid , ami upwauls of 1U,7O' ' weiv still dui' . 'hi clear up ihcse taxes Uu eclvcr T. J. Kvnns was appointed hy the ( Us Irlct court with authority to burrow tli money necessary to pay ihi'se ta.xcs ami hull thupiopcrfy until It. could he sold. This I the pic.scnt situation. To preserve thl ground as railroad properly , and at the sain tlmonmkc such disposition of It as will u < fund HID cltl/ens the money they have M KuniMimslv contributed , Is the desbe of th court , the iccelver and your petitioner ! , . .Joining , as It d : es the Tuiith Avenue depo grounds of tint 1'nlon I'aclllc railroad , am that road having contiol of the only outlet t < the ucst , It was evident to ns that U would b to thu best Interests of the city and ttllh 11101 promise of the giound being used for the pur iioso for which It was Intended , I It. could be sold to them. Wit that object In vliiw icprcsentatlvc of thu Depot company and .Mr. K\m ; have had p'iMiiial Interviews with Hie presj dent of the I'lilon I'aclllc company and wit ono of Iho illrecturs , In which the present sltn atlon of the union depot matter was dlscussu and the disappointment of our cltl/ens at th outcome fully explained , for which , howevui that road was In no ulso to blame. The dually romuntcit to take the properly oil on bands provided the cost docs nn uxcccd $30,000. Those of us who Imv conic Into contact with those representative of the I'lilon ' Pacllic rallioad vlewtholr propi .sit Ion as a 'nost Kdivrous one. It was friendly act upon ihclr part , as thcyhavun present us for the grounds , and we licllcvo Is placing U In the hands of our friends , ft that corporation under its piescnt uiamiKt iniMit Is certainly friendly to the interests i thlsclty. They hii\c been loyal tot IIP iinlii depot enterprise In all Its varying phases , an yet It ilemamlpil from them far greater SUIT llccs than from all thu oilier toads. In takln this propci ty they make tin ; condition and ri quest that I hi' cloud which rests upon thu tight lo use 1'nlon avenue be removed by 01 dliiaiicu that It may not heieafter ht > a cuu > disturbing thu friendly relations \\hlch c.\i | 'ii that corporation and this city. Air. Muyiiii'M Stutrmt'iit. It was signed by the directors and stocl holdeis'of the company. Mr. Muvno coi tinued to represent the company before tl council. The important part of his plea fi the company was the citation of legal prec dent to show that when the city council gai the Union I'aclllc company the right to o cupy Union avenue and therailro.idcompai : accepted it the company then went ahci and compiled with the state law govern ! ! railroad riglits-of-way and paid the owne ; of abutting property satisfactory damagi and thus acquired the same rights as ui held by all railways in the state : that tl city cannot any moro successfully attai that right than can the farmer who has n cepted damages for a road running throng his farm. _ Mr. Mayno stated that the depot compai had prepared just such an ordinance as wi desired by both the depot people and tl Union faciflc , hut before it was introduci Mr. Shugnrt arose and made an earnest pi test against the whole iiroiKisition and f vorcd instead ihorcmisslniby iho city of tl $ itU\H : ) taxes that have accrued against :1 property binco it was acquired by the dep company. A similar protest in writing was rcccivi from William Sicdcntopf and read. Hallway Commissioner Smith added ovi itrougcr protest acuiusl the scheme ni MioWud the conn ) ! that the inieiUlou of uniiili ill pot lies and nl\vn.\s has lilil with the t'nlun fucillc coinpnn > , that the knvn roads wmilil have Joined In n depit within fort.v-eight hours nfter the Union Pacific hud made u move , mid that the oxcusc that the delay was caused h.v the reluctance of thu town ro.ids was simply n shallow subterfuge , that the Union facllle could not have kept tliem out If It hud tried. He stated that he had been assured whllo In Des Mollies by the general manager of one of the Iowa roads that his was anxious to Join in a union depot but was not In n ) > ositon ! to move publicly in the matter , and that every Iowa road would bo compelled to Join In the scheme thn moment the Union faelllc started. Ho advocated earnestly the use of every power the council had to compel the Union f acltlc to keep Its pledges to the oily. A number of those interested in the depot slto and anxious to let go spoke iu _ favor of t lie proposition. N. f. Dodge wanted to disabuse the minds of the council of the Impression that the L'nlon Pacltlc wanted to make this trade. The company had only accepted the depot comp.iny's proposition after persistent urging. Mr. Mayne said he was not authorized to speak for the company , but ho believed and felt he knew enoutrh to assure the council that if the Union Pacltlc got the property it would be used for passenger depot purposes. The Until disposition of the matter was deferred until Monday evening by a resolu tion referring It to the commlttco of the whole. I'linrrat of XV. II. ( Iriiiuly. The funeral of W. II. Urandy , the drug gist who committed suicide , took place yes terday from the residence of the late Miss Welrlch , under the auspices of the local lodge of Masons. Ucv. T. J. Mackay of Omaha conducted the exercises , which were attended by the Masons in a body. The pall bearers were M K. Fonda , H. A. Cox , J. W. Peregoy. C. M. Hurl , .1. P. Stevenson and ( Jcorgo Hudlo. At the close of the exercises the remains were escorted to the North western depot , accompanied by the Masons and IXilbey's band , and were taken to Can ada under charge of 1. H. Atkins. The deceased had boarded at the Wolrlcli residence on Fourth street for the last fifteen years , and was very much attached to the members of the family , anil espe cially so , o Miss U'eirich. whose death took place last Saturday. He read the news of her death in Sunday's p.tpcr .vhile at the hospital , and that was the llrst Inkling he had that she was than she hirl been. The news was a terrible shock to him , and some who witnessed the scene said that ho acted as if someone had struck him a blow. Tin' news doubtless caused a melancholy , which was the principal cause of the rash deed which ended his life. The Masons passed appropriate resolu tions at a special meeting hold yesterday afternoon just before the funeral. At Dohiiny'H Theater. Siiturilny anil Suniluy ovomiitfs "A Gorman Soldier" is to ho frivcn. It is nn original musical comcdy-druum written - ton expressly for the popular cainodiun , James A. He-illy , and produced with ti strong cast and ole < * nnt htiijjo siitTound- iiitfs , under the miinugeinont of Mr. .lames K. Orr , ono of our ablest caterers for hturlititf theatrical ittlrncliim * . The play is in four acts , and is u true picture of the Franco-l'rUhMtm war. Humor and pathos equally abound. Mr. Hoilly introduces a number of the now and stirring sonijs especially composed for tiio play. The plot is marvelously full of interest and fVom start to finish the numerous clever dramatic Mil-prises ensure the dolitfhtod attention of the audience. At the matinee- Saturday the price to any part of the house will bo only 25 cents. Next Monday evening the old. but ever popular "LTnclo Tom's Cabin'1 will be Driven by Button's double company with two Topsies , two Marks and four donkeys. Illullltcs lit thn Pen. Sheriff Hazen returned yesterday morn ing from Fort Madison , where lie left John Sherwood to servo out a twenty months' sentence in the state penitentiary for for gery. Sherwood took his imprisonment very coolly , and stood the removal of his clothes and the substitution of a suit of second end hand stripes that had been undo for o man of very different dimensions , in a philo sophic way. Mr. Hazen saw a number of prisoners whc were sent up from Council UlulTs. Hill Criss has developed into a well behaved colored boy , and Is anxiously awaitimrtho expiration of liis sentence next July. Fred Kissell ami Howard Sparks are also said to bo two ol the best behaved prisoners in the peniten tiary. Benson , Hums and Anderson , win made hfo so exciting for the jailer here have not. lost any of their life , and are eon tinually stirring up rows among the convicts. . John Urpvvn , who went to the penitentiary for having two colored wives , asked th < sheriff if either of the wives had commcncet actions for a divorce , and' when informet that they had not , remarked that they miglil as well , for ho would never have anything moro to do with them. Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's Witchllazel Salvo will cure thorn A Illg Ml | > | ii-r. Arrangements are rapidly 130111) ) ? com plcted for the supper to be given by the ladies of this city for the benefit of tlu Union Christian Mission and Indu&triu feehool. It is expected to bo one of tin hii'irest atYairs in this line ever given it the city. The Kiseman building ha < already been secured , and the date is Friday , April 21. The girls of the In dutitriul school will go in a body and IK treated to a free s Coal and wood ; best and cheapest MibMiuri hard wood in the oitv * ; prompt delivery. IT. A. Cox , No. 4 Main. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. Talking of Club llousti. A meeting of the wheelmen of this city ii to bo held this evening at the World-Hcrah ofllee , li ( ) : Pearl street , for the purpose o reorganizing the old wheel club or , rather to organize an entirely new club on anothei and moro satisfactory plan. The club las year failed to meet the expectations of it ! organizers for a number of reasons. For tin past two months the scheme of having i club house has been talked of , and one of tin objects of tonight's meeting is to take semi definite action in that direction. A eottagi conveniently located is to be rented for tin summer and fall and fitted up as a mcetini place , with reading rooms , batli rooms am the other conveniences that arc usually to b found in such places. So far the names o over sixty bicycle riders have been obtainet as members of the new organization , am from the way that wheels are now being soli the list will bo moro tl.un doubled before th end of the season. The organization is to b modeled alter that of Omaha. Whj Not I'MIlio ' llest ? "There are numerous preparations In tli market for coughs , colds , croup nnd whooi intf coutfb. Amunn thorn \vo wish to i-al your special utti-ntion to Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. It is sold on its merits This assertion is warranted by Its sali-i which surpass any preparation of u siniila j | nature. 1 heir nothing but uraiso from eu : tomors who have used U. " The above i what ICu eni ) P. UnanRst. the leading dru pist of Bctlilubem , P.i. . says in u circular t his customers. I In has sold at retail eve 1.000 bottles of tnis remedy during tbo pas year , and knows it to bo without an cq-.ia The praise that naturally follows its intrc ductlon und ur.e is what makes it popular. See the peerless Dauntless bk-ycli1 and trot our terms. Ilonry Murphy. 1 Pearl tstreot. Dr. A. .1. Cook , ( iriiml liotel annej . . Special attention to dibeasos of reetun S. P. Vanatta , attoi-noy , ; "i ICverottbll your gncer for D.nnestlc soap. IVIost Men and Women sulTorncedleasly. A disordered slomacl con&tiputlon , gout , rheumatism and Ui < ney disease , can positively bo uvoldc by tlio careful use of the penulno Carl bud Sprudol Salt. Beware of imltutlou HLENT ) BELClAr ! MINERS They DaUroy Property ami Attack the Police Force. ! , WANTON WORKOF A MADfoOBOF STRIKERS yimrrniii th Scran lif n l.lvrly Tight 11 Tnllntii.iiiilptl ' lipiiinii- ulrxtlinn Itcforo the ChUnlicr : nt Drp- utlo Hliitlni ; In Many I'lai'fx , Unrs r.i.s , April 12. The strllto movement Is spreadlnir. Three hundred miners en gaged in the strike porpotratcd much wan ton dannge at Quarcjtnoa in the province of Ilalnaut today. The strikers made an attack upon the sheds alnut the mauth of a pit and smashed every window In them There were many men working in Iho pit who had re fused to Join the strikers and the mob's ef forts \vere directed against them as much as against the oivucrs of the pit. All sorts of rublilsh. old hoards , stones and dirt were thrown Into the shaft , the intention of the strikers lielni ; to Imprison the men In the mine. The pit o.lli ; ! ils were holpUMs to con tend against the mob , and assistance was asked from the gendarmes. Before ollk'ors arrived at the pit considerable damage had been done. Oll'by the Toilet- . The mob was on the pjlut of attacking another pit when the gendarmes arrived. The latter at once ordered the rioters to dis perse , and upon their refusal to do so , at tacked them with the sides of their swords. The strikers finally dispersed , fear ing that if they resisted the gendarmes would resort to the keen edge of their weap ons. Further trouble from the strikers is apprehended , and a closn watch will be kept upon nil their actions. Great activity is shown among the labor leaders. All their efforts are now directed to bringing about an enormous demonstra tion against the Clumber of Deputies for refusing to adopt thu bill to establish uni versal sulT rage. Immediately after the assembling of the .leputies today an excited crowd gathered around the falais do la Nation. The accession of small groups soon swelled the crowd until it pushed into the park and up and donn the rue Uo.vale. The parliamentary building had already been surrounded by unmounted police. As thu crowd became more demonstrative a squad ron of police \\MS called out and held ready to charge. AtI o'clock the workingmen nearest tiie parliamentary building raised a shout lor suffrage and made a rush to break the police line. The police were driven back and the mob tried to push up the steps. The mounted reserves churgc-l with drawn swords. The mob met them with repeated volleys qf stones , but event ually was forced back and p.irtly dispersed. In the conflict some of the policemen were struck with stones on the head and many rioters were cut or trampled on. Fought with Stoiirn. The real disturbance followed in the rue Levin between the Palais dc la Nut ion and the boulevard du Hcgent. As often as they were dispersed by the police the rioters tried to reassemble and , tight back with stones. In t'no district round the parlia mentary building fifteen men were arrested. Less serious dlsturbancos in oilier parts of the city were also followed by arrests. The deputies adjourned the debate on the revision of the constitution after the com pletion by the speehil committee of the ex amination into the plans of suffrage reform that have been submituvl. Striking coal miners have rioted all the afternoon at UiicsiiK'n thirty miles from Muoses. The men attacked the buildings near the pit's mouth shortly after noon , drove off the guards and officials and demol ished all the machinery , houses and shops. They tried to take by storm the Catholic club , but were driven back by other private citizens and the police. A councilor who en couraged the mob has been arrested. The rioters have possession of tnosL of the town The g.irriaon in Mons has been confined to the' barracks anil a'call for help is expected from Guesmes before the night is over. Mnuy U'oricinrn Killed. M.umii ) , April 12. There was an explo sion in the Salla Callada company's mills in Mattano this morning. The roof of the building was blown oft and struck _ jhe ground 100 yards from the foundation. The walls were rent , and most of the flooring collapsed. All the men employed by the company were at work when the explosion occurred. Most of them wont down in the wreck. Fire broke out immediately after the explosion. The work of rcscuo was begun at once. The bodies of nine workmen and the manager have been ro- moycii from the ruins , Hescuers are still trying to recover the rest of the bodies. The number of the dead is not yet known. \VcirklniiiH'ii Weak I'lilng. LONDON , April 12. What little change there is today in the strike situation at Hull is in favor of the masters. The strikers have made no further attempt to create dis orders. Already do/.eus of unionists have returned to worn , and today several more applied for and were given tickets for the shipping federation , entitling them to enter and work upon the wharves. Crops liij'irtMt by I'rokt. fuum.A , Alex. , April 12. The growing crops which have been so promising in this state have been badly injured by severe frosts durliig the past several nights. Frosts are also ropjrted to have injured crops in the state of Morcim and in some sections of the northern part of Mexico. l > y the Soul In rn I'liflllc. Mo.N-rniir.Y , Mox. , April 1 ! . ' . It is reported here today that the Monterov & Mexican Gulf is soon to pass into the hands of C. f . Huntington of the Southern f acitiu com pany. _ fighting llllli rr.-l'-lit Kiitex. CITY or Mr.xico , April 12. The shippers of Mexico continuo ito wage itlieir light against what they claim is an excessive hijh freight rate for the railroads. The ex- VHE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW iND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My dKtor Bays It nctB gently < " > " ; c , liver and kldnnvs. unrt Is a pleRiunt Inmllip. ThU drink Is made from herbs , and U prepared for use us _ easily as tea. It la called A U drucrisi a tell It ct Vic. and tl nparlcnAe. 1 f you cannot gn It , ncnd youra.Ulrcm for n free sample. I.nne'n Family Meiilclnp inovnx iliu bnnrti nrh day. In onlfr In he licnltliy Ililnlj necfssnry OHATO' " AgentsWantei Everywhera. THE RENOV/NEDCOALSAVE3 8a-i'i una at your o.rkl ulli , prevent * 100 anil clmlori. dun ufi roil KJ , pro'.luuJi purfec coiubmilim kt'epi UJller Hunt ulutn. mikj * lie tire In 11 TO lu In it ten. act. eqtiiilf wo'I ' on hir.l K1 u : toll coal Onupuckixo ouitlnic 'A cunts liiulllcloi lo trvHtono Ion o [ etui. For ( urlltor Informntlo : all on ur a hi ro is vrllU itAinp , L. S. ELLSWORTH & CO. , 4.00 S. 13tliS. OraahaNol ) leuslvc I'offeo exporters who IIAVO hereto fen < shlpiKHl large ipiiiiitltles of the product to the I'nltod suites nro this seiison paironlMtig. iho water route and sending the colTee to Ilatnbiirg niul l.lverhMil | InMomt of to the United States. They claim that the high ifrulgnt rates of the rallro.ids have caused them to take this action. You \VIII Itcu'l lii fruit Thuris A special excursion to North Ualvestnn. Tox. , leaves Omaha April IS. MM. He- niai'kable hi'luccments are offeivd. For par ticulars apply to I ) . D. Sineaton , iincnt , worn 17 , Darker block. Omaha. Dentil Coll. Dnritoir. Mich. , April 12. Mr. John A. Hell , managing editor of the Kreo f rest , died this afternoon of typhoid fever , after an ll'tiess ' of less than two wooks. Ho compelled to reuse working on the night of March : il and during most of the time between - tween then and his death h > ' was In a raging delirium. He was I'J years old. Helca\esa widow and six children. Mr. Hell enleied the service of the- Tree 1'rcsM lii-.liily , lHt > 5 , al the ii e of 14 yenVM , as a Riilley boy In ( lie composing room. In a Ill- lie wliflu be became Hie proof leader's imslst- unt , and bcfoiebc readied his mn.loill.v he was graduated fi-oin the chair of principal ptoof reader ami Installed as a full-Hedged member of tin-editorial stall' . With rhe ex ception of a brief eMicrlmi'iit In the law , hi * connection \\llh the 1'ree 1'rrss coM'icd a iicrUiil of about twenty-eUhl years , and wlien lie left bis to He down upon Ills bed of death , he left the title and the rcspoiisjlillllies of managing editor. Plies of people have piles , but JleU'itt's witchhazel salve will cure them. l > ripu : i l u Nr , ro Al urilcror , ST. CIIAIU.US. Mo. , April 12. The negi-o murderer named .lack Ulce. who some weeks ago shot and killed Jim ( . 'unnlngham near Alton , 111. , over a game of craps , made his escape from the comity jail by striking Jailer I.owls a terrillc blow , knocking him sense less. The Jailer , as usual , went to feed the negro , but allowed him too much privilege. The negro took ail vantage of it and is now at largo. The sheriff and a posse are in hot pursuit. o files of people have piles , hut Do Witt's Wilch Hazel Salve will euro them. ! , < ! > ( . * ' ' ill Krplllilli'iili Collcxo Cllllx , Ni\v : YOIIK. April 12. The president of the National Hcpubliean College league is sued a call today for the league to meet in Louisville. Ky. , on May H ) , the same day that the Republican National league meets In Ibis city. The American Protective Tariff league will also meet on that day. MANLY PURITY Vo clenneo the Mood , ekln , urn ! prulp of every gruptlon , Impurity , nnd clUewhcllicr simple , ecrofiilouii , hoieitltary , or ul. ceratlvc , no acency In the world | 3 BO Bpet-dy , cconom- Icnl , and uululllug n the CUTICURA Romodle" , con lstlnB of Ot'TlcTUA , the preut skin cure , Ct'TlcTKA HoAr , nn exqul itu ehlii purifier mid bcautllli-r , and CUTICUIIA RCDIILVKNT , thu now blood puillk-r niul creatodt of humor rcmt-dU-a. In n word , tlu-y ro tiu ! Kreatext ckln euros , blood purilicri' , and humor icmcdli-a of modern limi-s , and mny bo um-il In the triMtmont of every liiimor and dlpcaso , from rC7cm : to ucroful.1. wllli the most gratifying cud uiifjillinjj PiicpeBfl. Bold r\cry\vht-rc. I'oTTEii Dnt'O AMI C'liBMirAi Coup. , Bo ton. " llow to Cure lllood Uumorn " mailed free. TCS , M.irkliciuN.icil , roiiKh hand. ) nnd full- ii ) { hnircuri-d by CUTIILHA S-OAP. REiEU ATIG PAINS In 0110 iMliinliillioCtitlcuni Anll- Piiln I'lustpr rclicM-s rheumatic , nc | . iitlc , hip. kidney , chest , and muscular , pains and wuukncenuii. 1'ricu , lioc. Of health should bo Coub'v cnardcd at this season. The air rt-o ! < s wlin chilly inoNtiiro , the weather Is chaniroablo and uiii-i'rtiiiii. Thcsucoiulit ons .iro Terrible POiriTS for Iho liuieB anil plpos. lloware of the cold , Uiu coiiL-li , thu ohost pain , thu ' .iilluinniatlon , J the reeked tun ; , the dreaded Consumption. Put on duty oiuv the strongest ( 'ii.ird , the oHlcsland most faithful stuud-jy , DH. SOHENOK'S PULHONIG SYBUP. llreak up youi eod ! at once. Stop your eon : h. Drlvn out that Inlhiinimitlon in time. Defy that I'nouinonla. Cure that Coiisuinp- lion. aets quickest and surest ot all remedies on the Imitrs , . The olduat and host approved stumlaid for every Inn ? trouble. Dr. Sclifnctt'x I'rnclten' Treating * on Ijlscnsr * of iiiiU' , .S'diin ic/Kiii'l / hivrr , ni'illeil free tiia'lai- ' r.uilc. Mr. J. II. bclitnclt * Sun'I'lillailrlitlita , I'a. I'a.DOHKNY'8 DOHKNY'8 THERTER Council Blnlfs , In. John Oohany , - - - - - ( Vlnnasor , 2 NMtJIlTS 2 Saturday and Sunday , A run , f : > AND in SATUIIDAV MATINKH. Amorleu's Hwoot Kinzor and Dlstlnsulbhed 1)1 iloet Comedian. 31 R. JAM US A. UKILLV , In the Original Musical Coincdy-Drama , A GERMAN SOLDIER HY IIAltUY W. KMMKT. Mil HKII.LY SINGS TAICK "I Love Moln I'ltdorlHii I.1' "You IIKK Don't Know , " "Uumeinbar Dot You TO Yis n. UoriiiHii Holdlor , " "Only Ono lliAH : Nntno T Hoar , " "As I.oni ns HIM Hun Will Sliliiu. " "I-lttrt ! 11 iby Truo" und rriioTiirnstllo Itldo. " .Miignlllcent .Sci-iipry. lUgh duns Specialties. New oii | ; nnil DiineeH. TJl ° Superb Sopoiitiito Dnaoor. Special MntlnooSaturday , Abrll 15. Scents to ull parts of iho house. Ni hl I'rlees : iV1. r > Jo und 75 ; . J7- THE IIAKMJM OK .THEM ALL. SUTTON'S ( JOMI'UISINU 32 Artists 32 2 Famous Topsies 2 2 Marks , the Lawyers 2 2 Educated Donkeys 2 4 Cub .in Bloodhounds A 4 Shetland Ponies 4 The youngest. Tojuy on the starts BABY EDIT Hi Aged 5 yuuri , as the uniicl child. Sl'EUIAI. SCKNHUY ! 7J'- . too the tnunitluuul kireet par ado at 11:1 : : n. tu , daily , A Weak Digestion strange ns it may seem , is caused from a lack of that which is never exactly digested- / < / / . The greatest fact in connection \vitli appears at this pointit isf7r / fat and tfie most weakened digestion is quickly strengthened by it. The only possible help in Consumption is the arrest of waste and re- naval rf new , healthy tissue. Scotfs Emulsion has done wonders in Con sumption just this way. I'ri-purfdl'V Scott 3 , llonnp.N. Y. AllilniRp ' 9 Professional Nurse , Treats all kinds of ilNcnsc * , Intel nnl aim ox- turnal. fiuariintecH In every case. Money re funded In all cases whuro patient is dssitlu- | : fled. No regular fco chained. 1'atlents pay whatever amount they can afford for treat ment. S , ISili Sf , 6 CENTS A DAY : CATARRH CURED l A'sol'oil-'hs. ' nroni'hll s. A lh- inn , ( Juiiiii'iiutlon , ll.-ll I irliu. is.clc or imrviUi > , NLTNO.H I'roht r.U . lo.L . A Wonderfully Sticoass- fill Troatmont. OINI : : \TOIL i "Oxygen IlooU" and I trials Kitl.Irail : o vrlio SPECIFIC OXYGEN CO. . uito 51 J Shoolj- ( f nooms nt $ . ' , . ' > 3 per ( I ly. It I ooiiis at.OJ ) per d-xir. IOIIPU1IM wit i Until : it } l. I ) | ijr Ur 10 lluuiiu with liatli nt ( . - > ! l-i il j ) , r | ) r. u i5 T 1st Modern lu Kvery c. s. ERS. Pron. The nly hotel In the c'ty wiih hot and ro'O \ \ liter and stuam Ho it In every r i > 'lubi ' mi J ( lining ru. . > u sL'i-.L'o uiu. BATES $2.50 TO $1.00. Suoclal rates on apiJliuat.on. . B. SILLOWAY , ProD. BEEF IS CHEAP AS E SH , Hut pork , hams , lard and bacon , \vhllo way up In t ! , are cheaper nt Meschi'inlorf's market than any other place In tin ) city. Thu place to pel your muat K whom you get , the best , and the most for your money. l.uoU at thcso prla > and locollecl thai everything U the best that Swift A C'o. slaughter : Snou'.il rCloJI , free of . So Pltite.Soll . < . 4c Boneless Corned Beol . 60 Sirloin Butts . Do l-.oJ.sof Ilddf . On Sirloin strip ; . Bo 1-irloluSteaU . lOo to 12'io ' Porterhouse Steal : . n . 12'is to 160 KibRoast , . * . SotolOo Shoulilor Roast . . . . . . . (3oto7o ( Sho-.ildorStealc . 7o VealStew . OB Veul Ro.i&t . lOo Veal Sto.xk . , . 12'io ' Muttonrftew. . 60 Mutton Le s . lOo Mnttin Chops . 12'jc ' Sausage , . lli'Sa Por.jBtuts . 121'jO Poritli Tins , whole . IH'.io Porlc Chops . ino Salt Pork . 12 ( So liacou . 15o Lard . lOc to llo Hams . la'/ie to 17o Sliceil . UOc ta25c Sheep , whole . 80 Poultry and Fish always o i ban I. Nootlisrnnrketoa-i duplicate th33 nr.cii nnd m-.nd this is for t le bejt Moats in ths city. city.MESCHEN&OHF MEAT GO , , Wholesale and Ratal ! 333 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs. G. W. PAMLE , H. D. Th Good SamtwilM. M Icon' Iipetleato , iXCAOBH OP DISKABKfl OV MKK \TOMUM. I'ltoi'imrrou ov WOULIVH HKKIIAI. DtSr _ AK OV MKDICINJ1. t treat the following Diseases : Cntiurh of the llcml , Throat , and I.nng * ; DU. cssoaof thu Kyeixiul liar Klwn id Aiojileiy | , Iloiirt Picons * , l.Wcr Uumiilali t. l.ldney Complaint , Nervous Doblllty , Montnl Doprou- nlon , Loss of Manhood , Somlnnt Wonknoss , Wnt-cte . Ilr.plit > in-wiso. 8t Vllut' ImncB , lUiemiiatlsui , I'nralssKlilto Swelling. Bcrofuia , Fever Sores. Cancers , Tumora nnd Ftaiuln In nno removed without the knlfo or drnwlnu a drop of blood. Woman wiih In-r delicate orpi-ne restored - stored to licaltb lm | y cured wi.hout tnMlnif. Ppiu-liil attention ulM'n tutr iitiu 111 "f ull blood taints arl lni i-v i-vr-ws or vli-o < . Surer uiul choiiiini- ill in u trip In tlio Hot Snrliu-s. } . 'ii ( in fcoi f ii fit for unv f.iimru to i1 mo without incriMii-y Tape Worms rcmoviM In nvn or llirco uoure , or ua pay. . or 1'lica C' red TllOSli WHO AUK AI-M'I.TCTKn Willenvo life nnd huadrctU of dollnts by calllny on or u > liie DR. fi. W. PANGITS HERBAL foEOICINES. The only IMtynlcInn wbo crm tell ivlml nllt it iiurinii ulthout a klnir iqtunllnii. . All correspondence Bltlcllvconndsntlal. MedlolttC TOiit by uxprcsa. Address ai ! loiura to G. W.PANG LE , M. D rv , > nuoAn\'i"i ! UUUTS , la. a Sc-ii'l 4r stamjis tor i IM-II - icntml ror'y. 5 Y/OT / ( All UltulH of Dyeing nn 1 ( 'loin n ; iloii | > hi nlin buMinst style of t 10 irU 1'alol mil lilin'l : f.ilirii's in i lo tn Ion. ; i-iL'i l .isno.v. \\oru proiiipllv < l ni' ! : in i dolUvnil In all purls of tlio country. Si-iul for pi-lco IUC. C. A. MACIIAN , Proiu-lotar. HiCiidwav , noir ; Nortlivrusloru 'o ot. A't - . I'mf- i > riioys--it-lrw. - _ _ i tii-i ) In tlio state nnd fi-doril ooiirls. Uoo'iii ' 2JJ-7-8-'J , Shutirt : blocK , Uounul ! HluiTs. I.t RARE , RIPE OLD WH SKY. / . / infoeMroL'ff < if t lif 1'lno t tn tlio \Vortd. S , II. Fonl liai opouotl a whnlcsnl : ) liquor ntoro ni No. 17 1'earl street , L'uuinMI Illull. . antl Ima put In n lar o anilvoll nulci'lo I stocX of wines , liraixllo- * . wlilHM ? * . oto. It l < a lact nurtliy lit iiiuiillon lliut Mr. l-ord IB the liirtiin iln pu.nusjor of nuarlv forty barroln of tlio llno ; > t whNtv In tlio UnlttM Statoi. ; In Kilt IIP liuiuht m v.-nt > HVJ ti irrjls of KentitcUy C. 1- ' . ( ! . Tnylor whisky , anil It wan not mull about three yeara na > tliat ho plac > < l tin KO.I.IJ . on thu market. Of Ilils stock ho It n left about forty bar- rt'lH , and exports all pi-iinnirieo It abioliitoly the llnest whlikey In the o niiilry ll n'll" It nialnlr In fiinllui ! fur meillcinal inc. MI It Is too oonlly for Iho roxiilar trade. It It wort'i over f l per gallon. There Is not anothur brand u I nucli whlilty In the U. t- . Ills alock.of brninlli's nnd wiii'ji coiuoa from .tho IIOIIOIIK l.ulaml Manlurd viiR-y.inlt In < nllfornln anil have n lilnh reputation for execllenco and purity. J 'Olt SAI.IC Kull net of tlnnord tools. Koocleon.1l. tlon ; n bargain Imiulro of h'mpklo-ijluixart 11ardwaroro. . I'ounpll niuir.s GAHII \ < K rumorud. ojsspu 31s. vaults , chimney * clLMned. Well proii.irj I lor tlu w irk. h',1 llurko city linllilln-- . J Olt HAI.ICVo oiler for .ilo on oisy terniB a do blrablo homo onIxth axouie onu block from elei'trlc motor ; house ot live looms , cloneta , city water. Ittrt'O brick foliar , front and bide porcheii. Will roll at less than actual c < Hl Louceojc Towlo. ! _ Ki 1'earl street , t'ouncll lilulla. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "I IiiUSISand lot for Bale. No. Hi : ! b'lft'.i uvon us 11 Inquire of J. 1 * . Christian. C. k U , 1. , freliiht home. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ACIIANCI- rlKtt man to collect , BO licit , and deliver KooihVnruJ $ li u noelc , i nnd proKta illrhled every ' .U ilnys , In Block com- ' puny. Must buy 15 itlrirus Hoelc Addrjts J. vf , j .Morhe. lloom . l-.veri'tt block , t'onnrll lilnlTs I | , MH UKNTTho MiTiicii hotel at IUIT . onth Main | 1 Btrccl. liiiilie | < ) . Lower , at hotul. AliSlllACTMaml loam Farm ami city propsrtf bouiiht and oolJ. l'iuuy X Tlio.un , Council IIIUITii / HALK 'I'\ro nloij cjlitf3 | ho'iBo * on Avenuu J/DH (1 ( , near 2'Jih utruet ; six rooiiK , bay window , cluneta and pantry ; liirxc lot : water In yanl Will take a Htnali payment iltiwn nnd balance In hiMtall- niuntB. LOUKUO .V 'low K , Wi 1'earl btreut , Council IIIIIII3. I OH SA1.KA number of nlcu collages , cheap , and on very oafcy paTinonlti. UreouBlUotU ! ! , Mi'hnlBOii A. l'o.lijl Hroadw.iy. \\rANTKI ) ( ilrl for ueueral housework at BIO ' ' I'onrtli nveniiu 1'OH SAI.i : Clii'iip , llnu bri'il , sp'JOdy ' 4 year old" horho , ultb plt.toton ; Kotitle. wood deposition ; bartraln. J. 11. Klutz , 1IB booth Seventh itrecf lirASTlID Waller at Moilul reUauriint , ( food ' vriiBos , inrniiirionl onipliiriiii-iil. M-Al'ltK farm for r'lit. alMO 3ncro tract and 7 'u.Ti-a , , ' aa nt-ru-i K fil Iowa land fur n.'ilu at f I7.W per aero , Jolin ton , V Van Patten. I \\rANTKD-Man ) lur farm vrork. all suininor. la- VI iulro | at Iliirl'u Jewelry more. I-IAVE. YOU SE.RN of Scorchers ? Made by the Centaur Cycle Co. of Coventry , England , The oldest and strongest cyulo company in the world. Road King Hustlet Road Queen Athlete Kingman Glideaway Scorchers , and other Mermaid Medium Umpire Grade Wheels. KINGMAN & CO , PEOUIA , ST. LOUIS , KANSAS CITY , DES MOINKS AND OMAHA. Manufacturers , importers and jobbers of high and medium grade bicycles ; also vehicles and farm machinery. S. M. WJLLIAMSON & CO. , Council Bluffs AgDn THE LOOKED FOR BREAK IN PRICES HAS COME. HltfhoslGrtulo for $100.00 Tlio KcllpsoVaver.y , King , " ( Mppor , Scorcher , ull . . 100.00 Sold everywhere for $150.00. If you \vunl a whoul , don't fail to CO US. Our $80.00 wheel la a dandy. COLE & , COLE , 11 Muln btreut , Council 111 u IT * .