\ THK OMAHA DAILY KEK FUIIUY , MMUMF HI , 1S9S. F Mr. Ar amHOt * AraUwt Se&tiag AppotoVecl TOO MUCH POWER V N GOVERNORS r u Ctaatd * llr ITMfl 1 l > fif at l I > nplf WlH-TVImt on rt PoMow mrnt nf snfli 1'rpprilf-nU T ) . C. Man * Wl Today' * dc-batc * Urt d yesterday on the qwwtion of the admission of the Mmators appointed by the pr.vrrnor * of the ht tcs at Montana. " \\yonr.itiFand Wa Mnpten. after the Icpls- laturcs r.f ilinic nt&te had ftAjtwaed wlth- cat tr k-iip rcjrnl&r dtoctfcm * Mr i'handler a od unanlmons cvwiMil to withdraw the rosolntlmi offorW by him yes- lerAnj and to Mibs.titnt for it one directing the cnnTnlttee on irtvil ff i and eilPCtWiJis to icvoj.ticatc n * tatament Qororatory to SenaTor - Tor Powrct of Montana contained in the "Washmpt.m Po t of yesterday ana to report whether any. and if no , what action shoold Ins taken thnrnon hy the .v.naWi , with power to seriii for j > pr nns and papers. Mrst said that he would not o eci to the resolution . ft r stome further di fTis- sion the nmttw went oror. Mr Tliera iked and ohUinrxl leave of ab sence for the remainder of this extraordinary Mr Mitchell inquired what bSBtaess was before the oenKto. _ . The vine presMent decMod that the reso lution for the admission of Mr. Mintle as senator from the slate of Montana was be fore th < senate. Mr. Mltrlioir * Mr Mitchell ( a member of the committee on privilege * and elections. ) addressed the senate 111 opposition to the majority report And in defense of the minority report , which declares Mr Mtntle not entitled to the seat. The question involved was. he said , not only oae of highest privilege , but one of trans cendent importance It was one. the decisian B of which aid not depend upon the determina tion of sinj question ol fact , but rested soldi on constitutional and statutory con struction Jt might seem somewhat strance that there should lie , after the lapse of over KKi j ears since the adoption of the con stitution room for any serious difference of fijirion as to whether the executive of a suite had or hud not the constitutional power an a piven case ) to confer on a dtiren by appointment the right to a seat , temporarily or otherwise wise in the senate of the United States , and jet the report on ihe cas * under considera tion and the debate upon it showed that was S3Mr M.trhfill went on to arcne his side of the oursnon on legal and constitutional prin- oph-s One strong point in Mr. Mitchell's argument was emphasied through n ques- ti > n put to him by another minority member < f the committee , Mr Vance ( democrat , > orth Carolina i as to whether he could point out an.i case in the constitution where a duty tic-ing primarily imposed upon an offi cer the duty of performing that duty was conferred on another officer on the failure of the first to perform it for It. 'There is no such caie in the constitu tion. " Mr Mitchell replied "It cannot be found. I have l > eon trying for the last hour to prove that the men -who framed the con stitution of the United States , after having designated a tribunal to perform a constitu tional function , never dreamed of providing a substitute to perform that constitutional Junction , in the event of the failure on the part of 'he tribunal originally provided to do . .ts duty " .Among the disastrous consequences that would follow the adoption of the majority rcjiort , Mr Mitchell mentioned these "It would unreasonably augment and extend the prerogatives ol a state executive over those T tne legislature and subordinate the con- Wtutional functions of the legislature to those ol the executive. Jt would place a premium rm jrwin'm to partorffanifjtAon and party discipline It would encourace factions , and minorities In legislatures in filibustering efforts to defeat the election of senators And itwould tend to prevent a lair expression of the -will of the majority of the legislature , " ' Stab at Rrpnlillcnn GoirrnmrnV In conclusion he expressed his conviction that the majority of the senate -would vote for the admission of the three senators He Je.t that the die was cast. But such a vote would be one to overturn the deliberate precedent established by the senate after lull consideration over sixty-eicht years ago 3t would be one to reject the construction put -upon the constitution b.v such constitu tional lawyers and statesmen as Webster and Clay , Douglas and Seward and Blaina Itwould establish a rule , in virtue of which the great fundamental principle that vested sn the legislature of a state the power of thoofcing senators -would be subverted It would establish a precedent that would re sult unside of ton years ) in having one- tUlra of the senators men who oved their seats to executive appointment. And it would mfiii t a fatal stab on the great princi ple of republican government , The matter then went over ( Mr , Turpie .having the floor when the subject comes up ) After un executive session the senate ad journed until Monday. UAVAIin rOK GKUAT 11IUTA1X. Clnvolacd NUUK-B Ills lil-'Sorrrtary or State UK AutlmHRador to Kiipland. WARHrsGTos , D. C . March 38 The pres ident sent the senate the following nomina tions Thomas F Bayard of Delaware , ambassa dor extraordinary and minister plenipoten tiary to Great Britain. The nomination was confirmed -without reference.v Ministers J. D. Porter of Tennessee to Chill , J A. McKenrie of Kentucky to Peru ; IJewis Baker of Minnesota to Nicaragua. Costa Rica and Salvador ; P. M , Young of Georgia , to Guatemala and Honduras , Edwin Dunn of Ohio , to Japan. John Reynold * of Pennsylvania , asi'.s. tant swrotary of the interior. J L Hall of Georgia , assistant attorney general T M Stephen of Illinois , consul tf > Anns , borgNewton Newton B Euetls of Louisiana to be seoouc wcretnry of legation f the United States al Paris Lawrence Maxwell , Jr. . of Ohio , to Ix sriUcitor general , vice Charles ii. Aldneh , re signed. Who ThrjArt. . First oil tht list of nominations today aiK first iiUoug public service HIM ! in U | > lonmtit experience was Thomas F Bayard , and ii was by unanimous opiukui declared fitting that hekhuuld be the tint of the arabaasa dors created by the lnbt eougrohs. His difc Unguitbeid rax rd is wall known. James A McKwiiie of Kwntwky. whc cws M minister lo Peru , betOdes represeut ing liis state in i < ougrefis. uas t > t > en a-del pav to the iast imtioiml democratic convention It was Mc-Xcuzie who made tbe eelebratec i * rb at tbeSt Louis oouv * nt on , wbereii lie lik ii d Cleveland to o thoroughbred Ken turky rucxborse , ready for vit'Uir.v At thi Chioccc' eonvejition he broke away froa Beorjr Watv > rt.on'i Itittd aud by hnotbe : timely Hpoach carnexl a nuaber of lis fellov dtJegatet. from Keiituckj over to th Cieve land line Jame * D Porter nominated to be mlnistc : to dull to succeed Patrick Kgan , it a ros\ \ dent of Paris. Tenn . where be u at ureettn enraged in the practice of luw He is ai able lawyer , wa assistnt soeret&ry o etatt ULaer Mr Bayard and from 1ST4 f li 7fi goTtruur of Teuw * * ; Pierce M B Young nuuiiiuUtMl as miiiic ttrto Cjuatemula , wus a distinguUhe. major geitrml of cavalry iu the ooufuderaVi liTIE.V tdwm Du&u. tuoniinated u uitiUter t Japan M a ciUieu of I. < nnloa. O. Hu ooax ttttKui is in the Mtwe ul | HMtiWi , for tt it A bold-over iron the pivriou * dwmocmU idnunutrauon. Mr CJeveAaud. w b u prcn cent iefere , cuide Mr. Duca Mxret&ry cf tb \ Japan , find fm iww > enl f hu unrvlon an * uMlitv ha * rt-Utnfvl > n Mr In Md > o . The oMMiBatlcm < * f Mr f fMnrtmtati U > utvm M that o' ft man Mtkvtod prrr > MtM > liU.T for his < | UfioAWrmn for lh * plarp Thwioor * M H-j ha * . Am itnVo4 coo l kt Aniwkbivc , Gfrmn\ a l itt nin ini t # > r at A * ttn Til In thr r mpfi C ot 1H S h T * chairman of Utr numpatcn cowmltU * of thr I < aUMT * charrKtw of llllnMfs Mid , wn hnracht iti'o InUmxVo rrtntJvnis rpc3tnnie 4 Uo hi * ApjwtatBMWt was nude Anothpr > r | i i > * ir Man. Cl o6 > Mfwkw. nominated ofmsvlfi I\r d- ford , ISnclftud. H nrwpp r man. He has been chtefljr ronnoct * with t H > CHtdnnaU I2n < inirer , nnd wns thp Trtr te < K > cr ittry of OoTwntor Campb-U durtnc h s temiBbflncy iti th toflc . H U Williams , tit * new oonsnl Jo Vern Crm. is from C i < p Girardean comity , Mi - wmri , and his npiHilntrnmt is in Imp with the T cy which hns be i asrribpa M > nhf pnmideflt of requiring appMnMvs to be fitt * 1 for th lr piacpf. He tins travnlcd axt < m- Mroly io Mexico , and si eaks the lanpBng * of that countrj. Ijewis Baiter is editor of the St Paul Oh > b , was born in Bnimont county. Ohk > , November T , 1'fltt. His parents were loth Pfttinsylvanians lie was associated with the lute S S Cov in the condncl of the Daily Ohio SUtfsmnn. Colnmbns , for a brtff p nod : afKrwards studied law under Jndge A. G Thurman. He spcurwl control of the Rt Paul Glebe and placed it in the front rank of the western journals He was delegalatlargc from West Virginia in tlte democratic national convention In lv , and was a sttronc advocate of Cleveland s nomination : was delw t < M-lnrpe from Mitinesnu iti 13P2 AS an advocate of Cleve land's nomination. He was chairman of the democratic state committee of Minnesota during the last campakm. and rendered most efficient sorvioe His only previous rwhtical oftk * WHS presiding officer of the Weil Virginia senate in isTfl , which was at that time republican Nornlrmtlmiii Conflrmi-d. Tne SMmte has connrmod the folknving nominations Thomas F. Bayard , ambassador to Great Britain. William T. Gary of Georgia , attorney of tht > United States southern district of Georgia. Joseph S .Tamos of Georgia , attorney of the United States northern district of Goorria George .T Dennis of California , attorney of the United States southern district of Cali fornia. ITIM , SMASH Till : SI..VTK- . nt rictclaml Announce * Ills 1'ollcj- In lirgard to Appnlntmenls. WAvnisaTON , D. C , March ,10 There were no signs of a letting up in the rush of office seekers at the while house today. "But Mr. President , what are you going to do with the 'slates' that the congressional delegations are fixing up about the distri bution of local patronage ! " " 1 am going to smash them " This is the question reported to have been put to the president bj a congressman and the reply of the president. It is said to have followed a conversation which is said to have proceeded some time between the president and several members of a certain delegation of congressmen over the question of local appointments. They leaned that while the agreement of a delegation upon local ofticTS may have weight , the president will not be liound by it. So plain has this policy of the president become , that the Alabama aelepation has decided to abandon its slate heretofore agreed upon. This lead will be followed by other delegations with the re sult that probably the contest for office will lie a free-for-all race , and each candidate will run on his own merits This will prob ably be satisfactory to many congressmen , for it will relieve them of considerable re sponsibility. A strong pressure is being brought to bear on Mr Cleveland to have him select a com missioner of pensions from a state east of the Alleghonies. Those who are exerting influence to this end argue that the west " had the office too many "times , and it is now the turn for the cast. But he intimated that the new commissioner will be a younc man of known ability , not too closely allied to practical politics. The presided told .a recent caller that he had information -which led him to believe that the force of clerks in the pension office ( Wild be reduced by about 400 or "i ( 0 to the benefit of the government , not only in oocmomy. but in the more rapid disposition of the -work. CAROI > AGAINST .MINISTER KliUEV. Senator Voortaee * Prodnpen Evidence to show They Are raise. WASHisflTOX , D C , March 30. Senator Voorhees todaj sent a dispatch to his law partner in recard to the Golden Circle charges made against Minister John H Ris- ley , and says , in part "The statement that I ever connected Mr. Risley's name -with the paper seized in my former law office by Carrington in 1S64 is ut terly false , Risley was married and went to .New York in October , 1SG3. He visited Terre Haute in the spring of 1S55 and has continued to do so at least once a year from that time to the present. During this period of twenty-cicht years he has often spent weeks at a time in Indianapolis in different parts of the state on the trial of cases in court He never received a hint or a sug gestion that he owed anybody anything OE account of the transaction spoken of until bis appointment apjKiarod in the papers. Of course , the whole story is a wretched lie and . after than ' , now. more tsrent3'-ninc years , JUsJc.v will not plead tne statute of limitation if anyone wishes to bring suit. If money was raised as alleged it stuck tc somebody s 1 a-ids b it the to nebody's hands who now wishes to 'hift his own guilt Whether Mr. Risley was a member of the KnicM * c.f the .oMon i'4M or Soft * "f Uhrrly no Mchrr auih. > nt\ run rxi V than \\illlamr. Mr/run ! iv.w-1 M.-Ixn va a wonibor of ihr ok < bn i wiiltuir.r court that triad IVm-lr * . M4liiurft an > l others and thor- tnrmtlv * * * ! vh * > ortBtn Mid hHtorjr HP * thorlrMt UK- the record * of th trials bow tfcat tbr MM order * or mtrantxatlon * cam * into nvHUmor in Indian * durinc the wintw of r ( B ana 1 < * H. which was afior RUle ar- rtwd Mid wwit to NVw York i * October , 13IW , and that nrtthw R4 k < ! r > name nor unythinit potatlnc Jo him as a rocmbw of rtthw o ? UMK * * onranUatkms was d nor re4 in tk proc iaj irs of that vltflant rotlivary court. " WlUt. .MM'OI.VT A RHCr.lVliR. Hank Pallnre Oronlnc In Tro- portlonV fchlnelon Notes. WA IV TON. D. C , March -Ootnp- - troWer Hwb rn * arf this aflvmoon that h * ww > M appoint a receiver for th * Ooitinwrclal National bank at Nashville , Tenn. The failnre , that at first fsn cd small , has been ( Trowing to larger proportions , and will ex- road in amount $ .VHXOM. rrank PorterfleiJd , Ui nashi r of the bank , at the Instance of the government , has been arrested for CBI- b < * donM-nt , and it is intimnt < d that other arrests of higher offidnls will follow Minister Kgan today cabled the Department - mont ofStAte that the president of Chili had Avpointod Domingo Gano , envoy extraordi- narj and mmistw pl < nipiM < ntiary to the United States Mr Gano will also act as arbitrator for Onih on the commission pro vided for b > the rwont trsatj to stt e the claims of eitlaons of either country against the goveniment of the other The cases and counter cases of the United States and Gwwt Britain under the treaty to arbitral * the Berinc sea diflk-ulties l > o- twe i the two pountri < - < i were slmultane- ouslj sent to the UnitM States senate today and the House of Parliament in London Both j > artles flic claims for damaces. the Unit d States for loss to its revenue on no count of the losses of the Alaskan commerce. because of the reduced number of skins taken , owinp 'to t'ae diminution of the herd hv the pelagic sealing of Bntish vessels , and Great Britain on account of losses to the owners of vessels seized by the United States _ ANOTHEK CIUM > K THICK. Scheme Adopted by Them on the Pacific Co.ikt to Etxde HieKxeluMon Law. WASHINGTON , D C . March ! W Another sleek scheme to evade th. exclusion act is causing considerable trouble to government officials The scheme is practiced princi pally on the Pacific coast inrt is thatChinese laborers who may have accumulated a cer tain sum of money , put it into Chinese busi ness firms , the real officers of which , for a consideration , declare the newcomer a part ner. The latter " is thereby allowed the privileges of n "merchant. " and is entitled on leaving the country to return lo the United States as other merchants here can do Assistant Secretary Spauldinp has sent instructions i to collectors on the coast to closelj scrntin- ize the certificates which may oe presented at their ports by returning Chinese and to require evidence of the standing of the holders as liona fide merchants , actively en gaged in business In no case should Chinese be permitted to enter as merchants unless their right to the privilege is clearly estab lished , and where it appears that the prac tice therein referred to is attempted , the certificate presented should be ignored , the holders arrested and the facts reported to the department. ATLANTA'S HANK Ml'DDLC. Anotlmr CompllratiunVhlrh Results In rurtlierlnvestlgHtlon l > j- the Government. WisntsoTON. D. C. , March 80 It is authoritively learned at the department of justice that Special Counsel Henry W. Jackson , cmolo.ved in the Gate City National bank case of Atlanta , Ga , has not been removed , but any further action on his part in the case has lioen suspended till Attorney General Olne.\ and Secretary Carhlse of the treasury agree on a course to bo pursued. The case bus assumed a very peculiar phase. The bank today in the opinion of the treasury officials , is in a position to open its doors and pay evwr dollar of its indebtedness caused by the defalcation of Cashier Redwine. but there is said to be a disagreement as to who shall constitute the board of directors. Jack son was formerly counsel for thobank. His sou committed * suicide shortly after Rt-dwine's defalcation became known This over whelmed Jackson with grief , and it is said he made some very wild statements arainst the members of the old board of directors. They were so grave that the government felt called on to stop further action on his part in the case till a searching investiga tion of the bank's condition can be made , DOCK Not Create. Alarm at WAMIINGTON. D C , March SO. The cable grams announcing cholera in Austria and Russia do not create any alarm in official cir cles here. No official confirmation of the news has been received , but the United States government is prepared for any ordi nary emergency that may arise. It alreadj has agents at the principal ports of Europe , whence emigrants depart for the United | Stales : also marine hospital directors at all the principal quarantine stations here and besides all this the local authorities are cordially co-operating with the government in the matter of the enforcement of the in spection ami quarantine regulations , both on tne frontiers and seaboards. Still UUcnf.mii : Appointed fr WASHINGTON , D C .March 80 The debate started j > esterday on the question of the right to seats in the senate of the persons appointed by the covernors , of Montana , Washington and Wyoming was resumed this morning. Mr Mitchell of Oregon made a legal and constitutional argument against the report of the committee on privileges and elections , waich declares them entitled to their scats When B. Woman Proposes to wash clothes without Pearline , her husband or her employer ought to interfere. She is not only wearing out her own health and strength with useless rubbing and scrubbing , but she is wearing out the clothes with it , too. This rub , rub , rub isn't needed. Put Pearline into the water , and you'll find half the work done by the time you are ready to begin. It's Pearline that loosens the dirt and does the work not you with your washboard. Just a little rinsing and it's all over. Peddlers end some unscrupulous grocers will tell 'you , "this is as good as" or "the same as Pearline. " IT'S _ FALSE Pearhne it never peddled , if your rroccr send' yoaTn imitation , be honest--senJ il te.'i. S3 JAMES pyLlf. New Vort. N'S OOGOA U In no * ' lunous Vj ImalUi. and thatltlrdocldedly more nutritious than oUier Cocoa' . Jtu-trtamlr " 1'tir * * feudl.ishlr dic'buble. 'Ih-quotiiUunkln - taln ndTertls"inent drcii T radi rivals ) ! rjm tpy boot on Therapeutlrj , are quite Eiitleadjnc.andoatcotrKisrjtily i ppiy ti VAN ! ! > JTCK sCocoi. " Tlie Jalte rrHrdian c > n ViS Mo ; irv'sCooOi tf t > ui rfrctun'iyrrprnnl on-I thr rrrv autliority citrd to injure it , if 1'irrr v prompted to ginitarrryhandtomttfiltmomal. u IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED , " SAPOLIO RUN DOWN A CHICKEN T111E 1 1 nv f Lincoln O&CM * Aftr VEHtCLE OF THE fifttTWE COLLAPSED n S ntrnf * H to Ilif rrnltrntlnry Cor TlirroV r ll r ShootlnR Han Hunry Other Criminal Court Xrw of I.IVOM.N , N > b , March TO { Sp * nl t THK HEH ] Chiirtrs Suhl. .1 yoonc mun who h hw * > kwvptoc hon i * forhltn > elf At S VXH | and B street * . TOH rundown today a * a rhtcken thief after an exciting chne hv two pnr B- tnp offlcw * and is , ft waiting a hmrtag on the charge of burglary. Two barns IB thi vi- cinUj of Sercath and Smith strwtls war * hrwkpn oxm ln l nieht and some two iV > rm chickens stolen from C. O. D.irU find A Ketcham. This morning Detectives I\mnt1 and O'Shof traced the chicken * to Stfthl's hwiwv Ijearnlne that th * ofikws wr # uron his track Sihl harnps ed his males , loaded some v kine Hi emails into a lichtraeonnnd strto < l southward. OfBrw O'Shcp 5 * n n ft fir borrowd a p.tny and stir-tod in pur suit He found Stahl > waeon fomkMt down about a mile out of to n find two or thtve miles further on , near the as.Uum , rode down the fiirilivf The officer * found one of the stolen chicken * , at Stnhl's horn * and have loi-atoa n butcher sh p , 'J049 O street , where he dispnsjxl of the others at > o'clock this mornlnc In thp ronrts. Mike MoCann. the hackman. who shot but failed to kill Dan Hancy , another hack- man , was hroucht before Judec Strode at 2 o'clock this afternoon to ho sentenced. He had boon convicted of shooting with intent to kill , and was piven three years in the pen The trouble between the two prow out of Haney's paying attention to McCann's plrl.Charles Charles 3. Wilson , the yount ; follow ac cused of criminal assault upon his little ( Vj ear-old cousin , waived examination in Judca Lansing's court today , and was bound over to dKtrk t court in the sun of $1OA > bail , which he pave County Attornej Woodward today filoJ in formation acainst .lohn Murray , charpine him with assault with intent to do proat bodily harm Murray some months since assaulted Mrs Barry , an actress , who was on her way home from thr theater after the performance , suppoi-inj ; she was his cs- tranpod wife M. V. Jladford had a trial before .lusticc Foxworthy today on the charce of ill-tre.it- inp his horses by dcnyinp them sufficient food and shelter. There was a larpe amount of swoarinp done in the case and at the dose lladford wks disrharpod. Cnarlcs Webster , who resides near Waverlj and wno has in the past achieved con siderable notonety bv reason of his pucilis- ] tic and other idiosyncrasies , was arrested to.lay on a chareo preferred by W 11 H Dunn of converting $1V04 to his own use I'lly lnrlcr. Austin Humphrey is-nrouna today circu- latinp subscription lists for the buying back by the Lincoln Hotel coaipany of the prop erty which was sold nt sheriff's sale tao other day. H is stated that a defect in the oripinal articles of inoorparation was respon sible for the demoralized condition of the company's affairs. - , Pearl Buchanan , thp..young woman ar rested yesterday on the c'harpe of steallnp a typewriter's silk waist ; "was released today , as'no one appeared to urosecute. Sheriff M. S McGrew of Tckamah was m the city today and secured requisition papers i for the return to Nebraska of John Woods , a i barber , formerly of Lincoln , but who is wanted in Tckamah for running off ivith an outfit intended for tfmsorialuses , some clothing and Jowelr.v. Heiilso took a pocketbook - book containing $11 .from a youpp woman with whom he had beea keeping company. He is now under arrest at GuthneCenter , la. Norfolk Wedding HcllK. Konroi-K , Neb. , March ! W [ Special to THE Ben. ] Miss Clara McBridc and Super intendent C H. Reynolds were married at high noon yesterday at the home of the bride's parents in the Heights. It was a very pretty home woddinp , and the many beautiful presents showed how highly this worthy couple are appreciated 'by their many friends. About seventy-five guests wore present It Cere Ccldt. Ctrochi. Sere Throat , Croup. In n. ccta , Whoopicc Conf h , LrcscLitit aid Atthct- & certain care fr Contunstjon in m etLcce , end a cere relief ia tdranced tUstt. Ute at cnc . Toe Trill tf 5 the eitrllut effect i ter tikint th : rst dote. Ecld V ; e&leri Ter7vhca , Iikrr 1'roldrut nf CDR MEnirAi. AND srnr.ic.M. CHa DISPENSARY. PILES. FISTULA , riS'fnE , parimnentlr iir d vltuout tbe u e of tnlfa JUiture or ciunle. All maladlei of a orlr le or aaiic le nature , of either ex ito ltTelr ! cnrtitl. THKATSIKM HV MAIL. - Ad3re i w.th rlRCip fur parxtcnlarKrlrtcb will tie teal 10 plslu rrelop ! I * U Hoi G.M US i lith-n .Omaha. NeS Tc-jth ertractel In mornln ; New cDelc crt < > (1ufter ( ono etlnc day 1'erlect tit cuar amc-rd 3rdrioor. Farton Block. 16thandFarnam Streets. Elcralor ou tCth bt Teltrjibone Dsi UR1NO TH WITH YOU l atlopal L . S. DEl'OSlTOltY. OM.lllA. XKU. Capital S100.000 ' Surplus. . 505,000 Cfficeri oa nirMteri Iteorr W. Tatti. prul Ii t n. C. Cniblix , Tlc priU ai ; C S Muriel. Y. Worn Joka4 Colllai J. X. U. Patnci. Lj iu I UooO , ciitaler. THE lUO ? . ' BANK. DISORDERS _ _ _ _ Aol all th * trula of \\BAICM-SBS iiEuiLirr urimtac ttmm la men gi.CiLf ail l.ltMA- EIJ. ru , Bi'HbNf , m na u > o > I'eo rnrtotie t jir I will a1 i r l-UKKaa jr lufferer tbe latterly IOD tbtt enrel u etf > o trouble * Adlrex. THE FACT That AY KK'S Sftrsnpanllft cvnna OTIJKRS of Scrofulous ) $ * . OA. Kruptions , Boils , Ec emn , I.ivernmt KMney l iswisos , Pyspcpsift , llhen. mMism , jul Cntnrrh should l > o con- vincinjr Hint the snme course of treatment WILT. ITKK vor. All that IMS lxn said of the wonderful cures effected by the use of AVER'S Sarsapariila during the past 50 years , truthfully applies to-day. It is , in eery sense , The Superior Medicine. Its cura tive properties , strength , effect , and flavor are nlwajs the same : and for whatever blood diseases A YEN'S Sarsnpanlla is taken. thejield to this treatment. When > ou ask for BarsapanlSa don't be induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes , \\hicli are mostly mixtures of the cheapest in- credients , contain no sarsapanlla , liavo no uniform standard of ap pearance , flavor , or effect , are blood- purifiers in name only , and are of fered to you because there is more profit in selling them. Take Sarsapariila Pi-enure J bI > r J C Avcr Co. , IxiTrell , M . Sold tu a.i Pruprlit * . 1'nrc f 1 , f i t > oul , t& . Cures others m\\ \ \ cure you " 1 have bad a long experience In the treatment of Kidney Diseases with LO\DO.MiERR\ am pleased to add my testimonial , although I think it unnecessary , from the fact that the effects of the water speak wore clftquenity than any voids which 1 might utter. I prize it very highly in all cases of Chronic Rheuma tism or other manifestations of the con dition known as the 'Lithic Acid Diathesis' I have used the water ex tensively in my practice , and intend to continue the use of iu" . rrnni I. X. ruXFor.TIl , A M. , M. n. . Prof. Taltiolesy iin.l lirniil liivimtt v\oncn' : MM. Collfgp , Ci ! > < & 0 , bpocl&ljfcl in Kidney l > igc&Acs , ic , Londonderry Lithia Waier Co , , , X II Clias R. PcrUn & Ca.bollmj Apcnts M Kllbj- SU Hasten M iss. PAX ! ON & GALLAUITER , Plstributln ; Agents for Umnha. S3 SHOE Do j nu wear them ? When next In need try a pair , they will give you mere comfort and ser\lee for the money than ary otbsr make. Best in the world. ,53.00 W. L , Douglas Shoes Ere made In all the Latest Styles , tf you want a fine DRESS SHOE don't pay $6 to SB , try my S3.50 , 4 or 55 Shoe , They wtllfit equal to cus tom made and look and wear at veil. If you uUh to economize In your footwear , you can do so ty purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes. My name and price is stamped on the bottom , look for it uhen you buy. Take no sub stitute. I send shoes by nail tpon recc-ipt of price , postage free , when - ho < Dealers cannot supply you , \T. L. DOUGLAS , ItrocLtcn , JIaf . Sold by Manner 'ttei/U-r. Kelley. btlcer A. Co. . 0. P C irlson. Eilas Siecsor. Ipn.tz Newman J. Om-ba. It will pay you TO BRING YOUR TO US. We will save you money. We prepare medicines ana t-cll crags ut low prices Wo do not sell patent medicine. Our busitioU is Surgical Instruments And Surgical Supplies. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , 114 South 15th Street , , Next to Po&toffloo. 1'rojiokaU for the Krrcllon ofa I'arl ol the \Vonline State IVnltentlar.v. Si-ale < 3 propo al will 1 recc-U'od by tlio Wy- omlni ; State ISoardof t'liarllli-s arid Keform until Ihc Ut day of May. 1H'J3. at 4 o'clock p ID. of Mild day. for furnUljins : inutPrlals and erection of a jxirllon of llici Wyuiulu ; state pcnltentlHry at Kawllufc , WyoinltiK. In coia- pnanre with the provisions and limitations of M < cllon < i 19 and Us. chapter 30 , M-ssion Law ISHh , Uyotulnc. and chapter 17. Session LaTs 1B33youilns. . I'lanv i > pi < ciUcattoa < i and Instruction * to bid ders , may t > e KWII Ht the office of the fcecretary of the Uiaixl , Cheyenne. WyoiHlns. All bidders will bo required to furnish with his or their bld a certified rutx-W , payable tu the ( secretary of the board to the amount of Jl.OOO , which check will l > e forfeited to the Mate In the event of failure of bidder to enter Into contract within ton dayk and execute a Ixjiid to tlie stale cf Wyoming. In not lfsttiai the amount of the proposal of iucti [ KTWHI or iMTHOtik , which lx > nd&hall be approved by the Ixiard The Hoard of Charltloc arid Reform mwrvt-s the rl ht to rc'Jttct any and all bids. In awarding a contract preference will be eUu i tu nmteriuU aud latxir of tills ttnt < > All btdK nuut be waled and endori > r > d , "I'ro- | x > uU for the erection of the Viyowlne btate pt ilt ntlary. " 1'or further Information apply to the secretary of the board at . . tary Cheyenne. Wjutuluc. OTTodl AMM.J CHAHLllS W. ItritOICK. K. T. I'AKWELL. Hoard of Charltli-k and Reform. < Attet NT. lAimKLL. , Secretary Cheyenne , Wyoming , March 27. 1H93M30d7t Continental Clothing House. Great Re-Opening Sale SPRING OVERCOATS At $5.00 Beginning Friday morn ing , March 31st. 150 men's absolutely all wool dark seal brown melton Overcoats , all sixes , 34 to 42 ; a regular $10 garment at $5. At $5.00 125 men's overcoats .in brown English kersey , full silkslecvcs and silk faced , sizes 35 to 40 , at $5.00 each. Don't miss them. At $5.00 100 drab melton , absolutely wool , serge lined , satin sleeves , at $5.00 , Sold Everywhere for $10.00. At $5.00 115 olive mixed melton over coats , regular $10.00 trimmings , honest work manship , at $5.00. Be sure and get one. OUT OF TOWN. Mail orders filled with the understanding that they may be returned if not satisfactory. See our $10.00 and $12.00 overcoats before you buy. BOYS' DEPARTMENT. Re-opened , Everything new. Great sale of Easter clothing this week. BOY'S CHEVIOT SUITS , price $1.75 500 suits new spring goods , all wool cheviot , at $1.75 , age 4 to 14. ' BOYS'HAT DEPARTMENT. ' 500 styles of boys' headwear. Cloth Hats On Saturday 25c. 15th AN > DOUGLAS STS. We close at 6.30. Saturdays , 10 o'clock. 1816 UouQlas Street , Omcihn , Neb. , TboemlQpnt Kpeclallit in nerroui chronic print * bliod ikla nl uHnir . ? duo uji A roculir nnl reclilored kTftduatala , n > 9llna ) , ai dlpltimn an4 ce-tinatoi will aluir Ii tl.l tranlnr with lha vroiUit BUCCMK c Urrh . lost minaool fmlnai we > knii nUjt loiist all nrul fnrmiof private dlnuei. No mercury u ) l. New . treattnsat for lee of vli l powir 1'ariUj tinjbla 10 vUlt mam 17 be trailed t homj br correspondence. Medicine or 11 lira ii'nti r > u br mill or oriii laural ? pic J no rairki lo lodl- caU > ontenuorienaer One psnoa l Inturripw . praforrjj Coniullitlon f rea CorraiponJeaCJ mrlctlr prime llook ( Mruerlos or l-tfej snt freo. Offlj bouri , 1 * a m to9p la aunlari 10 a m tj Urn. end tump for clrcu Ur ARE YOU Ruptured ? n tyYo have a larja variety of JL 1 LlooUo and Supporters And are sure wo can please you 1'rivale ' room for fillio ? lrasss. Lady in attendance for Lady Customers. Afcdical Supplies , Surgical and Rubber Goods. 114 S. 15th. Next to Postolllce. YOUR EYE ! ARE TROUBLING YOU ! WfU.ecme and bare tho-n nnln l by alt optnlin rte ot ( tmrre. anl.lt n - t arr. duel witta apalrot our"l'ISUr cTIUN' UPKCTACLuSor KVK Jl.ASi fcB tlie t > e > l lo tne world. If you do not oeel Kla e > we will i lljoa MI aDdalrtta you waat lodo. GOLD HT.OTACLES or KVK GLA.99B3 UlUM H H Ul' . riaia , uot . blue or wbli ( la e < , for pruMcliaziai Max Meyer & Bro. Co Jewelers and Opticians. l/lft ) oiJ.rjJ. New York Hospital Treatment rort ALI ? Chronic , Hsrrosj , Prlvatj ai ( Special Diseasss. 25yo&rsexporlonoo. DISEAStS OF WOMEI TronteJ nt $503 a montl and all iiiojlcluc ? furnUhod. All other troubles treated at reasonable Charges. CO.NSl'LfATION I'llZC. Callouoi DB , SEYMOUR PUTNIM DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NEB Oxygen ! HERE'S THE WAV _ _ It U u > od tocuro rnu aprice- le a. pure , p casmiUllUKATII- 1NO treatment. 1 lie wonder ful , twin , a i iti ; ci'Uh for CouKtii , Catarrh llronctilti ! , Astliina. Coniuniptlan. Head ache ulck or nervoui ) , Nur- TOUS 1'roktratlon llrlcnt , rlcli blood ! Nrwonergr' ' Kuitlo Hep' In fact , a n w Dorson. Oxreen Itook" and 4 triali rufiM Cfcilorwrlio SPECiriC OXYGEN CO. , Bulto &ly o oelHldi ,