Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Party of Five Smooth Sirens with Masculine
Pals Do Omaha ,
Nmnerom Siincrptllilo Victim ) ot the Sirens
Nipped ( Jolil Wntclim mill Diamond
1'liiH nit Writ n * I'll hod I'ockctt
Hold Workers.
Tor the past six weeks many frequenters
of the streets have noticed several well
dressed and attractive looking women , who
were to bo seen almost daily and in the even
ing generally frequented some place of
amusement. They wcro usually without es
corts and have been the objects of solicitous
attention from ttio local mashers' brigade.
They were not Insensible to such atten
tions , but It was remarked that ono inter
view seemed to bo enough for their ad
mirers , who pocketed their dearly bought
experience and thereafter gave the sirens a
wide brlh.
The young women might easily have been
taken for well bred society women , but po
lice Investigation has developed the fact that
they constituted the most expert and suc
cessful gang of pickpockets and confllcnco
workers that has operated In this city in
the past ten years. There were live of them
In all and they were accompanied by an
equal number of men , all of whom are well
known to the police authorities as crooks of
moro or less pretension. The women were
all good looking and were stylishly attired In
garments which bore the stamp of the latest
art in dress making. They usually went out
In a party of three and there was scarcely a
day during their stay in the city that they
did not turn a trick of more or less Import
ance. '
As nearly as can bo ascertained they came
to Omaha six weeks ago and rented a house
in the lower part of town. They contented
themselves with looking over the city and
getting their bearings during the llrst two
weeks , and then went to work in earnest.
They were frequently seen at Wonderland
and on ono or two occasions occupied a box
at one of the moro pretentious theaters.
Spotting Their ( Ininr.
One night last week three of them were In
one of the boxes at Wonderland , and very
nearly succeeded in making a good haul be
fore the evening was ovi-r. A well known
young business man of North Plattc , a part
ner of an ex-sergcant-at-arms of the United
States senate , was in the audience with a
party of friends , and his Inndsomo diamond
pin and watch chain attracted the attention
of the female crooks.
After the performance , and as they went
out on the street , one of the women approached
preached him and , pretending acquaintance ,
asked permission to introduce him to her
friends. The ceremony performed , the
woman engaged him i" conversation while
ono of her companions deftly abstracted the
diamond from his shirt front and the other
transferred his watch and chain to her own
pocket. Hut their victim was looking for
Bomo such procedure and at this point
quietly requested them to return his valu
ables. The thieves saw that they wcro out
witted and handed back the jewels with a
parting volley of profanity that did not ac
cord with their genteel appearance. The
work was so no.itly done that none of the
people who wore standing within ten feet of
the party suspected that a robbery was in
progress , and had not their victim been on
the watch for tome such trick he would
never have discovered his loss until too late.
The favorite game of the pickpockets was
what is known among the talent as the
switch. They would provide themselves
with a roll ot paper with a $ l'bU wrapped
uroiitnl it , and , after making the acquaint
ance of their prospective victim , one of them
would playfully snatch a roll of mils from
his pocket and immediately restore it. The
chances were that ho would think nothing
of the circumstance at the time , and after
the women had left him discover that the
money had been adroitly "switched , " and
that his | Xcket contained the bogus roll
wliilo his own money had gone to , > ay the
rent of his late companions.
A well known sporting man was relieved
of a roll of bills containing $230 by this
method last week , and n traveling man
named Ilardorfer sent nearly f 100 over the
same route. At least a dozen similar rob
beries are known to have been perpetrated
by the same people , but the reluctance of
most men to admit that they luivo been
swindled makes Itdifllcult for the police to
inako a case against them.
Frightened from Town.
Detectives Savage and Dempsey noticed
the women on the street every day and con
sidered it wortn while to keep an eye on
them , They succeeded in tracing them to
the house they occupied , and Sunday
found ono of their victims , who was per
suaded to sign a complaint against them.
Their haunt visited that night for the
purpose of placing the entire outllt under
arrest , but the birds him taken warning and
llown. The detectives were not long in dis
covering that Uio ilvo women had taken n
train for the northwest Saturday night and
nro supposed to have gone to Minneapolis
and St. Paul to continue their work.
One of the men who were with the women
in thfs city was Jim Kane , who has been un
favorably known to the local police for sev
eral years , Ho has also disappeared and
has probably gene to join his associates in
Bomo other city where the sleuths are not on
as hot a trail. None of the women have over
liccn seen In this part ot the west before , but
their work proves them to bo some of the
most skillful workers in the country , and if
they ever return they will bo locked up at
on co.
They are supposed to bo the same gang
that has been operating In San Francisco and
other cities on the coast during the past six
months and they have been marvelously
successful in eluding the police of those
cities. They are smart enough to know
when they have enough and never stay long
enough In ono place to give the authorities
time to get a case against them.
Scrlvft nf Hold Tlititt * Charged Up to Prauli
Detectives Savage and Dempsey made r
peed catch yesterday when they locked uj
Frank Davis for larceny. Davis , according
to the reports of the oftlcers , Is a nervj
"con" man and all round thief.
I/ist Thursday Davis sold un overcoat to n
Douglas street pawnbroker named Wolff foi
f3 and on Saturday went back to the shot
nnd wanted to buy It. The pawnbroker was
very accommodating and released the gar
incnt upon Davis paying him So.50.Vhlh
this little transaction was going on h :
smooth young man was not idle , for ho man
ngcd to steal a 54U diamond ring fron
otio of the show cases. Wolff did not mis ;
th" Hug until lie was packing his thing !
avvityTor ihe night , anil Sunday the mattci
was reported to the detectives along with i
pretty fair description of the suspect ,
When arrested yesterday Davis had 01
the 3veivoat which was stolen from a Pull
man conductor , and the ring taken frjn
Wolff's shop. The pawnbroker Identltled tin
prisoner , the coat and the ring.
Then J. Fllogel , a tailor who had been as
saultcd Saturday night , was sent for and In
identified the hat that Davis had on as hi
own , also a gold watch chain of which hi
had LKCII robbed ( it the time of the assault
For some time pnst the Omaha Strci <
Motor company has been missing a larg
amount of solid brass pinions and other cast
Inps , Something like a ten of the metal ha <
disappeared inside of a month , and upon th
matter uelng reported at police hradiiu.ii
tern Detective. Vizard was placed on the cast
Yesterday ho recovered about 100 pounds c
the brass and knows WIKTO moro of th
tolcn property Is secreted. Two or thrc
employes nf the company will probably I
arrested today for the thoft.
Flneil lor Mintliiy Soiling.
Judge llcrka yesterday decided the cns-i
of the. stain against Matt Hculand who I
charged with keeping his saloon at H (
I.cavenworlh open on Sunday. Heulund wit
found gulll.v and lined f 100 nnd costs. Tli
Judge lusu found Mluulo Wilt of thuCit
hotel guilty of the same off CM.10 and Indicted
the same line ,
I'nllra I'nriigrniih * .
Fifteen saloons were found doing business
Sunday. ' and Prosecutor Cochnin will file
complaints against each one.
Police Clerk Webb was out lor the first time
yesterday after a two weeks Illness. Ho
will not bo abln to resume work before next
week. ,
Yesterday Detective Vizard recovered an
$18 revolver stolen from the residence of O.
J. Corkhlll , 1U01 California street , last De
Try Cook's Extra Dry Irnpcrhl Cham
pagne. There Is no foreign \vlno that has
its boquet or any that Is as pure.
IIAYDIN : mtos.
Spronil Floor Today.
Tuesday wo will linvo a great ono
day's ! < ale of cloaks. There will bo three
lot.s containing cloaks and capos , broken
lots from our great Muster week sale ,
many of thorn tire worth double the
price wo will ask today.
Lot I. Ladles' reefers and blazers In
tans , blues and grays , tailor finished
and with the now full uluovos , all wool.
Some of these are worth $5.iiO. Today
only , $2.1)5. )
Lot II. A better quality ,
skeleton lined ladies' reefers ,
serge and ladies' eloth made
up in latent style ; colors , " blauk , tan and
mixed. Only a few in this lot for to
day , $5.00.
Lot III. In this lot iii'o soiuo beauties
in the new capo jackets ( three capes ) ,
and the butter lly capo. All of the o
are tailor mu'.lo and finished up equal to
the usual $ ir > .00 garment , and many
houses get that sum for them. They are
ladles' cloth in tans and blues only , and
after this lot is gone you'll have to pay
$9 00 to $12.00 for their equal. Tuesday's
price , $7.00
Sale is in cloak department , 2d lloor.
No mail orders filled on this sale.
Dry goods and cloaks.
See the toilet rot sale at Burns ,
100 at half price.
nor , eec , AM > 7ro ii\M > Kiumir.s : ;
roil : ! . > < .
Tomm-rou at Fiilconcr'n.
25 pieces of all wool dress goods , qual
ities that were sold at $1.00 , $1.25 and
$1.50 all at 07H1 tomorrow.
25 pieces of $1.25 black goods , all at
07Jo tomorrow.
Some splendid bargains in silks.
25 do/.cn ; t. " > c and 'I0c towels , all at 21c
each. Limit , one dozen to a customer.
The rush for our bargains today was
simply tremendous. Wo did not" have
help enough to wait on the trade. Wo
have engaged extra help for tomorrow
and will bo better able to handle the
rtifih. All bargain ? , advertised for today
will bo on sale tomorrow.
The great special sale of Japanese
goods proved a tremendous success this
morning. Thousands of people must have
attended and made purchases. Every
thing advertised is useful for the house
in some way or other and everything
sold Is worth from three to six times the
price. The Japanese bronze wares are
especially appreciated as are also the
Lacquer wares and the Tokenabi wares.
Come and see how much a dollar or two
will beautify your house.
Figures Showing thn Condition of the Va
rious FiiudR of t 10 City.
Comptroller Olsen has just prepared a
statement' showing the condition of the
different funds March " 1. The statement
shows the total amount available for the
different funds , which includes the cash
reserve of the IS'JS ' levy , and 00 per cent of
the IS'.K ! levy ; also the amount expended
slnco January 1 and the balance. It Is as
follows :
In addition to the above the following
statement sliows the condition of the various
sub funds of the general fund at the same
date :
A Chllil ICnjoya
The pleasant fuvor , frontlo action ami sooth-
iiiK clToot of Syrup of I'lRs , when iu need of
a laxative , ftiul if the father or mother bn
costive or bilious , the most gratifying results
follow its USD ; so that it is the beat family
remedy kiw.vii uiul every family should have
u bottlo.
Clicup Trip to C'liUIurul.t. <
The "ljhilll ] > 's Uook Island" person
ally uondui'tud excursions to California
with through tourist slconing cars to
Los Angulcs and San Francisco will
leave Oinivha on April 14 and 28. These
will bo the nicest parties of the season
with extremely low rates and superior
accommodations. For particulars call
on any Hook Inland anent or address
( Jims. Kennedy , U. N.V. . I' . A. , 1002
Farnain street , Omaha , Nob.
Brilliant Display at the Fadplo'a Mammoth
Installment Homo
On thr Occnnlon of Tlili < Compnny'i
.Scml.Annual Opening Mimic , Fire
work ) mill rhonugriipli for the
JCntcrtiiliiiiient ul the Crowd.
The spring opening of the People's Mammoth -
moth liistiilliiiuut Housa , 1315 and 11)17 ) Far-
nntn , which began yester.luy morning and
continued until Into lust night , was a grand
and unqualllicd success. The enterprising
proprietors spared neither tlmo nor expanse
In securing this end , us the entire house ,
colossal and extensive as it U , was beauti
fully ornate with lavish mid ittractivetlecor-
ation. The broad front of the building , with
its spacious show windows , was metamor
phosed Into a veritable consarvatory , and
held the ontr.mccd. through the entire -
tire day. E icli department represented n
tropical wilderness , with their luxuriant
plants and ( lowers , from the spreading p.ilm ,
tall ferns , clambering vine * and b.uiks of
roses and oxq'ilslto ( lowers and blossoms of
all known kinds and varieties.
The popularity of this company was
elaborately dcmonstrate.l by the throngs of
people that crowded their numerous depart
ments throughout the day. They began
pouring in at an early hour ,
and kcut coming and golnc like
the waves of the sa , all through the day
an 1 far Into the nlsht. At times the steady
H-Hvof slght-sjors rosoinbled a continuous
Piwossion more than anything else and the
army of attaches wore taxed to the utmost
Oi their ability piloting visitors throughout house , which more llko the unroll
ing of some gorgeous panorama than anv-
thlng else. There wcro men , women , chil
dren and babies there , from ail over this
city , from South Omaha and Council Hlutts
and useful and handsome souvenirs carried
away by Ujo delighted crowds were amply
sufilcient to have stocked throughout many
an establishment of less pretentious than
this mammoth and popular depot In all that
Is necessary in ( Itting up ana furnishing
comfortable and beautiful homes.
In the evening the premier attraction was
the grand concert which began at " : : ! ( ) and
continued until 1'J ' , and the startling exhibi
tion of pyrotechnics and balloon ascensions
under the supervision of Prof. .lohnstone ,
from the roof top. The musical program was
an elaborate one and executed in matchless
style by the Fort Omaha Military bam ) ,
twenty-eight pieces , all in full uniform ,
under the directorship of 1 'rof. Wedemeyer.
Many of the numbers were the choicest hits
of the day , and the crowds attested their
appreciation by frequent outbursts of ap
plause. It was a grand free treat , and the
People's Mammoth Installment house added
another to their many laurels won by tireless
zeal in the interests of their thousands of
Every department of this big establish
ment , from the basement to the roof , was
fairly aglltter with choice and elegant goods.
The main lloor , occupied as it is with dining-
room , bedroom and general household fur
niture , including an endless line of sho\v- (
cases lllled with line cutlery , silverware ,
clocks , mantel ornaments , bric-a-brac and
tine art , presented an unequalled sympo
sium of the useful and beautiful and at
tractive. This lloor was a Jam all through
the entertainment.
The second floor , with Its labyrinths of ox-
( inisite and rich parlor furniture , lighted by
hundreds of gas jets , afforded a treat to all
those inclined to the aesthetic and lovely.
No grander display of gorgeous furniture has
over been exhibited In this city.
The third lloor , too , with its piles and
rolls and folds of princely carpets , rugs ,
ottomans draperies and ornamental devices ,
was an unceasing source of attraction.
There Is no article of furniture In an elegant
home no beautiful and attractive as a rleh
and handsome carpet. And hero they were
in endless quantity , matchless quality and
luxuriance. This department was particu
larly attractive to the ladies.
The annex , with its three floors , of dining
room and general household furniture , was
literally another mammoth establishment in
Itself , and the expressions of astonishment
at the magnitude of this department were
frequent and of an extremely Mattering na
ture to this great company. Beautiful extension -
tension tables , sideboards , chairs and furni
ture of every known style and kind was hero
In the most bewildering profusion , and the
crowd seemed as if it would never tire of
gazing upon the remarkable exhibit.
The basement , mammoth and extensive as
It Is , presented a scene as bewildering as
that of the other departments. Hero was to
bo seen In such plentltude as to almost tax
one's credulity , everything that is necessary
and desirable in fitting out a kitchen
and culinary departments of a complete
home. Stoves and ranges of every make ,
graie , price and style ; crockery , stone and
woodenwuro in bewildering quantities ; re
frigerators , ice boxes , ice cream freezers ,
washing machines , water coolers , in fact
every possible article that can be utili/.cd by
man or woman in the furtherance of the
tastes and wants of homo. There is also to
be found hero the largest line of cheap and
beautiful baby carriages to bo found in any
establishment west of New York.
In conclusion it must bo added that the
People's Mammoth Installment house made
a big hit in their spring opening.
Plies of people nave pilns , but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them.
Dodge Street School OlT'rred Touchers Sc-
lertml Tor Kliulrixnrtriis.
The Board of Education held its first
meeting in the city hall last night and trans
acted much routine business.v
A resolution was adopted favoring a propo
sition to lease the Dodge street school house
and site to the city for jail purposes for n
term of ninety-nine years , the city to pay 5
per cent interest on a valuation of f. > o',000
and tlecd to the school district a vacant lot
at thg corner of Ninth and Howard streets.
Plans for the now Long and Ilickorv
schools were presented by the architect auil
The following teachers were elected to
take charge of the four kindergarten schools
that are to bo opened next week : Directors ,
Miss Torroy , Miss Boutollc , Miss Morgan
Miss Gordon ; assistants , Miss Ilubbard ,
Miss Chambers , Miss Gratlot , Miss Smith ,
Miss Hamilton ami Miss Hungcrford. A vitEcii'iuis.
Accidents to Trnviilrrs cm n Colornd.i
Conch ,
COLOIUPO SriiiNds , Colo. , April 3. i'ester-
day afternoon a stage coach on the Cripple
Crock line was hurled over a steep embank
ment about twelve miles southwest of here.
The accident was caused by the four horses
attached to the coach becoming frightened
and plunging over the precipice. Nine per
sons were aboard the stage and they , to
gether with the horses , were moro or less
injured. The following Is a list ol the
sengers most seriously hurt :
C. A. Fauns of Denver , internal Injuries.
G. W. FEKMAX , Cincinnati. Injured In back.
H. T. ( jiiovc , Cripple Creek , shoulder dis
.1. K. NEVIU.I : of Illinois , shoulder dis
only I'ure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Ahi.i
in Milli"-4i * of Homes 40 Years the Stands
Shakespeare's Seven Ages
The lover seeks with plaintful sigh ,
THE LOVER BEFORE US1NO JOHANN HOFK's In vain his mistress to attract ;
MALT EXTRACT. Me fails ; till ballad full he sin.trs
And tlien the lover , Of Johann Hoff's famed Malt Extract
Sighing like furnace , with a woeful
Johann Hod's Malt Extract has stood the
Made to his mistress' eyebrow. test of nearly half a century.
PiirchanTH nro wnrnvil npiliut liiilniillliiii mill ill > iiiioliiliiipnt. ] Insist upon Ilio
Gciiuliiu which must huvti the I itadtru of" .IOIIAN.V IItFF"'on ) the neck lilljul. j
A book cnlitlcd "Shapcspearc's Seven ARCS u ( Man , " beautifully illustrated , sent free on application.
EISNER & W1ENDELSON CO. , Solo Agents , Now York.
lly thmunmti of nmateuri to (111 ( out their collection. If votit
have any niil , mill or curimii AnuriiMii or nirvign coins or *
tokens , do not dispose oftlirm until Juu h.ivu rcnil the
Coin Collector's Herald ,
I Through which von can olitnln reliable liitiirinatlon in to }
their viilnc nnd how to dispose of thi'in. Sume eoius IssucdV
only n few years axii ell nt a I ireo premium.
Illxlieit prices recently Pukl lor ci rtain okl coins.
1-2 Cents , . $110. Cent ? , . J200. 1-2 Dimes , .
l > lnif 8. ' . . Quartern , 170. I-1.'Dollars , . 250.f
Dollar * . . . .C70. HeM Dollars IK. ( iolil''l-aDol'rs , til.
' ' ' ' * ' ' " ' ' '
WORTH SI5OO. ( lolll 10 Dollars , . . . W. Ca'timi'"coVns , . . Mu
. It certainly will | i.iy you to keep posted In this new nnd rapidly Increasing business
' Sample coy/ ; , one Mint ( none free ) , us cents per annum. Address
& Coin Collector's Herald , . . . Boston , Mass
Unrivalled for Digestibility. Stronctti , and Delicacy of Flavor.
Perfectly Pure.
Are thoss ignora/st pretenders -who ,
without any qualifications , any ability ,
any experience , any skill , claim to
possess the power to euro all ths ills of
ho humin rasa. Bat thair want of
worth soon becomes apparent to thair
would-be dupes , nnd these consciouce-
lossquacks ara soon consignol to the
oblivion they so richly merit.
In stranga ani stroaj coatraslwit'i
these miserable boasters is the quiet ,
dignified yet courteous demeanor of
hose noted loaders of thair profession
Who , during the past 27 years ,
abundantly demonstrated their ability
to effect speedy , perfect and permanent
cures in all the wont forms of those del
icate sexual maladies embraced within
the general terms of
Send 4 cents for their illustrated now
book of ISO pages , "Know Thyself. "
Consultation free. Call upon or ad
dress , with stamp ,
119 S , I4tii
Cor. Douglni St' ,
ME "
ItKrtt'I.TK In BO DAYS. Cure * nll >
Nervous IMstnscs , Memory ,
I'arcsls , Hlrcplcainecf.Vfnknc ? n pr
tc. . ana quickly bulcurcly restores l.o l Mlulltjlt
jldor jmnula lly curried In > r t porkct. 1'rlcr ,
I.QO a pncKAKe Six for tft.410 irltti u it rlttcit euur *
refurdfd I'uti't It * t ul.
untrc to curt * or m nry * nny
prlnclolrd diuiirl < t tell you n u klmt < > / fmHiinuii ln <
ilitonlmviMK IM AI'41-nono othtr. H ho lim naJ
cot It , we will fincllv liy mull upuu receipt or price.
rnmphlet 111 FGAlea wwrlopn flft * AddreM Orltintu ?
tlfdlrnl fo. , r.O I'ljnoulli I'lnfr. C'hli'Uno , 111 ,
SOLD by Kulm & Co. , Cor. ilh anil Douglas Sis. ,
and J. A. Fuller ( t Co , Cor. Mill and Douglas
Sts. , OMAHA , NKD.tiy 1'aul G. Schneider. 511
Droadway and 6 I'carl St , COUNCIL ULUI'FS ,
IOWA , and other Leading Druggists.
V/lCHTlBJaLY21it :
MAX .MliYJiR & nilO. CO. , ONLY.
. 25c
Wo cnnnot ship less tlmn n onso
J3.50 , which Inuluilcs nntl dray-
[ ] Ioi Ai
Wino , Liqnor nutl Cigar Co. ,
11G-I1S S. IGth St. , Omaha.
are brought to us from far
and and many a
mother's heart wo glad 'en
by the beautifully fin ish-
tid , Hfo-llko and almost
spea'ting photos of their
man C
313 : ilo-il7Ho ; l.lth St. Omahix.
OMAriA.OI ? i'iOAJj CO. ,
'J ' ' " " " * '
> '
222 S. IG'th'btr"o"o"tC
Commorelal Nntlonnl Hank llnlldlru
We will Mini roil th mnrT li in
Krmcli i'rfmriitlou C'ALTHOO
frr . and a Ifral cimruiittiIlia ,
( Al/l'IIOS nil ! llvklore tours'
llvttllb , trciiell > uud VlRur. R
I'seitand fa'i/iati > Jeii. !
Addresi VON MOHL CO.
( loll A fuiiU. OU .
V. S. UKi'OSl'rOHi' . OMAHA , .Mill.
Uipital . S100.000
Surplus . $05,01)0 )
nd llrctortltin \ VT. V tei , pr nl I u
II. li Cuthlnrf , Tlou pr ld .Ui C. a. M urlOJ , .V. /
Uorta John ri. Colllni J. N. U. I'JtrlCi ; Unit J
ItecU , c Ulor.
is a man that will walk into some
body's else store this week and pay
ten or a dozen dollars for a suit of
clothes before he visits "The Nebras
ka" and he'll own up to it , too. To
day we offer at
as handsome a line of popular priced
suits for men as ever were grouped to
gether. There are not a great lot
in each lot but there are jgts of loTsT
There are both single and double-
breasted sacks round and square cor
ner sacks black , brown , gray , blue ,
tan , tobacco cheviots , worsteds , cas-
simeres fancy , plain , mixed checks ,
stripes , plaids some bound [ to sell ]
and some not bound [ but they'll sell
just the same ] . Thsse suits are in every
sense of the word worth ten , eleven ,
twelve and thirteen dollars. 'Till we
close next Saturday night , unless we
should close out these clothes before ,
we will close out these suits at
slndhiswipaid bills arc rcspon-
" $ fsibefor / flic high prices yon
= are cliargcdby a ci'cdittailoi' .
If Nicoll makes your clothing
you pay cash for what you
get and get what you pay
for so does everybody else.
That makes lowest prices.
Our stock is all in now
hundreds of styles from
which you may choose an
Elegant Spring Suit
At From $20 to $50.
Leave your order before the hurry season begins.
South )5th ) Street.
DON'T COST you any more to have your
eyes properly cared for and sometimes not
as much by our expert optician. We guarantee
satisfaction and test eyes free.
181G UouglLis Strcot , Oinahn , Nob.
poclall t In nerroin rhronlc. prlrst' . tiloodiln \ an'l urinary dlioiset. A rpnulir and
Tiio iradu inedlHuo , ft. illpluia od certlQ utei will ill J . U mill trojll.ii wlili th gre l il
in .
ImiVii ciiErrti lo.t t man looJ. .omluuH e.Uuj . nUut Inimi nil nnd lurmof prlratn illsiaiai. No .
. o" Ne "ireMin- . it l of vlt il puwur. I'artUl un il.U t" vUU mum u b < i tr ted at h m. .
m.rcurr . , Iniil.
Lrcorr/iuondenco Medic neorliitri.n Mil. oil lir null or CXII.HM J iroly | iiciuU . nu mirkilo
? eonlentiTor Sender . liitorrl w preferred. ConiultMlun free C.ur iponil40o trlotlf
prl.te at ? ( " . Oil otlU * jii , ttr . Olligo liouri , u m. to V p. m. Buua jt 10 . m. l U .
aauaup ( or clrauUr.