Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1893, Part Two, Page 14, Image 14

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\Vnlkor S,1 : ii. < ! * 17
KvnniT J. Sli'i" 17
Blovor MM , xw H I"
Allen \V W. 2tritH ir
riratmin Cluiv Kills 17
Miiliniic-y ,1 , II * Mm Urn
Hlmndon MiIliu Miirtliii
Pinllli I'rtor , K.IM-unli'llnr
llt-ll .folin II , IKS Vlntiui
Jolitnon I'lt-d , I.Vil Vltunil
PlinlmiiM A. III ? Vliitun
Cook M ( Mill Vliilun
Hhay MnriK MIA Kim
Tracy CM , 10I.-J Kim
fililrldi lii-rnnrd , Iflll llm
XVcuvt-r lr ) , l * t Nill
Hliolrs M , ( , I0i N 21
o N mo .V2I
C. I'TH ' N 24
f-mllh ,1 T , wi N 21
Tl Iri'll .1 ( MM1N2I
lltrtli ( I ,
Wrltflit l.lwli ? . Han N 21
BtrllilliiK Win.HeMNSI
Alexander Hr. 1'tt ! NS4
Ktonos. I'ttJNlN
Klrbo ! ' < ' . till N2J
Krc-ytnz.1 J UIH N 24
Jlrady Jnliti. Illl'l ' N i'
lliitrmiili I hu , I.M3N2S
Wlnihlp Primk , MM N M
KamlurMiii ( leu. II.'O NlU
MorlfliMin C , 1411 N 25
IluMnussi-n , 141'iN 'i" >
Illllton M II , iilNi'i :
Moirul M II , III ! N'r.
I.urhsurp r T , K N - ' * >
ViinKitmiii A .1 , mix N 23
Iliiiuiiriu'iit .IMN ! ; 2.'i
Allen s l , ( u N i >
r Ill-It n Nellie , ' .Ml Nil
Jiitinsnn I' , ( ill N ' . ' . " >
( 'lillstlaiiMjii C V.UII N25
l.anllt-lil IV I , 1121 X3
Wiley W M .I,1W N'J.'i
Kcnriiv II 1C. ! i 17 NS5
Ui-noo , lnc , ( il.'i N i't
Mills Mrs , m'i'5 ' Ni' .
WcHli-i Held C ( i. HIT NM
1'owell M ! i 1 XTi
Si-said li. N r >
Iliimiin T I MI- I Nr >
Smith \V A ml X SS
llraillt-y. ! 'Vi ' X JS
MnoiMlt-r llrnry , 2ldl
llctiilitrUsiin Mni-y , 2IJI C'linilnx , room
Mllli-l .1 .1. ; ( ! . ' I'uihiiiK
. . .
Ha/i-linn . .litlin.MUM 'timing
Solomon I , IT. SHU I 'inning
Connolly . .lame211X1 Cmiilng
Husslr .lnliii. 2IOT ( 'liming
] : nu'li > ,1 I' , ! ! lll ! i 'inning
HotfL-rs A T , 2415 Indiana nvpiiuo
I'llKi-un II I ) , 2IH ) Imllana uvi'nuu
Holy M .1,2111 Michigan uvonuo
No\\coml > Kc. ' 'iwruldwi'll
Wines MIJICiil ! ! < l\Mill
Ti-tiiMl Joiii12 ] 2nciilflttcll
l.o\vpl M.SIlsriildttt'll '
Haw -on. I M4lll'iililwi'll !
MilMgru\e , 'Jllll llamlllon
Itonihi-i-L'i-r A.'I. . ! " Charles
lli".bro.T W , ll.UChui-los
Angel ! Han. 2llil'liu ( ; le.s
Itiislinul. ; iKH ( liniles
\\llton A -.Ml'Si-wiiid
CromiT Mlllf. 212:1 : Si'wunl
NnrkullCarrie. . : Mr > Suwarcl
Iloddor KV , 241(1 ( Si-wind
Crick ,1 "KM I'iniiKllii
Howard 1C II , SI ? ! Trunk ! In
Kiihns | | W. mi r'lanklln
Hl-lKKs KT. 21.111 Itrcnlur
Kiy-or Michael. 2lii : Parker
lliewor Win , 24'7 ! 1'arl.or
Ileoclier Itndnov , 24i : ( ) I'uilit-r
O'Niilll I ) W , 24i4 Parker
( ) | ( Ici-on Ann , 2422 I'arkur
Hroufo I , , KOi N HI
h'limlninl I * . N HI , last liousc
( iiislunsiiii , 14 avenue ami Wuhstur avunuo
HniltliS A , 4111 1 X 17
iMili-pliy II,4I2. ! " > X 17
Thomiivon .1 , 4I2 ! N 17
Hanson II , 4'.in ' : X 18
llornnmn , Wl. " > N Ih
Ai < n2ln.l.'linX | 17
Muldoon.l H.-iii2X : Ifl
Mattls I' .vril N in
O'Honneii K , 1717 I'ort
l''aiiloon , Hi and Tort
Nlcliolls.l , I40i ; , lay lies
Jliynos O , 1412 .limit's
Clurk ,7V. . 1401 .laynes
Wllllnm- l : ! 2 Ocifen
Airlilble.l , IIHiO.ileii .
Keclaid A , UliJd-ilen
I'lilmci'CI , liliotitist
N'ooiian , lee lum-e , Cut-nfT lalio
HKenian , Cut-dll'laUe
Williams I ) , Cut-on'
liiiilamlno.l , I'nl-oll' lal.o
Hill t' It , I'loiclice laKtt
Kwoltur.l , rioioni'o lakii
Callaliun Kd\v , M U to i : Omulm
Mooie A , Kast Omaha
Mmphy , ,1 S , Cut-oil laku
] < 'rlnt.l , t'ut-oir lal.e
Alonsi'r .1 , 1'lil-olT laku
1'oltur , 14.-7
Stntoof Ncbraslta. Douglas Comity , S3 :
Oscar Nielsen being duly sworn according
to la\v % deposes anil says : Ho carries the
dally Bni : on route number ! H , and has car
ried tills route since June , 18U2. At no time
since ttiat time has he carried less than 85
copies of the evening UIE. : At--the present
tirao ho carries 88 copies of the ovenintr Ucc.
JJutwcen the 'J7tli day of .March , 1MM , and
tlioHli day of April , 1S1K ) , ho madg a careful
iintl accurate canvass of every house on his
route and found tln.t \Vorld-Hi-rald de
livered 41 copies of their evening edition.
Ho also found HO copies of the evening
World-Herald were delivered to the same
parties continuously ( luring the months of
leccmbcr , 1SW , January and February , IS'ja. '
All the papers included in above figures are
only those delivered to actual paying sub
scribers. Ost-Aii Niii.8is. :
Swort. to before mo and subscribed In my
presence this llth day of April , Ifi'.M.
[ BUAi , . ] \V.M. KiMuuAi. , Notary 1'ublie.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
J. II. Hell being duly sworn according to
law , dejioses and says : Ho carries the daily
liir. ou route number , ' ! ij and has carried this
route since March , 181) ) : ) . At no time siiu-o
that time has lie carried less than CO copies
of the evening IJisu. At the present tinio he
carries 01 copies of the evening Ucu. Uo-
twccn the ' . ' "tli day'of March , Ifc'ja , and the
4 th day of April , ItJ'JM , ho inado a careful and
accurate canvass of every house on his
route and found that the World-Herald
delivered 47 copies of their evening edition.
Ho also found 42 copies of the evening
World-Herald wcro delivered to the same
parties continuously during the months of
December Ib'J'- , January and Kebruary 18'J.I.
All the papers included in above figures are
only tlioso delivered to actual paying sub
scribers , j. H. iini.i. .
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April , 18'J3.
[ BEAI.'M. . SIMKIIAI. , Notary Public ,
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
II. W. Wliipplo being duly sworn accordIng -
Ing to law , deposes and says : Ho carries
the daily BKK on route number y and has
carried this route since December , ISiU. At
no time since that time has he carried less
than 104 copies of the evening DEE. At the
present linio ho carries 10 ; > copies of the
evening HKU. Uetweun tlio U'Tth day of
March , IhOIl , and the 4th day of April'l8'.it ' : ,
lie inado a careful and accurate canvass of
every house on ills route and found thai the
World-Herald delivered 07 copies of their
ovenmg edition. He also found 45 copies of
the evening \Vorld-Horald wcro delivered to
the same parties continuously during the
months of December , 18W. Januarv and
February , 1SUII. All the papers included in
uboro figures are only tlioso delivered to
actual pajing subscribers.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April , 18'jt. :
[ SEAI , ] W\i. SIMIHAI : , , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
Fred Martin being duly sworn according to
law , deposes and miys : Ho curries the daily
BIE : on route number HS and has carried this
route since April II , 1SW. At no time since
thai time has tie carried less than 140 copies
of the evening I5r.n. At the present time he
carries 150 copies of the evening HUB. He-
twccn the SJ7th day of March , 18'ji ; , and the
Itli day of April , Ib'.U ' , ho madoa careful .ind
accurate canvass ol every house on ills route
and found that the World-Herald delivered
ft ) copies of their evening edition. Ho also
found 45 copies of the evening World-Herald
were delivered to the same parties continu
ously during the months of December , 180' . ' ,
January and February , ISM. All the papers
included in above figures are only those de
livered to actual paying subscribers.
l-'nut ) MAIITIX.
Sworn to before mo and snbscriued in my
presence this llth day of April , 18WI.
[ SIAU ] YV.M. SI.MCIIAI. , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
Leslie ThaL'kcr.beiug duly swornaivording
to law , deposes and says : Ho carries the
dally Hue on route number it ! ) and has car
ried tbis route since August 1. At no time
since that time has ho carried less than
100 conies of tlio evening HRK. At the present
time ho vitrfics 1WI copies of the evening
BBB. Uotwccn the U7th day of March , IS1I.I ,
and the 4th day of April , IS'.Kl lie nnulu a
careful and accurate canvass of every house
on his route and found that the World-
Herald delivered 07 copies of their evening
edition. Ho also found U7 copies of tlio
evening World-Herald wcro delivered to tlio
same parties continuously during the months
of December. 18VJ , January and February.
IbJJ , All tUu papers included iti Iliu ubuve
llgurc.i arc only these deilvi'it" ! to actual
paying sulmTlhers , TIIAI-RBII.
.Sworn to buforc mo and subserliM'tl In my
presence tlil.i llth day of April. 1MJJ.
[ HKAI..J WM. SIMKIIU. , Notnry.Public.
Stntoof Nebraska , Douzlnn County , ss :
lion Hollandur beliis duly sworn according
to law , deposes and says' IK' carries the
dally HKK on route number 40 and has car
ried this route since February I , imu. At no
.time smva that tlmo has ho carried less than
111) ) copies of the evening llr.u. At the pres
ent tlmo ho carries 11(1 ( copies of tlio evening
HER. Hctween the ' . ' 7th day of March , 1MKI ,
and the 4th day of April , ISM. ho made a
careful and accurate canvass of every house
on his route and found that the World-Her
ald delivered 7v ! conies of their evening edi
tion. He also found 5(1 ( copies of the evening
Worlil-Ilorald wcro delivered to the same
parties continuously during the months of
December , IMU , January and February. WM.
All the papers Included in above lieurrs are
onlv those delivered to actual paying sub
scribers. Hi.N IloM.ANIIKH.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presence this llth day of April , IStKl.
( sr.Ai , . ) W.M. HiKUHAt. , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
Tennyson Khner being duly sworn accord
ing to law. deposes and says : Ho carries
the daily Ilr.t : on route number 41 and has
carried this route since February 1. At no
time since that time has lie carried less than
100 copies of the evening IIic. At tlio
present time he carries 101 copies of the
evening line. Hetweun the ' . . ' 7th day of
March , l-s'.M ' , alid the 4th day of April , 1MKI ,
ho made a carutul and accurate canvass of
every bouse on his route and found that tlio
World-Herald delivered IU copies of tlieir
evening edition. He also found ill ) copies of
the evening World-Herald were delivered to
the same parties continuously during the
months of December Ib'.IJ , January and
February 1MIJ. All the papers included in
above llgures are only those delivered to
actual paying subscribers.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence this llth day of April , 113.
[ SUAI , . ] Ww. Sntr.iiAi. , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss. :
Alvln Johnson being duly sworn according
to lew , deposes and says : He carries the
daily Uii : on route number 4' . ' , ami has car
ried this route shifc November. If-'J'J. ' At no
time since that time has he carried less than
1'JO copies of the evening Hun. At the pres
ent limp he carries 18(1 ( copies of ttio evening
Hr.i : . Hetwecn the 27th day of March. 1S < 'A '
and tlic-llh day of April , IH'.M , ho mauo a
careful and aecur.Ue canvass of every house
on his route and found that the World-Her
ald delivered 71 copies of their evening edi
tion. He also found , r > 5 copies of the evening
World-Herald were delivered to the same
parties continuously during tlio months of
December , IMU. January ami February , lb'ji. :
All the papers included in above llgures are
only thnso delivered to actual paying sub
scribers. AI.VIN JOHNSON.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April , IS'.U.
[ suAi. . ] WM. Si.MRHAi. , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss. :
Herbert Dunn being duly sworn according
to law. deposes and says : Ho carries the
dally BBC on route number 41 ! . and has
carried this route since April. IS'JO. At no
time since that tlmo has he carried less than
70 copies of the evening Hun. At the
present time ho carries 8:1 : copies of the
evening UKD. Between the 27th day of
March , 1MH , and the 4th day of April , ism ,
ho made a careful and accurate canvass of
every house on his route and found that the
World-Herald delivered 4'J copies of tlieir
evening edition. He also found 40 copies of
the owning World-Herald wore delivered to
the same parties continuously during the
months of December , lh'J2 , January and Feb
ruary , ISUII. All the papers included in above
figures are only those delivered to actual pay
ing subscribers. Hciiiiciir Df.s.N.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April , lb'ji. ;
ISK.VI , . ] WM. SiMr.HAi. , isotary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss. :
John Penoyer being duly sworn according
to law , deposes and says : Ho carries the
daily Hci : on route number 41 and has car
ried this routosinco March , 18'J3. ' At no time
since that time lias ho carried less than 'JO
copies of the evening BEB. At Iho present
lime ho carries DO copies of Iho evening HUE.
Between tlio 27th uay of March , 18'ji ; , and
the 4th day of April , IS'JS , he made a careful
and accurate canvass of every house on his
route and found that tlio World-Herald ac-
llvcred 47 copies of their evening edition.
Ho also found 89 copies of the evening
World-Herald wcro delivered to the same
parlies continuously during the months of
December , 18',1'J , January and February , 1S93.
All the papers Included in above figures are
only these delivered to actual paying sub
scribers. JOHN Pr.soTcu.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in niy
presence this llth day of April , 1803.
( SEAL. ] Y\TM. SIMKIIAL , Notary Public.
Stale of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss. :
Albert M Parmolco being duly sworn ac
cording to law , deposes and says : He carries
the daily BEB on route number 40 and has
carried this route since July , 1892. At no
time since that time has ho carried less than
CO copies of the evening BUK. At tlio preseiu
time ho carries 04 copies of the evening BEE.
Between the 27th day of March , 1893 , and
the 4th day of April , 1M)3 ) , ho madoa careful
and accurate canvass of every house on his
route and found that the World-Herald de
livered W copies of their evening edition.
Ho also found 80 copies of tlio evening World-
Herald wore delivered to the same parties
continuously during the months of December
IMf. , January and February 1893. All the
papers included in above llgures are only
those delivered to actual paying subscribers.
Sworn lo before mo aad subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April , lb'J3.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEUAI. , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss. :
Ij. O. HillyarJ being duly sworn accordIng -
Ing to law , deposes and says : He carries
the daily BEE on route number 47 and has
carried this route since July , 1892. At no
time siuco that time has ho carried loss than
I''O copies of Iho evening BEE. At the pres
ent time ho carries 127 copies of tno evening
BIE. : Between the 27th day of March , 1893 ,
and the 4th day of April , 1803 , ho made a
careful airl accurate canvass of every house
on his route and found that the World-Her
ald delivered K > copies of their evening cdi-
llon. Ho also founu 48 copies of Iho evening
World-Herald were delivered lo Iho same
parties continuously during the months of
December , Ib02 , January and February , Ib93.
All the papers included in above figures are
only these delivered to actual paying sub
scribers , L. O. IIll.l.YAIIII.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence this tub day of April , 18U3.
[ SBAI , . ] WM. SIMEUAI. , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss. :
V. W. Stevens being duly sworn accord
ing to law. deposes and says : Ho carries
the dally BEE on route number 48 and has
carried tills route since March , 1893. At no
time since that time has ho carried than
SS copies of the evening HUB. At the pres
ent tlmo ho carries 80 copies of the evening
BEH. Between the 27th day of March , 1S9' ( ,
and the 4th day of April , 1H1I3 , ho made a
careful and accurate canvass of every house
on his route and found thai Hie World-Her
ald delivered f > 0 copies of llieir evening cdi-
llon. Ho also found 47coples of the evening
World-Herald wcro delivered to the same
parties continuously during the months of
December , Ib'.t1 , January and February , 1893.
All the papers included in abuvo figures.aro
only ihoso delivered to actual paying sun-
Sworn to before mo anil subscribed In my
presence this llth day of April , 18VU.
( SEAL. ) WM. SIMEUAI. , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska. Douglas County , ss :
John H Holmes being duly sworn accord
ing to law , deposes and BOS. : Hn carries the
dally BEE on route number 49 , and has
carried this route since October , 1892. At
no time since that time has ho carried less
than 105 copies of tlio evening BEE. At
the present time ho carries 111 copies
of tlio evening BEE. Between the
27lh day of Maroh , tbU3 , and the
4th day of April. 1893. ho madu a careful and
accurate canvass of every house oitjils route
and found that the World-Herald delivered
72 copies of their evening edition. Ho also
found 45 copies of the evening World-Her
ald were delivered to the same parties con
tinuously during the months of December ,
1892 , January and February. 1893. All the
papers Included in above figures are only
those delivered to actual paying subscribers.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence tills llth day of April , 1893.
( SBAI. . | WM. SIMEUAI. , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
Kdwin Hood being duly sworn according to
law , dujKises and says : Ho carries the daily
BEK on roulo number 51 and has curried this
route since March , 1803. At no time since
that time has ho carried less than 78 copies
of the evening BBB. At the present time
ho Carrie * 7ti ( X > ; > lu * ol thu oveulug Boo.
, Between theJ7lh day of March , I'M ! mid
the Itli da.v of April , ISJKI , ho inado a careful
and accurate canvass of every house on his
route and foun I that thf World-Herald de
livered 2 * copies uf their evening edition.
Ho also found 25copies of the evening \ \ tirld-
Herald were delivered to the same parties
continuously during the months of Decem
ber , 1802 , January and February , ISM. All
the papers included In above llguros are only
these delivered to actual paying subscribers.
Sworn lo before mo and subscribed in my
presence , this llth day of April , 1M'3. '
[ SEAI , . ] WM. SIMEUAI , , Notary Public.
Stale of Nebraska , Douglas Coutitv , ss :
15. H. McCandlish being duly sworn ac
cording to law , deposes and says : Ho carries
the daily Br.r. on route number f > ' - , and has
carried this route since October , 1892. At
no time since that time has ho carried loss
than 153 copies of the evening BEE. At the
present tlmo ho carries 150 copies of tlio
evening BEE. Between the 27lh day of
March , 1KW. and Iho 4th day of April. 1893 ,
ho made a careful and accurate canvass of
every house on his route and found thai the
World-Herald delivere.l 51 copies of their
evening edition. Ho also found 52 copies of
the evening World-Her.ild were delivered to
the same parties continuously during the
months of December. 1892 , January and Feb
ruary , 18.13. All the papers Included In
above figures are only those delivered to
actual paying subscribers.
15. II. MrCANiiLMit.
Sworn to bjfore mo ami sutn.-ribuJ In my
presence this llth day of April. 1893.
[ HEAL ] WM SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
Truman Jackson being duly sworn accord
ing to law , deposes and says : He carries
the daily BEE on route number 53 and lias
carried tills route since February 21 , 1MI3.
At no time sim'o that time lias ho carried
less than (12 ( copies of Ihe evening BEE. At
the present lime ho carries ( W copies of Iho
evening BEE. Between Iho 2fth day of
March. Is'.W. ' and the 4th da.v of April , KM ,
he made a eareful and accurate canvass of
every house on his route and found that the
World-Hcr.ild delivered 10 copies of their
evening edition. He also found 8 copies of
Iho evening World-Herald were delivered
to the same parties continuously during the
months of December , 1V.IJ , January and Feb
ruary , 1893. All the papers included in
above figures are only those delivered to
actual paying subscribers.
Sworn to before mo and sjbscribod in my
presence this llth day of April , 1893.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , s's. :
Owen Hamer being duly sworn according
to law. deposes and says : Ho carries the
dally BEB on route number 51 and has car-
r.ed this route since November , 1M'J. ) At no
time since that time has he carried loss than
50 copies of Ihc evening BEE. At lha pres
ent time he carries OS copies of Iho evening
BEE. Belween the 27th da.v of March. 1.V.I3 ,
and the 4th day of April , 1VJ3 , ho made a
careful and accurate canvass of every house
on his route and found that the World-Her
ald delivered 2h copies of their evening edi
tion. He also found 19 copies of the even
ing World-Herald were delivered to the same
parties continuously during the months of
December , 1S92 , January and February , 1893 ,
All the papers included in above figures are
only those delivered to actual naylng sub
scribers. Owcx HAMEII.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence tills llth day of April , 1893.
ISBAL. ] WM. SIMEUAI , , Notary Public.
Stale of Nebraska. Douglas County , ss. :
W. II. Weymuller being duly sworn ac
cording to law , deposes and says : Ho car
ries the daily BEE on route number 57 , and
has carried this route since April , 1888. At
no time siiu'c that time lias he carried less
than 44 copies of the evening BEE. At the
present time ho carries 01 copies of the
Evening BEE. Between the 27th day of
March , 1893 , and tlio 4th day of April , 1893 ,
ho made u careful and accurate canvass of
every house on bis route , and found thai Iho
World-Herald delivered 55 copies of their
evening edition. Ho also found 50 copies of
the evening World-Herald were delivered
to the same parties continuously during the
months of December , 192 , January and
February , 1893. All the papers included in
above llgures are only these delivered to
actual paying subscribers.
Sworn to before mo and sub.scribed in my
presence this llth day of April , 1893.
[ SEAL.J WM. SIMEUAI , , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
CJcorgo Haniann being duly sworn accordIng -
Ing to law , deposes and says : He carries the
daily BEE on route number 58 and has car
ried this route since February 10 , 1803. At
no time since that time has he carried less
than 70 copies of the evening BEE. At the
present time ho carries 81 copies of Iho
evening BEE. Between Iho 27lh day of
March , 189J and the 4th day of April , 1898 , he
made a careful and accurate canvass of every
house on his route and found that tlio World-
Herald delivered 17 copies of their evening
edition. He also found 0 conies of the even
ing World-Herald were delivered to Iho
same parlies conllnuously during Iho
months of December , 1892 , January and Fob-
rilarv , 1898. All the papers included in
above figures are only these delivered to ac
tual paying subscribers. GEOIIOE HASIAXN.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April , Ib93.
[ SEAI , . ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Dousrlas County , ss :
Jas. A. D.ivis being duly sworn according
to law , deposes and says : lie carries tlio
daily BEE on route number 50 and has car
ried this route since July 1802. At no time
since that time has ho carried less than 72
copies of tlio evening BEE. At the present
time he carries 73 copies of the evening BEE.
Between the 27lh day of March , 1803 , and
the 4th day of April , 1893 , ho made a careful
and accurate canvass of every house on his
ronto and found that the World-Herald de
livered 27 conies of their evening edition.
He also found 22 copies of the evening
World-Herald were delivered to the same
parties continuously during Iho months of
December 189J , January and February 1893.
All the papers included in the above ligurcs
are only these delivered to actual paying
subscribers. JAS. A. DAVIS.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv
presence this llth day of April , 1898.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
Thomas Stonoy being duly sworn accord
ing to law , deposes and says : Ho carries the
daily BEE on route number 00and has carried
this routosinco Augusl , 1801. At no time since
that time has ho carried less than 111) ) copies
of the evening BEE. At the present time ho
carries 114 copies of the evening BEE. Be
tween tlio 27th day of March , Ib93 , and the
4th day of April , 1898 , ho made a careful and
accurate canvass of every house on his route
and found that the World-Herald delivered ii (
copies of their evening edition. Ho also
found 33 copies of the evening Wnrld-Herald
were delivered to the same parties continu
ously during the months of December , 1892 ,
January and February. 1803. All the papers
included in above llgures are only these de
livered to actual paying subscribers.
Sworn to before ins and subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April. 1893.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Publlo
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
Frank Kngler being duly sworn according
to law , deposes and say : He carries the
daily Ben on route number 01 , and has carried
tills route since January , 1893. At no time
since that lime has ho carried less than 83
copies of the evening BBE. At the present
time ho carries 107 copies of the evening
BEE. Between the 27th day of March , 1893 ,
and the 4th day of April. 1S03 , ho made a
careful and accurate canvass of every house
on his route and found that the World-Her
ald delivered 03 copies of their evening cdi-
lion. Ho also found 78 copies of Iho evening
World-Herald were delivered to the same
parties continuously during the months of
December , 1802 , January and February ,
1893. All Iho papers included in above
figures are only ihoso delivered lo aclual
paying subscribers. FKANK ENOLEII.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April , 1893.
[ SEAL. ] WM SIMBHAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
( ! uy Munsell being duly sworn according to
law. deposes and says : Ho carries the daily
BEU on route number 02 and has carried
this route since March 14. At no time since
that time has he carried less than 121 copies
of the evening BEE. At the presc-nttimo ho
carries 120 copies of the evening BEE. Be
tween the 27ih da.v of March , 189J , and the
4th day of April , 1803 , ho inailo a careful and
accurate canvass of every house on his route
and found that the World-Herald delivered
47 copies of their evening edition. Ho also
found Ell copies of the evening World-Herald
wcro delivered to the same parties contin
uously during the months of December , 1S02 ,
January and February , 1803. All the papers
included in above figures are only those de
livered to actual pa } ing suuscribers.
k SWOCQ to before 0.9 aad subscribed in my
present this llth day of April , 1MW. I
ISBAI.I WM ifir.n.u , Notir.v Public.
State of Nobraslw. Douglas Co nt > . * ;
ICilw.ird Hlioldiin. being dub sworn accordIng -
Ing to l.uv. deiymi im.l says : Ho carries
thodai.v 'ir.Boifriuio ! number Oil and has
c.irrifd rout.- since March , IMKI. At no
time since that tlmo has he carried less
tlmn W copies of the evening Bui : . At
the present time lioicurrios 08 copies of the
evening BEK. llotu-een the 27th day of
March , 1803 , and'flld 4th day of April , 1893.
lie made a careful and accurate canvass of
every house on his route and found that the
World-Herald dchvored 44 copies of their
evening edition , lie also found 10 copies of
the evening World-Herald wcro delivered to
the same parties continuously during the
months of December ; 192 , January and I eh-
ruary , 189,1. All th s pipers ; Included In nbovo
figures nro onlythoso delivered to actual
paying subscribers. , KIIWAIIII Snnum.x.
Sworn to before" nio and subscribed In my
presence this llth da.v of April , 1803.
[ SEAL. ] W.M. SIMEIUL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
Patrick Hylanil being duly sworn according
to law , depjs is and savs : Ho carries the
dully BEE on route number 01 and has car
ried this route since March , 1SJ3. At no tlmo
since thai time has ho carried less than 4s
copies of the evening BEE. At the present
time lie carries 51 copies of the
evening BEE. Between Iho 27th day
of March , Ib03 , and the 4th day of
April , 1803 , ho made a careful and accurate
canvass of ovorv house on his route and
found that the World-Herald delivered 12
copies of tlieir evening edition. Ho also
found eleven copies of the evening World-
Herald wcro delivered to the s line parties
continuously during the months of Decem
ber. 180J , and January and February , 1893.
All the inpi-rs Included in above llgures are
only Ihoso delivered lo aclual paving sub
Sworn lo before mo and subscribed In my
prcdonco Ihls llth day cf April , 1893.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
IX W. Alspaugli balngdiily sworn according
to law , deposes and says : Ho carries the
daily BEE on route number 05 an J lias car
ried tills route since January , 1893. At no
time since that time has ho carried less
than 02 copies of the evening Br.i : . At the
present time he carries I'd ) topics of the
evening BEE. Between the 27th day of
March. 1893 , and thulib day of April. 1S03.
ho made a careful and accurate canvass of
every house on his route and found that the
World-Herald delivered 32 copies of their
ovenlmr edition. He also found 82 copies of
the evening World-Hcrild were delivered
to the same parties continuously during the
months of December , 192 , January and
February , IS'.Kl. All Iho papers included in
nbovo flgurou are only these delivered to
actual paying subscribers.
D. W. Ai.srAVdii.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in mv
presence this llth day of April , 1893.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
Kulph Pierson being duly sworn according
to law , deposes and says : Ho carries the
daily BEE on route number 07 and has car
ried this route since January 1 , 1893. At no
time since thai time lias he carried less than
103 copies of the evening BEE. At the pres
ent time he carries 100 copies of the evening
BEE. Between the 27th day of March , 1VJ3 ,
antl the 4th day of April , 1803 , ho made a
careful and accurate canvass of every house
on his route and found that tlio World-Her
ald delivered 03 copies of their evsning edi
lion. Ho also found 52 copies of Ihc evening
World-Herald * were delivered 10 the same
parties continuously during the months of
December 1892 , January and February , 1893.
All the papers included in above ligurcs arc
only those delivered to actual paying sub
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April , 1893.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SnaniAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska. Douglas County , ss.
T. P. Pattcrsou being duly sworn accord
ing to law , deposes and says : Ho carries
the daily BEE on route number 70 and has
carried Ihis route since April , 1893. At no
time since that time has ho carried less than
77 copies of Ihe evening BEE. At the pres
ent time he carries 77'copies of Iho Evening
BEE. Between the 27ih day of March , 1893 ,
and the 4th day of April , 1893 , to my certain
knowledge the former carrier made a care
ful and accurate canvass of every house on
his route and found thai Iho World-Herald
delivered 84 copies bf their evening edition.
Ho also found tt3 copies of the evening
World-Herald were delivered to the same
parties continuously during the months of
December , 1892 , January and February , Ib93.
All the papers included in above figures are
only those delivered lo actural paying sub
scribers. T. P. PATTEIISOX.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April , 1893.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
C. A. Caruenter being duly sworn accord
ing lo law , deposes and says : Ho carries Iho
daily BEE on route number 77 and has carried
this route since November 1. 1S02. At no
time since that time has lie curried less tnan
80 copies of tlio evening BEE. At tlio present
time ho carries 81 copies of the evening
BEE. Between the 27th day of March , 1.S93 ,
and tlio 4th day of April , 1893 , he made a
careful and accurate canvass of every house
on his route and found that the World-
Herald delivered 27 copies of their evening
edition. Ho also found 25 copies of the
evening World-Herald were delivered to tlio
same parties continuously during the months
of December , Ib92 , January and February ,
1893 , All the papers included in above figures
are only Ihoso delivered to actual paying
subscribers. C. A. CAUI-ENTEK
Sworn lo before mo and subscribed in iny
presence this llth day of April , 1803.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEUAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
O. W. Gromoll being duly sworn according
to law , deposes and says : Ho carries the
daily BBE on route number 78 and has car
ried this route since April , 1803. At no time
since that time has ho carried less than 08
coiiies of the evening BEE. At the present
time ho carries 03 copies of tlio evening BEE.
Between the 27th day of March , 1803 , and the
4th day of April , 1S93 , he mauo u careful and
accurate canvass of every house on his route
and found that the World-Herald delivered
GO copies of their evening edition. Ho also
found 53 copies of the evening World-Herald
wcro delivered to the same parties con
tinuously during the months of December
1892 , January and February , 1803. All the
papers included in above figures are only
those delivered to actual paying subscribers.
O. W. GuoMOl.L.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence this llth day ot April , 1VJJ.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas Couflty , ss :
Charles 15. McMillan being duly sworn ac
cording to law , deposes and says : Ho car
ries the daily BEB on route number 79 and
has carried this route since December 12 ,
1891. At no time since that lime lias ho
carried less than 01 copies of Ihc evening
BEE. At the .present time ho carries
03 copies of the ovcnlm : BEE. Bo-
Iwcen the 27th da.v of March. 1893 , and
the 4tn day of April , 1893 , ho made u careful
and accurate canvass of every house on his
route and found that , the World-Herald de
livered 70 copies of their evening edition.
He also found 75 copies of the evening
World-Herald were delivered to the same
parlies continuously during the months of
December , 1892 , January and February , 1893.
All the papers included In above ligurcs are
only ihoso delivered to aclual paying sub
scribers. > ' C. 15. McMn.i.AX.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence this llth ciiiy of April , 193.
[ SEAL. ] WM. , SIMEUAL , .isotary Public.
Stale of NobrasKor , ikmirlas County , ss :
Sidney Paul being duly sworn according to
law , deposes and says : He carries tlio
daily BEE on routu number 80 and has car
ried this route since March , 1 ' . ) : . And no
time since that time lias ho carried less than
10 copies of the evening BEE. At the pres
ent time lie carries 21 , conies of Iho evening
BEB. Bolwccn Ihf ,27th , day of March , 1898 ,
and Iho 4th day' of .April , IblU , ho made a
careful and accurate canvass of every house
on his route and found that the World-Her
ald delivered 48 copies of tlieir evening
edition , lie also found 83 copies of the
evening World-Herald were delivered to
the same parties continuously during the
months of December , Ib02 , January and
February , 1803. All the papers Included In
nboro llgures nro only those delivered to
actual paying subscribers. SIDNEY PAUL.
Sworn to before mo and subscrilxjd in my
presence this 11th day of April , 1803.
( SEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , sa :
ICrwin Davenport , being duly sworn ac
cording to law , dc | > osc3 and says : He car
ries the daily BEE on route number 1 and Iris
carried tills route since March , Ih93. At no
time since that time has ho carried less
than 145 copies of the evening BEE. At
the present tlmo he carries 145 copies
of thu evening 1) ) C. Bulwecu luu 27th
d' y of Mar , h l'i. milthr 4th da , of
April , | SIM. the former i-amer ma li a
rarefm ami > ' canvass of every
house on his route and to nt > pei-sonal Un < jwl-
O.IKO ho fiiuitvl that the World-Herald do-
llvcrod 01 coitles of their evening odl'lon. Ho
also found that 4s copies of the evening
\\orld-Hor.ild wore delivered to Iho s.imo
parties continuously during the mnntlis of
December , 1802. Jamiaty and February , 1803.
All the papers Included In the nboro llguros
are only those delivered to actual paying
subscribers. EHWIN lUvKNiuwr.
Sworn to before mo mid subscribed In my
presence this llth day of April , 1893.
[ 8BAI * ] WM. SIMBIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
William Bat'.in ' being duly sworn accord
ing to law , deposes and says : lie curries
the dully BEE on route number 2 and has
carried this route since February. At no
time since Unit tlmo has ho carried loss than
OS copies of the evening BEE. Allho prosenl
time ho carries OS copies of the evening Her.
Between the 27th day of March. Ib93 , and
the 4th day of April , 1893 , lie made a care
ful and accurate canvass of every house on
his route and found that the World-Herald
delivered 40 copies of tholr evening edit 1 in.
Ho also found 80 copies of the evening
World-Herald were delivered lo the same
parties continuously during the months of
Dot-ember , KL1 , January and February , 1803.
All the papers included in above llgures are
only these delivered to actual paying sub
scribers. WII.I.MM Hi-rris.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence this tlth day of April , I SIM.
( HEAL. ) WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska. Douglas County , ss :
W. 15. Hanker being dulv sworn according
to law , deposes and says : He carries the
daily BEE on route number 8 and has car
ried this route since July , KIJ. At no time
since that tlmo has ho carried less than 105
copies of the evening BEE. At the present
time he carries 174 copies of tlio evening
BEE. Belween the 27th day of March , isl3 ; ,
and the 4tli day of April , 1MI3 , ho made a
careful and accurate canvass of every house
on his route and found that the World-Her
ald delivered 73 copies of their evening edi
tion. Ho alsn found 40 copies of the evening
World-Herald were delivered to the sumo
parties continuously during Ihe months of
December , 180i , January and February , 180.1.
All the papers im-ludod in above lUm-os are
only these delivered to actual paying sub
scribers. f W. 15. HAXKEII.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April , K > 3.
( sim. . | WM SIMEIUL , Notir.v Public.
State cf Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
I * . Wortman nclmr duly sworn according to
law , deposes and says : He carries the dailj
BEE on route number 4 and lias carried this
route since March , 189.1. At no time since
that time has ho carried less than 77 copies
of the evening BEI : . At the pn'srnt time
ho carries 79 copies of the evening BEE. Be
lween Iho 27lh day of March , IMKI , and the
4th day of April 1NO , ho made a careful and
accurate canvass of every house on his route
and found that the World-Herald delivered
78 copies of their evening edition. Ho also
found 50 copies of the evening World-Herald
were delivered to the same parties contin
uously during the months of December , 1802 ,
January and February , 1803. All the papers
included in above llgures are only those de
livered to actual paying subscribers.
U WonrMAX ,
Sworn to before mo airl suscribe.l in my
presence this llth day of April , 1893.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
Walter Everingham being duly sworn ac
cording to law , deposes and says : Ho car
ries the dally Bee on route number
5 and has carried this route since
July , 1892. At no time since that time
has ho carried less than 103 copies of
the evening BEE. At the present time he.
carries 100 copies of the evening BEE. Be
tween the 27th da.v of March , 1893 , and the
4th day of April , 1893 , he made a careful and
accurate canvass of every house on his route
and found that the World-Herald delivered
74 copies of their evening edition. He also
found 5(5 ( copies of the evening \Vorld-Hcralu
were delivered to the same parties continu
ously during Ihe months of December , 1V.I2 ,
January and February , 1893. All the papers
Included in above figures are only Ihoso de
livered lo actual paying subscribers.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April , 1893.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
Joe Stcbbins being duly sworn according
to law , 'deposes and says : Ho carries the
daily BEE on route number 0 and has carried
this route since September , 1802. At no
lime since that time has ho carried less than
92 copies of tlio evening BEE. At the pres
ent time he carries 03 copies of the evening
BEE. Between the 27lh day of Marcn ; 1803 ,
and Iho 4th day of April , 1893 , ho made a
careful and accurate canvass of every house
on his route and found that the World-
Herald delivered 49 copies of their evening
edition. He also found 88 copies of the
evening World-Herald wcro delivered to tlio
same parties continuously during the months
of December , 1802 , January and February ,
1893. All the papers included in above
figures are only those delivered to actual
paying subscribers. JOEI.STEIIIIINS.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed iu my
presence this llth da.v of April , mt.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIAL , NoUri Public.
Stale of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
Fred Pinkerlon being sworn according to
law , deposes and says : He carries the daily
BEE on route number 7 and has carried lliis
route sHice March , 189J. At no time since
that time has ho carried less than 135 copies
of the evening BEE. At the present
time lie carries 135 copies of the even
ing BEE. Between the 27th da.v of
March , 1893 , and the 4th day of April ,
1893 , ho made a careful and accurate canvass
of every house on his route and found thai
the World-Herald delivered 51 copies
of their evening edition. He also found
47 copies of the evening World-Her
ald were delivered to the same parties
continuously during the months of Decem
ber , 1892 , January and February , 1803. All
the papers included in above ligurcs are only
tlioso delivered lo aclual paj ing subscribers.
Sworn lo before mo and subscribed in my
presence Ibis lllh da.v of April , 1893.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska. Douglas County , ss :
E. P. BulToll being duly sworn according
to law. deposes and says : Ho carries tlio
daily JBii : : on route number 8 and has carried
this route since September 7 , 1SHJ. At no
time since that time has ho carried less than
77 copies of the evening BEE. At ttio pres
ent time ho carries 83 copies of Ihe o veiling
BEE. Between the 27th day of March , 1.S98 ,
and the 4th day of April , IhO'I , he made a
careful and accurate canvass of every house
on his route and found that the World-Her
ald delivered 05 copies of tlieir evening edi
tion. He also found 51 copies of the even
ing World-Herald were delivered to the
same parties continuously during Iho
months of December , 1802 , January and Feb
ruary , 1MI3. All the figures included in
nbovo figures are only tlioso delivered to
actual paying subscribers. 15. P. HITPCTT.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April , IMU.
( SEAL. ] WM. SIMEUAL. Notary Public.
Stale of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
Dwight Williams being duly sworn ac
cording to law. deposes and says : Ho car
ries the dally BEE on roulo number 0 , and
has curried this route since June , 1802. At
no time since tint tlmo has lie carried less
than 89 copies of the evening BEB. At the
present lirno ho carries 90 copies of the
evening BEE. Between the 27lh day of
March , 1803 , and the 4th day of April ,
1803 , ho made a careful and accurate
canvass of cverv house on his roulo and
found that the World-Herald delivered 51
copies of their evening edition. Hit also found
! H copies of Iho evening World-Herald were
delivered lo Ihe same parties continuously
during the months of Dojombcr. 1802 , Janu
ary and February , 1893. All the papers in
cluded in above ligurcs are only those deliv
ered to actual paying subscribers.
Sworn to before mo ana subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April , WM.
[ SBAL. ) WM. SIMEUAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
A. G. Carpishck being duly sworn accordIng -
Ing to law , dciMscs and siys : Ho carries
Iho daily BEE on roulo number 10 and has
carried this route since April , 1893. At no
time since that time has ) iu carried less than
111 copies of the evening BBB. At the pres
ent time ho carries 111 copies of the evening
BEE. Between the 27th day of March , 1893.
and the 4th day of April , 1MH , ho made a
careful and aivuruto canvass of every house
on his route a- I found that the World-Her
ald delivered 05 copies of their uvviilnir edi
tion. He alsM found 50 copies of the even
ing World-Herald were delivered to the
sauio parlies continuously during the months
of December , 18'J.i , January an.l February ,
IbO.l. All the papers in.-iu.led in iibovu llg
ures are enl > those delivered to actual vuy-
Ing .MibscrlbTS , A O
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presence this llth day of April. IS03.
I > KAI. ) W -SIMEIUI. . , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
A. Sochs being duly sworn nccimllnif to
M' " . ° IH > SI ? * nlllt sl ; 's : Ho curries the
dully BEB on route number 11 and has
carried this rouiaslnro December. 1802. At
no tlmo since that tlmo has ho citrrlod loss
than 101 copies of the evening BEE. At the
present tlmn ho carries 100 copies of the
evening Unit. Between the 27th day of
March , 1S93 , and the 4th day of April. 1893.
ho made a careful and accurate canvass of
every house on his route and found that the
\\orlil-Horuld delivered 79 copies of their
evening edition. He also found 47
copies of the evening World-Herald were
delivered to the same parties continuously
during the months of December , 1892 , Janu
ary and February , 1893. All the papers In-
eluded In above llgures are only those
delivered lo nclual paying subscribers.
Au'iimi SKCIIH.
bworn to before mo and sunserlbod in my
presence this I Itli day of April. ls93.
( sr.u. ] WM SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
Stntoof Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
lu. I A. Kimkol being duly sworn according
to law , deposes and says : Ho carries the
dally BEE on route number 12 and has car
ried this route since February , isiM. At no
time since thai tlmo has ho carried loss than
111 copies of the evening Br.B. At the pres
ent time lie carries 153 copies of the evening
BEE. Between the 27th du.of . March , 1N.M ,
and the 4th da.of . April. 1SO.I , ho madoa
careful and accurate canvass of every house
on Ills route and found that the World-
Herald delivered 77 copies of tlieir evening
edition. Ho alsn found 02 copies of the
evening World-Herald wort ! delivered to the
same parties continuously during the
months of December. 1MI2. January ami
February. 1803. All the papers included In
above lliruros are only those delivered to
actual paying subscribers. 15. I * . Ki NKEL.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in mv
presence thU lllh duv of April , K)3. )
( SEAL ) WM. SIMEUAL , Notary Public.
Stale of Nebraska , Douglas Comity , ss. :
A. I * . D.ish being duly sworn according to
law , deposes and says : He carries the
daily BEE on route number 13 an.l has car
ried this route since February , ls''i. ' At no
time since that time has ho carried less than
85 copies of the evening BEE. At the pres
ent time ho carries 85 copies of the even
ing Br.E. Botwivn the .Tth da.v of March ,
1893 , and IheHli day of April. Ml. ho m.ido
a careful and accurate canvass of every
house on his route and found tha' I lie World-
Herald deli vcretl 80 copies of tlieir evening
edition. He also found 31 c ipies of the
evening World-Herald were delivered to the
same parties continuously during the months
of December , 180J. January and February ,
1803. All the papers included in above llg-
uros are only these delivered to actual pay
ingsubscribers. ; A. I * . DO-MI.
Sworn to b.'foro mo and subscribed in my
presence tnis llth day of April , 189.1.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEUAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss. :
Clias. Mardis being duly sworn nivordimr
to law , tloposes and says : Ho carries the
dally BEE on route number 14 and has car
ried this route since July , 1S91. At no time
since 'liat time has he carried less tnan 109
copies of the evening BEE. At the present
time ho carries 109 coiiies of Iho evening BEE.
Belween Iho 27lli day of March , IS93 , and
the 4lh day of April , 1M)3 ) , ho made a careful
and accurate canvass of every house on his
route and found that the World-Herald de
livered 81 copies of their evcnin ; . ' edition.
Ho also found 25copies of theeveningVurld \ -
Herald were delivered lo t'nu same parties
continuously during the months of Decem
ber , 180 , ' . January and February. 1803. All
the papers included in above figures are only
tlioso delivered to actual paying subscribers.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in mv
presence this llth day of April. 1803.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
Stale of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
J. T. Hillquist being duly sworn according
to law , deposes and says : lie carries the
dally BEE on route number 15 and has carrie -
rio 1 this route since June , KU. At no time
since that time has ho carried loss than 123
copies of the evening BBK. At the pres
ent time ho carries 135 copies of tlio evening
BEE. Between the 27th da.v of March , IhOfl ,
and Iho 4lh day of April , 1803. he made a
careful and accurale canvass of every house
OH His route and found that the World-Ho.r-
ald delivered 84 copies of their evening edi-
tion. Ho also lound 51 copies of tlio evening
World-Herald wcro delivered to the same
parties continuously during the. mouths of
Doc-ember , 1802 , January and February , 1 > 03.
All the papers included in above llcurus are
only those delivered to actual paying .sub
scribeis. J. T. Hu.Lgris-r.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence thiu llth day of April , Ib93.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEUAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
M. It. Heii'lrix being duly sworn according
to l'iw , deposei and says : Ho carries the
daily BEE on route number 10 , and has car
ried this route since October , 180'i. At no
lime since that lime lias ho carried les.s than
74 copies of the evening BEE. At the pres
ent linio he carries 75 copies of the evening
BEE. Between ti.o 27th day of March , Ib93 ,
and the 4th day of April , 1808 , ho made a
careful and accurate canvass of every house
on his route and found that the World-Her
ald delivered 04 copies of their evening edi
tion. Ho also found 41 eoiiios of the evening
World-Herald were delivered to the same
parties continuously during the mouths of
December , 1892 , January and February. IV.i.'l.
All the papers included in abo\o llgures are
only these delivered to actual pajing sub
scribers. M. it. HEXIIHIA.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April , 1893.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State ol Nebraska , Douglas County , ss. :
C. D. Mahaunah being duly sworn accord
ing to law , deposes and says : Ho carries
the daily BEE on route number 17 and has
carried this roulo since August , 189i. At no
tlmo since that tlmo lias ho carried less
than 128 copies of Iho evening BEE. At the
present time ho carries 131 copies of the
evening BEB. Between Iho 27lh day of
March , 1893 , and Iho 4th day of April , 1893 ,
lie made a careful and accurate canvass of
every house on his route and found that the
World-Herald delivered 09 copies of their
evening edition. Ho also found 59 copies of
the evening World-Herald were delivered to
the same parties continuously during Hie
months of December , 1802 , January and Feb
ruary , 1803. All tlio papers included in
nbovo figures are only these delivered to
actual paying subscribers.
Sworn to before mo and subs-riliod in my
presence Ibis llth day ot April , 1MKI.
( SEAL ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss. :
Willie Munnecko being duly sworn ac
cording to law , deposes andsi.\s : : Ho car
ries the daily BBE on route number IS. ami
has carried this routosinco February. 1893.
At no tlmo since that time Iris ho carried
loss than 4ii copies of the evening BEE. At
llio present time ho carries 50 copies of the
evening BEE. Between the 27th day of
March. 1893 , ami tlio 4th day of April , 1XKI ,
ho made a careful and accurate canvass of
every house on his route , and found that the
World-Herald delivered 15 copies of tlieir
evening edition. Ho also found 15 copies of
the evening World-Herald were delivered
to the same parties continuously during the
months of December , l9i , January and
February , 1893. All the papers included in
above llgures uro only these delivered to
actual paying subscribers.
WlI.I.In Ml'NNKt KE.
Sworn to before mo and suDs-rlbed in my
presence this llth day of April , 1893.
( SEAL. ] WM. taiMEUAi. , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss.
Frank Hultmaii being duly sworn accordIng -
Ing to law , tit-poses and says : He carries
the dally BEE on route number 10 and bus
carried this rulite since October , IbO. . At no
tlmo since th il lime has ho i-arnod than
83 copies of tlio eveniiiBr.E. . At the pros-
cut time he carries 85 copies of tlio evening
BEE. Between the 27th day of March. 1803 ,
and the 4th day of April , 1MJ.I. he made a
careful and accurate canvass of every house
found that Iho World-Her
on his roulo and -
ald delivered 41 copies of their evenlii-'edi
tion. Ho also found 80 copies of tlio evening
Worlif-Herald were deliverel to the same
parties continuously during tlio months of
December , IMU , January and Fuhruary , 1MJ3.
All the papers included in abyve figures are
oiilv these delivered lo actual paying sub
scribers. I'lUNK Hll.TMVS.
Sworn to before mo and sulHcribad in my
present-it this llth day of April , 19.1.
[ SEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , D mglas County , ss :
Harry Steel bjmg duly sworn ucoirJIn ?
to law , depojus mil says : Ho carries the
daily BEE on route number 2J airl Ins car
ried this route slm-o April 8. Ihj.i. Al no
lime snu'O that llmo has ho carried less than
122 copies of the evening BEK. At tlio pro-
uut time bo carries 121 topic ? pi thu
BKB IlPtwei 11 Iho 27th day of March , I8P8 ,
and the 4th day of April , K)3 ) , ho mndn rt
careful and accurate cunvuxs of every IIOUM ,
on hi * route and found that \\urldllcr-i
nld delivered nil copies of their evening edh"
tlon. Ho also found M copies of the ovening'
World-Herald were delivered to the sainu
parties continuously during the months ot
December , 1892 , January and February , 1893.
All the papers Included In above llguns ara
only these delivered to actual pa.ung sub"
Bcrlbcrs. HAIIIIV KTKI. : .
Sworn to boforo. mo and subscribed In my
presence this llth day of April , Ib03 ,
[ SBAI , . } WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public
Stale of Nebraska , Douglas County ss
Hurry Coy being duly sworn according to
law , deposes and says : Ho carries the dally
HUB on route number 21 , and has carried this
route since February 15 , 1893 At no tlmo
since that tlmo has ho carried less than 10(1 (
copies of the evening BEE. At the present
time ho carries 111 coplcsof tlio evening HKB.
Between the 27th day of Miuvh. WM. ami
the 4th day of April , 193 , ho made a careful
and accurate canvass of cverj house on his
route and found that the World Herald de
livered 8H copies of tholr evening
edition. Ho also found 42 ronlrs of tlio
evening WorU-ilot-aid wore dollveivu to the
same parties continuously iluriuu tli immitis
of December IMI2 , and , ! uuuaran I I'obru- '
ury , KM. All the papers Inrliiitiui m ubovo
figures are only these doli\riv < l . , u-luil :
paIng subscribers. HM.IU t , . \
Sworn to before mo and snl.s. i .lie l m my
presence this llth day of April. I MM
[ siu. : . ] WM. SIMEIIAL , Nutarj Publu
State of Nebraska , Douglas Cmmu ss
Ci'-orgo Ax ford being duly swum ar < , rn , g
to law , tleposes and sa.\s : Ho run-tos Hut
dally Biw ; on route number 22 and has tar
ried this route sliicn October. KI-J u no
time since that time has he carrn-a less than
ho copies of the evening BEE. At the pres
ent time he carries01 copies oftli- evening
Bin : . Dctuocu the 2itli dn.of . March KM ,
nitd the 4th day of April KM , he made a Dire
ful and accurate canvass of ever.\ house on
his route and found that the Worl-l lit raid
delivered 50 copies of their o\citing edi
tion. Ho also found IIIcopies ) of the evening
World-llor.ild wore delivered to tbsnmn
parties continuously during the iui-itis : ! of
December , 1802 , January and lVoruar.lvM. .
All the papers included In above figures HIM
only these delivered to actual pa.xini ! s itj-
scribers. ( in > A\r iiu.
Sworn in before mo and su'isi-riluM ' in my
presence this llth day of April. KM
[ SE\L. | WM. SIMEIIAL , Notur.v I'ublii- .
State ol Nebraska. Douglas Cuuiitx , ss
Jesse L. Cook being duly swoin nivm-ding
to law , deposes nil-l says : Ho earns tlm
dally Be.on route number 28 and has ear-
lii'tl this route since August , Ki ° At no
time since that time has he carried loss than
liIiopLMuf th-j ovonin < Bir. : At t no pres
ent time he carries IVJ copied of Hi" evenlm ;
BEE. Del ween the 27th tla.of . Man h. IMBI ,
and the 4th day of April , 18'.i3 , ho made a
careful mil accurate canvass of ever > house
on his route and found Unit the World-Her
ald delivered HIS copies of their evening
edition. Ho also found 02 copies of the
evening World-Herald wore delivered to
the same parties continuously during tlm
mouths of December , KI2 , .lunuury unit
February. KM. All the papers include , ! In
abovellgures are only those delivered to
actual paying subscribers.
Sworn to before mo ami subscribed in my
presence this llth day of April. KM.
I.HEIL. | WM. SIMEUAL. Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas ( Jaunty , ss-
C. W. Parsons being duly sworn ucrnrdiiiif
to law , deposes and says : He carries the
daily BEE on route number 21 and has cur
ried this route since October 1 , IS92. At no
time since that time has he carried less that"
115 copies of tin- evening BEE At the
present time ho carries 113 copies of Iho
evening BEE. Between the 27th day ot
March , KM and the 4th da.of . April , KJ3
he made a careful and accurate canvass or
every house on his route and found that the
World-Herald delivered 113 copies of their
evening edit ! m. Ho also found HI copies of
liio evening World-IIoruld were delivered to
the same parties continuously during tlu >
months of December , 1802. January and
February , 1893. All the papers included in
above llgures are only those delivered to ac
tual paying subscribers. ClIAIILKsl'AUsi NS.
Sworn to and subscribed in my prescnca
this llth day of April , 1803.
[ HEAL. ] WM. SIMEUAL , Notary Public.
Slate of Nebraska , Douglas county , ss :
T. T. Day being duly sworn according to
law , deposes and say.s : Ho carries the dally
UEE on route number 20 and has carried this
route since June , 1802. At no tlmo since that
tlmo has ho carried loss than 135 copies of
the ou'iiingBEE. At the present time ha
carries 151 copies of the evening BEE. Be
tween the 27th day of March. 1803 , and the
4th day of April , IMU , he made a careful and
accurate canvass of every house on his routu
and found that the World-Herald delivered
51 copies of their evening edition. He also
found 41 copies of the evening World-
Herald were delivered to tlio same uarllcs
cunlimiously during Iho months of Decem
ber , 1804 , January and February , 18113 , All
Iho papers included in above figures are only
these delivered lo aclual pay Ing subscribers.
Sworn lo before mo and subs - -rib- I in my
presence tins llth day of April , KM
[ SEAL. | WM. SIMEUAL , Nolan Public
Stale of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss
Fred 'I iliko being duly sworn ucror.liiig to
law , deposes an.l says : Ho carries the tl-uly
Biii : on route number 2f anJ has carried thu
route since Dot-ember , 1892. At no Union moo
that time has ho carried less limn hj copies
of the evening BEE. At the present time ho
carries 80 copies of tlio evening
BEE. Between the 27th day of March ,
1803 , and Iholib day of April ,
1803 , ho made a careful and accurate canvass
of every house on his route and found that
the World-Herald delivered OS copies of their
evening edition. He also found 49 copies of
the evening World-Herald wore delivered to
tlio same 'p-'U'Ucs continuously during tlio
months of December , 1892 , January and Feb
ruary , 1893. All the papers inclu'led in above
llgures are only these delivered to actual
paying subscribers. FIIBII TIIII E.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my
presence this lllh da.v of April , KM.
( HEAL. | WM. SIMEUAL. Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , Douglas Couni.v. ss
John Nemotz being duly sworn at-cordmpf
to law , depases and s-iys : Ho carries tha
daily BEE on route number 2s , and has car
ried Ibis roulo since Augusl 0 , 1892. At no
time since Ihat tlmo has lie carried less th in
44 coinos of the evening BEE. At the pruai-nt
time ho carries copies of tlio evening BKL.
Belween Iho 27th day of March. IWl't , and tlio
4th d-iy of April , KM , lie made a cure fill and
nc'-urate canvass of ovei'i h'mse on his routu
and lound tint the World-Herald delivered
48 copies ol llieir evening edilion He also
found 8S copies of tli , evening World Herald
were delivered to the same parlies continu
ously during the months of December , 1MI2 ,
January and February. KM. All the paport
included In ubovo ligurcs are unty those do-
livured to aclual paying subscribers.
Sworn to before me nnd subscribed in u > r
presence this lllh day of April , KM.
[ MEAL. ] WM. SIMEIIVL Notary Public.
Stito : of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss
H. C. Knodu lu'lim duly sworn according to
law , deposes and says : Ho carries the daily
BEE on route number 20 and has carried this
route since March , KM. Al no tlmn uliuo
that time has ho carried les.t 117 i-opioi
of the evening BEE. At the present time hit
carries HI ) copies of the evi.-iiing Brn Be
tween the 27th day of Man h , KM , and Iho
4tli day of April , KM. ho made a careful and
ntviir.itu e.mvass of every house on his routu
and foun 1 that HID World-Herald dollverod.
07 copies of their i.-voulng edition. Ho alsn
found M copies of thu evening SVorld Heralil
were delivered to the .111110 parties continu
ously tlui ing lli'Miiunlhs tif December , IS'.L ' , ,
January and February , 1893. All the papers
Included In iibovo figures are only Ihoso de
livered to actual paying sirlis.-ribors
li C. Ksoni :
Sworn lo bsforo mo and subscribe , ! In my
presence tills llth day of April , KM ,
( HEAL. I WM. SIMEIIAL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , I ) iuilas County , ss
Arthur Corbitt being duly sworn accord-
inir to law. deposes and spiys : Ho carries the
dally BEE on route ; number 80 and hau car
ried Ibis roulo since October , IhOJ At no
time since that time has ho carried loss than
45 copies of Iho evening BEB. At the pres
ent time ho carries 15 copies of Iho evening
BEE. Between the 27lh day of Maroh , 1803 ,
and the 4th day of April. 180.1. ho made a ,
careful and nccurntu canvass of every hotiso
on his ro'ito ' an I fnuir.l that thu World Her
ald delivered 2H copies of their evening edi
tion. Ho also found 82 copies of the evenIng -
Ing World-Herald wtsrti delivered to the
same parties continuously during the months
of Dec-umber , KJJ. January and February ,
1803. All the papers included in above figure *
are only tlioso delivered to aclual payIng -
Ing subscribers. Anna u CouiiRi r
tiwuun to before mo and autuuribod m my