'ITH OMAHA DAILY HEKs FRIDAY. MAUni 17. 1803. 8PEG1HL NDT10ES. VKTiHKMKVPt Hill TIIKOK UiM MNN Al win bo tiktn nntll IJ 1 > p m tor the evening and uMnk oi ) tu fc.r Iho raoruinijor Sunday edt'iorn. Advrrlup by retiupslln * a numbered rbt * k , can I ave their annwori addre ed to a numbered letter Incaroof Tnr urn Aiuwori r. addresied will b delivered D | > U > I | > refentalii > n of Ihecheck SITUATIONS WANTED. Katcn , turn word first Inp-rtlon. Ira word there after V llilnit taken tor Ion thanaSo _ _ _ i l uV rVMATlK ATII01iK.fi. WIIAIM'HU ? .At. . Mrs Oakley , S \ 3llh children > clolhlnzW -vTANTUI ) . A POSITION AHsfKNOOIIAPIIKIl by experienced malu operator. Addrcn X 44 lleo i. POSITION AS omcK ASSISTANT and stenographer Address X M Hee l _ WAN'KII ' , MTUAii'O.V 11V KXPKIUKNCKO yomiKlndy ttouonraphcr anil typewriter. cin operate Smith Premier or llcrulnzton. Addres II " CC " " " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A" "llOVM'8 A llAlin MAVK A LIST OFSTK.V- oifraphers all grade * . furnished bnslneM men free CM N V I.lfr lei 5W. M .154 All _ AHm > ATl6 S\VANTKI .COMI > KTK.N r K < ONI ) , < lrl Call or address 831 S 18th t. M JO I7 SIT ! ATIO.V WANTI'.I ) . POSITION WITH , A emu lumber company either as an orilro or jard man Ilavitind Miveral yearn of ciperlenco nnd ain of need habile Ucfereuic * turnlthcd Ad dress CSI I'eo f * * T wTNTKii. n CATION. OIIAIN KLKVATOK -/Yorfeeil itoro : nli ycar experience , iiood rcfer- inccsKlveri Address I ) W Lucas Newark , o 407 ! ! > WANTED MALE HELP. Paten m < - n word first Innertlnn Ic a word there after Nothing taken for Its * than JSc IV-SALAUY t II""lOMMIfMllN TO XOKNVs 10 Jlliandli * llio Patent Iheralcal Ink Krnser Pencil Tlio mo t useful and notel Intention of the nee J rcfes Ink thoroughly In two ftconds Works Ilko nnilc 200 to 'in per cent prom AL'cnls making t'iU per wetk Wu also want a cenornl anenl to tnko i hnrife of territory nnd appoint sub neuntx A rnro ( banco to make money \\rlterorterinsand a sped men of erasing Monroe Krnslnu Mfie Co , 1 Jfi l.n ( rorsc , \ \ Ifl * - pMANIIOUT M. QI'IUK TO LKAItN CAN J 'rind permanent employment and salary weekly " JMfi Dounlaj street- " MHJAI 11 STKJiOiJHAPHKIl WANTKI ) , IIKFHHKNCI'.S J > required J HI , Hco ofnce , Council UliitTs Al ft17 \ } - TKN II.MINI'SS MAKI'lls Al'l'l.V TO ] lnnl'B ! Smldlory Co .Sioux t Ity. la. i 10 T > MAS WHO HAS WOHKKII IN I'I.AMN ( } I ' mill and who IB cnpnlilo of running wood work Inn machinery nml tnilnu the plneo of furemnn In nnmll plnntncrolll In thn bent tonn Inaonlborn > cbra ltn Address IICO. Omaha lleo MfciW'li * T > WAM'KI ) , HIISTCI.AtS II1IKAII A.N'II CAKK Jllmker for Dnkotn Apply VOCKO ! .V Dlnnlni. 1IIJ llowardft Omaha. ! 3J 1C' T > WANTKO , TllAViM.sr fiAl.KSMISN TO J > ell b kl"K powder. Wepulonr Kooji In eld" rolling pint t'fi ' month onlarjr nnd expenro * , or 25 jier cent , omnil'ilon bend itnmp for reply Chicago Iliiklntf Powder to . "til Van Huren st thlcnco tl- > TJ-W AN I Kl I'llACTICAI.C.AIlDKNKIl Si KOV .I cmployuieiit to good nmn A W Clarke I'npll lion , Neb S51 K * 'I ) WK WANT MK.S , WHO AUK J lrnT llnci'il"Knicn , to cnrry our lubricants m a tide line Manufacture Oil Co , Cloveltnd , O WA.NTKO , ACiOODIIAUM'BSMAKUII 1 W ilcrlockcr.V lo , Dawsoti , .Neb 371 It ! ItL'l T > WANITD. IOL'11 I'lllST CLASS ( LS10N ) L'l .Ilront nmki'rs and ono llrst clnsn vet maker lllchesl bill paid C It Illcbter fcl Joseph Mo _ 'l > w'AxrKosoi.i'Mroils i-ou TKA ANDCO- Ji fee gcnllcmen or ladles 21th and HonJlton (8417 ( T > WAOTKH. (1OOII B1KADV MAN TO DO -Ilblncksnilth and repair work on lirgo farm , steady cmploymeut nnd chnmo tor good man tosron , wngesto start with f2i 00 per month and board Also wnnt two or three Rood general farm hands , uugcs f''U 00 Address or apply to the stnnton 1 remllng Kami Co , Creston , Aob < uo a' i -OKIIMA.S 11OV , N K COIl JACICsON A. HTH 'slreels ' C. J. Cnnan. 405 . 1O < 5KI.l. (5OOIIS 1O MKIl- > climit by ntniplo } ! UU n month for workers , rnniplcs nnd CIKO furnished free , Inctoso stamp Modul .MIV < o toulh llend. It.d 41S2 ' 1)-\VANTKII , HKLlAlILK MKN li < KVKKV -I'countr to atstrlbuto circular mntlor at ft per thousand i < cnd stamp fur full particulars dlobo Advorllilna and Distributing bureau , Denver J14U9 25' > -WAN1KI > . POKTItll IN TI1K OAIH'KT IK- Ipartmcnt The .Mome- Dry lioods Co M4I1 10 WANTED FEMALE HELP. Hates , IHc n word firs ! Insertion , Ic A word Ihtio- utter , Mnhliii : taken lor less than 25c. C-WANTKI ) . Ullllj IN fcMAI.L FAMILY .111 Woolworth Ave. 854 CALAUYTOTBACH MUSIC IN A PltlVATK family ; Instruments , orKan and guitar. Address ! t JI lleo 1IU I'l C IIKSr OF WAOIIS 1O rOMPKTUNT O1KL ; must bo coed cook andlaundrcss 2.03 1 arnam iMrn. J M. fbunton. MIJU 'iflbTUUKNT .NUIISK W'ANTEII AT W C. A V hospital , corner I'th Btreet and Mh avenue , Council 11 luffs Must bo between 2U and * 0yenra eli i c , henlthy and of good characler MJ03 IS YI-WAMHII , LAUIKAMI miu.s , WK i- V you from } 4 01 to IKIOJ per week to work lor us ntour own homo , no paliulnr or tanvasslni : ( eorge F 1 mmontt \ Co , corner Dnttcryinarch a Mnter strecti , Huston , Mnss AUJi 17 * /1 WAMKII , A rOMI'lWK.NT GlllL. MUfeT HF v good took und laundress. Mm K. K. Uaylord 104a 8 Will .1 317 10 C--\VA.NTKI ) , COMPETENT C5IUL. ML'ST IU good cook and laundress ; Rood wncoa paid , 2 li family , reference * required Mrs t. J llam.-e Ibtl Daveuilorl SoO lo C-WAM'KII. C1IIL fOR ( IKNintAL 11OLSK- work must bo good cook with tint class ref 7 lices ? * & Pacltlo st Jl ! ' . r-vA.NTnil. CIllL KOll OKNKHAL HOUsE- V work In family of . ' , musl be good cook and neat call at ( W south ZMh at. J.O Id ' 1-WA.N'TKI ) , Clltl. FOIl CKNIHIAL HOUSK work Till Huttnrd. SKI 111' 1-C.IHL toil HOUSISWOKK. 1S23 COUin. COUin.S80 S80 17 * m 1 WANTKI ) , OFUfK OIKL , ONI ! WHO CAN vy operate n ttemtneton typo machine Address. H'ntinu sulnry expected , t. onnenscl ' , \ \ t 1'nliit Neb mi 17 p \ \ AVTBII , A I3IU1 UKNUKAL I10U-K . V work . * , i If 7 ( .O01) ( illtl. KOI ! ( JH.SKKAI. IIOU-KWOIIK , V. | u small family. Inquire 210 boulh JJth street. H1 11 lWSTftII. . 1IOL4KMAII ) . APPLY MllS K A v ( udahy , MO south ' 't.tli street. 3Ti is * /1-WAlsT UMbllKH AT ONCC , 530OfTII ( V I tli ttrcrt upstalrt , , (200 per day None but best need uppl ) 4W 17 * wAVTI.n.jllI. . AT 8S ) OKOllt.I IA V ( - , 'jtln two doors north of Mason " \ \.NTKII. . ( illtl. Fol GKNKIMl , HOfSI'- V work , cull on Mrs. U. II Uoodrlch , 1117 Park nvo WI-IB * _ C1 - W A NT K I ) , TO PUKIII.VCKI ) CLOAK salesladies IhoMorso Dry Uooda Co CoMill Mill 1S > FOB BENT HOUSES. Kates ICr a line ouch Insertion , tl 50 a llao pur month 1 \ Fuil KI5.NT , 110PsS TN"Ai.L l-A iVl'h " CM J cltj TboO F. I'avls roapany 1505 Farnam st OFlA'ls UWKLL1.M.S. COTTAGK ! . IN ALL parts tit the clly Kilkenny A. Co , Itooni 1 , Con tinental Mock. 7i D -1OII LINT , ' 1WO 5 IIOOM COri'AliLs UN tiuior cull at outbwu > tcor. 9th and Douglas 1 % FUJI IIKM' , XKW I1-1IOOM HOUsr. 2011 , j-'al o 10-room house 2'l ' Cnpltol avonun All tnotk-in CalUVMlapltol avenvo U. H lloblion l.'l modernIOTTAOK - r > T\NFt lll > CIUCLE , new modern C. S , Klicultor. 204 lien bids 511 D-AMKKIOAN 1IOUSK , " 30 IIOdllLAB 8T. M l > r month J M. llruuner , 4f ! lies building Mt'21 M2l " \ Kill HUNT , CK.N Til tl.I.V LCCATKO HOU < I . 'modern Improvements. 7\M \ im , , t. MIJI , - I'M' . rOYTACim.i ! K . ALL MOIIK.ltV _ 'l .50. Ire. from modern , fiSOJ rldtllty I Trust lo. , 1OJ ( arnum 8U J-J J IIOOM COTTAtJE. 17Iii WKIisTKP. bTUKKT -SMALL 1IOI1SF. UMINI'SIIKI ) . } } . NKTlf. J ' rton Hall , SOa bouth Ulh strort , I \ 0ll llh'N MODKIIN 9 IIOOM 11OUSI.S ON t a 'Wli and Cats ilnoti Call at once , 4M lire llldg . Harris H3 TTJ-4 IIOOM APAIlTMK.NT-t. VAN DOIIN lll.OCK. J-'wIlh iteam Kefcrenres required , 810 8 d . M V9J _ IV toil ItKNT. H.AT WITH STKAM HKAT. 6 /rooms In EOO < | repair : Union block , corner of IJth BLd Masons Inquire at I7 lo block John llaiulin agent. < i ; J 'central < location OOM HOUSK IN CITY.HKALTHY , all modern ) also corner rut. Apply I I'ant t.KI anil Davenport fej u < _ VOH HUNT TWO NICK HOUrtlH NKAn Harurom park , ill modern conveniences , pleat- ant locution , first elate neighborhood , oea N. lllcke , M5 N , Y U ( J7g | J FOB BENT-IIOUBES CVmffntinl " - roiuTKNT , noii M\T i TO NOVKMIIKIU. . handsomely furnished modern nine room hnusn In bet riMldenco part of thlcazo , near 19th Mrp t , convenient to < ahlo and elevated ronrtti renl II7MII per month Addrestl II ( loodell.eare South Umsha .National bank. - < uulli Oirmhi M4lil TV-Foil IlKNT I Oil WOKLIi'H KA1K1KIIM. A 1'modern nine room house completely famished < nvroliamb rst ronvnnlentlo fair , aood location ) II tfUOpcr month Address ownerC.51 Mobster Ave , Chlcaio ltlO 17 * FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. Itatcs ic n word nrnl Imertlon. le a word there- after. .Nothing taken tor lei than 2 c 1IKA1 KO nooxs UMIXISHKII 1'Olt nil.Nlcboloi MJIi li ) .NKVLrUI.NISIIlSII. . Sid N IStli ft. 37T3I * Ii'-.MCKLV Knt.MSill'.II IIO ( > M4 KOIt ( JI'.NTI.i : -imcn only , ( itvam heat ) nt 1119 Howard M I no T71 J rornian and wife , renllakcn In Lonrd , Jl'J > . lUli U S0 _ 17-3 KUIIN'l > iinil | (111 ( L'NKUIlNlsllKl ) HOOM3 J Jfor IlKbt homsltceplnK HU o 11 > I.HI 21- -S KUIlKHIlKil ItOOMS I OH 1.1UHT HOL i- keeping I8JJ Capitol avenue. o7il It. ' IJ ilASIlsOMKIA ILIINISIIKII KIIONTIROM -ijtflth Hr t-claBi nccoaimodnllont M ) rarnam troet 5t3'J.i Is' FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Itato me a won. IIm lixortlon , la n word there after .Nothing taken for Iei < Ilinti 25c r-TIIK DOLAN.20J ANO.'II N ISTH ST M 7Z3 I.-\OU.NI wojiKN SHOMI : , t'NHKii CAKKOF XVoiuan s ( .hrlitlnn association , 111 to I7lh t- FAKNAM , tOKC UKV1LKMKN T7-KCUM9I1K1) UOOXtS WITH J1OAHI ) llllt- 1 erenees 2211 Knrnuin MJX ) 1S UV-PI.HA9 ' VNT , COMtOHTUII.K HOOM3 AN'I 'board , $ | &J and f IOJ a nook 3D .N mhxtreet M30I SO' ' AND 110AIU ) tOlt TWO GB.V11.BMl.N , 'KO . * IVth Jl 91B' 1NICEI.FLMl.VI Hii : > 11OOMS W ITU IIOA11U JL nl the Wehsler , illt and 213 .North t'Jtti ttrcot .Mas : 52' FOBBENT-UNi UKNISHED ROOMS llntos , I'to n nerd flrnt Insertion. Ion nurd there after. Nothing taken for less than 2c G-rOlllti.NT. : 4 UNKUIIMSHKI ) UOOMS SUIT- able for liotMik > < tfilni | { modern IniprovoniciUs ; rent cheap 1TOI Watislar ( treat. Miul ! G- llOUMi. 1S.11 N SIS P. j OJ. 8ro m , 1UJ4 N 21st IS 00 2lo I roomi IJt'i nnd llnrnor. tu lo (130) Aroorui , Tthand 1'aclfle > 00 lloUBfsof all klndJ ( i t Dulls , 220 ? 17thS37al S37al G -I'Oll LIGHT HOI'SKKKUl'lMJ , 4 LNFUIl- nlihert rooms. HJ1 S ? Jth street. 1H.3 FOB BENT STOBES AND OFFICES llntos , 100 n line each Insertion , II M H line per month ' " o\nTm-irsi''oTrv"TTitrtTxTUMrvr2Tr7rHyr Iwlde HO , Hurnejr at ,23 f-lOll 1IKST SIOHK O.V S 13TH ST 1 block , aultablu for meat market , barctwnro or ( try oodn otonIrniiilroLO ; 1 ill ] it. 37U J-l-Olt HK.NT Tlli : sl'OKV IIUK'K IHJII.D1NO -Ipld I nrnnm tU Jho building has n tlreprnof eu mcnt Imsi'ineiit. eornpletu ateuu hentlne llxturen wnter on nil the Doom , KUI , etc Appl ) at the otlfcu of 1 he I'cc UIU T toll lUNr ONK TI1IIKB srollV ASI ) llASi- : merl brick more bulldliiR. lOOj KHrnnm utreet , one story and bu emeDl brick store building , 4&1 south llth street tint , IIS south Hth street , one store 1114 and llli , Cnpltol nrenuo All In first class condition for rent on reasonable terms In quire of A J 1'oppleton , room 311 llrst .National Hank hid , ! M2I4 I-'IOIIIINT MCIIT rilKAl' . I'AIIT THACKAOK 1 warehouse with use telephone po'lcr , and clerk. btoruKUorotheinlnu. 1017 Jones st. . ' "JA10 7-ron iii.Nr , STOUI : item inor IIOWAUD J steeot Inquire John K Flack Co , room Ml , Chamber of Commerce MJiT I KOll HUNT STOUK AT II IS 1CTU SI IIICKT , opposite H rdon Uros Inquire ( .hasoAKddy 1513 larnuin stii ot 37317 AGENTS WANTED. Itatcs , Utc n word tlrnt Insertion. Ic a word there after Nothing taken for lu ; * thnn Uc. J-AOK.NTri WANTED , MALIJ Oil KEMAl.li , 1O accept u Roud position with us. to fell our 'llroad ' ( nkc and 1'Arln Knl\os * ' " , ; : \ , also 'arrer. Dlggcst Inducement over offered No npltal re quired Address with stamp , Claun Slioir Co , I * . U. IJox * jb Knnsir < Ity , Mo Uifi41-m2i * TW.NTCl ) , LIVE ISsL'IIA.NCK SOLICITOUS i amsiscf J S 1'cttlt , special agent JIK11 WANTED TO BENT Itates , me a word llrst Insertion , lo a nerd there , after Nothing taken for less than Me K IF YOU WAN"E 'iOUIl lIOU.iKS 1IENTU11 list with J. II Pnrrollc , Douglas blockliail liail A2 K-WANTKII , 11Y A IMIIY , KOOM ANO HOARD , private family profcned References ex changed Address C &j , Dee olBcc. MJ C 17' K WANTEII , I1ESK KOOM , IIKSUIAHLB LO. calltycround Uoor Pulman Cramer.811 Me Caguebldg 2US-1U' STOBAGE. Itatcs , IDc a line each Insertion , 51 W a line per monlh M-STOKAOE. WILLIAMS A C11OS3 , 1214 lln/noy IM M DON T rilOKE IIOUsEHOLO OOJD8 W1TII- out seeing our storage department. It Is the bent. Omaha steve Koualr Works,1JU7 llouglas. 73C M STOIlAliU FOIl HOUriUIIOLIl GOODS , olean and cheap rates. 11 Well * , Hit tarnaru Sill WANTED TO BUY. Kates , Ik'cn word llrwt Insertion , Ic a word there after. .Nothing taken for less than 25c \T--CAblI IO11 FUHN1TUIIE HOUSEHOLD 1 > goods , etc. . or will fell for owner In our auction sales II Wells , 1111 Farnaui yrj T OOOI ) , GUNTLK DlllVI.NO IIOKSB MUST > bo cheap , 220 b 17th fct , L'eo llldg MJs ! Is A SlCONI-HANI ) LETlKll l > press , In Kood order for 10x11 book. Address 0 5 ! , care ot Beo. M4I. 17- FOB SALE HOBSES WAGONS ETC. Itntcs ISjCa word first Insertion , lo a word there after Nothing taken for ICSH than 2ic p-KOKsALK S.NDH VNO PLAlhOHM M'HINU 1 nngun , hamest and Rood team , suitable for IPOVIUK outllt cheap A C Knymer , . ' 4Jj N street , south Omaha 141 14 sfccosn-iiANi ) TOP nut.rus , f3j TO tie , ; business buckbonnts , fJ nnd f 15 2 phnetons J urrlc , 1 famllv cnrrlaee. liruiiimond Currluce Co , 18th and Ilnrnoy ' 34S M FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Kates lite n word trst Insertion , len nerd there after NoihliiK tnken for less than 25c O-'ll hi A SPA 111) r VTrLKi'OWl'\N\ Hill hnled hay nt fJUJ per ton , n board cars nt Anns Neb 'Ihis price may bu nltudrawa at any tlae 733 Q-HW t > ALK Oil TltADK. O 1J At 1111TK hennery. Address II. , 5HJ center Mrvet. Omnha 4SU MIJ- r\-KOKSAI.B. CJ1KAP. 60UKJ IIHtCK PALLKTn Vxi' lot of furnace Krato bars , also u lot of pnllet rucks , etc Halley .4 .Olson , 1514 N. It'th xlrcet Oiuahu , Neb MJia QOIII.I ) S FAIIl r-OLVKNIK WITH \OLI n mo on made from racial , won I tarnish , slru of dollar Price.iOc stamps K Andruw box l ? llarshalltown , la. MSsi 25' ' MISCELLANEOUS. Hates IHe a word tlrst Insertion lo a word there after Nothing tnken forlm than : R-UOW V\IN 1HK GLVNCU FUOU EYK3 demure , How norholhau losl the puntlre sigh. Unless jour breath U sweet and pure , Kurckn Catarrh Cure you must try. R-OM. CAKPttT. llUU CLKAN1NG TO. 2S13 Chicago AUiSAll' CLAIBVOYANTS. I llnles. lOc a line each tn.ertlon , tl 60 a line pc month 5-Miis NANNIB v. WAKHF.N. CLAIUVOVA.NT . 'relltblo business meUluui , nflh year at i9 ! N. Kth L O-llllt UII.M LBOIIAVK , PIlOPHUrUsS. UKAI O trence clairvoyant and llto reader , tells your life from cradld to erave. cm bj roniulted on al airalriof life , hasthe rolabratad BujplUn breasL Plato to unite the separated and cause marrlaie with one you lovo. come one come all and oe cou TlDCifclof her remarkable powers Orflca and reil dene4IIs , Mill st. . Hours 9 a in toll p. m. Strlc life chart and photo of voar future wife or bus baud lent throiuh mall for tVO ) , chart alone , I j UO. All loiter * containing 4 ojnls la ilaaps promotly answered M D Itr * MASSAGE , BATH , ETO. Ilalei , I0o a line each Insertion , I1JO a line pe month fjn-VAtAME BillTlI. 60J 8. 11TH. NO'LOOK , X Ilovm 1 Uatsace , alootol , sulphur and tea balha , W * II * HASSAOE , BATH. ETO. 'P-MA. sAIK ( TIIRATM1CNT , F.LIICTI11L THRU lm l balhs , sculp and hair treatment , manlciiro anil chiropodist Mrs Po tJl 4 S 1Mb\\UhnHI blk 'P-MMK CAH'ONl IJI DOUGLAS HTIIKHT. Mill L floor , room T mittaxo alcohol , eulphur nnd oen h.iin. lui id * PERSONAIi. Kales , I4c a word flrsl Insertion. Ic a word there after .Nothing taken for less than * > c UWANTl'll , fill : PIlFSKNT AIIIIKK'-fl OF Peter Ilorit who left lows , about three years ego and It Is suppo ed , settled In .Nebraska by his brother , l.oorifg Horrl Heading Pa MVtt * YlUSIO , ART AND Jj ANGUAGES. llates. ldc n line each luicrtlou II M a line pur month V- V < iKl.iKNUKCK , IIA.NJOlsT ft IKACIUJU , > 18.0 inlifurnla. .ill AIONEY TO LOAN REAL. ESTATE. llnlrs. lUo n Itno each Insertion ( I M a line per month ' t I.lfu. IcnilJ at low mien for t liulco ttiiMirlly ou Scbraaka or Iowa farms or Omnlm cltr lirupcrlrnu nu \Y CK.NTHAblXM.N A ' 1IIOST CO. UUK 111-110 YY \Y T-C. r HAItlllbU.N.&UN. V LIKK. i\r MOHTOOK LOANS MH3 THAN 7 1'KU * ' cent , Inctudln ] ; allchar o tlmrlfs W. llnlner , OnnJu Not bank hlJi. "Ii ifWANThl ) ATO.VCK , LOANS ON IMl'UOVKI ) < < i inn tin proper j. low rntei 1 lUulltr 'Jnm coinpnny ITirt l-arnam t , * > iir Hits ! A SKCOM ) MU.UUA'IK lO.\Ns ON' ' ' Cmaha propnrtir , V on Inrnii In mljaiout o un Ics send full description Alet lloore.iul llo liMg Till \\r-IXJ\NSON IJIIMIOVKI ) AND USJII'llOVKrt ! ' clt ) nrojierty * IUOO and upward * itoC'-j ' per cvnt No dehv W 1 aruam bailtli X Co , lJti ! and lldniey -lir _ ; I'KHC'K T MOXKY NUT TO IIOUKOWKIIS ' onOmnhiieltt property No extrn charges of onyklnrlVliypiyhluli rate * ' Monuy Is thuip ou cm net tuli beiiclltor lo\r rates from Globe -Dun and 'I met to . loth and Hod e 717 \ \ * OMAHA SAHMJS IIA.MC MAICKS LOAN'S ' ' on real estate nl lowe t market rates. Loans nadu In mnall nr lirio ! sums for ehurt or Ion ? tlnm No communion li eharzol and Hie loans ar. ' not cold In the I'.Tt , butetn nhvays bo found at the mnk on ttm corner of Uth nud UotiKlas Blreetti NV T 1 ANIIZYKA1I LOANS ON Cll' AMI PAIIM mortKUKCi Kecd \ iclby , 311 llottrd of Trjulo. \\r MONKV TO LOAN ON OMAHA AND COUX- * * clt IllufTn real estate nnd Kcbrnikn nud Iowa 'nrniB nt from 64 to ( percent latercslwith no ad ditional clinrpus for cnmriilsilcni or nttornuys fios. , V 11 MvUlo. 1st Nnt 1 bank tildj ; . i matin 4JJ lr--MO.NiV TO LOXN AT LOWl'.sT KATKS ' TheO ! Davis Co , IVI5 Farnam street 7IS 1T-1,0\\ KsTllAll-S HIIKLITV TULbT COM ' pany 1701 harnnm street 7S6 \ - MU.NK'lo IXJAN O.N iMi'itovicii tirv ' ' pruport ) , Ion rates A C 1 roil , llouclns blk , \ \ rIO.NK \ 111 LOAN AT LOWHS ! ' 11ATHS ON i * Ipmroved nnd unimproved renl estate , 1 to 1 years Hdcllty 'Irtist Co 1703 rnniiiin 7Jj \r-LOANS. G C ! WALLAC15 , Jll UllOWN BLK. \ 749 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. llntcs , K'c ' a line each liiicrtlon , tl.M a line per month X -CALL AT THE Ot'flCK OK - . OMAHA MOHTGAOK LOAN CO. : j V INCOllPOHATKO. I IF vou'wANT MO'NKV , ' \ou can borrow on HOKSEHOLO FiniMTUllU ANO PIANOS , HOHShS , WAGON'S ANIJ CAItlllAOKS. WAHEUOHbK KKCHIPTS. MKIlCHANDIsE , Oil AND OTHiU : SKCUK1TV We v.Ill lend > ou any amount ON THK OA'k VOU A&K FOU IT without publicity or removal of property. You can pity the money back In any amounts you wish , nnd at liny time , und cnch payment ao rando will roducothu cent ol the loan llcmcmbcr that you have the use of both the property and the money , and pay for It only as lone ns you keep It 'ihcra will bu no expense or charge kepi otil of the nmount wanted , but yuu will receive the lull amount of tin' loan llcforo borrowing clsewhcro cTlll and eee us and you will find It Greatly to your advantage. OMAHA MOKIliAOK IXJAN CO , JOii SOUTH 1HHST.IIKKT . , first tloor abo\ the etrent TIIE OLDEST. LAHGKST AMI ONLY ISCORPOH ATKtl I/3AN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 751 X I-OO YOU WANT MO.NF.Y' THK FHIELlTr LOAN OUAIIANTKE CO , 1100M 4 , WITHNKI HIXJCK. 810 5 SOUTH 15 I'll , C'OIIMSKHAH.NKY ST. TT1LI. \ LOAN BUM \ LAKOE FBOM \ TKN IVh MAKK IAJA.NS O.N JUItMTUHK HOUSES , rAHIllAIJKS. WAUEHOUS1 ! ItECKH'Td Oil PEK- bONAL I'UOPKIITV OF ANY KIN'il OUlt TKUMS WILL MUKTOUIl APriUlVAL. You can pay the monfly b ck nt any time and In nny amount you wish , and thus reduce the cost of carry ing the loan In proportion to amount you pay IF YOU o o n balance on your furniture orothor personal property of any kind , we will pay It off for you and carry It as long as you desire YOU CAN JiAVIJ OL'll MO.NKY INON'K HOUIl FjtOM TUB ' 11MK YOU MKn APPLICATION No publicity or removal of property so tUat you Ret the u"o of both money and property You will also and us In from 7 to V p m 75 ] X-MONEY , 40 , CO , W HAYS. CHEAP KATES and easy payments , on furniture , pianos , lire stock , etc. , without delay or publicity , cash on bund llufflircun , room 8 , Darker block 'IA ] X PKITCIlAlll ) , 51 DOUGLAS 111K. 104 UODOK. -SI V \V1LI. I.OA.N MOXEV ON ANV Kl.Nl ) OK &K- curlty , strictly confidential. A. E. llarrls , room 1. tonllnonta ! block 753 BUSINESS CHANCES. Kates lOc a line each Insertion , tl 50 a line per month y-roit S"AIK im K\ciiA aKr A PATKNT A rlvlil for Nebraska , out or which a rustler can niaku money. Address , 313 McCaKiio llldj. 617 Y-lOll SALE , COMPLKTK DKUO SUKK ANO L store fixtures at Waterloo. Neb frutlsfaitory terms to the rl.'ht party , only drug store In tonn hnqulroor Meyer A , Kmipke , or Kuti Nurlns Co Omaha 1131 llUallKL CAPACITY ( JIIA1.N KI.K- Tutor for sale cheap In coed town and bent uraln itrowlni ; district In the flute , and doing first class buklnosi * 4 ther buslines requires my atten tlon. Addresi W > V Mitchell , Wood Klvcr Neb wo ia \ -A.N K , A sale In onenfihu best railroad centers In east ern lowu 1'opulntluu 2U OUO Moik and rlxtures will Invoice fruui f.i 0W ( to l,000 , best location In tha clly. trnde nonu better doliijt a biulness from Il3 UPO toJiJWJOu > C4r good reason g\vea \ for elllne Dun t irrlto unless you mean builnuo * Address euro lice otflco Inclose Scent stamp Address O S'i , lleo MZ70 'j * V-IOH S.AI.K. I.UMKKKAitUb AT MOHI : -L Mtld , Madrid nnd Venanito Neb. nnd HoMoke , \\lllbOllonoorall | Address Howard l.ilm berCo , . llnsllnics , Neb MSJI tli V0" KKNT , BPACK IN ONK OF THIS LAUG Jest deimrtment ( tores In Omaha for the follow Inx departments Art and lunry iioods hats and caps , hoys' and youths clothlnc , carpets nnd draperies Hero Is a chance for the rlKht person lo rcuio money , as rent will ho very Ion and wo do a strictly cash business Address C 0 , llert oltlcn _ nil ! 19 FOB EXCHANGE. Itatcs , IQc a line each Insertion , 11.50 a line per month y-bKCOMJ 11ANI ) OKI. A.N KOll I.1011T bl'lUNO /Vnagnn or pony phaelon lillH rarnam. ya Z ISO ACKKs Of CLIS\ll I.AM ) IN OXK OF the best winter wbu.it dlntrlcu In Kansas to ex. change for 10 or 20 acre tract near Omaha city llrulti Ulll pay cash dlfferonra If property Is Kood. Address , ulvlnit price and location , o M. lleo rTOK.NCllA.NOK. . A FINK YOIJNO IJltlVINO A/team for a lot K2IJ McCaeue Bldtf IU > y-AlKJAIlKA TOItY AND fTOCK WITH KK ' -Jtall connected , worklneflrn men , worth DWJ , for land and cash , llox : i , Kearney , Neb vn is Z-KOIl 8ALK , Oil TIIAOK KOll UND , A STOCK of general merchandise , reduced toll.S'W , also , store to rent on twit corner In a good llro towu Address Lock box 83. t oiad. Neb. _ KOll SALE OH TIIADE FOU GOOD LAND , four hear/ draught stallions , two Imported Clydesdales , one Imported Norman and one hl h bred tirade. 1 bey are from to tl year * old. They are sound and coed and sura breeder * . I will KITH a man acholreof on * or all. My roisun fur this U. 1 hue bad those horses thor * from 4 to I sea sons , and want to make * cbknge If tbt following talptuenl It not true after parties come I will par their expenses For further particular ! and pedl- ire write or Inquire of John C. Keia , Cascade , Is. Mili 20 - TOCKOKUKNK11AL ' ' ' Z-CLKAN il'D'S'ri WILL take real eilate t money. UozXUtrankfurt. lad TM FOB y-TO KXCHANOK Oll TlllTKL ANI > F1J1INI- ' l lure , wplllucstml landln'HoUeuunly ' , Nebraska HI N litli sir , Omaha. .Neb n IP * U y-HUSlNKiM PIlUPKIlTi ; FOIl GOOD KAHM /-'land In Nebraska or Iowa. , u H Peterson 1411 M llth i Mill M r/-l OWN 100 FVIIMS IN' CIIIU-KA. KANSAS fJ\ Dakota \MII tell chwp or e\crmn < e for mds , horses and eallle Add Wx 7 * , Frankfort.In J n. 7W Z-KOIt I'LKANTOi K IlklflUKAI. MKIICIIAN- illse.ISO arre Improvntiland and sonn tooj lork Address Itox 4' . KiuttAj Nab 361 Jl' ESTATE" llntev lOc a line each Insertion , II M a line per month _ 17AHM LAN I ) ToiTb A T.K " " " JL C r llarrlsiin , 9IJ N V Life Omaha Antelope county filO acres flJanacro litirMlo county 4)1 acres ? U an ucrj Hay county , fiio ncriM fWanncro ( olfax eounty , HI'J acres , f an acre Collax county , lee aTC' MO nn acre I "I fall cniinty 111) ) acrai , II ) an ncro CustiT county. 1RJ acres til' nn ai re CumlnKs counly , 3.0 acres Ml nn acre t'ass county. ( HJ ucrus. f3-"ian acre Dodge county , oiJncrc fM an aero Hanson county , lee acres n an aero l ) < iujjlii : count } IWJncrusnoar Irrltuton tlOOanncro I'li ) Hcroi near Irvlneton , * 7' , an acre JIU acres near Irvliu-ton f-Oauncro. H7 ncros near t'nilman * Vi nn ncro HiOacies , S mlle ol Omaha i an ncre I2U Horn near - < ( iulh Omnhn f 71 an aero ( irivleyeciunty , 4SC acre * f ? 5U nn aero I runklln county , liljncrm $11 an ncre , Howard eounty ir J ncrei W V ) nn ncro llilchvock county IOJ acres Han acre. Knox iininty It J ucre * . ( M'IUII acre Kearney rounty I VJU nrres f I'l ' an ncro Lincoln counly 1SUnrre < f 1 an ncro Vcrrlik county , M ) ueres ( I5nnnero Otoe county SI ! acre" fu nn aero Plene count ) li ) ncre * f ' nn are Pawnee county IfSJncroSannrro r-tanton f otinty , 2J acres f 1 1 an ncro yrtrpy county KU acres H J nn ncro Wncro4 , ncir Omaha fiOanacro o"0 ncre i near sonth Oniiha * flOan ncro. MlJ crc" < nen' Papllllon H .JU Vulle ) count ) , 3.'onert.i flUnnacro ork ruunty , 1141 acroi ( lOanncra \Va < hln.ton county , ' 4J ncrot { 57 nn ncro Prc' erTo thM ' ad for roforeme C\t liarrUon. JI.'N \ Lite Omaha 4M 10 ilMJLtT A vr"ToiiMii mu UKSHIKNCI' . n. FT" Jwi iH.iUO hiindsomnroildcnctf in ft lot , $ lf.WJ ( , line rnrm I { miles out , ( J.CJ-J F. K DarllnK , Darker block - 757 ' I WcTDUSIUAULKlMPllO. Ull t'AHMS hOltSALK J ' 20 acres In Doiulns < 0 , 11 miles west of Omaha. 410 acre * In Waohln.ton lo .li miles north of Uuinha ror price * and term ) npply to W I ) Mlllarl , Omaha Nrb MM3 Mil l/Oll frtl.K r AKM" I I ! - I'HAi. A > il l. sir.U.X - .Nebrtika K IJnrvlii \ L'o Shoely block V7I3 _ " 1/oit -\i7i-iuLsh A.NII iA > r IN NOUHI i of clt ) ti.500 00 Terms ilOO CO cn h balance f 15 00 per month 'Ihec 1' Davis rompiny ' .i7Ja 4 L'Oll \Lr.-HAUUAl.S 'AUtlUCI. ' SALK 11V - Inunri ldent four 53 foot Ion In llrlz ; ' Pines add loin 5 nnd li , block 7 , on Ooiluo M near 47th st and lots . ' .nml.N blticlc II llnrneyst near 4 il wt I or special prlc2 nnd termi address owner K C Johnton Ultl chamber of Commerce Chicago , in M.M1 A10- * rillC IlhM AND CUB \PCsT TAKM NKUl - tOmnlui UO acres nt fi ) per ncro 2 < J icri'i six inllci from court house with 200 ] 4 } ( ar old crape vines , LOOJ fruit lrce eto This Is a\er ) prctt ) place und clip ip at filJ | ier acre Wo have hoti ei nnd luti of nil kinds nnd nl nil prlccH Monlhlv parmentn nm.ihi Heal I utntc nud 1 nut Co lice bulldlnc O10JJ III'JS II27 ! Ills r 1,7 110OM8 II. < iVSholei Co , 1st .Nu honk _ 11 18 * ipult 4ALF. FIVK KOOM COT TUSK A Nil IXJl' , city water and only two blpcks from motor Ap ply a)12 ) L'nncroft H , ncoruih ui.'iQ-la * t KMH1 LANIIs IN NI.Uir'WKA KANb S AND Vsouth Dakota for sale on JonK time easy terms and low rate of liitprcfil iJlbbral commission to nccnts tend for cataloeirl O Huyes Manacer Muscntlno Mortiai.'n and Tldsl Co , room . ' 110 t bo 15th street. . JHW Mlj i.'Oll SAI.h VI' * IIUI/I JLIAJ.K IIS VA1 UK A pleasant home or solid UiTfMtment new house of nine rooms , water closesewerTKO , nnd nrranjre- men t for BUS , lull lot cliolfo locntlon 'Iho owner needs IVW cash iinmodlntery , Iho bilunco of pur chase money 5 year * nJter ilutr- with Inlurest less than 7 per cent Call at No ! > . ' 3 North -'d street after Op in. 3T7 ( l Oll lALK OK KXCIIAM'iJ , ONK ol- Till : IlKsT i suburban homus In Onmha Will lake a western farm II S1J .McCaenoblda. Mjdl LOST. Hates , mr n wonl Uif t InsfvUon. Ic a word there after Nothing tngcn for U'f than 'ix ' - AJTI.USOON"OMIIMIK LOST si'N-DAY - . : \ \ between Aid nnd I c"ivi"n lmh and -51 h and Pop plvton inenue. a pnlr of Indies nose glowi wltli small ( told chain attached tinder uleaso return to * 712 Howard street and rcfelvo reward 8M 17 * U1.1 > ( L\V 1)1.llUU > ! - . ! ) , IlLlUll.N -Jto'JJIS Hnlf Howard. SCI 17 * 4 SMALL PINK I'KAKL PAKT OF A SCAKF Vnin Kowiird of f 10 will bo paid on reti rn to P Morse. 1510 DoUKlus M 401 IT DBESSMAHING. llntcs , lOc a line caoh Insertion , f 1 59 a Una per month FINK DKFSMAKINO AND LADIKS' TA1LOH- Inc nt moderate price ) at the Ladles' lallor Dressninklne college , Mme Corbott , 501 Drown block M1TC A4 * UOWNH ANII KVKM.NG suits , work by day or week , nil Capital ave SHOBTHAND AND TYPEWBITING. Kates , lOc n line each Insertion , f I 50 n line per month SIIOKIHA.N'II 11V MAIL WITH ANY OF THK Mindard typewriters st home Great chance for those cither In city or country who cannot attend a regular shorthand school Address Van Snnt i school -horthand SUN Y Life , Omaha M > .l SECOND-HAND TYPEWBITEBS. BOYLV.S A ISA I ! ! ! . lIKALKHsIN'TYI'KWItlTBKS All makes bought , sold , exchanged , rented CIS N Y Llfobr | > g lol 5H HlCal2 TTNDEBTAKEBS A.ND EM.B ALMEB3 Kates lOo a line each Insertion , f I 50 a line per month fW. . HAKKIt OOllMUllhT WITH JNO G JA w. cobs , deceased later with M O M aul ) , unda laker and ombalme' . Jli 16th at : tel 6H fiOO PAWNBBOKEBS. Dates , lOc a line each Insertion , fl.M a line per month -ONNBNUKil ! : DIAMOND 1IUOKEK , IJOi ( " .IlouF los st Lor.nsmoney on dlarao.ids watches , etc Old gold nnd silver bought Tel I'M 150 If y ° u don t wnnt to buy a DensmoroType. writer , ilun't o.v.iiiiiiio It , Mnieith btutlOQ. ery Co. 1 Dl rarn.iin stOmali i. Neb "Improvenisat ( he Drder or ( to Aga. " It Is unnoccstary to mention the points of su periority uosioawd by the ft ns It is now so -\\rllj Known. Its Record of Success Is Its Boat Ro , . , . commondatlon. When it was uutonthti niUl ot rivals said It would not wear. Tinier1 IMS shown them wrens inavery partlcu unil hhs Drovoi thuttho Smltfi l'remlei"'lSTIIE ' 11KST Hn hruoxaKsT TYi'EwmrRK nvmi IN- VEN'lTl ) . AND T011AY IT STANDS TA It AI1RAI ) OP Al.h COMI'ETITOU * THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO Cor. l"th and rnrnnni Sts , Omaha , Neb 1II. . MAYIIhW. Munaser. YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU ! Well.como and have them examine ! by our optician rseofrrmrKo.nnJ.lf no-o < iarr.rntel with apalroC our-PK IKhcTlON-.Sl-KCTACLKdor Kl'B < } LA3S. Hltha be t In the worl L If you do not noel classes we will tel you su and alvlse you what to do. OOLI ) M/eCTACLKS or KVK CJLAsSM FUOM H Jl UP. Plain , smoto. blue or white l nei , for pruloctlnz eyes , Iroui5jca pair up. Max Meyer & Bro. Co Jewelers and Ontlcians , Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs ia taken ; it 19 pleasant and rcfreshiug to the taste , and nets gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bovrele , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head- achcs nud foveta nnd cures hahitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac- ceplahlo to the stomach , prompt in its action nnd truly beneficinl in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy nnd agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to nil nnd havi made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for Bale in COc and 81 bottles by nil lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for nny ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. StN FRANCISCO , CAL. HKJISVIOE. Kr. HEW YUHK. H.r. Are hos9 ignorant pretenders who , without any qualifications , any ability , any experience , any skill , claim to possess the power to cure all the ills of ho human raco. But their want of worth soon becomes apparent to their would-be dupes , and these conscience- lessquacks ara soon consigned to the oblivion they so richly merit. In stranga and atronj contrastwith these miserable boasters is the quiet , dignified yet courteous demeanor of hose noted leaders of their profession , Who , during- the past 27 years , have abundantly demonstrated their ability to effect speedy , perfect and permanent cures in nil the womt forms of those del icate sexual maladies embraced within the general terms of NERVOUS , GHROHiC AND PRIVATE DISEASES. Send 4 cents for their illustrated now book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself. " Consultation free. Call upon or ad dress , with stamp , 119 S , I4tii Street , Cor. Donglas St' , OMAHA , - NEB. RR1LWRY TIME GHRD CHICAUOIlUULlSdTOf A. l I Arrlvj Oraaba Depot 10th nnd Mason Sti 445pm . -Chicago Vestibule 1 8t/a ) m M > n m ChlcaKO Kxpress . 113'Jn m 12 40 a m ChlcnKO Kxprest 4 Jj p m ti50 p in Chicago .t Iowa Local 603 p n > Leares ULllLIMilUN A MO HIVKIt- Arrlri Omaha Depot lUlb e.u Mi on SH I i Omihi 10 15 a mJ Denver Express . . . . 1015 an ? . . . . Demi wood Kxpress 450 pm Dcitrur Kxpross . . . 450 pm Denver Limited. . C.50 pm . . . Hastings Local 6 15 a m Lincoln Local ( Bicapt un ) LoivtM K. c sr J At iT Ornah * Depot 10th and Mmon HH 50 a m' . .Kansai City Hay r.xpress < i. uj p ra .Mi pm K C Nluhl Kip via U P. Trans I u 4J a m _ 4iini _ | _ | -Jiti LouUjSxpresi _ | 8.40 am tiolue i Cllli AOTTTt I A. PAlIFfT 1 rom KasU I Union Depot 10th A Marey Sis KBSC. 1000am ? . . . . Atlantic Kxpress . . I CUpm 4 40 p m . . Vestibule ICxprest 1 111 p in ! 't p MM . . . .Night Kxiirms . s J ) 11 m < lolng CillCAtiO , It I It I'AC-lrU ; i- rein \\iiet- ( Union Depot 10th an 1 Marcyats West } .M p in Dearer Limited 4 U p in 6.50 am Kansas City iKxcept rtnnday ) 7tt'i p m ffROS Arrlvoi Omaha Lnlon Depot 10th and Mnrcy "Is. Omaha 7 5. ) a m . . llealrlcd bxprdit . . . . o * > p m r iOnm .Dourer Kiprju . . . . 40 > p m 2.15pm . . . . Overland Hyor TO ) p m 415 pm UealrlceAstrmsbi Kxler Sum I. U p m CUpin . . . . Pacific KYpron . . . . 10 4) a ni b. iO j > m DenvurFml _ M ll . 4 a n m _ Lvaves TlTirAlJo llT. SP tTAiTi I Arrfvr U P riepol and Marey M < - J Omaha J 05 p n. I . . . .i.'hlcazo Kxprdsi ism m 1UO ami . Chicago Kxpruts li.Wpm _ _ Leaves I SloU.X Ltl \ \ I'Ac.lFlU lArrivdi Omahal Depot 10th and Marey Sts. I Oman * 7TJ ain Sioux i Ity Passoncer .110 JOp m 5.35 pm . . . . St Paul Kxpross a m Leaves j PAClrIC .Arrives . Omahal Depot. 15th an-1 Webster bt | Omaha T 45 pm | bt Paul Llraltud 5" ! i ± m Leaves I OMAHA AST IXJUls. lArrlves * Omaha 'U. ' P Depot. 10th and Marcy Sis Omaha 400 p m . . I . Louis Cannon 1111 112Ji pig Loaves C , St. P . M X O Arrives Omaha. Depot litli and Wutnter St Omaha K.IOam Sioux City AccamuioJatlon 'JOi p m 1 li pmlbloux City tixprei'dtx. SunJayii 124) p m 5.n pm .st Paul .mited . . . V21 am 5.15 pm llancroft Passenger < Br Hunil'y ) § 4 > p m Leaves P. K. A MO VALI.KY TArrlvai Cmaha Depot 15th and Webster SU I Oinaht Tu < J a m . .lieadwood Kxprusi. I S 2J p ni fOO am Ex. gat. ) Wyo Kxn ( Kx Mont 5 J p ui ft.sa pral . Norfolk ( Kx Sunday ) . . . 1031 am 6.45 pm | at Paul Hxnre s . . I 9 Ji a ro Leaves CHICAGO A NOlt Til WKS t'Klt.N I Arrival Omaha U P depot. 10th and Maroy Sts I Omaha ( Kr. Sun'jl Carruil Passencer UO p m . . . I blcago Kxpress f.Oi p m Vestibule Limited . JO a m . . Kastern Flyer i I ) p m Kx Sun ) Chin. Pass ( Er Mon 1 VZ ) a m [ Arrives" I Depot Itth and Webster Sts | Omaha 1.10 pm > . . .St. Louie Kxpress . 700 a m 10OU pm 3U Louis Kipresi. . & .U pm 6.10 urn Kekratka Local. . . U-W aa CHEAT LUCK OF A HIRED HAN Onpid Outs Up Queer Antics in Qualut Old Massachusetts. LOVE OF A WEALTHY DAY STATE. WIDOW Slie Will I.D.I.UII Her Oolil nml ARoctlon Upon Her ( 'iinrliiniin A Nnliilile Weil * dint ; Ceremony Arntuceit for Itonmiire Irom ISvnl Life. \VII.MINOTON . Ma s. , March 10. A gorgeous wedding will take place1 hero HastenSunday. . The hrltlo will wear thousands of dollars worth of jewels , and she will marry the young French man w ho has been her coachnian. The bride Is Mrs. Frances Hillier , whoso mauHolcuin , erected to her firnt husband , created talk from ono end of the coun try to the other. The man she will marry , though originally mimed 1'oter Surrett , has become , through Mrs. IIHHor's wishes and the probate court's act , Henry Hillier , as was lior llrst hus band. Tlio groom is only " 0 and his iride will have him lltted by u tutor for ; liirvartl soon after the hono.unoon. Mrs. Hillier in hoi- every day lifo lias iver $10,000 worth of genus on her lin gers , and on this occasion who w ill bo iteially co\ered with diamonds and ither gems , including n diamond neck lace , tiara earrings , diamond bracelets .ind a waist belt of the t-aiuo. Mrs. HilluM- worth 9,100,000. and her wealth is rapidly increasing. Surrotto wore overalls when ho came from New Urunswick four years ago. Ho was a wood chopper and after struggling around odd jobs was irhcn a position on the Ilillier estate. His idea of the English nnguago isery vague , and a year ago iiist summer ho went Sundays to a black- mitli shop and learned his letters of the : iropriotor. In speaking of Peter's proposal , Mrs. Hillier said : "I was thunderstruck at llrst , but the subject attracted mv attention ' tion and I said , 'Why not ? Ho is'honest , lojul , obedient and hning , ' I remem- bei ed how some of the greatest men of tiiir time came from the meek and low ly , nnd began to make inquiries. Father Lt > mi consulted I'eter and told mo that Peter did not lo\o my money but inc. I then found out that he came from a very ijood family and would bo a good man to look out for my property. " KU'li , Kml Illooil i naturally results ftoiu tjikinp Hooit's Sars.iparlllri as poisonal cleanliness results from free use of soap anil Tv.ttor This Kre.it liurilier thoroughlj expels scrofula , salt rheum and other impuiitics anil builds up e\ci'i organ of the body. Now is the tlrao to take it. The hiphest praise has been won by Hood's pills for their easv , yet efllcieiit action. Sold by all druggists. Price 'Jj cents MV.v.iins J-VH inr. r.itn. Dr. "McCuiro ill Semi n I'lilqlln Collection of AntliiltlrH to Clilcncci. SALT LAKE , U. T. , March 1G. [ Spe cial Telegram to THE BKK. ] Dr. McGuire - Guire , chief of the Utah mining exhibit for the World's fair , now has in this city a unique collection of antiquities found in caverns in the southern part of the terri tory. The most interesting feature is a number of mummies , probablj thousands of years old , but still in a good state of preservation. There is ouo mummy of a child probably less than a year old. The body was laid at rest at full length and is fairly well preserved. The next mummy is that of a child of probably 10 years of age. It was buried in the usual custom , having the feet cramped up and the hands placed nnder the chin. The mo t per fect specimen is that of an adult man , the length of which is five feet ton inches. It is partially wrapped up in a cloth made of feathers. Tlio man was evidently of flno physique. The foot are well shaped and rather small. Ho is stretched out at full length. Ho has a well shaped head witti" a broad /ore- head. The teeth are perfect and the skin is of a deep brown color and looks as if it had been tanned. The skull shows a remarkable depression at the back and it is supposed that the natural shape of \ the head was artificially changed in infancy , as such was the practice in recent times among some tribes of Indians. The "No 9" Wheeler & Wilson will not break the thread nor impair the Btilching if run iu the wrong direction Sold by Gco. W , Lancaster & Co. , 514 S. Itith street. Ileon Atlcp ] ! Since Mnmlnj. WINAMAC , Ind. , March 10. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] W. R. Breck- inridge , the Chicago man who has been bleeping since Monday evening , shows 6omo signs of recovery. Physicians nnd friends have been working with him constantly for the last twenty-four hours trying to arouse him , but so far RADFI ELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR has riroven an infallililo Bpccffio for all deraiiRo- inenti peculiar to tlio female sex.iuclinschronio womb and marlan dln- oascs. If taken In llmo It regulate ? nnil tironintcs healthy action of all func tions of the generatho orcans. YounK ladlci nt tlio ape of pulicrty , anil . - older ones at the meno- o.-wlll nndln Jta heallnc , sootlilns tonic. The liijliest rccommendationj from | iromt > ncnt jiliynlcians anil those who lia\ntrlcil it. JVrito f..r book "To Women , " jnalleil fret > . Rolil propnetorij , Atlanta , Ca. MARVIN TRUSSES The Best Truss Made the nlxloinoi nnd oom- presses tlio rupturu so as tobrlns tliubrokan imrtetoRetlior anil offoctiv cure. Prlviito room for flltliiR tnis ui. Ln.Jy In uUeml.uico for livdy customers THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , Surfftoal liiUrumonli it < 1 MoJi il Sinn1 lei III s lHi tc. . nitr | > , .ti1l 10 PATENT BUREAU. SUES & . CO.Sollcltcr3 , Boo Building : , Omaha. Neb < yeariixjt : lnorir S I'at onico. Advice free PENSIONS ! CLAIMS ! lm\c tioon tninlilo to keep him inuiko o\er n mtniito at it time. Ho Is tniublo to tju'ak and N now jmrnly/ril on tlm rtfihtMilv. Tlu < e H Is a minimum one , as hi Is not Itnnwn to hn\o l ki-u any ophite * . He brenthos luiuil.and . does not reeoj'iilnn.ono when ho oiH'iis his eye . Ills son arrived hu-o last nlfL'ht from C'hIeaK'o , but itf unable to K\O ! nny idea tis to the eau o of hU Dr HiiH's CoiiKli S\rnp Ims alu.is been Itopt up to the stnmlnnl It Is the unmo II \Mis foi ty yuirs n u , the Inwt sold. ITSTII.I , IHII unit * inr.w. Western MoniU I'liiililti In A cree on \ \ oriel's I'olr Iditiltnllroiil .Sotr , CHICAGO , 111. . March HI. The moot- Inyxif the \Wstern ' I'nsoonjrer usoehi - Ui > n , whloh WHS to ha\o been held to- meri-ow. has been adjourned for tenda\rt and will now IMI held on March U7. Tfio CHU O of the delay i tliat some member.s of the association , who were to bo pros- out at the meetlii } , ' , found it imposslblu to attend on Friday and the delay Is con sidered very unfortunate by the major ity of rallmul men , in \ low of the rdiort tlmo now remaining in which to adjust the matter. K\ory olTort will bo made , however , to brlnp the thin ? to n final settlement when the meeting does occur. There has been omo talk ti > thotlfcct that Pe\ oral of the roads were about to make a one-fare rate with lonp stopover privileges in Chiea ro to the Grand Army of the Republic and other largo gittheriiigs to be held during the year , tluisghiiig lhe e rates tli-j practical elTeet of being one-faro rales to the AVorld't * fair. The majoi ity of the roads ' deny that they ate going to' do anything ) f the hort , but admit that the ; have loard that some other road is likely tj lo this thing. The probable World's 'air rate on the western roads will bo in ho neighborhood of one and one-third , and as the roads export to have all the msinosH at more than a one-faro rate ho bitbino'-s of the Grand Arm\ will not , 'rom present indications , Iw as eagerly sought for us on former occasions and pas-oiigor ttgents say that they lave little idea of trying for thebusinobS. There nro thieo things worth savins iitip. Trotilile and Mino\ ( and Do Witt's ittli Karly Hisei-s will sivo them for you These little pills uill s.tvo you time , as they u t proinjitlj Tlii'\ wilt sa\oj on troublous lie\ cause no p.iin They \\ill si\o you .is thej eeuiioinlze doctor s bills JIO lltlt Of Jit tllK \llc speeches Wore M inlet mill , ) lliln ( Tnrruf i\pliilin : > il lilt Iliinkriipl ) } Hill. BOSTON' , Mass , March 10. The second innual banquet of the Mnsxaohiibotts Hoard of Trade was held last evening. Among the guests weie Hon. Charles Fuirehild. ex-secretary of the trcus- iry , and .Iiulgo .lay L. Terry of St. author of the Torrey b.uikrujitcy bill. Governor 1'ussoll was unublp to attend the banquet , but was picbcnt at tlio reception - coption wliich jnoeeded it and made a jriof speech. 1'ictidont Charles E. Adams made a 'irief ' speech of welcome and introduced lion. Charles S. Fairchild. ov-seerotary of the treasury , who spoke at some ength. .ludgo Torroy of St. Louis followed and e.\lained ] hriolly why his national bank ruptcy bill had not been passed , and what was > his hope for it in the future. Hoaid it had not ] > asscd for the great iinount of work to bo done at each ses sion of congress. The inclination of cou- rossinen U ) give preference to personal business , the money spent by a few liput.es in opposition to the bill , the possi bility of filibustering under the rules of the house. Ho hoped for success because the party now in power must have rules jy which it can enact legislation , and becauao the friunds of the bill are in cjugress. _ The best CnUnhv's "Hex" Brand Extract of Ueof. It is pure , delightful and nutri tious. Your grocer keeps it. ItVTLKlt 31 K3lOltl.lt J\'iiCCH > KH. iioiiueiit : Trllmto 1'nlil to the. Memory of the I.n ( Onneral. BOSTON , Mass. , March 10. Tremont temple was well tilled last night by an audience including many prominent men , gathered to liste.n to the General IJutlor memorial exorcises under the auspices of the city of Boston. Eulogist lion. T. P. Grecnhalgo of Lowell gave a carefully prepaicd eulogy upon the deceased gen eral , in the course of which he said , referring to General Butler's military career : "The people of Now Orleans expected from him nothing but battle , murdorand sudden death , but ho saved thorn from 'plague , pestilence and famine ; ' they expected only oppression and wrong , ho gave them a wise , firm and just ad ministration ; they looked for the evils and humiliations of conquest , he fed the people and gave the city a clean bill of health the first in its history. Ho was not an invited guest ho could not expect all the courtesy and cordiality which mark the hospitality of the south. If thov gave him curoeb for the blessing ho conferred , it must be remembered that the curses of disloyalty are as necessary to the fame of patriots as the plaudits of loyalty. " bo\oral other eulogies wore also given. The ' 'nurlington's" now ticket olHco ia lit l.'liil Farnam at root. Sfl/ml lij- Custom House Olllrcr * . Nmv YOUK , March 10. Seven trunks wore sci/ed last night by custom house olllcers , Two of the trunks belonged to Miss Barton of Baltimore , one to Mibs Kate Holland of Chicago , two to Miss Burden and her forewoman. Mibs Slice- ban of Chicago , and the others to Mrs. \Viu d of St. Louis. The women w ill have to bo at tlio sci/uro room tomor row , wherp their counsel will endeavor to get the collector to release a part of the dresses , TIII : IIIAIT.MAKKI.T. : . IN TKl'MUNTS placed on iccoid Match 10 , 18U3. wMtuANTV nrmis. II r KniKor nnd Int-h'ind to Joliu IlocMiull. lot 1 , Ilinnbolt I'Jiiro S EiOO bouth Cm ilia Lund c'oniii.uiy In Miniiii'l ln\l < , lots 1 .mil 'J , I ) lock r.'n , fotilh Oniiili i . 1,035 J ( II iiniird niiil ulfo to J I , Kt'imi'dy , 0 ' 3 lutb 1 und' ! , liliK'k 11 , AinliliT i'l.ic-0 eoo Grorijc' runliMon mid lfo lo I'atrli'U IVnncll , w 4i lot 'J , Mori , 'J , Kii li A. Ci-lby'bittld tobouili Uin.ilin C50 U II mid I" ( ' ll.illnu nmlhiis to llt'iiry Ainlili'r , loti tl und 10 , hlock 1 Ainlilrr 1'lnco 2.000 Jo/df.i Xniuor lo Aliloiilii Min'ini'k , u 14U 7-1'J fret lot H , II irkor'h allol- inriit 9,000 John llrruinaiiil ulfo toJolin Thoiuii- Min , undlv 'i of o hlult ! , lilocli ! l , Itoitd'H 1st mid 3,500 H .1 llowcll nnd wlfo to Alfred Mllltinl , trustcMi , lot 11 , hlock 14 , Walnut 4 000 ' ' " \ \ j ilro'iti'ii nViil wife to I , M Mnrrl- huti r > ( l\110 fcot roiiitncnrlng nt n Udliil 'Jo fcot K of MI cornur lot 4 , hlocU & , anil 33x116 frut romtnnnr- uu'i > it i't i of sc curniT lot t > , hluck fi ICci i | n 1st u < ld SO 000 I , \V lluttoini : I , llowt ) . lot 0 , hlouk 130 , Soulh Omnlin - 1 260 MinwL'll A. 1'rrnMmn to Ma\ ell ft rrocintin Co , lot 4 udrcplatod.lntsir ) tu'J4 , rrucmun'siidd. lots 1 to 7 , U , to iJ ! , hlock l.lo.sl to 22 , block 2. an lireKtilar luc't IIng uust of hlock 1 , MaxnollJ. I'rotniirui'tt udi | 23 000 n T rurntwortli , fcpti'lul niithlor. lo rcrdliiand Adlurot al , U9 foot lot 0 , hlocU 107. llniuhtt 12 OS'J J A I'cnvrra , udinlnlstratdr to W II Gates , lot 24 , hloc-k 3 , .North Uinalm OS ToUlaiuouatof tmn f n I 8,7ta