6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; -ElUfRSDAY , MARCH SO , 18M. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Eitremely Sensational Scenes on the Chicago Board of Trado. MAY WHEAT BROKE NEARLY EIGHT CENTS Coiifiinloii and I'Hiile Orrulcr I bun nt Any Tlnui l\neo \ the Krrnhnw Denl lie- tiilli of the HrtiicD lu the fit. 111. , March 20. Not slnco lliu ( nnioils Kcrshaw ilrnl , thu collapsu u ( wheiit and lliodrlxliiK o ( u score of llrnis Into bank- riijilfy. ! im tlioro licun inch u sensational Kcenu on thu Chicago Uo.ird o ( Tiado as took place today. The price of wheat ( or May delivery broke 7' < < * I" about that ninny minutes , rau-dtiR a criifc of excitement In the tradlnc pit. The "tnllcrs , l ( not the principals In peihaps the blRgest corner e > er attempted In Chicago , were rruolly dumped and the outcome of the nlTnlr apimiontly made a despei.ito unccr- Inlntj | icthnis ) afl'tctlns ( or MHIIO time to come the course o ( the ( jraln maiket the world o\er The eonftiHlnn and ptinlc were OKIeat as to make It almost Impossible to tiado llrokers tumbled over ono anothel In their ciaxe to cxeculo ordiTS , ( oilKht their way Into the crowded pit as If eternal salvation depended on Iliuli KeltliU tln-ro iind after ptislilnir. pull- Inj ? and almost stilfocatliM I" the crowd that tiled In lo Its utmost capacity emeiKed Ihe minutes 1 vti r helntc physically wiecl.ed ap- jmrently their clothes torn away , buttons elf , liatfi smashed and bc.uhu In o\ery lineament Indlc.itlons of the teirlllc stiusglu they h.id been through. The suddenness of the break was the most nlnrmln ; ; feature i \\heat opened about Sic , when the market fill oil , but leacted and seemed evceedliiKly stunu. It ailvinced tlondlly lo82V , when somuii ( the blR hhoits concluded IOCUMM a pot lion of their line. At the liltth pi Ice of the day , CiuHhy , who Is rejruidtd 1 > \ nnny as the kind of Iho bull clfinu doh d out 1,000,000 1m toOrr.nnot her l.OOO.tlOO bu to Phillips .mil about a.OOO OUO bu. to raidrldP ) , ulxliiK 11 toth ( lUll lyshorts In lots of lee 000 mi to Jill ) ODO bu rin'ofler- Inirs cnmi MI nuldlj and In such unusual quantlths that with the blj : shot is out of the xvay Ihc miuket iippi aied as If shot thioimh Iho heart , ami with a con \ ulsl\ shl\ei , falllnt ; dead In Its tun Ks Onntliiory Is that the bl break In prices was due In iiiut , at least , | o the ( act that the Ho.tldot Trade dhectors h.ue decided tbitt a Morale enu rReiu y exists I'\trn emnrRpncy houses will be crealud as necessity ptesunta ItM-lf The decision of the dliectois was reached last nUlit , but wnf , not Kt'iiomlly kiiouii until shortly before Ihe break today Many howexer , scolled , i- , tinIdei that the hlouieu decision cut noy p'lillcul.ir figure In the day's operations Taking this > lew. there was a disposition to plctuie the e\traoidlnarv upset In prices ns part of the Napoleonic strategy or the bull tiudeis John and Michael ( 'iidahy.tho ilch pork jincliers were said to be at the head of the bull clique and iiinnv othei we.ilthy Chlc.iKo and New \orl. i.ipltallsts weio named as their as sociates Tln > ai iiulied , It Is sl.ited , conliol of the 11 000,000 bu of contract wheat In the elevators here and wi te prep in-rt to iiaj for much mote K th > people who h.i\e wheat In Minneapolis , liultillit Louis and other ( nuld find stura e rixim (01 that amount icto Armour \ Co and othei ilcxatoi owners IIIIMbe < n emntjlni ! their bins jcoin , oats and buley In theli housi s Into Ihe holds ofessils In the iher to make loom ( or 111010 wheat 'lluj aie nNo chartc rliiR i "ols In MIIwauKie and eli-ewheie totomi ) down heie nnd reci l\e some n ( the gi.iln ( lay aio lidding themsel ese ( \\lRatcinileliourflitlnToUdo 12c per bu louci Ihiin Mii > whiat sold at In Chicago this inoiiilnr It can be boiiRht In M. l.ouls for 18c lits per bu . In Minneapolis (01 17c less unit In Dnliitli IH'-c' below the ChlciKo Miluti for Mai delivery i\en : In New t'oik , r.isli wheat Is He per bu. below the price May wheat Mild at bete today Tl ese were the inducements spiirrlns up ( Cio elo\ator pioniletors to Rut lid of everything clsoand make additional so ice for win at. ThoHtnniKocap icily heruordlnuilly lseiial | to about30oOOU ( ) ( ) bu On the mix nncu dm Ins t hi ! last few days to 82 c , the top llcore of today , u vast amount of short wheat was bought In and at the same time , thu "pyramid bulldets ' bounht llkoiiind , pllliiK "li all ahull' biokeifl would stand 'I hlsclassrfsksptolltswithieck- less enthusiasm and they alone become a menac.0 to the successful conduct of a corner , as the rue was when Harper went bioko trj- IIIK to lujjalonK a mountainous load of "tat ters and pjramld" wheat. This Is a iljiiifur thate\perlencid "cornerers" cuard against by break Ing thu market and slinking out the "tallei-i. " Today was an auspicious occasion for one ol those perfoimances. The May prices wort nurked close nip to 83c at wlilch IlKiiro It l claimed that I'ardrlduo m.ulo a prh.ito settle ment direct with t'udahvbrokers foi 2,000OOC bu. and private settlements were also made for an equally largo quantity foi northwest- irn ULUotint , The enthusiastic "lallers" o ! course , knew nolhliiK about this and continue ! to buy like drunlan sallois. Clhiuo brokers supplied the demand and tin market bewail tohurnk , Kennott , Hopkins .V Co. loading thu selling and unloidln ; great blocks. The market worked olT to SOc when li was discovered that I'aidildgo and his follow vis were putting out fiesb lines of slier vheat. This was something thu clique did no want to gl\o the bears a chance to do untl the price got lower I'lve minutes later tin pit swarmi'd with clUiin ) brokers , llariett l.ampson , I'aiker , Schwartz-Dnpce , Kennett Hopkins A. Co and a dozen oiheis opened lie lloodg-ites Twenty million bushels wer olfeied at once. The m.uket bioko In twi inlniites fiom bO'iC to 75yc and at the bottoi there was an outpouring of long wheat. Stun loss eiders at HOc weio executed at 7uc Instantly the clliiuu biokcrs changed ( ion and unirtii the lend of George llenij I'arke tuok all olfei lng In a few minutes the cllqii luid bought back all the wheat It had sold t break the market and lidded many million moio ( o Its holdings , so that at the closed business It lookid as It might stand In nbou the same position as before , except that In th exclteneiit o Kieat Inteimedlato Interest ha been \ lolently eliminated. The tight fiom now out , If such pioves to In the case , will bo direct between the prlnclp il of each end o ( the deal. Thu shake-out o Mich , It may bo legauhd. was ono of th smartest plays o ( the kind seen slneu the d ij \\hcnAimoui was acllxoasa wheat manlpii lator. Indeed , the action o ( the market n minded the trade \ \islhlyotono of Ai moor's celebrated "shaku-outs , " and but ft : the fact that Ainioui Is commonly believed t lie thu leading shot ! at the piesenl time , bin Hiedso ( operatois would bo almost leatly t swear that his was the guiding hand In today deal. deal.May wheat closed at 78V' , which Is about S below yesterday's close , and about lie abov the bottom price touched on the mornli break July wheat sold within a i.ingo i about lc. and leaves oil only 3c ( mulct yeste ( lay. It Isnsseitiil the cliques open intoie In Mil } Is still 25,000,000 to UO.OOU.OOO bu , hi bides the cash wheat It Is cauylng. On the cm b.adei the closoof the big hall U | stalls nothing vastalkid ol but the supposi Keneralshlpof ( .udabv and the magnitude i the deal ( icoige M PullmanV ! Don and other llnanclal lights were mentlonid i probably associated with htm for a 11o Meanwhile there weie lively doings In pu nnd calls , although theoretic illy thlsclas transactions Is tabooed. 1'uts l > i May sold i from 7f > to 7tj'u' for tomoriou andcallsat fie BOtobOV. July jiits ) weto from 72 to 72" und calls fiom 7.1 to 7J 'ae Corn , o its and provisions were all we.ik at lowei , and for the most part dull Corn shin Bhowed less Inclination.to covet thanestc day and theiewas some selllngou the p.ut thosowhohad previously bought furuquli turn , thus creating an easlei tone. IHevato vu'rti otreilng llboi ul commissions to mo corn fiom sioie. but slilpplng bouses s.i that cuin-nt pi Ices were out of line. Tl closowasul Inside prices with a netdeclli of Sc ( loin last night. - OntM followed corn. Thocloto was from ' to * iC bulow } esterdiy 1'rovlslons were demoralized by the sluti In wheat. The lesiilt of the daj's opjratloi wax ndccllmi of 27 ic In May poik , f > 7'ic May laid and 37 > iC In May ribs. The last on Unions weio thu lowest of the day. Estimated receipts ( or tomorrow \Vhei 150 cam ; corn , 153 cars ; oats , 1-15 cars ; hoi 10,000 bend. The leading ( uturos ranged as fallows t Anrui.r ' . OW , 1-10SK. MS \YueatNo1 ; March. 78 T3 M y b3SI ! > < T6H July. TJn T.'H Cori o 2- TJnUti llnrcli Uti IOH 4 Uur . . 4 July 4 ° 4il Mi ? . . SOU .11 JOH il Juno SIH 81 li 30H JUH .1i July. SO ja i Men I'ork. tiny. . IT CO IT l < 1T M IT W IT ; July , . . . IT M U U IT IS IT 15 i ; c l y . 11 40 II 40 10 m 10W u i July. , IDJIW iu vm 10 ii 10 M lot II U2H \l \ ir. " , 10 W 10 U ) n t thortlllbi. * Uy. . . 1005 OTTK IOC Juljr a an * V t quotntloini were us follows : rijl'U Extremely dull ; tirlct'A nonilini iKt'di winter patents , < 3.70 < i 4. 20 ; win Itralgbtn , I3.304ia 35 ; sprlnit patents. (3.8 4.10 , Mri itralk'ht , t2.CUCB3.10 ; buKoi I2.l6a2.36. 3 iprlue , 74 I27&UC | No. nnriln ru 7lts , No. 2 rod. ions-Hteady. „ No. 2 , 40'ie , No. 3 cash , 38i- , No 2 yellow , IIV , No H yellow , aO'lOnO' ' UATKNo. . 2. 20 < ict No.'J white , ( . o , h , 3G .invi'l No 3 whlto , 3'2C , KtENo. . a. 47C. llAtu.r.r-No 2 , 02ei No. 3 , ( o. 1) . , 41110&C ; No 4. fob. 30 l6c. Ft.AAHKrt-Nn l.tl 17. TlMOillvSKKli-PrlniP. H.BR-EU - 40. PoitK-MeM. per bbl , (17.07)1017.10. I.ard. per 100 lb , 10.82i | < 3tK > HO ! short ribs sides llooso , t'J ' 7iilQ9 80 | dry halted shoulders fhnxodi , f ! ) 37'iB'J 60 : shortcli-ar sides ( boxed ) , 102OuM0.25. WillsKY-lMstlllnrs' finished goods , per gal. , granulated 6't < - ; standard "A.6c. 'Iho ( ollowlng were the locolpts and ship ments for today : Article * ItL'rclpts Hour , \ > \ > \t \ . 280000 \Vhcnt , bu . . . . ILIOUI J7UIXI ( nrn , bu isnwo TiOOO dflti bu . - . 3-nojj 131 , van tiyp. liu i ouo Ilarlcy , bu . 3T.OOO On the Produce cxch tngo lodiv thu butter market was llrm ! cruimory , 2Hi10r ; dairy , 225127C. K < 5tfs'Ste illy ; strictly dosli , 14'j < ii Out ili4 ( tr.tl i Tin ) ( ollowliu prh-esaiobasod upon ilollvoiy nt Mississippi river points \\IIKAT-NO 2spilnif , 70c hid ; No 3 sprlna , 6Hc bid ; No. 2 haul , GOc bid ; No. 3 haul , 67o bid. bid.llvt - No 2 , 62clild. OvrsNo. . 2 white , 32o bid ; No. 3 white , 31'ibid. . Cons-No 2 , cash 30 bid ; No. 2 Apt II , 31 Me bill ; No 3 or bolter , cash or Apill,30u bid. Nnork Markets. Ni.vv VOIIK , March 23 PMHMI UL-colp'1 ! . 42 720 nkesi exports , 1,071 bills. , 10,035 saclis ; H.iles , I'J.600 | il > K ; market moru nctlvo nt easy | irlfi" < I'oliv Mi u , Dull , steady ; yellow vvestcin , f2 052 76. 1SMteady. : . quiet , weslern , 50a,03f. IIltl.l.v Dull , llrm ; westein , ( i ( ) 8k- ( . 11 UllI.v MALI iiU'iuly , iiilot ; westoin , 05 ® 8'i- WIIKAT Itecelpts. Ifi 000 Int. ; exports , 1811,000 bu ; s-ilis , 5,030,01)0 ) liu. tutures , 20S- OOO bu spot Miot maiUet lower with op tions moie active (01 export , closlm ; llrm : No. 2 ieil stole and cloMili i , 71V , alloit , 7614i- , ( o b. 75'0'i67G1c. { No 1 northern , 81 'e ' < fo HIV : No 1 hard , 84'i S5rNo 2northein , 703i168lli- . Options were ( alily active. Mid veiy Ineculai as folloulni ; the wide Ilin-tu i- tlons at ( 'hli-.i o , and elmlii'S sle idy at 'jfi ? V under jesterd iv with the cliuues ilurlne the day 'iTf'jC ' ; ISo 2 led , M ly , 75ft7i'jc ( : do tin. : at 76 V.him ; - , "i.liT.1 - closlm : at 7Giti * ; .Iiilv 70\Q78 1-lOc. i loslns at 77V : Ail-'ilst , 771Bc feupli'inber , 7SJV70 1-10 , closliiK al 7H" e t'oil.N-Itecclpts. 10,000 bit- exports , H,003 , bu : sales , l.UM.OOO bu fiiluies , 41000 bu snot S > otsdull sle.idy , No 2 60'tTr ' > 1 o In elevator , 52c allott ; iin r.ided mixed , 60lj © 6Vstonnu'i ; mixed , 10'4a60c ( : No 3 , I8'ru,40c Options tteio moru active and advanced early Vf'icwllh wheat , ( c'll'jfJ'.c with the west , closed weak at 'ifi'jc ' miner vesteid.ij's ; Maich , 40 4')4c ) , cloHliu at 40'May ( , 1'J'ic. closlnpat 48 vc , .lime , IH 'BTtl8'c. closing at 18 Vc ; .Inly , 4'ii.t40 v , closing at 40c. OATrt-Kecelpts , 70,400 bu ; ixpoits , 8 000 bu ; sales , 225 000 bu ( uturos , 100,000 bu spot t-pots ( airly active , easlei Options quiet , e.islet ; May , SVjJiGG'ii- , closing at .15'c , June , ilu'tft.iuc. ' clusliu ut .15'c ' ; sji it No 2 vvhlti'.IOVMlc , No. 2 Chic ice , .18V ; No 3 37c ; No 3 white , 3Qyi7,4V ( ; mixed west ern. 37c i40' ' , < - : white westein , 3t'JU4H'c. ) HAPulily ai-tlvc llrmj shipping , 7l > 3,75c : good to choice , 8'cfiM ' ) 00. lloi-s Me.idy , niiiel ; r.late. common to choice. 18 21'jc ; I'aclllc coast , ISJf l'jC. llllih.s- Dull , e.isv. PnovisiONS Cut meats , quiet , easy ; middle dull , weak ; short deal , li' ( ' c. I. nil , quiet , lower ; western sle nn dosi'd at Ml 2(1 ( ; s lies 300 tierces at tfll2l ) , notions sales , none ; March doiedit ill 25 ; M iv i lined nt $11 30 ; Jnlj , J1085. ' cptomhei , til ) 00 I'ork , less demand e isv Htm Fit M run , : , light supply western d'llry , 1HQ.24C ; westein creameiy , 245J32c ; Klglns , 31'sT'.12c. CIH-MF. MoJcr ite demand less steady l.ddsl.aige receipts , weak ; iccelpts , 00.007 pkgi ; weslern , flesh , 15'i < 3,15'jc ; goose , 76S ric , TALIOW I'alilj active , steady. ConONHi.i D OIL Quiet , steady ; crude , 45c ; yellow. 5U < it02e. I'l-rnoLr.UM The market was llrm through out on an excredlnglv small business Penn sylvania oils , spot s lies , none ; April options , s lies 51,000 bbls. Opi-nliu' , 07a.c ; highest , 08c ; lowest , G7'.c , closlng.it GSi- Mini oil , silos none , 20"c bid. Total s.iles , 21,000 bbls. Hosts ( lull , easy , sti.ilnod , common to good , $1.37 < if 1.40. TUHPEMINK Dull , easier at 33' ; < i.3 lc. KICF Pnlrly active , llrm ; domestic , fair to cholco , 361c. Monssm New Oilcans open kettle , good to i holce , fair dem mil , flim.it 307JT8C. SUOAll Kaw , llrm , fall demand ; sales , 7,500 bags centrifugals , 'JO test , at 3 9-10 , c. I. f to Canada nnd 500 tons Manilla logo toOreenock , Scotland al i qual to 2 15-10 4c.3c (01 08 test ; leflned iiulet. Pin IKON Quiet , steady ; American , $12.750 16.60. Coi'iTU-Stondv , quiet ; lake , $11.05. l.EVD Me idy : domestic , $105. Ttv Slo lily ; Strain , $2080 hid , $2090 asked ; plates , quiet , steady ; spelter , quiet ; domestic , If 1.25 Oiniilii 1'roilucu M'lrl.et. Al'Pl.ia Cholco bhlpplng stock Is quoted al $4 50. Ilt'TTFU--Tho receipts continue light and thr market Is very Him. Packing stock , 174M8c ; fall to goon country loll , l8Q20c ; cholco tt fancy countiv , 20162 lc. H\S\N\ I'or bunch , Including crates am packing , J1.750J2.50. Hiv.Ns--choconavy : ! , $2.45 l'ALUOUNtCAiinvoK Per lb. , 3c. CALUOHNIA I't-Lnnv Perdoz. , Jl.OO. I'ltAMinnniKs Per box , J3.75. Ct'Cl'Mllr.HS--l'oi do75c2t2 00 . KJls--l'or ( ( dor , 13ajl3'c. ' UAMh The iei.olpts o ( ducks are largo , am ho market rules low. lluvois appear to IK Ired of mixed ducks , which are very slow s lit > von nt the low prices Mixed , 75u > 90c ; led' 10 ids , $2 : mallards , f2.0iTft'2.50 ; teal , $1. UuviT. I'lttllT Pol box , JJOO503.25 II v\-The matkctongood upland hay wn Hiurs-Xo I groii , 4c ; No. 2 green , 3c ; No l green , salted , 4'.c ; No 2 green , s ilted , 3V c No 1 gtcen , salted , 25 to 10 Ibs. , 4'ic ; No ! ; ieen , silted , 25 to 40 Ibs , 3'4e ' ; No. 1 veal : al ( , 8 to 16 Ibs , 8c ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 1 , bs. , Gc ; .No. 1 dry Hint , 7'ic ; No. 2 diy Hint 6'c , No 1 diy'.iltod. Oc. HOM.V Cholco to fancy white clover , 181 lUi'i f.ilr to good , l'iiJ18c ( ( l.i.vioNs Choice , J.1.60 ; fancy , $1. Niv ; > Vi ( U.rAiiLi s Lettuce , 40c ; radlsho1 45c ; p irsley , 40c per doz ; gieen onions , 35c. OltVMllN I'lorld l fancy , per box , $ J.50'Qi3 7J ! russotts , fl 25 ; Mexlc in oranges , single IIOM" M 25 ; 5 to 10-box lots.J ; California iiunuit.il mmgos $250 ; Washington navels , tl ; Now > c.istloC.illoinli boodllngs , J2.GOri2.75 ; MK sweets , J2.G032.75 ; Klveisldo seedlings , $2 71 ONIONS Honu gio HI , pjr bbl. , $1 2j l 5D | per bmh'-l , fl 5'J. 1'OTVTOr.j-Cjloral ) , Jl 15til ) 20 ; westeri Nobutsk i stock , $1 10. I'ori.Tiiv. The m iikot Is not qulto so stron ; as It was a ( i-w day n ago Choice hens , 8710 live ; joung roosteis , 7@-c ; old loustcrb. 6c gee o nnd ducks , dressed , ll12c ; dresso tin keys , 12 < iU4t- . Sin vvMii.nitu s Per nil irt , 25U30c. bVM'i.i Per vroi.s Pet bbl , $5 , seeds weet p < tntoes , $ J 50. TANOUllt.NKs In h il ( boxes , $2 7533 00. VLAL ( Jlion-o an I smill fni vo.il-i , 7SOi ( luigo and thin , 3 ( > c The ( ollow Ing are reported at Dun's agency Omaha I nlled Iteal Hstato .x. Ti list con puny , Incorpornod , capital slock , } 2,5tK,000. ) 1 Oniah i , ll.ielund A. Jinsen , grain , damagt b.v Hie. Crdghton , Neb. , I'ox iX. Co , Implemen sin-ceeded by I'ox.'v. ' ( iieen. r.ihlmiy , Neb , ( i M I.jons. ( Mis. K. II ) gei eial store , damagtd by Hie. Hebron , Neb , Chunowlth .x. Mi-Vailiin gioceiles , suci-eeded by Mrs J. P Tooto. i Holdrege , Neb. , I' J Hiilnulst , Imrdwar succeeded by Klupplngei .x Kelly. McCook , Neb. . I'roxel x Uray , restaur.in succeeded by C. II ( iiiiy. Mlnden , Neb , Marsh .x , Uhllg , hardware , bin eeeded by A II. Cl.irko. liiiby , Neb , Henry bundernmn , grocorle closing out toietlre. Tecumseh , Neb. , S.i.m.x. Wheatley , mo , market , succeeded by Swan > x , Cummlngs. Sheldon , la. , Palmers bhlpplng compan fulled. Sheldon , la , H Jones , lumber , sold out. Mt Vernon , b D. Mt Vernon Milling cor pany. burned out. Scotland , b D . ( ! S.-hnotllui , wagonmakoi succeeded by A K. Knodt. St l.ouu MtirkctM. ST. I.OITII , Mo , March 20.-Pt.oun Steady wltluuit change. \ ViihMMndo strong start but closed heai und unsettled ' ( ® sic below yesterday ; > io. led , cash , GHt04'4c ; May , G5Sc. CoiiN-Dnll , closing weak. ' .a colf ; No. inUed , cash , 30)40 ) ; Nlay. closing , 37'aia371i OATS-Dull ; No 2c.ish , 3lkMuy. ; . 31'c. I'novisioss-\\enk , demoralized by Chlenx Pork , hlamlnrd mess , now , itl8. Laid , J10.7 Dry salt moats , loose shoulders , * 8.75 ; Ion , nnd ribs , J'J.OOitlOOO ; short. ! fl0.15lO2 buxid. 15o more. Itacon , p-icked shouldoi HiKJ'lO'l ' Jibs. J10.604tlO.G2' , : shorl iWll.OO. Hams , sugar eured , 13' , . Ili-iTi.n rinii : unchanged. UtCKii'TS-riour , 3,000 btils. ; wheat , O.Oi bu ; cori. G4.00O bu ; oats , 21,000 bu. ; r and barley , none. , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat l.Oi Lu.Lc."r" ' ' 15'H)0 > ( ) * " . ! oats , 0.000 bu. ; iv DUUU UU > UUNow Now York Dry ( iiioiU .Market. Nl VOIIK. March 20.- The demand ( or d goods at tlrst hands continued modointo us r gnrds operations ( or the spilng season , h tlioro was a good business > i ilannels , blunke ton " " tlunnols. ' ' The ' market " ( lrrbl * B0011 wus * without ' bllts ' " chan " ' lu auy purtJcular. There wus , perhaps , wu deposition on Iho | mtt n ( both aecnts nnd Jobuors to sliadp on goods especially ndalited to current tradn and that could not well be carried nvir , but such xupplk's are by no menus l.iriiiHtooKsnf print * , ginghams nnd other spndiiltli-s are U-'i than usual nt lhl period Htapte cottons and all woolen fabrics are In light supply comparatively , whllo many articles still sold largely ahead. Prices were steady to tlrtn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Knnvn City Mnrkntu , ICANS\S C'nv.Mo , March 20. Wheat and rye nro iiuoteil on the basis nf Mississippi river , corn and oats on the basis o ( Kamas City. \VIIK\T Dull and 'i'ftlc lower ; No. 2 hard , G3il03'ic : No 2 led , fl" " . COIIN I'lrni without quotable cliango. O \TS-\Veak , No 2 mixed , 2-jft281c. li More actlvo nml Htm ; creamery , 25U20C ; dairy , 18 i22c KilosOuloliind unsettled. 120. Cotton Market. NMV OittR\Nfl , I.a. , March 20 ' 'toady ' : good middling , 8 tl-ioe ; middling , 8 6-lOc ; low middling and good ordinary , 7 ll-10c : net tvcolpts , 2.MMS biles ; gross , J.204 ball' " ; exports coastwise 6.46O bales ; sales , 3,700 bales ; stock , 282,310 bales. I'utures steady ; sales. 80000 Inles , April , JH 14 bid ; May , $8217ts2j ; June , Js 32& 833 ; July , * S ! OnW Oi Atutlst , * 8tl ; September , } H.3Vii8.3l ( ; O.'toboi , $ M,2Gft8.28 ; Iocembei8,28ii8 ) ! 30. .Muructs. Mli.vv vt'Ki i : . WIs. March 20. Win : IT Unsettled ; .lulv. 04V : No. 2spilng , G7c. Coit.s-Dull : No. 3 , 30c. ( ) VTI ' ic idy : No 2 white , 34u : No 3 , white , b2HTC3.1'o. llvui.mo.lc. . lth5lc. . t'liov ISIO.NS Quiet I'ork , May , J17.65. Colter Market , Nnvv YORK , March -Options opened film , 5 points down to 15 points up , dosed sle. idv w\t \ 10 points up , s lies , 21 , 500 nags , In- dlldln. March HO ; Apill.'IG 50 ; May , 1G 40 ( Tlb 60 ; .IlllV , Jld'JWlll 35 ; All'illsl , $10.20 : beplembel , * ! ( > 20dl'i 25 ; Octobnr. IIO.IS' ® 1020 ; December , $15 OVillO 01) ) . Spot Kio , steady , mine in-live : No 7 , t7 50. Liverpool M irltets. l.tvuitt'ooL , March 20 WIIKVT Hteady : deinand moderate ; holdei < olTer modei.itely ; No 1 CalKoinla , 6s 1 Id'ifOs per centnl. CoitNieadv : demind modoiato ; mixed westein , 4s 2'd percental. I'nvs Canadian , 6s 4il pi'i cental. Tvi.l.ow1'lno Ameilc.in , 28s Oil per cental. rhll.idclii'.ili ( li.iln I'liiLVDci.t'iiiA , I'.i. M.u.-h 2D. WIIKVT Inacllve and fe.itllteloss ; lowoi , No 2 led , Maich , 72TBfcl73'B.- ' COIIN Options weakNo 2 mixed , Match , 48 < fi 18V Ovis Car lots steadier , with bettordemand ; ( utuies dull and unchanged. Minneapolis Wheat Mnrknt. , Minn , Maich 2' ) Pair trade today. We.ikncs ) In ( utures elTected cash market. No 1 northern. 07c ; No 2 noithorn , 04c. Hecelpts , vvheat , 273 c.us. Close : Match , OJ'fiMay ; , Olc ; Julv " , Ol > ' , c. On ti.ick : No 1 hard uOiNo 1 "noithetn , G4'tc ; No 2 northern , GOifGlc. Cliiclniint 1 Marki-ts. CINCINNVTI , O , Muioli 20. WinVT Weak ; No 2 iul,07c. COIIN I > isy ; No 2 mixed , 4Ka41'c. Ovrs-iisy : ; No 2 mixed , 34lJ'ii3414C. \\iilSkY steady ; $1.17. Ilaltlinoru ( iruln Market. II vi.TtMOiii : , Md. , March 29Viinvr yte-uly ; No. 2 led , spot and M itch , 73'tC. COHN I'll m. mixed spot. J8Wl8i.fr. O.vrsbtoiil ( ) ; No 2 whlto western , 41e. Toledo ( .rain MarKct. Toi.mn , O. , M itch 20. WilfcAT I.owci , dull ; cash and Maich , O'c. Cons leady , No 2 cash and May , 42c. h- Quiet ; cash , J4c. SUXJK > AM ) IIUMS. ' ' . . Union I'adlle ( 'lark'it r.flos.il to I.enit thu Much 1'elt. Ni.vv YOIIK , Mnrch 20 A summary of the > laj'soperatIons In the stock m.ukot shows that whllo theio was u prcasuto to sell the Indnstilals the rallwajs were stioiu and In good deiii ind v\lth gi eater or Ie-s n"t gains The ne.ivlm-ss of the Industilnls was duo chledy to a ( uither break In Dlstlllliu and Cittleeedlng fiom 33' to 30'n In s.iles of upwnds ; of about 52.OOI ) sh.uos I'lin dedlno \irlousl ) Interpieted , but tlm consuiisiHof opinion Isthat western houses have boon sell ing long stok and boiio\Nlng It In this in u ket , Intending to Use this botrowod stock for elec tion puijioses. Yarlons unfavoiiblo rumors woio circulated about the finances of the company , but they could bo tincod to no authentic source. After Distilling and Cattleeodlng broke below 31c , the other Industrlils weakened. National Cordage fell oil ( tom03'i toG2' und Nation al Lead fiom 4U , to 4O3 , . Chlo.igo C.is , bngarnnd United btatcs Uubbcr tilled com- p.uatively steady , but Oeneral 1'lectilc dloppcd fiom 1078 to 10G nnd closed at 1)0 8 The railway list was strong , ospeci.illv for the gi angers , ( or which a good domain ! pie vailed thioiighout. Ilnillngton , Northwest and bt I'nul common rose ' ( to 1 per cent , while Noitbwest piedirrcd jumped I3i pur cent to l-ll3. , rin.il quotations were within a fiactlon of the highest despite a decrease In Missouri I'aclllc from 51 > , to 403 on the resignation of S. II. II Clink ( rom tlio pio-d- dency to renew his connection with the Unloi I'.u-lllc at the head o ( that cotporatlon. It Is slated that Clark made the change with tin ( ull concurrence of ( ieoi go J. Gould and others In the Mlssouil 1'jcillc directory. The comparative dullness of speculation Is attributable to the near approach of thu 1" is- ter holidays and the deslio to await the out- comu of tno April settlements now near in hand. In somu qu.irteis It wns uaied that thu money market would bo manipulated tomoi- low and this dctencd the tiadeis ( torn making extensive ventures Thu sales (01 the d'i ' > reached 214,045 shares , of which 188 4 12 wen listed and 25,003 unlisted The matkot COMM steady foi the lallu.iy.- . and weak (01 Iho In dustri ils. The 1'ost siysIt Is not unusual ( or tlu close of Maich to witness geneial dnlliu'-- thioiighout the m.nkots. This year the char acteristics o ( the season are so ( ar Intenslllei that the stoiy In pt.ictlcnlly every Impoitan mittoi Is n story of uncertainty , hcsllatloi and constant and extu-mu dullness "In tin money matket Ihe ( actor Is equally Impiess Ive. Kver.v consldeinblo biokur supplied hi anticipated needs thtoo weeks ngo In the mar ket (01 tlmo loans. As a lOstiltnot only Iscal money an absolute drug In the mat ket , bu time iiionuy has begun to waver and recodi f i inn Its stilt rates o ( the eaily weeks ti March and the renuikablo spuc'.iclo ' Is wit- nesbcd o ( loaning i.ites sinking ste.idlly will the npiiioach of tlio \n-ll qnaitoi d.ij. HI' quite appn en t lint the lack o ( demand , rathei than superabundanceo ( supply , has brough about this cuilouscondltlon. Tin.'following aiotho closin. ' oil Jlutlons o thu leading slocks on thu Now York block ox- chan.rctod.iy : bid Thutotnl sales of stookx today were. 214or shares , lin-ludlni ; : l'bk-i'o ) , llurllnKton Qulncy. 7,1)00 ; ChlcoKO ( Jas , 7.iOO ( ; ( . 'hcsapcal & . Ohio. 0,300 , Delaware , t/ackavvanna A.WCS ern , 3,000 ; hlstllllni : , 47,000 ; Kile , 3,401 .Missouri I'acltlc , 18,000 ; National Lead. 5.&OI Natlonnl Cordage , G.500 ; New l.n laml , 0,70 < Northern I'aelllc pieorred , 0.7OO ; Iteadln New York .Miniuv .Vlurket. y NEW VOIIK , March 29 MONKV o- * CALL Kusy at : )4fl ) | ier cent , last loan , 3 per cc-n t closed offered nt 3 pel cent. GOVEIINMENT llo.NDS > egk'ctcd ; state bom neglected. u PniuB MKIIOANTILG I'APKB C7 per cent , u BTEIILIMU KICHA.NQE 1'irui , with uctu irty InnlncM In mnkcrs' bill * at ? l Nf/iJ. I fin'i ( or sixty-day hllU nml * 4"N7V' HH for demand. TNO cloilng lUinlnUotiiou homUi IT H. 4i i . . "rTT fi ' "I , lTT VI dan fit M1 t' f 41 COUP . . Mt I. AS F I ) n VI 111 Ml s 4l < ri-K . , 19 H' t IMnlCon . . . 137 I'.icltlcujof "uV dt I1 0. A I' . Isti . . II7K I nuKlinns peil 4 * VI' ' , T I * Ull , Tr llcts 103 ' I' I' It. (1 1 > . Itcts Turin IIOIT net 100 Union I'nclno tits. . WH Tenn noir eel Ss 100 Went Hhoro 101 lonn nor sot os It ( IV I Is Canada So 7di | J4 ? Atch 4s Cm t'aclllcUti. 1V. ( Atcli 5'4 , elms A I ) A It. (1 Ists 119 ( } II A S. A 6s . . . . 101 I ) \ U ( I Is . . \ llO 9 < l.'iS IUI HrloSd i . II AT. C. As M K AT ( ! cn C * til AT. C ( on. ( ! s 107 M K AT ( Ion 5s S Carollnt Gs . . . liO Vlutunt Union fin Itti' S Carolina Is N J C IrU Cert. . _ . . . ! C llrown con N 1'uc I U IHHt'lonn. ' old Us. . . . M N. 1'ao 7 < ts Iim , Virginia C W ) N VV Consols do ei mat coup M N W. Dcbon tii . . . 1IOJJ Va Con 2d. iierlos . 5) " " " " " " " " " " " " " " unr ta.kcii nummr" lloHtiin stoek Onotatloin. HOSTON , Mass. , March 2' ) . CaUlo-int , tiHWl nor cent ; t line lo nm.liif.r.ii per cunt. The follow ing are the closing n not it Ions on stocks , bonds and inlnlngHharcs : Xe \ orlt Mining Oiiotiitlons. NKW YOIIK , March 2'1 Tlie follo\\ln are the closing mining onol.itlons : St. Louis Mining Stoek . ST. I.otiH.Mo Maich 2 ! ' . I'ollottlng are the quotations on mining stocks ; bill 1 In inrl il Notts. Ivsvs Ctiv , Mo , Munich 20. Clearings $1,710,333 I'Mits March 20. Thice per cent rentes , OCf 05c fet the account. Nr.W YOIIK , M irch -ric.illiiKs$100,314- , - 055 ; b ilances , J4,412,720. OMVHV , March -'learlngs ( , $1,055,321 ; same d ly last week. { OSO 20 llvi.TtMOlu : . Md , , Maich 20 CleatIngs , $2- 728,233 ; balances , J410.40J. Money. 0 pel- cent. CINCINNATI. O. , March 21 Money. 01J7 per cent. New Voik exchange \ u ; dealings , tl 800,000. I'liii.Aiir.M'llM , I'a. , March 29. dealings , m.105,053 ; b ilances , $1,700,388 , Money , 4' } @ 5 per cent. MEvii'iim , Tenn , March 29-New Voik ex- chunge selling at $1.00. Clearings , J348.553 ; balances , $150 010. NK\V OlllE\NS Li , Match 20 Cle-u Ings. $1,71U,1'U. New York excluinge , commeiclal , 75c pel $1,000 ; b ink , fl.50 pel tl.OOO piemluin. HnsTO.N , Mass. , Mircli 20 dealings , J14- 500,402 ; balam es , 11,308,719 Money , ( > DIM cent , i\ch.ii0"e : ] on New Yolk , 10 to 17r discount. ' ST. Lot-is , Mo , March 29 Clearings , { 3,048 - 857 ; balances , if Ih'J.JOi ) . Money , quiet at lnr/7 pel cent. Txchaiue on Now Yolk , 300 , 50o and 75c piemium bid , Cltlcvdo , III , M irchSn Pie irings , $11 230- 070 ; New Yolk exchange , 30c premium. Sterllngexcbangedtill : sixty-day billsf4 8b'i ; demand , $4.88'i ' Money steady at b pel cent. OMVIIA i.ivn srouii M\ticirs. ! : Uull to Stonily , with it Doi-llno In Value on i\oritliiin : ; . . \VI.UMSIIVY , Match 20. Compircd with supplies for the ( Int half of last week , iccolptsfoi the past three day shonn Increase of 1SOU oat I lu and . M sheep , while theio has been a falling oil of about 1.500 Inns. Cattle values ruled firmer today , and theio was a good lively tiade. Tharo were hardly as many cattle hero ns dealers antlclpited. although receipts weio Mimevvlrit heavier than a week ago. I'ully four-llfths of the offerings VMMO steers , mostly IlRhtand midltini vielghtslth \ nothing strictly choice or heavy. Dressed bey ( houses have been disap pointed In the sl/o o ( receipts this week , and were anxious to get some cattle. On account o ( the Indllleient tone toadvlccs from eastern m ukels thu shipping demind was not xoiy brisk , and ( or this reason thoio was no quotable advance ex cept , pet haps , on the best killing grades which sold In many Instances a dime better than Tuesday. The good 1,250 to 1,400-lb. beeves sola at fiom $4 00 to $1.90 , with fair to good 1,000 to 1,300-lb. steots at fiom $4 20 to $1.50 Common and light stull and odds and Linls went aiound from M 05 to J l 10. It was a good , InIsU , llrm market , and llttlo o ( any consequence remained unsold at the close. It was the Mime way with butcheis' stock andcanneis. Ollei Ings were limited , the de mand was good and prices strong. 1'oor to prime cows and holfers sold tit an extreme i.inge of $1.00tof4 , with fair togooil stock veiy latgejy at from $2 70 to J3 70. There was a moio ac tive Inquiry both locally and fiom outsiders for rough stock and common to cholco bulls , oxen and st igsch inged hands freely at from $ J.25 to $3 75. Not a gieal many calves were olleied but the demand was good and pi ices ruled firm , w Ith t > lies of pool to good sto k .it fiom J3 to Jti. In the stocker and feeder line there was nn Improvement. 1'iesh olleitngs vvere limited and tegular dealers did the hulk of the bujlng , Desirable ( eedeis with weight and quality an wanted at good llrm prices , but common stull Is blow bale and easier. UcpiCbcnt.Ulvo sale * 3 15 3 r.o 3 05 4 00 ( i 00 n oo 5 OO II 00 .1 15 3 20 3 an 3 25 3 25 3 23 3 25 3 35 3 10 II 10 3 40 3 50 3 10 3 45 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 Mi 3 H5 3 UO 3 00 I'l 17 ( coders 1000 } 3 75 15 steers 11SI1 ! 1 00 HIXH The matkot continues wo.ik mill thOIOWas another Oc til 10 | ' dlop loihl ) . Ho- oclpts weio llhctal anil thu iiu.illty gcnetnllv ( ( iiiiinon. 1'our hlilpiii'is wanted hogs , hut only throe local houses wore liuvlng pecti- lalors me onl\ operating In n v 01 y .small way us Is usually the case on a declining naikct Tliu shipping anil fiosli meat buyers tool , the good butcher weight and honv ) nogs early at ( loin $7 to 47.in I'nckois weio vciybenlsh anil liniiKlit light anil mixed stull voiy hugely at ill 00 and W.O'i ultli sciitti iltiif snips down as low as * ( > 70. The m-ii Ui-t closcil M rj li id hill ulth about i'\cn thhiK oul of Hist lianil-i. It uas prai'lli'ally a Jtl.'JO to f" in u ki > ( aualnst $7 to f7 05 Tm-Mlaj anil i at ) to { 7 35 a week today. lU-pu'stMitatlxo I'Kis VND itorou. 2 200 4 00 1 420 C 50 I 91 4 25 Sun p-I'oui lo ids weie received , of which bieeweie billed direct to "swift .1 Co The Ihei loid , fallish western ewes , sold ( ol 4 20. 'here Is a veiy ( nlrdcm ind foi dcshable mut- s and prices aie ijuutubly him. I'.ili 0 good natives , J3 71 to $5 ; fair to good u-steins , M.50 to $5 ; common and stock heel ) , $2.25 to J3.75 ; good to cholco 40 to 00-lb. lambs , JltoSO Itepiesentatlve : so Av. Pr II tailings 70 $3 50 91 westcin owes . . 78 420 Iteeelpts nnd Disposition of stoek. OlllclalrJ-jIpts.ind ills-mttloi of stias how n by thu bo ) ks of the Unlo-i htoek V.irds ompany (01 the twentv-oui hoursendlng.it 1 o'clock p. m. Maich 29 , 189J- iircrii'rs Cbliugci MveStoek .tl.irkut. CillOAdO , 111. , March 20 LSpeclal Telegram .o I'm : HI.K.I Most KItides of cattle sold at slightly advanced pi Ices ted ly. Uuseful shlp- ) lng steers usually sold fiom 5c to lOj higher jh.in on jesterd.iy. and there weio no signs of weakness In any branch of Ihe market \ \ Ith- outdisplaying much activity the niovement was f.ilily free and bj the mlddloof the after noon the jards weie piacllcally empty Cows jind bulls were quoted at fiom $1 50 to 74 25 , stockois and ( eeileis at fiom JJ.60 to tl 40 , diessed beef and shipping stiersat ( mm $4 to $0 25 and Texas cattle at f'oin $2 to $1 ( > 5 Seldom Is as much as ( mm 15c to 20c per 100 Ibs knocked off the value o ( hos In the sp ice of onu day , but the e llguies no moie than cover today's decline. Hocelpts conllnuod lUht , nor weio there a-iy Indications of a de elded Incicaso In the nhn ( utuie , but p n-Keis wanted lowei pi Ices mil they pioceeded to establish them ThcmaiUct v\as foiced back to fiom $0 75 to ? 7 25 foi pool to choice light , VHE NEXT MORNING I FCEL BRIGHT AND NEW sND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Jily do.tor toys it arts Kontly on Ihe stomach , liver nnd kltne ( s unrt 1 < n iileasint l < uatl\ ' 1 hla drlnh h mnilo ( rom lierlw nnd In prepared for use Itlicclled AllrtriWKl JBellltBtsno nnd tin package Kyou cannot get It. "und your luMrcaa for a free wimple I.anr'Ml'nrailr Millrlnr iiuivii-i Hie bnm-l * vnrli fla > > J n rr lor Hi Mi lipnltliy Ililsli nei rssiry I'mpOBiils fi > r the in'i-lliin : "fii Tart ol tin UjiiiiiliisStiitii rcnlli'iitliir } . Pi-alt d iiniiios-ils will lioriM-nliiil by tlio Wy oiulntr htatii llo.iril < i ( ( Inultlns anil Kndirii until tin-1st < laj or May , 1803. at 1 o'clool ii in of siilil day , ( in ( timlsliliin niatt-ilals am erection < > t a linrtlmi < > ( tlmjoinlns Mali pi'iilti-nllarv at Hanlliisoiiilii . In coin nlinni-i' wltn tiniirov Islons ami limitations o M-ctlinih Haml28. ) I'liaiitiT 30 , Sihslon KIIWI 1888 , tt jomlntr , and I'liaptor 17 , K'hslim J.uwi 1803Vjiiinliik' , . , , , 1'lans , hiiei-lllcatlons ami liistrin-tliins to lilil dels mai no Hi-i'ii .it tin1 olllt-o o ( thu boc-iul.ir } o ( tin1 lioaiil , Cln' > i'inii > . \\jomlni ; All lilildurs will iMjii'iinlit-d to ( urnlsli vvltl tils or tlii'lr bids u n i titled I'hucli , p.iyubli' li tlnintri'taiotln ) lM.ird to tlio anniiijit o $1,000. which cliii'K v\lll be ( ort-lti-d to tin htato In tlic i-vcut o ( ( allure o ( bidder to intc Into cunt i u-t within Inn days ami exec-iiti' I boml to llie stalu o ( \\joinln , : , In not lebs thai tlio amount of lliu jinmosil o ( such person o nuisons , which boml shall buaiiinoveU by tin Tliu'llonrd of Charities and Ki-orin reserve tlni right to reject any ami all bids , In awarding a ( ontiact profurcnco will b Klven toniattirlalsaml lulxiror this htutu All bids tnnst bo sealed and undorM-d , 'I'm pos.iK ( or tln < unction of the Wjoinlnn Htat Iienltentl.ir } " Tor ( nrthur lnoiinatlon apply to tin ) hi-cre tury ( i ( thu board at ( 'heymiiie. WyomliiK. ( 'IIAItl.l'.i' I'll'ltDH'K , H T I'AltWKI.U Hoard o ( ( harltlt'H and Iteorn ) . ( Attest ) b. T. 1'AKWKU , , fcecrutary. Choyunnc , Wyomlns , March 27 , Ib03.Ju30U7t to ( MIII ) 17 to tl 45 r ir niltod nnd incilliini anil to ( rum * 7 10 to $7 fni ( or Inmv y ijradi" < , vrln-ro It eloii-d dull and veiy weak , with sotno IIOXH led in fi Thr > run of uln-ep wa niin-h le tlnui u iml ( or Tne daylmt the rei-clpts (01 tln lust two days amounted to 22.000 lirud and eller < went itn- ablu to add nntrli inure to values. They worn < lriiiiK , however , ul ( rom f I 26 to } ri for poor to extra liei p and at from 15 to til Mi ( or lambs Sales were liii i < ly at ( rom KI tolft 36 ( or nheep and at ( rom } .V75 to } H 35 forlainlH Hirelnts- Cattle , 12.000 lic.idi lui n , 17,000 he id , sliei'p. 8.00O he.id 'Ihe Kvenfinc Journal repott : ( . \lTt.K-ltecelpls. 12,000 head : < hlpmrnts , 4.60O head , maiket sti-ady to Htronitt top streri , f 1 CiOrtiS Oo , niedlum lo need , ? I 80it5 25 | others , < t 6lKi,4 00. ( ed Texans , J4.25K1 10 ; ( at natlvui-ows and heKeis , Jj 06tl4.ll ) . lloim Ifr-i-elpts. IM.OOO head : shipments , 7,000 lip.id ; maiket 10 200 lower ; coinmon and nilveil , ! 075 < t.7-J5 ; iirimo heavy and butchers' vveUhts , J7 30ii7 45 : Unlit , $0 OOtl r -"i-olpli. . .010 head : ililpnients head ; miuket slightly hlghm- ; natives ' . ' -SV' ' , wl'"u'rlMI'liJ 5i To\niii , 4.75 : lambs , ? 4 OO.tf. OO. \vr.sniiN : PALKIXI i.\riiusrs. : : lrt-reii < r In Hie Mnvriurnt of llogn lor tlinVick. . Cl.sc'tNNVTi. O. , Maii-li 20. [ spivlal Telo- Rriim to I'IIK HH' -'I'oinoiiinv's 1 Pi ice fut tent will say : A total of 150.00O IIORS has been handled by western piekeis In the past week , eoinp.iied with 175,000 last veir. I'liiiiilneiit points compare us ( ollous slm-u March 1 : New Vorlc l.lvii stock M-irke NiYOIIK , Match ? n.--'vrn ( -liecelpto , 811 head. I lading active ; common to nudium glades 'ind natives fullj- lOc pi i inn ibs higher Shipments , 1.70O ( jli'iilyi- . of beef Kecelptsof calves f n'l hi ad Muket active and full ) f > c blu'hei , J5OO , h DO hunt'M ) I.VMiis-Iiecelpts 7,000 he.id , sin ep In demand and Him , lambs iiitlveul ( uitliei advance of ' < > pi i iiuiiiul : drissed sheep t" > 25.7i. 25 ; clipped , il 751/125 ; Iambi So 0ir/0.7.j ( ; clipped lambs , * ( , oo.ii 25 ; dies-ed mutton , llrm s' O'sC ' tier Ib dressed lambs higher al H7 | fi.c ll < ) ( is-UiM'elits ] fi,7Ti head ; maiket steady at f7.00i.H ( 10 pel 100 Ibs KnnsiH Cltv l.lvi stork Murld't. IC ssts CiT\.Mo M ncli -t'nriv.-lle- - ciilpts , 5301 In ad , shipments , 2,7ll ) ) head , maiUel mine active and tcady to Mioir- ItepiiMMit itlvo Mill'sDicssiMl beef and shipping steets } MiOi"i25 ( , Tes and Indian steels , W "iOM l"i , cows und heKers , t J .153 1 osto ; < kets and ( eed'-rs , JJ 5'df I J5 , lions ItecelptsH.Toohead , Ehlnments , 3,700 head ; market dull ami I.Vie Jilc Inuer , clo--liig active nod strong ; all grades * 'j 2r > ic7 15 , bulk , JCi M5l ( ( ) ' 15 Ml mi1 ItecelpN , 1.200 bend ; shipments , noMcmaikct ; active , stiomt and usually lOc blghet. Itepiesentatlve sales M 11,1 tons , if & 20 st. I.mils l.lve stock Market. i. Loins , Mo , Miuha1)TTI.I ) : Kecelpts , 1,5)0 ( ) head ; shipments , 1,300 head : market ste idv : ( air to good native steels , $ .150 ® 4 ' ) ( ) , Texas ( ed steers , f.l 70 < fcl 30. lions lleu-lpts , 5,100 bead ; shipments 1,000 head ; m.uket Ui(15i ) * loner ; heavy , t70UJ7.iO ( : , mixed , Su HOt7 20 ; light , J ( > UOtf 7.15 .SHU -ltecelpls , 200 head ; shipments , 2,00tlhead ; market Him , unchanged. ISri'iit I'fonilrto Inr \ \ o ul tl iniirictnet. . It is onl\ quite icientlj that mamifae- tuieis of fiunituro. vvaj'ons and wood \vork penerallv have boconio avv.u-o of the vvondot-- fnl promise ofloml bj North O.ihiston , Tex Diiectly tilbut ii\v to this .voting cit\ and not many miles distant in oistorr. Texas ate ox or 4 < UXX)0l ) ( ) ( aneb ol tiinbei. which coin- in ises all of the high Ki-.ulo haul and soft woods M.in.v iiooiilonio coining in and arc now doini ; businc'ss , but there is tooin fora pi oat nunmoie ith rail and water f.iillitU's for shipiiinp and 111,11 luts In all ditections tlieio should not bo an.\ hesitation about the otitcomo of inanufacturinp ventines Tor fuither inrtieul.us call on or writi' D D Smeaton , loom 17 Iliulcoibtuldinp , Omaha , Neb , the local aircnt. The addiess of the homeonice is Noith Cialvcston Association , IJox'.l. ) ! . Miunvaiiolib. Minn I ) . I ) TiiA/UE , II I ) . U.IOOE r. , JAS HOOOE 1'res. Vlco I'res Secy HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Capital Ii" .OOD ; Omaha anJ Sioux City. Grain and Provisions Railroad Stocks nnd Bonds. PUIVATE Room 212 Hew M Life Building OMAHA. nnrnitnxors : lo\wbtato Nation il Hunk , Sioux City ; Coininorcl.il National Hank. Special attention clven to outside orders Correspondence hollclteil A 1'nt.TTV FACE N the result of a healthy | ihy lcixl condition " llcntt ; ty Is but nklii ( U-cii * * yet It grcnlly do- peiuLs on n clear ( oinplc.xU.il , ( rc from vvilnklrs nnj liollovT clieeli * . llcnltli nlvvAyk brliiRS winlth ol Unutj A hwiltliy Istnteof the KVctttn coiiiw with 1'octor 1'loreo's I'nvorlU I'leierlptlon It'sn luodlclno plcpnltxl for woman's nil * menls Itciitpstlio-.eilorntinciucntsniulwcak' nesses which imiko u-uinaii'n life inUeiable. A wonmii who neRlix-ts to tnUe limber ox- croiso is tiirtleularljproiw to rxcosslvo con- cpstton , debility and n slugfilsh ch dilation. Thin Is the tlnui vvo advise the " 1'iesci Ipllon. " In all dcinnKtMmmts nml illsplaccmenl.s of tha Hieclal OIKIIUS which icsult ill "kigns of In- llaummUon , " In catr.tih-il iliVhntKPt from the HnltiR incnilirnncs , niul In dNtressinn IricKiilatltlcs this nuxliclno Is piuiinntec < I to bcnellt or cure , or the money Is returnocL 1NDAPO Till IIIIKI1 HINDOO 11. iMtCk Till. < UISII.TS ) „ 80 IIV\M. line , nil Si I Mills l > l rn"j riullnit VI. in .1 < - . . - - Pan l > Mi riitiu < VVinkin , > > - l- . * ' II. nmliilliUl | l > it Mililt l < l. IK l.onl VlliilllyU ildm j.K \ fai-llt curl , l lu > i'M pinUt 1'ilnx 91.In iiukiKi- | \ fur * . ' nil Mill , \\Htliiniuiir- - miltn ( o cur * , or IIIIIMI ) rein 'rO. li. n t ! * ( mi ) m * | > l Hit liil. dilillr | . | i.- ! ! ) u i ij , kmI , r mill itlm In tl tolilniinit lMIVI-0 n.li. < lh.r tr liu li.li not Prt II u will in hit H by lunll up. n n . lit nl lirlrs ainililitltl rrnli-il i u\ . lot p ftri \il lri-.it llrlmlul ( Uillriil lu. , M ) 1-1)1.1.mill I'liiii , CliUnuo. III. SOLI ) b ) knlm < V Cn Cur ulh anil Iouilns ; Sts , nnil J A I ullir & . ( _ i Cei Mill nml Douglas Sts , OMAHA , M H Ivl'iull. iirlinrldcr 5Jt llionilw.iy nnil 6 I'm' ' SI I ( H NC II DLUI-l-S. IOWA nml nihrr Lradine r TIIF ONLY CKHTAIN CUUK roil LEUGORRIIILA ( Wbltos ) ! ul IVi mV \ \ iiiU- . . . 'P ' i | 1'lolllM1. Slip- Ill i * < d , 1'aliil il ii * 111 c t ; u In i' llriuti u ntlinu L let liu * Ul | iltliMiuMtN , ritltliiu < H DmA Aoinli ) lliMitlnc lit ( lliu Unchc llcni I HIT ] > itn I'nlii * , Sui IHIH Ii o ti utluii niul ilfitri al lliMillltj p vitlM'h n ! U MM ! nntt u ) | 1-i'inulo ( Vinpl ilnt * iu-i intinviilli ( .moil by ttiU Vdlidrrful lOliHHl ) It IH " ' Frioiid. "Woman's Best . Olve iiroiuitl relief fur liiilluf-itlfiii. k.tvt-i-unit ICIilticv 'I i utilili'H Irrltiililllty , yU-tili-i | > ini-i , 1 i * lluile , DI//II i s , Vnitiincs4 etc iirt liiK from Uti-i Inv-IMfonlrt s. I'lliiJJ tH ) | u-r box contain- lii nno uiniuli tii-.ilnu-iii I IIOTI-S fur flW ) lljr mill , pnstnca I'lild km uieli wali'il In iilnln VTIHIH I 'r sLMid fur Kltl t : ItdOIt liMiiliinlilp l itoiyfiiiuiii l.inlv Atri-titfi \\iiliti-il. lldlill-s MrnlCI.M : CO. ilemalo Dupurt- inonttlitLiiiro ) , III. SOLD bv K'uhn & Co Cor ith and DotiRbs S ( . . niul J A lullir&Co Cor utli and Douglas bis. . OMAHA NLH Inl'iuld Sihncider 521 Ilroad- way unJ 6 Pearl bt. , COUNUL ULtl I b , la Omaha's Newsst Hotel COR. 12TII AND HQWAR ) Ui. < rlloonnnt $ ' > ) par ilir It I coins nt $101 per iHr iOItromt HUH Ilitli ntl ) ) pirlir IU Huoim with null utlJ > ! to il 5) ) , urr lab Modern In i\i'iy : Itospert. Noul ) riunlnttcfl ThriiilgUouti C. S. ERB. Pron. Tno nly hotel In the c ty with hot and col& writer nnd sip mi ho it tn every roe u 'labipund dining roe n sorv ice unsuruasso. ! RATES $2.00 TO $4.00. Special rates on application B. SILLOWAY , Prop. SOUTH Union Stock Yards Company , South Ofnahai licst Cnttlo Ho nnil lu'cp nmrkot la tie ! nait. COMMISSION HOUSES. Wood Brothers. Llvo Stock Coinmlsiloa Merchants. Eoutli Oinnlm Telppliono 1157. Chicago JOHN I ) OAOHV1AN , WAI.THH n. WOOD , f Mark ct Report i by mi I mil.tlrj o'JOJ.-fallr upon appllaatlon OMAHA /WMINQS AND TENTS Omalia Tenl-Awnlng Wolf Bros. & Co. , tOMl'A.NV. .MnntiffirltirtTri of tent * inuiliuIH < > iO ) und HOItbK TOVKIH , 70 1 - liitli alroul III ! hnrnii'ii Mt BAGS AND TWITS. I BICYCLES , Bemis Omalia Bag M , 0. Daxon , Importer * nml m-iM.fri - Hlcycloi aolil on munthl/ Hour in.ki burlapi tnluo pnruuitin \ N nth B03TS AND SHOES , Morse Coe Shoe Company , salesroom and Olllco-llur Hut III ! Howard . 1 in lory IIIU ir.'l-IISJ Howard ht \Vo nro the ONIV Mutiiifn'-luron of llooln Bad rlioos In llio utiito of .Ntu uBltn A Hiunil iu\itiillon lnuxtuud'il to ull to liupocl our now Tuctory. Rector & Wiliielmy Lolieck & Lian , COVll'ANV , Dealer * In Inniirirjn 11 Corner lOtli nn I Jackson luec.iinleif tooli .41 ojti HJI DoiuliB Jt. HATS , ED. WORKS. W , A , L , Gibbon &Ci , OnubaSareanllrJi VVholonlo WOIIKS Hutu , cipi , alriir g cnfoi Tiiult ) jnll iror . Klovi'n mlltuni -'Hi Iron Ahiillun nnd tlru ai and Hnrnojr Alt eipoi AulrojnA ( lar- u t llt'i an I Juckson. LUMBER John A. WakeOalil , Cliarles R. 133 , liuporleitinorliinl'urt IInril oi > il u a nr land ajm mt vtll v iii carpel * in t p ir i u ; kooooinuut ndsulnj/ ) lloorlru wliltulliuu Dili Hill i LIQUQ33. MILUNtrH. Prick & Herlwt , I. Obarnidar & Co Impj-tiri no I jobbora \ \ Uoloaalellquordo ilsi ut mllllnary notion * . Mull or Idn pro uplly 1001 Parnam St. IM .ill d lit1) 3 * .