2 TIIK OMAHA DAILY HKK : \ v .SATURDAY , MA1UMT Irt , \VORR \ OF THE LEGISLATURE St. Patriok'a ' Day Oolobratstl by Doing a Lot of Work in tbo House , REBUKE TO SHERIDAN AND HIS BACKERS llnvilntlon nivl-Umln ; ; nn linpntcit KM- ilnntoinrnt Adiiplcd-Mmiy IIIIU I'nmieil illni Kjiif r Oinurod liy ttin Ciitninlttce -ltlclictt' Civil Itlglita lllllMKiicd , I.tscoi.x , Neb. , March 1" . [ Special Tolo- Krain to Tun Ilnr. . ] Slljw of prccn ribbon ndorncd many n breast In the house of rcpro- scnmtlvcs this morning , but that was nil that Indicated it was the day dedicated to Ireland's patron saint. The members were In a humor for the transaction of business , r jd the speaker was kept as busy as nn auc tioneer crying a sale. Resolutions eulogistic of the memory of the deceased member , Mr. farrell , were passed and It was ordered that the salary for the full term ho paid to his widow. The greater part of the session was de voted to the report of standing committees. The following hills wore reported on : Ilouso roll No. HB , by Mcrrick , to amend ( icctlon liOS of the Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska of 1MI1 ; Indelinitely postponed. House roll No. ill I , by Loeltner , to rorulato the manner of voting for directors at cor porate elections ; Indefinitely postponed. House roll No. il'JO , by Lulkart , to amend section nun , chapter Ix , of the Consolidated Statutes of the State of Nebraska entitled Corporations ; " indefinitely postponed. Honso roll No. iiSl , hy Kcckley , to amend chapter Ixiv. of the general laws of the state of Nebraska of 1887 , entitled "An Act to Provide Security to the Public Against Errors. Omission and Defects in Abstracts of Titles to Heal Kstate and for the Use of Ab stracts in Evidence" and providing u penalty for the violation thereof ; placed on genera Jlle. ' . House roll No. 412 , by lihodcs , to amend section illO of chapter vll. of the Consolidated Statutes of ISUI , entitled "Chattel Mort gages , " and to repeal said section Ulfij in- dcllnltcly postponed. House roll No.tii'J. . by Nnson. to amend sec tion Ml Aof the Code of Civil Proccdurcnnd to repeal salU section ; Indefinitely post poned. House roll No.118 , hy Cain , to amend sec tions ! ) , -C21 , 'M'.a and ; i,4BI : of the Consolidated .Statutes of IS'JI , and to repeal said original sections ; Indefinitely postx | > nod. Hon iM-oll No. KB1 , by Nason , to amend sec tion 7" , of an act entitled an act "Incorpor ating Metropolitan Cities , " and defining , regulating and prescribing their duties , powers and government , approved March ! ! 0 , 3SS7 , or as subsequently amended and to re peal said section 7U as heretofore existing ; placed on general flic. Senate Illo No. Ill , to amend subdivision xv of section Cfl of article i of chapter xiv , Compiled Statutes of 1SVJ , and to repeal said original section ; placed on general tile. Senate Illo No. 48 , by Or.iy. to amend sec tion : ilf)7 , chapter xxxix of the Consolidated Statutes at Nebraska ol IS'.M , relating to the duties of ' ' of Deeds" 'Registers anil to re peal said original section and to provide a penalty for the violation of this act ; placed on general Ille. Senate Illo No. So , by Pope , legalizing the Consolidated Statutes of IS'Jl ; indefinitely postponed. Senate file No. fiO , by Moore , to amend sec tion ! I'J18 , Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska of 1801 , relating to notaries public ; placed on general filo. Senate lile No. 191 , by Mullen , to amend section .V-O'.i , of the code of civil procedure of 18U1. and to repeal section 5,20.1. alsoG.'JIO and fi.mi as they now exist in the Consol idated statutes Nebraska of the year of 3801 ; ordered engrossed for third reading. The committee on legislative manuals made its icport that MKJ of the books would be sufficient. Jfi'biiku to Shcridiiii. The following resolution was Introduced bySodermnn : Without entering Into the merits or demerits of tlio pursunnl encounter but n ecu Sheridan , liuMnvutcr.and KOKKCII , wo , as rcpresuntutlvus of tbo pi'onla , do hereby express our dis- iiprovnl of plnciii u lloml tribute upon a inciu- IKT'H desk as a mark of sanction of such con duct. duct.This This precipitated a row and members aprnngto their feet for recognition. Casper did not propose to espouse other men's quarrels , and would keep his nose out l > y not .voting. McKesson made a motion to table Sodcr- man's resolution , and it was lost. The vote on the resolution received only a few votes. Howe and others asked members to refrain from voting , ns the difficulty oc curred outside the legislative halls , and the request was almost unanimously compiled with. Sodennnn , in explaining his vote , said : "I know that matters pertaining to a row out side in the corridors have no right to intrude themselves on the atten tion of this house , but the placing of floral tributes on a member's desk for slapping his fellow man in the face Is a Minnie and disgrace to this legislature. Wo Jinvo no right to allow this as lawmakers , and wo should express our disapproval of nny such n thing. Mr. Speaker , 1 insist on every member voting. They should show their colors , and not bo cowardly and hide behind the pretext of not voting. " IIu Shoiruil HIM Slinnio. While Sodcrman was talking ho looked across the hull toward Sheridan and that worthy winced visibly. Ho know that the eentlnicnt of the respectable portion of the liouso condemned his method of righting his fancied grievances , and lie quietly slid down behind the withering ( lowers that told him that ho had at least the sympathy of the Dorgan collusionlsts on the Hoard of Public Lands and Buildings. .lust before the noon recess Sheridan sent lip a written apology for his action of yester day , It was very brief , and set forth the fact that , realizing that his conduct was not micli as should come from the occupant of a public position , and had tended to cause ad- vtM'so comment on the entire house , and without entering1 into a discussion of the causes that led to It , ho desired to thus pub licly apologia ) . The apology was ordered spread upon the rcconis nf the house and the noon recess was than ordered Other IIIIU on ruMMKC. The afternoon session was devoted to the passage of the bills. The following were juisscd : House roll No. 278. by Lingenfcltcr , for the 1-ollof of fc'cotts UlnlT county. Nebraska , and to appropriate * 7,4U."j 71 ! to said county , by a vote of 07 to 10. House roll No. 210 , by Sutton , to amend section 2CCi ; of the statute relating to grad- inp , by n vote of C > 0 to 0. House roll No. 12'by Cornish , to amend section 277 nf the Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska for 1MU , by a vote of Oil to 3. House roll No. 140 , by Sisson , to amend section 4,247 of the Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska entitled "Public ITiiunccs , " by a vote of 71 to 2. House roll No. 120 , by Ames , to provide for a state board of arbitration , und fixing the duties thereof , was recommitted to the committee for the purpose of substituting ticnato Illo No. 4'J , which provides for the name thing , and has already been passed by the ipper house. Ilouso roll No. 101 , hy Watson , 'to amend section lil of title Iv of the Cede of Civil 1'roccduro failed to secure the ncccssarv llf tyone votes , and did not pass. House roll No. USO , by CJullln , to repeal sec tion ! ! 0 of chapter lx.\ill , Annotated Statutes of 1SOI ( by Wheeler ) entitled "Heal Estate" and to legalize acknowledgements and oaths licrotoforo taken and administered by com missioners of deeds , passed by u vote of 57 to 83. ( liillln A llttlo tilt , between Howoand the speaker occurred before the roll was called. The Jatter called attention to the fact that when the bill was before the committee of the whole It was charged that the measure was n vicious one and was drawn In the Interest of Omalm parties. U had been stated that Chief .lusti.-o Maxwell declared It to bo a vicious bill. Ho wanted to say that ho had waited on the chief justice und had boon as sured that It Was not a vicious bill and that o.VtMn purls * of It , at least , ouglsl to become This put Howe on the defensive. He said ho had declared tbut bill to bou ridou * ono on the authority of .tudgp Maxwell , and that It was now n question of veracity ) > > > twrrn hlmxolf mid the speaker and ho was of thn opinion that ho would ntuck up n * wall In that respect an would the ( .residing officer. Moilrrinnii Hcnrrd n Point. Sodcrnmn retrained from voting on the bill , ami when Oakloy , who wn * In the chair , Insisted on his voting , the gentleman from Phelps declared that a precedent was estab lished nt the morning session that would allow him to remain without voting. This reference to the action of members of the house In refusing to vote on hit resolu tion condemning the Sheridan floral tribute called forth applause. CifTord picked up one of the vases of flowers , which had been on Sheridan's desk , and took U across the hall and deposited It on Sherman's desk , while several of the members again applauded. Sherman galni'd recognition by the chair to say that his ac tion In refraining from voting was not because - cause ho desired revenge for the ruling made nt the morning session , but because ho ilia not know enough about the measure to vote on It intelligently. He Insisted , moreover , that he had not slapped any one In the face , and picking up the vase of flowcis carried It ind dciKJsltcd it on the chief clerk's desk. Itlflirtlt , ' Civil ItlKlllH Illll. A communication was received from the governor stating that ho had signed the senate bill which was substituted for Hick- ells' civil rights bill , and the members ap plauded out of regard for Hickctts. House roll No. W ! , by Watson , to amend section 4A" > of the Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska , relating to insurance companies , failed to pass with an emergency clause , and It was allowed to go over for a day in order that the constitutionality of the hill might bo inquired into. 'I ho bill is designed to allow companies Insuring live stock to do business In the state. House roll No. 411 , by Smith of Holt , to prohibit the palo of school lands , failed to pass , the vote resulting 21 to W. House roll No. 43) ) , by Furnsworth , to more definitely describe the boundary of Kcya Palm county , passed by a vote of 71 to 0. House roll .No. 4'J.I , by Jenkins , to prohibit the manufacture , sale , keeping for sale , giv ing or furnishing to any person cigarettes or the material for their composition , and to provide a penalty for the violation of tbo law , passed b.v a vote of 7.1 to 1. Van Duyu alone voting no. J'or the I'criminmt Itivi * tliitl ( > ii. The committee on finance , ways and means reported In favor of the passing of No. W , appropriating $10,000 to push the investigation of state institutions by n com mittee of three , consisting of K. J. Hall ( dem. ) of Grand Island , C. 13. Pierce ( rep. ) of Pawnee City and Prof. W. A. Jones ( Ind. ) of Hastings , said committee to report to the governor their findings. The rc-jwrt was adopted. Tbo committee thus appointed is non- narliMin and will continue the Investigation of all state officials and institutions after the legislature has adjourned. This appropriation is not the same as tha which was set apart for the use of the govt ernor in prosecuting the thieves after the- conunittcc has secured the evidence. .SocloMl It to ColiiiH'l liynrr. The special committee appointed to inves tigate Into the conduct of Representative Ky- ner submitted the following report : Your committee nppalntpd In compliance with a resolution of the Kith Insi. tn inquire into tbo charge that a member < > t tliN house so far forgot lilm-clf us lo Insult a female em ploye of tills bouse , sis well us other employes , uml to loport Its Undines , box luavo to submit tin' following : Yourrominlttt'oaftovh.'ivlnjourefully exam ined several witnesses llnd that on the. loib hist , bul\veon 5 und 0 o'clock ! > m. , Mrs. N. ,1. loul- ! ware , u.sslstunt postmustor of this bouse , liumlcd u loiter beurlng iv special delivery slump and tnurkcd " 4 cents pustu u due , " to Mr. .lames II. U'ynor , ono of the representatives from DoiiKlus county. Mr. Kynor roeolvod tbo letter and demanded lo know why tliu posta' o due was required ; also , notlclm ; the spi'elul delivery slump , Inquired why the letter bud not been delivered sooner. I'pon belm ; Informed that It bad Iecu received within the last few min utes , wbllo tlio a.ss'stunt postmaster was uliino In tliu nlllce .ind benco could not leuve It , bo , tbo mid Kynor , became excitedly anKi'y und Used IUIIKUUKO both profane : iml Indecent un.il wholly untiL'tumin a pontlcmun und a member or ibis house , and loturnod the letter. Unlit for I'libllralion. Tbo language used , In Ibo opinion of your commit toe.-wassuch ; that It should not bo re peated In this report. Your committee also llmls that the follow ing morning t bo said Kynor paid tbo 4 cents duo und received the letter , whereupon lie 10- iiinvod hl.s mmry , profuno and Indecent lunsniiKc , applying It to both tliu postmaster und bis u.s.sl.siunt. Still contlmilriK In lit- > iiiiKontlunmnly conduct after tliu postmaster bud left , Kricllo Fountain , one of the. IKWS nf the house , look up tbo matter In bebnlr of tbo assistant postmaster. The said Kynor then seized and threatened tbo boy , but was pre vented from dolni ? nny Injury to him by A. S. Cooley , another member of tlilbboitsc. lleneo your committee Is of tin ; opinion that the said limcs : Kyner .should npolnclzo In u public milliner to tbo postmaster , Mr. N.V. . Ituss , to Ills assistant , Mrs. N. .1. lUmhvare , and to tin ) piKe ; , Muster Kildlo Fountain , who so nobly took tliu part of Ibo lady , for his unxontlc- munly conduct and Indecent and profutm ItiiiKUtiKO , and stand reprimanded by this house until bo ( lees so upolo lio. .1. I' . VAN HOU.SKX , JOSKl'll ItUII.NS , HK.MIV K Itnoims , Committee. A motion to adopt the report called forth an overwhelming response ot ayes , and a call for those opposed did not elicit a response. Just as the speaker was about to declare the result of the vote , Goss of Douglas secured recognition and said that It was u very serious matter. Ho asked con sent of the house to allow It to go over for ouo day , and it was so ordered. Another Spcchil Inquiry. Cess then offcred.tho following resolution : Whereas , Serious Insinuations and charges have been made In tbo public press und In affidavits Bravely nnVcting tbo honor and reputation of cortaln members of tills house In lolatlon to the insurance bill known us liouso roll No. iS7 ; and Whet-ens , It l.s proper that tbo Riillty bo punished und the Innocent acquitted from sus pense ; tboioforo , bo It Uosolvrd. That this wbolo matter bo re ferred , for u Ihorouuli Investigation , to the In vuntliratliiK commit tcohorotofoiouppol nlod , run-listing of Messrs. McKesson , Ouspor und Stevens , and said committee is hereby au- tliorl/ed to tulioovldenco , to .send for persons and p\pers : and do all other acts necessary to curry Into full force ami clVec.1 the purposes of tills resolution. ( loss moved the adoption of the resolu tion. lical movon to table , but the amend incut was defeated. The members of the o'd ' bribery investigating committee pro tested against having any more work forcei : upon them , claiming that they had done their duty in that direction , and ought to bo allowed to look after thcli owti bills from this time forward. The resolution was then amended so ns to allow a now committee to do the work , am ! it carried by a vigorous viva voce vote Sheridan standing in the-aisle , with an ex pression on his face that Indicated his wonder whether tlio resolution was no1 aimed in liis direction and heavily loaded. The speaker named Van Houscn , Kecklej and Olson as the special committee to confci with the1 senate commltleo relative to Una adjournment , and the house then adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning , after ar unsuccessful cITort hud been made to carry the adjournment over until Monday. IN TIM ; HK.V.VTK. Maximum Itnte Hill .Hudo n Special Order fur xt Tupmlny Altvrnunn. LINCOLNeb. . , March IT. [ Special to Tun DKB.I The senalo conllnecl Itself strictly to business this forenoon. President Correll again occupied thcchtilr. Immediately after roll call and the reading of the journal. Sena tor Mullen called up tlio report of the rail- mad committee on house roll No. 83. the maximum freight ratn hill , anil moved Its adoption. This report makes the hill n spe cial order for Tuesday , March 21.- Senator Lobeok moved as an amendment Unit senate illo No. 213 , Stewart's maximum rate bill , be made a special order for the same date. lie , afterwards withdrew the motion. Senator Kgplciton offered an Amendment placing house roll No. S3 on the general me. The senate declined to make this disposition of the bill. The ayes nnd nays were then demanded on Mullen's motion to adopt the report of the committee , nnd the report was agreed to by a vote of 27 to 5. The senators who voted against the adoption of the report vrcro Kfcleston , Graham , Hale , Mattes and North. Hoports were received from standing com mittees as follows : Hcimto Hie No. 211 , by Paekvood , to pro vide for the levy , assessment and collection \ of tnxos In cnsM where nn lultiiictlnn hm hoon ' docrec'd ntfiiltut tin1 levy or nmas.'irtrnt nml colli'ftloii of tax on hcrotoforo levied ttiul nispsspil. iitnl to ilcclnrn nn < l enforce the llu- bllltj1 of ralliimit rorimmtlons u'ltU'i1 tholnws of the Ktnto In tvflpri-t to such tax05vns , upon reroinniPiultillon of HIP jutlli'lnry com- inlttno , liidollnltcl.v | iostixmotl. Sonnto Illo No. SIU. b.v Wcolt. lo provltkt for clerk of the I'onntj court In coiintlrii hnvlnff ever 10 , ( > < )0 ) poiiulutlon , and to provide for iiBslatants for county itulRTO In such eoun tlos , wiw ivc'i.minuniled for imsanita. Scniito liltNo. . i'lri. by Kc-ott , convcnilng criminal cases In county courts , was reConi- tnondMl for iMssngi1. Thr committee on judiciary roportoil tluit it had ctirofully oxiiinlned the resolutions offered lust wool : by Seiulor Ixl > ock relative to the piiyinont of contest oxponsoH mid hud found them to bo In proper fornu Thny were reported to the sennto for further notion. Soinn lillli I'iisnil. A number of hoiiso rolls \vero rend the II ret time. Bills were tlion read the third time and passed as follows : St'tiiito Illo No. 210 , by Smith , to amend the statutes relating to stirot railways. Ilouso roll No. ST8.to provide for the elec tion of a commandant of the Soldiers and Ballots home at Grand Inland. Senate Illo No. 1TO. uy liverott. providing hat any warrant drawn after 8i ! per cent of ho amount levied for the year Is exhausted ml where there iiro i-o funds In the irons- iry for the payment of the same , shall not ic charReable against the county , but may 10 collected by civil action from the county mard making the same , or nny member hereof. When senate Illo No. 103vrts reached It ivas discovered that the oimetlng clause had been omitted. The nenato went into com mittee of the whole and corrected the error ind the bill was again sent to the printer. The committee on municipal affairs re torted u number of bills , which were placed in the general ille. A motion by Senator TofTt directing the secretary of state to supply for the use of Lho senate iUO ! copies of the printed roster of inion soldiers now llvliitf in Nebraska was am ml to. Senator Mattes precipitated n vigorous discussion by offering a motion directing the secretary of state to notify the publisher low at work on the evidence taken in the > enitontlnry cruelty investigation to suspend work until the findings upon the evidence taken last evening could be made up. Sena tors Mattes and Teilt favored the motion and claimed that an injustice had been denote to a citizen of the state ( referring to Warden nlloii ) In the former report. The com- nlttco heard testimony last evening , they 'laimed , which would very materially change the report. Senator Harris vigorously opposed the motion and denounced the whole proceed ings as an effort on the part of several mem bers of the committee to whitewash the penitentiary ofllcials and turn the investiga tion Into a farce. The motion was flnallv agreed to and the senate took a recess until 2 o'clock. Hills Itvcommcndi'd. Immediately after the senate had con vened Senator McCarty moved that the sen ate go into committee of the whole to con sider senate tile No. 1'JS. Senator Dysart of fered an amendment making the order to simply include bills on general illo. Senator Gray offered an amendment to the amendment providing that each senator have the privilege of calling up one bill and Advancing it to the head of the lile. * Senator TclTt moved to lay the matter on the table and demanded a call of the senate. The doors were closed and after several in effectual attempts to raise the call all mo tions and amendments were withdrawn and the senate went Into committee of the whole on the general tile. Semite Ille No. 1SI , b.v Correll , to provide for the payment of outstanding road district warrants and to liquidate all indebtedness against road districts , was recommended for passage. Senate file No. Wi , by Campbell , to tax real estate mortgages , was indefinitely post poned by a vote of 17 to 1- after an Interest ing and somewhat animated discussion. Senator Everett led oft with the statement that the passage of the bill would make it al most impossible for Nebraska farmers to borrow money from eastern money owners. Senator North said that such A law would practically conllscato the mortgaged prop erty of the state , for the owners would never be able to renew their loans. Senator Darner opposed the bill. Ho knew the money lenders would contrive to make the borrower pay the tax in addition to the interest. Ho believed the farmers of Nebraska would bo much better off if all usury laws were repealed. Senate illo No. W , by Pale , instructing Ne braska's representatives in congress to vote against the repeal of the Sherman silver purchase act , was recommended for uassago by a vote of 17 to 12 without debate. Senate file No. 32 , by Thomscn , amending the road laws , was recommended for passage without opposition and without debate. Senate Ille No. 0' ) , by J'ackwood , authoriz ing school districts with less than 5,000 , of assessed valuation to levy u higher rate of tax for school purposes , was recommended for passage. Senate Ille No. 105 , by Pnckwood , author izing anv owner of personal property in mak ing up the amount of credits , for the pur poses of assessment , to deduct from the gross amounts the amount of all bonn ildo debts owing by such person , was after a desultory discussion indollnitoly postponed. Senate tile No. SO , by Stewart , to pro vide for the payment of a bounty for the destruction of wild animals , was recom mended for passage. Senate ille No. 17 , by Dysart , providing for the election of presidential electors by con gressional districts , was recommended for passage and the committee rose. Atter adopting the several reports of the committee of the whole the senate ad journcd. i'Eiiso\.i L I'.i President Clark of the Union Pacific is confined to his hotel with a cold. .T. II. Mullen , u leading business man of Grand Island , in the city and called ut Tim BEE ofllce. Charles S. Bridge of the llrm of Birchard , Bridge & Co. , Norfolk , made Tin : Bnn a call yesterday. General Freight Agents Crosby and Mun- roe uro on their way homo from the Cali fornia meeting , the latter by way of Port land. land.Major Major .T. D. Kluetsch , publisher of the Lincoln Freio Presse , called upon Tun BEE yesterday. F. W. Ober , John Hazleton' , Physical Di rector Henry and G. S. Ynugor. left yester day for Blair to attend the state meeting ol the Young Men's Christian association. The condition of General Brooke , who Is confined to his house with a severe cold , did not appear to bo much improved yesterday Dr. Bneho says there are unmistakable ovi deuces of pneumonia in the ease , althougli the symptoms arc not of an alarming nature Lieutenant Commander Sullivan of the Central Pacific squadron , accompanied by his wife , went through Omaha last night on the way to Washington. They paid Tin * BEK a very pleasant visit in company with Mr. D. .T. Farrell , Jr. , who served in the nnv ; under Lieutenant Sullivan. Mayor Bcmis has received from Citizen George Francis Train u largo photographic likeness of his friend. It is ono of the mos perfect pictures of Citizen Train that has over been taken and Is true to life. At the bottom of the photograph is written : "To Mayor George P. Bemls. Pyseho regards to Omaha friends. Citizen Gcorgo Francis Train. " The mayor Is very much pleased with the photograph and it occupies a promt ncnt place over the desk In his private office At the Murray : W. J. Lawrence , Horton Kan. j S. Goldstein , St. Louis ; B. D. Samson II. Howard , Dos Mollies ; M. Simon , Nccnah Wis. ; F. L. Bent. Denver ; U. O. Libby Boston ; O. H. Jeffries. Avocn , la. ; Ed Wllley Qulncy , III. ; A.J.Wilson , Chicago ; Henrj Anhclsar , II. D. Nash , Frank Ciivelll , M Strutton , New York : A. J. Twlstr. Evans ville , Ind. At tno Mercer : J. A. Robinson , St. Louis F. S. Cartwright , Fort Wayne ; C. II. Palmer Chicago ; A. H. Marshall , Belleville , ICan. Frank Baughman , Hook island ; J. B. Ave line , North Platte ; H. I1. Kloko , Wes PointS. ; G. Bryan , Ashland ; I. W. Akin DCS Molnes ; Fannie Matthews , DCS Molnes Mrs. J. M. Slusher. Holdrego ; L. Tlnkol Holyoke , Colo. ; K. W. Grant , Beatrice. CHICAGO , 111. , March 17. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] Nebraska arrivals Grand Pacific M. L. Learned , Omaha Great Northern II. Blumcnthal , Fremont U. O. Sims , Omaha , Hiehclluu F. J Robertson. Miss Taylor , Kearney. Auditor lutu C At. IClIIngwood , Lincoln. Palmer J , E. Kiloy.Oira'ia. PAYING DEARLY FOR HIS FUN 'Bquiro ' Ablngilon is Dying in How Orleans from Paoumonia < OUTCOME OF IfUE LATE GIG FIGHT lit * Caught Cold ' nnd lit Unli'M Corner AK- Enivated It by UN linn Around with tliuT yM No Hnpo or IIU llt't'ovrry. Nnw Oiu.nA.vs , La. , March 17. George A. Bird , hotter known as ' "SqulroAblngdon , " Is In a very critical state and his death Is ex pected ut any moment. ICvcr since the day Mitchell and Mail left the city the "squire has been conllncd to his bed at the hotel. Dally his condition has grown worse. At first it was believed that ho was suffering from a heavy cold , which he contracted when ho seconded Jim Hall In his light with Fltzsitnmons. H .cvclopetl . shortly Into pneumonia and ilgh fever followed. For two days he has con delirious and scarcely cats any food. 'oday Urs. Miles and Fetch held a eonsulta- lon , but nothing was agreed upon and they vlll hold another tomorrow. Dally cables arc sent to the 'squlro's 'rlcnds In Knglnnd , stating every change in lis condition. Mitchell has b en telegraphed it Buffalo andho hu : sent word that ho will bo in Now Orleans Monday. The 'squire has been unwell for months , nit never seriously ill. Today ho had a bad turn and up to midnight bo was In the same . oniatoso condition. The 'squire , slneo his irrlval In this cliy has been leading a life of dissipation , and since Hall's defeat ho "mrdly went to bed until ho broke down in icnlth. A physician is nearly all the time nt his bedside and the best of attention is s'ivcn the sick sportsman. There Is little : iopo for his recovery. .Mitchell Hears tlio NOWH. BITFAI.O , N. Y. , March 17. "Fight in Buffalo ? " said Charlie Mitchell to a re porter tonight , "why , my dear boy there islet lot a place on the face of the earth whore I , vould rather light than Buffalo. " Mitchell and .Mm Hall arrived in Buffalo Lonight from the west on their way to Now York. When Mitchell rcgistercii tit the hotel the clerk handed him n telegram. It was from the valet of his friend , Squire iVbingdon , and read : Mr. AhliiKdon Is suioly dylnw. Tbroo physl- liuis at a consultation ever him. You had bolter come Immediately. Mitchell was vcrv much depressed over the bad news , and during the rest of the evening talked of but little else than his sick friend. 'I'm feeling pretty blue tonluht , " said Mitchell , "for the best friend I have on nirth Is dying nnd 1 am not with liim. 'Squire Ablngdon is my backer. Ho Is an English gentleman and has no end of money. Ho cnmo over with me , and I am afraid that , ! will have to go back without him. 'Squire Abingdon is a sports man. Ho has a lively interest In everything in the line of sport. , Ho is well known in England and tliu news of his illness will be regretted there. " ' ' " Mow IJo't'onU SIclc. Asked what wit's ° the cause of Squire iVbingdon's sickness , ' Mitchell said : "He lias been troubled\yith asthma for years. When Hall and FU/simmons fought he went into the ampithcatbr" lightly clad. Ho was in Hall's corner. Ho was in a draught and ho caught ' cold , but it dia not seem to , bo anything serious : ind wo paid no attention to it. Then it got so bad that ho liad'to'stay in his room. It developed into pneumonia , I guess. When I cnmo away hoviti' \ not very sick , but the telegram I got tonight tells mo that there lias been a consultation of physicians , and I am Inclined to thinljt Ls , all over with the 'squire. Ho was goinglo meet us in Now York and we were all to sail for England to gether. " ' Are yon goint : to England soon ? " "It all depends now on the outcome of my friend's sickness. Wo were going to sail in a few days. In any event I won't bo in this country much longer. There are some details - tails of the light 1 want to get settled and then I will sail and won't come back until I como back to tram , " "So you will train hero ? " Sumo Conllilont Charlie. ' Oh , yes , I shall train in this country. I can't say how soon I shall como over , though. It depends n good deal en the selection of the place for the flpht. " "You and Sullivan arc friends now , nro you not ? " "Yes , John and I have shaken hands and wo are the best of friends. I am very grate ful to Sullivan for what ho has done for mo lately. It nas chanced the fcclintr of tlio people toward me. T know perfectly well that Americans had not much use for Charles Mitchell , but since the Sullivan episode I can see that all that Is changed and that they don't feel toward mo as they did. " "How do you account for the easy defeat of Hall by Fitzslmmons ! " "Hall was not lit by ten pounds. He was too fat. Ho had an idea that If he was fat ho was strong , and when ho got through with the third round ho was tired. I am confident that I , can take Hall and train him so that ho will ho in condition to whip any man of his class in the world. Ho is a great lighter. " Mitchell would not say a word about Cor- belt. Ho refused to talk about his own chances. Ho suld thcro was going to bo a fight and that was all there was to It. FOL'OIIT AT JUCAINAIU ) . Jack Sweeney r.osrs to.Ilni McCoy on n I'oul in tlio I'lrth. VALPAIIAISO , Neb. , March 17. [ Special Telegram to THE Bnn. ] This morning be tween the hours of fl50 : and 7 In the opera house at Bralnard , Jim McCoy of South Omaha and Jack Sweeney of St. Louis met in a twenty-four foot ring , Marquis of Quccnsbury rules , ami fought live rounds. Sweeney winning by a foul. McCoy was backed by Gcorgo Robinson and Sweeney by Fleming , bolh of South Omaha. The fight was for J-00 a side and the money according to the rules went to McCoy. Only about twenty-live witnessed the affair , as they did not arrive in tlio town until about 3 in the morning. The mootUip was arranged to bo at Valparaiso , and'tRijDura | ) house was en gaged , but the now's had spread of their coming , and the village trustees took the matter in hand and prevented the light going elf here , so the party took a freight train at about ! i o'clock and Tvpnt to Bralnard. Quito a number of sjxjrts were hero from David City , Bralnarcf , ' , Lincoln and South Omaha , ns well as bC\Vnil | commercial men who had made It an object to get hero on that date. j SpnrlcH oi Spurt. Bobby Caruthers ha ? enlisted with Undo Anson's "Old Guard" t Ms year. Ho signed yesterday. * It has finally been decided that Princeton will play the University of Pennsylvania at base ball this summer At the Tennessee ifrcjdorsassociation sale at Nashville yesterday 115 head fetched $11,900. The sale cotitAIdes today. Winners nt Now OvkVms yesterday : First , Aunlo Golden ; second , Sam Farmer ; third , Bobby Burns ; fourth , Beeswing ; fifth , Fitz slmmons. Winners at Guttcnburg yesterday : First , Pearl ; second , Mary S ; third , Brookdalo ; fourth , Detroit ; fifth , Wcstchcster ; sixth , Balbriggan. There is n possibility of Jack Dempsey meeting "Shadow" Malier , who recently de feated Danny Necdham , for $ 1,000 a side at Butte , Mont. It Is now given out that Johnny Grlflln's backers have deposited tha forfeit of Si/iOO to bind the match with Gcorgo DIxon. The dispute concerning weight has been ad Justed. MIke Mooney , who recently dickered un- sjccessfully for a match with Jack Me- Aullffc , has been matched to wrestle catch- as-iutch-can with Max Luttberg. Both men belong In St. Louis , Frink ITOS and John Roberts , the Fngllsh ' o tampion will play u match In London the Iii4t work In Mnv 'Hi'nro ' lo t > ln > 1,000 point * a tiny on n fotir picket , tixU KtnrlUh tnblc , two nntl oniM'lijhtli Inch bulls , oai-hmf- ( ornoon niut ovnnltiK during K drtjs , for * ' " 1"1 n sldo. toy H.vmpliony nt the 1-Mr.st aii oliuirli Mon'tliiy nnd Tutw ility ovoiiliijfs , Mut'i'h 20 nntl ll. ! THI.Kdll.l I'llIV Illtllil'X , DomiMtlp. ( * t. Patrick's clay wax nencnilly observed In all tlio lanru ellli-H of I IIP country yesterday. Tlio Icunllly of the Now .lor.scy racing lillU lll ho tested tn the Mipromn court of that state The Diamond SMiilo Hteol company of Dela ware has iirotiKiit still ainlnst thoi Animus I'UfH rnllwny fur-JlOO.OOOdnimiKOs. - I'athor JiiiniM 'I' . Colfey lias liven iippolnlod ylcnr Kcncrnlor St. l.o'uls In pluooof I'm her Hrnily , doeoiisod , by Archbishop Kcnrlek. The prospect for tlio early construction of llio Packet lilno railway alomr llio Itio ( it-nude from Laredo to Hrounsvllle , Tex. , Is Rood. The lm\or housoof tlio Mlnnosota loxislaturo has pUNsoii u hill provldlnit for thn hulldlmrof anowifj.oon.oooeaplloloii tlio present .slto. Senator HIM will visit Wellington next fall nnd ddlvor nn address Ixtfoi-o llic numml mooting of tlio ilPtniHTiitlc iwlely of that Mill ! ' . The drawl Hotel coiiitmny of Moxi.-o has boon orirnnlzod In Now York for the purpose of building n hotel In tlio City of Mexico. The cnpltal slock Is H'00,000. llm Ion C. Webster must serve Ills MMHPIIOO of nineteen \i-iirs Imprisonment for killing Clinrlos K. ( ioodwln tit the I'orclval Hats In rsow i ork ever a yeiir n o. ( loorco llnidcn ( colored ) was found ( tullty In ll Jllstlco court al Mexico , Mo. , yestorclnv of MiKinnry tind as ordered sold ut pnnlle uiii'tlon noxl Tui'ichiy aflornodii. llroii'.oii ' llouatd of Clilnmo will hrlnR suit for defaiiiiitlon of eliaiiich-r asialnst tlnxo people who have declared Unit hl.s play , "Arl.HtorriiryVIIHII iilmjlail.sni. A minor n.'iniod lloelimo purM | > ely exploded ten pounds of dynainllo yetiloidiiy in an Iron mine. In the llarz district , ( iornmnv. IIo and six other miners were lorn lo atoms. Contractor I'ranU Aisnew has astonished llio World's fair directors by putting In n bill forUHoiio for extras In tlic construction of llio mannrnoloretV hiilldltiK nt I'lilcimo. The Union I'aclllc fast mall train , eastlionncl , was wrecked at I'lodniuul sttitlon , Wyo. yesterday. IW il Clerk It. ! ' . ( iuy.of Cheyenne - onno as Ullled. The money loss Is ll lit. Dan Sleveus , a well lncrvn local pugilist , of Colnmlitis was shot nnd Killed last nlslit liy Charles Ouoelm , a liarlomior. The murder occuroil In a .saloon conducted by a local sport. A metallic of tlio directors of tlio Nor ) hern Par-Hie will bo held In Xw York on Til"-div : next to consider a plan for fii'iillirx tliolloat- IIIL' debt of the company , amounting to $7- 1)00,000. The Jury In the ease of Ham Massey , colored , cliarRoil with assaulting Mrs. Kllxabuth Smith at ISotiliam , Tex. , rotnrnod a vnrdlol asHossliiK his penalty at death. Mrj. tinillli died .slnco tin1 assault. Tlio Clilnoso Six eornpanlo-iof San Krauclsco iidniltlerl that llioy have criiinsolerl Chinamen not tci comply wltli the r.'Is ! rat Ion Lnv. and also that It Is t'lolr ' Intontlon to t > st the law's constitutionality. The cominltloo r > f railroad men to arr.itijro World's fair rates met yosSerday In I'lile.iuo nnd dlseusied llio subject. Krom llio < all ( In- rlul orl In It Is now thought that till liopo for a one-fare rale Is none. Thn 4(1' ) employes of the Klba Iron works of I'lllftbnrx , Pa. , have boon notlllecl of a KCM- r-ral reduction In XV.'IKIM lo take oll'ect next Monday. The plant lias b-en operated .slnco last .Innv with nonunion men. The American schooner IIllian Hyatt ftom Chllllpof , Mo.x. , llli a caiyo of mahnKany , I'ebi'iiary , for Now Orleans , was lost during a lieavy iiorllieiIn llio Hull'of MUNICH on Match ' . Tin1 crow was saved. The lower housu of ( ho Missouri lo lslaturo yestoiday , under a susjieiislon of tlio iulc > . passed the senat" bill to prevent bribery anrl corruption In eleetlons. It Is similar In many tc.spi'ct.s lo the New York law. 11 Is said that a receiver wi 1 ,0011 be ap pointed for the iiidownicnl : society of the Order of .Iniio at Hay City , Mich. It was or- cani/od In Olilo two years ajio. Tbmrmbors hero have paid in from } Htl to jrjj apiece. .1. K. I'ation , oils and paints ; T. N. Molsnnr Itoot and Hbo-i company , .Milwaukee Knitting r'ompany , I'.urolca Pants companv , W. II. Miller Tea comiuiiy and the A. ,1. Alfiort company , chemicals , of Milwaukee , \Vi.s. , were rlami''oil by IIro yesterday afloriioun. Loss , $ lji,00l ) , fully covered by insurance. The creditors of the Itodpath Itros. Manu- facturliiK company of lloslon. Mass. , boots and shoos , who were burned out last Krlday , have advised the company to make an assignment. The largest crodilors are satlslled to allow the company to control the assets and continue business anrl will extend the tlrm anew now line of orcdlt. The patent Milts brought by the KdKon Kloctrle coinpiiny against the lloston Incan descent Lamp company and the Ciormanla Kloetrlc IJKht company , havo' lioon settled. ly ) an aKroomont between the parties , decrees were entered yesterday In the I'lilled States court to the olroot that perpetual Injunctions shall Issue against the defendants , restraining thorn from miinnfiictut-ln the IiicaiidobCL'nt lamps In dispute. The Ajiiorlcan Tanners association 1ms boon formed at lloston , At.ibs. , and all the arrange ment ! ) perfected for the concentration of llio bulk of solo leather In this country Into ono management. There l.s llttlo doubt but that Thomas K. Proctor of Ilostrm will ho the presi dent. The members of the new corporation have associated themselves to ctlior to Im prove the quality of leather they produce and to lessen llio expense of producing It. Burglars entered tbo residence ) of Huron Schroder , of Cheshire. Knglnml j-esterduy evening , and got away with booty amounting to ever $4.000. A landslide on the Mountain division of tlio Canadian I'uclllo , carried away a largo section ot the track ami snow.shods ami burled twelve men , two of whom were taken out dead. Lord Salisbury was In bettor health yester day and Mr. ( iludslono was so well recovered that bo drove to the House of Commons , whore lie was received with cheers upon ap pearing In the bouse. At tbo Old llalloy yesterday , James Henry , Oranvllle Wright , Wflllani llobbsand Ueorgo Non-man , were put on trial for frauds In con nection with the Liberator Hulldln.society. ; The accused pleaded not guilty. See the celebrated Solnner pinno nt Ford & Cliarltou Music ; Co. , loOrf Dodge Dentil Itoll. Nnw Yonic , March 17. Charles Gordon Saxe , only surviving son of the late .lonn G. Saxc , died hero last night of pneumonia. GAI.ENA , 111. , March 17. Captain Daniel S , Harris the oldest surviv ing settler of Illinois and a soldier of the Black Hawk war , and u vet- Miss Edna , Kyle Chamberlain , Boutli Dakota , Works Like Magic Rheumatism-Internal Pains nnd Aches-Perfectly Cured " I must say that Hood's Sarsaparllla works like mnRlc. I have for two years been very seriously troubled with rheumatism , suffering Intense pains and aches. I tried all the rcmo- dies I coulil get , but all failed , until , having heard so much about Hood's Sarsaparllla , I thought I would try it , The very first bottle did me a great deul of good , and I thought I aunt contlaue. I have been using Hood's Sarsaparilla regularly , and am now mivellnmnrone. " Miss KI > NA KVI.K , C'tombcrlttln , Boutli Dakota. Hood'a Pills euro llrer IIM , constipation , bllloiuneia , jaundice , sick headache , 'ran ntivunlwat man , itlml thla mornliifr aped RI : Hocanm to ( JiUfim In IN-M and operated ho ilr.it llnoof steamers between Galena nnd n. I'liul. Two weens HBO he was allowed iw first pension under the law pnnMonliitf MIdlt > r of the niaclc Hawk war. ST. Ci.Aiit Mich. , March -Oviicr.it Simon Brown , who pirlclpitod : tn seventy- wo ennnKoments diirln ? the wnrof the re bellion en the union sldo , died hero. niod 81. ( 'might Two Wanted Mm , Detective * Savajje and Dempsey last even- lift ! no ted two men named Archie Hoffman indV. . \V. Kaymoml. alias ICnox. They are n-convlcts and nro wanled nt St. Cloud , dlnn. A reward of 5100 was offered for heir capture. The Minnesota nntliorittos vlll bo notified. Tarllf Itrfnrm In Caniidn llrfrntoil OITAWA , Out. . March U. A resolution alllmt for a reform of the tariff was de feated In the house til to llrt. Jg superior to nil oilier preparations claiming to b ? blood-purifiers. First of all , Ill-pause HIP principal ingredi ent nsod in it is tl > r extract of K H- uinc Ilomlnraq sarsaparilla root , tlio variety rJcln-st in mcilli'lnal proper- h ticaAlso1)R ) - i CUISL.thoypl. ! low docl ; , beiiijj raised expressly for the Company , is always fresh and of the very bust hind. With equal discrimination anil care , each of the other ingredients are selected and compounded. It Is because it is always the same in ap pearance , flavor , and effect , and , be ing highly concentrated , only small doses are needed. It is , therefore , the most economical blood-purifier in existence. It makes food nour SCROFULA ishing , work picas- tut , nk-ep refresh ing , and life enjoyable. It searches out all impurities in the system and expels them harmlessly by the natu ral channels. A VISITS Sarsaparilla gives elasticity to the step , and im parts to the aged and infirm , re newed health , strength , and vitnlity. by Iir. J P. Aver Jtr"o.I.owc'll. Masa. Bold bynllnrugi-l.ita ; I'ricoS' , U bottles # 5. Cures others , will cure YOU cimap. If Dr. Sclioiiol ; s tri.itinent un 1 euro of Con sumption woio xoiiiothnir now nnd iinlrlui. people inlclil doubt ; but wlisit Iris provoi It self through a toenrJ HI old us our Kr.inJ f.itn- ors , inu-insjiKt wlisint H A Specific for Consumption uil for all dlsonHon of thu Iiiumi No iruat- mcnttn the world can pliico so nmny uormn- nont etireti of Consiiinutlon to Ita c rod It , ua Dr. aclioneU's. Notlilnjt In Nnturo nets soillrcotly nnd effectively on tlio Inns ; momlir.iuos and tissues , nnd so ciuickly rtlsposoi of tulnircloi. Cdiuostlon. Inllaniiiirit.oii , onl.ls , coughs uiul nil the scods of Cuiisiiniptlon ns Dr. Sehenek's Pulmojiis Syrup Whan nllcUo fails it coinos toino rescue. Not until It falls , and only after faithful trial. When uny ono despond , li his DroiiKht thu hopnlnsa In llfu un I henlth. It has turned the dospnlr of ton thousand homos into joy. It Is dolni It now. It will cnnllnuo tn do It tlirouiliout tno asos. Dr. Keh-nnk't I'mctlctil Treatise nn Cnniuiipttiin , Ijleer < tn I fitnin icli IJli- cases mailed free tn nil ( ) ) ) ! ( < ( . Dr. J. It. Sclitnch < l' Son. I'lUhiMiMn . A toll.1 Kxtrnct of Hoof Is moro Kcnn- on.lcnl Hum a llciu'd. foriliusrenFon Hint ItlHcuneentrnlcil.ntiil lii.iisi-ko. . erg " 111 Mini II much clienror tu * BUY COMPANY'S Estract of Beef R Bollil.coneenlrixtcil oxtract.frno from fnt nnd fi'lntlll or any forultiii mit- ttnnce and dUholvo It lUciuuulvoii. TUB conulno tsl on the jar has thU " In bUe. TREATMENT , I'OK ALL Chronic , Nervous , Private and Special Diseases. ! . ' > yonrs oxperlonco. Treated nt J.'iOfl n month und nil modlulnos furnlsliod. All Other Troubles Treated at Reasonable Charges. CONSULTATION FREE , Call on or address DR. SEYMOUR YUTNAM , DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NEB Teeth uxtrui'tP S < n inornlnK Now onot Iniuru-U aftnr eon aniodar IVrfect fit 3rd Floor , Puxtou Bloolt. lUUiniiilFaiiiam Stroots. Klaratoron Itilti tit. Tvlophonu tOSV IIUINO TIMH WITH VOU I.s. . uiii'ttarroitv. OMAHA , Capital $100,000 Surplus . . . . . . ' ' $05 000 oae ri nd llrector llonrr W. V i , nr > il 111 H. C.C'uiblui , Tlaa pratldtai ; O. rt. JUjtloi. . / . V ilorie. Jotiu rt. Culllai J , N. IL P lrla < > difli i Uttrt , coibler. coibler.THE THE IK ON BANIC. ST. JACOBS OIL IS AN HONEST REMEDY. IT DOES WHAT DO.'T ' SAYS IT CAN DO. IT DOES CURE , IT HAS CURED THE WORST : = > n : asr. , AND THE PAIN AMUSEMENTS. BOYD'S SOTHERN. March II and 18 SATUHDAY MUlNEt. E. H. SOTHERW ( FIRST TIME HERS. IN ins M.-.W 'iiium A < r cnMiiY : CAPT. KHPa B pQ % \ rpa * cycfi cH ii 3 ET TAR BLAIR I V MISS MMiiil'KltlTK MI'U NOTON. From the LYCEUM THEAT E , N. Y. I'ndor the iminairom 'lit of MR. DAftHEL FKOMMAN. S'onts nro now on anln nt itio C"i Uinliix | > rlct > : P.irijmit. tl LO : tlrnt ihr < > ruin In ciivlo , H.o. I ist cv"i town I i Hrpi , ' 1 1 01 tlrat two rowi in h.tlii > ny , fl oi. n-uiwi i nti in bs coiijr. if > p ; unit Mvor TB In tmlfunr. .Me. " < HCT A . SI.AT I MntiliL'o Vt'rdiiosilnv. DENMAN THOMPSON'S Toio'TiitoJ I'liiy , THE OLD HOMESTEAD Which hus boon autly styled A Play. A So . A Sermon. A Benediction Company Same as Last Season. S'o.iHlil lie nut on siilo Siitnrdiiy inornlnt nt the follow Inu" pr.ni's ; I'lMt lloor5Jc , 7'ia uml Jt.O'li balcony " > 0u und 75u. FMsffl Si. THEflf ER > 5iMr lilt * , -Tn' . il > i' , , > Oi' nntl 7."i' . Sl'Kl'IAU KNiiUI Me. NT. TO-NIGHT. Mutiiico Saturday. M , CHARLES HAHFORD , With tlio llcolli Il.urolt Si'cnlf I'roiluctiuii of Julius Mr. llniifovd n.s Mare Antony. SaturtlayNi , ino0 INGODDTAB No ndvunco In lrl o FliRNAM S I5o. 25c 35o , QOoancI 75c. nil WlfK Iioiriiiiiins iirvr in v\\mM \ \ iMnpu HLL HCLIMttinou \ : IICAl oUilU'lI ' , HHllUll It ) . SVTISS ROSABEL IVTORtllSON. l'rc. cntlHK llic itrcat i > lujr , "THE DAH8ER SI8NAL , " Mit'ncu WodnusJiiy , uny scat in tin ) l -H'l'tlls , . BIJOU THEATRE. A1.I. TIIH WH15K. FUGITIVE. - AM ) Till : - EDCERTON SISTtR'S W1ETEOR CO. Kvcir Inily vlrllor rcertvos IHO tollJ Bilrcr mctiil ti'anpuuiis 39 n soiivonlr. I'OI'UI.AIt 1'ltlCUil , 20 AM ) , ' ! ! ) CUNTS. The Uninlui and Chicago Short Line of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. 1'aul Uy. , was opened for freight , and passen ger tralllo. It these ton short years the "MilwnuUco" ns it in niroetiooiitoly termed , by its patrons , hits tnlcon front runic nmongpt its older compet itors , and to-day stands unrivnlnd for speed , comfort uncl safety. Hero Is a map showing its short line be tween Omaha , Council JJlull's and Chi- capo , ever which rum Iho llncst Equip ped Electric Lighted Sloam Ilontod Vestibnlcd Trains with Magnlflcont Dining Cur service onrouto , R A. Nnah is the Gunnrnl Agent nnd Uio Oinnhu City Ticket Ollico is nt No. 1601 Fur- nain St. , Arehiteets , Surveyors , Contractors Wcliiivu a full supply of rnatlcal jpstrwrneptBj papers , T-yaclpg ClotV > | pocJs , GhalpSj Ucv- o , Squares' IHus- tratcd Catiiloytic free. 114 South 15th Streat , to lJostoTfiGo. Omaha's Newest Hotel COR. I2TH AMD HQWAR3 SFJ , ( OHooiui olIV'J'J ' pur clur. tOIleorai with Until nt $1.9) par Iir. 10 lloouu with Until nt. H - > 1 to 1 1 S ) i M > / AUGUST .Mudorn III ivprv : Ittunect. Niiwly I'liinUlii C. S. ERB. Prop. Tlio nly liotul In the O'ty with hot nntl oo' & water und HIO.IIII no it In ovor/ u n Tulileiiml dlnin/ room ILTV.L'O nus iriiti'j.l | : RATES $2. DO TO $4.00. Snuclal rates on uppllu.itlou. B. SILLOV/AY , Prop. IlERIi'S THE WAY BCT It 11 mod toouro voii-apnoo. IfHb. puro. pious inUIIUKATll- 1NO troatmunt. The womlur- fill , bwlft. HI KICl'lth : fur rouKlio , C'aturrli llronoliltii. ! AKthn.n , Consumption , Head- iisho ( sick or norvinis ; , , Nor- .voiu I'rcikiriktloii llrlht , rluli blixxl ! Nowonorxy' Kl.istlo itppl In fuct. n now u'irhoii. IMI.Mrt ( Jxyci'ii llonk" nnd t trial * UGNKIIAT lit l-'Kl'lv ! Uuilorwrlto SPKCIl'lU OXVOEN CO. , SuituftlUa notaUy , OuiaU * ' * A