Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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    Tliti OMAHA DAILY HEI5 : : . SATURDAY , MARCH 25 , 1893.
Late General Manager of the Santa Fo in
I'rculilfiit Clnrk Think * ltnlilnnn of the
Bantu I'o \ * Not the Coming Mini
Director Mllhird rrnllct *
Mnny Idiiniirii.
It was regarded as Bomowhnt significant
tlmt Mr. A. A. Itoblnsou , late general man
ager nf tlio Huntu Fo , should bo in Omaha on
thomoinltu ? TUB BCD announced that ho
might [ Kmlblv succeed Mr. Clark as presi
dent of the Union I'acillo.
Mr. Itoblnsou was seen after his arrival at
his hotel by n representative of Tun nr.
mid ashed If there any truth In the
rumor which was sent o-it from Chicago List
night that ho was in the line to succeed Mr.
"Thoro is no truth whatever In the rumor ,
and I cannot imagine ho.v it ever originated.
My presence in Omaha is significant only in
the fact that I am now a private citizen , not
connected with any railroad and simply look
ing after my own interests. " Beyond this
Mr , Kobinson would not talk.
Mr K H II Clark , when asked about the
startling rumor , said. "Idon'tbclUne there
is anything to it at all. You may expect to
BCO names presented every day iroin now
on. "
Mr Joseph H Millard in talking to a rep
resentative of Tun BEE said : "Thi-ro will bo
nil sorts of rumors alloat now that Mr Clnrk
has been elected president of the Missouri
Pacific. ' Every day will bring out some un
heard of man to direct the interests of the
Union Pacific com piny for the next year.
"One thing I believe and that Is that both
foreign and domestic holders of Union
Pacific securities will agree as to ono man.
This policy Is necessary to secure to the
road that measure of strength which it has
obtained during Mr. Clark's term of ofllcc.
"Tho man to bo successful as president of
the Union Pacific must take the measure of
Mr. Clark's slippers and proceed to occupy
them - pursue his nollcy. make lew , If any ,
changes , and try to be governed by the pol
icy which the retiring president has Inaug
"I anticipate little friction in the election
I think Mr Bossovnln , representative of the
foreign holders , Mr. Ames and Mr. George
Gould will get together and unite upon a man
who will , in the largest measure possible , re
flect the thought of Mr. Ciark as to the con
duct of the property.
"Of course , I think the president should
live in Omaha , this being the terminus of
the road. But in any event a man will bo
chosen as president on April 27 or there
abouts who gives the best evidence of fol
lowing in the footsteps or S. II. II. Clark. "
Proposed r.lno to Ahtoriii HoUp City Itnllil-
lii n Knail.
E. L. Dwjcr of Klavel , Ore. , has been in
the city for several days inst In the interest
of extending the Union Pacific from Port
land to Astoria , a distance of about 100
miles. Mr. Uwyer , who is Interested in the
Flaye ! Land and Improvement company ,
has a big scheme whereby the Union Pacific
can build from Portland to Astoria and con
trol the business of that section
of the country absolutely. The scheme.
however , does not incut with any
great encouragement about Unicu Pacific
headquarters. Judging from remarks dropped
by men on the inside.
Mr. George 11. Pcgram , chief engineer of
the Union Paillli' , said when tiskcd about the
proHosnl extension : "I am not in a position
to siiy anything at this time , Mr. Dwyer be
ing In the city , and as it is his scheme he
should bo permitted to state v , his plans
are "
"It would bo very heavy work to extend
the sjstcm ? " the repot lev iiskul.
Tlicro inhilit bo ono or two routes
ftolfctcu , which would net bo particularly
ho.ivy , but the ouo most gener.iUy thought
dcslrablo along the bluft'a skirting the Colum
bia river would bo of the heaviest work 1m-
nglnablc. Of course the Union Pacific Is not
in a position to build any great extensions
with UH stock at the present figure. "
Speaking of the Boise extension Mr. PC-
pram said. "Tho Union Pacific terminates
about ilvo miles from Boiso. a atago line and
( s vi MI. to th" terminus. The citl
zona of Bolso , desiring that the Union
Pacific should CHUT the town instead
ui mopping on thin slilo of the river , have
raised Uio money : .o Tssary to build the ex
tension and bridge the Uoiso river , work on
the extension , 1 understand , having been
begun this \\cek. Tho.Unlon Pacific is onlj
Interested In ImUng surveyed the lino. "
Mia * Dooliltlii ul ( jliiiyciino.
General Passtngcr Agent Lomax of the
Union Pacific reeoued the following toll1-
yesterday from Miss Bess Mitchell
Brain :
Huui reached rhoyi'nno safely. .Tourncj
fioml'lilciiiio has uet-n exceedingly pleasant.
J5vury attention has been shown tiy lullrimil
olllcfals and iiousunjicr lepresjjntiulvi" , . My
btvtlon Is a model of comfort and eonveillenct
and a perfect bower of loses.
Coughs , hoarseness , sere throat , etc.
quickly ivlioved by Brown's Bronchial
Troches. They surpass all other prepara
tions In removing hoarseness , nuU as LOUI/II
remedy arj pro-emlnontly the boat.
DUtrlrt Court Notes.
William Davis , administrator of the estati
of Patrick Cronan , deceased , has sued the
Omaha & Council Bluffs Bridge and Stteol
iluilwuj company to recover lo.OOO. The pc
tltlon alleges that on March 27. 18OJ , Cronai
was n passenger on ono of the defendant' ;
truing from Council Bluffs. Coming ii [
Douglas street lie was knocked from th <
car , run over and killed.
James Folsom , who sued the Leo-Clarke
Andreson Hardware company for $ . " > , ( XHdam )
ages resulting from a defective step bidder
Kot u verdict of $100.
Piinco it Sehtank lost their suit agains
the city for ? 10,000 damascs.
See the celebrated Suhmor plan > ul
Ford & C'lmrlton Mush ; Co. , IMS Uoiljjo
o -
Take homo u box of DiilduiT's ftno cnad
io10th and Capitol ivonuo. Nona butler
Owiny to the bud u outlier the mlo o
Kohu & Hurrls'bankrupt gouts' furnish
inj ? gooda advertised for Wednesday
bo o utiii tud Saturday.
North XohratUiv To irlirr * .
The Toaoliors Association of North Nc
bra.tUu will meut In n three days session a
t Fremont next Wednesday evening. An In
toriisthm' literary and musical program ha
been prepared. Thursday moiimiK 1'rol
Lewis of the Omaha tll h school will dull ri
ft lecture , selecting for his subject , Kni'liHl
and American Authors Wluxt Ones Sliouli
Ho Studied J"
.Mothem' Kuf
AVe are acquainted vlth many mothers i
Ccntorvlllo who would , not bovlthou
Chamberlain's Cough Ucmedy In the lions
for n good many times its cost , and tire ret
ommendlng It qvcry day. Fiiim personal P.N
perienco wo can day that It husbioken u
bad colds for our children. " Centervllh
South Dakota Citizen.
Owing to the bad weather the sale o
Koluut Hurrls1 bankrupt gontb1 furnish
Intf B oil" ndvortUod for Wednesday wll
bo ooiitlnuod Saturday ,
A flub upright iiiano , iihod only si :
months , at half price. Ford & Cluirltou
Owlnjjr to the bad weather the hale t
Kohn Si HiirrlH' bankrupt gilts' furnlsl
lag xwfe udvortlsod for Wodnesduy wll
be continued buturduy.
buturduy.HAYDEN BROS.
. . . . ,
Iliiyilrn ItroRVill llnte nn KIcKnnt Din-
PropnrntloiiH huvo been going on ull
the week nnd tonmrrow wo liopo to
plcaso the liullos with the best exhibi
tion wo huvo over attempted in tills de
partment. Spcolul euro has boon tnken
with the display BO us to make It worth
while to simply K through and bok at
the beautiful things. Wo will show the
latest Paris styles in ladles' and
children's hats , ribbons , 'llowors ' and
ornaments. Open all day nnd evening.
On the same floor wo show
In ladles' wraps , capes , jackets , tea
gowns , wrappers and waists. Hundreds
of now spring garments are just in. It
is not necessary for us to mention the
prices as being low. You can only judge
of that by teeing the articles thoin-
On the 1st floor the great Kohn fc
Harris wholo-talo bankrupt stock of
furnishings is being sold olT at less than
one-half its wholesale value.
ft mid Un
Wo place on biilo tomorrow our new
line of parasols and umbrellas , having
enlarged this department especially for
those bountiful goods.
PARASOLS , * U.i' ) .
A beauty , in plaid , striped , of fancy
ull colors , only $2.i" > .
PARASOLS , * : i.75.
Something elegant in pin stripes , all
colors and changeable' your choice ,
PARASOLS , $5.00.
The best assortment ever offered in
one lot , including talTeta , in plain , plaid
and striped , chungcablo and striped
sateen , all new , and well worth $7.00.
UMBRELLAS. SI. ! ! . ' ) .
All pretty handles , fa - > t black and 14311-
ally sold for $2.00. now for 81.23.
UMBRELLAS , $2.00.
An assortment never excelled , all line
goods , 20-inch , fust black , new and pretty
handles and only * 2.00.
UMBRELLAS , $3.00.
Notice the assortment at this wico ,
ill imported handles , gold trimmings ,
in bulb : ! , crooks , knots , all guaranteed ,
cgular price $5.00.
I case ladies' heavy ribbed balbrig-
; un shirts and pants 50c , natural or
ecru color.
1 cuso boys' heavy cotton school hose ,
> ynx dye for 25c , ull sines 5i to 10.
1 case ladies' oynx dye cotton hose
very line yarn worth 35c special price
25c a pair.
HO new spring negligee shirts
either laundered or soft in many pat
terns to choose from $1.00 each.
50 dozen line French balbriggan
laturul gray half hose , a . ' ! 5o quality
; omorro\v 25c u pair.N.
IIAVDKN into * , snoi ; SAM : .
Tlipio I'rlrcH lor
BROOK BROS. ' inako ladies' $5.00
French button shoos at $ . ' 1.50 , B to E
widths , opera and O.--S. styles.
ladies' $1.50 , putunt leather , button
shoes , at $3.00 , A to E widths , opera
IIUISKAMP BROS. ' make ladies'
13,50 , line climax kid , button shoes , at
J2.75 , G. D and E widths , oporuand C. S.
These uro bargains no lady can afford
to miss , come and got choice of sizes and
Mon's line calf , hand sowed , $5.00
shoos , ut ? 3.50 , lace and congress , A to E
Men's flno $1.00 calf welt shoes , at
$3.00 , B to E widths , lace and congress.
Men's x.obu calf $3.50 shoes , ut $2.50 ,
lace and congress.
Tlieso goods are some of the finest
made nnd ovo.ry pair a big bargain.
Dry Goods and Shoes.
Low Ituto i\iHir.McMi.
My fifteenth t > pccial excursion to
Houston , Tex. , via the Santa Fo route ,
leaves Omaha , Monday , March 27. 1803.
Address R. C. Patterson , -125 Ramgo
building , Omaha , Neb.
HUM Tor County Druga.
OMVIIA , March 21. To the Editor ofTnc
IJr.i : : Referring to the "expose" in jour issue
of 'March S.'l regarding fho furnishing of
drugs to the county , permit us to give you
the following joinparativc statement show
ing the amount as drawn from the county for
charity and Jail supplies for years 1MII and
1802 and up to date , or March 1 , IMKi. Dur
ing the nlno months in fbtll-'Ji ' Mr. Alfred
Sehrotcr had the contract , and our con
tract commenced with June , ISO1' .
a savin } : to Uio county Tor niuo
months of $1.1UB 14.
Wo are in-cpann county prescriptions at
U5 cents t'.u'h , wo have on flic uvory lu'e-
scription tlmt has been tilled by us. the
county coiiiinl.ssiouors liiivo checked over
our bills ( 'urH month ando have n voucher
to show for every urtido furnished by 113 to
any county patient.
As to poor farm supplies \vo will with
tint later on.
THIS Aior. & I'rs'Foi.D COMI-ANV ,
II. J. I'E.srouit , Troasuror.
Ifjoudonot use avholo bottle of Cook's
K\tra Dry Choinpiignu at once , a rubber cork
will Ueop it for days.
Opinion of Tboso Who Hiwo Been it Put to
Practical Use.
Itcttirnrit KxciirMnnUtH Who Are I/iunt In
Tlu-lr Prnlgeii of U'lmt Tln-y Snw How
the I'liittc linn llccu IIiiruciKod
nt Tli ; > t rimliliig City.
A number of Omaha business ) men nnd
capitalists who have jiiht returned from
a trip to Gothenburg , Neb. , are very en-
thusiiiHtlc over the water power which
has been developed thoro.
Ex-Councilman F. E. Bailey was peon
yesterday and asked his opinion of the
water po'wor.
Said Mr. Bailey : "I had heard a great
deal of Gothenburg's water power , and
as our own city is becoming interested
in the subject of water power I decided
to Investigate for m\ > elf what hud boon
accomplished in the wu.yv of making
practical use of the waters of the Plutto
for power purposes. There were about
a do/en in our party and it was a revela
tion to those who were believers in the
water power systems which arc pro
jected In this slate , and if there were
any unbelievers among the excursionists
they were converted.
"An eleven mile canal brings the
water to the high lands to the north of
the eltv , where nn immense lake or
reservoir retains a bndy of water suffic
ient to supply all the power necessary to
run factories enough to build a
considerable manufacturing city
at Gothenburg. This Gothenburg
water power. bus passed beyond the
theoretic stage and is before you in all
its eomplotemoss. Canal , reservoir and
water wliools generating electrical
power from immense dynamos arc in
operation , and this power is being used
for electric lighting and running a num
ber of factories , in addition to the
water u cd great volumes of it rush out
and pass again into the Plutto unused.
Other factories are being built , houses
are in demand and the young city in at
tracting more attention to it-olf than
any other town in the interior of the
"It may bo that the water supply nnd
the lay of the land are exceptional ut
Gothenburg , but at any rate the water
power is there in abundance. "
All the other members of the party
expressed themselves in about the tame
Another excursion to Gothenburg is
talked of to blurt some time in the early
part of next month.
UIAD TIIC ruiccs
In HnyfUm ISros * ' Hnnmrnt.
We will sell the best country butter
for 15e , 17c and lc. ( )
Creamery , 20c , 22c nnd 2lc.
Separator creamery 2te. !
Keinomber our butter is always fresh ,
as it is shipped us daily , and 'nothing
only the pure produce of Nebraska
dairies and creameries bundled by us.
Here wo sell sugur-'sured meats at the
very lowest prices.
No. 1 sugar-cured bacon , 12jc.
No. 1 biigur-curcd lining , loo.
\Ve have these hams from 3 pounds up.
Bologna , head choose and liver sau
sage , uc per pound.
Tripe , 3Je pound.
Pigh feet , 3jc per pound. "
Frankforti , 8Jc per pound.
Ham ' -ausage , 7e per pound.
Picnic hams , lOc.
And ull other salted meats at lowest
Wisconsin cream cheese , 7c } , 9c and
12o. {
Eastern process , pure cream , 14c und
Young America , full cream , lOc.
Brick choose , lOc , 12jc , 14c and ICc.
Sap sago , 8c package.
NcuMiatcl , 7o. }
Roquefort , 50o per pound.
Club houbo cheese , 30o per pound.
Jar Edam cheese , $1.00 each.
Pine apple cheese , 50c each.
Limborgor cheese , 12jc and 15c.
Remember we can soli you cheese rc-
tiiil cheaper than others can buy it
wholesale. IIAYDEN BROS. ,
Promoters of Homo Industry.
A Tulu ol 1'uo Cltlos.
Omaha to Chicago is a ono night's
You can leave hero by the Burling
ton's No. 2 , the vestibulod Flyer , at 4:45 :
p. in. , and reach the World'b fair city at
8:25 : the next morning.
There is no more comfortable train in
existence than the Four Forty-live. It
carries bleeping , dining and reclining
chair cars ( scuts free ) , is vestlbuled from
end to end , and is gas-lighted by the
clearest , cleanest , safest method of car
illumination in use.
The Burlington's city ticket olllcenow
locution , is ut 1324 Farnam bt.
Omnlm ruhllo l.lliniry.
The Omaha Public llhrary has established
a station for the receipt and delivery of
library books , at the following named ad
dress : Mrs. A. .Tones , corner of Military
avenue and Uurdotto street. /
Until further notice hooks-will bo collected
every Thursday at U a. m. , the new books
being delivered before S p. m. of the same
Catalogues for adults and Juvenllo readers
may ho consulted and certificates of
momhcrship obtained at the station.
JKSMI : AI.IAX , Librarian.
Itlioiiimitism OilL'Uly Cured ,
'three days is a very shott time in which
to cure a bad c.ise of rheumatism ; but it can
bo done , if the proper treatment is adopted ,
as will be seen from the following by James
Ivimbcrt of Now Urunswick , 111. : "I
badlv afflicted with rheumatism in the hips
and legs , when I bought a bottle of Cham
berlain's Pain Halm. It cured mo in three
da vs. I am all right today ; and would in
sist on everyone who is alllicted with that
terrible disease to use Chamberlain's Pain
Halm and get well at once. " 50 cent bottles
for sale by druggists.
. . . .
' The Only Pure . . . .
Cream of Tartar Powder.
Contains neither Ammonia , Alum , nor any other adulterant.
Does finer and more economical work than any other , owing
t. to its marvelous purity and greater strength.
It is cheaper at 500 a pound than the ordinary kinds at zoc.
The Best is always the Cheapest.
Pimply Girls
Pimply Boys
And Every Person
Afflicted with
Humiliating Humors
Find Instant Relief
And Speedy Cure
By Using
Cuticura S emedies
To cleanse the blood , skin and scalp of every eruption , impurity ,
and disease , and restore the hair , no agency in the woild of medicine
can for a moment be compared to these great skin cures , blood
purifiers , and humor remedies. They afford immediate relief in most
torturing and disfiguring of itching and burning eczemas , and other
itching , scaly and crusted skin and scalp diseases. They speedily cure
humors of the blood and skin , whether simple scrofulous , hereditary
or ulcerative. They prevent inflammation and clogging of the pores ,
the cause of pimples , blackheads , baby blemishes , and falling hair.
In a word they cleanse the blood and skin of every humor and disease ,
purify and beautify the skin and hair , and constitute the most
wonderfully effective external and internal treatment of modern times.
< fiT""ALT , ABOUT TIIR IlLOOD , PKIN , SCALP , AND HA1II. " 01 paged , 300 lllrrnfKK , 'OIllus-
trntloiiH. nnil 100 leallmonlata Mulled free A book of prkeli-nt v.iluu Cl'muiiA IfKMKUIts
lire soM tliroiiKliotit the world. Price , OuTicmu , SCc ; CUTICUIIA BIIAI * , iUc , ; CUTICUHA
E.NT , $1 , rrrjurcil by I'OTTEH Dnuu AND UIICUICAL ConroiUTio.N , lloitou.
FACIAL BLEMISMUS , red , rough and oily nUn , red , rough Lands ,
with ehape'esn nulls , dry , thin and fnlllnj ; hair mid elmplo Imby blem.
u'H , prcu'iiteil and uueil by CUTICUIIA BOAT. Mont effective akin
rmrlfylni ; and beautifying eonp , as well as purcat uud iwcctcet for
toilet and mirtcr.y. Only euro ( or plmplo.
* " & * $
W. II. P.I ItK Ell , JI. I ) . , No. 4 IJulflnrli ft. ,
li ) T"M , if * . , chief consntitnt phyitclun of thf
I'KA'WJIJYMKDlCAr , lN TrrUTKto U ' ) awnrtlfd the GOLD ki.oil , by the NATO NAT.
MEDICAL A riyiATHHfoi lliol'HI/.i : K SAYon
Rfhrtt'.stfd \\tnllttidt' \ oiy , A'irrotMiind t'tiyitcdl
VchtlitjCDil ( all JJliea * t and Weaknt'i of Mun ,
the yownj ; , Iho mdltltt-agttl nnd out
' oniultntlon fn pcreon or by letttr.
I > ro8.x-ctus , with leMlmoniaN. FllKK.
f-nrgc book , SCI NCB OV I.1FK , Oil SKI.r-
rinSiKVATJON. : SCO pp. . I2 : > Inxalunble jiro-
icrlptlono. full K.U. ooiv il.uo by mall , tuAlrd
II la > your biuoil rloli , in < l iiuio , tone you
* hulo systuin. euroovi'ry nervous troub o with
Nerve Beans , a now vi-aofiblo dUcovory ot
miirvulous IIOWLT. ' 1 hcv renew youth , restore
vlcor , slvc s ow of hen t i iloublo fapnolty for
work or pltnisiiie. \ \ on lorful for ovcrwotk
anil worrv. So ( lly ( Iniijl'its $1 n IKIY. two
weeks' suiipl v. or by mail , NHKVE UiN CO. ,
lluirulo , N. V.
We Oder Valuable Prize * far ill Solution !
tj ! o You Had On ? If not , call at once upon tilt
Leading Kurnlshine Goods Dealers ot youc
city who will supply you Free ot Cott ,
If you wan * a Rcady-mada SMrt
to suit you , get tlio
It Is a euro fit. Wo rnako It e-'H wa
Vnow. - * *
nforliUou. . .
IHFI , conalitmttuu dynepaln , fculi
hretilli , Jwtiiarh1 , ur-nttiuru. Ic sof i
nit IK lite , n % 'htnl depression jiali.f ul < j-
diKCtlon | impUM , iwllow rrtniilfx O1
Ionand every uif.coscreeultlHi'frouiC'
* , Imptiro Wood or u failure by too torn * i It liter or in i
vteatinca to perform theiriirotci funetluiis rcrwrnt ,
given to < mr cilln ftr U'lif iHv < l by UkInuGUPnlUr *
ZOAclim'Al 1'rice h * malJ , /roinf2 MJUI 13 , IS1. 2.
UU'ANb CllKM/L'AL / CO. , H Spruce bt Mcw YorV
gmnimmmmmmmmmmmmmms 1
* *
- ' 2 I
- . * *
in ul
3S ]
< * 9 I
C9 "a * *
es >
six styles
CX haiulsotnc
new eolors-
cut like
this cuter
or cut
rou ml
C * t
5 to 14
Five h
Ofat suits
et always
till now
< fiK > r You can trade till 8 o'cbJi hi ! ] it , SitirJiy 111 U ,
< 0
< 5f
SUMMER SNOW-"Julcles ot Peaches and Svsectest ot Juice. " ICop ghted 1893 , by Ihe STARK BRO'S NURSERIES , Louisiana , Mo. ]
Suinnicr Snow for nearly 50 years has been THE
great preserving ami canning peach in Missouri's ban
ner fruit county , "old I'ike. " Why ? liccause it hns
never failed to IIKPKODUCK TKUU FROM sUK.n , because
it is the hardiest , longest-lived , and mtest bearer ; be
cause it is the most luscious , juiciest and sweetest of
peaches , A snowy white cling , clear white to the pit' ' .
Trees planted 35 years ago , in 1858 , still bear , and
Washington Stnrk ( a member of the original firm ol Stark
Hro's , prior to iS S ) , Pres't Citizens'Haul : , Windsor , Mo. , Dec. ' 90 :
"Juiciest of peaches , and sweetest of Juice full of it.'Q can
Rummer Snow. usiiiK no suyai at all. I'ruit buds stand 6 to 10 de
grees moicrolJ than any oilier peach j has borne numetnus crops
when all others failed. Jlore this year on tree * 33 years old. which
I brought with me when I left ow J'ike , in 1858. One of the best
peaches grown , and just about f'lfection for canning far more
delicious titan Heath Cling , anil ripens a month tailier. Ot special
value along the Northern borders of tlio pencil belt. "
U. S. 1'oiuolo ist Van nenian , Feb. 'ov " The Summer Snow
is Indeed rtrv peed , valuable for cnnniugi and is peculiar in re
producing true from seed. "
Above engraving gives scarce an idea of the original
photo , in our beautiful book , I'RUITS AND I-'KUITTRWUS.
This artistic work , the I'UUIT GROWF.R'S GUIDH , and
some other surprising things , arc just off the press. We
we could tell you what they're like. We c.innot.
. can nny man. Every one of the hundreds of large
Gradnuto llullcviie Hospital Mvdiuul Colfo o ,
Nuw Vorit City.
Chronic , HSNOIK ,
Prlvata aad
Special Diseasss.
- " > yo rs oxporfonco.
TroatoJ at $10) n month
uiul sill nio.liclnm
All otliur troubles tronti'il at reasonable
charges. CONSULTATION l-'UKE. Call on or
It Is Uiod toouro vou upriuo
lens , pure , p e is HiUlIKiTI1 ; -
INti traatincnt. The \vondi > r-
fill , swift. Sl'Ui : UI'Kh for
I'ouxlis. U.itarrh llruujliUla ,
Autlimn. Consumption , HIMKI-
ujlio ( blulc or norvousi , .Nor-
veins 1'roMiration Itrl iit , rich
b.oodI Ncvrenorsy !
sti'p ! In fuot. u uuw
"Oxvucn Hook" uiul t tr
rUtlKI Oallorwrlto
Suite DlO o eely lildiii Oiualin
pages must speak for itself. It's a simple recital. Hut
the story is marvelous.
You'll see scores of accurate new Copper Half-tone
photos. the Highest Art Process known views in
Nurseries and Orchards , lovely views of fruits and flow
ers. A as-acre field of Roses in June time and unot/ier.
If you're a woman and are like her whose letter you'll
find on page 79 , " & > tired of little roses by mail , " you'll
enjoy seeing our Roses strong 2-yr. plants , 3 , 4 and
even 5 ft. tall. And they cost less than the puny things.
That startling NH\v nouTicuVfURK .Stark liros. '
Colo. Non-irrigated Orchards ! Photos , tell the story.
Just think of acres of orchards !
Then , the photo. "Digging Trees by Steam , " another
of the many new plans used only by Stark Tiro's ; in
numerable scenes on packing and Shipping grounds
in short , you'll sec how a great Nursery business is done.
These pictures are not regulation gorgeous impossi
bilities , the baseless fabric of some " artist's " vision.
The Kind . \'rn > Yoiket'&y * " Photographs cannot lie. They
W ju t exactly uhat conic s before them. "
Would you not prefer to deal with practical I-'rnit
Growers and practical Nurserymen ? Are not men who
have large orchards of their own , most likely to know
which are the best varieties ? lfew buyers of trees know
. 91MPSOS. Wiulilnston
Xo nlty's Ice until pit U iib-
. write for Inventors Oiililo
that our California Fruit
lilce our wines is the gen
uine article We have just
received a carload of fresh
California Oranges lOc Do/.on.
Wiiio , Liquor uiul Cigar Co. .
110-.1B a 10th Si. , Oinaluu
where tn buy and when buying , know whether they buy
from the producers several liniuls
or removed. We are
wholesale growers on the largest scale. When you buy
from us j on get stock such as has made us Inends every
where during the past fifty-scttiiears.
_ Many nurserymen have not n single specimen on
theirgiounds , much less an oichard. Some do not tveu
grow a small part of the slock they sell their nut series
are chiefly in their cataloguer. Yet \ \ e tell thousands of
trees to uonie of these very fVms. Their customers could
as well buy at first hands. IHitell , perhaps wo
couldn't handle all the business that would come it their
customers only knew. But they don't. Ik-sides wt don't
want all the business.
Buti _ ) want the most for your money not appar
ently , but actually , A wise man takes chances only in
his own business. When he itncsls in such an impor
tant thing as an Orchard he wishes to feel al solnlely
safe. He wants something that on its face cairics con
viction disinterested endorsement.
Read the unnumbered thousands of letters from
Pl.KASlU ) CrSTOMKRS who send us their ciders year after
year , some btill buying who bought fifty years ago. Men
do not as a rule , send the second , ami the third nnd
even tin ; twentieth order , to the firm that does not deal
fairly with them. Weighty and worthy of consideration
are these letteis coming from all over the world , prac
tical , honest unbought testimonials , the every-day ex
pressions of cvery-day people.
Doesn't an output of millions of trees yearly , tell a
plain story of production at small cost , low prices and
just and liberal dealing ?
Don't think because we will sell you a tree or a lose
for a third , or a half , what some others ask that they arc
not good. Trees offer great opportunities for cheapening
out of sight. OUR fixed aim : QUALITY first. Next ,
reduce the price. (
Wholesale prices for even small orders would not bo
possible but for our "really wonderful" urn scry system.
Ry this system we handle a world-wide business , shipping
from Sept. to June. We un our own special cars to the
" Big 3" cities , Chicago , St. Louis , Kansas City , and
PAY KRKIGHT but see Wholesale Price List.
This one thing we do. Our life object is to acquire
1'UUITS. We have not learned it all. Hut the knowl
edge gained in 58 years' experience is yours if you write
for it. Ask us anything about trees and we will advise
you honestly and be Imppy to do it.
lint just here we incline , for the time , to say fare
well. How "trees" are sent by mail , how Idaho pear
blights and what the true name and history of the ' Japan
Golden Russet , " how fell those other "gems from the
skv" wineberry , hardy orange , and how many more ,
all these , with u variety of other delectable parlicularn ,
maybe found set forth in the books \ < \ \ aie nil your.i
if you write to Stark Itron. , Dcpt. 13 ' .otiisiana , Mo.
If you send stamps , we'll send 'em b . on the books.
have eyes yet see not When we fit a
pair'spectacles or eyeglass it's done scientific
ally by a practical optician I o chaage is made
for testing your eyesight.
181G JJouoJns Stroof , Omaha , NoJ ) .
Seiilod bids will bo lorclru by I . I , t olby |
.it lil olllceli. Oniiw.i , In. , until April 1 , ul ID.
ii'i-locU a in. for Hi" I'lci'tlonof u btlc-K opoiu
hoiiw block itiu-orillim lolaii | ) .iii l spcr.ll.'ii-
tlons now on Illo at thoulllco uf Mi-Ilium il A I
la. . ' - rvol , .oi . niny j-Uj - , bid ,
W Ami ml the truln ot
Ks' < r:3 : IIKIIIMTV , K'F' ' " . tb l o-
comiiiinr Iliuni In tuvn ( jUK'KIjV ntnl 1M.UHA.
NKSI'I.V I'LUKI ) ( ull HI'UKMITIl nnit touo
KlTiMi toavorr pitrtnf ( lie bodr I trill tend da
nurelr pBtkud ) KIIKIC to aujr lutftrur tlio pruiorl
tlon Uiut cured too of iliuto trouhl"i. Adar i , \