THE OMVlfV DAILY BEE ; TjU'llsDAY. APRIL G , 1893 8PEGIRL NOTICES. " ! - Ampi-ii" w ) if ui.ii until It 0 fi IB for th pvpninc ana LBt K ID' r II rnrnrnine Mid "unrtiTMUl "H Advcr H'n I T ri-qtu-Mlnt a iiun l * ri d ch H It can have t ' I r ari * wrrs addrnswd t * a fin.i > tH ri'd letter In rar f'lin llicr Anuwprs " addrwwd will be at vrrcj n tircM-mailcm "f th * t ii * k SITUATIONS WANTED Hates " ia w .rrt flrst tnsrrtton U a word tberp- af'.rr N ' nc tsken l r le s tbtn Jic- - i A HAiiiriiAMt A LJVr O'F TEN tfis'e's ; a Kr d * . f rnl bed bnnlnr * * men f.-cf UN ) life 7ol IM. M'KiO AI4 i - IlAKIl WnllKlSO MA AMI WlJ'E WANT" J\t acocnfatm or rent for one half AAdrets II C8 I2M ! 1W fl * I - WAN ! I II A ItiHTIOK BY A TOf.NO LAHV riiprienred ( and accurate Henocmiihfr nnd trperntir tboronchly n al < f ) l iml of rrfer i-ncei Address Miss lK la McDonald Ilslull ton I * * l * * r > TTlA1I.N ( WANTCti MAHKIEII MAN ' with fifteen years expprlwoe as l > ookkeei er I ratiabfltf k I'lnB ' any set of books. Ifot of refer i pnc f urulshtd. Address 1' O boi 411. MKuok , , Neb Sri * * | - lON 11V VOI'NO G1IIL TO ACT AS A-l fgr lieut housework. Inquire C21 .N" Ifth JIS S' 4 WANTKH TO WOUK fOK II > A tU OK IK > ' . /Vr bores w ile atteridlnc school KllLngtci work i ' Address lliuljl un s llnsluesji rolleire ilSlb r * WANTED MALE HELP. Hales H > a rd flrnl Insertion , li a word tbere after Nothlns tukcn for lens than S.K Am < 1H < OMMI > iMOTO AGENTS TO BfeAI IIP the Patent i Inimical Ink Fraser Pencil Then JM useful and novel Invention of Ihe nee J'rascs snkJlK'KiuKUly in two seconds. \ \ orks like inacK zcKMo.VKi tier rni prottt Agents maklne ft r er week W c also want a frental ucpnt to take < harve > f t * rrltory And appoint sub btreDtq A rare rhanic to make money Write for terms i nd n spc'cunc'ji of ( raslUK Morroe Eraslnc Mfc Co Y ; M.a ruiup WH W430 * wV-TrnlUAVELINfl ALI'MIENTO ml baking powder.eputnur eiod > ID clan ( linn JH ) month nalnrT aiirt enperifen or 2a l > er cent rommlKFlon kend ntnnip for reply hlroco llukiuz 1'oitder Co. tu'AaD Huron f-ALV.SMAN MUST HE POSTED JJon cc'nrra ! line acqiialnt < > d wltb tbe trade In tie western and northwestern states to sell direct from mill on commission. Al reference asknd Address I ) 4 ? this juii r MKM C - | > -W ANTED. AT ONCE A ( , OOD. UULIAIILE J > carrl EP maker that ran speak Kncllsh and r.ermnn * teady work and coed waves luqulro OIT II liusdic. Columbus , .NLII MlUi * IWANTAfO T AND I'ANTMAKEIt A B steady rnan will cet steady work. Jos I'appi Albion. Neb Had a * T > HEE l" < IP TOf AHB tSEEKINO A HIGH 'trrade tiosltlcm We have placed hundreds In rood posltloni Western Uusluess Aeeucy lfi N 1 Life bide M-a M I > -W ANTED A GOOII MECHANICAL 'draughtsman Address D 17 , Hep 187 ! > -11 VOt W ANT A GOOII IM VINC. JOll WHITE the liawks Nursery ( X ) , Milwaukee WMMIMIM3' MIMIM3' nO-WA.NIl'Ii IMMTKIATI LY. A t.OOIl TWINE J'salcirnaii for Nebraska trade sc-nd references Ts'ebranka Hinder 7 wine ( o. , Fremont Neb 21510 T ) \\AMI1' 2 A NO 1 WHOLOALI ! D1ILO J > order clcrkn None but CM crlenced belp tiec-d pply al octnc > flrnt class claim cutter Addrc- box < WI , Lincoln eb 517 7 - WANT l.ll ' 1 MO C'AUItlAt.i : rAI.NTKflft AM ) B one wood - woikerVllllam 1'leirier , > th and "O- WANTED M \ WILIiri'.N TO CAl.L AT J busluess olbce of tbe lleo Hohert Hunter HunterKI56 KI56- -W ANTED TIlIMMEIt. MUST BE A IMIACTI- cal tnllor Address E ! Pee MES - ) _ WAMK. ' MAN TO WOUK AIUH'MI HOI' K icare for lawn tnkecare of hcir e. etc Apply ft room 30j , > A Life bide , between i und n p m. today : . ' < S T > - WANTI'f. CO MEN 10 WOUK ON WATEIl 4' works ai Mienandonh. la ( , oed wares will be 1 Doiinecan , \ Cbarlsworth 244 b' 4'T T > - THAVEL1NC. h/LE MKN. GEN'EIIAL JinccTts aii'i ( ftnias trs looklnc f or Inrtrc salaries. tilff C'C mtnif > h 'tis or enormous profits selllnc an strtlc'e f rare merit nnd tirotpi L , d bt a patent should commtinli nte with tbe uuderslcned nt once Wcassleii larcc1 tcriltorlPS and jirotect our repre rcntstttes Address lauory I7S and ISO c omuier clal street I ynn Ma * MK * ( i * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. Itates 1 He a word first Insertion Icn wo/d there after NothtnE taken for los than L'ic ft JirST OF WAGKl TO fOMI'ETB > T ( illlL. v must t > 6 coed cook and laundress 2433 tarunm Wrs . ! . < * ! 'Jhurston Mish TVU O M N Td WAIT ON TABLE AM ) DO v general hois wori Ape J OO per wek Must sleep at home Apply at HI ! Douelas. MHSS &IUL FOU INrA.NT ! ilU CAflT L > ATCDUC DID 1-OIHL WANTED. SMALL FAMILY. BS ! b 25 > TU street near Leavenworth. ISO C -WA.V115H A ( illlL roil OENK11AL HOUSE work l'J2l DonElas street " > -Go67 > OIUL F'lll GKNEKAL fat once. Ml S I th avenue. MI94 10" p-WAMii : > A rcMl'ETBJiT COOK TO TAKE Vchoree of house for six slncle rentlemen- Rood waces reference required , 21) miles from Lincoln. I..UJInbBhltnnts Address l.llrn Hwdlui : . Lincoln. Iseb. . general delHery 214 t , WANT KI ) C.IHL 1YW OENKIIAL llOt'SE- work small family llC3 < orbst S19 1 * , / i WAM ED. A .Miuni.i ; AC ; Ki ) WHMANIO no v general housework In a bmall family without chlldien A coed oiiportnnlty for tbe rlcUt person tall at 21)11 ) Spruce street MSJJ 7 * C-WA.NTKII A GOOD OIHL TO DO feKCXNI ) work and plain sewlnc In family of tno 1:2 B 17th st N W Cor Douylat MS37 _ C-WAN'TKl ) . A LADY TO ASSIST t'S AT 1IOMK In mnlllnc and addretsliiR circulars. For terms acnd uddieshed und stamped tntclope Bertha lleni , tecretary South Bend. Ind M26:4 * TVANTBI ) GIUL FOU C.KNKHAL IlOt'SK- work Call at Mrs II. fvmtuan's 1'W Iiodse Btrcca Ml-31 ; WANTED , Oc'OK AND HOUSEMAlll MllS llcmlncton. 202 N IbtbstreiU .M3 7 Vt A NThll ( ilHL FOIt CiKNKIlAL lIOf-.E- work Mrs U Blnpuam. bll ) S luh si ' . ' 51 7- C-WANTKU OIHL FOH OCNKItAL UOUM ! work In family of three Inquire SIS ? SMh i ve S47 7- _ /l-WANTll" IVMTIIMTELV OlhL 1 OH SEf- V. 'ond ' work wllPns to assist with child , wures fj j cr week * > 1U I'Ouclas 2227 > - l. ( JOOUr.lIlL IN A fail ALL FA.M1LV Vnt S215 W Irt street 2.IU 7 * 1-WANTUH OIUL FOH OKNUltAL Horj-K work small famllj 1357 Nort h lUtb M. 242 C AN KXl't IllKN'CKK BWKHK OU CIKHMAN Klrl for general housework , coed wa es Iii2 8 * 4th street SO b * W1LI. I'AA HV LAIUlio ALAlfV OF flUOj per week to work for me In their localltr r.t home Liuhl work. KOOd'iuy ) for part time \\rlto wltb stamp llr . U A. Bastett. tXJ" 1 lalto llldg Chicnco /A WANJFll. A ( , I1U , n > lt OKNICUAL Illll'aK . work at once Call at 2107 lionelaa AI2141 R ft WANlrii l.OOli ' KAM IUK'AMI I'li : S v maknr steady employmcut. tall at JjlO Farnam street M27I b A S THONG WOMAN 1X3 IKJ - - \ clesr rc In lurnlture storu. c moha 1 urnlture i * rompauj IM ? I atnam street N27I ) 7 WAVTEI ) . LIN1CN UOOJl MKU AI'I'l.Y Hotel Barker M.63 8 * fi-\\ANIHJ TWO MII.HMII I- must be first c.a > s pay t.M 00 week. Address , with relereine Addrens 7. life M.7 V * 3OK RENT HOUSES. Hales luc a line each Insertion , fl 50 a line per motilh r > othlnc tukcu fur lesi than 'JIx- D-JOH UI.-XT llOUSKs IX ALL l'AUTOF city Ihou r Harts couiuiuy. IWj 1 arnam st we D-FOU UhNT. TWO 6 IIOHM I'OTTAliKs ON motor Call ki outh est oor vth and Iiuuelas bi.i ; " D-C 1UKJM IOT1AIU , i-TAMXJUtl new modern. C. 3. F.lcuttcr , SU4 lire bldg IllLTOUHT TLAr-s 1AMII.T c bo e. b t locitlon lu the city. L. r. Skinner IdU r arnam sU 4g ; DJOH UUN'T TWO C1IOICK 1 i AT.SI ) AMI .id floor. Inttel' K Her block cor Ibth and Uckton streets tall at 1118 llarnv ) streetMB ! 4 " " - rOU UL.NT ' UCKlM 1H-L5I.S IN OMAllA \ lew ( or H per month 11. Jl : . MoCucue bloc , 101 D-TII IIEK M OKIS. f ikou run MO.NTU. 1 wo stores f 10 uu per month ( me tlore I-100 per uu nth ( our flats flu uu per month Ihree Mats per month "no flst tJO ua per month Two rottac i tii.iju per month T ) S AMI 4 ItlHIM AI'AlnJIKNW. VAN ItOltJ * Jhlock , wlthstram. Befcrrncri rrqulrei.Slfi fXIct , M avj _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | \ - IXIK HCNT C DOOM roTTAGK , GOOD 111 ! 1 'pair flu per mo Inr.udlcc city wat r. JIT N ST. takr t arnam car MovUd. 711 1lu. . V34 l ) B-UOOM NEW HUK'K H tIsll > EVCK llM ' ' m brick resldanc * . 816 So. JVth itrr t , near tiundy s , lUitu. II room brick rraldeae * ID block uuthir st corn r a and i-allfornla , | j .uo. llstb furoim cas etc. InaU. C. A. 8twr B buliaint. MIC : d FOR HENTHOUSES AMIr BOOM Ho ' ! atTTKAL LptA lion loqalre 1 r Barton. Mil IRiillol -ItiKKBM Mf'linRN WXiM IIOCSBS ON unhand l * t streets I all at oc in B * Bid * Hsrrld III ) D-FOK KENT Nnw ttR K > M HI U K J 4II also IC-roote bo * e aOI Capitol arrn r All modern lall KaiCapHol atetiae B H lloblwa TV-TOR IlKNT. I-BOOM VUER.N MOt * K. kfIT J 'able for roomers and tttMrMrs at nil Warner rite * ! . 11. O t lark A t e- inn H arrx-y > IIB6 _ D-4MCOM FLAT. III. 4 KOl'M H.AT. W : 7 room lint B Al ! conTctilttiewi Opp Jr erM > ti F quart ! I ulwns. Ir.lS C bico ITTwi 1 * _ D-FOK IlKNT TKN-HO1M MOflKHN HOU 'E. i3 Sonth I7tb "U < Ici-e to b lBo < s et > ntrr flre rttomrota < HW smtih * < th st nar mo'or llae. rents rja onabl Inquire B34 bontb ! 7tb st MIV7 D MODKIIN B-KOOM COTTAOi : . BHAL'IIFLL law n. shade , etc. .N U. corner 24d and > ilmnl .Ml - IIK.VT. A NKAT S-MK > M CTTTAGK TO D-FOB small larully.SIK * ll'tb st. Inquire at * > 17 < I \ fLAT DWr.l.LI.NG * COTTAiK ? ALLI'AMTt. I 'city Kilkenny \ to H. 1. lootlnenUl block. D-l > RciOM llorSB ALL MODUltN tX > .NVF.N i . , 'nd st rent 140 ID-room 4.t | nnd Dortcc , rent W6 Brenuao Ixive and < o , I'niton block 2M II -Fl.UGANTS-KO'iM Mor-ENEAK HANCC > * ,1 pnrK all modern conveniences Iilcl. W. ; N V Ufe bldg ai. _ . _ -TWO h KOOM IltifsKMOUKMV HALF block from motor. Inquire , I2H No Mb Ml 45 10 * _ -LAHGE LIST 11OCSES. J'AUL , 1IW6 FAIINAM MllilM ! * i > -r. BOOM norsBANUJUOoM = i CIT WATFH I 'In lioutc , ( . .11outb ' 7lb Bl. , between . 'acison ' and Ia\enwortb Ml H 10 * It-HNK 1 AI1GK MiitilCISV lIul'sK , KVKHV J / convenlenre 2KI ) i apltul arenue MSMi 12 * FOB KENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Bates l tc a word llr t Insert ! m lea word there Bfttr Nothlnc taken for lens tban 2ac Fl iVNl-lI CD lUiH W'lTU > TE AM IlKAT lor gentlemen onlj , 1519 llooard st. 2nd nonr -FBCJNT BOOM r-UUM&UEH 161K UOI > GET B128 * - FOU iiEVTrno.NT nno\i sriTABLr FOU cinFOU cin e gentleman 2UJ4 Davenport ' t MC57 - I- * IITUXIinEDUOOMf. | | UOL'rKKEKriNG Jjfor man and wife Uetit taken 1Q board. JIB N 17th HO _ -FOH KCNT , rCKVIMIKI ) AM ) UNFUB- nlshi-d room" at 1017 Caultol avenue iri 7 * 17-1 Oil llh.NT , A LA ICG C SO. F11ON1 BOOM 1-inlcely furnished 11U4 Douelas IM * E tOU HKNT. NKWLV ITRNISHKII BOOMS , all modern conveniences 4.W N. Wth t t.M23M1 .M23M1 * 17-MCE FL'ltMsIlEU UOOM AT 2iU I-AUS'AM JJ-t. Sll II * E-IHU IlKNT. A N'iriLY FCUM-IIEU HIONT room with or without board. Cal < at 2107 lioni- lai street M'.Cl 12 FURNISHED BOOMS AND BOARD. Hates Iki u word first Insertion Ic a word there after Nothing taken for less than 2JC. I ? Illli IHILAN.ZW AND2I1.N. ISTUsT -\OLNG WCMhN- . HOME , fNUEIt CAItK OF Womuu a Christian assuitat Ion. Ill bo i7tb st. HOOMS. FLBNISUEDOU 2ith st. W 17 1IOAKJ ) I'UIVATE HOUiE NKWLV FCB- 1 nUtiDd , home table , rates moderate 1H24 Fur- nam SI..A12 * IJ-TllE HILLMDK. ItTIl AM ) UODHB HAS J bein newly furnished and Is under new management } Irsi class rooms and board at reasonable prices MD72 7 * TBKAI'TIFL'L biilTII I HOST LOOM WITH i flrst class boird 172. Mndce ft 212 lir "jT-NrWH- U.NlslllU ) AM ) I'NFl UM&IIii > -L rooms and r-ward ut IUOoutb SDth treet MIJC 7 * FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS llatis mca word first Insertion lea word there after. Nothing taken lor less than 25c G 4 I NFl UNlbUBIItcjOMS , 1ST 1 uOOIl , FOH boubckeeplnj'JJ N 1'Jth street M772 A2j * TIIHEB HOOMS , S W. COUNEU lliTH ANU Leavenoorth sts M1707 * G-rOU HF.NT 3 UOOMb , 1 1S N 2ST1I AVE , city water , sewer , etc. tjCO. Fidelity Trust Co , J71K i araam m ri-FOlt KENT 2 NICE UAFDHN1SUKD HOOMS \J 2201 Farnam street. 163 0 * - HENT. Vol H UNr t KM-I1KU HOOM3 G-FOH with bath tor llcht housekeeping , 24li Krtklne st north :4th street fi.UO 21 ! It * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES llatis , lUc a line each Insertion , tl SO a line par mouth Nothing taken lor lots than 25c ONi : FOLlTOIli BllK K BLILD1NG.22 V EET -Iwlde. UOTIlarncy st. IV. 11OK HKNT. B1OKE UN > 13TU ST , LANGE block suitable for meat market , htr'dnare or dry Koods More. Inquire itiu ? tilth st. 1W3 T nut KENT , TIIE4-TOP.Y I1U1CK BUILDING I SIC horn am st. The bulldlne has a fireproof ce ment basement , complete steam liealinc fixtures. v liter on all the floors cas , etc Apply at the o trice of The Bee. i'10 _ I -FOIl Kh.NT. ONE THUEE-bTOHY AN'I ) BA E went brick store building lUJi Farnam street. one story and basement brick otore bulldlne Ii 6-outb 1Kb street flat , 41 -outh Ilth street , ona store , 141fi Capitol avcnuo All lu first class con dltlon. for rent on reasonable terms InqulreofA J 1'oppletou , room all First National Bank bide M214 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1TO KENT , VEHY rllHAl' , I'ABT THACKAGK 1 warehouse wltb use telephone porter , and clerk. ttoraeeor otherwise 1017 Jones st. 22UA10 T-FOH HEM. bTliilE HO > M , 1 07 HOW A HO isteeeL Inquire John F Flack Co room M , Chamber of Commerce M2i7 AGENTS WANTED. Hales me a word first Insertion Ic a word there after Nothing taken 1or less than San. WOHLli FA1H AUVKll IMSG ' machine t 5 dully steady work visit stores only Mamp Samples IheArc Kacine Wts M.dc , C * WANTED TO RENT. Hates IHc a word nrht Insertion. Ic a word Iharu after Nolhlnu taken fur less than lie. K-WANTED. INFtHMallEli UiOil. r-Ol'l II from preferc > d near board before April 12th Address 2ii'41 aldwell street 2U5 6 * - WANTED To Hn\T HOI E CUOdMS WITH baru state price and location. Address I" k , Bee M2tv ; 0 * STORAGE. Bates , lOc a line each Insertion , tl SO a Una per month NothlnK taken for less thau * . ' > c M-ST iKAdE FOH HOlSElIOLt ) ( .oolis , clean and cheap rates It Wells , 1111 1-urnam. WANTED TO BUY. hates. IWc a word first Insertion Ic a word tbere after Nothing taken for less than i > c V rA * If" FUltNIIf l llur-EHOLIl > > roods etc or w 111 fell fur owner In our auct Ion sales. \\ollB.llllfuninm UJj V-KAUTH WANIEII AT SITU AMI 1 > strc-en at oniu I Idellt ) ' 1 rust ( o 17U2 I arnam W3 7 SI 1MICI > 1'AIl'KHt-ECa.NI ) HAND * > furniture Western rurulture lo 414 North ! Ub street "M204 1U * N'-W Nliil : , 10 IllY tOUK CKDAU THUES J E Mcdrcw Utli and rnruam st. XU-S FOR SALE -FURNITURE. Itates Ityc a word tJrst Insertion. Ic a word there after Nothlnc taken lor le i ' -K SAL rinKUULu I HMTniE/ AL- mnst new very ibchp 'Jhlid floor , rasi fat , 1117 Inninni st. 2B7 * 0-rXll ) SALF llOLtllcil.l > rtltMlfllB. SJOJ iiodco strvrl S4 4 * iOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETO. Bates , l c a word first Insertion , Ic a word there after Nuthluc takun for less than _ c p-loll * ALc. M 1C 1I\V CAHIltAGE TRAM 1 and carrtaco L.V Tullefs IIU I'earl it. Conn- pit llulli MUU ( > -FOlt ALL lOUMi tlltlVJNG I1OKHK UAIt- I ness and top bu cy. also c od rldlne pone ; i.nd phieton A. tl Tcker > fw Vork Life 1U -FOH-.AI.E"cirCAirFAMlLV HORSK , UL'GST J- and bsrnesslnqulr ylss. 1Mb street.M2K M2K J FOR SALE MIS CELL. ANEOUS. Ultra , me a word first Insertion , Ic a word there after Notnlnc taken for less than zic Q-THE STAMIArtliCATTLB OOMI'ANVOFFKR bftlrd bay at tj.00 prr ton , on board cars at Auiva , Nek This pr ce may be withdrawn at ay time tui FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS , r "tiffnurd HI/-HHI WHITK LIHtHOKS ' TOtK USff r Mr M. MIX : I- -KOl R riB - T1 1 A " PATENTS xm SAM : Q or tra * liwph UniUb Hoz IV * Hlnine I Itr. HHMI- \ - > TiK ! < AI.K I'fKK tIAKoTA Kl * IAS H.AX Ql > r < inetilr rlpanM for nawincile for umpleaod | .rl llr U-tlak r to Mrarr - tl OH-A2I- UBINKSFO 'A Hi hnr power aDtnniatlr enrlrr nnd bollor. with 34 4 Inc b tines , almost htw BUHJ I Jam-s l rfl l w ir wbwl iii inch In coed orcJet for taH > rh | > AddrcftHenry llnnidorr Ullmorr .Nib. MIH4V MISCELLANEOUS. Ilatpfi. mr a wurrt flrrt InsfHIon Ir n word there alter .Noliilni : taken lor lw > tlian "ftc | > - ) M. tAtlI'm. UtU fLKAMNO fX ) l - MH'.BAH' ) -HHW VA1.N 7 UK ULANCU HtoM EYUS V. dpiump How , ir c Ihau Ion [ > rn re c. I rilc f r < iur bn-otb It i-ft and fiurv , Kurrka < atarrh Curt- jon tiiunt trr. liS toll IIEVT WKCA > H U tou clthi r n NO 5 ur No i Ileiolnplon tn > f writer lu tlrrt ela > * > mndltlnn on rental Ulrr us > < all. \ \ v < nod -r nmn A HcLcdlcl , I71J 1 arnnm utrM't Omnlia. .Npdra ka 8W U-\VA.NTitl 1IOt : = KKhErKKt. TO KNOW that we renovate and tboronirhlr clfa& hv tbe luort ImprorcJ j row featbf > r Iici1. Hnd pillows UltlicM uiirLel i > rlee paid for npV and uld IcHlh- em Hlllo \Ijup 14tb and Davenport Tele pbunp I.HU-J WffuW p-HAItN nmilBxT , I5.UJ A.MONTH 614 N r.'nd JVurei-t MIKB * T > VUKUEN1 , LA.NU IN TKAt TH TO St'IT , -LI near Klurcnco lake 8VO ncres lu all lloct- * , \ llllt NmhnrnBin Btreet > 'S , 1A3S -WANTfcn , I'SK OK HnltSB ANIt Ml GoV 1XU kft-pluc. 11 H Buchanan , ilie Mercer Mit , < C * CLAIRYVOYANT3. Hates lOr n line eurh Insertion II AJ n line per month Nothlnc taken for lust than -'jc S -M1IS .NANSJC V WUIHKN CI.AlllVOl A.NT ; reliable bu tnesi medium Bftb rear at 11V N ICtb K M LKbllAMC. PUDI > lliTL ! > * . U1IAU trance clalrvoinnt nnd life readci tell * rour life from cradle to crare can lie con Milted on all affairs of life has tbn celebrated Ecrpltan I'rean Plata to unite tlie neparated and caute mnrrlate wltb one you love. Cume one come all nnd tte con vinced of ber remarkable powerit Ofllce nbd rcitl dence4r" lltb M bourn P a m to V p m S-trlct Hie chart and pboto of j-our future lfe or hu band rrnt tbroupb mall for(5.UO chart alone (2(10 ( All letters cotitainlng 4 centt In utampn promptly answered M23I 19 * MASSAGE. BATH , ETC. llat > , lie a line cacb Insertion Jl . " > J a line per DO nib .NotbtnK taken ( or less ttmn : . > ( , fP MATlAME .VIT1I. VK S ISTtt 2NI > * Ilootc E Ma * aee , alcnl.0i Taper ( team uhibur lieaodnea batbt. Mll ! < 6 * fAIl-ON 1121 I OtirLA S ritEET SHI ) -I Moor , room ' mansaca alcoliol nulpbur and xoa batb * . iO ti' PERSONAL. Uatcs l vc a word first insertion. Ic a word there after Nothing taken for less tban 25c TV II YOU "EAIlNiEJTLT l.VTK.Cn TO MAIMIY * J quick , well , honorably , send lUc for Matrimonial New * Merur 'mailed In plain sealed envelope Mercur ! ! Ja oth st. Sew Tcirk Mil3 ! Ala * _ 1 T CfTTIll ? Of T AND I'llEs-EVT AT COWAVS LJ photo studio ZIJ3 and 2)21 ) I'urulnc M. and you will be entitled to 12 arlsto cabinet photos of your self tilt edte cards and one 6x10 arlsto for f 1 ! ii > , without this ( i liO tor ten days onlv Taken In all kinds of weather Come one cnme all MS21 A27 IT-WILLIAM IFOV LL S.MoKE KINO JXt IS , VJafor sic all will be forclven Tracy. Tobac conl t llroinblk llith and IlouKlai Mi AT I r MlsS A. M. tllEKTS WILL OPEN IUES * - ' tniiVlnc liarlcirs April 1st In Continental block. room 'i. tlrtt-cla f. work and satisfaction Guar anteed ! 15 at * TltEATMENT ELKCTU1C-THEII- Vnjttl bath * . , scalp and hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist Mrs rostWi , s. lithMthnell blk Ws U ' -WANTED , TUB A DDUE-S r > F THE GTI'S Y iRyptlao fortune teller Address E 1. Bee 21 B 5 * TT-AS ILLfS-THATEl ) MAUUlAr.i ; I'APEIU v- rich and splci contalnlnr hundreds of adver- tNvuiunts of wealthy beautiful women nnd band some men seeking correspondents t > end for free copy. Kindly Inclose stamps Brown 1'nb Co , 7emple Court. Toledo O. 245JB * TT I'LEASANT IIOMi ; FOB HHIES DfltlNiJ I- confinement , also board for children Infants a specialty Address M. J C vWtb nnd Brown ( en tral park ( rnnba Mu5 U * MUSIC. ART AND LANGUAGES. Hates , lOc a line each Insertion f 1 Ml a line per mouth Nothing taken for leis than Sjc. \J-G F GELLENBECK. BANJO1ST A. TEACUEU , ' 1EIO California street VI t MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Kates , luc a line each Insertion tl 60 a line per month Nothing taken for less than ' - ' : \V-L'WKftT UATE rlllELlTl Tilt sT C'lM- * puny 1702 Farnam street. you rr7 CENTRAL LOAN A TISUST co. , DEE BLDO ' ' 910 wF. . HAHHIS N.BUN. Y. LIKE 911 IV-MOBTGAGE L'-ANS LESS THAN 7 PEU cent. Including all charges. Charles W llalnoy , Omaha Nat. bank bldg 913 \V W ANTED AT ONCE LOANS ON I\II > HOVEf > ' Omaha property , low rates Fidelity Trust compauy. 17U2 1 arnam st UK * \\T FIHsT A SECON'I ) MORTGAGE LOAN S ON < ' Omaha propurtr & on farnm In adjacent conn tics tend lull description. Alex Moort-,401 Bee bide. TV-LOAN SON 1MPHOVED AMI fNIMrEOVKD ' city proyerty.tXUUO and upwards.&UilIit pel cent. No delays. W KarnamMnlth A to , | [ ith aud tlaruey UU \V OMAHA SAVINGS RANK MAKE'S LOANS i ' on real estate at lowest market rates Loans madetn small or large sums for short or long time No commission Is charged and the loans are not sold tn the east , but can always b ° found at the bank on the corner of 13th and Douglas t-ts 910 \\T-1 AMI 2 1 EAH LOANON CITT AND KAUM < < mortgages Heed& belby.m Iloard of Irade 917 \ -MOSEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA ANII OOUN- ' ' ell HlurTs real estate aud Nebraika and Iowa farms ut from is , to Csj percent Interest , with no ad dttloual charges for commissions or attornesfec-s. W 11. Melkle 1st Nat'l bank blclj Omaha I'ls ' \\T MONEY TO 1XAN AT LOWKsT HATES ll TbeO 1 Ilavls Co. LiJj I'arnam street 919 W-ANTHONY LOAN AMniU'sf CO , U18 N. Y Life lend * ) at low rales for c holce security on r ubraska or Iowa farms or Omuha city pro ; erty \ \V-MONKY IXJA.N ox IMPHOVC.D CITY ' 1 property low rates A I" I'rost Douglas hlk j ; IC1 \T7 MONETOLO X AT 1.OWKST HA'lUSON Improved and unimproved real estate. 1 to 5 years Fidelity 7rust to. , IT'S Farnam. WK ) Vi'-LOANS , G o WALLACE , biIIUOWN BLK JJ 9i2 ! \\r-HEAL ESTATE LOANS , I'Al'L , HOT FAK ' ' natu MI44M1 * \ \ -OMAHA LOAN A TIlt-T COMPANY , Nil H * ' and Douglas loans money on city and farm property at lowest rates of-tnterist 21H ' SCALES. 2 NJEW A frE'cOND-HANII SCALES ALL KINll . > Address Ilorden & hellcck Co , Lake si .Chicago MKJ ! MO.'fEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Kates lOc a line , eacb Insertion (1.51 a line per month. Nothlnc taken for less thau 25c " DO YOtj W ANT M i i.N UY" THE 1 IDICLITY 1/JAN lil AHAVTEE Ctt , It'lO.M 4 WITI1NELL1ILUCK 519 * . SOL'TU 15TI1 OoltMiH U A UN ICY ST , TOD \ AUT OB \ BMALL ' DOLLAK3\ DOLLAK3UP. . WE MAKK 1/iANs ON rfltMTUKE llcil.SES CAIUUA .r > WAUEHOl'M UKrKU'l > UU I'KH bONALI'HDl'EHTV O > AN\ KIND OUU'lKHMh W1L1 MKhT 1OI U Al'J'IllltAL. 1 uu can pay the money buck at any time and in any amount you with and thus reduce Uieoo t of cjirry- tne tbeloau lu proportion tJ amount you pay If i'Ol' owe a balauci on your furniture or ot'aar personal proiny of any kind we will pay It off for you and tarry ll as lung as you dtolro. \OUCAN llAVCYOt'H AMNEV t.S OXKIIOLU niOMTIIKTIMK YOI MAKi Al'I'LICATlOX. No publicity or removal of properly so that you ret the use of botn money and prop > rtv Iril X J'lllTni Alll ) , 61 1 > OLGLA8 1ILK.1B i DODUK W _ j Y-W'LL 1X1AX jJO-NtY OS AATKlXUOrSB .A.turlty strictly oonadeotlal. A. E. Harris , rooai I. Ooutlnrntul block irn X-MONEY 40 , 00. VI DT8. C1IKAI' HATCi and easy paynienta , on f ornlturo , pianos , live slock etc without delay or publicity cash on band Duff brren , room 4 , Barker block. Ki. MONEY TO LOAN -CHATTELS. -CAlTl , AT Til K or I II , Jl , OK ! OMAHA MOHTOAhlt LOAN CO : I.NOOHKlUATEII i : . A * . IF YW WA.VTiMO.NKV. on can borrow on iiousmioLD mt rruKK ANII PIANOS , UORSKS. WAOON ! > > 7IU CAUKlAGItS , WAKElltr-'B KBCF.H'VL MKHCttA.NlllSB , Oil ANY OTllKUTBrt'KnT. We will lend yo * hny kmiiant from 111) . ( ON THE DAIol A.-K FOB IT wlthonl publlrlcy or rr val f property You can pr the moiif y sfcit In any amount yea with , and at any tiwti and wi pjir j--Bt su made will rt-OHrr tbe cost of the join I.etJK-mtwr th t yen have the use of tifllb the property nnd the money , and pny for It only is lone a < yn kwp IL ' 1 lierr i III he no eiirn e orrhnrcr W > pl oat of the smount wanted , but yon will r w lv the fall amoont of the loan Before borrowlne elsewhere call und sef ns tnJ you will nnd H erectly to your advantage OMAHA MnllTl.AdK UIAN CO , am Mirni lumIUEKT. . first floor alKive the street. THE OLDKfiT , LABOEM'I ANDO.NH INCOIU'Oft- ATEDLOAN COMI'ANY LN OMAllA M4 BUSINESS CHANCES. Hales , llic n line each insertion tl U ) a line per month f oihlnp taken for lees than z.'ic. \ ' Itjll A LE ; t OMM.ETt DH1 T rrtC AN D store flrtures al XCaterloo Neb satisfactory terms to the rUbt party only druc store In town Enquire of Meyer A llaepke or Kau Nuvlns Co Omaha. 1 4 V-IOI1 AI.E Oil 1IIADE AN E TABLIbllED 1 business small cai Itul reuulred Address D 61. llee M1U28' BffclM-.s'- OI'l'OIlTfMH OWI.M , TO 1 the deufi of J -hervln. . tbe harness business which hec-onancted so surccMrully for more than twenty live tear * I now oflered for sale 1hl > ls without question tine of the most desirable bar- ness stands In the Mate. Address E 11 Barnard Fremont Neb Mieuo t > V-FOH SALE. HAUDWAHE siTUIti : AND TIN i shop coed business , pciod locution and cheap rent , but I haw other business to look af K r Ad dre s Lock Box 10i ) , Lluooln. Neb MM. I b' V-UIAVE NEBHA KA BANKS FoI LL cut 1- blocks of stock with salaried positions al o customers for bank and banks stock W rite- for par tlculars a d Wallace , Investment arent Brown blk , Omaha 1101 , J-ALE. FIUST CL\SS IIAKEHY ANU 1 rests urant Bulldlne , a two story brick , flr t class In every re pect can be rented or houchl on coed terms Address J H. Becker , Crete Net * . y WANTED. LOCATION 1OB A BANK IN X crowing western tuwn lloom 1'li , McCacuo bulldlne MJ Id V EXCELLENT OI'I-OKTCSITV FOIl A ItnLl- l able and competent business man nllh rrrall capital to secure the manui.'ement of a coed clean business. Thlsl * a coed thine for the r If lit man Address E a. Bee M227 7 Y-A-N'V ONF WISHING To ENGAGE IN THE -1 furultute and undertaking business can hear something to their Interest by addresslnc E ! this office. 243 ! . FOR. EXCHANGE. H. lOc a line eacb Insertion FI TO a line per month Jtotblng takt n lor leio tban 2ic y 4t f-t the best winter beat dlMrlct" In Kan a to ex chance for 1U or 21) ) acre tract near Omaha city limits \SI11 par cash difference If propert ) is p > od Address ctvlnc price nnd locution O2b llee Zj rCLKAV fcT ( iCK OF GEVKUA1MU E AMLL /-'take real estate A moner lkii.9'i > rankfoitlnd USi r/-\ O\\N 10D AUM IN NEI1KAMCA h.AN = A /Jaad Dakota Will sell dump or ezchance Tor mdse .borkcs and cattle Add box 70 Frankfort , Ind Mb _ -4.U9U ArllKN CIIIICIiNEBlA , ! < KA liAVI ) and cash for merchandise. Box 23. Koirnrr . Neb. Ml 4 s A'2i' V M.UOO C-HO1CK CKiAH IITMi : MA.VUFAC- Ature quality cnarnnteed. i OJ to luSOJ. What have jou to ofler In exchancel 110x 3 , Kearnnr. Neb M i ; d- yTO FXriIANGE FOIt HOTEL FL'UMTfKE , /-'cltr property or Mlisuurl timber land Addrcis I > S2 Bee olllre MUiU AUm y-pXEdl-THK HK9T KANCHUS IN EAS-TEK.V "WroratnB. under Irrlcatloii.cood Improvements nc ur railroad , c lear of tncumbrnnce. will exchange lit f.4 UJJ for peed rental propert ; in Omaha or .Ne braska lands ( lear ornaba residence property , ( i ( KJ to f7,5UD for farm In enitern Nebraska or weitern lowa- Wlll unBunje fulr incuiubruDce d U Wallace. Brown bit 1C aod IiouKlat. Is'j fi COTTAOI ! ANDIXJT A O N rCBllA KA LAND rade for merchandise E 4. Bee office officeMK3S MK3S 7- FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. Kates IDc a line each Insertion , H JO a line per month Nothing taken for less than 2.ic EL1JGANT COKXEH FOIl IIKSIOC.NCK , IS ! FT sq , f 18,000 handsome residence. W ft. lot , f 1S.OOD , fine farm. 12 miles out , KiOOJ r. K. Uarllnc , Barker block. ii i 17OH SALE. FARMS. CEVTllAL AND EASTEU.N J- Nebraska E C. Uarrlu 4 Con Sboelf block TjKAtTIFCl. LOT eN MND PT , J UiT NOHTU OK i > UanBCom park tJjaw Tbe best barpaln I know of i r Harrison i'12 ' X T Life m 7 i ; < on BALK , THE FIVK FIIAME HOUSES. 537 TO JMl So. ICth ttr-set , and two In alley , a barpaln for some cue For partlcnlam call at 1112 llarner HreeU Mb-M 1OU SALE BA1K.AIN SACUlhlCK SALE BV nonresident four M foot Ion in llrljrcs J'lnci add lots 6 and Is block 1 , on Dodge St near 47th M and lots y , and M block 11. liarnfr-t near 4id bt. ror special prlc-e and terms address o rner U C. Johnson 1JG ] Chamber of ( ommerce thlcaco. Ill M2ia Ain- ONLY A FEW OF THO-E OOIx.KTUKET ac'es left at tae low price of (11)3 ) per acre Wrlfhl i. Lasbury , lub and Howard strueu C1T1AGE F011SALB TUB TINE-iT TIIINC , IN tbe city for tbe money That clccint 7-room cottaee we are Ju t completlnc In Arondale jiark One mllH from postolllce Furnace , bath , mantel , cas sewer , hot and cold walrr. nodded ynrd trees , stone walk and pared street. Only(4.UJjUO Terms easy Buy now so we can nnl < b to tuit you Hdellty 'Irust i o. 170 ! Farnam M&70 IMrUOVKI ) FA11.M OF JM ACItrS , JOINS Till ! J town of Sprlncneld , 10 mile * from houth Omaha Ben land In the state Only H ! an acre. I I Harrison risen 811 N Y J Ife MO 7 \ FINK LOT WITHIN THE MILK LIMIT FOU -'Yfl. . KOo. ) and In Arondalo park at that where RO.OUOOO will l > e expended for Improvements before July I which lll add 2J per cent to tbe value of these lots We desire to hell * of tbe Burt street lots before May 1 und as a special Inducement v til mnLu a discount of (11X100 tier lot to the first six purchasers. ( Ml U.1 cat > b and t KH 00 on or before DTU years Ifthlslsnt a barcalu where will you nnd ono' 7 houses now belnc built In tbli beautiful addition close to earn , hcboolh etc Let us show > on thl property at onca Fidelity Tru si Co . 17JS Farnam st 601 CTOCK HANCH , 00 ACHES. HoWAHl ) CO OfCOU ) If quick. J D Stlres , Columbus Neb ( Vl , a:3 "IOUSALE UOUsEs , LOTS PAL'L , I1)j ) FAUN AM M145 Ml _ O-KOOM HOUSE , I 13TP.OOM HOl'SE. Oucre , prlue Address ! > t9 Center street MI. 16 Ml * viur.tN K > IL WITH TKEKB , LHS Uiautlf ally , r miles from town I12& an acre enty terras C Y Harrison , Vfi N Y Life COu 7 CACUIFICE LE OF SOLIDLY IILU.T 10-KOOM lion e all modern Improvements lot 'lUxlW feet on paipd streat near Ilansc-ovi park , house , lot lo cation. utlchborhood tlrst clan. In every respect. VA Webttcr 4tti llee building SIC 10' IJ'ciU ALK-UT U , BI/J ( K,18OUCHAtlT IlTLL. Terms to suit purchaser. Address U C. i bey- ney. Moux City Iv sw J4 pOItptirK SALE , MODZKN b UOOM HOUSE , J near Hanscom 1'ark Ail modern convenience' Tall and see ItA blc batvaln lllcl.MJ.S Y Life bide , -53 Bl trBAHOAIK TEN ACIIA WITH J-MA1.1. ( O'J- tare Just southwest of city No trade Qlckn. 30J K Y Life bide c 2ij n O IK LP THF&B LOT.- . . ' 17 In ! Stevens place. (700. M Windsor place ex. fiKl. K 17 In r S & II add. tl.I'M H. IO < nlCM yers 11 * ! . adit Wifl. 10 In ! ) Ilauscoin place ti < W. G r. Harrison. Cli .N t lite M6 5 _ Fou FALE 4 BI.OTK | KIIOM WII-LAIID Utlon 4 ten acre IractsMSOO each Cash par- mant fid. S yrar s time 4 soltt the last 3 days tnosa left as s"0d a thcisa sold William Nelson room 1 Barker block c M259 6 * FOU1 e MOI'OK ONE'AcllK ' , 1IAUN LAltGB chicken liouks brood house cumpleto Imme , nesr city limits Also bouse and lot Uanscom J'lace f.S5ti 00 cost 14 MU KG. Bee. ML'CJ C1 SHORTHAJflTAtiirTYPEWRlTINO. Bales IDc a line eacb Insertion (1 50 a line per cionth Nothing taken lor less than Sic- YOt'M , LADIV.e AXD O K.NTI.KMKN I AN S. acqulrea worktn ; knowl d ; of shorthand and typewriting at A < Van sant t school of stiori Laud 519 s Y I Ife buliain ; Mi.1 trNDERTAKERSAN EMBALMERJ Hstes , lOc a llnr each Insertion ( I .VI a line per onoth Nothing taken for less tbsn tx : O W' BAKhll ih-OUMEItLY WlTiJ JNO iTjA- Vy.eobs , deceased , later with M u Maun under- uker and ruibalmer. 81& . 1Mb st let HWt l l PAWNBROKERS. Kat , luc a line each Insertion ti O a line I > or cionth Notblnc taken for less than 2i > o. T EO.NM-NBEUG , DIAMOND BHOKK11 13tti t' > Douclas u l > oatis money on dlamonds.walcbet , etc Old cold aba sllrer boutbt. Tel. Uu * . 'Ml HEftLTH RESTORED. Kickapoo Indian Sagwa Cures a Severe Stomach T"ouble. Cains Thirty 'ounds In Weight Kickapoo In- dion Sagwa Han been a good friend to me. In tlie Spring onw ; it Cured Mo of Gas tritis , from v bich I had been n sufferer for over a dozen years and had vainly sought relief both from the medical profession and various reme- dk-s. dks.When When I bepan taking Kickapoo Indian Sagwa I uas all run down. After usinc the medicine a short titnr I grew Stronger , Regained my Appetite , and Increased my WeightgainingovtrThirty Pounds in a Jew me runs , and I hnve never had any recurrence of my It not only cured the Gastritis but Improved my General Health. It pi\es mo preat j. ' * ure to say a peed word for Kic aoo Indian Sagwa and Ender Its Curative Powers. THJS. . FLAN < iGAN Cl Tleitt n. Mass. Kickapoo Indian Sagwa , $1 Per Bottle , 6 Bottles for $5. Sold by All Druggists and Dealers. CONSUMPTION CAN BB CURED. If I > r clieti'-U s trentniPiit nn J ' ure of Con- Kuniptlou were sotneth nr new and uutrlul. I > unplo mlcbt auubt liut xn > at Uus proved It self throucb n rocorJ us old us our craud fatb- ers , nipatis just w bat it N A Specific for Consumption ind for all alson es of tbo Luncs. > o tr3Ht- inent in thi- world can place so manr norma- nent curefc of I Dtumtilion to its credit as Hr. hi'licnLk's. Nil tli nip , u Nnv ire acts bodlrocllv and c Bertivcly on tbo IIIUR nioiu mnes and tlFstucf and so ( | Uh kly disposes ( if tuliercles , roucestton iDflainiiiat on cnlJs , cougli § and all tlie secJs of ( unsuniption us Dr. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup Wben all else fa. Is it conn's to tbe resruo. Not until it lulls iind onlr ufter faithful trial. \\bfoany ono despond It has urnuclit tbo hopeless vo llfu an i health It bus turned the despair ol ton thousand hotnos mt.o joy. It U dome It iiuw. It will continue to do It throuiliout tne aces. lr Sclt nrh'i'racflcaJ Treatise nn < onninna t in. liU'rraiiJitomacft Dli- caice mailed free In all ai > ; iIieirifR. Dr. J. li. Schcnck d //iflail-lD'iIa / , Pt "ImroTsnant the OrJer of itw AM. " It Is unnoressarv to mention the nolnts of perlority possessed bytho iis it Is now so we.I known. Its Record of Success is Its Best Re commendation. When It was uu ton the market rivals said It would not wear. Time has shown them wronK Inevory jiarUcu ar nnd hits nroven that the ? nlth I'remler IS THE 11E5T nnd F'lKUNGlXr Tyt'EWUITEU EVER IN- VENTH ) . AND rOliAY IT STANDS I AH AHEAD UP ALLCOMl'LTIToItS THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO Cor l"th and Tarnum S-ts. . mnaha. Sob. E. 11 MA'Ult-W Munacur PATENT BUREAU. SUES & CO. .Solicitors. Bee Building : . Omaha. Neb 'years Examiners U S. Pat UQlce. Advice tra PENSIONS ! CLAIMS ! RAILWAY TIME GRRD Leave * CU1CJVGO. Bt'IlLINGTON' i Arrives Omaba Depot lUlb aud Slaion Sti Omaha 445pm . Lblcagu Vestibule m 9Wa ro . . Chicago Express 3Ja m J240a m , . . . Chicago Express 42i pm C M > p m' . .Chicago A Ion a 1-iocal tOJ p m leaves BL'H1.IM TON A MO ItlVUU Arm i Omaba Depot 10th and Vaion M % Omaha KSOam , . .Kansa * rily Day Kxpresi i , UJptn H4i fia'K. ' C Mght Exp via I ! 1' Trans fc 4 ! ) a m iUJpml . . .St. Louis Express . . | C 4(1 ( a m ClllCACjO H. L A 1'Aflt 1C I From East. I Union Depot IQih & Muroy sts 1 East. ItToO am 7. Atfantlc Kxpresi . C3(1 ( p n. 4.4D pro ! . . .Vestibule Expren . . . 1 10 p m ( . . 'Mini . . Mchi Fxnre . . H M a m lllll Adtl II 1 & I'Al IHI t rorn Weht. t'nlon Depot IJtb and Marrr ts Wvst 1.2U p m . Denrer l.imttud . . . 4 < U p in t-M am ICansasntr _ ( Exceptj nncljiy _ 7 ( b p m leaves UKToN TAT I r'H Arrlroi Omaha iLnlon lletiot 10th and Marcy M * cimaha 7iJ am . . . . Beatrice Kiira | i . . . I lu p m tJM am . Uou > ir Exira [ < i 4 0. > p m llj pin . Overland r'lyar ' Ul p m 4 l.'i p m Beatrice trmsb ; rtx ex Mtn ' i J > p m C.43 pin . . . . I'actfi } Kxpran 10 4) a m C.30 ) > m , . Denvar Fut Mill 4 2 i p in Leaves i CIHLAUo MlU'i si I'Al f. .Arrive OioaLr. i U I * rtupot and Marcy Ms _ | _ 'Jmaua 7 DJ p n. ( ulcazo Knirdii u u a m 1UO ami. Chicago Kipra.i 4. pjn Leaves | MOUA 11T1 A TACIHC Arnvei Omaha1 liepot 10th and Marcy Sts. Oinaaa 7 10 a ml . .bloux t Ity 1'asseuseir IU "J p m . "itI'aul l.xpresi lul/j a m Leave * , HIOCXCITVA I'ACIHP i Arrives Omaha1 Hcpot. litfa an3 Webster M I Omaba 4i p tn , SL I'uul Limited 92 > a m Leaves I.IMAI1 A \ ? r 1 nl'i ? .Arrives Omtha D P Depot. lUtti and Marcy ' ts I Omaba 4JIO p m . * l Louis c annon Ball 'IC.tjpm ' Loaves \ ( . ' -1 l' _ M i < ) lArrives Omahai Depot 16tb und Webiter ts J Omaha MO a m Soux c tty Accommodation ili pm 1 15 pm Moux Otty KxprgsKx < sunlayj 1:41 pm & .4pm . St I'aul .m'l d . . . ! : am tl5pm Bancroft Passenger Kx. bund y I S4j p m Ltavei y K & Mo VALLEY Arrlvei c mnha Depot l&tb and Webster t I Omaha li.IV am . Deadwuod Kxpru 4. i & . 'j p in P.CJO am i Ex hat. ) Wyo Exp i Kx Mon ) 11 p m LJO pm . . Norfolk > Ex nuuday . . lu : > x m & .4J p ml * q I'au1 Bxprets vi , a rn LTave CUKAOlTA NOI1TH WrEMEIlN Arrfvaf Omaha L' t' depot. : otb and Marcy Bts Omaha 720 ami ( Ex. Sun'yl Carroll I'anenser I > M p m 1U.40 ami < hlcago Express f.OJ p m 4.05 ( i m Vestibule Limited R.W a m * .UO p m bastern Fiyer . . 2-l < p m 6. 0 pm Kx Bun it bin. 1'ass iEx Mon HM a m Leaves I'ACinc lArrtviis Imaha Depot Ittb and Webster Bts 1 ° m > h TTlO p m . .tt1oiij Express > JXl"am lliUI pa M Louts Etprrsi . I f > .ui f m fc.10 p an . . MibcasU Local , . . a m FUNDS FOR WATER COMPANY Onwka Water Works Bawrfvw May Raise Money for Extensions HEAVY DAMAGES AGAINST A RAILROAD Maiiilr Ilnn rn Awanli'il Hll.Odn Arcu. inrnt on L'nlon l > rint | Injunction Put (1(1 I'ntll S tunln > Cltj Attornrj- AVI11 rich ! Tiirther Orln.r. An lmi > ortant matt r lias Just b n de ciJod in the fwSernl court at LittJ Kock , Ark , .ludec Caldviell presidium , whieli is of < -onsiderable interest to the dtltens of Omaha. Mr. 11 Hyde Knit , i-ecelver for tlie Am ri * rnn Water Woiks cotnimny , aikcd the court some time URO for authority to WKOP re ceiver's certillrau-s ujmn which he inieht Iwrrou- money \ \ ith hicli to i y off tlie floutini ; , debt , pay the Interest on the coupons and jirox-ide for tlie extensions uwcss ry to keep the plant upith the natural growth of the citj. Some of the stockholders foueht the receiver in this movement , but .ludpe Caldwell has issued an order , which is now on file in the federal court in this city , gran tin ? the receiver the neht to issue certificates to the amount of ja.Ki.OtW if necessary The cerlifloates a/e to bear 0 per cent interest and arc to be made pn.iable tit the Hudson Countj Na tional bank of .Iwtey City Thej must not be "old at less than their face value and will bpiorne a lii-n upon the jirajK-rty. the income ot the plant and the extensions or additions that may lie made to the-system of mains or buildings belonging to the plant. Mil. IIOWJ : WAS .NOT IlKADV. Ami tlie Union Depot Injuiittlnn Still IlatiKO On. Tuesday when the famous depot injunc tion case of Stuht against the citj of Omaha u as placed on .ludco Houencll's call for yes terday , there were souie people who were of the opinion that the caio w ould be anruod. others said that the move meant nothing but another continuance At any rate when it was reached in the regular course of busi ness , .lohn D How e. w tie pulls the strings for Stuht. informed Citv Attorney Connell that he was not readv to proceed to tnal With this showing being made to the court the hearing was continued until Saturda.i. at which time Mr. Council will insist upon one of two things. He will demand that the case IK > heard upon its merits , or eKe that it be heard upnn a mo tion to ratidif.\ the injunction in a manner to permit the city to dispose of the bonds and settle the depot muddle. Lost 1'our rinccr * . In Judce Davis1 court Gustav L-mdmann is seeking to recover the sum of S1S.OOO from Abraham Hosenbcrry A couple of years ace the plaintifl was an employe in the de fendant's planimr mill One day he stuck his left hand under the joiner , just to see if the knires were in motion H did not take him long to lind out that they were , for when he jerked the hand away all of the fingers were left behind MAMII : IIAN IN WJ-vs. Get * a ISic Vi-rillrt Airntiist " ' < ' .Missouri 1'a- < lli < - Kuilroiul. Tlie jury in the case of Mamie Hansen airainst the Missouri Pacific Hallway com pany returned a verdict last night finding for the plaintifl and assessing her damages * at ? 11,000. The plaintiff is a child of 13 . \ears. A couple of > ears ago , when she re sided near Kuser's park in the western part of the city , she had occasion to oe walking upon the railroad tracks not far Irom her home. She was run down by a passenger train and her right leg cut off just below the knee. Suit was urourtit. but not until this week wrrs a trial reached Monday morning the case was calico in Judge Scott's court and yesterday afternoon it was submitted to the jury. Two hours later the verdict was re turned In apportioning trie $11,000 , the amount of the judgment , the jury found that the sum of $3,000 was to offset the suffering and mental anguish that the little girl had experienced and that ? n.KK ( ) was in pajment of the permanent injuries that she had sus tained. .Marshal White's Octltl < > s. Marshal White was in the city yesterday getting acquainted witn the deputies of his office. He expects the commission to arrive in a daj or two and will at once take posses sion It is the intention of the incoming marshal to retain Mr Charles L > on us his first assistant , but all other deputies will bo Letters from Mothers s peak i n warm terms of what Scott's Emulsion has done for their del icate , sickly children. It's use has brought thousands back to rosy health. of cod-liver oil with Hypophos- plntes is employed with great but LCSS in all ailments that re duce flesh and strength. Little ones take it with relish. Prepared by Scott A Bowne , K. Y. All drucirlsta. My Sweetheart's Face that's my wife's you know wears a-cheerful , life-is-worth-living expres sion , ever since 1 presented her a box of WHITE RUSSIAN She is always recommending Kirh'i soaps to her friends says she is through with experiments has just what she needed to make labor easy , and ensure perfectly clean clothes. She knows what she's talking about don't forget it , JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. Duslj DiamoDd Tar &ap w LESt , CAUTION r.iam ne "The Denvmore" un3 you Will buy none other Ttto U'or/cf' . f/ronfoht Tj'/ " "r/fc-r. We nre ulwayi pleittj to ahowlt. Mp nt'h Stationery Co. , 1301 Farna-m iha. pbllcod t < > IKH-k Hi'tllFoMl'T niPRtlK "f R tj > . rf Tlir tiFvr inHt > lit\l will ai'jnilrit a dcput v nt iJncoln. on * or tww tuoif otnpwhprc in ll o South I'lntlr ( xmntrv Rn'l H coti | > lc n * , o North flu t to dlntrlct whr > r they WM be MKXI llkrli , to b < > ntwdpxl t'ourl Cttlllnc * Judge Kller of tbr count / court was iwn | > clltid to dlHcnntinue the bminit ! 1 ixiurt vrM > t < rtii.on . nocount of w > mr > ; . < trtmhl that he Is cxix-rionclnpc with tn > , . ' . s Judire Hoix-well , who for two > rar < ' UH | tnwW l tivpr t | uit.\ docket No fl hai 11 w rhuncwl wltliJuctep l > nru K > n NIK ! t ig the t l no of Ui * > ve r b wlllhaM 'i\u \ ducket in law m n No 4. in the fourt lu a c. t'outl The call for today U a < follow * LAW HOOM NO 8 JV1KJK 1 > Sl-886-lto . \ llnrner. 8i2T Mrtlu > dr t clmri-h ri Onmlm. CV 1 , Col ! atrJ Linn , oni- 89f-l S Mfte . J2-191 Clifonjio wlnt ; Mkrhlne l s. t nrtK. aa-/HS-l'hlllli Hcmsh v < Joiw . t nl 82-80S Andron llo owiittrel al \ * I'atrt k I'ord i't H ! 82-82Hj 1' Mceeath vsJolm 1' . Ha < SJ-839 lint tic Kvftnuts vs ,1mmK Uun- IIPlS. 32854Kv . . < it Grnln poHijisn.v v * O . .all v N BtlcmHlliMtil , 8--8GO Tbciiuas Murray r Cram r-n iijuns H 1100M NCI 4 j 2172 AnioHciinVatvr floi'k * outntutiy JohUKin Ss-aift Wortcy vs Vaux. 2 2US MrUuirr v * l're < . - U73ti5.In 1 1 IPSIclOoll Tf , I" II. Johnson 28-342- icitln- n city of OnmliH 2S-850-AIIH-H . .Tolmsons Onmlm H i kft MnmifftcM tiring rompatiy. J-J-856-Slipflinii \ * c-fty nf South Oni-iL.i 2H-3ttJ . .Iciixens .hint ) HOP ft Hi 29-a8-Httti-eii > s Missouri 1'aclfic Uailw.iy ooinpntiv 2M-55-rlllps { > lc v Callahan. 29S5Tliciiiipiou v Urlffllh. 29-1(18 ( In orsKy VK Mlllrr. 2U-110 Ki-lli'j is city of Uinuha. ijiVi HOOM MI. 0 jrnni : SCOTT. 29363Hiriistlno vs IvJIne. 30-1O Doticliis vs , lIlBtirlmrd. 3H-11O I'lonii'iiis Wostcrliolm. 30119llalln vs Johnson. 2.V197 - \ \ \ -pocliU 27-203-llorbac-li vs , Milulds. 29-oS ] arlmKnizht. . 33-237-A -mlthvb Blue Valley Lumber com pit n v 3434.John Tray vs Oinnba ? lrpot Kail- ny couipiitiy , 8H-7& Northern Assiirunco company v John li. Hamilton ct nl. 2fl-2 ( > Aniiinrtii ( . ' . Loach vs Omiihn * tri'ct Kulluaj c'oiiipany. uvriTi iiiioM NO. 0 Jtrnnc iiiu.rMN : 3233MKucriic C1. Halt" , s E. A. Ttllntou ' 82-lwl Tnlou Trusit company Joseph 1'liilu 33-135 Nelson vs Amlorion. 33-1HJ Noiirabka atlonlll banU ( . Maria Hrllniun. 83-12-4 Ciiiiahn ? a lngs5 bank vs Charles W White. 83-103 Omaha Pavings bank vs Omaha Mcr- clmncllsp c-omiinny 33-230 Mc-hane vs LPP 38-244 Ha cnievi'r vs MnrUriiElc1 33-2DO I'rush vs I'ortMnonth > BIncs liank 33-252 Chlcaso t'tihersal Itivesttnc tit coin- panys } lro n. 30-169 Irfiomls vs Van Closteret ul 32-250 Mutuitl Investment ciimpany vs Tnll , et al uoriTV IIOOM o. 7 jri E A AI TCIN 19-30f > Omahu National lianU ts Trtjlian ai-149 Vnloti Mock Vards National bank --toddarcl. . 31-309 MrKrll vs I'nul 32M1Mthrow > s Holtslander. 32-103 Missouri 1'urlllc Hallway rumpatiy vs Wort 32-113 Traynor \ s Kllborn. 32-12(1 ( lliinlL'lifii vs Montiomery. 32-13R Hoacland vs Thompson. 32-148 Lfdulrh is riiiillni.-iti 32-171 lenolcls ! vs ICrvuolds 32-1'JO-H. 'M. Meole i to. ! vs David lluch- unan. 32-191 * Icmti A s Tales 32-21 ' 1 - -llraiifles Enckson 31-DO Marlati Casc-y \ Ignite Ilani'nll. * COULDOCK' 3 MEMORIES. Our of the-Great Old Mt-u nl the \mrrlcnn A rare and interestitiR old Rcntlcsian is Mr. C. W. Couldocfc. the talented old actor now with tlie Eftie ElKlor companj and known the country over as the original "Dunstan Ivirc " His silver hairs hanp in rinclets about his , and liN face noxv considerably furrowed b.\ the tou. b of time , tnipbt well be made study for an artist " 1 have seen Omah.t in various stapes of development. " said Mr Uouldock to a BEE reporter \estcrdaj "I remember away back in the CO's one time I pot snowed in here , and we plajod a two \\eel : engage ment instead of a thit-e-mcht stand I wanted to pet to Denver , but the snow wns so deep we could tiot Rot farther than a Ht- tle station called iCottonwood : so we stayed ripht here for two weeks I met with quite a success and cleared ot erf l.JtlK ) in the two weeks 1 dou't suwoie 3 could finil the old hall that we pla.ed in then It was a lonp. , low place , but it held a prcttj peed sized audience Omaha was like an immense fair in those da.s. . . It was what the boj B call a wide-open town , and money was abundant" Turmnp to the subject , of the legitimate drama the old pentlcman said "People are in the habit of mourning the deimrture of the peed old days when what wo call the lepitimate was appreciated. It is of no ut-e to complain about it. The modern play has come simply because there was a demand for it. The yearning for novelty has brought all this realistic busi ness into popularity. And that is the reason that there seems to be no great tragedians among our j ounper actors They have not had an opportunity to make preat actors. Theieure but few companies in the country now that handle blank verse plays.and there arc but fe \oung people on the stnpo who have had a chance to learn how to talk black verse An absurd effort has been made in some instances to give blank veibe plays in ordinary prose , just as you would read a newspaper , for instance , but it has been and alwajswill be a miserable failure. One author tries to bolster up his theory by say ing that plays should uot be written in blank verse , because ] > eople do not carry on con versation in that st.le . pf course thoi don't , but w hen you attempt to interpret a poem nnd personify it at the same time jou must idealize your man or your woman as well as the lines or j ou have an incongruity that is ridiculous " Mr Couldoclt has for years been a warm personal Iriuid of Mr. Joseph Jefferson Speaking of the recent fire at Buzzard's BJ.V by w huh Mr Jefferson lost his beautiful home , Mr. Coaldock said ' ] have often told Joe that he would hav trouble w ith that pasohnn. You see he il luminated the entire house with the stuff It was a maciiillceut place I usu.ilh spent a couple of weeks there cverj summer Joe hud a fine collection of paintings thai must have cost him a fortune , and ] see that sjnio of them wore destroyed , although I have a telegram here from my friend \\ood who was ut Buzzard's Bay at tne time of the lire , statmc that tni'j saved some of them The thing that will hurt Joe the worst in this msastrous fire is the fate of his faithful old cook Kllc-n She had been In his einploj fore o cr twentears . , and u better cook , a neater person in the kitchen , 1 ne\er expuct to set ? What a cup of coffee old Ellen could ' " make' When asked as to who he thought was the greatest tragedian among American actors of the present oaj , Mr Couldock said "You would not expect mo to mention mv friend Booth in comparison with nnyw > d } else now living m this country \\ell leav ing Mr Bcoth out of the question jou have nothing left " TUB JIBAL.T1 MAICKKT. INSTKf.ME.NTS nlacotl on reojrd April 4. WAIWANTV IlLCDI. U < hurt I' r. Wujrner nnd wlula A L 1'ur.i I loth 1.1 mid 14 , block G < Jr- . liiicJIIIII . } 2HJO ( U \ \ - ) ( ililTHllll Wife IO J 1 * Vo-l , lilt ! > liliK-k 1 , Kculftr'fc add 300 F T I'cuiiihoo and vrlfo to Nancy M liiinulion. lots 20 and 21 , UlocU 13 , ( lifum Hill 1,000 Nathan ' -tfiihoii' * iind wife to I UIBJ A Morcllc , lot 14 , lilock 8. Uiwo'- bill ) 1.2&0 M A ( < iant and liusliand to 1' C Johti- MIII , lot lb. block 1,1'ortland nod C' c dforifo to 1'miik L'imli , lot 2 rcorgf * f huh. 376 II O lie irlc-k toGtxircti relor--cii'lot 1 lee , llaltluiore juirk fl.OOO Ql'lT cuiljki IIEIIIX. : E I Jones U. John . 'ort. fcw 4-1&-12 L r llauiinond uncl wife to New KUK- land Uian and Trutt Oo. lot 24 and n 44 feet l l 23 , hlock 1 , Mlijne 1'lacc tICUDS. G A lltmnc'tt , klierlff , to L ll llucL loU 6 mid 7. block 114 Dundee 1'lacr a bainf to Mlle .Mtvirn , lot 0 , block 101 , lot 20 , block 118 , DunduoI'li a Total amount of tmnifert ,1 16,091