F THE OMAHA DAILY HKKr iU'lVUDAY , MAUHI 25 , ls 3 , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat ftr.rt Corn Woikoued at the ( Jlwe After Balng Strong. PROVISIONS \VERE WEAK DURING THE DAY oii * Crop D.uimgo IlP | < nl Contlnuo to lilmirli tlif Market 1'rlcn ( ten- crully Minimi ! n ( loud Duiil of rirmur . -jo. 111. . Maiflh 21-Afti'raii hll-day bold front , whuut find coin , within llftcuu i.ilnut not the t-lo"1 , weaken' ' " ! most luglor- loii ly Com , which had only boon t-ncnur- itKud Oy thnr-MimploHtit for It by the vvhiat n-irl.i t , wtis the wouknrof the two when Its sutiportcrs began to how thowhllo foalhc-r. \\hr-uthad gullied about " , < : for July , but dropped il all at the close. Corn lost V of IhuhlchoBl prlcu It brought uarly In the ses- Mon. Provisions were weak dm Ing thu grr-alur liarloftlu ) day , but. thu decline In the end wat not very ni.iterlat. Vanou and lllbbatd boirjhl from 000,000 to 700,000 bit. as the wlii-al. tnarl.et w as declining , 250,000 of which they KOI fiom Pardrldgu In ono lump. I-alo continental cables wer-uill lower , and a sttd- di n de .Ire to sull developed. There was ninn-thtiii the usual cAcltemenl on a small bicak , anil heavy trading during ll-i coiitlnuiince. Cold , unfavorable weiilhci ntul soincJIttlu activity ou the part of the vlliituhifilurs and a rumor that Cudahy's name was lo be given upon some of the ie- cent Inn1 purchases weiu the sttong factois In wheat pi lor to the break. Clop damage icpijits HID numerous , partlcu- laily fiom Indbinaand Missouri. The drouth In wYstctn liidliina was apparently unbroken , nnd In c Ipls In the north v.eie auain light. Thi"e i-imillllotis htarled shorts to coveting freely nml as there wns little for sale , prices Mmwcd a uood di-iil of tlimness The opening wuii' hlchi-i for Mny and 'ni- ' higher for July , nndafui-ome llucluillons , prli-es weie fur- tht r .uhnm-ed ' .c for the former and from -V to 'ji- for ( he lain i future The com rmuil stud led the weather reports find com hided stotms meml lediiced lecelpts , nnd win n eabli ' cnme In shonlng iiulte an ad vance and win-ill proved slightly higher , Iheie mis fall buying One pinmlnenl house took a ronslrlcialilc iunnlllv. | and the profestlonal ojieiatoi-s favoied this lile , espuclallj asoiit- jildi > lu-wssu.'gestcd strength. Subseiuentjy | theie was a deslie ( o unload nml ollerlngs eciild not be absorbed , except at tin ) com esslons In prices , llolilers sent olleis to the east and ials"d local pi-Ices on Iliecon- ttact griide above a shipping basin. This worked against stability. The market closed He fiom the bottom and y under yesteiday's llnul quotations. There was a fair trade In oats , pi Ices coverIng - Ing u range of- „ < and closing weak at Inside inlet's will n net loss of fiom 'jito ' , u. The featuie was th.- adv tiucu In June that has been M-llIng the same as May to ' , ipiiimlum. . Thu most sti Iking feature of thu provision Undo was a drop of 2f > e In May laid , while July and September closfil with a net gam of 2'jiTrtidu was vi-iy light. The parlj usu ally depended upon to suppoit products ap- lienrcd for a Ion ) ; time to have abandoned thu attempt. INllmatiil lecelpts for tomonow : Wheat , 105 cdis ; com , 17M cms : oats , 100 cats : hogs , b.liOOhead. Thu leading futures ranged as follows : Aiinrr.Ks TIM-KN W lien t No 2 .Mnich nu ' ll ' , l 'inly T.ljli C irn .No 3- Xhiicli . . liny . . . . 4,1 H. July IIU On In .MI 2 - A inch . Mnv Jimu Ml i ° a I'ork Jliiy 17 U ) Jill ) IT 47't. II Ul IT 4Ti ) "jlny II 4'J II K , July IU W. I'J MI Julyit | . . iu u ; > 10 UJ hlioit HlliB .Mn > 10 074 10 1002 10 10 .Inly. . . . -.1 l > 5 Cash quotations vveie as follows : l''i.oi'U-lull , unchanged : winter patents , t3.7O'/J4.'Ji ( ) winter " straldht- * , { : i.3Ui : i.i& : ; patenls , Jlt.HrjRl It ) ; spring stralKht , 1 . WHKATXo. . 1 ! sprlns , 7'l'Jc : No. 3 spring , f. o. Ii. , 58fu71'tc : No.l ! red. 7'ic. ! ) I'OIIX Steady ; No.'J. 4lfenej ( No. 3 cash , as'ju ; No. 3 yellow , 4(1 ( ® It ) ' . c. HATSNo , _ ' , atl'tcj No. 'J white , f. o. b. , Bile ; No. ! l while , 3'Jc. KVK No. i. , 4c. ! HAlll.l'.VNo. . ' > ( ! - ' ( ! No. 3 , f. o. b. 43305c ; No. 4. f. o. b. , 35 ® ICc. I''iAxyr.ri > - No. I.SI.IOH. TlMOTin SUKII-l'lllllO , tt 40. 1'OIIK JU-sH , per bbl.17.1J7'J17.30. I.anl. per 10U Ibs. , , ? n.HKloll.lii ! , ; short ribs sides ( loose ) , JlO.iri ( .ll.07'i ) : dry salted shoulilers ( boxed i , $ U.i7'i : < i9.50j shortclear sides ( boiedi , WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , 11.17 , HITIIAIIS C'ut loaf , .rj3r ? ) ? c : granulated , u'c ' ; Rlandard "A. " Co. The following woiu the receipts and shlu- nienlK for today : Omaha ( iral-i. The following pi Ices aie based upon delivery nt MKsIsslppI river points : \VmAT--No.'J.sptliig : , 70c bid ; No. 2 hard , Die bill. KYINo. : . s. nic bill. OATSNo. . U white , 33'c bid ; No. 3 white , D'Jc bid. COIINNo.'J , cash or April , 37'Jc bid ; No. 3 or heller , cash or April , 37'Jc hid. Among the sales weio the following : Fifty cars No. 3 or better corn , Toledo terms , March or Apill shipment , 371c. Onmlm Produce .VlurUct. The hay maiket Isqiioted lower , but aside from that theio was not veiy much change In the market , llutter Is rcarce and Kame Hat. Al'i'l.KS ( . 'holce shipping stock Is quoted at 14.ut ) . HANANAK I'or bunch , Including crales and lael.lng ) , l.0Krja.75. ! ( IlKANS Choice navy , J2.45. lllTTKii IXtra choleo country roll , 2nS2Uc ; fair to u'O'id country toll , IHlt'JUc ; oacUIn , ; block , 10 17c L'Al.llltllMA CAIIIIAdt : I'd-111. , 3C. . ( 'KI.KIIV1'er . .lo4Dc. . t'liANlir.uuns : 1'ei boY3.QO. . cucirMiii'lihIVrdo / . i'J. I'nusThe maiket was not much ebamied from yesterday. Dealeis were still asking 1 Ic for small lots , hut the majority of the sales were madu at 13 > , c. ( JAMK t'oiumlsslon bouses that make a spe cialty of game me disjoin-iglnj the ship-mint of ducks , as the market Is ovorsiipnlled and lirlcis veiy low. Ml.vcd ducks , 7ficT41.00 ; teall ; led heads , J2 ; malhuds , f-J.&U ; geese , f3.lHMU.Ol ) , uccoidlng tosl7C. ( illAl-i : Kltt'lTI'er box , 3.0. rll.\Y The market on good upland hay was H.IDIJ * No.l grei-n , 4c ; No. 2 gieen , 3c ; No. 1 green , salted , 4'i.c ; No. 2 gieen , salted , 3'fc ; No 1 gieen.salled. ja lo 41) ) His. , 4'ic ' ; No. 2 gieen sailed. 25 to 40 Ibs. . 3'tc ; No. 1 veal , calf , H to Ifi Ibs. , be ; No. 2 veal calf , H to lrj Ibs. , Oc ; No. 1 diylllnt,7lsc : No. 2dry Hint. 5' c. No. 1 dry sailed , lie. MONKY Choice to fancy white clover , IBj , llo ) ; fair to good , lUTilhe. I.KMOXS Choice , W.50 ; fancy , tl. Ni'.w VKUKTMII.HS Lettuce , 40c ; radishes and parsley , 45c perdu/ . ; green onions , 3.V. ONIONS llomcgiovvn , per bb | . , M ; s-panUh , IKrcrate.12. UIIAMII.S I'lorlda fancy , per box , } 3.0 ; rijssells , $3.2J ; Mexican oi.-an o , single boxes , (3,25 ; 5 to lo-box lots , ji : ; California nioitiitaln orances , * 2.fjOVashtnj'oti ; natels tt ; New castle t allfornta seedlings , 12.75 ; .Meil. sweets , 2 70 ; Ittversldo seedlln-rs , * 2.7& . OYMUlts I'll-can , 105.3 ( c. I'orATOKS-Colorado , si 20 il.25 ; choice na- live slock rt.V./Uc. ( ) 1'otil.TliY The maiket was about steady , though not < | Ulto so stione as It was a few day nco. Cliolce hens.UiHHc , live ; joun roosteis , BiUle ; old roosteis , ! > Wic ; KCCSC and ducks , Uiessid , imi2c ; divM-d till keys , l-JCcMc. t TllAW IIKIiHIKb I'ei quarl , 21'/3Uc. SwmnI'orATOiyl'er bill. , Ji , TANHKIIIMIS half bo < f . iJ.7r > r/3.m / ) . VKAlr t holce and unall fat vo.tls , VQOt ; IIU-KO and Hun , Sfeiio. I'llOllttCK I'OINTIIUS. Julius I'eycUe has gene onatilp lo Texas nr.d ArKinisas looking after the fruit liuenhts uf hit house. A commission man ivmaiks that there Is no nicr : nay to lose a nhlpper than to have him thlp In a mtriel of pop coin. \V. II. Ilur-rani has gone to Arkan- In the inleiest of llranch A : Co. Uo will bo present at tno meeting ot the heiiy giouorn at Van liurcn. Now V.iric Dry ( l.i.ili .Uirkat. NEW YOIIK. .March 24. The demand for iliy gooils dUclosed hiiprovena nti.as regards Ixilhhurlng and fall fabrics , with Intercut In the latter widening out toull recelptx ot u hpi'dal character , us dress goods , llunnols , LJuukcU , bhlrtlnk's , cotton'tluiiucU , couitort- nblei , < lll < n nnd rlhlmn * Ili lcry iitt't unilrr- went ale alre'ul.v tve'l ' undi r < otitn I of outers ti lire MM i fli ( i Hi"Tnls iiuitpinrnt Isisin1- cliilly curly tht * ycur bill tint ureiitly heaxlrr Ihitn ll'tiiu. Ktuple mid fniully cottons are not likely to coimlo the ( unit nu oni'tin" ) tliM hda oti. Cutienl deitands am moderate , but limn1 was iPlher more dolnn In medium nradfs.it brown ami blrachcit colton - ton * . Mnny ffiHids arc Mill soliii ? forward on orders and HUJMuiiply the bulk of actual re- iliilrcNiciits. 'Die mniket was unciiuiiiu-d In tone , holders bolnx Urn , . Nnrr Vnrk Marknls , tir.vt Vottit. Match ! 2tI'l.ot'it Kecolu'.s. 29.000 likes. ; e.xports"J.4tHbhl ) . , Iti.lOO sacks ; sales , 1'j.rtoopktfs.i nmrkel dull ; lield steady. Cott.N MnAi.-lull , steady : yellow , J'2 y&a 2.70. HYIH Qulel , easier ; western , C'.vtioac. WllllAT Hecelpts. 24OdO bit. ; exports , 23liliObti. ; siili-s , 2,700,001) bit futuius , lOH- OOO Int. ; sp.ot. Hpot market firm , fairly acllve fin exports : No. 2 red. In stern and ulevnlci , 7'ic ; filloat , 7&it,7riJ4C ( ; f. o. b. , 7."iS'ii,7i'i)4c , : No 1 nortnern , Hl'jaHl ' c ; No. t hard , Sli'ic ; No. 2 northein , OViaHO'ic tnlIons ) were active , opening Him at U 'ic advance with Hie v est , ( losing weak and un- cliutigcd to ? c doHii ; No 2 led , May , 70'j-ij 70'i' , elosllf ' at 7U'tc ' : . .linn70'By.77lic ! , closing at 7G' < cj July , 77 ] f.T 3-tOc , closing at 77'n : . CotlNlieiellilsf OI.HOO bu ; exports , 850 bit. ; Kali s , 1)70,1)00 bit. futures , B7.OOO bu Rpot. Spots moderately acllve , easier , clodns fteady : No. 2 , O2'iifi52'ie ' In elevator , 63'i ftr > 3'i < ! alloat ; ttmtiaded mixed , n2ir.i")3c ; " ( earner mixed , M'i i51 He : No. 3 , OOMHf 51'ic Optloiei otiened at 'ic ' advance , cUn"d steady nl H"i 'V decline : May , 497 ci July , OO'.c. tAT.Heci'lpls ) , 6HHOUbil. ; exports , 100,000 bit. ; sales , TO.OOO bu. futures , 10 ,000 hu. spot. Spots dull , weak. Options dull , lower ; May , 374137'ie , closing at 37c ; July , 37'3Hc ! , closing ( it J7c ; No. 2 uhlit , Apill , } ( : ) No 2 while , 42U13c. No 3. : ) Hc ; No. 3 Wldle , I2c ; mixed western , 3 ' | ( it40'ic ; white western. I2WIHC. HAY-I'alr demand ; inline Him , good to choice , hlXTf Jl.Ull Hot'S- Quiet , steady : stale , common to choice , ln21'iC. . Pacific coast , I8 < U.21'C. llllUsllull.casv. . Wocil , Qitlnl but llrnr domosllc lleece , 2"i < J J-Jc : pulled , 20 < in7c ; Texas A , 174621 e. I'ltov ISIONS- Cut meats , ( piiet and steady ; pickled bellies , llt'iloijpickled ; hams , 12' ' ? , 13 < { : middles , dull. Laid , linn ; westein closed at jll.dO ; sales , none ; oiitlons sales , none ; March , closed at tl 1,61) ) ; Ma > closed at * 11.6(1 ( a-I.ed ; .Inly , f 11.lo asked , September , clmed at $ ll.lo asked. I'ork. < | tiiet and easier ; old mess t1H..Wfl.7.- ! ) ; mess * 1H 76i410.00. { IH'TTKll I'limer : good demand , wostem dairy , lH .23c ; weslein cieamury , 213lc ) ; westein fin-till > . 17f'(23e ; IJIgln , HOC. CIIKKSI : Steady. folds Largencelptseasier ; lecelpts , 13,300 pktfsi weslein , flesh , Ij'.fiili1c. ( ' , TAI.I.ow Closed steady ; city ( } 2 for pkgs. ) Ct > TTNHiii ( ) : : ) Oih-Qlllel , easy ; yellow , 53 © 55c. I'KTiioMX'M Qiih-t ; llrmer ; rullned , ? * > 45 , nominal ; Philadelphia and ll-iltlmoi-e , f5.4 ( ) ; nominal ; I'hthidclphla and ll.illliiioro In bulk , t-VJOWJ/JJ ; I'nlli-d closed tit G8c bid. I'DSIN ( .inlet , steady ; stialncd , common lo good , tl.KKTtl.121 ! . TITIII-I..STIM : Dull , lower at ai'sftfllH * . UHT.I'alilv active , llrm. MOI.VSSKS Sew Orleans open kettle , good to choice , fair demand , Him. si'dAlt UHW , dull : fair lullnlng , 3e ; centri fugals. Ui > test. 3'sc ' ; lellned , active , hlghor ; olfA , 4V'.4'.c ; mold / \ . : > Ifi-lG'ifi'jC ; stand ard A,4 13-H ! < iol V confecllonurs A. 4 < J-1G 4"iicut ; lo-if. 5'td.5 7-1 lie ; i-iiishtiil' 5'4 < i6r'nC. ; granulated , 4 ll-liWr r > icub.s : , 4 Ifj-lliifcVni' . I'm Ill'N Steady ; American , f 12.75315.60. Coi'i-Kll Steady ; lake , f 11.70. I.IAISteady : > : domestic , Jl. TIN - Closedteady ; straight * . W.85 ) bid ; JJO.'JO asked ; pilies , quiet , stuady ; spidtor , llrmsteady : domestic , 4.27'i. The following me reported .it Dun's mer cantile ajrenev : Ashland , Neb. , Itrowuell & Anderson , boots amlslio s , siii-ceeded by llinwncll& 11.-i iris. Iloldiege , Neb.,1. C. llultiuilsl , t Co. , hard- waie , sold out. Lincoln. Neb. , OiUey & Ivempter , paints , hucceedcd by Cai pcntcrX Ivcmplc-r. Norfolk , Neb. . Norfolk III lek and Tllu com pany , dissolved and plant sold Ninth I'latte , Neb. , Samuel Adams gro ceries , closed by creditors. I'lattsmouth. Nub. . A I ! . Kuotts , urlntur , succeeded by I' . A. Illaiichaid. MipeiloiNeb. . , I.nicy ! A : Delirlch , meat mar ket , siicci eiled by Deltrlch A. rinklepatlgh. Wayne , Neb. , llilti''c IauikHour and food , sticceedl'd by Alex I.aurle. Maishalltown , la. , Iliilteyfc 1'orney , gio ur- les. m gotlutlng to sell out. On.iwa , la. , M. II. Kendall , giocuilos nnd bakery , deceased. Castlewood , S. I ) . , llougson & Smith , meat miiikel , succeeded by U. C. Hodgson. I'.ll ; Point , S. D. , llishop.l Leu , , 'ene.ral store , succeeded by .1. \ \ . Lee. ( linden Uny , S. I ) . , llaywaid & Hurt , sue- ceeui'd by Hay ward \ . rielcher. Langford , s. I ) . , \V. K. Van llrunt , eencial slme , will dlscontlnuu heie. iMosCoe , S. I ) . , llammlll & Luuls , gunoral stoie , dissolved. hiI.OIIIH JlarlietH. ST. LotTis , Mo. , March 21. 1'i.oun Un changed. WIIUAT Was Hrm early but tinned weak , closing "it ? below yesterday : No , 2 red , cash , higher , OIl c ; May. 0i'c. ! I'ottx 'SiiS'ic lilghur ; No. 2 nil.xed , ca-h , 37c ; May 38c. . OATS -ocdown ; No.2cash,31c ; May , 31' c. I'HOVISIOSS Jull ) , heavy , without changu ; Polk , me.ss , * 1 .25 : new , * 18.50. Lard , unchanged at ? ll.H7'i. ' Div salt mats , loose shoulders , t'J ; longs and rlln , Kll.15 ; hhortH , Y1O.4O ; hosed , 15c moie. IIicon , un changed ; packed shouldets , $10.50 ; longs and ribs. 11.12'i ' < 2ill.2. > . IlaiiH , sugarcuiuil , un- chang.-d , it'j'iil4'jc. : ' ( UBCKIPM l-'ldtir , 3o > )0 ) bills. ; who.it. 17,000 bu. ; oor-i , 123,01)0 ) bu : oats , 27,0J. ) bu.j rye and barley , none. . Silli'MENW I'lour , 4.00 ) bbls. ; wheat 42,000 bu. ; corn , 123,000 bu. ; o.its , 14,000 bu. ; ryu , 1,000 bu. ; bailuy , none. Cotton M.tr.cot. Nivv : OHI.KVNS , L-i. , M uvh 24. rutures steady ; sales. 02.700 Inles , M.iich $8.4(1 ( bid ; April , Jn.K.tH.i8 : May , fH.57i.5S ; June , * H.03 < < iH.liU ; July , * H.72aH.74 ; August , iH.73ftH.74 : Septumber , $ M.5K3s,54 ; O.-tobor iindNovumbor , J8.l7CiiM.4Hj Djcumbur , f8.40'i5 H.51. H.51.Hood Hood middling. 0 1-lOc ; mlddlhur. 8 l-10cj low middling , nn c ; coed ordinary , 8 l-llc ( ; net recelptri , 1,030 bales ; gloss leuulpts , 1,1)31 bales ; e.xpotts lo ( lieat llrltaln 832 bales ; to l-'rance , 130 hales ; to tincontinent. . l.OOa bales ; sales , 3lljO b-iles ; slock , 21)2,301) bales. Weekly : Kecelpts , 21,400 b.ile , : irio.s. 2JHOO bales ; u.\ports toUic-at II 'Italn , il,7 < > 2 bales ; to I'lance , 2,710 h.ilt's ; to thu continent , ll.'JJl hales ; coastwise , 0,075 bales : sales , 21,1)00 bales. KiinsaH ( Jay .M.irktsti. KANSAS Crrv , Mo. , M iroh 21. WIIKAT MOID active airl hlgliur ; N > . 2 h.it-il , ( i3' tu l'i ' < 4. COIIN 1'lrm and a Uillihlghur ; No. 2 iiilxc.t , 3 Ic. OATS I'll m ; No. 2 ml\ed , 28'ja29c. ' lidm : Knin , unchanged ; croain.'i-y , 2ia 28c ; dairy , 18'ii,21c. n lOS-KIrm at 13c ItKCiiii'M Wheat , 5,000 im. ; corn , ll.OJJ hu. ; oat-i , none. . Siiii'iiBM-s Wheat. I.OJJ bu. ; corn , 10,000 bu. ; oats , 1,000 bu. Liverpool .M.irKftH. Liviiti-oot : , , M-n-ch 21. WIIBVT Quiet ; holders oiler moderately. Keculpts wheat nisi thieu days , l-Jl.OOO centals , Including IO'J.000 Amerlcin. No. 1 I'allfornla , 5s ll'.d ' it Pis 'id per ct-ntal ; No. 2 ted , wlntei , 5s Odl,7s. ! t'oilNrirni ; demand fair : mlseil wustern , 4s21td per cental for m-w ; old unquoted. Uo- celpts Ameilcan corn p ist thiuo days , 7.'JOJ centals. II M-II.N Long clear , 45 Ibs , 50s Od par cut. LAUD- Prime westein , 57s 7il pur cwt. Mllvvaiikfu .Murl.cts. MII.\VAIIKII : : , WIs. , March 24. WIIUAT Steady ; July. ( > 7a iNo. ; . 2 spring , OSo. COILS -Quiet ; No. 3 , 40'c. ' OAt.s-Quiot ; No. 3 white. 34iiffl35'ic ; No. 3 , ' ' " . - . ltvi-56'c. : Pit JVISIONS Qtllut. PoiiK-May. # 17.45. 'Ml inn ii > l H lYm-it ilirkot. MiN.NCAi-oi.is , Minn. . March 24. Uash what was the feature on thHo ir. There was a stiong mar et ; No. 1 noi-ilim-ii , OO c ; No. 2 northern , UlJOl'i. ' U.MulpK , 178 cars. Chua : March , m < ' , < : , May , ( H1.July. : . 07' i : . On track : No , 1 haul. 07'je ' ; .V > . 1 northern , Otic ; No. 2norlhurn , iit.- . , . . Nr.w VOICK. March 24. Op'loiu opened dull. unchained to 10 points up , clod haicty steady , 5 down to 5 up ; sales , 21.75' ) lias , . In cluding : Miuvh tl7.1a'ol7 20 ; April , Jlli.76i/i / lli.hO ; iliiy. Jlli.t.O ; July , flO.35tt.lU.40 ; SLMI- tember , tfu.35. Spot Km , steady , iiulJt ; No. 7 , $17 , 12j ! , I'hlliulcljiiil.i tiriiln .lliirltVt. I'lHi.uir.i.i'ii.A , I'a. . March 21. Win : IT Una. advanced : No. 2 n-tl , Marcli , 7a'iit73JjC. COIIN rirm , hln'u-r ! ; No. 2 mixed , March , OATS -Car lots qulei and stoidy ; March , ' . , Tl.NOINNATI , t ) . , M.UVh 24WlinAT III flllr deinai.il : No. 2 i-v-d. uT'j" ' j8c. Cons .Mea.ly ; N. > . 2 .nixe.l , 42-4J2" ; . 0\i-4-Steady ; N.i. 2 mlXJ.I , 3l" , ; 3j.- . \ \ lluiiY iv > 'iiet ' , st aily ; il. 17. II tlliiii tr.i iii'ti.i il i.- it. IIM.TIMOIU : , Ml. , M uvll --Wll8AT' Active , ilriuvr ; No. 2 ivd , 7 IU7 I V , CIIIIN l-'triu ; mixed spot an.l Al .reh , 48c. O.vidMeaily ; No. 2 whlie wo. turn , 4lc. \Unil HnrKft. riiit.Aiiia.i-iiiA , I'a. Mau-h -Qulet , prices steji'lJi vveste.nllm or XX , iKu 2c ; medium 33ftJ4c ; coaise. 34'u35c ; Muniuliu , territorial , lUc. _ _ Ai'H-rlcuii ItvlrlEvrntor Ilt-cf. March 21. AML-HICAK r.nAfonnr.r \ \ l'orrqimrtcr .3'idporlb.thliid * , uiirter , , G-.il per It ) LONDON March 21. Uir.ntct.v Urriiior.tiA- ell lliiirorcquiirters. : : . 2s 2di hindquarters , s 2dO(3s 8il per 8 Ibs , by the carcass. MI'OCKS AND IIONIX. Ctiiuplrtit Oh-iug ( < hi the Oiiuiploxlon of All'.ilr * In HiTiirlllns Yiterdiiy , Nr\v YOIIK , March Ul. There was a com- ilelo chuiiKo In the complexion of affairs on bo Stock exchange today. IK-urs were In- llt ud to heagxrestlve until early In tin ) day. v'nen a sharp raid was nude on Su tir. New 'iiKland , Chicago Oas and u few other special- lo' . Thr nhiirus yielded from 1 tel i pur * ent.tho latter In Stuar. which fell olT from 02iito'JO'i. HUMS In thN sUok that thn tears mel their llrst defeat. Around par leavy buying onlers wore placed , and the 10- ult wasa Hharp rallv. In the muanUmo tha trcet became Imbued with the fact tint iionoy vvas working toward greater ease and hat gold exports were likely to bu much less had anticipated. It was announced that the $300,000 which lad bueiiongagcd for shipment by tomorrow's learner by lloldelbach , Ichellielmer k Co- mil been withdrawn , and that Instead of the 2.600,000 expected lo go forward by next Tuesday's Mcamer probably less limn half hat will go. These matters , together with idvlces from the west thai the railroads will eon announce an advance In passenger and relght rates , and that Mr , ,1. I'ierrepont Mor gan will arrange fora government loan while ihroad , stai ted un active buylns movement In v'hleh the commission houses weie consplcil- ius. The iiiiivliasji coveted an iiniMually vide tange and the demand Ilnally became so ironounced that the sboi Is took ahum , and llshed In and tried to cover with the icsull of na'idnu' a sttong to buoyant speculation. The advance was equ il to from 1 to 6 per cent , the alter In I'lttsbunr A Westein preferred , vhlcli on sm ill offerings rose to 31) ) . The iiiylng of this stock was based on leavlly Increased earnings , nnd the fact hat the company Is expected to derive benellt torn Its clou1 alliance with the II illlmore \ > hloioad. Lack iwann-i rose 2'i pi > r cent lo 45't ' and the shorts aie being badly punlslied. leisny Centtal sold up 2 per cent and Iheto MIS a lively Inquiry tor other high priced stocks like Laku Shoie , Delawaie A. Hudson ind an urgent dem in. I for the gnin.rers , Mati- iiittiin , New England and Missouri r.u-lllc. Among Industrials I'nlted Slates Itubber cd with a rlsoof 5' ' per cent lo 55' ( on scnd- illlchil statements that neifollallons brtween h.compiny and Its ilvals aie rapidly ap- noachlng an amicable conclusion. Ueneral CKcttlc and i : < llson Illuminallng v.eie from I o2' , percent higher anil all vveie prominent n Hie dealings. Susin also develop buoj- tncy near the cloe , rl dug Jj p-rcent from llio o\v \ poiH ) . The maikel lefi oil stiong on be advance. The I'ost says : Until the last hour , ul . he professional It , tilers were seUd with a III if enthusiasm , the stock maiKet consisted of i marking up process , almost wholly confined o slocks of whose teal situation nob-xly had he faintest notion. The cheap and worthless stocks weiu especial points of at ten I Ion. Ninth Viuerlcan uasoue ot the eonsplcuom p.ilnts > f Interest , w bile tin' climax \vas leached In a 6-p'ilnl advance In t'nlto'l States litibber. If inyljody except III.- "In-dde" manipulators lought this common sto.-k today , be had uiob- ibly failed toiead tlu otUlnal cli-cularof the iibbjfcunctM-ii. A veiy elaborate set of llg- UUM thcio r.-poi-led Informed the luvestoi hat all of the allied companies had earned an iveiauo In the ten pieceolntf years something .vertlOil.OOU les-s man was tvqillred for the llvldeml on the pieferied sto- , < . Hut ilgures > f this kind are not seriously cotisldeiud In such manipulation. The follow Inn aie the closing oiutatloiisof the leadliu slocks on the New \iK sloclex - chaiiL'e to. Fay : Atclilbun I'ucolr .on cm . . Ailums l.xprofs ill ) prcfurriid . . . Alto i. T il : < l U. I' . , lion , t ( iiiir. . I Di , ilo incu-rrcit . . . . I4 > NurtliwunttTn . . . . AiiiurlC'in l.vprus' . I4Hi dn pn-h-rrjil . . . . I nttlmoru.t K'.ilo. . . HibS s. V. Centrnl . L'anuiln I'nulllu X V A , .V I' . . I HiuiU southern. . . Unturlu \Ycitvru I L-ntr.il I'ui-illc . . . 2ii ; < i UrrKitn Imp . ( lies. X iInn WD ( Jru oii .Suv . liloa o Al.on . . . . 141 O. fc. I. . A , U. N . C 'J. A g .iVf 1'ucino .Miitl . K < Ueorli , Dec .x , 1C. . . . t'unsullilatuii tiiu. . . l"i I'ltt bnri ; . c. f. f. A : ft. L . . . . 4 'l I'lillinna 1'nl.iuu . I'otton II Cert 4Sj ( Del. llinbo'i I2i lllcliiiiiiml r'tmlu'l. I ) . I , . A.W 115 ilo prtifcrrtd . i ; . x n. ( i ( it'll Milt .lo ( .riiiuto W . D. & i. v to , 'ti'i ' ilo pr.-fencil . Knrt I'onii 4 llocfc IsluiMl . Hid. 42J it. t'niil . I'orl Wuyno M > i * do pruferrvil . ( it. Mirtbern pf il. . . 11 it. rniil A Onmlm. . . f.Jt i : . I pfM 1U1 do prorcrrod . llocklni ; Viilluy. . . oitliciii ; IMcltlc . . . Illinois Cuntr.il. . . . s-uiiar ttuttiiory . i-t. I'unl v Duluth . 4.i 'ruiin. luttl A irou. . Knn. A Tot pf'il . . . ilu ! ! I'exas I'acltlc . Lnko KrlaA. West. . . 2J Tol. A i' . ( on pt'd. tlu preforrotl 'i Union I'Kclltc . l.uku ahoru \ 'iT.i U. S. Bxpross . LenilTruHt 4IH W. St. I , , i 1' . l.oiiln. A Nniili 7351 ilo iiralvrrcd . . . . Louts \Njw Alb'y. 7351Ht Wulla Tartfo Kxp. . . Jliinhnlt-.n l un. . . . 17U VVpstorn Union . . . . Mfiiiiihls , V liii'M'n , 4J WhcolliiK A I , K . . .Mlchliriin Coniral. . 10 ! do ( iroturrad . .Mlnsoiirl l-nclllc . . . rl Minn A M. I. . Mdbllu A Ohio 3 : DA.II.U . N 3livlllo ( Imtt bj Conornl iicctrlc. . . . Nntloiml CorJ.iau. . liltji s'ntlunal I.lnsec'ih . . do t ruferr.'U 10S r. Fuel A , Iron . N. J. i urnr.il IIS d prulorrjil . Norfolk \ \V. pf'il IISam llous A Tox. l' n . . .North Amorloin t'o UK I'ul. \ . A A N' M , ex dlv. Thetotal ales of stocks today wore 338,400 shares , Includlni : : Atchlson , il.OOO ; C'hlcago , llurlington A : Qulncy , 7,000 ; UhlciiTO lias , 7,000 ; Delaware , l/ickaw-innU x. Westein , 42,200 ; DIstlllliiL' , 15,400 ; Krle , 3,800 ; Cen- ei-al iiectric : , 4,70) ) ; Manhattan , 3'JOO : Mis souri I'aclllc , 5,000 ; National Linseed , 0,700 ; Now England , 115,700 ; Norlh American , h,100 ; Northern I'acltlc piefi'i-red , 45,30O ; Iteadlng , 27,200 ; St. I'uiil , IH.UOO ; Micar. 58,500 : Ten nessee Uoal and lion , 0,500 ; Westein Union , 4,000. _ New Yoi-k Money Market. NEW YORK , March -MONKY ox O.u.t , Kasy at 20)4 ) per cent ; last loan , 2 pjr cent ; closed olTered at 2 per cent I'utMDMiiuuvsrii.i ; I'APKH G'A7 our rent. SSTI-.UMNU IJXCIIANOIijteady : , ulth actual business In uankcrs' bllU at Jl.HOt .HDu for sixty-day bills and JI.H73Li/,4.88 for demand. Uovr.K.NMU.NT HOMU Steady. State bond ) , active. , The closing quotations on bonds : 1) ) . S. Ii rex at. .X I. U. < i Jll .let. . U. S. 41 coup . I , A I. ! ' . ( i'n. VI. no U. P. 4 bare * st. I * ml Con ! - . ' 1'KClIlcO-iof "Ji lOi St. I'd. It I" , lits . . . . 117 " ' " ' " " lll'-i ' I1. I' . L. ( i. Tr Hula 117S M" > iourI' . ! . . . Ul 1' . I' . U. ( i. I'r. ItcU. S 'li-nn lien- not Us. . . . Union I'r.cltic l ts. . 107 'I'cnn nu\r iiit 5 . . Wuat nlluro 'Conn n-jr out .Is . it. ( } . W. In Cnnuttu > o. Vili 101 U \tuli. la I en. I'uvlllulHtJ IUT Utib. 'J'-js. CHJ > A. . . \ It. ( i. lata I ? ' ) i. II. A > . A ts I ) . , v U. ( I. 4s do .Mftn 101 Krlj Jl i II. ft P. C. 5 io > M K. A.T. ( > un. Ha. II. .t P. iM'on. lit . . lOllS M. K .V P. I It'll Sa . 45 s' . Carolln i I'M . . . . Mutual Unliin 1,8. . , 10J N' . Carolina ( i . . . : N. J. C. Irt. Curt III s. u , llrown con. . . . N. I'nc. ( Jti llli' < I'u-in. ol'l ti ! N. lo..M < III Virginia i- < N. W Consuls I. Ill , il J ex. in it coup. . N. W. Dolian.Si . . . . 101 I Vn Uo i , 2il Hjrlui. . S ) Ilintim Stock OnotiitliiiiH. HOSTON , Masi. , Marcli 21. Call loans , ri'iUO'i purcenf.tlme loans , U'i perci'iit. The follow - Injure the rloiln ; icui.itloni | oil stocks , bjuiN and mlnhiK ! < haies : A. T. AS K . \VuitlnKli. Kluo . . . AniiMlcaii ouu-ar. . . 101 \V tlnx Klec. pfd. 47'n ' Am Munrpfd . . . V3 VVU. Cunl'l . 1)4 ) ISny Stnto I. in . . . . ! ' ' ) ( , Ut-aUon Jda . Mj I oil 'lolophono . 101 AicliMim 4 . hi llottnn A AltJiny . . -.IB Now .iiiKlaml ii . . . . Ill llOilun.t Mnlnu . . .7J lionornl Kloc It. . . . Wl ItomonA vinlnop'M IIS > Vla. Oeatral la . 67 H C. , II As ) . IISWHS Atlantic . Htulihnr | ifd . 'JI ilOHton A Hunt. . . . ( ion. i-.ljutrlo . UK4 iultt > A. Uoj un . iu ) ( , III. tool . Ui -i l imot.t llocla. . . 3IS 3ISt N. Y. A > . Kni ! . . . . - i Centennial . t ! < ildfulony . I'J. ) /rankltn . n < 4 Ore. Miur : I.lno . . . . 2) KenraarKU . Ililtilicr . oncoola . fnlon 1'acltlc . l.f. Ut"t lnd ! . Sunta Fu c'upper. . . S \Vc t ind : p'fd . 8.1 I'mimrut-K lilt San rriiiieiHco Miningoiniliitliiiis. SAN riivNcihCo , Cul. . March 21. The olllclal cloiln , ; quotiillons for inlnlnn stocks today uero as follows : Alln . IS nuxlt-nn \M \ Helclu'r . IK ) Niivulo S 1',1'i.t A Itolcliur . . . . nphlr 155 llodlu unHUlldatud i"i I'utoul IU ) Unliror . -avniic US ( hullnr . > l rr.i .Noradn bS Con. tutu , t Vi. : . . . Uiilun Cun 7S Crovfli I'lihit . lludi S ( iuuld A Curry . . . Yoliow Jackut 8S llnlH JL .sort-ro a. . . Ne.iv Aork lllnliis incil tliinii. Nnvv YOIIK , March 24. The following tire the closing mlnliu quotations : iruwu , 'ul.it .M -lerr.i .Nurada. 'JOU Inn. iil. A Vn 21 tunilor I U ) tiuuld.V I'Hiry 60 Imlun Con Kss llnlu . \ Sorcron . . . B'I Yolluw Jnrkot . ss Ilumcst'ik3 II7S Iron -liver .Moxloan U'I Quick siuor. . , . Dnt.ir.u 13'JO iiu tiroforred. , . . .I2W Ophlr ISJ liiilwor . . . 49 I'lymnillli bl Miked. St. LiiuU .Mining Oiiotalloiu. ST. Louis.Mo. , M-iroh 21. Thoclosliis ijuota- tloii were as follows : iTTilT" > LcoT Illil. Aikoil. AI'IUUI. r ui f. . . llnpo t. . . . U.7i > tu. M'tllo .U . * ' I * . .Murrhy . ( ! & ' < niiiii'lulllv. . . . T.75 ? . lluita. | .T5 . . . . KlUnbolli. . .41H 5' ' llviir llcll .IU .16 nriiiilla. . . . i.iJ i--y London Moiioi-l.il lEuvlitw. IC/i ] > ui t ililftl tstaiiuninci fiortlun Ilntnett.\ \ LONDON , March 24.- [ New York Herald I'nblo hpcclul to TllK 11KB. ] Ueneral business waa extremely black un thu Stock exchange , In foT-l n in'ilotIty of Hi. m.-inh-rs li-ivc boon i-omplelely Idle amfSvlIh llnKelthmii : roiu- niciiclnitnit Monday nnd Vaster holidays nl- moNt Immudlately following , lltt-ri' iippiiu-M to be no Iminedl.'Ue puwtKct of Improvement In this n-spvct. l-'iitidi > 'v ' unchanged , while In dian rupee paper linprovi'd l tier cent. Tor- elgu goveriinient bonds closed Hrm. As re- gaids Injt-r Ixmroc "Mock * , Greek IHHl and 1884 iidvnlicc'd. i to 1st per cent , and KifypthiuItttuiinrl ulgntd , Swinish nud sev eral Turkish Issues t | to if p-r cent. Arifeiitllie Hat , lHHi'iiivlng | fallen I i , percent nml funded 'i percent on it-ports of tnlnlstctlat ehaiives , Home railways weie fiivorahlv lulluenced liv Hue weather nud hfyit ; repurchases In view of the settlement , mid e.hWln-1 ( Inn. An nihance of 1 pur cent was i-stnhllshcd hi London A , Sotilhweslern'i per cent In Midland , M tio- iiollliin and Orentliisieru. . 1 > . per cent on Lancashire ; nnd Yorkshire , and 's to U per cent In most others. Scotch lines were exceptionally dull. Amt-ilcaiis were very little dealt In , but the tendency nt the close was favorable , mote steadiness being reported. New York .V Krlii second mortgage advanced > i pr cent , Atchlsou , Central Pacific , Pennsylvania and I'lilon Pa- elllo , ' 3 jmr cent , but Northern Pacific pru- feience marked a decline of'i percent , and several others 'j to M percent. Canadians were very much neglected , tlrand Trunk llrst and second prefeienoe nra > to ' 4 percent heller , while ( 'atadlau I'aclllc Is ' , per cenl lower. Mexican bonds are unchanged. Money was once more In good demand at 2to2'i ' pel- cent. Discount rales on the other hand wete somewhat easier , tlm-e months li-ink bills being ( nioteil at 1\ tier cent , ( lold demand In the opi-ti market has pracllcallv ceasud , the metal being now quoted at 77s 10,1 pjr ounce. I'limiu'l ll Note * . IC\Nsv Cirv , Mo. , .March 2l.-Clearlugs , $1,500,830. Niw Youic , M irch 2l.-Clearlngs , $08,270.- 002 : balances , 51,507,771) . OMAHA , Marcli 21. - Cleat Ings , $910,401 ; same day last week , fnrl)08. ( ) II VI.TIMDIII : , Mil. , March 21.Men ( rings , fl- 007,303 ; balances , 1-125,8110 , Money , 0 pel- cell I. l'iiitAiti.pitt\ : , I'a. , M'irch 21. fleinlnas 9UJ,7')7 ) ) : b-ilancus , $1,0110,700. Money , 4' , < i&5 percent. Mi-.Mi'llts , Tenii. . Marcli 21.NewYork e\- clianne soiling at tl.50. Uluarhus , $331,250 ; balances , i4 ! 1,713. Nivv : Oiti.KVN-i , La. . March 21. dealings , $1.573,551) ) . New York exchange , commuiclal , 75c p.-r tll ) ) l ) premium ; banu , tl.50 prumlum. Hr. Loins , Mo. , Mnrch 24. Clearings , $3,307- 510 ; balances , { 37J.O72 , Mouev < | lllel at O'i7 per cent. Kxchango on New York , OOc piu- mlum. llo-iTox. Mas < , , M-iich 21. Cleirlngs , $12- 420,703 ; b-thtnces , Jl. 180,101. Money , 0 tier cent , i\change : on Now S'oik , p-ir to 5c dis count. Niw : YOIIK. Mai-h 21. [ Sp elul I'elegriu : : leI I UK HIK.-i\chiinge : ) : was limited as follows to.lnj : Chicago , 3'ic pr-tiiltiiu ; lloslon , par to fie discount ; St. L-mls , ! ) . - preniluin. Cilic\io ( , III , , March 21.-Clearings , $15.151- 53O. New York exclringe , 2V premium. Ster ling exchange iUlet | ; slxly-d ly bills , tl.Wl ; demand , $1.88. .Money llrm at Gii ? pjr cent OMAHA MVi ; , ntiv M.VItKni'.S. Catlle HlKher Under Hrlik Drill mil with ( iood Mipply HO H Active neil Lower. I'llUHY , March 21. Uecelpts so far this week , comp-ired with last , show an Increase of about 500 cattle and 0,000 IIOKS and a falling oil' of some 300 sheep. The supply of cattle was the most liberal of the week and nearly double last I'rldayS run. As to quality , the cattle were generally cuin- moii , although the ollVrln - . Included a fair nuiuborof steels of R.io.l weight and a few that were choice. Dealers generally weie nn- tlclpatln ; ; liberal receipts tomoirow and next week , hut on ; iccoiut of the bullish tone to eastern advices sellort , all started In asKlni ; higher prices. This htijers v.i'i-e slow to concede e.xcept In occaslonnl instances where thev tiald 5c to loc hlxhcr for choice fat killers that just suited them. Hp'vulatlve shippers thoiiKlit prices w > re too lil- li and held oil , hut asdiessed beef houses all wanted irnoil sup plies , the movement was free and the oller- iir.'s soon changed oniu-is. ( io.il to choleo 1.25010 1 , 150-lh. sit-ins sold ut fiom T4.I10 to $5.15 , with fallto it . I 1,000 to 1.2(111-11) ( . steels at fiom $1.25 In1.5(1. ( . Common and In ferior li 'hl stutr an I odds and emu sold from that dovn to $3.50. \\lthnol overtwrnty loads of cows on sale and eveiyhody waiuliiK some , the maiket was decidedly lively with juices stioinret on allgiades. Old thin cows weie slow sale at fiom $1.75 to ? 2.2S , but good to nrlmo cows and heifers .s > ld readily at from f.l.MO up a hlhas1.2' > . The bl bulk of the fair to good stud' changed hands at aiound $2.75 to $3U ( ) . Hulls and oxen weioln moderate supply and fair demand at full , strong prices , fiom $2.25 to $3. 75 for common to choice fat stock. Theie weie very few veal calves on sale , but the de mand was good and pilccs stronger , choice slock .selling up lo $0.25. The hlocker and feeder trade was slow. Itegular dealers icported a very -.lack country I ratio and were not disposed to pay very htronsr prices for the fresh offerings , liepre- scntatlvo sales : tuiKSsnr ) HKIK. ; No. Av. Pi. No. Av. I'r. 12 . 745 $350 11 . 1078 $4 4 ( ) 1 . ( ) ( ( ) 350 53 . 1130 440 (5 ( . 1005 350 17 . 1177 440 10 . 508 3 GO 3 . 1180 4 40 12 . 810 375 18 . 1038 440 IU . 878 305 18 . 1101 440 I , . 825 4 00 G . 1015 4 40 1 . 740 4 00 8 . UlOri 4 40 G . 1007 400 35 . . . . 1183 440 3 . 853 400 11 . 10G5 440 U ) . Oil 4 05 48 . 1130 4 40 II . 'J57 410 20 . HIM 445 11 . 107G 4 10 28 . 1181 4 45 II . OG5 410 12 . 1057 445 22 . 1135 416 22 . 10G4 445 17 . 018 420 0 . 1003 450 40 . 084 420 0 . 121.7 450 3G . 1001 420 18 . 1120 450 10 . 1251 425 4 . 1205 450 1 . 1240 4 25 40 . 1105 4 50 20. . . . 100S 425 50 . . . . 1173 4 55 0 . . . .1000 425 10 . 1101 455 15 . 04G 4 2ti 20 . 12GO 400 1 . 104O 425 17 . 1247 4 lit ) 10 . 1072 4 30 17 . 1225 4 (15 ( III . 1040 4 30 3 . 1570 4 (15 ( 28 . 1075 430 22 . 1107 4 7 ( > _ . 1005 4 30 20 . 1242 4 7O 23 . 888 435 ! ) . 1345 475 25 . 1102 435 10 . 13110 480 21 . 1O42 435 20 . 1325 480 ! 2 . 074 4 35 11 . 1350 4 1)0 ) 7 . lOOy 4 35 22 . 1317 4 00 24 . 1010 4 35 10 . 1331 4 05 1 . 1100 435 33 . . , .145'J 500 20 . 1000 4 35 10 . . . 1357 5 ( ID 57 . 1122 440 21 . 13GO 515 SIIII'I'INQ AND IIXI'OIIT. 58 . 1325 4 G5 1C . 1308 500 10. . > v..1304 4 75 18 . 780 3 05 3 . 1020 4 10 35 . 1003 375 24 . 032 420 18 . 013 4 10 21 . 104(5 ( 4 30 3 . 1030 4 10 COWS. 1 . 000 175 21 . 705 200 J . Oil ) 1 H5 3 . 040 200 H . HU ) 200 7 . 1050 201) ) G . 701 200 1 . 1220 a ( H ) 2 . 855 2 15 7 . GOO 3 10 2 . 7GO 225 10 . 770 310 17 . HOG 225 5 . 000 315 4 . 1087 225 22002 315 ' 2 . 1075 225 2 . 1150 315 1 . 1180 225 13 . 11(511 ( 320 4 . . . . Ghl ) 230 2 . 1030 325 0 . . . 744 235 24 . 735 325 8 . . . . 743 235 3 . 8GG 325 3 . 1020 235 3 . 1050 325 1 . 1030 240 4 . 1037 350 2 . 1050 240 30 . 087 350 H . 007 2 40 1 . 1130 3 50 2 . 050 250 2 . 1070 350 1 . . . . 800 250 ' 7 . 1040 355 4 . 1047 200' ' 10 . 051 355 1 . 1020 2 50 * G . 813 3(10 ( J . 1080 250 20 . 0(10 ( U ( H ) 1 . JGO 250 4 . 085 3 GO 10 . 1001 205" 1 . 880 3 ( > ( ) t ) . 733 205 . 10 . 111)0 ) 380 2 . 070 275 0 . 1250 380 1 . 1000 275 4 . 1215 385 1 . 13 < )0 ) 2 75JI 10 . 1082 3 H5 23 . 05G 2 75 ! ' 22 . 1(111 ( 300 3 . 1140 2 70 ' * 3 . 111G 300 COWS A5f | ) 111:11-1:11" : : . 11 . 707 2 B5i. 2 . 430 2 55lk , , 3 . 380 300 1 . 750 27.1 17 . 1000 420 CAC.VF.H. 7 . 271 175"1 ' . 230 GOO 2 . 185 550" ' 1 . 130 OOO 1 . 110 5 75' ' 'J 1 . 170 G 25 Ul'l.1.1. 2 . 015 2 2.V" 2 . 1705 310 1 . 1430 250 1 . 030 325 1 . 1750 2(10. ( " . 1 . 1870 325 1 . ( HO 2 G5 „ 1 . 850 325 1 . 1400 2 75 1 . 1770 3 30 3 . 1020 275 1 . 172(1 ( 330 1 . UK ) 275 13 . 1030 330 1 . 1000 3 ( H ) 1 . 1480 335 1 . 14GO 300 1 . 17(11) ( ) 340 1 . 1350 3 ( H ) 3 . 1573 3 51) 1 . 1GOO 300 1 . 1530 8 GO 2 . 13GO 3 05 oxr.N. 2 . .1515 205 2 . 1730 375 o ! . 174G 340 hTOJKilH ( : AND KI'.KIIKIt.S. 1 . G50 225 1 . 080 335 3 . 573 3 00 20 . 570 3 40 G . 301 3 II ) 0 . 705 340 1 . 070 320 4 . M)2 ) 340 3. . . . ! . 400 325 14 . 750 340 10 . 730 330 4 . 852 305 4 . 085 3 30 I1IVIIO CATTI.K. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 1 sir. tig. 1230 $2 50 1 Mr , tig. .1200 $2 85 1 Mr , tig. 1340 285 lllhlic , tip. 1203 275 1 i-ow . 1200 325 1 cow . 1120 300 1 feeder. . 1020 3 00 1 feeder . UOO 3 00 24Gfdr ! < .1120 3 00 lions Thu market wns moderately active , with iirlces u shade toOc low or than Thursday. Uccclptu were not heavy uud the quality of the offerings writ \\llliClilcagolrii. . tint lower and u restricted flopping di-iiiiinil Im il houses had things pretty mil -h their twit way Die decline was heaviest on Ihc good Imtrhi r vveltthl and hcnvv hogs thnt sold largely at from $7J5 to $7.2O , with two orthreecholce loads at $7.25 and $7.30. LUht and mixed hogs wete not more than n shade lower , -ellliu mostly nt $7.10 and $7.15 , with commnii stulf Us low us $7.o7't. Thete wns n good , free movement throughout and by the middle of the forenoon tin re was nothing of any con- seiitence | unsold In llrst hands , The ottlk of the hogs sold til from $7.10 to$7.Kiis uiciln-t J7.I5 to $7.25 Thursday and $7.25 107.35 n week ago today. Itepresi-ntatlve sales No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. AvMi. . Pr. 41..185 40 $7 O7'i 71..215 80715 71 . .222 40 7 O7'i ' lit ) . . .252 40 715 70 . 237 40 7 1O HO .221 Ml 7 If , 71..211 120 7 HI (12 . .245 100 7 15 72 . . .2. . 80 7 10 48..250 SO 7 15 21 . . .272 100 7 10 71).222 ) 7 10 70 . . .201) ) 40 7 10 fit. .247 Ml 7 15 (1 ( ! ) . . 220 bl ) 7 10 (10. . .220 Kit ) 7 15 07 . . .231 HO 7 10 20. . .257 7 15 5. . .201 7 10 71.2311 HO 7 15 CM ) . . .108 40 7 II ) 41 . . .tJS ! 7 15 74 . . 241 7 111 50 . . .257 200 7 15 70 . . .211 120 7 10 71. . .241 Ilk ) 717'i 22..2. 7 120 7 12'i ' 47 . .2(18 ( 40 7 l7i-i 70..212 4O 7 12'i 71 . . .215 120 7 17i ! 74..255 200 7 12'5 111. . . .21(1 ( 7 17'i 111..250 12t ) 7 114 ! " H2 . .231 80 7 17'i Ci7..200 40 7 12'i 71) ) . . .2a HI 7 17'i ,01. , . . . .23440 7 12'i ' 24..2U1 80 7 17'f 1)2. ) . . .217 120 7 12-i 70. . . .255 120 7 17'i ' 08 . . .247 80 7 12'i ' 78. . . 254 40 720 83..254 200 7 12'J 74..252 120 720 70..23S 200 715 87..237 40 720 70..237 40 7 15 CiO. . .275 120 7 25 05..205 210 715 ( H..272 - 725 (10..221 ( 40 7 15 73 . . .281 120 7 30 01..218 80 7 15 I-KH AND ItOt'Oll. 1..2IO . 0 50 SiiHi'.t--The market was steady. Pour dou ble-decks weie tecehed , two of them'.bllled ( II- tect to a local housu. Some good lOU-lh. wcst- etnewes brought $1.50 and some fat 133-lh. wethers , but with broken pells , sold for $1.05. The demand was good. I'alr to good natives , $3.75 to $5 ; fair lo good westerns , $3,61) ) to $5 ; common and stock sheep , < 2.2u to $3.75 ; good to choice Id to 100-Ib lambs , $4 lo $0. Itepiesentatlve Mile * , : No. Av. Pr. 0 tailings 120 ' (3 ( 60 101 weslein ewes 109 460 120 western wetheis 133 4 05 ICcccps ! and Disposition of stuck , Olllelalri'cylptsan'l ' dlsp > dtlon of st'i- ! < a > shown by tliu bo.ik-iof Hie Union Slo.k Yards company forthe twenty-four hours undln at 5 o'clock p. m. March 24 , 1HU3 : Disi-osinoN. Clili-nio I.lui Slock .Market. ClllCAtio , 111. , Match 21. ISpeclul Ti'leginin to TllK IlKK. ) It wasano work to sull caltlu today. i\porteis ; and eastern buyers Hero looking for Kood to e\tia 1,300 to l.GOO-lb. steels , and the dressed beef Ilims wanted a Cooilly niimbi'i'of l.O.K ) to I,35O-lb. steer- . Per suitable lots they wcte not averse to p.iylnv a slight aihanceonTlfiir'dav'spilces. Itutcliers' and runners' stock also sold strong , but ll was not appreciably higher. It Is alieady selling atiifces | that ate out of all proportion to 1110-0 curienl for the choicer grades , ( juola- tIons r.uiKe at fiom $1.75 to J 1.26 for poor to extra cows heifers and steels , from fj.51) ) to f4.JO for strn-kers and fecdeis fiom { 4 lofR.25 for diessed beef and shlppliiK .steers , and fiom $2 to J4.75 for Te\as cattle. The lie matket was not subectetl | to any fin tjier material decline , but It w.is a alneiy ne.tk. That the flesh lecelpts amounted only lo 14.IKI' ) head did not appear to have an ) In- llucni-e with bujers ; they weie determined not I pay more than from * 7.to to t7.45 for the best lluhl welKhts , nor more than from J7.HO to .f7.G. > for prhnu heavy , and they secured the stutron that basis. Shippers did not want many hous and the local packers came pietty near bavin ; ; things In their own hands. Prom H to iO.75 for little plus and culls sales touched t7.G5 for choice heavy liotfs , thoiiKh fiom $7.35 to $7.05 took must of the oK'ilnu' ( . L'looliDf ( | itotatlons weio $7.35 for luavy , from i7.30 to $7.05 for ml\ed and iiiedluni and from J7.H ) to t7. iO for llKht. I'llces for sheep weie siionjier. They were juoted nl from $1 tn t5.76 for poor to fancy .heep and at from ? 4,00 to $0.35 for very com mon to extra Iambs. The mark Is , however , From 15c lo 25u lower than at thu lushest time last week. Iteeulpts : Cattle , 0,000 head ; hois , 14,000 head ; sheep , 7.0OO head. Thu KvenliiK .louinal teports : < 'ATri.f. Uecelpts. 0,000 head ; shipments 2,500 head ; matket stronger ; choice steels , t4 ( iO'u.5.HOothers ; , 11.50'i,5.50 ( ; Te\ans , fj.75 Ct-1.60 ; I'linneis , 152.30 3,2.75 : native cows , and heifers , # 3 75R4.25. llotjs Uecelpts , 15,000 head : shipments , 7,000 head ; market steady , active ; common and mixed , f7.UOtfJ7.40j prime heavy and butchers' weights , t7.DO.J7.05j llj-hl , i7 25 © 7.30 ; plKsM.76i4li.60. SiiKi-.t' Hecelpts , O.OUO head : shipments , 1.500 head ; mail.et .steady , fairly actUe ; natives , $4.50 0.00 ; westenis , * 5.0or.5.30 { ; Tu.xans , * l.50i4.05 ; lambs , H4.60fiO.36j st- urn yuiiillnps , $5.25T(5.30. KniiHiH Clly l.lvn Mtocl ( .Marl < et < KANSAS CITV , MJ. . March 24. OATTLB Ko- celpts , 6,000 huad ; shipments , 50J head : Choice steers and cows active and steady ; others dull : Texassteers active ; feeders weak lo lower. Ifepresentatlve sales : Dressed beef and shlpuliiB steers , M.15S5.40 ; Texas and Indian steers , tl.O5 ; cown and helfeis , $1.75 641.00 ; slockei-s and feeders , 11. lions Receipts,7,600head : shipments , 3,000 hi'mlgooil ; hous steady to 5c lower ; closlntr. fair to common , fiftH'c ' lower ; all tirades , < { l.35 ( c(7.37'ii ' bulk , * 7.05' i7.16. Hur.Ki' Hecelpts , 2,000 head ; shipments , none ; unclmnKed ; muttons , t4.10U4.55. St. l.onls l.lviStneU A irlict. ST. Louis , Mo. , March 24. CATrwj Kei-clpt's , 1,000 head ; shipment , , 000 head ; market quiet ; fair to Kood native steei.s , ( t.OOI,1.0ll ; ) [ ; fed Texan steers , t.1.50&4.&U. IIoiiH Kecelpls , 3,700 head ; shipments , 2,500 head ; market was easier ; heavy , J7.1& ® 7.50 ; ml.xed , $7.00S,7.4 , ( > ; UKht , J7.10&7.35 , Sitcr.t' Kecelpt.s , none ; .shipments , none ; market steudx.unuhaiiKe < l. I ) . U KUA7.ES , II. t ) . Iloonis r. , JAS P , Ilor.oK 1'rus. Vltol'rua riecy &Troa . HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Capital 1.005 ; Omaha an 1 Sioux City. Grain and Provisions Railroad Stocks nnd Bonds. nil vATI : WIRES. Room 212 KiwYoikUfe Building OMAHA. , UKKKUP.NOr.S : lowaStato National Iliink. Bloux City ; Conmerclal National Hank. Uinalia. Spoclnl attonllon given to outside orders. CcrrcsponUoiiL'o eollallo 1 . i. % AO u. % vi\i \ K.V rs. p _ "Tho Danger SlfmU" conoludos i incut ut the Ftiriiiiin tonight. 'I'ho matinee perfonnanco will bo given ut20 : ; ! p. in. Tonight the Gorinauia Theater company will glvo the German cotnoJs' , "Klir'lollcr Kmftill , " the English translation of which hns bu'-otuo very familiar to American theiitor-'ocrs ( thmufrh the version produced by the Krohmans , under the title of "All tno Comforts of Homo. " This is ono ot the most iKjpular coiueJles in the repertoire of the ( iurnmnl-i company. Tito present en- Kagvniunt ut the Hoyil closes tomorrow iiluht with the Dlif pi-oduc-tion of tiouttte'8 Im- mo'rtiil ' "Fiius'1 The sale of scats for the engagement of Fanny Davenport opens this morning t I o'clock til Ho.Ml's. Sanlou'b "Cleopatra" will bo given ilurinv ; tbo entire en gagement , which ends with a mat- iueo on Saturday. 'Ihero will un- tloubtedly bo u largo demand for scats , ovilug to the fact that It is nearly live years since Miss Davenport lus > t appeal oil here , ami to the country-wide fame , she has acijuueJ ua t'l' | : uii Thti'C i-iHi.uls i-f ? i ' -i I il ii-enrrv art , ) " ! in thopriMui 1..H i\hli h ls il1' , , IKI tlii'm. . I iiLignlilct nt sa-i-t | u-ulav over i-re MMited DII a .slaw Miss D.ucnji.irl mi ut. o\er elKht in iitthi nuioiitr the iibt-clc * .ml IntiHC'itui ' of I'.ut-ojio ciutHittf | f.teU In tipard to detail , atl'l ll N slid that both wcenerj and ctHttinton are historically accurate. At the Pnrn.xm Street Ihoator for four night. . cnmmouelUirmntlnr > oKuiid.i.\ . I'li.trlft A. ( lutMnitr. tinletin ( in tllukvt ( . omevll m , will appear In M * . now and roinuutic l.l > ! uf the Tyrol , entltiod "Futh-ihtuil. " Mr Otinlner Is ktiovMt uitloly not only ns , ui netoi * . but also as an tigrcoublo ten ir ulivjor. ntul ho has full opportunity in thin new cent- od.y lo tllsplay hta vocal ablllttos Are You Ullli t' ' . ' All opportunity to spotidu few lavs. in th.it uYlIehtful spot , North ( iiiUvstun. Tex . Is olTetvil by u attoci.il oxciirstou , o that pJnl which will lotwo Omaha , Neb , Miuvhjr. . 1MU. Kcmarliablu Induvemeuln aiv oiTcreJ Tor particulars npply to U. D. Sme.i'.on , t-ooii. IT. U.u-kur block , airent. Onuilia , Neb. UNIQUK X l'l , i ; Aladn In Keriu-N of Com lorllie XVortd's r.ilr. A ropi-csentiitlon of an American Hag , entirely from kernels of corn , the unique exhibit of D.iwsuit county , passed thro.itfh the city yostunliiy tu ch.ir o of Mr IIM I' ( Jriswold of I < e.xitigtou on its way to the World's fair. It la over two feet wide and about live feet louij and is onclosou In a frame 4xll feet in sl/c , covered by ti tfl.iss , and It has the appearance of u large picture The frame Is covered with jollow corn in Imitation of poM anil la set o'l with loaves made of red corn. The background of the picture is of vvhe.it. The stripes of the flag niv inado from iv 1 and white field com. tbo stat-8 of white pop orti , the canopy ot blue sweet corn , ( tilled squav. corn , r.ud the staff of red pop.-orn Around it Is u boiderof alfalfa seed , hem a'.U the \Aorrts "Dawsoii county , Neb . 1MK1. " an 1 > ver all a i-ovcrlng of varnish Hvory koi-in-l ; ias been carefully placed in position ami stuck on by means of clue , the worlc u q'tirlng ' the tlino of twenty ladies for one whole month. The design was suggested by Capta'n ( ' W. McNiimar , drawn by Mis. K C. Mul'in ' and executed by the members of the woman's auxiliary bo.ird of th. ' World's fair of Dawson ciunty. the o.llers of which atv Mlb'i Laura Macl'nll. iiro.sidmt ; Mrs Luc\ M. ( iriswold llMl vice pn sldent ; Mrs ( ' W. McNatnar. second vice president ; an.l Mrs. S. C Mullen , secretary. A rough ohtlmato of the nuinbrr of grains of corn used to construct the different | > arts resulted us follow ; * : SU-ipe < , ll,0l ) ; stars , . ' , dOU : canopy , 'J.OOOj stuff. 'J.OJ'J : framu , s,0ii ) ; total , exclusive of grass , sje I audwli'it , iXM ( grains , each ofhlch was separately liandlcd and adjusted. .In "OjHtiT lta ! < e. " Noitrit liAi.vissTox , Tox. , March ! M. A novel ontortalnnient in the lorni of an o.ster . \ liakc on the south beach was recently cn- Jo.\cil by a party of northern visitors to this city. The large and delicious bivalves were [ licked from the beds a few tcet from the shore and roasted on a driftwood lire. rjThi.se wonderful ov.s'er ' beds tire but one of the many wonderful resoutccs of North Cialveston. It seems as though there is nothing the heait can desire isuprrh loca tion , delUhtlul climate , the criMtu of fruit culture , sea bathing ) which this industrial city does not possess. 'I lie IHhtory ol Omiihit. The "History of Omah i. " commenced four years ago by the late .ludgo Sivago , assisted ly ) Mr. John T. Hell of this city , will bo issued in Juno. Tno book will contain nb. > ut , K)0 ) pages , and promises to be thn most cred itable history of this city yet pub'.ishel. A valuable feature will be the full- IMIIO stool engravings of leading citi/ens , proofs of which have been shown. No better work can be done. They seem to bo perfect. No less than twenty-live men have signified a willingness to have their pieturos in the history , and in the selection of. subjects the publishers , Munsell & Co. , show go.id taste. Thtj citizens whoso portraits will appear are those whoso laver will lend tone to it. and thus emphasize the high character of the history. A LONO THAIX of diseases follows had blood and iimetivo liver. Kvery ono kitows when ( heir Moral Is impure nud liver tJuzgibh ; pimples nnd bolls appear , or they feel drowsy , weak , tired and thick-headed. " \Vo want to teach you how to Kf > fight it. Uegin in time. Plenty .fdfjfep of fresh air , exercise , and Dr. 'MyAffi' ' 1'iorce'sGolden Medical Dis- 5 S cor" cry , will bring 3'ou out Jfilr ° f < mn" ger. Tlio reason ? .jdRy " Discov ery" enriches nnd J&ip purinos the blood and renders jj&yr < l10 "vor nc" tivo. As the xrf&S * cerins of ( li eI bO enter the clr- > < > % r culatory system through the . WP liver , tltoynn bo resisted - TOB there nnd in the blood. n fcxflS' thoM > scrofulous condi- j li ° nit VS&7 ° t ' u n'OOl ' hleh iuvito i W' catarrh , bronchitis , nml end yv ffl ? in Consumption , you have the X JSJ' means of prevention nnd cure. > y You can NIVO yourself from ( Jrip , Malariaor Pever Ity puttltifj rtll the functions of the body in n healthy btato , lichldes btiildiiifr up hfftlthi/Jlc.ih , by taking the " Discovery. " Hotter than nil the emulsions of Cod liver oil which put on fat , but not wholesome ilesh. ( T. M. D. is HIMIrantfftl to benefit or euro oil blood disorders , or money refunded. VME NEXT MORNING I TCCl BHIGMT AND NEW < ND MY COMPLEXION IS5 nCTTEn. My ito. tor nays It ncH rvm\y \ oil lir > tnnmch , liver ntul kliltin i , ftiid H n | M ( nunt Imntlvc. > lilt rtrlnk l mailc from licths ivnl M I ftratcil fur us r , . Itl rnllr.i LAKEM M vv iiii < ti\i.iPw.iRe | If you cnnnot gi t it. ft-nil voiirn.l.lrm fur n fri-o runiilc. l.iire'n I'nmlly > l 'ill''lm mines Hie ImHrN nrhiliij. "no'lrri" tityni i < nr. i r nry. < \ < lilri'is nil V V -"IwL " - UWr 'fcjj 1)1 ! I.I. ! . llll.l Or.uluilo of limb Ml.rxil'iS rui ! ' ) . iHftONic , NERVOUS AM ) PRIVATf DISEASES Wo oiiroCntnrrh. All Diso nm oft'i Nose , Thr.iiit. Clicst , btciu loll , Ui > wal < nud Iitvor. Blood , Sic ! u anil Kid-toy Disoaiot. IfcmnloVciiUiios o > , Lout Manltooil CUltKD. 1'll.tI'tsr : II. * . KISsllUB , portiiMiO'itlr ciirot mil uut the H'ocif knife ll i'urj or nun tic All mnliMtliM uf n iirnnt ur ilulkttu iutnr < > , of lltlllT KOX IlOlltlVflr I'lln' I. I nil on or iiililreM nltli stamp fur Clrcut in , t'tot UouL Hiul Hoc : | > o.i , .V- a Lj , OM VII M-I : . Next Door lo I'cxtu.tl.-a , M nit nrcii-xTFitm i MADE AVELL. . MAN OV 1HDAPO Till I1IU.IT HINDOO REMEDY mum i is til * All iv K I.'l'.sfl.fs I , , no KVV-J. i.iit , ull > Ni'i \ < iiia IHMMKm , Kiilllni ; ViMinnt. I'mrpi * , SlL'pili'.Hncv | , a.in-t < t * itinntlriiili kly hiilKuii'l ) luhioifH 1.1.I MtnllijU jll.llOil l'"t'kOKC > . hi * fur * . > . < > < > wllh u iirllti-imiiur- nnlfr lo pure ir innnt-y r lii * , < ) . | i , n t If t uu > ttlr lirlncltili'il ilruiri(4t ( fll } < m nutivui'f nf Imlttitfrm Ii * rl"toiiliiivlni { I.MIVI'd limn , , ihr Ir IIP linn im Kot It , * .M' utll fcnil It liy mull .i } > tin n-u-ltit of iirlcr ) 'nini > liN t tn poali-n i mi'toi'O Ti i- .Vilri-sH ( Orlvnliil Mrillfill Cnr > l ) rljiiinulji I'lu-- . t'lilinil" . III. SOLD by Kulm fl : Co. , Cor isth anil Donclns Sts. , nnil j. A I'lillcr fi. Co , Cur. itlh nnil Doui-las Sts , OMAHA , NHI1 ; by I'nnl G. Schnoliler , 5ai Ilroailway nnd 6 1'catl St , COl'NCIL ULUF1- & IOWA , and other Leading Urucgists. OUR EMPLOYMENT DEPT while costing the o.-nplovor nivl omp'oyeu nothlii' . ' , h f ) enabled us to a tyanco the Intor- ' cstsofDoth.an , ! iH ) 11'i' > HUjjrin ; bettor results with til Jmach'no. Wyckoff , Seaman 31MIJ ! ? ( I71J KAUNAtl SC SOUTH OAIA.II A. . Union Stosk Yards Cornpiuy , SoutVi Ojnaliat Cutl Cnttlo Uo nnd liu'o ; ) nririat In th3 wait. CQMM1331GI HOI3 ! : > . Wood Brote Live Stock CoinmlS'ilon Merchants. Eoutli Clualin Tcloplioiu 1157. ( .Ii JOHN I ) IAIIMAN , I W.U.TKK 1 : . WOUli' Mnrkot llopsrti I/ .ill/I u ij Hrj o uvt ill/ IllsllLMl UQI1 | UllpllOftttO I OMAHA MVNI'IGS ' AND TEHT3 Omaha Teat-Awninj Y/olf / Bros. & Co , , COMPANY. .Miiniifncuiri'ra ot tonti. nnnln.M o'c ' .01 unit iiousn COVKIH , . 7J.i S. I'.tll ' Btl-JJt 111) ) Knrnnm Mt. BAGS AND TWIN'S- I BICYC'.ES ' , Berais Omaha 813 M. 0. DlXOJ , COMPANY. Importer * nnil mun.frj lllcjclui sold on rouatUIr Himr ii > cki , burlnpi , 1-1 N 1.HII uvi.it- . pnrmiUi - ROOTS AMD SH3ES. Morse Coe Shoe Company , .sftlunooin nnd Ollko1107 IIO.MIII llonarl ( . rnctnry llh'-mi-lin ' llnvturil St. \Vn r.ro Hi" o > i.v Miinnrnuurori of lluulu anil SlitMi In tliimtatnof > eb-a * n. A fcncr.-il InvlUUun l mtu.-lil-il to nil to InupjU our IRMT fiictury. Klrkendall , Jones & Amor. Hand-S3W3l COMPANY , vviiuloula MIOK CO , liuuK.slioil mfra. ni ; > nti lljit'in unO rulilivr KIIO Ii. IIJI' HubtKir"hoo Co . 11'- ' 1JIU Ilnrin ) 9t. 1IUI-1IOJ Ilirner St COAl , G3XE , I ORHICJ. M. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpitflok-Kos'i D/ ( iOO.X CD , Ury k-ooli , notloni , fur- Noiloai. iJ i'.r furilil- nltlinu rfoj | , ojrnir tu jOilicjr nil till lltliuiKl II jffnr.1 Stk Ilirii9ill. . FURNITURE. ( HA1 3 VUE Rector & Wiltolay Lin , COMPANY , I.IM III 'I ' uil virj Corner 10th nil I .laoiio-i 'LiiitnliM lo H it.uju IIJI Duiulli Jt. HATS , EH. I IROI WOK ! . W.A.L.Giirtna&C ) . OmihaSafeiiH-n \Vholoiiil3 WIMKS llntv c'MU , KIM * no 111 , cnf ot , vu u It * . Jill vTore , KlO7t * llllltOtH , JC 1 Iron dhutlurji tin I llrj 01 nnil Ilitrniir sli cipu * . An Ira ,11 x * ir * oU IU i nn I J ii-H-i > I John A. S ) R. lniiortUil.tn [ irloinl'jrt IInr.1 * > l n u > 'T ir. l.iml ojm nit. vlllw ia- uui > ut ! t'l I i > ir i ui koaoj n 3 i Ilo i I u WIlUollll.M. Utliin I > uuli < I MILUHH/ . _ Frlci I , OMd ) ? ft Co Itnpji-tiri in I lotilmr * U'aalo liquor ( if in lit urr nultons. .Mall uI.TI p i u i.iy 1001 Furnniu St IH-HI S lu > u PAPER. I oin. Carpenter Paper CD. Standard Oil Cnrry n full uluolc nf lirliilliltf , wr.liiliu ! | i I llullnul nnil I iljnaili it rlUiu | nur | < , furl | iaier , etc. elli , nvl } ft 01 1 mi. pnauv : Branch & C ) . , Jas. A. ClwX & C ) . ( l-iuilucc , frnlti of all llutlar , rln ID , ponllry uut , < lol klnilt , iiyBturt. .117 > 1.11 i i STOVE RE'A'n. ' SMI. ) ) M.A.Di5'h')7S ) C ) W iHKJ , iloiu raiialr Mnnufiemriri of null anil wntor sltnohlueilti Uoori , bit n ill Mnl for Miy kind of ituru inoulUln f. liraiKh u miilu , I'-Ml IJouglai bk Bcu , mu uj UarO.