1(5 ( T11K OMAHA DAILY BEK : SUNDAY , APRIL 0 , 1TO-TNVKNTY PAG IK ECHOES FROM THE ANTE ROOM Doings of tbo Week In the Secret anil Fra ternal Organizations , KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ARE PROSPEROUS n on HIM' ( Inlnr'n ( Irowtli-A Oliftptcr on Mnnoula InnlRiiln Doing * of the Workman N w AiM'Miin-nt lt tp of Wooilmcn ottlio World. Mrtlo lodge No. 2 of this city Is again back Into Its quarters In the Continental | block. It w ill bo recalled that M } rtlo was a sufferer by the recent fire , and for a number of weeks was compelled to moot In another Dlaco while the damaged building was being repaired Last week the ledge moved baek Into thu building and Is now meeting In the smaller lodge room until the in iln room Is fitted up The furniture nnd furnishings have all been oidcied and will bo In plnio Inside of two weeks The paraphernalia will bo of the latest for'tho exemplification of the now rlunl When the rooms are pre pared Mvitlovvlll have one of the lltiest < nstlo halls In the state , and will bo bettor und more handsomely fixed than ever A recent address by Philip I Colgrove supiomo representative of Mil hlg.in , con tnlncd the following comparative statement , showing the number of subordinate lodges and the membership of the order on Decom boriil of each } earslmo its Institution Iho table Is a correct Index of the wonderful giowth of Pthianlsm and Is well worth pondering over. ButioriUiinta Mem licrs 34 I'4 M 2VJ tao't 7. ' MS M 012 1PI 151 tvl 33 ' K vn BI Auft 9 M 110'1)1 ) 1.1 .SB I 1) ) . ' UO 157 m 1M Ul 18.I7J1 M * HU 81) l.'V 'M 817 . .ON I J S57 U.4 No Iriintworthy stntlsllc * nvMlnblo Excelsior lodge of Clay Center went down to Tali Hold leccntly and worked the ranks on fifteen candidates for 150 Triangle lodge of this cltv has work at every mooting and the Interest is great lion W W Hlackwell supiomo chancellor of the supreme lodge. Knights of l'\ till is of the Woi Id. spoilt Tuesday and Thursdav of last wcok In Omaha , the guest of J J Mon oll.aml n i : ncnch On Wednosda } he at tended a meeting of grand ollkeis and delegates gates fiom subordinate lodges , held nt Co lumbus , Neb , and gave Instruction in tlio secret work of the order In the evening Occidental lodge No 21 gave a practical ex emplification of the third rank from the now ritual The supreme chancellor reports the order in a higlil\ prosperous condition with a membership in the United States of lie ul } half u million New /VKHIMMMlrllt It itl'S. Pursuant to action of the executive coun cil of the Woodmen of the World the rates Of assessments hxvo been carefully revised ttio following from the Sovereign Visitor Is explanatory : All members admitted on and after Tob ruary 15 , Ib'J.J , will bo assessed upon the now table of iattM The matcrhl changes are as follows Instead of having ono into of 80 cents on $ J,000 for the ages of IK to 28 , the rate is now fixed from 10 to 21 nt TO cents. 2J to 2"i at 75 cents , 2(1 ( to 29 at b.3 cents , In stead of 8. > cents on the ages from 21) ) to 3.1 , it will heioafter bo 'JO cents from 30 to iUj it is raised from 111) cents to ? 1 from 34 to ! IT. and from ! > j cents from ! W to H'l to ft 15 fromilSto 10 It is raised fiom $1 fos-n'indrl infer 12 and 4i ill ) to $1 SO for II to 4.1 ; from ? l 10 to $1 41 for the ages of 44 and 4' ; the rate of $1 15 for 4(1 ( Is raised to * I GO ; $1 20 nt IT to $1 bO. from I1.SO at Ibupto $ J , fiom $1 40 at 4 ! ) up to f2 20 ; from 51 50 at 50 to ? 2 H'I , fiom $1 U ) at 51 up to $1 ! ) for $1,000 , and from in cents for 11,000 up to ? ! 50 nt 52 } ears of ago. It will bo noticed tint from 1(1 ( to n the rates uic advanced , and above these ages they aio advanced graduilly , the burlier nges having a sin ill peiccntago excess of in crease. Our lates nio now less than some of the other laigest nnd most popular oulers , but noaicruu exact latlo based upon the American ncniary tables , helntr of couiso raised some to bo consistent with our own experience and that of orders in the ten ! toivcovcied b\ the order 'Ihcso changes in rates in no wise affect the ccrtlllcatos heretofore issued All old member s continue to piy the same rates ns when admitted The rates nre equitable , and offer a premium to } oung and middle aged men Applicants over45veaisof ago aio required to pay a i.ito that is equitable und cheap , but n substantial advance upon the old i.Ues , which weio inadequate and hut dlv consistent in v low of our mortalit } oxpoiiencc , although more nearly based upon the actuaries'estimates of mortality up to the year IS'.K ' ) lovv folders are being pi luted Deputies nnd cloiks should dcstio } all of the old Issues and order new , which vv ill bo for warded by the sovereign clerk upon applica tion without char go , except for transporta tion , rf scut b } expicss The Masonic Cinoiiicle calls attention to the following icsolutlon , adopted at Denver Uesolvcd , That It Is hciebj enacted b\ theGi.iml Encampment that hereafter It slrn'.l bo unlawful for an } Knight Templar within the juiisdlctton of , and who Is subor dinate to , the Grand nneampinent , to wear an } Inslguli , bulge or uniform belonging to any ordei other than a rcgulul } recocnl/ed Masonic or Templar liodj at the s.imo tiino as wealing the Templar unifoini and Insig nia , and whllo attending the conclaves or as scmbllcs of an } bed } of IVn.pl irs or on pub He occasions when the } appeal In uniform ' 'Iho above resolution is coitainlv sulll cicntlv liberal , and assurcdlv so for the Sir Knights of the Grand Orients of Iowa. Mln nesota and Ohio , who io < ogni/o as Masonic thirteen gi ides In the York rite and thutv three. In tire Scottish lite , the selection of an emblem or insignii from euh , will no doubt answer to cover their bl oasts and baldrhs , If the } tin not the proceedings of the Ciand Lodge of Iowa oil It oil b.Hiothoi . Par via , grand seeietar } , will cniblo them to Include the Insignia of ttio Mstlc Shrine as Masonic Ant lent Orclrr of tlnlicil VVorUtni'ii. The membeisof South Oinilr i Udgo No CO , have elected delegates to the meeting of the giand lougo in Lincoln M.i } 'JJ as fol lows C W Miller , Jacob .laskalok and W II. StonslotT A V Gallagher and I > i ; Sul llvnn have been elected b } lodge : i7 of the tame clt } Monday evening , Apr 11 10 , Patten lodge , No. I'll , celebrates the thlnl annlvcistr } of Us organisation and w 111 bo pie iscd to see as many -\isitlng biuthien as will accept of Its hospitality The occasion will not bo com memorated b } any claborato banquet , but lather by a few musK.il selections and reii- tatlons rendered bi the members , followed bvappropilato speeches and a llttlo lunch Uho lodge , which started out tluoo JIMIS ago with but twenti-elght members , now rium- bors Wi and Is still growing H meets at the Patterson hull , Seventeenth and Tainani streets. Ililiillnctoii uiiil Iliii Kulibfir liulnttrj , The nibljor Induntry Is ono of the luuit iirnlltnblo of tills gc'iioriUion , SUVA the New-York lloruld. I1 "Ills I' , lluntlnir- tononcu : ilil to the writer that if ho v.voru u jwnij , ' man with ? IOJM)0 ( ) hoe o to Afrlt'u and OIIIULO in tire r liiiiilnoss. "Why , " Mitd the rall- iiuiKUiitti , " .vou can buy urutlo rube - o Coniuwuy up In tlio In- torlor fur u pc-iiiiy u pound , und when you cct it down to the aunt you can soil It fur ii'-nrly UN ) timun us much. 1 know of no boltur iiiciiiig' | [ for VOUIILT moil of KiHuinl iiurvo. " "Jlut , Mr. Utmtlng- Knt , kuld till ) yuuni ; mun to whom the HOME FURNISHING MADE EASY. The Original , the Largest and the Cheapest Credit House in the World you our goods. We sell on easy payments aicl : deliver free of clnrge daily to Council Bluffs and South Omaha. nn account with U4 iind bu\s $10 vurtlfof _ _ _ FurnUureT C irpota , Stoves , Chainlior SultsT Ruiijics Rockers. Sido- boards. ( outer Tables , \Virdiobos , Tables. Siltcrucir , ( IOCKS , Cutlery - lery , i , Beildlntr , Matting , Buoy Carriages , Gtibolino Stoves , Boole Cubes , Seciotuiios , I'rctuios , Art hquaica and q oij thiti } , ' eFsontial for jour homo. Gunn Folding Beds. MonarcliGasoline Stoves. Northei'n Light Refrigerators. Palace Folding Beds. Featherstone Baby Carriages. Gem Freezers. VS/ ' * ' "what would < > " remark was add rested , y do if } ou didn't have the $100,000. ' " "I would start with $10.000 , " was the replv. "Hut suppose you didn't have the $10 000.J" "Well , in that case I guess I wouldn't go into the rubber business at all. " This will bo a notable week in Omaha theaters and concert halls. Joseph Jeffeison vv ill bo at the IJoyd Thuisday evening. Thq w or Idi enow nod Seidl orchestia , assisted , among many talented voi-allsts , by Miss imma Juch , ono of America's greatest so pranos , will render a magnificent Wagner program nt Exposition h ill Wednesday even ing. Hobert Mantoll , one of the best 10- mantlc actois of his time , will present two of his gieat plajsat the Karnain the last three evenings of the week , Thieo notable cv eats in the musical and dramatic calendars The other programs ot the week are all of the best of tnelr class "Tho White Squadron" has just closed a big run in Chicago , whore it had been playing to ciowded houses nightlv It will be clubor- atel } staged and the oiUinil compni } will bo seen hero It requires four special cars to can1 } tlio sccnerv lostunns , mechanical and electrical crtects used Diuii ? the ac tion of the plaj thoiewlll be a topics Mita tlon of the Amcilcm nivniulei sill an 1 steam 'Ihoviiand Pla/i in Klo Janeiro , a pillaged moil rsterv in tlie interior of South Aineika and the hailxn of Ulo aio among the punclpal tanvascs Nivi ° c < * Sojth Amur Kan llamas and other realities will bu Intro lui'cd In some of the scenes and the lepit'ientativc rnusle of seveial countries will borondcieil in connection with the ac tion of the pleio 'I hu Congress of Xivies held In Hlo to piotest .iLMinst the brigand igo tolerated in liia/ll founs the basis of flu < plot , which unfolds u lomintic love'storv 'I'ho White Squadron' opens at Uod'a Thcilci tonight lei foul nigh's and Wcdncs da.v matinee. One of the most popular of the Gcunin dl ilcct come Hans and slngeis of ted ly is Mr James A Ueill } , who appears nt the Pain mi street theiter this iifteinoon and evening inescnting his now milllir.v coin edvb > Hair } Umiuett entitled "A German Soldier" 'Iho bisls of the jilaj is the love of Max Sihimmel , a ( ieiinun .voulh , for the companion of hisauth , Lenawoi - fel , a German gill of considerable foi- tuue Count Wilmark a Geimin es tate owner , seeks to lover up a disu'iaceful past and leti lev o his estates b } marr.ving I.enn To can } out his villainy hu his Ins rival scut to the war as > a German soldier " While Max is awa } ttio count iilmosl suc ceeds in Inning Lena , but is tooled in the l.i st act by the i etui n of her Hist love niul the ajipeiuanco of the count's former wife Intel d | > rrscii throughout each act are man } songs vvhUh elicit much applause. Master Hobble Uelll } as MUs lil v pleases the audience A scene to bo gicatly apprc- ciifdis the rescue b.v Max nnd Mil Imel at the end of the fourth act "Mr Kelllj as Max bih tunnel and Mr Heatt } as Mli-nael Slnughei ty kept the audience in gooii humor , and were compelled to render man } of thcli soii s a second tluio , " s is an exchange The rotuin to this ritof Mr Joseph Jefferson U alwas esteemed one of the rhiet attractions of the theatrical season , anovcnt not enl } gladl } welcomc'l , but jovousl } anticipated. The hlgncst critical authoilt } In Ameiica long ago fuel } assigned to Mr. Joseph Jefferson thu foremost place In the list of comedians and the verdict of the critics has been endorsed by the public , Honored and loved In private life , rotpectcd even to veneration by his follow plajcrs , PRIORS THIS WEEK. CHAMBER SUITS , W.CO , $11.60 , $10.60 , V2'i mid upwards BEDSTEADS , $1.7o , 2.60 , $3 75. $1 50 and upvvaids WAHDHO13CS , $7 CO , 810.00 , $17.60 , $10 and upwards BUHP.AUri , $0 2' , $8 , $10.75 , $12.50 and upwards SPRINGS. Sl.'Jo , $2 , 2.CO , $ a.50nnd upwaids MATTRISSIS : , $1.75. $2.75 , $1,50 , $0 and upwards PARLOR SUI'iS. $21.50 , $32.50 , $39 , $15 and upwaids LOUNGES , . $4.75. $7.cO , $11 , $1125 and upwards ROCKERS , $1.50 , $1.00 , $2.60 , $1 and upwards BABY CARRIAGES , $3.50. $5 , $7.50. $9.75 and upwards REFRIGERATORS , $9.50. $11.50 , $13.75 , $15 and upwards ICE BOXES , $4 75 , $7.50. $9 , 311.25 and upwards GASOLINE STOVES , $3.50 , $5.50. $7. $10.50 and upwards IIAMGING LAMPS , $2 , $3 50 , $5 , $8.50 and upwards DINNER SETS , $5.60 , $7.50 , $9.50 , $10.75 and upwards TEA SETS , $3.50 , $1.50 , $0.50 , $7.60 and upwards CHAIRS , 35c , 60c , 75c , OOj and' upwards TOILET SETS , $1.75 , $2.60 , $3.75 , $5 and upwards CIIIPFONIERS. $7.75. $0 , $11.50 , $14.60 and upwards OFFICE DESKS , $1.75 , $7.60 , $9.50. $13 and upwards MIRROR 3 , oOc , $1 , $2 , $3 50 and upwards MANTEL FOLDING BEOS , $ S 50 , $12 60. $20. $25 and upwards UPRIGHT FOLDING HEDS , $17.60 , $ . ! 0 , $37.50 , $12.50 and upwards I WASH BOILERS. 90(3 ( , Sl.40 , $1.76. $2.50 and upwaids I PIANO LAMPS , $7.50 , $9.76 , $12.50 , $15 and upwards BRUSSELS CARPET , 6'lc , 75o , OOc , $1.10 and upwards INGRAIN CARPIr , 2lo , 3or , 17o , 680 and upwards MATTINGS , 18c , 25u , 12c , 18c and upwards STAIR CARPETS , 18o. 30c . 3oe , I5o and upwards WINDOW SHADED , 38c , 50o , 75s , $1 and upwards LACE CURTAINS , OOc , $1.60 , $2 25 , $3 50 and upwards COMFORTS , 85o. $1.25 , $1.CO , $2.25 and upwards PILLOWS , flllc. 76c , $1 25 , $1.50 and upwards CENTER TABLES , $1.10 , $2 50 , $ J.50 , $1.75 and upwards SIDEBOARDS , $10.50 , $13 60 , $17.50 , $19.50 and upwa da EXTENSION TABLES , $3.90 , $4.75 , $0.50 , $7.50 and upwards BOOKCASES , $1.75 , $7 50 , $8 50 , $9.75 and upwards PORTIERES , $ .1.60 , $4.75 , $0. $7.50 and upwards PICTURES , 75c , $1.25 , $1.75 , $3 and upwards EASELS , 76o , $1.25 , $1.00 , $2.05 and upwards Special Inducements to Young Folks Just Startling Just claims allowed. Complaints heeded. Courteous treatment. Cash or cred.t. No misrepresentation. Satisfaction guaranteed. Easy payments Bed rock prices. Small profits' Enormous business. No interest charged. No names on our wagons. CLOCKS , 90c. $1 50 , $2.25 , $1.50 and upwards MEDICINE CHESTS , $1.76. $2.60 , $ J,05 , $1 50 and upwards HALL RACKS , $7.61) ) . $8.75 , $10 50 , $16 and upwards PLUhil ROCKERS. $ . ' .75 , $ , t,60 , $1.50 , $7 and upwards PLUSH CHAIRS , 0 'c , $ l.r.O , $2.75 , $ 1.50 and upwards COOKHTOVHS. $ 'l 50 , $12 60 , $15 , $18.50 and upwaids RANGES , $19.50 , $21. $2S 50 , $35 and upwards LADIES'DESKS , $11.50. * 7.75. YlO , $12.50 and upwards KITCHEN SAFES , $3.5' ) , $5 , ill 61. $7.60 and upwards SILVER PLATED CASTORS , $2.75. $3.50 , $5 , $0,50 and upwards WROUGHT STEKL RANGES , $22 60 , $2S.6J. $ ! 7 60. $ l > and upw u\ls ICECREAM FREi//EHS : , $1.IS ( , $1.84. $2.10 , $2.25 and upwards PLUSH DIVANS , $1 75. $0.50 , $ S,76 , $10 and upwards LEATHER COUCHES , $11.60. $18 , $20.25. $21 and upwards INGRAIN REMNANTS , 15u , 20c , 25c. 28c and upwards DOOR MATS. 25e. 40c , 59o , 760 mid upwards LINOLEUM , 39e , 45r , ( iOr , 05c and upwards "GUNN'S" FOLDING BEDS , $12.50 , $17 5 I , $25 , $35 and upwaids RECEPTION CHAIRS , $1.50 , $2 , $2.25 , $2.75 and upwards HAT RACKS , 80 , lOc , 15c , 20c and upwards 128-page Illustrated Catalogue. Special Baby Carriage Catilogue. Special Refrigerator Catalogue. Special Stove Catalogue. Special Gasoline Stove Catalogue. Mailed Free. We pay freight too miles. Awiilta you nt tlio I'c'oiilo'q Miiiiinolli InslallinoiU llouso Oneo ln ld o the griind oiiti'.iiu'oshuthof Im.voi' or vis itor , you niv in ulo tlirjco vvoluoino 'J'lio lHieliisiii ! ! pow.'i ofoiir dollnr will Ho inoio for iou tit our store tliiinit nn\ other credit house in the world Coino In and roit awhilo. Pprhaps vou will Booi0inothlnjj _ j ou need VoTi nondiT't wori-y nbo ito uly i-aglriis _ _ wo will jou mnplo tiinoon p irt of vluTr | iuiohaso $10 worth of goods $1.00 a weak or $ UO a mojtii. $25 worth of goods $ 1 .50 ia _ _ W33k of $6.00 a mnii . $60 wortl of | OQdslOQ _ a W33k or $8.00 a moiit'j. weak or $10 _ _ amnti. _ $100 worth of goods i $3.00 a week or $12 a nnnt'iT $200 worth of goods $5.00 a wa3l < or $20 a month" $300 worth of goods $7.50 a Wi3k or $30 a moal. admired hj cver.v lover of v\lmt is best , truest and noblest in dramitie. art. Mr .lutlerson rn.ij vv ell feel that his life of con scientious Uovotiou to his art has nit been without Its rowan's , especially as it may bo truthfullj snid that , in this iiistaneo at least , pecuniary success goas hand and hand with artistic excellence His lovival of "Hip Vau Winklo" ntBoyd's next Thursday evening will bo memorable Iho line old play 1ms been given n rest long enough to hftvo created a great desire on the paitof the public to see it again nnd to again enjoy Mr Jefferson in therolo which will ever bo most closoli associated with his name and fame. It Is now some tvventi-llve jears since Mr. Jefferson first gave to the worll his masterly impersonation of the romantic * vapabonJlsh hero and since then it has boon considered the gic.it corned } creation of the American stage Mr. Jefferson's Kip Van WlnUlo stands today unique and an almost perfect axamplo of artistic comedy vvorlc. Hobert Mantcll's engagement , commenc- tns ; Thurs lav of this week at the Tallinn street the iter , in his now pi ly , "Tho Face in the Moonlight , " promibcs to bo ono of Iho most successful of the sc ison Mr Mantcll is a favoiito well established in this cltv Ills new pl.ij atTords the gieat lomintic actor opportunities never die lined of in Ills other plajs ow Yorlt , Iloston , 1'hila- duliihia and other cities ot tlio c ist crowded their largest the iters to applaud Mr Mm- tell In his delineation of the du il t'h irac- teis of Vk'tornnd liibit , ono ch iracter rep lesents the low. gioveliiu liuirtless , saltish I cioiturc > who lives onli for himself while the foil is an oloxant gentlem in , an olhY'T in 1 the aimj of Prance , a m in of tnnplo inoins , . lii'-'h iniivlcd and ono whoso tempeianiunt rests on a high plane of meiitalitv Mr Mantoll s success in tills plaj Ibsosttong j and distinct that peuplo do not hesitate to i pronouuco it hi far the hest thing he has 01 er given the public . The costumes and accessories aio siiil to bo uiiusuiilli hand some All the scenery use 1 in this produc tion i-i can red In the comp.uii , and is the s HIM as that libel in the gic it run of "Iho Face in the Moonlight' at Procter's theiter. New York On Hatuuhii evening , by special icqucbt , Mr Mantoll will appeir in 'The Coibican Ihothers " Man igcr John 1' Hopkins has exorcised good JuilguiPiit and c.uo in selecting the vaiious acts from his Howard Athciuuurn and 1'ransocoanio speciiilti compinics to form nls now Howard show for the Uallfor- niitrip IIo picked out such feituics as would please the specimens and made it ono of the strongest \audovillo shows ever pre sented In thu west. This splendid arganiia- tiou will give four pcifoimancos at Hold's theater on Trid.ii , Satiudaj and Sunday next "i'aiichon. the Cilckct , " Maggie Mitchell's ct'lobratea ] > luy , will bo ttio next production \Vonderland and Dijou theater It will be presented for the first time tomorrow , with Agnes Fuller in the title role Miiggio Mitchell saw Miss Tuller play Fane-lion and complimented her hi sai lug It was the best , portraal of the role she had ev or w Itnessed I'ho other principal female character will bo phi } od by Miss Lisle LoU'h Halpti f'uin- mlngs lias a stiung nait in Landri Hai beano .lolin D'Ormond will bo seen to advantage as Dialer , VV J Holton as Pathor Har beano , Jack Kill us radet. U I ) Lewis as Kttiiline and Dora I.nno as Mother Harbu.ino The plai will ho beiutlfully mounted and the characters handsome ! } costumed The spocliltv olio will Introduce Dm Morris Sullivan , the v ersitllo Irish coiue.H ur , Eileen Desinaati , In clnr.icter songs and dances , the Carlo brothers , In a fearless P } ram Id act , and Farnuni and Welcome , a team of Intrepid balancing trapeio artists. K\cry ludy visitor to hear "ranchou" will receive a beautiful imitation cut glass brc id dish , as a souvenir. The grandest conceit over given in Omaha will be picscnted in Exposition hall on VVcdnesdnv ovcuing. It will ho rendered b.v Anton Seidl and his entire Metropolitan or chestra of sixt } musicians , who have plaied together In and out of the New York Motio- politan opera house for over seven } c.-irs , and these will bo assisted bv no less than a full complement of operatic artrsts , headed o\f the favorite Amerlc-ui singer. Miss Emma Juch Along list of carefully selected operatic and church choir sopranos , contraltos , tenors aim bassos complete the atti active ensemble. The program Is most novel and has been undoubtedly prepared b } Mr Seidl for the distinct object of suppl } ing to an extent the cntiio absence of anj giar.d opera in Now Yorlc this season In this ho has succeeded admirably. Ho gives scenes from "Taniihausor. " "Lohengrin , " "Tristan und Isolde , " "Tho Meistcrslngcis , " "Tho Walkuro , " "Siegfried , " "GoUerdainmer- niig" and "Paisif.il " Mr Seidl has arranged these selections in the order of their compo sition byKlolmul Wagner , thus appealing doublv to the faculties of the cultured audi tor No man living could make tins valuable academic piogram with intelligence and au thority excepting Anton Seidl , who resided with Wagner and was his rlsht hand for so in inj jears While pi'obibli the imst otpsnsive miisl cal attraction over given in this cltv , J 't the min igemcnt has kept thu pilccs wltliiu the most reason iblo limits A v ilu ible an ilv ticil book has boon pro- piroJb } ! ! L3 ICrelibiol , tlio accomplished Wagner Ian critic of the Novv York Tiibrno , an I tliis l > 3ok ma } be h id w ithout cost In nil who apply at Mr Holbiook's oflleo , Ibi ! Par- 11,1111 street It contains tlio full pie much valu ible information Tlio repertoire which the Bostonhns will present heio for the list week in Apul is as follows Wednesday night and Siturd.i } matiii'-o an I night , 4iHobin Hood"Thursdaj ; night , " ' 1 ho Knickerbockers , " Pi Ida } night , " 'J'lio Ogalallas " Vlnxloiin ciMluu. "You have 110 idea ( if the finoiuiss of Moxlcnn ootloo , " Haid SonoiGjnalos tea a St. Louis Ropublio roportoi"Thoso who ( lout know may talk about Java and Rio and mixtures of the * > o w itli any ether ootleos , but they all fall into dis- roj ute when the ffomilne Mexican berry lias boon tested. Very llttlo eotfoo has lieon marketed from sou thorn Mexico , because it is roall } all consumed at homo ; und nollo at 111) ) cents per pound just from tbo troo. "Tboio nro some varieties of eilToe tboro that retail lit $1 per pound. Tills is all used by wealthy Mexican families , and tbo use of coffee is mil- vor.sal in that cnmti-y. Thousands of acres of tbo llnost colloo lands can now bo purchased at prices riinijln fiom $2 tci $5 per acre. The title is secured from the Mexican federal trovoi nmcnt on easy terms. Ti ees bear u half crop at It and a full cro ] ) at 4 yeai-j of iif'o. Three pounds to tbo tiee Is an average jiold , aUb'Jiijh many trees bear from live to ix pound * . An acio of land will Mipport about 800 treON and their average life Is about ( ilxtcen jears. Syndicates will own nil tbe.-o fine tolfco lands inside of two ji'irrd , nnd they c.innn then bo pur chased lit nny price. " The body of llaron Louis Kull.i , a consnlcu- ous Hungarian politician , has bceu found lu thcrlvurTlielbb , neai Hinv * LATEST IDOL OP THB PARISIANS l.ll C h mitt list'iiillhortVh MCoinu : t tin' VVorld'M Pair , Mile. Yvotto Guilbort , the younfj woman whoso success in Parisian eon- cert balls bus been so threat that Russia is longing for her at Sarah Boniliiudt prices , and who will bo one of tbo at tractions at the coming World's fair at Chicago , if a alight dilllculty , a matter of 100,000 francs ( $ JO,000) ) , is gotten over , is a i altogether original woman , writes Rojort K. Turnbull from Paris to the Globs-Domociat. To begin with , not every young woman who has passed a few vears'bohind a bar gain counter it > capable of making a suc cess which turiib her in an average of $500 u day , oven upon the music hall stage ; much less is it c mimon to find a joung ludj capable both of charming the nvciago audience of a concert hall and appearing t ) advantage in the vorj best balons of , i gi cat capital like Pai is. Not only does this songstress turn the heads of the average Parisians who see her bo- foio tlio footlights but her hp.iro afternoons - noons are alwavs engaged 'way in ad vance by tbo giveis of tlio present Pat is "fad"the "live o'clock. " Just what it is that so enchants one with Yvotto Guilbort it is vorj difficult to saj. She sings and she MIIL'S and her songs aio very l'i iskj " But it is not there , for others sing oven butter than she does , and nine lisk } songs still. Often in the pieces that aic least risk } hho scores her lust hits. Mile. Gnilbi-i t ( who , by the wnj. does not go into nn.v jctacies over her possible trip to Amer ica , morel } remarking that if tlio United States will give more for a glimpse of hoi than will Russia she shall bo hnppj to make the tour ) , in tr > - ing to toll the w liter of these lines her idea of the wherefore of her vvondoiful Hiiecess , could only saj that she believes it to be a matter of intelligence , puio and simple. Guilbert began her stage career four years ago at the Vuriotes. where she ap peared in coined } parts with Jndio Re- jane. After two } ears of tills , vvithii salarv of. ) ( ) francs ( $00) ) a month , she wentb } chance one afternoon to a cafe concert , where the quality of the per formances struck her so forcibly that she determined at once that what Parislaiin needed was a moic intelligent ropiemulation of the very songs they were in the habit of heniing. Her higher stage training at the Varietos may have stood her in good stead hoio , for , though I tried to foice her into some nokiunv lodgment that her pecul iarities , if they wore nA really art , came to her b } accident , something as Luio Fuller's serpentine dance idea came to that clover .voung woman , she vsould not bo shaken fiom her claim of being under tlio contiol of nn intelligent inspiration when at her very first ap pearance she took Paris by storm To put it very llteiull } . Miss Gull- bort's idea was that the rUk > ning * of the concert singers that who haJ seen lost their delicate naughtiness and bo- caina simply enl } a few lemoves fiom obscene in the months of com so , gestic ulating. Bhort-okitted , vulgar women , It should bo her function to deliver just as pointed verses , but she would give them a value , because she would sing them as a lelined soeiotj woman would in legulation continue , without any gestures , and , in short , as if she had n > t the slightest idea that there might bean an } thing equivocal in the woids ut tered. Stiangoasit may seem to these who think that in Pans of all plaoos it is only the songs in which there is u double meaning that have a "go , " it is the in nocent Jennie Leo sort of efforts that sometimes call forth the most prolonged bursts of applause and another anomaly it is not alone tlio guiltless allusions which are permitted at the "iho o'elocks. " It may bo snid "Oh ! That is Paris so ciety. " Hut there is no more dillicult and strict society than the Parisian. A well known joung American all but had to meet the brother of a pretty Parisian lady the ether da } in a duel for an ntYtont. And what was the allront.J The joung American hud -euted himself beside - side the gill on a lounge in a swell house whole bth were guests at n party. Hut for her singing. We are at the Concert Parisinn , which is in the Rue Faubourg St. Uunis. The place is packo 1 with people , who enduie tlio other poi formers for what' is to come Yvetto Guilbert. At last a very tall young woman walks t ) the footlights amid a storm of applause , which sud denly dies away as tlio music ceases. Her lit st song is ' 'Vierges , " or "Maid ens. " Hut a success , bu it in whatever line , is w01 Hi always a word. Mile. Gtiillurt is at least 5 feet 8S inches in height , and she has led hair. As it is said that 'tis n work of art tlieio can bo noolleliso in the duect English of the wind Titiunesqiie. Her oes aio not quite the deep nliMilntolj Irish black of John L Sullivan's n it quite so light as .Sarah Hornhnidt's. but they are wiry peculiar ojos ; once seen , close to , one never vv tiffin get them. It would bo a little dillicult to call her beautiful , but Mademoiselle's chaims aio not alt igother those of face or llguro. And ever } ! ) dy siis she can't sing. Hut how * delicioushow indo&eribablj sympathetic is her strong , full \oico us it pours out the words of the song , which iw English can translate. The appliiiiso is long and loud when the conclusion Is reached and the singer respond * with a far loss innocent satire on a popular play still running entitled ' Cellos qu'on Respceto" or "Those Ladies You Respect. " If tlu-io is any cunning by which dissolu'e women ol the higher clasj in Paris deceive their husbands iut mentioned in this song it is an oversight ; a in idnrn O-m Juan could learn points. Hut the singer has finished again. And again and again the bund-clappings , the stamping of feet and the bravos rewound -even out- Hlde the building. What will It be this tlmo. ' ' Oil , something ulUgethor puio and innocent , ' remarks n Frenchman beside mu ; "sho will show you that she does not depend on naughtiness alone. " And ir ) more does she. She sings a charming llttlo love eng , "I Uo Not Kiuw Why. " Tills is followed by "Lo Fiacre , " a typ ical Parisian "Cafo Ghnntant" piece , inane , incompiehcnsiblo. an 1 f ir a c in clusion puts aside lier evenin ' c.ntimio . Using "Miss Valerie , " which mi take- , on of a very comnun po > w i/1 at Paris the English goveIUMS an I tlio reception given the very toll ! iir lilt on Lnglish governesses in HII al , or rather as a Fioiicliman want * t ) lidievo they me , is amostonthiiiiiHtic me. The singer cjnios back on tlio siu'o , in an swer to the wilddenionstrati m and buwa her thanks again and again. Tiiou HIO makes a desperate effort and gets back ; of the wings. Once more again she is called out ; once moio she biw-t heir thanks to the throng and trios again to lotiie. Then , after the lowest of b > ws , Hhebajs : "Jo no puis plm. " Tli it set tles it. The hearers will om < amtiior night. _ StiaiiRn Silk 1 rei't of I'.in 1.11:1. . : One of the greatest cm losith - . of the Panama istlimus is the vegi table sllle tiee. ft is a plant that gr ms from lif- teen to twenty foot high , an 1 in a > pcar unco does not differ gica'l } fi MI other ti ees , but the inner b irk is a n fi-ctly silky lib ir , long , sm i > th an 1 nt 'ong. The natives sop.ilate it by s > t\ m thod best known to tliPiiisdlviM ti p-OCIHS somewhat rcseinbllng th it uf b.it ing llnx. When once it is siiji i a l and spun int i tin cads it can Im w > \ n into iv fabric s > clo-ely i e-jombling sil 4 that 16 is dillieult for anvono not fannli i with it t ) distinguish between th t tw i I'lils species of silk go ) ds is in hi/li fn ) i mi the isthmus , and a ( J > ! omlnai h Mo H never happier than when she ta ued in a giilv cjlored diess mil ) fi i n the tiees In her father's jard. An All-llniiiiil lloiiH.k | . | > | i r A southern paper pnblisho- f dlow- ing advertisement : "Want. I IH n joung ladv. aged 19 , of pleading i 'iinte- nance good llgme , agreeable m i nil rs1 , general information and va i > d lu-com- plishnients , who has studied i > i Billing fiom the creation to cioeln t a -.it'iiatiou * in tlm famil } of n gentlem ifi ! wiir take the head of his table m i m. , " ) lilfi , liouseliold , scold his servants m iso his ; babies , check his tradesme'i s Inl's ' , nu' e impany him to the the-iti Kit thu leaves of his now bi k. suvon liis buttons - , tons , warm his slippers an I generally make his life happj. Ap.ilj In the first jilacu to Miss , liickorj Grove , ' Cn , and aftcrwaid to paint on 1)19 ) picmir.es. " A llitriliir lltti-rmltmi if. A patent-riglit man has been working hard in Pennsylvania towns ami vilhigey trjing to sell territory fur a ' burglar exterminator" which has gn-nt points o ( sinij'liclt ' } and effectiveness \\hon tlio b irglar raises the window to enter tiiq room he sctHnmchinnrv In mutton \\bleh , when he rests his whole weight on sill , and projects his Iwdj across , d a tiomcndous knife , admliabl } c luted to cut an ordinary man In two ; There is no argument against the of fcctlvcnoss of the extermlnatoi , but peopio HCOIU to objecV to U for soina reason or other , and the mtiu is iiot dolnu very well.