If , , , , ( > . II fttti OMAHA 1UI1A' ' WEDNESDAY , MAttPIJ 22 , 1893. lll\llll , \ , < ; ( IF MY IHIIIIIMi tan A IU ApiiHi it iklM om HI 0 to HIP A coin roil A VERDIOI lmi " | Pftrww ! nl Agfilml Hi * MIR" * Him ' f Hi * | wf w ll i in , ( . , , mil nf IN IHMI Hi M HUM * In Ut * Hl in. * . n , itftrt II lo -.fll , , | .in. . . WM A n.iitilK H ( HfH * n Mi.nl.MWlM . H t lMim H lH in iliiu , i MM. . i , , , Mimnn i ( i llwhi , IIP . , , , rli , . . , ! Mt hl If * ! > . tmvlim It i-nii . ,11 1 II" III tl i" HIIHIHIII.V. Plltl'lllrf n , . . , , , , , , ( . A ) . HlNliDf HIP lifil'11- ' ! f.l , . .IIIIIIH , | | nf tiwh n * Hit" faint * of lln n < I'll nl At th ' l t frill of UlU court lln , „ . , . . u HI I liill'lnl nntl ttflt'f Iwliijt out it Irt * hn.iix . Hitliirv it'luni" ! ! i vi'iilji'l ' il d- IMC fni I In. iimfnlilt HIM ! lilnijtiK hi * ilniimxpn nl It MII l.inlili' llif ii.Unf . milt. V1 lii-wly illwiivr-n-d jivlilcni'M it id ll.i . llhr llii'dl'fl'lllllllll HM-IIII'll III'W tl-lill nn , I < imwim put I'll ' -I'l'lp ' ' I'i'iytHiiii > i-nh KAI-I-.V ini'li < > f i'1" ' ( ii'oiiii'l ' wnij nl iifli-r wvnnil dn\n , llniii'io went 1. 1 tin1 fnrv 'I'hf Iwi'lvn iiii'ii ' ili'lllJi'i-atcil llflv ii'liniiiM mill tlii'M ii'tuuiiMlii vordlct lli.it . iln\v w'ft' unitlilc to IIKIW. llnlilwlii clwliiU'H Unit I" ' I"1 ' * "K1"1' " ' } inrth- licit nml Unit tin' ' ' 'i"1 ' " " 'i ' J'1,1 ' ! " " 'l ' III till' Klllli'l . il In * l biu'kcd tli | by Illn at- liiltirvM ttlm Htlilio tlK'll' ' U'putatlon that i M ry ttoltl It ll'ti'1 ' . . , hiMpiMililim f the oiilcoini ! of the case , Iliilduln vrsli'i-iln , * mlill | | n > lilnl jiml I'diii'liiili-il ' was ti-li'il hcforo Mm dinii' iinlgo nnd the rollowlinf jury : I'cln- sti'i'UI'Vid Mi-ji-r , CharliHiiu. . Ji.lmW Criifl. Ni-lH .lolinw.n . , tioiyo ! ; Jolin- MIII , ( iriirito IliininiWHiiii. I' rank L. l-Ui-iii'tt , .Inlin Dull. Toni-y ! ' . | . 'orl , .Im-ob Imison , l < 'nd ! Dclliinc. A. l-'lnicy , of which Mr. < 'roft HUH tin' fori'iiinn. For over llfty lionrs Ilili jm-v Hiood uloM-n tooiu1 In favor of ifiv- Inur mi a vi'i-dlct Tin0110 who WIIH In favor i , f tin rullioad company was 1 < red r. lel- ) Inlii' 'thin juror , dm Ing tlio deliberations nf tlin jury nml uft'-r ' being out nearly llfty Imlirs. olTcnil tulllin | dollar to dctermino wlirtlii'f lhi otlii'tclfvin would \oto with him In favor of the railroad company , nnd nnVti'il to mtiii-n n verdict In my fuuu- for ? l for tlm Inss of inj left lower log. amputated JllHt below the lineo. After this Insult to Ills fi-llow Jurors nnd this ovldcnco that ho Illtcili disregarded his oath and his duty ns a Juror , ho was directly charged by several nf the jurors with being llxcd or bought for tinrnllioml company , defendant. " Defendant's nttornpys have declared tliotr Intentions of pushing the cnso nnd in- vi-.stlKiitlng the charge of Jury llxmg. They ilit-lnro that tlu-.v will go to the bottom of the whole mailer , and If the Juror has been bribed they will mnko an example of the Utility parties. _ _ AOAIN A rtt.t. ; IIINCII. : . .IllilcuVliltiinf. . first 1)117 III tlm District Court. The bench of this , the Fourth , Judicial dis trict 1ms now the re < | iiisUo number of Judges mid once more the wheels of Justice are turn ing after the same fashion ns they did before Frank Irvlno went up higher and took the position of a member of the -uprcmo court commission. Judge Walton of Blair , who was appointed to 1111 the vacancy , and who bus accepted after much urging , put in an appearance yes terday nnd , until Judge Keynor'8 return from Karpy county , will have charge of the criminal docket. The new Judge is a line looking gentleman JUStHUrnlng HO , nnd to nil indications was nit out for the Judiciary. Ho is of mcdittn height , with black hnlr nnd beard , slightli silvered. In politics ho is not n politician though ho bus held oillcc , having once beei elected to the senate of the state nnd scrvci two terms as county attorney of Washington county. Ho ciuno to Nebraska in IfeUS nnd slnco that dale ho linn been continuously on. gaged In the practlco of law. Although as stern ns any Judge , ho 1 agreeable and has mi unassuming manner that is intended tc attract the public ns well as the menibeis ol the bar. Yesterday Immediately after Judge Walton's arrival , ho went upon the bench ii the largo court room in llio court house whoia with Judge Hi > powell ho listencdto llio reading of yesterday's court docket After that was completed ho stepped to the lloor nnd was introduced to the lawyers am court ofllccis , Following the introductions Clurk Moorcs Invited the now member of the bench to County Clerk Snckott's olllce when the names of the jurors who will serro dur Ing the next thrco weeks of the Fobruar.\ term wore drawn , nnd thus Judcro Waltoi put In his lirst ua.\ upon ( ho bench. Stenographer Heller nnd Bailiff Walkei who served under ox-Judgo Irvine wore madi happy by being Informed that they wouh both bo retained and that theru would be m changes. In speaking of his npKlntmont | to the po mtlon upon the Judicial bench of this dis trlct , Judge Wnlton s\lil : that when ho wai notified that ho had been selected by Governor ornor Croiwso ho ut once forwarded the in formation to the executive that ho wouU not accept. Ho felt that ho could not nffon to give up his practlco for the honor and tin salary of iMJO ! per year. Tito refusal sot tied the matter up to the tlmu when hi nntltlcd TUB Br.u. After that tliero wm Mime telegraphic communication with tin governor , "But still , " continued the judge ' "I felt that ! could not afford to tak the position. At last my neighbor got hold of the matter and ururcd mo to uc ctipt , They nrgtted that our county hai never been given tui.i thing nnd that it wn not right for mo to refuse. Finally I recon sliUrcil my refusal ami wont down to [ . titi coin , whcto I told the governor that I woul accept thi appointment. That settled th matter nnd hero 1 am , ready to go to worl and servo my constituency to the best of m ability " The Judge was lory emphatic in sayin tint at the tlmo when TUB Bin : publlshc the statement thnt he had i of used ho ha then fully made up UU mind Hint ho woul not accept the appointment. Court Judge Davis is hearing a Blander cnso i which lonanna L. Johnson Is suing Chnrk K , Bates fori1HX ( ) damagc.s. Halpli (5. Van Ness , a former B. , t Mvltciiinan , Is suing for $ ir > 000 for a leg lo < v bill- working In llio bridge engine crev Ilo nttrtbutcj the accident to u dofcctiv tiniko beam. C'ounrllnmu Ilruner was summoned ycsto day for Jury duty , but did not ri-spow Wncnbmnght before Judge Uopoxuill by tli Rlirrlff he maintained that his omYlnl ix > s tlou oxcinpti-il him fiiim jury duty , and b > ldi ho could not servo without Injury 1 thecilN's Inteivsts. The court took pity a the cits and let him off without punislimen The inis > of Schlnnk k Prince iiKatnst tl r.ti on trial before Judge Ferguson I'l pl.ilitHtts wuiv the proprietors of tl \\iiuUurhotel nnd alle + rott that before tl bulKUiiK'of thoTontli stn-ot viaduct the busmi'K. * a\orni ( < Ml fl.MXJa month , includlii $ lAH l ( nun Uio iNir. They us 0rt that the liusiiu'SH was uwitly eurtntled ihirlnj ; tl : n n tructi.a of the viaduct , mid they sue fi Court Citlrmlir. The i- ill for todity Is an follows : l.iw H4M > -J-jiuiflascnrr. . 93 3 .M I'lilMini \ * I.tH > - ClarkAnUrkea IVrry < tV > futH. .M 7'i M. Ji > ng eoinHiny | \ tM 'N I' ill ) < ,11 If- " ill U" v * Tuur. u . - tl..y.iwifi. . ft- , ft'I i.rtt > n fltlt < r 'i /.UMl r. ' i t ten-It ' ) VtvU iiU > Hank Mlt tl > U J5 ? ' ' t * "duUfi OtndlU. * r < in K < Hffidlm f MII I (1 JJlttlH tHf If. I M. J .1 iitl t tlm Im. 'Ilklll'f.fa/llWntt. ' l xl . . t uiimlm. . „ prnnimny M nan * dOlnimiy | /lljfl fJII VN'I'ltltt'll , ' ! r Jimi-M. i 2 - .ll'ltllMP H WillN. IIOIM'I m . n-lt'imn otinn.v , jjflrt. . ll < > ih tlm > M Kllnu. flil-lo piit/ln ( \n llln'iicliiiril. ' * " * , flii'7A foni-tliciM Awmincu 'company vs lltitnllliii i , 10-aij I1 lllt vi't'rnrU. iiMfu lill'liiKMKiWim id-lit ) Illlllll V Jillillonll. . -lliin < ii'ii vs Mliioiirl I'aclllu Hiilhvuy . Uxoitri 1'ncllh ! Itallwny yni i af-ann UuMmcii v * aiWiH Diiihy r * Knljtlil. I-IJIIITV IKIOM , NO. i ! .it-unit noi-nwi'.t.ii. MH-illll ( lllldn .V A inon company vs PIIWHOII Town nml tlim-iimpiiiiy. ll'J-nni ' onmlm i-oaf , ( 'olio nml Lltno com- [ Hilly NM JOIII'l. iia-tlnn Annum \iTnylor. . 'IV-i7 ! : I llrm- l < i > rt VM llruei-lturt. The greatest I'omi'sttc ' stnml-by , Or. Hull's Cough Syrup , Is now rccognl/ed to bo n fam ily necessity. Keep It h.inily. Take homo u box of HnldulT'H finocand- ! . < , lth ( ! and Capitol -vvonuo. None bettor. 1'iili'onur'H Spring OpoiiliiB. Griiiul spring opening tomorrow , to morrow night and nil day Thui-bday. \\'e will ( -lono tomorrow at flillO o. in. and open at 7.10 p. in. All ui-o invited. N. B. FALCONER. To ratir.ii-nl i , Orison anil Tlie next "I'hilliiis U ick iHhvnd" pcr- sonnlly conducted excursion to the J'aclllo count will leave Omaha March 'Hit. with two additional excursions leaving In April , on the 1-Uh and 28th. 1'hcbc uxeut-HidiisolTci- only through earn from Omaha to Lo-t Angeles and San Franeiseo. For particulars ) call on any U'lelc Island agent or address C'harles Kennedy , general northwestern passenger agent , 1002 Farnam street , Omaha. A Tiilo of Two Cltli-s. Omaha to Chicago is a one night's journey. You ean leave hero by the Biu'linc1- ton's No. 2 , the veitibuled Flyer , at 4:43 : 1) . m. , and reach the World's fair city at 8:2.1 : the next morning. I'hero is no more cjinfortable train in existence than the Four Forty-five. It carries sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( beats free ) , is ro.stibulcd from end to end , and is gas-lighted by the clearest , cleanest , safest method of ear illumination in use. The Burlington's city ticket oHloonow , location , is at 11(21 ( Farnam bt. See the celebrated Sjhmer piano at Ford & Charlton Music Co. , 1508 Dodge p A fine upright piano , used only six months , at half price. Ford & Charlton , 1508 Dodge. * METHODIST MISSIONS. I'roiioiliiRiin Itiilrpcnclpiit Society for Work In the Northwest. . The final proeemHngs of tlio Omnha dis trict missionary convention took place last ovciiiiifr. Addresses wcro delivered by Kcts. John 1J. Uoo anil J. 15. Maxflcld. The former cinplmsizcd the need of greater missioiiiiry work in general , and the latter spoke of the needs of the church in Nebraska , which ho said were brainy , hard working men and . more money. Ho favored the orpanlzini ; of nil independent homo missionary society for the northwest. Ho could see no need of .jolng to Italy and China for converts when wo hart Italians and Chinamen in our own midst who nodcd salvation. At tlio mornin ; ; session of the Missionary society Uev. C. Suavely conducted the de votional exercises , Uov. J. I' . Hoe read an abe ! paper on the work In Bulgaria , Elder J. W. Shank discussed the dinioultics that pre sented themselves in the Soutli American mission Hold. Elder 0. Murquetto talked in terestingly of the work in Liberia , Hoy. Al fred Hodgotts discussed the situation in Cicrmauy and Switzerland and Hov. 11. D. Drown answered the important question , \ What of the NighU" In the afternoon the feasibility of con solidation in Japan was discussed by Kov. U. 1C. Tindall , and Mexican missions were the lo theme of u neat little talk by Uov. ,1. W. Id Green of tlio First Presbvti-rian church , 10 Uev. .T. P. Mm ray discussed India and its 10o mission llelds , nnd Uov. T. O. Webster had o- several interesting things to say about city s13 evangelization. 13 13V A llnllglitful HuHlnc-H-rle nure Trip. nId Aii opportunity to spend n few days In 'hat Idd delightful spot , North Galveston , Tex. , is d offered by a special excursion to that point 10 which will Ic.avo Omaha , Neb , March ur , it10 Ib'.KI. Homarknblo inducements are offered. 10 For particulars apply to U. U. Smcaton , IS room 1" , Barker block , agent , Omaha , Nob. 10 , Honors to n Hep irtetl I'li-i'ioan. iCO A meeting of the Veteran Firemen's asso rsc ciation was held in Chief Galligan's office c- cul last evening to arrange for the funeral of as Henry Berthold , a member of the associa ti- tion who died Tuesday. A beautiful floral ti- tribute representing a Iioj't atiJ ladder will tiId bo laid upon the colun. ho President Meyer appointed Messrs Prince. rk Fishenmd Ximmerman as pi'.lluearors nnd iiy C. Y. Gallagher , Henry Pumlt and F. II. Rosters n committco to dralt suitable reso ng lutions. I'd The firemen > \111 meet at engine house No. ad H , Eighteenth anu'/lamey / streets , at 1:30 : ild o'clock nnd marcti to M. O. Maul's under taking rooms , where the funeral services will bo held ut - o'clock All members of the Veteran Firemen's association are re in quested to turn out in full uniform. x-s There arc three things wortn saving M.st Tinu1 , Trouble and Money and Uo Witt's stw. Little 1-iirly Uisers will save them for you. w.vo These little pills will save you tlmo , us thcv vo net promptly. They will save i ou trouble a's they cause no pain. They will save you or- money as they economize doctor's bills. id. id.ho o ho Urpartmoiit of tlio tlin I'latte. si 1)0- General Urooko was abU < to sit up csterday 1)0to and dispatch some business taken to his resi on dence on Twenty-fourth street Dr. Dacha ut.ho thinks ho will ba out in a few days. ho The examining board , now in session for 'ho the puntoso of examining applicants for promotion - he motion , will not complete its labors before he the latter part of tlm wok. . oil A general court martial has been called to ng meet at Fort Omaha on the UiiU of March at olr Furl Logan an I Fort Douglas on Monday he next for tlio trial of such persons us may bo for proper ! ) brought before thorn. mm BROS , Otif SiiorlfFs Bale Furokw of Omits' Fur- Goods Goes on Snlo Tomorrow. WE PURCHASED THE ENTIRE STOCK tlin Helm A HnrrN Stuck ( if Over sao.ooo tt'itflli tit ( Itiml * Ulll IIP Sold at AliiiiMiliig I'rlcri Itnid 'cm. To ho put on sale Wednesday morning ut prices that will nmUo things lively while it lasts. Wo purchased this stock at u very low figure , and to nuilto room for spring goods just arriving wo must got it out of the way at onco. Uu on luintl curly and caloli on to BOIIIO of the biii'Kiiltm. Kolin k Hiiffla' Wo tcuk scurfs , your choice for fie cuch. Kohn ft , Harris' iJOc tcck bcnrfs , your oholco for 12je ciich. Kohn & Hat-rib' 7iio tcok bcarf , your choice for lo ! ) caoh. Kohn J : Harris' $1.00 took bcarfs , your cholco for 2'c cuch. Kvery available space on main floor devoted to Hits immense slock. BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS. Hero Is where you can save some money. Wo want a full houbo on Wed nesday. We extend n special invitation to parents who have waists to buy for their boys , to attend this bale. Boys' doniot flannel waists. Kohn & Harris' price , oOu ; our price , 12c. } Boys' fancy cotton waists , Kohn & Har ris' price , "oc ; our price , 2oo. Boys' lanoy cotton waists , Kohn & Har ris' price , $1.00 ; our price , 50o. WINDSOR SCARFS Nearly given away. 500 dozen fancy Windsor bcarfs , 2c each : worth 10o. 1 lot fancy Windsor scarfs , Itc each ; worth 12Je. 1 lot line bilk Windsor scarfs , luc each ; worth 2T o. 1 lot fine bilk Windsor bearfs , 1'Jc each ; worth ! ! 3c. SUSPENDERS. Over 1,000 doicu go on bale at about 1 their value. 1 lot of men's and youths' shoulder braces worth GOc to bo closed at lee per pair.Gents' Gents' fancy suspenders , bolid buckles , only 4fe ) per pair. Gents' automatic lace back suspenders , the best made , only lOo , worth fiOc. Every suspender in this stock worth oOc , 7uc and $1,00 , to bo closed ut 2jo pet- pair. In this stock we find about 50 dozen samples of suspenders , no two pair alike , which wo will close out at i their value. MEX'SHIOSB. Here is where wo expect the crowd. Oniv entire center aisle will bo given up to this lino. Hosiery from all parts of the globe will bo represented hero. Extra cashiers during this pale. Men's fancy cotton J hose Do per pair , Kohn & Harris' price was lOc. Men's heavy Roekford socks , seamless , 5c. Kohn & Harris' price Sl.OO per dozen. Men's fast black cotton i hose , im ported , lOo per pair , Kohn & Harris' 'price 2oc. Men's brown cotton i hose , imported , full regular 12 < ! o per pair , worth 2.c , UMBRHLLAS. Over 5,000 cotton glorias , silk glorias , milan silks , volunteer silks , rainbow bjlks , empress silks and Spittalfield silks , all mounted with line handles. Kohn & Harris' umbrellas worth $1.00 , to bo closed at 50c each. Kohn < fe Harris' umbrellas worth $1.75 , to bo closed at ! ) Sc each. Kohn & Harris' umbrellas worth $3.00 , to be closed at $1.50 each. Kohn & Harris' umbrellas worth $4.00 , to bo closed at $2.25 each. Kohn & Harris' umbrellas worth $5.00 , to bo closed at 82.08 each. MEN'S FANCY NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. The most attractive part of this btcek. They had just received an elegant stock of these goods shortly before being closed by the sheriiT. These goods will on bale day bo divided into immense stacks , with n ticket on representing the price. Wo are going to make this the greatest shirt sale of the season. 1 lot of negligee shirts , Kohn & Harris' price 50o , our price lc. ! ) 1 lot of negligee shirts , Kohn & Harris' price 50c , our price 25o. 1 lot of negligee shirts , Kohn it Harris' price ( iOc , our price I5c. ! 1 lot of negligee shirts , Kohn & Harris' price $1.00 , our price 50e. 1 lot of negligee shirts , Kohn & Harris' price $1.25 , our price 75c. 1 lot ot negligee shirts , Kohn & Ilarrib' price $1.50. our price i)8c. ) MEN'S UNLAUNDERED SHIRTS. To be closed for less than material , not counting the making. These shirts are made lirst class , good quality , linen bosom and culls. Reinforced hand made button holes , Kohn it Harris' price , $0.00 per dozen , our price 2'Jc each or 0 for $2.00. Also 1 lot Kohn & Harris' price G5o , our price 3o ! ) each. GENTS' UNDERWEAR. The sti-ck beingX ) largo it is impos sible to give any description of it ; wo will divide it into 3 lots , 2'ic , 35eand50e , and will guarantee this to b.o the best and cheapest line over bhown in the west. Remember this sale commences Wednesday morning. HANDKERCHIEFS. 100 dozen gents' fancy navy blue hand kerchiefs , imitation of silk , only 5eeach , worth 15o. 100 dozen gents' navy blue , very fine handkerchiefs , looks like silk , only lOe each , worth 25c. 1 lot of gents' line white linen cambric handkerchiefs onlv lOo each , worth 25e. MILLINERY OPENING SATURDAY. Our bpring opening in millinery de partment occurs Saturday. Wo don't want to boast of any exquisite line , but wo want ovoryb > dv to bee it. BANKRUPT PRICES. These prices would bankrupt any hotted if kept up. Look them over anil take advantage of this money losing bale. 500 pieces of wash dress gouds , such as 32-inch louol cords , passaic cords , fantaibo chevron , bhantong pongee gee , pineapple tissue , lleeced uniting , canton cloths , avovron cloths , crepe japon , fayal batiste , ehallics , mousoun do inde , and last , but not least , 40-Inch ot _ . - 1 of Tartar 1'owder. No Ammonia ; No Alun Used in Milli-ais Of Homes 40 .Years the Standard , wlilo plain , cnhiMKt zephyr with fancy woven border. fTlip valtto of those fab- rlus IB knownii to most of you , being cold In t this city at lOo , 12je , toe , UK- and ) omo tire asking as high ns 25oyardOfor some of these most solut't styles. Tuko your choice of the on tire lot tomorrow or. center tables In now building at Vie yard. Just the price of common calicos ? rfe yard. Also on nalo 8Tn dress patterns of chal- lies at 3So for a pattern of ton yards. i HAYDKN BROS. , Selling out the -Kohn k Harris bank rupt ttoek. GREAT IB NEBRASKA. A ont I'rnncU I'lirnUlirH Some Splrinlld StiitMlcn. Mr. .Tohn Francis , general pnsscngor nnd ticket iiKunt , 1ms Issued through the passen ger department of the llui-HugUm n neat Ht- tlo folder entitled "Nobrnskn's Yield In Ninety-two. " It Is Just suited for u letter nnd would bo nn excellent medium for busi ness men nnd others to bring to the nttcn- lion of eastern corrcspondciits Nebraska's place m llio cereal growlnp states. The folder states that Nebraska la now * tlio third state In the production of corn : Yield In 180i ! , bll-liels . 157.U5.000 , , Vnluo . t 44,000,000 It is llfth In tlio production of oats : Yield In 189'J , bushels . 43,131,000 Vnluo . , . $ U.U'JO.l'Jt ) It Is twelfth in the pioduetlon of wbcnt : Yield In 18U2 , uusliels . 15.070,000 Act CIIKO . 1 ,253,504 Vnlttc . t 7.H34.775 The folder speaks of tlio prowing cultiva tion of winter wheat , of live stock and inanu- fncturcrs , of Nebraska soil , the threat oppor tunities offered in the stnto for tlio fanner , artisan und business man. Ilathrr Steep Than take in any otber form Is whnt many people tlilnic , and I'nrks' tea is made for just these folks. It cures constipation , and tboiiKb not a catbartic , moves tlio bowels every day. All druggists. CLAIMED HE WAS AN EARL. Vlxlt < > r an Alli-Kril Nfililotnnn Who Turned Out to Huu Thief. A short , well dressed and high living look ing little man entered the Murray hotel one day last week and , taking up a pen In a very matteroffactway , proceeded to Inform the clerk and the traveling public that ho w.is u real , live earl by writing "Karl of Navershnin. l-ondon , England , " upon the register in a bold , round hand that scorned to defy anybody to prove anything to the contrary. 'ilio "earl" called for the best room in the louse and in every way fjavo the clerks and , he proprietor to understand that ho was n ) luo blooded Englishman. Ho dcpart- _ > d the next day for Chicago , ere o took a train that was lie.idecl that way nt east and today the 1'ollc at the Murray earned the sequel. A Pinkerton detective called nt the lotel to make inquiry about the 'Earl of Nnvershnm , " who turned out to bo , n embezzling cashier from St Joseph. Mole lo was employed f6r some years by Swift & Jo. nnd after appropriating n considerable lUin of cash for his own use from the cotters if the linn ho skipped. Busy people have no tmio , aim sensible pee ilo have no inclination to use pills that make : hcm sick n day for every dose they take. Thoyhave learned that the use of De Witt's Little Early Hisers does not-intcrfcro with thcirhealth by causing nausea , pain or grip- Ing. These little pihs are perfect in action : md results , regulating the stomach and bowels so that headaches , diz/iness and lassitude are prevented. They cleanse the blood , clear the complexion and tone up the system. Lots of health in these little fcl- ows. "The Oltt-IIomesteady" now playing at the Boyd , shows no diminution in popular favor. The engagement closes todny with n matinee nt : SO and the regular evening performance utb. The realistic scenes of "Tho Danger Slg nal , " to bo seen at thoFarnatn , have made a hit. Usual matinee today at 23U. : ! Miss Fanny Davenport opens nt Boyil's theater on Monday evening next for live nights and Saturday matinee , presenting Sardou's ' - . " The Sardou'sCleopatra. performance will bo given as completely as heretofore , and the theater will no doubt bo crowded. The s.ilo of seats for all performances will open Saturday morning. Next week at the F.irnam , beginning with matinee Sunday , Charles A. Gardner , the popular German comedian , will appear in a romantic : oinedy , "Fatherland , " which alTords him ample scope for display of hi : varied talents. c ; Match to I'roiniint. The Pedestrian club will meet tonight nt Twenty-fourth nnd Cuming streets. Kulcs nnO regulations in regard to marching will bo adopted. The captains nnd nontenants of the wheel clubs arc expected to act as pilots and lieutenants of tlio walking match to Fremont. The followU.g persons have subscribed and deposited membership fees : Henry Schroetcr. Herman Bcsellne , Herman Alt- man , William D. Henderson , Charles Uumoh , George Utlcd , Frank l iti-am , Edward Mueblhouso , John Grim , Henry Koenfeldt , William Ileinzman , Charles E. Moran , Will iam Kopke , Jacob Hank , Henry \\indliau- sen , Peter Kaiser , Charles Schmidt , H. Schacfer , Henry Martins , Nels Kaers , Will iam Hauling. Give Them a Give DR. PRICE'S DELICIOUS FLA- V9RING EXTRACTS a trial , and it they please you , recommend them to your neighbor ; if not. return them and have your money refunded. No fears of your not being satisfied , as their perfect purity and excel lent quality are so decided. Nice delicacies are never spoiled by their use , as they impart the sweet and natural fruit flavors. Dr. Price's Vanilla , Lemon ind Orange can riot Lv iqualed. MAKES THE BEST Photograph REASONABLE RATED FOR rrha Host. SCROFULOUS SORES. Lady Hadly Aflllctcd Three Years- Trios Many Doctors Here and in England Without Ucnc- lit Cured by Cuticura. Mv wlfo h.ivlnZBulTcrodfromSjrofittasoro * on the hack for thrcoynurs , mid nt times she could not lln down ut nllit. and she tried all the doctors 1 could get , nnd also wont to Knjr- land to try ami bo cured there , and nil of them fulled , itnci told h--r they could do noth- mi ? for hers and Imvlug tried nil Idncis of remedies I ut last tried imn liox of your CIITI- CUIIA UKMKDIKI , ntid todny she In ns well us Bhoovur was In her life , and her ImoU Is HS clear us tiny person llvlnif , and I , for one. onn recommend C'tm.tMA UKMUDIKS us the only one 1 could ( Ind to olToct a euro- O. W. .10M.S. Constable , 23SnylesSlroot. Cleveland , Ohio. SCROFULA TEN YEARS. I hud a running * ere In mv cur of a Scrofula nature for ton vonrn. Hail been treated by spvoril physicians , lint olit.ilttcd no relief un til I tried CilTiri'HA. which he.iloil it up In a few dnys.This was more thun three yours ago. nnd I tuvoli id no trouble with II slm.u. I eoiiMdor your OI-TICIMIA UIMIDIIS : : : unex celled for the discuses you claim to cure. MKA it. A wooorcwn. broiler wood , So. Dale. CUTICURA REMEDIES nro the greatest , Skin Curos. Illood I'lirlHors and Humor Itei.iedlcs the world has over 1iCUT/'UI1.A ] ' / KBSOI.VINT. : the new Illood nnd Skin Pnrlller Internally no cleanse the blood of all Impurities aim uo'snnnus ' einments ) , nnd CUTICL-HA , thoRroatSKin Sun- , and Ct'TictiiiA SOAIanoMiu'sitoSk n I'urlller mid lleantl- ner.e\lcriially ( to clear tha sltln and soulp and jestoro the lmlr ( , lure e\ery disease and hiimor of the skin , .scalp and blood , with loss of hair , from Infunuy to iipe , from plmpics to Kuriifuln , wheirthobeit physlciuns hoipltals , and all other remedies tall. Sold everywhere. Price , CtmcutiA , Mo ; SoAi' , ! > ( [ KKSOI.VHNT , gl.lW. Prepared by the I'OTTKIl IJIIUO AMI UIIUMIOAI , C'OUI'OIIATIO.V. llostnn. t * "IIow to Cure Skin Diseases , " 01 paces , ( JO ' niuslrat.oii. ! in l KWtostlinonlnN , mnl'od free. B nUnl'II T-wll't(1 ' ' .Uoaie9tklvlnanil5oft- ! fcUBEicst II aims prou need ' WEAK , PAINFUL KIDNEYS. \\lth their oiry. dull. nulling , life- lass , n l-Kone sens.itlon , ivlnnril In uno inlniirc by the niu-iir.t Antl- I'nln I'lustor , the only pnin-klllliiK ' . 'jihislor. ND WOMEN AT ONCE , ( nilitr loci ) or irivcllnc ) lo represent u * , advertise , ihstritujte our printed nutter , ami Introduced our | ? oed < Steady $804 MOUTH Lf i Are these ignorant pretenders who , without any qualifications , any ability , any experience- , any skill , claim to possess the power to cure nil the ills of ho human race. But their want of worth soon becomes apparent to their would-bo dupes , and those conscionca- ossquacks ara soon consignaj. to the oblivion they so richly merit. In strangp and strong contrastwith these miserable boasters is the quiet , dignified yet courteous demeanor of hose noted leaders of their profession , Who , during the past 27 years , have abundantly demonstrated their ability to effect spaedy , perfect and permanent cures in nil the worst forms of these del icate sexual maladies embraced within the general terms of NERVOUS , GHRONfO AND PRIVATE DISEASES , Send 4 cents for their illustrated now book of 120 pagss , "Know Thyself. " Consultation fraa. Call upon or ad dress , xvith stamp , DrSi iaHs & BeHs , 119 S , I4tii StreaL Cor. Douglas St' , OMAHA , - NEB. D Truth D Unadulterated. CHAPTEIl VIII. Quart D Settle Pure Rye Whiskey 75c. ' nt sii'-h n jirlcoV Wo suar.intou It to lu puie rye. rl [ To bo continued. ] il Los Augaloi [ | Wlno , Liquor nucl ClKtuCo. . . 110IS S. 10th St. , Oinnlil. Dcna ca CD oaaa FREEI lsiVtN"AWAV ! FREEi Wa Cfter Valuable Prizes far III Solution ! llfl 8 You Had One7 H not , call at ence upon the Leading FurnWdne Goods Ocalers oi yout city who will supply you Ftea ol Cast. If you want o Rcndy-made ShirS to stilt you , got thoU U ic a aura fit. We makeit i CLUETT , COON & CO , You've just Aa found Aa m a a dollar e ami a half. * aa * ot ae * - sso : * nee Suits- six styles liiiiulsoine new colors- cut like this cuter or cut round corners ages 5. to M I-INVO dollar suits always till now ' ' 'I'oday $3.50. tBt You can trada till 8 o'cM tonl t. SiturJiy till 13. 3 To leave your order for That Raster Suit noiv. An early order before the 'hurry season comes , wiii permit us to give you the best of workmanship,11 * on even the lowest-priced suits. t To make Clothing and we're going to be unusually busy. You will be ashamed to appear in your old , winter suit by the side of your wife's fresh costume on Easter morn. No self-respecting man > will do it when promptness and From $2 © to $50 secure a Hcndsoine Stylisli Easter Suit. 207 South 15th Street. HAVMONI ) , . . . Till ! JK.lVKL.Elt. the new design for solid silverware ROUEN gotten out exclusively by Gorham ; is the most beaytiful pattern extant we have it on all table cutlery other designs also at reasonable prices. RAYMOND , rlFTKE.NTII ANII IIOUdliAS , OMAHA. PERHAHJHTLY CUI&ED or WE REFER YOU TO 2.5OO PATIEN1S. FinaDcial llefercnce : Ml Buk of Commprce , Oiaah. Vo DKTENTION from businoes. No Operation. Invest lento our Method. Written Bunrnnteotonlwp-i lutuiy ruronll kinds nf UUI'TUHEot nut I ho ube of Kiiifu orcyrinxo , no inatter ot how louit standing.BXAMINATION FBBB. The 0. E. MILLER COMPANY , 307.300 H. Y. LIFE BIOD. , OPAVA , HID. fore ruulnr. ' IJorvoSoodo , " the wonderful reinedf II null ) nltli a writ- ci tle