THIS OMAHA DAILY HER : KJVlVllDAY , APUIL fl , 1803. THE JAILY BBR or i in ; * no. is PKAUI. STUKKT. r ll > frrd y rnrrlrr to nny purl ot.Uio city II W. TII.TOX , MANAOKIt I Iltl lm"tOIHce Mo > 12 - NO.23 N Y Plumbing Co. f < t mil HIufTs Lumtwr Co. Coal Miuoniiti-pcr ' th UatU-r , Mti Broad wn\ . Hex ' 1 S IJMley. I > . D . syiiodlcnl mii- si ( mio for Iowa , will prwu-h nt the Second I risiiUcil.inrhurcli Sumln > oveninp. I he m nnnii b > Kov HV Allen at the M -iBonlo .rtntuV Snntlav morning will I * : "Tlt ) Mlssl-m of the Church ' Kvuiilni ? sulijff t Trustlni ? 1 a Spider Web " nili-ivcr. who was arrested Ttiiirs- dnj "lulit for uhuslne hli family , was tried before- Justice Fox . \estt-nlay nftornoon , found iruilti. and finoil * : nntl costs. If had he will ho sent to d 's not ji.iv that amount thr co'inu jnil for flftec-n dnji. ' ' "Damon and T'ylhlas" 'J'ho prodii' tlon of nt | ) rhinlast , : pvrnlnR was witnessed b > n good siwd crowd At the matlnco tilth iifK rmxii ) 1 lirtatlnn" will ho presented ' 1 his < -M miiK the L-nttaRCiiipnt will close with u . ) of the "Son of Monte Cnito , I'au is tht-ii-montln-oUlsonof Mr.anil Mrs Viilimi Hnmlmiv. dli-U jestt-rdnv mornlm.- in I HI IIH K at the family jusliionro. lUil Atinui < ; 'I In- funeral will take place bun- da n.iiiiiinir at 10 ! ) o clock from the i er- nun ) 1.vnnt. > 'iical chuich , corner of Glen lui-nui ( inii I'ieroc street The Si nix Cltv papers announce an at- tfii.pi at suifkln oy the morphine route. n ude i\ Josie HuUc'it.n ( 'h-1 who fonnerU li'siilt-it hrro While In Council IJlutls she nitempii (1 to 1:111 : herself in the same way on tun nt cations , hut her latest trUl was n f ii < lun > just as the two lormer ones were. The UH al council of commercial Pilgrim ? ofAinerlc.i uill five their annual banquet ami reception this oiling at the Ciraml liotel A lanre number of inembors of the order IIIIM- sent word that thes will be In attendant e , and as llif home loOgc his a hip inembeishlp , the prospects arc that it will be one of the le.uliiiK social events of the after Kast < r season. Ollli i r Murphy went to the Northwestern j nrds last ( > \ening anil arrested four tramps , \\h iiieHiibiieetcd of h.ivlng hurghirlrcd a Ji'woln stole A lot of Cir.iiitl Army ant ] Suns of Veterans batlgiseie found hidden nw.i.x in their clothiii [ ' , and one of the fi-l lows threw away three pieces of jowelrj in the vicinity of the city Jail , which \\crt picked uii 1'i ' Patrol Driver Sa.idel. A new brick sidewalk is bnlns laid from the street to the county Jail and to the sldt door of the court house , to take the place ol th" nariou plank walk that has done dutj crer since the court house was built. The yard in fiont of the jail is also being p.ivei In order to prevent the yard from beiim cul up b.\ wagon wheels. The improvements have been needed for a long time. It is announced that the mouthers of tin Bothanj Baptist church , in the southcrr pnrt of the city. ha\e decided to unite will the I'll st church Kov W C Levick , tin pastor of the former , has resigned in ordei to complete his theolorical course Com nutters have been appointed to consider tin matter of c nsoltdating , and it is probahlt the niuve will be made In the ncai future Tin Cuuut.ll Bluffs police deny the state fiifnt made In the Omaha local columns o Tin- BLIesterday morning to the ellec that the.v s nt a telephone message to tin Omaha polite asking that the twornoii , Cad.\ \ and Molt hor. ho arrested for stealing a lo : of cigars All that was asked was that tin goods be seized , and anything more thai that that -was done was done \\ithou iiuthoritfiom this side of the river. Tin cigars were taken from Hut ' store on Uppc : Broadway. Charles Hall , the small boy who stoli n lot of tools from C. S. Lefferts and sntm writing niiitPii.ils from the school district was brouirhi before .ludgc McUeo yosterda ; morning for his sentence. He was given i scntnncc of thirty dnj s in the county Jail ant an emphatic lecture hi the court. He madi what ho claimed was a full con fession.namim nil the artlele.i he had stolen. After ho hat done this , however , he was caught un-i ware bj a questlur. train 'Deputy Marshal Fo le ami admitted that no had stolen some othe things He promised to brim ; nil the thing back His sentence was suspended duritij peed beha\lor. The young ladles of Miss Spooncr's Sun dai si heel class gave a novel entertaiiitnen : it the ( . 'ongroKiitlonal church parlors las ovenlng It was termed a "World's Fai Social. " and the title was Justified by th exhibition of a largo number of articles o decided Interest. These displays were in ranged on the plan of a mock art gallerj nnd were , in fact , concrete puns on the lead jug products of cliffeient nations. Th ( { oral hall was on the same plan , the name of flowers and plants being plajed upon b Minous comical representations The sight beers were given catalogues descriptive o the articles displayed , and were thus et : nhled to determine what was meant by th displays Lirht refreshments wereservet iinda happv social time was by no mean the least successful featurj of the evcnhif ; Any Kind You U'uiit. Fine alines or cheap shoes , but all pee ehocs. Get them of Evans. Next duo to Do you pinoku ? Ilino you tried T. t King Vc Co.'t , I'urtuifUb ? tl'b a channel Just Hjlit { 0110. The water works illleo will be ope this evuiiinir. _ I'EltSUA.II. J-.Hl.KUt.U'llS. Born , to Mr and Mrs. Al. AI. Maishall , son. Assistant District Attorney W. C. Hove left jeslerdaj for his home In KeoHuk. n M Stodtnan of the United States seen service , left for Ues Alolncs jesterday afte iioun. iioun.Mr Mr and Mrs , T. E. Harknessleftyestcrda for Fromnit. Neb. , where they will speii S-xnday visiting friends. C' ( . ' Dcspaln returned from an absence tears t t - > . \ears in South Dakota , and Is visitii flit-lids 111 Council BluITs. Lester Brldah.un , nay clerk at the Grar hi til has icsigned his position and on tl 1Mb will take a similar posltiuu in the Mi lam hutpl of Omaha. L Xurmue'ilen , Jr. , has pone to Fort Mad pi.n in visit friends His friends iiitimni that the < hances are good for his pnrcha inp t o tu-licts for the return trip Monda , Lewis Miles , district attornej , left yeste du.v afternoon for his home in Corydon. I w'I ' return Tuesday to resume the i ciisea in the United Stati court. Huwarv ) N Il'ittcnhauer the crack wheo man of t'.iuucil Bluffs , has resigned his po ; tuiii in thf Fiist National bank and will ) < i ) the road selling bicjcles. lie will coi iiiiiiro his new duties next Monday He wi-11 ppsied mi wheels In and will i duubt n aUe a success of the business. Mrs Sarah Key returned yes. t onlay fro : i -\lsit in Kintuckyhile there she w. . s i-pnsid at the frequency with which tl n .me of Council BluITsas mentioned , ai e\en mure so at the fiimiliaritj of the poor of Kciuuiki with the Ciraml hotel of tti citA number of traveling men rcinirki In her hearing they considered the Grand ll best hotel between Chicago and Denver. The ( Jriintl lliiti-l , Council IjTulIs. Most ele-jnut hotel low a. Dinitij , ' room on fovonth ilo < i llato ! , 3 to Jo jior day. E. P. Clar 1'roji. C'cal and wood : Ui&t and clicupo MisMiuri hard wood in the citv ; prom delivery. II. A. Co.No. . 4 Afaiu. MiirrliiRe l.lreiKru. The following turtles took out llcens i cstoi-dai : NiiMH' ami Add I oss. A ; t t'hurloN I ! llurdrn.I'ottanattamlc county I 1 niiua 1'iivMiioio , I'ottauiittiiiulecounty I Aliirlin llanvii. Ciitiiu-ll lllutr I Mtna Hunsi'ii , I'otiiH'll lliiur The Millerb , ileooiattve artists , wi jiaix-r , pnjior huuiinpr. I'laln ' and on ; umtal i aiutliiij. hi iis. Xti. 15 1'earl t Another Improvement to the popul Schubert piano. Swaiieon Muslo Co XE\VS \ FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Jndge Woolwn Atainng to Have R Verdict Rotnmwl iu .in Old Owe. HE GAVE THE JURY FAIR WARNING Crnnt Anln t Die Union I'm I He linn Itrcn Tried I'ho Tlinn tinil N"o u Decision Mint - litIte.tcltcd I.ticUt'tl Up Till Tuesday. Judge " \Voolson \ , at the morning session of federal court yesterday , showed his anxiety to iecun ? a verdict , If such a thing Mere pos sible , in the $ 'JO,000 damage suit of John Grant against the Union Pacific railway. He allowed the Jur.\ men to sep irate under strict Instructions Thursday night , in spile of the fact that the cast ) was then In their hands , and that such a thing was almost without precedent Yesterday morning the uritiien leassembled In the court room , where the attorneys addressed them for a short time on the subject of n law point that scorned to trouble them cot.slderably The court then told them that this was the fifth time a Jury had tried to renlcr a verdict in the case , and every time bpforc the attempt had been a failure. lie was very anxious that a verdlei jo rendered this time without any fail , lie would bo in the citj until evening and ; ioped to hear that they had agreed before lie left. If , however , they failed to agree bufoic he left he would Instruct the bailiff to make them as comfortable as possible until next Tuesday , wltcir he wo'ild ' return. The Jurymen looked somewhat blank at this interesting Item of information , but suc cumbed to the inevitable and tiled out of the room to see wtiat they could do toward ar riving at an agreement. Judge Woolson then adjourned court until Tuesday , when John Ciant will be tried for counterfeiting and Mrs. Alice Franks for sending an obscene letter through the mails. The Jury failed to agree upon a verdict , the Judge left town and the prospect is now ex tremely bright for the jurymen undergoing an Imprisonment of so\eralda.\s the only redeeming feature of which will bo that there Is no bread and v. attr about it. A TiiursvM ) nor.i. v it > . ( iolni ; Itui'k tn I'lrtt I'rturlp'.rH In Co-Opiv- iilito IiiMtir.ini' ( . . "Tho world moves" and ' 'there is nothing now tinder the sun" are trite and truthful old sa.vingtf that are sinjru- lurly aptly illustrated in the plan of the Perpetual Maturity Bonding association of Council BlutTs. It is an organisation that is not very old , only having Hied its articles of incorporation in the fore part of the winter and writing its first bund about the middle of February , but there ' has been no organization of'brains and capital in the history of modern enter prise that lias attracted greater or more widespread attend'n than it ha < ! . It is a simple proposition to permit any man. woman or child who can atlord to deposit $1.25 per month to become a bondholder. There is something alluring in the proposition itself that invites investigation , and the investigation invites confidence. The headquarters of the company is located in the splendid Men-lam block in this city , where its officers occupy a suite ol large airy rooms , and put in double the ordinary number of ollico hours reply ing to the thousands of inquiries that pomin from every state in the union. Tliis universal interest is. the best in dication that the plan of the company has something more sub-tantial U recommend it than novelty , and thai ' the thousands who are seeld'ng informa' lion are accepting the invitation of the company to investigate fully its methods and plans of investing , making and sav- injr money. The plan of ( he company as outlined by the officers and in its literature i < de signed as a savings and investment com pany , constructed upon the principle : which underlie insurance and kindrct ; organizations , and have bec'ime so uni versully recjgnized throughout the busi ness world , but is operated upon an en tirely new and novei plan by which it is claimed that its investors may realizt all the benefits and advantage ? of insur ance , and yet without the necessity o dying or meeting with other misfortune The plan as outlined is certainly legiti mate and feasible and the new institutioi bids fair to become a rival of manv of tin great old line insurance companiei which have been in existence for a 1ml century and are now among the strong est of all corporate enterprises. Tin company , as appears by the certificate o the secretary of state , is duly ineorporat ed under the laws of Iowa. As biigge tei in the name , it is a bonding company its bonds being issued for the face valui of $1,000 , and these are s > ld for a sinal purchase price and the agreement of thi purchaser to pay certain specified in stallments upon the t-amu thereafter As these installments amount ti > but $1 , annually on eaeli bond they are brough readily within the reach of all pel-soil' ' who can make eon the smallest of in vestments. Of the o installments : binall amount is deducted bjthe compau ; for expenses and the extending of th' business and the balance deposited I the account of a ' 'trust funO , " which cai bo drawn and used only for matiirini and paying its bonds. The bonds who : issued are numbered consecutively 1,2 , ; ; etc. So far the plan is practically that o insurance , hut hero the new and. a is shown by the phenomenal growth atii sale of bonds by the company , popula feature is applied. The contingency < maturing and payment of bunds , w hie : is equivalent in insurance to the matin ing of policies , depends not upon th death of the holder , but upon a sjstei of numbering devised and adopted b the company , by means of which bond possessing higher numbers a1 e advance to an equal standing and are mature alternately with tho-o of lower numbei Tiiis result is readied through an ir genious use of the multiple which , i tliis ca-o , is 4 , the order derived i this manner being absolutely lixed an co"tain , and is. fully set out in the con pauy's literature and bunds. As the company is exactly on tli same basis a natural pi emium in ni anco , except in the maturing of it bonds , it claims to bo able to do for it bondholders in life what these eon" jinnies do for their policy holders n death ; that their bonds must mature n quickly and at no greater t"st ) than tli average natural cost of insurance pit the amount used in the basinets , whit- in this case is * I1 per year per bond. Tli average life of insurance policies do nt exceed seven to eight years , and tiio a1 erage amount per sil.doo of insurance n quired to pay all death claims as show bj the American Kxperiencp Table , an adopted as a basis by the Mutual li servo Fund Life association , is less thu * 12. In practice , the avotago cost in L'ood company is less than this , being 1 the four leading companies le = b thti $10. While the time ta maturity ai number of payments required upon eac b md cannot bo definitely determinei those statistics indicate with piactici certainty the approximateresults. . The extreme simplicity nnd plaitine : of the organisation and operatiuii of tl company is one of its strongest feature While with all kindred organizatioi their c'linputations or constructions ai c.implex or voluminous to such a degn that business men have not the tim and the e not expert accountants tl ability , to comprehend tnern , uo po oii can read thf lltrrnturt > or iMinJs i < l the 1' . M. U. Co. without fill ) grasping all its firms and oblicati'irTJio unl > obligation , It fact , of tinimcitor is the l > im'tits on the b itid. and uH | > n compli ance therewith there are no provision * to defeat the bond. The hccuritv of an investment in the company it all that could be desired , the capital stock which is fully paid in. bc- injf treble the largest amount of money in the company s hand at any time. No large sums of money can be accumulated. as each ? 1.000 when accumulated from all the sources of profit of the company in the trust fund , is immediately paid out to the holder * of the next b urn to mature up n the plan above referred to. The company Is MI constructed also , that the interest of the bindhoiders and incorporators - corporators becomes identical. The in stitution becomes profitable to the latter only upon a large and increasing busi ness , which i also the supreme interest of the investor , each of whom becomes a personal worker in securing to the com pany new invo-tors. In the business already done by the company , the ap plications show the the holders of its bonds to be men eucairod in every line of business enterprise , in cluding lawyers , doctors , ministers , bankers , merchants , mechanic- . In conclusion , a simple investigation will convince all that the company is ba od on principles which must be suc cessful in the future , as they luuc in the past , and that its organizers and officers are men of responsibility and strict in tegrity. having the endorsement of tin- best tneu in their own and other cities where known , and that they have e\er > ability t > push the business to its great est legitimate success , as is amply hewn in the unparalleled record made in the few weeks of its existence. IMuitM lor tint Depot. The plans for the new depot which the Chicago , Burlincton & Quincy Hiilway com pany proposes to erect in this city arrived yesterday morntmr. accompanied by W. T Ilrecklnritlgo , the comu my's engineer , nnd W. T. Krausoh. architect , of cnlcago They were taken to the company's ofllees , wher the local contractors were Invited to call and inspect them , with a view to bidding for the work ThcspecitkMtions call for a building , the cost of which will be between i-JO,000 and J'.MIOO. The foundation will beef of stone and the upper part pressed brick. The dimensions uro IDflxliG and to feet In heisrht , the main room being lit feet ( I inches high The depot will bo provide I with the usual facilities for carrying on the W3r * of the company and for the accommodation of the public The architect states that the work will in all probibility be commenced about the first of next month and will bo pushed to completion with all possible speed. The building will occupy nearly the same ground as that w hero the present depot stands The grounds about the depot are to be tilled in in addition No time for a millinery opening at Louis' : but oh. sticii beautiful goods. " > Main street. Stop at the Ogdon. Council Bluffs , the bett slJ.OO house in Iowa. ltiiiKl Coohrnii. M E Hohrerand L. A. Casper returned jesterday from Little Sioux , whcio they went _ to have a conference with Colonel A. Cochran with reference to the park which lie proposes to donate to the city north of Broadway. As heretofore stated , it was found that Colonel Cochran did not own the land which he had offered Uo give , and an n vestisration showed that he had made a mistake in the number of the block. lie thereupon made another prop.isit'cn and de livered it to Casper. It will be opened at a meeting of the commissioners which is booked for next Monday evening and at which Mr. Cochran will bo present. Although neither of the gentlemen whc compose the conference committee is dis posed to be ver.\ talkative on tire subject , it is learned tnat the city is noi given quite s good a b irKain as at lirst. It will not ' e 1 1 ; out-and-out nlft , but will be presented vo th city on condition that a certain amount hi expended' in improvements. The amount named was not far from $ J.r.U. , I.ool ; : it Tilt-in. Men's Russian calf shoes at Evans' , 2i Main and 27 Pearl streets. At the World's fair will bo a 7 1-3 oc- lave organ in piano case. See duplicate at Bouricius Music House. llHfiiprtl by Window. A man who works lor , T. B. Long went It sleep in the opera house Thursday nigh' ' shortly before the close of the entertain incut , and did not wake up until o'clock : n tile morning. Ho woke then to llnd himsel hugging an icj iron jwst with considerably moio vigor than the attractiveness of tin post warranted. For some moments he hai not the slightest idea where ho was , but he finally came to himself and remembered Urn the last time he had known anything ahou it no was in the balcony of the opera housi enjoying the play. He hunted around for i window , let himself carefully down the out side of the building and Dually threw him self overboard , not helmr able to tell in th' ' pitchy darkness whether he was , going tt land on the ground or in the Indian creel sower. He was somewhat relieved to flm that ho had only two inches to fall and tha the terminus of his Journey through mid-ai was on terra flrma. r.uun HUH Them. Now styles in Oxfords for ladies. Al kinds and all prices. 28 Main and 2 Pearl streets. Free treatments daily from 2 to 4 ji m. at the Council Blutls Medical ant burgical institute , 2ith ( and Broadway 1V111 start n Ne More. Fotheringhnm , Whitelaw & Co. , the entei prising proprietors of the Boston store i : this city , have decided to branch out in thei business , and will shortly open a dr.\ good store in Hockford. Ill , on u large scale Mr Whitelaw will move there and undertak the management of the new store , while Mr Fotheiingtiam will stay in Council Blufl and look after the interests of the firm , a Heretofore. The many triends of the tw gentlemen will congratulate them on th success which their business abiiitv and It ; tcgrity have brought them , although ther w ill ho universal regret at the necessit j fu Mr. Whitelaw's roiuo\al. Finest Arlsto cabinet photos , 62 po dozui. AsMon's studio. 18 North Main Williamson fi Co. , 100 Main street largest and host bicycle stock in city. SiipfrxUtirx Adjourn. The Board of Supervisors adjourne yesterdaj afternoon after a session whit- was probably the driest an J most uu micros' ' Ing since the town was established Th item of most importance jesterday was th from scrofulous skin or scalp i\is \ cas/js , ought to b given Ur. 1'iereo' CioliUm Medico Discovery , for pu nfylng the blood For children wh tire puny , pnlo o Weak , the "Ji < /oovery"isn ton ! 'which builds u Imth flesh an strength. Wha Is safd of it fo children npiillc cqunlly to udulti As nn nppetiring restorative tonic It sots at work all the processes of digestio und nutrition , rouses every organ into nul ural action , and brings back health nn Btrength. In recovering from " grippe , " or i convalescence from pneumonia , fevers , an other wmting diseases , it Mioixlily and surol invigorates and build * up the whole system. For all dlatiases cauiotl by a torpid liver o impure blood , as Pysipslu and lUliousnes : If it doesn't benefit or euro la every caji the money is relumed. appropriation uf fSKl fty A the ivuuU hrl Igc futi'l ' to assist th' riMltjfn s and prptorty | uwnen almig the MK tTurl rlur In U-wis township In cMahh < ihtrlg a to t.nke the plnie of the one which was eaten nwa > itv the river This move Vfai made on the belief tjint It would be too cr-Sal an oxwii e for the county to bridge the rwnuvay o\or S B. 'Wadsworth w } i appointed n commit tee of one to s'MJ al > 0ut , getting the court house imtnted. ' ' The salary of the iixnltor of the court house was llxod al jl.NiKfior annum. 1O DiuinUriUtnif-jTlt- * . .lust received by eiiiress. You should place your order at.'oiiee ' and get in HUP. "Dauntless" bicycles are the stun" . D.m't fail to see the Iwst machine built before you buy. Union Transfer Co. . 1301-0-8-10 Main street. Council Bluffs. For warming guest chambers , bath rooms , etc. , our gas heaters are just what you want. Look at them. Clean , convenient , cheap. C. B. Gas and Clec- trie Light Co. Goo. S. Davis , prescription druggist. Uriij-White Cases HIT ! ! . For several years past the controversy be tween David Gray and U. II. White with reference to a large amount of property which was claimed by both has been aired m tne district court ever.\ little while Judge IH-omer has Hu.ill.put an end to the dispute t > . \ renaenn/a ludgment in faxorof ( IIM\ for the sum of * IM ! I'M 1 he pi it codings hi-ojght b.thr . t r < ditors rf IMcr Hock to hnvr another assignee np | ic > intcd la pinto ofV A Wood Imvebceit' ' i mipicte I all but the arguments of the at torneis which nix to bo made In wilting ' Talk about "backboties of Mool" and , "grit of etnory. " and you talk about the ' promoters of the Council Bluffs Insur ance company. The bread that Uu.\ cast upon the' waters in faith and hope that it would return is heaving into Mi'iiV heavy kid shoos , soft as a glove , at Kvatis' new store , 23 Main ami 27 Pearl street * . Water works ollico open this ovonlny. CHIrcn. Mrt-tViTif. A meeting of the citizens Is to bo held this evening at the court house to consider the ( Vectit faro question. The reports of the various committees that have been working on the case are to be heard , and thcio will be a number of flve-inlnutespceehes made by prominent citizens. Theio should ho a largo attendance. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JOO pays t-ound trip and all expense for 10 davs at World's fair. C. F. Mont gomery in 4th st. Dr. A. J. Cook. Grand hotel tmnox. Special attention to diseases of rectum. Wood of all kindcor > - and cnal. L. G. Knotts \ C'o . 7 < H ) Broad waj. 1 S I" . Vnnalta. attnrmlAriettblk. . Best Spring Remedy in the World Paine's Celery Compound. The True Medicine for Lost Nervous Strength What Scientific Research Accomplished Proved by Success Where All Else Has Failed. There is one true specific for diseases arising from a debilitated nervous sys tem , and that is Paiue's celery compound , so generally prescribed by physicians , It ib probably the most remarkable remedy that thoscientific research of this coun try has produced. Prof. Kdvvard E. Phelps , M. D. , LL. D. , of Dartmouth college , first prcscricbod what is now known the world over as Palno'a celery compound , n positive euro for dyspepsia , biliousness , liver complaint , neuralgia , rheumatism , all nervous diseases and kidney troubles. For the latter , P.iino's celery compound has succeeded again and again where everything else bus failed. Tlie medical journals of this country have given more space in the last lew yeais to the many remarkable cases where the use of Paine's celery compound has made people well , than to any other ono subject. Halestic Cool : quickest and bet.t. Thov aio a kilcncn necosslts' , lighten labor and Improve tbo fltvor of the food Don't let your dealer sciW yon another \ kind. ' \ " SondSo. , stamp i r for n COOK m ( .1IITOK RODEES & . 80K8 , AgTsT , Omaha , or JVSajesticJVSfg. Co..St. Louis. , , , . . . . . . . , . , ii ,111 3fV3 VI i * l'A ) ' .JI n.i. l IE At dru ciats. or by mail , Isono lluan I'o , Vevill BKnd ) ou tbo tnarTclnus Jrenrli Trepanuum CALTIIOG Trve. ami 9 It-en ) euaranlrr tliul i U/II1OH will Uvutoriyonr iUrullh , Strciisrlli auJ Igor. [ 'sf it and f > a\ ( ' J/i'J tfd Adctross VON MOHLCO. . Holt itoviMS ASOU , Clut-ialU , OUo. fiAYLi 6 CENTS A DAY CATARRH CURED hfs Driiiflilt h.Asth- iiin. C'uiis iinplluii. llondnuha isk-k ur uer\oua , Nor\ tins I'rohtr itlo i AWondorfully Succass- II 1MB lul Treatment. OFNEIIATOn. "Oxygtu liooli" and4 tr ats HCI.E' Call o vrlto SPECIFIC OXYGEN CO. , Suite f > lO , OuaU- LS. . .V/J . Capital SI 00,000 Surplus $05,000 f rtircr nod nir'Ctor * Ilunry tt. Tatoi THI l > i U. C. Cuihlnj , Tloa proiUJQt. C. d Miarloj V. f Morte John rf. Colllm J. N. LL I'alrioi , Uj Til 4 Until , cuibler cuiblerTHE THE IRON BANIC. ARE YOU Ruptured r Wo have a lar o v.iriotv of m L 1 llOoL/O and Supporters ' : . . ' < / l And uro biiro wo can pleas you Private row for fittifl trasscj Lady in attendance for Lidy Oi\3 Medical Snhb ! cs , Surgical and Rubber 114 S. 15th , Next to Postofflce. C'OI A'C IT 111,1 /-/--S. JOHN DOHANY MANAGEH t \ STLKll K C'UMMLNCl Monday , April 3rd Tlio Triumphant Amusement I" vcnl. ( IU- tliuuNhcd son of TnosBls. And his fascinating EDP.A EftRLIE LIHDON f-ATi'iu > AV I.\IMNU. Son of wioiile Oristi Ch tnsc of piny euih i-von m. GRAND SATURDAY MATIN El K\CT wlnnlnp prifos luc , Jm and I'k- ' . ' COUNCIL BLUFFS' ST2U DYS Wl ) All UintU of Oyoln ; an I ( ' e\n u * iltine I Mm liUhoit tyln of tlio art1'alod uu talnud fiiUries tu.idu tu lo il. us ffi > 11 is no. ' \Yorx ( ironipliy done an I doilvurol la al purls of the country , semi fur pru-d Hat. C. A , MACHAN , Proprietor. Ultuilway. near 'a ' ot , IF YOU WANT TO BE IN IT Ride Dt * tin t/os /cycle VSgjflv * rppi-e-cntsnurseorcher ! welrht I'M sn-pustvlos. Our i-xdh UNION TRANSFER CO. . liWI-i-S.K ( ) .Main Street. CnimcH IMuIVs , Iowa. IF YOU WANT A Gasoline Stove , Bicycle , Refrigerator , Carpet Sweeper , Or , which is of primary importance just now , To have your Stove stored for the Summer , call on Chas. Swaine , - - - 737 Broadway. C1Ibs , Oj Inch el ptlctil coar , is the finest rend wheel in tliowiirld. MW IHiMi ( iriitlo I'nouma tie. 1 < ir.-cst lliioln the esi. \ \ liolcsult' and Itetull. Send fore itulujiio Ml U.nds ofio ] > ill ing done doneCOLE COLE & COLS , 41 Main Mrfot , toum I llltilK FOR inch.irjroof thu Sistars of Mlorcy. TliU renowned Institution la situated on tlio liipli lilulT' ) buck of and overlooking the city of Council IllutTs. The spielous Riuund- , . lib high location and splendid xitnv. inaUe It u mo-t plu'iHlng retieat for the allllc-ted. A st'iflf of emlnont lib } slclans and a laro corps of ex- ppilcncud mii cs mlii su-r 10 the comforts of tliu n.itleuls , suuclal L-iireKlvou to luOy pa tients. Terms Moderate. I'or . apply to SISTER SUPERIOR , Frank Street - - Council Bluffs , Iowa BSEP IS CHEAP AS EVE a. nut pnr' ' . , liiinis , 1'iril and lia'-nn , while \\av up in u , : ue cheaper : il Me > lirmlm [ 's 1,1.11 , uct than any other plat-e In the i-lty. The pl.u-y . to iietyoui iiu-at U wheiti you KI-I the IHI and thoinii- , ! for your money. JxioU at these prleot anil leccillect that e\erythln is the be t that swift A. Co. slaughter : Shoulder CloJ , free of bone 5c PlateBoil 40 BanelessUorneJ Beef 5o SIrlomButts Oo Ho Is of Haaf Oo Sirlom trlpj 80 PirlomSteak lOo to iS'io Portirhousa Steal : 12'Sc to I6o lUbKoast 80 to lOo ShoulderRoast Oo to 7c SboulderStealc 7c VealStew Oo Veal Roast lOo Veal Stealc ISJ'io ' MuttonStew 5o Mutton liejs lOo MntUn Chops 12'io ' Sausagw ' 2'i P .n : Butts 12'io Pori : Loins , whole 12Vio Perk Chops „ . . . < ( iOo Salt Ports 12'4o I'ac-on 15o Lard . lOctolle Hams l24c to 17o Sliced . . 20 o to25c Sho-p. while . . 80 Poultry ana .ihviyso i haul. Nooth ° r in irketca i ilu.Tliciia thsie pncaa and mind this is for t IB bet Meals iu tha city. city.ESOHEHDOSF MEAT GO. , Wholesale and Rotnll M&A T lUA W JC/57 % 333 BROADWAY. Council Bluffs. TIIK r.\ : IIOMK HAKLII ASM inunu EHnuliio witlm il lir.i > i nttl i. < ) our litlcst Kd Hlt > . Is u.nii.i mi'tu ' Inn tleap itimue bill hlKh Krnlo nn t < 0301 porlcclly tluhl , d.1 i > ur cc it nutrUlo.i * e uiujntii rull Uu- voi'in iilur on npiilli uliun AiiiCV'l'- ) \V\NT l.liln evcrj-loiiritT IQ llicl's Atlrtivsi. < II XlU.Cd SUN Mullet Louiifll llliitls.lii. . - RARE , RIPE OLD \VH \ SKY. SIK.til' I hoticist tit the \Vtirlil. - , II t i.rl linn open ' < ! a whiilfnal ) liquor itoro at Nt > 17 I'uil mrtiot I outirll Illutli anil liai put In a tartfo unrt ull elnctu I etucU nt HIILM ! -nnilla t , whlhkt'i alf It I. u Inct wurtuy of inn a tlon thut Mr I'tirtl It the f irl'iiutr piiospmor of nt-iirlt forljr Ijurn-lh ol thu tlnobl wliUtv In Uio l/'plf.l fetalot In IKSd lit * Uojglil H \ only rtra b irr J U of Knnlnckf t * . h ( - Taylor Ulaky anil It M.IHTIOI until uUout Ibrt't' yean * uu > ttutl he plur G ih ; uu nil tin ttiu inorkut of llilu t < n' < lie u.i loti nb ml forly burr - r < -l . untl eipert * nil prtmounru II ulMOlulHly tbo tlnt'kt uhliikey In tbti onunlry lit , nulli It innlnly tti faiullluf fur niotll 'iiittl iMt ! u > i It IH too rtmtly for tbti reaular traitd U l vturth ovir III' LIT tfillun ' 1 her In not Hiiulbur lirannur hut h vrbliky Iu tliu IT r , HIM Block of brunilioH untl WIIIHI coiuL'n troiu ttiti famous Lclunil Manlord rliinr < li In i Bllfurnlit und IIOTU a UUU ruuutalloa < ur trrculleuco uotl purity. Tiie GooJ Sajnaritaa. 20 Tuvrn' txptrienco. EADim OF DI9KASK3 OF MItN AIQJ WOMUN. riloriUBTOK OV THIS WOKLD'B HEKI1AI , DISVKK- 6AKY -MKU1C1MJ5. . f treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and Lungs ; DI . oastuof the F.eiiiid Dir Flianid Aixjplexy , tlourt Difcasj , Liver Couijilalut. Kidney Complaint , Nervous Debility , Mental Doproo- nlon , Lass of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. Dl l > ete Br.ght . E Dl'oasc , Bt Vltu * Jtoncc , Klieuihntlsn ) , I'araljEis. White Swelling , Berofuia , Fever Sores , CancCfC , Tumoro and Fistula In nno removed without the knife or cirawinc c drop of blood. Woman with hir delicate orpr.nn r - UortKl to health. Drujey cured without tapping. Rppelal uttent'an Khfii totrontin ntnf all liluotl taints ail'liu ' > V o\ei"ses or vices. Surer and cheaper thin a trip to thu Hob Splints t.Vi to v > , i foife t fur any failure to euro without mercury Tape Wormt rcruovcJ in tw or tlireo Hours , or no pay.lit nmrrhoMs or Piles ctiri'd TIIOSK WHO A HE Al'FI.ICTKD \Vlll ftvo Ufa and hundreds of dollars by calling on or uUns DR. fi. W. PANGLE'S HERBRL WEDIC1NES. Tlio only Physician who can toll -what Bill a Iiuraun without aiking a question. All correspondence strictly confidential. HedieUU sent by express. Addre s all letters to G. W. PANGLE , M.D. BHOADWAV/JjiisU 5 if * [ i Send 4c stamps tor rouly. at-lrw. I'rao- 10 Ntito and federal courts' llooms 2W- r-s-3. Bhugart blocli , Council il lulls. J.i Special rsioiices. - GMiriM BiuFn , _ lUnM'-llio.Mertrpn hoti'l nl 1017 bo u 111 Main cut Inquire o Lower , at boit'l 1 < VHlAUU I'ullml of 11 ruiera tools eooduonill tlon , n bargain Inriulro of Huipklo bliunurt llnrduaro Co. Council illuITi GMlUAfiK removal ) , c.iftunuSIB. ruiilln chimney * cli-uned Well prupartiJ for tha wjrH 10.1 I'urku tlty I " " * JUIi iN. civil on inogr Illuo prmti ! of II mini II Illu't' ami nil mmitlons , nli > u p for'iJO htiatl of Kt ck y."Jt tli tivunuu "not IllMnrm In ' "i-ilar county Nohraskii nil in > t'uitl\iUtin. f.'JWJ pur itcru Urm cl city propt'iiy to uxrlnnuo fur K'iu.1 lamluno in tlo. rt riiiiloii nf tlio luntl TOI. liuvu tu oltur Julinitoa \ VHU 1'iiltnn. ix : HIUI Uii fur B lu. No ISM Hfili a venue n iuiulrt , uf J. r ( Jiilfillnn , c It It , 1. , lil house. CIIA.M'K ( or rltrit man lo rolloct tollclt , /Valid tlollver foods unil proKudlTl lad urcr ; UU oayn , In ittock com liHiiy Mu l buy 15 hhuro ) flork Adttroftti J W. Morn1 , Hooui * ' , I.Vfrt'tl block , Council Illutlii AIiS I UAC"rn nnd loann. Farm and city propirtr bouvlit uad olj I'uiey i TUom-xi Council lllulls \\rA.NTKII , ptiklllon b ) inily uii bookkn | i r or ' ' cmhlt-r : ; b > t o ! rdturuucu * oddroin U 1 , Ilca ollico. \\T.\.NTKD A ( ompctvnt k'lrl ; mu > t bo a good ' ' cook Mm VV A Mnu'ur , ! J3Mil UTC-IIUO I nil 8A1.K Two idcaciillaKH ho-inok on Avenue ( j , near ITJlh ntrct < l , tlx rotiini. bay window , clOM'ln and pantry liirsu Int. wnti'r In yurtl Will titkf u mnuli pnynionl ilown nnd Iml.iiK-e In IlinUM ineiitu Louiice \ lowle , ZJi I'eurl tri' l Council Illulti I OH SAI-li-Wo oifi'r fur mlo on oany tcrnna do vlialilo tiumo on Mxlli artmuo ono block from flo'tric inotiir , lniu o of tlvo ioom > . rlo eti city uiiter Ur.'ti bilck telliir. from und tldo porclic * . \\lll Mill at lf tlimi uoiunl coit liOUEOo A 'Jonle , 1I'tttrl ttruii louncil ulutl * \\'ANTii ) I'.lihnr prucllcal tiutlertnkvr or uiun < < who li nil.In ; to it , rn tbubuilnuti , I prufirrud.V C. titep , uudurtBkcr ,