G THE OMAHA DAILY BUIll : Sl'NU&Y , APRIL 0 , 1803-TW13NTY PAGK8 , THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL nujrra. KO. 13 PKAUL STy 1y rarrlcr lo nny pnrt nf the cltj II.V. . TII/roN , - MANAGKH MOnice No. 43 IMIIor No- ' " N. Y l'lunilin'Co. ! ( Cotinrll HlufTs hutnbcrCo. Co-\V Mlltonbcivcr Is the hnttur , WW Hroaihvny , Tlio rlt.\ ] ; ill \\n * otnpty jcstf-nlay till du > for the llrst time In SOVC-IM ! months. Hello Kloff was Krnntcd n ill voice In Jis trlct court \cstcr la v fiotnV ! Klt'fT. Personal -If Mr O 1 ! UifTord , wl o 1' toniiiur.ii lly slopping In Cotltu II Uluffs. will call atTnuHni : olllco today ho will lean Goniuthlnir df linpnrtanro to himself. C.iptnln A Overtoil lias obtalnud pormls ' slon to liolil rcllj.'lou' } cervices In " 'I lit Omalia. ' .1 saloon ittthoiouicrofilio.nl waj ami Ninth stioot. this aftuuioon at : o'clock The roncludlnp ciitprtiilnmont of Hit Uro.nlwaMethodist church Iccturo I'otnsi whl lofilu'ii next rild.iy ovcnln in tin fthnpo of an nriran torn oil h.v I'tanlc T.ift. tin noted 01 nanlst , assisted li > Miss l.cn.i Kims soprana , anil Mr L. It fopt'lnntl. b.irltono The Catholic fair will bo cotitlniipd 01 MondanlKht. . \\lun the- raw donated bj Mr Ch.ulcs Nli holson will bo voted to tin most popular butcher Tlio candidates ai < Mr Mot/ucr , Ceor o II. Musi l.umlorf , I1' Kcanlnn , Mr Htibcr , Mr HotUitis and M Wclkcr The trtiiblc dust of the past few day of the stioc-t has ( auscd the aiiitatinn BWCPI cr Idea toe oiiio to the siirfneiTill1 T-y has been talked of every spring for a ( jooi - main itais , but nothliii ; has I'Mi1 coino o. It. It Is uiRfxl that If tin- t.lt.owncil . : sweeper the sti cits could bo Icoiit In stit-h r coinlltloii that the dust of the past few day would boa thine unknown. .Twl o Dcuner doiiiiol the case of tht 1 I'cnn Mutual lusuramo comp.un aKainsl Khnball , Vi ( hainji .M'sterda.s , in whlcl Aicbltcct II\dc of nubtitie | intoicnud will a petition fora mc-th 'tile ' s lien on the pu.p citj in iiiosUon | forl'JKi ( for bis sutviies li superintending the iMcction. Ho foicelo ( the tiiortKau'o of the I'tiin Mutual lompatij as against Ihdu and K.UC a juiipmcin ( iKiiinst Kimbill . .V Champ in favor of 11 } de but icfuscil to si\o the latter a lien , holditu that a part of the claim whit h II.ulo hai nRalnst the llrni wi > u > for things whlcl would not legally gi\o him a meehanlo'1 Hen _ Talk ulxiut "backbotios of stcol" nni' "grit of emery , " and jou talk abcitit tht proinotufH of the Council HltilTs Instir- jinco coinpany. Tlio hi cu'l that thcj cast iiin ) ( the watof.s in fulth uncl hopt thut it would return is lioavintf int < Men's heavy kid bhous soft as n fflovo nt leans' now store , S .Main and - ' Pearl stieets. $00 pays round trip and till expend for 10 days at World'fair. . C. l-\ Mont goinory lil Ith ht. Finest Arlsto cabinet .pliotos , i > 2 pci do/eii. Ab'iton's ' btudio. IS North Main A i/ , ; in KIC Mis. n 1C. Ajkswoitli \isittnc : fiienil' In Urookllno , la. Mis Kd 12. WiiRht will lca\otho llrst ol next month for Ohio , where she will visi ! relatives. J AV Hclwlf ? and Bennett Windsor will manage the Vowur Men's Christian associa tion ilui ins the ubscncu of Secretary J. C Hoso. John P. AV rr received a telcRrarr yesterlay announi IIIK the death of his fathei atGottysbuif , ' , Pa Ho left for that place lastc\eninp. Dick anil Eleanor Stewart are at home from the east , wheio tl.ci have been attend ing school , anil w ill visit a few dajs witli their patents , Mr. and .Mis .1 L Stowait. The little son of Mr and Mis Ira Hend ileUs , 1 j ear and a half old , h vcri ill witli mcmbiancous croup at the familj residence corner of Kinth street and Third a\enue , Last e\cning it was fcateil that bo would not last through the nij-'ht. The Yonii } , ' Men's Institute will glvo n concert und hprciulty perfoi inunco and elaiiuo Wednesday oveninu , April 12 , n1 their hull on Muinbtieet. Tim ( irimil Hotel , Council BlttlTa. M Obt elegant hotel in lowu. Dining room em boventh floor. RateU to * o per day. E. R Clark , Prop. Any Kind You \\nnt. Fine shoes or cheap shoos , but all peed slices. Get them of Avails. Next dooi to Beno's. Do you Rinoko ? llao you tried T. D. King & Co.'s Piirtusua1 It's u charmer. Just light ono. 1)1 nth ol Miss \Vttlilili. Miss Anna \Vcirich , who has been ill foi the past two months , died rriilay nighl about midnight. She was taken very 111 n couple of months ago , when her life was despaired of. She partially recovojod from this attack , but wasoulered by her plii si- clan to laj down Iho woik to which she had devoted herself with so much energy during her whole Hfo. She could not do this , however - over , ami her dlbregaid of heriihjslelan's naming cost her hot life She was ; . ( > yeais of age. faho had been a resident of Council Bluffs for many yean , and the esteem In which she was held ball who know hoi will manifest Itself in widc-Ji'ieaJ ' sorrow at her death. The funeral w 111 take place to- moiiow afternoon at the residence on Fourth street. Kev. Dr Phelps of the First Presbyterian ' terian church , to which the decease b'o longed , wllloftlciato. 4O DiuiiitU'hs lilrjclt-K. Just received by express. You should plaeo your order at once and got in line , "Duuntlen4" bicycles are the stulT. Don't fn.il tei see the best inachinu built before. you buy. Union Transfer Co. , 130 1-0-8-H Mum btrcot , Cemneil For warming guest chambers , batli rooms , etc. , our gas heaters are just what you want. Look ut them. Clean , convenient , cheap. C. U. Gas und Kluo- trie Light Co. & Co. , 10(1 Main Btrcot , largest und best bicycle htock in city. ip\\ortli : l.i-iiKiin Itui option. Thursday eoniag Hov. H P. Dudley am ! wife entertained the membcis of the Kp worth league of Hroadwaj church ami theii friends at the paisonago on Fletcher a venue The spacious rooms were thiongcd until n late hour with a meiry crowd of ipung pee pie. Iteficshmcnts were served bj'tho jounp ladles of the league The membeis of the league made an active canvass for new members bors , a largo number gl\lng their names ami enlisting In the league work The Hroadwaj chapter will at once begin an active cam paUw along all lines of work , especially thai of looking after the strangers In the city making them feel thut they are anionj friends though In a strange city. , i\tum lias Thi'iu. Now styles in O.\ fords for ladies. All kinds and nil prices. 23 Main und 21 Pearl streets. Free treatments dully from 2 to 4 p , in. ut the Council 11 ! tills Medical und Surgical institute , 2Uth und Broadway. The Millers , decorative artists , wall puper , pujier hanging , plain and orna/ mcntul painting , gigiiH. No. 15 Pearl St , Coal mul woext ; bcsjt und cheapest Mlbbouri hard wood in the city ; prompt delivery , n. A. Cox. No. 4 .NIalu. Stop nt the Ogden , Council muffs , the 'best $2.00 house in lowu. S..P. Vunattu , attorney , 5 Evoroitbllc , vp\ifo rnmi I'/IIHTPII nt III IT Mi\\S \ \ MlOM lOCMIL BLUrHs Oitizons Working to Bcouro a Rciluctlon ol Bridge Faro. REPORTS OF VARIOUS COMMITTEES IHMnry of the Knrly ItrRUlntlonmir tlicf.'oiii < piny Inillriitliinn tluit thn Ohjcct of tliu MUM Mrrtlni : .Mnjr Vet lie Att.tlnt'il. The meeting of the citizens last evening at the couit house to consult and hear re ports with reference to the Scent faro on the motor line was attended by u large number , and the greatest interest was taken In the proceedings J. N Casady pro' sided , and Frank Tilmblo oRlcltitcd as sccro- tary. Among the rcpoits of committees , thoihst was that of the Judiciary It was lead by L W Hoss. According to the Investigations of this committee the < baiter of 1MVS , under which the motor companv claims to bo opciatlng , gives no light to lay or operate * a double ; trick , and His a matter of considerable doubt whether It gives a right to use oloc- tililti as a moth o power. The clause in the > chatter of l M ! llxlii''the rate of tians- IKII tntiou docs not IK HI cents as the amount to be clmiged , but is merely a covenant on the part of the compaiii that it will not charge mole than that sum Accoiding tei law if tlie compiny assiv'tnd its franchise to tlic Nebiaika coipoiatim and has novel used the charter , the chaitor is subject to forfeitmo If the company ban failed to Iht up to its agteements. and is thus gulltj of inisiiser of its charter , it is also subject tei forfeiture. Man.lesal . ureccdents wcie cited to show that the motor company had plai e.d itself m this position Thoieport was a long and exh.uisthe lcg.il opinion. At the ( oialuijluii of the ic.uling it was adopted , As to 1 iiv.il Inn. ' 1 he following re'poit of the eommlttco on ta > ation was lead , showintr the exact finan cial condition of the lelation between tht city and the motor compan\ I'pon a -iiefnl exa-nlnatlon of the tax roc- oids , luilKiniMit ducket and couit calendar , we lieu'n ( snljieli the following lepoit .is a result cif mil ln\estlKatIon \alue of pa\ln assi std to pil- % ale pu : ties and laUiihthe .Mo tor comp my , \\lii'ii to idwayas con-.tnicted . v $10CC5.-lt I'ltj'sclalm for | ii\ln/iii ) Inter'-ce- tlons , icp.ilis to stieuts totn up bj Motoi company , etc 1(1,53,1 ( 9J $30'J01 3D Of this aiiiotint the city has bronchi suit foi amount of Its claim foi Inteiscctlon , etc } 10D3D.05 Time Milts have Iji'en lnoiiKlit by pi halo p n lies on whkli judK- ment has been lendercd , .mu'ni- Kallnit . . t 0,201.0' I'he suits pending , amounting to . . 0db7 UL Tot.il ainonnt In suit and judgment t-3-194 Sr lialancc for ulilt h no claim has yet Iji en iiiulriiiiliisl : theniotoi CIHII- | ) .in > , .ind v. lili li u 111 ho .i loss to the citl/i ns If not p ild by the mo- toi coinuany . . . . $ 0,700.51 Maliln.Mi ( total amount of . $30 , 01,31 \\hlclitheniotoiioinpaiiy ours thecltj and cltl/ens foi paving , uhlcli nas beenasvis < .ei | tnpih.ito p lilies , in paid by thccltj. \\o llnil tliu moioi ( oinpiny as sessed \\lth p.r > liiu' andlii.iilln as follows : Assessiiu nls now due a ml unpaid $12,269.71 l'in incuts not vet due foi uhh'li the ell ) " 111 be liable If the motor company itlns the suits now pend ing . $ 3,070 7C Total ainonnt .issevsi d .iptlnst the niolo : ( oiiin.inj foi Kiadliu , pa\- Ing. etc , of . . . . . 20,940 DC MliKlnga total of $ .11,141 30 \MilchtlieMotoi coinp.iny should p ly foi p u Int. . Ki.nlliiK , etc. , bulni en and aloni ; tbeli tracKs , and much of which Is long past due. \\etlnd that the assessments on peisoiial pioni'ity of the. motoi conip.inj for the past Iho jeais , comnicncliiK wlifi ItjH'J , aiu av follows : 16B9 $ 74.00C IH'Ju 89OUt : 18U1 7. OO.OOC i yj inn,4i ) ( ] 18'J.l 100,40J ( Voni coniiiuttec llnds the ( est of the Douglas htreet hrldKo to he . . 400.00C The tint no of the channel of thcMls- soiiil ihci at the bridge Is 110 feet cast of the NelnasUa. shoio pier and tliu cost of that portion of the In Idgo west of the city limits Is . . 109.00C object to taxation by the city of C'oniRll Hlnirs on bridge . . 291.00C Uallay eh ctr cal cqulpinents , ro.ul- bed , pole- * , wire cats , motois , en gines , boilers , djnamos and other locateel and inoxablu niachlnery cost. . . . . . 360,500 The buildings and foundations on lots 5,0 , 7.H , block 12 , Ilrjant & Claik's addition , added to the as- sesseelalue of the lots , should In- cieisu ussL'ssiiit'iit to 13,000 MM ) that life buildings located In I"ails' second In Ul-- < ' addition , nlnu In number , assessed at i3,245 , should bo Incieased In tax \aluii- llon by . . . 1,000 4,000 shares of the capital slock aio oniiL-il and held In Oonnell llhilN , and by the decisions of the MI- piemu conit aio subject to assuss- nient and collection of taxis , and that the \alne of said shaies Is fully DIPS cents on the dollai. . . . 213,000 Thcro Is no appieclahh ) depicclatlon In the bildt-'i' , ro'id bed , poks , electrical eiiilpments | , engines , bolleis djnainos , cars , motors 01 othei located and mo\able machlneiy , as tliu market Miluo Is greater than the oilglmil cost. And the ratloof taxable % nl- uatlonI I33 > j per cent of actual \aliie , the assess ments to compare with other cltlrcnsonan equal ized basis should not bo less on the bileln'o and ap- pio.iches than. . .1 97,000 On rallwajs , eais , motors , el v it , lines , cnulnes , boilers , electi leal eiiilpnit | ntspoles , etc 122,000 On Council lllnlTs Holdings of hbaiesof capital htock 71,000 An Increase on buildings on lots In llryant .V Clark's ad- dillon . 3,000 " An Incieaso on buildings on lots In Kwms'i-ccond bridge nddltion . 1,000294,000 Last 3ear'b.issessnn.iit . . . . 100,400 An Increase ) of . . $187,000 Wo also llnd that the. paving on Upper Ilioadwav. north of I'ltsl stiout , and the pav ing on llioulway , between Twelfth and M\ . lecnth stieets w is done at the Instance of the Union I'aclllc U illwny eompiiny while onneis of the old ho-se car line , and a stipulation was entered In o bo teen said comp my and the piescnt n otor company tint tlii'l.Uter should assume and pay said paving as chained , and the llrst payment was paid by the present motoi company , lint It has failed to fulfill Its promise with repaid to the subse quent payments. \\o have already paid $54,000 as u bonus to aid In the const ! nction of the motoi com pany's bridge , and should the city not succeed In compellliu the company to pay Its special taxes , wu shall have h id the prhllegoot pay ing moro than $100,000 In cash , In addition to the valuable franchise we have given them to Induce a few millionaires to build a hi Idee and motor line at a profit to themselves of nearly fl.OOO.UOO Hespectfull > submitted , II. e' MeiiKMhalrman , K. A ( 'ASCI n , 1' . e' l.di-iii i : , II N.tiiuvis , K. II. hill \KK , J. ll.L'i i.win , \V. A. \ \ mm , I'V. . M'l.TMAX. DUTVrl lire ot Oplnliin. At this point Assessor W. I ) Hardin created a stir by stating that the icport ga\o the amount of taxation haotrectlj. H O MeOeo , who had lead the report , said he had obtained his llgurcs from the eounti trtMsuior " 111 glvo f S to the Homo of the Krieiullc'ss if jou bring the books up hero and show those figures , " said Ilurdin Ho tbereupoii went to his olllco and hi ought his books in , when it was found that the committee bad tilmplj been reckoning on peisonal piopeiti The entire ) assessment of the propertj ol thecompanj w as $1KV.M5. ( while that of the peisonal ) uoKUt.s | was SUO.tKHl , as gi\en In the committee's ieport , so that both Hailin and thoeommlttee wcio partially right. Hardln then stated that the motor coin- pan v was paying more than one-sixth of the ; entlio pe'rsonal pioperty tax of the whole city ; moro than twenti-four of the leading vvliolcsilo houses and all the brick vaids combined , and only § 40 less than all the banks combined. Attoinoy W. R. Shoemaker of Omahn nmde an addicss. In which ho advocated the idea of appointing u committee to confer with the directors of the motor company with the object of securing a commutation rateof Jlvo cents , iue mutter was uimlly left In the hand * ) of thn commlttor of 11)0 ) find a mectlnif It to bo lulled b.s the ehnlr man when the reiwrl Is ready HIICIAI. : AT TIM : itosrox STOUI : , Council lllnMii , In , CI.OAIC IKl'AltT.MiNT. : Our line of ladli'V capos mid j thla HiirliiL' bents till our provioiH ellortt In this department. H\ory one prodlet ? thut eupe-rt nro jrolnj , ' to bo thepopuliu snrlnp ; iurinunt thl cason. mid wo huvej tlictn In nil style" , and ut our usual low price11) . At fcl.HO wo show u nice navy bliio buttorlly cupo , tins-cl triintncd , well worth iH.fjO. ' Our noxtprlco , V\A4 \ , wo show In both navy and tan , und will uladlj compare : It with any W 00 capo In the market. At 95.01) ) our iiMsnrtnieiit is still greater , nnd us this is tlio iiopular price for ti Bprltifj fjurmont , wo claim to huvo the ; best tt.OO cai > o in the market. At ( i.50. * 7oO , $0.50 , 91. TOO nnd * I5.0C wo show an elegant line of pluln und novelty capos in tuns , browns , blues frreens , rodt ) and blucks. Our assortment of juckets Is just a * complete us our capes. Ask to see our $1.1)8 ) bu/ior jackets , comes in tuns und gruvs. At $ , ' ( . . " ) U wo show u flO-ineh roofer made from an ull-wool foulo cloth in tun tinel navy. At S-5.00 wo ho\v four different materials - torials nnd styles in tans , blues am ! blacks. At isT.50 we show a line of roofers witli derby or cascade capes in tans , yreens , blues and blacks. At $10.00. 12.00 and $15.00 wo show some exclusive styles and some verj nobby garments. Cull und see us before. btijing anything in this lino. UKKSS GOODS. Our drc s { roods department is now fully ht'iekcd witli the largest und most complete line eif staple and fancy dress goods ever shenwt in Council UlutTs. Uelow we quote a few of our most popu lar lines. At l ! , " > c u full und complete n-c-ortmcni eif English civshmercb , KiiL'lisherges , irride-cent twillb and ehangeable jac- ejuards. At , "iOe all the latest and me > t desira ble shades in henriettas , surges and Scotch suitings in light mixtmes. AtoDuvvo show the biggest drive o ] the season ; 18 of the latest shades in n US-inch India twill woulelbo cheap ut 75e. 75e.At At 75t * . 81.00 , 91.25 and $1.50 we have ji full assortment of the following new weines , epinglino , uhtpcords , ottomtiiib , phospliorus beiges und serges. LA 1)1 lib' WAISTS. Our line eif waists this season eclipses anything that has ever been shown in Council IMulls. The nust p ipular styles this season are going t > be Empire , ( Jin- cade fronts and l-'iench yokes , of which we show u full line. At 25e wo show a full line of light printed waUts ; worth Il'iu. At 7. > o our assortment is most cam- plete in satteen lawns ana petcules in whiter , blacks und colors. At $1.00 wo show the best black sat- teen waist in the market. Bosrox STOKE. Fothoringham , Whitelaw ix , Co , . Council Blullx , la. , and Ivockfoid , 111. COUNCII < ni.iirrs SCKJIKTV. Two Afternoons ol Miislo to Charm thp l.n- dies OtbiT Sod il Noten. The social iccorel of ICaster week wa inaikeel bv two afternoons devoted to the choicest of music and most thoroughli on- jo\ed by tbeladj liiendsof Mis. II. W Til- ton and Mrs Dr. A P. Hanehett , at the home of the latter. No WO rourth street , Wednesday and Thuisdav. The two enter tainments were identical even in the de tails , aud about 100 ladies were piessnt on each aftei noon The house was made vciy attractive ami by opening together the par lors , libiar.v and dining room a most com modious loiuejt room was provide ; > d , which was combined with all the charms of home adornment and floral decoiatlon. In the re ception hall hidden beneath a mound ol p ilms w ar a small orchesti ion. the low music of which sened as a pleasing welcome to the guests as they cnteiel. Tie lloral decoiations were not so iiiofusc as to give the parlors a hot bouse eft'ct , but thc.v wcte veri graceful , consisting mainly of palms and feins , witli roses for t rain anco und color , and smilax for the festooning of miirors and mantels. The musical progia n vr is the teal entertainment , not only byirtue of the high character of the selections lendcrcd , butbj reasonoof the aitistie skill of those who presented it. Mis , J. tj Wads- worth , who is known to be ono oi the llncst sopranos in the west , ren dered some of her charming solos , which were \erj enthusnsticalli received. The ilchness and ceitalntj of her tones make her songs over enjovable , and her selections ior this procram were peculiarly happv. Hans Albeit , whoso wonderful touch is gain ing for him a natianal reputation as \iolln- - ist , gave several solos , sustaining fulls the fiuoritism which greets his cveri appear ance before music-loving hcaiers. llerr Cabin , who as a pianist takes lank as a real artist , added to the ilcnness of the treat , both in solo ami in accompaniments A choicer musical combination can hardly bo imagined , and the guests evidenced their hearty appieeiation bj uuo enthusiasm The following was the program , which was daintily printed , with covers beaiingthc suggestive engraving of a violin li ing upon a sheet of music : L'.ipitco ( l..i 1'dlUu Ollssantc. ) . KalT Mr. .lo-ieph ( i.ilim. I ( n ) Austrian lljnin with vailatlons , Leonard | ( b ) fcpinlsh Dance .Sniasate Mi. Hans Albeit. Still as the Night. . . . Itohin Mis .1. ii. Uadsworth. I ( a ) Andante coiiMirla/loul , ( Op 'JO. ) { . . . .lliethoveii ( < b ) NovelletleOp ( 21 ) Xutei SMiarwcnKa. Mr. Joseph CJ.ihni. Iliiiigailin alls , with variations Hinst Mr. Hans Albert. Hoils . . . . . . Xovln Mis , .1 ( \Sadswoith. . Violin Ulillgiito , Mr. Albert. ja ( ) Noctnino Chopin I ( b ) llutuatlan Dinco llrahms Ml Hans Albert. I'laiio , Piano , Canto I'lo ( Ier ) riesuhiiot7) | ) Mrs. ,1. ei. WadswoitlV. I ( a ) Noctnrnn ( Op 17) ) Itiasslri I ( b ) Conceit Ktiide . 1'erabo Mi Joseph Oaliin. I.a Muettode I'otllci dantaMe ) Alaid Mi. Hans Albert. Sleep , I.lttlo Itaby of Mine . . . Denee ' Mis J ( \Vadsuoith. . rollovving the program refreshments were served , the menu being simple but elegant , consisting chlelly of cakes , creams and ambiosia. Last evening the Grand hotel was the s cue of a biilllant affair The Council Bluffs council. Commercial Pilgrims of America , gave its second annlveisary iccep- tlon and ball Tally ISO traveling men from Council Bluffs as well as towns in Nebraska and Iowa weio present , with their ladies , and a delightful time was had , as is usuallv the case when a company of traveling moil get together The dining loom of the great hotel was filled with the meri\\ crowd of dancers clear up to the hour when the twelve chimes told that it was Sunday moining , and the beautiful costumes , prott.v faces and elelicato floral decorations made a vision of beauti that will not bo soon foruotten Punch was served in the league room , and speeches were made during the evening by H. H. Haworth , Kev. T J. Mackay of Omaha , J. ( ! Butler of Lincoln and J. J. Stoik of Coun cil Blutls J. P. Chiistcnscn was rnndo the victim of a completesurpiiso KVidaj evening at the homo of U. T. Melntjio on South Sixth street , by twenty of his filends , who came in to spend the evening and remind him that it was his birthday 'J ho evening was spent in hlijh live and dancing , and refreshments weio served at 11 o'clock Tuesdaj evening the conductors gave their annual ball at the ( iraml hotel A largo number of the. members of the brotherhood wore there , all dri'ssed in the full legulatlon uniform of bltio coats and brjss buttons The list of the guests Included a number of gentlemen who are well up in railroad cir cles , together with their wives After spending an hour In the parlors of the hotel they went to the sixth floor and the dancing commenced. Iho iloor nail been cauvasscei for thp occasion ) Vln < , e Imn-lellcro mul window * llli sti'io ImtisUiimeU dee-orated witli How cm and | u4 house' plants mul the on-litatri ! ( ( stationed In one miner of thc ( room , plased nnmi that kept the feeUnovIng from H o'clock on until after midnight , when the last ntraln of the last waltz illed away Supper win served In the l.ulleu' ordinary , while on the third lloor , in the League club roeinu. were stationed the punch Iwwl and a number ol tables for thosd < fho preferred cauls to " ' dancing Miss nilen Aylrsworth entertained about twentj-llvoof her .Tilling friends very pleas- antlvcstciilay aftcj noon at her homo on rifth avenue In honor of Miss Helen Hum- ham of Omaha , w ho Is v Isltlng her. COMMl < > 10 ! < KltS Tno liiiportiint Itallrniid Suits Settlcil b ) iliidfn Di-rnirr * trlct court incases In which the power ol the railway commissioners to enforce theh orders to the railway companies was In ills pule. The lltst , and probably the more Im portant of the two. so far as the citizens ol Council Bluffs aic concerned , was that it the case of the state against the Chicago Milwaukee ic Paclllc , an action brought t < compel the compan.v to build a depot al Boughton. An open platform was the onh thing-ill the wav of an accommodation U the public at that place , and the shipper- and travelers who weie intciestcd bioughl the matter before the commissioner' to compel the ereetion of a depot The desiied older was issued , but the compan.v. refused to obey it Attorney Uoneial Stone then biought suit in the dlstrii t eourt ti cnfence the order of the * commissioneis The case was ti led last August and has beci under advisement ever since The .shipper ! called the attention of the court to the | facl that Univhton had a laigi' tilbutars leal torr. that twent.s cailoads of stone left the station during the year IMil. when the sul ! was commenced , and that from two to let passengeis left the station daily ( ! ood- that e-ame in were unloaded on the open plat form at all times of the night , and when si unloadeltho company claimed no furthei icsponsibllitv People who wished to trave had to bn.ml the ttaln at the Hag statioi and buy their tickets at the next icgulai station. ClnlniH of tlic linllro id. The railway company fouirht the stilt claiming that the commission had no powei to make such an order , but onlj to ex imint into eases where complaints weto tnaelt and lepoit on thom.that the commlssloi had not specilieilihe si/c of the depot to be elected : that the court had no juilsdictioi to enforce the ordeis , that the orler wa- uiu'casonable , atiil th it the state was not the pioper paitj to enfoicc the older In making Ins decision Judge Ueetner held that that commission w is given power bv the'1 wcntieth gene-ral assembly to enforce its > ordeis "An o.der fiotn the eominission , ' he s lid , "is an order , and not morelj an in foimation to the public As to the objoctioi that the state is not the proper parti ll biing the suit , the supieme court has elo cided that It is I do not consider it neces sar.v for the commissioners to furnish the companies with plans and specifications foi the now depots they may order put up , si that tlie-objcetion that tl'ey did not specif.s the sue ot the elepot is not well taken Tin company knows howlaigo a depot w ill bt neeesb.irv to acommodate the public , Neither is it necpss-ary for the commission it specify what kind of mateiial shall be useei in the construclirtii " Ho accordingly decided cidod the c. se l'i fa\or of the commissioneis and made an order allow ing the plaintitl ai : attornci fee of $ . ' 00 Importuned of tliu Itiillnt- . 'I lie Importance of tills ruling is not due tc the amount involved , for Boughton is meielj a waj station. Its linpoitatico lies in tht fact that the couit hit llxeel lor the Hi si time the exti'iil to which the commissioner ! maj make and enfoice ordeis withiofer- ence to local elepots. It has especial inter est to the people of Council Bluffs from tin lacl that the laihva.v commissioneis some time nuo ordered the Hock Island and Mil- vvaukce roads to mak.o some much needed improvements and , enlaigements in theh localuepots heic , but so far thej have both lefuscd to take the nccess.uj steps In all probability it will be necessari for the at- toiney gencial to commence suits against these two companies in the \ei'i near future to compel them to obey the orders of the commissioneis , and in that event the piesent ruling of Judge Deemer will be of considera ble \aluo in givimr a piecedcnt. The second decision was witli reference . ' .o the demand made lor a siding at Show man. Neailv the same epuestions were involved in this suit as in the preceding , but in addition it had been demonstrated that the sw itch and siding , which had been put in originally for the purpose of carr inc ties and othei building maleiial , were so situated as to beery \ery dangerous. There is no town theic , but onli a farming sottlemt nt , the people living in the \iciuitj baing engaged in farm ing , cutting stone ami the like Between the towns of Hediick and Show man , three miles apart , there is heavy down grade and an abrupt cuivo. which renders it impossi ble for heavy ft eight trains to stop should it bo necessary On the south of Showman theieis u deep cut which makes it impossi ble to see the switch froai trains coining fiom that direction Until it is close at hand. Cimiiiil-islonrr Dej'rt Opinion , "Commissioner Uey , " said the court , "is of tlio opinion that s'ations should not bo neater together than seven miles The people ple of Showman claim that on account ot the hillj condition of the land they cannot haul hcavi loads , and so they neeel a station. As to that , it must bo understood that when a man goes to a place of th it kind ho must take his chaines on getting the kind of ac commodations lie nee-ds In view of the danger which the snitch would cause , I must dismiss the suit " Next Monday nioinlngat'J o'clock Judge Ueeiner will lender another important de cision , that in tlio "joint rate eases , " which has been pending for the last tlire-o ieais , and which has ah cad v been wnttenup in the newspapers at consldeiable length , The railway companies fought the law by which thej are compelled to charge only SO per cent ot the ordinary ficigbt rates when goods aio carried over two or moro loads within the state. The decision will DO looked lor with a gieat deal of interest by the people all over the state. e , ' . O , I ) . Ilroivii'H ( irriit se\on.I > iy House Cli'iinliiK Suit- . The greatest cut ever made on wooden and willow ware. Sale commencing Monday , April 10. Wash tubs -I5e , 50c , GOc. ; willow L'lothes baskets 55o , (15c , 75e. 2-hoop wooden pails lie ; It-hoop wooden pails I5c. Vapor pails lOc ; wash boards lie , Jfic , li'c. ' li'c.Scrub Scrub brushes 5e , 7c , lOc , 12c. Mop bticks be ) iilothes pins 0 do/on for tie. Clothes lines 5q cnch. Largo bottle bluing for 5o. Bulk starch , 4c pound ; 1 pkg.stareh Oc. ( i Ibs. box starch 2c. ! ) (1 ( bara Kirk's White Ru = 0ian soap for 25e. ' 0 burs Fail-bank's Santa Clans boup for Ii5e. 7 bars Domestic boap for 25c. 8 bars Ladies' Friend M > ap for 25o. S burs Towns' Delight soap for 'J5c. 8 bars West India Olive soap for 25o. Tar soap ; ie euku ; toilet soap 2c cake. Washing powder , 2 pkgs. for flc. I e-ans Eagle IJ'el for 25e. U cans Star lye for 25o. UROWN'S C. O. D. , Council lUulfs , la. Woiitil 1.1 lit ) In Mrut it Ciiiuiiilttee. The board of directors of the motor coin- pan ) held a meeting on Tilday. It was hoped that something would be done at this meetIng - Ing with reference to the much-talkcd-of li-cent faie , but whoever had such a hope was destined to bo disapiointed. | "There was no ono thcie to biing the matter before us , " salei ( Jcorgo P Wright , in speaking of the matter.Vo didn't know what was wanted , although , of couiso , wo know that they've sued UK a few times Still , wo hadn't any ofllci.il notice that anything was wanted Kemarks wore made , how over by Mr Millard and Mr. Barton to the effect that they weald bo willing to meet a com mittee of citizens properly appolntcil at any time that maj be chosen by the committee. ItsccniB tome that if I wanted anything out of anybody I'd go and tell him so and not go abtjt whining. " The only thing that was done , according to Mr \ \ right , of iinv publlt hi | > ortaiice < win the * consideration of the proposition made bv Colonel P C Heeel with n-feti-nt'o to the Man iwa motor line He * wants to ttnii hl < nte > ain line Into an electric motor line and wants the motor company to furnish the IHJwer. Tim imitier was icfetrcd to the company's electrician with Instructions to ascertain what will be neccssari In the way of enlargements of the plant In case Colonel Heed's proposition Is accepted. I'lCri'ltr. ' WAS AOt'IIl'TKI ) . Mr * . ,1. A. ( Inrliiini of tills City since-roiled Whrr Other Inmi ArtlM , Tallrd. The magnlllccnt oil painting upon which Mrs. .1 A. C.orhain has been at work for the past nine months will occupj a place In the national gallon of the vVomairs building at the World's fair. So much was decided \cs- teiday b.s the president of the Inspecting committee , who i-atno out for the solo pur pose of Inspecting the picture. H should have been In the hands of the committee two months ago , along with the other works of ait which wcio candi dates for honors , but It was not completed until within the last few d.ijs That fact made it necessirv for the piesldent of the' ' committee to make special trip here The painting is 05\in : feel in dimensions and la probablj the most highly aitistie effoit she has ever made It is a distinction to he proud of that this isthoonl.s painting which lias been accepted from an Iowa artist for the national galler.v Thoto were fort.v-foui paintings before the Judges for their ap proval , but none of them wciv luck v enough to bo awarded a place In tlio national ex hibit. Look a4 'I hi'lll. Men's Russian calf sheies ut Cvuns' , 2) ) : Main and 27 Pearl stieets. At the World's fair w ill be a 7 Ml oc tavo organ in piano cu > i * . See duplicate at Horn-lulus Music Houso. VV Hern \Voiolilp , First Piosbvtoriaii Pleaching by the pastor , Hov Stephen Phelps Tiinlty Mcthodlst-Hov II H. Barton , pastor. Class meelln-j , ! > 'M ; preaching , 1(1 ( HO and 7 4."i ; Sunda.v school , 1' ' : Junioi league. I ; I'pvvorth league , 7 ; monthly lucr ars amlsoii.il entertainment , Monda.v even ing.St St John's Knjtllsh Lutheran -Pteaehing In theMern.im block at 11 a m and 7 . ! ( ) p in bv the ptstor , Hev G. W. Sn.vder Sun- dav bihoe > I. ! itri i Second IHcbbs tcrlanPieae'himr b.v lev { S. Alexander at 10 HI ) and bHev. . T. S Baile-i , U 1) , of Cedar iJapids at T : ' ( ) Sun da.v sihool , 1'J , Christian Unlleavor. ti ! ! ( ) Young Men's Chilstian Association -Bo.vs meeting at ! l , addressed bi II Lining Men's meeting ati , led bHev J II Davis Bciean Baptist Picaclilng moining and evening bj Hev W. C Sbepaid , the-evangel ist of CliMillold , la , who will also hold meetings throughout tlio week. K\angelical Mission Hev. J. Pisk will preach at the mission on Avenue L near Lighth succt at 11 a m First Baptist-Pleaching b.v Hev J. II D.uis Ijvangcllstie service at S p m Sun- da.\ school at 1'J. Young people's meeting at 7. Congregational Hev. John Askln , pastor Moining subject , "Man's Helation to the Woild" Uvening , "Pharisees and Pub licans " At the Fifth avenue Methodist church this moining theie will lie picaihing by Hev F. TongeofOmahi In the evening'the i.ill- waj men , for whom the services of the cn- tiieda.v aie especially ai ranged , will have a seivico opening with an oigan volnntarv bj Miss Pikeol Omaha A song serv ice w ill be led by the V P quartette Haihoad men , motoi men and ilicmen espe'iiall.v invited Bioadwa.v Methodist Kpiscopal 11 P Dmllo.v , pastor , .subject of moining seimon , ' The Good Samaiitan. " Evening. 'Tempta tion " Class meeting , 10 Simdav school , 12 Junior league-I p m. Upworth league , l > oO p m. No time for a millinery opening at Loui ' : but oh , suen beautiful goods. 25 Main street. Dr. A. , T. Cook , ( iraml hotel annex. Special attention to elisea-ob of lectum. Ii'lf'illr . lictnriifil. Thoicgtilar meeting of ridollty council , Hojal Arcanum , was held Fiiday evening. The delegates who attended the state con vention at Clinton weio present , and gave a repoit of the doings theie They ropoited a most enthusiastic time , and Coancil Utah's came In for a generous share of the hoiiois of the occanion I M. Tieynor was reelected - elected to the post of grand regent , C ! . 11. Jackson was elected gtand ginul , F B. Warner is chairman of the grand trustees , and J. If. Aitliurisa member of the com mittee on laws The next meeting of the gland council be held at Ottuinv.a. Another improvement to the popular Schubert piano. Swaiibon Music Co Geo. S. Davis , prcsi'ripuon elruggist. Murrl.igo License. The following mairiago license was issued yesterday : Name and Address. Ago. I Uoss H. Itunyan , Council ItlnlTs -Jt l ittnJ. : Dolsoii , Council lllulls. . . 11 ! Wood of all kinds , CODS and coal. L. G. Knotts & Co , 700 Broadway. , o Will Colltut the Money. TMII.CQUAH , I. T. , April b The bill has passed the Cherokee senate and house designating the chief and treasurer and ten other delegates to go to Washington and collect the money , y.HOO.OOO , duo on the sale ofthestiip WK.I 1111:11 J 'intiv.i s r.s. It Will lln I'll I r und .Slightly Warmer In > 'lir.isku Toil y. WASIIINOTOV , D C , April 8 Forecasts for Sunday : For Nebraska and Iowa Fair ; winds shifting to south ; slightly \ \ armor. For South Dakota Fair ; south to west winds ; warmer except in the west. I.oi ill Itci ord. OFFICE or TUB WKVTIICII BUIIEAU. OVIAIU , April b. Omaha record of temperature and tainfall , compared with corresponding da.v of past tour jears : 1893. 1892. 1H01. 1890. Maxlniiini tPinpcraturo. I7O 4'2O tijo ( > HO Mliiliniimleinper.-iiure. . 34O 300 3Hi fi'jo \vt > iniru temperature -10 = an 45 = 00 = Precipitation . . .00 .03 T. .00 Statement showing the condition of torn- [ icrature and precipitition at Oauiba for the day and since March 1 , 1893 : Normal temperature 48O lellclenc > for the day ho Cxcess since Match 1 4 = Normal precipitation 10 Incn Deficiency for tliu iluv .lOlnch Dellclency March 1 . 93 Inch I ! , i ; , HUNT. Local Porecast Olllclal. 13IMI > O'.AI.sroUnLM > MKIN. : ) U.S. IN- Idlan ServiceI'lnc Kldge Agency , > . 1) . , Maich 30 , 1893 Scaled proposals , e-ndoiscd , " 1'ioposals foi I'leldeeds , " and addiessed to the undersigned Hi I'lne Uldgei Agency , Slrin- noniounlj , ! I ) , vUll be leeched at this iigeni-y until 1 o'clocU p in of Apill Jo , 1H9.I , foi furnishing and dellv 1 1 liu al this agency iihoutJa.i ( > ll His sued oats , i0,5r ! ) ( ) Ibs seed L'oi n , 67l > ill ( Ills , seed pofitoes , 1'JOOIhs seed wheat , 7,10 Ibs. alfalfa. 3 O'H ) Ibs. Herman mil let , 730 Ibs. timothy , 737 Ihs Idnn Brass , MM ) Ibsiiar ( luut and oJ ) Ibsuiju canu seed. Said seed to bo grown In Ihc section of coun- liy conlliuous to the place of delivery. Illd- iler will l > reiiilred | to st.ito specifically In tholr bids the proposed price of each aitlcle nlfiircd foi elullvtiry iinilui a con tract. The i Uht Is risen ed to reject any 01 all bids , oi nny p irl of all ) bTtl , If deemed for the ho-,1 In terest of the service tPiirifihii cute KS K.ich bid must be accompanied by a certllU d , 1'nUeif Stales de- chc-eK m draft upon some posltoiy or solvent national hank In the vicinity of tin ) residence of thn bidder , made ii ij able to tliu order of the commissioner of liiilliiniiirulM. for al least fi pei cent of tliu iiinotint of the proposal , which check or draft will be fni felled to the I'nlle-il States In case any blddei or hlddms iccehliu an aw aid shall full lo promptly execute a conn act w Ith good nnd sntticlent surellen , olberwlso lo IMI re- iirnedtothu hlddei Illils acconipanli d by L-ash In lltMi of aciiiltludcheek wlllnot IKM-OII- sldcicd , I'or any fiuther Informal Ion apply to I'AIT.lilXJ l < ni { ( > Y HltiJW.N , I . f. A , Acting rutted States Indian a > : cnt , vl.ildJU niilx lor l.xdi\.Ulmi. IU , Neb. , Api II H , Itt'JS Sualed iiro- pos.ils will be leeched until li ! o'clock noon' SSe-dnesdii ) , Apilll'J , at tliu olllco of lh < > In- ( cisiato Hotel coin.an > . room 3'7 ! , Dinaha National llank biillulng , for tbu icnioval of illrt from blto of hotel , southwest coiner Ibtli und Ilarnt y strcetK. 1'nll Intoriautlon can bu hud at lluiolllciiof I'lslier and l.awrle archi tect ! , . 'lliu ilKht Is losorvtd to ii-lect liny or nil bids. J K MAiikf u ADUJt. beerIntvrntate llotel t'o SELF-SUPPORTING , Though not Mount for a Monoy- Muklng1 Institution. Pliui of tlm Copclmul anil Shcpanl Work- Its lYIciuN , Its Hue- It * Critics and Its Success , His nnccMiry to lot In tlio liclit occasion ally. Tim IIKIHU lu-nltln. l ! Is tln < purpiHo of tlili iirt do to let In a ilttlo htfht ruKHrdliiK tlio p mi of tlio I'opulaml and MiiMrird iiruu- tll'O. 't'ho llr t mul limit Import nit point Hint uuuilsll hi U rufi'rroel loin thlo tin toman t llif ( ( ijif/diid / mill MirjMiil jinrlL is nut it niiilir/miiHfii | ( ; j > ticttet lr ) < * . ( 'oiclntil ) nnil Hiopard Baw , jnirs IIRO , no n * i so n fur tlio i-xorlillimt fe < e > s nsnitilv e'lwrirod liv spool ilUts , I'lmn mul nunln It liiul boon hroiilil | to tlii'ir uttuntlon III it lhairviit in issof tlio | ) oiiiln | wuro clunrlM'il of the skill and u\u < riuiicu of CIMUIIIIO st > li > lall3ln on iu- count of Iho high fees which they clmrjrel I hnlr i'MH'riiiiK'0 had di > inonstratuJ In tlictn that the bc'stsorvues. tin- host mvdlvlnes and tlm most oiircfnl o ire and iittpntlnn could bo u'lM'Miit low and irilfiilin ft' s flio prrsoiit Institution , \\hich IH IIM their n unc mid which Is nndrt tho.r uursonal aupurv Hion mil eon- troi , U inoroly the miccc'isml c irr > Inn out of Unit iiliui. Ills u 'i/-iiiiiwiuu ( ( ( t iKtltiitlnn ; lint ( iiiniiici ; . in ifiliii/imr. It Is Just what Its founder Intcndod It shiiul I bo nil Instltnllou will 'h U.VJH . to L-acli Individual nitlunt e'liii'f nl anil thorough o\- iiiiiliuttioM , skillful lrc.it ncnt. nil 1 nil ncccs- > 'iry inc'dlrlniM .mil reined cs of the piiic'st drum and the lies ) iinulitv at u total mpc nso whluh U absolutely le-.s th m tliu mil of the drills vvou.'l lie if the pit lent Loiuht them hlnisulf in iho usu il way. This iniieli slionld bo pin n v stated In Ins- Ilinto Iho vvorU. and th it the pulnlu niny clo.irly appichend Us purpose- and method II it nut , n > lif Kin , n in inii-innlitiiy . nut it w IK nut il iii all ill' , lmt t n | i ( Kim l/nil / fiilii/ny.o / if in in r mum > ( ( Mill 1 irir- ) liHItntli li' i > Hiifllr ii lie. II IK u ii.ii ftii / / | J < Miifiifdiiifz i alii , fin titciix ti'iil f il > i > i j iillf" that luiv frltciitl ill liralinuHil 1 1 l/i / inr-ilnt l 'il > eiiiiiIITI | n ) I/I'JKIJIC / niii ' / , fC | > m- f > Inn rm Ufll. They founded ilto'r Institution I carried on tholiuii I , In tlio fiHn o [ i ho mint \ olcnt t'llllc'lsni from do tois who \citUiiil and fioiii uoctiirs who did not ailvi'itlso Do'tois w hoailMM tlscil uriind thil lh"V were cutting Into prices and uuo mining tlio adxoitlslin ; businolloctors uho did not adM > rtl"o hulled all suits of criticisms mil icllcct'ons ' upon thorn and tholi assocl tes bur HIM' they s i\\ that tlio ( opelund .in I bhupuil pm-llco \MIS Rjitlu rin to Itself an HIMmrt'ulii : sh ro of the medical work ol the illy I'heso eiltlcl'ins In the end only he I no I the \\oiK and dolurminod Drs l opeland and Mu > | inril toion- tliuie It until thcro uas nut a shiiduu ut duubt loft In the mind of my ono r > v uiiln. the mer its and pr.ictlc iblllly of their 1 1. in mid the bcnotlts thin the public inl ht durixo from Its iiceumiillshmcnt. - no MiiK-ty InMtcH 1. 11 ( irlppu ni thn ( 'iitarrliul loiiilittini , und I hern U no moi o. jintent s ling nil ril iignlnst tills duiiK 't'- OIIH liillnimiu t Intn pi * iper unit riiillral treat- in cm ol Did Ciitiiirli.il i miitll lo'i Unit ln\lt H ll > U U iiotldMl o\i > rj < l i > I ) } Hi" . Coielniul | unit shepiird tluit ihirkn Iho pit \utciu * i ot l.u dilppn li.iully onu nt tliu r piitientit li < i < been snlijri t to II. Mr \Vllllim = on , nuloi c eru for s\vlft iV Co , I'aeKeriuntil mi ilia , lues at 1 Hi1) ) onlli . ' 7th htreet , uiitl Is a \\ell I > IIO\MI b'is'- ' ni'ss man and piopjil ) iiuiici Mi. U Illlam- -iiii s vys liu iris no dc lie foi pnolleltv , but detims It ( list and itg\\l \ \ to toll tin ) public ho\\ lie h is been holned I In s ivs : "It ist w Inter I was sltk two iiiiintlis with l.u Grlppo wliuli so e\h iiisled my 111 rvinis sys tem . .milltalilv that I v. is exlremrly WIMU and all in/ bodily funi-tlnn , 'rmitly Inmaiieil A catanln.l 'runbic had ilao tornine time m ulu line ids on my he ilth Oi. liunnd his Iroitol mo for three months and 1 ha > o X lined sii ulllv In mury resp ct My blojd and nerves , .mil whole system arii no In splendid sh-ipe luinnily my hlood ' eoinod thick and mined In l s ii 'NIi way ilninich mvolii3. . Afier cot tillluv b'ood ' ill litditlt as ousy tc do the lu-tt. Iianskep and ic-.t as I could not dobifoio Ihi\ou keen rollsh foi my food. Il duemo sjowl and bulliismeup llefoin I hid nodeblroloo.it A Ion. : with mv lowcted st.ito I h.ul aiht'u- matio KIIPU that for a lon time was homo- ivh.il stlir and full of pain an 1 SrtellliiK It Is ne.irly well now. I am M > hi.hly ido.isod with my splendid Improximent th t I sliull urKii my friends who need lioitment lor cliioiiln : ilscasus to no and ot relief and euro as I lio.\o douc. " LOW RATES. OATAUKH AND MA , rTUAHLH I'.S TKi-.Al'ni ) AT LOW AM ) UMI'OUM itATi > Mr.ifiM ! > ritn- . PATII'.NTI AT A IMbTANlJI , slUCJK-MTMA' I'lU-AlM. ! ! ItV MAIU Jfl.M ) I'Oll bYMl'l'UM lll.ANK HAVR YOU SELRN Made by the Centaur Cycle Co. of Coventry , England , The oldest anil stionjjest cydo company in the world. KINGMAN & CO. , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , KANSAS CITV , DES AIOIXHS AND OMAHA. Manufacturers , importers and jobbers of high and mediuni grade bicycles ; also vehicles and farm machinery. S. M. WILLIAMSON & CO. , Council Bluffs Agen To run the largest music store west of Chicago. We have the Royal IlarJman , finer than silk. We have the latest in sheet nuisc : , and in other musical instruments , etc. ; what we have not is the exception. Piaios to rent and rent to apply. Mueller Piano and Organ Co , 103 Main street , Council Bluffs. Special COUW. BlUFH , , ' HAI.K 1-ull tot of tlnnara loolt fuoilconUl 1'Oll n bar fain Imiulro of huiiklu | Shuxurl llurdiTaro Lu t uuncll Illniti \ , ) r puli vaiitu. ililiiinuf i ilornol VVull preparul lor HID wjrk 1C I IluiLe ctlr tiullilliw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' JITD3 IN , rlrll cn lnoir 111 n prints of II' ltlatf < uml all niMllloni : ulnu p iturJ ' furjJO lic.iJ of muck 'J-'J iilli avvnuv. I/OH hAI.K - \ \ > otTcr for ilo on nasy leriin ft lie 1 flrablo liumo onnth nveiiuii onu lilock from i'le > trie motor , liuuiu of II vo looinn iloicti , clljr wuliT lariiu lirlik iiillar , front uml tlilu porrhi i Will > > o I at li lliuli iiutiml toil liOuirco'Ionic , .Mi I'tarl uri'ol , l ouuUl nnil lot for ali > No HIJ Hfl'i a venue HOIMK of J 1' ( .lirlillau , L \ It I , friiulii liouia V CIIANCH for rlu'il man lo collect , lollclt , Wanil ilellror uuudu VVaiei IU a week , uml proKudlvtileil cvvrr VJ aajn , In ilock com- naiir Muit bur li ( hard * ttock Aililrdm J. W. Mutio , Uoom 6 , MortU block , Council Ulufli. Singing Evangelist McClusky , I l.nimeptmiiher UtiinitmUl * lloror mul Mo. niHK.v e'omlnc'liMl rovlvnl inrolfniti It tlio I rHiC'hrHiliin HIM ruli In this oil r , 1 liu Mnlliy ami fitmo ( if HIVM < Uloel mm nt- trncte'd tlmiiiKj of peopleto tliolr mrotlniM. " " . ' " ' " /"win ) lirnnl the rich volco of 1 M\H. Kuim MK'lusky in dm mtilody of mion-d donii will ri'iid w Hi fntrn-n Iho unhjolncd hrlof lull e\pri i iii tatoiiiunti "I i mriin t.iKIni ; ticaimentof Drs I oplDliinil and Shep r I , a short time ngn for ciiiuirhnl sole tlini.u. and notwlthst in Mm : Ihu fut Hint 1 Hiiu- every d iun I evenliik ! dnr n tno time , they haveenllieh i"l evcd tlio soreness , and also strengthened mv voi il powr < I ( Oiniiieiid tintro itinent for tlic in ncllt | Uavo obt lined. I have found II must lionpll , (1 ( | | j has m nlo my sln.n easier an I It fi ue n o 11 heller aftm\Mir.l , 1 do n < n lies Into to uu-- otniiiinil Hie tiontnii-nl as eliu ' ' 1 ful tone no < e , thro it mil che t " A FRIEND TOLD HER. 1 l went t ; tlio t'opei ml Me'lli il Ii siltuto for hulp bec'iinse a frleml wh i bud hi i n urcil Iheio told tnu to so" Tin ) sp < > iker w m Ml t Tlllln l.ent/liu'ci , III Ilin dvvny t < u neil lllnlls. la Hi r fntliei I neb l.tut/iiuer 14 the well U now n anil p ipul ir Inker who fur At ve iislms fed the linn ! > with the chulee pro ducts of li s oven and his is lai.'e un ac- iinalntancu as any man In Umn.'il H nils. "When I bo an treitinent ' ennltnned MHJ I'll le. " 1 was wret bed Indeed Mv ImuiliicMin was frightful pilnlm HID nl tliu tune1 , f ° -X could scarce1v sleep at all Mv stoni u-h was sicli and I d d mil know wh it un apnet Ito vv is. 11 iwUIni : and spitting to Keep my tntoat.cle.ir was i onstani I bid lo do it to Keep from strangling I w is all nc in c\erv way and felt Unit mv whole system needed a the oimh overhanlliiir.licn li. ) Sicpaid beitm M loc.il and nencr il treatment I inn relief I toll jon It v\.is i croii event in my life when thai teulblu nuni i K'II ' ' "It mv head and 1 bo * can to pat .mil enjoy he illh IIUo < > tli r pi'oulo , 1'v ery sicii of e.it 11 ih la rnn nnd In full am all r i.lit In every way , and cannot s i > onoui < 4 for the tie itmont that in nil u mu sc ' Illland ' 112 N Y. Ufo I1UU' . . Omaha. Ollltu HUIIIH U to 11 II in ; 2 to 0 11 in. 7 pin. hnnibiy 10 a in to 12 m Road Kins I lustier Road Queen Athlete Kingman Glideaway Scorchers , and other Mermaid Medium Umpire Grade Wheels. Special Notices. COUNCIL BLUFFS. _ I'Oll HUNT 1 ho Mericcu liolol t 10" Huutlilal 1 itiect Inquired IAJWIT at huiel liS ! ItACT.s uii'l ' loam K.uni un 1 cltr prprir uuu lit anil tulJ i'uur A lUuinat coailUt IlluDt , ' 8AI.K 'I * o nli o colt JKO ho no on Avunua 1'OU ( i m > ar rjlli ttrucl. U ruinai liuy nlii < lo < r , cl ( LU nnil iianlrr , lur o hit wiuer In yuril Will tiike u sin nil piiyniciit ilown mul bulani u In Intlull * iniiili l.oiik'fU.V lowlB , lj 1'uitrl utrcul luum.ll llluflt . t'lQ AI UK farm InCoilur ruiiniir NoiimiK i nil In I'oiltlvullun t.'j'X ' ) pjr ni.ru rlr iclnii cltr l > ri > porlr to uiclMiixu for K > o I tnnil oil in il - icrliitlun r tlm luuil yui. Ii iVJ tu ottisr Jeilinilua \ Van 1'ntlun I OIt ItKNT-Ileiuru Ml lint iireut U rouinfc to clV. . JnekBOj , nun iluur lOUHKSr From lit of Juno to IU of ( ctubtr 1 fourUrifB tool rooum two nlcolr furinib il | two tfirptleilonlr. AtfilruiK lit ) , llrenllko TTiTil riAl.K A immbe-r of nlco cotlagicticap. . -I nnit on Torr etir | > am nli. ( Jrtvaiultlaii Mcliolion A Co , Cl