TIIE OMAHA DAILY UEE : 1UUDAY , MAllCU 24 , 1833. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. " lVYItTIHr.MKWH ! FOR TIIMR ( OLIMX ! will h liken until U * i | > m for lhfnift until i t > m f > , rlhfi morning < > r f-uri'lay ' i-ilHlon * . AdvfrtisfT * l.r rpqnnMIng nnmrwrecl ch-rlc. can liavo iheir answers adrtrcswd to a nurowrprt letur Ineaiauf Till lir.K Answer * ' Mdri-ssed will M delivered ui 'ii ' presentation of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. Rates ! * * < B word flrst Insarllon I * n word there after > othlnn taken for less than lie. tAIKI AT IIOMrTll : WUAPPEH9. Mrs Oakley. Sr X. llh. Uiildren'i clothUiK. A -WANTKI ) . A POSITION AS s-TKNOOHAPIIKH .Aby experienced male operator. Address v " -WANTKI ) . POSITION A9 OFFICE A-SISTAST . /Ynnd stenographer. Address X M llee 711 , _ „ „ „ ED. HlTt'ATION , V K.XPERIKNCKI ) i A-WAN stenographer nnd typewrit * ! : c n oi.pralo smllli Pteuiler or Hcmlhglon. Address U " " * 17. Hoc. _ AliOU.I'.H * 1IAIIII IIAVB A LIST OFSTK.V AoempheM all Erodes. furnished buslnjMii men free ( , H N V. Life Tel. WA MM Ali A -POSITION WANTKII IIV KXI'KUIKSfr.n .A grocery clerk Uood reference ) . L2llee ! of fice , lounrll lllufTs. MblO J4 -CO.V HM\N. AMEttlf'AN. WANTS SITUA. stlon : our rfeionw1 H. Ucc. MOM j6 * _ _ WANTED MALE HELP. It.tCJ , ivnc n word flrst Insertion. Ic a word there- Bfti-r Nothing tsken for less lhan &c -n-hALARY I'll COMMISSION TO AOhNTS TO Ink Krasrr Pont .1. Jlianln | > the Patent I liemtinl Inomort useful and novel Invention of the age. > rates Ink thoroughly In two seconds. Works Ilka magic 'JW ) to SUO prr cent profit. Agents making jfiu per wcrk We also want n general agent to tak j charge < f ttrrllory and apii-ilnt > 'ib agent * . A rnro fhnnci ; to mnke money Wrlfo for terms and JiM'ecl- men of crnslug Monroe Kruslug Mi ) ! . Co. , 1 3 > > . i < a _ IV MAN AIWHT 25 : Ol-ICK TO I.KAIIN. CAN Jiftnd permanent employment and salary wnokly. JMn pouKlBn street. _ M'.MAI _ 1 > - WA 'I Kl > . TUAVKMNO Al.KSMEN TO J5 ell bakliiB powder. We put our K odi I" B'a" rolilnKplns fvi month fnlary and een 0i. orla IMT cent. onraml lon. Send * t mp for reply. < hlciffn llakluit 1'onder lo. . 7i > 7 Vaa Huron M. , Cblcaco. " _ T ) SAI.B-MKN TO HKI.I. r > OI)3 TO MBU- Jclinnt by nmplp : IOJ a month for workers ; f mplf nnd cnso lurnl hed free ; lnclo o Mainp Vortel Mf Co . South Ilend. Ir.d. 408 2j * } -sllOBSAUSMAN : WANTKII. A.C. M'fillAW J'A < "o. . Detroit. Mich , manufacturers of men Bbd ladles' tupdluni priced nhocv want n tlrMelnss Xkleunan with nn CBtablli'hed trodo to repietrnt _ Ihem In Ncbranka. Mi > i ; 1 * _ . l > . A KIHST CI.AS-8 Tl.NNKK : MUST JJbe nober nnd all rlKht : fteady Job anil coed waeo lor rlitlit rann. K. r. Olmetua \ Co. , Wayne. Ncb.i O--WA.NTKD. CtiMPEThNT AM ) HLI.IAHLE JJbuilncus man for management of buslneis which b ar closest Investigation. Must have some capital For Information call or address Western Iluslness Agency 310 N. V. I * bldg. " * ij-wAVTK.I ) , simr. SALESMAN , UNK AHI.ETO J'speak Ilnlieuilan preferred. IJoston Store , Omaha. 170-W HWANTDD. FIRST-CLASS IIRA S HAND IN- elructor other employment iruirnntood to In- nurn f75.0J par month. For particular * write to C. J'ctllgrew. Newcastle. Wyo. MWI 2a * n-WANTKD , A IILACKiMITH THAT CAN DO J. plowwork. J. Nurschy , .Ncola. la. MIOI 2a * _ _ iWANTKI ) . A 11AI1HKHT.O HfN MlnP I'OH A Jifew months , party Is flck and golni to Europe : ran have proceeds by paying luw rent. Address A. bundgren Strcmsburg. Ni-b _ Mi X)2l ) * 7 > -TAII.OII.li'Ol ' ) I'ANTS MAKI'.ll WANTKI ) AT J J folumbus. Neb. 1'rlce , f2.5U. Steady work. C. A. Llnslnnn ry.l 23 * I ) WANTKI ) . A F1I.ST CIASS M. JJn pattern maker , fcteady ork nnd good pay to right party Hastings Iron \\orks , Uaillnpk.Neb. T > - WANTK1) . SIIOKMAKKU TO GO TO l-M'alliadc. Nob. , Uorman preferred. Apply Klrkcnilall , Jon i \ Co. , Omaha , lor particulars. i > t ! 21 1'IA.NO PI.AYEH. 117 - , 0000 BLACKSMITH , BTKADY employment to the rlghl man , uono Mil steady and sober man need apply. A'ddress Win. Hluedurn , Platte Conler. Neb. MOJI 7' * _ T > - WANTED. A .MAN WITH s JM K EXPERIENCE 4 > lnlho prlnliiiK business und wclliccomtronded to lake nn Interest In n large , well established hucl- ness ; must l > able 10 do ottlce work and make htm- relf generally useful , suinll nmount of capital required. AdJross D 12. lice onico. 647 JJ * T > VANTEo7A CANDY MAKBll , 8OI1KH MAV , -Dane who has had experience In making cboco- late reps and crystal cr am wor.Ki good place for tight man. Address J. A. P. , Stb avo.Mollne , 111. . nud clve reference ! . 013 T > -WAN'1K1) . A ( SHOCKHY CI.KHK , MNOLK J man , ono who Is ncqualntrd In northern part of city. all at W. Fuller , 15174 frnrnam t. U41 21' HwANTKI ) . MAN TO WOHK IN OA1HY. J. f. Hoch , tWi Ames TC. IVE ) K' 7WANTKI ) . A Sl'ECIALTY MA1' SALESMAN Jjfor Omaba nnd adjacent territory. Call on H. ItOuTcr , Hotel Mercer , from to 11 o'clock.a. m. Friday. MC51 W WANTED FEHALE HELP. Hates , IKc a word flret Insertion , Ic a word there after. Nothing taken lor lets than 2Jc. -IIKST OK WAdBd 10 COMl'KTKNT { JIHL ; mint bo Eood cook and laundress. 240 } Kurnam. Jlri. .1. M. Tluirslon. MiliU _ " WASTKDr ! IHI. AT BTI QSOHOIA AVKNUK C vH. r.'th ) , two doors north of Moion. 403 C\ WANTED , WOMAN I'ABTllY COOK. OHANI ) v/hotcl. Council Ilium. WREOS , 110.00 i > or month. ' M51G _ _ . LA DIES AND OIHI.S. WB WILL CWAMTKP. pay you f I.U ) to JIO.IC per week to work for u at your own homes ; no palnltne orcanva lni : . Send ( .olf-addrcsscd envelope. ( Jeoruo K. hnimons i Co. corn r Uatterymnrch and Water strectn. lloston , Ilais. M5S7 : < _ -WANTED. OuoT ) COMPKTKNT GIHL TOH Kcncral housework ; ono block north of IPth and Varnam , at ISIS Douglas st. _ Ml S < * -WANTED , A UIHL , GOOD WAIJKS , Kl ! FAR paontrcct. MCU3 _ WANTKI ) , HOUSKKKKI'ICH , ON A FAUM , NO objections to or.o chlldt 4 In family. Ad dress box 4tl , Malvcrn. la. _ Mia 4 "C * 7 > irss Pl.OllA C. 1V1CH # , SOUTH HEM ) , IND. V'diiarantcos BOoil waui > < to ladles who can write nt home for distributing onicoHoyly with addressed - dressed ttimped envelope. C45 U * --WASTK1 . CKHMAN OH I1O1IEMIAN I'Ol'K IN fnitlly nf three , where hoUKcmald < s employed. Mrs. Andruw Honcnatur. 4IS C. % lli el. fttl T TN-ANT ! : ! ) , A nun. vx > it OENKHAL IIOIJSK- v'work In family of thren ; must l > o n eood cook , washcr'anil Ironer : nona other nucd apply. Cell at 27tl Jarkson Pt. 137 ' -run ALK. KUI.L HI.OODID : HHOWN" LEGhorn - Q horn cockrcls. 101 * s 31 tt st. M : 14 * /-1-WA .vrK A GuOD ( ItltL KOll ( JKNKUAL v hou enork small family , good wanes. Inquire t 2HJ i'alllornia. M ji5 'M - WANTED , ! JIMP-CLASS GIRL ; SMALL family ! 'J North Will street MG5 < i M FOB BENT HOUSES. s , lOc a line each tnitcrlloii. SI.U ) a line per Nothing Liken for ! c s limn " ' T\-F01l RENT. HOUSES IN ALL PAKTs OF lA-lly The O. F. Davis company , l.Vti ruriiam'sl. Til f"k FLATS , DWELLISOS. COTTARi : * . IN ALL J partsof the city. Kilkenny i Co. , Hootu 1 , Con- tlarntal block D-11)11 RENT , TWO 6-HOO.M I'OTTAIiliS ON uolor I all at southo t cor. 9lh aud Douglas. 7-.M FOH RKNT. NKW 1J-ROOM IIOIISK , Ii 1 ; also 10 room house , 3i3l Capliol avonuo. AH modern. Call ! UJ Capitol avenue , 11. U. ttoblion. 4:1 r\-AMEIUCAN HOUSE , ! t0 DuiltiLAS ST. , IJJ J-'per month. J , M. Hruuner , 4lt llee building MBSJ MJ D -FOR HENT. CK.NTRALLY LOCATED IlOUStf , modern Improvemenls , 7W N. H'tli st. M65I B-FOH HENT. COTTACJKS. R. . ALL MODERN , itW ; 7 r r. front , modern , fliUJ. tldellly Trusl Co. , ITtt ! Farnam. 811 1 Y-FOll IlKNT MODERN 9 HOO1I HOUS.KS . ON J-.aHh and C'ass lr ls. Call at once , 4 i Heo llldg. . Harris , 11J -4-HOOM APARTMENTS. VA.\TOltN 1I1.OCK , filth steam , Hitercnocs r uulre.l , H1C a riil.M . M m r\-rtR HUNT. K1.AT WITH STEAM TTEATTe -I Brooms In good repair : Union block , corner of llth and Mason ; Inijutr * at VI" In block. John llamlln ageul , 824 T\-THE SllELTON-FIRST CLASS FAMILY J-'bosrJInj house ; best loo\Uon In the clly. U B. fcklnner , IliU Farnani si. 45T rv-FOR RENT. SKVKHAL DK3IH Alll.i : IIOUSKS jL'at iklh slr t and P0 | > pl laa avvuuiu W. P. llattun. 7HN V Life Ulds. Mill fy-MOI > KIN HOUSK FOR RENT WITHIN i L/iilocksof po toffic . Inqulr * ! ! UoJge. Mi4 . -ton nicxT , ica KIQHT ROOM nouan near Ilanacow jiarki all modern conveniences , lllcks.tJ ! N. V Lite banding. ( , „ JJ _ II-ITM UJCNT. Fl T , i LAIIGK ROOMS. WITH 4/ v rr ronv nlfnc i apply alter 4 p. tn. , ' ! J iatnsm slrttt. il j ji P-rpH ) IlKNT , t AND I HOOM IIOL'SEa CRN- X/ir Jloe U n. Uquir * i , K iiarua , U1C c pliol Jit * . 411 M < FOB BENT HOUBES. f'nntllWft. D VoTlrAlVl5sV STANrHjll ) CIUCLK , new. modern C. S. filgutler. M4 Hoe bid ! , ill D KOK IlKNT , 7-U't : > M llot > KS IS OMAHA View for ts p r month. It 111 , MeCftguo blae.DO DO I ) -Kim ItKNT. KHONT ltiM\l BUtTAIlLK KOIt one ( Tfrtlcman ; SOJI Imrenr-ort St. MM ? RBNT FTTHNISHED Hnliii c n ord flnt Innvrtlnn. Ic a word there- filer Nuthlnii taken for lesi than . . KOH ldhrlr World's fiilr Tltlt inlilrr i I. li. Vull. SU ( limiilM-r lummetcf , LlilenKi , formerly lumber- man. Wltncr , Neb. Wl * i * IWOHMl'S FAIII ItDOMS KUIlNl.silKD AT 1 'reduced r > te . . ( i1lnK 5. K. , Umnlia Ti'nt Htid Awning Cu. 1113 Farnam. Mill .5 * NtcKi.r Kiitxisiii : : ! > IIOJ.V.MJITAIII.K roil n ; MI7 llnrnyr i-treet. & > 4 KfltXHIIKI ) HO i.Ms I'OIl ilglil housekeeping. HJ ) Capitol nrcuuc. an a * _ KL-usisiiKti "HOOM * WITH STBOI IIIAT : fur ueiitleiuon onlr. UI9 llownrj at , 5nJ floor. 037 _ Ml KI.Y KL'IISI'IIKII HOO.Md 1'OK I.1OI1T Hoferencfs required. 5.WI bt avpnuc. ! > 'X ti' IJ'-TWil OH TI1IIKK SntTTII FUOST IIOOMS l fnrnlilird forlioutokpcplnc : modern Itniirove- luentt ; > ti > ani licnt. IJI4 Mcliulav MUjJS ; ' FURNISHED KOOMB AND BOAKD. I'nlos. mo n wurO Hrst Insertion. In a worj tlicre- after. Nutiiliin taken fur li''i than 25c. AMIMl N ISI'llfeT. V-Yur.Ml WOMKX'SllOMK. CNDKIl CAUEOK -L Wouinu'B Lbrlstlan association , 111 So. 17th ft. VJT p-HOAItl ) , I'J.'I FARNAM , FOR8 OENTLEMEN. I7-UOO.M AM ) UOAHDl-'OllTWO-OKS'll.KMKN , 1 550 N. It'th. M > ill ) II * -HAVIHOMB I SUITK Ot' IIOJ-MS WITH L board.lt \ flilcaito str et. MTO SI * -HBAfTIKUIj KUIIN1SIIKII Oil UNflilt J nlslicil rooms , tln lonr cnjulto , noiitliem and eastern oxposure. Tbo lirlucr , 311 S. 1'i.th.M4TJ . M4-TJ 24 7 viuDKSIHAIU.I : : HOOMS , KUHNISIIKDOU . unfurnlslied. SID' . 55th st. M HUNT , TWO I'I.EASANT HOOMS. TUB Oli Hotel , 21st and Chlcnuo SU. ( TI3 20 * 1J-MIW. IHlOII'-ON HAS LATKLYFlTTltDUP -I 1".VJ Knrnnm and lias u few choice rooms with or nltliuut board. 111 ! ) 25 * IfW V.STKI ) , YOUNO I\IY UOOMJIATI5 ; MUST JUrin referenco. Call utter C p. m. The Albany , clm MJ3 ( t FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS llnlo . I4c a word tlrnt m prtlon. Ic n word there afUT. Nulhlni ; taken for k's < than 'ixs G-KOIl HUNT. I L'.SKUHNISIIHD HilOMS , fUlT- ablt * for tiouitikoQplnx. moijro Improvements ; rentcuo.ip. ITUI Wobs'.ir olrc-et- Mlil G-i : llcinM" . 1511 S. 2IS1' . $ i.O ) . .trouim , 1WJ ) S. 21st. ? < OJ 2 to I rooms. I'.itU an I llarair. t3 to H3.H. ( S rounin , 7th anj 1'acltlc , fit UU. Houses of all kinds. U. F. UutU , 2.M S. 17th.WTal WTal FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES llato < , 10 = a line each Insertion. ? ! TiO a line per month. Nothing taken for less thun .T/o. OM FOrU-STOKY IlltlCK UL'H.UING K FKIST J ntdo. H > llarner st. 7TJ r FOK HKXT , S1OHK ON' S. 13TH ST. . LANOB 1 block , suitable for meat mnrket , hardware ordrjr oods store. Inquire OUi S. Uth sL b7'J 1-HIH 11K.NT , Tlli:4-sroilY : 1IIIICK IICIl.lHNC Sli ! Farnam it. Tliu bulldin ; has ullreproofro men ! basement , complete steam lieatlne fixtures ; % vatt > r on all the Hours , g.1 * , utc. Apply ut the onico of The lira. Via * T-F H KhNT. CMC THUKK-STOHY AN'I ) UASi- J-mcnt brick sloro building. IOJJ Karnam street ; onp-Mory and tiasmup t brlcic store building , 4 ? ] houth lltli street ; lUt. Hi outh lltb etroet ; one store. llllandUHi Capitol aronue. All In tlrst- clas condition , for rent on reasonable terms. In quire of A. J. 1'oppleton , room 311 First National Hunk bid , ; . S12II "I-TO IlKNT , VKHY CHKAP , 1'AHT TUACKAOB 1 vrarrhousu with line telephone , porter , and clerk. MoraRoor otherirlse. 1UI7 Jones st. ' ' _ . * . ) A10 1 KOH IlKNT , 8TOHB HO1M , IC07 UOWAHD JstcPPt. Inquire John K Flack Co. , room 031 , Chamber of Commerce. J12JT T - FO It It KMT , NKW BHICK IlUILDl.NC. 10J FKET -1 In depth , centrally located , and onu block from depot : suitable for restaurant nnd bakery , ultb oven In floored basement , with puest rooms on eiK-otnl tioor K desired by tenant , or perfectly suit- ublo for any preferreJ business ; Kns , electric Ilk'lUs. city water and all courcnlenvcs : strictly tlrst class : will not rent to nonresponslblo parties. Ad dress R. W. Whlttaker , Kearney , Neb. M'JUi' r WANTED. IIV A KBUULAlt 1'HYSICIAX , A doctor , dentist or Insurance man. to share an oulce centrally located. Address 1) IS , llee.at . at us * 20 * AGENTS WANTED. Hates , IKc word flrst Insertion. Ic a word there attcr Nothing taken for luis than 2'ic. " - AOINTS W A STB n , > 1 A I. K CH FK M A IE , TO accept a eood position with us. to sell our "llrcad , t'ako aud Paring Knlvoi , ulso Carver. ' * Ulccost Inducement evi > r offered. No apltal ra- quired. Address with sum ? , Oauis Shear Co. . I * . U. lloi "J J. Kansas I lly , .Mo ajCll-m- WANTED TO RENT Hates , me n word tlrst Insertion , lo a word there after. Nothing taken for less than ? Jc. Kir IF'"YOU"WANT ' YOUH"H"OUSKS HENTKD lift with J. 1L 1'arrotto , Douglas block.MS31 MS31 A2 K-WANTKD , TO HENT. HOTEL IN A GOOD town. Mail be furnished complete. AddtcM St. James , Oberlln , Kan. M453 2S * -I\TANTKD , ACHEAGE IN SAN UEUNAHDINO i or Los Angeles county. California , for Iowa farm. C. F. Harrison , 912 N. V. Life. SUI 23 STORAGE. Rales , lOc a line each Insertion. H.0 a line per monlh. Nolhtntf laken fur less iban 25c. A J-bTOHAUB. WILLIAMS i CROSS , 12U llainey M-JMN"r STOHK HOUSEHOLD OO Jl)3 WITH- out saelnR our slora o department. It Is tha best. Omaha Stove Hepalr > Vork > , K'U7 loulas. 730 M STOHAHK FOIl HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; clcau and chaau ratni. H. XVells , 1111 Farnam. WANTED TO BUY. Hates , IHca word llr l Insertion. Ic a word there after. Nothing taken for lest than 2Jc. XT--CASH toil FLU , * IT I'UK rroUSEHOLO J.i goods , eta. or will * ell for owner la our auction rules. 11. Wells. III ! Karnam. 'JJi VI-AS KAPKllIKSCKI ) I1US1NKSS MAN , AOl - -l > qualnted In the city , would like an Interest In some ? oed reliable huslness , wholesale preferred. Address In confidence , box 7UJ , city. 4 < ! 0 27 \T-FOH SI'OT CASH as ) ACHKS OF UNIM- 1' proved Nebraska land ; must bo very low. WrtKhtLasbury , llth and Howard streets. .XIM1 N -WANTED. A QOl'I ) STUKL RANGE ( HEAP for cash. Address 11. ? X ) . | 7th st. tiW 23 * FOB SALE HOB3ES WAGONS ETC. Hates , mca word flrst Insertion. lo a word there after. Kothlnif taken for less than lie. 1 wacon , harness and good team , suitable for moving outfit , cheap. A. C. Raymer , J41M N street , South Omaha. in P-FOII SALE. NICE HAY CARKIAOK TRAM 1 andcarrtace. I W. Tulleys. 103 J'earl St. , Coun ell lilulls. MU' * ) FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Hales. Jcn word"itrst Insertion , lea word there after Notblue taken for less than Sic. Tlin STANDARD r'ATTLK COMPANY OFFKH baled hay at lAW per ton. on board cars at Auics. Neb. This price may be withdrawn at any lime. 13.1 -WORLD'S FAIR SOITYBNIR WITH YOUH name on made from molal ; won't tarnish : site of dollar. . 1'nce * Jc stamps. E. Andrew , box U'il , Marshalltown , la. M3Si 15' - Q-FOR SALE , I YKAH OLD ENGLISH MASTirF dog , redU-rre ; doghouse , He. cheap. Address P. O. box n,4. tin ) ( ( "V-FORSALE , PURE. DAKOTA , RUSSIAN"FLAX VVthoroughly cleaned for sowing. Write fo sample and price. Hrett-Uaker Co. , Henry. S. I ) . tW-Ai -FOR SALK. GOOD UARN , J4.X40 FT. , NEA'l t7th and Houglas street , lo be moved. Inquire Milton Rogers & Bons. ci M MISCELLANEOUS. Kates. IHo a word flrst Insertion , le it word there- after. NothingUxrn for less lhan lie. iV-OJI. CARPKT , RL'U CLEANING ro "aii -t V Chics to. M J3AIt -I HATE IIAIJ TIIE CATARRH TOR TUB past nf torn years , and have tried every knowa remedy without any relict whatever. During th last two mouths t have used two Jars of ths Eureka Catarrh Cuie , and It has eSccted a verfec cure. I ciunot aay too much In favor of tbs Eureka Cure. Thomas Nclsonlluutcnsnt of polloa , 4th prec. polle station. Minneapolis , Minn , bnreki Catarrh cure Is sold by all druggUts. At wbols- al * / Ulcharaton Ufa * Co. , Osaaija , lUft. OLAIBVOYANT8. Hales , IPc a line each Insertion , ti M a line per month. Nottiln * taken for less than JV. J-MRS ? N A NNIK V W A iflt K S/ClTA IHV.Y ANT Oretlable bustnesi mudlum. tilth year at il N. Itith. Til 2-MIH 1)11. M. LBORAVF. PUOIMlKTMbS. DKI ) - > tmnee clairvoyant anil Ufa rradar. tells your Iff ( roio ornJIj to gravn. em bi natulnl on all affairs of life : has ths caltttrattfl Kiyi > tlsn br al plate to unite tha sep.iriit l and ejus ) marrlifi with one you 1 ) ve lomaoni cum * nil and i > con vlncdof her remarkitil powers Offlat anj re < l- denrell ? " . Ill'i st. lioiirsas m. toil p. m. Slrlot lf chart and photo of vour fular ) wlfn or lin > and S'nt through mall tor li.'Ji. ' c.mrl uloni. tMJ. All inters contllnlnx 4 ojali In nnil rr.iiuotly answered. MASSAGE , BATH , ETC. Hates , lUc a Him each Insertion. ! . . ' ) a line per month. .Nothing taken for less than lie. " " MAlAMl ! i"sM"T l Ml - HuoruJ. Massate.alenhoi , sulphur and sea baths. M5IC 3 * -MAt-SrtOK TIIISATMKNT. KLKCrRlL-TH n ( T nial balh * . ocalp nnd hnlr trcntment. tn tnlcnrs and chiropodist Mrs Posl. < tlt > l { S.lJlh.WUhnell blk. 'P-MMK CAHrON 1131 DOUGLAS SfltKET. SHI ) 1 floor , room 7. massage , alcohol , sulphur nnd se.\ balh . t It' PEBSONAL. Hates. IHc a word tlrst Insertion. Ic a word tuero- after. Nothing taken for less than l3c. ! -IK YOU TAllNI : ! < fLY"fNr" : < l r'T quick , well , honorably , send lOc for Matrimonial News ' .Mnr-mr. " milled l'i plain saaleJ envelope. M e tcur , 2Jj tith St. . New York. M51B A 18 * _ U-AN ll.LVSTHXTKI ) MAURI A OK PAPKH- rlchcontnlnlnj : jjj par.ijml adrerllsemonls of marriageable person * , young , wealthy nnd beau tl- f ul , who w Ish to correspond for fun or marrlagi * . Only paper of Its klrul published Si' nil for free copy , krowu Publishing lo. . Temple Court. To- edo , O. MMI Al * - ' -THEIli : MONDAY TUESDAY AM ) U'THKIVTHEIli Wednesday , nr-.tt. Old plaeo. Letter at "The West. " Aprils. "Dick. " IB I II * U-m REWARD. Till : 1 > .M MIA GL'AHDS WILL pa ) Jii reward for the arr sl and conviction of parties who destroyed their banner , i painted by M'luoderaun WO'KS.I and strung at 15th and Doug las streets , announcing inlnitret show to ba given by Lincoln Light Infantry at lloyd s theater. April 1. liM 31 U'-A LADY WHIIKS HOARD ANI ) ROOM IN exchange for languages , music , pain tine. etc. llcst references. Address D 11. Uo. Cut 2j * MUSIC , ABTAND LANGUAGES. Rates. I0c n line imrh insertion. fl.M n line per month. Nothing taken for Jest than 2So. lr-U. F. ( JEI.LENUUCK , HANJoIST A.TEACHER , > 13.0 California. 914 MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. llati-B , lOc H line uncli Innortlon. $ l.f)0 a line per month. Nothing taken for leas tnanSc ir-IXMVESTHATHS. FIDELITY TRUST COM I pany. 170.1 Farnam slreet. 730 - CENTRAL LOAN Jk TRUST CO. UKS ULIH1. 73J r-C. F. HARRISON , 918 N. Y. LIFE. 741 l\r-MOHT(5AOE ( LOANS LESS THAN 7 PER 'I cent , Including all charges. Charles W. Italnoy. Oul : i * Nat bank bldg. 7tj AX'WANTKI ) ATONCK , LOANS ON IMIMOVKD ' < cmahn property ; low rate ) . Fidelity Trust company. 17J. Karnaui st. 'M \\r-KIUSTA SUro.Nl ) .MOHTGAGE 1XANS ON v > Omaha property , V on farms In adjacent coun ties , bvnd full description. Alex MooriMUl IlM lildj " \\r IXANSON IMl'HOVKI ) AND UNIMI'HOVED * T city uroperty.-I.UUJ and upwards. A to 0/4 per cent No delay * . W. Karnam injltu i. Co.Ulh and llarncy " \\r 7 rnucKNTMONBY NBTTO IIOHKOWKIIS ' on Omaha cttr property. No extra charges of auy klnJ. Wby pay high rates"1 Money Is cheap. You can get fnl ! benefit or low rates iron ) ( ilobe Loan and Trust Co. . Itith and Doiiju. 717 \\r-OM-MlA fAVlNUS HANK MAKJJI4 LOANS > ' on real estate at lowe t market rates. Loans made In small nr largs sums for short or Ion ? time. No commission Is charged and the loans art ) not sold In the ea-t. but can always ba found at the batik on the corner of 13th and Douglas streets 713 \ \ -l AND V YKAH LOANS ON OITV AND I'AHM Heed & iclby , SH Uoard of Trude. 73S \\r MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA ANI ) CIH'.V- 'I ell Illultsreal estate and Nebraska and Iowa farms at from smo US percent Interest.wlti ! nond- dltlonal chareoi for commlssUm ? or attorneys fuel. W. U. Mvlklc. lit Nafl banlc hldx , i maha. 4iJ ir MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES. The O. F. Davis Co. . IMi Farnam stroet. 713 \ \ ANTHONY LOAN AND THUST CO 313 N. V. ' ' Life. lendi at low ratei for cholco security on ka or Iowa farma or Omaha cl' < ; iiropcrty.7IU 7IU ir-MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPIIOVED CITY i property , low rates. A C. Frost , Douglas blk , 737 \\T-MONEYTO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES ON it Ipmroved and unimproved real estate , 1 to A years. Fidelity Trust Co. . 170J Farnatu. 7W IT-LOANS. G. O. WALLACK , 51 ! BROWN BLK. > 71U MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Hates , lUc a line each Insertion , tl.M a line per month. .N othlns taken for less than 26c. DO YOI' WANT MONEY' X TI1K KIIII-.LITr LOAN GUARANTEE CO _ HOi > M 4 , W1THNELLI1LOUK. 319X SOUTH 15TII , COHNEH 11AUNEY ST. YOU \ AJTT OB \ BilALL ' DOLLAR3\ \ OP. WE MAKE IXJANS ON KUHNlTUIll ! HOUSES , CAHKIAGIIS. WAHEHOUSK HKCEII'TS OH TKH- &ONAL 1'HOI'EHTY OF ANY Kl.N'l ) . / WILL /DO WELL/ TO / ZTOD / ONU8 K1E371/ FOB / OUH TKH.MS Wll.L MriKT YWW Al'I'HOVAI. You can pay the money back at anytime and In any amount you wish , and thus reduce thecost of carry ing the loan In proportion to amount you pay. 11 * YOU owe n balance on your furniture orother personal property of any kind , we III pay It off for you aud carry It as lone us you desire. YOU CAN llAVK YOUH MONKt INONK IIOUH FHOM YHK TIS1B YOU MAKE APPLICATION. No publlclly or removal of properly , so that you Ret the use of both mousy and property. You will also find us In from 7 to V > p. m. 733 X CALL AT THE OFKICB OK ; OMAUA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. : j IN CO H POll ATE D. IFYO if'WA NT 'ii O N K Y , ' You can borrow on HOESF.HOLI ) FUHMTUHK AND PIANO3 , I10IISKS , WAGONS AND CAHHIAGES , WAHEIIOUSK HECEIPTS , MKIICHANDISE , Oil ANI ) CTIIBH SECUUITY. Wo will lend you any nmount Irom flOOO lo SLOW. ON THE DAY YOU AsK KOK IT without publicity or removal of property. ou can pay the money back In any amounts you with , and at any time , and each paymeut so made will reduce the cost of the loan. Hcraembor Ibal you have the use of both tha property and the money , and pay for u only &s long a ? you keep It. There will be no expense or chirge kept out of the amount wanted , but you will receive thejull amounl of the loan. Hefore borrowing elsewhere call and eo us anJ you will find It greatly to your advantage. OMAHA MOItrUAGK IXMN CO. , Sdi SOUTH IITT HBTHEET , flrst tioor above the street. TIIE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPOH ATKDLOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 751 . X-MONEY , 40 , CO , W DAYS. CHKAP UATK4 and ts > y pa > meats , on furniture , pianos , live stock , etc. without delay or publicity ; cash on h tid. Dun Greou , room . Barker block 753 X-PHITCUAHD , SI DOUGLAS llI.kriBi DODGK 754 _ WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- curlty ; strictly confidential. A. E. Harris , room I. < ontlnental block. 753 BUSINESS CHANCES. Hates , lOo a line each Insertion , tl-V ) a line per mouth. Nothing taken for less than Sic. y-AN ESTAUL1SHEDOKOCKHV IlUsfNESsToil i-sale In one of tbc beit railroad centers In east ern lows. Population SO.OW. stock and fixtures will invoice from ti.oiw to IMJOO ; best location In th city ; trade , none better : doing a bitttness from lij- OUO to > i'juuO year : good reason given for selling , Don t write unless you mean buslncsi. Inclose 2-cent stamp. Address K. H. Pelers , Cedar Kaplds , Iowa. Isi Indgt. , West. \ir < t 3j * -TOR SALE ; IlLACKHillTH hllOPi FOR PAH- tlcnlara address D. C. > oley. Hooper , Nebrssks. . HA A3 * _ _ _ V-KOIt MALKiMKHCUANTS HOTEL. WAHOO , J Nob. . Bfty miles west of Omaha. Three-story brick , llCxIUi. and basement ; 63 l > ed rooms I store room , tixlOA. I slore room. 5JHO ; 3 large sam ple rooms and Urge dining room , 4Uxll Property rents for ISM per month. Price , Ji.OCOj tertns. .tKX ) to li.rxu cash , balance i years time Finest locution and only first class hotel In the city. Good reasons for selling. Fcr further particulars call on or address W. IL Dickinson , Jr. , Wahoo , Neb. 634 AJ y-FOR 8ALK. T1IHKH SMALL BANKS , NE. J. brtsks , paying big profits , isfur * * In national bsnk Just orgitUicd , with Interest In bsrdw re business , ti.OQO , with salary. llsJf Intersil in small Omaha manufmctory , payl ° 'A'fe' ' "Tcitjnent s nt. Brown block , CIS 15 BUSINESS CHANCES. VK" " SM.K : ItlMI'LHYH Illtfil STOCK ANI ) J ilon > nxlnro * at Wntarluu. Nrli smisfaetory ternn lo the rUM parly ' olr drug star * In town. Konulreof Meyer A Haapkc , or Kau-Nevlas to. Ornnlrn. . Wl _ V-M' " SALK. A FIH8T" < 'I.AS * MKAT MARI - I tot In St. Paul. Minn ; tm-y term > AddreM J. II. I ovlnp. mItobert \ St . M ,1'nul. Minn. M < l J * V-WKLI. KSTAULisiiiiouKiiY sroiiK , L good location. Splendid tinnaln. b sl refer ences. Flock about ( Juu.UJ. Address CUi , llrf otuce ALK. A WKlXRfeTAHLISHKI ) Jf.W- 1 elry business , locution ; he ti < rmlnu of n It. H. ; annual protlts , fl.MU Addra > V. u tlurlnlan. t'al- lawajr. Neb. t * Mll S FOB EXCHANGE. Hates , lOc a line each Insertion , fl M a line per moiilh. Nolhlng taken for less than -J4c SKCoMMlASDOIliiAN KOll I-HIHT SPHI.Nti / wagon or pony phaelon. 1 OUi Karnim. H " ACHES OF t'LKMl LANK IN OVB Olf est winter wheat district * In Kimulo ex change for ID or ! J acre tract nsir Uaiaba clly llmll * . > \lll pay cash dlrlerenod If property tt good. Address , giving price and location , U M , Moj r/-KOH 'LS\N STOI'K I1K.\KH\L MKIIlMIAN- /Jrtlw. 3JO acres Improved land and soui } peed stock Address llox 4 < i. Eustls. Nah. 3Jl-.ll * CLKAS STOCK OK ilENNItAL M'lrS'ct WILL tnko real cststoi muuey. Uox7JjFrankfort. InJ 7W y nt'SLNKSs PiuPitiirv ix > u fioo.i KAUM /-'land In Nebraska or lovtx U. II Peterson , lilt ± . ISth. MIU1 MU y-l OWN 100 FARMS IN NEII.l\K\ . KANS\-4 /v.V Dakota. Will edl cheip. or cxniiivte : for uids. , horses and callle. Add , bax 71 , Fr.inxori.liU 73 * . qx ) TO f io.oo.roi'K ) OF MKH- /Jchandlso for casa and cle r land. I tneati bust- noAddsess 11 51 llee. 41013 y-FOll K.XCHANOH. CHOICE INaJDE PIIOP- 'Jorty In ( ialveston for cty ; prope-ty or Nebraska land. Olbbons.V Co. . Kearney , .Net. M5U3 3U * rVVll SAI.K OK KXCIIANdB Full I'NIM- ' -'provcd nuiahn properly or good farm laid within a radius of I.'X ) miles of Onialin. n Due three- story brick block with steam heat aial all modern Improvements , f IOO.UOJ OU ; Incumbranco less than one-third , at u per cent. W. 11. ureen. No. 217 K.'ir- bach block. y-l HAVE AN EQUITY IN S-HOOM IlltlCK IN tJf.o. Henvcr nnd/i'.i room frame In Cole > nlns ; clear , for nurdx are or dry good * mid grocorU's. 11 , M. Johnson. VU7J Jay st. , Denvjr. I'olo t'J is' f/-UCO M : W 1IOUSH , 7 HOOM 4. ! ' MIT * . I LK A It tin oubuihs , block from car , fMi. ! for Improved farm eastern Nebraska or western Iowa , \\lll as sume t..VXI or put In some cash. U.G.Wallace , llrown blk , ID and Douglas. ( ilu ' 'j y-KOll K.VCHAMiE. FIVE CLEAR LliTS IN ( INK /-tof Iho lo t otitsld ! ) a'Ultloni ' of Omaha. Wilt take encumbered property and some cash. H. IT * , McCaguo bldg. I't'J y-FOH fALE OH KXCliANGi : . bl't" K IF GEX- /Jcral merchandise. f4fiJi > .UO ; ttoro bjllditig und lot , Jl.miM ; duelling nnd three lott'AJOJ ' Will exchange for Improred farm In Neb. and Kan-ns and U cash. Address P. O. Uox U , Vandalla. Jas per Co , la. 041 ! U' FOB SALE REAL ESTATE ! Itatcs , lOc a line each Insertion. $ l.'iO a tine per month. Nothing taken for loss than 25c. FOlLE. . : C. F. Harrison , HI2 N. Y. Life. Omaha , Antdopocounty.cn acres , flj an aero. liunalo county. Si I acres fl. nn acre. t lay ciiunty , H40 ncr.'S nn aero. Culfax county , 04U acres , ? ) * ) an aero. Colfax county , lu ) acres , l ij un acre. Culfax ciinnly , IM acrj . fidm ncre. Custer county. Hi ) acres. UK un acre Cuuilngs county. XfJ cerei > , $ ; y an acre. Casn county. ISI nrrcs. f..iiui ncre. Dodge oounly. illi ) iieriM f.5 ( in acre. Iuwi > on enmity. liiU acres T ) un acre. I'ouglns county. lOlnereu nejr Irvlneton. JlYO an aero. ( HO acres near Irvlngton. f70 an acre. 210 acres near Irttngtnn. f-Ounacru. 147 acres near run man. f > S nn aero. KX ) acres , 3 miles ot Omaha , fri.1 * an ncr * . i'2J acres near South Omaha , Kj nn acra. ( ireeley county. ISC acres. $ L5U an acre. Franklin county , HiJarrevD , ! nn acre. Howard county , IOU acres , M , iJ an aero. Hitchcock county. IUJ acres. < an aero. KnoA county. ! I1J acres. j'i : ah acre. Kearney countr. l.ifJO acres , , Jia an acra. LI ncoln county. 3.5'W acre. . OS an aero. .Morrlok county , .r.tl acres. { , ! ) an acra. Otoe county.12 acres. H'i u > acre. 1'lerce county , ICti acrf . $7 au acre. 1'awnee county. PXJ acres , f S nn ncr * . Manton county , Z2J acres , ( n nn acra. Sarpy county. f'J acres. ( I ! ) an aero. H ) acre' , near Umaha. f M on here. R2J acres , nenr South Omalia ; $ * iO an acre. IliU acres , near I'nyllllon. * J.WJ. Yalley county , SM acres. flUan acre. York county , leu acres. HU an acre. Washington county. 4J ncros. f-7 an acre. Preserve this "ad" for relerence. C K. Harrison , nil N. V. Lite , Omaha , MG33 24 EI.KUANT rOUNKH FOIl UKMDKNCK. IM IT. sq. , 6IS.OUI ) ; handsome residence , 9J ft. lot , flf.OOJ ; fine farm li miles out , lii.OJJ. K. K. Darling , liurtor block. 757 'OH ' SALK-FAH.MS. CK VTHAL AND KASTKHN Nebraika. K. C. Uarvln & Co. Shoely block.J . J < 713 1TOH "ALK HOUsK AND LOT IN NOHTII TAUT of city li.MOOO. Tenui til ) ) 00 cash balance flSOJ per month. The O. F. Davis Company. i)73.i ) 4 A\rANTKD , 1140 AOIIKS FUHTHKHOUT r'OH 240 ' t acres In llouglas county. U F. HarrUon. ' .H2 N. Y. Life. i'.U li l Oll SALE IIAlHiAIN-SACHlFICK SALK IIY J- nonresident , four 57-foot lots In llrlgns' 1'lacs add. , lota.ri and li , block 1. on Dodge St. , near 47th M. , und lots 3' ! and 34. block II. Harnoy . n3ir 4Mbtror special price and terms address onnsr , K. C. Johnson. 13lii Luamber of Commerce , t hlcngo , III. M-'l.i Alii * 1/OK SALK OH KXCIIANCK , ONI ! OF TUB HKST -L suburban home ) In Omaha. Will take u western farm. H. : i ! McL'agua bid ; . .S.311 NK OF THIC UK3T FAHMS IN DOIKiH C ' . , close to railroad station , tno ! smooih land , good buildings , larga orchard , SW acres , $ dOUJ. C F. Har rison. 91 N. Y. Life. W3 2.1 17OH SALK-FIJI.I , IMT. M by 110 ft . NEW N1NIS L room house with water conveniences , sewerage and ga-clot value. f..bOJOJ ; Improvements , JVJUU.W ; convenient to'street cars and school. 'M minutes walk from court house ; choice location. Owner needs IVXHtt and will nail for little morj than half Its value ; Interest at a low ruto on balance. In' quire US N. . ' ! 7d t. after C p. ui. 461 OI.400 UL'YS HYIC HOJM COTTAGK. TWO Vblocks from motor , good neighborhood ; will trade for good lot. Apply Mil llancroft street. Ml 7Sj * _ Ilt SALB iHKr-5 HOJ I COTTAOK VND 1 lot. 19th near l ike. Finn lot In Orchard Hill. Gibbons Jc Co. . Kearney. Neb. .MoO ! Al * I OH SALE SD4 ACHKS JOININ'U Mil. W. B. .Mlllard's beautiful country residence near Calhoun. Will sell n part or whole for f ia.OO per acre. Ames , 1&J7 Farnam street. MM. ! jj * NLY A FEW OF TIIO.-JI5 DODI2KTHBET nc-es left at the lor prlca of flu ) per acra. Wrltjht \ Lasbury , HHh and Howard streets. M5IO _ flMVO HAHGA1NS FOIl QfICK i-ALK. roilNll'H J lot with cottage. 23d and Capitol avenue. fci.OUU. Elegant eight room liousa near Hanicom nark. tS.xa Hicks. SJi N. Y. Life .MOiiai Th- YOU WANT TO BUY A KAHM OH IF YOU A want to buy a housfi and lot In Omaha como and spe me before closing with any ono el c. .M. H. llarllett. II 212 MCUBKUO Uldg. Cmaha. & :0 : p ITI'ASE FOHSALB-THB FINEsT TlllMi IN V ihoclty for tbo money. That elegant 7-room cnttuiiu we are just completing In Avondale park. Ono mlln from poitolrlcu huruacf. tmii. : mantel , gas. trver. hot and cold water , sodded yard , trees. Btono walk and paved street. Only H.UMW Terms easy. Buy now so we can finish to suit you. h Idollly 'I rust ( .o. . 170J l-nrnim. MSTU 4 FINK LOT WITHIN TUB , MILK LIMIT Foil - . Ifl.SUO.OJ , and In Arondali4park ; il that. . > ? re K > 0iAX1.0J will be expended for.miruvcniciusforo ( | July I. which will add JJ per .tont to the value of tliene lots. Wo desire to scliaf of the Bint street lots befora May I. and as a special Inducement will make A discount ofllOJ.UJ gwir lot to the first six purchasers. 100.0 J cash and lOOJdu on or before Hvo years. If this Isn't n bargalit where will you rind unev T houses now being built In this beautiful addition , closa to cars , schools , etc. Ix > t us show > ou this property at onca. fidelity Trust Co. . 17J1 Fnrnam st. , r v.n fi AHDKNKHd ArfKNTIOXJ TXN ACHICS WITH vJsmall cottage , clore to city , for sale at 11.600. ( ieorgeN. Hicks. 30i N. Y. Llfo. MW1 S5 1 C14 COItllY. tISOO. WOHTII nxi. EASY TKHMb. I Full lot ( tJ ft. ) imall hon e."loitl add , f.UO. Two story brlckstore , ( .llff ii Hill , always rented , Farnam st , front. Hrlggi maAe , H7JO. llargalns everywhere and HUy terms. O. G. Wallace , llrowu blk lii and Douglas. . H13-2J _ _ CMAU HOMKSON PAYMENTS THAT I'HINCl- Opal and Interest will not Kceed fair rent. Get * home now. U. UVallaC4J , llrown blk. , 10 and Douglas. ' f > l2i l 1 011 SAI.K. TKN-HUOM HOUSE , KLEGANTLY Jtlnlihel. . near Hnnscom park. A big bargain If taken quick. Hicks , wjj N. Y. Life. Mwil24 DRESSMAKING. Hates , lOc a Una oaoh Insertion , ll.iO a Una per month. .Nothing taken for leu than He FIXE DHESSMAKINO AND LADIES' TAILOR. Ing at moderate prices al tha 1-allej' Tailor Dresvaakln colleiiv , Mme Corbetl , &JI llrowa block ios ; A 4 * II , SKW1NG IN FAMILIES IIV KXl'Jfll- lenccd dressmakei. AdJre D t , llee. C19 11- SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. lutes , luu a Una ( ucb Insertion. tl.W a Una par month. Nothing takin for lets than lie. VOUNOJ.AD1K8 AND GKNTLKMKN CAN 8OOM J-iequlrat working knowleOna of shorthand tnd typowrlllnf at A , C Van daol school of shorthand - hand , Ml .t r Ufa bullainf. LOST. _ _ Hales , me a wont lint Insertion , le a word thoro- after. Nothing taken lor l i than t a. T od , \vtitrieuuM. . ruf * . riu'tt J-/nld. dark warn , blafk nonx L'b rsl r-w rd tor retnrn lo I ) . T. MBbu. Umaha N llon l bank.MIT MIT TOST-.M MICH Id. IILACK liOH K 4 1 K AKf > OLD Jsorrvl ware t y pars old , npiiut of team t.itjQ. He ward for return at IIS S. llth (4. Weckluieb. SECOND-HAND" Mftlss , 1 c n lln pirn insert1' , n If. M lias per month Nolhliu tike.i for HAll o All uiakps boughl. sol I. exilungi ! I , rente > 1 < ' N. Y Life bli' Tel .V * . .I'liall UNDERTAKERS AND EMU ALMERS 1'ntcs lOc a Una pnoh luserii 11 f f > ; a line par month Nnthlnu takn f , V s t'nn ' ? V fT"w."iuK fiii 7Ko nTifii r.v VvTnTj Vo. i ; J A V' * cobs , deepisoJ , litir wlta M t ) \ \ atil > . undo tsker and onibaliu " . .11 : . Hiih nt . to ! , ran iW PAWNBROKERS , Halo ? , ( Do a line ach ln orijn | ( I . > ) a llnupor month. Nothing takjn for lost than 2dc i MINNKNUKIG. : HM.MUNII ititnKKii. nn ' > Dou3iaBitt. IiOf.n * money on dl.imo.idi , watches , etc. Old gold nnd sllvjr b-iujlil. lul.ni. \ . TIII : KIAI.TV .M.VHKI.I. IXSTUfMEXTS uhtcod on rocorJ March 23 , WAIIIIANTY DZHIH. Christ Jiintzpti ttiid lfo lo A J Snn- l * > rn , lot 4 , hliK-k 14. UrvJmrU Illll .t 1 II I ) KrmiiMlv iiilil liuslmnil IKV M Uing , I H r > , hlivli 'I. Unitthti Vluw. . ' . 2,800 nilznlictli Kiitiniu mill liiisbunil lo .Mi-lvlim Kniinlf , lots 4 and 5 , block 1. 1'nU' Brilliant . „ 1 Siiino tHv M Luiij * , lots 1 , 2 and 3 , lilo.-U 1 , same . 1,500 O 1' riiubtmrU ami wife to Mury Wil son. lot 4. riiic-U'ssulidlv . l.GOO J C Isli and lfp to A J I'lerson , lot IIIH , Xi-lson's ndd . 1 1'V I'oflNnnd wlfo lo I'l-nnk Itazcu , S aiTc.sln seoorfipr'J-lu-10 . 1,706 Llnwood Park Land conimiiy | to frnnk Klatt , lot U , block U , Llmvood park . 300 Mutual Invp-itnuntooniiaii.v ) | to MtiK- Klu K Kilwaids , luU'Jand 1U , block 1 2 , t Vn i ra 1 pin k . 1.800 > V M Limp to Molvlmi Kalinlo , lot D , block 7. Onmliu View . 2,800 Union Stock Yards cutiipnnv to Mary hlybr , lotti , block 0 , 1st add to Soutu Oiuahu . 800 QUIT CLAIM DF.KDS. A J Ponpluton i't nl lo city of Omaha , fjOx'JJ.B feet on south sldu of Har tley i > trem. at ii nolnl 70 feet w of no corner block 144. Omaha. . 0,000 Georgu and John Mlttnian to Kobert Mittinan. undl v * i loN 4 and f > , block l.Jettor's add to South Omaha . Kobert Miunian to .lohu Mlttuiau , lot 3 , Ml II man's stibdlv . Satnu to Ueorgo Mlttnian , lot 2 , .samu. G A lU'tinolt d-liprltT ) to llunry Loud , 4i\107.b2 ! fci't oommL'tioliiK ill : i Jiolnt 84 fret n of so corner lot 100 , UlM-'s mid 1.407 Kolicrt MlUinitn to public , dedication of plat of MrttmauS Mibdiv of lots 4 aim 0 , blo.-k 1 , Julter's add to South Omaha ( J A Itt'iiiiott . 'ln'rlll'i to Omaha Loan and Trust company , w 10 fei-t of n ( , lot 15 und n 4 1C , block i ! , Parkl'Lico 1.954 Total : imounf of transfers $ 'J''JJ-J Kxamlne "Tho Doiisuioro" an 1 you will buy nnne other. Tlio li"orJ'H Cirantonl Tyj > ovrttvr.Vo nre nlway3 p'.o seil to show It. MeBoatli Statlouory Co. , 1304 St. , Omulii. It Is unnecessary to mention the nolnts of su periority i)09iossod by the i.s it is now so wo iTiii ixvn. Its Record or Success is Its Bast Re- commondatlon. \\lii > n ! t xvas uulontlio inarkuc rivals sal.l It would not wear. Tnuo b is shown thorn wrens inovery partlcu ar mid has nrovon tbattlio S nlth rromlor IS TUK MRS'C nml STKONC.KST Tvi-BWiurt-M KV-.K IN- VCXrFl ) . AND TODAY IT STAXtW KAlt AHEAD OK ALL COMPhTlTOUS. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO Cor. llh an > l Karnam ts. . Omaha , Xab. K. 11. MAVIlhW. M-uiaier. BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitors , Bee Building , Omaha , Neb { years Examiners U. S. Pat Oflloo. Advice fro RA1LWRY TIME GRRD Leaves tlllCAOO IIUHLINUI'O < i Arrlvs Omaha i Hepol IQlii nnJ Maion 3 I Onubi ( .4iplni Chicago Vestibule ' 6.00 a m ( i.Ktuu ] Chlcazo Express X.SJn m i.40n mi Chicago Express 4.U pin C.M p ml . . . .Chicago J Iowa Local 6.0) p in leaves | liLi > LIM 'lON ft Mo. IIIVtill. Omaha : Depot lUlh i > U Mmoi SU. uauhl . s i' . .1. > < c t. H. Ornah i Depol 10th anJ Maian Sis. Oruahi .1.60 n ru . : , .Knnia < I'lly Day Kxpress . . < U.O ) pin V.i'j pm K. C. Night Kip. vis U. P. Tram 0 4 } n m H4i p mi _ . _ . . . . . .jit. Louls _ Expre s. . .L. . | 6.43 o m " Going CHH'AGO. iL I ft PACIFIC- 1'rom East. Union Depot 10th 4 MaroySts. East 10.00 nm . Atlantic Kiprosi . 1 8.70pm 4.41) p m . Vestibule Expren . I 1 10 p m i'i..ajim | . Mghi Kxornn . . _ . . . S 50 a ra ( io'.iik- CHlc'AUo , it I A I'AClrlC i Froui West Unlou Depot IJth anil Marey sis ' West l.su p m . Denrer Limited . 4..U p m kM a m .Kansas I'lty lExcept Sunday ! . . | 7 Qj p in 7.Unm | sloux Ky Passoncer lO.'JQp m IxM p m | ? t Paul Express llu.W a m Leaves I MOUX 1'ITV It PACIFIC. Arrives Omaha ) Depot , lilh aol Webster nil. | Omaha ' & . 4'5 p ro St 18111 Limited t.2i ) am Leaves ! OMAHA \ * T. LOUla. Arrives ' _ Omaha U. P Depot. 10th and Marcy Sis. Omaha ' THO p m' ' . . . . .gf Louis Cannon Hall . . . ! i.1ipm leaves i C. . st. P. . M. A. O { Arrives Omaha ! Depot lith ani Wubiter Sis. I Orusdl R.IO amu Slolix i Ity AcoommoJatlon. . i 'J.ui p"n7 1.15 pmlSlouxUly t'.ipnr' ( Kx. Sunday ) 15.1) u m 6.41pm st Paul .mlled : U.Ii a ra & pm Hancrott I'assBnger iKx. Sund'y > | 9.4i pro CeavcT" ] F."iT."S"MO " \ 'Ai.L"lTi7rrlveT" _ im haj Depot lith anl Webitsr &ls. ! Omaha ftw ) a ra Deadwood Kxpresi. . . . ! 6.VJ p ui 8.00 am lEx. Sat , ) Wyo Exp ( Kx. Mon. ) i.TJ p m 6JO prai . . . . Norfolk | Ex. Sundayi ; | j.3n ra 6.4i pm ! . . . . . .St. Paul Bxpre s . . . . , V.f a m _ pmaha jj P-jepoi , iblb and Ma'rcy ais. 130 a m ( Ex. Sun'y ) Carroll Passenger . ) .W p m ' 0- ? m i hleago Express i H03 p ra 4AJJ , m Vestibule I.lmlleJ . . . u. a ra TJJflpm .Kastorn Flytr Hi p u _ lia ) pm 'Kx. ' Bun ) Olio. 1'mu.iBx. Mon.1 , M.30 a m EtTvTs in sstTi/M f Pjii'iitr Arrives umahai Depot Itih and W bsUt HU. I Omaha LlOpm . . . su Ix > "ii.i Kxprsss 7.IU a m : ? H p ffi i > lu"1 K pr s S.lto p m 6.10 pt. I Nk ( ska Local aiuam Both tlio mctliod nnd results Syrup of Figa is taken ; it is pleasant and refrcfhitg to the taste , ntid net a gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bovrolc , cleanses the ays- tern effectually , dispels colds , head aches nnd fovets nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the tiiato and ac- ccptnblo to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to nil nnd hav" made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs ia for sale in 50c nnd 81 bottles by all lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on baud will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Bo not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. ttii/ISVlU . Kf , VflV Are those ignorant pretenders who , without any qualifications , any ability , any experience , any skill , claim to possess the power to cure all the ills of ho human raca. But thair want of worth soon becomes apparent to their would-be dupes , and these conscience- lessquaoks ara SDDH consigns ! to ths oblivion they so richly merit. In stranjo and strong contrastvit'i these miserable boasters is the quiet , dignified yet courteous demeanor of hose noted loaders of their profession , Who , during the past 27 years , hav abundantly demonstrated their ability to effect speedy , perfect and permanent cures in all the womt forms of those del icate sexual maladies embraced within the general terms of NERVOUS , GHBOriSG AND DiSE&SES , Send 4 cents for thotr illustrated now book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself. " I Consultation frea. Call upon or ad- j dross , with stamp , Ors. Bsfls & BeHs , 119 S , 14th Strest , Cor. Donglas St' , OMAHA. - NEB. I nit. r. i.sr MM. , fimsnit na su j praduulo of ltush _ MeJiral t'uli ! > z i KlUil- ) . tlio troutrnont at S AND EASES Wo onroCntnrrh , All Disease * Nose. Throat. Chest. Stein xoh , Bovvoli and Livor. Blood , Skin nud KiJnoy Tl cnii- , Female Wealtue sos , Loit Manhood CUBED. PILES. FISTl'LA , FISSUKE , permanently cur i win out the use of knife , ligature or cauitln. All maladies of n private or dellcala natura , ot cither sex. poslllvely cured. Call on or address , with stamp for ClrcuUn. Froi Book and Recipes , Dr.Searlcs & K xt Door to Postoaca Sea and Land 'Send ' posuifro > Jtntnp for u 100 pag.o C0OK BOOK FREE. Prices low. Faro sumptuous Sales every day. Sen jour dealer. A sic for prices Take no other. ROStl ! A SOU , AKt. . , Omnra , or Malestlc Mfg. Co. . St. Louis. TOO PROMISCUOUS liTGCKG Spicy Eridence ia Jobanua Johnson's Suit for Slander. HER CALLERS TROUBLED THE NEIGHBORS Mr . Krlh.ffc Toll ) llntr SimVn Siirprlsod ultli u .Mil culliu > Hue I'liiiiR of the New Cnltrtl Mute * Mnrtlml. The case of Johnmm .lohnson I'lmrlcs K. Hnu-8 on trial In JwlRC Davis' court still continue * to ba the dnxwlii' ' * c-.tr J. The womnn In the case seeks to recover $15- IHXiofMr. Hates'wmilth. alloKln > r th.it ho slandered hfi * by ruportlur upjn thontro ts that she was IWSSOSHCJ of vulgnr habits and not as pure as she sh'Wli ' ! be. A sewer of tilth has been turned loose and every word that csiMpc * the llpi of tli3 wttiu's i's Is t-ni.ehl up and rolled under the lutixaisof the siMH-tutors as a swevt morsel. Mrs. .lohiison i-cslJeil on South Txvrnty- llfth street. In the vicinity of the Mas m scluml , nn.l , iUivrditiK tJ the testimony , slio nrcived male i-ullers , who were not partu- ulir : repafilinir the time of ilaj or nl ht when they pild their visits. One of tno huuidiotis fe.iuies of the case was the tcs'l- non.of ; . Mrs. KelloKR. who rosiilrd ik'Xtdior to the .Inhiisuii residence. Pri < nu > ntl\ , she w.is troubled by parties who knouUed atb"rd'Xir ' , thinkinu that it was the lioinc of Mrs John- sun. On one particular occasion a man called and without making any inquiries he threw his arms about and bu ROd her with the em brace of a vis.1. Mrs. Kollop ; screamed and hroke away , after which the stranger aj > olo- ( 'ized lt.\ saying that ho guessed that ho bad struck tbo wrong houso. Nc\v .MillslKil roillili ; Uji. Mr. Trank White , thg recently appointed United States marshal for the district of Nebraska , called upon his predecessor yes terday and pot a few pointers as to the duties that will devolve up.'ii him in the near future. Mr. White naturally feels pretty- peed over his appointment nnd will talto charge of the oftico just ns soon as his com mission arrives and his bond Is forwarded and accepted. "I have not yet decided whether or not I shall remove my family to Omaha , but the chances niv that I shall not. 1 have a very pleasant horn" in Plattsmoutb and it Is but a short rim up to Omalia , almost like living in tbi' suburbs , so 1 think 1 shall continue to imiKe riattHinouth my home , ' * said Mr. White to a UKB reporter. Mr. Slaughter received a temporary a | > - pcr.ituirnl from .ludpe Hruwcr yesterday authorizing him to lill the oillco until Mr. White is ( juulilled to step in. Dutrlrt C'nurt i itcs. The jury returned a verdict for the do- feuditnt in the suit of Halph G. Van Ness , switchman , against the Burlington railroad. The pliiinlitT asked for -Wo.OOJ for the loss of a leg. South Omaha 1ms confessed judgment in favor of Maboney. Minahan & Smyth for 54oO for attoi acj s' fees. The case nf fjatiierino Buard against tha Mutual Reserve Fund Lifo association has been transferred from the ( U strict to the United States c. urt. 11 is a suit to recover fT > . ( XK ) insurance on the life ot George Heard. KxJudge Irvine will ! > e at the court house tomorrow for the purpose of signing de- crocs in cases which were decided by him while he was on the district bench. Thc-cjseof Isaac T-evi against the city is on trial before Judge Ferguson. The jilam- titt wants ST.V ) for damages done by floods at Thirteenth and Leavenworth streets. Story ufii llroUi'ii l.tultlrr. James Folsom is striving to convince the jury in Judco Peotfs court that ho should recover the sum of 5s5,000 from the Ixe- ; Clark-Andrcesen Hardware company. For a cause of action ho alleges that during the month of June , 1SW , ho was employed by the defendant as a packer of the goods sent out to the retail dealers Ilo avers that one day while he wr.s standine upon a ladder the concern broke and hurled him into a pile of nail kegs , breaking a leg and bruising his boitv. The weakness of the ladder , ho ( hums , was the cause of the accident , and , to convince the jury of the truthfulness of the statement , the ladder is part of the testimony in the case. Clcniu'tl Up tlitt Docket. In Judge Scott's room the end of the docket for this term has bcc-n reached , tho' eases on his call for yesterday being the last ones on the docket that are triable at this term by reason of having been at issue the first day of the term. Cases in which the issues Imv'o buen completed since February 0 cannot l > o taken up without consent of both parties. When all cases on the present call ure dis posed of such cases as have been stricken from the call for any rca&on will bo rciu stated and disposed of. Court Cali-iiilur. The call for today is as follows : IAW ROOM so. a juixin SCOTT. 34271Orecnsfeltlcr vs Zumlur. 34-295 Niagara shoe C'ompany /.undor. . 34-3 J3 Krorett vs Sohestcilt. 34-371 Merchants National bank vs Dank of 35-1 Lambert vs Pearson. 7---M7-C'oimill VR Link. 14-14-J-Fiold vs Union Pacific Hallway com pany. ls-77 Tower vs Joslyn. 10-07 Wheeler v.s THE HKB Publishing com pany. S'J-2IO-nilmoro Andrlt. i3-37 ! DleUey C'liiy Manufacturing company vs Huuuens , 'J3-Gt-Omnlm ) National bank vi , Whlnulo. J3-"J4 ISosirs \ > Oiniiha. 24-2G4 Omaha llosird of Trailn vs I'pton. iJ-1-374 Uiuaha Tlnwuro Manufacturlns coin | > any v Dickey A ; Co. 243'JuWonli'iiian vs Nebraska Savings and Kxclianzo banlc. iirj-'jiH-Abihcr x-s Onmha. I0lil7llihvls ! vsTtultzc. 2rtftS tiyiu - VH Coryull. 27lOnOiealm Iti'iil l'-tato and Trust com pany sItoili'fer. . J7liilOnmha Keal K tate and Trust com pany vs Shaw 27-irrj Omalia Knal llstato and Tni'.t com- paiiy \ > , Holler. Ji-li'l-Oinuhi ; : Heal E-.late and Trust coiu- ] iany.i KiaKsiHiw. JM-j-ciintfcn vs Standon. JN3 Nutloiml Life Insuraticn company v N < ill llrlihli I iisiirani'u company. 3OH4Vhulan v umalia llrowing assocla- tiiin : ( ij-2. ] > Mutual Loan and Trust compuny vs vs Jones. no107 Allen vs nroltn. ' | -JUJ Kaily Tlinus Distilling company v lll'Ulll' . LAW IIOOM KO. 3 .IUIKJE DAVIS. 31-10U-irly | | : \n Chicago , liurllnston 4 Quinsy Hiillivay company. 31-15U-l-'iillni > vs i'otiiiino. 3i10'unit's ( vs llulmrod. 31-L'--Muiiri ! ) ) N l > i > nih. ! 81-13-J Lai-ion xs llennott. Sl-'Jua-XIrlMiN vs Mcl'luro. Sl-'JlC llllIJIKUll VS SldllClllll. 91UU4Variirr Hro . vs rildiiclilll. LAW IIOItM NO. 4-JCimB VCIIOUSOX. 242215AalM1 vs Omalia. 24-311 dialler VM Nason. 25-21 l-Ciaat viCilblmii. 21-120-l.BVl Yh Omaha. 27-03 Midland Uuaranly company vs Klan- aKin. 27273Crane company vsSpollmun 27304Western ] -'li-ctrlc Supply compuny ' ' ' \s.lu\mis. 27322.luhtiMin vs Tiiixull. 27-33O U.llHXli''r : vrf.loiiBS. 27-367 fJi-iTii vs Saiiller. 2d-4-Jeiomf > vs Wlnn. LAW HOtlU XI ) . & J1IDUB OQDEM. 2031JTllprnsl'.nu vsKllno. . 30-1 Ilaslcy \ * 1'alku. 30-lo-loiult.s ) vs Illiinclmrd. 3i-0 - Pitts vs Trim * . 30110t'loiiioiitc v\Vcslorholtn. aa-lIO-llullii vnJiiluiKon. 29-34 - llun-iDii v .Missouri I'aclflo Uullway coiniinv. : 2.V1' ) ? -\Vlllliinn vsSpPcht. 37-JC3 Horb.icli \ . .Shli.'ldj. 20-r.H Darby vs Knljrht. h-jfn v uo.M , MI. 0-jonaK nni'Ewr.r.r- . H-M : 1 iJllkln . AJHOII company Duwsou T.ii\n mi' ! < j-u Mwrnnany. : i.34'tOinaliii OoulUiVii , and Lluio com- " putiy v Jonah. 3J33iiMntwprth v * Taylor. 32374Hrti < > cK rt v llruockort. Wo w-ll Parks Couch Syrup on a positive guarantee to cure all throat nnd lung troubles. It lia * stooil the test for many years and to day Is the I > Milln remedy for the euro of colds , cons -mptlon and all dlsea ca or the thmatnnd lana.4. 1'rlcc DO cents and J1.U4 ,