Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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'July Wheat Had an Inning Yesterday , Ad
vancing Three Oents.
Foiling Throughout tlin liny Wit * I'luottlril
nnd Ncrvonn -ndur nf tlio Hull
Cllqnu lltmy Pulling Tliclr
l.iitcht Wlrvi.
CIIICAOO , 111. , April 6. July wheat had an
Inning today , making a Jump of 3c a bushel ,
cloning at practically the top for the day , Thu
bull clique , which had been playing havoc
with thu May option Isapparuntly working thu
( leal over Into July nnd today seemed to have
set out lostart July toaparlly wllh the nearby
month. Ilcports cconllrmalory of crop ( lam-
nge woru sul/uil upon to Htlmulatu trading In
the new crop and futures.
Corn was upheld by the action of the wheat
market and the buying In of heavy lines of
fihort pork , lard and ribs caused a considera
ble rlso In the price of thosu commodities. A
largo business was transacted In wheat and
thu feeling was decidedly unsettled and nerv
ous. Thu opening for May was from 1 lie to
2c higher than the closing llgiires of Monday ,
ruled llrm and prices were fuithi'iadvanced
lie under thegeneriil feeling of llrmness which
existed and beun helped along by the bull side ;
then declined Irregularly l'ic ' , held steady and
thr doslug was about V. " c higher. July
' than Monday's clo-t-
opened about l'4 < : higher
Ing llguie and advanced Irregularly I34cmorc ,
then held Its own while prices for Mav delU-
ery were declining , then ruled steady nnd Ihu
closing was about ' . ! ' < higher.
The advance loday wus inlluenced pilncl-
tiiilly by the ciop leporls and ( he continued
diy weather. Thu Illinois report made the
condition of glowing wheat 73 per cent and
the Kansas report , It was lumoied. would
show a condition of about ( HI to 01 ! per cent.
The Kan-iis report , however , was not official.
1'rlvate tub Ices lecelved stated Unit farmers
In Milne sections of Kansas wen-replanting
their wheat llelds with oats. Ulontny dls-
i.niches were numerous from Michigan and
Missouri. The l-'rcnch weie said to be buying
here and In New Yotk. The short Inteiest
was iniiurally anxious K ver and thu longs
nilidelhe best of the Itniitlon. Theie no
doubt was consldeiahle i cull/Ing for May de
livery after prices i cached HOC and the buyIng -
Ing concentrated mine In the , lul.futuie. . .
The Ublo and Kentucky leporls weie favor
able , but seemed to be lost i-lglit of. Receipts
continue huge.
C'oin started out with an advance of from
> 4 < - to ' ( over the llnal ligures of .Moinhiy ,
July being relatively slionger tlnin May , the
ptemlum widening out to 1'fe. There was
good Imjing , most of which was to cover
Bhorlfi , while the selling was scattered , though
a prominent local trader Mild consldeiable.
The Impiovedtone was due In a gieat mcas-
uietolhe action of wheat , tint Hie buying by
fccveral of the larger commission coin-cms was
lso liistiumenlalln causing the advance. I ho
markel advanced to JBc after the opening
reached ! ic , rallied 3Bc ami closed with a gain
off for May and from V to V- for July.
In oals there was good buying by shorts
owing lo Hie advance In wheat and corn , and
p rices at onetime showed a net advance of
f rom lie to 'jc ' over Monday's close. A reac
tion of ftoin 'kc to ' 2c followed the early ad
vance , but the close wasstiong at a net gain
of fiom y to 'jc , The Indications point to an
Increased acreage , as the winter wheat land
that Is Uelng plowed up Is being planted In
In provisions shorts were Inclined to pur
chase lo some extent and then- was a little
more lniiilry | on Investment account , and
ospcclallv for the more defened deliveries.
Local manufacturers ; ) cicdltcd with buy
ing the leading specula ! Ivo articles. The
bticngth developed In the grain maiKcts ex
erted some Inlluence , The maiket opened
qultostrong at higher prices tor ail the leadIng -
Ing articles and this computltlon for the oiler-
Ings resulted In a fin ( her material apprecia
tion all around. i There was rather free selling
liutfdurlng a part of the session the feeling
was notbo firm and the market closed at about
medium llgiues. There wasgo slp that \Vrlglil
showed ( symptoms ota dcnlre to corner Septem
ber pork.
Estimated receipts for lomonovv : Wheat
? Ii ( ) cars ; corn , 210 cars ; oats , 170 cars , hogs
0.000 head.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
AliriCI.CH. Ol'K.N. 111(111. IOVri.OsR. . M(1N.
77 K
79 MHi so * 711 7UM
4I5 < 40'J
WiG'k 'J '
soffit t'OVi : wt sui | ton
n ; oo K ) 25 15 H5 II ! r < 4 IS 80
" 111 US III IU Hi S7H
1C aj" 1C 15 iu KM Hi : ; !
1)55 ) n " . ' > 0 75 970 U 45
1) ) 7714 ' " II 72 ! ,
y 63 'J W 955' 9 60
8 M o m 8 K 8 87
8 Si y 05 8 S.'i II Oo b77'u
s K I ) 05 8 85 DOS
Cash iiuotiitlons wcru us follows :
KlXJUll Dull , concessions of 510c are the
rnlo ; winter imtenls , } U.70Jt4.20 ( ; wlntor
straights , f3.30B3.35 : sprlnupatents , J3.H5
© 1.10 ; spilng Htralght , J'J.OOUS.IO ; baKcrs' ,
WIIIAT No. 2 spring , 7GVf < it77Iic ! ; jfo > 3
spring , noi'lhurn , 71e ; No. 2 red. 7G ! < 4,77-1i.c. (
CoiiN-No. 2 , 40c ; No. 3 3H'e : No. 3 cash ,
OBc ; No. 2 yellow , 4 ( ) > .iC ; No. 3 yellow , 3H'.c. '
OATS No. 2. afj'.c ; No. ' 2 white , 34' , 35c ;
No. 3 white , 31c.
UYK-NO. 2 , 4Kc.
lUiti.EV-No. 'J , O'J'ic ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 44'303c ;
No. 4 , f. o. b. , 3445c.
KiaxHKEiiNo. . 1.J1.14'/- .
TIMOTHY 9Kni > - 1'rlme , $1.30.
VOIIK Mess , per bbl. , tl0.1'J"3Hi.l5. I.ard ,
nor 100 Ibs. , $9.05 ; short ribs sides
( loose ) , $0.05UO.H ) ; dry suited sliouldurs
( boxudi , $0.25B0.37 ( > 5 ; sbortclear sides ( boxed ) ,
WHISKY Distillers'finished goods , per gal. , > .
SUOAUSUnchanged ; cut Io-if , 5 , ' S054c ;'iiBtandard ; "A , " 5c.
Tbo following wuru tliu receipts and shin-
inuntH for toibty :
On the I'ro.lnco exchange today thu butter
market was llrmj creamery , 'JUfcHOc ;
dairy , 122O'J7c. Kgcs , llrm ; strictly fresli , 13'i
Tim following prices are based upon dollvei-v
nt Mlsslssnpl | river points :
WIIKAT > , ( ) . i ! spring , 7Dc bid ; No : ) spring
OOcbldjNo. 'Jhaid , U'Jc bid ; No. 3 hard. OUi
KYI : No. ' - ' , O'-V bid.
OATSNo. . 2 white , 31'ic bid ; No. 3 whlto
flic bid.
COIINNo. . 2 , cash or April , : )7c bid : No. . '
or butter , cash or April , litHic bid ; No. 1
white , 37V bid.
Amongtlie sales weroSevencars : No.Sor butter
tor corn , upper Mississippi river points , | | f.
teen days shipment , Cincinnati terms , 3i'Ic. ( '
N tr I'ork Mrtrlict .
NF.W VOIIK , April -Kt.ouu Hecolpts. 39 ,
814 pkgs. ; exports , 3,4-13 bills. , H.IU'J ' sitcKs
rales , 'J'-.HKl pUgs. ; market moie ai-ttvo am
llrmorYlnter ; wheat , low ( trades , $ 'J.lo
( i'J.05 ; winter wheat , fair to fancy
t-J.OOH.3.05 ; winter wheat , patents , $3.H&
4ftl.25 ; Minnesota L clear , ' $ -J.CiVi41.5O (
Mlnnesotu HtralghtH , < ; ) .LiuB-1.0U ; Mlnnu
kola patents , fl.'J&lii-t.OO.
COK.N Mr.Ai < Uulet , steady : sales 300 bbls
yollovv western , t J.uO&.70 ! ; brandy wine VJ.8U
KVK Dull , steady ; western , OMft'ti-Jc.
IlAltIXY I'lrm ; andiiiiet | ; western , ( HV&TOc
HAUI.KY MAI.T- Dull , steady ; westcin , U5J
WHEAT Hecelpts. 10,070 bn. ; eviiorts , none
Bales , H.'Jori.OOO bu. futures , llH.OdO bu
pot. Spot market lutjuc ( higher , falrl' '
uctlvo : No. 'J red , In store and olevatti
77'477'ic ; alloat , 77lc ( : f. o. b. , 7N'Ki No.
northern , H4ic ; No , 1 iiard , 87 ' M HMO ; No. !
northern , ti'2\c. Options were active , oxcltei
nnd lUCcl'iC higher on higher cables bad , croi
reporls.freo liny Ing by foreigners In Wallstrce
and decriMisu In llradstrcut's. Thu closlni
was strong ; No. 'J red , May , 70 1 -10147 Hue
closing at 7Hi < c : June , 7Mf7lH < c , closing a
VO'iCj July , 77 lO-ltiuhOUc. cliising at HOUc
August , H0 % ! Srlitemlier , Mi ) 81Sc , i-lo-hi !
nt HI'iC ! Uucfiiiber , b3Sab-ls4c ; closing a
COIIN Itccelpts , 4nr > CO bn. : exports , 'JO.-25
bu. ; sales , O'JO.UOO bu. futures , U'J.OOO In
spot , pots III HUT , moderately active : No. i
til' youc In clorntur , D'JVc atloat ; tin
craded mixed , OOSttOae ; steamer mixed , -I'J'
OOOc ; No. -8'Hi-lriV > . Options declim- '
JifflSc , advanced 'ic and closed strong a
} < tsyc ubovo yehloidav : Mny , 4Hii-4H'iC , clos
Ing utl4HliiM June , 4H tc ; July , 4HJjii4lJ11 ( (
closing at 494c. !
OATS-llecKlpts , 7H,7.10 bn. ; exports , 145.OO
liu , ; bales. 4-JO.OOO bu. futurt's , 177,000 bi
spot , Snots fairly ucrlvu , stuaily. Option
nioi e active , tinner ; May , 303HCi'4C * , cfoiln
at 30 > ic ; Juno , 30 , fi3uie , closing atllOVc
July , 30\iir.UOliC \ , closing at : iVc : spot No.
\vhltu , 3' ) < t(23lCi ( No. i ! Chlc.igo whlt (
BlUifi No. U Chicago , 38c ; No. .1,3b > | Ci No.
wjiltu , 3ba3Huo ; nilxva wuktoru , 35 < a3Mc
xhlto western. duas'Jo.
s-C'ut uieau , quiet , weak ; pickle
icllles , p'4 ' , Ui'tc ! mlddlos ( | nlrt. steady
aril , liilet | , llnner : western ileani closed at
l ! ) . ! > r > i alui , i0l ! ( tlercen at MO ; option > > iitp < ,
JW ) tlorces at lO.UOi Mny closed at lO..IU ,
lomlnali.litly. ( U.HO. Pork , moderate demand ,
Hol'S-Pleady , iiulel.
UIIIBK Kasy.iiulet ,
HITTTRIIQuiet and lowers western dairy ,
lHr2 Cj wustern creamery , U47130 , ' ; Klglln
CIIKBMICJulet : but firm ; purl sldnn , .
Kinsrinner mi speculative demand : re-
elpls , rifir > U pkgs : western , fresh , Ifi'jUJlt'ic ;
duck , -J4W27C- goose , 40c.
TAI.I.OWQuiet and easy : city ( f'J per pkg.i ,
* .
COTTONSKKD Oii/-Iull ) ; crude , .IOB-t2c ; yel
low , -lOc.
I'liTltiil.r.t'.M Thu maiUet was dull and weak
throughout the day. I'enn-iylvanla oil , spot
sales , none : May option sales , 10,000 bbls.j
opening price. GO'.c ; highest , fiO'ici lowest ,
OUc and closing , UOc. Lima oil sales , none :
2ttC ) ! bid. Total sales , 10,000 bbls.
ItosiN Dull but steady.
TlTlll'lISTlNKIJulet and weak at 324"il33c. !
HICK I'lrm : fair demand.
MoiASSf.New ! Orluan. < i open kettle , good
to choice , llrm : fairly active.
SmiAltItavv , llrmer , morn acllve ; fair relining -
lining , : i'c ; centrifugals , no test , ( > Mc : sales ,
J.OOO tons Mnscovada , H ! ) test , at 3Ui'i 8V !
hhds. , and nr > 00 bags ccnlrlfiigals , Jl > test ,
tit 3jc , and 700 bags molasses suitiir , HO test ,
at 3c ; refined , fairly active , 1 1-ltic up ; mold
A , 5 n-HMlOV ; standard A , 4 15-10Jf,0'4 : con-
fectlom-rs A. 4 13-lOTifjc ; cut loaf , O'ilSO
l.-lCc ; crushed , 5i ! < a31 -Hie 1 : powdered , 6 3-H5
granulated lu-lGlifi'ic ; cubes , 0
I'm IliON-Ktuady , quiet ; American , ! 12.75S
roi'PKK Quiet , weak ; lake , HI.40.
liKAD rirm ; domestic , 4.50.
TIN-I/Inn ; Straits , J20.50 bid , { 20.00
asked ; plates , quiet , unchanged ; spelter ,
steady ; domestic , * 1.30.
Oitiulm Produce. Market.
( ii-iit.\i. : ; HUM MUSS.
Commission men In the producedlstrlct weio
complaining that It was about the dullest day
that tliey had experienced In weeks. The
weather was warm and pleasant and theiu ap
peared to be every reason for expecting a
good trade , as the stieels weru full of in-onlu.
The leeelpts of butter meery light , bill for
some reason the demand Is also light. The
general .supposition Is thai a good deal of but-
terme Is being Used which cuts olV'thu demand
for thu genuine ni-tlele. The- receipts ale so
light thai If there was a good bilsk demand
iirli-es could baldly help being much hlghei.
The quality of tin- butter arriving Isery poor
and soft , tin-re being very little of II that will
stand up. The greater proportion of It sells at
'JOc and under , although an o < v.isloiiat .small
lot of selected slock brings more.
The egg maiket leinnliu precllcally un
changed. Therj do not appear lobe many
commission eggs coming In , thu gieater bull ;
of UK-HI being picked up In the country by thu
There Is almost no demand for wild ducks
excepting for a few mallards and some of the
denlersaie no longer quoting prices lo the
countrv. The weal her has been so warm dur
ing the past few days as lo make the handling
of game \ei-y hazardous and a good deal of It
has been lost. A few lack snipe havu arrived ,
but not enough to lest the market. The Ilrst
arrlvalsare likely to brln , ? about J1.00&1.120 ,
but with latgn ici-clpts and continued hot
weather It might not hi ) well to count too
much on such prices being inalnt .Ined for any
great length of time.
The top on Ihu bay market Is a little above
the previous day's quotations.
Poultry Is not veiy plenty and good hens
command veiy satlsfaetoi-y prices , though
them are \ei-y lew coops of all hens coming.
UITTIH ; : , IHUS : , OAMK , i-otii/rtiv.
Ilt"mit-The receipts continue llu'hl and the
inaikutls very llriu. Packing slo k , nt&ltia"
fair lo good country roll , 18'ii-Dc ; iiholco to
fancy country , iUtti ! ! Ic.
Kimsienural market , 13c.
llAMiThe : market Is slow and dull. Mixed ,
00i.70c ( ; red heads , W ; mallards , J2.00Q2.50 ;
teal , $1.
I'ot'l.TKV Choice heiic , OfJIOc ; young roost
ers , H'lt'.lc ; old roosters , 5(3.t5c ( ; geesu and
ducks , lOisllc ; lui-keys , lie.
viuT.rAiun.4. :
Pr.As Southern and California stock , pur Jj
bu. box , $1.00'(1.U5.
UIANS : Choice n.ivy , ? 2.45.
CM.iroiiNiA CAIIIIAIH- : Per 11) ) . . 3c.
Ctici.MmitsPer : : doij. .
KWHKT POTATOES Per bbl. , } 5 ; seed sweet po
tatoes , J3.50.
O.N'ioN-s lluiiiu L'rown , on orders to country ,
$4 per bid. ( iood stock slnpped In from
country would probably not bilng over fl.25
per bu. on this nnirket.
PoTATois-Uecelpls : large. Colorado stock ,
* I.loa > 1.10 ; Wisconsin hut-hanks , 00c1.00 ;
western Nebraska , U0cci.fl.00 ; eastern Ne
braska stock , 75rit')0c.
NKW VKOKTAiii.r.s Lettuce , 40c ; radishes ,
45c ; parsley , 40c perdoz. ; green unions , 35c.
Al'l'l.KS C'hoico shipping stock , $4.50 per bbl.
Hi'iiAW'iir.miir.s-I'cruuai't , 25ti30 , ! .
TANiruixis- ( : half boxes , t2.75Q3.00.
( liiAi-i : I'lirrr Per box , t3.00tt3.25
UltA.Mir.s-I'loi-lda fancy , perbox$3.5ni33.75 ;
uissutts , $3.25 ; Mexican oranges , single boxes ,
$3.25 ; 5 to 10-bov lots. $3 ; California mountain
oranges J2.50 ; Washington navuls , t4 ; Now-
caslle California seedlings , ir2.GO'fj2.75 ; Med.
sweets , J2.U05C2.75 ; Kivcrsldo seedlings , J2.75 ,
HANANAS Per bunch , Including crates and
packing , J1.70WJ.50.
CIIAMII.HIIICS Per box , { , ' ) . ? ( ' > .
Li.M : ( > NS-Choice , $3.50 ; fancy , f J.
II A v The market on goud upland hay was
limns No. 1 green , 4c ; No. 2green , 3c : No.
1 green , sailed , 4'ic ; No 2 green , salted , 3 ! e ;
No. 1 green , sailed , 25 to 40 Ibs. , 4Jc ! ; No. 2
M-een , salted , 25 to 40 His. , 3 vie ! No. 1 veal ,
aIf , H to 15 Ibs. , be ; No. 2 veal calf , B to 16
bs. , Oc ; No. 1 dry Hint , 7Jc ! ; No. 2 dry Hint ,
5'-e ; No. I diy salted , lie.
lloxr.v Choice to fancy white clover , 18ii
1'Jc ; fair to good , 10 < S18c.
VKAI. t holcu and small fat , veals , 7G8Jc ! ;
large and thin , -VftUc.
llnslness ( li'in.i c1 ! .
Tin ! following tire reported at Dim's Mercan
tile agency :
Omaha , Kllgallon & McDougal , saloon , dis
Omaha , M. A. Orant , bicycles and Ice , gave
bills of salu for $1,700.
llcatrlce , Nob. , ,1. H , Parker , harness ,
damaged by lire , loss $12,000 , insurancu If3,000.
Lincoln. Nub. , Now Lincoln Hotel company ,
Incorporated , capital s ock , f 150,000.
Long Pine , Nub. , Mrs. C. A. llanlgan , saloon ,
Htanton. Neb. , C. J. Skew , racket .store , sold
out to.I. M. Skow.
Sterling , Neb , , Dwyro & Caley , meat market ,
succ-'cded by J. K. Dwyie.
Alexandria , S. I ) . , M. K. Conlan , Implements ,
sold out.
Clark , S. I ) . , Edsal McHown , bakery , suc
ceeded by McKown Itros.
Hastings , la. , I ) . 11. l-'isk , agricultural Imple
ments , absconded.
HI. * Markets.
ST. T.ouis. Mo. , April 5. Ki.otm Higher
with wheat ; patents , . ( U.35' ? i3.50 ; extra fancy ,
eil.H ) ; fancy , i2.05 < U,2.75 ; choice , i2.25 2.05i
family , J'J.IO.
Wiii'.vr Opened bullish on crop news , closed
3'n'lf ' Icabovu Monday : No. 1 ! led cash , OBc ;
AprllGH'-c ; May , 70c.
COIIN Tlio market sympatld/ed slightly
with wheat , gaining 'uWVNo. ; . 2 ml.xed ,
cash , 35'c ; April , 30c ; May , 3716 < ii,37V bid.
OATS Higher , but dull ; No. 2 cash , 31UC-
May , 3Hia3Pp.
PIIOVISIONS rinner , quiet and unchanged
except liml.iJ0.50 ; bacon , llrm ut outsldo llg-
lliirrntirnchangod. .
UKCiMl'TS-Klotir , 0,000 bbls. ; wheat , 25,000
bu. ; corn , 225.OOO bu. ; oats , BO.OOO bu.
riiiii'.Mi.NTS--l-'lour,10,000 bbls. : wheat , 17.00C
bu. ; corn , 238,000 bu. ; oats , 31,000 bu. ; rye
110,000 bu. ; barley , 1,000 bu.
K'imis : City .Mirkeli. :
IVANS\s CITY , Mo. , April 5. Wheat and
ryu are on basi.s of Mississippi rlvur ; corn
and oats basis of Kansas Cliy.
\ViiuAT No. 2 hard , 04tta5'4c ; No. 2 red
COIIN I'nchaiiged ; No. 2 white , 34 ! c.
O.vis Qulul , lirm demand.
lliiiTEii I'lrm : uiii-hangud ; creamery , 253
SOo ; dairy , lHU2lc.
KCKIS fleady at 12' c.
UKUKIl'lshual , b.OOO bu. ; corn , 7,0K (
bu. ; outs , none.
Sini'MK.NTS Wheat , 12,000 bu. : corn , 4.00C
bu. ; oat.s , none.
Liverpool .Miirllctx.
l.iVEiii'ooi. , April 5. WIIIAT : Ftcady ; do.
iniind moderale ; holder oilured sparingly
No. 2 red nlnter , 5s O'id5t5s 7Hd per cental.
COIIN- I Inn : demand moderatu ; ml.xed west
ITU , 4s 2d percental.
liKK.rKxtra India mess , 70s pmtierce. .
Pmivisio.NS-pork , prlnui mess , western fine
H8s d per bbl. llacoii , long and short clear
.55 Ihs. , 4Hs Od per cwt ; long clear , 45 Ibs. , i
Od. liiinl , ui-lniu western , nominally qnotei
at 50s per cwt.
Cotton Mitrki > t.
Nt-.w OII.EANS. : I.U. , April S.-I'iitures , sales
( food middling , 8"ic ; low middling , 7 11-lOc
good or.llnaiy. 7'c | n.'t lecelpth. 203 bahis
ploss , ' 14 hali-s ; exports coastwise , b.'jo :
bales ; sales , 'J.OOO lialc s stock , 2Ch,05G bales
Colluo .Uarkot.
NKW YCIIIK , April 5. Options were barelj
bteady , OifJ.'i points lower , closed firm , ;
points up to ! i poinfi down ; sak-s , 43,50il bags
Including : Aplll , flO.hoaili.OO ; May , * t5.7Oi
| : . .h5 ; June , * 10.r,5ral5.75 ; July/ { lO.ljl/j
J7/ " / > " * ' HO.00-VH5.70 ; Si-ptembei
J15.OikiilO.H5 ; Novfinbi'l- . lM5.45ai5.00 ; Dj
ct-nibnr , * 10.30.Il0.h5. . s > pot lilu moie uctivt :
bteady ; No. 7 , tlli.75.
.Mliinn.tpolU U'liriit Miirkut.
MlN.SHAi-OMs , Minn , , April 5. Tm > ro wa
very good t ratio today and sentinii-nt mor
bullish than for borne time , Cash dovelopei
llttlu inoro btrnniith. No. 1 northurn , 0-U.t
60c.i ho , 2 iiurthuru , C2 . Kccclpts wheat-tl
car . Clo'pApril. . fifiiM May , ( ' .TAP , .tnly ,
( jO' c. On track ! No t hard. r.G'ici No , 1
norihurn , f ' > ej No. 2 northurn , ( VJ ii ( > 3c.
.MlhviinUer .MitrKeln ,
Mll.WAt-KKK , Wl . , April 0. Wlir.AT-Acllvo ;
July , OO'ii'i No. ! 2 spring , Gk' ( .
CDHNguipii No. u , iH'jH.iic. : )
OATiHioady ; No. 2 white , : i4 > t 13.Vi No. 3
' '
Itvt : fine.
I'll ivlslossl'lrmer. . Pork lG.l1 ! .
London \ VnoluliK. . "
LONDON. April B. The wool auction sales
opened huru today. There woroolTotcd 14H)0 )
baleiof good quality. Thu cnnipetltlon was
active. Merinos and scoured sold ill an ad-
vnliceof 1O percent. Cioss-breds btoiiqht 7'J
purc-i'iil , and Cape of liood Hope and Natal f >
purvi'lit advance. American buyers lKik only
a few of thu olTerlngs.
riilhiilclphlii Oriiln .Miirkut.
PIIII.ADKI.IMIIA , l' . , April B. WHEAT I'lrm
and higher : No. 2 red , April , 74M&74V.
COIINDull ; No. 2indxod , April , 48'tft48'fc '
CAIK1'or cm- lots , Ilin er , under moderate ,
otl'erlngs , but light demand ; options slunk )
stronger but quiet ; No. 2 while , April , 30 4fi
I0' < e. _
Cincinnati Marltct * .
CINCINNATI , O. , April 0. WHEAT rirmer ;
No. 2 led , G c.
COIINI'lrmur ; No. 2 mixed , 42'Jc.
OATS Dull , weaker ; No. 2 mixed , 33c.
WHISKY In good demand ; J1.16.
ISaltlninre < ! rin : .Uurkcl ,
llAi.TiMonn , Md. , April B.--WIIK\T Strong ;
No. 2 red , spot and April , 744c.
Cons I'lrm ; mixed spot and April , 48c ,
OA'ldSteady ; No. 2 whltu western , 41c.
Toledo ( iraln .Market.
Tot-niio , O. , April 0 , WIIKATActive , higher ;
cash , 72' , c.
COIINDull , llrm ; cash anil May , 414c.
OATs-yulet ! casli , 3Uc.
I'on-liro Oil .Mai-Net.
LONDON , Apill 0. LIN.SIID : : on. 20j Gil per
cwt.AM'wnni' , April 0. PITIIOMUM : : 12'jf paid
and sellers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N'mv Vorlc Dry ( liiuiU .M.irket.
Ntw : Voitic , April -Tho dry goods market
was quiet and unchanged.
Scctirltli'H \ Vie Iri-t'gnliir In the Karly
Tnidlng Vi-.slenlay.
NKW VOIIK , April 0. The stock market was
liiegular In the early trading , chiefly In con-
seiiuencu of a sharp selling movement In
Ametlcan Sugar lellnlng , which carried that
stock down lji per cent to 104' . The other
Industrials were unfavorably alfoctud and
yielded ' 4 to 1 per cent. While these move
ments wure in progress , bow uver , Iteadlm ; rosu
I'B per cent to 21 's on thu le.slgnatlon of A. A.
Mcl.eod from tlio company and statements
made In Usually well Informed ipiarters that
banlier.s who have been hostile toward Mc-
Jjeod would now come forward and adMincu
thu money needed by Ihu company to remove
It fiom picssing llnancial obligations. Thu
stock subsequently reacted to 23'3 , but Mill
later reached 20.
New England sold off at first from 32 to 31 'i
owing to the feeling of uncertainty occasioned
'iy thu new tuin of aflalrs In Heading , but at
he decline thoio wore liberal buying orders
nd a rise to 33' < occurred. It Is assorted In
some quarters that capitalists Identified with
the New York , New- Haven Jt llaitford have
alieady ncqulted a largo Interest in the prop-
eity with thu view of obtaining contiol. Thu
general imuKi't after a siiell of hesitancy dc
veloped unusual slreiiL'tli. The traders fought
Ihi' rise from start to llnlsh , but the mole they
lamniei-ed the market the moieaggiessivu did
lliu bulls bi . me until linally ( here was a sort
) f scramble to cover. The advance wasstlmu-
Jated by the lecelpt of liberal uulers by the
coiiimeiclal houses for both local nnd out of
town hous"s. The dealings were wull ( Us
trilmtcd and attundud with animation.
At intervals speculation positively
buoyant , more particularly In the late after
noon trading. The luvlval of speculation
in tint railway list Imparted no little
conlldence lo operators who altachod meal Im
port a lire to the near approach of the open ing of
the World's fall and thu Increase In oainings
to lesiilt Iheiofroni. AS compared wllb the
lowest figures of tlio morning American Mi ar
rose 2' percent to 107 ; Atohlson , l'i percent
li > 30't ; Cotton Oil , Hi per cent to l4'J ; Cana
dian Southern , l' pcr cent to57 ; lllg Konr ,
2)4 ) ) > er cent lo 5'J'j ; Itiirllngton Jt ( Julncy , 2H
percent lo'JH ; C'lilcagoCias , t percent to'J'J-U ;
Northwest , 2 > ; per cent to 1143i ; St. Paul , lji
percent to7H'B ; Hock Island , li per cent to
b5 ; Lackawanna , 2 pur cunt lo 140(5 ( ; " Dela
ware & llui'.soii ' , lai per cent to I'Alii ; tjenural
ICIectilc , 14 percent to107Ji ; Lake I > lu &
Western preferred , 2 ! { per cent to 80 ; Lake
Shore , 2 ? ( per cunt to 131'i ; Loulsvlllo Jc
Nashville , I'l per cent to 7G ; Manhattan. 3 ! (
pur cent tu ISOtii Michigan 'lonlral , l'/i per
cent to 107' ' ; Missouri Paclllc , lji per cent to
02 ; Cotdage , l' ( per cent to G7's ; Lead , lj
per cent lo14 : Now York Central , 1 per cunt
to 10H ; Nlcklo Plato seciml preferred , 23i per
cuntto41 ; Omaha , 1 ? . percent to BOU ; Union
Paclllc , 1's per cunt to 38'a ' , and western
I'nlon , ? per cent to O7'a ; Mobile Jt Ohio ,
aflor soiling down Ui ? per cent to 24 , rose to
The eaily break was duo to thn decision just
rendered against the stockholders by Judge
Columan of the supi-uino court of Alabama.
Thu market closed str-jng at or near thu top
tig u res.
Thu Post says : Sltico the dally reports of
treasury balanci'fi are always two days late ,
this morning's statement .shows thu with
drawal of $1,500,000 export gold on Monday.
This gold , It will bo remembered , was all
taken from the subtrcasury In exchange for
silver notes unil legal lenders : It might , thuru-
foie , have -boon expected that the govern
ment's gold balances would today show a
heavy decrease and It.s treasury noles and
United Slates nolos an equal Increase. Hut
nothing of the kind Is reported. The gold
balance stands piactlcally unchanged from
yesterday's , which infers that thu Tioasury
department must havu arranged , prior to thu
gold withdrawal , for an equal e.xchange of
treasury paper money for bank specie. If this
proves to have boon tlio fact It Is In .sumo ways
encouraging , particularly lu view of possible
further and heavy gold slilpinonts wllhln Ihu
coming week. Of cour-e , tlio London financial
critics suggest that these operations are
meiely transferring thostialn from the federal
treasury to thu open market , but It Is In every
way proper andailvantagoouslliat tills should
bu the case.
The following are the closing emulations of
the lending stocks on thu Nuw York fetouic ex
change today :
Thetotal sales of stocks todav were 400,400
shares , Including : Atchlson , 13,10(1 ( ; Dnrllng-
ton , 13,000 ; Chicago las ! , IG.HOO ; Chesa
peake , t Ohio , 13,200 ; Delaware , L-u-kawanna
Jt Western , H.GOO ; Distilling , 10,400 ; Krlo ,
riniHirial Nutrs ,
KANSAS Cirv , Mo. , April 0. Cloarlng-t.
$1,73G,81 1.
April 5. Three per cunt rentes , OGI
80 for Ihu arcount.
NKW VOIIK , April O.-ciearlngs , $120,601 , .
65'J ; balances , J7.303.327.
OMAHA , April 5.-cioarlngs , fl,185,400i
same day last week , (1.O55 , 321. i
HAI.TIMOHK , Md. . April O.-Clearlngs , $2,447-
140 ; balances , H45.2H7. Money , G pur cunt.
CINCINNATI. O. , April B.-Money. Gft7 per
cent. New York exchange , 40tfolc ( premium.
Pllil.ADKl.l'lliA , Pa. , April 5. Clearing , , t2-
720,703 : balances , l,7a7G30. Money , 4'iUlC '
per cent.
MttMl'iiis , Tenn. . April O.-New York ex
change bulling at f l.&O. Cleurlnas , } 605lbO :
HUSTON. Mass. , April 0. C-loarlngs , $1H-
GHO.t.aO ; balances , Jl.435,133. Monny G poi
cent. Kxcimngo on New York lOU'JUc uis-
CIIICAOO , 111. , April B.-CleaniiBu , 125,005. .
OU , Now iork exchange , UOc premium
Hirrllnit . o.xrlmneo llrmi sixty-day hlU ,
MHCI < I ilemiiiid f4iW < . Money llrm at ( ) ( J > 7
ST , Ldt'l * . Mo. , A\inl \ ft. Clearing' , 13,80V
01)01 ) balances , * l83,7,15 ! , Money iUlot | at I > il7
per cent. K.xchanim on Now York , OOc pre-
n *
NKWOntK.Vi. ! . Aln. , April Clparlngs ,
* 2t20,4t ) ( ) ; New York exchange commercial.
76c pur i 1,000 prl-iCiluini bank , * 1.60 per
Jl.OOo prpinlum , ' "
HAVANA , April fi lx-chango has an upward
tendency ; on the lljdled Slates short gold ,
0c premium ; on Limdon , 20 ! < c to 20C ! pre
mium. Sugar , steiwly ; sales. 1,000 bags cen
trifugals , SKI ( l"gioei polarization , at J3.GG
gold per quintal <
New Yoclc iMoney .MnrUct ,
Nnw YOIIK , Apj-ll' -MOSKV ON CAM/
Kasy , 2' leO porci1- ! ! ! ; last loan , 3 per cenl !
closed olTurod at 21 * per cent.
PiilMiMiiic\NTli.i : : : PAl-Kit-Oa ? per cent.
STUIII.INII KxL'iiAMii ! I'lrm , with actual
business In Cankers' bills at J4.80'CiM.HGi !
for sixty dity.s and J4.H7'il4.H8 ' fordomiind.
OoviiiiNMF.NT BONDS-l-'lrni. Statu bonds dull.
The closing quotations on bonds :
Huston Stoclc Quotation * .
HOSTON , Mass. , April 5. Call loan' . Offifi't ' per
pout ! tlmu loans , fi'iWi'i percent. Thu follow
ing are thu closing iiuutallotis on slocks , bonds
and mlnlngithaies :
New 1 ork Alining ( jiiot-itlons.
NuwYonK , April 5.-Tlio following aru the
closing mining uiiotatlons :
Crown I'olnt M 1'lymouth W
Con. lal. A Va 2IJ Sierra Nevada Hi
Pendn-ooil IM ) Mandar.l 13J
OouldAtMtrr KO Union Con 70
Halo A Norcross. . . . I'J Yellow .Inckot 40
llomeatako ! . " > 00 Iron silver HO
Mexican IIA Quick Mlvur 3'iU
Ontario I3fl > do preferred law
Oplilr. 140
St. l.onlsMlnlnir SloekH.
ST. Louis. Mo. , April 5. I'ollovvlng are the
quota ! Ions on mining stocks :
Keceliils I in prove Sllirlitly Itctter Tiino mill
htviiily to Higher Priees rrevall.
WKII.NKSIIAV , April r > .
There vvas sonuMmprovem-nt In the sl/.u of
the receipts today , but thu three days sup
ply , compared with the HIM half of lust week ,
still sliows , i di-creaso of ii-arly 'J,00. ) cattle ,
8,700 hoL-s and &IH > .sheep.
Hecolptsof cattle wore a trille lieavler than
a week ago , but the quality of the offerings
was about thu sain ? . The Chicago
was lower and as tliu .supply on sale hero was
more than sulliclunt to suit local iciiulremenls
trade ruled slow with prices easier. There
was a moderato , Inquiry from shippers , and
this , with the usuul good local demand , was
sulllclent to sustain prlcos early on the more
deslratilo IJght anil medlumx weight grades.
On all other kinds thg market was generally
quoted 6c to lOc lower. Heavy cattle , especi
ally If a little coarse , appeared to be the par
ticular aversion of buyers , and lOc would
baldly cover the decline on this class of stock
liood to choice. 1'JCiO lo l.fjDO-lb. beeves sold
at from $4.70 up lo J5.10 and fair to good 1,000
to l.UOU-ll ) . steers at from 14.35 to $1 Gi. ! Light
stult and odds and ends so'ld at from * H.7u to
J4. .5. Tim
movement was sluggNh but con
tinuous and tlieio was HUlo of any consequence
quence unsold at thocloso.
There was nothing new to the trade In
butchers stock and dinners Offerings made
up but a comparatively s'nall proportion of
the receipts , and as there was no let up In the
demand trade was tolerublv brisk and prices
about steady all aiound Poor to good can-
nerssohl at froni J2 toil ! 50 , with fair to good
butchers stock at fi.H5 ! to ftl.liO. Choice to
fancy cows and heifers brought from $3.70 to
H.40. ltoii h stock of all kinds was In moder
ate duma'id and steady at from J'J-ld to ? 4.
( , 'iilvcs rather dull at from i'J.DO to $ J.'JO.
There was a very quiet business In stockers
and feeders , with prices In thu main steady.
Hales out of first hands were largely nt from
$3.00 to $3.90. and yard traders reported a
vnry poor Inquiry from the country. Itepru-
sentatlvu sulea :
. . . ,1030 2 7fl .1148 3 75
. . . . ) a M .11JSO 375
. . .IKK ) 8 M .HUH ) a 75
Ten a 8.1 . mm a 80
IKM 8 IK ) 10. . * ) 3M
IKK ) : i DO a. . ISIM 385
iii7 ( a ( HI a.i. . . isso 300
i . u so a oo 8 . .1110 400
o. 3M7 s MI I' . . ( V.'rt 340
4H ( ) 11 440 3 50
MX ) ' . ' 5 ! I'M ! 370
: irr. i ! in 4 1040 aw
. 7S3 si asa 17 11M ) 440
a -to
C.U.VM. a 50 a. . 130 350
100 : i oo i. 830 685
ass a as
HUM. ? .
into 210 1. IKOO 300
1400 It fjll 1IMH ) 3 IK )
1275 ] 50 INK ) a oo
1500 2 50 18(50 ( 310
1170 1H40 310
2 05 1810 3 15
.1180 2 05 1480 3 85
2 CM 8SK ) a 85
1 1170 1400 a 85
11 031 7 inu : a 25
IH ) 13(50 ( a 85
.14S8 110 ITN ) a 3o
.mi 110 1520 a : t5
.14M ) no 1780 340
.IHOO 00 1730 340
.17MJ 00 1830 a 50
.1880 ( X ) 1880 3 ( VI
.1400 00
1 1720 400
STOCKr.113 AND Fl'-KOCH" .
501 2 00 4. 350
050 3 00 15.o . 411 3 50
730 a 85 o 420 a 55
fi'.Ki ' a 85 88 ! 022 3 (10 (
478 a 85 1. (100 ( a do
010 a no 1. 010 a no
400 a 35 1. s.o : a 75
751 3 40 1. two 3 85
500 a t.o 21. OJO
70.1 a 50 la 850
No. A v. 1'r.
00 feeders i HID $ . 'i wi
07 steers glo'J'2 4 25
Tor tiltIlrst llnio In nearly three
weeks there \viis some liiipruvenient In I he
market. It was not much to Im sine , but
thankfully liccepleil such as It was. Iteeclpts
were very moileratc. Shippers anil specula
tors operated on a very limited scale , hut buy-
ei-h for local house * all had good orders and
with favorable eastern advices opening prices
were strong , and this Inter developed Into a
5c In lOc advance after the milk of the hois
hud been sold , liood lo choice butcher and
heavyweight hogs sold mostly at JO.HO and
J0.35 , wllli a $0.45 lop. Light and mixed stun"
sold very largely at floinf0.20 toG.25.The bulk
of the trading was at iU.25 and JO.iltl ,
Jfi.'JO to * 0.iO ; Tuesday and 1(1.110 ( to 17 last
\\edncsday. Hepiosentallvo i-ale.s :
Xo. Av. Sh. 1'f. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
00. . .173 80 ? 0 20 03. . .888 { 0 30
4 , . .252 40 ( i 20 00. . .211 40 ( i SO
7.S . . .2.S3 120 0 80 01 . . .801 80 0 30
S , . .220 0 80 44. . .214 0 30
1. . .310 0 20 30. . .305 SO 030
10. . .2-17 0 25 01 . . , .250 80 0 30
78 , . .221 200 0 25 05. . .271 100 030
70. . .218 40 0 25 . Oil. . .8.0 200 030
TO. . .220 120 0 25 57. . ] 'J07 2M > 0 30
SI. . .208 180 0 25 0. . , .343 -0 30
(10 ( . .220 200 0 25 5M. . , .258 840 o : ; o
52 80 ( i 25 58. . , .248 ! ! 80- 0 30
! ! 'J3T SO ( i 25 70. . , .800 120 0 30
. .230 40 0 25 02. . , .254 120 0 30
. .270 Si ) 0 25 0. . , .833 030
. .250 10 0 25 10. . . .803 030
233 0 85 17. , 40 0 30
. .315 0 25 71. . 120 0 30
. .278 0 25 SS. . ICO 038' ' ;
31. . . .250 120 0 25 58. . 40 038' ' ;
00. , . .208 100 0 25 07. . . .251 240 o : vj > < ;
75. , . .201 ! 100 0 274 ! 08. . . .210 0 35
00. , . .200 0 27)4 ) 00. . . .2-10 100 0 35
T4. , . .210 0 27 > i . .250 40 0 35
50. . .2S1 120 0 30 . . .250 eo 0 35
50. . .200 120 ( i 30 05 . . .203 120 0 35
,72. , . .218 0 30 50. . . 'Mi 20:1 : 0 35
11 , ! 50 120 0 30 01. . .202 SO 0 45
01..234 120 0 30
1..300 200 . . . . 350
1..450 350 . . . . 115 525
Siiiini' Hecelpts were fair , but the hulk of
them went direct to a local killer. The de
mand vas gooil and trade brisk at strong
prices , l-'alrto good mil VPS , $3.751 5.15 ; fair
to good we.storns , 13,502.5.10 ; common and
stock sheep , i2.25 3.75 ; good to cholco 40
to 100-lb. lambs , $4.00(20.00. ( Koprescnta-
tlvu sales :
No. Av. Pr.
244 native owes 70 $4 50
440 native Intnbs 52 5 50
220 western lambs 58 5 50
Krculptx unil Deposition of Mock.
Official rosdlptsiin.t dlspj-dttoa of st > ? k as
shown by the hooks of HIM Union ritojk Yards
company for the twenty-four hours ending at
5 o'clock p. m. April 5 , 1BU3 :
Slight Incrcnso In tlio Movement of lIogB
Over Last \Veclc.
CINCINNATI , O. , April 5. [ Special Tclo-
gram to Tin : IlEU.1 Tomorrow's I'riee C'urrent
will < ay : Western packing iho nast week has
been H.0,000 hogs , compared with 150,000 the
preceedlng week and 1H5.000 last vmr , mak
ing a total of 735,000 since March 1 , against
015,000 lust year. Prominent places compare
as follows :
Chli-ugd Llvit Stock MiirUct *
ClniCAOO , 111. , April 5. [ Special Telegram
loTlli : llEK.l Today's receipts wore estimated
at 10,000 cattle , 17,000 hogs and H.OOll sheep.
Cattle were In good demand , but there was a
rather slow market , as buyers Insisted upon
The hog market was firmer , sales showing an on yesterday's lowest prices of 5c.
Hhcep were comparatlvoly steady.
The lecelpts since Saturday amount to
about 30,400 cattle , 30,700 hugs and 34,000
sheep , which Is a decieaso of about 7,000
cattle and 550 hogs and an Incrcasu of S.OOO
sheep , as compared with thu same time last
A falrlv steady cattle market was experi
enced. The opening was very iiilut | , buyers
hesitating to pity Tuesday's prices , but later
In the morning bu > Ing became free , and al
though the tone of the market was any
thing but buoyant there was no shrinkage -
ago In values. I'ows and heifers
worn ( Minted at fiom $1.5(1 ( to H.25
stockers and feeders at from ! ii.05 to JI.5't
dressed beef and shipping steers lit fromifl ' >
JO.25 , and Texas cattle at from $ ' - ! to H.7.J.
\ \ hlle Iho range of prices was as above , I hero
was not much trmiing outsldo the llmll
from ! f2.5t > lo tS.'JO , cows and hulls selling
mostly at from lo fi.-lo : ami fiom 24.25 lo
J5.20 taking the hulk of steers.
After a week of unlnterriipled shrinkage of
IIy doctor ay It ficM Rently nn tli * iUniarh ,
llrcr and kldnc/i , and Is a ( ileatant latatUe. Tlili
drink U made from lierbi , and la prepared for use
ai easllv u te& . KtH called
AII druiTKti' * ifll It at ttv. and ( I aparlcnxe , If yea
cannot ftIt , irnil your a > tdr u for a free simple.
I.nno'i Family Medlclnu rnovn * Ihc bowrla
neb day. ID onlrrtnbe hMltbr thlilaneccoiarT.
drva 01U.TO.TF. WVOUWAHD.L-llov.W.Y ,
Iho hog market lodiiy assumed llrmor
lonp. Thu demand did not develop any In-
. rrn o of activity nor i > rp prices niiiti-rmlly
lilghor , but the turn was In M-lli-rV
favor. During the latt thrco days
lcs- < limn 4otm hoits have ar
rived , and thi < iniily | | for ih
romalndorof thi > week lll si-iirccly iMniiil that
number , bill ltbln the la t \ > i > ek there has
been a decline of Hourly } 1 | ier lOil UH , To
day's iilotitloin | : were at from Id lo 111 fjO for
poor locholce ! ot , averaging from 1-Ki to 1115
Il > . ; from tfil.10 to JH.7O for iul\ed and
medium , and from Jii.'J'i to } H,75 for hogs
neighing ( Her 'JfjO His.
The Evening .loitrnal reports :
UATTI.KHivclpts. . lO.oiui head : shlpnicnt- * ,
4,000 head : maikot slow , steady , to a shadj <
lower ; cholco sellers , ta.Mliiri.7b ; no better on
market ! medium , Jl.f ftri.'Jo ; dthers , J-I.OOif
4.B i Tu.Mins , $ l'.fiOa4.-HI ; nallvu cow.s , M.50JJ
4.if ! ) .
Hods Kecplpts. 10,000 head ; shlptnenls ,
7,000 head ; mnrket active , stionger : common
unil packers , ffl.UOttO.fl5 ; prune heavy and
butcher' weights , ifl.U&ftC.Hb ; lights , Ja U51J
.HllK.F.l'-ltccclpts , 11,000 head : ohlpment.s
film head ; market steady ; natives , } 4.& :
clipped Texans , $ UuOj(4.tiU ; westerns Ifi.lfidj
& .HO ; lambs , J4.75'iJ.0.4O. '
I ) . 1) I'llA/.KS , II. I ) . U IlKlIt r. , , fS l'HOMIR
Pros. Vluul'rus tfocy .t 1'rcas.
CnpltnlH\OOJi Omiiliaunl Sioux City
Grain and Provisions
Hnilroiul Stocks nntl Bonds.
fioom 212 faM Life Soiling
UKrKKKXCKS : lowaStato Nallonal Hank ,
Sloiiv City ; Co.nmurulal National ll.inlc.
Spcclul attontlon given to outsliln ordcr s
Nmv Vorlc Llvo Stock > lirki : t.
, April - I'ATTI.IJHecipts ,
beeves , lioo head ; market active , lirm for all
grades at an advance- lOc per 100 Ibs.
London cable quotes American steerllrm
at lli'i'if.l'Jc ' p"ilb , ; die-sed weight and
American icfrlgeralor beef steady lit il'nc.
Shipments today. 'J.&on uiiarters of beef ,
liccelplsof calves 1,700 head. Market steady ,
ow ing lo light Mipply. Veals , J i.r > on > 7..iu.
Slici.l' AMI I\Miis-Iecelnts ! 5,7(10 head ;
the market opened dull and baiely steaily ,
bill closed llrm ; unshoin sheep sold at $ ( i.l'26f ,
0.50 ; unshorn lambs , 5-0.-10iV.i"'s ( : ; dressed
mutton llrm at Hy.'J'si-per ' lb. ; dressed lambs
htendy at H'JIf.lOc.
HodsHecelpts 4.7OO head ; market lower
tit iO.iO7.0U per 100 Ibs.
KIIIIHUH City I.lvn Stncli Alarlo-t.
KANSAS Crrv. Mo. . April & . -l'ATri.i--Ke-
celpts , 5,00il head ; slilmnents , 1,400 head ;
market exceedingly dull , HUcl&c lower ;
dressed beef and .shipping steers , ti.H5 : VJO ;
cow's and heifer- , , < il.'J5ul. ! ! < | ) ; TUMUIS and
Indian steers iii5'f,4.15. ; (
lions Itecelpts , n.100 head ; shlpmenls , 7OO
head : market 10'nl5c lower ; elost'il better ;
all grades , ib.ooao.ll ) ; bulk , t0.llUal > .15.
t-HKni' lieceipts , 1,000 head ; uhipmcnls ,
800 head ; muttons , J4.50.
St. l.ouls IIvo Mock .Market.
Pr. IjOtriA , Mo. , Api'115. - r.rri.tK''i'elpts :
7,700 bead ; hlilpm-nts , 1'JOO head ; mark"t
lower : fair to good native slccr > , iii.OO ® I < > 5 ;
fed TeMin steers. ji.-J5V-1.5l : ) .
llons-Kecelpth'J.lloo head ; shlpniPnts , 'JKill
head : m-irket steady ; heavy. K > . ' * ! 0-iU.5U ;
mixed , $0.00/i0.4 ( ) ; llghl , { li.lOifO.IiO.
SllUEl' lieceipts 1,500 head : shipments ,
none ; markel < | iilcl ; Tu.Mins , $4.50S5.55 ; na-
tlvof , i5.00i,5.50. (
A Child ICnjciy
The pleasant favor , gentle action an > l sooth-
ingoll'ect of Syrup of Figs , wlicn in need of
a laxative , and if the father or mother bo
costive or bilious , the most gratifying results
follow its use ; so that it is the best family
rcmedi known and every tair.lly should have
a bottle.
I'lilns ol the Itllleiucn.
The offer of V. G. l < niitry to sell twenty
acres of land near his residence in tlio neigh
borhood of Florence to the riflemen's asso-
has iiroven an Infnlliblo
Pliccillc for all dcranpo-
nifiits ppcnliar to the
female sei.surnaschronio
wnmb and ovarian din-
oases. If takc-n in time It
rcoiilatci : and promotes
healthy action of all func
tions of the generative
organ1 ! . Vcunc Indlc.i at
tlio ago of puberty , and
older ones at the mcno-
pause.-will find In It a healing , coothlnff tonic.
The highest recommendations from promi
nent physicians and those who tiavo tried It.
Wrlto for book "To Women , " malli-d free. Bold
by all druggists. HKAIII IELD HEOUULTOK Co. ,
piojirictora , Atlanta , Ua ,
elation font SclilK'treniiarK nccoplrd nt
the lust meeting of thn asso > latloti ! at
Hhnfor's hnll.
It was also ilcllnltcl.v lU-clilcil how
the initvhnso inone.v unil funds lor the Itn
provi-mcitls to br > innilo. A oommlttru con-
slstlni ; of William Mutt , Ailiitn Snydcr , 1 *
llcliiu-otl , H. Shiifcrand Hans PeterVonvns
npHintol | ( to see that the ticcessiiry nnionnt
wns forthcomltii , ' .
On account of the continued absence of F
Ii , llliniior Ou.stnv HencUi was elected tuvsl-
dent of the bumleschle.sscn , Adam Snvdcr Its
vli'ii president , \Vllliani KrtiR treaaitror ,
Umis lleltnrod rccordltii ? seerettii\\ . and
( leorgc- Karl us corresponding secretary of
the national organlMtloti , with \Vllllain
Mack for schuet/.enmelstor U was further
decided not to hold the national tournament
until the middle of September
Are You Tronhlril With
"After returning front the hospital last
l-ehruurv I commenced using Chamberlain's
Pain Halm and have never been without It
since. 1 llmt It removes pain as soon as it In
applied according to directions For rheu
matism I have found nothing to equal It " -
Joseph \V. Young , West Liberty , Ohio , Coutv-
t.v , West Virginia.
o -
Murrhign l.lcciMr * .
The following mai-ri.igo licenses were Is
sued by County Judge Kllor yesterday
Name and address. Ago.
t Simon U. Spltzvogle , Omaha _ . . . aa
1 Annie ( itiston , Omaha . 2U
j John II. I'arrv , Omaha . 25
I Mary r. Sknw , Onmlin . . . . 'J-J
I David II. Shaffer , St. Kdwards , Neb il
I Hose M. llosford , Albion , Neb . -J4
o -
No Apolog.v Iteqiilreil.
/ 'loin the ( Sontim , Ac' ' ) . , Jour/Hi/ /
The Journal this vvcekeoininonivs the pub
lication of the Chamberlain Medii me coin-
pan.v advertisements If \\erctbeadsof
any other medicine house wr would u-el that
\ve owed our readers an apolog.v. \\e havu
done business with this linn for , v ears Their
remedies are the best and our f.unil.v medi
cine chest Is novel- without them We rec
ommend the house and ( heir remedies and It
is this high regard for them that lu-on.pts us
to run their advertisements. No other con
cern need apply.
Many of our readers are familiar with the
pxid qualities of Chamberlain's ( 'oiii-h Hem-
cdy and will agree with the editor of the
Journal that it is the host medicine they
have ever used for colds , croup and whoop
ing cough.
Clioup Trip to ( 'iilllornli. : > '
The " 1'liillip's Hock Island" IMTSOII-
ally conducted fxcai'HiniH to C'aMfornia
with tlifdu h tourist bk-i'iiinfi cars to
Los Aiifjok's and Sun Fraiiciscd will
leave Ointiha on April II I and liS. These
will bo the nicest parties of tin- season * . .
with extroiiR'ly Unv i iits and Miporior
aciMiiuntndations. For iia.-ticular call
on any Hock Island n ont or address
C'luw. Ivoimoily , tJ. N. W. 1' . A. , KKW
Farnani street , Omaha , Neb. '
o - .
Hiitldlni ; Permits.
The following permits to build were issued
yesterday by the inspector of buildings : , |
Louis Slobodlsky , Tenth and Capitol
avenue , tenements . J 2,000
( icorge C. Towle , 1SOS Ilarney , ware
house . 300
Seven minor pel mils . C'JQ
Nine permits aggregating . $ 2,0
the iiilnil of the woman
who knows the best niedi-
clno for her nches , pains find
weakness , is to bo found in
Dr. J'ierco's Knvorilo Pro-
sc-ription. It in u remedy
which corrcctH and cures
the distressing derninje-
inonts nnd diseases peculiar
to woman , builds tip nnd
strengthens her system when
she's weak , run-down nnd
overworked. l''or nn in-
vinorntiiip , i-cstoi-utivo f
tonic , especially adapted to
woman's needs the " Fa
vorite Proscription" w BO
positive in its effect that it
is nuunmfecJ. Jf it over
fails fo benefit or euro , in
cases for which it's advised , *
you have your money back. 1
What else can bo " just It
as Rood " for you f
Tor benring-dow-n f-ensa-
tioiiH , ulceration , inllainina-
tion , ovci-ything known as
v"fcinalo complaint , " this fa
yn remedy that's safe , cer
tain , and proved.
Union Stosk Yards Company ,
Sovith Ojrjalia !
Hodt Cnttlo Uo nnil "haop market la tha woit.
Wood Brothers.
Wvo Stock Co-nmls lon Moroliunts.
gouth Omaha Tclvplione 1157.
JOHN I ) . DADHMAN , I . , . _ . . . „ , . .
WAIVl'BH K. WOOD , f ManusjOM
Market Ilo porti by mal aij wlro oujrfl.l/
ihvd upon ni > | iilcalloul
Omaha Tent-Awning
l' ' ! POVKIU.
I II. I rnrimui M.
Berais Omalia Bag
loiporter * and *
Hour luck ) , burlapi ,
Wolf Bros , & Co. ,
Mnmifncturorfl uf tonM ,
iihntriK * otc. 70 ! mid
TUJ s. Pitli Btroot.
M. 0. Daxon ,
IHcyclni nolii on luonthlr
pnjrminti 12J N.ISlh.
Morse Coe Sboe Company ,
i ami Olllce1107 IIO.I-111 ! llowiir.l ? l.
l-torjr-lll'.i-ir.'l-IIW Howard St.
Wo nro tlu OMVMiinufaituioriof Hoots un.l
shoes In the ntnte < > f Ni'braski.
A KiMii'rnl Invllutlon U oxlund.'il to nil to Inipoct
our newfnctury.
Kirkendall , Jones &
I'OMl'AXV. Wliulixiio
rafm. ntftiiit ) Itjil-ia
( lubber Shoo < 'i > . \Ml- \
Omaha Coal , Coke &
M.ME CO , tarl and < i ift
coal , ii Kor 10III : > iM
Amar. Hand-Sewe3
tillOK CO , tloilH.illdll
anil ruhbor K'Ju-li , UJ'- '
13IU lUrnor it.
Eagle Cornlci Works
Mfrf. ualTiinl < dl Iroa
curnlci. xlrnliw oipi ,
metallic itvliKUlt , uui
1I1U-IIU D'nlxu "t.
M. E. Smltb & Co. ,
Urr coeds , notloni , fur-
nlililiiL' io < > d < , oornir
lllhanil Howard .Sti.
Kllpitrlck-Koo'j Dry
Nollonj. KJIUI fur.ilili-
In iMuili.cjr. Ilia unl
Omaha Upholstering
CO. , upholitcrod furnl-
turu. IIJ21101 Nlcholn
bu WboUiala onl/ .
Bceb93 SL Banyan
and 131U ail.
. .
Rector & V/ilhalaiy /
Corner 10th nn 1 .
.ilr UJtl
Itnt < 4 , capv < tn.v w > l4 ,
plover , en lit tin i , tU
nntl Ilurnuy . ti.
Lo)3c'iv ! ) % Lin ,
Donlrrs In InnlTarj 411
mt'i .i.inliM to Hi
Hill DutUl.m it.
i mox
Hnrej.vBiilti. mil rorc. !
Iron rilitittun aa I tlru us
c.ipdi. An tram .t ( Jir-
ult , Kt'i ant Jitckmn.
Jolin A ,
Iinportoi ) , Arnnrlcinl'or ;
lund o ni * ut. MlU'i i-
kaocHintiiit fttnl , fiiiiij/
wtilto lluio.
Prick & Itorlwt ,
1001 Farnam Su
Carpenter Paper Co.
t'Hrrjr a full Rtop'c of
prlnthiK , irr.i | > pliu ivn I
wrltliu ii.ipjrj , turl
unpi-r , etc.
PR33J1 :
Branch fi Cj , (
Produce , frulti of ull
OmaliaStOYa Rapiir
and water attachment !
for any kl-4 of itoro
Dado , 12U7 tluuilat ttl.
C&HlBS R. L3) ) ,
Unnl.YooJ u n'nr
curptiLi , in I p ir
Iliiorluv ,
Ulh iiil.l Du la
I , ObsrfaWa ? &
Importiri nn I Jobber !
of mlllliiarjr nutloui. ]
Mull or Ion pi-o.n
.S. lltft i
Standard Oil Ci. (
ertHO'l nml lubnoatl uJ
olli. a ilo gr
Jas , A , Clari & C ) , ,
Ilulter , cuoio ,
poultry anil K.UIIO ,
JIT .f. lJUl H
SASH , 01)1 )
M.A.Dl3'nY& Co
Manufxturari at ia U
doom , blind * ana
uioulilluiK , bruuoUof.
Cc , 12tU ( Oil liatO.