Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    m :
J' lltfm1 ly ennli'r to miy part of Cio city
MlllMwwOITICO No. 43
Tr.U.I'IlOM K , MKa | : , | | ( , No. 23
K Y I'lumhlnpOo.
C'orni'll IllulTs lAmincr Co. Coal . Hroi of Omaha have leased the
S.ipp block and will open u storo.
C H Unsictt nnd Karah A. Mctx. tioth of
O.imliavcro married by Justice Vlcn ycstcr-
tl.ij.Tin - fun.-ral of Mrs. Phillip Mergon will
tiUi ! place Sunday nfturnooti at t ! o'cloo'.t ,
frnjn the family ri-nldcneo , corner of Hroad-
wii nnd Tenth street.
Mlis Caroa missionary from Soraml.ih ,
1'cvs.ln Vk 111 di-llvoi- missionary addrosi at
the .Second I'l-esb.vti't'lan church Sunday
morning ntlo.M o'clock.
1'hc park commissioners will hold a special
incf'tltiK w\t Thursday evening , al which
time bids will bo oppnod for a now p'irk In
the ti'rt-ttiwcstmi part of the city.
The IMSO of l-Mxv.m ! Ilermcs , cliai'Rpd with
stealing u lot of frncln * . \\uli-li no clalm'vl
tolmvohccn told In a dream was his , Mat
contiii'ir-d bv Justlro VIun yesterday until
the 'istli at - > o'clock.
A number of the 1'rlnces of the Orient
MI nt i Omaha last evening to'ielp ' Initiate
llfty four candid itrs Into the m.\steries of
the order. They expect to bo homo in
lime for i hurch tomorrow morning.
The case of Vincent air liust the tlly will
RO to tlio jurby this noon. All day ycstor-
dii.N wus taken up by the arguments of At
torney Abkwtth for the plaintiff nnd Attoi--
neys Ha/elttui and Ilurko for the city.
Klmer. -t-jcar-old son of Mr and Mrs.
i ; V Stevii-K. illeil at iiSO : o'clock jesterday
niorninp at his home , 701 Sttilsnmii street
The funeral will take place : ifJ0 : : ! tomorrow
afternoon from the residenceyf K. P. Oolong ,
on ( jiiiili'ti street.
Diiiiette ( | fi Co. received an order yester
day for tiTi.OiM ) boxes of their now "pepsin"
can-h from the I'mlaliy Packing comii.iny of
South Omaha. The latter firm expiWts to
use It in Introducing llicii- now manufac
tured product called popHln.
U.i \ Id S. H.irrlgpr , wlio leased the Union
elevator from the company uhich owns it ,
fled with the co.mty roi'onlir yestc r.l.iy nil
iisslgnmcnt of the lease to the Council
IJlufTs Klov.itor company , a coriwration com
posed of West Virginia capitalists.
W. H. Heck's house at Mamw.l vis
ited by lire Thursday instil. A lump ex
ploded and the burning oil was thrown in all
directions A bed and its bedding were
dustroed and the intorlor of thn house was
boiiuu Imt scorched , but the flames wcro ex
tinguished before any very serious damage
hud been done.
Comrades of encampment No. 8 , and ladles
of auxiliary No. 17 , Union Veteran Legion ,
who desire to visit encampment No 1-1 ,
Omaha , tills evening , will assemble at my
ofllco at 7:15 : and go by special tr.iln , which
will leave corner of Hroadway and Pe.irl
street at 7:27 : uharp. All comrades are in-
\iled H.V. . Ilittht , Colonel.
John Clausen , who is defendant in a il.O.'O
damage suit commenced r. day or two ago l > i
S M McManigal for injuries received h.a .
fall down an elevator shaft at the foimcr's
place , was served with a notice by N. A
Crawfonl and Hurl A ; McC.ibo yesterday
stating that they cliim a lien for iittoine.\
fees on # ) " ' , one-li.ilf of the judgment askei
Henry Voss of Omaha has taken out build
ing permits for the erection of several build
ings that arc to bo put up at Courtland
beach this summer. Among the building
aio a club house , to test $ IOXK ( ) , a boat
hoiiHo costing f. > ,000.and a i.0H ! ( ) bath house
If the motor line over the Interstate bridge
Is completed by Juno , as is expected , the
people of Council IJiulTs will have easy ac
cess to the place. The association which
owns the beach will make all possible ollorts
this year to brimj it before the public as n
pleasure resort.
Plies of people have piles , but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
"Why let children die with diphtheria ?
You euii fjavu thoin by Dr. JolVoris' t-oni-
inly. IIiw boon Uheil successfully for It , "
yearn. I'rico $3.00. Km- wile by Conn-
oil BlulTs druggist. * , ulho ut UIO-1 Onmlng
Btrcut , Omuhu.
For warming puest clmmbors , ball
rooms , oto. , our giw heiitora arc jus !
what you want. Look at thoin. Clean
convenient , cheap. C. I3.-Gas and Elcu
trie Lljjlit Co.
I' r.i
Judge Wlllard of Atlantic was In the clt ;
Judge Joseph K. Uced and brldo have ai
rived in the city , and uro stopping at th >
Grand hotel.
Prof. John H. DoMotto of DePauw mil
versity , Greencastle. Ind. . is the guest o
Prof , W S. Marshall , i.'OS Tenth avenue
while in the city.
Mrs W TJ Park and daughter of Fat
ragut. la. , and Mrs. J. W. Evans of Ara | :
nhoo. Neb. , are visiting Mr. and Mrs.V. . F
VluKoi of Fourth street.
A letter received in this city announce
that Mr and Mrs. J. F. Kimbalt and Mi
and Mrs , George H. Champ , formerly o
this city , arc now quartered at the Pnluci
hotel in Los Angeles , Gal.
Piles of people have piles , but Do Wltt'i
Witch Hiiyel iialvo will euro them.
Sprrhtl l' rlMiiu-r.v 'nle.
2."c for lOc rcfjulur hu-fjo Bizo i" )
bottles of the famous Droxol's Bol
the newest and finest thlnj ; oul
for 10c ; ICe nnd lf c si/o for Co at Ge <
Davis' ; 2. ) gross to bo told at tlies
t : rl.v M'eil l-iitiitiic.i.
Three huiulretl bushels of pure earl
Ohio seed ] ) otiitooj nt Thomas Kishtoi :
2IOG West Broadway , Council BlutTs , hi
Special Mile of Hour this week n
Brown's C. O. I ) .
At HiiluiMj's Tlu-utrr.
"Tlio Danger Signal , " which has bee
drawing sueh crowds In Omalui this wcel
Is to bo iirvsentod In Council BlulTs Sunda
evening. The enthusiasm which It hn
caused by Its realistio and thrilling sltui
tions has aroused much Interest on this sid
of the river and there will doubtless bo
crowded house here. Sululay night.
"KIUItT HEM. . "
This novel and amusing entertainment
to bo presented b.y the famous Hrothei
Uyrno at IXihany's theater on Wednesda
evening Mareh UM.I. I'hoy are known t
among the most prolleiont und sucees-ifi
p.iiitoinlmlsts on too stagi > today , and "ICigl
IJell" Is a novelty . \vliicli introduces them i
their best. Its fake horse , trick wiigoi
j-ooklng and eventually revolving ship , il
ootoiun | , its whistling man , its three clown
to say nothing of u long list of maelun
effects , make the nautical p.intomlin !
comedy a genuine stage wonder.
Piles of people have piles , hut OoWitt
witchha/cl salvo will euro them.
Emma Ki'imaril , btvno rnjilior , notarj
( lominitloiis , eoiinnutclal work , lottii
writing , 10U Main.
Von SAI.I : Chi/.ens State hank btocl
Submit cash olTor. K. II. Shcufo.
Ladies , don't forgot that the Lou
ixro at i" ) Main street now. Conio al
The following marriage llcenso was 1 :
Jlied yesterilay :
Uiniieand Adilress. A (
I JUIIICH A. riyiin , I'ottawattamlu county. . ' .
| Catheiliie. Mm pli/l'onimmtunilii county ' .
Piles of people have juios , but Do Witt
Witch IJazel Salve will euro them.
If you have property to soil , list
with mo. 1 have customer * for bargain :
H. G. McGee. No. 10 Main btruct.
Special wale of lluiir this week i
Urown'n C. O. P.
Warshmullow caramels at Drlesbach'i
Finn for a More Equitable AseeMinont oi the
Sewer Tax.
C'niik rrcipino n I'l in U'hlrh
rs to < ! l r ( Irniter Sutlnfuctbiti
tliiin th(3 .Mrthoil In Vocue
lloiv HiVinilil Do It.
A change Is being talked of among the city
ofllclals in the xvuy of making assessments
for laying sewers , which , if It is carried out ,
will meet with the approval of ull owners of
property In Iho outskirts of the city. The
change , if ma.dc , ulll bo nothing new , for the
system of asse.s.smetit.s that now prevails
hcto is the exception , and not the rule , In
other cities in all parts of thocountry There
Is no credit In the way of originality due anyone
ono on account of the prospective change ,
but whatever credit there Is for calling the
attention of the aldermen to thr- manifest in
justice of the present system belongs to City
Knglneor Cook.
At'prosent e.ich property owner Is assessed
with the actual cost , not to exceed 73 cents
tier foot , of the sever that is laid In front of
hU property. As the outlet Is approached
preached the si/.e , and , consequently , the
pi-lie of the sewer increases. As a
result the owners of property in the
western and southern parts of the city ,
where of the lots arc vacant , have to
pay a laruor amount of scwt-r tax than the
owners of big busim ss blocks or residences
in the moro central pirts , oven though it Is
possible tli it the sewers \\ill he of no prac
tical use to them for ten yeai s or more.
Th" plan-of the city ens nicer la to divide.
Iho svcr s ; stem Into distticts. each dis -
trict containing one prim lpil : inidn and its
network of tributaries , to compute the coat
of the part of the system in that distt let and
chai-gu each property owner lite proportion
ate \rnvl \ of the total cost , according to the
number of front feet he mav own. This
iilaii. while not altogether just , inasmuch as
it does not take into account the value of
the property , is plainly a great Improvement
on the one now In use , for it tends to cqu-il-
ie the expense. The tilan has mot with the
approval of those aldermen to whom it has
been referred , and there Is likely to he some
action taken In the near future which will
carry it out , with more or less modllicallon.
A number of suits were begun in the dts-
tiiet court yesterday which will make inter
esting reading for the public. Nat Frum ,
a prominent young farmer living In Pleasant
township , was served M-lth a notice that he
would he made defendant in a bastardy suit ,
by Helena ( Sottseh. a young woman living in
S.hclby county. The petition will bo on Hie
In the district court at Avoc.i , April 12 , and
in It she will demand a Judgment of SlO.Ul'O
.lames AHddloton wants back a lot which
he claims A.V Askwith has scbed by im-
fuir nie-ins. The. ilrm of attorneys with
which Askwith is connected commenced a
suit In hnhalf of ,1. M. Phillips live years ago
to collect the price of some shoe * , vahud at
$15. A Judgment for the amount was se
cured and , as MUdlcton claims , without his
knowledge the attorneys for the plaintiff
proceeded to levy on a lot of his in Grimes'
addition , valued at Jjl.tWU. The inter * st and
costs had run the amount of the Judgment
tip to $ .Vi , and the lot was knocked down to
Askwilh at that price , the sale being can-led
on quietly so as not to attract the attention
of passers by. Middle/ton &ays ho never
knew of the sale until last October. He
wants a Judgment annulling Askwith's
Angelina North asks for a divorce from
Daniel II. North on the ground of desertion.
Mattlo. Orrell wants a divorce from I. N.
Orrell on the grounds of adultery and fall ,
lire to support. She also asks for the cus
tody of their three children.
The city tiles a petition asking that a stri |
of land Just M'cst of the city market ho ap
praised and condemned for use for market
inn-poses. The land in question belongs tc
Eli/a Crawford.
Other suits begun are : J D. Johnson
against A. Webber , $ KM commission for sale
of real estate : .1. W. Hopkins against.I. II.
Vernon and S. S. Bryant. fTiOOon note ; Fret !
.lenson against Katie Hendrickson. fi'.H ) ot
live notes ; O. W. Grow against \Villian
Siedentopf , 8&1 on note ; People's Nallona
bank of Uiconla , N. H. , against the Ktmball
Champ Investment company , SIU.'J" on twc
notes ; James Coy lo against .I. S Flageollo
$ IX ( ) , landlord's writ of attachment : Kquit
ublo Life Assurance society against Willlan
A. Hailey , f 100 , balance of premium on Insurance
suranco policy ; J. P. ISoulden against Gcorgi
Williams , $ -160 , landlord's writ of attach
lUmtoii Store.
Notwithstanding the inclemency o
tlio weather , the display of spring tires
goods and silks in tlio Boston Store shov
windows is very" " much admired bv tin
ladiest > f the city1.
The merchandise shown in the win
( lows Nos. 1 , , ! i , 4 are all of a dilTeren
Window No. 1 shows all the nov
weaves and colors of plain goods , nisi
trimming silk to match ; choice of tin
line , ii'Jo per yard. Same goods cash ti
import to (17c. ( $
Window No. 2 contains different grade ;
mul makes of silk suitable for trimmiiif
waists and drem-os , in plaids' , figures
plains and now phosphorous olToctsiang
ing in price from 48o to $1.50 per yard
Don't miss seeing new confined styles ii
ladies' silk waists from $11.10 to iH.I.O' '
Window No. It shows our line of nl
wool challies , imported diteet througl
our Now.York olllce , in a choice line o
ehinty. colors. . Note our price , 4 , " > e t <
fib'o per yard. Same grades sold fron
50c to ( ! .Jc.
Window No. 4 is composed of "on
domestic line of wool gords in Scotel
plaids , tweeds , suitings , cashmeres
borges , etc. . etc. , in an endless assort
inent at , " > 0e. Kvory store lias a oO-ccn
line , but this beats anvthing ever be fur
offered. Spring noVclties in all grade
from the lowest price to tlio lines
French novelties.
Fotheringham , Whitolaw & Co. ,
Council BlulTs , la.
The grand council of Iowa , Comuiercl :
Pilgrims of America , will hold its secon
annual session at Marshalltown toda ;
Council HlufTs council No. 1 will Bend thrc
delegates , U. .1. McBride , 1C. L. Cook and .
W. Cook , who will represent the local com
ell hero. It is hoped that ono or more of tli
HlutTs delegates will bo honored with tli
election as grand council otlicers. Gran
Treasurer W. J. D.tvi < ii | < ort ami Gran
Tourist George H. Wise will be in attem
unco at the meeting.
M. V. Illackburn , grand worthy pilsrh
for Iowa , and editor of the National Tr.i'
eler. was a Council Hluifs visitor la ;
Thi'grand COUIH H of Nebraska will ali
hold its second annual session today ut No
folk , Neb. Quito a number of the Comic
Bluffs pilgrims will bo In attendance , bosldt
a good many of the Omaha pilgrims and tl :
delegates of Omaha council No. 2 , Comme
clal Pilgrims of America.
Arrangements are about completed for U
reception and banquet to be given by tl
Council BlulTs pilgrims , and from the pre
cut Indications , about 'JOO pilgrims fro ;
other cities will to present. A verv en'o1
ublo time Is anticipated.
Piles of people have piies , bU Do Witt
Witch Hazel balvo will cure inem.
Finest Aristo cabinet photos , $2 pc
dozen. A&bton'tt studio , IB North Mali
Special sulo of Hour this week i
Brown's C' . O. D.
.trtrr the .Minor Cuii > | iin.r ,
SpencerSmlth Hied another petition In tli
district court yestcrdaj in which ho nsli
for a Judgment against the Council Blufi
& Omaha Bridge company for i ,000. .
potltlnn wns fllo'l ' several Weeks aK > > li :
which he di-rran lei SJI.iKX ) of UKcompni.s
IIR moii".v whli h had been paid b.\ 111'cl' ' . \ as
a bonus to aid In the constriutloa of the
motor Hue under the imprcs l n that
the work was being doneby an
Iowa corporation After the work had been
done Ihti directors state I upon oath that the
eorjiorntlon to whom the bonus was grunted
had never done a p.irtlclo of work , but had
nsnlinod to another i-orKir.\tlon | bfailnz the
same name , but oi'Knnlrod under the laws of
Nobra kn. The claims of the taxpayers to
the amount of f.MIH)3 ) were assigned to Mr.
Smith and a suit for the amount was com
menced , on the allocation that the compativ
which received the bonus raised by special
taxation was not entitled to it. The peti
tion Hied yesterday comprises the claims of
llitl other cltl/ens und makes substantially
the same allocations.
Oscar Brewer , the voting colored man who
fell from a motor train on Ixnvcr Broadway
a few days ago and lost n toe by getting It
under the wheels , commenced an action
yesterday to recover damages to the amount
of ftKX ( ) from the company. Kmmet Tlnley.
his attorney , served the motor companj with
u notice at the sime time that he had a Hen
of $1.000of the prospective Judgment , for his
attorney fees.
Tlio New C'lly i.'lcrk mill UN lleputU-s Hi-ady
( or lliiitni- .
The city council held a short special ses
sion lust 'light. The bond of /urmiiehlcn ,
Jr. , in the sum of fU.OOO. as city clerk , with
twenty-one others as sureties , was approved.
His bond of * IHX ( ) as clerk of the superior
court was also approved.
The bonds of S K. Ixibhirt as dep ity at
the superior court and C. A. Fox as deputy
at the city building were approved. Alder
man Smith , before the motion to approve
was voted on. asked Mr Xurmuelilen if he
had consulted Judge Mc(5ee ( with reference
to the tlrst appointment Xurmuehlcn replied
that Im had and the appointment of Lobhart
was entirely satisfactory to him. There
was no further discussion.
t'ltv Engineer Cook read the plans and
spcclllcations he had drawn up for sewer
work. Tho.v wcie referred to the committee
of the whole , a meeting of which will be
hold next Wednesdaj evening at 7:30 : o'clock.
Course tickets will not be good for the
DeMotte lecture tonight.
Winter weather for an Kastor milli
nery opening did not deter Mrs. I'foilTer ,
and yesterday afternoon the ladies of
Council Ululln and Omaha who visited
either of the Bn adway stores were more
than repaid by the splendid exposition
of line goods that had been arranged fi.r
them. Mrs. I'feill'or has had vile
w-eathi-r for every opening for the last
eight years , but that has not deterred
her from making her display this season
thebe-tsho has over attempted. The
displays tire magnificent and uro a reve
lation to the ladies , as different from
last fall as December is from May. The
' 'ISItO Imt , " tlio hat of our gran 1m ithers ,
is thenas the winner for this season.
It was hideous as we got glimpses of it
in old pictures , but as the queen of the
now style it is lovely. Kvory tli Ing is
ne\v , fruits , llowcr.- , . straws , ribb ins and
colors. The display will continue , this
afternoon and evening at both stores.
Active demand for uccage in the
1C loin tract ti-itities to its locution ,
cheapness and desirability for Iruit. gar
dening anil suburban property. From 1
to 40 acres for sale , i miles east of post-
ollico , by Day & He s , M Pearl street.
lit > ! ottu .on iic ; Irlclty.
All the latest discoveries in electricity
will bo explained and interesting gx-
periments bo made by Prof. DoMotto to
night , Broadway church. Hear him.
Tilt ! ( il-llllll lloti'l ,
.Council Blull's. Most elegant hotel in
Iowa. Dining room on seventh lloor.
Itates , W to $ o per day. K. F. Clark ,
KstliiKitu nt I\IICMSM.
The school board held a special meeting
last evening for the purpose of deciding
what amount of money will be necessary for
running the schools next yuar. The alarm
ing iiK-reaso in tlio number of chilnrcn in the
public schools , especially in the southern
und western parts of the city , was dis
cussed , there having been an increase of 10
per cent over the number last year. Briden-
stein stated that 103 teachers would have to
DC ciigaccd next year. Chairman Thomas
of the Hnance committee read his estimate
of the expenses for next year , as follows :
Contingent fund , $ iOOUO ; teachers , $55.000 ;
school house , $10,000. Stacy objected to the
smalmcss of the umount in the teachers
fund ; the pay roll for this year , ho said ,
would amount to ut least $57.000 , and there
would bo u dcliciency of5.000 ! at the end of
the year. Ho amended the estimate by sub-
stitutlr.g flio.OOO in the place of 55,000 , which
would glvo about ij OOO to applv on the do-
llcienoy. The amendment was adopted , and
so WHS the resolution as amended , Thomas
and Moore voting no in each case.
The disagreement between the board nnd
J. C. Bi < cby with reference to the radiators
at the High school was brought up , and after
a long-winded discussion It wus decided tc
settle the dispute upon the payment by
Bixby of $7.0 aud the attorney fees.
An invitation from the school board ol
Sioux City to tbe school board of Council
BlutTs to attend the exercises at the new
Hiijh school building , April 4 , was read and
Special tale of Hour this week at
Brown's C. O. D.
Bouricius Music House.
Fine pianos and organs for cash 01
payments. 114 Stutsman street , C. BlutTs ,
Free treatments daily from 2 to 4 p
m. at the Council Blnifs Medical and
Surgical institute , 20th and Broadway ,
Do you smoke ? Ilu\o you tried T. D ,
King & CO.'M Partngus ? It's a charmer ,
Just light ono.
Williamson & Co. , 100 Main street
largest and best bicycle stock in city.
Another improvement to the populat
Schubert piano. Swaiison Music ( Jo
Sreciul sale of Hour this week a
Brown's C. O. D.
Hoar DeMotte tonight. Electricity
Broadway church.
HrMottv't l.rrtnre. i
Ttie people of Council Bluffs will come ou
to hear Prof. John B. DeMotto when the ;
won't go to hear any other men on the let
turo platform , and for that reasnn tli
threatening nnd blustery weather could no
keep the ciowds away from the Broadwa ,
Methodist church , where ho delivered hi
lecture on "Tho Secret of Character Build
Ing. " In his lecture ho treats of the won
ders of the nervous system in a hciculill
way , without using any of the technical term
that tend to make the subject hard for th
average listener to understand. The flu
stcrooptloon views wltn which ho illustrate
his subject added greatly to the mtercsl
The effect of the proper training of the nei
vouu system so as to muko right ucting nil a !
most involuntary thing was Mio "moral" o
his address , nnd the eloquent peroration wu
Us' ened to almost bre ithlcssly by the aud
ence. Ho will lecture again this evening
when his subject will bo "Klcctriclty. " None
ono who failed to hear him last night shoul
mihs this last opiKirtuntty.
Coal nnd wood ; best and chcapes
Missouri hard wood in the city ; proinp
delivery. H. A. COx , No. 4 Main.
DoMotto's lecture. "Harp of th
Senses , " at Brt adway church tunight.-
Mine. Helen Merrill. huirdrc.ssing am
manicure. Room 312 , Morrlam block.
Wood of all kinds , cobs and coal. I.
G. Knotts & Co , " ( Kl Broadway.
Stop nt the Ogden , Council BlulTs , th
best $2.00 hoitfro in Iowa.
Hear DoMotto tonight. Klectricitv
Broadway church.
Special biilo of Hour this week a
Brown's C , O. 1) .
Gco. S. Davis , prescription druggist.
for the npiHdntment of TIIM ! Castor
It Is given out th it Cttstoc was thn choice of
Morton , unit that lie was cansldor.tbl.v piqued
when White nppolutud. us It pliuv.l
Ikijil In the attitude of p rVm.-iie dispenser ,
while the Suso of Abnr IMte was practi
cally ijrnoro'l In th appointment of the man
to till the best p lyliu o.Hc * In the state In
the gift of admnlstr\U ! > n.
Tlio announcement Is niiwie that Oorjo J
Sternsdor.T will be th > ] t-hi-f doivity of
United States Mnrshal'Wlllto , to take the
plnco now IllleJ by Charlev Mon. It Is
understood , howo\er , tint the latter gentle
man will remain in the oHIce for a time nt
le ist.
Some Aililltloiiilt'ltlin : Kllli-d.
In considering the miscellaneous nnproprl-
ntlon bill , l.ulltart Intro'luccd ' nil nincndment
allowing ex-Governor Unyd Sl,8" > salary and
ftaO house1 rent for the time that ex-Gov
ernor Thayer deprived him of the olllce The
house would not accept It. The fK ! ) claim of
( .Jus Mules for pay for services us page it
the 1-ist session of the legislature , although
not appointed to the place , was stricken out.
Yt'ntcriliiy'A ApMiliitiiivnt | < .
The irovernor has made the following ap
pointments to the examining and visiting
bo'ird of the Soldiers and Sailors home :
C. Ho.Uetter of Central City , A. II. Brown
of Hastings \ . H. Morgan of Scotia. Mrs.
I.aura Bates of Virora and Mrs. O. A. Ab
bott of Gran 1 : uul.
Governor CIM .use this afternoon appointed
Colonel James D. G.ITO of Franklin to bo
adjutant general , with the rank of brigadier
general. The eoiumlssl m was made out and
signed shortly after 2 o'clok. .
Omihu'H Charter IIIH.
The representatives of the Omaha Central
Labor union are working in the interest of
an amendment to thq citv charter providing
that all work on puollc buildings must bo
done by da.\'s work. The members of the
council declared themselves in favor of it ,
hut when the bill turned up In the senate
there was nothing to snow for it m this par
ticular. The mambers of the senate com
mittee declared individually that they
favuiv I It , and each sought to throw the re-
sponsl jility on same other member. In
order to allay some of the opposition that
the.\ might otherwise have to encounter , tiio
labor representathes desire to h ive the pro
vision remain inoperative if passed until
1MM , that U might not interfere with work
now pending.
OMAHA .lOltllURS IV Ol'l'O-tlTlON.
They Call Si-n itcir Ctiii'Uo to a Cuiili-rriicu
on II nun Hull : it. :
The Jobbers and bankers of Omaha have
beta guilty of lighting thy maximum rate
bill and they showed their hands yesterday ,
when they called Seintor Clarke into n con
ference nnd un-lei-took to awe linn into sub
The Jobbers argued that the prposcd rates
would Injure the wholesale interests of
Omaliu , nnd they insisted that Mr. Clarke's
tirst duty was to this city. They explained
that the reduction of local rates would build
up the jobbing interests at intcrioi- points ,
but they at the same tinlo maintained that
this reduction would hot benelit the con
sumer because it would be so slight that the
retailer would absorb it. The Jobbers
frankly admitted that their opposition was
purely seltlsh und beca jsc ; i nufttmiini .sched
ule might decrease their trade bv turning a
pant , of it to the wholesalers in the small in
terior cities. !
The gentlemen in thls'-i-oiiferonco were of
the class who inspire 'deference asso'ld
business men , " and Senator Clarke showed
some signs of wave-inj ; from his determi
nation to support the lull. Indeed , the job
bers feel so s ire of him us an ally after
the conference they Oontidentlv dcclaied
they had the maximmu schedule defeated.
Moro than that , they rnainlained that they
hud been more powerful factors In the oppo
sition than the railroads themselves.
One of the gentlemen in the conference
explained that the jobber ? would not send a
committee to Lincoln , because it would slir
up old antagonisms and again arrav the
state at largo against Omaha. He asserted ,
however , that the wholesalers had been
active for some time and had done clllcient
work which they believeu would the
io n scientifically prepared Liniment
nnd harmless ; every ingredient is at
recognized value and in constant use
by the medical profession. It short-
eun Labor , Lessons Pain , Diminishes
Danger to life of Mother nnd Child.
Book ' To Mothers" inuilcd frco , con
taining valuable information tuul
voluntary testimonials.
Sent by express , charges prerald , on receipt
of price , S1.M pes bottjo.
Bold I'yidl druggists.
If Or Schancli's tr .ittncnt . an I otirn ot Con
sumption worn sonunliui r now ; ind iintrol.
people inijiht doubt ; but what his : ptovoJ It-
uc-ir throiieh a rooor'J as old us our pran.1 f.itn-
er ? , mo .us Just wluil it Is
A Specific for Consumption
Mitl fur all Ul ou. < ioi of HID I.tuiK * No truit-
invnt n the world can place so many uorina-
nont cures of I'oiisiimutlon to Its cro lit im Dr
S lieneli's. Nntliliic In Niiiuro acts sodlrouilv
nnd effectively on tlio Inn ; ; inuin'ir uies and
tissues , unil so quickly ( ll posm of tulmrc m.
coirjosildii. lull untimt on , col Is , cou'ln uiU
all the Heeds of Consumption ns
Dr. Schenck's Pulmanic Syrup
When nllclso f i Hit cometoinu rescue. Not
until It fnlU , und only utter fulthful trinl ,
When nuv ono duspnnil. It hus hrousht tlio
lioniilosj lo llfu , in i lioaltli. It tuts turned tlie
despair of tun thousan I homes Into joy. It
IB iloliu It now. U will conUniio to ilo It
throii liout tnu uses. Dr. i'cnnc''aVactictl
Ticullasoi iVrisu ii | ) ( ( HI , lL''riiiilit'i ( i ic/i Oil-
tattf mailed free to nil dnpilc mix.
7)r. J. II. Schnieli ifc So-i. I'll Iadfi'ili. | ) J'.i.
Cook quickest
and best.
They aio a
ncccBsltv ,
and Improve
the tliu or
nt tlio food
MIITOH ROQtRS & SOUS , ABteT , Om'iilm , or
Majestic Wfg. ! Co. . St. Louis.
Money I/O , lie J on I ) : I.OI-H. , : Wituui ,
II. t : liarxahisln iiiireileoiiu > J tiled io
Jubtlco of the I'cacu '
413 Ilroa'lw.iy.
. _ _ _ „ _ _ I I
Paines ] Celei Oompo.uncl Cures Where j
Physicians Fail.
The position of the physici-m who
deals with Iho nervous and" the fobh ,
the pain-worn , the hystarieal. the steep
les ! " , is DUO of the utmost gnvvlt v.
I'rolonged trnln of mind and bodv , ere
o [ both. Is apt to result all too quickly
in sudden collapse.
Otio of llio ( 'reatcst pliysit'hins the
world litia cor seen , who wus for yenrs
the n.o t prominent man upon the facul
ty of D irtmontli , ronll/.inir the extent of
the physician's twponslbilltv , sot about
to discover a remedy that should build
up the nervous cystem , and cure the ilU
that result from impoverished blood and
diseased nerves. lie discovered that
greatest of nil remedies , 1'alno's celery
compound , and submitted the formula to
fellow physicians.
There wns no sec-ct about it. The
fcrmula from that time till now has been
furnished , whoroveriisked for , totoputa-
bio physician * , nnd they htxvo time and
again examincit it , and knowing thatit is
coon , hnvo recommended it to tho-io
\\bo are sick.
No oil.or remedy was ever so highly
endort-od , aud so generally used and rec
ommended liv i > h.\s c aiis.
Dr. William Home , who for a dozen
years hus been one of the most promi
nent editor ? of , and writers fo , medical
journals , writing in May of lust year ,
said :
"I hnvo been using Pnilie's eolerv
compound for six tweclcs fo m.v elf and
wife. I am like all graduated M. D.'s ,
onucsed to proprietary remedies. I was
induced to try the celery compound afier
reading C'omhiodoro IIowcll's letter , ' [
feel conseicntlou-ly incliicd ] to testify tote
to the building-up qualities of the celery
compound. 1 inn just finishing the sixth
bottle. 1 havn iccommcnded tlio cum-
pound to insiny.
"For live ' csirs I have boon afilieted ,
each so i9on\vlh oxcci lvo norvousncf-s ;
so ponsitivo was f that any lilt o no'tso
caused me to si art and lltitter. This ex
treme nci vous condition induced an un
pleasant allliction of eczema , a partly
nni'TOiis dlscasn with mo , Tor five eea-
faons 1 have been full of itching , rod ,
eruptive spots. Three weeks ago this
condition came upon mo again.but with
much moro excessive neivous jirostra-
tion. I eommcncod taking the 1'aino's
celery compound. My unpleasant ner
vous condition is entirely gone. I sleep
well tind have a good appetite. My dys-
In ch-irjo of thu Slaters of Nlorcy.
Tuts renowned Institution Is situated on the
lil'li ( b ultd buck of nml overlooi < ln'4 tlio eity of
Council Bin Its. The spicious grounds , Jls
high location und bpiondid view , ma'.o It a
most plo-islti ? retrcut for the anilctet' ' . AstitT
of eminent physicians nii'J : i l.irso corps of ex
perienced nursca minister to the comforts of
the iniUouts. bpeclul care lvon to lady pa
Torius Jlodoratc.
Kor particulars apply to
Frank Street - - Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
HAi380lutGyiii8B8StEvia8M [ ( !
* in
"A Delicious Medicated Con- ;
i'oction" for the relief cf Coughs , > 5
Colds , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , nnd Jji
for clearing the voice. Tor sale by O
nil Druggists nud C o n f c c t i o n c r B.
racked in full two ounce packages , r-t-
Trice 5 Cents. If yen are unable to < - >
procure the I'omona Cough Tablets $
ft out your dealer eewl us 8 cents in jj
Ktnmps and receive a I > TS by mail.
Mtide by the manufacturers of U'e
celebrated I'omona Fruit Juice
Ccuncll Bluffs , if.
Architects ,
Surveyors ,
We have a full supply of
rnatlcal Tpstj-urneptSj
'T ' 9 Papsj-a , p aclpg Cloth ;
VialpSj Uev >
Squayasj Illus
tralcil Ctttiilo uu five.
J14 South 15th Strest ,
pun-In Is gone and I easily digest nil I O'lt.
"I otichwo the uiHi ) nt' Mr. I.ltUojohn
of JanesviUo , WH.
"Somo four years ngo last Juno , Mr.
John Liltlojohn jL'omplained to mo of a
pt'cullnr sensation in his head and neek ,
rlglit side. I examined him closely anil
told him he hud : i blood > -lol at the b. < * so
of the brain , I thought , tr a small tumor
pushing upon the nerves at the b\su : of
the bruin. I recommended him to ono
of the best physicians , Dr. .1. I ? . \V. Ho
went , and tlio doctcr made his diagnosis.
I saw the doctor the next d.iy , nnd ho
paid ho had found some undtni PIOFSU o
nt the ton" ( of the brain Dr. W.'s ding-
no-is was the same as my own , uhhough
wo had neither of in known pnjthing
about the other's diagnosis There w..s
porno unsteady twilchingy of Iho fiicinl
muscles of the right side , and especially
of the right eye.
' 'Mr. Lktlojohti seemed to be com-
plc'toly unbalanced and 'jerky , ' nnd
quite unsteady. This is a truthful state
ment of Mr. LitUcjohn't condition. Ho
tried every conceivable remedy , by the
recommendation of some eight or ton
physicians in JiuioBville , Chicago and
Milwaukee and other places. All the
t entmont failed to relieve him. I rec
ommended 1'aino's ccle-y compound.
"He tried it , and by n steady , persis
tent use of tlio celery compound , he com
pletely cured himself of the worst case
of exiremo nervous probation and ex
citability that I ovei-Miw. Mr. LitUn-
john informs mo that ho has spent over
$ . " ) ,000 In dot-to , ing , without good. He
the ough'y ' tried celery compound. It
completely cured him. "
Mr. Liltlojohn himself writes :
"I have been n traveling man for a
gieat many years , : nid the exposures
ad worry that follow business transac
tions caused mo to b onk down with
nervous p-ostratiou FO that f < r fovoral
duvs tboy thought I WMH dying. -sides I ?
this , I had the on'onhur parnlys's in my
loft arm , hand and side MI that they
were almost entirely uso'ci-s , and I had
n. most s-m-cre case of catarrh to the ex
tent that it almost destroyed my eve-
sight nnd ruined my hearing. 1 had no
sense of taste whatever for two yenrs. I
had all this so that I was used complete
ly up for live year ? , so you can judge of
my .condition And after nil of these
doctors f.iiltntr , I llntilly emod mytolf by ,
using Palne's celery compound. "
Is there a sick person who can nffoid
not to try a bottle of this wonderful
remedy ?
In the greatest of all realistic iiluys
Proacnted with al1 Its
ffiogiiiiceii scone o-iii Mscnanicai Ett ,
Ueiiulrlns two cur * in transportation.
WITH ITS -ilfo 11 orallioad seonoa. Mon
ster Iron locomotive , ( snow ulow ,
ISp font long. 12 Vi feet hlzh. crostlnir the stuso
In live secouds.
-T.-ie. fit- ) , und Me. Scats on sale Sat
urday ut boiler's ulfarmucy ,
Dohany's Theater
Tim OUHAT ma success. Tin : I-AMOL'S
TOMIMIC coMr.ny.
Wholly unlike anytlilnc now before llic
CommoniU'il ovcry where as tha Kroatest
fiinintiKcr of Hi' ) season.
b'oatson sale Tuesdiiy ut So tors' I'lmiiu cy
l'UICKS-2.'ic. Mi- , T.Viiirl 11 ( XX
Hut ( Kirk , liaius. lar l nnd liiu'on. nhllu wij ;
up hi ti. are clii'iiptT ut .Mi-si-hi-nilorrS mm Ki-l
tlinn any otlu-r plui'e In tlm clly. Tun place ti
( rt-t yoiliiniat Ii wln-ro ynii ii-t tlm liil mi' '
tin- must fur your money. l.oo' ' < at tit ! < - > t > | ifli-0'
and rcrolk-ct that u\crytliliu ! > tliu Uuit thai
i-ttlfl & Co. shiitKlitor :
S.K u djr CloJ , iroo ofbo.ic . En.
Plate loll . 4c
I3on9l95jCor.uJ Bsef . Sc
Sirloin Uutts . Oi
lolsofltajf . Oi
Sirloin trip . 8 (
> irloln Steak . Wo to 12'ji '
Steak 12'ij 12'ji6t i
_ . . . . 80 13 101
Shoulder Roast , Ooto7 (
She i.dBr3t3a.t 7 <
VealStew Oi
Veal Ho st 10 (
Veal Steak ! S4i !
Mutton tew. 6 <
Mutton Lags I0i
Mutt m Oriops 12VJ <
Sausage i2i ! ,
P.rK Butts lUHi
Poruli ilns , wholj . IBiii
Perk Uhona | 5 (
SaltPorlc 12K (
I i ajon Ibi
Lari lOo to l li
Kami . . . f. iB'tC. to I7i
SiiJ d J0o tj25i
Hno-ji whole 81
Poultry ami Fish ilw.iysohand. .
Nooth-ir m < rl < acc.i i dupltoits thais -ir.ea
und mind this ia lor 110 bsjt Meats in th
city.ESGISENDOHF f Eai GO , ,
Wholesale and Ratal )
333 BROADWAY , Council Uluffa.
" ' '
oiuiMuaiirjri i i > iieS" iir'
i ( uilurul . ICoonu
coiirtn. OJ-7-S-D , tihugar
. block , CouimlluluITu , la.
T BK I I AllXUiZUj ill *
Tlio Oixxl itanlUu. 20 Twii' bptiltnte
vvomtN. rKoriturroK ov truu
xvont.u's iiuittiAi , ntsi'UM-
t treat the foliating Oiieuscs :
Catarrh of tlio Ilcnd , Throat , ntnl
CAfcaoftbc Kycfttid linr Pits n id Alxij.kxv , llairt
IMfonso , I.iver l.ldnev CcmplHliit ,
Nervous Doblllty , f/lontnl Doproo-
nlon , Less of Mcnhoocl , Seminal
Wonknuseil'l' | ' lte..HrEli | > I1' ' < Vltu& *
Sunco UliemUtUm , I'MalysKMilio Bnolllnp ,
Bcrnfu'n. ' Fever sores , Cancers , Tumoro
nntl PlJituIn In ono rcmovoil without
the knllc or drnwlns a drop of
blood. Womnn with lnr ilc'leit ' ra.
s'torod to liculth Iroi > > y tuil wuliout tunoittff.
PjU'l Illl itU-lll ( III - IM'll'i. ' ! . II ( Illl
ti iml tiiliits iirhliu iiy i \i < i r Mi-oj.
Sour , ind i lu-'ipor th in n Ii ) < to tlir lloft
Mirln * > ' lo KV I forTi- fur HIIV funuru lo
ciiri- illiu i imiri-iiiy.
Tnpo Worms rcninvrd In two or t'i'CO tioms , or no
pay. II rinrrhiii is < > r Tllt-s c rul
\Villfr.\o HfonuJ hundreds of dollun by cnlUnn
on or utltiK
tc-'l what nllt
Tlio only FliyMi-lun who ran
n jiur-ioti .iltluuit i kliiK n
All cnrrc'ixitidcncostrlctlvronnilentlnl.
Bent by cxpross. AildrcMialt letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D.
oV > HUOMnVAY.Cotn'tl H ulTs , U
Fen I le st imps tor rnuly.
Till : K.Vrr'.I.SInH IIOMK MMil'.ll \ M > ltrST'l | '
mono fr-nul-io wtlti tut tirn tltti uil JUT Intust
liuprmoil t ) lU aiDil'l ' in i : Ii M ilujp tl'i IKO
Etrmi , : litl lil li tfuitu. sn I < > o < u < luriuctty Unlit ;
> ! ! % e * .il poi' e < > it nutrltl MM c OIIIIMIH rull ilu
M-ilullrLM-iroiilur on .ipill.-itln | i Ad ION IMV \ NT
: ) > v.-rr ci ii-ily In tliL-U < . Aililn- I'llUMC3
'iir.l S II N. M.ilnt. . . ( uuncll llun.l.i. ! : a
COT13I1. 3l'jr3.
l.'Oll SAI.I5 I'lill M-lof II uicr tooli. noiiiluonll.
I tlon ; n Dar nln Imiulro ot Uuipklo slituart
llnnlnaru < 'o. , Council Illutti
If Ut ISKNT l.arKO 10 rciiim hiitiso with nil modern
Improvement * , on I'm It avunne , S > M per month.
S room IIOIMU tllli coed barn. new.H per tuontli ,
I Inculu .1 venlie.
Konr cutt.i D ho'iiei In Tivln Cltf I'laco , nsnt
Krj0llro , ' fiietory , { , ! per iiioith uicli.
5-rdiim ciittiiKOion Tlilul iiveiuu. nortu of trann-
ftT. ( II pur month.
o ro 11:11 : cot'n non Aveimo C , noir Will ttroat , 3)
per month. Apil ; > - lu K' . II. ( . .MullNo. . 7 , lluU.tlu
iloel : , foiincll > iuiTi ,
tr.\vnii : ( ilrl for general liouienoik. II ,
t Cnllnlian , ' 'Illl Ctli nveiuie.
G , \ H1I.r.'inovLMl. ( . c 's.tyosii , viuilti. clilmnen
ulunnoil. Wull prci > arjj tjr tliu wjrlt. l-j ;
liurku city liullillnK.
alarm Iht of property. Imiirovcil nn I
uiiliuprov i-tl for Httatti ult inrti ut the city.
most of It nt iow iirlcjj ; ouiorit vorj uncap. It
) uu think ot luiyliu. cu MJ HIM xga uliut t on
nircrjoii. H uuy saro you maiuy H. ( > . Mc'Jeo ,
No. 10 Main slro n.
LI * . JUDS > N. clrll OHi'lnujr. Illiio prints of
. < ( iiincll ItlHifs niiil all uiMliloin ; nlMi paitjruiio
for.'iJU ofHtuck VJJiitli IITPIIIIO.
i IEK fiirin In ' "cdur county Nubi.iskn' nil In
vallun. f-'J.OO pur i.c-ru Hlral clntu city
| ir puity to i'xi-li UIKO fur ( joe I linil : unil ill do-
K'iiitloii | of the l.iml ) Oi. h.ivs tj oltJr Johilstuu
\ Vun 1'jticn.
Alisi U vCl'smnl loanj K.irm an I clly prupjrtr
l > Jtilit : niiJ BUlJ. 1'ii y \ ' 1'nu.nn , Council
MdDf.l'.M lesKlonep , southeastern .VehnukRl
I mincll lllnH > lot anil 71 iicru fnrnit i-xchaiiKO
ull lor Council liluifj ri-Hlilvncu Address M II. M. ,
Warncrvlllu. Nub
VHTICI.ICS of liicorporatlu.l of " .Moichchdorf
McBt Compnnr. "
rn the 1'ublle. Know nil mm by tlir-no present * :
' 1 lint wo tliu uudcialKiicd huvu ustuchtti-d miri-elve
toKolher for thn purpntin of t.oliiK Incorporated
under tin ) 'linn ot tlio statn it IIIITII nml fur Hint
purpose. o huro adopted tlio fullo Tint ; articled of
Mrit-'lliu iinmiof tlie cor.oration ] shall ba
"Tlio Voschondurf Mont Company.1'
Second I lie principle place of uuidiiosn shall bo
In the city of Co until Ilium , town , 1'uttnwnttiitnlu
'llilril Thn acnornl imtinn of tlio hlnlnt'B.i tlmll
be to buy unit sell Uvo aiul ilr-n- -il invaii of all
kind ) , fiirin unil Mtnlt'ii prodnci. anil to curry on a
Kcnrnl moat unit buti'ticr I u lncss itnrt to do any
nml ull business Incident thereto To hulil micu
personal iintl real property a * N m- * dod anil ro-
iliilrcd to conduct Bald burlncs * * tu tnko mortKuu'C *
on real nnil personal pnipnity to sccuro tlio com
pany Hculiift lo ; : to cnncul. cliurxe nml ri'k-usn
tliOKnmouf riitiird or ijtlii-rwlaii. to uctnbUs',1 iinit
nppolnt iiKOiitH nnynluio In IOKH iinil Nobraskti ;
tucniu'ol. rut-nil unil revoke tin' tame , tliu ( urpar-
i.tlun shall Imvo , iioKm > rK nnil vxttr < li > u all oilier
piincru iKiinUy liic'ilc-nt to cuipuiiitlunti , anilHinoiitf
which nro the tolluwlni/
1 To KUO anil bo auoil by UK ror | > ornto nnmo.
2 To have iitrpctunl'Miici-ssl-m.
il The Intoroat oftho Mtockliohlcr fhnll bo
trnnxfi-rnblo , but the btucuhul li-rn of tlio cor-
liiirntliin ( .hull hnvo the tlrnt upportuiiltjr
uf purcliatiliiir any Mtortt ofuruil : lor enlo
rtiul 1111 } trniiNfur of Htock intulo without KtvlUK
thoBtiicklioliU-ri Ducli tuhlk'xo nhutl bo null nini
4 Tliu prlviito property of Ilia number' ilinll bo
excmiit fiiitu llutillltlt-a lor ctirporMp ilubtii.
A. 'Iti iirnlL-oontraut-i , uc'iiilru | nml trnimfer inch
roul and imrbniinl property HM In ri-iiilrL-ii | In uun *
iliirtliix the bUftlnuo nf tin : cnrpniutlun pomer-ln
ihuMiiiiu ponur In ancli ru > | ivct an prlvnto Inill-
vlrttinln now f-iijtiy.
Ii 'lo ostabllnh by-laws nnil iiml.ii all rules and
ri-iiulHtloni ) < U > i > iiieil oxpc-oi 'lit for the niunnvoiuunt
uf Ilii-lraniilrt In itcionlitnca nlth Inw.
r'uiirtli h iiuthorl iiit capital flock of this
cori nratloimhall bo ten tlioimnml anil two linn-
ilrcil iloilKm. illvlilt-il Into nno huuilrcd und tire
Hlmren nf one hundrcil dnllnrs ench but Iho ror-
ponitlnn klir.ll liouln tiurlni-Ki nhini the capital
btot-k In paid In lifter thu cuniinunejinunt of till *
I'lfih Tlml tlu tlmo of tin c i.nimncoment of
thin oorporattun nil ill bo tlin llthdiy uf ilurcli.
Ih'.il , A I ) , anil Its Icrmlnntton leu years there
Mitli Ilio Indebtedness of thl corporation
thiili not oxc'cod ut any tlmo one-half the amount
of the capital xt'jck mibix-ilbud
t-erenlh 'I ho power of till * corporation ahull bo
vt-Mi-d In a iMutiil uf director. ! uf not to oxc.'i-il
three liienilu'r.i , tu bo dfle mined ench jenr by thn
Mockholdi'rs nt their n-xu ar annual mectlni ; fur
thooleclhin of ollcir ] . nn.l tlio arfulrnof tbo tor.
pur.itlun ( hull bo KOveined aril luannvcil by tha
until bnuril of directors , wliloh \ v Mud with all
Ihu power" , diit'on ami nullrirltlUK noruisary to
carry uul Ihu objoctn nml pnniotonof thli corpora-
tlun. A inoloilly uf the dln-c or thnll conHtlluto
aiiuoium. Tlio boaul ufolrecturi Khali ha elected
< > nt'h year \u \ iho ttockhul.ler * at their rcvul&r
nnntiul inoeilne
KlL-hth-'llio hoard of dlrt-ctorn thull select a
lire.ldent. vlo" president , nceietury ami troaiurcr
'll.t-yulUhft'l bo net oiml fruui tliulr own nnmbci
i.t thPlr rejulnr aniu'it inec-tliiK. ami > linll holil
Ihclriitllo mull tlit-lr iic-e . orii ate olccti-d nmj
rii.-illred | ! I ho nlllo rn ( < ) I.IIHO'I by thv tinaril uf dli
ri-i'lon nhnll receive .ueli tonipens tlon at tha
board may deli nulr.e. 'I lie d I rue lorn ulinll reeclva
nu cniupuii'iitlon for actlnii UK mich.
Mi.tli'I lie r Knlnr an.uml muetlnir uf the ftdck-
hulrU-m ( hall tuku pliuo at ounnl Illiid. , I'uttv
wuttaiulu cullnly. luwn , un tlio fecund Monday hi
March eudi ) n r t 10 o'clock * in Thoioxular
annual mcctliiu of Iho buurd of dlreelor nhnll ba
held In the city nf ouncll Illuifn , la. , thu ei-caua
.MiimUy In March enrh year at ! P in
'Jenth'Ihene articles of Inrurporntlon ma > ba
iinionile.d or chiilived ul nny regular moutliiK ut the
tuckliulilLTK. proM-it that Ihoy uro mnllod a
nrltlen notlcB at le.ut ten days hefuro mch .uoel-
Ini : : provided , funlior , lliut tnu-thlriUuf all votu *
iipunmith iiropunltloii "ball tiocnilln tliu nnirum-
tivi- . each tuckholiler uliall haru one votii for
cvory khorc owncU by him and ho may bo allowed
to cunt hit vote by pnuy
In wllnen whereof wu hercUi eubicrltio Uf
namei lull IHh day of Mnrih. ISM.
A. 1'UUUltNV ,