Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1893, Part One, Page 5, Image 5

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We puce on special sale tomorrow , ISO pairs of chenille portieres , $1O.BO and $180 .
goods at $5.SB
- .
l ? , w/ ® ? -SW come in the very latest colorings. We will also sell 1OO of Irish and $7.93 per pair. This is an extraordinary offer , as the curl -
site BrusseiJ - pairs Point Curtains , $1O.6O qualities at $ B 5O . SO of
valued up to $2O , for $1O.5O per pair. $1.23 Drapery Silks for S3c . per pair. pairs exqui
per yard. 16c Silkolme at lOc. None of these
dlso will be sold
to the
ma e special wool goods
prices on Dress Goods
, T , Silks , Laces , Embroideries '
d to your ot of town friends. It will them to , Hosiery , Ladies' ready made suits , and a big line of Jaoanese novelties.
pay come miles to
many attend this sale. Read all the particulars.
A11 wool Nun * Veiling.
38c All woo ! Alliatrowt.
Ail woo' ' liktiHto.
1 her uro tlic Gtic qualities
IP iiirti lltnrlottd.
5Sc n inrli II > j-al hnrce
40 Inrti Oucinu Lustrine-
Tbt e are n-prtli ( fir i ard
\ < Incli Ilorirlottn ,
73c 41 liiuliSerso It
4ti inrb fctorm S.
Ocrmaii Whlpr-ord. I'oiiijmaour
Twill and ] "kin v Crepou. JSone
woi tli } oas UIUD f I 23 u J urd.
In ililfi lintwu | O B all hicht of pruOt
9Sc llnucalitio. 1'arls Ourfl. OullalK
7nill uuailtr nil wool
IlmiriuUa \\urvlluiirlotk ,
Double Enillsli \ til | > CorJ.
\\mil Urpcunini' uud
1'iirlii Moumelitio
All worth II ! > J ktrutcbt
( lljot 1)90. )
A Feast of Silk Bargains ,
i lnc > i China MIL nuvv crouuUb * lth cream
fcpot tat wulits worth tl Si.
: Monday. 87 l-2c.
ncurca C hliiBB. Maul croiinQR , worthOc ,
Monday , 22 l-2c.
11.00 quality flctimfl China Mlk ,
At 7 l-2c.
A pr ut liarcaln.
Wash JuiiaticHeSflkRinUable fur waist ) and
wrupjitTB worth tl 00.
At G7 l-2c.
Waterproof Ulurl. India Silk ,
At S5c.
2 inch Itlucl , India , warranted ralu proof ,
value tl ! i"i.
At SI.00.
New Ctiuncunble Silks , uew ultiid hllUs In
Croat turlcts-
turlctsAt I lotto in Prices.
"S Inch Jtipatit"ie Plh.h. In llclit croundu ,
BmnllProNdcu CeslcuB. In pink , liplit blue and
coldru. Il.'JTi ,
Sale Price SI.
Umbrellas , $1.25
For thib sale an English gloria , 0
inch , fust black , beautiful natural
BtlcUs. regular price 82.
Laces 3c j nrJ
Tor Monday onljun oluant line of
Lltiim. Torchon and Vuleuelounes laccn ,
only Ur yard.
Laces 17c yard
Tor Monday. H Point fle Irlande lace ,
il < e liicbffc w Icle , on y I'o.
Laces 23c yard
I'or Mtmfluj ( inlr , a m-von Inch Point dc
Bourdon lucu ; reculur iirlou Stli * .
Laces 25 > c yard
rnrlMondujonlj , n P Inch tiretty pat
tern I'olut cle IrJuutle luoes rucuUr price
4D cisuU
Laces 3fcyard ?
fur Mniiduy onlf , a bouutlful Ii inch
I'olut Apjillytiu ; rugular prlco fine.
Iluvlnc juM rucolMifl unothcruew Itivolcp of
titubroiaerlfi we will Btart them ut UBUmitb-
Inplow pr res
Embroideries 7c
Torth E dulc an itlepaot line of otn broid
ery. prnttjputturus , rnuclnc lu prlue from
lUc lu I"--
Embroideries lie
In this lot nlllbe loutid < innio litiautlful
coocls. nil jirMtj" pi.ttornt > and r'.iocl quail *
ties , rt'Eulur jirlct'Ma. .
Colored Embroideries 12 l-2c
Anotticr now Invoice of the bonutlful
colorud oiulirolflerlf * BO popular this ea-
KOU , eloRiiut ( juulitlus uud only 3"Sc.
Embroideries 21 c
All new mill prrttr puttornB In omlirold-
orud. In hemstitched , in whllu and oolornd ;
Uinbrellas , Si
An elorunt fast black Enphsb ploria ,
inch natu'a ! sticks , onlj jl
Never brfo'B hus this fii-partmeut boon so
eomjilote nfc at itie ] > rc i > nt tune OmnlirlM&c
all the ntw uud prett t uornitlct. hutlnc
f-lmrtid tiophtn1 ; to inalte this dopartnieut one
of the inoit prominent lu our su > ru
Gimps 5c yard
A beauty , and nil silk , in all colors ,
only fie
Gimps lOcyard
A vcrr pretty plnin In ( .Ilk and tlniel ,
NOiuethlucnew. only 1K ( j ard
Gimp 21 c yard
HmiothliiK olepant in two touiid , very
pretty co oriuc ; rorular prlcn Xia.
Persian Hands 19c yard
A"rr ttrlish and jirotty , poofl colors , and
tomorrow '
Iridescent Trimming 43c
Tor Moudav onlr u bouutlful Irrldts-
ointplmn. u.11 colors peed width ; ropulur
pnoe ( Tic.
This is but a iow of the many Imrcultm wo
ure Blmw luc Out line nf blucW trlmmlncs In
complete , com prKInc all the new- and prt-tty
tnluch ! < > u are ncrsouullj lurlted toliiBtiuct
this beautiful line
Thin Imln : a peed sounnn forbuttnns wo hnre
bought < ery oxlunslvulv , imfl are Khowlnp
tlie must coniplute lluecr fchoHu in thu olty.
Buttons 3c .1 card
I'oarl buttons two do-on on a card , for
tomorrow only ; ic u card
Buttons 7c a curd
Tor tomorrow only , an decant pourl
button , jukt what you want lor a
button , only Tcu card.
Buttons 29c a card
Fine extra super , all Fires two dO70u On
u iurJ. tor tomorrow your uholoe only-to
a card
Thle Is but H few of the louden. We are
flhowlup an olrpunt line of initials nnd
jicarls. In all ) ! ? ( and colors , at prices that
will surmise you
Fancy Parasols , $3 75
The finebt Hss-ortrnent vver oile-ecl for
our prices , , all stiles and dopant quali
ties , regular price $5.
Don't fail to read this carefully and
cut this out aud brinp it with you , us it
is for your interest.
Corsets 980
At n l ftd , tfce famous J. B. tsorset , rep-
ular prito il.CO , lor Monday onSy 9Sc.
Corsets $ i. 10
For Monday only , the Dr. "Warner's
health corhot. Repular price of this
quality , $1,50 ; for thin sale only $1.10.
Corsets 6Sc
For this , a lot of corsets In different
makes , all elegant corsets running in
price from 51.50 to 52 , In one lot for
Monday onty fiSe , to close out.
Waists 250 and 500
Children's waists , for boys and eirla ,
the best ot makes , for this > ule 25o
und ode.
ThIF. is but a Jew of the dopant lines
we are showinc. as we are agents feral
al } tne best makes. Space will not per
mit us to describe further , but you will
alwy I find our line complete.
Carriage Parasols , $1.19
A little boautr * ' arriage pnrasol , fast
black , onlj 81.19.
Our BtocL Is * Ithout d mbt one of the finest
and most varied In the r ty 1 \ rrfubrlo
ttiat U tloHirabie nnd xtnlnh rsu IIP round
bore In ul. the ninst upprood nli idi" . The
followlnc M'tiIitl" Milues for th < > u > dlt
: i > -ticlj two toui'fl Ulucouaik ( VH quality for
4-lucli ( ) i.ll woo' , liuurlrltu cloth , all loudlnp
hliuflei. ntior leu * than ( Kic. on Bale Moaauy
at 4Sc
40-inch Troncb whipcord dluponaK TO.qual
ity lor I.7SO
-inuh hunatomc suruh Rorce , In rich now
Trench uoloriiiKt > , liuporlud to t-oll at (1 , will
po In this sale at > c.
W-lucli ( .tciriu Korsi-s in nury blue our ros-
ulnr ILflOqublttj on miprlul iiilc ut f 1
4l lncti all wool henrlt'ttft , matttof tinflmst
Australian wool , huft hllUj finish. Usually
rutuiled for fl.-n for this mile H
42-lurb r.nciisli diuzonals , u hundRome tl.M )
fabric In all tin new sprluc tiolorlnps. at H.2- .
Vt-itlnc hiir ei. M lui-bes wld . beautiful.
dirrhblp street riotlu aarl. anfl Upht prouuds ,
rejularlv U.-j. Moudny H.T. ' u J arfl.
All BlIK w indsor ties , plalue and strilius em
broidered ends , in all colort. . atlc. .
TTie und Kio ohuteluiuK with oxydizod alhor
climps. fiic
f 1n to H 51 chatdlalns real sniU , l a.
82..MI shoppnti : burs. ( l.STi
S.Li" ] uuarvSbod Kid Hhopplu ; bap , heavy silk
ton , 12 5(1 (
1 100 Ht > i > l baps K M.
( Kr < 0 ftval hups I-.I All new pnn3s.
All tholoudltis : no\oltiu6 are to bo found in
this depnrtni"nt
Our "T-lncli challls worth lOe , for TSn.
( LlchV and darl. fust colors , i
Oiu ; c-lnrn chullies worth -Oa. tor 1c. .
( Liclit and dark , fast calor- i
Our IHi-lnch silt , jirlutod fabric , worth
" 10 , for I.'IB
Onriliich : ( World's fair sultlncs. P vard In
pattern uholcc Ktyle' . worth ! ! . - . " for .Yic eacn.
> t M.MCK roMroins.
cloth nil coiors. worth 1 1 Oj , or ti2."i
u. all colors , worth 81.50 , for I2.fu
Umbrellas , $5
All the new tilings o ! the season ,
puaranleed for one year , in beautifdl
handle , in a ate and dre den balls ,
celluloid crooks and ballB : sweet briar ,
horns und elegant English stirks , old
Thin 1 n wonderful olToi of hosiery and
could only be potHtblti br til Mirurinj llirm .u
the wai we did 1'urUrulur
lomes' Hosseiy Depflnmem-ftoiilDy.
2.V ) Joreu IndUtK nuvy blur und Real brown
jerMi'f rlbbud catton hoKH. This craJoit rtvu-
lar 2 > r nocUlncs Miinduy ,
6DC P8I l)9L )
293 fl 07 en fa .t bliicK arop otltclioJ cotton
bose a . - quality. Monday.
DZGO lot.
; mOd)7pu ) Indies' fine oottou hose In neat pin
cu red uud blue htrlped , urcruiar
, Mondur ,
60s i)8i ) eon Dozen 101.
Monday 1IK ) ( In7im ludlc * ' fancy 8trlp d ,
Imury Gurm tin ootton IIUHU ull eond fu t co.-
ori > , alwajfr sold ul , l > c u putr , Monduy.
51.25 lor HOII Dozen to
1(10 ( dozen fxtru fine quality lust u.uoU lU1n
thrrad liosc ull ci'i'Q ' hlrfs nnd no itxrnllcnt
Htooklup fur wear Thl > > Htor .ItiR wu uiude
to neil at r > do a pblr ,
Jttoniioy $1.25 per box 01 HOII Dozen.
110 flnrnn Bur quulltjfutiry Ftrlupd Swu
Kland rut ton und MMr tlimud IIOHU , peed ctyl-
Isb colors u regular TiU ? hloflJnc
MDIUlOySI.25 101 DDK 01 HOII D3Z6D PfllFB.
AIBO un prtruurdlnury oni-rln Jadlei ujirluc
Ttolpht vents
Al 25c per l/esi /
W ) and 7"io TP IV two t > lld caKiit. We bouclit
tlium at u turrilir rufluctlnn ana will Hnli thtiin
tomorrow ulciuc vntb our wonderful burculnii
ill lie ioiv ut " > K Jim ost. Vm will not null
iiuim tuiin t wulfo AtKtxlo uny ouu ouBtomur
ul this , prk'u
Umbrellas , 53
In this assortment will be found the
prundes-t thine ever offered for $8. ail
beautiful poods. , und very choice and
prettv hundleb.
iile Portieres
SO Pairs. SO Pairs
Value $10.50 Value $10.50
15 ,
Silkoline , for one day , IDC
per yard.
$ i , $1.25 and $ JoO drapery
silk , 830.
ie Porliers
Heavy FringeTopand Bottom
Real Value Real Value
TJfi ill
Silkoline , for one day , TOG
per yard.
$ i , $1.25 and $1,50 drapery
silks , 830.
Grand oponing- sale of ladies1 soring suits
Eonday. All btiitR offered for this bale are
all new { roods , mace in correct frtyles. All
> .Hou jackets liavo ibo new balloon sleeve and
tbe skirts are made extra full.
We will start with Vi. Thlnt of it. an all
wool Eton suit , mude as illustrated here ,
only 85.
Tbe next lot at ? 7.oO. Ladies" Eton suits ,
ronde of mountain f-erge. in nary blue , regu-
la- value IHO.To , Monday only $7'u
Lot .1 Jit & 10 L idles' Eton suits , hatid-
Fomely embroidered , made of serre or
broadcloth , colors , navy , preen and brown.
Regular value SJS.uO , Monday only $10.
Lot 4 at $12.50 All our Eton suits , ranging
in price from $ lo 75 to $16,50 , Monday only
With ever7 ladies suit sold on
Monday a Silk Swabian Vest will
be given free of charge.
We will difipliix Monday , Tuesday nijd
\YeaneHduy j dozen HUDOI ted hats and bon
Just Received.
Theao are the choicest jroodi in tbe mar
ket. Our btook complete e\ery nov-
elti tbe market ufforda
Tisli Point
Lace -Cortaifls-
100 Pairs 100 Pairs
Real Value Real Value
$10.50 $10.50
$5,59 $ $5.50 $
See thesj curtains. A look
means a purchase.
Silkoline loc per yard Mon
issel s
L iys
$13.50 , $16.50 and $20
All One Price Monday
These are the best bargains
in curtains we have ever
Silkoline Monday joe per
$ i , . and .
$1.25 $1.50 draper } '
silks. Sc.
The Attraction of the House.
Our Japanese Di .play on Third Floor.
Thousand of jdccef. told last uoel : , and every article sold is
an advertisement in itself. The price is told to u Inond , and that
iriond IB certain to want more like it.
Come and See How Far a Dollar
or two will go in beautifying your house.
ThIf IB the time of year for plants and flowers. We have
juht what you want in Japanese jtirueuiors or pots , all hizes ,
hana carved , all helllnp very ohoan.
The TobantiUi VUBOB with glided curving at $1.25 are ebpoc-
lully going futt.
Rare Pieces for Center Table or Mantle
Bronze trays , bronze card roeeiera , bronze jmpor cutters ;
broiize boolc-innrlcs , bronze match bosea , bronze fctainp bores ,
anavariety of oiaval tls .ji * Pr c raaainy Irjji 233
up 10 38c , ucoording to the
of beautifully decorated china at $2.85.
Charmincr C hinp Plaf-pc . or Watermelon or Stra wherry Short-
caket ] 6 incbeB ) (
Elegantly Decorated ' , $1.38.
anrl OaUCerS Superbly decorated and worth
tiOO , allpo at i. prices , COc&Sao
Decorated Chocolate Pots 0 :
lhefo uBoochina"
4 t
Splendid Pots for Tea Making
Lacquer Trays Rare Finish , at 19c , 28c. 38c ,
GSc and SSc , everj-one a bargain ornamental and useful ,
various siz s and shapes.
The Natural Palm Leaf for " " ctc"
' -
H Jl
Fire Screens at 38e and 50s.
All colors and very showy desig-ns.
Chinese Lanterns
for lawn parties , odd
shapes , iSc and 250
Baskets , very pretty shapes ,
All new , at pc , isc , 150 , iSc , 2oc.
Tea and Coffee Caddies.
Beautifully lacquered at iSc , SDC , 450 , 602.
This is not half but
, we no more space.
Come and see. You will find everything worth much
more than the price marked. All Japanese wares. All of the
best finish.
N. B. FAL.GONRR , 15O5-7-9 Douplas
' ' ' ' V '