8 THE OMAHA DAILY HHJS : SATURDAY , APRIL 1 , 1893. PARK COMMISSION REVIVING Beginning an Active Campaign for tbo Homing ing Season , FINER PAVILION FOR MANSCOM PARK Thoiuiinil Namerjr Tirol Ordered Moteinent to Numo Ono I'nrk for John A. I.OKIIII Work on thu llaulct arils. President George I * Miller , JuclRO Take , Mr. George . Unlngcr and Mr. Kilpatrlck were the incinbeisof the park commission present at the meeting of the boaid jester- day nftriiiooii. Tito sccrctnrj' read a lonp letter fiom Park Gardener Clc\ eland , explaining his completed plans for the itnpiovctnunt of Klmuood paik The centleman suggested that , ns thu p.uk w 111 for sineral \ ears bo visited by coinp.iratt\cly few people on foot , Itould not bo wlso or piaetk'.il to make expensive 1m- proM'inonts for the speel.il benellt of pedcHtil.ins , but It would bo better to routine- the linpro\ements In the main to such fea tures as would make the pailc uttractho to people passing through In carriages or on hoisebark , sue Ii as dthcwajs , bridges and trees The completed pl.m as prepared by Mr C'loM'Iaud Is now in the possession of the park commission Hills for cum tit expenses amounting to ( 'i,17t ! 70cic presented and allowed. I'mlllon IliHilnilu < > Aill | trd. Tin question of tebiilldlng the Hanscom jinrk p.nlllon eamo bofoio the board The insinamcon the foimer building , ulnch uns ilcfcttuud by the during the u Inter , h.is been adjustwl 'I he lompanj has agiced to pay the hoaid $10,101 1 he total liisur.iiiic was Sl'J.OOO Or Mllltr and .ludge l ike thought the adjnstmi nttri s.itlsfactoi.\ . the nahago is said to beottli nioto than fi.MH ) The boa id will doubtkss icbuild the paMlion after a dltlerent plan 1'ii'sident Mllk'i was uutlioii/ed to iloso up tbu ad justment business uith the insutaiuo com- II.IIIA The matter of p.nlng special taxes foi luu'mint on the stieets suiioiindlng ll.uis torn paik was discussed , hut was llnall.ic . - feried to a sptc ial toik-mitteo for fuitli i in vestigation I pen the suggestion of Mr Llnlujror the boaid agreed to meet at the p.uk some day next wti-k to disuiss and dcilile upon the kind of a striiLtute to euvt on the site of the foimer p.uilhm It is the opinion of se\eral nit in bets of the boaid that a pa\il ion more commodious and piaUical than thu old one can be built for much less motim Di Miller announced to the bond that the title to the Parker ti , let had been pi op uh tiled tliu mom'i foi the land had been paid and the deal was all completed On motion of Mr Kmingei the boaid de rided to pmclmse Ml ( KM ) tiechtobe planted In the mirserj plat in llim\ooil ? paik , and to bo used In the I'aiker tiai t and othei now parks wheie ticcsandshinbbeij aicneeded The committee on supplies , of which Mr I iningei Is chairman , was instructed to this offect. ' 1 he hole in the giound at Ilanscom jmk which the ho ml bad hoped would dcu'lop Into an artesian well , seems to be a HOI t of sore spot The auger hasieacheda depth of 1 lf > 0 feet , an I there is no sign of an : u- tesliin How Smer.il ii.cmoois of the boaid expicssed serious doubts as tohetl , er the clloit would bo a success. .Slums Tor I'lirKi. Considerable infoimal coiuoisation took place o\er the matter of naming the P.uker and Uistln ti acts Jr Miller said ho undei- Mood that Colonel lllstm intended toisit Omaha in comp.in.\ with Mis Geneial John A. Logan with a \ low to having the boaid agieo to naino the nistln tract , which lies 1101 th of thivjscbi.iska school for the deaf , Ixgan ) paik Judging fiom the natural weakness of the gentlemeir composing this iwaid , " said the doctur , "I am pietty thoioughu con vinced that if we do not name the Distin Jiact befoio Mrs I egan arii\es it will bo called Logan park " lam in favor of turning itiijht away , " said Judge Lake It was agiccd that eich member of the board should piep.uu a list of suitable names for the two tiaets to bo submitted at the next tegular meeting , when tbu put ks will bo tliiUU'ticd. Mr Kllpaltiek was very anxious to see work begun on the bonle\ards and the paiks rleaicst to the heart of tbo city as eatl.as . possible The snpeiintendent of paikswas Instructed to iret en er\ thing in readiness to begin Impiou ments along the boule\auls as boon as the gionnd is lound to bo in suitable condition A long discussion took place o\ei the completion ot the notth boulouiul so as to ha\t it extended fnom the I'atkerttaet on to rioicnco On motion of Mr Llningei the commttteo on imjiro\ements was insliucted to begin work on the notth boulOMiitl at the eatliest ( ossible moinent and to piosecuto it with vigor so as to got it in shape for practical use during the piescnt summer. Supeiliitcndent Adams was insttueted to make an estimate ot the cost of fencing ] < lm\\ood paik This is deemed necessati for the teason that the park has become a sort of cow pastuio for the sutiounding i neighborhood Mho superintendent s lid it would bo only a loss of money and time to plant ttees in l lmwood without fencing thu traet , for straggling cows would eteate havoc if the tiaet were left open. That cuio of Gcorgo W Tinner of Galway , N Y.of bciofula , by Hood's Saisapaiilla , Udb one of the most icm.ukablo on iccoid A Itciiutlliil l..iatiir Iilrn. At tills MJUMIII of the yeni' to-.cs 1110 very H'ai co. Wo will ] > tcscnt eacsh of our huly putioiiH witn a , beautiful Haster tobo with each puidiaso of a pair of liuynloi' flo\es on Satitiday. Sj eeiul prices for thibtuio S1.50 , $1.73 , ei.8 : > . S-'iio. fct ! : ; > . THE MOKbK DRY GOODS CO. i. on i ; , itn iluMmi. : . My bl.xtei nth snoclal excursion to Ilnubtun , Tex. , via the Suntu Ko touto , leases Omaha Monday , April li , 1S ! > : ' . .Addicts H. C Pattot-bun , 4l ! . " > Itumgu building , Omaha , Nub. bee the cok-biatod Sohinor piano at Fuiil&Clmilton A ! ualt Co. , 150b Uutlgu I'll I IMlU. Satui day will bo our opening elny foi Kiihter ] uutiMlt ) anil bttn nnibrollas. in .ill tlio latest no\ cities , coachiiif , ' , clubs , changeable ) silks in Btripcs and plaids , plain silky with lace trimming. Sun umhiollas in plain and changea ble. bilk coloih , muj , toyal blue , scarlet , cardinal ami gainet , in fact , everything jiow in paiasols , be/tli in ahapoa and colotH of silks. Spodiil fo. Saturday A loj of purasolf in changeable allk , stains or fancy colorIng - Ing * at * l.-n ; this lot is worth SZ.'Si. Till : MOHSli DUY ( JOODS CO. Itulldtni ; I'uriultt. The following pormltb to build were Issued jcstcrdai bi the inspector of buildings : AV'llllamonlfurd , Tttentj-secopd and Ohio , ilnullliiK $ l.OOf II. T UaiK. ' 1 niMitj-slxth mid ( Jall- fornl.i , ( iMHlllii , ; . O.OOi" Eanie , TtM'iil } - > > l\tli and I'.illfoinlti.ii'a- Idcnco f . 7,00f Minor pel mils . uC ! , ngsresatliu su.O'j : , * "Bio\ufs Dioiii'UIal Tioehrs" aio vlilch Inioun us un mliiilr.ihlo ivmeily lor bvcmoiil tls. lio.u-u'iicss , cough ! ! anil thro it troubles Bom onlA in boxes Hose * ( llM I ) . \\uij. At our tfrnud spei-lal ' uliof kid { , ' 1'jvo ; BnturUuy will present o\ery lady win buys n imlr of tlio KeAniei- gloves \\lln : Lenutiful o&o for Easier , worth : Te. rriees on L'lou > s $1.60 , $ l."u , Jl So ( -2.00 and S .ilo. TilK MOltSB PHY UOODS CO. Tnko homo a box of UulduiVb flnooand Jos,10thaudCuiUol ) tvouuo. None bolter , FALCONER'S ' PARASOL SALE 7,000 , Now Parabola nnd Umbrellas on Special Bale Tomorrow The Most COLOSSAL SALE EVER ATTEMPTED K ery I'.innol n Onn of Itnrc Ho.inty , l'\cry Uinlirrlln of tliinriuitfcil CJiinllty Our U n ixclu : l\i ! Stjle-s No Other llotisu U t 'Ihc'iii. 500 UMBRELLAS AT $1.25. These aio the celebrated English gloria covers , with natural wood sticks , value $11.00 , for this , our opening bale , $1.25 each. JiOO UMBRELLAS AT $2.00. Imported gloria , no bettor sun or rain umbrella made , coino in a beautiful assortment of mounted , natuial wood sticks , value $11.00 , for thin sale $2.00. 200 UMBRELLAS AT$3.00. Guaianteed silk umbrellas , re-covered free of charge if they aio worn out Inside - side of 12 months , all imported handles. \Vo control this make for Omaha. 300 UMBRELLAS AT $11.75. This Is a choice lot ; Puritan and Sen tinel covers the best weaters in exist ence ; noser sold before at loss- than $5.00 each , and we'll boll at that prlco after this date. 1,000 umbrellas at $5.00 each. In this lot v. ill be found $0.00 , $7.00 and $8.00 umbrellas all massed in one grand lot at $5.00 each. each.PARASOLS PARASOLS AT $2.50. Surah paiasols in all the latest color ings , with \ervptettj handles in ciooks , bulbs and knots to correspond in colors. PARASOLS AT $ , ' 1.75. Fanecoloied parasols in plain and pin striped , In bamboo and English \ino handles , \aluo , $5.00. PARASOLS AT $5.00. An assortment of $7.00 to $8.00 paia sols , in ehitTrn , sutahs , china and changeable silk covets , beautiful assort ment of shades , for this sale $5 00 eiich. AT t .OO , $10.V ) AND $12.50. \Vo will show a most magnificent as sortment of lace and chillon trimniHl parasols , c\oty ono a into novoltj de signed oxelushely for us. CARRIAGE PARASOLS , $1.19. 10(1 ( adjustable carriage parasols , nc\or sold befoio at less than $2.25 ; for this Kilo , 81.JO. EASTER GLOVES. NOTE THIS : We aio solo agents for the cole-mated .loinin and Cie kid gloves ; they ; ue the best glove in the maiket , supeiioi in everj tespecttoall otliMs.Yo Miy this because we have tried all others and have found the .lornIn to give the best satisfaction in evorj instance. We also c.irij a full assoitment of the ' 'icfoiisso X Courvoirbier kid gloves , all .guaranteed makes. NOTIONS 2-inch vehetcen facing , 12jc. Best tubular casing , 20o bolt. Serge bolting , I15c bolt. 12-inch leal whalebone , , ' 18c doron. IS-inch real whalebjiio , 7c ! ) do/en. 2J-mch leal whalebone , S5c do/en. 21-inch ical whalebone. $1.00 do/on. Shell , amber and black hoin hair pins , .Oc a do/en. Full nicklo plated safety pins , all si/c's , Ic a paper. Windsor ties , all silk embioideicdand 'ancj colois , in small and china silks , i c. Sterling silver hat pins , 25c , every pin stamped. f > 0c to li.'o pocket bonus at Ifc. $1.00 to $1.25 pocket books , in real seal and dongola , 7o. ! ) $1.50 to $2.00 pocket books , sterling clasps , leal seal and dongola , $1.38. Special saloon ladies'handkeichiefs Monday. Gjpsj wavinsr irons , 25c. Oiiental waving lion , full nickel plated , 5 prongs , 35c. BLACK IIOSIEKY. Monday wo open up our spring and summer assoitment of the Celebiated onv\ djo fast black hosioiy with a grand special halo. Wo aio solo agents for the onjx djc hosiery. No other house has them. A wrlttejii guaianteo goes with every pair , not only as to the d.\o but also for their dm ability. Wo leplaco every pair that dues not give perfect satisfaction. Sale opens Mondav. Mondav.'N. 'N. B. FALCONER. HAYDIN : Clink nnil MllllniTDopiirlnipnts. . SPECIAL EASTER PRICE Till Satui day night on our now ladies' stvllsh spring garments , all tailormade , finest materials. Capes , wiaps , jackets. \ \ o can show you a large stock , made up in the now spring mixtuies , in shade of tan and gray , in all-wool twilled che\ lots ; navy , tan and black notched collar , self-faced lap seam , in all wool kerseys and bioadcloths absolutely everything , and at prices which start at $1.05 and all the wav up to $1 ! ) 00. Special sale on ladles' waists tomor- row. Sllk waists , Japanese silk , blue and white stripe , and also in other colors , handsomely made , full sleeves ; stylish. Tomoriow only $ _ ' .25. Percale waists , beautifully made up in light and dark elTects ; well worth double the pi ice wo ate asking. Tomor iow only 37c. { Ftonch sateen , waists made from extra line Fionch sateens ( silk olleot ) , about four , v aids of material used , tomor- morrow only 75c. Wo have hunilieds of handsome now garments in this doimi tment ; ovoiy ono marked at prlct-s that makes them change from our ptoierty to _ your& qulcklv. KASTlHJ MILLINERY NOVELTIES. New shades in ribbons lluwer , * , orna ments. Everything is now Showing all the iiowost stjles. Hats and bonnets from Paris. Thoi o is not as complete a atook in the city. AtTIMI 1' I P'lMMt rMTP 'ALlONIill ' LASIM EVE Ofiora 100 Full Dress Patterns of Wool Dress Goods at $2,48 Hitch. ACTUALLY WORTH $5,00 EACH TlicioAroNoM iprlnR ( tuinl * > "i ! cr hliown llctnro nnil Aru llrnt ValtioVo Have i\cr ; OITcrcd None on Nnlu Until After 7130 hiiturdny Night. Do you want a traveling dress ? This la a G11AN1) opportunity to get one. To got one of tin-so dress patterns you must bo on time. Only one hundred will bo sold nnd not more than t\vo pat terns to u oustomer. GENTS' lUSTT.U TICS , LV.C . EACH. All in ono lot , 50e , bOo and 7oc. A grand picking of now stj lew , teeks and four-ln-liands ; theiillgowith a rush at 25u each. GKXTS' TIKS AT 500. A big pile of them , .100 do/en , but the > y won't last long at f > 0e ; thcj a > 'o iw , Sl.OO and $1.2. " > ties and you cannot buy them for le-'S at any other tinio than to- inoirow night after 70 : ! o'clock ; bo on hand. NIGHT SHIRTS AT JoC. Hero is an oiler in nightshirts that wo will probably no\er duplicate ; 75o night shirts , made of New York mills muslin , finished In the best possible manner , for two hours tomorrow night , -15c each ; don't miss this chnncu. MEN'S LAUNUHUHl ) PKKCALH AND HALF LAUNDKHi0 ; WOOLEN AND CHEVIOT bltlUTd , $1.00. Just 100 of the o at this price , but they aiechoico bargains and ought not to goat less than * 1.50 , but for this gieat IMiour bale tomorrow night jour choice $1.00 each. Supiily voui"-elf. GKNTS1 llANDKlUK'Hir.rS , SIC. There haiidkeichiefs in this lot worth up to .He each. I do/en to a cus tomer tomorrow night for SI.00. HOOK DIU'AiminXT. SSKCIAL TOU SATURDAY NIGHT at l.'ic. Special sulo of cloth bound books by the best authois , as Lytton , Carlyle , hc > ) tt , Jules Verne , Dickens , Samuel Lover , etc. , etc. . at lee e.ich. l"ic. ! A splendid assortme-nt of bound books , including ptoso and poetical \\oiks by the most popular writers , vi/ . : Long fellow , TeunjsonVhittior , , Lady "f the Lake , Lueife , Lorna D > ono , Romola , Tieiisury of Fairy Tales , and many others , also The Scarlet Letter , in fancy binding at 2'ic each. Do not fail to take adumtago of the c bargains. WAhii GOODS DIPT. : Hemnants ot Scotch ginghams. Kemnunts of domcbtics. Hemnunts of calico. Ixeiunants of fciiteen. Remnants of ilannol. I'l ice ftom . " )0 i er jard up , all lengths and guides. * N. H. FALCONER. iiuos. Tiillt Ii-i | irtnu lit. Finest find dates , 7ic per pound ; figs , I2ic and l.'ic ; best bananas , J'ic ] ier do/en : fancy palermo and messina lemons , l.'ic and l"jc.Vo carry all kinds ol Florida and California oranges , the \ery h'nest Florida oianges that grow , lingo si/e , only 28o per do/en ; California icdlnnd oranges , 2-lc. 22c and 20o. Now temembor wo c.in soil jou oiiinges for lOc , 1-lc and l. > e and \ et'i g < K d ones , too. Call and see our fruit department dow nstairs. BUTTER AND CHEESE. , Country butter , l.'io , 17c and lilc : creamer\20c , 2Jc and 2Ic ; separator cieamery , 2dc. Buj jour butter hero wheiojou can got the best at lowest prices. \Vit-consin full cieani cheese , 7ic , Oc and 12jc ; brick cheese , 10o , 121c and J4c ; Young America full ci cam cheese , lOc ; Swiss cheese. Kic , 18o and 20c ; in fact we can giso jou uny kind of cheese juu want. MEAT DEPARTMEXT. Finest sugar cuied No. 1 hams14c ; picnic hams , lOc ; California , 11V bime- less , rump and jiluto corned beef , 7ic : bologna li\er s.iusago nnd head cheese , all oo per pound ; breakfast bacon , 12c ; ham sausage , 7c } ; blood sausage , fie ; frankfort , bo ; boneles's ham , l.'Jjc : tripe and pigs' feet , life per pound ; dried beef , lOo ; compressed cooked corned beef , lOc per pound. Don't forget to call at our lish dopartment. Our motto , o\ery article - ticlo gmu.uUecd to bo as ropiet-ented 01 money tefunded. IIAYDEN BROS. , Piomoteis of homo industry. Slum Snlc < Siitnnlnj. BROOK BROS' , make ladies' 'Ki.OO French button shoes at ftl.oO , B to E widths , opei.i and C. S. styles. ADAMS ti PETTING ILL'S make ladies' M.oO patent leather , button shoes , at ittf.OO , A to E widths , opoia st\les. 'IIUISKAMI' BROS' , make ladies' Jll.fiO , line climax kid , button shoe's , at $2.7. " > , C , D and E widths , opoia and C. S. styles. Thesoato bargains no lady can aiToid to miss. Como and get choice of si/.e" and \\idths. MEN'SbHOiS. : Men's line calf , hand sowed , $ o.0f sin es , at t.'l.oO , lace andcingiess , A to K width. Men's fine $4.00 calf welt Hhoos , at &t 00 , B to E widths , lace and emigres , , Men's /ebu calf W.oO shoes at W2.o0 , lace and congicss. These goids aio some of the finest made and o\ory luiir a big bargain. IIAYDEN BROS. A line upright piano , used only six monthsat half prlco. Ford & Charlton , 1.108 Dodgo. Dr. Price'5 IS PURE AND SPOTLESS. The only Baking Powder not tainted with Ammonia , Alum , or iomu adulteration. Hence food raised with Dr. Price's is always wholesome. When Flaky White Biscuit , Pastry of surpassing delicacy and flavor , or Cake that is moist and sweet are desired . . . Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder IS INDISPENSABLE. DilT JlBII. . Dl > T DiHQ DIBT entnaics. PiBT OlEUIO. Tllisn twelve beautiful babies have been curcil of the most torturing and dis figuring of skin , scalp and blood diseases with loss of hair , by the Ct-TICfltA Ul Ml.- Dll S alter the best phsicians ) and all other remedies had failed. 'Ilie story of their sufferings is almost too painful for recital. ' 1 lie tiS ! of torture and nights of agony from itching and burning eczemas , and other skin , scalp and blood diseases. Add to this the terrible disfigurement , and life seemed , in most cases scarcely worth the living. Hut these cures are but examples of hundreds made daily by the Curia RA UMIFDIIS. They may be heard of in c\cry town , village and cross-roads Grateful mothe-rs proclaim them cver\\hcrc. In short , CUTILUKA works wonders , nnd its cures are among the most marvellous of tins or any age of medicine. To know that a single application of the Ctnict'KA KEMHIILS will , in the great majority of cases , afford instant relief , permit rest and sleep , and point to a permanent and economical ( because most speedy ) cure , and not to use them without a moment's delay , is to fail in jour duty. Cures made in infancy and childhood are speedy , and permanent. SoM everywhere. Price , CUTICURA , soc ; SoAr , ajc. ; RKIOLVRNT , ft Prepared by POTTBH DRUG AND CHEMICAL CoRronATios , Doston. " All about the Skin , Sciln and Hair" mailed free. IIAVMONI ) , 3 111 : JHWEI.UIL F YOU are ever going to greet your friends with an Easter Present you will buy it tomor row or not all for the world comes to an end April 6th. Look at our window first. RAYMOND. FITLLr < TII AND llOUUIiA" , Dll I" . I. , sp UM > . Consult UK Mirgcon. Grjduato of Hush Medical Oollezo ( to-s- l I.I XI ION I 1:1.1 ) . 1 r tha treatment of AM ) PiOTITE DISEAS \Vo euro Catarrh ) All Dlsoason NOHO. Throat. Ciiost. Stoiii ioU , autl Liver. Blood , Skin anil Kliluoy I Female Wealmessoi , .Lost Mnuhooil CURED. 1'll.BS , KlSPt I.A FIS3UHE , pcrmanentlr cural will out tliv use of knlfo llu'a'.uro or cainttc. All ninladlus of n | irlval < j or UMIcato nature ot cllliei BOX poalllvBly curucJ Call on or address wllli stamp for Urculno , trot liook und lloclpcs , Dr. Scarles & S Np.xt Door lo I'oslnrllca CAW CUH.EP. IT lr Sclionck s tre uiiiont nil I i-uro of Con- suiiiptlun wcro somotliui' now null tintrio I. nvnplo inlcht doubt ; but wb it has provo I it- sell tbroujrh a roror 1 us old us our trruml f itti- ors , ( iiu ins just wh.it H Is A Specific for Consumption i. . ti J fin ill ( UMiaiiM of tlio Lun 4 Nutruit- incnt in tlio "orldoiin pi ice so umriy uiinua- iinut CM rob of ( .inMi'i'iJtiim ' to its cro lit us Iir S liciu U's. Notlilna in Nutiiro fti'lH hoillnx-ilv nnd ( , noitlM > ly un tlio linu inoiiitir nu-s nnd tlbsups , nnil so quickly cllsposoj oftuboii u-i I'oiuostlon , Inlliimmnt on. "ills , uoii4'i-i ' and nil thu Herds of ( oiisuinptlon ns Or. Sshsnck's ' Pulrnonic Syrup Wliun ill ul > .o f i Is it foiiios to tun rMi-iic. Not until It fnlls , ind only after fnltliful trial , \\lion any < > m > duspoud It has biou lit tlio lioiiuii'sj tollfu an I lionltli. 1 1 has turiuMl tlio dubpiilr of ton thoiis in l homes into joy U In ilolns It now. It will lonilnuo to do It tlirou hout tno nitu * l > r .S h-nt\C \ I'lnetlcil 'litiitiMo i i IIIIHU njrtiui.livniii / lituiiucA ll - Mitt innileil free In nil iii > i > llcniln. Dr. J. II. ScJitndc.r boil. 1'IHlad Iji'iM..fc S'iRENGTMiTAllTY.MllOOD V/.IJ. I'UtKr.ll , M.n..No. tltuinnchrt. , I f.Tr. , w 9 ctittf contuitint phyttiianof thf KA'tODYAIF.IUCAK IN.VTlTUTK.to wl. I Nan nisardol the ool.D MFIIAI. l < y the NATI * Ni IMIJCAI. A * lAridKfoi IhoTHI/.i ; KMlAt on 'ih iiiitetl I ttit > Mior'yi\'irroutanJ/Aymu' ' vti/iyaDl alt JHua * i anil IC iAiif t of Mi n AllflPO " 10 yiunff , Hi" middle agid nnd ouL illHrX < uiiniluilon in IHKOII or by Idler 'JMIIL.U I'ro pcctua. with ttBtlinonhU , FKKK l.nrze book. SOI KNC'K OF I.Il'K , OK PKI.K- I IH.SKIIVATJON * XIO pp . 135 tn\alunt IP \ re Plloni. full c IV on' ' , al DO ti mall , BuiUil FREE ! GIVEN AWAY ! FREE ! THE WONDERFUL - TWELVE-ROW PUZZLE ! We OHer Valmblo Prize ] ( er III Solutlonl Have You Had CneT H rot. call t once upon the Leading i'urnishfic Ojods Dealers of jout city who llliupplyiou Free ol Coit. WHAT BRIiliD 18 OH YOUR COLLRR ? It curjlit to be , ifon v.'ear j lo-ccnt collar , lor this brand of collars Is the > ery best value that cm be had In col- Mira tiir tn * nta fhr * CLUETT , COON & CO , is fruit SATURDAY day some more new oranges fresh from ] California at all prices ac- = cordincf to size. We can't n ship less than a- box of [ fruit or a case of wine. California Oranges , lj ( Do/en. California Port , 25c Quart Bottle. D Los Wino , Liqttor null Cigar Co. . 1IG-.1S S IGth St. , Cm tin D . A wliolesomo tonic Delicious to tlio tnMo. ° PRntvful to tlio Momnch I'urlfyini ; to tliu G I blood niic ) ntrt iiKthe'tiliiu to the 8)M ( in. I iisiiri > iitil in u iirurcntUoof anil euro for 1SI VI , VUI \ . J > Vsi > \.niulinrttcii-ffi | " 'nrly cflliitlnim In ni osif iv iiki net ! din s-T [ llvo oiguna and cumpucatiuiu luismj ; there- © i from. o 1 li riuirrd pt Inrlimlly f'riiiti Ilri li ° 'unit ICiiiiln , KIIOXIII ) < > : Oirli nilnili nhlo W I pie | i Cli- ( > i ui.icily toipltllty ul tlio A f liter nnil bunolii. | ABBEY LflDORATORY CO , , f S 1428 MISSISSIPPI AVENUE , ST. LOUIS , MO. f O t'pon receipt of 40 cents to rtofrny our OTo o ponsi * , vovtll innll to liny nililriss , | n i.tnio o Q jircpalil , n trl il tiottln , cent unliif ; luuruunces , Q Q BOLuroly patkid In wooden ta'to. j FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS. $ I'rlco S1 j > or bottle. 8.1 for O bottlci , f ull Flro troclul terms In larttor tots. ARE YOU Ruptured ? \Vo II.IM ) : i Inr o variety of Trusses Bnd Supporters And tire Biiro wo can please juu l'ii\ ' \ ate row for fitting trusses. Laly in nttandnuco for Lilly Customjrs. jlfc du ul Sitt > f > L cs , Snrgual and Rubb f Goods. 114 S. 15th , Next to Postofllce. \W viill nm ( you thori rt ' UH Ficnili 1'rcpamti > n CALTHO3 rit * . anil ft UfMl ( .unranli-e llml < Al II1K- * will Ilr > lur < > lour Jlvallh , Nti nill > and tlpui. t nlamtfa\tftu'sfetl AddrnasVON MOIIUCO. . hill latrliu JJiou , rUiu iU , Olilo. . . RIPAMS TrtBULEO - > .Ui the rtunibcli hvrr w aijuxrU tun frth' Lie d. i- if ( Ka > liilcclu.l lib l it aittUiiiir kn > u for I illuu * uw c usiiiiili n < ljti > p m. ( < ul IjrelU liJ * ; oarirurti Ii fi t f . otimlU U'llnl .I'lv.ion l Illtv U | l.iWi wllow c lun &nd rt Oimnnro bla < rltr a Ulu b. It , ; , t m. ; h _ ! . . _ r u < u t < r * * mmmmmmmmmmwmmntmm i EASTER West north or south at home o abroad no house that you know of sells boys' clothing as ve sell It not one. B 1 Rl at aH times unapproachable values there Is one \\eeU hi each ( Ifty-two \ \ hichve devote more particularly or to the boys than any other this , the \\eek before ( vaster. A special 500 \\lll be olTered to "The Nebraska's" patrons today In two distinct lots at prices' thatl l"suit" \ \ dad's * pockctbooK while we suit the boy. & there are three hiuulreil nobby fancy chev lot suits ith plaited coats ages 5 to 11 the three dollar Miul anil two hmulreit line all wool fancy cheviot suits ages 5 to 1/1 with elouble-breasteil square cut coats. Yon expected to pay three liftj for just such suits. The center spate of this mlvui tlsoincnt will ulw i\s contain an asion ono ilay'a bargain" \\A'icn ruu ir Grand sale of Silks and Dress Goods Tomorroiv. Remnant Sale in our domestic depart ment Thousands of odds and ends. If you want to buy 's ' and Ladies' ' Shoes get onr prices fust. Special sale tomorrow. We have the largest and most complete Millinery Dep't in Omaha. Saturday will be a great day in on men's and ladies' Furnishing Dep't Our bran new stock of Capes and Wraps is one of the attractions on our second floor. Prices the lowest. EASTER EGGS We Wo Will Eveff Egg CENTS Will Not Not a Be Fresh .Be , Dozen , Under Und > r- At THE BELL sold. * sold. 'TOMORROW- Don't mhs the Great Thread Sale in our notion department tomoirow. Best 200 yd. spool only Ycents. . Sale of Crockery and Glassware in basement , Tomorrow and next week. We sell Good .Groceries cheaper than any house in the city. 1'rompt delivery. Men's Hats. We can save yon one third in this line. All lat est styles and good quality. We sell all patent medi cines lower than other houses. Try us. Get prices in our Drug Department. We are headquarters for Pianos and Organs. Examine our famous WHOM AN PIANO. DOD&E AND IStli STREETS ,