Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY TEE ? : TlluilSDAY , MARCH 80 , 1803 ,
OFFICKj f'O. ' 12 I'KAULi STllKCT.
Eclhctffl ly carrier to nny putt nf tlio filtj
lIIIHlm' fiOfllro S"'i2
TELEI'llONnfl ' } NKt | | , Editor No. 23
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Council HlufTs I.umtw-r Co. Coil
A rnso of thp im-nslos wns reported yes-
U'rdny nt tinSt. . ,1oc house.
Unltv Guild will meet In special sPMltm
this afternoon with Mrs. Hobcrts , \ oorhls
struct , nt ! io'clock. .
A A mbeo uml .lulla Slovens , both of
I'ottiv/iiltiitnlo county , were nmrried by
Justice Vlcii jcstcrdiiy
The Lid fwi of the First Prosuyterlnn church
will Rlvp a fii-o sodal thlse\cniniIn the
churi h pnrlorn. All arc invited to altrnd.
Harmony ohniHer No. 2.1 , O. II S , will
L'iUMiu enteitiiininrtit and social this oven-
Wilt Miisrmiitemple. . Mcmbetsand friends
coidlalli Invited.
Charli's Miner , who stole a lot of tools
from M S Hoop , was bound over to the
prand jury af lira hearing In police court
yesterday miTiilnj , ' .
Hpptilar inr-cttnp of Hn7cl camp No. 171 ,
Modern \Voodinu-i of America , tonight. IHisj-
iii-is and program of special interest. All
\\oodmrn should bo present.
Motions for new trials wore argued and
Mibiniitrd in the ilibtrict court jestcrday In
the Hlfpslll case and the damayo suit of
OLirholt/cT against Kinports.
'I heie will IMno iiii'uiini ; of the Parochial i
Aid io < irt.of . St. Paul church this month , 1
but i ! membeiH are earnestly requested to
wnd thrtr pledges to Mrs.V. . J. Jamison ,
I'list avenue.
One of the liinjcst theater nudionres of
tin season laughed and applauded for two
hours at Duhauy's last nl ht. "Kljsht
lU-lls" could riiif ? on the Council IJlufTs fttnf'o
exerj nl 'ht for a week and draw increasing
crouds ever.night. .
Articles of imorporation Mere Hied with
the county lecordur yesterday by thu Ger
man .Savings bank of Walnut , \\llh a capi
tal slock of * 1KH)0. ( ) ( ) The board of directors
for the lirst year are Julius Hector , J. K
Hotinn. John Mattlues , Joseph Uollor. M. R
UurUe , C. A. Uolsman. II. Conr.ul Mueller.
The < -it\ council was to have held a meetIng -
Ing last evening as a committee of the whole
to consider the plain and specifications for
-newer work wliiih Cltj Knijineer Cook was
instructed to draw up at the last meeting.
The t > li ns were not leady , hoMever , and the
meetiiif ? M-as postponed until tomorrow even-
George Keliercr , the milk man. was found
polity of soiling impure millc nml lm'-d ' * " '
and costs by Justlco Fox yesterday morninjr.
This is the minimum line , the tourt feeling
that all that was necessary , in vir-w of the
fact that It was the first prosecution under
the state law , was to make an example of
the gullt\ party so as to discourage other
attempts cf the same kind.
P'.ii's of people have piles , but DJ Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve Mill euro them.
You \M1I lie I'U-iiscil
"With tlio bargains you < : et in n\ioa \ at
Kvani * ' now fetoio , 28 Main mid " 7 Pearl
fatl'COtS. _
Hinnm Kcnimnl. htonotfraphor. notary
depo.sitK ns , ( vmimorolal work , letter
writing , 100 Main.
lion Thomas Howinnu returned yesterday
from \\.ishliijnon , D. C.
Hcv. J II. Davis will leave today for
Stuart , la , where ho will deliver an address
before n district convention of the Baptist
Young People's union.
Harvey Dohaney is very sick at his homo
on Third avenue. He spent the full and M in
ter on the Paeille coast in the hope of bene-
lltting his health and returned two weeks
tigo unimproved.
Every yountf man and woman .should
hear "Your .Mother's Apron String'1 to
morrow night , Uroad.M ay church. Ad
mission , "ioo. ' _
Finest Aribto cabinet photos , $2 per
dozen. AsMon's ntudlo , 18 North Main.
Mine. Helen Mot-rill. hairdros > in and
manicure. Room 31 1 ! , Merritun block.
I'llstrr Wruk : it llolmin's.
Easter week at Uohany'u promises to be.ln
the annals of amusements , a memor.iblo one
in the appearance of Frank Linden and his
company The engagement opens next Mon
day in Dumas' celebrated novel. " 'J'he Count
of Monte Cristo , " the predecessor of all ro-
mantiu drama.
As an exponent of the hero and dual roles
in this fascinating tomanco. Mr. Linden
stands amongst thu foremost , in fact his only
rival is James O'Noil. whom fame and for
tune has favored in the past years. Mr.
Jjmloifs support embraces his talented
daughter , 1'dna Karlie J.lmlnu , who. under
the careful tuition of her father and her nat
ural instinct for the art. has developed in
to one of the coming leading Unites of the
professional stage. The notable fact of this
engagement is the prices ot admission ,
which , considering the attraction are simply
irresistible , 10 , 20 and ! X ) cents.
Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt'
Witch HazelSalvo will cure them.
For a nice line of window nhudos and
drapery goods tee. Council BlntTn Curnet
company , -107 Broadway.
Your Motlu-r'H Apron String.
Chaplain Lo/.ier's now monologue ,
witty , humorous and pathetic. Popular
prices. Broadway church , Thurtday ,
March 110. Admission m cents.
Wood of all kinds , CODS and coal. L.
G. Knotts & Co , 700 Broadway.
Frco treatments daily from 2 to 4 p.
m. at the Council Blnlfh Medical and
Surgical institute , 2ilth and Broadway.
Another improuMiiont to Iho popular
Fehubort piano. Swan.-on Music Co
It Will I'ny You
To KCO what yon can do at Evans' now
Btoro before buying your shoes foi
bpring. 28 Main and 27 Pearl streets.
You Will Nvi-il Tlimn Soon.
Evans has the largest assortment ol
Oxfords over shown in Council HlutT.s or
Omaha. Prices from Iho cheapest to the
highest , and all new and stylish. Don't
fail to examine them before you buy.
Coal and woou ; best and cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the eitv ; prompt
delivery. II. A. Cox , No. 4 Awin.
At the World's fair will lx > a 7 1-11 oc
tavo organ in piano cn o. See duplicate
ut Bourieins Music House.
Murrliigtt l.lrniHi'K.
The following marriage licenses wcro Is
sued yesterday :
N'limu and . \driros4 , BO.
J A. A. llybfo , I'oltiixMiltamloromity. . . . -I
t Julia J. Mrxciic , I'ottawattanilii county. 3'
1 JuM'tih llniicock. rottauiittiiinlucounty. 01
I l.ydlu M , spratt. I'ottinvattaniUi county . fjt
. ( \yilllriiii WIIKIns I'ottHwattaiiiloi'iumty. 21
I I.tlu KldRowuy , I'ottanaltanilu county.J -
J Itobort llanilke.l'ndoruooil a ;
I Mary llonnes. I'mli-numd -j ;
Never defer a vital matter. A cougl
shouldn't bo neglected when Dr. Bud's Couirl
Sirup will euro It at once
"Your Mother's Apron String , " an en
tortninmont in verse and song , Bread
way church tonight.
Karly h - 'd I'otiitot'r.
Three hundred bushels of pnro earh
Oliloteed potatcoi at Thomas Rishton
2100 West Braulway , Council BlutTs , la
Stop at the Ogden , Coiineil BlnlTs- , tin
bebt $2.00 house in Iowa.
If you have property to sell , list i
with mo. I have customers for bargains
II. G. McGee , No. 10 Muiu btrcoU
Fftto of a Young Man Who Attempted to
Live Bojond His Income.
round ( Jullly of rorgpry Ho Mr 4 Term In
tlin I'diKcnthiry Stitrlne Him In
the I'ncc \ I.ltlle Hit
of K
The Jury that has had in Its hands the
fa to of John Hood Shonvood , the forger ,
brought In a verdict yesterday mornliifi ,
finding him guilty as charged In the Indict
ment. Ho will bu brought up In court this
rooming and will be sentenced to his term
in the penitentiary by Judge Thornell. Bl'cr-
Mood took the ntnvs of the verdict very
coolly indued , as he had evidently been pre
pared for it by a long course of meditation ,
in which it would take a more brilliant lm-
apinatlnii than his to discover one raj of
hope for an acquittal.
13eforo SherMood'.s experience , which
brought his present trouble upon him , ho
was very much Incllnrd to be a tray and
chldy soclft.v jouth. During his confine
ment two pirls , well up in soci-il circles , have
besought the sheriff to aid them In celling
possession of IMO packs of letters wliluh
they Miotc to him , and presented the sheriff
with two other packs which they would be
glad to exchange. Sherwood , however , evi
dently kneM' a good thing M'hen hi had it , and
refused to flvo the letters up. He will proha-
lily take them to the penitentiary with him
and use them in resting himself after his
long days of toil. One of the girls , at least ,
' M-as engaged to Sherwood and brought Inck
her engagement r ng along with the letters.
I Today will wind up the work of the term
| in dlstilet court , and Judge Thornell will
declare an adjournment \miil next term.
Not excelled b.\ any hisrli-priced liniment.
Salvation Oil , tMcnty-llve icnts a bottle.
K-iHtrr 7C melt IP * .
The BOSTON STOUI : is now prejiared
with all the latest and nobbiest goods for
Easter wear , everything In IIANOKKU-
C'liinr'S from the cheapest to Iho finest
hand embroidered. Sco our line of la-
! dies' while corded border handkcrchiofs
at 7f , four for il'io. . ' ! 00 uox.nx of the
1 finest hemstitched printed bord'-r ladies'
handkerchiefs ever allured for He will bo
I found ut our counters today us an Easter
A handsome line of better goods at 17c ,
or four for , " > 0e.
In HANDicnucilinrs we have always
| held the reputation of being leaders' in
that lino. This season will bo no oxcep-
Gl.ovr.s-Everything that is new in
ho glove line will bo found at our conn-
: or. Ladies' cashmere and cotton gaunt-
et gloves ladies' driving GAUNTLKT
U.OVKS. Our stock is now complete
with tile celebrated and well known line
of Foster glove- . , every from pair iM.OO
ip , guaranteed and litlcd to the hand by
'Xpert glove litters.
VniUNOS- All the new and popular
styles and colors at our popular low
how the latest in tlmt line at our poji-
ular ] iricea.
LAPIKS" WAISTS Everything from
the Tide waiht to the lincdt silk atl."i.
Our assortment is the most complete
ever shown by us.
comment. Wo huvo always been the
acknowledged leaders in the Hosiery
and Underwear line. Wo carry every
thing from the cheap cotton at lOc
a pair to the finest silk at SIU. ) . The
famous Onyx Fast Black is still the
foremost Dye on the mnrkot.
UNumiWEAK We show everything
in ladies' , gents' , misses' and children's.
Special while they last..r > 0c a dozen.
Samploa , not over t\vo or three of a kind ,
at about half regular price ( Ask to see
them. )
WINDSOR TIES Wo have never been
able to supply Iho growing demand for
this article until recently , but now \ve
are fully prepared and show over 100
styles and colorings , everything from
the nobby plaid to the palest tints.
PoCKKTHOOKS-Our ntcck never wab
more varied and complete. Everything
from the fie purto to a humUoino purse
or pcckotbook at $1.2. ) .
DRKSS Goous AND Siucs For the
nobbiest and newest styles in dress goods
and silks a visit to the Boston Store is
necessary. A new line of select patterns
just to hand. ( Ask to see thorn ) .
outdone all previous ell'orts in this line.
A visit to our cloak room on the sect nd
floor will convince yon that we arc head
quarters. Wo show a great many ex
clusive styles conlined to ourselves.
Fothei'inghain , WhitolaW & Co.-C'ouncil
BlulTs , In.
Assignment In Mipprlor Court.
A number of Interesting suits are booked
fora trlil during the term of superior court
Just commenced. Among the number secral
in which the city is a party , the $ S,000 suit
again t the motor company , which is set for
hearing on thotMth , being the principal one
in point of Interest. The- following is the
complete assignment for the term :
Wednesday , March Sledentopf against
Saturday , April 1 Smith against the city ,
Monday , April II .Mc.Mlllen agahibtJames ,
Tinle.y against Daniels , Uesley against
Thursday , April ( J Wave against Sleden
topf , Wickham ac.iinst motor company , lieuo
& Co. against Stillman , Habler against
Saturday , April 8 Whlto against county.
Monday , April 10 t-'iedentopf against
Marshall. Sledentopf against Marshall.
Saturday , April Iti liosenthal against
Monday , April 17 Wheeler against motor
Tuesday , April 18 Hohror ag.ilnst city ,
Hohrer against city , Carrlgg against city.
Monday , April ' .MInd. . T. C. Co. against
Murphy , Walker against Hamilton , Squire
against Asitwtlh , city against motor com
15eforo breakfast nromo-Seltzer
Acts ns a bracer Trial bottle lOc.
John Hogarth Lo/.ior , Broadway
church tonight , in a unique entertain
ment. Addmission 25e.
Don't fall
To see the bargains that Evans offers
in all kinds of shoes before you buy , Urf
Main street.
Ladies , don't forgot that the Louis
are at i" ) Main street iuw. Come all.
Full line of spring mattings and carpets -
pots of every description at lowest
prices , C. B. Carpet Co. , 407 Broad
way. _
Do you HinokoV Ila\o vou tried T. D.
King & Co.'s PartusriibV It's a charmer.
Just light oii ( > .
Chnrccil ullli lUiilH'ti
T. W. Van Sclover , a former resident ol
darner township , now of Los Angeles , Cal. ,
has been arrested In the latter place on a
charge of embezzling $ l,81f > belonging to a
client of hU , according to an Item published
in a Los Angeles paper. The prosecuting
witness claims that she entrusted , during
two years and a half , about $ .1,000 to him
for Investment , and asked his advice on a
number of occasions , with the understanding
that stio should not be called upon to pay
him any fees. Ho prosemed her a bill at thu
end or that time for SI. 700 for his legal
services , one Hem of which was fc 0 for his
services in settling a jurtnership matter
in which only $ 00 was involved. The pro-
aecutiiij ; wllueis further claimed that Vac
Sclover hnd loaned $2 200 to n mnn named
Taylor , taking a mortgage on Taylor's ranch
an security. Taylor at llrst denied his
signature to the Instrument , but finally
admitted that ho had signed this name , but
said he had not received the money. Van
Sclover Is out on liail
Piles of jwoplo liavo piles , but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure tnom.
Ilriintirtil i : inter Mill .
Thousands of Easter lilies , mngnlfl-
cent plants , clothed with bloom and
fragrance , at Wllcax's green house ,
Council BlulTs. Acres of other splendid
Easter flowers. Coino and see them , or
order by mull.
llic-dniiKl Hold ,
Council BlulTs. Most elegant hotel In
Iowa. Dining room on seventh lloor.
Hates , * 3 to $5 per day. E. F. Clark ,
The Aldrrmnn from the Sltth Wurd Kinn-
rrntrd from u * > rrlouH Orlinlinil Cliurgi1.
C. K. Nicholson , alderman from the Sixth
ward , was brought before Justice VIcn
yesterday for a hearing on the charge of at
tempting to assault Vcturu Drown , u 13-year-
old girl. Contrary to the original announce
ment , the case was called In the morning
Instead of the afternoon , and la that M-ay
the crowd that would otherwise ha\e un
doubtedly been present to drum la the de-
nils of the case was outwitted. The crowd
did not assemble until the aftcrnoin session ,
and by that time nearly all the evidence
was in.
The little Drown iflrl was the principal
M-ltncjs. Although only 1:1 : j ears old , and
not bearing any outside indications of de-
pi avltv , she went through all the details of
the affair with a freedom that spoke volumes
for her bringing up. According to hoi i tory
the event took place on the Kith of last Feb
ruary , In the rear of the Jenkins property on
Avenue C. She claimed Nicholson called at
the house and asked for Jenkins. When he
found that gentleman M-as not In he asked
the girl to go ivith him to the b.iru in the
rear of the house , where he M.IS about to
feed his horse. She complied , and when
they reached the barn ho assaulted her.
She screamed for assistance , but although by
her OMII testimony ihero were several per
sons within a short dist.uu-o of the barn
none of them heard her cries. There were
several otlu r very gauzy passages in her tes
timony , and there Mere a number of partlcu-
lais in irliUh her story was contradicted by
those of the other witnesses for the state.
Several plnsuians were summoned Mho
testified that'the gin's physical condition
indicated that something of the kind had
taken place.
Nicholson M-as put upon the stand in his
OM-n behalf at the afternoon session. Ho de-
i.ied having asked the girl to goith him to
the barn , the first ho Know of her presence
being M hen she came up behind him sud
denly ami startled him by slapping him and
crying out "Boo. " Ho told her to run awas ,
but she staj ed around a few minutes before
obeying. At the conclusion of the testimony
Nicholson M-as promptly discharged.
The cases of I'ercv Thornton and Mrs
Jenkins are .still to be heard before Judge
McOce , no time having been lixed as yet.
Piies of people na\e piles , but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them.
Mr . .Stevenson will not have her
spring millinery display until about the
middle of April. In the meantime she
invites the ladies to see her Faster
goods , believing that they will be satis-
lied u-j well as delighted.
The Meohendorf Meat Co. has bought
the. market of Metxger & Honlctt at . > ; 17
Broudwuy , where the best of SM-ift
beef , pork , mutton and veal will be kept
at prices as low us at Me chendorf's old
place. Give me a call. D. II. Kilmore ,
All Kind * . .
Oxfords at all prices at Evans' new-
store , 28 Main street , 27 Pearl. It will
pay you to examine them before buying.
Spc'rhil IVrlumcry Mile.
2Tic for lOc regular largo si/.e 2c )
bottles of the famous Drexcl's Bell
cologne , the newest and finest thing out ,
fcVrlOe ; lOc and lee size for Tie at Geo.
Davis' ; 25 gross to bo sold at the e
Gco. S. Davis , prescription druggist.
For warming guest chambers , bath
rooms , etc. , our gas heaters arc just
what you want. Look at them. Clean ,
convenient , cheap. C. B. Gas and Elec
tric Light Co.
' pvclul Coimnltti'i'H Appointed to Look Alter
I'lic-fJnil 1'iirc.
Thu committee of 100 that M-as appointed
a week or l\vo ago to take a general over
sight over the matter of securing a 5-ccnt
rate of transportation betM-cen Council
BlulTs and Omaha , held a meeting last even
ing at the ofllco of Ilarl & McCabe to
organize and prepare for active work in the
direction indicated at the meeting of citizens
at which the first steps wcro taken. The
meeting was very well attended , and the
plans were entered into with aim that
showed that they wcro In it to stay until the
object wished for is attained. The evening
was spent in talking over the plans to be
adopted in a general M-ay , and the following
committees were appointed to look after the
different departments :
Executive committee C. II. Han nan ,
chairman ; T..I. Evans , William Slilentopf ,
A. C. Kellar , James McCabe , Spencer
Smith , Leonard Everett , P. Ciounoudc , Lu
cius Wells , Smith Saunders.
Judiciary L. W. Hess , D. M. West , C. M.
Hurl , Jacob Sims. J. J. Stewart , Frank Trim-
bio , Cieorgo Carson , 1. N. Flicklnger , W. C.
James , George W. Hewitt.
Program for public meeting W. F. Baker ,
O. P. McKesson , D. J. Hutchinson , J. C. Do-
Haven. W W. Cones , A. Louie , L. M. Shu-
bcrt , L. C. Besloy.
A committee M-as also appointed to consult
together with reference to the ad\isabillty
ot making the organization above given a
permanent one iu order to correct any abuses
that may hereafter be discovered in munici
pal matters. Tills committee consists of
Jacob Sims , L. W Koss , T. J. Evans , James
McCabe and J H Cleaver.
A public meeting is to bo called for one
week from Saturday evening at thu court
Don't forget Ljy.ier's entertainment
tonight , BrcadMuy church. Take the
children. 2. " > c.
Active demand for acreage in the-
Klein tract testifies to its location , !
cheapness mid desirability for trult , gurt-
dcning and suburban property. From
to 40 acres for sale , 2j milo-i east of pos
olllce , by Day & He-s , 11 ! ) Pearl street.
Boston chips at Driesbaeh's today.
Williamson & Co. , UMI Main street ,
largest and best bicycle stock in city.
Fou SAI.I : C'ilizens state bank stock.
Submit cash ( ITor. E. II. Sheufe.
Chest Pains
Palpitation , weak and son )
lungs , pleurisy , coughs ,
, colds , asthma and bron
chitis lelieved in ONF
'MixuiK ' by the CimcuRA
first and only instantaneous pain-UillhiR ,
strengthening plaster. For weak , painful kid
ncys , hack ache , uterine pains and weakness
It is simply wonderful. It vift/ies the nervous
forces , and hence is unrivalled for nervous
pains , weakness , numbness , and paralysis ,
lleyond question the surest , safest , sweetest and
best plaster in the world.
Piicc : nc ; five , $ i oo. AtaUdruggiitiorby null
I'OTTIR Ultl'O ANUCllEM CoHf.i lioSlOH.
tleo In the state And
federal courts. Itoomi 3 > i-7-d-9. bhugurt
blocK , Council Uluff * , la.
"Are you sure that you \vlsh to live to i
be three score and tony1' asked a re-1
porter , says the Boston Globe , of an old
lady in Koxbury theotherdav. |
"Yos , " she replied , "if i could bo sure '
of living the last days of my life in the
Homo on Bui-ton Avo. ' ' I
The Hoxbury Homo for children and
ntred women occupies the building , a picture - .
turo of which is given above. j
It is one of the best institution ? of Its
kinu In Iho country. Its Board of Man
agers is composed of some of the best
known moil and women in Boston , of
whom Solon W. Bush is president.
It affords a temporary homo for many
M'o-'thy persons , but preference is given
to these who are residents of that part of
Boston formerly known as Ko.sbiiry.
When one considers th it only otio per
son in a thousand dies of old age. the
only disease that should rightfully
claim any of us , It occurs that there is
need of something to correct the fatal
tendencies of modern living.
Good nGives are the well-spring of
life , and to impoverished blood and u
diseased nervous system , arc due piimn-
rily more untimo'y death than all other
causes put together.
It was in view of this that Panic's
celery compound was First prescribed by
the most eminent nraetitionors of these
latter days. Alter yours of study and in-
vestiiration , a wra'ctieal food for the
nerves und blood was found which 1ms
proved in years of practice a cot tain cure
1)11. ! ' . 1 , . T UiI- > . Consult ng Surgeon. .
Oniduuto of Hush Medical College. ( iON-
M'l.l1 viloj * l.'ltiJK ) . Tor the treatment of i
iSErlf& iK * & 1S53 $1 818
ilfyill i SiiSJl uyilji5
AN I )
Wo euro Catarrh , All DKoT.icn
Nose. Throat , Chest. Stomach ,
and Liver.
Blood , Skin tvn'1 Kiduoy Dlsomoi ,
Female Weaknesses , La t Manhood
I'll.KFISTULA , F1BSUUR , perrciinentlr curaj
will out tliu USD o ! knlfo , Ilk-fUMro or camtlc.
All lunlndlei of n prlvata or dellcato mturo , of
cither cox. positively curcil.
fall on or nddrasj. ltb stamp for ClrculvM , FrB3
Hook and Koclpes ,
Uroirlfi3 < Xr Pirlni 1IB s" n > i 'h st-
ol-lllti Ok. olullls
Nnxt Door to I'ostnfflaa
ubuutyonr ncrvos ; don't uu ptlc. : weak , nerv
on . fretful , s euplcss ; uon'l huvo pain In h .ok
or slilu ; don't bu Ithuiit ambitlnn for ork or
pleasure. 1'ut a KeeiicdKoon life , t'se Nerve
( loans , a now vecotublu discovery of ro- ) n power nvur all nurvoiM troubles In
both hiixos Jl ; i box. onougli for two Nooks.
At dru-clsts , or by mull , Nerve Ca ,
Ituiralo. N. V.
lOHAflY'SI '
; tir.uws.
Monday , April 3rd.
The Triumphant Amusement Event , dls-
son of TMesuls.
And h's fusclnatln ; ; duuphtor ,
EDNA EARUE LllltilJll ,
I'resentlni ? AIov Dninns' croutost roman
tic elVurt , llu
ClmiiKe of piny oueli ovenlnf.
r\er winning prices , lor , uo nnd Me.
i Ibs. , Winch el ptlcal ijonr. Is the flnost
wheel in the wt rid. flMilllKli driiilo I'IKIIIIIKI-
tle. hardest lliiuln the fost. Wliolvsalo und
Iti > tah. Hond fureutuUlzlle , All Kinds of 10-
do IM- .
41 Main .SlroorT oiinfll lllulTs.
Is uusurpaMoil In the
treatment of all
and nlUVeakneiiiiru
and Disorders of Mtn
18 yearn experience ,
\Vrito for circulars
and question list free.
1-1 til ami Fnrimm Bta. ,
Omaha , Neb.
bids ulll bo ircelvi'd bv 1' . R. Colby
ut liUolllco In Uniiwa. la . unlll April 1. lit IU
o'clock a. iu. , fur thu cifolloii of n brick opcru
liouvo blocK iti-i-oi'dlnn to plain und Kperluca-
llonx now ( in till ) ut thiioMU-oof McDonnld , V
Unibo , ap'lilteutn , rtxiiu 013 Toy block , hloux
City , Iu. , und ut F. Colby'h onict * , Unuwu ,
la. Hlght ro&vrvtMl to reject uny and nil bids.
lK. . COLUV. Coiuiulttcc.
for tlio iimtiy Ills , slconlessly , dysponaln ,
ktdnoy truublca , noiir.ilgiti , niul tlio rest ,
that result fruquoutly from ovorwurk or
imiropor | living.
This Panic's celery com pound nuikcs
jicoplo well , IIH thousands of persons
th outlioiil the country huvo tostilUd
ovot-y your , but no bettor testimonial
liars oouti rocolvcil than thut from the
Roxbury Homo for need vvoinon , the ini- ;
t on of which says : " \Vo ronltKo that
Pnfiie's celery coinpound has boon very
benolicliil. "
One of the inmate ? , Mrs. Hannah Pat
terson , IIO vetirs old. his been greatly
bonellted by Paino's celery compound.
She can sew as well as she could at lifty ,
which bho has not , boon able to no for ten
or twelve years , liccntiso feho was unable
to hold the work in her hands.
Mii-s Lucy Mann , another resident of
the Home , has been cured of cpnoral
prostrntion , and thoi-o mid others could
not say enough in praise of the remedy
that has made them well.
Palno's ecloi-y coinjiound is not a pat
ent medicine , a'sar.-aparilla , or an ordin
ary tonic , b\t is an superior to them all
as the diamond is to ordiiiay : glus ? .
It is to bo had at anv drucr store , and in
thee mouths of Starch , April , MAV ,
when , as everybody knows , n true nerve
tonic and blood purifier is essential , it is
in greater demand , the country over ,
than all the hundred and one nostrums
that people are from year to year bo-
gulled Into using.
"Alisoliilefyins Best Made , "
"A Delicious Medicated Coi-
i'oction" for the relief of Coughs , ( T
Colds , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , nnd , CD
for clearing the voice. Kor rale by
nil Druggists and Confectioners.
Packed in full two ounce packages ,
VriceS Cents. If you nre unable to
procure the Pomona Cough Tablets CD
from yotir dealer send us 8 cents in 3
stamps ami receive a box by mail.
.Made by the manufacturers of the
celebrated Pom oil a Fruit Juice
Cc'.mcll Bluffs , In.
Hut pork , hams , lard and bar-on , whllo ay
up In G , arc dicapur at Mi'sclu'iidorf's murkut
limn any oilier place In thu city. The place to
pet your mi'iilli wliuiu you KOI the bo > > t and
the most for your monoy. l < oolv at these prices
and K-collect that o\uiythlug Is thu bust thut
Swift & Co. sliuiKhtur :
Shoulder Clod , tree of bono 60
Plateboil -lo
Boneless Cornei Beef 60
SirloinButts Oo
Kolsotlleef Oo
Sirloin ; trip : 80
f-irloinSteak lOo to 12e !
Porterhouse atealc 12 ic to 16o
HibHoast SctolOo
ShoulderRoast , Ooto7c
ShoulderSteak 7c
VealStaw . - . . Oo
Veal Roast lOo
Veal Steak I2\o \
MuttonStow. 6c
Tiluttun Legs IDs
.Mutton Chops 12'o }
Sausage IHiio
Pork Butts 12'/to '
Porlc Loins , whole 12'ic
Perk Chops if > e
SaltPorlc 12 o
Hacon lee
Lard 10otol4o
Hams IB'/e to 17c
Sliced l0c ! to25e
Sheep , whelp 80
Poultry and Fish always o \ hand.
NootharmirlceteaT duplicate thass nr.cii
nnd mind this is for 110 best Stoats in tin
Wholesale and Rotall
333 BROADWAY. Council Bluffs.
Tin : nxnci.sioii IIOMK IIAKKU ANM ) KOASTKH
menu ccnulno without hran Ilitln ii mr Intent
iL' but hluliiiratc. nut cloiai perfectly tu-ht
( arcs IU | iur cent mitrllloui a oinunu I'lill ila
sc-rlptlvu circular on Hpplk--itlon AIi.NTS : WAST
Klllnorurr cuiinly In tliuUS Aildrum. ( IIAIILKS
bflltl.THKIiS 41 N M.iln.-H Council IlluJa la , cHEW
I'rcslditiit f
(1'oiiHiiliiitlon ( rre - . (
1'Il.EP , riSTl'LA. riS-Uiti : , porm-inently
urcrt without the inn of knife lUnluro orciiKtlc
All malndlvi of n nrlvalo or ilellcate nature , of
I'ltlicr iui. txisltlTOIr curoil.
TltiA'l'.Mi\ : ItV .MAIL. - Adilrctn wltb
Unnip for | inrllciilnr . which will to tuiu la iilvlri
vnvclopd. l > O Uoxtfl , 118 S nti-Bt .Omaha. Nub
whllo coitliu the employer and employee
nutblnv. b B enabled ua to .1 Ivanco the Inter- 1 ill ) owu , Oyyocunn ;
better renutts with tlis mach no.
Wyckoff , Seaman & Benedicl
s mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *
1 , i ,
West north or south nt home o I ' '
L : :
ubroiut no house tlmt yon know of
sells boys' clothing nsve sell It
not one. II' '
at all times unapproachable values
there isjme week in each fifty-two
which we ilevote more particularly
c * - to the boys than any other this ,
s *
the week before Kaster. A special
STTIT < > *
OB *
< f9
aa >
< /
will be offered to "The Nebraska's"
patrons today in two ( .HMiiict lots
at prices that will "suit" dad's
ew pocketbook While we suit the boy.
fi >
there are three hundred nobby
at fancy cheviot suits with plaited coats
ages 5 to I/I / the three dollar kind
and two hundred fine all wool 8q
q >
fancy cheviot suits ages 5 to I/I <
with double-breasted square out
coats. You expected to pay three . * >
fifty for just such suits.
Made by the Centnur Cycle Co. of Coventty , England ,
The oldest unit strongest cycle company in the world.
Manufacturers , importers and jobbers of high and medium }
grade bicycles ; also vehicles and farm machinery.
S. M. WiLLIAWlSON & CO. , Counc I Bluffs Agenls.
The CdO'J Saniaritaji. 20 Years' Eiporicnto.
ttrtat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and LtmfiOt D ! .
Msoaof the Eye and ICnr Fitsnid Aioplexy , Heart
Disease , Liver Complaint. Kidney Complaint ,
Morvouo Dobllity , Mortal Doprcs-
nlcn , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness , Dlabeta nright ni ease , 8t Vitua'
Dance , Hhouumliam , I'aralysls , White Swelling ,
Scrofula , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumoro
and Fistula In ano removed without
the knlfo or drawlnc a drop of
blood. Woman wllh bir delicate ro-
itoceU to health. Drojty cured wl.liout tapping.
Rpec-lal iittonllon gUon to trontin > nt nf nil
blood taints iirUliu ' "V CXCCSM-S or vice * .
Surer and cheaper limn u trip to llui Hot
i-lirlnis JV ) to J.VX ) forfo t for iinv failure to
cure without mercury.
Tape Worms removed In two or three Hours , or no
pay. Jliraorrhnlils or 1'llca cured.
Will Eft ve Ufa and hundreds of dollara by calling
on or using
TlioonljrPliyilclan who run toll -what otic
n purioii MrltlKiut a UlnK a ( iiifntlon.
All cnrrcsiMiulcnco strictly confidential. ModlolU
ttuit by exprcu. Addreu all lottere to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D.
BKOADWAV.Councll Ululls , la.
Bend 4o itamps tor conlldcntial rouly.
Money Loaned on DmiiiondoVnt3ti3i , eot ,
UIK burgaltuln unredeem J
Road King Hustler
Road Queen Athlete
Kingman Glideaway
Scorchers , and other
Mermaid Medium
Umpire Grade
, - - - - . . . . . . til tiii truln of
Kll.iVh Ut.NKi.MN. nnilll | TV. HTC. tlmt no-
-iinnjr thoni In man QL.ClbV nil 1' ,11IIA-
I M'l.V tUlllII ) tin til'iiu.v , ri [ niU tone
'Mil ' imrtolm boily. 1 will BSDI ! ( BO
i" 1 KKK n i y inilorur tie ! pros.'llp
< I tlini enroll inoofu u truublui Aililress. '
A 1 U.M\ ! n\rr IIKEK. Mini f
Justice of the I'oace -
- 41i Hroi lir.iy , Upatilr *
I }
1'UH SAI.K-l-ull tut uftl HUTS loulj. Koodoonll.
J tlun. n linr.-nln Inqulru of IJinpUlo
Hardware < u. fuimcll l
\f \ It UKNI'-l.nrKO 10 rcioin Imino wltti nil luoJorn
- Improvenieiin. on I'ark nvuuiiiid per month.
b room huuxiirllli Bood bjra. nix.jlo pur montli '
1 Incoln nvunuit.
lour CHU.IKO lio'njj in Twin nir 1'Iace , near
hfj Ilros. ' tactor ) . 5i pel nionlli cwcli
5 ronni cottiiKoi on Tiilnl nvuniii ) , north of Irani-
fi r ill pur month.
6 room cofajoon Avcnuu r , tunr 20th ilrast , K
per montli. Apnly to li. II ojell , .So 7 , UulU Tla
b oit , Coimc'.Milulj. '
G AItllAdK reiuoFoU. c.'iu oaiH , raulti , clilmiierT
rlonncil. Wull proparua tor tin wjrk. Kd
llurku city liuluinic.
IllAVK nlnrjii list of projurty. liiijirovo.1 anil
iinliiiiirovuil for silo In nil pirts ot tlio cltr.
mo t of It ut IOIT prlos ; to mourn very cheap. If
JOH think of buying c'lini nn I HOI 1 oin
" ! ITU * uu uiJtisy. U. u. McUoo ,
No 10 Main atrujt.
T , , \ ' Jl'f . ! Nl clv" " ' ' " " ' Hliiu p'rlnti
JJ. (
oiincli Illutti anil all mMitluiM. nisu '
foriCIO IIBHJ of utoclt wrjlitli a\
, ' 0 At II K larui InCcilafTxiuTiTy.lsoiir.ukit , all In'
' 'culllvnlluii. J.'JOO | ) ur ni-rn. Hrm elm city
property to ( ixclnruu for L-UU I l.inil hond in iio-
'crlptlon of the lima yoi. h.ivo to oiler Johnttoa
unil man Knr.n an t cltr prapirtr
/Vbouulit und ukl. l'u jx TUu.un. Counsll
GOJI > ulrl wnntu.l fur m-neral lioiuowork. Ti\ \ . "
qinru.Mr yclillcliu-r. Jjn I Inculn A TO.
\\rA.STKIl I nille to nmht mi In mr work
> ( ; ciuil p y. Ailclri-.a .vr . u , if. i.nne , 3IS
Avcnuo ( J , Coiino.Mllu
nyl'SHfnn.l . lot fui salu , No l5iT 7uili avunua
Inqulro of J. I' . UiiUtliin. i. . 4 II. i.
' ' - hoiim .
in KKT lout iii'Hr llui ( > r > bullrilnu on 1'curl.
r : . W.J. llutiirn to lieu onico.
I KltSKV cow , youriif , wanted In tri-d3 for
> ' niK liuifKy nnd IIIRI liiiriionaHllimr ulllcr-
cncu Incath AOdrem I ) 113. Ik'u.
Ij'Oll IIK.NT , Ihe.tore liullillii/ No. M5 llroaiV-
* wuy ; Ihrt'e ruonu ulimu. and lame barn
In rear , on pnrcd alloy. 1 , . A. Dvvloo , 6 , > u franklin
XX'ANTKIi lly conipctunt ulrl. poTitTon for Keif
' ' rral lioutowork , Kiiod WBIIUI dolrid. Addroi
HW uvo 11.
: ) -ilrl for ncnernl houtenork. U. 1' .
Callabao , 2119 bulb itrcvl.