THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MARCH 22 , 1893. Democrats Who Ara Auxioua to fit Once Re organize Senate Elective Offioars. THEY PLACE A TICKET IN NOMINATION Itetnlt of Vn terdn.T' Cntiru Iiinitntitlnl Membnr * Who O'pi | > o tlir I'rop'nltlou at tillSession-DUtrlliutlon < if tli Pntronnge of tliu .HiMinte. WASHINGTON' , D. C. , March 2' ' . The demo crats In the senate mot In caucus nt noon to consider the subject of the rcorganlAitlon of the elective officers of the senate. Thcro was a large attendance. At preceding con ferences Messrs. Peffer , Kyle and Allen , despite the fact that they have boon given committee chairmanships by the majority , were not r ognUed as being democrats , and were not invited to attend. At the previous O1UCU4 the whole matter of whether or not the party should attempt reorganisation at this time was left to the steering committee , of which Mr. Gorman Is chairman. The re port was made and , to the surprise of the Junior senators at least , contained no recom mendations The committee held a number of conferences , but wore unable to agree ujwn a report that should bo positive in Its ciaracter Some of the members were for reorganization , while others opposed it as being a violation iof the precedents ; among the .latter rumor places both Mr. Gorman nni.Mr Cockrell , two very powerful moving spirits of the democratic sldo of the cham ber. While itho committee submitted a re port that was deei'Iedly negative and non committal , it had prepared for any contm- " Krncy that might arise. The list of employes of the senate and the annual pay roll had been gone over very thoroughly and the con dition of the roll as It exists today compared with the roll of the Forty-sixth congress , when the democrats controlled this branch , fjinco that time there had been an increase In the force of men , especially under the Rcrgeant-at-arms. It has been the custom to permit a certain number of employes to re main at the disposal of the minority and this custom will not be departed from by the democrats. Nnmlnntcd n Ticket. The caucus adjourned at 4 o'clock , having , during the four hours of its session , como to the determination to nominate the elective officers. The ticket so nominated is com posed of William K. Cox of North Carolina , nn ox-representative , for secretary of the senate ; Hlchard J. Bright of Indiana , ox- nergcant-at arms , for sergcant-at-arms ; Kev. W II Mllburn , present chaplain of the house , for chaplain of the senate. This re sult was not reached without a protracted debate , for there was a considerable element of the party that opposed the idea of anything that would bo a violation of the precedents of the senate and give cause for opposition on the part of the republicans. No time was fixed for the presentation of the necessary resolutions , and they may bo deferred or may como up early for action. A leading member of the committee stated that thCjUliIof reason why the caucus took this course was to get rid of the Importunities of candidates and to enable the senate to go about Its regular work. It was supposed the matter of the admis sion of the three senators who appeared with credentials under npjiolntment by gov ernors of the states of Montana , Washington nnd Wyoming would come up for discussion , but the subject was not broached. This question will como up before the senate on the rcx > rt of the committee on privileges und elections. The patronage of the scnato under the officers agreed upon today was considered for some time , nnd a list made of the em ployes of republican faith who will be re tained. The patronage , however , instead of being under the control of the officers , will bo parceled out by the party caucus , Might Try to Violate I'recnlonti. After the caucus was over ono of the leadIng - Ing members of the democratic committee said that it was the intention of the party to make thoattempt toclcct the nominees. , Just when this would bo done ho could not say , but the resolution , ho thought , might bo in troduced in the senate at tini time now. If the republicans appeared to bo determined In their efforts to prevent a reorganization nt this session It may bo that the democrats will desist and let it go over. Thcro ap pears , though , to bo no probability of un abandonment of the idea to make at least an effort to carry out the will of the caucus. Another story In connection with the caucus wus that the senate would adjourn without day by the mlddlo of next week. This was denied by several senators , who said that th'o subject had not been men tioned , and that the day of adjournment de pended entirely upon the pleasure of the president. The republican senators look upon the action of the caucus as a declaration that the democrats Intend to Inaugurate a con test over the organization and to hold an other caucus to decide upon the plan of campaign. Other senators who took a prominent part in the last caucus say that the republicans would not stand idly by nnd see the precedents of the senate violated without a protest , and Intimated that If the democrats precipitated a contest there was no tolling when it would end. aiou. ? ATOM.r rnoau.YM. Ho Wilt .Not Mnko nil lUtonclml Trip WnmiliiKton Notes. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Mirch 21. Mgr. Satolll , papal delegate , will not make an extended trip west , as has been rumored. lie will attend the opening of the World's fair exposition in his official capacity of "World's fair commissioner. It is given out authoritatively that ho will only hear and decide cases in this city. Frank H. Thomas of Michigan has been appointed disbursing clerk and superin tendent of the Postoftlco department , vice Theodore Davenport , resigned. Mr. Thomas hold the office during the latter part of Mr. Cleveland's former administration and for some months under that of Mr. Harrison. No information has been received at the State department regarding the sailing of the steamer Alexander for the Bering sea scaling ground , as reported from San Fran clsco. The ten days statement Issued by the Treasury department gives the gold in the treasury ns S100r > 75,000 , a gain of H.000,000 within the last ten days. Secretary Carlisle is advised that foOO.OOO in gold was taken from the subtreasury in Now York yester day for shipment to Europe. This is the llrst gold shipment since March 11. The newly appointed assistant secretary of the navy , Mr. MoAdoo , assumed charge o'f that office lo.lay. relieving Mr Soley. The United States consul at Itottordam informs the State detriment that there has not been a case of cho'cra ' In Rotterdam since November 17 , IbW , or In the whole Netherlands since Janury 12,18U3. Called on tliu Secretary of State. WASHIXOTO.V. D. C. , March 21. Mavroyenl Boy , the Turkish minister to the United States , called at the State department today and , in respect to the charges made by representatives of the American board of commissioners for foreign missions that the mail of American missionaries and of American official representatives in Turkey has been tampered or interfered vtlth by Turkish authorities , said ho would call his government's attention to the charges , and that ho was satisfied they would be com pletely disproved. Secretary Gresham also saw the British nnd Uusslau ministers. No information has reavhed the department yet of the exchange of ratifications of the extradition treaty vrlth Hussla. Drtlro Ituum'a I'liiec. WASHINGTON , D , C. , March 21. The presi dent w ill semi to : ho scnato the name of General Itaum's successor as rommUsoner of pensions w Ithiti the next week or ten days. All the candidates for the office thus far named nro old soldiers. They are : General A. V. Hlcc of Ohio , the father of the arrear ages law ; Colonel Ix > vl I > . Masho. ox-con- Kressman from the York , l a. , district ; Gen eral Wheeler or Michigan , Colonel Busoyof Illinois , General Isaac S. Catlln and Colouol W. It. McLean of Indiana , who was deputy I. commissioner undir Cleveland's former ad ministration. _ _ POINTERS O.V I1O HAISINO. HUtUttrUn node" < if the AtrpitUurAi | Do. purtmrnt Olven it I'ew Timely IllnU. WASHINGTON' . D.C. , March 21. Statistician Dodgy of the Dorurtmcnt of. Agriculture In- eludes In his monthly report the latest oniclal utathlliM of the prmclpil crops of foreign couutrlcs. Iho present conditions nro very favorable. The world's wheat crop for tSW was U,34TUOSU.V bushels , nn aggre gate slightly lower than the preliminary estimates of IS'Jl. "In Great nrltaln , " says the report , "tho most itrlklng , It not the most Important change Indicated by the returns of IS'.U , Is the reduction In the stockjjf llvo hogs. The decrease in the totals in Great Britain Is over 1,000,000 head. The shortage In Ireland Is estimated at l,2mMO ) ( heaiU The abnormally high prleo of bacon and pork , ns contrasted with other meats , will , It Is thought , Rrcatly stimulate hog breeding. It is a most note worthy f.ict , well worth the consideration of American farmers , that the ho ? products that command the highest price in the Knglish markets como from countries not noti'cl for the production of corn , namely , Kngland , Ireland and Denmark. The quality and consequent high price of English , Irish and Danish bacon Is due , lint , to the feed ing of the hog , and second , to the manner of curing. The best quality of bacon Is pro duced by feeding barley , rye , wheat and peas , boiled | > ntatocs , skimmed milk , buttermilk and whey The hogs should range in wclirht from IbO to ' M iwumls and should bo long and lean , with well developed hams , thick , straight bellies , and the fat on the back should not exceed ono and one-half inches in thickness. The shoulders , sides und hams are cured in ono piece. The over fat , corn-fed hog does not make the finest bacon and does not bring the highest price. By attention to these requisites the Danish farmers have In- created their sales of bacon in England from 4,000,000 pounds In 1831 to aboutUOO.OJO- 000 In IS'JJ ' , and the price has steaillly in- created. The bacon hog is best produced In conjunction with the dairy. " MOUTOVM WATCHFULNESS. Ite Wilt Not Ioso nn Opportunity to ncono- mlzo In HI * Department. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 21. Secretary Morton is still keeping a watchful eye on the expenses of the Agricultural department. Ho recently communicated with Assistant Secretary Willlts , asking for certain informa tion regarding the exhibit of that depart ment at the World's fair. In connection with the employes to bo sent to the fair the secretary said : "Let mo suggest that only experts and men skilled and specially ilttcd to properly establish , maintain and explain the exhibit ought to bo taken there from this depart ment. There Is plenty of assistance not requiring such qualifications to bo had on the grounds. It seems to me im portant that those who have transportation from the government should go there per manently , andundernocircumstances should this occasion bo used so as to take employes of the Agricultural department to the ex hibition to rouiain a few days at the expense of the government , mid I cannot seethe pro priety of paying the regular salary , plus transportation and subsistence. But as 1 de sire to do no injustice I await a full state ment from you as to all possible expenses. " In reply Assistant Secretary Willits said that ho had contemplated that transporta tion should bo given to the fair and return to but ono expert for each division repre sented ; that the others detailed should pay their own transportation ; but that all should have reasonable subsistcnco while on duty. CIUNISI : : UXCLUSION. Justice llrewrr of the Supreme Court Talks on that Suliject. WASHINGTON- . C. , March 21. At the weekly mooting of the Congregational club Justice Brewer of the United States supreme court discussed the question , "Is the Nation .lust in Its Hclativo Attitude Toward the Chinese and Other Nations1 ? Ho started out by saying that ho was a little hampered in speaking on the subject because of the fact that some questions would come to the court , and ho could only refer to things that had already been settled and rot likolv to be matters of litigation. Ho believed it to bo right and the duty of the country at certain times to prevent hurtful immigration , Just as men were in duty bound to keep out of their own homes any pei-sons who would bo hurtful to the mem bers of their family. Congress had passed a law looking to the exclusion of certain classes belonging to all nations Prior thereto it had passed a law excluding Chinese laborers not the Chinese as a race ; not the merchants or professional men , but only the laboiers and the real fact was that they were excluded because they were so indus trious and saving and economical in their habits that they could do work at lower prices than our own laborers , and by doing so lay up money. These habits of economy and industry In our people wore considered virtuous and to be commended , and it seemed strange and unjust that wo object to their virtues rather than to their vices , SCUAMIIMNO FOK OITICE. Pressure Upon Mr. Cleveland HUH Not ISoon lteli\o < l In the Slightest Decree. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 31. The pres sure exerted by congressmen at the \vhite house for appointments has developed into an individual scramble. At Jirst congres sional delegations were in a tneasuro united. They -would agree as a whole upon some ap- I > ointments and the entire aelogatton would cudorso the applicant. The president has effectually disintegrated the delegation endorsement - dorsoment system nnd now each man Is go ing in for himself and pushing his individual friends. Ono result which the president has achieved , and which was his design , is the breaking up of ring politics in the delega tions. Patronage which heretofore has been considered the sacred property of senators for instance , the selection of marshals and district attorneys is now declared free for all , and the humble members of the lower house , Ci oven a group of private citizens , may present the names of caud4dates with some degree of their success. Congressional delegations do not como to the white house together now , but the members drop in alone and render their own solos. rive Thousand llcsl > ; imtloiis on rilo. WASHINGTON , D. C. . .March 21. Hobert A. Maxwell , whoso .nomination as fourth as sistant iwstmastcr general was yesterday continued by the senate , was at the I'ost- oftico department this morning and expressed his purx | > so to take formal charge of the ofllco tomorrow. It is learned that there nro on lUu In the department moro than fl 000 resignations of postmasters , many of them of the fourth class , nnd these cases will bo considered and disused of before any cases of removals are taken up. Verv few of the cases where resignations have been received are ready for action. It is probable that very much of Mr. Max well's time during the next few wuoks will bo taken up by cullers , so that it will bo some time before the work of making changes will have actively bjgun. In the Very Worst discs Of asthma , rcliof is instantaneous , con traction of the chest is rcllovod und free ex pectoration established by using Schlff- manu's Asthma Cure. Sold by all druggists T \HOIK \ They Demand Increased Pay , Which Their Employers Refuse. TWO SHOPS COMPROMISE WITH THE MEN Ohjcctloniililo I'c" turoi of the New Schedule as Submitted Ktlnrtu Ilelnff Mmlo to Fill the I'lnsr * of the Strikers. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 21. [ Special to Tnn Bnn. ] Thirty-live Journeymen tailors , In cluding nearly all the needleworkers in the city , walked out this morning. Some have gone back to work , but the majority are still out. Saturday a schedule was sub- milled to the employers , which was a gen eral ralso In prices of from 20 to 33 % uer cent , so the employers claim. All the em ployers but Clarence Hcffley and I * II. Meyer refused peremptorily this morning when their answer was demanded. These firms asked for certain concessions , and after discussing the matter In open meeting it was decided to compromise with these two. The men went bark to work , the two employers named signing the scale. 'Ino others are still out. Besides an increase In prices a number of extras were demanded. As an instance , under the present schedule the number of pockets in a suit makes no difference in the wages of the men , while the now schedule provides that all over four pockets shall bo paid for extra. There were two bills sub mitted , the ono for houses making the finer grades of suits , and the other for second- class ones. The strikers insist that the in crease is only 10 per cent , uut the employers say it is larger , and they will shut up shop first before they pay it. Telegrams have oeon sent to Omaha and" other points to secure nonunion tailors. Will Walt Awhile. John T. Dorgan , charged with obtaining money from the state under false pretenses In connection with supplies of coal furnished the asylum , and his brother , W. H. Dorgan , charged with embezzling funds from the cell house appropriation , filed pleas of abatement In district court today , setting up that the grand Jury which indicted them was illegally diawn. It is said that the county attorney will not call the matter up until after the legislature adjourns. Tin ) Serious Accidents. Jacob II. Hummel , a member of the street cleaning pang , living at 210 C street , was painfully injured this morning while at work in an alley between Eleventh and Twelfth and L and M streets. Ho attempted to drive out of the alloy when ono of the horses gave a sudden lunee , throwing him forward over the dashboard. Ho fell between the hind legs of a mule , and when rescued and the doctors fixed him up it was found that he had lost his loft eye. his nose was broken and other injuries Inflicted about the head and face. Byron Schick , the young son of Lawrence Schick , a well known traveling man , was badly scalded touay. It was washday at the family homo at Thirty-first and O streets , and the domestic happening to set a boiler filled with hot suds down on the floor , the little fellow , who was playing about with some comrades , tumbled over backwards. Ho was pulled out speedily , but is lying in a precarious condition. Both arms and legs are badly scalded. riujliitfii Waiting Gnmo. The mandamus suit by the independents to compel the city clerk to put the names of their candidates for city attorney , police Judge , water commissioner and city engineer on the Australian ballot at the coming election has been abandoned. This move on the part of the Independents Is troubling the republicans greatly. They think they see in it an attempt to got the offices without the formality of an election. The scheme , as they unravel It , is , if Mayor Weir is reelected - elected , as now seems probable , to permit the matter to rest until after election and then bring suit. If successful , the mayor will apooint men to fill the vacancies which would then exist. City In Urlof. R. B. Graham , the republican candidate for mayor , positively declines to withdraw from the ticket , and the effort to force him off and put up John B. Wright instead has been dropped. Instead a citizens move ment has been inaugurated , which will endorse - dorso Weir. The Relit promises to bo a lively one. A call Is out for a meeting of the old soldiers at the LIndell hotel Thursday evenIng - Ing to take part in the city campaign by coming out for municipal reform. Ida E. McGlnnls was awarded a divorce today from her husband , Harold P. McGin- nis. Cruelty , drunkenness and desertion after a month's trial of wedded life were the grounds. Agnes Murnhy and Amelia Morsheim , two waiters at the Grand hotel , fought this morning over the unequal distribution of theater tickets by an advance agent , and Agnes smote Amelia on the face. Agnes paid $0.20 , and remarked to the police Judtre that it was worth it. Judge Whitmorc , who has been In Wash ington looking after his postofllco boom , re turned today. Ho states that Hon. G. M. Lambcrtson expects to bo relieved of his position as third assistant secretary of the treasury in a few weeks. Van Valkonbergh Bros. , the grain men , have ordered plans for a cleaning , mixing and transfer house , with elevator storage capacity , at this point. Foils , J. J. Felts , J. O. Everett , H. J. Win- nott and the Wisconsin Furniture and Cof fin company. I'rcmont > "ow Nutc _ . FREMONT , Nob. , March 21. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Many -were unable to gain ad mittance to Union hall last evening to the sacred concert given by the Willsons. The union gospel meetings will bo held every afternoon ana evening this week except Saturday. James Maddox was convicted of potty larceny in this city last week and because he failed to give the required bond Sheriff Milllken brought him from North Bond yesterday and placed him in the county jail. The statements published by the banks at the close of business March 0 show that there was more money deposited by the citi zens of Fremont than over before , the satno being f 1,010,500. The bridge across the Platte river has been repaired so that people can cross. As soon ns the Ice Is out of the river a ferry will be used for teams to cross until the bridge can bo icpalred. The fire department has received 500 feet of new huso which will bo divided between the companies. Osreola Musical Treat. OSCEOH , Neb. . March 21 [ Special to THE BUE ] The muslcalo and literary given by the Osceola cornet band at Monson's opera house Saturday evening was very enjoyable and it rare treat for the lovers of music Movius , Mrs. Ellen G. Hollins und Mr. O. . _ , . Howell , all from the Lincoln Conscrvatori of Music , who volunteered their services to help the baud boys pay for their new suits. To quickly relieve neuralgic headache. Use Bromo-Selzer. Trial bottle lOc. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report All disorders of tllo Throat nnd Lungs is Ayer's CW6rry Pectoral. It has no equal as a bough-euro. Bronchitis "Whon I was n boyl , had a bronchial trouble of such a persistent and stub * born character , that the doctor pro nounced It Incurable with ordinary remedies , but rccomVncndcd tno to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so , and ono bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years , I have used this preparation with good effect whenever I take a bad cold , and I know of numbers of people who keep It in the house nil the time , not considering It safe to bo without It , " J. C.Woodsou , P.M. , Forest Ulll.W.Vft. 'For more than twcnty-flvo years , > was a sufferer from lung trouble , at tended with coughing so severe at times ns to cause hemorrhage , the parox'ysms frequently l.-utlng three or four hours. I was Induced to try Ayer's Cherry Pec toral , and after taking four bottles , was thoroughly cured.Franz Hoffman , Clay Centre , Kans. La Grippe "La spring I was taken down with la grippe. At times I was completely prostrated , and so difficult vas my breathing that my breast seemed as if confined in an iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , and no sooner had I began taking It than relief followed. I could not believe that the effect would bo so rapid and the cure so complete. " W. II. Williams , Cook City , S. Dak. I I'rcpatcd by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Bold by all Drugginla. 1'rlce $1 ; aii bottles , $5. Prompt to act , suretocure - - - - - ® - - < Be - - > - ® 6 ! Reliable , ! Economical J for household use because it & goes further and is superior teA A all other meat preparations , A I and keeps any length of time in A any climate , ? For Improved and Economic Cookery. ® For Delicious , Ee'resning Beef Tea. Get tlioftenulne. 'Tho nhovo out huws the with lacslmlln of signature of Justus von Llublz. O I WAS BIG. I WAS FAT. I PE1.T MSA1ST. I TOOK PILLS. I TOOK SALTS. I GOT LEAN. Handsome Women Can Lese Weight Fast. Homely Nlon Look Better If Thin. Try Dr. Edison's System. No Dieting. Band worth Twloo the Money. Offlcoof II. M. Ilurton , Hardware , Gary Sta tion. 111. . Jan. II , IVJi. Dr. KdNon Dear Sir : I am well pleased with your treatment of oboilty. Tbo hand Is worth twice the money It coat , for comfort. I h.ivo reduced my wo.glit tun pounds , I wolsli 233 now , ana 1 did weigh 21i , Yours truly , H. 21. HuiiTOX , They Are Doing Mo Good. Karlvlllc. Ill , Mar 21 13X ! I.orlnB A Co : Inclosed nnd HM tot which please tend mo tbe other two bottlei of Dr. Killion's Oboi- Ity I'llls. 1 tmvo uscil ono and think thor nro dolnz the worn. 8. M. KALE v , 1' . O. Ilor 7i Talk So Much About Your Pills. I'oorls , III , June 13. 1S3 ! Dear Sirs : After benrlnK one of mr frlemli talk so much about Tour Obailtr l'lll > nnd tba botieUt heli deriving from thorn I think I wintry thorn mjiolf. 1'lenia lend me J botlloi U. ( X I ) . , nnd oblige , J. Mouuis. too 1'orrr Street. Fool Better andWelgtV 13 Pounds Loss Oojtiop , Incl. . Sept 18. ISCTJ. nentlomea : Inclosed 1 ot ivl jpu it. for which you will i > ! i > aju somj mo three bottles of the obeiltr pills Am taking the fourth botlia and fool verr much bettor and weluli 13 pounds Itf'S than when I b taking them. I will continue , jour treatment. Jills. J. p. McCo.VN. BoutU sixth Street. An Individual whoso height li feet 1 Inch tbouldwctga I5 pounds S feet Slnchei . ) 1CU 5 fcot 10 Inches " " Kl ) Dr. Kdlion sari : "It mar be well to point oat , that In mr experience , which Is ncceasarllr vorr considerable , manrtroiiblc oniosxln < tl > oa < cs luch , asccicrn * . mono , psorlail ) , utlcarla , etc , nro prim- nrllr caused br obesltr. and A , the fat nndtliib Is reduced br the pills and Obesity Krult Halt and tbo action of the band these aneutluni hare almost magically disappeared " ' 1h Obesltr V'ruli Milt Is iue < l In connection with the IMHs or Hands , or both. One teasponnful In a tumbler of water makes a dellcloui nodo. Tastes Ilka cbampalKno. The ban co t B M ) each for anr length up to 8ft Inches , bu for ono larger than 3. ! Inches add 10 cents extra for each vdilltlonal Inch. 1'rlce of Fruit Salt. 1 1. a ) . Tills tl.W IVr Dottle , or 3 Moulds lor $1 00. r-ent br Mall or Kxprest Cut this out and keep It , nnd > aud for our f ull ( S column ) article on obeiltr. Loring & Company. 2 Hamilton I'l . Dopl M. llojton. Mns < . , 11) State St. , I ) pt M. Chicago , III. , W. JJno 81. , Dept Jl , .New VorkCIl ) . For sale in Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co. JflCT HIT A I | TVona T1cr > ulr" ' ' ALI ' Y ' .0 .ro. tha errat Hindoo liemrdjr th'ld with uHl- Irn cu'rttxtrr of rtir * . Nuiapla Mt Inf. A.Mrf. Urlcutul Mtillcul Cv. . ( > riyowuU. llK , ltlU4 > , UU 22 , Madamoiselle Spring , the new star , with her brilliant coterie of nov elties. See her in the new spectacular FASHION that evening at our store. Admission Free. PROGRAM. Part First 1. Grand Inauguration March. The Great Republic , by dedicated to President Cleveland. 2. Overture Recaption Schluppegrell 3. Selection Eiminie Jawbcsky 4. "altz Espana Waltoufol 5. York Ono Heart and One foul- Strauss 0. Fantasia TraumbilderLundby - Our store will close at 6 o'clock Wednesday nftornoon ami reopen nt7:15. : The musical program will commence promptly nt tlmt time with the Grand Inaugural March. You cannot afford to mlsa it. The Farnam street event of the season. No goods will bo sold Wednesday ovoniug. Grand illumination entrance reserved tion in the base for those arriving in carriages. Car ment. Glimpsis riages may be ordered of Fairyland , dered for 10:30. : 16th and Farnam Streets. TREATMENT , roil ALL Chronic , Nervous , Private and Special Diseases. 25 years experlonoo. DISEASES OF Treated at J. > 00 a month und nil medicines furnished. All Other Troubles Treated at Reasonable Charges. CONSULTATION FREE , Gallon or address DR. SEYMOUR PUTNAM , DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NEB MARVINTRUSSES The Best Truss Made Itocauseltsunporti the nbdot'noi nnd cora- pi-etscs the rupture so us to brlui ; the broken jmrlBtogethorandoirocta cure. I'rlvato room for flttluR trusses. 1/aUy In attendance for lady customers. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , urjlO-il Instruments und Modlcnl Supplies 114 S. 15th St. . noxtl'ouoluce TlieOripalandOenyin ( WORCEOTERSfHRE ) IznparU the moat djllclons taste and rust 1 EXTUACT SOL'PU , ofaLETTEUfronj a MEDICAL GEH. UKAVIES , TLEMAN at Had. rat. to hi * brother FISH , \rOROE8TEE , Hay. 185L HOT AT COU ) "Tell LEA A PltiniNS' ZHGAT.1 , that their eauce la highly ectoemed In GAMK , India , and la In my opinion , the Burnt WKI.HII- palatable , as well : \ the moet nhcle- II Alt KB ITS , * ome aauce that li Bade. " &c. Beware of Imitations ; | see that you get Lea & Perrine' ' Blirnttoro on erery 1 Kittle of Orlirinal & Qnnln& JOHN DUNCMN'ts KONH.NtVVOKK Specialist I'rolclrnt nt M"" AN" DISPENSARY. ( Uoiixtiltaildii I'rre. ) 1'ISTULA. KISSL'KE , permanently without tha u u of knife , lUiture or caustic. Ull maladies of a nrlvale or dolleala nature , of thcr ox positively curod. TKKATMUVr I V HAIL. - Ad.lrcsi with tamp for particulars , which will be aunt In plain envelop * r O. lor ( ill , nnd li th-it .Omaha , .Sea DR. McGREW THE SPECIALIST. Is unsurpassed la the treatment of alt PRIVATE DISEASES and nllWetknetisiru and Disorder ! of rntrl 18 years oxporlenco. Wnln for circular ! and question list free. 14Uinml Knrnam Bti , Omaha , Nub. This is a Personal Invitation To You. Yourself nnd friends arc cordially invited to be present at our Grand Hustur Opening Wednesday evening - ing , March ' 22nd , and continuing through the week. Music Wednesday evening from 7:15 to 10:30 : o'clock. PRO Oft AM. Purl Second. 1. Waltz Robin Hood DeKoven 2. Overture Pique Banco Buppo 3. Selection Naoon Gcnio 4. Gavotte Olair Wilder 5. Waltz Nightingale Song.-Zoller C. March High School Cadets..Sonsa . , BEWARE OF FRAUD. . Auk for. nnd Initial upon bnrlnc \V. li.JIOUOLASBUOCsf. None Ben- iilno without W. L. JJuuulns nunio nud prlco mampod an bottom. .Look iorlMtucnyaubur FOR Hold OTcrywhorc. . GENTLEMEN. A sewed shoe that will not rip ; Calf , seamless , smooth inside , more comfortable , stylish nnd durable than rjiy other shoe ever so'ltl at the price. Every style. Equals custom- made shoes costing from to 5. The following arc of the same high standard ot merit : $4.00 nnd $5.00 Fine Calf , Hand-Sewed. $3.50 rollce , I'nrmcrs nud Letter-Carriers. $2.50 , $3.35 and $2.00 for Working Men. $2.00 nud $1.75 for Youths and llcya. "j.oo JIand-bewed , I FOR. $2.30 and a.oo Dongola , | LADIES. $1.75 for Misses. IT IS A DOTY yon ewe yourself to get tbo best value tor your monoy. Economize In your footwear by purchasing W. Zj. Douglas Shoos , wliloli represent the best value at the prtcon advertised as thousands can tes tily. Do you wear thorn ? Will clvo excliiKlvo aalo to nlioo dealers nml urucral rnerclinntn wlioro Ibiwn no ftsrcnti. Write for rutnlocuo. Ifnot fur rmlo In van r i > lnco numl illrcrt to 1'iiclury , stating kind , size and vrltltb ivuutuil. 1'oatuae I'rco.V. . i . Uouelas , Urucuton , Itlusa. Maznor. Woubor. Kelley Stlgcr , & Co. , 0 , J. Oarlsan , Kllas S von so 11. Ipnatz Nowinan F. W , Cressy , South Omaha. Without money and > r h u.i'ln To" the You : ire not well , and ha von ] money or time to soeadnjtor. Cutout thoiintnoprlutod her } . KU'ANS CHEMICAL CO. , NEW YORK Paste It on a postal Wilto your own niiiuo'jii thj oilier si loot thoc.ird ; put It In the PoUOIllce , mid t > y return mail you will not u letter nitJ BomomoJlclnothat will do von rood. 'Jiy > t und lollycu frlcuds. PERFECTLY HARMLESS but RELIABLE. LADIES , Caraolo Juniper has tiUon t'as plooa . of pills , etc. If you ara irregular you can rely on Camole Juniper. Take no other. Guarantee on ovry bottle. Fries $2 a bat tle. Sollby aUdruggUtj. Manufactured only by CAMOLE JUNIPER CO..Omaha , Hohrnokn 1816 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob. The eminent specialist In nervous chronic , prtrato , blood , skin and urinary diseases A reauUr and registered craduftto In medicine , a * diplomas and certificates will show , li still treating ; with ihu urcatom ucoesa catarrh , lost manhood , seminal weakness , nUit totses all and forms of prlrato dUnutui No mercurr used. Now treatment for Ion of vital ' . power I'nrtlm unnbla to tl.ll mo mar to tn-atoil athoniu or correnponilence.Mojlclno or I ntniiiuim noiil br mitll or oxpren .uourulr | iaotud , no mark * to Indi cate contents or sender Ono personal lnlirvl w proferruil Consultation true ( . 'urrtipoudenou ilrlctlr private. Hook ( Hr tcrlo of Ufo ) * ut free. Odlcu hour , a in. to V p.m. Sundajs 10 a. 01 , to 11 in Send stamp lor circular STRENGTH , VITALITY , MANHOOD W. II. ! \ n 1C Kit , M. I ) . . No. 4 Iliiinnrli r ( - , It , TO . y . , , . tirrcntu"ii j phyii , Ian of tltf I'KAN'inYAIUIHCAI.INVlTrUTK.i. "I n-u aHi.rfod the OOS.D Mr , .it. ly the NiTii Nil , 'UMCAI , ArioUTir > Nf& . thul'UIZi : HAYon / itlivltcj I lUi'itu.At vs-ty..V < rrouiMulAyiil 'it . ' fli'ify , an.l all Jhita ft and HVdtin , of .I/to. fllinrO ltj ° V < " > 7i Iha miJUU-ofnl and ( xiL iiilnrA ' "n ul'.atlon 11 IWMMI or by letUr. UIJIIl.ll J'rn4 rtu , , Wih | testimonial * , , PKKK , book. Sti KNCK Of I , IKK , OK SKUVATJOX. SCO pp . 1 Invaluable pro- KtvUunc. { ull k'JU cnU &IM It null. a4l U HERE'S THE WAY It U uied to cure vou-aiir lent. pure , p in * inullltr V I'll I.NU iruitmiMit | ho w imli-r fill , nwift. si lit , Tltr. fir , Citurrli ( Iron-lilt * , f Anllimn. C'uniuniiitlon , I1 < M4V 11 : lie nk'k or nurviiii , Niir vuiii I'riMirntliin llrlz t , rum u ooil ! .New unuriiy' K .ullo step' In fuel. : i now oi'Mim i ' Hook1' nml { trials ( JKNKIIATOU. C'ailurwrllu SPECIl'IO OXYGEN CO. , buito ulu o.ouly