THE OMAIU DAILY DEE ; TUESDAY , APRIL 11 , 1893. 8PEG1HL NDTIGE8. A l > XKini l MKNT * " Kiiil illf K'COI.l'MNB .Aw , l > iakcn unlil IJ ' Op m [ or tlincrcnlnv inn un < " Jpm J r Iho mornlnif and Similar edlll ons Ailtrttrn by requesting numbered iliok can Imre Uiftr answers addrp i-d to 5 numbered letter n carocf Tlir. lltr Answers o addressed will b , flc Irtred upon oronenlallon of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED ] Hates , ( lie n word flml Insertion , le n-word Ihere- aflcr NcthtnK liken for Icsi Ihan Kc. . A I1AI1II IIAVK A LIST OK STBS- AII01I.K8 , all grades , furnlshod business men flee bphe . V. Life. 'lei SML MUM AH - ) . I'KIIMANKNT SITUATION WITH good house by competenl , ciperlenced vcnlie- tnan stenographer ownlnit machine , llest ol refer ences 1C , U Uay , 1-cmnrs. In. 2' lit * liriIA lflK MAN WITH SOMBKXI'KIU A enro ant petition with hardware nnil Iraplo- tacnl or lumber company Address ES6 Bee - . I'O n Ii'.V AS TllA VIM.ISd SA1.KS- man f r wholesale home Itefrri-nco fur Msbod Hardware preferred B 30 , care Ili-p M477 II * WANTED MALE HELP. Italcn mo n word tlr l Insertion , Ic a word Ihero alter for lets than Zic n SAI.AHY ou roMMi iov TO "AOKNTS'TO J > bundle the 1'alent chemical Ink I'rnsur I'cncll The most useful und note ! Invention of Iho ncu Vrases tnklhorotiKhly In two dotomli XX'cirk like moKlc VJOloWJ per cent prolll Aiienta tuaklna If/l per week XVo iilso wanl u gcn ral imonl lo lake charge of lerrllory and nppolnl suh ngenu A rnre ebante lo mnko money XX rlto for terms nnd a Kper linen of craning Monroe Erasing Hfg Co , \ It , l.ntroisc , XX Is tin 9f _ _ "I > XX ASTKI ) TIlAVr.I.INO SAI.K8MKN TO J iell baking powder XX'epulonr goods In class rJlMng pins ftJ ) monlh salary and expenses , or 25 per cent , coraml lon html tlamp for reply < hleigo IlnkiDk' 1'onder lo. . 707 X'au Durun M , ( bicago HJ 3 T > -BKI ! CS IK VOU AIIK BKKKINO A HHill JJKrade position. XX'u have placed hundreds In rood positions XVcsturu UuslLcss Agency. 310 N. V I.HeblclK W4 a-30 1 I.AHOHKIIS AM ) IIO'JKMBN ON THK II & . M. 1'lty extension In fccutb Onkola , wages. 11 75and I2UU free pass. Kramer & O Ilcarn Labor Agency , KM houth lllb street. M474 17 * ll YOI XX'A.NT A GOOD 1'\ri.Nf ! J01I XX'lllTi : the lluwks Nursery Co , illlwnukec , XX'lsM1WM3 M1WM3 * ) XVA.NTKI ) . HAILHOAD LAIIOIIKIIS KOH THE I Jll 4 M fllcn-lon near Dcudwood bouth Da- Rotii uood wages free pass llouniroo , X. ( o , Labor Accncy 1120 1'arnam Hrecl M 1M 1 > HKNl * ! ? ' ! XXAN'IKD , A roMI'KTKNT I'Eil- l > nn who understands deullilry. Addre 15 n , lleo onice M323 1 > IIXKKlT ] liTlHAD AND CAKH lIARHll I'waiiu.d compolent to do tlr t cla f work , must tm cteadr nnd tober ; stale nge , nalloi nllly nnd nnges Iloxi ii "Sunktoli.H D Stilt II * 1) XX'ASTKD 1-HIST CLASS KXI'HUIK.VCHO 1'drcha goods talesman None but A 1 aiilnsman hn thoroughly undorttnnili druts KOOdB need ap ly at tbu lloston ' lore , Omntin. M4I1) ) 11 WAViFurou BVINIMOIIK AT i > it Itoscwatcr BORJce , lleo bulldlnx 118 10 * . . . ' XIAKBHS XX'A.NTKD J.I ! ilcDONAl.I ) , > 3I7 U lith st ( M 10 -WAM nil. A KIllfeT CLASS COAT M AKKIl AT I'onio hr C It Humes , Hastings , rtob , stendT nork 4iil II * P-WANTKII. COACHMAN , xtubT nu KIIIST J'class and slnclo man , npplv la.'l Davenport st. 4tii 12 J-WANTED. TIHMMKlt , MLSTIIU A 1'UACTI- 'cal lallor address B 2 , lice 440 12 -WA.STKD , 1'ANTAl.OON MAKKlld AT THE ] ! _ Continental Clolblnp Honso 415 II k iirsincLMf.s AT nil : CO.NTI- tothlnc House 4(1 11 kBr 16 TO IS Y IS A IIS OLD AIM'LY Br Kannun el. ia : 10 1J-WANTBII A KIHsT CLAPS , UM'KIIIKNrHI ) -I'grocery biilesmnn to take the route of the late ( icnrgu if colt , would llko a man thoroughly fumlilir with that particular route , musthaxna nmnof eitierlenre. no other need apply , ran oner in oxcullonl position to right ui n Addrers us nt I nrroll. Letts , Hetcher Company , Wholesale llrocers. M4t17 7) THAV1SLLNO MAI.KaMKN , GKNKllAL J > nguuts nnd eanvnsscri looking for large ml arlcs , big conimlsslous or enormous prolits nelllni ; an article of rare merit , nnd protected by a patent , should communicate with the undersigned at once Wu assign largo territories nnd protecl our repre sentatives Address 1 aclory , 17o and 18) Commer- rlal bl , Lynn , .Mass M47S H * B TAlLlllS WANTKD. TWO KlllST-CLASS coalmakers nt once , ftteady work and good ay at N. Nlllsen , Merchant Tailor , 1 rrmont , I < ct , M47U 13' I | > - WA.STKD. HLACKflMlTIl , HOrSKSItOKIl . 'preferred stonily Job for right mun. W Ituth- erford , Aurora. Neb M476 li' -HILL CLK11KS WANTED. IIY WHOLK.bALK tlrni , tlrst-clnss , experienced bill clerks ; only men nho are rapid and accurate nnd have been cm ployed In hilling lor large mercantile houses need answer , goodwnges and Meady work to proper persons , Address K SI , lloe. M4MI 13 "WANTED FEMALE HELP. llntcs. me a word tlrst Insertion , lea word there after. Nothing taken for less than 25c. - WOMAN TO WAIT ON TAIILK AM ) DO CWOMAN general housework Wages (300 per week Must sleep at homo. Apply at 1112 Douglas. MittS f 1 WANTKU , A LADY TO ASSIbT US AT IIOMK v In mailing and addressing circulars Kor terms send nddiesucd and fitamped envelope Ilerfha lieni , Secretary to uth llend , Ind - M2J524 * -WANTKD , OIIIL KOII GENBIIAL HOUSE" nork , small family. 1J37 North luth et. 242 / 1-WANTED , niHL VOU ( JKKKIIAL 1IOUSE- V. work , muLt bo good cook. Apply 047 Dodge stieut. M..21 C WANTKD , A NKAT , QUIKT OHIL KOH OKN cral housework. .30. ! Howard street. 243 10 -I.ADIKSMAKUKODO WEEKLY WH1TINO AT homo for ( ilcn Toilet company , bouth llend , ind > o canvassing. Heply llh addressed ( lamped envelope. MM U * -WANTKD , KIH'sT-CLASSOlIlLATONTH KOII general housework ; throe In family. North Mc urney strcit MC.'l 11 P WANTID. LADIBS AND r.niLs. WE win. -Jpay you (100 to f ID CO per week to work for us at your homes , no painting or canvassing send telf , addressed envelope deorgu K Kmmons V 10 , corner Hatter ) March and Water streets Hoi tun Must , M4U8 12' p WANTHD , AOIHLATC22S. I9T11 bT ( IKIt V mnn girl preferred 455 II * -COM I'KTRNT COOK WANTKD AT an NOHTI1 19th Itrecl 453 12 * 0-WANTBD , T\\O ( ilULS.THUEi : IN FAMILY , Apply No S Worthlnitlon 1'lace , opposite Ilrovnoll hall , near M. lUth ulreei 451 -WAN'IISD KlUST-n.AbS THIMMKIl AN1J preparer Mlis UaKidalu , millinery. , U7 llroad sr.Ciuinell Hliint M465 12 f -WA.STKD. . A OIIIL KOII GKMiUAL IIOINK V. work IU24 Douglas bt MIS3U A K1TCHKN O1UL , AL-O A SEC 'ond girl , at f ! > Dodge ft. MIS5 U1 FOR RENT HOUSES _ Hales , lOc n line each Insertion , f I 50 a line pe month Nothing taken for lens than : . ' > c - IIE.VT I1OUSK8 IN ALL PARTS Ol D-1OH clly The II K UavU company 1505 Farnam siD OR lKNT TWO 5-HOOM COTTAC.Ks OJ D F motor , Call at southwest cor. Vth and Douglas H-J7 D-ll-KOOM COTTADK8 , bTANl-OHI ) CIHCLK new uioderu C b. Ktguller , W < lleo bldff 69S HKNT TXX'O ClIOlCi : FLAT ? . JO ANI DHJIl . * ! Moors Inthol' . K Her block , cor lull am Jaikton > tr ela Cull ul 111J Hurnuy mrecL MSOl . I IIINT. 7-noo.M iioiitKs IN on AH ; D X'lcw for toper ruonlh 11. ZtS , McCacue blug DD D -S AM ) I IIOOM Al'AUT.MK.NTS , VAN DOH ! block , wllh sleani llefercuces requlred.SIO SVJd M -fj-i -KOH HKNT 8 HOOM COTTACK. nOOD Rl ! pair flu per mo , Including clly waler. ' 117 N 31 take l-nrnum ear MOftiol , 714 S 10. US I \-l-Oll HKVI MOI1KHN 9 HOOM HOUbKS o : .l-/S'.ith and l'as > etri'ots Call at ouco , 121 lie lildg Harris 111) ) " 11-4 UCOxr KIAT , III , 4-HOOM FLAT , fM J room Uut.fJO All ronTenlencet Opp .lelTorso : muirn lloborta , li8 | CbiceKO I77.M I' I-X- rOll IIE.NT , TKN-IIOOM MODE11N UOl J JJi.tS toutti I'th iu clot * lo business router , nri room cotluge , M south 3Hh > l. nt > ar raolor Hue teal ri > asonable. Inquire \ > U Sontli 171U st Mlt DMODKKNO 11OO M COTTAGK , UEAUTlFt ; . Uwu , sbadu , etc. N 11. corner fid and Miami. MSil IA-DKSIHAULK FUIINISHED HOME or L'rooini near Uanicoui park , will rent lo rlf b parly lor six months , { rom May 1 , IIS.00. Addres K2J , Hot ) Dice. MUCH * | V"rtiU KENT , HKAUTIrL'I , NKXX' MODKH ! X'brlck bouie.U rooms , full lol , 40lh and Cumin lre u. Call ne l door or Midland blale bant DM-llOOXl HOL'SK , ALL MOIIKIIN CONVKI Ipncos Wil S ! Ud si , rent 110. lo-room liouti list ana Dodge , tent I2& , llruunan , Lore and Co 1'ailooblock V6i 11 D KINK IA1IGK MODrillN HOUSK , KVKR D.T cnavenlanra. itffll lapltol avenue. HIM ITf * . .TIIOOM HOUSE , lit KKAU UABON bTUEt tJ-Stchuol. Inquire lOlt ) tionlh Mnd si. D-FlNK FIVE (5) ( ) HOOM COTTAOB , C1T aler. W-fool lol , fenced. No t7t4 Obto streel alretl car line , rood nelubborhoodi rent , lit p month , or will aell oa easy Urmi j tars at XX beelt - Wbe.l.r's O0jo , > o , 1 CrelgUlOB lllock. Haul tan u TOR RENT HOPBE8. D-n AM * IIOOM HOLISM * . CF.NTIIAI , UCA lion. Inquire J K llsrton , MIS Cupllol aTenne. D-ttlll HRKT , A NKAT1IOOM C < TTAOK TO imall tamllr. 31V a mint. Inquire at HIT. m _ _ -FI.A19.T7wKhM.NOH.COTT A CIBsTAI.I , I'AHTS elly Kllkennr A Co , 11 I , Continental block D-LAIIOK LIST I10USKS , t > AlU I * KAHNAXI Mlinil' D-rOlt HKNT , A IIOUSK.7 UOOMS , A\D IIA UN for 16 hones , on Ohio and lilh. Inquire Joe Ilcdman. M/iU 12 * _ -KAHM AND C1TV LOANS XX'AVTKl ) . MONBV nnliaud Larve lltl of homo for rent. Dee W. 1 * I unto , room ii. liMil t-nrnaru St. MSN II -T-ltOOXl KLAT9 IN M'.XX' MOOKIIN 11 f f 1,1) Ine conlrnlly locnlcd , fMUOimdtJ&UUpcr month Kelkunny , Y Lo room I , blk M'J XII D-iou UIM\IO : IIOOM m7t > < Bt ioi"i ot HI.AS sired. I'.mjulro of MorlU Merer , cor Ibth nnd Karrmm MS D-I Oil IlKST S HOOM COTTAUE.ALL XIODKHN conrenlclices bIJ s ISlh sL 11711 * D-VO. . KK.VT. 8 KlKrC'"iri AGE. KUUMTL'ltE for n nlc cheap ul . N ivth H. l'i Id * -4 lU'OM COTTATlU "roliKXT WKI.I. AM > U cIMorn water HUO per mouth furniture for an * Avunuu II , louncll Illuns M1T.I FOR RENT FUBNISHED ROOMS. Itntca , 1' ' c a word tint ln t > rtton IP a word there after Nothing tnk n for lens limn 2Jc MCE"V"tilNUliBirilOOll"AT : I3 FAUN AM U ill 11 * 17-l-Olt 11KNT. A N1CKI.Y FUUNt IIKI > 1'HONT l.Jiuum with or without board Call al2IU7 DOUK- in street. MM I 12 -NICKLY U'llNISHhl ) blTTINO ANIIM.EKI- IvNICKLY ilng eoom. 112 UO a month CO ! S 17 st 3il 10 * ENKWLY 1 UllNlttHKI ) ItOUMS , ,1H N 231) 333 I ? l-tUMsUKI ) IIOOMS WITH STEAM HKAT I-/Ior gentlornun only , 1018 Howard st , 2nd floor 037 -TOH IIK > T. KUONIHOOM 9U1TAULU KOll E ! one ; Kentlerann , 2U2I Davenport St. MU7 17 - -jriIllMSlIKIIlO ) KOIl HOUSKKEKI'INO Ijfor man und wife llcnl lukcn In board. JIH N. 17th liUi E KMl IIK.ST. NHWLV FUIISISIIKI ) UOOMS , all moilumconvenluncas 1/J N 1'Jlh St. St.SI21J11 * - CLASS ACOM\10I\TI i.NS ITU- E-HHT nlthed without charc for vtorld fnlr vt > ltor nt rennnnnble raten Address Lonli & Vntl , SIS Chrimher nud Comuiercu ChluaKO M1"y U * 17-rUUMSUKlKYL.M-iniMSHKII , 1017 C A 1' AVB ll M417M9 * E-KUiisisiii : ! ) HooMx. MODHHN Icnee * plensant locntlnn. out tdo rooinn HO tic ( U nnd 112 UU lX'61iolKei ( ' > trect , M472 U E-'M\0 Fl'llM-MKIl IIODSls , GIS.MLIIMK.V only Mil ) Davenport strcel FURNISHED KOOM3 AND BOARD. worn tint Insertion , Ic n word there after Nothing taken for lens than 2'ic. -THU DULA.N , 2i ANI ) 'II N. I8TII > T. POO | 7-TOU.SI ( WOMKN 4 1IOMK , UMill CAHKOF IVotuun s Chrlsllmi association , 111 So 17th st. st.UUI F nOAllI ) . IMUVATE IIOUSB , NKWLY KCIl- nUhcd , lioiuotibly , rntos modorata. 1U2I K nr nnm 3UA12- 71-lIKALTIFUL bOUTH FHONT liOOSIV1TU tlrst clans boird. 17' " . ' Dodt'e st 2J3 10" -UOOMS WITH 1IOAIID , 'Ola DOUGLAS sT M2W MC 1 - MCKl.Y rUllMsnUI ) KHONT OH 1IAIK -i rooms with board , food location , near buslnes center , biith , gan ; Ion charges ! > ? U .North ll'th street S147I IS F ' -KI11S1 CLASS DAY I10AHD AND .SICKLY furnUhed rooms at the Hillside , 18th nud Dodee. S47 10 * I7-H ll.MbllKI ) HOOM3 WITH 11OA11D HKl I ereniei 2 11 l-nrniun .HI 14 * -NKWLY F'JllMbllED HOOMh Wl'lII IIIIAHD , 1 Oil N 1Mb. M42J li' FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS Kates , me a word first Insertion , lea word there after .SothlnK taken for less than 2.c G-KOIl HUNT. KtlL'Il UNI UllNlslIKD UOOMS with bath , tor light housekeeping , 24I& Ersklna et. . north 24th street. 13.03. 211 It , * G5 NICK UOOVjEiClIBAr COJ NOUTU M5IOM7 18TH ST. * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES Hales , lOcn line each Insertion , ( I M a Hue per month. Nothing taken for lei s than 25c. T ONE KOUIt bTOIlTiillicK UUllTDING.Z ! KKET -Lwlde. 1407 Ilnrnoy st. vai 1-tOll HUNT , 8TORK ON ! - 11TH ST. LANGE block , null able lor meal market , hardware or dry goods store InqttlroiiUtlS Uth sL VKB 1-KOH HKNT , THK 4-STOIIY I1H1CIC HUILDING 1010 Karnamst lha building has a fireproof ce ment basement , complete sleam heating fixture * , water on all the lloorn , gas , ate. Apply ul thu otllco of The lloe. Dig T-KOIl HUNT. OSB TIIK1SK-STOKY AND BABE J-mcnl brick store hulldlng. 10J5 tarnam streel ; one story and basement brick store building , tlb bouth llth street. Mat , 415 bouth lllh street , one store , 1410 Capitol avenue All In first class con dlllon , for rent on reasonable terms. Inquire of A J. 1'oppleton , room 314 Klrst National llunkbldg M214 T-TOHK.ST , VERY CIIKAP , 1'AHT TKACKAOB 1 warehouse with use telephone , porter , and clerk , btorago or otherwise 1017 Jones at. 22UA10 r-OKFlCKS.WlTHNKLL IILK..U KLSHANS AOT. L B y MB AGENTS WANTED. lutes , mo a word Mr si Insertion , le n word there after Nothing taken for lo than'Joe r-ACiKNTS , K1TI1KH SltX. DO YOU XVISH A ' good position nelllnc our "Ilread Cuke & 1'arlne Knives , also "Curferl : ' No capital needed Oooda light and ntlracllra I'rotltliO per c nt. Clauas Mirar Co . Kanaus Lily , Mo. .MiTO .Mltr WANTED TO RENT. Hates , 1 0 a word Qrst Insorllon , Ic a word Ihera after Nothing taken for less than 25a -I WANT TO LKASK. MAY 1 A COrTAOB. C or 7 rooms , with modern Improvements. I rank L. Gregory , 17U3 hurinnij SJO K-W\NTKD. IMMEDIATELY. NKAIl 11ANS- totn park , comfortable room by young gentle man. west side of park preferred , address , stating terms ulc. , 1 * O. box Ju , Omaua. 4M ) 11 * K-l IIAVI5 bKVltHAli GOOD TK.NASTS KOII good houses I enn rent > our house , bend keys and full description to Lyman Waterman bid N. Y Life building MI7UI1 * STORAGE. Hates , lOc a line each Insertion , II 60 a line per month Nolhlqg Inken for less Ihan I'M. not M - BTi'HAOK ol HOUSK1IOLU GOODS , clean nnd cheap rates It 'Walls , 1111 1 arnam M-HKATlNGHToVr.S STORKI ) DURING bUM- mer , special storage for household goods Tel WO. 12U7 Douglas. Utuahabtovo Repair works M4U7 WANTED TO BUY. Hates , IHo a word first Insertion , la a word there. after. Nothluc Inkan for less Ihan ' 'ic. X1 fAbll VOU FUllMTUlfcr ll sTKHOlJi 1 > goods elc , or will sell for owner In our aucllon sales. R Wells , 1111 Farnam 905 \r-WlLL PAY CAS1I FOll BRICK IIL'SINESS 1 > block on Sixteenth St If good paying Invest ment. Address , irlrlng location , price mnJ lotal In come K 17 lire M375 11 FOR SALE FURNITURE. Rales lto a won ! first Insertion. Ic a wind there after Nothing lakon lor lost than 2jc 0-Foll SALK UY 1'lllVATU SALK , HOUSu holdfurnllure 1720 N 18. SSI lu- 0-VXR8ALK. ALLCARI'KTt ) AND KfllNITURr of a 10 room houm Musi bo sold al once 2201 Dodge. M4I3 1 ! 1-OR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC , Hates. lte a word Urst Insertion Ic a word Ihere aflur Nothing taken for loss Ihan 25a T > -FOK SALE. NICK 11AY CAHRIAGU TBAM 1 and carriage. L. W. Tulle js. IOJ 1'oarl St. , Coun Cll llluDs , 11-GOOD HOUSE AM ) I'H.ttrON. A NICK IUC L cheap for cash Address KKJ , 1'ea M441 K" 1J-FOH SALB , ONK KLKGAN1 DRIVING 1KAJI X also on * work learn wagon and harness , must b < sold at once for cash or on time to suit purchaser Fidelity Loan and Guarantee Co. , room I , Wlthnel block , cor. 15th and Hartley M4U 11 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. lUles. me a word flrst Insertion , Ic a word then after Nothing Ukun for less than lie. - 'baled hay at fiUO per Ion , on board cars a Ames , Neb. Toll price may bo wllbdrawn al an ; tlm . WX -DllICi : roil HALK CHEAP AT J1TII ANI Dorcas. 9 u ( "V-KOIl 8ALK , ONE FOOT I'OXYKU MOHTlBElj FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Ill/Kill XX'HITK I.KOnoilN SlTOCK > Vfcits , II N selling Address T Center dwel. Mitt II' -nit'll FlltST-CLA * I'ATKNT * KOII "sAI.K or trade. Joseph D Miilth , Hoi so ; , ttlslng City , Net t Ml * -mitSAI.K. 1'UHK DAKOTA lltJSSIAN KI.AX. Ihoriiuuhlr cleaned for oowlne xx'rllo for Bimnlennd price Uretl-Uaker Co , llcnrjr. 8. D. HW-AJl' -VIJOS 1011 tlATCIUNd HIO.M THOItOUOH- ureit l.litht Hcalinmn In nnr qtianlllr. Mock anil rard > rccond to none. Inspection IntlUnl K B llarl. Itlll'oulliMdtt. M108 -A Ao . TKSlT OK BTOWK-S INCA KD niacli'ni's and llnncrs looln AdJreas M Dc nitlil llelTldere , .Neb MW 11 * _ -KHISALK. THOIinimiliHKDSl IIKIUSAHD Q and Otoal I ana imoplos. podlicroed stock , rxtrii Una tired , two innnltmold tnll Hold Del lone oralilrers J t. lord , 105 lourt avt-nnc DCS .Molnus 5i It * ( * M TAT A I.I1 A TltKIW ( , uinha lleol Kslate and Trust companr room I , lleo bulldlnu .MIH6I3 MISCELLANEOUS. Ilntev IHc a word tlm Inserllon Ir a wuril Ibcro nflor Notlilne taken for Ice- limn U-XVANTKII. IIOl JEKI-KI'KIIS 1O KNOXV that wo renovnle nnJ ilioroughjy clean by Iho niot Improved procures fi'ntlipr beds nnd pillows Hlgheftl marktfl prices paid for new ami old ft'ilh ers Illllow * . Duup , lllh anil Davunporl Ifle phone I.flUJ U.rnlO 1)-1 VI'KXX IllTKltS I Oil HUNT. XX'H CAN I'Ull - xnIMi you either a No 2 or No G llemlnglon lype > writer In tlrot dun condlllon. on rtnlnl lilvu us nrull XX rcKort , spnrannv \ llcneJIct , ITU Farnnta etrot't. Oinalin. Netiraskn i < 0 T -OM. CAIll'Bl' , HUO CLKAMXO TO . 2J15 JV riilciiBO MM9AH * -1-OH HUNT , LAND IK TIlACrs. TO iionr I lurcnco laku WO acres tn all. Ilotcs Hill. U'Jj ' l-arnum street MgslAW i-UAHN IOII llK.Sf , 514NOUTI1 2JI ) . fi 00 A JAmonlli MIDI II' _ -A HAD I111HATH ttl'Oll.S THK JlKAt'TV OK a Venus Kurcka Cnlarrh Cure rpollii a tiad tireath ( irntwful. conifortlnc henllnv. for nasal calnrrb and kindred dli-onlurs of tbo motnucb and lioni'lv for colds , nero tliroiit nlioopltiK coush , croup. Me of druk'Ctit or by mull Bntnplukc. Vulk Ileuivdjr ( ompnny , MlnneupollB , Minn 17 riiKsu JUICE coix' i'o'n HAI.B AT * : < M BUS xxcru at the Hli kinau place making seine repalis. Tnex left about tl o'clock The lext mot nliiK Mrs Mahon loft Tor her hus band's farm in the biiKirj. Hoth before and nfter tl.o "O'LAllVYVOYANTS. Hales , lOc n line cncb Inserllon , f I M n line per month Nolblnglaken for lcs than 2Ao NANMK V XX-MlllfN , C'.AlltVDVAST , ess inoJIuin tlftb year at 119 N irtb IW nu. M LUHitAri : , I'u trnnco clnlrvo uni nnd life roajpr , tell * your Ilfo ( nun crndlo lo Kraro , can lie coniulted ou all uRnlrs of life lia tbo celebrated 1 eyptlnn brcnsl pluto to unite thu tvparutud ntul cause tuarrlnKO nllbonujuu lo\c Come ono. coma all nnd be convinced of her retnurkiiblu powers OtTlce und roldotuo 417 h lllh M . hours 0 a m to Up m Htrlcl life chnrt and pholo of your future wife or hunbund stMil UirouRh nmll for KM. churl alone , > JOO All letters contnlnlui ; i cents In ulainpB promptly annworod 231 III' MASSAGE , BATH , ETC. Hates , It o n line each Insertion { I Yj a line per month Nothing taken for loss than 250 rP MMK CAH-ON 11.11 DUL'tiLA'sblllEHT , SKI ) ' Moor , room 7 uia&saKe alcohol , auli > hur and sea Imtln. 3aa U * 'P VAI1AMKIITII. . .7)3 ) H ISPII 2ND 1 Itoonii Mas Bce , vapor , aluot-ui , sleamuluhur laoundsea haths J U78 15 * PERSONAL , . llntes. l c a word tlrst lust rtlon. Ic a word there after Nothing taken for less than 25c IF YOU KAHSBsI'LY 1NTHM ) TOMAUKY U quick well , honorably , send lOo for Matrimonial NCHS Mer ur. millud lu plain oaloJ envolopo. Mercur. 2.3thst. ( .Sew York M51S AI8' U CUT THIS OUT AND I'HUhKST AT COWAN'S photo studio , 2IJ1 and 2121 Cumin ? st nnd you will bo entitled to 12 brlsto cabinet photos of vour- Bolf , Kilt odBO cards , nnd one 8xU ! nrUlo for f 1 W. without this S5UU , for ten darn onlr Tnkon In all kinds of weather Come one come all M331 A27 U-WILLIAM. IK YOU LL bMOKH KINO LOUIS , 3 for ! will bo forulven Iracy , Tohao contst. Drown hlk l ( > th und DouKlas S3 ! A27 U MASsAGH TltEATMKNT , KLKCTHIOTHKH mal baths , scalp and hair treatment , manicure an J chiropodist Jlrs. I'o t,3l9 > 4 S lllh.llhuoll hlk 108 U-AN ILLIT8TIIATKD MAUHlAOi : I'AI'KU , rich and > plcy , conlalnlnf ; hundreds of adver tisements of w althy. beaullful women nnd hand- fnme teen sopklnc correspontfentt end for free copy Kindly Inclose stnmpi JJrown 1'ub Co , lemplo Court , Toledo. O. 2 5 18' - rERMANKNTLY CCHED 11Y A U-IMLK8 Uncle painless treatment Diseases of the rectum a specialty Dr. A. J Cook , Annex , ( .rand hotel. Council Ulults M3I1 21 - YOUNG LADV WHO AKIUVKD OVKH U-ITTHE the Mo I'aclflc Ihursday mornlns with the brown dress open In back and IlKlit fur Irlmmed coat from Hottprlncs , will tend her addros to U 32 , L'ee office , > b will receive a pleasaut nurprlso M431 11- MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. Rates , lOe a line each Insertion. $1 DO a line per monih. Nolulng laken for le < > than 2jc. T cTf GELLKNUECK , 11ANJO1ST 4. TEAcTTEIl , ' 1B10 California alreet I'll ' MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Hates , lUc u line each Insertion. II 60 a line per mouth. > othlnK taken for less than * &o. KATES , FIDELITY TluST CiSl- any.KWKarnam street. 1HJU \V CENTRAL LOAN & TRUST CO. , UKE BLDG > T 1)10 ) \T-C. F. IIAIHIISJN.SUN. V. LIFE. > 811 \\7 MORTGAGE LOANS LESS THAN 7 I'EH " ' c nl , Including All charges. Charles W. Halnoy , Omaha Nat. hank bide. 913 \ VANTKD AT ONCK LOANS OS IMI'HOVICD ' Omaha property ; low rates. Fidelity Trust company , ltU2Karnam si .W 1lTnilST i SECOND MOHTGAGK LOANbON 11 Omaha properly A. on farms In adjacent coun ties tend full dencrlptlon Alex Moore,4U1 llee bhlg HU \1T-1XAVSON 1M1MIOVKD AND CNIMI'llOVKI ) " ' city pro > ertyU.liUU and upiMirds.MoCVi pel cent No delays. W taruamsmllh i.Co , I5lh nnd Unrney 914 \\r-OXIAHA SAMKlib HANK MAKES LOANS IT on reolcslale al lowest niarkcl ratus Lonna nintlu In small or lurgn Bums for short or long time. No commission Is charged and Hie loans nre nol sold In the east , but can always b found al Ihu bank on the corner of Utb nnd Douglas Ms illt ! YIT I AND 2 YEAH LOAN'S ON CITX' ANI ) KAIIM ' morlBBge * lleodi. Selby , 3(1 llourd of Irarto 17 TyMOSKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA ANI ) COUN- ' ' ell llluHs real eslale nnd Nebraska and Iowa farms ul frorn5 > < topper cent Inlcrem , with no ad ditional cuariraB for commissions ornttorneya fee * XX' 11 , Melkle , Ul Nal 1 bank bUU. Omaha HI8 \\7-MONEV TO LOAN AT LOXX'KM' HATES ' ' IhoO K Darls Co , ISJi Karnam slrool DID \\f-AN'I HOW LOAN AND THUST CO , ,119 N , Y > ' Life , lends at low rales for choice aecnrlly on Nobraika or Iowa f uruis or Omaha city properly azo \\T-MOSKY TO LOAN ON IMP1lOVr.ll CITY < < properly , low rales A. C. Froat , Douglas blk Til MONEY TO LOAN AT LOXVEST KATES ON ' * Improved nnil unimproved real oslale , 1 to 5 years Fidelity Trust Co , , I7U3 Farnam. tot \ -LOANS , U U XVALLACE , SIJ 11IIOWN I1I.K > VS2 \\r-HKAri ESTATE LOANS , PAUL , inn FAH Xl naui. Mllnll" \V OMAHA LOAN i Tllf-T COMPANY. IOTU 'rnnd Douglas loam money or. city and fnra properly al lowesl raten of Interest 213 ATI'lHVA'lK Fl'NDS 1 OH LONtS AND bllOlll < ' lime , real estate and commercial loans XXV buy paper and write tire Insurance. McC'loml j Connctt ! 'JI & N Y Life. S7i Mi MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rales , lOc a line , each Insertion , JI..VJ a line pc month Nothing taken for less thMil'5c. V-CALL AT Till ! OFMCE OF J OMAHA MOHTOAUE LOAK CO. i INCORPORATGD. ' ' ' ' ' I'F'YOU 'ANT'MONK Y' , You csn borrow on HOUSEHOLD tUllMTUHH AND PIANOS HORSES. WAGO.SH AND CARRIAGES , WAREUuUaB HKCEllTb. MKKl 11ANU1SE OR ANY OTHER SKCfllirV , We will lend you any amount frouitlUUUIofl.uuo OX TIIK DAY YOU ASIC FOR IT without publicity or removal of property You can pay the money hack la any amount you wish , and at any time and etca payment to made will ruducn the cost of the loan lietuemberihat you have the useot both Ibi properly and the money , and pay for It only ai long as you keep It 1 here will be DO expense or charge kept out ol the amount wauled but you will reottlva lliefull amount of the loan. Hefore borrowing elsewhere call and see us sni you will nnJ U ( really to your advantage OMAHA MtmrfjAGE LOAN CO. , S08 HOLTI1 IttTH bTHKKT , firsl Door above the street. TUE OLDKbT , LARUKHT AM ) ONLY 1NCOUPOR AT KD LOAN COM I'AW r IN OUA.UA. MONKY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. ( ( i - YOU WAKTMliMKr * " X-DO KIDKl.irY IOAN VtjHANTHF CO. . lliKM 4 WlTIINflQ. IILOCK Ij SOUTH IITII , COHSKH HAHMCY ST rvo Airr Ott \ SMALL ' DOLLAB3\ OP. WK MKK IX1A.NS 0V FflUNlTURK 1IOISKS : rAltlllAdK.s , WAIIKHOL'SK IIKCKIP1S Oil PUR bON A L PROPERTY OK ANY Kir l > OUHTKRMS WILL Ml.ET YofU APPROVAL. on ran pay the money back nl any time and In tiny nmminl > u wish and thus rxducothcmtt of carrying - ing the loan In proportion lo amount > ou par. II fOL owe u balnnc on vour furniture or other personal property of any kind we will pay It oil for > ou und cnrrv It as long as you desire lOUt AS HAVc. YiU'tl MTM'.Y IS ONK HOUR KROM TIIK 'I IMK YOU M\KIC APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property so thul you Eel the use of bolh money and propjrlv KU X -PRircHAllI ) , il DOUGLAS 1ILK.10 Jt DO I Kit ! KM XV V- ! ' ' . I/iAX MOM'.Y ON A > Y HI Nil or PR Vcurlt ) , strlitlr conlldentlnl. A. 1 ! UnrrK room 1. Continental block IC'7 -MONI.V , to no in niYs CIIKAP itA'ir.s and en y pnyment * . on furnltuie pi.inos live stock , etc without delay or publicity null on bund Hull lircen room M , liarker block Mi. BUSINESS CHANCES. llntes lUe a Una em h Insertion SI 'O n line per month i Hilling tiiken for ! ( ' thnn ' 'ic \filV-ofrsALB , COMl'LKTK bill I ) STiirK AND 1 Horn flxturoa at Waterloo , Nub Satisfactory ternn to the rlzht party onlr drug store In town Knqulro of Mcyor & llaapLc , or Kutt N'ovlns Co Ouiuha. Ml V-HOOOO KOH BAI.K. HII.I.IAIlli 11AI.U DO1SO J- nice buMtos < A unnp for party with small cap ital Address lock box U , Wilbur , Neb ! )1U ) 1UJ V-ANY ONK WISHING TO KNQAOE IN THK 1 furniture and iindertnklni ; business ran hear pometlilni ; to thijlr Interest by addru < < lui ; K & this Offlco 543 12' V K > ll SA1.KUH HUNT. Till ! I.KADI.NO PHOTO J- gallery In n thriving city of 11 IKA ) IriliiiMtnnt' In Nubrnskn Address J U , care of J \ \ . I'lke drnnd Island , .Neb 311-10 * 1- 1V FOH SALK. SODA FOUNTAIN. CUL'.N'TKlfj 1 nnd nhelvlng nl o furniture Uwuur lenvlug clt ) In a wet.k. IS2H North 54th. 4H 10o A'WANTKU. . I'Atll.NKIl IN HF.STAU1MNT 1-nnd bakery clearing over f 1 00 dull ? 1 ntt > nd to nnd oversee tooUnc nnd baklnc department. U 111 rive mun wltb small cupltul n plendltl ehincc If hu CHII nttrnd to tlio deik nnd look lifter the help In front pnrl of the house Cunaillnn employment otllcc l.VjJ 1 nrnnm ( mnhn MdU II Y-HAYK tt' ToMi.u rou co.vritou.iNii i.v- torest In national bank of KJ.OOO 00 to f50,001) ) 00 In eastern Nebraska Customer with $ ( , OjO and long experience wants rnMilershlp In private bank eastern .Ni'liraska. Customers for substantial bank luterusts of every character Infurmatlonhcldeontldentlnl Ample references Wrlto for particulars O O. Wallucu , llronn block , Omaha M4UI 14 FOB EXCHANGE. Hnte4 lOca line each Iniortlnn SI M a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 2 > > c Z IV ) ACHES OKCLEAU tANtlVO vO : f the best winter wheat district * In Kansas to ex change for 10 or 20 acre tract naar Omaha city limits Will pay cush dltlerencc If property Is coed AddrexD. Kit Ing price und locution O - ' < < , Iteo 20J V CI.KAN STOCK OF UK\K11AI. MI > 'K- WILL , 'Jtake real estate i money lloiSJJ , traukfoit.Iud UZj r/-l OW N 10D 1-A11MS IN NKIWAMvA , KAS' Ab /-Jand Dakota Will sell clienp or uxchnnee for indue .liornesand cattle Add boxTU , 1'ruukfort , Ind rHW ACKUS CHOICE , NKIWASKA LAND ' - < nnd cash for merchandise. Uof.M , Kenrn > r , Neb y-100 000 HANI ) MADECIOAlla FOll LAM ) AM ) ' -'cash , Klvc purtlculam 11 Oi . ' Ivuitrney , Neb 878 M5 Z CLKAH NKUItAHKA I'/MlMSTO HXCHANUE for Omaha city property. . IDO.IWJ ncros fo' < ole on ( tmall caHh pnymunts stttplctpn Laud company 411 lieu building. ' MM 13- Z-TWO NICE OMAHA LOTS FOIt ACHKAliE , lots or stocks in Denver , tolo. Address Chns O. lirbniich , Denver , Cole M3GS 11 Z 2.400-Al'llK UANCI1. KASTEltN WYOMING , onoof the best in that country , under Irrigation , unfailing water , good buildings , fenced Will Inulu for good cmnha rental property andnfnume , orfor Nebraska lands , a O Wallace , Drown block , Ifith nnd Douglas. M4G314 fTOIt SALE Oil K.VCHANOK , A FINE 4H "fctory brick business"b'ock ' , nlno three nlco two- story nnd basement brick residences nine rooms each. In DCS Molnes , la Will take wild Inndi or Improved farnit Mather & Oravellc , Cedar Itapldi , la M4M 17 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Kates lOc a line each Insertion , tl W a line per month Nothing taken for less than ' LKIJA NT COUN Elt Vo lilDEN CrJ.3l \ F 1' sq , f 16,000. hnndsomo runldence , W ft lot , 13.003 , line farm , \l liillok out , 10 OOU. F. K. Darllnc , Barker blocU va 1OI18ALE , FARMS. CBNTHAL AND KASTKHN -L Nebraska. K c Uarvln & ( Jo. , bbccly block UK ) ONLY A FEW OF THOSE IKMX1K hTItKKT nc-os left at the low price ot (10) per ucrj Wright i Lasbury , loth and Howard streets MS40 FOll SALK TUB FINIC THING IN v thoclty for tbo money. That elegHnt 7-room cottage we are ] u t completing In Avnndale park One mile from postotlicu turuucp , bath , mantel , gas , trwer , hot and cold water , sodded yard trees , stone walk and paved street Only tl.uaj DO Ttrmi easy lluy now so we can tlnlsli to null you. HUollly'Iriist Co. 1702 tarnam MS76 ELERAKT MOI)15Il' < COTTAGE. KAST AND south front , corner lot , fine location , not for from Milton Hovers tine residence fl.ilRJ C F Harrison. 1112 N. Y Life . 4S7 13 A FINK LOT WITHIN Till ! MILK LIMIT FOll { 110000 , and In Avoudalo park at that where (00,000 00 will bo expended for improrcmunlB before July 1 , which n III add 2J per i ut to the value of these lots Wo desire to sell " * of the Burl street lots before May 1 und asn special Inducement will make n discount ofJIOJOJ per lot to the tlrst six purchasers f J'lO IJJ cah and f.kJJ 1 > J on or before live ytars Iftulslsnt n bargain where will you Und one' 7 hou es now belmr built In this beautiful addition , clone to rarg schools etc Lot us show you this property at ouoo fidelity Tru st Co . 17J2 Kurnaui st W ) O'lOCK HANCII , JHiO ACIIKS UOWAHDCO. NUM. OK.UUO If quick. J. I ) . Stlres , Columbus , Nub Coo n2 > 8-UOOM HOUSE , 8 l.OT < . 4 IIOOM HOUSH H acre , H price Address DJ21) ) Center street MM Ml * 17OUSALE UOL'hEs , LOTa 1'AL'U 10)1 ) FAKNAM Ml 45 Ml- _ C ACIUFIC I ! l-AI.E OF SOLIDLY IIU1LT 10-HOOM Ohou e. all modern Improvements lot MJlbO feet on paved streat near llanscom park , housn , lot. lo cation neighborhood first class In every respect. IV A Web > l r. m Den building. 2IC 10 * pum IAI.B-I.OT 9. UI.OCK is , oitciiAiti ) HILL L Terms to suit purchaser Address 11 C. Ohey- ney. Sioux City , la 24'J 14 FAIIM OF 1J8 A-'ItKS AI > JO1NIN ( , ELKdANT the town of ' prlngfleld , sixteen miles from South Omuhn , no better land In the staiu , only (42 un acre , will be sold soon C. 1. Harrison , 1)12 ) N Y Lite 457 18 _ Oil SALE-LOTS. 1ILO < K Ifl MTEIIS. IIIUIAIIU X Tllden s addition. I'utnvan Cramer , HI Mo Caguo bldg ( j 451 m'J * LOTS , IILOCK 17 STKVENb TLACK , 1700 r F. Harrison 912 N Y. Life ( ! ' 457 18 rniFICP. hAUS LOTtilll lCK 14 WKST EN I ) , - ea t front , between Dodge and Iiavenport , price K.bOO 00 , easv terms II ulchlus Jtead M4&717 * SMALLHOMUS. VEItY EAsY "l'AYMKNTS LOTS north fl , WOO Jor H.V ) 00 , siuulT.clnh pay men tuna long time to those who will toilld , a eptclal bar Kaln 1014 Corby street , wortn fJi'JO'M , only $1,60000 U \\alhu-e , JU llruwu blodr. loth and Donglai 0- M4t > 5 M ( IcffHU'd ' ri'i. ' . - rtttei wards K united nnd cntH'tichi'd tlu'insolM'S In ] I'li'iiolio , tilio\u thu Lfoiui , nhloh position. a. < g t" tt'lu ritni ! ! rettrlvvd by nit' totln ( . \lirll4i. Uiey ciucuiiU'ttTi'sU'nliiy Indoli -o they were nuaekwl tiy the poTniiifi forci'i und sitstalnoU- many killed in Mounded. It U nrohublathat the MIIIIU solved Itself into a tiourt of inipeachmen presided ox'er by CliluV Justice Lea of tl supronio court , for tlfo purpose of Irylns J. Duboso , Judge of jtho crlinliial court i _ iulu , < lliiliosu and his _ u LOST. limes lOc a line eacli Inserllon. fl.M a line per month Nothing lakeu fur less than Sic. f"osT HKI ) lllisit sflTKll DAllK IlKO. 11EAVV iJJoutlo Mrap around neck , ( iood ruward for return K XV Carmlcliael , New Vork Ufo MO 11 * UNDERTAKERS ANDEMBALMERB Hales , 100 a line each Inserllon , II W a line per monlti .Noiuion taken for l s lUan IJQ w"T kKiT"ToTiMliii.Y ( : XVITII JNO o JA- 'Oobm. deceased , laler wllti M , O. Uaulj , under- akir and embalm r , Sli S. Itlb it. , t U CV . Wl SHORTHAND AND TYPE WRITINGS ItatM lor n linn rach ttnortlon It 0 n tine per month > ulhltiir lakcn for IPX tlian AK- * c < iulr a wormnc knnwlptta ot 'i > rtlinti 1 nnd typowrltltnal A ' Xm anl i'h..ilur utmrl lianil. ills V Life bulldhu M.V > 1 PAWNBROKERS. Hate * , IWin llnp ciirh Iniertinn $ i t ) n line per month .Votlilni Inken far le > s iban t'xi DIAMOND llltOKKtl , 1M , otiKln t I.mti. inoncr on dUmon'1 ' watches , OlilROlilaiKlnllvi-r liouihl 1VI 1.XM Vtt JKXV sKroN-iusD MAI.K * . AI.I.KINIH. Address 1'orden * pllock Co , l.nxo si rhleaao. M MJ 1111 : iti\i.T\ . INSTUr.MKNTS nlacutl on record April 10 , 1B93 : XVAUIIVVTV DiRtM. : South Omaha l.nmlcumimnx1 to Antiin lot 5 , blivk 1117 , Ninth Omnlm . . . . ! 800 Saino toJucriri'ii Kalin. fuirtluu lot 4 , I'liK-U 14' ) . stitno . C30 O i : Kin : nnil wlfo ot al to Mnry H llrnun lot iblivl. . 1'2. Itrown p.irU 1 Atfiii'lnii | > iii to H T lluinu. Kit 21 , blni-k G. Muym-'Htulil . 800 I1. T I.cxls to Cntlim * L-vls. s 13-1 foot of tract 4\3 > 4 rlislns coinniPiir- Inctit iwilnt 3J ! ch tins w of sc coiner i-piM-iri-ia 1 uw - - - . r 11 Itoi'd to M H Thomas , lot l.riark's add . 10.0DO FlL oiK < > I'aikand wife to K I'lVjliloy , hits 11 nntl 1'J. block U , iVurlKHti 1'ltiru . . 1,000 J A Koodt'MoXX I. Uoss. lot 0 , block U , ro > lfi\ndd . 4,000 Tlminns Uuriictt and wlfn to Ivdward Ui-ll > . lot i'J. ! block 'J , Mi-Iro-o IIII1 . COO Patrick Howlt-y nnd wife to Mary riciiilnt : , lot 18 , Mi-L'itndlMi Placm lot 17 , bloi-li 2. Ixo'intn-'s ' 4th add ; M 'a lot 10 , Mrl'-oiilllsh 1'laci'j lot & , block H , Hertford I'lnn-j lot 1 , block 1 , and 33-foot strip adjulnlne on north In Carthaso ; lot 12 , block & 'J , South Omaha . 15,000 Carrlo llrjson nmlhushtnd to I'llen 1'aikfr , east lt of lot 17 , Oak Knoll , lot 5. block 3 , Uodlck park , lot 11 , block H , Ambler I'luco . 0,500 L .1 I'lt/iiiM-nlcI and Ifc lo KtnlllnVer - ner. lot M. block : ! 1 , Walnut Illll. . . . 1,500 yutT CI.MM tzii : . rnrmors Ioan anrl Trim ciimnanj : tfl l.mlly Snttcrtlixxalt. lot 0. 1'iuyn's sttbdlx In Jvikc'sadd . . . 1S8 Sami ) to 1' A .Mcllimh , o CO feut of-n 00 feel , lot b , Johnson's add . 31G n r. Thomas , special muster , lo Omnha l.onn and Ti tist company , lot 3 , block 3 , Hoses & lllU'sadtl 000 11 1' Thomas , special inastur.u > same , north ' , lot b , block 70 , South Omaha . . \V T Nelson , special master , to Andre XT Miles , et nl , o\ lots 10 aud 11 , block \\ainutlllll , rcflle 1,134 G A llcnncU.shcrlll.toSAUoldsmllh , nnrtli \ , , lot 9 , block 4 , A > 1'atrlck's add. . . . . . . . . 1,400 Mime to J C t'owlu , lol 7 , Kll 1'laco 2 < CoO Total amoim * f transfers $ 40921 ! n\nmino "Tbo Donsmoro" and you will buy none oilier Tlio'orI < l'H ( ii-cnto t T.tivrffCT. . . XXo are .ilways p'.e sol to show 1U MoKcath Stationery Co. , 1304 Fariiani St. . Oinithi , S the OrJer of Cia A a. " Ills unnecessirv to mention the DO I tits of porlorlty nossossed bythe us It Is now so wo'l known. Its Record of Success is Its Best Re commendation. xxlicn It was uulontlje murkot rivals said It would not wear. Time sliown tliom AllHAI ) Or AM. COMl'KTITOKi- THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO Cor. 17lh nnrl I'arn.'un Sts , Otntilia , N'ob , U II MA IIhW Munaser. BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitors. Bee Building ; , Omaha. Neb { years ExnmlnorsU B 1'at Uftlce Adrloe fr ) Mo will stud you the marvelous , Friuch I'rep&ratlou CALTHO3 free , and a l cal KUirunttir thji ) ( AL111OS will IIrnlur your mrollli , htrenctli auil 1 Igor , i I'srifandfari/satttjtrd I AddroBB VON MOHL CO. . HoU ia iu ilMU , Claiuull , OMu. I- RA1LWRY TIME GRRD .eKTin I - fcHL'X CITY 4 I'AOU'IC. I Arrives Omabit ! Deuol Ullli nnd Mnroy BU. I Omaha fa n ml bio UK I Itj I'nikttnKo 6-Si pral M , I'nnl Kxpress 10 OUBin _ _ are I B1OIJ.YC1TV A I'AClFir I ArrlveT" Omahal Depol lilh and XX'tibsler all I Omaua ' t.tSpml .Bt I'aul Llmllud . . U 'lj a m I OMAHA A.S1 l.ot'lb [ Arrives Omntin U r Depot , IQlli and Mnrcr Pli I Omaha tijO p m | . . . at. Ixiuli Cannon Uall . . . | 123ipin C , b 1 I' , M \ o lArrlres Omnbal Depol 15lh and XVelnter 9l | Omalia ulOaio &loui Cltr Aooammodatlon. . | vui p m ; li n misloux Cltr Kxpre > > IKx. bundarllUO p ra i.4Xpm . bt I'oul .lulled . . . . it il am 6 15 p m I Bancroft lM eniterKx ( Hnnd'yM B li p m .earen I K. , K \ MO. VA1.I.KV ( Arrives utnthal _ Depot liUiji nil XVubiler 9ti Omaha AIU am " . . . .Deadwood tiprm. . , . I 2i ) p m ti.10 n m ( Kx. S-aU ) XVyo Exp ( Kl Moo ) 420 pm t > .M pm . . Norfolk ( Ex bundayi . . 'II ' ) . : ) urn 6 4i p lu . , . St I'aul Bxprass . . I iui am Ix-avei ICII1CAOO A. MIHTll .arrives Omalin | U I' depol. : OIU and Marcy bu I Omaua am ( Kf. Eun'rl Carroll I'assanter I IV ) n m 1010 am t hleaxo r.xpress . , . r.w p m 4 01 pm XVillliule Umlleii M m TOO p m . . . . Kailern Kljer I S li P m 0.20 V m IKx HunJ Chin. 1'ass. iKx Mon j W38 a m Tm Litnabaj Depol IMh and XX'ebsler 3U Omaha 1,10 p"m . .StIx > u.s Ktir | st . a ra 10U ) pa .St. Lx > uli BxprtM. S ipm U pm ftH INDIftfUETTER. Methods of Communication Among tlio Indians , The rlitiirr rtloof | iii ; > nn < > nrf. Tl Ktitv | Hl Insllom-o. llmt Itullnn 111 * . lorj l > rrr iTr 'il.-Irttrr fniiu un In. illaiinliniil lvk i < | > < > linllnti Snpun. The Men IHIIRUHKO of the liullnnj is n vniiilrrtitt thlnp. Two In limn different In their K | > rc > cli n Ortnian and a Rpanlntil \ \ 111 ipnillly coinmunlcRtc with each other It U tlii > plot ur * iii'c of eloquence tn xx nidi nti Itullnn nditrv lriK n rattncll and without ( . .pcnklnvnuinl , tiiiiKlnilili meaning clear to nit present 1'V f\tsn \ * HIMoilp-Minilnu written oomiminlpRtlons mo tnniU < li\ picture * . Tlic Inmllv history of n ehli'f will \ < t imlntoil on n tepee The tiilhiu'iiK ' l 11 ipi'dini'ii ot thl tuvtuo.l ot fottinimilcnttnii The 'iPtlfi" wn willtenliy Krr H XMI UK , "Th > onrAli < Kmt i "n'di'lV n Kick upon Itnlliiii Medicine Man. .N or IXDIAX T.r.TTF.u Wr.iTixo. Tlio nlo > e Ittter trnnilnti-sHt follows : "Tlie liuHani tftr to their tclille Irothtrt floicert , itaiei , rooti and barLi , mnJe by the tun , the 'nr > , D.HI ! Hit rain ( nntuic ) If tlit tchitetirothtrii ilcl.tlili r/M / naielilm ttrangir than the bear \cho trill 'Ml I'ff-tre him. " f.r\v\ " \ * tl ineillrtno wor.1 tticnnliiR p un ! ! 1)P I , nnil l ninci "Uo t int'illelnu. * ' b i'ire utiituments ol a. no- bin incc. tine , i' . . "lii , the htKhi'xt nulhorltv on the In. illtiin iiml vlio llvnl union tr them for > ears snji "theonl of nit Initlnii e n ul. wn\ lie relied tilion , " and he 1 < rlKht. Hero lj proof of the genuine Milne of Ktckni > oo Inilltin Siigwn. Here l n let trrf ruin n fnt dlffetcntsotuce. Tlio following finin the Professor of Physiological I'hPtnlstiy at Yule College , iiml IHU bclcntibt f.a > s "Afltr a chemical unatytit of Indian Sagica , I fliul tt to It an Extiact nf Kooti , Jlarli ami Herbs of I'liluaMe llemeilial .Mian icith HO Mineral or other Deleteriouf Admit- tuici" ® Heed the touching of the P Ictten. TuKe SiitmeM Ileniedv in tetison If > onr blood H Inipuio and jour ckfn 1 < inniUod by phnplvs. lilotehes and bull * ; If yon huvo dull pains In ) our bark and fide ; If jcnr appetite In poor ; if you do not ( jet sound , lefreshlm ; plecp , MI neee nry to your health and htrciiuth , t/oii ate tit IHH flfr. These , nnd other byniptonn are tha \vainliiK4 of nntuic. AIOIHC join self , and drive of/thconeMiy- Aini voui-elf w itli KiuWa ] < oo Indlnii Mifj- wn linlld upotir t\i > lcm bj H. < u-u anj all d ingei Is nx eited. Klekupoo Indlnii SiiRwa nnd other Kick- np'ui Inilltin medicines contain only the products of the Held und forest , nutuic'd own \enotnb'o growth of loots , baiKs and herb * , and of necessity me freu Itoin all nilneial poisons wlinte\ci , because the Indians have no knowledge of them , de pending wholly upcm nuttnc's Inborntory for their lesotitces , and upon thuli Mklll , born of centuries of oxperienee. 0 * KICKAPOO INDIAN SACWA It ( old by Druggists and Medicine Dealers Onljr. SI osr Bottle. 6 for $5. Are thosa ignorant pretandors who , without any qualifications , any ability , my oxporioneo , any skilJ , claim to possess the power to cure all the ills of tie human rac3. Bat thair want of worth soon becomes apparent to their would-be dupes , and these conscience- lessquacks ars soon consignai to th3 oblivion they so richly merit. In stran 3 ani stroa ? coritra3t wit i these miserable boasters is the quiet , dignified yet courteous demeanor ol hose notad leaders o' their Who , during1 the past 27 years , hav abundantly demonstrated their ability to effect speedy , perfect and permanent cures in all the wornt forms of those del icate sexual maladies embraced within the general terms of I 1 NERVOUS , CHRQH9G AND PRIVATE DISEASES , i Send 4 cents for tlioir illustrated now book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself. " Consultation frea. Call upon or ad dress , with , stamp , Drs. Beits & Beits. . 119 S , I4tii Street Cor. Douglasi St' , OMAHA. - NEB. ( TltAPE MiKC II MADE A WELL MAN OY ME " 1NDAPO HINDOO REMEDY rKOI > lCK > TUB 1DOVI _ IIKht'LTh In BO IIAYH. furrsall , Nirvuus IHieain , ( aillnit Memory , Paresis , hleeplekfnesfRknfsi ts * i- itc ana quickly but surely reitorrs l.uttliitlltyu Idorjrouuu lly c rrlcMl ID l pocket. 1'rlcc , 1.4IO a package Hll for r.OO with o wrlllfn guur- nter toeurt , or money refurdetl. Don't let an ) ul * prlncliiled dl ugi-l < t fell j ou a u fcind imitation In slst on hating l.M > AI'4l uon other If hu has noJ irot It. we will send It tiy moll upon receipt of prlct , ramphlet In se&lea en eloiiv freu Andrevs < irlrut k Mrdleul Co. , 00 J'lfBiuulh , CbleBBO , HI. BOLD tiy Knhn & Co , Cor ijth and Douglat Sis , and I A. Fuller et Co , Cor iith and Uouglai Sts , OMAHA , NEU , l > y Paul Q Schneider , 521 Uroadway and 6 Pearl St. , COUNCIL ULUFFS , IOWA , and other Leading Dtuctiits. YOUNG He u tills froii ) Jnreil lt-\ < | i < un l.uwiunce.O Tain > . siiflurcU furjfur * from reuuiin f youthful errors. I u en nve boxes Ner\ lleHiis and am completecurtd. ! . My ncr\c uro now strons. ana I uo not suffer any mot from bleepicsnie-.k- kii U brlglit iipin tlto Kood : Rulnetl 15 Ibi. " tl box. eiiouzli fc twoHeuKt. All druicelitt. or by mail , Ntrv Uoan Uo. , UuCalo , N , V , SK.IHI / / / > IVIt SMITH. After Twi iilj--Tw Anirn 5Ir. Selirlvrr Con- clinlr lip VI IM S IIII | | < M | , Cim-AHO , 111. . ADI- ! ! -SiR'i-liilTolo- | - cnun to i'liit HKI.J On the nljtht of Urn bl llro In 1S71 , twi nt.v-tuo yours 11 0. ,1. A. Soh river lnum-il Henry Smith $20. Smith MI kl that he wanted the inones to imy the expenso1 * of Inking i\ sick man to Hytlo Park. It has taken Mr. Schriver just twenty-two years to reaeh the e m- olmion Unit ho was jwlnilled anil he U therefore \ery ie < < | ) oiulonU A week or w ) ajio he thoupht ho would oomu to Ohl- ea o. find Mr. Smith and ea uiillj re mark to him that itIIH time ho uus somethiiit : about that & - ( ) . So ho a beareh tlmt would make R man hunting a neotlle in a haystack a pletnru of bUieinaey. | ) eonlldonee and hopeful- ticb < in et inpnrioon. He took a C'liiea o diivetory and hn > < \ i itoil nearly exery Smith in town that ho could rejioh in a wei-kV travel and hi-t nijjht he bat down for a few moments , and when he hail placed hin head in his hands anil made iiim-elf think once or txvlee ho OIUIHT to the unanimous eoiieliision that there xvas bi'metliin xvrnnj : umewliere. So ho did the Arab tat and i1 * now otiee more in I'arlhajio , a bitterly diMtp- jiolnted man. And all oxer the tulle of a loan to a man named Smith , who has a clean Mart of txxmty-txxoj ears oxer him. TriKti nnil < Viiiililii'illiin < Are iiiiiiopulnr Hut lliero is one furui of trust niriiiistliiclt ; no ono has an.xlliiup to KII.X. That i < i thi ! trust xxliii-h the public reposes - poses In Ilooil's S.iisiip.irllln. nnil tin1 best of it is tin- trust is full.x JustinYil by the ini-rit of the miHllctno Kor ivineiaber , HooJ's Sirs.tpirlUi : : cures Hoixl's Pills are purely vcfjetnblo anil do not , pain or gripe. Sold l > i all ilru lsts. ll.llilt O.N UKl'K.lTiili > . The shot ritnirni to | | ( . Into ST. LOUIS. Mo. . April 10. ( Speeinl Telegram to Till : IJii.j-Tho repHbli- cans in the lus < t eleetion introdui-ed : v new element into politiri xxliieh is , in its \\ay. uiiitjiie , but certainly elleetixo The art pivt-erxatixe. in the s-hape of u snap shot kodak camera for taking the pictureof repeater * in the act of re pealing , was applied in a most success ful manner. The republican cit.x com mittee has DOM in pr < cess of dext'lopnu nt the pie-lures of repeaters which \\lll certainly make trouble for H'inoof them. There are aboul thiee do/en pictures in all , but how many of them xxill turn out well is not certainly knnxvn. The plan of operation \\as bimple. Most of the professional reneatcr- , are more or less Known to both side-1 , nud as soon as ono of them turned up ho was instantly spotted by the man with the camera and his tissibttint , the button xvas pressed and u record was taken of the name ho voted , the time of day he did it and homo remark or objection made so that the man's identltv and vote would be inoro or le-s iinpicsscd upon the judjje'A politician f = aid today that the problem of hoiiL'st elections hab been solved and the time may come xrlien every BOX en i n voter xvill bo photographed as he deposits - posits hi * ballot. \Xlij \ l I < I hiHIHI ? "There are numerous preparations in the market for couuhs. enlds , cnmp nii < l whoop- niircotitfh Auiiiiiir them x\f ivish to call jour special attention to Chamberlain's CouKh HoniL'd.x. It is sold ou its merits. This assertion Is warranted by its sales , \xhMiburpnssnnypreparutlon of u similar nature 1 hear nothinir but waiso from cus tomers who have u ed it " The nliove Is what Uupcnu 1" Unansst , tlio luartintr drus- Cist of Hotlilel'em. I'a. , sajt. in u cireular to his customers He has sold at retail ox'cr I.IKK ) bottles of tnis remedy during tlio i > ast year and knows it to bo xvithout an equal. The praise Unit naturally lollows its ititro- dui liuii anil list : is what makes it popular. .Ci.tit < ui > nnn slurllliii ; r.c\rlatliiis Mny Itn Mmlo lltforu tlin Mliiiir fitn l.t'cl latltii Coiniiilllei' . ST. PATL , Minn. , April 10. In the liotiso of rcirebentnti\ob ] today an at- temt ] ) will be made to rescind the reso lution adopted Saturday for the appoint ment of a committee to investigate the ehurgi's of "b willing' ' in the i.ibsae { of sexeral hoiihe bills. The nneusinoas of certain members was x isiblj ine liised when it xx'as learned that sex-eral Miune- apolib lumbermen tire here xx'ith a start ling array of fuels in rositird to t1 o al leged incthodb ii'-ed in killing the Wyman lop-scalins bill. If the commit tee stundtt as appointed they xx'ill j be fore it and give the alleged times , places and amounts ollered to members to voUj against the bill. They tire ready , also , to name the persons by whom the money is said to have been offered , and to whoiii it was ollered , in amounts varying from $ . " > 00 to * HX)0. ( ) The move to rescind the resolution xvill be made on the ground that it covers too many subjects , among1 them being thu election of a United States senator , and that there is not time to make u thorough investigation , as the legislature must adjourn on Tues day , April 18. The light promises to bo thu hottest of the session , and the im pression is that the resolution will bland. A Clillil KnjuyR The pleasant favor , can lie action and sooth- ins effect of Syrup of Figs , when in need of a Inxiitix'c , and if the father or mother bo costixe or bilious , the most gratifying results follow its use ; so that it is the nest family remudj kuoxxn and cvory fan ily should have a bottle Siintn l' StrlKrrx JliHHiitUflKil. TOPKKA , Kan. , April 10. There wera no developments in the strike of loctimo- live bhopmcn of the Santa Fo Ktiilroud company yesterday. The real point at issue is whether the company shall enter into a xvritten contract with the three unions controlling the mechanics in the locomotive shops or continue to deal with the men as individuals , as it bus been doing. So far no excitement has been mani fested. A largo number of applications for positions were roceix'od from men desirous of iilllng the strikers places. None of these have been acted upon. Ono of tlio sinkers interviewed said that in hta opinion the slriko was premature - mature and that dissatisfaction ox'er its having been ordered was nlieady begin ning to show itbolf among Iho men. Inquiries among Iho men fulled to 10- xeul this sentiment. If vou have uo appetite for breakfast , a pin t of Cook's KxtraUry Imperial Chauipagno uill gi\e jou 0110 Immediately. Knlclitit f I.nlxir nnil tint Tailors. New YOKK , April 10. The Knights of Imlxir contruclors local assembly xvill have a conference tills week with the Tinted Brotherhood of Tailors to dis cuss the bituation of iho lockout and to consider the interests of the tailors , The tailors Buy that they were ready to go out on a strike a xveek ago to aid the loekodout cullers , but that they hnvo noxv decided to make it Homethlnff jnoro than a more sympathetic strike. They bay that if there had been no trouble among the cutlers they would have had a fatriko in Ixvo weeks thno on their oxx'n account , nnd when thoj do go out they intend to have bomo Iwneilt themseh'CB as well as help thu cullers to xvin Ihclr fight. The luilorb will demand ton hours xsork und the abolishing of tho. tenement house work , or "axveatinf ' " syblom. _ Sufferers from coughs , sere throat , etc. , should to llroxvn * * lironehlal Troches , " a simple but sure remedy. Sold only in boxc * . 1'rlca 23 cents.