Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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No Board Session , but Ourb Speculation Was
Quito Llvoly (
; J'oor Condition nf Whrnt lit IHInoU n
Other SUtcn Mold KcupniHlhlo for
the Illuc foreign
( Irdern Numoroiu.
CHICAGO , III. , April 4-Tlicro was no session
of the lloanl of Trade today , hut there was mi
ugllatcd crowd of spectators on the curb and
the prlco of wheat was from l < : to ! ! < ; higher
than It closed on Monday. The main canoe of
the advance was the publication of the Illinois
state crop report and the fear tlmt similar hail
conditions would come In from Kansas , Mis
souri , Indiana nnd Michigan. New York wired
hero that foreigners had buying orders for
wheat , there at the market and Minneapolis
reported foreign buying orders Ihete and no
wheat for hale. Theio was a big business done
hero In privileges.
Neiv Vorl MurUuU.
Nr.w VOIIK , April 4. I'l.oiiit-lU'ColptB. 43-
03'JpkKS. ; exports , 21BOH bbls. , H.371 sacks ;
tales , fl.ilODpljgs. ; miirket quiet , held llrnier ;
winter wheat , low grades , rJ.WU'J.Mi ; winter
wheat , fair to fancy , } -J.r.Vr < , i.r,5 ! ; winter wheat ,
ti.itenls. MMIHM : Minnesota clearf'J.OOTo
3,50MltimMila st mights , f.UOt.4.00 : ) ; : Jllnne-
MKAi.-Dull , steady : yellow western ,'.70.
KYI- : Hull , su-aily ; wesfern. 68T7fi'-V.
IUHI.KV Hull , firm ; western , ( ' . ( Kd.T.ic.
HAIII.UY MAI.T ( inlet , ateu : ! > ; wi-.slein , ( > 5
WllKAT-ltocelnK 3lOObu. ; exports , mn.OSl
bu ; bales , H'ji : : , non bu. future-i , ii4(10l ) bu.
spot. Spot market Pi ( Pic holier , with op-
tloiiH advance ehecUlii , ' huslnes-i. eloslna llrm ;
No , 2 red. In store and elevate.r , 7)3.T'.7l.i' ( ( ' ;
nlloat , 77c ; f. o. b. , 77Zi,7K'co. ( | ; . 1 northern ,
Hll'ic ; No , 1 hard , NO i < ? c iiV ; No. 'J northern ,
Hl'ju. ( Jptlonsiro iictlvr , e.M'ltod nml Irreg
ular , nnd ( . 'losing stiong at from 1 SM J.i ( : ad
vance. The opening nils llrm at 'i lo 40 ad
vance on the report of the Illinois state board ,
which gives thi' coiidllloii at OH per cent , with
shorts covering , declined 'o" ' on easier
cables , Increase on passage , largo farmers'
deliveries and small India shipments with line
weather heie and alii nail , advanced ' , ( fhl'- "
, ,0 ,
ber , 7IV"'Hii' ! ' i1 , closlnij nt
Ba QHS rji-loMins at H3'fi. |
OOIINIScci'lnts , 4H.OOO 1m : exports , , r > 9OSl
bu.i bales , 44uiliO ( bn. future' ! , 31,000 bil.
snot. Spnts llrm , dull ; No. ' 2 , filfl.ll'ic In
olovntor , r > 'J'd.5'J1 > c afloiit ; steamer mixed , 4)1' ! ) ,
© I'J'ji ; ; No. 3 , 4H'J'ic4b1iC. ' Options tire (4V ( :
up with wheat trading dull through absence of
news from the west , eliislng llrm ; Miiy , 480) )
tti\c , closliiBal 4H' ' c ; July , 4H's1i48'aC , clos-
init nt 4HV1.
OATS -Hecelpts , 144,000 bu. ; exports , 'JS
tu. ; sales , 3O.OOO bu. futures , 107,000 bu.
HAY Kalrly active , llrm ; .shipping , 70l 75c ;
good to choice. HMUIIie.
Hois Unlet , steady.
HIDES Dull , easy. 'H
Wool/- Dull , llrm , demand steady ; lleece , 27
G3'Jc : liullcd. 'Ji'i,27c ; Tuxiis , 17f'f.'Jle.
I'm ) VISIONS -I'nt meats , dull , weal- .
I/ard , ijulet , easy ; western steam closed al
t'J.7.r > ; mil's , none ; opllon sales , 1,000 , tierces.
April , J'J.05 ' nominal ; May closed at. * 0.7l )
nominal ; June. tU.lH ; July. i'.7n ) nominal ;
Beptember , $ ! ) > o nominal. 1'ork , better
demand , weak.
llUTTl'.li Weak , filr : demand at the decline ;
western dairy , lHQiU4c ; western cieameiy ,
2IT 31e ; Kleins , 31c.
rmKSi-ynii't : : ; choice , steady ; part skims ,
KildS I'lrm. fair speculative demand : re
ceipts , 13,210 pkfc's ; western , fresh , . lf > ; jc
duck , 'JtiQ Hc.
TALMIWQuiet , lower ; city < } 2 per pkjr-1.
0ae ; sales , 150 bhils. country ( pacua os frt-u ) ,
Dl4rr ( > ' c us to unnllt v.
( /'orroNsmiii ( ) u < luU ) , weak ; crude , 403
4'Jc ; yellow , 40c.
I'KTiioi.iil'MTlio market opened nt 70'c ,
1)U t later hccanui weak and declined to fi ! ) < :
under oll'erbiijs for western account. .Thu
market closed weak , reniisylvnnln oil. spot
Miles none ; .May option sales , 4,1,001) ) bbls ;
oponlnc price , 70'4cj highest , 70'ic ; lowest ,
ti'Jc and closing , ( i'Jc. ' Itlma oil sales , none ;
BOc bid. Total sales , 4fOUO bbls.
JlosiN ynlot , steady.
Tuni'KNTlNK Dull , steady ; 3333'Je.
UlCKl'alrly ncllvc , llrm.
Mor.Assiis-Now Orleans open kettle , good
to choice , fair de.mand , llrm.
KmiAii Hnw , firm , qulot ; Splits ,1-lGc ; cen-
trlfueals , 00 test , 3-va3 11-llic ; Muscovado
8U test , nt 3'uc ox-shlu ; rellned , fairly active
DrmjoirA , 4 9-105T4 13-10c ; mould A , 3fiv
stnmliird A , 4'aQ5 l-10c ; confecllonors 'ini
1 15-lGoi cut loaf , C)7-li'ft.'i'aC ; ! crilslmcl , G7-lti
® 5 , c ; powdered , 5'ifi55-lUf ' ; j-'ranulated , 4'j
tf5 3-lGc ; oubin , OUUli 0-lGe.
oN Qulot , steady ; Amurlcan , 412.7.1Q
roi'i'Kli Weak ; lake , $11.40.
J/KAD Klrnii domestic , S4.GO.
TIN Weak ; strnlsbts , S20.50 ; plates , qulot
itcady ; spoiler , steady ; domestic , it. 30 ,
Omiilm I'rocluru Miirkot.
Thorn was an air of qulot prevailing in tin
produce dlstilct , but at the same time the rO'
celplsof produce wuro well cleaned up bufon
the close ot the niarkot. llnttor continue !
very scarce , and thuro Is no apparent iiccumu
Intlon of eggs. 1'oultry Is only comliiK Insuf
ilclent iiuiintltles to supply the trade. Amoni
the now vegetables are southern and Cal
ifornhi peas. I'lo plant has put In an appear
mice , but In very limited qunntltlos. Ad
vices 1110 to tlio oll'eet that It will ho qulti
plenty In the near future. Homo vo'-y el.oici
Allssotirl to ] ) onions liavo bcci. received tlm
havosold utt Oc ; ur bunch , lint they wen
much lair"- . .ml liner and put up In large
tu.iciie.s than the Ki'neral run of stock.
Al'l'I.KS C'holcoshlpplii ) ; stock Is quoted ill
ilUTTEii This receipts continue lluht nml tin
market H very llrm. I'ackliiK stock , 17lSc
fair togoou country roll , IHii'JOc ; cholco ti
tancy oonntrv , UOft'J Ic.
HANANASror bunch , Including crates am
, .
KS t'holco navy , $2.45.
I'AMI-OIINIA ' CAliliAiir. 1'er lb. , U .
OKANIIIHUII : : I'mbox , J.'l.Tii.
L'ncu.Miir.ns 1'er doJJ. .
KdCS tlemnal mnrkut , 13c.
( JAMU-Tho market Is slow and dull. Mixed
7&HV ! ; red lioails , J2 ; mnllnrils , { 2.00 2.50
toiil , tl.
( iKAl'i : KHUIT 1'er box , J3.00R3.25
llAV-Tlio market on good upland hay wii
llliiRS No. 1 creen , 4c ; No. 1 ! creon , 3c ; No
1 creen , suited , 4ic ! ; No 2 Kreen , salted , 3'io
No. 1 creen , salted , 'JO to 40 Ihs. , 4'ic ; No. :
Ki-een , sillied , 25 to401bs. , 3l'tc ; No. 1 veal
culf , H to 10 Ibs. , He ; No. 2 venl calf , 8 to 1 !
Ibs. , Ge ; No. 1 dry lllnt,7io ! ; No. a dry Hint
t > ! ic ; No. 1 dry salted. Gc.
HONKV-C'hoIco to fancy \vliltoclovor , 181
lc ! : fnlrtoeood , Itlfi/llHi / ; .
LEMONS Choice , $3.50 ; fancy , $4.
NEW VEUUTAIIUUJ Lettuce , 40c ; rndlshes
45o : piirsloy , 40c perdoureen ; onions , 35e.
OiiANUKS Klorldn fnncy , perbox , J3.50I7i3.75 (
mssutts , $3.25 : Mexican oranges , bln lo boxes
13.25 ; 5 to 10- box lots , 13 ; ( .iiillforniu mountali
oranues $2.50 ; WnsbliiKton navels , $4 ; Now
ctistlo California seedlliiKs , $2.UOifc2.75 ; .Mod
Hwects , J2.GO2-75 : Ulversldo seedlings , $ 'J.7D
ONIONS - Homo grown , on orders to country
t4 per hbl. Hood stock shipped In fron
country would probably not bring over fl.'Ji
l > cr lin. on this markot.
1'OTAioiaj Kecelpts lar e. Colorado stock
ri.lD4Cl.10 ; Wisconsin bnrbanks , 05cl.oo
weaturn Nohrnska , UUcdtl.UO ; eastern No
brasku stock , VDIf OOc.
1'oiM.Tiiv Cholcn hens , SftOc : llvo youni
roosters , 7 < BSc ; old roost orn , 5c ; eeebo am
ducks , dressed , HHil2ci dressed turkeys , 1 :
S Pouthorn mid California stock , per !
bu. box , J 1.00111.25.
8THAWiuiiHiKS : I'or quart , 25330c.
SWKKTl'OTATOKS IVr bbl. , f5seedswoot ; no
tiitoos , $3.50.
TAM1KII1NIW III half boxes , J2.75Q3.00.
VKAlr-Choico and binall flit veals , 7itOc
Inrsu and thin , 3 < ttGc.
iMionucE roiNTims ,
The Nntlomil Loueno of Commission Met
cbants which Is now only about three month
old numbers union ) ; Its mouthers 120 linn-
Cliicliinall loads the list with twenty-foil
linns N w York comes ne.xt with twoniy-tH
and ClilciiKO th rd wlthslxtoen.
It seems a little slranee that Mlnncapoll
slum I d bo sblppliiK homo crow n cucumbers I
this murUet at the present tlmo and In ac
vaiico < if all except ono or two of the o.xtrem
southern states. The .Minneapolis cucnmboi
urn erown In hothouses and are the best thi :
mo coining ; to this market ut lliu present linn
A car of California navel oranges sent to Il\
eriiuot a monlh IIKO by tbo Karl Ki nit compan
Bold on the 17th of March at the iimiMial II ;
lliu of 22s Gil per box , nboilt equal lo f5.5O pi
IM.X. The anctlonccri , however , declare th
lot was widely advertised and the fruit prove
a great novelty , thu tlrst of the kind offered I
that miirket , and that suuli llxuica need m.
bu expected again.
Tlio potato dealers durlni ; the past two wed
traded "call" the I'roduco .
who ut the at o.i
clniiiKo had as many nps and downs us a ma
with iibliort lee , says tno Ht. I. mils 1'ost Ih )
I a oh. t-omo of thu boys who KOI on the wren
kldo have donu bomo tall bijuirmlnK and huv
calleti In the Inspector and sought otht
n/oiuin of cscitp ) , but without iiwall , Tli
n aket lias been steadily on the liecllm
icmotblin ; wholly unexpected by moat of tLi
principal nuoculiilori , nnd the botlom doc nut
nupenr to bo In Hluht yet ,
Tim following nro reported nl Dun's Mcr-
cnntlti' iincncy : .
Omiiba. I' , li. Stewart . < i Co , , tflixuwnro , oic. ,
now American Cigar and Uliisswnro company.
Axhlnnd , Neb. . I'uster ft. Sii'lth ' , Ilimbor , cuo-
ceeded by f. 11. .Mcliiircn.
Ilrunswlck , Nuli..Stnto b.inlc , Incorporated ,
cnpltnl stock t'J.I.OOi ) .
L'o/.iid , Neb. , Charles Wuko , gonurtit store ,
closing out to retire.
Iloldreae. Neb. , C. K. Clark , pliotoernpluir ,
silcreeded by ! ' . A. CarUoil ,
St. Kdwurd , Neb. , St. Kdwnrd Lumber com-
liany , .sold nut.
Cortcctlonvllle , In. , (1. K. Lyons , groceries ,
Fold out.
Milton , hi. , H. , I. .Icsborg , boots nnd shoos ,
renorted closing out. ,
jitnii , Kim. , A. Q. Clark , coneral store , fulled.
* Kunnns City .Mnrkel < .
KANSAS CITY. Mo. , April 4. nnd
rye are on bnsls of Mississippi rlvor ; Corn
nnd oxts ; basis of Kansas City.
WIIKAT About Hteudy ; No. 'Jliurd.O-KBWiCl
No. 2 red , G7f'tG7'tc.
COIINIn fair demand at unchanged prices ;
No. 2 while , 34'ie.
OATS-Sltiwand weak ; No. 2 whlto , 313lic. ]
lll'TTr.ttI'lrm ; creamery , 25S30C ; dairy ,
lV | 2li' .
Kims Active and strong at lic. !
Ki : < : iiiTS-\Vheit : : , 12,000 bu. ; corn , 7,000
bu. ; oals , none.
Silll'MKN-rs Wheat , 0,000 bu. ; corn , 3,000
bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu. _
Liverpool .Markets ,
l.ivimi'oot. , April 4. WHEAT Qulot : hold
ers oll'er moderately. Itecelpts wheat slnco
Inst rcpoit were 175,000 centals , Including American. No. 1 California , 5s lid
(3Gs ( percental.
I'ouN' tjiilet ; demand moderate. liocelpls
of American corn since lust , repoit were 141-
( iOOeenlals. Mixed western , 4s 2d pur cental.
I.AIID I'rlme western unquotable.
Slock of breadstulVs and 'lour , 217OnOnr'ks :
wliuat , JH21.0UOi1ontiil : corn , 2aO,000 centals.
Ciittun MnrliOt.
New OIII.IMNS. I/a. , AnrllI -Steady : new
grade , H'.c ' ; middling , M' ' I" low middling ,
7 13-lOc ; good ordinary , 7'Scj ' net iccelpts.
r,701 bales ; grois , 7,7 ( > 4 bales ; stllos , 7,150
slock , 270ii2 t bales.
IliMton Wool MiirKi't.
iiirii ; , Mass. , April 4. The demand for
wool has been steady and pi Ices remain the
same , but sales ate mostly In small lots. Tor-
lilory wools me In good request , selling on a
clenn basis of .VjTi tide for line , fi3.if.50 , ' for line
medium , and IH'n.W fm1 iii illum. Te.xtis , Cal-
Ifoinbiand Oregon wools an : quiet. Pulled
wools sell steadily at illt'i/ . lOc for super.- ! . Aus
tralian and foreign carp.'t wools are firm.
Coffee M'irifot.
New YOIIK , April 4. Options opened weak
at ! O'i,20 ( points decline , closed barely steady ,
3O77.35 points down ; sales , 20,200 bags , In
cluding : April , * lG.10'iUG.2U ) M y , * 10.0H ( >
10.10 ; June , vlC.HO'rr.lfj.ui ) ; .July , JlO-SlMft
10.00 ; August , Jl.-i.HU ; September , flf > .7OJ (
Ki.OO ; October. $15.t > 0 ; n.'ceinher. J10.40i
10.00. Spot Hlo , dull , easy ; No. 7 , $17.
.Milwaukee Mtirlcots.
Mlt.wAUKKi : , U'ls. , April 4. WHIIAT l-'lrmj
July , GH'nc ; No 2 spring , GGu' .
COIIN ( julet ; No. 3 , 3'Jc.
OATS Slendy ; No. a white , 34'Sc ; No. 3
llAHI.KV C4c.
MlnnrapolUVliout .Harlfnt.
. Minn. , April 4. Iluslness was
good on ' ( 'haul. ! ' today. Lltllo Improvement In
cash wheat. No. 1 northern , GlG2c. Ho-
eoipts wheat , 213 c.irs. Close : May , 05c ; July ,
(57V. ( On track : No. 1 hard , Gje : No. Inoith-
ern , G3ii" ! No. a northern , GUtJGlc.
I'hll.iilclplilu ( iriln : Market.
I'liii.Auni.i'iiiA , I'a. , April 4. WIIBAT Ad
vanced , stronger ; No. 2 led , April , 73'473Je. {
CoiiN-riim ; mixed , April , 4H > 4W18"jC.
OATS Car lots steadier ; opllon.s steady No.
a while , April and .May , 3U44J10C.
Cincinnati M.irlti'M.
CINCINNATI. O. , April -WIIBAT Nominal ;
( > G ( ,7c.
COIIN Easier ; No. 2 mlxi > d,4l@42'io.
OA-is-Woak , lower ; No. 'J mixed , 33Q33ic. !
WHISKY ( julct ; fl.10
Toledo ( ir.iln Mavkct.
Toi.r.DO , O. , April 4. WIIIIAT Steady , flrmj
No. 2 , cash and April , 71'ie.
I'oiis Steady ; No. a , cash , 41c.
OATS ( Julot ; cash , 33c ,
Itiiltlnuirii ( iriiln Alurkot.
HAI.TIMOIU : , Aid. , April 4. WIIBAT Stronger ;
No. a red , spot and April , 73tt73 c.
COIINSteady ; mixed spot and April , 474C.
OATS'-Klrni ! No. 2 whlto , 41o.
Now York Dry < Jou U Aliirkot.
Nr.w YOIIK , April 4. I ) , nriml for dry goods
was moderulo and Interetit lu drcbi goods
widens out with the additional articles
brought forward.
I'lnanvlal Notes.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , April 4. Clearings.
Nr.w OIU.EANS , La. , April 4. Clearings ,
I'Aitis , April 4. Throe par cent rentes , O7'if
7'ic for the account.
Nr.w YoilK , April 4. Clearings , $157,002-
230 ; balances , * a,401 , VJ.
OMAHA , April 4. clearings , 11,105,803 ;
same d'ly last woo8009,321. ! .
H.U.TIMOHK , Mil. , April 4. ( Hearings , 83,029-
G3H ; balances , * 112.U03. Money , G per cent.
LONDON , April 4. Amount of bullion gene
Into the Hank of Kngland on balances today ,
I'lin.Alir.r.ciiiA , I'a. , April 4. Clearings , $14-
048,014 ; balances , * 2,1'J3,7U3. ' Money , 4i5 !
per eont.
CINCINNATI , O. , April 4. Money. Oft ? per
cent. New York exchange , 00 premium. Oloar-
Ings , $2,438,100.
MKMPiil8Tonn.-'A.ri'll ; 4. Now York nx-
' Clui"rc soiu.rg ut Jl.OO. Clearings JOGG,2GG ;
baliliiees , J20rG52.
Hi : It MX , April 4. Tlio stntomont of the
Tinperlal Itank of ( iermany shows a decrease
In specie of 54,890.000 marks.
HOUSTON. Mass. , April 4. Clearings , $23-
000,01'J ; balances , $7,442,435. Money G per
cunt. K.xcliunso on Now York lOS'iOc dis
count. _ _ _ _ _
SccnrltlcR AVcro r.ess Aetlvo Yi-stordiiy
Tlian I' ' , with Lower Price * .
NKW YOIIK , April 4. The stock market was
far less active than of late and a lower range
of prices prevailed. Manhattan broke 4'5
points lo IGO'i on a relteratlivi of tlio roporls
that powoiful capitalists have professed a
willingness to advance the capital necessary
to Insure the success of an underground road
provided they receive suitable concessions
from the city authorities. The Identity of the
capitalists had not yotboon divulged , but the
general Impiessloii is that Austin Corblu Is
behind the scheme. The fuel that London was
u seller of stocks had n depressing effect as It
Induced the traders to raid the leading shares.
They made a.scries of attacks finally con
centrating tholr energies on Southern I'aeldc
which scoied the greatest loss , 1' , to 49'j.
Those Identified with Cammack Interests were
the heavlestsollersof this and other slocks.
The fear that the railroad employes out west
will tiiko a more determined stand than ever
on account of the attitude of the courts
toward the strikers accelerated the downward
movement. The tall ; of largo exports of gold
also operated against values. Now Kngltind ,
Sugar , Chicago ( ins , LacKawanna , Lake Shore ,
Omaha and Krlo yielded as much as from 1 to
I1 ! percent. During the afternoon Manhat
tan rallied lo from lt > : ! J.t to 1G5 and Itubbor
from 55"t to 00 on lloston buying. The re
mainder of the list rallied trom ' , ( to 3.i per
cent according to the statements Hindu by
representatives of leading houses. The hulk
of the selling during Hie day was for the short
account and Put little long stock was shaken
out. Speculation left oil' steady In tone.
Uallroad bonds were strong. The sales
were 1,3'Jll.OOO. Heading bonds were weak.
The 4's fell < per cent lo 73-n : Heading
firsts profoiences , ! < per cent to 40 ; Heading
SOCOIIUH ] 4 per cent to 33 ; and Heading
thirds 1 per cent to 24. Cedar Unplds , lo\vn
& Nortlu-in O's rose 0 per cent to'JM ; Chicago
& West Indiana C't , , 1 per cent to lll > ; Hu-
hull , S. iV S. A. O's , 1 PIT cent to 1O3 : T. V. .t
" . A'1 M.r'c.w.1.J14' ' ? ! ' ' ? : .X- . . * : nit8 1 per
cent to loai. ; Illinois Central , 34 per centtu
U7 : Louisville. A ; Nashville general G's , 1'i per
cental ) 110 ; Ohio Southern 4's , 1 per cent toG3 ;
Richmond & Danville debentures , 1 per cent
to HG : Hock Inland debentures 5's , 2 percent
to 04 ; Ht. Joo& tirand Island llrstsa per cent
to 04 : Toledo , Si. Louis & Kansas city rb , j
porci-iit to 85 : and St. Louis Southwestern
seconds , l' percent to27'B. Chicago , Krloln-
comes , 2 per cent 30 ; Nashville & Chatta
nooga 5's , l'i per cunttolO3 > i ; San Antonlii
k Aransns I'as-s G's of 1HHG , 2i ( per cunt tn
71 ; and Savannah & W.'stern firsts lit pet
cent to Go > : .
Tlio Post s-tys : There was little change
today In the stock market's character. A
combination of professional traders of consid
erable resources Is at the moment iimlortak-
liuto put the maiket higher. An ex-port anil
aggressive band ot bear traders Is harrasslnu
thcvi speculative holders of stocks and trylnn
to force liquidation. The largo commission
houses aio doing nothing whatuvor. The boat
operator * today Hero decidedly the moio MIC-
cossful , and this , perhaps , partly because ol
the uncertainty and distrust which hamport
ull extensive operative preparations for tin
rise. Many of yesterday's smaller buyers wen
boilers lodiiy , and , whenever tlielr eugernesi
to sell wus apparent , tlio ground was quickly
cut from midor their feet.
The following am thu closing Quotations ol
Thetotalsiles : of stocks today were 190,700
shares , Including : Atchlson , 4,000 ; Chicago ,
HurlliiKton & Oillncy , O.ilOO ; Chicago Oas ,
lO.GdO ; Cotton Oil , 4,000 ; Dlvtllllni ; and
Cntllefeedlni ; . (1,300 ( ! Krle , 0,000 ; Miin-
liuttan. 3.1100 ; Missouri 1'nclllc. ll.OOOj
Niitlonnl Lead , II.OOO ; National Cord-
ii e. lo..mO ; New ICiiclaml , 22,300 ; Northern
I'nclllc prefi'i-ied , 4OO , ! ) ; KeiidlliK , 17,3tl ( ) ;
Ulchmoiid Terminal , 4.HOO ; St. Paul , 10,400 ;
Ni-w York Money .Murket.
NEW VOIIK. Anrll -Mnsi'.Y ON CAM.
Knsy. 3'3 to 0 per cent ; last loan , 4 pur cent ;
closed oM'ered at 4 per cent.
l'niMiMincAM'ii.K : : PAIMIH r > Q,7 iiercent.
SVUIIUNII KxciiANin : With actual business
111 uankers' bills at 14.HC.i ( ( < ? ,4.H01s for sixty
iltiys and if4.t7'i ' for demand.
tlovKHNMi'.NT IIONiiH I'irin. Ptiitobonds dull.
The nosltiK limitations on hoiins :
ItoKlon Stock Onotiitliins.
IIOSTO.V , Mass. , April 4. Call loans , 5'iftGi. ;
percent : t line loans , Gftii'i percent. Tlio follow-
Iiigai-olliocloslngiiiiotatlonson stocks , bunds
ami mining shares :
Cattle Trndo Tiilrly Ste.uly Hogs Ilrcnk
Itadly anil Sell 1'reely.
TuisiAV , April 4.
Hecolptsof all kinds were again compara
tively .light the two days supply showing a
decrease of 2.000 cattle , 1,000 hogs and 1'JOO
.sheep compared with the first two days of last
There was a good Inquiry from all sources
for cattle today and with only a limited num-
bi'ron sale. The niarkot wasqulto active and , as a rule , stronger. Semi > of the moro
deslrablo killing grades , not too heavy , sold
pretty close to lOc higher than Monday.
Tbo export trade is In very unsatis
factory shape , owing to the de
pression In Kuropean markets , and for
this reason rlpo , heavy cattle aio not
soiling as well relatively as the lighter grades.
This fact Is not so notable nor the circum
stance to felt on account of the compara
tively small ofTcrlngh of matured cattlo.
Dealers say they never saw so many half fat
cattle at. tills tlmo of the year. Koeders are
attracted by the fact that values are a big
dollar per hundred higher than a year ago ,
and on the principle that "a bird In the hand
l.s worth two In the huOi" are rushing tholr
stock in as soon as there are tin first signs of
fat , Instead of finishing and running the
chance of realizing as good or oven better
prices In a month or two. The bulk
of the offerings today were steers
weighing around 1,100 to 1,1200 Ibs. , and
they sold largely at from $4.40 to J4.HO
oacn a load of cholcj 1430- hooves at $3.10 for
a top and poor thin .stock down as low us ill.75
for a bottom About everything t-old and In
good season ,
The cow market was all right. 1'ilces wore
hardly quoted higher , but everything was
strong. Hales Included poor to choice cows
and nelfcr.s at from $ 'J to $4.11) ) with the
bulk of the fair to good .stock at from J'J.UO to
M,7r > . There was not a great amount of rough
stock on sale and prices generally ruled firm at
from $1.70 to $4. Calves sold freely at
fully steady prices as low as J'J.5u for common
stock and yearlings up to $0 for cholco
veals ,
The feeder trade was very dull. Of fresh
olVnrlngs there were scarcely any , cortalnly
nothing very de.slrablo. Kegular dealers did
s > omo buying but report a very limited country
demand. I'rlcos seemed to bo well sustained
except on the very common stun" . Itoproso'ita-
tivo sales :
a 25
a 25
a : i5
a 40
a 45
a 45
a N )
a 50
a 50
a MI
a 50
a 50
a 50
a 05
a 70
a 70
a 70
a 75
a 75
a 75
a 75
a 80
a TO
a 20
a 25
a 25
a 25
a 25
a 25
a ! ! 5
a 55
a 05
4 00
a as
a 55
H The market scorns to be1 parnly/od.
Tlioro Is no slri'iiKth to It , and no one. seems to
oxpi'et liny. Urcolpts weru only fair , but
uastern udvliM'.s weie iiiifavorahlu and theio
was tioslilpplM < ; and lint little speculative de
mand. When buyers for local bouses started
In bidding aii.v wbeio from IDc ( o 'JOc lower
thiiii Monday , sellers \ruru Konoiall.v leiuly to
meet tlielr views , and tbe iiKMement was tolerably
erably fiee nt tluil decline. The iood hillcber
welulit and beavy heirs sold mostly at * ii.lO :
ind { fair to good light mill ml\eil
suit ! ' ui to. 10 and ifii.'Ju. Hellers were an\lims
to liuvu lliu agony overassoon as possible , and
tin ) puns MOIO empty by 1O o'clock. The lilt ;
bulk of tin- trading wis ut JO.'JD and tO.HO , as
iiKaliist { fi.46 and JO.50 'Monday and $7 and
fT.U&unu week ago. KeproM'iitutlvo sales :
No. Av. Sh. ljr. Xo. Av. Sh. Pr.
7. . . .242 ? 0 10 01. . . .2UO 80 ? ( 25
78..204 100 015 22.,215 025
71..212 1120 015 SO..251 120 025
10.207 (1 ( 15 71..212 40 025
. . . .aoo 015 74.sa7 so 0271. ;
01. . . . 170 0 20 57. . . . 252 80 0 27 ' 4
07..283 120 020 a7..2H : II .TO
55. . . . 2M 230 020 04. . . . 220 0 IiO
S5..1)7 ! ) 80 020 75. . . . 280 G ISO
5. . . . 250 020 75. . . . 201 100 0110
! . . . .207 80 020 50..274 210 0 ao
70..210 120 020 82..2IS 40 0 at )
ao. . . . 274 240 020 02..257 100 0 iil )
2. . . . 200 020 50. . . . 252 80 ( i 0
22. . . . 172 020 OS..205 40 0 . ' 10
! ) . . . . 80 0 Jlf 72. . . .214 ! 120 0 ! ! 0
71. . . . 22 ! ) 100 025' ' 54..248 40 OHO
27.-.202 80 020" 8U..275 120 8110
78..247 200 025 04..2:17 : 40 0 ! 10
(15..aa5 40 025 0.270 : 210 010 !
81..218 210 025 , " CO..202 200 0 'iO
05..227 120 025 48..201 240 OHO
! ttl..21S bO 025 70..270 120 0 ao
CO..214 120 025 71..255 120 0 ao
22..212 025' 70..250 120 0 HO 240 025 52..20U 80 GHO
a4..272 120 025 85. . . . 2:55 : ICO 0 HO
CU..228 ll0 ! 15 as 75..250 1580
15..2H.T 025. ' 57..251 120 0 ISO
Ga..2SO 40 025' 07..2U2 100 C ! ! 0
00..251 80 025- 00.,2 0 < JH3'4 '
77..225 120 025' 02..208 40 0 5
70..210 SO 025 75..250 100 G ! K
74. . . . 2111 a20 0 25 01. . . . 201 100 0 a5
8.202 : ) 20 ! ) 025 55..281 0135
OS..2C : ) 100 025 CO..208 120 1135
IB..251 40 025 74. . . . 215 60 015 !
72..222120 0 35'f 71..240 0115
SiiiiKi1 \verfifip.mewliatllghlortliiin
usual of latu and ( lie olTurln c.liansed bands
In .sliort order at good llrm prices. Local
houses at en 11 want lux some and desirablestock :
meets with a ready sale. l-'alr to good im-
thi'H , i'.1.755.15 ( ! ; fair to good westerns ,
* ; common mid stock sheep , 12.25
eja.75 ; treed to cbolco 40 to 100-lb. lambs ,
H.lKvao.OO. Hoprosi'iitativu sales :
No. Av. I'r.
14 ! ) western wethers 120 $5 00
110 mixed natives 01 485
222 western lambs 57 5 GO
1 buck 100 a 50
Itocclptf antl Disposition of Stuck.
Officialrocalpts and dlspidtlon of steak as
shown by the books of tbu Union Stock Yards
company for the twenty-four hours oudlni ; ut
5 o'clock p. in. April 4 , 1HU3 :
D. I ) KIIAZBS , H. I ) . Boons r. , JAS lloonE
1'res. Vlco I'ros Sooy & Troas.
Capital Ji\OOJijOniaha anj Sioux Oity.
Grain and Provisions
Railroad Stocks and Bonds.
212 ta M Life Building
UEKRIIKNOF.S : ' "IgjmPtato National Hank ,
Sioux City ; Coai'nihrelal Niitional Hank.
Spculal attontlonvclvcn to outsldo orderss
Coi rcspiinuoiieo sollclcl : _
Now Vork l.lJv Stock .tlarkot.
NKW YOIIK , April 4. I'ATTI.K Kecolpts ,
0'JDO head. No trading. lro.sed ) beef steady
at WiiUiic per lb. for native shies. Latest
cable from London quotes Amurlcan steers
film at lll'Jc ( ! per In , : droned weight and
American rofrlgorator beef higher at scant
H-C per II ) . Shipments today , 600 beeves and
1,400 imartors of , bMjf. llecolpts of calves
wuro 105 head. M H < el quiet but steady.
SllKKI * AND LA ( Uft-Itecolpts 1,101) lieadi
trade Mow but prtco.i llrm at the close ;
sheep sold at t(1.0K'nll.4Jf ( ( ) per lee Ibs. ; clipped
lambs at t5.OOin5.7f4 ; a car of unshorn lambs
at J7.10 : dressed mutton slow at buu'.ic ' uur
lb. : d reused lambs weak nt b'ifBlOc.
Hoes UecolpU 3 , MOO head.
KniiHils City 1-lvn Stock .Murliot.
KASSAH t'rrv , Mo. . April 4.--CATTI.K Ilo-
celpt.s , 4 , HO , ) head ; shipment * . , HOI ) bead ;
market quiet ; steers , f/f loc lonur ; cows and
feeders , steady to Hie lower ; no Texas and
Indian stcei * : dressed beef and hhlnplng
steers , ji.-10if5.ilOi : cows and buifors , ll.OOiD
4.'J.r > : hiockvl-huml fi'Ptls-rs , $ : i.36'i .06.
lions Kocelptb , T.fjOO boadi slilpnionts , 300
head ; market closed 5fflOi > lower ; all grades ,
M.&Ouli.OT'ii1 ; bulk , } U.-JO,0.3r ) .
Hocelpts , l.MO ! ) head : ,
1,100 head ; market fall Iy active and weak lu
lower ; muttons S4.i)0iii.j.o0i ) lambs , $4.5o < iB
SI , Imil Live StiH'k .tliirket.
ST. I.ouis , Mo. , April 4. t'ATri.K Receipts
nnd shipments not HToited ; fair lo
good nuilvo steers , $3.0Oit4.7G ; foil Texan
steers , J3.UWr.-l.60. (
IloilB-ltecelptH and shipments not reported ;
nrirket Mtllk- lower ; heavy , W.lOitU.&Uj
mixed , JG.OOH0.40 ; light , JU.IO 0.30.
HniSKi1 Koculpts ami uhlmuuuu not reported )
m irkut flrm , uuclmn cd.
Lincoln Litigation Rnvlras a Peculiar Story
of Domestic Relations.
a I'mully Ue i-rled Without Appar
ent C'linni ) for li QiirHtliiinililn l
In > IliBonrl l.nwjrrn
Inn Street
LINCOLN , Neb. , April 4. [ Spcclul to TUB
Hr.i ; . ] .hulgo Lansing today Issuuit an order
illrectltij ; that the estate of the Into Wlunlo
A. Sutton bo divided betweati her child ami
licr former husband. The estate does not
amount to much in dollars mid cents , hut
behind the case Is an Interesting little story.
The girl formerly resided in Lincoln , and
hero married Mc.Ulullu.ti. They went to
housekeeping on North Fourteenth street ,
nml apparently lived happily for seine
months. Quo evening Mrs. MeClellan Itissed
her husband goodby and told him she was
L'olng to thu grocery store on an errand , and
would bo back In half an hour. She did not
return , and , although MeClellan searched
for her for months , he never received
even the slightest intimation of her
whereabouts. She had practically dlstp-
penrccl off the earth , and It was not until
application was made on behalf of Orln F.
Sutton of St. Ixiuis for letters of adminis
tration of her estate that ho learned of her
It appears that she took a nijiht train
from Lincoln the evening she left , her
husband. In Kansas City she changed her
name , and was known by the alias \\hen she
met and married Sutton. She- had prc-
viousl.s neglected to secure a divorce from
Meridian , but Sutton was unaware of her
previous life until after her death in Ht
Uiuis a little over a year ago. In her
effects he found letters which indicated that
she formerly lived in Lincoln , and when , last
July , lie paid a visit to friends at Hurt1 ,
Neb. , he discovered that his wife ha I a
sister living there , and gradually he learned
the entire story. lie also learned that his
wife's father had died a year previous and
the sniii ! little sum of $1.500 cash was await
ing her. At llrst it was thought that a
serious legal light would take place over the
estate between the two husbands , but
Sutton agreed to withdraw all claim to it if
MeClellan would agree that a daughter ,
which had been bom to Sutton and the
woman , should share the monev equally
with him.
I.nvyors Have a Itoiv.
The monotony of election day was rudely
disturbed tills morning by a lively lisrht at
Tenth and O streets between Justice Joseph
H. Urown and Judge .1. C. Crooker , a well
known attorney. Urown and his wife have-
been having some trouble over some property
now in the wife's name , but which the
husband claims was deeded to her intrust
only. lu tills case Crooker was Mrs.
Hrown's attorney , and although Urown and
his wife still occupy the same house , there
has been a decided coolness between them
which has been accentuated lately.
Justice Drown says that Crooker 1ms been
tolling his wife various and varied romantic
tales about him , and poisoning her mind
against him. This morning as ho was stand
ing at tlie bottom of the stairway leading from
Crooner's pflice the latter came down , ami
insolently inquired u hat lie wanted of him.
As the memory of the wrongs he had suf
fered at Crooker's hands came over him ho
shed liis coat and started for him. Both are
over 50 years of age , and the struggle , while
an exciting one , was devoid of any harrowing
features. Brown succeeded in storing up
his right hand and bringing blood from
Crooker's nose , but before any great damage
could be inflicted they were purled.
City In Hrlcf.
Henry Masterman , an old soldier
with a state-wide acquaintance , was bO
years old yesterday , and the Grand Army
boys gavu him a pleasant surprise at his
home last evening.
Hilcy Abies , n youncr fellow with a shady
recod : , was run in today on the charge of
breaking into a barn in East Lincoln oc
cupied by n policeman , and stealing n lot of
Anna Crabb , a dissolute colored woman ,
was arrested at midnight last night while on
a hiifh old lonesome. After being locked up
she took her skirt , tore it into strips , and
making a rope out of it she attempted to
hang herself in a cell , but was cut down before -
fore any serious damage was tnllicted.
Thieves got away with three bolts of cloth
from the American Tailoring company this
morning. Two men entered the place and
while one occupied the attention of the cleik
in the rear of the store the other liungaround
tlio front part , and it is supposed that he
stole the stuff.
Late last nielit Mrs. Huffman , landlady of
the Hall-Lansimr block , noticed two young
me.n hanging around thu building. She in
quired what they wanted , but they stated
that they were hunting some ilctitious per-
bon named Williams. A little while after
the pair had gene she missed a lot of Jewelry
that had been taken from a table in her
room , but did not report the theft to the
police. This morning she noticed the same
fellows about a block from her place , and
followed them down O street until they
mounted an iron railing at Ninth. She tele
phoned for an ollicer , who took the pair into
custody. They gave their names as Charles
Blaisdell and Kerry Newbcrry , and are fol
lows concerning whose identity it is diftleult
for one to bo mistaken after having once
seen them. When searched nothing was
found in their possession.
Novel Suriflciil Operation.
GitASi ) ISLAND , Neb. , April 4. [ Special to
Tun BEK.J During the past week a patient
presented himself at the ofllce of a physician
in this city who had lost the sight of one
eye from ulceration. After recovery from
the inflammation the whole center of this
eye was left a pure white , in marked con
trast to the other , which was quite dark.
This was such a blemish that , as there was
no sight remaining , he had been advised to
have the eye removed. Instead of doing
tills the doctor performed a novel operation.
With a line needle and India ink ho tattooed
the center of the eye a dark color , thus form
ing a pupil , and then shaded the surrounding
parts so that now very little difference can
bo detected between the two eyes , except by
close inspection. Very slight inflammation
followed the operation and the man is now
Ireo from the blemish.
G'Mlim's Coniinnrt'Inl ( liilniB ,
GHNOA , Neb. . April 4. [ Special to Tim
BCE. ] The article in Monday's BEC in rela
tion to the shipment of thirty-six carloads of
cattle to Liverpool by the Kent Cattle com
pany was very misleading. The cattle were
not shipped from or any part of them fed in
Fullcrton. The Kent Cattle company is lo
cated at Genoa and the cattle wore fed
within the limits of Genoa township.
Thrown Irnni III * lt ( 'uy.
GiiANi ) ISI.ANII , Neb. , March 4. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BCE. ] Charles Lohmann ,
'a prominent cigar maker , was thrown out of
a driving cart today and quito badly bruised
about the head and limbs , being dragged ten
feot. His injuries are not dangerous.
ChlriiKO Mve Stock .Miirki't.
rmcAno , 111. . April 4. ( Special Telegram
to Tin : IlKK.l The cattle Mijiuly was very
small. As a consequence ) of Hie meager ro-
cclpts tbu niaikot wits rather M rim ; ; , but a
comparison of sales fulls to show any consid
erable ad vanci ! on yesterday's prlcus In any
gruilu of cattle. . I'mful sprlni ? steers wuro
very scareo ; Indeed an Increased number of
all Kinds could have been turned over at full
prlcus , but tberu uas a i.'ciu < ral disinclination
to pay nny advance. Quotations remain at
from * 1.50 to H.i ! & for Inferior to e.vira cows
and heifers , from J'J.Of ) to { 4.60 for stockers
and feeders , from tl loi'Jf > fur dressed beef
and Milpplm ; steers ami from tuH.'J. ) for
TUMIS cattle. .
lion's sold olT 10c more yesterday , mid did seas
as easily as ihoiiKh the supply had been -J7.OUO
head instead of omi-thlid that niimbor , as
was the case. The market Is now i3c ! less
Total liiuri , ut CITIEK
_ J DltiiniCTS , WATER
Corr Bponilciro BOllcltod.
103-105 prfnrborn Street , CHICAGO.
IB Wall Street , NEW YORK *
7O Btat 9tn BOSTON *
limn H.iluril.iy , f rum iiv ( , ifi lnwrr'llnnn
wi'i'k nifo , mid $ 'J lower ( 'inn the lilitlii'Ht atlliat
linn' . loiluy'H tinillnrf WIIH iloni'ut fnmi tr. In
lO.MI for I'liniiniin to i'linlri > IHI.'H welolilntt
froin 1 Ui to 105 Ilii , nl from hVJU loK.7A f. > r
'li-ovi" ' * iivtiniKliiff ovir-JiVillM. . nml ul from
JO.IOto Jrt.oa for inlsi'il anil nu-ilhiiii llul
llllloof tin' vuiinly was Kmiil vtii.tu-li to luliiK
Hi tniirli IIH { ti.OO , ilunuli tinIIMMIIKI' iiuiillly
win bolter ttiiin for MIIIIII ( hivn nri'vloiix ,
I'rom $ ii.'J5 ti J0.4H ( onU most of the llnlit , nml
from J0.45 to to.i'iiein * the nili'i-t most fro-
iiuoiitly piilil fur hi'iixy nml ninlliiin.
llicio wns u roinimriitlvi'iv "li'iuly oheeii
iiiitrkot ut from 4.'jr > to Jii.15 fur pour to fnury
. . Cattle , 1,000 head ; liogO.ono
hoail ; shi'un. tl.OOO hcail.
TinKvpnlng .lournal roiiorn :
( jATTi.i-IteccluK : 5,000 heail ; shipments ,
2,000 hcail ; market nulol l > ut stcailv ; cholcn
tolirltui' sti'cri , f5.iHljt5.7rii no i-\tris : on sale ;
others , J4.a.Vii5.85 ; TOMIIIS , S'J.WOit-l.-IO ; COHK ,
* : i nil.1.1 > . - .
I'or every one ho has blood troiilile , no matter
in Minpo or bow Ion ) ; slaiiilliiK. pri filed
IIDIIO of tlio vital nrgaiiH lia\o been PO far Im
paired as to render a euro lmpn lulc. S. S. S
goes to the root of tlio license , and temo\es the
cause , by expelllni : the jiolson fnmi theboilj , anil
at tlio xumotlmu Is a tonlototlioliolo sjhli'ii :
bad your case may be , thcio is hope
Cured ir.oof a most malignant typo
of clmmlo lilooil trouble , fur \\hleh
1 had used various oilier remedies
ttllhont oll'eet. My wight Increased , and my
liualtli Imprmed linn cry way. 1 considers. S. 8.
the best tonic I e\er iised.
"H. A. Witioii-r , Midway , ( in. "
Treatise on blooil , ekln and enntai'liiiH Mood
poison mailed fico. BW11/T Sl'KC'fi'H1 CO. ,
Atlanta , ( ia.
nil. r. I , . SK llti.lts Consult ns
Ormluato of lUuh Modleiil I'ol'ejD ( ON-
M'l.rIION l'-Kl.l' . ) . for the troalmentof
We euro Cntnvi-li , All Dlboaioi of t'i3
Nose , Throat , Clicst. btom ioU , Bovvolt
nnd Iiivor.
Blood , Skin nnd Klduoy Disoasm ,
Feiunlo Woaliuosbos , l > oat Manhood
ril.K * . K1STIT1.A. KIS5UUK , pcrmanBilly cursl
will out the use of knife , llgrvliiro or cauHlo.
All uinlailli3 of n prlv.ito or dulIe.'Uo nature , of
either fax. poiltlvoly curoil.
Call on or mlclross , lth stamp for ClrcuUri , t'roi
Book nnd Ucclpti * * ,
hr oirlo Xf pirle ! 118 * mtu st. ,
VI , OLallUj ( X OliUll , | ) M.\IIA , Mill.
Next Door to rontotllna
Wcll.corao and liavo thorn eia'nlnol by our optMii
rcoof cliarue , anil , If no efniiry , into 1 with np-ilroC
our-l'lSKKKCriOfC' Hl'ICCfACIjUdor IJV'U ( il.ASS-
SK Hie best In the world. If you do not npul Kla'i JS
we will toll you noamlalvl o you what lo do. UOI.I )
Sl'KCTACl'uS or HYI5 ( ILASSttd flt'Jll W.J ) Ul' .
I'laln , smoke , blue or wliliu lil.mjj. for prutoctuu la.
eyes , trouiSjcu pilr u. ) .
Max Meyer & Bro. Co
Jewelers and Onticians ,
Farnani : in I Flftojnt Urjs <
Capital SI 00,000
Surplus $05,000
f ITlccrsnncJ niractors llonry . Vatotornl It i
II. GLi.'uihlnit , vloa pro liUni ; (1 rt. 14.-I3J , , V. f
lloric.Joliari. Colllm J. N. li. I'.ilrloi ; l.j. U 1
llt-cd , cashier.
Bemis Omaha Bag M. 0. Daxon ,
Importer ! and mun.frs. Hlcjcloi sold on monthly
Hour Backt , burlnpi ,
twlno. paymsnti 12N.lith.
Morse Coe Shoe Company ,
Soloeroom nnd OlllcB-1107-IIOJ-llll llowura * t.
l-ouliiry-lirj-H2l-IUi : Howard St.
We nru Ihc os'l.v Mnmifnturori of Hoots nn I
fcuou li Ilio male of Nuliri : ka.
A Ki'nonil Invlinlloii Uoxlended to nil to Inspect
our novT tnclury *
Kirkendall , Jones & Amsr , Hand-Sewel
COMl'ANV. Whulimlo
mfm. u jntt lljnoi : und rubber KDuli , UJi-
Uubhi'r "hoi ) ik ) . , I10- ( lall ) llnruoy dk
llUI-llWll.irney St.
Omaha Coal , Coke & EaglaCoralciWorXs
MM K ( HI. , liir.l nnd ouft MfM. uulvanlul Iron
cual , S K cor. Him na I cornlo ) . wlndi * ip i ,
mclalllo HkvliuhK um
1110-HU IMdKdrit.
M. E. Smith & Co. , Kllpatrlc'i-Kos1 ! Dry
CO ,
Dry Koodi , noiloni , fur- Kotloiu. ) ' fur-iliD-
nlililni ; uuu. cjriur In XJU li.ojr. Illn Bill
lUli and Howard Sit. Iliirniy U.
Omaha Upholstering Beebaa & Rnuyan
CO. , upboliterod furni CO. , Uraco
ture , 1U3IIUI McliuUj
bU WligUittlu only ,
* -of tlio constitution maj follow In the track
of n disordered awtcm di | to li ipurc Mootl
or itmctlvo liver. IWt run the risk I
The proprietors of llr I'lt-ice1 * OoUlun Mad.-
leal Discovery takfl nil the oAnnrcs. They
inako n stralgnlfonvurd offer to return jour
money If tliolr romoly falls to bonellt urVuro
In nil disorders and a'n -ton ( * duo to Impure
blood or Inactive livor. The germs of dUtvtso
circulate through the blood. th liver Is ( lie
( liter which | > ormls ! tlio germs to i-ntor or
not. Tlio liver nctlu > , mid the blood ptiro ,
and you escajw disemo.
VThfii you'ro run down , di-Wlltnted , weak ,
and your weight In-low n healthy Ftundnrd ,
vou regain health , strength , and wholesome
llcsh. by using the " Discovery. " It builds up
tlio body fiistor than nauseating. Cod liver
oils or emulsions.
There wouldn't bo any cases of Chronic C&-
tnrrh If everyone used Dr. Sage's Hemrdy.
There's $500 reward for nu Incurable caso.
It will pay you
Wo will snvo you money.Vo
prepare muillelnes and null
drills at low prl.'cs. \Vo do
not soil pate it medicine. Our
busliiots la.
Surgical Inotmmonta
And Surgical Supplloa.
Ill South 15th Street , ,
Next to Posto'Uoo.
Artificial Kyu < . i pcui iii : fo . 1 Iciil
Fl PONiERl > lnt"lgor
j22S.jfljhjt ,
Com. Nat Hanli Uldg.
i.I-Ci.\N L" K.T riNC-i-l'AHl
.VO ( 'll\HilS ror'l'osflifio /i.vos.
Sixtlslivctiou Gunrniitcod.
All Kinds Optical Goods
A SDl'oir.'lis , Ilroiieliltis Asth-
mi ; , L'onsaiMUIlon , lluadtiehu ,
is ek or nervous1 , NurvotiH
A Wonderfully Suoooas-
ful Troatmont. or.NiinA-ron.
Hook" and 4 trials KUKKI C'uil o
! -uito fill ) Sliooly Blilj , OmaTii
A. Full SJ3V
T1313TJFI ,
Teolh cxtraclcd In niornlnu
Now ones huerteil after ooa
lanioilny. 1'erfcct Ut uuar-
IJrd Floor ,
Pnxton Block.
IGth t\7ilFai-iiani ( Streets.
Elevator on UHh i-t , Tolcplione 1035.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Soutli Ornaha.
Cert Cattle Ilo nnd Sheep nmrkot In the
Wood Brothers.
I.lvo Slock Commission Morolmnti
Eouth Omaha Telephone 1157.
JOHN I ) . OAOI-iMAN , I , .
\VAii'Kll K. WOOD , f Mttn
Mirkit Iliporti tir-n 11 l i t .vlrj
BhJduiai ; ap.jlj.UiJ H
Rector & WHIinlmy Loiaoi SL Lhi ,
Dealers In iKtrdirarj n
Corner 10th iin.l , J.icksoi : muu.innlei' to ) i
.51. ' OJll 1101 Jt.
W.A.L.GibbDn&C ) . Omaha Safe anllrn
Wholesale WOltKH
Hatu , caps , Btnw ifOJH. Snfei.Tnulti.Joll wor * .
gloves , mil tuns , 2ttt Iron dilution KIM Urn ol
and llftrnoy ts. IMJIOJ. Aii'Iraia ' & IIir-
ott , lit i ami .luckvm.
John A. Charles R. 13) ) ,
Im ported , Amorlc in I'ort- HardiTool uninir , wjj
Illllll CJIIl lilt , Mil.f.Ill- carps 14 , iri 1 p ir i J jl
llonrln ,
Dili unit Do .lid 11.
Fricfc & Heri)3rt ) , I. S Co
Iinp'Kt3M nn I jotihan
\Vliolc ttloll'uoriluil'Jri | of niiillnury. notion * .
.Mull oMuri pm n..iy
1001 r tli-lll d. lllit.
Carpenter Paper Co , Standard Oil C ) . ,
Cnny n full niuj'i of
prliilliiK , wripiln | < itu I ItollnoJ and hlLrloitUl :
wrllhiK iupjrj , card
imin'r , etc. oils , atla tra.iio , ota.
PR03JJC3M1li31)l ) ,
Branch SL CD , , Jas. A. Clari & O , ,
1'ioducc , frntlt of all Iluttor , cheni , em ,
poultrr und viuia ,
klndi , nritori. JIT S. Utlj U
Omaha St-rn MADlj ! nYa Co
\VO1IK.J. IIOTO ropulr * ManufBOtureri of uiU
niiJ water aHuchmunta duori , bltndi uuil
lor any klud ot ilora luouldln i , brmiuU u *
, UU7 JJauulM St fic , 12lb tad UuiJ , .