THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. MARCH 22 , 1893. 3 THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ol I ICIi ! NO 12 1'KARL STUELT. I Uhcred 1 j cnirlrr lo any part of ttio city 11 W Tll/fON , - MANAOnit lliu-dm-ssOnieo No. TI U.PIIOM.S fMKlt | Killtor No. 23 3tt.MHt .11 KA TIO.V. N V 1'luinbinR Co. Cc.ut.cU . Itiuffs I.utntK'rCo Coil 'I he .Mauh trim of the superior court vv 111 r jn.wenc'o next Monday. AM i nun \ic * .IcnnniK'i his : been elected lut'sldeiit of the city co'inclt. ' Satuiiluv will lx ) thu List day for the mint ? of iK'Utiotut for the April term of the dlstiU't uouit which cdinineiK es on tho-ltli. A'l ' members of the fSoiiniuila society will ir.ei ton Tluns-I ij ovcnlng , tlio'-Kid of Alareh , nt 71"JVtat Hro-ulwny. at 8 o'clock sharp , to i Vet t Ulcers for the comlnir term. Juincs Howard tools a fancy to a bolt of Kin rliarn on exhibition In front of the Boston Btoie. mid eloped with It. Ho wr.s stopped nnd t ikon to the cltj j.ill to answer to ho thaw ofl.u ceny. AirintromcnH wore mule to sell the furni ture mid IKtuiut of the I'ac'lllc house .v ester- laj lint llieto vvero not cnoneh bidders on the ( jrouii'l Sheriff Ha/on decided to post- potio it until K.iturday Ifurv I ( .million a confidence man who was arrested hero oxer linear npo for a triilt t-irncd in Onmh.i , has been leleased ic'icntl.v after servlni' a short term in thu ponltenllari at Llneoln , > rcHi I'ot aviittamlo tribu No 'Jl. Improved Older of K ( d Men. will meet this owning In rcpulir council in its \\Uw.ini. c-orner of Hroadvvav .ml Miln street , at the eighth inn Vlsltintf chiefs arc welcome. The regular assetnblj of KncampniPiit No 8 , ind Ladies' Auxiliary No IT. Union Vet- cian Kt'irion , t.iltes pi ice at the hall at 7 : :0 : o'clock this ovenintr All comrades aio 10 quested to be present BV Iliglit , col onel \V P Baker , adjutant J ' .I IVaron c-omniLiicoJ a suit apalnst Mary 1 , Hunt , wife of the late I , K Hunt. to collec t * : UT on an estate valued at S.l.lXVi Ho claims that Mis Hunt has convertc.1 all the pioport.v of her husband to her own usi' , nwl has i of used to settle the claim or tive mil account of what was done with the estate .1 .1 Crow , who keeps a saloon at the corner of Broadway and Tlilrtvthird street , was ariested jestcrday mmnliiK on an in formation llled in the suiieiior c-ourt by Hebecca t'ahoon , i-liaivliiir him with disturb ing the peace * Adlllltultv between Ciovv and some small bojs was the cause of the dlstui banco .louphinoCronkhlta Illel a iotitlon ) in the clisti let j estcrdav asking for a divorce from her husband , William Cronkhite. to whom she was inanled in June , 1ST1 , in Knox count x , Illinois She lived in Uod Oak until last M ly She glxes habitual drunken ness as the cause. Bishop Ham in of the nvaugollcal asioeia- tion fiom Kcadlng , 1'a . will preach .in this city Thursday evening , Maicli At , for Key O L Springer , pastor of the I3\angolicMl church Uov DtxLoni ; of thcv Union Chi is tlan mission has olTeied the use of his ha'i on Hrjant stieet for the meeting IJvci lid.\ ) ( cordially Invltod. IxittU' Faddcn and Charles McCoy v cio bofoio .lustlco Fox jesterdaInr " . pie- Jlmlnarv examination on the charge of adul tery 'I ho loom was ( iowdo.1 to su'locatlon Vwith a gang of loafers of the kind that usually frequent such places , and tlio case cliaggcd aloiu in a tliesomo way. It will probabl.\ completed today. A man was seen coining out of the lesi elcntoofT J Culy , ! ! 201 west , ISroidw.u , lasto\enlng Mr Cadj and his famil.aic . all nxx'iij and the neighbors who saw the fel low know that ho had no business there I'liuy caught him and held lilm until tin yatrol wagon arilvi ! I At the cllv jail lie tfiivo his nainu as Uoulon Williams. It is not known whether ho succeeded In stoillng anything. Keeping watch on the meinbcrs of the sticot gang has proved too great a Htiain 01 thoncnous system of Ollle.crWi.ttt . and a number of toughs have escaped lecc'ntLj Hci carter they will have to run in paiis. if at all , for they are to bo chained tojrethei liy the heels. These who .refuse to work will bo put on a bread and water diet , with the water hugely in the niajcuity. A vag named Campbell , who tried to cudgel the ofllccrwith his lists when the chain was being put on him , but lan up against a snag in the shape of John Sandel's list , is eating water. The sistcis of St. Bernard hospital have their largo hospital so thoroughly ecmippec' ' for giving proper caio to the sick , and espco hilly to the insane , th it they are recelviiif , patients from all parts of the west. Any who hao friends needing special care anc attention should cot respond with the sister superior and learn further elofiils Tfio building is acry coinmollous and con- venlont ono for such a purpose , Is local ec charmingly , and under the caicful super ision of skilled plli siel ins and cxperiencec muses theio seems nothing lacking to mala the hospital most successful in its work Phil I'lekering , ttio Norttuvostern ongi .ncer who had an encounter with his brake man , a man named P.ivton , at Boune las 1'iiday , anlved In the city last o\cnlng will nothing but the reminnt of a black hinge ai omul his ojo to remind him of his tioublo The details of the encounter seem to have been somewhat distorted by the newspapeis I'aston , ho claims , climbed onto his ciurino for the purpose of having trouble Ho hac been drinking heavily. Ho applied a num ber of abuslvo epithets to Pickering anJ 1'mally struck him. Pickering then lot fly til him w 1th his lists , and at the second or thm blow Paxtou fell down , htiiklng his face , ot the way down , against a water cock and ro < -ei\ing a bad wound near the eio. Picket ing had no weapons except the two will which nature had provided him , but lit , scome-d to get along qulto well An invest ! tration of the case bv the ofllcials of the com j > any resulted In 1 'ax ton's discharge am PioKeiing't ) exoneration. Tim ( iiiincl llotul , Council UluiTri. Most elegant hotel it town. Dining room on boventh llooi- Hiitos , M to $5 jioi * eluy. E. F. Clark Prop. _ For warming' guest ulinmbcrs , bull IOOIIH , oto. , our gas heaters are just what you want. Look at thorn. Clean ccmoniunt , cheap. C. 13. Gas ami Klcu- tiic Light Co. Bourielna Music House. Flno pianos and organs for cash or payments. 1 1 1 StutHimui street , C. Bluffs II. W Byers , a i > romineat attorney o Harlan , was in the city jestenlayIsiting his brother , Clint Bi era Mr n J I cjwis has closed out his dale business and goes on the road on thn 1st o April representing J. 1) . Stuait , thomanufae. tui ing druggist. Mr and Mrs Charles Dutton of Leaven worth , Kan , are In the citv visiting theirolc filei.ds , Mr and Mis II W Tilton line Mr and Mrs. P M l rj or. Dr H H. Hutchins , grand president of the Iowa Legion of Honor with hoadquartcis a Dos Molnes , was In the eltv jesterday , the guest of County Auditor J. M. Matthons. ' Whyletehllelreneiio with diphtheria0 You can save them by Dr. Jofferis' roiu rely , lias been uteel uucocbbfully for .V years. Priee $ : i.)0. ( ) For sale by Conn ell BlnlTs ( Iruggihts , aboat 2101 Ciimiiij , btrcet , Omaha. lo'H I.frturm. Secure tickets for DeMotte'a illus t rated ketured , Murch 24 and l " ) , a Hart's jewelry btoro. . . The follow lag marriage license was is ue < liesteiMay : Nil mo nml Address. , \RO I John Ij.Vallior. I'otlawattarulo countyJ. . 1 ortha II. I orcl. I'outmatininle county 1' mill woexl ; best and chcupost Mib.-owi hind wood in the dtv ; prompt ddlvoiy. H. A. Cox. No.I \fuln , Finest Aribto oublnot photos , $2 pot- 1 dwen. Abliton'8 studio , Ib North Main. Gco. S. Davis , prescription drutfglut. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Lawrence's Message Received with General Satisfaction. CITY AFFAIRS IN EXCELLENT SHAPE : conomjr omlJjKetrenchiiiriit Hn\o llcrti I'ructlrcd by the Adiiiliilitriitlini A Slio lng of U'hlcli All thn Olll- clulu .Sliould I'oul Pruud. The message which Major Lawenro read leforo the now city council at Its meeting Mondaj night was read jcslcrday morning Uth a great deal of Interest b.thu . citizens , uid especially by the taxpajcrs of Council Unils It was not so much a message , in the commonly -icccpted use of the term , as a Reneial icpoit , for the inajoi made no refer ences to the ordinance ; ! that he may desire lo have passed , but conlhicd his attention solelj to looking over thu work of the city government slnco his election a jcar ago : ( o intends , however , lo vvrito a supple- nentao message , in which howlllmako a inmncr of interesting suggestions with re gard to the | K > Ilcy of the coming > ear The report shows that tlio administration las fulfilled the ilutj lni | > osed upon it bv thu ic-oplo a joir ago Jn everv ivspecU Mijor l awronco was elected after a red-hot cam iiign , in whiih the watc'hword was "Cut lown expenses" That was practically the oulv Issue He at once sot about nuking c'ductlons In ever.v direction Useless pen sioneis were cut off and the forces wore 10 luccd in this \vij to tinsmillest number loiisistent with a propel performance of the ilutiesof tliu vaiious deiuitments A similar feductlon was made in all along thu line , but in spite of the i eduction there has not been the slightest fi Ictlon * The w oik in oveii dcputinent went along tully as sn.oothU and vastlj moio economically than in the ptecedin/administration , where thoie seemed to be .1 continuous oflort to see how much inonuj could bu suent without ' .ilsing a kick on the pait of the puoulu The clti government h is b.-on moro than plid for bv tlio rcceits | ) in thcs > o\eial departments , and appcaiances inJicato that a surpius of something like 91'J)00 ( ) v\ill be idded to the troisury Tlio report is ono which cannot but cause a feeling of sntisfac- tlon .unong the tixpajcrs , and with the sxime Kind of a reduction during the coining v. car and a further reduction of 0 mills on the dollar of tax ition next jear's iccord will give the lie to the howls of disgiuntlcd politicians ov en moro than that of this j ear has done. IMM1I.ST1C 1M'IMCITV. Ifi-nn ( ilttlns I'ourn Out tint Story cit Ills rrouhlc > s In 11 Court I'ctltlmi. Heniy Giltins , a farmer of considerable means , has settled in hi * own mind the ques tion whether maniago is a failure or other wise , and the experiment seems to have ucen an expensive one. judging from the tale that Is unfolded In a petition filed in the dis- tuct court jcsteiuav Oitlins took out a license to marrv in this city April 19 , 1 'jj , thu bride being Martha C. Brunon of this city At that tlmo Gittins was M .voirs of ago and his bride ten j ears his junior. Ho owned a little over I'M aeies of farm land in Boomer township , and , in fact , that was all by had in the world Thej vvero mamed and went to live on the faun Hoon after the marriage Olttlns found that minted lifo was not all it was cracked up to bo , for a little less than a j oar after the cercmonv was performed Mis Gittins so far foigot the kittenish wav.s by which she h id entrapped her husbii'd'h heirt as to call him up short and with an ax in her hand demand that ho in iko out a deed turning ever every acieofland ho owned Gittins lost no limu in compljin-fwith her request , made in so eauicst a manner , and the deed was executed and placed on icc'oul. Now , si\.s ho In his petition , she his gone a few steps further and diiven him fiom home After she got luspropert.v she seemed to have no further use for him , but has ever since made a pnctlcoof sulking him , belt ing him , attacking him with an ax , threat ening to Kill him and in other wavs giving him an object lesson of what a henpeckccl husband looked like She tin-illy drove him from the house with his children and ho is afraid to go back for fear that she will cairy her thicat into execution. Ho now demands that ho bo given a divorce , and th it tlio deed to the property above refutied to bo declared null and voi I , for ho alleges th it it was executed tlwougli fraud and duress , and that theio was no con sideration for it , tlio consideration of a woman's loio which he was looking for when his wife stood ever him with an ax. ordering him to sign the deed , having proven a minus ciuantitj. A rnlMco shoo Store. After a good eleal of delay neees-iitatoj by tlio complete remodeling of the big store building formerly occupied by tlio wholctnlo cigar lunibo of Percgoy & Moore , F. II. Evans is ready to receive his friends and the public in the largest and linest hhoo btoro west of Chicago. The building o.xtemds through the block from Pearl to Main street , with magnifi cent plate glass fronts on each btreot. The room is thirty feejt wide , and tlio great elopth and high ceiling give r n Im pression of magnitude that piopa es the \ihitor ftv a conception of the mammoth bt ck of goods that lills the shelves reaching from the lloor to the coiling , sixteen feet high. li required a ijoO.OUC stock to 1111 the shelves , and as Evans cleaned out about all of the old bto jk in the old Broadway steiro during the great cut bale prior to moving , nearly the entire stock is now goods bought directly from the factories. Tlio fixtures are of the newest and hand- bomest designs , real works of art that will repay inspection. The show windows dews are largo enough for good s' ed rooms and show their cjntents con spicuously from front and sides. , But it is the block that attracts the most attention. It covers every grade of footwear. Every taste and conilition can bo batisfied. The stock of medium priced and middle grade goods takes up the greater part of the space , and this line , as in the liner grades , ib so largo and complete that every desire of man , woman or child can bo satisfied without delay. In prices , the great question that concerns the public most , the fact miibt not bo overlooked that Evans has never been undernold , but has always been the leader of low prices. He has furnished moro genuine bargains te > the people of Council Binds and Omaha and for sev eral hundred miles around than any other dealer. His new and hotter facili ties for doing business and his immense stock will give him a bettor chance than over to give all classes of people bar gains that are genuine ; and you can depend - pond upon it that every roproientiUion will ho honestly made , and that the guatanty given will in every instance be made good. Mr. Evans is being heartily congratu lated upon his enterprise , and ho enters the busy spring season with the best wishes of the people. AiiiiiHouioiit Attractions This ovcning Mrs W. J. Florence appears at Dohanj's theater in "Tho Mighty " To see Mrs Florence as Mrs. General Gil- tlory Is to bask in a sunshine of laughter. The cheery , chatty , witty , gossipy , eccen tric , but ulwajs warm-hearted and lovable American woman , ever reuly to help her friends in trouble , especially when , as she sai s , "romanco is at the bottom of it all , " the pungent satire conveyed In the quaint interlarding ot French in her conveisation , tlio American woman who has "lived so long abroad , " and lilo excuse my Trench , " hab Illlod crowded theaters with laughter , while it has taught a wholesomu k-ssju. cum > M.H Touommu MQHT. Thursday evening Charles A. Gardner ( Karl ) will ap | > car at Dohanv's theater in "Fathorland. " The Now York World says : It U refreshing to listen to Charles A. Gardner roll off witticisms In the German llaleot , warble tuneful ballads like a r > roles' , In his olcaslng comedy 'Father- anJ ' Ills manner is irresistible , while ils methods are natural an I concise For i pcncratlon Mr Oinin'-r lus appealed for public favor through this medium and has neveriet found it wanting. Hlslmltatois are many , but none have acquired the true charm which is the secret of Mr Gardner's success. His vehicle of amusement gives him many opiwrtunltlcs which ho full > Im proves In every respect His supiwrt Is most ufllcicnt , and the mounting of the play commendable. "TUB IlANOEIl SIOVAI. " Is the title of the play which Is announced as tlio attraction at Dohany's on Sunday evening next , with winsome Rosabel Morri son In the leading role. The pla.v draws ils immo from the fact that an express train is In danger of an accident at a railroad crossIng - Ing and that thu heroine , at the risk of grca / peril , waves the danger signal in time to rescue many lives. The play deals with western life and abounds in strong scenes and stirring climaxes , Interspersed with many laughablelncldentsandcomedy Hashes. The play is from the pen of Mr Henrv C. IJi'Mllle , author of many successes , notably "Tho Wife. " "The Chailty Ball , " "Men and Women , " "Tnc I. st Paradise" and many olhcrsuccessful productions fiom the Lyceum theater , New Voik , and at which house "Tho Danger Signal" was first produced to enlliusiastlc audiences. The company sup- iwrtlng Miss Morrison Is \vry strong one. Including Paul Diesser A number of novel and lealistic elicits are introduced in the play , conslsling of a monsler locomotlvo made of Iron and steel and propelled b.v steam , stmding with working gear exposed for fully leu minules in full view of the audience A rotary snow plow , a freight train and the cannon ball express , consisting of a locomotive , tender , three coaches 1M ) feet long and twelve feet hijh , crossing the stage at the rate of llft.v miles an hour. Spring Anitmiiirmni'iit We are now fully prepared to show you one of the most carefully selected stocks of spring dreos goods ever shown in Cjuncil Bluffs. If possible we have taken more care than ever before , espe cially with our exclusive patterns.which are compo-ed of all the leading novelties of England , France and Germany. Am nig other other specialties shown is our la''go line of plain goods in all the latest weaves , also an endle s assort ment of medium priced domcbtie goodb in mixlmes , piaids and cheeks. Silks of all the latest makes , includ ing kai-ki , habnlai , china , bengaline , phosphorus , tallettu , in plain , ligures and plaids. Tlio indications are that this is going to ho one e > f the largest silk seasons ever experienced in this country. We took adv antage of the same and placed a large importation order , the last of which has jiibt arrived. 100 ) ) iecos now st\les China silks at 4li3 , inferior quality and stjles shown elsewhere at 50e. Imported Japanese bilks in bolid eolorb and ligures at 7. > o. See other qualities at ! )0c ) and 81.00. Kai-ki wash bilks in bright and me dium dark stripes , warranted to wash , are woven colors , not printed. Voi y ap propriate for waists , wrappers and children's dresses. 21 inches wide at 7. " > c per yard. For $1.00 wo show tlio best 115-inch whip cord and India twill in Ame.'ica in forty difleient shade * . Same goods retails usually for $1.11) ) anl S1.2 > . See them. Figured crepoiib , in dark f dors only , ollered at our e muter for 5ic. ) A yard &amo goods cost to import ( ! 7ic. A bar gain. Every stjro has a oOchueof goods , but our spring a' is bowijdo.1- ing , showing over one hundred pieces in plaids , stripes , mixtures , so.'gea and plain henricttai. We have a full assortment of calors in the following now weaves : Epinglins , seloil cords , ottoman , phosphorus bieges , whip cji'ds , sorgej at our usual low prices. In wool challies wo have a larger as- bortment than ever before , showing ever fifty of the lineal styles in new ehinU colors imported by us from Alsace. Imported jiatterns , exclusive stj les in the new phosphorus cfteets at $7..jO , $3.r > 0. $10.00 , 813.50 , Slo.OO a pattern. Scotch plaids in light medium and da'-k colors , . > 0c , 7. > e , VI.00 , * 1.25 a yard. English checks , beautiful tweed effects , at 50c , 7oc , $1.00 , 91.J5 in 10 , 48 , 54-inch goods. Waterproof tweeds , full 50-inch wide , in checks , plaids and mi.xeel elTects , very desirable for traveling suits , our price only $1.25. Ottoman in a full line of shades , would bo cheap at $1.00 , ollered at our counters for 75c a j ard. BOSTON STOKE , Fotheringham , Whitolaw & Co. , Council Bluffs. la. N. B. Kid gloves dyed and cleaned. Agents for the cclou.-atcd Standard paper patterns. Mail orders promptly attended to , all orders sent prepaid. Tr.Un ti ! < > Children. The DeMotto lectures are interesting and instructive ! for the ehildicn. Take them. fiut it 'litlo from \bn\e. Edward Hermes , a well Ijnown character ' ab'out town , was arrested iesterday chaiged with stealing a lot of fence posts and who fiom a place near the liver owned by Henry Farnham. Wher. brought befoie Justice Vicn ho told a weird tale that caused some hilarity among the court loungers Ho stated that ho had had a dream in which Chi 1st ap peal cd to him and told him that the land in question belonged to him and that ho was. to go and take possession Ho did as ho was told , and the Hist act of ownership ho tiled to do got him into trouble. A theological discussion between Hermes and the couit ensued Among other thines Vicn asked the piisoner where hull was , but his thirst for ki.owlodgo was somewhat quenched w hen Hermes replied that Lo'd know when 'hegollheie Bond was given for his ap pearance Friday afternoon at ! i o'clock. Hc > i cut t I'd. Our cTOipotitors have boycotted us , so J. C. IIolTnmycr & Co."refuse to sell us his Hour because we would not hold up the price on it. But wo can and will give you Hour guaranteed as good , if not bettor , than IIolTmayer's Fancy Patent , at $1.00 per sack. Garland Hour , the best Hour made , at $1.10 per t.ack. Acme hard winter wheat Hour at $1.00 per sack. Oilman Challenge Hour , every back warranted , at ! > 0e. Daisy Hour 75o back. Pearl Hour liOc back. Reliable Hour 50o sack. Kjo Hour 85o back. Kvo graham Hour 85e sack. Wheat graham Hour 25c sack Corn meal lOe sack. 20 Ibs. granulated sugar for $1.00. Special for this week only at Brown's C. O. D. The Gormania society will give a grand ball in Masonic hall on March 25. Music will be furnished by the Fort Omaha military orchestra. All bocioticb and lodges of this city , Omaha and sur rounding towns are Invited. The bamo invitation is extended to the general public. Admission , 50c. Ladies , free. Active demand for acreage in the Klein tract testillos to its location , cheapness and desirability for truit. gar dening and suburban property. From 1 to 40 acres for bale , 2 } miles c'ast of post- olllce , by Day & IIo = b , 'ill 1'earl street. Wood of all kinds , cobs and coal. L. G. Knotts & Co . 700 Broadway. Who Will Ho Deputlcn. The question of who will bo city cleric having been settled , considerable interest is now expressed as to who will bo the dcp utics. From persons who claim to know the report conies that G. M. Wilson , now em- nlojed in the county auditor's oflice , will sue'cecd It V Inncsnsvlcrk of the superior court an.l S , Lohhart will take the place now occupied by 11 J Abbot , reading clerk airl dettutj at the city ball line It is also s ild to be a foregone conclusion that Frank Ouanelln will be street ( .supervisor In place ot A. U Averi , who hu held the office for so long and under adiiinl.stratlons | of so manj different eoninlevlems that the demo crats , who originally tU'ctcd htm shortly after the war , want toCe * how a real demo crat w ho has never held oflleo under a re publican administration will look. Mrs. PfellTcr has 'returned ' from her eastern business trip1ijhd announces tlio purchase of the large ? * stock of millinery she has ever brought to the city , and her two Broadway stores will this spring bo more than over the emporium of fashion. Tlio htyles are radically new this season , and the ladies will find gieat delight in looking at the many new and wonelerful creations of millinery beauty. The date of Mrs. PfoilTer's spring open ing has been fixed for Friday and Satur day. DoMotti' IllimtrntiMl l.rcturr * . Prof. DeMotte's lectures were the most interesting delivered at the Chautauqua last summer. Hear him nt Broadway church Friday and Saturday evenings. Kiirlj Seed Putntoox. Tinee hundred bushels of pure early Ohio seed potatooi at Thomas Hlshlon , 2400 West Broadway , Council BlulTs , la. Free tteatments daily from 2 to 1 p. m. at the Council BlulTs Medical and Surgical institute , 20th and Broadway. Ifjou have property to ell , list it with me. I have customers for bargains. II. G. McGee , No. 10 Main street. Emma Konnarel. stenographer , notary depositions , commercial work , letter writing , 100 Main. Do you smoke1 Have you tried T. D. King & Co.'s Partagas ? It's ' a charmer. Just light one1. Ladies , don't forgot that the Louis are at 25 Main street now. Come all. Mine. Helen Merrill , halt-dressing and manicuie. lioom IH2 , Merriam block. Williamson & Co. , 10(1 ( Main street , largest and best bie-yclo stock in city. Another improvement to the popular Schubert piano. Swnnson Music1 Co Fou SALT : Citizens State bank stock. Submit cash oiler. E. II. Sheafo. Stop at the Ogden , Council BlulTs , the be-t $2.00 house in Iowa. Marshmallow caramels at Driesbaoh's' - ( urchins : Inquiry Ilrlni ; Mudo Into Mr. uiicl Mrrf. Hocdrrkrr'H Drcpaap. FRUIH'OKT , 111. , March 21. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BKI : . ! The coroner's jury impaneled to inquire into the my&- teiious death of Mr. and Mis. Henry Bocdecker. supposed to have been mur- deied Saturday night and burned to a crisp in their homo , ' began work joster- day. Two witnusbcs.Herman Somers , the man who bent in thu ajarm of Hie , and Dr. O. E. Stearns , a physician , who as sisted in the post nvKLom examination , testified. The citi/.ens have declared that the matter miibt ho sifted t ) the bjttom. Tnoie were present yestc.'day the of the at inquest representative- various life insuianco companies in which Bjodeekor held policies. The fact that a man in such moderate ciicumstaiiccs , with no children , should carry $27.000 upon his lifo is coiiMdurecl remarkable. Of this sum $15,000 is in aceiduiit- companies and the the rest is placed as follows : New York Life , $1,000 ; yEtna , M.tWO ; Mutual Ben efit , $1,000 ; Modern Woodmen. $ : i,000 : Knjghts of the Globe , 81,000 ; National Union , $11,000. J. A. ( Jruin has been em ployed as an attorney to repre-ont some of the companies and H may bo neces sary to prove that Mr. Btudecker'b death was not suicide in order to collect the face of the policies. Another imnort- mit eiuoation arises which may cause lit igation. Many of the policies are made in favor of Mr& . Bcjudeekor. The couple haa no children. If it can be proven that Mrs. Boedcekcr mot her fate after her husband , then the insurance will go to her heirs. If it is proven that she died before him , even though but a min ute , then the money w ill bo payable to his heirb. S-ine of the policies are not pajable if the holder commits suicide , and tlio companies will see to it that the affair is thoroughly investigated. I'oul I'ln ) Sutipcc tcil. JOMET , 111. , March 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bun. ] Joliol furnishes an exceedingly mysterious case of sudden dit-appearancc which has drhert a father , mother and bisters to dist.action. Saturday afternoon John Beck , the 21- year-old 8511 of Michael Beck , a wealthy business man , went to the Will County National bank to pot a $50 bill changed , lie tinned the corner to go to the Huck Island depot and half way to the depot was stopped by a man with whom ho stopped into a hallway. From that moment Beck has not been been. The biippjsition is that some of the gang always hanging around the bank cornet saw him come out with tlio bag of monei and murdered him. Salvation Oil is a ceitain euro for head ache , toothache , earache , etc. Only ' . ' 5 cents , . Myatrrlung Uisappc iranrc. FORT SCOTT , Kan. , March 21. [ Spe cial Telegram to TUB Bni : . ] Mrs. George Hellman of Everett , Wash. , who is reported to have loft her homo two weeks ago to visit her sibter , Mrs. D. R. Woods , in this city , has disappeared. From communications received by rela tives hero from parties who wore sup posed to bo her friends at Everett , foul play is suspected and detectives have been employed in the case. Her husband is a prominent grocer in Everett am ] was formerly in the same business here. They were recently from near South Bend , Ind. ilu lUi > i > ) > o.ircd. SANTA Fi : , N. MI , March 21. Frank Losnot , receiver at , < the. Rosvvell , N. M. , United StatCa lam ) otllco , disappeared six weeks since and 'has been mourned as dead. Advices from his old homo at Lincoln say ho is bhort to the govern ment somewhere between $ ! ) ,000 and $20,000 , and it is believed this alleged shortage accounts ' for Lesnot's dibap- pearanco. , ; 1S A CLEANSEft ef' Iho blood , nothing tvrtejw as clean as Dr. Piereo's Golden Medical Discovery. It purifies the blood as well as enriches it. Thu truth is , an emulsion of cod liver oil is Rood for build ing up fat no doubt l > out it. But uhl [ a weak stomach loathes it. Fortunately , there's a tls- suo-bulldur , that's even better for making heallhiflesh. . I'letisant in taste elFectivo In result. That's the "Discov ery. " It goes to work in the right way , by regulating , cleansing , and icpairing nil the oigansof the I > ody. When the genus of disease nrn round ulxnit us w o elo not all get them. Why J Komo of us are in too good n condition. Tlio germs of Consumption , Grippe , Malurin , and all the Infections disposes , jioss you bv if you are strong to resist their attack. Homier your self uenn-nroof by putting your blood and liver in n ueilthy suite. In all blood-talnts anil diseases , if Iho " Dis covery" fails to bcncllt or euro , your money Is returned. No other medicine of its kind cnn bo eold so. TKLEdltAt'lllV nittKFS. DnmrMlr. The lower house of the Pennsylvania h-Rlsla- lire- has passed the antl-1'lnkcrton hill. I'rosldpntThompson eif the National I.rnd comp'iny donles that there Is any ell'sagrc'O- nent In the board of directors. 1'resldont Harper of the Mutual Hosorvo nnd Life Insiiranro company denies that ho ittemptcd to bilbu Kansas li'xMators. lly a vote of .11 to la the Minnesota house P.ISHIM ! HIP senate bill eAtc'iidlng full hlllTrago it all elections In Minnesota to women. Orand Master Harcent of the locomotive Ircmcn thinks the decision of Judge Tuft In : ho casu ot the I.ako f > here engineers Is had aw. William Johnson , nn pnaliicer on the \Vabish ralltoad , was Instantly Ulllc-d yesterday morn- 1m ? by a gas explosion on his engine atorth , A petition priyhiK for the clemency of Hov- TIIOI ricint'rdf New York In the ea-c o' < "ar- Ivlu llairis has been piupared and will bo put Incliculatlon. The HOIIK mantifac'turlmt block , Chicago , occupied by a nuinbi'r of small concerns , wa dcHtrnvcd bv tire last night , cntalltn : ; a total loss of $80,000. The rivets and streams of middle and south ern I'altfoi Ida have cm-rlloucd their banks , dolni ; much damage. In some sections the Hoods aid serious. At I'ltkln , Ark , tvtoyemng men niinu'd Cur tis and Caudle becatnu Involved In a dllllcultj ( 'audiocut Curtis with a knife , killing him almost linmedlatelj. The AHUM lean location In Turkoj has to- cel\ed tollable advices tluit the reported at tacks on Americans In Asia Minor have been greatly exaggerated. Customs nlllclats at New VoiU have seized tlio h.iKpnKu of a pirly ol Italian open shuers , claiming that an iitti'tnpt his heen made toovado the pomont of duty. The bili ; Caiollnc dtav , which sailed fiom Itocklaml , Mi , for Nr York IVbin uy 17 and ulili'li was announeod as h ivns \ be MI given up as lost , arrived at Now Yoik jesteid ly Mis. lieoru'e lleliuliu of IvetoI ! , \\iish , who Is lopoited to h ive li ft IIIM home' two wc'i'Us IIRO lo vltlt hoi slslei at 1 oil \\oith , 'IV\ , has disappeared I'oul pluj Is suspected The Kvcli IIIKO riic In-uianeo company owing lo Its losses b > the IliMon Ilio , airl tlie feat that on cMiinln illim Its ro-ouieos mljrht lie found to bo Imp ilic-d , has decided t > V" out of business. Ilh'lmtd ( ii.ihiiin and e'h irles \ \ ll ein , two nnglKli oo icliln. , ' whips , li.ue HI rived In e lilcago to pel-fee t ariainjeinenls foi the st irt- liuof sou-ralcoa'h HIHM from the city to the fair gumnds. The settlement with the bondsmen of Thomas Axworthy , who ab-oomled whllo city Ire.isuici ote'levoland , O , lias been otTeeied , the bondsmen turning Into the tieasiuv a chx'kfoi JJ70.413. 1'nrc lm tl\ more bombs weio exploded In Komojes- loiduy and the people of the city aioina st.itoof Riont al.ii m Dlspitehos from vaiious towns In contial nnd Minlh Hussla st ito th it the llood- > due to thu sudden th iwsaio wldespro.i'l The Slanifso govotnment his lejeoted the piopo-ils of the I'rciM'h goMMiiment for the settlement of the Mo-Uon frontloi iiuestlon The Spinlsh nitnlstei of matlnc , Cerveia , has toslxned his poitfollo cm the ground that ho cannot iicroe with the pio- posalsof Mis colleagues In the cabinet foi ic- tronclimeiit. In the Italhin C'lrin.ber of Ujputles yester- elay sg. | oinllttl the prlmo minister , lofusud tojiubllsh a list cit tlu > ovurcliio acceptances hold by the vaiious banks Implicated in the llnancMiil tioubles In compliance1 with the reciucst of the 1'roiich povoiniiH nt the public pie ecntor In Mias- burs lias lieen dliected to scvnic the 1 .sue of a w in nut for the anost of M. Alton , the fugi tive Panama lobbyist. The Hrltlsh buk Itooiiiali , Captain I'atley , which sailed ftom I'ortluid , Ore. , on Octeibe-r 14 last foi ( Ouceiistiiwn , ai lived at ejneens- tonn M uch 4 and sailed on M-iieh 14 for way , has been vviccKcel on Mutton Island In Oiilway baj. I'lvo hundred Chinese , who woio landed last wrek from the ship 1'acomu , at Victoria , II C. , are tho. health iiuthcullles of the 1'iov luce of Qucb ( a great deal of anxl > ty It Is leported that smallpox has broken out among them. The of S umiclosloy do Cobaln , foimorli niemboi of the Himllsh 1'aillnment , wasconcluikd jesteid.iy at Itelfist He Cu- baln H.iHChaigeel with iinnatiual ciimesand was convicted and hunlenced to one vim at hind labor. Tin- sentence was iccolvKd with gcnc'ial approval Both the method and results when Syrup of Figa is taken ; it is pleasant and refreahiLg to the taele , and acvS genily yet promptly on the Kidneya , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of ita kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the tneto and ac- ceptahle to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly heneficitil in its effects , prepared only fiom the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c nnd 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any 0110 who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , SAN rttANCISCO. CAl , lllt/ISVILLE. KY HEW YURf. N.t. FOR THE Tills renowned Institution IB situated on tl.o hlcb bluffs back of und overlooking tlio elty of Council lllnlTs. The spiclous grounds , Its high location nnd splendid \low. inaUo It n moit ploislng retreat for tlio allllcteci. A stall of eminent physluluns and a lurto corps of ex perienced nurses mln stor to tbo comforts of tbo patients. Special cure given to lady pa tients. Tor inn Moderate. 1'or purttcn ars apply to SST ! R SUPERIOR , Frank Sfce : - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , A. S/3T Teeth extracted In mornlnu .Sow oiieilni'ri'lnriur ( eon namuilay I'erfect lit liuar nnlccil ! iril Floor , Paiton Block. IGthnuelFnrnain Streets. Klarateirou Ittii HU TolopUono 105. UIUNQ THIS WITH YOU Just received a line line of RNGLJSH GOODS. PET FH Have removed from my old stind nnd now occupy the untlro lloor. Over nil ) Uroiul\vny , ( Council UhttTH. SOO-High ( Grade Pneuma tic. $125-33 Ib. Road Racers. 12.\oars oxporioncn , largest line of wheels in the wo't , see wholesale or retail Hounirlng dono.Vo can hnngo jour old sollcl tire to ft pneu matic. Send for cat iloguo. COL13 & COJv/3 , Council Bluffs , la. Solo Agents for Victor Ulcycles PAB.TIES BOOT Anheusor , 13udvvei oKaust ana Palo Hr.KRS , nil'IIMU Hri'LKl ) OR IN KKJ , e-an leave outers at No. 2H M un Siroot C'ouiic'lt 15lulT- , Iowa , o > ' Telephone - phone J-J. ! Uojasdahvo-ol nr > miUy. S ) LK AGICN'i' V FOU ANHEUSEK-BUaCH DUE WING ASS'N. , of ST. LOUIS. ' 9C ? ITS' . JOHN DOHANY MANAGER. EXTRA nNClAGKMKNr FOR One Nig-lit Only Wednesday March 22. I'roscutlns the 1' inioiis mid Successful Sitlrlcal 'omody. SUI'POUTnD UY HOWAS.U COVENEY. I'lUC-nS I'llMe. . T" e and f 1 00 oats on snio , baulnnln ? MOH 1 iv mornlnz ai U o clock , ut boiler's drug Bturo , Opnr i llonso bloelv. Dohany's Theatre SWEEf slNGER , Charles A , Gardner , In His Tyrolean Comedy Under tbo Mannzoincnt of SIDNEY R. ELLIS. NEW SONGS ENTIRE. Tyrolean Quartette ! Special Scenery ! March 23 Thursday , , Prices 25o , 50o , T5o niiel 81.00. Sotit * on Sulo nt Mo/lor' * 1'hnrin uuy Dohany's Theatre SUNDAY MARCH 26. WINSOME I OSAJSEIL I OS B SOl In the sre itest of all realistic plnys I'rosonted with all Its scenic tnti MHICQI Eiiecis , lelulrliiK ! t\\o cars In transportation WITH 1'IH-llfo llku ratlin id sccnos. Mein- slor Iron locomotive , ( suo\\ plow , AM ) ' 1IIB CANNOW BALL TRA5N IK ) foot loiu 1-1 t foot htzli. crosslns tbo stage In flvu seconds Pllicns TicSIP. . and l" > o boats on sulo Sut- urclay utboiiui'a uli irm icy. COUNCIL Prof. Joliij p. tbo noto'l sclent st. will lecture , Y MAItC''IirtTII \ , The Harp of tlie Senses. ts.Vri/rtOAV M AltCH.TiTll. . Electricity , ITS NATUItK AND I'OSSIWILITIKS Miicnllkently lllusiritod with tbo fetOTOp- tleon and r.\u"rlmenl8 , , _ i AIULT ) Wo Tickets at Hart's Jewelry storo. r , Omaha's Ne//331 Hotel COR. 12TH AMD IIQiVAiU U ) . ( C Itooms nt f . ' .VI par < l ir (01 ooma alHUJ pjr iltr tOltromi tritli Ilatli at II J ) pirlir IDltoonu with Hutu nUliMu il ) ) j > r Ur A.UGUST 1st Moclurn tn KVPIV Hoiixrt. .Ni5 l > I'lirnlilinil Thrnn ; tout C. S. ER3. Prop. Tlio tily hotel In ttie c ty with hot and co d w n tor an < ! sio uu hu it In every r u u labioanJ ( lining too u sort .co untmrpusiol BATES $2.50 TO $4.00. Sceclal rate-son application B. SILUOWAY , Prop. NEfnfOUSDISORD RS KBfarBI U U'l ' tJ Anil iul th'j train of KVIIa VMC4K.SI > Ki DKIIIM I'V 1.1" Unt uu company Hi mi In men ( Jl U KIV ami 1 * II.MA- .S'KM'I.V CLIIIII ) Hill tilltKNIJ I'll imrt tone glrrn tourerr partof the body 1 will tun 1 ( u urely pacneil ) t UK 1C to nny ultarcr tlio praicrl p tlon that cured mucf thciu troublui. Atldreu. A. UllADLU V UXTTLK ClltlK , MICU. Architects , Surveyors , Contractors We have a full supply of JVlathe- rnatlcal istruTnc-ptaj Qj-aw- 1719 papey-a , Tfaci-pg Clothj tprapsltS ) podSj Cliai-psj liev- els , fpapcsj SqunpaSj Illus- tratcei Catalogue five. J14 South 15th Streat , to i : . /Jii'J'Otol'IOKV. . UA/A//.1. XKIi. Capital $100,000 Surplus . $155,000 oniccrnnnd Dlrocton llonrr VV. Yilsi , itJil l i II C' fuuhliiit , vloj praillJii , ei s it i uioj .V. / Moreo John r ) Collliu J N il. I'llrloi. I.J.ill i lived , ( .ashler THE IRON BANK. liwovaJ SifJl1 Elavjhr * - KIMBALL BROS. MAIIA orricn ion DOPQIAS STHECI ? Cor Otb St , and 11 Avc Council HlnlTs. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORK All kinds of Dyulu ; anil Ole inliu done In film hlk'licst style of tlio nrt. I'.iloJ iin.1 t ilnod fulirlui ina'lo ' to lojl : as uoo I as no 7. \Noric ] ) roinptly done an I dollvorol In all parts of the country , bend for piled Hat. C. A. MAGHAN , Proprietor. Ilccuelwur. near Nortliwcstoru > o ot , Co no/7 HI if it , tn GO TO A Specialist If yon are suffering . If yon are hulToilru with cold In tlio head , catarrh , oiirjelic , Uemfnoss or ( HsclinrttoH front the cars ; If jon are snllurliu with ellsoasoH ot the thro it. DR. NH. \ . CHAMB RLIN Is a competent and rolluli esp iclallst In catarrh und clNo ihex of tlio oyo. o ir and tluo it. Olllco over HOMO A. Co's store. Council UleilN , Iowa Special BLUFrJ 1.IH SAIjK Full tct of tlino tooh , Knoiloondl * lion n bargain Inrjulru of im : | > klo SUiiK'urt llnnlware < o Council lllutls G40.\CHHS In Daw-ton countr. Neb nt W Cl ! ) In rrontl r KM ImiirovuU ut acres In tint- fnlo county. (17 V ) ejaut HJ tbruj mllui Iroia Illociiiilnntnn , rrnnklln conn'JJ 1'JJJ ' otliir ( arms for Halo Juhmlu i , v Vim t'atton , ICQ icitt ! wall improvoil furn In lown nt Hi < U3 iicron Improreil tl > ( iinlm uuil fruit fur-ii near Council illultn , C/J bplunlll tilncru furiri riuar eicnw : oil tt > 1 anm u'xriluii uuJ trult Uudi fjr kale Jolinatun .V Vun Pattjn 1. ) ll KKN I' l.nriie 10 room liouso with ull modoro lnipruTuinont > on I'm k avuuiu * . tij per munth. 8 room IKIUIO nltU irooil burn , now , Hi par month , 1 Inroln uTcnuc ruiir cottRKo lie ma > In Twin t'ltr 1'laco , near Kcjs llroj' factory , ( I per innnth oich 5 room cottuKcion'lliIrit uvonuo , north of tranf fir III p r month & -ru m coravi'on AvenimP , noir SOt'i itrejt.ti l > er month Apnl > lo I. . II. Oclull , .So 1 , llaliliTlq LlocL , t'ouncll iilu n. A\\NTKU e.lrl for Konnrnl houtcvrork. II. 1 * . it e Dilution , 2IIU bill nvunuti. GMlltVeiKremoVeil ceiiposia TaMlU , clllinneji tlunnol Well prup.irj.t for Ilu wjrk. UJ llurko city bulldliu IIlAV'K a Hruj list of pnjmlIrnjirovoil ami unlmprovul for lie In all pirU ot thu cltr. niontof It nt iow prlcai. io-njofli vorruluap. if you Hiluk of biiyln ( onu ami 1133 what I cin otieryon It miy aT9 you nuiuy. II. e ; . MoJee , .So lu Muln itrodt T l > JUDSi.V. clrll cii'lnoir Illuo prlnti of Ij.r.mncli Illuti nuU all HI ) lltlunii nlio pauuraua furiJU liuad uf > toclc U.MUlli iivunue , * t'0 ' A' UK farm In oilor county , Nebraika , nil In Joulllvnllcm t.'J'iO par aero t-lr > lcla city pruporly to nichnnk'u for KUOI laml Komi ui do- trlpilon of tlio land > oi. have tu oiler , Jobnitou .V Van rattan AUSI U MTM und leant K rm an 1 city propirtr bouiflit ana lolJ IMtay A. I'liouiu , Council lllun. MODIIIt.V rpelclenco , outheattern Ni'liraikiti founcll lllun * lot nnilll ucru faun ; i'xcli ni ; all for Council luulli rctliicnc * . Addreij M. U. it. VYarucrvllIo , .Scb. '